I ! I’KIWONAL MENTION. Thos. Harvey, a native uf Ohio, died at NEW THIS WEEK. District No 62 on Evans creek has let I th contract tor u neat, new ?ch*»ol house th? county hospital a short time since; ¿■LJ) age! 71 years and one month. He was Buy a White. Uni. E J banks was in Ashland sev« r:d to B. F. Tuber, the W««odvtUc bui'der. highly respected by all who knew him, days la*t week. Final Notice to Delinquent The White n» still king. J. M I’pbam of Butt? creek intends and leaves relatives in the northern portion Geo M. Love ha« return?»! from his ttip Of Jackson County, Showing > lit» A Y Taxpayers. OCrOPER 17 I* « wintering in **outh?'n Cultfurnia. He re­ of lhe county’. Jacksonville is tilling up fast. to Evans ere?«. Financial Condition from cently completed a fine burn »>n his ram h. ! The appearance of a t*in 61 covey of «juail Judge Finn has iriui m* 1 li<«’.n hi- t» ip to is hereby given that hie Head the new advertisements. Mr. R 'hinet’e th? w.«gun-maker, now April 1st, 1890, to Septem­ otice A CHANGE. «h-hnum-nt tax list of Jackson county, Ore­ < m cupie« ounrter? m the Inlow 4 Ashpuie in town on? day rrerntiv ?xc»tci1 c«)mment. ! Portland and ba rm gon. for issi». has I»» « it turn«*! over t«» mc.with ber 30th, 1890, Inclusive. S*-itie what you owe the S. F. Variety The birds were so nearly exterminated by With tl>is issue a change tak* s place in I shop at ka.-ie Point He is doing good n warrant from th*-Hon. (’»»uiitv I’ourt for tta J »*. Ruler of Little Butte precinct whs th? snow la.-t winter that with one accord the maoHgement of »h *» pap* r. the IT mi . s Store. work. IMMEDIATE! ’Ol.LECTION. All pi rm»m* who < in town Wednesday. sport-men have agreed t ot to molest the Piihu-hing C«» ?x in g t»y unit t»« n. Th» an-«»n aatd liHt will phwaecar at iny »»«<•• >n < urea whi e you wait—Pre »ton s ‘ H?»l- KE* "Ell* rs. Df. C. B. Darrin, « f the Drs. Darrin <*f few ihat remain. books have bt?n c*s.d’ »nl sutvhirt is Ake .In«-kstinvilh* and s»-ttl«' without furtfn-r delay, ( has G. RippCV of (’entral Point vi-iie l To CM‘h and warrants in Purtlur.'i, \isited A*»Llai d week, and will I m * - nt t» iii*«!ÌMtel> to nil indebt as I will b».- compelled to Mdd mtb-ug? «nd lw> One in seven years—the body is re­ Ja« k.son Vine this week. Tr* a-ury on April 1st, .-s prior i-» Li s i, imío in ,ar|\ , e upon the property of tb? said di*.iuqueiif«», iu Client continues dull nt Sue a bushel • w 11 make a j rutchbkiubl vi-it to the gr anite nt we I Th«- nl«,o»I must have th» element« $37 or»i»*r to enforce payment ot said tax. if not 1 ......... i.u-.ii*o: lb.- >o>H| a: y n.u-f be settled :w*fhh* is POSITIVELY the laxt call. No Pr» f Van H rn. the piano-tuner, will Sai>ap.»ri la cleanses and enriches th*‘ R »sf-burg slid Portland. “ ” “ liquor licen­ Wny sutlerPreston’s “Hed-Ake” will at oui ?. mor»- grace will hr given aft»-r Nov. 1. D9”. A not b? ab ’ e t<» vi*ii southern Oiegun this b.uou, and gives a new impetus to life. Mrs. H. D KuWi ia lining iLzrt »ml a cure y ou 200 uO ses ......... . T im km 1’1 Bl 1*HI5G CO. prompt compliance with the law will save lê how rcHlii» r warn'ng it • ur» a h.-uda* Le oiPy — Preston’s “lie d- Medturd. to the p?« pie ab»»ui the serious -on Ake ’ fc Miss Dr? Ankeny, an tmcompiGhed By -tat? tux» s pan! state Owen Ke?g n 1 uw «*<•« upies the r sniem e into (heir control. tK-.-ui’T . ... $12,854 .7.1 sequences wb • h wi.i follow ibe con’i >iieurt-li«»us?, having taken possession )a-t ih? court-house in Jacksonville next Mon ­ Cliff. Rail* ami wife of Bent'ui county cancelled . 29,997 til fn tiic matt«*r of th«* naugntn« nt of CmatHU- and by a |HTU*al <•£ it* pag<*, ’!*<’ reader lias as great a command over Wl b ’.i ilrvarfy Irfi tmiueiit. Ttlesdny. day, (he 21)1», to examine the assessm» nt ar? paying relatives in this section a visit. Bv iht»*re-t pai»1 on sa d tine Magruder and Herman fl. Magruder, onr prx'CH and assortments as tln.ugb personally at our counter»». It •- bughiirg iiia-k- iij..»it he tr e-inUulfa Donegnn of Eeagle made us a call partners, aaMagruder Brow, liiH«>lv» nt debt- warrants........... #,265 65 Cha-. Bennett ot Bg Apple,;at<*. who roll -ubmiticti by Assessor Childers ami to !. z i* ur more I »is i » i th- ••?■ ir I part ot la.* P. t iuetdav. bunder*« n R**e»l, the Port'am! struti»?y, is h minor of fashion, all the latest styles in various lines of merchan­ atten ptc«i nuic de recently, was -till alive tn k«‘ ai.y alteration*, cmrections, etc., was here Tu« d «y »m professional hminess. Transferee«! to school town. A y »n? wo»» w II tn -? th»* tr»mi»ie W' h KHF.AS THE t NHEItSIGNF.D. M. I’t lt- fund......... . 14,541 s | -n I ' a • f d \ ex Ill’ll.» l*H fvvea 'A 11 -, >. K. Taylor is building a new barn on I at la-t account?, but is probably dead by that may be n?».es*ary. f Oregon, sh* uld b? taken at un. e h»r tat quarantine entitled “An a» t to eccur«* to cr<*ii!or« a Just lo day, bia term ut imprisonment hav­ the nn.ney he lra*S 30 division of th«* »-Ntatirt ot dt btora wbu convey »nd heroic treatment of the lhe tots lots now citement < aused by the wreck on the Union huurt» in t«»wn one day this week. port.......... ................ Fruit jars am! jelly glasses at cost at the ing expired. Warrants drawn last fix Per-uns who bav? ‘ 1____ 8 F. Variety Store. infested, Pacific,south « f Starbuck. orchards • to aaaigneu« for th«* benefit of creditor»* ap­ An elegant line of gent's furnishing months as follow s : proved <)«•(. la. I*:-, ami am«*ndm -nta 1h«-r«to should be careful not to Admit to their Mi-s Gertie Bn oks la’e'v departed f«»r a G‘-o. W. Dunn of the upper valley re­ lengthy visit to h«-r »»Id hum? in Ma- a» hu- Sheriff, julur fees and ibe attendance at our district school goods, fur lhe f ill tra'le. has JU-t be-n re­ approved Fvl»y.24. all .*n J"*•»* scale up»»n it. 11 ba** hern « arned 67 John Doll ar hhl? of Ashland precinct signe«! a»slgn«*e. at Med/un . Onyon, within Jacob Thompson ami wi e am! G. H. H. C Lewis of Medford, pnying$8u0 tht-re- ♦XM) i« •1 J udge troni | aft* to p are by such means time was here on I u?nday thre»* mouth» from the dale tier«uccre»( in prevent­ Mil m H pill, bale pi l. Beat pi . Hr > ax »f«*t inv receipt tlicrefor. Cories M»*rritt, «M Portland, passed rtenool Mipcnntenuent . 490 o» • ing th- further Hpr« id of th? p?-t Prr-e at Kearnes A White’s. < >wing to the op|*o*ition of Rev. Robert K bated tbi» 17th day of O*t«»bet l«W). .-ells them. “ Janitor............. 170 00 v« r g an«! prr.'i’teir warfare mav possibly M' Lean ut Giant s Pass, probably the most through the valley last week on a tup to M. Ft KD1N. Assignee. Bring on that woo»! you promised us ou “ Commissioters 168 40 The ina ried ladies . Miller of Ashland visited the fund, wh ch will be st nt lo France 111 tiuv Pr?-lytrn.n college in southern Oregon Walker’s brunch boti*? nt Mr»lford, cal.ed <’ *u»nv Supervisors. 1,057 48 Circuit Court........... hiving be-n invadtd b» f re th? fair at P«»rt>ai»• »'■ on Monday. In the Circuit Court fur th«* Mate of Oregon, j nm k «* <’ »arts 331 35 iati. r was real z <1, *ays u>e ‘Tidings.’* t«>r the County of Jackson. When in Me iford d«»n t fail to call on 1). Eiwards Bros, of Medford report that J D« Rob»»;«in is enclosing the Little lot . . 473 35 Ehler Jas Huinm?r ami wife, a- »’< m- County printing MaruHivt J. Smith. Plaintiff, vs. Rob»-rt hi t< wu with a neat fence. T Pritchar»!, the j« wvler some miscreant removed and stole lhe pHiiied by their son Daviil, bav»- / m* e tsi .Sundry md gent pet sons Smith. Defendant. RehXloiU. pleasure in showing y«»u baiter* with winch their tram were-hitch?»! th»- I re*»- to Talent fr»»ni ( alif<»rnia. Hanford Mar*h vasstd through th? y«JI» y K »ads and biidges Htithoriii«-s shuul»! investigate un»l prompt­ IN THE NAME appear an« the above plain- ■xamini'.g teachers O »g<-i ha? a| poit.tr»! lhei»HHtorto pleach wa- in town on Monday last. the bo»>K« have been e.osed and must be Eggsan«! butter are scarcer than usual from baleni. i n 111 lhe alaive eutitle.1 dull, now on Hl> “ insane ... i . Mt -it«*r»l and drclareti lhe Preabyterian with th« untv <»n wild animals I agein. having formed a partnership with makes them » on>i»i?rat»le of a luxury here. v. Robert Ihw th's i | county-.-eat on Wednesday. Th* t».|.o-if g an the date of the survive ot thia amnmoiia upon Uolvig ar? m»w at Lakeview, where circuit Mi-cel tM’euUM.................. • Ge*». T. B win. •-rill ye »r : First you; ur it servi-d <.n you out el the «date uf .»pp< ;• ■ ii .pi.t* tor th« (ir*»« , rte-» ami |-r »via <»na of all kinds, 1 On? of the features of flic lat? fair, men ­ Mining records ............. court ii in t ession. The Centers plac*s was not sol»i last Oregon, or by publlvatton. then l>y the mat 1 Me* f«>rd nt 11 1 fresh, at Ream?« A White's. 8iib?»fcth uf ea< h n* tion uf w hich v * a.* ov« rluuked.was the parade i I A .«V ..1 the en’.uiua and regulat t< rm ot »aid s< c» nd S abb »th, o’cl»»ca \. M. am! 7 I’ Mrs. Fannie Love an Ì ‘.er «laugh'< r eft 8atur«l»y . a- advertised, owing t«» i?< k of <«t stock that took plate on Friday of cvurt.t.-wit th. IM day of H.eemtar Mkt; »2W 3.il 33 First-» cedar fence posts for »»'t- in bidder.*» ft sa.il 1«? »»r!»r»?*iat public -me M hti 1 7 I* M ; ( ?ntral I’on' at 11 «al you ar< In r< l>y notified that if you fall to th.-it week. We bav« never *e?n a finer an«! for Purilati I Wednesday evening to visit th rd __________ > ibbi’h ... M?«lf . »r«! at 11 a . M. ami 7 »pnintifi» s to-uit at the 1 iMKnoihre Im nd«. again n- it "u ur lav. relative.- an : and answer paid couiplalnt. a. hereby bettet L»t of «’att!?, horses, etc., at on? tiin? »185,219 fi.urtn S.bb.illi. J«<‘k—»n\ II»* at II ridrdred. the plaintltf »til apply to the aald I’ M AL Knighten am! his p »rents have re­ than s| ¡«rated on th? grounds « n that t< i I MM ART. The Eagle Point schools were » lose«! fur Caldwell ci ti du irci Mrs S. S. e.nirtfor til.- relief demanded in .aid com- a ’ <1 7 r m ^nbhntb H»*hooi nt Ja?ka»»ii. » M turn?*! t*» 1 rad creek from thecoar-t a frw day s ia>t week, »»w ing io the l inens ««Ceas' n. Ashland la-t week t »r Humb Idi county , T«ri«lg< <1 Dictionary, botnnl in either full fium Doug as county. itlu ir L»tii?r- fi e st«»« « ranch, 927 acres, th? Holm u> a»l<1i.i >n to Jacks<*nviile. chek. Hun. Win R. Wl! I- of R •*• birg pass» i To al di*hur*-e:ii‘ »il> $’>5,659 63 au .a i t® t h< ^mu ud. a tat cd in s.< ;■! mi^.oil nt, tb? Si-k y »us and will g»» into lite bu*i- ihrougu viz . ruwl and inhuman treatment--I plaintitT sheep or half niorroeco (full »tandurd rize. 11 in. k>nz, 8 i»- wide, 5 H. 1». 11 1 >m«l Ki ♦-) Myers and wife, in Kltmatn bi'in. i'.u t* I» < «t- i in tr» a ur Ti c fo I*-w;• g ar? Eev !:. I’.nrt- »*> p*un*- 51 6s D J. 8 Penrc? of Sierlingvill? is being n«->s of si»«< k- ai ng a larg? scale. l.v deirn lant. aid tor wlltol d.-aert!on and in. thick) containing about lo<*.<'«fV words, over 440 cubic inch.- of from a» to * tbr r v* r. w. rr here Utdnes- m •» - « »!•. ?v?r> Smdav morning, excep*- visit»»! by some newly-arrived relatives. Lake ? county -cat, Inst wetn. IG r«>n (’«J? ret.»ins th? C Jestin 8odn ami Hoc III I I .unt.fl In .ld. idant. with- d»\ I hey r* p ri • on 1 .erabk-flost, w inch Sprii ii g ’• ? tn rd. he wil. bo!»! servn e.s nt t••? :u ,.1. ,,ui li. i «’oil«« ut an.I airaluat In i will, turim-re paper, mid nearly 3o0,'" " Mpiarc inches of printed burlace. g-r.nd hotel, which In-will continue Wui. Bybee has gone ’ «» H «ppy < imp Being Monthly installments of $10 will buy h Killed mu-n v-'geiati >n. Pr* ‘by • ■ • m church in Pho-nix , on third tin.. ..ur * ' ar bacx ici-e. ami »»lh«r portion? «4 H-hiyou cminty, to <*<»nduct S t ay morning >»t Me.lford, am! ?v*-ry house Hu«i lot in Toio fr»»iR8cott Griftin. • II,la -einim-id 1« publlalidl in tin- IttMO- the largest an S nd »» » veii’g be will prea< h a’ the The fruit sea-on is pretty well over in S *m? correspondence is unavoidably bibs, there uemg a good < r«»p oí “ina-t.” tlmoid.ro’ H"O I ««• Wela-ter. Judge of th. price. pre-nyter an cmi'ch in Jacksonville. Rev. K. C Ugie-by h ts /om t • J»»*«-phine "ruwded outof ibis issue of lhe T imes . (>-car bimpiins kil rd a fine, fat cue cn •h's srciioti, w-ith lhe exception of the lira! Judldal lii.-trld, made an-l dated at shipment of winter apples, which has county to visit bis i ei*h?w. Oscar Km x. Th? f ’llowing are th»- nppvintn.cn** of Ja. ke.mv.lle, I... k- n county, Slate ol Ore. W.rt P*>»>1 and family of Central Point Pleasant ttwk recently. h ir«ily bcirun as y»-t. 'lhe branch hoii«e of who was s«» seriously it jure«! la-t we« k. R»*v Father C nrk for 'he inon’h ut •>?!» - ¿19 63 *..... <-ii,u'w','’,,j'fy,ruihvuiTiH. ■ (.) Coo’idge exhibited a l<»t of Mis­ Pae? A S n *lnpp?’l f ur carloads «>f fruit her : .mi’iday. O.’t ‘»th. st Grant's Pa--. [ precinct were in town a few d *ys since. Hugh Harrison and family Lav»* rcturne«* Attorney for Plaintiff. A-h am! . Oct I'* h, .!ncks**nvi I? ! Call <>n PriUhard when in Medford and souri paw . aws of bis ow n rai.-mg at frijin A-hlaml last week, made up of apples, 11, t 1'2 'flu-foreroinc is a « «»rre« t show rig of tbe front D i N ri? coumy. Cal., end will the lair m tortlHD i ; also a 15 uuic r peach pruts an I p«-n< hes. 1" -’n t. M.; Oct. -’•».b, Grant's Pa-s at ; sec something new hi the jewelry lme. • tini» « '.il ce diti m of J u ’ k- »n county on locate in Ja< ks.invilo- for tb? present of the Last l haiiCr Variety. > pt. do. 1*4(11. as sh >wn by I be records of 1" • 30 A. M. A couple of girl»», who ought l«» know D L nn is gathering N(,nie fine winter Wm. Rus*ell of t!»? ( it\ Btkrty i*r* »»v- he « flic.*, » xcltisive of interest on oift- Th? nr-t quarterly m?« ting i f the M. E J. W Hav-h n. h ivlng »e.-tgned the agency Letter, t»»<>k a trip up th«* r«ra»l with one »»( Chur h f’«r J »cKsonvili? < irenit wi l be hebt ai I les from his or ch «rd on Jackson creek. of 1 hr White srwing-inauiunr, hen»lqu «rters the troupes that performed here lately eringfrom a *• vere co d, which has con-, -îatiding w irrants, and 17,585 .’>7 due (for <’<»unty and-l’ho »I purpo-cs) on taxes f-7r fine«! him to hi- ro mi f«»r several days nt Ur »«-uniVM-at < n the 1-t und 21 < f DEALERS IN An Appb gate apple trae of medium ma- tiier« f* r nave been est»»t»lisnvd at the fS. F. (L e<»f them wa- p?r-ua«led to return h-»n»e bine*l her day of bepternt’cr. 1st«") b? prr-«mt and pr?a« h on th»* tuornmg arid to regret their They may have occasion husband, the pr«»fes*or. now e< gage«! a* Our carpenters are all busy now, a large MAX MV LEER, Cminrv Cb rk. . O «1 papers, in quantities to suit, for sale evening of the 1-t pr< x principal of the high school at lulnre, C«1 number ot rums an i addm•»!•* to tmihimgs -ashnrs- some day. at th? T imes ortl»-? nt .50cents a hundred. R B»»» th Pa«tur. being cuusvucteii. A number of other im­ Jerry Numin is again at the fmtit with F. B Huns’k?r, Ashland’* enterprising Swe’nl in bi'* of snow t ?! I on the Siski­ provement* are ills » be ng mid? MARRIED. «'ne»*f th? large*! ;»n«l b«--t *t»>cks of general «!ry.-4»H)ds menhant, vi*»te«l our town you* la-t week, but has since disappeared pleas«* E ivum l a. men han lU'h ’ to southern Wednesdav H- is e *joving a good trad»* Wright’.-Jamal« a Ginger—strictly pure TbwTlMh-w.il have *o “beg off” ir*un a ' >• v-ral in ? m of n?w pipe is being laid to An excellrt t remedy (or » ramp’, ' .»in ami () »*g«»n. H? keep* tmihing but tirsr-cla-* 11A 1< HER J-TR\XD-In Merlin. October 1. W. J. Ply mal? I* st P*>rtlan•*« •in bv , !>»!>»• If w III do \ on u'toJ t«> see ills s ’ ore. Bull? c trek B»»MDefx?H who d»*es hi * tbr | is requirr«L bold bv all dragg.- ’ -. ft Strait'!, of Jos' phim* c«»unty. -• ’ bool hi- •« augh I er E nil • , wm« w 11 »tt» n 1 I1 win* h i.- i r »r .tii’’4 to overflow in persotiMi i t i«>r a few «»( bi* intima’? | J. I' <\sver ».f Ttxunpsiin creek this week g »e- t«» W ’ a.-hingtori. to remain sometime. VAIL W IX DOM —At th«’ n*s!. IHW, * y R v. Hon. J. W Merritt «ml W. T. Le»-v« r laudatmii in (be c »iumns of an reternodl Ti e Ute rah«* started the gra-s which mitod Niacnlr recently at the Canvunvdir t’ at th? cotu ’y coui t has connuantird tb? B25 to 835 D X. MelnturtT, Wiu. T. Vail an give an h.k-hatb to a repu a ! emet, wer? in Jacksonville during t!.« XETHERI.VXD < ROSBY hi Ed< n pnvinct. tax t *r 1889, a* >itv. b\ R»-\ H. A. Bar lm. Newell Harlan and Ten th*»u-an»i feet of lumber at Sam’s val­ should *et*.d in their raines at once. but c»»t»si«!era’nu.s ot < ieanl’ness. if noin Mrs. H. Peers. Th» re ;* air» tidy ge’t.ng to be a scarcity h<»n>?-place, one of the best farms in tint mg m»»rc f»»ri>i I our < ra king su -h nu s as ley a» huol house for sale bv Scoit Griffin of J. D. F.»i-all *»f E b*n pre» i”Ct is r»*jH»rte«l t houses to rent ti town Th? «■»sura*”’? . section. ROOT HIG’IIXS In Gold Hill precinct. Oct. ’ • ■ D ck nmter <*ur thumb-nail. The od*»r Tolo. to have th«e-l'?<1 1025 bu*h»ls of spring of «»ur raiiron I, the splendid public school*« M s*es Mary Ann and Margaret ( havn» r I. l«fki i»y R« v. R il>t. Eums. Chas. M Wwt is t»*u offensive for a I kiiiuv journal. If Large quantities of apples and pears ar? whr*«f, s w 1 I'« At'til la-t, from a 25 acre ue ow enjoy ami the certainty that 8*'. • of G * d H li la-t we»-k de,»arte«! I *r (’in­ an ! Miss’A'bllv Higgins. ”1 ¡rk wih ttuhud.v in hi** next Hum! y - now rmgMopped tun rtheru and southern field, a yield of 41 bu*»!)els to the acre. Mar s a ad»*mv will soon r«-ot»eu are open cin' ati, to visit re! ttiv s. ami will be gore rom R(»KE WHO « ANNOT P0SMBLT CA.'I frt- discourse a warning to young brutr» nm i market.«. ing the rye- ot people abroad to the merits several m uilbs. ffOMLLT.il.IMF TUUTXENT i LA’ EO * «TH­ For hi'nitt.r? of every «lescriptiun gut» ».f fbe coumy-*rat as a p ace of resilience BORN I«» wear cis-'inere (pautsi to»» early m «.v inr IS THt: RLAII1 OF ALL THAT WILL GIVE Jam»* O’Meara and family pas-« d the gatu?. b? may jo-«ibly v u. undo the I Fkx kmHttt-rH bive g?n?ral y brought John Gildrrslerve »>f ' entral Point. He 1'01« lb m« niber that Dr Mar« uux, »i«-n(i*t,will tbrotiL-h the v » I?» going orili on« dey CRY DER -1 n Sani-vail«), tn«’>r ^'»®P ’be val ej .fr m the lummer keeps a complete a d lir-»t-ctas.H assortment INSTANTANEOfff KTX1T.F AND A barm that a car? ess piuM-r? M» it- Ira* »ion? ' ranges. make y«»u a ftni tinner and lower -et •>( the recently. The veteran j j -U’Uvll-t is MS Mt . and Mrs. Henry Cryder. a daug iter. and sells at tb? in >**t reasonable rat?*. • a moat estimable young la«t.rl PIUXAXENT CVBE. b?-t teeth for oulv |2.». ami Sati-factl »n I LRR H in M<1f. rd, October «. l*.O. I»> Mr. Jones A 0 t.n Lave purchased many ___ * The Pro-ved sch > I hi* recently been guarantee«!. Hi* «»flic? is in th? U.S vigorous as ever. The uiO't s[xt-4y, positive an.l perma­ and Mrs Win. I’lrich, h daughter. pracbe* ti is >e»fon, ' for bhipment to , equipp ’ d wi h a fine Tn? »-( rnaj >, « harts. A. G. C »Ivin an ! family bav«* return» d PRICE In th;.-» Uy. October 12. I**!MI. t.» Mr. nent cure for Cat -1 rh of tli— lic.'i 1. Asthma ( cllrtf? Si(e MIH LbM*tl!«sl. Hotel. Ja. k*«»nvi'le Please remernber, Portland. glob?«. ?’»■ h Im? of MCtion director*» m also, that every Monday the Doctor visits to L h I»?county, Hcrompans e l bv M r. I ” • s. and Mr*. ’ . S. Price, a -on. land all Throat, Br.-ichial. lung. Heart, I fie *jur- !'* » « f I •c uinx th? Pie* >i»v ei 11 n The c« st uf holding the late district fair, other district»» would do well to f<> l*»w. < » niral Point, where he Iras a bram h office He bought a lot of -uppiitu in Ja< k**onvd ? Culirg? ut J.«» ka><»b vii|? Was Stomach, Liver and Kint nh Fordyce; ngrd 74 year«, ment and hit M hu . cated I nhalations “ bVrn ’ tiiDtN Or?gun, notwithstanding the' worked by E. 8. Smith continue g<“«l. ascending elevator bm ket in the inti! last ed ’he Presbyterv at Oakland ami the ments offered by different ircanti«.. <»nU» dul 2 months and 15 day**. Tha largest and best stock of deeds, week, an«! throwing himself backward to bynod nt Portland. gives instan’aticons relief, builds up and L?-n <)re^* n !» r a college, to i-orr?>po!irc*)lcg»s an«!! * • ------- ... .... rPC**Jt :ils. »irafta etc., in J morfgagss and all kinds of real-estate and th»* ti«»or with such force a- to render him t « v t . i h ‘ st daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. u-tuie.s «nd r?p<» t >:i tbe sum? at th»- b«»ok ' form : huridv -----;, tlMj lir t-cia-s, al tb? legal blanks Mouth of Salem is kept at th? uiic«»nscl<-u* f«»r 8?Vvral hour*, an«! hght- llis wife’s heath is imur \ing. but ’h» John J. Strait; mo d 13 scars. ♦» months and system, thereby prolonging life Weak, T im 1» other. T imes other and sol»1 at Portland rates attending plivrician wun’.«i n »t allow her n< x r* KUlar nu*» ting of ibe -vn*«i. The' Il days. nervous, debilitated B'-d broken-down h?ad»*d for »lays aft» r bi- accident. assortment of to return home a* y?t. I’.-»-t»y t?ry .-iii’l»he«l ils» H and »11»! irseli RoRIS.-<»\ -In tin** city. October l‘>. I-*.*«», of constitutions, old and young, invariably W M •ilcr r?tnit>* his p«»-iti«>n as ' At a mceiing of t'i? rrrd'turs of Kincaid t.*» • re»iil in ciawtisbing fr iu ibe p»»?>iih»i , in W. W? ar-- s *rry to anntmunc? ’ ll? ileath of h«'.»rt fudurc. Willie Cecil, «»n ’ . y s<»n ot Dr. Br«*.. litsolvrnt debtor**, h«*id st Jackson- I er in II.».«-» 3 rrii)«>«!?lr* Willi- , sot* uf Dr Rubins «n ane:< cted as assignee of th? insolvent estate. Iml b-»*•> sii’k with diph’her a about two a firn* cr* p on lit- b g ra: h 'bis -esson. as D r . A born ’ s phenomenal skill and mar­ hi »«! ! a t a r» ««ly { h «t tb»- • a-h with a ht« h w»*ek-, h.i’ ha«l »e■•»•ver?«! fr. iu that i'he he ’S n first-f! »*? t Till ;. Ti e latrAt siyh-s in *r?nt's furnishing lo buy iw?» ty ?cr«-* ut < hot« ? land Tli. goods Irav? jiut bt tn recei/edat th* 8. F A com 4ete »«-»iirtnifl o! justice’s blank** I dirre t cans? »*f his d *ath wa- heart f.iilur?, velous cures have created the greatest mon* y has n w ??n retun»ied. Variety >v* re. wi 1 t>?-rp t * any a«ldr?**s tor ttie* small 1 hi-i In *s Laving left him m a verv we»k Wm. T H?’>rv,»h..4 r ei k « f the rail- astonishment oil the Pacific Coast and —- _< ----- s un of 4L I hey are th? iatr-t and best. c »i »inion. Wtlbe was i brigtit ami proinis- way mail servi« ? for tir* d:\i-mn. Kt d throughout the American continent, dur­ 1 i e w» »'her for tb? past week Iran been Address T. mes Printing House. Jackson- * mg •> »y. ami th»* bereft family have the wh-»s? b‘*H«i«|Uart?rs nr»* at !’• rtlam! Wli* (». E. M. ing the past twenty-five years. Asthma, beautilui, HltUuugh the nights and ruurn- vil e. W/< sympathy of all in their misfortune. Hl in Ashiami tn? first ut I h » t week Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat. Bron­ Ibe grand chapter ol the Order of the ings are cool. 8 aver A Walker have a large and fir«t- Many peculiar points make Hood’s Sir There is no p’ace in southern Oregon chial and Lung trouble instantly relieved, Ea-trrn >tar. «»I Oregon, met at Ruseburg N. H Spencer of Griffin creek call?»! one < lothing and cents’ furnishing goods of class KS'O’tiiient ot plows suited to the wh re such a well-assorted and first-class Jav this week panlla superior to all other medicines. aleo Ear Diseases and Deafness often cured He i- s’i'l ?• g «g«»-e arr v-*»l sumption,” and a treatise on “Catarrh of I’ !» ■ b <*l th? Ku-» burg cbapt»r ; Mrs J. a bounc ng b».y of ih? Democratic persua- The orchard*» on Evans cre<*k and store of John Miller m Jacksonville. He fr« tu (¡alice er?* k one n at hi*» house. Plea-ant cue?« yielded large cr»»ps of good keeps only the best go • »«Is ami sells at the i fortn* r r» m »in»-«! <»niv a -hort tun? I I? I* best known remedies traordinary cures, mailed free. Call or P A»lf«r »1 « irai «er . M - J . M .M< Cali, iruit tin* sn-m. That is a fine sri-iion for most reasnnub e rates, Whenever y»»’i much improve ! ui h«alth, we are glad to the vegetable king- A H. B <»thby ;«i runn ng the Aiken th? growing of all kinds of vegetables and need anything in his line call on Mr M. G. I , wml M'.*. J. D. Crocker, G. 8.. < f •ddress p R ABO RN, H ouk » Olli«««» nt Mtilom, Oi-eyou, announce. I Ht»d see for vourself rcculiar in Alp » « Itapter; M -s Ftaottiv Humcli, G *awnn I ai Beskins to its full capacity, on gram. Fourth »nd Morrim Portland, Oregon. M. Purdin of M**«!for«i. a-'Ì4iip«j of tie and economy — Hood’s Sir- < . an 1 Mr- Cn»ra Fu ierton G. A. s . of fine lo*i?, at present. du th« Mate Insuraiic»*Co'«. Building. ’ Michael Mickes 'U and Miss Victoria bank rupi* »-stat« * uf Magni l?r Br«»s. and A summer friend—Wright’s Blackberry Ro-«*burg chapter I he apt oint« d » fti e *» ! only rnedi- saparilla is N ote . -Home trentment, semrely packed, sent by Onion* »re quoted at a pnnnii. Chapnran w« re united in at Kir i’Hi’l Bros., has been al th»* coun y-- ut w»->e ai port)<»ii»* b»-r( h*j| teis beans at "*¿4 .. and potatoes at K&lc. Cordial. Oi-re use»i alwnvs taken. Relia­ Ashland Tuesday evening, matrimony •«press to all | arts « f the P?cifi< Coast, for tho-e who ..Nt> URAN. H <>1 l b l.< IS POKTI.AMI. ASTUR1A ASIl ALBANV. 1 can truk cine Th? ceremonv • •n business r••mie* t**»! th« r?with on «liiler- ble and prun pt. Pleasant «o take. Imi’s- in it»? inrj*di<-i«in. Ro* e?t,A. Mi : *r, p;».-t act « rding 10 quality. “ Ouc Hundred Dos<4 caxxoot pos*ibly call in per on. bc said, took place in ibe Odd Fellows' hall under ent occasion*. Ha- for «a1»* a large hat of penfible for uinnur troubles. S»»ld by all G. p , w«ra appuint d gr.ü*«J le» tun r. I li? the an-pices of the Rebekah degree lodge, Dollar.” Medicines in All INVITED TO CALL fCR FREE C0HSULTAT10M. Misses De'ia Allen and Rose Cleiumens drngguta. Mr. Ho'ecanip. an expert*au*ag«-tnak?r, n?xt mtetingof tie grand < Irapt» r tak?< an I was a most happy event. The con ­ larger and smaller bottles p a« ? ¡»t i « rirand « u ti.e evening f»»H«>wing of Jaeksonvill? epent a day at the Oregon The best rr.ncdv f r he«ate the b >w less. tasteless. ru> bad effect-*. Sol i by* all iheir cump'inients a i joins in the congrat Th« Or* k »n Land t’*>. waK »"?pb»s. ■ Examine’," i* rn’.v o p e host at t h? Hcr«*s of Ian«! into five t • t w« iit> h » r< iravt? Th» mm -«-«*-. -.«7 t Ms iiml»*rtMkiiig is eli»>wn in the eito unknown, and has won for itself All the nvdic'ie in tiie world will not • >.»♦» ot He ♦ xd Li: - «t t! at»* d' *hi( t fact that «>ut «»t tracts ¡»I hc < t I ■ ntlu-mark t.225hMV? I m « »1 sold. Iher? ar? on y five patients in the county There may be person« in ibis community WI 'hur mim rat -pring B hotel, in Colu-a tli? title of • ’ The gicatcst blood lai which a:tiM< :««l uiiivt* s *.l ht'» ii!:on hu-pital a< present, t hey all speak well of i cure your »tonia h i mtibie if your teeth are who are nt tun* s troubled wi’h c<»lie, or county I al H ? p «--<* 1 t ur* ugh t h? valL-y V. I < luili: that t. n act . H • ! . and m ti mt u Ul > i.| H Nr<' r Inc. tn< Ihatt Mil «••re* of purifier ever discovered. ” W tl«*Ht in t li»' »! 1 *i*i*»> ; |«p| V.» j \ was >hat in tb« art department ma e bj the treatment they receive in po *r < ondtimr. V-it Dr. Marcnix and suhj-Ti to hftwel complaint. If so. they la-t w»-?k wuh h’s wife. fr«»m Portland, Wv »lx. tiiHk- valimbl :iu|T..». 11 m. In -It. way .,f r..t.|., f.-no«. citurlmr the »nd • tr Peculiar in its “good name have y»»ur in -tub put m order so you wi 1 sli-uil try Cnaiuberlain's t'olie, Choiern Vit.i B«* ii, who watt Utt In a deal » o »li- Mrs. J H L'kidaiurcof l’»»»is-city, I lahc, W ■ can ». .. a >n ul l:a. t ..f i I I t .r tu .. ih p> , r w .u I hat . I.. t>»v fnr ■ Ju« >< bniidlin is <|usrr\ inc a ’arg? quan­ enjoy lite. ti«>n after ins auack uf spina mrniiu itis home,”—there is now * more ami Diarrhoea K« meily. It will all «rd who Iasi w»k c«»m lu !r-l a t 1* a-.int visit larijc farm. 1 ’ last »ear Natural y of an art ab’e iuu-i» a «al* i t an t his soon .*i*th?fir.*t indication s»f the iliseasr \\ H. Runnells, the (»old Hill tinsmith, than of other blood cn ■ i -our •? of mu i-rment w a - tn | rac’ • mg ami J. \\ Hi K (y >t W h I ow springs pre­ M?df«»rd. He can’’ make a new watch OUt ot n felt it will ward oil the attack. Many Littl? Shasta, (’ »I.. b- fore returning home. an old one. but he can make a old on»* run purifiers, _ _ ruliar in its Hubert Do'*?-.’an has a«’c?pte»i a p*»s;ti- n wi h h* ( m ral P »ml r»»rnrl baml. When cinct « h 1.»-«1 it few days since. p» ople ns»-it in this wav, ami find that it like a daisy. • phenonie- nal record of »ales hl* »!?itf( e-.*» deprived him ol music«! >ol- never full- them. A 25 or .'»0 c?nt b »ti!e with th»- S. P. R. R -nrv yn g - »rp«, ami Sen«! the TiMisto your friends East, or abroad, other preparation a«*..’ I ? «evii e«l m ui!-«.! *b:»*, until hi> pa- Major Varney of th? state b »ard of horti­ mav be obtained fr 'in Dr. J Hinkle, Cen­ la-t week I* ft Portland for ( alnornia, je'ii-«iiv it«*'! hi* mr «I wub th»- s’ucy of al any other plat?. It answers belter than culture is also th? head < f the G A . R. of tral Point and G. H. Ha*ki«is. Medford. wh* re li? w II sp*-nHgh lb niedy sells better ^CO^ran«! confidence among all classes His rxh shows unmi-t kaol? signs ol a Ja« ksoii cre?k in th? winter. waa in the valley several days »luring the <>f people so steadfastly. Bai..» ..I »iti, s, MuiKcian. wlll f.nin-1. th.- inu... We a'e lucky to have permanently Incat- than any other ” 1 lie reason of this is be- week ami i>»> ui» • tfeiee ehi dr»n, WittS Lmie Early Risen*. Best Inti? breatblim easier, ami that its cxiFinuru of A-hai •!, were sermu-ly poisonra on it« pill in for THE FAT AND DOMESTiC STOCK DEPARTMENT ftoldby alldrunpitg. fl; six for fs. Prepared only Teachers’ Institute- Frat k Esting of th« E!is.»n El »1 «» A local t p m l 2 . ? ! \><’Part* the starting of the n«*w »ivnamo* at A*l»- this remedy in »edef and cure of cold« Gold Hill <»n Satur«b»y,<)« (. 4, 1K90,al wluch alow . ioidi They w»-rr ah taken vjo'rnt IOO Doses One Dollar About thirty Oregonians went East with land, which simply the mc.tmit scent sys- o| «intll lo r. m . Om n«lniiM>i.in tu k» t a»hint- 1«» b .th ¡’uc« adulte in ctV < h ir ?*•»’“. ’’ »»** has won for it many sincere friends and a number of teachers w«-re present. ly ill in mim a'v y ait» r » a’mg. end lhe in th»- B »v«l ' hr.ip cx«*ursioi>, which passed iuccd rat<-..naHtrai 1 -p..rtHlb.u lm< n h-ading n. Port'and ’ ' C J ‘ Hr ’ n tern, this week." made it very popular. For sale bv Dr. J. Huperintemhuit Price call? it!»? in» eting to vest i/a'ion of ihw physician dtt»»*ov«red ibrolU'h the valley Inst week. <»r iufonuation addr» t. W. ÀLLEN. Kupt. and Sv y. fc«-. > ■ «□v.-ecs th»* coi ». It whs t»are '• How to Teach History” w a* presented V'>,<¿<.OO A\' Chat all wil recove». Th? husband and banaira*. .rmous, etc., at the 8. F. Variety » xecuttons in the case* of J. M. N1c<’ «!| vh . ’’1 “ u best in 'he ‘--------- *- - market, by Mis* Delptia Masterson, who gave some father h«s t.eeu gone Irom home several .'»tor?. ’ fije th? Dollarhid? estate and Louis Solomon j Preparations Conimenrlog. very good i»!?as h>»w to conduct a class in nu ntIi*» »nd th? family do nut know hi- The advertisement of M. Purdin, as- vs Wm. Eaton, ei al. Mr dinner; Prot«vt« Butler fr. tn ail od«»ra The fa« i itie. of the present dav f<»r the some »•«tunra the yitl«l is very good, while rai.s?:s want although many others are not enterprise. To th«».-« we will say that the In the i-.fu-rno »11, tl.e tir*t on the l>rr>- 3 u M. L.-ut .nd baud: ng. R« j> But. priMiticti*»n of everything that will condu« e as much < annot be »aid in other«. fac.* that the contract for getting oil' the gramme was “How to Manage an Un- ready for it as yet. I'T co«/! a. d ► u . n i un i L- »-» u J aj - und to mat- rial we fatc and» otufurt < f mark nd tie« w.is let this week to Henry Kdppe* quaky c • a u-d Mr. School,” by C. B Fitzgerald. Our ?u*t<»m«-rs ail vp?ak h'l b’y in praise and C. W Sseel t f M?df«»rd is evident? gra«i?»i are almost unlimited, and when by rup of G. M. Grainger of Ashland last week Fitzgerald b« ing absent, an va** iv, writ'en F gs was first produce»! the vorld *is to-k t>< s»'*si<»n of t be elegant colt age be ba» <»f 8t. Patrick’» Pill«. They are the 1 rst.— ih>it busme-sis m*ant by Crawford.Howell t»y b in, wa* read by Mi*s Wi!»uti. I*lilt Z7. »50 f ’cèltfi Etzçhu B fbry P b *>* . 1 arro I. Nebia*ka. For *ab- A Co. Th» rv w ill not t»e mmh gladii g ! marks were made by C S- Pi c«* .-»mi H. enriched With rt»e only perfect ¡aiMtiv» been building fur sometime pa-t. by Dr. J Hinkle. (’■ niral Point, and G. Liber«) diRo.uut to Aa»*n«a. Famrl« known, a-it is the only reui»*dy uhub is ♦ cessHry ; an»l. a« m? company ba* until Cryder Th«»tisan«ls of fruit trees are now bring I H Htt'kth.*. 'I iford. by inali on ree»-Ipt of price. truly p.easing and r»lre*«hi g to the taste L»n. 1 lS'd, to finish the road. Ihey I h? s» ho«»! law was next vxr tm>!tutliern O epoii. Too many . F B CAfF ro. Ther»* is on? me bc-m* that will cur? im- Mtil h ive •*’‘ougti time to complete th? r Sup’. Pr ce. system gent y in ’»>♦• springtime, <»r. in of th- ruin kio.la cannot be set out, 1133 Xahuciabt.. Sau Francisco. Cal. Rheumafitcm, Neuralgia, Corn! “How ’«» T»*«« h G?ogr«pl>y,’ was th? mediah-ly Up refer to De Witt’s Co ic c -ntract. Th nght-» f-way has been secur- fact, at any tune, and th»- better it i- knu* . »•I Mi -tig lhe wh* le lint, D. H. Whetstone subject ittk-i: up by C. D. (»ufti’h*. Tb? l.yman Adam« ami family have re'urnetl an»1 Cbol« ra (’ur? for ad summer Com- HEADACHE. AM ALL PAIN. the inure p«»i ular it i»e< « m?*» Iron. .1 ph . .■ county and ar. ].M ated on pln’nts. N«» delay no disappointment. n > h r. mg l ist w»tk given h.;* deed. Th? de * adv;»nr«d by >:.»• gen’ ?man w«-r<* ?n- Th» Cslifotnl» Forti»« »al I«5»tre steel r nl* are r»r«>bab y on the way here by tir«-ly <»rigin<', ami ad wli*» hear«! him J. M ,M ilnrv - farm on Antelope. failure lhooks sells it. ELECTRIC COUGH CUBI this tini? In less Hinn three months w^nt away sa’isfieii that b? tully under- A New Method. Hie o.ike« troupe performed at the V. We ri-comiuend D? Witt’s Colic am! Jacksonville will be connected with th»* O. Blandt» his business. CUtt3 CQLDI CHOU •. COMSLUnTlOH. ¿ti jM¡d that the mining op«* rat • -ns - H..i I i-t M<> .{ prosperi­ Bold by »II Droganti. Euh J5c, 50c 4 I' •‘How »oTrarh Sp«l itig” was explained S ingle S trap T rack .rg op jn Wagner creek district ar»* li v . ence amt gave g u. ral aatiataction. and reliable remedy. Its good effects are ty will begin. in a very .*aiislact«»ry manner by Mi s Rose Srauinctr &O« . Prop ». UM *''<•!*», Q*l u»-c<«saftillv used c■»n»p.»uy wiih am>ib?r c--uple from Uni*- puwi r ami furnishiug m* ntal force. Kila Griffiths ami Delpira Masters »11, C. 8. be following proceeding.* took plac by prominent ladirt bicycle at Ashland one »iratii>n Laud Claim: mams to be seen if this nnf land is all A Wm. W.bb, Sr. and wife arrived from w 'h a « Iranr? t > draw «11? ut ttuyta uabi? $IG.oiv in the Marine, Tra«ie*, Home Mutu­ MS H C unittee to arrange the programme er. Tfie oft-r* peaitd riuni r that bt. M..rj No. 1. ur in the valley during the coming winter. U m. Pence brought a i«»a«l of fin»» fish to Ceipt of price. I. 00. Semi-annual reports of clerk. Mierif! and superintendent the meeting a*.jutiin?«! w!it« r. Tin» land will b<* sold tn quantiti«-»« to cnu»n« May wrll o.ngratulate th?mi*elvr-. A tew copies of the American Settlers tow*« on Monday. **hich h? tm<1 no trouble Aadrecs, suit purclias«-!». For further infoniration in- J.T. M illeu , Secretary. ACME MAN"1 AC VEING CO. The sebo»»! has bren of gr**at ben» lit t»» thè Guide, standard authority on all land in «1 «p'».-ing • f Th» v were caught in K h t r- .»surer approved. n» walls The tempi» 8oldbyE.<’. Brooks. Druggist. Jio-kaunvilie The M-rnll-Abt-Abb»»tt combination, vis r forma arrived at Cow creek last aeek »nd If you want to «ul»-« r b- for th? best rary « ••-mg tb - instituti» n bbs i Petition of S M Nealon and other« for a Leiter known a* the Modern Miracle J/»ni- FURNITURE FOR SALE weekly on lb? co: ind ever made Cure Cons ipatmn tier.” dubst th? Saa Franci-C») ‘Ewni- precinct petitioned for bv W. M M »Lbes. w?re very well attended. MlAtlt lA'tf. i4 one of ’h° rip ions taken a', the I jml * everytime. Font equal Use them now , oftre. et al iD. Enn, J M Poland, Jtf-Bellinger v« ry l>t*Bt companies that batt uv?y hpwmed H >od a Sara »pnrilla apponitvd viewer«, to meet the county in the interi »r, meriti g much better 1. Tbt uaA^TSiKned it«« «nW f^r 6a-< -at th 6. J Scot’,city survey >r of Albina, «s- ■ r- Purities the bl»n»d. R«ames *k r irieyor on Oct 22. 1W>, am! proceed to patn.nme. Every nieniber is an art «t. VrivkyKrtl« u»ur A-hiaiel Creates a i ap¡ » tit? married ro Miss May I’enneliavar. ar the 1 new sto«-k « f view proposed road. .nd n • nti.-rak«*. Abt and A»»l»ott ar? both WlN.i To IIJ. lU.Al.TH. 1111. 1 NDElt- Strrngf * ns U r nerve**. b-'tue of itie bride's parents, at Talent i *i-till‘ , *n p.’i i ; *< < o ?i>ru»* uhl.isa l*ì»*.i. iti S »me vit we:« ap ­ Uverc m* - tu «t tir?»! feeling. I »1»» totiiv P B. Whitney, of the 8. P. f.»*c?a, well I flirt *h ng g. .*!', fin» -h <•-, ha’- ami point-d. -rtl*-at h Vt. r\ r* 'lia!-;« Hirur* . Tti* hubi. ♦». ( ur?s -» r »in a. n?it rh«uin, etc. I rodigy. A- a b.cycli-i M»rn.| h •* no tnste. i itig, wbicU Is a BHl*taiUial ím i«k oih * uiul <**- known n the vailev, wa- at Ast.lumi on ci<»ibng ____ ’»'linbj«-(**u»n. By «l-uuujst.s. all o* ii hu I. tb?.\ ? I: s« ’ l at the >up«ri*»ron the n*>rthwest, co;- ’ A I who Ord?*« i dur R y I ’ hi ins ’ »»• all« «el Invig >■ at» - tn, kidneys and liver. pevixHy dcFlffui-1 for'tbr botri buttino?, will r»llr a.i baaine.s laM »e. k. Hr rp.it-.inxi-.tr55n.il . . . l'.n.e" I H-UM-T-b l>'CU TO 6 INCH - * (’ ) ami s«-e their -md M *>. Win. liundjesflj a month u Hil attended th? eutfrt^iBnien? 'jcr$ a^-ll 8. !*♦*(» cv I h ¡; 1: tip’ fudi^twitU). dy*“p*|' tifftBi-v«!-' tf r-y tm tlie k ., • I it 1 JU fur* inaX:n\’ >uur punlfaMs further ylea^od’’nd cpn.-1drr. J h »1 t.ity bki been 9( ’ •I8i a LtY? • c. H. 'TSXir, tubloM. bill? to & t/rgtj alucuii- audios J. iui y re varded. ehe Smovriituaimrs HERE AND THXRK. N OUR FALL AND WINTER CATALOGUE IT IS THE IDEAL SHOPPING GUIDE, Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary For $2.25. I DR. ABORN HALE BROS, t CO., SACRAMENTO. CAL This Space Has Been Reserved NEWMAN FISHER. FALL ¿ND WINTER GOODS Peculiar THE OREGON LAND CO SEND FOR PAMPHLETS. MAPS ? PRICELIST. Portland's Great Industrial Exposition Hood’s Sarsaparilla CALIFORNIA CHOICE LAND FOR SALE! I TILE FOR SALE. HOTEL FOR RENT Tiling of All Kinds, O ÍHE F1MILÏ BITTER EASE