MISCELLANEOUS. Jßast and South tu ' Ì MltiW FiCIFiC CO.’» LIKE, â -_ _ _ _ I This Trad« Murk I« O _______ 4*U* IV X. _ _ U 4 VIC. I* I t.H»»«V. » ■ ’’'»‘i a. - I ¡I . . b ‘O I’. M _______ ________ lL»ì*tburg • fl-OH _ A. M 1F rtluiHl. ALIIANVLUkAL, »’.»o.l LRAVIL _ AHHIVk: Purtlurl p w A.lmov $>«•> F. M ,>.U A. M Aib«*u) ........... fcbU A-M.iFort.Mlhi PR0FHA URIS’ PASTILLES WEAK MEN 'VITALLY WEAK». Male •• by t»e *■••• appi.MU«« to er«« or aiudv . ■•'er* tr.euta. al:alo or grief, «kilt ÀL •.Ml*«*•«« It* middle llft-.or «toons habita contracta«! lu vouUu WC Alf MEM ¿RK ÌKTIMI» IO MMMH« UbRILl TY or ntAK NI CW iimun»* «<« tim . is. .Oil •IT ARÌ iomb Wild klKLV 1>H lY in HID- 'IK 4GPI»; lark of > ito « r on t » ; :. agi I w i ; h » ua. < rgaoa mpnire«! and »«-okobe-l pu malu»ri» tu approaching ol i afe. WHEN WE SAY CURE * r»ii'««ssst**XM'L** n many lbou.an>1 ea*e* L. < tr«l and cut yd in pa*l moire yoar». I'ÜLÍMáH tíÜffhl ùLLi.t'tKù. m AsorbUn-* of our i »»th tn Frof. Barria* VO XC ß SOLUBLE MEDICATED r ASTILLES. KTDIAL"*"4 r eir".I day. trial ARSOI ITkl Y »RKK. W ' KIALt ¡ men, y»« n.-t»am*o to bo cured br thn e«iclr*t«rd Paalido Tr-atmaak THS HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mtg. Chemists, 9V BEKKMAN STS EFT, >1W YORK, TOURIST autiPlNG CARS, Ftir til «»X NfCtilld-U'iLV» plLSdvn- to Kvpi’urt«» fi rtiurt. >/ rn, West at«« Jivl.ioa. »: r « .. • > ¿iiHri.%«:•»« urn all . la U-klUtlt-U*. OJLILV xkÄ< LFT SCSOAY.) cxmjnai:H lì * ii nu’.uiZixnx-in Arrive 5..W P. M. Leavcjl :.»>» v. M. I. JU a _ M.. Leave Furti au I U.m v. M.[Arrive Corvalhd At Alitato/ and t’orv.Gh- connect with trai uh of Urdían I* »celtio tlailr •»« i. UA1L.Y LU»iM> rukl>- vEXCEPT SUNDAY.) MILLINERY am 1 haw .owing c -I ammuî une. pisce-, suro An 1 a good AMortinent of all the leading va- rietivH of fruitM. Children's 8hsrt Cbtbes, Cmter ♦ yiwrkold. Trees as Low as anv First-class Nursery. A brauttfiH line of HOrilEBY Î •GIVE rs A CALL. Consi'Winrf uf U m I«* an«l Silk. Nurseries a! east end of Bridge. OIAiVES H XNl>KEHCH 1 EFS CORNETS S<> easy ’tis to counsel r«mignation. When «>ther firenhlea own the vacant chair. When oth«*r hearts are filled with d<«solatioa, An«i other forms bereavement's sablea w«tr. S«> wu.) ’tis. to sh . v W u * sun is burning Behind the cloud that darkens other lives; But «>h, so hard to wait the long lane’s turn­ ing. Where Grief departs and Hope once more revives. It is so hard, when every nerve is throbbing And tortured matter will not t»e forgot, Our nights of sleep, sweet boon of nature, rob­ bing, T«> say. “Thy will be done. I «luestion not.’’ It is so hard to lay without repining Our cherished h«»uaeho)d idols ncath the s«»d. T«» rtee our fond «-st hopes an<1 joys d«*clli»ing. And humbly bowing, kiss the chastening rod. NURSEKIEN ! Knit ani As cbctp So tai’) t»M, Hhrn other back«* arc bending II -ncath thrcroKH, to feel that all Is beat, That sweet with cerry bitter draught in blending. When Sorrow’s cup to other liim is pressed. It brings no balin.'tb«* wounded heart rellev- I That human lives bvfor«* have been the BMBR. To know that other hearts are *ad with griev­ ing. That other heads ar«* b«nl eoo nt Ilea, It therefore otTer. the beat Indneeaeati lo ad ver 11 aera, «tur list la prlaetpally eoollued t— Jaehaou, Josephine nnd Hlaiaatti eauutlea. Rnalnea» men alwaliltak« note of thia. W’e have removi’d our Nurm'rhs to Med- ford, where we have secured New Ground, the 'Tis time alone can heal the wounds that Sor­ row wot 1 of which in a Mandy loam, enabling ua without irrigation to grow lu althy. thrift) Inflicts on all, whatv'er their race or «Teed, tr»**a witt» an abundance «»f fibroin* lateral The livid Hears will fad«« with «*v«»ry morrow. root* without heav) tap r< •<»(•«, to be cut »wiy And ceas«1 ncath every < areleHM touch to bleed. In digging. We offer — M bs . H. A. D eming , in 8. F. Bulletin. Of ikwnNorn Or,»w »n i*rv nrrvi i uif"rin.*l that .i> *a tltt..u to a .arge nu t { r«ul une ot add«d hh Ì s , I IO ADVERTISERS. D i» HAMMON BROS. THE LAQIES ..OC TOBER 17, 1880 It is ho hard to b«*ar life’s burden* meekly. A m o'er its ways we toil with weary feet. To bravely breast its a«ivvrse winds, nor w«*aki) Sink down and taint lx Death the biting sleet. THROUGH TICKETS i"‘U><'inr., EAST A SOUTH. I or Tiuk> •uaud icilorinati»»n regarding rates. UMM. uLv. • Company * »Urut atMcdfurd. ,uui L L r KUUBUV*. K • 7? WOHHLLK. HaiiíSbít-r. rtt. G Gj E. * P. Ag't. Arti. FUI PAY MEBFOKI». OREG »N. ALL SORTS. Marion county's tax levy this year. is 21 mills Tl e bill for the repeal cf the Timl>er Cuhure Act failer* t«^> nutn»T'»iH t » men­ tion. I tmve aLs*» arvd the rva’« s of a Ttie lmly relected from Oregon, a* one of the board of manager* lor the World's Fair, is Mrs. Mary I'ayton.of Salem. FiaST-CLASS DRESSMAKER And a»n new preim-.'d t«> execute au or J«*r«« in that Uue in first-cla-*s aryI» ar reaaona- bie rat***. (.’all and «••«* me oppT I k Price, ‘Seo p..r h , L« Hlihan aG Man Rultaam No.,‘J ■ M v mAt.-tn, Fam* in th.« !Un«•< F*.n< in the lifA-t b.v k f t th-* Nt-«.k, I 1 erated Sore Throat, S.v ph.ht c Lump« and con­ tract« d ( ori « S’.ffiHwH the Limb.n, an i eradicate« all d pure an! healthy Pi ice >3 OO per I ottle. Le Hichau’s Golden *»• un|»h Anti­ dote f r t‘. • cure cf Gonorrhea, Gleet, Irritati'ri Gravel, and aH Vrinsrv or Get:!» tai dD-arrangvmcnU. Price 94 50 iwr Bottle. Le Hlchau'« Golden Bpanhh In«. J»*ctic n, I rec jre . ivccf G >n >rrb , a , lnlUmm.. per Hottie. Le Hichau'« Golden O:ntment for the eff «t.vc h*a..n^cf Svphil.tic Sores, ral Contractor in sm: OR 0RANITÎ Ceniiier/ W dm a Specialty. Illi R h H ARD" DRUG < o . AGENTS. SiVanu .'»II Mrtik' i « !»Hn Fruncibco. ( al. ----- ('irculars «« nt fret*.----- ANDERSON CREEK. THE STAFF OF LIFE I S. S. SMITH, Prop’?. (' diiornia peach pits are selling at *3 a bushel in the East, which did not this year grow peaches enough for the need. Keginald Burchell, who enticed hi* y< ung English countryman to a Canadian Hwamp, ai d murdered him for £500, ia renteneed to be hanged November Uih. The .Mu tnon ah couti’y grand jury found a true bill against the mayor and ■ltv council of Port and for j tintly main t.ining and operating a nuisance in the shape ot a cremator for burning refuse matter. It is not generally known that a «ingle tnou-e turned looee in a grocery window w ill catch more flies in a single evening than tiv paper cutches all day, and be­ side* be eat* them and don't leave them lying around looee. In the mat'er of railways Japan a|e pears to l>e going ahead tolerably fast. Considerably over 1,000 tuiles are al­ ready in operation, w title an equal qutin- ti'y are under construction or surveyed, and will l>e opeu within a year or two from now. Ti e National Guard of Oregon held no encampment thin year »»cause they had no tent* and could not borrow any of the government. Iowa, Michigan. Vermont, »'ennsyivania and Wisconsin have all held encampments this year, »reeaime thsir state* furnish their militia witti tents. Ttie constructors of our new cruisers are now devoting tl eir attention to the plans and sp. cificatioiiB for the three HE SVIlSi-HlBEH TAKES PLRASI KE IN gr.at baitle ship* amt swift three-screw cnrsvi» ,Iix iu»t Illa st—»in wm »-« ui U i » n . w , ,.n full time »nil turning out n large AViNG RECENTLY BEEN REFITTED witt cruiser, bids for the construction of which of «umber. He la prvpwred to till—il *11 modern improvements, are now turning w It be < p ned the first of next month. . r< w 1 to llspntcn. »nd —t me m Mt resaoua- »ut a nrHt-clrt»H article of flour, winch le put uu in Tin *e ves-ela, it is calculated, will place ■ ,e rat«—. A floe qus.lty ot barrel nackn. and every sar< is warranted to «<>ntain 4W pounds of tt<»» r If you «ion’t behexe tn circulation *15,000,000. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. this, just c«»mpar»« a sack of our flour with any The Oroville .Verttiry says that six other brand «»tiered for Hale in this market,and IrvohsV-ng the «-Mt runtlc, celling «nd flooring no««» the difference in weight. young ladies of Gridley.who are camping A>rnl»n.»i on »bort n- .tlce. at the fatuous summer resort Yankee 11 ill - I^SgnsfiK'tlon guaranteed. svtlTll ta< kled a band ot goats one day last Constantly on hand and exchanged for wheat week to milk one. They singled out an animal wiih long horn* b-eauee it would lie easy to hold. But the goat wouhinj milk—it wasn’t built that way. Hsrm* Hiliieii * **« of Itarlo, liotUr» to mj miti 1 «iHv*. Mpart ovro lAoturilny to Itoli lituifor General Bidwell’s ranch at Chico is en.ronu'r«. Tho Work —iti b* dono on vhort eighteen mi.es in length and three in notino. *o th*t lArti** e»n rotnm with thoir on. The entire crop has been sold to G. KAKEWHK1 Eastern buyer*. The orchard will lie in­ creased by 700 acres next year. There is an eighty-acre nursery on the place. Tki* — *11-11*.i—n haws— has h«.*n rebuilt wrh Urick sod ar-atly eularg.*», beside* be'og Repairs Neeiled — Mi-tress — Mary, what are you doing with that clock’’ NEWLY FURNISHED* Mary with the servant's bed room clock U 1» cent r..lF V m the tius'n.s* part..« Cannot be •uccessfully trave'ed with­ under her arm,—Blaze, mum,oi'm taktn’ t«»w i a fl « g«»«»*i—tMinpi«* rt’Oin for r«»inin» r- out good health To roach wealth or any it to a watchmaker's. It's all out-av- vUI t’lrtveh.n*. ««* fiu-ti up in c»nt»«'< tt«»»i tb* r»- coveted poiilioH in li'o requires the full with Th* tabi«’i«con»ti*htly f«rni»i><'«i with order mum, every mornin' at foive possession ard operation of all the fac­ th- beat the mark* ! xtf .rd«* o'clock it goes to paces, an' makes such E. K BHIORTMAM. Prop. ulties kind nature has endowed us with. a racket I can’t sla|ie.—.V. »’. Ilrst/y. A*hl«n.-p<.t f. .r graded orb <>r addrv*. I* ’’ wr.i.. Town-Si«* Agent P. K. K..S»» »ranclacn. ---- ASK FOR— THE BOSS BOOTS And all of akin , sellinc UNRIVALED & CO.’S ROODS Greenville, S. C., Oct. 7.—Bill How­ ard, who is under sentence for the mur­ der of a confederate in the moonshine whisky business over a year ago, escaped from pri-on here this morning. How­ ard's wife was allowed to spend the night in the cell with her husband. In the morning Howard, dressed in his wife's clothes, came down the stairs of the j.iil with an infant in his arms, and, Dav ing the baby at a relative's house, fled t eiore the jailor had discovered the trick that had been placed on him. ZCeirnrrf ! AC TO $10 A OH n JT Agents Wantedl CillTUMFta* « t.OOO BrewiG r1» »afvty Rein Holders «Iven away r« lntnMJuc«tb«m Beery hor«« owner bnv» fron» I to 0. Lin«« never und«»r bor««e’ «»nd 16 c«nu» in «tamp« I« I'«* po»ta«e rt'»d PMl'M for Nickel Plated Sampl«that *«K«Cor45 cu. BrewtUr Mfg.Cn>. Hally. Mick. nN CONSUMP'r|d I p certain if reasonable effort is made to cure a cough by the use of DeWitt’s rough and consumption cure. This remedy it* correct and certain in its action and costs no more than unreliable preparations. In­ sist upon having it. For sale by E. C. Brooks. >50)1,000. to loan. S&OO.OOO, By J. H. Whitman of Medford, »»n im­ proved farm security in Jackson county, at th? best rates of any loan agency in the county DR.JORDANS Museum of Anatomy 571 G» ary Si., San Franclco. T ami team bew to avold ! ‘ »n-i > • m * ■ i'i • . rf‘ I ot«»i zj X'- ~ <’••7 i ««> A > ’ •» ' i A-. NF. Ol I JKT1I Bl XTH S’ ♦ ? • r f P i S £ _ i.- __ When Baby wai nkk, we her Caatoria, When «!»«• was a Chib!, she cried for Castoria, Exchange! Exchange!! When «lie became M ur , she clung to Cast<>ria, NOTES AND NEWS. ÀurUïtA. .'Ulfl* -ot-rt GUAPE CCLIVEE. The farmers, says the Huron, S. D m The Orcjoniun baa more than once htiraliti, are told that the MeK'nley tar­ referred to tile fact that with proper util­ iff hill was frstned in their int-rest, ami ization of our nalui-1 advantage* of auil ......... I i ami c mate O-< gon ought to rival Cen­ The height of the new $75,000 bridge i in proof of this they are ref«*rred tu the a'-roes the Will imett^ at Albmy will be I protection given them bv the inert ase I tra' • .i W< etern N.-w Y .rk in the ex duties on agricultural prod.ids. I.e( u* Í ti t . • 1'iie ami quality of its grap>- crop, about 76 feet above low-water mark. see how the claim will bear inveetiga- j it::-. • ear the tuxiv imlea of vineyard* The czar is ths largest of all living | tton. The duty on curn has been in 1 that ekirt Lake K-uka, N. Y., Iictween landed proprietors, owning •an estate c-easerl from 10 cents to 15 cents per Hamiuondaport, Pleaeant valley and which is neatly equal in area to the whole bushel in order to protect the farmer Penn Yan, will produce not lea* than of France. from the importation of “pauper labor 8000 tons of grapes from about 12,000 to corn.” The total amount of corn im­ 14,000 acres. These grapes are Concord*, The new bridge at Klamath city, Cal., ported for ¡he fiscal year 1889 amounted Catawba*, Delawares, the very va» ÍH- will span the river in a short time, ti e to 2,401 bushels. The exports for the tie* of table grapes tbat are so (•asily material Iwitig ail there and work ready same time were 80.582,929 bushel*. raised in O h gon. The other great for the Carpenters. How thankful the farmers ought to be grape-growing district of New York The deciduous fruit shipment over the for the increased protection against for­ state is in Chautauqua county, where i San Francisco lines for the season, up to eign corn ! On corn meal the duty ha* last year three or lour little villages October 7th, amounted to 2450 cars, been doubled, the present rate of 10 soli! *800,000 worth of Concord grapes, about 10,000,000 jsjunds of fruit. cents per bushel being raised to 20 cents. sending them to the Chicago market. The necessity for this additional protec­ The question is often asked wl.ethei G. Gunderson, who was arrested by a tion is evident when it is known that w ine can be made from these grape* to Bheritl' in Washington, wl;o lielieved him 39H bushels of corn meal were importeund the greater por­ Ives being among the contestants. more protection against those 18 bushels. tion of the crop ia sold for th“ table, and Washington, October 10.—This after­ The duty on wheat has been increased the surplus is made into still and spark­ noon Justice Samuel F, Miller of the Su­ from 20 cents to 25 cents per bushel. ling wines. There is no reason why preme Coutt of the Vnited States was The farmers will lie grateful for thi*. Concord and Delaware grapes cannot stiicken with paralysis and is now in a Last year no less than 130.659 bushels lie grown in Oregon in quantities enough serious condition. Ho will not survive eaine in to compete with the home pro­ not only to supply the markets of Port­ long. duct, ot which 46,4!4.128 btlsfuds were land and the Soun 1, but those vi I I il.o exported. Wheat flour is to pay an art and Montana. H-.oie day Oregon will There will be a reunion of the Sharon valorem duty uf 25 per cent, instead of have a grape-growing industry as valua­ heirs in San Francisco next month. By The impo'ts were 1,156 ble as that of Ohio and New York. We the adverse decree of the cruel court, 20 per cent. barrels and exports 9.374.803 barrels have'he soil. the climate, the abs.-nc,- Sarah Althea will l>e counted out of the The American apple crop must be pro­ of spring and autumn frost,all the essen­ family gathering and also out of the to successful grape growing grand dividend of the estate which is to tected. There has been no duty on ap­ tials ples, green, rip—or dried, hut the Amer What is wanted is systematic, skilled follow. ican oicliar l is to have the protection of viticulture. It is reported that Clark, the biggest 2 cents a pound on dried apples. Last T he B ill of P rivation —Tim Mt-Kin- hop-grower in Washington has refused 50 year we exported 942.406 barrels of green Its roHitlt- cents a pound for his crop this year. apples ami 22,102.679 pounds of dried ley bill tin* gone into t-ffoct. It lias matte living Hops are hopping up. The German apples. We impo'tdi not an apple nor art* already felt. market lias advanced from 30 to 40 marks, a pound of dried apples. Ttie duty on harder for every man in California. an advance of 33’3 per cent. bacon and hams has been increased The price* and necessities ami comh rfs from two to five cents per pound. The of life are rising ; but do wages show any The McKinley hill will give complete iin|*irt* were 215,575 fiound* and ex­ sign* of rising with them? W<- have t.o federal protection to every trust tn the ports 400,224,646 pounds. On beef, pork information to that effect. The Califor­ country. As long as state laws against and mutton the present duty is one cent nia KepubllcHiiH denounce trust*, b - trusts are thus superseded by federal per pound; the proposed duty is two cause through their operation ‘ the n laws, protecting them, th y will control cents. The imports were 515,575 cessities, comforts and luxuries of life in business and in politics in spite of l'hat is pre­ liounds and exports 286,991,121 pounds. are enhanced in pt ice.” popular protest. It is as plain *8 a pike-staff that the cisely the i ff t” of the McKinley lull, Tlie *11,000 insurance money held ................. in farmers are suffering because of want of anti therefore the McKinley bill i.-> the Fireman’s Fund company on the protection on their corn, wheat, oats, equivalent to a trust. It ih more— t is state pilot schooner, Governor Moody, rye, bacon, beef, pork, corn meal and equivalent to a dry year, a visitation of which recently met her fate on the rock* apples. They are burning their corn in grasshoppers, a snow blockadi—to atn- oil the coast, lias recently been paid. Kansas because 2,401 bushels imported thing that make- ttie comtitioiis of liie The insurance fund will*- used in pur­ ruined their home market. They are more arduous. The exa*i*-ra i ig part of chasing a new schooner at once. scattering their corn meal on the ground Hie situation is Hat the hatdrliips en­ liecause 396 bushels of foreign meal tailed are not Hie work of nature or of New York, October 10.—The intelli­ found its way into the country; they aecitlent, but of the delilierate perver­ gence that O'Brien and Hiilon succeeded Ttie workingman who blew themselves to pieces with dried sity of tnan. in escaping was received with joy by apples and water because they had no finds his margin for saving g me and a Iiishmen in this city. I-ast night the margin of debt taking it* place will not t.intF fence to keep out the foreign ap leaders received the knowledge that i lee that had not sought admittance. have the Hatisfar tion of laying ttie l lame O'Brien and DiJon went from Dublin to They mortgaged their farms tiecanse on Providence. As this mea-ure of pr - Havre, where they boarded a Hatnburg- one pound of bacon was impoited for vation isdei lated to be in the intel- * of Ainerican vessel. labor our advice to workingmen i* t • every 1,500 exported. take full advantage of it. L-t even The trouble in the latndon stock market, which has at length culminated lu a Wist maii Rtunzi.L. —Wiitenialt Rid­ man who works in a p ote< te.l n.d.ietrv panic, is owing chiefly to a scarcity of dell, the heroine of the Modoc massacre, go to his employer and te I him tliat t in money. The market had burrowed more ha* been granted a t*>nsion of *25 per cost of living h i* tn en im r<*ased by ti e than the amount coming to it from the month for life. In 1873, General Canby McKinley bill, and tliat tie wants the quarterly dividends, and the Bank of and a force of the Vnited States tiooi* increased wage* that were promised in England has a tiled to the scarcity by its were engaged in a campaign to subdue leturn. Stiotil i lie nnet with a r-fn-al A~ the Modoce. These Indians led by Cap­ let him remember ii on election day. recent |«oiicy of high rates on loans. for ttie worker in unprotected industtie*, tain Jack, had taken up almost inipreg Allot: Vale is the only city in Oregon whose employer is as badly off ns turn­ nable po-itiuna in the lava beds. Acorn • hat has no kick coming on the census. mission was »ent out by the governtneu* self, the only tiling (or Idin to do is to go Enumerator L>entnan found 102 people to negotiate peace. At the head of tire to ttie polls and vote against the party within o'tr corporate limits, which figure coinmissirrn wasl'olonel A. B. Meacham. that lias reduced wages bv reducing largely exceeds the wildest estimates The interpreter ¡or the commission was ttie'r piircli.ising power — Er,mi' ,er. that had been made. No other incorpo­ a man named Ridtle'l. Hrs wife was a rated town in Oregon can size up (or down Modoc woman named Wrnemah Riddell. A T rain 10) Mu r> —The South­ to it. This is an increase of 5,005 per Tne commissioners offered amnesty ern Fa«*itic Company w li Fiavt* in »ved cent., on the census of '80, and is as anil the Modocs sent back fair promises. SOO,(RM tone of w heat Hom l ul.iie c .unity gratifying as cash subscribers. Several overtures were made and each by the end «>( the reason. What those Hie tariff barons are happy in the time Wineniafi warned the commission­ figures imply may lx* better nnderHtnod knowledge that they don’t have to put ers that tire Indians meant trickery. La­ by «bowing what the work of moving up money for the Republican party tuts ter came a proposition from the Modocs the wheat mean«. It will take 1ÔJMU year Assured of a tariff law that gives (era council, at which a half a doz-‘n on cars at an average of twenty ton tO the ttieni all they want, and of a Republican each side should apts-ar unarmed. The car. This number of cats, if «oupl «1 in senate that can prevent therepeal of that Modocs repeated the request for a coun­ one mighty tiain, would reach lOOmilrs I> vi led int< lsw for years to come, thev are f< cling cil next day and ssid that if the talk war or from Tulare to Merer«!. pretty well, thank votl. This is one of satisfactory they would all come into trains of thirty cars each, it would takt Riddell went be­ 500 engines to pull this grain to tid» tl e questions over which there is oppor­ cainp and surrender. fore the commissioners and told again water, and that i«ul»out the wav it will tunity for Mr. tjuny to miscalculate. With six men to a train, it of Winemah's warnings. He said to the be divided. Albany Or. . October !».—A serious commissioners that if the m-eting will be seen that a small mmy e set in motion at one tmi“. o'clock to-day. Doe Logan and Harvey L»r. Thomas, of the commission, re­ Ward, I Kith of whom were intoxicated, T hk mystery Ji lt created sneli a pro- fused to believe t! at there was danger. quarreled over a game of caids, and They insisted on keeping the appoint­ found liueh around ttie burglarized ealt Logan .-lasl ed Ward in the neek, cuttit g ment ami going unarmed. A conference in ttie fiiet national bank at The Dalles his throat from ear to ear. The wound with the Indians was held, (ieneral is now as clear as a settled hank bal­ is a bad one, an l Ward will probably Canby was asked to withdraw the troops ance. The Mongolian is a better bur­ die. Logan has been arrested and is in All Gum. n His refusal was the signal for the mas­ glar than was sup|>o*ed. jail. sacre, Canby Mini TF iuiiihh were shot t'liniainan implicated in the robliery. dead. Colonel Meacham fell with two has confessed that it was an ex-convict C. I’. Huntington has left New York for San Francisco, and will not return bullets in his body, and a brave bad named Chin Chin Sing, whom he har­ until after ttie general eleerioD. His de­ torn a portion of h:s scalp off, when bored, that did ttie skidful work under parture, following so soon after that of Winemah rescued him and carried him ttie bank vanit and got away with *'t. ski minus the few hundred tliat lie gave to Stanford, gives tnoie confirmation to the back to camp, where he recovered. other Chinamen as t>u-li money. The reports of conflict l«tween the capitalists, S tay O it or run K it .— Here * a siit- robber and his pal, supposed Io he in and it is ex|iected that the fight will in­ clude a contest for control of the Southern niticant liiei'lent. A few werks a^o the San Francisco, are being vigorously Pacific company. Reports are current Chamber of Commerce appointed five of hunted. that Stanford and Crocker have joined the live biminei-H men of Portland to rep­ A Ripe Old Age resent it in this matter, and these gen­ bands. tlemen addressed a letter to Commis J. If Holcomb ami wife. «>f It* ■t. r v.H. . It seems that Oregon is not alone in stoner Wilkins, askimt for a conference. Tex , h ive crleirrated ttieir tilty tifili wen- her condemnation of the recent census , . nnd are still líale mut The replv, from the “Forks of the Wil­ ding anniversary, taken by that prince of bunglers, Porter. lamette,” duly forwarded by stage and hearty. Th*'se. ret of iheir letig Ille and A howl is going up all over the country, tram, was written in lead pencil on a goO'i tiealtli is that they cur met ai y slight ailment promptly, and in that w.iv avoid which may yet re-ult in the June census piece of brown pa|wr. They thought serious sickness Icke most every one else, b«nng declared a farce and a failure and this was flying pr.-ttv high, lint were to­ they are more frequeiitly troubled with new census taken, this time by nt-n of tally unprepared for the magnificent cuni-lpation than any other physical dis­ business integrity and worth, by men ideas the commissioner developed when order. To correct this they take Si Pat­ who have something else to recommend they met him. With much enthusiasm, rick's Pills in preference to any other, be­ them than mere devotion to partisan but in a somewhat cautious tone, as cause, as Mr Holcomb says. • I li< i are a politics and party interests. mild pill and, besides keep Hie whole sys­ though he feared the effect of the shock tem in good order. We |o z- them very In a recent type writing contest in upon their systems, tie said that in his highly." For sale by l>r. J. Hinkle, Cen­ opinion Oregon ought to spend |20,(XHt Pittsburg, the champion, E. J. Manning, tral Point. ami <•. H. Ha-kins, Mrdford executed 1.81 words a minute. The copy on her exhibit. As the committee had been discussing the practicability of was turned out clear and with but few­ motfurg errors. As the o)>erator's nimble fingers raising $25O.(MX). they managed to retain Castoria is recommended by physicians flew over the keys there was a whirl of their breaths. Nothing at all creditable for children teething. It is a purely vege­ machinery wiih a sound like thousmds to Oregon can f>e expected through the table preparation, its ingredients are pub­ Live men, lished around each bottle. It is pleasan- of shot living dropped into a pan. The medium of such officials. high speed attained can be better under­ with modern ideas and a comprehension to the taste and absolutely harmless. It stood when it is stated that Mr. Manning of wliat the fair will be and what must constipation, regulates the bowels, quiet made seventeen letters in a second, a be done to attract attention, should pain, cured diarrhoea and wind colic, al There is lays feverishness, destroys worms, and statement whn-li, incredible as it seems, have this matter in charge. prevents convulsions, soothes the child no particular objection to this gentle­ is well attested. and gives it refreshing natural sleep. Cas- man trotting back and forth between toria is the children s panacea—the moth The English government has advanced Oregon and Chicago at the government's rrs’ friend 35 doses. 35 cents. the Midland A Great Western Railway expense, although men that would com­ ——---- • ■ Company, of Ireland. £400,000, to enable mand more prominence for the state in Ho! fur Butte ( reek. the company to build lines to connect ttie management of the fair might have The undersigned will eave (’citral Point the coast with the inland markets in dis- been selected ; but there is a decided ob­ for Etgie Point, Brownsboro, Ltae < r-ek ties cd districts of Ireland. The Tele­ jection to entrusting to him ttie man­ amt Big Butte every Monda\. Wednesday graph says that the help afforded the ¡mor agement of the state exhibit. It would and Friday, returning next day. end carry­ tenants by this opportunity to procure be fatal to do so. We cannot atlord to ing the mails.us also va,f Shore. I. F. W ILLI A MH worst w inter months and procure potato seed in the spring. Fisheries along the I n the go<>d old tunes when Cleveland coast will Ire developed by the facilities was president of the United States, afforded bv the railroad company to illegal private raid* upon the treasury, trans|s>rt fish to inland towns. winch were manifestly robbery for the Yokohama, Septemlmr 25.—The souls so-called purpose of paying unjust private of t'lOO Turks were launched into eternity pension claims, were promptly vetoed, from the wreck of ttie Ertougroul off the < .rover courageously assuming the re­ Now, on the contrary, island of Oshima on the evening of the sponsibility. lii'h instant. Vice-Admiral E. Osman Harrison sneaktngly permits such dis­ Pasha, who was commander in-chief of honest measures to become laws t>y the the vessel, perished, together with mete withholding of his signature, too nearly all of his staff, including Ah Bey, cowardly to veto what lie is well aware Captain, who made no effort to eave him­ is a premeditated attack on the public self, and Rechad Bey. his Flag Secretary. purse. If these pension purloinings are The vessel was unseaworttiy when she permitud to continue without protest, started from Constantinople to bear a it won't take long to bankrupt th* decoration from the Sultan to the Mikado country. about a year ago. The w reck was due to C um si ky D kpew told the farmers of a boiler explosion, which rent the ship in New York at the recent state fair that he twain and blew many of the Turks to believed we were near the bottom atoms before they bad time to drown. of the grade of agricultural de­ pression, and will soon begin to climb up the other side. The rush of the ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mrs Winslow’s .Soothing JSvrup should children of the farmers to the villages BlWHya be used for children teething. It and cities was increasing ttie ranks ot soothes the child, softens the gums, allays the consumers enormously, and out of all pain, cures wind colic, and is the b*st all proportion to those of the producers. la England, two centuries «go. popular su­ remedy for diarrbiva Twenty-five cents The inevitable result was that within a perstition credited the ••Royal Touch” wifb I curing scrofula. Theeo superstitious prac­ a bottle. brief period the farmers of the country tices have now become obsolete, and in th«'tr will again find within our own borders place we have a scientific remedy in Dr. Dog Ix*L and about their own homes a profitable Pierces Gok’iP Medical Discovery, which eliminates tb.e irnpurith-s from the blood bv The undersigned lost a red pointer pup market for all their products. the natural t-‘ innels, then-by cleansing tbo •ystern from taints and impurities from near Knox s place in Murpbv precinct, whatevor cause arising. It is truly a royal Josephine county, last Sunday, for the re­ Take it Before Breakfast. remedy, world-famed and the only liver, lung turn of which he otters a suitable reward. and blood remedy guaranteed to benefit or For further particulars « all on The great appetizer, tonic and liver regu- cure in ever-’ case, or money paid for it will ator. In use for more than 50 years in be refunded. As a regulator of the Stomach. J. T. B reeden Josephine County, Sept. 23. l««i England. Positive specific for liver f m* Liver and Bowels. “Golden Medical Discov­ plaint. Bad taste in the mouth on rising ery ’’ cures all bilious attacks. Indig.-stiotj and in the morning, dull pains in the head and Dyspepsia. Chronic Diarrhea and kindred ail­ Great Mcgtt! back of ili«‘ eyes, tired feeling, d zziness, ments. As an alterative, or blood-purifier, It manlftsts Its marvelous properties in the Why don ’t you cure thatcough ? DeWitt a languor—svmptoms of liver compla’nt. cure of the worst Skin sod S< ali> Diseases, cough ami consumption cure wi,l do it. Remedv—Dr. Henley’s English Dandelion Balt-rbetim. Tetter, E«'zenm, and Scrofulous 1 his remedy is |*Mitively certain, prompt Tonic. Relieves constipation, >harpens the Bores and Swellings, as well as Lung-arro**..la. and thoroughly satisfactory. II you have appetite and tones up the entire system. commonly known as Pulmonary Consump­ tried it you know this statement to be a r thirty-four - k- 1 • I > *n«i wni ai»- i»iy at th« Pho« nix mill by adding two pound«. Pile»! Plleg! Itching Pileg. I am now ready to buy or store, or take in «toreon excliaiig*1, ail) Hinount « tT* r» «l. S ymptoms -Moisture; intense itching and or Rale. \ \ DAVIH • singing; inoat at night; worse by scratching. Mure« --or t«» D avis A FliAM F It all-.wtil to continue tumor* form, which I w<» thons.'tt'd bushels of wheat, one often bleed and ulcerate. b»i-otning very sore thon-and bti-sheh of barb')’ an<1 one sp^n 'WAVSE’rt OINTMKNT tatopM th«' Ilchllig Hlid of.ruatche«! bay hcrseM. w- II broken to har­ ♦ eliiw, heals ulceration, and in tn«»at carte« APCGTC I l U LIBI.RAL SALARY AuCnlO 1* X11 • At L • f" fiMVtl. remove« the tumoys. At drug>‘ne^Soif,'rbilotfel. J»ckbon%fe Fruncí. T the mkinley bill . MISCELLANEOUS. It is hard to get money on trust, but you can burrow trouble without arduous toil. RESIGNA riON. FORTHECURE OF ►yr. GENEfiAL die ^cmocratir aims Library for Sale. An excellent -econd-harid library, iu good order, tor siile st a great raenuce. For partici! ar* call on or address Drisor a S ti v BT, C o d Hill. i H you lave Inadatte try1 Freston's'' Red I au . S5OO R eward is offered by the man­ ufacturers of Dr. 9«g«’e Catarrh R«m«dy, for ________ a case of Catarrh in the Head which they CAOnot cure. By its mild, soothing, and b«-ai- tn< prufK rtic I. Dr. Saga's Remedy cure« the SPORTS r*, í V LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. RIVERSIDE Notice for Publication. NURSERY! hurts a :: d ills u.c-.t« MISCELLANEOUS. Graut'e Pass Or.. h»IXi Prop, Lz A Large. N<>u-i. « ¡¡rated bt< ck ■ - Jl, - ic . j SMALL FRUITS, ROSES AND SHRUBS. "Soreness 'J,? ;f CI3ŒEE» Athiotofi end n:-. *r ncn t - o It. THE C112S. A. Vogler Co. I I I Executrix’s Notice. Apples, Peaches, Pears, Cherries Almonds, Plumbs, Nectarines, Quinces, Apricots, Walnuts, Blackberries, I Strawberries, Currants, Raspberries, Coosebcrrios and Crapes, ; rsre- r-r ■r'«3Ka.!3S' i L and O ffice at R Hi« d iiolitu « >i hln mt< ntioii to make Huai pro«>t in suppuri <>f bl« CiMHD, and that Mild pru«4 will b* iiim H« I m -- for«' the judg«'. «>r hi bin atbavnet*. belorv the i hrk <»f t h«' county e«»urt of Jac-keon county, Oregon, at Ja«-ksunvilie, Or« gon, ou hatuiday . UcU/h«'t irt. IM«J. viz; Georg« is niiinpt, hoiuc- Rtrau entry No. 51117. lor the bW. V4, of NE. ‘-4. N^ofbE. ‘4, and th. u! bE ^4 ut Hee. 10, tp 40;*., K.2U . H«.' natncbthc following witricswe» to prove Inn continuum* 1 < y * j (1« ih « upon and cultivation of ->iid land, viz. John Kicbardr*. Pillili ».‘ave, Fr«’dtam« i»t <»1 John <)rth, d«-ceub<-d. bail'd bvpt. 12. lew. At Lowest Prices. the riverside nursery Is lo<‘at<* k » h riv» r, on th« himick larin, an«! tn tin- bent and ck-am-ei noli in Sitili liryii Eultimoi the «-«tat« ducettF«.*!. hereby nmlci t>ignt-«t ha* beeu appoint’ d by I in’ N county court of Jackson count). Ui • »ton. Bit- i'{«TE-SS; Jriasjaaai M is Notice for Publication. I’MTtb S tates L and uffk i .. » Hoe«*burg. Or 36. OTH E IK HEREBY GIVEN THAI HIE iuliuwi m ti |« r hart fi'ud notice <«1 bln 11»t«-111:«jn ty uiake final |>r«»<»t in «*nj>purt «»1 Jiu.'k*<>n count). t''ph« n Bri-rj*, hoiii<>ttH«j entry 4*G. h»i tin '3% <»f NW. i 4. NE >4 * NW .'4 BU.! 'W.4 ui NE.k* ol s«c. 32. t|». U S. :» W. Hr num« t* thu lullowing w:t ih * mu to pr«v<‘ tub contlnuoiib rcHidt nee np«>n an«l culti­ vation ufnaid land, viz; Miivft S. Wuktmm. Daniel N'-atharncr. Lcwi.t Sifrrs. l(.«n-tin < alter, allot nu«r. Ja**kson < '•*..« >rrg »n. JOHN H MirFE.Unri-t. «. A. II. CAUSON. N REDLAND -I- NURSERY Six luih'b South of Grufil i* P h .- ih , Josephine County. Oregon. UHOfiU? . A II. CARSON i SON, Proprietors. SCROFULA 100 000 TREES IN SIOCK, I Apple. Pear, Peach, Plum. Pruue Apricot Nectarine. Chei-i-y. Almond. Chestnut. Walnut Or atlij DI. •'■ice it lf rt are Juß'itm-t1, / < h ?. row r, y»u can Le rrl ev I and Cund Ly Notice of Final Settlement in the County Court of th« Hatcof Or* gon, lor tu«‘County of Ja«*knr of U k cbtateof llu/nJ .. .- Ht«>n, d«v»'»wod. has îlhxl in th»' < .touts < <.u»t • it Ja. ktaoii county, Oregon. I iih final no-..uni a-- such ad mi n. st ratur, and bv onhi-.t sudì Court. Tuesday. D ccviii I ht 2. at tu. I»..u» ot 10o'clock a . M . It* s« t tor bcuritjg. Ail p‘ r (•on? mt« t .-st«««! arc b«-r«*by notifusl to H|>p* nr and tile hit* or her obj«x,tioiiH to said «• count on or bvfor«' aaid day. Publif.ii«-d by order of Hon. J. B. N« :l. Jud/- oí «aid court. MAX MI LLI K. AtitUiti -trator -d said «-.statt. I)at«-d oct. Ju. l-ÿti. EMULSION N OF PURSÌ COD L>V!ZR O!L With Hyp-jnhosnliites. PALt.TAßi.2 4S MILK. ■ «r* J let no f>o¡ .-l’ut i iiaiuce you to tilt M’l: VINES. < fitti \STs, (ID t.'iriEK. KIES. III.At KIIEKKIIKASPHEK- HÍE.S. STKAW HEKItlEs, FKIs. i/flintn. mlfcts, K.Y Assessor’s Notice Payers. to Tax- o’ll< E I.” HEREBY GIVEN III AT THE Board «»t EquahzatHn loi Ja« k’ n « n.n- «.»t Or«-g'»n. uill corn-« n» at fl»«- office of tin-county chrk in Jackrt«i :i LIVER PILLS. t ri 1*«■ Tti<) !»;<)<■ thrown awa) th«* u'ashlMard, k say the) wi uh «- nothin# but tie Ladies’ Choie - Washer MaiiiiLai 1 DO NOT CRIPE, SICKEN OR CONSTIPATE. Iman A. 1 - A 1 1" I* i ¡ tia.ix *••!i .••<] m».rtjzagG «. t,u nvurd. ú bu h.-v»- n-a.'.»« t< H“t (■• luy a> «ic tlu ii pr« Ju In-«'*, giv« our Wawln r a fair trial, and b< « iivinc«**! 1 in 1< is ONE wa«h«T 1 n t!>«• « 1 I th t will «F■ g«n»d w«>rk. W« li.'O « a « «unbinci M.u-lnn« . W hh I i - b«»ar«i.Tub an«i <*• «th« > Ba-k» t W» >« H the Wa-ln r '»n it«* own up nt««. D«-rt« riptin. In th«’ matter ot tlu-assignment • ! < . .1. E- rth ami J. W. Mil'er. a* partners, dot g bu- ; • umh r t lie Nty 1« K urtn A .Miller, ami a* uid'- viduaia ar«- insolvent d« iitora. I.F.SMITH AC0.Mwkrr.rf BILXBEASS $T LOUIS MO notice is hereby given that on 11 July ’Jfi, I?*'.*', the Mbove.nam«*d in* vent detitoirt. <’. J. Kurth and J. W M.lhr. a- partn« rs. h« r< to!«»re doing bmun« •»* a* K lint* A Miller. Mt Central Point, Ja< k-*on county. On-gon. mad«- a gen« rai HMiigtiiucnt to m, , n*,.- undersigned. D. H. Miner, tor the I h n« til ot hi . th« ir creditor*, under ami by virtu«-uf th* act of ti»«- ¡« gislative ass« mbty ot th, stm« Opens Septerrbor 12, 1890. o! Oregon. entitl««d An act t«» s«-cur< i«> creditor« a just division uf tin- estates <»1 dci»t«»rs, wlm convey to assignee« lot m«- b«-n- i p>UR count) \\ • 1 r c:«t lb«gU«’ t«i II L. ARNOLD. P kemipkni . Curvallis, Oregon. In the .¡u*tic< * Court «4 th«- Sluu ofih tgtu», for ti»«- county of Jackson, pnvitu-i «4 J:i«-krtonvilk*. Chart. Nick« H. plaintifi. ve >. J. F Edward", d«-. t« ndaiit; act ion to r« covt r m< n< y . To J . I . Ed w ard* 1 he ub«»v« -nntn«'«l «1« t • in in nt. iN I HE NAME <»l iHE>l A i LOF < »RL< < »N J y n ar«‘ in r« by rcquir« «! t«» a|q • .<» mi » u an*w« r the complaint ut tin ul»o\> plaintit! :n th«1 abuv« -cntitl« d «-«»urt. Dow on ft.'- with th«- Jurtticv of the P« a<« «4 *aid e«»ui't. within t« n (I hjh from the dat« of the *« vice ot this* Miinnion* up<>n y«»u. it mtv .4 in Jacksiui county. <»r«g<>n. but it *«ived iu any uth«*r county m th«- Mat«- «4 Or« g».n. ti.« n ’ with«.i twenty day» from the «lat« Ut til«’ KVrViC« <4 till*« bllUnuoUH Upi.Uk you; or it rt« rvvd on you «»ut <»t the Ntate < t Oregon, or by publication, then by th«- l.Mh day ol Nov« ini»« i. |rt*.pi. And you air in r« by n«»*tili**d tliat it you tail to api»«ui ami answ« r said complaint, as h«-r* by required, tin- plaint ill will apply to th«- court 1« i a ,’udg- m«'Ut agtuiiM you tor ti»«- * ui *. i ot ninety d<»Hara *nd twenty>five ceate 0BU.2B anfi for th»' « «•*(’ and disburrt« ui« nit* «if Hurt a« t »n, Pubindird in (he DEMO< HATH llMfs by order of W. J. Ply male. Just ice < f th*. F* ar«*, made on Sept. Given under my band thia ¿Wb day ot Stq . tiuiibcr, I*.«». (HAS NICKELL. Plaintifi. AND ALL OTHER DISEASES If You Have ¡ ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STATE of the STOMACH OR AN •r appetite. _ — - •- No Indigratlon. Flatulence, Kirk Il4«adaclir. " m H ruu down/* low> ln£ flesh, you will 1 lud LIVER. FOR SALE 3Y ALL Tutt’s Pills DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS LUCKEY &L CO., A 1 is Sept, intwr : me. ta<-undersign**d. Ji.<>. F. »' ’•. tor tin Io tivfit ot ail hisu'ixsdilorM.and» r and by .at v virtu« ;at v»- a ms « inbly ot the Mate of < »regon, «-ntit «4 An a«i secure t«» creditors a Just u of tit« crttaif ot debtor*, who come) t • a-- -•»• «■- forth«- benefit ol creditors." ;«| irovcl ’ tctoi" ’ Is. 1*7*. and t tic amendment -1 her« to. am »rut« d Frtuuai v 24. ISMTi. A;i «•’•• 4it«»rs nvil >. jackson county. Oregon, within tiirc* month* from tt»«- dat« ttu rvot. Dated lliis ldth dav of Octob» r, I-’*", I JNO. F. WHITE, i*. gti»« KISSING"717:70 INACTIVE 18&J tor t h«-purpo-«-of publicly < xamtning lb< A>- wbsnn nt Roll and correcting a'i .•rnu> lu \<«1- uation. de>cripf1on. qualifies <4 landt», .«.t* <,. • ifh»r P» op«-ri) . Said board wi I continu«- in ****'«>n tmin day to day until *.u«t i«.|j has l>e«-n duly evilinried. A putì.«, mt. t.-M.-d will fak« due notice and govern th« rns«-lv« s «<•<•«»rdingly . J..M < HILI»i.R>. . . . founty Artst*M-r. Ja«. k-( 'tivil.e. >« ;>t« tul»« t 2»1, I«1.»*. the remedy you need. They lone np the weak Moinaeli an«l build u 11 ttie eueraiva. bufferere from mental or physical over wook will 1 iu«l relief from them. Nicely «Ugar SOLD EVERYWHERE. ASHLAND, ORECON, Will Sell. Lease, K«nt and Handle REAL-ESTATE ON COMMISSION Cor. 3d and E Street«, PORTLAND, OR., A Choice Collect 1«m of. Containing 120 Room«. well lurnitdivd. ----- THE BEST----- Any perwon wishing to rtt’ll property will find ft to th«-h interest to call nn«1 It* ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE IN THE STATE. Free Sites to anâ from the Hotel. No Chin« s«' vu.pi<»yed and no deviation in charg« M« nl.-" • • <- uih ; lodging 25 <**-r.ts to Sficmta i Administrator's Sale of Real Property. lu the f'outity Court of the Stat« t the m I m . v <* entitled court, in the at»ov« entih« d matter. 1 will on Saturday, October 16, at the hour of 2 o'clock «4 said hhi . Mil m C public auction to the highest bidlluaing d«- S4«i lb«'t th«* u«»rti»u«'rtt «(itart' i, and tile noitiiwvrtt |' tnirty- >cv«-n S'., >"Uih, rang*« on«* I w« -i .4 tin- Largest and B -t Eqnipiied Scle oi for Wiliamett« Meridian, tog«-th* i with ail and I! >ys in Oregon. singular th»- improv« meuts aim n| purl« nan- <«c* th**r«*unto belonging. .AppraiM d at * > tnv undivhied on«‘-lialf int« rvM in Iht TERMS: south halt «4 norttu aMt qu»ut«‘r atu*. »•»«■ uorth-. Entrance F<*c ........... $-’» ,«u east quarter «4 *«»Uthea.-t quart«’»’ <4 M i tO4* B .nd .in . Washing an«! M« tiding fur i» n nonlb«. IS IM* south range. 2 u .-wi «»1 \t ilium« It* mrndian, —timber land. genu (M> AH la-longing t«>iU< rstateot Satnu« ! C< nt« «. Selioui will o|»«-n ''upt«»n»b' i 2d F> t ‘ tu tln-r d«a’cas4'd, aud situated in Jackson county. ìaitiLu .ii- api'ly to REV. I . DoMINK FS. (fregon. Dir* « tor of Col:«’ge. Term* ul sale—casb m hand. 1. M. CENTER. Administrator of «Mate «»1 >ainu< i C« ut««r. Da:« d tin* ’»tli ot ><-pt«-mb«*r. ItW. E. LEWISTON. Propriété 111. Angel College. • KNO FOR OUR CATALOGUE ano PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS. INDIANAPOLIS. IND. SKIN DISEASES MOORE ò CELEBRAI. D rCAE i«L•.£» * 2t Lil!* nil ’'ufjinun«(i< nan-! tT.taii.ib. Ì I-th« »tiv B.irc ■ ;< -tiv>« r of Mi> r«*l»t*M «.I oibti tìku» Carwitt« price. 25cer.t<« a Ron ELECTRIC B ELT Qi'Ô A V-* , -TUb (•ta lHc •‘••»Ji' it Cwt I 11 T’_ S. • oí 'I - ' ; wnhl at from /or^lor TIIKl'l bt it? t Convent ol SI. hml. ST. FAVI.. M akion C ofnty . Oll.» (’unducted by 77/r Si*t< pm of thi Holtj Xtmu t. Term* pavnbl«' p. r inontli «»r per annum in ««Ivane.-, ÌI .ur.i. tuition. b« Wa-umg i».-r !i <1. Mu*ic» \tn«. I ■» :uirtu-ular* »■ill“''* •’I" 1ER. M. VKTOR. Su|'« rinr« srt. cOR MEN ONLY! of Body and Kind, Effect« of Error«or ExeeMoa in Oidor Tounf. H«*«•*. B«bU ■ ANMWD r*l»y ■«•**^*rt- B»W «• ««lary* •«« MrweiUiM WlAl,CJ»MYILOFXDOX*.A5»OFABTOO» fool. a L«Û.X «rulla« HOU T«XAT«XMT-»^u L. • Oy. For Sale T W| 1 Ini It1; Hilt SAI.E 11 Hl THK MXT I tbri e inimtli*. < > ■ I - ■ r .|em** amt toitctuo. 1> i K-iiu'h shop, ttl- iup*. al*. ■ my Im 'o *- . * h ■ b i* "m- *■! rhe n-si paving in ttie <■ »uni y. I’art I. - -1* su­ ing toll I i‘"i matt ii a-tiprle.*. tirrn*. etc., w ill p" ase call "il me ill tru I'lac- "1 lai-'m-ss 'n Ja* ksopvtUe ifEOKOE HAVES. Jzeksorfvlile, June if. two. Pigs for Sale. FEW PoLANU CHINA PIG>. MI>SO( Bl -f' «ck. th-rttiiL’IHinil. Wiild<>V <-r'» « u th \»t|- any «ri ti» num* rt.uî» strain* now in «< h’). Appl) ... to Wm. Hohnr»*. Jíi« krtonvil¡«-,Or. fair partictilars. A Children fry fof Pitcher’s Castorhi