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About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1890)
J MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS xillv zb ■’"isr VIA SjardERN PACIFIC CO.’S LINE. nil PAY ! : joojliaiEM > ereomiiaxtatlon ol «.vo iw I- v I h - w |»aanvn- •..-r», .ilia. t»’ta to Ki|*r. HH Gain*. r.r w West Sitie «Jivt»ion. !•••*€ . i. % * wi.Eiw Mfeii. TiiatNS piii.v a> A. M. 1.« UV«* 10 r. .M.IArnv pt.i li «*» 1 Curvao s trr ai’MPAY.) Anive ».nr. M. I.- .l\ 112 » I’- Me At Albur») a*»«t C’ rv.iUi- c • .meet with train» oí UrvHuit Pito tile Katlruu '. DaiLV MPKKS* TH UN«» «.MCI'-HT ^1X1» %^-) PROF. HAR-RIS PASTILLES MILLINERY i C. iiu m\ fond »»lie. romc my i«»v*nl «»tic, coin** my dvur on«* c I« m » v to m»*; Will you wed a jolly Miiilor who has Just com«* home front sea? — - «o ■ bv to* cio«* application ’’.“ tire u VITALLY Made tS VIT ALUV WEAK W ------ U wl| I Prettj maiden, pretty maiden, a true heart to MKXIAL you I bring — h\( 1 W»**«S *_' tu ____ middle H» »««-• -h-’ It. rom reeled **«•«». L O tu ■■■ y ITY««r TV ■to" Sirii » ... ’i» ....... M«riM> . ... IO MHUll M s ■> until | Ti ll me sweetly, little maiden, will y ou wear WUlfe MLN »\IKIMTIO* W tofiw IS- for me the ring? »1)11 \r«H1 | <>»*»» 1 with > «Hl-1 SK <¥ 1 «’• '«• l«t>- *»| S U.KB; li-M of «Im. og<r tul »trrngib « Hh »r»UBl organ« (¡o awav. you saucy kh 1 lor, pleas.* remember • mi Hire I kti 1 •«>• I pirfualui. !» )U a|.|-1<>«rhit«< vhi age. what you ar**- WHEN SAY CURE Jir»«.»«»™»»! iri Vvu're iti sad n<*cd of a tailor, you’re a jw>or 'u u»AUf Ihrtii "B«l «••«•» trot Ir-l •«• ’ oorrit io pa*l t«rK_c y ear*. young Jack Tar. a “ _ “ucttWrif" i f-ittb tu Prof. Hams’ Do nut ask me now to wed you. for I’ll ne’er LA Vft ©SOLUBLE MEDICATED PASTILLES. dosueb a thing — A| ff.rr.gM't.r.I:.» «HMlI I fill »KKB. For a poor and ragged sailor I will never w * IAIL 111 men v»*«n< or o'4. »ufftrlng from thia wear the ring. • WEAK MEN WE ICxeesSivBLE i trial :;«’,; ) ..■ ,.u« to of«-«.- . .-«■ Uentod I i i « ch«aee I f :.n-»rr<“l. U)»< ** ' «'• •» kui*w lhe true i*»n<tiUon a . t | -< j.tio- tn«-<Urit*t* to «-ffret a prompt cure. i '*-• Y. ri nft. r I.’ y-««r. ■« *t. I««>i>), «• offer to Le ewr.-t bi the ’ '■ 1 r_tr i t*Ml|ileTreatment. THS HARRIS RtMEOV CO., Mtu. Chemi»«», 9» BEFKMAS STREET, WFW YORK. ia>OrCA*TAl jis OOP ] ■ till 11! IJ BI'M'I.D r 1 rr I'BIK’ 'iuiv H U D II C i THROUCH TICKETS m«U immt.. EAST X SOUTH. THE LADIES SOME OTHER GIRL SHALL WEAR THE Rl FOR THE CURE OF IWFM L«av« !’• itiHiei 'Arnvv * -t» x m fdií.l.AÍrtvv M. M..IU..II.- lanv.-. ... i.M »or n. ». iaan l mlurmati >n r.gjHu«r»t. a, ,.uip.,.m. • ;.U mi < “ . ag. ■»« .»«M. a» .<<«. II. ¿OEHLtK. A ' /l p A?t Mauagt r. A*t. G. r . <k r. AU . ..oerOBEK 31. 1S9C rn<- ri HKN haa aelrealwtlou of 2300 ■ toelaraoal s.JojeU t>j an, uew»|>a|>r> pulsllahrtl bso®.n l-orllau«. and Red Bluir.l'al. a dlstanee ol SOO nattes. II therefore oiTer. Ike beai indneeanenM to ad ver tloers. <>nr Hat la prlnrlpnlly eontlaaed to Jaekanu. Josephine naad Mlaanadi eoiaaaalea. Bnalne.s men •laonldtake note ol itala. rhe Mt. Shasta Route TOURIST SLEEPINC CARS, 'Though iny clothes ar»- poor ami ragged, said the sailor with heart sore, I have silver in my pocket and bright gold I’ve in »tore. When she thus had h**ard him answ er, kneel ing at his feet she fell, Saying. ’’Still I love you, yes, I love you, and right well!” rhvn the sailor proudly answered, ”I)o you think that 1 am mad. Thus towed with a poor maiden when a for- | tune's to be had? i I will cross tin* bounding ocean and my gold and silver bring i And some truer>hearted maiden shall then wear the wedding ring.” HAMMON BROS. ALL SORTS. > U H^lUt I It f Wrii.iv« rviimwd « nr Nurseries to M«vi- ford. where we have s«*cur»*«l N«’W Ground, the soil «d which is a sandy loam, enabling us without irrigation to grow healthy, thrifty trees with an abundance of ttbr«»us lat«ral r *ots witteout h«-av\ tap ro -t>. to be cut away in digging. W«>afft*r There are over 1,190 pupils attending the public schools of S.,l<ni. suic des are so frequent that it is feared the l.-st trump will raise a regiment of that class. Captain Sir Billiard Francis Button, tiie espión r m il cottii union ... ---------- oi -f Slieke in A lie*, died recently. 10000 Prune, 10000 Apoles, Goads. Ladies’ ?urni3 5900 Peach, Knit ani Musini. 5000 Pears, 1KUNÎÜ* WARjaOSES COMPLETE 10000 Grapes, cheap 1’ ie reported that over «ixty carloads of apples will lie shipped out vaüey. Siskiyou c.unty, this f*i|. AnJ a kiwm I asHortm« nt of all the hading vk - rietiea ut frnit**. L urry county'» tax roll, just tiled with th- seer- tary < f state, shows a total tax able property of (4S6 2W), a decrease of ♦3,000 from last year. hni. .id.1-1 to m> •)-;«* "•*' i:1“"'’’ g M»d.*, >»t waicii I nav«• a full lin«. llotti As a -* I Childrens Sh:rt Cloth«, AUliful Iftlr.if HOSIERY ! Consisting of Lisle and Si.k. qeoves H \ N I > K EI<C H I E ES CORNETS MORE ROTTENNESS. Charges put in very plain English Out of 40,000 cattle in Warner valley against the methods of the census office laat fall, there are 4,000 left. Such are the figure» given the Krantintr by a prune, scrape the moss off and properlv were published try tire National Dtino- ¡clean up two trees. W en .|<> erra Washington recently. The ar- prominent stockman. I thoroughly the work is an it po i i cb >| ■ -ti u.sjust why Mr. Porter left The Chum Mail Bava tliai the govern i the first crop. The .fruit i l«r»er, ii «*• f >r i . ■ r.e at t e time he did and be- ment powder magazine at Canton ex-1 i flavored, an«! that before w<*> mere wa. t»* I.. v s that it was i. 4 wholly for Iris plodea Auguat 15:it,destroying20i) houses becomes a valuable market suppl> oi h< 111.. It continues : He had not shak ft flit. It old apple or |**ar trees are en t* e dust of Washington from Iris (< et ami killing 1000 people. projierly cleaned up am! pruned there is until Secretary Noble began a hurried but The Grand Duke Nicholas, of Russia, no limit to their life, and they will bear etrnest investigation of the census office. went suddenly insure last week while re more to the acre in money than any Tt.e full result of the investigation has viewing the imi erial army. l’lQ'siciins other crop, unless it be prunes. not yet been made known, but the sec say that his case is hopeless. There should be a law making it a retary bas already satisfied himself that Secretary Windom advi-ed the coin- misdemeanor, subject to complaint a« a hiindrerls i f positions in tliecen-us . flice mi sioners of the Wo:Id’s Fair to cut nuisance to the neighltothood, to alloa under Supermt.-i.dent Porti-rTiave l.e. n It becomes farmed out. Ore woman h eur. <1 over down the extravagant salaries which an unclean orchard lo start !. a '’is-’af-e and insect-breetling e-tab s:.- twenty places which sl.n has fainnd they generously voted to themslves. meni, that is a imsitive it. jury to orchards ' out ti w orni n who pay !.. .-r a la ge share Tin S 1’. Co are doing a great deal of •. »r ttiilou ..11 _ .... 1 ep ... evding .. !!.. _ inaei a t g ,i .1 . « for miles all around, ; <»f their salarie;:. A w holesale liquor woik <.n the bridge over the Vmpqui at P sis ami multiplying the destiu.'tive dealer was given a |24 k) place because Mirtle creek, and «ill endeavor to make larva- and moths on an almost unimagin l.e furnished bondsmen for the disburs a structure that will not go out again. able scale. Even if not eprayed,orchards ing cl. rk (Inins. If being one) and pre The Sultan of Turkey lias at length may hear rich crops and cease Io be a sented many eases of “goods'’ to Su begun to take vigorous steps in Armenia, public nuisance from an agricultural perintendent Port r. That hundreds of smi the Turkish authorities there will fa- standpoint. The trimmings and morses ele. tr icai niaehines were contracted for and loose bark should all be burned up by Porter al |6 |>er d iv for tiie use of each held to rigid account for future outrages clean in the orchard. That is essential. I machine. Tin-contract wa< w th r latives The inefficiency of Chinese labor on It is idle to expect that all persons|of 1‘orter. Numbers of these machines sect ions is prove n by the action of the owning orchards could ever la-forced by j were found to b* e.s less amt are s!o ed I nion Pacific, which is discharging its law to clean them up or spray ___ j their away in the n il'll i torv of the Ninth-street coolies and employing white men instead. trees. — There are those who will let tln-ir I bu l ling. Not Not one one of _____ ... these machines (ruit g > to waste, let the state or hoiteul- fulfilled the conditions of the The trial of the divorce suit brought bv j contract. But They were to tabulate the enumerations, Captain (J'Sliea against his wife,in which tural societies do what they w ill. I . - _ — ------ l’arnell is named as co-respondent, has un increasing public intelligence in tin si giving s. x, color, nativity,etc. With the been set down for the middle i f Novem tuafters will do much to conqa-l progres < xception of adding, they were a total sive work or else suffering of gieat failure and the entire work must he done ber. pecuniary loss. As orchard ai er orchard over. The secretary Iras discovered that Capt. E. W. Moore, oi Company E., is cleaned up the filthy ones will become Ireeausc of a very lavoratde lease, to the First Regiment,won the governor’s medal more filthy still, and one dirty, unkept owner of a eeitain building, the owner's at the rifle competition near Portland parcel of trees will harbor more vermin carriage calls morning and evening for Sixty National guardsman competed for Ilian ail the clean orchards in the iie gli- Chiel Clerk Childs. Tire wife of th • driv the trophy. borhood. Appeals can only be made to er of said carriage is on the payroll at Citizens of Burns have subscribed lib selfishness and individual enterprise. $50 per month in eharge uf the eirai- erally toward the building of Sawyer’s The advertising of fruit lands and the wornan, but, as she is unable to read or mill, which was burned recently. That development of this great industry will write, a poor white woman keep? lhe The white woman gets the fire waa the work of an incendiary force owners of old orchards to clean up, record for her. more than laws can ever do.—.Salem but ♦25 a month. The secretary has is not doubted. Journal. learned that ho many empty bottle« that (ieorge W. Cummings, the youthful Lad contained liquor were thrown out stage-robber who stopped the Willetts and T hk S ovixess B olitician .—Maron D. of the track windows of the Ninth street I'kiah stage a few months ago, was sen Egbert, when lie lived in Vr'alla Walla, building into the narrow alley, that it tenced to ten years’ imprisonment by claimed to he a Pemocrat, hut eince hit was positively dangerous to employés nettled on the Sound, in South Bend, bel rw, and they filed a piole t, since Judge Hoffman. \Vaah.,!ie haadeclared tiimselfa lv pub which time the empty bottles have b -en Ti e White Hou«- at Washington is lican because he stands a chance of being fracked in boxes covered wrtti r ai er and said to be unsafe. This report is proba elected to office, being a candidate on carried out at night, l he secretary baa blv given out in order that a large ap the R-’piibliean ticket tor prosecuting learned many other things that Ire may propriation can be secured for a new attorney. Thia plainly reveals the prin not deem it policy to tell, l.ut there w ill president’s residence. ciple which the average politician packs t>e an investigation when congress meets gladly >B Dec mirer, and then th - people “It pays to advertise” was the plat around with him. tie would form tl|M>n winch W. L. Douglas, the change hie faith a thousand times a day b am of the disgraceful me ho is tint “♦3 shoe" man, made Ins campaign for if by every change he con'd put money va 1 in tin- ei-n-us < tti< e. mayor of B-ockington, Ma-s., ami he was in hie pockets. This is the reason that triumphantly elected. honest men everywhere are Incoming W e hav«» a g<»v<*rntn»*nt not “by more independent as regards to vo'ing. A diver was sent down to examine the people and for the people,” but by They are beginning to recognize that the foundation of the piers of the big ♦75,000 (»en.Hion agent an«! f«>r the pension agtntB. vast majority of the men who are clam The New York 7’nars Bays ; “1 he pen bridge across the Willamette at Salem. otingfor office are working strictly for . He reports froth to be sinking gradually, bion agent* run the bouse an«! the genate themselves, and if it would fatten their and the question is what can done about it. an*! Che pre-i'lmt. They dictated the own pockets very lew ut them would terinri of the depentient yen^inn law. hesitate to be exceedingly negligent m State Treasurer Metschan and family They t.«ke care oi the private pi tiwion uf public affaire. would have been domiciled in their new their management bills. They way what pensions shall be They seek spoils and caie nothing at all home at Salem ere ttii—, only for the fact granted. They bunt up the pensioner.-'; that ata>u'three niemtrere of the family for true progress, which is based on the}’ frequently provide these with found it difficult to rid themselves of the what is eternally right; th-refore, being qualifications; they have even been spnlsmen, they are really enemies ^of measles. known to provide tiirin with names their country and uf their fel'ow men. whet»* no actual claimant existed, The state hatchery at Siss >n gave birth Why They are so ignorant, so selfi-li. sorotlen, to 160,000.000 trout this season, up to ttie so eaten up with the canker which should they not see the thin tlllUUgh, an«l have a mart of their present The eggs are brought from wn ki iney in precedes decay, that they really are not toe pension utli re like Rauin ? It is ex- Shovel. Trout and other creeks tribut rv personally responsible for their de to lhe Kt-math river, and lie- young fish grading ac's. There is going to be an pensive, too. no doubt, a«i«l to «lecent men it is Bhatnefu); but it is a small are placed in the streams of California. awakening in these matters before matter compared to the other things tiie Wm. Miller, of Irvin precinct, di-posed many years, and alien theie is the a^i juts ur< not only allow«*«! but ai led to ordinary ctfice seeking, lick spittle poli of his hops Tuesday, obtaining a little «Io.” over 35 cents iter |s>und for them. From tician is going to take a walk. IO ADVERTISERS. fe POLLMAN BÜFEEl’ SLEEPS. CLEAN THE OLD ORCHARDS. MISCELLANEOUS LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS RIVERSIDE Executrix’s Notice. NURSERY! hi the matter of the estate of John Orth, deceased. MISCELLANEOUS. Sam Clarke is renovating a thirty-y?ar- <>!«! apple orchard. It takes a day to East and South ÊxprvMM I’inn- 1.« *v • I• 111:t t »• t l».i.l>. North South I PorTTand Arrive • • « m tl IA) r. M. ta avv M« It.«rd L« ave «. mvm S: I» A. M. I ia-ave ,« •>,.<• 7.AS A. M I Arr’vv hauFram-i—■ . l.'-ai'■)'* A« k » vc Intuì» »l*.p .»my at ))»•* i«»U*»wtug atatii.nw norm ot K— «d.urir; F..v*t «•orthm«, Orckioii City, v.’ • .holm, ó . i I. ui , Albany, Tanir. nl. 8iititd'*, H.i-*vy. Il.irrlsburir. Juuc- ti'yu«*trr: .............. . Illi MAI«; UAUA _ _ l.r.iVI; liilUW Forthuoi -.«»» ». a If..-, buia .Mir.» IL.wl.ura . a. -tt v. M Fortlnnd «.I«i «•. M. Al.HANY I.IH \l.. I> MIA l.»c<|.t M.ildayb AHMIVK: i i WK; . . >■ 1. P«»rtlaivl.......... 5;‘>i »• m» ..'ML ». » Albany ............’».Ub a . m . ¡•..rtUtld QENEBAL N0TE8 AND NEWS. L i u««ii U-lUifU, Trees as Low as an v First-class Nursery. V v GIVE IS A CALL Nurseries ar east end cf Bridge MEDFOHD. GKEOON. S Zeplivr Shawls, $ewß<*id| d ç □ Ai»«l many other tiling* ton numerous to men tion. I h «ve a's«> •♦«•<ur«*d the m rvicv» of a Edward Holman, the well-known Port land undertaker, cuntemplat« s building a tirst-elase iretnatoiy in or near the city. Ex Senator I’oolittle was thrown from a carriage at Hacine, Wis , .nd badly bruised, one arm being broken. He is 76 yearsiId. Tiie people of Albany are building a six tiiou-and dollar orphans' home and hospital The buildings wdl be 70x40 f-et, two stoii- s high. The pillars to the Salem bridge across ti c \\ iUamette river are slowly settling under the weight < f the limbers, and tins before tiie bridge is complete. t'ranberties are worth |9 50 per barrel n r Wisconsin, and $12 lor Cape Cod. These piices -houhl set our j-eople who own crania rry grounds to ihinkii g. j 14 acres of ground he obtained ab >u> 26 • Tim t nth cviuus showed nin-te-n 000 jrounils, w> icb sold for over ♦9.000. states with a p. pula' im of over 1,000,000, ♦650 from an acre for a crop is not had. Lo Sichau’« SOIE Sure Cure Grant’s Pass Oi.. nimfson , í’i-oií. CURES PERMANENTLY S P 1? A I N S Rnffere«l Years la Paiu. H Sumner St, Cleveland, Ohio, Tn 18'1 I rpri Inert mv arm ciu&>ir!g cEi ntiU. suflvr«*«! years in pain and could not 1K1 tny arm It \.as finally cured Ly St Jacobi Oil. _JA< oil ETZI.NSrERGElL TestImonlai« Cheerfully Renewed. Chronic Cates tlir iltnt < ures. SMALL FRUITS, ROSES AND SHRUBS. . V . I.. CA USOS A. H . CARSON. REDLAND -1- NURSERY CQBSlir BRONCHI SCROFULA 100 ODO THEES IN SI OCR, Or any nu.C'iac irlt^rt thr Ta root an* Lungt are. Infiniti'A, J m k «/' Sirruyth or S'crvt paver, you can be rcl rr d cud (’»rul by Apple. Pear, Peach. Plum. Prune Apricot Nectarine. Cherry. Almond. Chestnut, Walnut. ■ «< lliv Circuit G.un ..riho Stalo ,,f .. tor ili. r.,,,,,,, ,,1 Ja. k^,,, hl Üi.-.natt. ! ol tu, a-uviiin.-ot ol ( .„,.,.0,. tino Magni.i.i ..... I ||..naan H ................ parili, r-, a. .Magruder Broa., in, ,i- . . . ... uiilEltEAS THE M. P( K et >1 S ® M •? m > i CF PURE GO? MVER OIL Wit h H y p ^phosphites. XLAtASLE AS MILK. ^ •«7.- ¡or Scott*» ¡Afiu'^ám, r.nd ¡H no ftfanatfon or roticitation induce you (• arc ¡»t a ev*>stitiite. Our tr«*« s ar«* grown without irrigation «in red hili laml, ari l all of Known varieties that sucre«-*! tn S«»uth«*rn Ur* gon. Those contemplating tree planting will do w(‘|! t<> \ our • »r< hard ami nursery, or writ«* t«» us t"i' price libt. Ad«irrss to us at Murphy, Josephim- county. Or« g m, or to R. R. Station, Grant’s Pass, <>r* g-m. A. H < ARSON X SON. THE WOMEN OF ORECON S.i't1 Li/ 'Oi Druggist». SCOTT A BGWNE,Chorr)l«te. N.Y. II dm. »a. duly .■l.s-t.-.l ............... . Ol tl..- Iiaiurd inaolv. nt .II I,, al , !■<*.. undi-r and l>> virtu.- ot tn. a. f ..| tn. .fnH’ ,1»?“*' Iu,'1> ",r Ma" "1 lir. g .n . Iintl.-d An act to Mauro to « i.d.u.i* a ju-t ■Hialoti ol tin- iruatoa ot .1. t„.,r- who , , to a-Hign.-.w f.,r th, b. n< tit .4 . r.dnor- piov.'.l la, g ].-. HI1,| amo,id"- th. r< 10 approv.u i.-b. m, ir. 4j .n,.,;; J,, '.J,,! in-.lvotita Hl. n. r. b) notin.-d to r.-pr.-K. nt Un 11 j-laiiii*. under oaib. ........... -, the un ler- a gned aaaignee. ai Milord. Or. gon. wiïhm ^^h’iT ,u',nt,i’i truin tiie dat«- h«*r«*<d. Ail pt iMHi*. ind«*bt«*d t<» th«-firm.«i Magruder Iln- will pay th.-«amo to ni. al M.-dlonl ami g. i my r.-e.-ipi tlieretor. I »at.-d thia 17th day oil totola- M. I ( Kb Assignee's Notice. > LITTLE -------- a nt-------- In th«* < ir«*ult Court of tin St.itc of On gun for th«* county of Jrtt k-.*n, 111 the __ ______ matt« _ r of th«* aa.-ignm« i.t «if j < Witi|»p, doing buHine* Ut' I ’ CkV.'iT. ■r>> 'titm t th«-tij in nam« <»r j.< . w hipp,aiHi a.* an in«jr ’ ►olvt-nl il« bt«>r. otice i > HLRFJJY > I ]{ \ j < S< pt«*mla r jo, B.-f/th« ab.W y« ' !it * d«-l«i<>r, “ “ J, ' ( . V.’hipp r ipT**t«»1««r«- dAni busineesa.J.i "lifpi-, » mail.’., and m .' 7 W hf|ip, « mart. « utt.-r and < .»nirm <.,r. Mt Jaxk-»nvi.ii J.I. a 00 NOT CRIPE, SICKEN OR -«.ii « «»uuty. « >r«if«»n ,ni‘de a a Vi-iimìi’ a CONSTIPATE. 1 iiuntt«) meut to tn«*, un<l«-tY»ufu«*«i Jn<> Jn»> t E ’ Wmr. tne, tii«' the ui«<i«*rt*igu<*d. lor _____ J:.‘ l», 1 lli ' 1.|. r r lor th«- the h.n..nt lieri.-tlt ..«tali Ot all i b>-ir.d.t'.. kure C- j « i fm S'Ci Hf « dich «, virtue of the act of th.- lcgnilativ and ai! troub.a« arlatns fro J «»I th«- atutv of On gon, , . »titled Irdifteition or Ccr.stlpatian» ---------- An «••cure to ered:* ~ a just «.»««» iou Jni| m»p« t h? C-otui'lriloa litors division *1,',,,'>«1’. who¡,,“V by i'jrifjii.f ihe ulood. Tb»doBB^«n I* r.L-e'y a-S:*•«•<! lo au.t th® caee, aa ben1‘»Ppro.ed iS1..IH-, ®0® pi.l *'*«• n*»v®r b« too lars® a doaa. Easy to taka 1 «»leiidm. noi».io.aui.roi. .1 a« ffo rru-'h Nugar ; tllB >ut up in a «troag via! . n T't. ’. 7' A" ,,',"dl,ur‘ “> -cl in-.;, - wh’ch rau t.» • urrfad □ -®et rocket A »r«a« C«a*«a« • HI d. btor are I., r. by n. to pr. ►. nt l.Rr. «o Tr»»el.r« a«d Kail«»«« W.n. lioae <«. bb I h . wllg» aal **(>r«r«Ri' Tridf Harb. So 14 k*»ry«b«re, 1b«. • boui» th.-.i Cla.n.s mid. I .„,11,. nn . the undei- BaiaplR r»«»e aad L’r«a« Hook h>r ta. la ■«««.*«. h.gii.-l n-iatle. . at my . Ilf. , at .la.k-.u-qi.- DS. MARTER 8 IRON TONIC. k ■la. ks.'U eouuty . lir.g. ” ;, U ithin Un,, U|, r.h; rrtc«: r«» •*.« n.«u»T) xF.t i * if .» o* livvbb from tli«* dat«- ther«*ot. «»1 l -Fi -►.*-’■ «os o • ms i’TATtr-'B Dat« d this lOtli day «»f <>< t »b.*r to HL« TM ttl « lQOROl 9 81 RE.Mi rii af To-raF JN’G. F. WHllk, THE OR. HARTER MEOICIKE CO. ST. LOUIS. MO. 7LIVER PILLS. Á :i Strikt* havr tlir *>w h away the washboard,and say t hej' will use nothing but the Ladies’ Choie iV. vin given that thf Hdmin Ntrator «.t lhe <vtat«*ot Hugh John Mon, dvr« aM*d. ban Hi tlH. < .,ubly ( ,,ulj Of Jat k-son .ountx, Or.gon, hiM tinnì n. < .uni as auch mliuiniatrator. and by <>rd«-rof wod ‘ D«-e»-mb. i 2. at th«- hour <»f IOoc'i«.< kA M., I<*art for hearing All 1«. i •»•«UN ar«* hereby n««tih«i| t<> Mp|M*ar and til«' Inn <>r h«-r objections to said a« c«>unt on or betör«- naid <ia\. bj ord. rot Hou. J. It. .Mil, judge of »aid c«jurt. ’J " MAX MELLER. ru>. lax. -^miniatratur ut taid Otate. Datul Oct. 10. Inyo. Assignee's Notice. GICAPE VINES. ( I KRANTS, <î< >« »SEBI.It iti ES. BLA« KBI KRIES. R.WBEK- RIE>. STRAW BERRIES, FIGS. Tin J In the County Court of the Stat«* of Onaon tor th« - < «muty of J«< kson In the twitter of th«* «vtah of Hugh Johixt.m. dev« KÄ«*d. otice is hereby A II. CARSON 4 SON, Proprietors. I < >•« Notice of Final Settlement. N X miles South of Grant’« Pato*, Josephine County. Oregon. tiif appomfed bj the county. On goti, sit ting lii Probate, executrix ot the cslat«- of John Orth, deceas'd. Ail persona iudebted to sai«1 «*stat<* arcr«*- «jiKated to H«*ttl<-th«* sain«* immediately, ami time«- having « laiina against the eslut«* will nreaent them to in«* at iii > r«*aid«-nc<* in Jacksonville. Jackaon county. Oi«*g««u. w ith «• i>rop« r v « hm h«*rs attached, w ithin slx untila troni th«* first putd-<*ation ot tins •ta « . ELE %NOK ORTH. Lx« cuti ix .»f th« last w ill ami totanicnl oi J'tini Ortii, «1« c« asili. Diti« d S« t»l. 12. l«toJ. N la I.K-a(x| one Kiul «.lx -half inllca below Graiit'aP hsh . .>n 1(<>au< riv< i. >.n the Inmi.-li farm, ami in th.- b—t and e..ll io kollth«*rn (irciri.n. '*’by DRUCGISTS AND DEALERS; ■DUCH/XS.A.VOGELE T C o . BALIO. Ma, given that I’siTSVS tates L am >O iii < I KoMrburg’, Gr., S« |»t. 2ti. iHtii ( E is hereby given th . vl th t«>iluwiiiK-nMiii«*d setti* r I ihh fi'tal imtic« <»t I i I. m int«*iit1uu to inak« filial pr«Mil in bUp|MHt ol hib * I h L iii . and ttiat shk I proof will b«- ina«!«* b«-- tori-th«'J ik L k «*. «>r hi his. nlmmee. bvfor** III«* « 1« rk uf tin* t'oiinty Court oi Jackson comity. <»r.. at Ja« k-onvill«-. Or., on Saturday. Nov. 15, 1NW. viz.: St« pli» h IP t js. iioinot«-nd «'litrj No.4JU:J. forth« ** 4 of NW.«4. ol NW*4 and "W.»4 <d \E ‘4 ot mt . .12, ip. .MS.3W. H«- nanu s the following witnchM y, t«» prov«- his continuouM rt^idviirt* u | m > ii and culti vation «»f sai«l land, viz; Miles S. Wi«k<-inan. Daniel N« Mthamer. Ia*wis Siten*. R hu - oii : < art er, all ot W itm r. Jackson Co., Or* JOHN’ H. MIITE.K« xi-t.j . THE RIVFRS.DE NURSERY Surely^ Pepmcnently hereby oth At Lowest Prices. W d U nds , eins. S wellings is und«*raigned has Notice for Publication. Apples, Peaches, Pears, Cherries Almonds, Plumbs, Nectarines, Quinces, Apricots, Walnuts, Blackberries, Strawberries, Currants, Raspberries, Coosebcrrics and Crapes, 5t,I[>ek.Screqess r- 42®MPpi«<fECTi*} ^OORETHROAT’ otice be«-n N county court «»I Jackson Washer Maim fart ii i • N A Ripe Old Age W hat ark T imukk L ind - —In an opin ion tiled August 2(111!, inthe I'nited States J. II H dconib and w.fe. <«f Be ciiciit court at Tacoma, Ju lg- H infor.i Tex . h ive c-iebrat« J their ti ty bin w hde toe census this year al ows twenty- News received at Amsterdam from the I I in ell (" all timber Ian 1- «ii’-.g a' n v»*rs .ry. .«n I aie -l «1 In ! am n«'W pr» par«<l *♦* «*x«a*ute ail «>r-| sev, n state- with this much population. Dutch forces carrying on the war against j n western Washington, (xe pt vall-y lu-.«riy. i’b“ s- • r«-l <-t the.r !• uj «« d«*rs in that lin«* in ursl-cla*« styl«- at reaaona- goa ’ health is that they cor e« t »ny Acliren is very unfavorable to the Dutch, ' and b tt in lands which are covered bie rates. , Catherine Bain, of Medical Lake, has mliueut promptly. au>i ni that way i ’all ami ««••* me t»* J. Nunan s >n Vai. - j lhe troops of tiie Sultan having repulsed | with alder, ash, cottonwood ami maple, serious sicKne*'.s. 1. ke : ij <«>1 ev*-ry oi tw. n at racting considera! le attc.ntu n in | them at every point, and regained a con- furnta street. .. _ L h Itl.h .u'. ttol.t. n BaUam No 1 aie subject to sale und. r the t .in I MRS. F P. PRIM- 1 they are frequemly troubled C I.,» Chancre., Kr>- »-1 h ...... j . Spokane Fulls, by standing on tiie street I siderable jroition of the country lost in j stone at t of June 3,1876. If Judge H.m- •*<>'i*t‘pat’on than auv «»tlier piiys « s r.«fn ihe Im .nd 11 dr: >orr Mr»’ corners und < tiering for sale first-class lord’a opinion were accepted as tiie ,,w, • »r«i-r. r<>cur;««’l tl i- they tak«* Si Ej«S N«C. ct.-. L'OMar . Ir r d BlXclw»’ previous campaigns. lots in h>aven. .J ACUSON VI ¡.LE i atrr.h. ..taawd s,a!p. and a'l nek’s in pref« r« n< - l«» any <»tht Advices from Hungary state that the i there would tie no difficulty in acq miiig «•a;i»«.*, a** Mr H<'Icuinh says, *’lh» y pruuary fo-> . of th. d.waa known u John Mo t, the New York anarchist, 1 . ,.r,V'..‘.O’<» |>.r Bottle, national movement h r (Mini lete inde- timber amis under tins ac , and lhe area uiiid plil aud, bv'ul«-.'. keep the v»h-.| l.w Hlrhnu , G ■l.l-.a fl.,i,arn to. « whose im nth is bigger than his hand, pendence and only personal union with : ' subject to entry under the homestead letu lu g«»«t«l order. We prik< du h Cur.-» lr-it; ;rr, M-rc-iria’» . phr . baa beconie disgu-ted with the Vniteil Fur i*aie by Dr. .1. Him»!« Au-tria ha’ received a marred impulse f and pie eruption laws might be much re hk'hiy.’ ma -m, I ».n. in t!.e fl >,.», Pa n.m the In tb. Circuit Court ot th. stat.-ot Ur.... States ami w ill soon leave hr London. stricted. He says that fir and cedat iralPoin’, and G H H.i*kin*. M tak if the Nr. k, l ] .rated So-U from the recent tribute to the memory of for the county ot Jackson It is a good ri<ldat.ce. Throat, S. ph..rt c Ra»h. lm.i;a and c r lands that i annot lie worke I or cultiva the “ thirteen martyrs," the Hungarian tn . >r . s- ,.f th. an.ï l"w" u ,h’“'’‘F>mi' nt ot J. Kurt', Ib.lAr. a ted without expense, in removing an.l J. w. Mil er. sa partner», duinv I,..» u. leadeis executed in 1849. Tiie newest way of folding a sheet of craaiiati-j n I d.ivx «• from the »«stem undo th. stj l. Kurtli a Mill.-r, aiÆa. in stumps and roots, greater than the land l.y rra>.-.' Caetoria is recommended by idiyaicism- note-pai er is to double it lengthwise. Harney furnishes an asre’sment roll j is worth for agricultural purposes, *IH for children teething. Iti-a pureiyvege- '. "r*' ms"l" iit debtors, rely 1- r tins a very long envelope is provi led. (II*! L IS HEItEHY GIVEN THAT « . -ikh«. I rire ()O per I’ottlr. this year which shows a total taxable! the ciiaracter of land con einplated by l.iblt-prepaiallon. lie .ugieu-nle are pub MIW IN A< Tl AL Mucii ol this fancy sta ion erv ci mes fi om To cr.rc B.h«»uiiiesS, *■- k Headache, consU« •l.ev gti. Isla., ine above-iiaun-i W«* would Ht»k the liblitH proj^rtv of ♦1,4’17,69 ). Iatst year her IhisHlatute, and is as much subject to lished around each bottle, It iu pleii.san- vetiç.l, l,t„rh, j Kurtli and .1 w M II. > ... Benin and is nut very < xpei.sive. pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take >1’ theh |'<'« J figure’ were ♦1.472.489—♦»>5.896 mo e | sale under its prov si ins, if situated to tile taste amt absolutely hurniìeKS. It ('<>uat to l««y G«*n« ■al Contractor In’ iti rMúVi1.'r*- b'reti-ture d.m» buxlnet-ur Kiirtli Wa*>h.-r a fair tri«: and b« ; nvinet*d. Tlu r«- the safe aud ceitain remedy, A Miller, at lenirai I'. hut , Ja, g..„, e-.unn From the fact ’hat the sage hens are ’than this year Ixjas of stock last winter j i near i r xunity to navigable water or a constipation, regulates the bowels, quiet in < »\F wn»h«-r in tI h ««ori«! that w ill <1*> go«»d Botllw. Oregon, made u general assign,n. nt tome th/ SMITH’S six weeks be: ind in their batching, ai.d has lowered the li-t of taxable property 11 Lirnnt g community, or a city or railroad, fiaili, cures diarrhoea and mhk ! col)«', al woik. W«- MaV«-a rombiti« i Machin« . Wii*la Í.* Klfhair, GoLlnn SpwnUh In- undm-sigms . I. 11 Miller. t..r tm- l.em'ni „t lays feverish lies*. ite-ti..y • worms, and boar«!. Tul. an«! <’!«»tli — Bank«!. W« Mil the nunier us oth> r signs, the Indians pre in more “cow countlie-.” than Harney, h as if it were in Rome r.-tnot“, bioken, J«M*tton, t r- Vtr«' r3WN«.f G «norrh«» », ab tin ir. reditorn, under and bi i Irtue ol prevents coiiviitamna. -o. »lhes the child Wa-lii-r on Ite own in« ritn. I I «min «lory 1.1, .t Stri«*tur« r .X«- Price net ot lhe legislative assembli ot th.- si dict a short, mild winter, ami will nut rugged and mountainous region. I ’ o a IbX'Hption ami prie«* of Fcs’er’s Eclipse from Lake county won ‘ 1 and gives it refreshing natural si t*p. C hn - St r»u par Pottle. ot Oregou. entuna -An mt t.. «sur. application. stealing wuod before November. the three quarier mile d ish at S( okane j person aiquainted this cutin rv this ton» is the children panacea—the moth Le llichau’s Gohlen Ointment 1 er. ’ itors a j„st division ot the otates s<ll th«- l.adi<*s* 15 cet»Is. f r the eff « h.-ahn^f s- phihti-- < r 4 3.’. dost- Falls, in 1 :16*a. In file three-eight.’!' elaes of lands is readily distinguished ers'friend ------------------- --- < h Wash« r. odd things oicur ii’casir nally among andenipbons. Price 91 OO >». r B»» I tn ol I r.sbtors, n|.|,r..v<-a o< tob. i |s |s> l.< t: e alder, bottom and va lev lands, Ladies can .nuk* from fl'JOto $2H0p(r month dash, same day, lie and Jim Miller ran a 1 Le Hkhnu'i Gohlen I>e the SM 1 J.l, Slav t--little Benn? to the and th. am.-ndm. nts then to, a|.|.r..v.-d' 1.1 which the following is reported: A man for terms. Apply at once iiu! for Butte Creek. ate conside.ed valuable fur culti ruary ÏI, A|, erudito!« „t ¿ ,| „J! ¡J , dead heat in 0 :34‘a, beating the record wli.eli ' bottle) THI.» ALE Till- M .ST «.'< »NVEN'IEXT. und Bra-a treatment, b.seof phy.<i al pow- named Corn and a woman named Wheat debtor, an- l.ercbv notm.a b ! J." p , as a for. st i, distinguished fiom it«»»»’«’* tor* oil yfe.(c<»aa. • Tie un«!er'»i«ne<i wul « av < eulral Point <»'«rwf>Tk. l’rH,tration, rtc. <.ni-fourth of a Hveond. second. In the run-off vation, ' etalms, under ustli. ... me, tt...1 nud. r«ig .. d Price S3 OO per Box. were recently married in Iowa, th- cho r Price of either aire. 25c. pc* Koftlt a prairie. l««r k »gle Pom». i.r«»wp> «»ro. Lake er* ek Prompt Mi« « four lengths in 0:3«» Si- Miller won by Tonic anti Nervine. convui-ing (tia audience by tingiog ill i(issiNe‘iTn-70™“^ an! Dig Butte »very Moiiiiy. U’r«i< t^day Seat exrry »here, C. U. D., securely packed r. i • '!« <iii>r«i, Ja< k*»«»n «*ou!itv. <»n*tZ(Hi with- A skst the Byron Springer case, the an«i Friday, returning in xi day, and « urry- “What shall the Harvest Be?" t*«.r t xprvwa IiiJepemlence (lowai, October 24— “‘H'.T.Vi o."'!!!!.'' !r'"“ d“)'- ti» r. ..t, ' nEVV0lir4fl ■I'r’tcts courr« or»uap«., Ochoco i ..'I' has the follow ing, which ing the mail!».as aho l.e ft ngers and • xpreb« Dut«*«l this 22U «lay uf August I ki K) J.F.SBITK AC3 . ST.HUIS MO- The man who cheats the editor out of llatnliti'a t* am, Belle Hamlin am Jus- THE RK’HARDS DRl'G Ct».. AGENTS. Ä» >•« â à goes lar toward proving that Springer matter. 1 will make connection wi«n tt.e D. Il, MILLE««. »single cent will never reach that heaven tina, were sent to day to beat the worhl úiMand All Mark« t Street, trains each way My rates are reas«>nable. actually did commit suicide "C. M Assigne« . San Francisco. Cal. ly land whete Elijah went! But when at record of 2.15 made by them, and trade I . F. W It.LIAMS Chariton returned lest Saturday from Circular« sent tree.----- last tire race is run—Iris life of toil and the mile in 2 :13L4. Thedav waa cold ami Gilliam county, where he lias gone a' Intelligent Readers will notice that Hail the weather been favorable, ANDERSON CREEK woe—lie 11 straightway go to the fiery tainy. the instance ol lhe cattle and horse pro hotaemen think 2:12 would have l>ceti land, where they neier shovel snow. tective association, to inquire atteT the in the Justic«-’s Court of the State made. for th«* county of JM< khoti nrwinct ownership of the band of horses that A German police prefect interdicts the Jack^onvillt. As a lestill of the Eccles election in were driven through this county last THE ROGUE RIVER extirbiuon or sale i f American cigarette Chas. Nieketl, p.aoina. vs. J. T. I August by John Matti:: and John Scott— I let ores ol tire actress staini>. Many of England, the Liberal t re-s unite in de t i .. I1., Il,; Hl 11,1,1 to r.vuv. ». ::¡nF.K T \ ke < FLEAM’RE IN r;¡¿.17.-.,?.,wi,rd* ’t" «l".v.-tmiii„|.|. f.-ri.iHu, the actresses are so very pietty, it is founding a general election to te.-t the the parties Byron Springer had arrested i -_____ iix t hat his si ram imw-miil in now |N I HI NAMEitFTIIKSTATIiomKEl.UN« feared that the a niy will desert by the sentinieiit of the people as to home rule at Red Bluff prior to his untimely il-ath on lull time and turning «»ut a large | SM not “icarrtinted to cura” all classes I J.HI ar. II. r. by required tu Hpiawr ..... I of iuinber. Hr in prepartii t<» till all for Ireland. The government, however, Mr. Charlton made diligent ii qu ry •f diseases, but only each as result an-wer the compiami ,,| the p aiutin in whul. sale and make for these shores. aving re < E a N tlm been refitted wm PWEPASED FROM Jo... a! n•' **-’'> th' h rn with «ll’*pMt« h. and at th«* m«*t reaaona- from a disordered liver, via: all moiibrn luiprovmnentM. ara now turning allow» nod apoaitii-n to gratify this wish, among the s'oeamen in tiie locality irom ratva. A Unr «¡uality of ROOTS& HERBS. JUhl4C<* ot till ] «•}*-_••• - * - -5J court, wit Inn 1 «ut a tirni-clnab arncl« of Hour, which ir put up 41, An exchange lias discovered that a as the Conservative papers are niu'e which Martin Marted, and learned that •ace of baiti FOR THE CURE OF ten «1HVS fr« «in the «late '*“* of th«- ♦*« *vi«-«- t barrel eat-k»«, and every aack ih warranted t< |<oor girl l>a< to tie awtudy good looking Martin was in the employ of G Iman of this Ruiniiions upon you. ___ w ALL KINDSOF LUMBER, ’ contain 4V pound» uf tk>ti«- If yon don’t believe to lie pretty, and a rich girl lias to ire aw upon the aubject. it M*rv<xl in Jackson county. On-gon; tint if served Jlros.. large s'o. k-owners in that section, 1 rhie, ju»t compare a lack of our hour with an> twinding thr E»«**t ru«tir. «•♦•ilinw an l tl«»orin*r A steamer, having on boiird 1750 rnlie. It might Ire ad ' .ii any other e«iuntj in th«- stat«- oi Or< ü<»n ¡.»ther bran«! offered for ««ale id thie market, and fully homely to be ugiv. ami that he was hi lawful p p t-Me-sion oi lurni’xhed «»n •»h<»rt noti«*«'. .Dien wifln.ì tw«‘ti1> «laja from the date ded that a p< or man bus to be awtully of c if le for tt.e Cent'al .v South Ameri I n<*fetho «iifferonce in weight. the boteeK, tla-y having I eepi pin ed hi tW5at iafa«*ti«*n guaranteed. For thcac they are not w arranted in* o! th«* h<*r\h*<- ot this summons upon smart to be intelligent, and a rich man can Telegraph Company,uai ed from Lori- rt. R.KM1TH. >ou; or ¡1 M-rved on you out ot tin St:»»«* « i his charge by Gilman Bros. , so th faltiblr, but are ae nearly ao a. it I, poe. p»i«g«>n.or by piiblii Htm.1 d ,n last week for Vatpaiais . This cable flic i by Ui<- U.a almost a blockhead to be ignorant. Bible to make a reinedv. 1-riee. 'JScta, day ..I, ,. b o. Ami v..u a,.- h. reí,» th»*<>ry that they were stolen in th _ — ' Cosatantl, on hnxi.l nnd exchim<nd for wheat is to la- laid letween Chori ilia, Peru, notuiidthat It veil rml to „pj., MI aiulam.».? county by Martin is without foundation. liVliKïWUEKE. It is projsj-cd by the I'nited States ami Valparaiso, Chili, touching at Inqtti- Complaint. b.-r. by roi.iirul tl... government to improve the artistic ap- | que, as an extension uf the Aine.icati plaintitl wHi app;> to tin* v«jurt for a'judg- A S et B ack to P rohibition .—At T-;- )Haarance of its coins. New designs for I line via Galveston. m« nt agaiiiM >uM 1«,r th.- mhh of nin. ty dollar* and tw«*niy-tiv«• <-«-nt* itof’, and t..r peka. Kan., Oct. 17th, a.deciftion was Having added a nat of Barley Bollora to my mill tire silver do lar and rive cent piece ;ue to 1 have «otapart every Saturday to Roil Barley for be adopted. None of the present em ,’ln the Count« « <>urt <>t tin- State o! brinili, th«- c«Mt'»and disbut'M*incnt'*of this action. 'tiie t-v’ effects of Tolstoi’s "Kreu'zer ' rendered in the United States C ircuit 1 ublishod tn th« IiLMo« hath 'F îmes AR IS! NO FROM A rtSTMALLf LOUTIP. customer*. The work will be (lone on short for thr County of ,la< k*»*»n. Sonata” are Leit.g fejt A young man in Court that has created consternation nial«*. Justa*«* of tl«. pi n I notice, st» ro that parties can retun return with their grief blems or devices are to l>e interfered In the matter ot th«* « Mat« ot H« nr> Cart«r. order <»f XV . J. j A w»a-Acrnent, 1(Yl fr'et long, was Been to cell mad«- on Sept. 2M. I smu st c * «»roll barley at al! with , the divs and the moulds aie to Ire New York, whose weddiug day was fast I among the friend« of prohibition in dry« 'HM*d. ftoclf up in Blippory foldi on the coast of t. mlu " l«¿: r ‘M*"d "‘i’ -"•""dajufs. p- approaching, rea l the book ami immedi ■ Kansas. The decision allows the re OR A.4 . This process •» changed. otici : h hereby given that the Florida laat month. Three reliable persons administrator of th«* <**tatv ol lLmy Car- far ahead of the « rusher. ately afterwards threw oil' on his girl, |O|Ln:ng _f originai-package liqtior houses •aw this creature distinctly. CHAS NICKELL, Plaintiff. G.KAREWKKI ter, d«*c«as**<l. ha- lihtl in th«* Comity'Court Torrington, Conn., lias a farmer whose packed his gripsack am! left the country. Reader, the above is a 6 yarn." If people ■ in thif »fate, an«! >n edeet »!«•« ’are» that ot JH«,k'«<*n county. Or«*Kon. Iiis final la-count would believe the following truthful stafc- piety takes the form of watchfulness on But, after all, it may have be n (ultimate FCP SALE BY ALL ns suri» administrator, and b\ or«l« r «d said . the Wilson bill, enacted bv Ubngree», w**ll-kn.»wn h<ui»a ha* h«»*n rebuilt SDeiit as readily a» they swallow sea-serpent Üfi.-S ■«■undays to catch i rr-ons | icking fruit or for the girl that he read the book. Tn oda*. I»« *•• nil»« r2. l^ t h«-hour of i dues not reatore the power of the Kansas •tones, it wuuhl bo the Bit®«*» * f paving tnou- • k and gr*afh ♦ tiiarg»*«!. lieaidc» tw 'ng DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS. C )0 «uri o'clock a m .. is M't f<*r h«*arinLr All per trerrivs i n Iris grounds. He has such of lands of livee. Dr Pierce ’ s Golden Medi<*al Prohibitory law hh against original-* lo « ji»t«*r« « t* d a. <• I,* t • i,\ l.outoM ««) np)M*ar The Bo-ton Hi raid says: "Senator In Discovery, if taken in time and given a fair fenders arrested and fined, asserting that NEWLY FURNISHED •nd Uh- Io*» or In * objection*» to -aid account ' package saloon«. The facts in the case trial, will actually cure consumption of the In ihvi oinny Court otthe itale . f Ori-.-.m it is not the los- < f tirefiuit or Irerries that galls tells the people of Kansas ttiat the on or In for«- «»aid day . , nt rath .«■rni** ” the'lnra* part of 1 are Charles Raber, agent for a Kansas lungs, which is really scrofulous disease. If for the countv of Jackson, sitting tor th«’ Pub ish« *1 by order «H Hon. .1 R. Neil. Judge ire minds, but that he will nut tolerate McGinley hill is all wrong, but that he j city I «pior-house, was at rested lor se 1- this wo«d«’rful medicine doe« not do all we Csnnct be SMCCKfuliy Irak*.’- d w ‘« g - town an«i a g«»<Mi-*»«i'»P1' ro«»rn for comm« r- triimmcfinn «it PndMitvbusiiHws of said court. vuted for it because it was a KepulJi. an recommend, when taken as directed, we will c«al fruM h iw. - fiit-d up n «..nmi ti««n therx*- .-abbath-brv .king ii| i.n Ins projrerty. lu lhe matter ..« th.- . Male ot Sanm.-l f. „„ r. out rjood tieifih To resch er ar* j ing liqimr at Topeka after the passage of cheerfully and promptly return ail money with. Th »table n « «msf ihtly furni.-md with measure." Senator Inga Is ts not the covetel pocitio'. la E*8 requires tba h’ll | the Wil-on bill. The defendant applied paid for it. Can any offer be more generous V<'Til E Is II H i È h Ÿ' g I VEN THAT BY VIH. Hie largest and heaviest girl of her age the best the mark« t atf »r«la. Iial.-.l Oct 21, l-'.»i. only Republican leader who thought possession a"d operation of all the fac to the Unite«! States Circuit Court fur a or fair? No other medicine poMcases sufficient E. K BRIGHTMAN. Pr. p. that < ver lived Ims been unearthed at II tin ot an Older andli.-. n.,-.,t th. alane power over that fatal malady-Consumption, more of the dictates of the party ulties kind rature has endowed us with. u'Üi .In' "" *,,H’'1' • man. r I U Ashland, ’ i writ ol imlteas corpus, admitting that he to warrant its manufacturers in selling it un tiie little village of Cukeland, Westmore than of the interests of the country. These conditions cannot exist unless the der such trying conditions. The “Golden Med sold the iiquof as L’hnrge«!. but claiming land county, Pennsylvania, near the In Saturday, Noreml,. r J, 1S3D, ical Discovery" is not only the most wonderful physical being is in perfect working diana cotiniy line, about a quarter uf a In Ih«* <\<iint\ C«mrt of the Stat«* of Oregon, at the hour i.t ï O'elia-k of «aid day’sell at Tie steamship California has landed at that inasmuch as the Fairus Prohibitory alterative, or blood-cleans»*r, known to med- ASHLAND. ORECCN, or.’er. and this Is impossible when the t«*r th«* < oiinty of Jackson. mile from B air-vibe Intersection and New Yo'k with 14,0)0 bags of foreign law was enacted before tlir Wilson bill, 4cai science, hut also possesses superior nutri I ’ Ul'Iie auction to the Inghivt I.old. r'lor . nah Iti th« matt<r«*t th. • >tate ot John Noland, lirer a.nT sp'oen are torpid, tLusobstruct- at the court-bou», d.a.r lu Ja. kaol.r tlà ,u Blairsville. Her name is lh-lla Beck, beans. This is the largest that that the Wilson bill «lid nut apply. tive and toni«-. ox strength-giving properties, Will Sell. [.. Hs-', Kent iiml Handle de<'«ase<i. whi« h assist the food to digest and become ir.g t u e secretions, causing Indigestion •la. kam inutili or.-eou ;|1(. In th* her age is 15 and she weighs 450 pounds. ever before arrived in one sliipinent. M “ ’TIt ' ' I Is III IU.BV GIVEN THAT THE WIJ.Mll pt'<*lljlHCK to-Wlt The .Judge« Foster and J*iul)»ps sustained assimilated, thus building up both strength r-f (*»'per?'a, with all of their accom- I n w cm U’,'1' "1 Hi«- eblate i>; Joan Nolatid, tltis view und granted the writ. •nd flesh. For all cases of Bronchial, Throat The we«t liRit i.t II«.« nor«liw..ta« known shortage, by dealer ’ s actual ob - S . inm h mortgaged lul l in wes ern Ims iih d in the County C •ut'i ' 1 ‘•Ht'h.a-f'imm.-r ..t ti,.- ....rthwÎM/,.« natying bo«-ror3. and Lung Diseam»«. accompanied with linger servation oi New York state's bean crop, Jin k- >n i»unty, Or«*gon. h»*r tinai a« « Hint : ik ing cougna. it i» absolutely unequaled as a Kansas l as come into th.- hands of the Hihi t!i« iV>rti)w«-st <(iiar1« i «q t|., DR. HENLEY’S T he reault of the late election in the remedy. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blo««d. such <-x«vutria. ami l«y ord« r <d will again open the market fur l iree quan Court quiirtt r [ -••• «• ....... - - '• “I tloiLi- wait '“J?11 b an conii anivH, through foreclosures anil Tu«*s«lay. Ihceml»«*r 2. at th« hour <4 10 M*V«|| and kindled affections, it surpasses all other A Cimice Collection <>♦ tities of Me'hlerranean or Hungarian Eccles district of Lancashire shoHH that o'ch«« k a . M.. is s« t 1 «>r lit Hl Illg, AH persuiiK Wiiiaint-tf«. ............ the exodus of farmers, that a syndicate uf medicines. ________________________ the tide of public opinion in England is «...t..g<tti<r Wllh „¡j rtHtl specific Influence over the liver, intrr« st«*«! arc h« r« l»y notiti« «1 lo Hppcar and ►iugular !•»«• iuipruvt .„K, the mortgagor H Iras lieen formed,kn wn as Stock. «'incuts and appurtemin- still rising against the Tory policy. fi'«* his or tu r objections I«» said a<* count <>n or c< s t ti« r«*|iittu l»«*l<>tigi t to healthy action, resolves its tire “.-yud r ate Land Company,” to rlis A company has been recently formed This district returned a Conservative in bi for«* said day. •••■■)» . fat tintig la*** ’“ a. ..... 1d * ¡m¡!!í¿V(-^','r“‘'*,-,l:" gorgemeats, and promotes the 1 ’111 »Iisti«*d by < »rdrr of lion. J. R. N« il, Judge poM* ut or emtivate the surrendered acres to make bogus sealskins. It ie re • is offered by the man 1886 by a majority of between two and . ,un."h,'.i't ::;"n -••»11 i»!.-™ >» h .< • ceres I .“digest ion and const!« «»t said court.* for the Irenetit of the combined owners. ported the company ia making great ufacturers of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, for ea“l 1 iia.1. r. Z ■limit, rami tl„ north three hundred, and threy?ar it has elect- a case of Catarrh In the H«*ad which they tinr-fotirth down, balance within twelve a» «.s the appetito. tones up CATHERINE NoLANB. Any person wishing to sell Their holdings are said to be very large. preparations for wholesale operations. Executrix of «said « .-late. td eighteen months. oannot cure. By its mild, soothing, an«! heal fimi it to their inter« st to rail am b I a Ufadstonian Home Euler by almost »• ern, and makes lite worth imity-nn. . townalup tli;ri,--ix . h«tvd I h t. 24. |«*'.M. ><•«• map at Railroad D«*p«*t f«»r gmd«M rwirea. They take cony skins as a bas s and an equal majority ui. ti« other side. ing properties, l)r. Sage’s Remedy cures the The p rs.-age of the hili granting a pen -tnnb'er"'“?' U miiulmn' or iri’tr«**!* D. II. HASREI«, worst casea, no matter how bad, or of how manipulate them so that it is rcfioited to sion of K’.OiK) a y»ar to Mrs. Fremont Coining at this time the result is a sign gxxg standing T »wn-Sit< Agent C. P. R. R.. San Frtinciaco. Fifty cento, by druggists. Ail ta l. ■ lie difficult for any but an expert to detect d«*c «riseti, that Mr. Balfour's recent arrests have makes any further work io the wav of the difference between the sham and Or«*gon. not commended his policy to the English g.tbering subscriptions unnecessary ............ Terms. The prom|4res|>onaetothe first announce- genuine *«' 1 K sealskin. ea M 1,1 public. Even among the stanch par Ccr» Ud £ htroats, rnent of the a tuation in which General ' " " ' has given ____ Ad mi Spokane F^lls in the way of tleans of the Government they are re* Da:«*d ti Fremont's death had lelt his family subsidies and for advertising over ♦*)(),- garde«! as a serious b.under. JhiRSALE AlRifT MX) ACRES l»F EXIRA showed that the American |»eopl-- had O-M, and by so doing that place hnsirrow’n <iualit\ «»f agricultural Ian«!, b« ing ;« part ot th«* Hiram < olv« r Donation Lam! Claim; And all of not forgotton their obligations. It is bet- . from a few scattering shanties in 1880 to All. (ierinany is alive with prepara situat«*«l about mil«*»« from Abhlaii-I, <»t a ter, however, in every way, that the i a splendid city in 189». Suppose a few tion to <lo honor to Count Von Multke on mile Houth of Ph«rnix. Jackson «*ounty, Ore THE BEST money should come from the government ! “ rkintlints skinflints" l.a.l settled «aitlv.l theie, doos gon. Th«* Or«‘g"ti X Calitornhi railroad ami his ninetieth birthday. The Venera) le ” l.ail In tiieCtr* any- as a matter of right, rather,Iran to be Ire- I I kx I v suppose there would now be five- Field Marshal is the onlv military man die ’ Or<*g«»n .V (’alHornla stag«* r«»ad paa? ONE COLLAR PER DAY HOUSE , Margaret t through sai<i land. This trai t ot land I m all A stowed in the form of a gift. j story granite blocks and a business half of the day whom the Emperor really No. 1. d« «-p. black-loam bottom !nn«i, being IN THE STATE. To R«»b< i-t^’Y*“«««. mi *- HJ»oV«'iWmffij>n?m as great as that of Portland. legaols with veneration and to whose on«* of th«* first claim* s.-tthil upon in R gu« ■ - " 1 vallev. All well supi>li«*d with living I Hilt. opinion he bows. There has lH-en for; river TO$lilAOM water. This lam! wdlI be sol«! in quantiti«*? to iles $¿00,000. to loan. SfttoUuo, p in: \?ii"i rm;- tab <>i uiiiu . a Superintendent Downing, of the state many years a friendship approaching j suit niir«'hm» rs. For forth« r int«.«-mation in- BIND FOR OUR CATALOGUE ano FIG _ . NoChlnewc < ii.ploj,-d and no deviation in I you ar. U.“ by! t. U| | . nr .....l Ry J. H. Whitman of Medford, «»n __ _ iru- penitentiary of Oregon, Friday tiled his aff.-ction between voting William and quireof E. J. FARLOW, Ashland, Oregon, or charges. i l 11». al>n-.-«l'|jipJ unt of th. ab,„. i.lai.i A .JT Agents Wanted! proved farm security in Jackson county, quarterly report. It shows a total of 314 the vet. ran General, the good-will of the I E. D. FOCDKA V. l’hienix. Or« gon. Meals2Scenia; hafirln« il <-. i.t» to Me. tita , till, iu the h I h . v . < ntitli-d <-ourt, now on tn. Ci Reruns Faa«. < Ashland. Ogn., O«*t. 3. lstoi. at the best rates of any loan . gency in the convicts now in prison, a decrease of 13 "oiaib cl.ikotaaid i-oiirt. within titi.baa Emjieror being cordially reciprocated by , A»» nrewitpr’« .aafrty R«in Holder» INDIANAPOLIS. IND. county. E. I.FW ISTI >N. Propi irto I '' UB.Io'.lai. ot tl,. M-rvf<-o otilua si,,, in tilled months; total expenditures djij- Ins eminent subject. In the German j sjven away to introduce them •▼•ry i '‘POT.) «»¡i. i! HiTVvl in Jii< ks<»n <*<*iiiitv. Ort- ing the quarter, ♦U,7(il 07; earnings, $4,.- army, also all agree in their admiration : bn «• owner buT« from I to 0» Lin« but if i v«i] iaan^ oth<*r count) in thv « ever under hortw»’ feet. Send 2t cento I' sJS't <d Or« gon. th« ti w ithin twentv dav* u.. •, N12.14, and receipts $3,3(iH.96; 215 con oi Von Mollke, and tl,e testimony to his 1 in nuinne t<> par i'O«t*<e aud packing ---- AMD th- <lat«* of th«* aiTvicvof thia u«univm* up<»n for Nickel Plated Sample that «elie for« victs are employed in tiie foundry, 20 in abdities and service is as universal as fl ; ’«« ii ; <»ril •ury««! on p,u <,ut of th. Mute <q «to. Brawtler Hf<. va., Hollj, lick. i the brickyard and the balance about t the Urigon orby publication, then b> th«- tirM is sinceie. Tt has per-’anentlv cured thovhawps day of the ensuing and regular t«*fni <»t shh I VS hen Baby was Kirk, we gave her Castoria. j prison, save three that are decrepit, No Largent and Bent Equipped Scbrol/bf court, to-wjt; th«- 1st dav of D« «•• min i inl minced by tlorton» h<>|»e- of case» pr ---------- women are in the prison tow. Take It Before Breakfast, Wheu she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, and you ar«- h«-r« by notifin! that if joU fad t«i B vs in Oregon. VING TO ILL HEALTH. THE I NDER- havc premonitory aytnp- less. If v< appear ami am»wvr Maid «ompiaint. as tn*i » by sigu«*«i doiro to r«*tir»* from busin«*«« and is Cough, Difficulty of 1'he great appetizer, tonic and liver regu H hen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, toms, suet, th.-plaintiff will applv |<. t|*<* >nii| (tend |thrl|dlnc nnd < ;:r« f«l i ’ »li*lmsr. off«*rs all the furniture in the U. s. Hotel f«»r at«»r. In use for more than 50 years in •«•.. don’t delay, but use court for th« r« lu f d« inanded in said < oin- ADVICE TO MOTHERS. JRl Geary St., San Francie«». I Wheu she bad Chiklreo, she gave them Castoria sale at a very reasonable figure. Tin* bmld England. specific tur liver com PISO'S Ct' -E for < i»N>l MPTIO3« TEUM.-* plaint. viz: A <leci«*v for« ver dissolving ing. which if* a substantial tiri' k on«- und • s- T ntiti t< arn how to avoid dii«-I | Mrs Winslow s Soothins Syrup sh: . um plaint. B ui taste in the mouth on rising p«*cially d«sign«il forth«* h,»t«*l buslnt*ss. will <>i th«-bonds of inatrim<»n.v h« r« tufore und now Entrnnc«* F«*c............ ... ... .. . à la ♦ as«. < UMultatum ai»«l treat-I teuaeOiatsly. By Druggists. 35 j always he list d for children teethitip. io the mornii.g. dull j ains in the lira«! and be rented at a low rat«* to r«*<ponsii»l<* parti«*«. Boiini and Tuitii'ii for t«*n ir .ntl«s J m ; on • visting Itctwirn plaintiff ami <i«*f< iwlant. i ui - merit p< rionali» or by letter on I ; soothes the child, softens the gums allays b'irk of the eyes, tired feeling, d zziness, F«»r further particulars apply to W ii -King ami M« mling f«>i t n nonths.. 15 tiu siiant to the grounds stated in sa:«i complaint Il Lids n!I iîs lamin at r n ant! nntatL»».. -u.d J» .’■« spcrn>ulorrh«*a or genital weak-I viz; cruel and inhuman tr< atm« tit ot plaint ifl J. DEROBOASf, Jack««>nvillc. ■i.' ...I. •: ftro-.f! of Mi robni I -.1,. I all pain, cures wind colic, ami is the b» st a’ gnor— -svniptoms of liver complaint. »»«•ss mui ail «ils» mm ' h <«f men. | VA-ftfilera < 2toi (W bv d«-t«-n<lant, and for wilful desertion and remedy for (fiarrhcea Twenty- five cento Rernedv —f)r Henley s English D.indeli«”' S«n<1 lor l»«»ok Private öfter, S«'h<H»l will <>p« n S« pr tnb‘’r 2d. F«»r !orther Ht»nnd«»inncnt ot plaintiff by defendant with he medfohd koi . lrh mii . i . s will a bottle. Consult at Ion lr«*e. PUra! 1‘ilei.' ltchiiiu Pllrt Tome. Believes constipation, sharpens the Tse free'v Pfjco. C5 cents a ßcx particulars apply te REV. F. DoMINlCUS, out bt r coiiKt nt and against her will, tor more xrivr in vxvhantri* forMity |M»uc<ls<«f clean than one y« ar baca past. mil!in>r wheat as follow*: Thirty-right puun«ls S ymptoms --.Moisture; intense itching and Dir«*ctor of Col!« ge. hpi elite and tones up the entire system. This summons is publish« «1 itl t|H D km <>- ,î) « jt^UPTUltj stnuxlit Uourin farmvr’H sii«-ks. <»r thirty-four singing; moat at night; wore«* by scratching, Get the genuine from your druggist for Jacksonville to Medford, « HATH; T imes for six cons« cutive w«-« k*> by JlFor LOST or FAILING MAN HOOD; |x>un«ls of hiu kvd flour. Exchange will au- if allowed to continue tumor* form, which |1. and take according to direction*. By.’ i • ». 7 * lm 1 pe« «uauei'.t. the ord. rjd H«»n. L R. W. bstci, judge ot ’thv ^General and NEBV0U8 DEBILITY; uly at th« Pl»«»«*nlx mill by adding two ptiuntfs. l'atronize the only wagon that connects ■K>< .i'«-•! by the (’«.«tbrnt Owing t g t !«« -r c -U» Jyy, often bleed and ulcerate, tiecoming very sore Hirst Judicial District, mad«* und « at WevkneiFof Body and Mind. Fff«ct> I nm now r« art) t«» buy or Mor«-, or take in S wayne ' s O intment stops the itching and with every train, rain or shine. an«i carries ^'•11. FIERl’E’S I'irtN COH» of the Jacksonville. l4i k*-'Hi county. State ot Or<*- ___ of Brrorvor Exoetscw inOido: Young, I t’ojue KoruarJ. ■torcon vxclmiitf«*, an\ amount < IT« red. U ILL OFFER ! «»K SALE FoRTlfE NI XT .’»GHiT G ELASTIC TRUL Elrctriv Su Mfltoto MAM HOOP folly Hevtored. How lue»ii*r/r *rJ bleeding, heals ulceration, and In most casts the V. 8. mail and Wells, Fargo A «'«» m tlir« ♦* months, <,u i < :t-«H»aid< t« rtns. my r« bi g«»n, <11 tn«' ¡Ut ii «lay of Octob« r. I‘*'.iu. A. A. DAVIS n.ihdvirrxl.CaDffkl.Ol’KDORt.lSHJil'AKrhOr ft()«.Y. All tLoMf knowing theiuselvci indebted trinai and <>NI.T G rküim hav«* r« due*' removes the tumors. At druggists, or by exprès*« Hatisfartion guaranteed. J. T. BoWDlTt’H . «BfolliB« float TfliUTVKXT-ir b aay. F rie*T ru¡ss. 1 erfahrt Retain ne«* an«! Jurnltur«'. Ll.u k.Miiith s!»<«p, tix- Suet*« HHor to D avis a V F rance mail for 50 cents. I>r. Swayne & Son. Philadel to ff I. V» »II •! t" l I be u- und« - * 'r«.iL ... ’im«Uwil ___ ; ‘ t pirase ..v-.wt- . rail -- ami - '■♦’I Uiorury for Plaintitl - (Mil h tr»n *0 AtaiMand ItrBlga l«uM(rh>. Wffle ibeiiu J ohn D yar , Driver. « i io we.vr. In stanti y rei i ft e«« «•»♦*' .r«‘s, < tc.; also r»y bu«in«*s, whi«*h is unc<»( eet FIRs r-4 •- tor « s. tie liiunxliat. ly, afm'r thV 20tl> j..« >i**y of phia. , i .-rlDttvB Book. » ib I bbb II o « »Bi ^roof« maH«<J i.te. i*. b'<i.-o tired th«’U-«an<li*. Fatal) 1H. L. s. and «.«ip« i i r ». i , • | the b«s»t payiie; in the eounty Parties d«*sir tarSS EAIH taroic 4. CO,, BUFFALO.N. Y. 1 pc NTc wanted , liberal salary —. '.'I f «i F rra Illuatr’d Pamphlet N<< I September all account- will 0<* placed in sold st from $1 > to 9 t r* ‘ itig lull inI'orikialIon us io prie«*», tories, etc., A u C h IÖ PAID. At nome «»r t<» travel. tASTlCTRUSS for lor TH HI >■ 1-plf f-r Kin If you bay* headache try Preston’s“ Hcd- the bauds ol an attorney for Col ection. will please call on me at my place of business *4 NORTH SIXTH STREBT 8T LOUTS. Mi Team furnlMhcd free. P. U. vlL'KLltY Addr« bi>, < nlifumio. Eir< li h* ¡I. !; Co. th»-. u Jacksonville. GEORGE HAYEti. H BAL'Mi* N 1 >_■« I . /-.« NEKA NCI 8( ’< >. A J Ake. „ . , „ . J. C. ecxntOM' Aug’kUto. ¿Lune. *lanFrancisco,Cal. cxcaUat Jacksonville, June U. (.cutral iomfeäapu 1. ltfo. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, BALSÀM ( MARBLE WORKS! Assignee's Notice J. C. WHIPP 03EC3Ü ST. JACKSONVILLE, OR. J MAU-3 AGENTS WANTED ' Consten Summons. Tutt’s Fills THE STAFF ÜF UFE ! S. S. SMITH. Prop STEAM FLOUhlAG IYILLS H VEGETABLE PANACEA Floar aud Mill-Feed •DYSPEP$|> • JÀU N 01 CE • J • CHILLS fir FEVER • DISORDERED DIGESTION^ 5**5-SICK HEADACHE- ¿'GENERAL DEBILITY* ASHLAND HOTEL. Headache, Dyspepsia, -—!■ Vertigo, Fevers, Costiveness, Bilious BARLEV ROLLERS. Colic, Flatulence, etc. Notice of Final Settlement. AND ALL OTHER DISEASES STOMACH DISORDERED STATE FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. INACTIVE lhe Road te $ 1JÍ 8a;k N LiVER, Administrator'«« S»le of Heai Property, a LUCKEY & CO N otice of Final Settlement rowN I l,( ITS REAL-FSTAIE Oi. COMMISSION MONTAGUE. rlis!’ D’ndeEon Tonic Siskiyou County, Cal., SSOO « eward City and Counlry I’ropprty For Sale. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS, I —ASK FOR— INIERKATIONAL HOTEL CHOICE LAND FOR SALE I THE BOSS BOOTS POKTEAND. I OR., AKIN, SELLING & CO.’S u AUET» conns ’ Free B ¿1 to and. from the Hotel. ENGINE WORKH C0 n S mp T'°H FURNITURE FOR SALE 111. Iliad College,i tor HOTEL FOR RENT. DR. JORDAN’S O Museum of Anaîomy ¡ SKIN DISEASES ifWGRt S b£LF2íí¿Tr¡j .i 0¡<* a JAX L L--Ï Exchange! Exchange!! T FOR MEN ONLY! Children " nr *** Pitcher’s Castoria. Children Crjr_for Pitcher’s Castoria. ELECTRIC BELT^«0i For Sale. ‘ THIS PAPER