Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1890)
lit gtmottniit Siows. 3 hr Semocratit (Lunes _____ ____________ «O ADVlRTItNMC AKO JOB WORK Publlabtal ever, Friday by CHARLES A#vLnlMtmoDU> will b« 1 alertad in tbcTiMM at u»e ruUowlu# ratw: T<n U hm , on« luaertlon .................... st 00 XTCKl'àLL •• •’ ewvh aub«®quent Inaertlon. Or-L«wa;adrerU*emeutain»ertMd rvaanattl, A fair reduction from tbeabvreralaamadetw vewrl; and tlmtadvarUaera. EUITOH AND PKOPHIETOK. NEW TIMES BUILDING , HBce—Corner Third and C S«rvi-t«. THE TIMES JOB OFFICE Ratra uf Sutwcrtvtiim: VOL. 50. . 1 50. true copy per anuntn. In advance .. six months .......................... •• t hr or mont ha ........... U. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 17,1890 FRANK GALLOWAY. ^TATE <*F OREGON. , ., S, nat .r«..l H Mitchell. J. N G.ilPh; i ‘nxrt-teman. U. H.-rmanm G.’Vernor.W Pen- ¿ir s.vftnry «»f Georsv W Mc- Hri !»•• ’■xtat«- rrcii-dUt’T, Geo. W. Wubb; State Printer F. < Bakrr: Hipt. Public Instruction, r M 'Elroy ^upr«'in«* Ju«i<**. R- ¿traluin, . i. t JuMu * »w. P Lori. K.1 iV-an. Oregon Medford, <* »injTisina Jacket>n. J«w<«*pbiiie, Lak«• ana K 4 iVh i »untici* Circuit Ju U«'. L. R. Wcb- rat.T Dutru t Mtorury. W M. Colvig. MORTAR-SPOTTED SKIN SILAS J. DAY, COVEREI» WITH SCALES. AWEFLSPECTA- < IX. < t’KEO IN FIVE WEEKS BY THE CL'Tlt lllA HEMED1ES. notary public , REAL ESTATE ACENT I MANUFACTURER OF rit^T JrUK KL DIKTKICT. MISCELLANEOUS. -IACKM««S CUVNTY AbGtracts Made of Titles to Landa. « 11 »t.»r Theo. I'ameron. Repretwntativea. - t arry J W Merritt. .1. M. McCall: County l.iiae .IK N II: C »mmisammr«. C. W. Tay_- il m II it m "i’t.CI. rk.M Muller; Sheriff. J. I, it’d—’V fi,aoir. r, G. H. lUo.iinvr-Aaatwnor, I j lU'inlmii School Buperinteiadt’at, U.S. p,e. Surveyor. P. Api'1'’gate; Coroner. I « Partton; Stis-k Inspect or. W. F. Songer. jossruisK cowry. Joint Senator, W. St. Clair; Reprt-»eiit»tlve, H II Miller; County Judge, V. i olvlg: Com- m .iiera. v. <». Uiaelow. P. Hansen;Clerk. I . K c; Stieriff, James < . Mos»; Treaaur- , , j tv Shever. Ateusaor, E. C. Harmon, -. i > j »uiH’rtnten.lent. W. A M« m I i » Survey or c W Haven»; Coroner. Dr. Wallace. LEGAL DOCUMENTS or all klii'ls «Irawn up. espct'iallv pcrUiuiUf t<» tho svttlement uf estate^ ùok ' Collfft; r of Affonnts. Proinpt Rciuiltanera. MONEYLOANED. InvcHtiuent Sccuritlf« » Snccialty. Jackson t'ounty .«ci i|> Houglit »n-l S-’ld. I have a complete »et ■»! M»p«ofall IhcHtir- vcyt-d Landslntlua eounty, and rt-cetve Ab stract» inoiithly rroui Ko»i btirg of all new entro s made. ì ani tlius prt-pared to mnkt- out Honii-.ti-iul and l’rc-einplioti pape era, and can -avt- lo partii*» tbe expense of a trip to Rost-burg Lana «tffice. KI.AMATH COCMTV. Joint Senator.C. A. Cogaw.’U of Lake: Rep- re» illative. A »Ulderot Like; County Judge, I a t»rr C i ivuxuoncrs. W.C. Crawford. I » SilTora; • i.-rk, A I. Leavitt; Sheriff, F. W G iwatr Treasurer, Win. K. Howe; Asnes- » ,i’ John Smart; School Superintendent. P. U F .’i’ll iln; Surveyor, l-ta. Leakeard;Coroner, J. T. Forti«’» county . Joint Senator.«'. A. Cogswell of latke; Itep- r-«. Iitativ.’, A. Hinder; County Judge A. Wilsum-. Coin nissioner«, A. » . Lane, Geo M. I oi”- Cierk 'V. N. Hutton; Sheriff, W. P. Hey- for-l frc.uurer. A MeCallou; School Superiu- tciident. A. H. Fuht-r; Awtwrtr, J. h. Me li inouaic Stts'k Inapeeior. D. R. Jones. I HAVE SEVEHAI. FINE rAHMK AN’I> OTHER I»E>IHABLE FKOPF.HTY IN MY HANDS FOR SALE. :r~Prmupt reply n>a«le to all litters. (’barges iu accordance with the times. • E hq .. Ref.-re. ’ prrmisaion. ' “ ‘ to '* '* Berkman, ' Judg«* Banker; : to t*.. Hon. L. R. . Webster, ------------ ------- - of - thia judicial district, an«l t«» any buMmwa bou««* in Jacksonville. SILAS J. DAY. MCKTlhtl orCOUHTS, rTc. The supreme court ot Oregon meets at —»'’-til regular terms commencing on the tlret M »Ii-Uys in March and iKtober. aiso at l’en- II. t ii •• onc.u- nclng on Itrst Monday In May. Tbe circuit court forth'' rtrst Judicial district sits m Jackson county oil first Motulaya In April. September and Drcemte-r. tn Klamath I’ouiity on second Mon-lay in June and n<»t Mon lav iu Novemta-r. In Lake county tui the mi I Moii’lay ill May and the aecon-l Monday III October. In J.etephme county on first Mondays 111 March and August. For Jackson county the c unity. probate ami I commissioners' courts meet every month, commencing witn the tlrst M inday; fpr J-— - tililne county, the tlrst Monday in January. April July aii-t September; for Lake county, every'alternate month, eomiu’-ni'ing the tlrst Monday tn January. For Klamath county the »r»t W.slnosday in March, June. September and November. ________________ NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES NEAT. DURABLE. STRONG AND CHEAP YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Mlioi't T^ine to Onkifornia FREIGHTS &, FARES THE LOWEST FRANCIS FITCH, \T LAW HARKNESS, VrrollNKY AND COL'NSELOK AT LAW. OruMt’a P. P. PRIM, ATT o IINKY \NI> Col’NsKLOB AT LAW, C. C. HOGUE, C. H. HASWELL Jack.tonrii|r, OrrgOM. Gen l F. a P. Ag t. O P. R. R <*«». C<»rvHlii8. Oregon. Gen l F. A I’- Ag't,<>re«ua D«wel«»pnaent Co., Will practice in all courts <>f the Stat«', office jo4 Montgomery St .Han Francisco ('al. in the Court House, third door to 1« ft of en trance. R. NEIL, Medford Roller Mills Al’roRSEY AND COUNSELOR Al LAW, Jfickn'iHrtllr, Or. MEDFORD, OREGON, J/iP WHl practice in all courts of the State. Offiv iu Orta's br.ek, up-stairs. J. J. HOUCK, NOTARY PUBLIC ANI» CONVEYANCER. Gold Hill, Orejón. Will Atlvmt togli bualnvtw in my line with promptm ss and at rt-iisonablv ratea. WM. M. COLVIC, ATVOKNEY ani » cut NSELOK at law . XViII practice in all th«- courts <»t tlir S'.ite. Pn »’•«•cut in g Att«»rn«-y for Firat Judicial Disir:ct. Office in Court-bouse. ROBERT C. SMITH, vrroRNEY ANI» COl'NSEl.OK AT LAW. Paaa, Orfÿaa. •/«c A « on citte, Or. Offi«*e in building formerly occupied by Dr. Will Jack.*m. S IT It VEYO H. Jiu kaoux ills, Oregon. Surx eying of all kinds done in a tti-st-clasa manner and at reasonable rates. isr’Spt-cial attention paid to locuting gov ernment lands. O. F. DEMOREST, RESIDENT DENTIS T, Wrdtord, Oregon. J. C. LEE, M. Da, P H Y S I C I A N A.M D S U R G E O N . Cmtral Point, Orrgon. Calls promptly attvn«l«*d t«i «lay or night. Ti e ro ler p'ucess niac.'iiuery in ti e Rutte « 'e k nit b i.aviiu? b« en i»!ac» «i in P«.>itn>n «n 1 bu> Raving been rv- JACKSONVILLE, OR. -uin«*'l, I ani now rea«iv to.NUpnly a>l who max come wim the be*t uf roib r pr«»ce5»s tl ur at market rate*. I will continue to exchange with farmers for wheat at the THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED A lolh rate« 3M |>ound> <f superior 1 copartnership with an auth. rii««i « ap tai ot ft»! the purfww*«*of carrying on a Gener A XV RI I I > Í.1 X R t > i L E »- U ven f r baker’s grade t! tir per bushel w ith«>ut offal, al Banking Busineaa In all <»f !|fc branch«1« in C\rr\ f «i ,.r , 1.1 » r« f t r in-iî • y if or 31 pounds of b iker > grade tf*»ur per JiM k**«nviile. Oreg.»n. office at the old stand r Permanent < c . •« not c-’ *, 1 XX <• tüi\ o bushel ani nine pounds *i feed. Ex ot Bei'kiiiau e Banking House*, S. E. corner (. al- change limited, t«» faintly um * s . in farmer'» ||.,rlu. and Third wtr.-a-tw. |1FEKMAN . f Lft'.i sv .. « ’ a i .. L,-, ü p, H’fH-lv « urrd t’V thc->e c»f Av'iro.n::>i.\ ( *.r« «i'.ai froc. Ad iro* oack*. Will guarantee the output of tbe THUS. G. KF.AMES. Rutte creek iuiH» to be equal to the best THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. f! >ur made in southern Oregon. Wr-tvrti Branch, l‘t>x JT, I : r¡. \ \:•, <#«i A. J. D aley . For »aie at Citx Drug Store, Jacksonville. Eagle Point, Or., July 7, 181KI. They .May be Foolin’. It is now reported that the chiefs of the \VK HAVE NOW ONE OF THE BEST EQUIPPED FLOCKING MILLS IN THE STATE Mormon handitt», at one of their saturnal- t V and the Owner for Jauktmn County of I mk rtcen’iy held at Salt Lake city, resolved by a un inmv'iis vote to abjure polygamy, ONLY FULL ROLLER PROCESS MILL ‘ Hibbard’s Own’* Patent i-bey the laws of the I ’idled States forsake —and— i rigandry and become decent people. ( aptain J at k >hackn.istv I ’in and S •onctiin II. x.uil.rrn Oregon. Th<-«H inlll. »re now in»nur»cturinx the b««t irrn.le of flour c»er otfereil to th. trad. In thl. Motion and are pri pur.d to till all order, tor Hour, null f< i-d, etc., on abort did the same tiling, and Gen. Canby. Dr uottee. All ordT-re by mall or til person will receive prompt attention. Thomas and A. B. Meat ham be ieved them honest. The result was the two former lost their lives and the latter would have Test the Flour and You Will Use No Other. lo't hi* sca’p. had be not been hald-h* aded. With 1 his Taint \ < ur >>I<1 shingle roofs can lie So l« ng a* ignorant women can be found, willing t » replenish the saintly harems • ( made tx*tt«*r than they w< re when new. Utah. | olygainy wdl continue a foul bait No mm < rot. b ■ in u*< Iraki roofs. No mor«- routs to tak« lire. on the nabob's esrutebeon and a disgrace I to Christian civilization. I 5 tn $10 per 100 Apple Tree«............................. A Perfect Preservative of Wood Peach ’* . 10 •• 1A “ " and Metal. Piuni an*! I’nin«* Tr»*«*fl S “ W " “ Jf»tr«re nf fUnttn^nta for Catarrh Oth«T trcc8 i* tui rthrubberj furnished reasona- That Contain Mvrrttry, bly. Send tor (’atHl««*ruv to You must paint y< tir shingle roofs or they as mercury will surely destroy the M n^e of J. H. SETTLEM1ER. Woodburn, Or. NtiH-il «mi completely derange the whole will rot out. You rnibt paint your Bystem when entering it through the mu metal roots or tti *y will runt out. This paint J h no < xpentnent. It has stood the cous surfaces. Such articles shoubi never 185 be use«! except on prescriptions from repu test ot time and wi can give you thous ands of testimonials that ar«- table physicians, a* the damage they will indisputable. •io is tenfold to the* good you can possioly derive from them. Ila I s Catarrh Cure, Does a General Banking Business, and Buys and Sells East Manufacturer of manufactured hy F. J Cheney & Co.. T«»le do, O . contains no mercury, and is taken ern, Domestic and Foreign Exchange. internally, and acts direct y upon the biood Pfie thia paint on your fcnc-poHtt*. your ami mucous surfaces « f the system, hi buytng Hall’s C ttarrb (’lire he sure vou get windmills, your btabk* your farm iin- Dealer in ph-in« ntM. Put it on you« hogp<'nn and chick the g« nuine It is taken internally, and en c«x»pa. It will waul off diseaae. The in mad« in To:e«l* . Oiiio, hv F. J. Cheney A ventor «»f thia paint nan »prut mm v years in Co. perfecting a paint tbat xx mild stand th«- storm, £T^“Svld by druggists, price 7-'»c. per n«-at and colu. It is n > xvoik ot a nmnth or A full line in stock of year. It tak«'S time t»»t«*st tin-wear of a roof bottle paint. A roof takes nit h<- storms and almuld GEN HR AL BUILDING MATERIAL b«- painted. F<M»t.m<*r Record Broken. ONE COAT OF THIS PAINT Eventime was beaten at Wa*h ngt«»n, Estimates and price-list s«-nt on application is equal to tlire«* coats of any other paint, ami un Ort 1 Uli, in n 1HH yards run in If'S than will last th re«* toms miger. It will tak« the ten sccunds. 1( stems hard to credit that ( Ot XTRY ORDERS a SPECIALTY. warp out of siiingh s ami m;«k«' them look ilk«' at last the ircord for a luh-yarddash, whic h Fact«»ry at Wridhr’s Mill. Salesroom» cor slat«-. A«l«ir<-sa ba* stoou tor s«» many years, atm which nut Third ami E street». Portland. Orvgou. F. E. BYBEE. a lew high authorities on athletics have considered the utmost of human speed, has Sole Own« r and Manufactur« r. JA< KSONV1LLE. • - - OKEGON. been broken in a regular meeting, but it w.»s done beyond question a: that day’s con- t«s»s of the Amateur Athletic Union. Owen, the winner, was caught up t»v h’s ..diuirers and carru d away on their shoul ders. His time was !♦ 4 5at-conds. AT CENTRAL POINT, And I .nport er of National Guard Enrampiuent. VINES AND SHRUBBERY fjO APHIS OR LICE ON TREES. PRICES Jackson County Bank, J. C. CARSON, 1887 Sash. Doors, Blinds WINDOW AND PUTE GLASS MONEY LOANED ON FAVORABLE TERMS TOLO! Tolo Townsite and Milling Co. Purchasers of property or Capital Stock of the TAKE PUBLIC NOTICE U Of the Frftnchi»eH and Privileges granted to F. 11. ROWE August 7th, 1888, By the incorporators of said company, now on tile at the Recorder’s office, in Jacksonville, Jackson Co. AM» S f K G E O N. JarkMnavlllr. Oregon. Tolo, Oregon, October 4, 18S9. J. H. GRIFFIS. .Medfor<l, Oregon. J. W. WALKER. A. CARRICK, NIorvhaiit rl'ni>or JOS. C. SHERIDAH, PROPRIETOR. MEDFORD, OREGON A Fl’I.I. t.INF. OF THE BEST ANO MOST A taahiotiabl»- cloths, ttnifthinga, etc., con stant!) k« pt on hand, and nothing but lirtrt- cla-> work turinsl out. All oid«TH till«*! priunptiy at reasonable rate« an<! satisfaction guarantc«-«!. • A. GARRICK. Medford. Max 13 I hh « GRIFFIS It WALKER, FRUIT TREES Pine, Yellow Pine, Red and ïellow Fir Lumber, By the Thousand ! Office la XVPIiains Brick Building, up-ataira. MANUFACTURERS OF J. B. WAIT, M. D., A Nl> SfliGEON Medford, Oregon. GOLD HILL, OREGON. HE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW TAKING OR- mc K hoii and Josuphin** coun d« rs through J T ties for FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, DR. A. J. LAPPEU3, P H Y 3 I C 1 A N AN!» 3 f K G E <» N, r <>«tral Point, Oregon. Any Kind raised in a tirat-claa« Nursery. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS (’Alia attended «lay or night. SAW MILLS ON SAM’S CREEK DR. S. DANIELSON, Physio-MetBcwl Those wanting tre«*a will do well to give me thrir orders, tin I will guarantee Ratlsfaction. I warrant all my tr«*< if properly cared for. Terms of payni’«*nt raav. Produce tak«'n at marke t price. ItMNIM. of Peach Seed wanted. A. S JOHNSON. Jacksonville.Oregon, Aug. 1. P II Y SICI A N AND S URGE O N. Jli-dfurd, Oregon. • • . . THE CELEBRATED . . . • ■ SMITH & WESSON E. P. GEARY, M. D. •I WINE f S ICI A N A N D HCR G F. O N. AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Mrdford, Oregon, «>;!».•• in If .’Tilin'. Ill-«it, HI reel. Agent« for Cyrus Noble Distillery, Jos. S.-hlitz Brewing Com Reeitlence on C pany, Milwaukee Bottle.l Beer, Schmidt At Co.’s Sarsaparilla and Iron Water; also Arcadian Mineral Water from Waukesha. Wis- con tun. E. B. PICKEL, M. D., p h y S igi a n a n » s v it u e o n . Medford, Oregon. Ca:.s promptly Att«-nded to Day or Night, office ou B street. 63 Front Street, Portland, Oregon, DR. W. STANFIELD. W. F. READ, Rrneident £ L B CT IC PHYSICIAN. »la-, l>M-.'it.»l in Ashland, Or., for tb»- piwrttc« ol tna I’rotiiM’i'>u. Mate» all i-hroni»-ui—•<•»•■», J. L. inch »» Hliruiiiatlain A-thiua. Piii«. Kl.ln. y C<>iu|>lalnt». Hr.,» »|Hwialtv. J. H. BENNETT. M 1 may ba fnnnn r»» tu» at G>o. P. Ibiwr.LL A C ot Ncwapaprr Advertising Bureau <10 Spmca t twti.wbero adver- tfABTO O.I..X . ontr u.ay LdLMf y||Dg b« uiadv for U It IVKIV I UHI«. THIS PAPER COWAN, Tnwunror J. R. WRITSMAN , Vice-President. i i I CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000. CASH r»jVTl> UK SOO.OOO. oo ALBANY. OREGON WM. ULRICH. Distrrcî _ REVOLVERS The Finest Flneet Small Arma Ever E»er Manufactured, Manufactured p Unornetl^»^ Un«r<Dtecd A Perfect. ■ far ACCURACY, DURABILITY. EXCELLENCE of WORKMANSHIP end CONVENIENCE In LOADING and SAFETY. Deware of cheap iron imltatlona. Sc«d for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List to s1 ■ ■■■■■■■■■.■ I HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, PA I X TS OILS OF ALT. KINDS. NAILS. ROPE. Lowest Ruling Prices. Farm tor Sale. A good farm and stock ranch.containing ISO a<*n*H; llM) Her«'H under fenc«*. till a« r« s in culti vation. G< hm I house and outbuihiings and iieceasarj burn room. Fruit en«»ugh tor a Mtnnll fniulI) . Tw«> livtmr springs on th«- place, handy f«»rstock ami irrigation purposes, lhe following prop«Tty will g.i with th«' place; 4 horses. liHin«*as. xvagon. plow, harrow, cultiva tor, mower and reaper <• unbined, sulky rak- . and all necessary hami to<»K Th«* plac«* is Io cat <sl three miles imrthwcst of Eagle i’«>int am) nine miles from Central Point railroad station. If s«»ld before harvest th«* crop will go with the pla«’c. A small bunch of catth and aoine hogs will b«* sold also, if d«*ir«si. Terms easy; two-thir«ls cash, balance to suit pur chaser. For particulars en«|uircon the place of the proprietor. FREDERICK SCHNEIDER. session begins on monpay the l.jtb day of S’ pti mlH t. IM«1. N ext Tuition Free to All Residents of the State. T i»< r«-H of farm laud in the valley, good for fruit or grain. Four Con!■»<■»•—CliiHtical, Seientitle, Liter Two fnotiaand six hundred acre» foot-hill and luountain-eidt* hind, good for fruit, dary- dry mid Etigllah. Imr <>r stockraiNing. Thia track of land ha? VOH CATAIXXIVYS AI>l>ll».SH ov«-r H«-vcn tniletiof fencing. dwt-Hintr-houac, asttnk a hod of 90 feet, an«! plenty of living JOHN W. JOHNSON, P hem DENT. wat«T. Eugene. Uretrvi». Call on or addreaa J.8. HERRIX .•«., Ashland.Jackaon Co.. Or. MEDFORD. OREGON Mind wr.ndfriDf rnrwt. Books learn*! in ro.vUnr. T^tim-m.-lw fr ..,n «11 p-r*< < f th® globr. Pr spAt-Um r^sT FKF&. ‘«‘pt «o ipplication to Prof A. U is-tuB. X,7 F-Hb ▲»». hew York CURE FOR COWSIETION. There doesn't seetu to be a thing that the soul of Woman t'eligbls in that isn't aff< cted by thia new tai iff. There ie a great wailing and gnashing of teetli among the »uioker» t> esuee their loved weed is attacked What will thrifty lionsewive» say when they realize that the price of all sorts of toothsome dainties is rising? Slowly, it is true, but none the less relsntlessly. Cross & Blackwell's iii«-l»l«»a ««■- M— ■t t aoted. rtStooMBforfaWe —------ full of the delights dear to the school-girl heart, are just six cents more now than ever before. “It isn’t the six cents I mind,'’ said a puzzled-looking housekeeper,‘ bnt it’s just like paying nx cents for a streat-car fare. It makes you feel queer some way.’’ The bitt« r sweet of Scotch marmalade costs j’lHt five cents more a pot than it ever did before; and a« for cheere, no one knows wtrat a good Roquefort or a navery Stilton will cost. Some of the j ibbers who import these things in large quantities refused to lake oiilers yesterday, «« they could n«>t be »tire what their prices would lie. As for table ware, those who are not “to the manor born,’’ and who must needs be content with steel knives ami forks, will devontlv wish that the Mc Kinley bill l a 1 sufft’red a violent and sudden death. Knives of all sorts are going up very fast, and a penknife costs just about twice as much as it did a week ago. Silver, however, ami diamonds ami jewelry of ail sorts are not changed. Ifittreis no high tariff on them. The eousie la«s who likes a bit of delicate perfume for her glove« ami ‘kerchief will have to pay $1 25 for the same bottle of violet extract that she could have bought for one dollar if she hadn't delayed her purcbaMe until aft.-r this same hill had | a«sed. Soaps, ton, that is fine Fiench and English soaps, cost just 25 |"T cent, more than ev« r Is fore in the hisiory of soaps. A dainty cake of I.iibiu’s violet will bring just a quartet of a dollar more this week than it did last; ami as for Pinaud*» perfame, no oue has yet had the dering-do to figure up what that will cost. Sjtonges are more, tooth brushes are more, good ha r brushes are more, combs are more, manicure sets are more, in fact, nearly everything that is dainty and uice among the toilet ai tides is more money, ami a good deal more money, too, be it under stood. A tour of investigation among those strongholds of halierdashers, the cheap- goo Is counter, will quite take away the brt ath of the unmsjs-cting shopper. A piece of black fa>le franrairn, that soft, clinging silk which is the joy of artistic aul ec-momic niodisters has risen miraculously from $1 25 to fl 45 a yard, lhe heavy satins, the rich, expensive silks ate very little changt d in price. But let no unhappy shopper labor und -r the delusion that »tie call get a piece of thin silk or a few yard« of inferior velvet at the same price that she could a few weeks ago. Handkerchiefs w ill lie very dear also, and so will all kinds of linen that is imported. Crash towels have »hared in the general uprising, and are steadily mounting upward in price. Stair crash and floor covering will lie a dear comfort for the poor this year. Glass tumblers, gas glolies and ad sorts of cheap mantel ornaments will be heavily taxed. From the boarding schools come tidings of dire distiess. The dread rumor that caramels are going up has |»’netrate<l to these haunts of maiden meditation, and great is the lamentation among these damsels possessed of w hat onr grandmotbeis called “a sweet tooth.” Tin re is not the slightest doubt that there are solid grounds for this woeful plaint. Sugar has certainly gone up, and so has glucose. When the merry month of December comes there will be many a poor mother who will fee! the advance in prices. AH the toys are taxed, from the queer little manikin» who plav the cymbals and smile »pasinodically when they are wound up, to the big, placid-faced I'atisian Holls. Even the «toll's clothes will suffer That intiiHpensible adjunct toller dt-ll- ship'» wat.’.robe, Hamburg edging«, will cost a few cents m< re a yard. All the Clnistmas gifts w hich are made at Lome by loving hands will suffer from the new law. The bright silks and gray worsteds, lhe pretty laces and damlv edgings, that have formed so great a part of the hol-day presents for years, are highly taxed. Read passementerie is also under the bxn, anti of course its bumble relative, braid trimmings, conies among ttie list of “things which are dearer.” Even the common braid for binding the bottom of gowns is taxed, ami so are lining« The cheap plushes and cotton velvets are much incieasedin pn«*e. To the woman of unlimited pocket money the tat iff is of naught. She could well afford to pay the diff- fence to “encourage home industries;” but in her case there ie very seldom any differ ence to pay. She doesn’t have to take a ipiarter out of her plump little purse where the poor woman must «(tend a dollar to “inci ease her country’s revenues ami resources.’’ The daughters of Midas need not be ore bit annoyed by the new law. It is upon their working sisters that the burden and the heat ot the day must fall. Dial in generally the care, bv the way. A deteriii'iied litll« woman sat stitch ing away for tlear life. “I don't know an earthly thing about politics,” she mid, energetically, “and I don't want to. From all 1 can find out, I'll have to pay more fi r my children'« clothes, for my furniture, for my table ware and even for my needles. “It’s hard enough to get along any way, the children grow so fast and rent« are «o high. But I don’t complain a« long as I'm well. The only thing I don’t like i« this. Seems to' me they tax everything we |toor folks must have, and let all the luxuries off very lightly. ¿ nme L ai Hix. Ad-»tinKUi»lie<j Fieucli phvaician, Do torGianeher, la» been ex,>eriinentiiiff fol »everal yea<» with a v.ew of diacuver- ing whether coDHiimption can tie cured by inoculation. Ina recent interview he exprei-aen the hoi»- that in courae of time the mean» of effectively combating cunauinption will be discovered. Al though hit» labor», lie »aid, had not gone heyon<l the experimental Btagee, he liqj^l ihoi m the end they would be crowned with rncceiui. Ilia experiment« are made on rabbits, several hundred« of which he has inoculated with bacilli tuberculosis in quantity sufficient to cause shore death bv consuiription. Then by treatment, the nature of which he decline» to »tate until its value is assured beyond doubt, he has kept these rabbits alive two or three hundred days. When examine ! after death the rabbits so treated have been found to be entire ly free from any trace of tubercular ba cilli. Other >abbits that bad been in oculated but had not been treated died in a few day» with all the symptone of injected di-ease. An eminent German the physician, Prolesror Koch, in a com munication to the Berlin Medical Con- itress, also claims to have discovered a cure for th» dread disease which has hitherto b.<ill d medical science. He states that be has found a chemical that « hen applied to lower animals has made them impervious to consumption. Whilst science i» grappling with the <lread disease in the expectation of sub dtiiug it, it i» well to remember that pulmonary tuberculosis,commonly called consumption, is an in'eetious disease and can f»e cotnmun cated front one (ar son to another. It can be produced by breathing air in which living germs liana sn»|ien led as •lust. The material which is coughed up by the consumptive often contains the».* germs in large numtier*. Henc” t< •• danga-t of breutliing mg the «it < f a room occnpied bv a con- »'tntptive. A he»l’tiy pet »on sleeping will» a consumptive runs a grea risk of contracting the d'sease. Ming ling the unwa«heii clotleng of a con sumptive witti similar clothing of other persons is also a dangerons practice, This is one of the thousand ways in winch the deadly g-rtns that are the cause of consumption can l>e c< •ornmtini- cated. There are precautionary ineap- tires, iMich sttrft as thoroughly washing with boiling water the eating utensils of aconsutnr t ve a« «non a't’r eating as possible,and il wa-hi< gtbe floor, walls an I ceiling once every two we- ks, that will h« lp | reient th • spread of the di-ease. N-ver was ttie oil adage, "an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of curt’,” more aptly apnlie.1 than in the case of consumption. It ha« un doubtedly spread through neglect to take a few simple precautions. I do hoiiHcwork, the mending and darning and patching, ait up with nick children and (war the dome.-tic burden»? There in much talk about he man who works having nereation. floea a woman never m ed it. too? I h there a l.ouHe keeping wife in this city who refrains fiom dointt a »troke of work until 8 am , and does not lift a hand after 5 p. m . ? If ho , let her report and lite AHa will publish her name as the forerunner ot a afreet re form.—A . F. Alfa. Give me » call Ix tore iroiti, e aewhere. J.C.SIIEKIOAN. SPHLSGrtELD, MASS. ¡EMORY THE IVOR WILL SUFFER. For Sale. Ot e eraded Jersey cow, four years old past, oi W.C. Myer’s Ashland stock, and will come m next January. I raised the cow myself ami know that she is gentle and can be milked by a child. AJao one 2 year-old iieifer from the above cow . which will come in during the si ring ol lsftl. Aral everything else imaginable in this line. My goodi» are new and ut the best brands, and A so one Ind an piny. Persons desiring kind, gentle animals, of good stock, will wil' be sold nt the Wuv don’t we hear tuiinetliing of a find the above just as I recommend them. at.ike for e'gl.t hour» by tlienives who J. Nt.sis. SMITH A. WESSON, Choice Landa For Sale. Th- d< imrs of the National Gu ird box B last week at i'ortland have shown a ni en livening interest in iniiiua affairs, and a beultby condition of tin various regiment» lu the state I lie target eonteston Friday, resu tiiig in scores far above the averages of niat.y other statn.», will encourage the ndltlia gri a'ly. The g .v. rt or s medal.won by . »plain E. W. Moore, is i reditaldi’to the interest Mr Pennoyer takes in the bo s', »» well m to the artistic taste i f the ite- s gm r A determined . ffbrt will be made to lia< e an encampment rx-xt year. Msjhanics’ Tools J. K. ELDERKIN , Sec. and Managet TK)R SALE. W19. ACRES OF LAND-41» The Farmers and Merchant Insurance Company. D., P II Y S IC I A N A N I» S V R ti E () JÍ, Grant', fiw, Orvirun. OMcr at pr»»< nt at the Baffle? Hotel. byu i ci< Fruit, Shade Ornamental and Nut Trees CEO. DE BAR, M. D., VHY81CIAN BLfCRr 1«.barro«. turn, o', er I' . A.-r XX Hk tm« k. seminal XX »'«wn «.»• ■ • 1‘r trntion. S«»« turtiiil Erm»<mi«, Le ;rorrh » a. J>iz- alnera, W«k Me lory. Losa of Poxver ai I Impo t<-n- y. w h'.uli if r<T:. « t«*’loften 1« «i t to prunmtme o!«l H<r an<| tv Priée fi «I» ! ■ x. G Luxes f ,r f, -N) > y J 1:l « o;i <.’• prie,.- 13. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. N. D. YOUNG, PHYSICIAN Sütttssírs Iß C. C. Bsskniai’s Baak, WOODBURN NURSERY MEDFORD, OltEGC» Office In Layton & Co.’s brick, upstair*. I Can't Breathe. Clothing. Boots and Shoes. Groceries. Hardwire ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 1, 1*88. •farkaonrUIr, Ur^-f/an. Granfa T n- OATMAN. HL’CCEHSOR TO J. O. HAM« J a sker A Co. of B<»nan«n. Klamath county, «)r.. hss purchased a lnrgc and first-cias# stock of g.Mtd* which are now <>u the way from Portland, and Will be »old ( heap for Caah. Everybody !• invited to call and examine goods and prices be fore purctiasinu elaewhere. You can always find on hand a full Tine of BEEKMAN & REAMES BANKING HOUSE, Oft/"" J A Fine, Large Stock. Cuticura Resolvent The Celebrated French Gure, w— |..APHROD1TINE .V.aioril «Fregai». MORRIS IMI. BONANZA. 1 am going to tell you of the extraordinary cure your Cuticura remt-dit*» performed on me. About the 1st ot April last I noticed some red pimples like eomliig out ail over my body, but thought nothing <4 it uritli some time later on, when tt begun to l< h k like spots ot mortar spotted on, and which came off In layers ac companied with ltcuing. 1 would scratch every night un til! was ulkl’i t he msnnwhll . , «gain, tn i-ain did . _______ v I ail the doctors in the county, ’ but without aitl. Afti-rgivlng up all hopes of recovery, 1 iiapp. tied to seesu advt rttrte- ment in Hit* newspaper about ij-our Cuticura remedie», and |mreh«s«sl them troin my druirgist. and ob tained almost immediate relief, 1 began to notice that the scaly <-■ upturns gradually dropptsl off ami diasppeared one by one, until I had Iteen fully curtsi. I hail the disease thirteen month» In-tore I la-gan taking tin remedies, and In tour or five wi-t k- was en tirely cunei. My disease was eczema and Shaken <»ut of Gear, bsorlaais. 1 know ot a great many who have taken tile reini-dics, ami thana me tor tht By ma »rial disease, the human machinery kuowlege of them, <-pis ially mothers who half pef-rm its office. Digestion, have babes with scaly eruptions on their UeadSMtnl li-aln-a. 1 cannot ex| r<-a my thanks >ecretiun, evacuation are dis«)rdere<1, the tro. d becomes watery .the nerves feeble,the to you. My b sly was covered with tteules, and I was sn awful spectaele to itehold. Now my countename ghastly, sleep disturbed and skill is as clear as a baby'«. ai peu e < aprp ious. Terrible is this dis GEO. < T»TEY, Merrill. Wis. ease, fell its t<ins<<]uen<‘e*. Th» re is, how ever, a known ainidite to the mia.-matic p ison, and a certain sab-guard agiinstit In malarious regions of our South and The new blood an«l Fkiti purifier nfid grent- West, in South America, Guatemala and «M of humor r«-m«*di< a. Internally (to ch anse on the Isthmus «I Panama, as well as in the blood ,«f all impurities, and thus remove transmarine countries where the scourve the cause), and Cuticura. the great Fkin cure, p\i*ts. this inimitable preventive ami and Cuticura soap, an « \<|uiMt«' nkin licautifi- reim ily. Jlo'-ietter’B btomach Bitters, has, <*r. externally (to clear the skin and w iilp and restore tin* hair), cur«- < very pp, ci« sot agoniz during the a-t thirty-five years, been con- ing. itching, bnrning. aculv. and pimply s’autiy widening I he an a of its usefulness and denxmsiratn.g its sovereign value. diseasca<»f th« pkin, scalp, ami blood. Sold <'V<*rx where. Pi le«' Cuticura, 3dv.; I.-v«»r cum plaint, dyspepsia, constipation, Soap, 25*'.; R'-aolvent, $1. Pr«par««l by th«* kidm \ trouble, rheumatism and debility Potter Drug .¡nd < h« mu al Coi poi at Ion, B*> h - are a j rein* died by it. too. ;e*->end for “If "w to Cur«- Skin Diseases,” t>4 pages,.r>u illustrations, and 100 t« stimonials. Freni Mr. Mat thru«. Iu (he ‘ < >rvg‘ii a-'" appe«r» d 111« fo1- low rig am »ng < i her Wa>bingt"ii t’-lcgraius; •-Senator !)<• } h La* :e< civrd a telegram from lh W. MatiheW'. la’el» app«Hntvd agent at Klamath Indian reservation, Chest pains sorenesa, weakvt*». bat in the bum! sent him bib name was ^ha«'king cough, asthnui. pl«T'>y, written Davis instead of David I pon in ______ i au*l inflammation lelh ved h> on« I minute by th«* Cuticura Anti-i'ain i‘ ist« r. (p.iry he tinds that mistake occurred in Mr. aiibevk > telegram to iln* de egation in Notiiing ilk«- it for wt nk tunas. ;,i jiw . r t«'a rt«|uest h»r bis full num«-. Ful- inyinu’ the telegram he was appointed an i . , ti in«d as Davis \V. Matthews, and the and ererythina generally to be found in a tirst* STEAMER SAILING DATE.». niiiue « annul be corrected. IU w 1 be ap- c lae. Country Sture. .. I riiASI SAN ntANClSCO; frtOM yaqvina : JAS MOUTON. Mauauer l <>iut»'‘l f,y the president temporarily during Willamette Valley. Monday. October . 13 WiUaurntt«* Valley, Saturday, October.. Bonanza. April 1H 1H»H ill*, re»« s-an«i Ins name seni again to the I WilUiu>*t*e Valh-y,Wednesday, Oetobi r S Wi.iaup tt»- Vail«*), Sat jrday. October . Is > «Í.D < y a . .. 31 VViliaiu--tte Valley, Friday, October. b < ua e m xt >e-s:un .Senator Dolph tried to Willaim tte Valley, Monday, October... POSITIVE have his t«»mmi.*siun is>ued to- ¡nV, but the The company reserves the right to change «.tilinr dates without notice. guarantee president bad already letl for his western t.» curt' nt.v (- t rip and the coiuniissioh cannot be signt-d Train« connect with theO. i <’■ K. R. and River B”»ts at Corvallis and Albany. until hi* return, xvtien a i.ew bond wdl be forwarded lor « xc« utnm to Mr. Matthews. Train N : j will run Tu<*S'iA>>. Thur«4a> * and Saturday *, an«l on int me d »it. «lav s when m ct '.s.ii x I rain N«». I will run Mondays. « «Inodays and I ridiij s, and on intermediate «fay it Butte <’reek R dl«*r Mill*. when necessary. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTitRNEY AND COUNSELOR AT The First Volunteer. Probably the first man who volunteered service in the war ol Hie rebellion fa now a n eident ot Oregon. Jacob Klippel was the man «ml hi» home is in Portland. He was livii.g in .»print-field, I 1.. when lhe tir t ta i for volunteers came hy telegraph from President Lincoln al Waslilugton. T' e telegram re»’bed tiprn gtield aboiii nndnmht, sava the hayton "Herald.'* and « hen il came Mr. Klippt I and I lie adjutant were at the telegraph i lli< e together. Wiien the news were read aloud—nnd even belore its reading was concluded—the patriotic Jersey man cried out to have bis nmueen listed. And be was enlisted then and opening tliuruaUir of tti« valiant tliousanda, - - . many , o whom tievér lived through the ‘ervice to return to thè homes they had left fur the cau-e they loved. The next day it was known every where that the ih II fur volunteers had been made, and companies were being formed ail over theCuiintry. But to the Portland man belongs the honor of being the lirst to enlist in the great w ar that made free men of the i-Hv« s. Mr. Klippel is a brother ot Adam Klippel, of Portland, and also of lli-i ry Klippei id Jacksonville, a staunch D< m crai. r>U(iday Welcome. NO. 42 MULES FOR SALE. he bUBs< hirer , living five miles T a<»uth <»f Jacksonville, has nevend In ad ot further particulars, JOHN M.-KEE. IttTfixflr P. O. Fat bionaltle. Uiimlde Clothing. J. B. Sollner, our live merchant tailor, has a lull line of the finest cloths and trimmings on band for suits and pants, which he is prepared to make up in the latest styles. A poor tit is never allowed to leave the shop. Call on liitn and you will be guaranteed satislaction. His prices are<|Utte reasonable. A FEW < VRES Marie by Joy's Ve-etableSarsapn rilla. Mr- Belden, an «rrl and feeble !«dy at 5U Mason st.. s«a Francisco, after i"iiigdo»n stead ily for mouths n«s completely restored «nd is sow «ell «nd healthy. J. It Brown, book keeper Petaluma Cured Come Forward. entirely ot his indigestion «nd eonstipatluu. All those knowing themselves indebted Mis.» Clara Melvin, Ul> Kearney street, 8 T., to the undersigned will piease call and set tle immediately, for after l he 3Dth day of Cured ot au agjravatuil iase of iutliffv’stlou acd September a l ae- ounts will be plac ed in COUttipatiOD. J. 1». Fouratt. Chief Wharfinger, toot o! Clay the hands of an attorney for coPection. J. <’. SlJtEIDiN street, 9. F. Cured ot palua in th, tack liver Central Pointy Sept. 1. 1H90. trouble aud sirs headache« Mrs. J. Lamphere, 1J<J Market street. S. F . ha-i beeu under phyalclans’ earn for two years to: Wants More Timber. liver complatut With the third bottle she re Sam Coulter. a Portland millionaire, who owns a Urge block of timber land east of gained her old accustomed health I'red. A Blecker. Baldwin Hotel, «.F. suBered Ashland.says t tie “Review," passed through to Sisson and San Francisoo Saturday. He tor years w;th dyspepsia. Felt better th» fir«t week and is now cured. is purchasing more timber. «Instar Holomon ot IB Vat. tn in street. 9. ff., •*//o»rto Curf All Hkin cured <’f r. k lieadii' hes and 1. er trouble Edward Nesti-lt. Tl r. vreit street, S F., cured S mplx apply ,,8 way >» s * s O intmem .” N o itit« rnnl iiutncin*' r«*<iuired. Cure# tettur, of I’aius i:i toe l o .. a:> I chron;- b iottruesa «•w inn, itch, all « rubtlonn ou the face, hands And over ltkj< ■< ;. nose. Ar., ¡«»ax ing the hkiu clear, whit«* ana Wealthy. ItK great healing and curative poxv- *p/u* mt'B«ajiJcd by np oUMir JM’Uirffy. Ahk iu flfteeu tninUtfS . lYtesLurs .“Kffd- j?rtlY Jrug/at for 9*'krYbt bUtbYSOfr. Ake." has just been discovered in Fresno c> unty, Cal. Frank Lomu*, an old mountaineer, aud a |iarty returned ves terday to Sanger, troin a liear-hnnting exite jition tti the sierra», east of Center ville. They wounded a l»*ar, and in pursuing it ran across a big tree in the most rugged portion of the mountains, alio'it two mile» north of Kentuckv meadows. Thetr.e was circiitnecril-ed by a radius of a mile or u.ure of almost inipeiietrable underbi n»l>, so that the hunters were cotn|ielle<l Yo use both knife and ax to reach the cent’r. No evidences flat man ever traversed the sinre ground were found. The tree wa« mi asured al»»ut f<utr feet from the ground, am! a rope !2’.»f-et and 9 incliee long was necessary to span its c'rcnmfeience. The truth of th“ statement is voucl ed for by aevetal who saw the tree. It was chriatered hy those who riiscovere«! it “The O ejano.” Three brown liears were captured by the party, the largest weighing 5t>0 pounds. A n I nholy A lliance —The members «•f the .Moinvin ctiuti-n by voting solidly have sccet-e led in ca*rxing the new State of Wyoming for the Republican party. By thin act the Mutinous have gained a solid footing in on»« of the Hlu’es of the Union. The Republican party of that State made a bid for the Mormon vote ftn«l st cured it. Had the Monitions divided their v«t«*H equally Indween the two ¡ organizations, the Demo crats would have i arrie l the state. As it ie, the Mormons realty won the day. It is safe to asbunip, the vote waa not given to the Republican party for noth ing. Wo may now exp ct to hear of a heavy Mormon immigration info Wyom ing. In 1«lai io t he local Mormon leader*» •tup, it in said« refused to come to term»« witii the Republican manager* and. as a result, u»re «hrfranctiiaed. It is safe to assume, however, that the Idaho Mor mons w ill now move into \\ yorning The combination baa Micceasfidly given to the Republican party two senator* ami a representative, and to the Mor mon church a state of the Union. la more complete by far than any other in Southern <»re<oo, and compare» famrabi, with any In the Uvate. Job Pnntln# of every Imaginable description done at San Franolarv» rate«, and In a prompt a od ttrat-cl*»» wanner. SALT IS GOOD. “Halt ie good.** It ia ti c langnage of in«piiation as well as of therapeutic. Iu all the range of ti e houaehold mattria mrdica tliete 1» no remedy half so valu able aa common »alt, both becanse of its real dilative properties and its immedi ate availability. And, moreover, it has this advantage over more preteuLioM remedies, that seldom in case of, over seal or mismanagement can it be tuade to do mischief. If it doesn't heal, it won’t kill, at any rate. Here are some of the thing» it ia good for: Heated dry and applied to the outer wurtace over tbe »eat of n flaniuratiou or will give almost instant relief, while applications of a strong, hot solution of salt in waler or vinegar act like magic upon toothache, neuralgic headache, and all that brood of distress ing ilia. For latarrhal affecli -ns and sore throat a »pray of warm water and salt is almost a apec-ific, and ia one uf tho standard prescriptious for the “no»e and throat” specialists. For hay fever an-1 those other slighter form« of nasal sensitive ness that induce a constant sneezing there is no remedy more quickly pallative and often curative than the vapor of heated salt anil alcohol. For those who have sensitive gum«, inclined to bleed un the slightest provo cation, a mouthful of salt and cold water UHtd once or twice a day will harden the gums and prevent soreness. As salt is a styptic, any alight bleeding may u-tually be checked by treating the jtart with salt and water. l’erson* with tender feet will find them growing leas sensitive day by day if treated to a daily brisk rubbing with cold »alt and water. Anything mote that »alt will do? Yea, the most grateful of »11—cure the tooth ache » “Will it really do that?' A little girl who was told to put some in an aching toot«» »aya KO. “I just put in a little salt,” she' said, “and in a tew miiiutesi felt tbe naughty, aching nerve curl right down and go to sleep.” But there is one caution to offer. However beneficial the fbeta;>euticaction of »ah may be, Ibero is no question but salt taken into the sys'.ein with the food in too great quantities is extren ely harmful. It was the excessive use of salt,quite as much a«tl>e nervoua strain of bi» campaign, that killed Horace «ireeley, and there an- those who declare that with many women the u»e of salt 1» a specie» of dissipation. Too much sail it> the system dues up the bl>»od and liie healtiiy mois'ure of the mem braneous surface, > h is evidenccl by a dead yellow palor of »km. t^th a blanch ing of the hp» and cheek«, and a morbid craving fur the «ondiiuent which nothing but it» use in enormous quai. it s will satisfy. TiiKKL II VITE. Ind , Oct. '.'.—Till. «Of the fastest» records m (lie wotld «re marked to !><■ huug up to day on the Terre Haute track. lf»e fastest stallion record 2 :11 ’4 , faste«’ mile ever paced or trotted Hl a race 2 .O“’’.,, and tjiree of the taste«' heat» in a race, 2At»?,, 2.13', and 23 The great attraction was the announcement that Nelson would goto beat Axtell’s time of 2.12 Alter warm ing up a heat the great stallion s'arted to beat the record. The first quarter was ma le in 32 second», half in 1 :(I4 <4, tbtee quarters in 1 :3fi!a. Cheer after cheer went upas Nelson flashed under the wire in 2:11'4. tree for all pacing race, first heat B. B. had the pole, Hal 1’oimer aecond, followed by Adonis, l’idcaway, mid Ih. M. Geer driving Hal Pointer did not pursue his usual tactics, but »cored Ins borne up strung in the deter mination to win the heat From wire to wire the broncho and Pointer had it, see sawing all the way. At no time did the distance of a neck separate tlreiu. Never tn tire history of harness contests did two such annua » fight it out. The geldings went locked under the wire. Pointer having it by a throat-latch. The crowd was wdd in tire realization that the lastest race of one mile in h irness had been made. Time 2:0H. Tin: Vrekn Ja’irnal rorr<*»|>ondent at Hi-nlry, Cal , rereiitl.v «ent tiie following : The big li'wbt of on<- ton ot |iowil<*r w « b tom-bed ot!'at tlw-Jillson in.m*. <Ju to a i unilier ».err (irrrettt tn »«etlie great upheaval, an<l wt-ie 1.«autifullv <ii»a|>- |M»inte«l. The gei era! lemark war, "wby.ia that all? But it did goixl work, a» the bank for ovi r one I tiudred feet iu every direction ta tiioruiitrhiy cra< ke<l and ahaken up, the powder accotnpliah- ing all that Mr. Jilhon expected of it. Tin» company have graded their big tunnel, put a flume iu it on an 8 inch grade, ami aie now digging a race through the run and constructing au under-current. When they finished cleaning up a month or six week» ago, they put all the g< 1.1 in a bucket. A young lady was admiring it, when Mr. Jiilson jckingly remarked, “if you can pick it up, you can have it.’’ Two or three effort» were ma le, but the bucket T he following aipegrain the volntnc failed to leave the floor. Some gold, of “Resource»« of Stgiitlimi Oregon.” jtirt wasn't it ? This mine is not far from the from the pre»* of the Htalr prin er; Oregon line. “ Bartolomé Fern Io, a S| anif-h navigator, D efexiikp her H onor — E F. Tem- in hia aearch fur the mythical Straight» of Anian, reached, on March 1, 1340, pieton was shot and instantly killed the 44 h degree noith latitude. Thia about * 10 o'clock Sunday night of laat WAMotf thec'ii-Rt • ft he n rthern b un<’ary Week by Mrs. Hainey, livir g almut five of x%hat in now known a* Douglascotmiy. miles from Drain, on tl e Smith river To Ferrelo, then, belong» the honor of road, Templeton wan about 55 years the di-covetv of Oregon, and to the aid, a married man ami a sawyer by __ ___ _ had ____ taken promontories of the .Southern Oregon trade. He and Mr. Hainey on - Smith river. coast wil! rest like the halo of romance up homestead» ------ ------- — — Sunday the credit <4 l»eing the land of all the evening Hainey left for th» river to fin- n-rtliW'-ft tv'rito'y on \xh.cli the eye of iah a iiotise for Tetrp'etrn, who was to civihz«*«! man ti:M ret-ted Sir Francis foilow with Hainey s family Monday. Drake, in trying t > ehl ie ibe vui ance of Templeton was a large, »tout man. Mrs. the Spanish by attempting a northern Hainey is quite small and delicate. She pa*sage to England(</«rived ot! the Ore told her husband that »lie was afraid of gon coast in lo?S. lie landed at the Templeton, as lie bad insulted her sev mouth of the Umpqua, and put on shore eral times. About 10 o’clock Templeton hi* Spanish pilot. This was the fir»t made an assault ujion Mrs. Hainey with C mucak an upon Oregon tejil, 3500 mil« s his person indecently exposed.' She He attempted from hie Mexican home, left to find hi» told him to st and back. way through trackless forest» and desert to lay bold of tier, when she fired, miss wastes alone.’’ ing him. He then lustied at her, and she fired a second »hot, the ball striking T iie S< hoolmastlr A b - knt - Th« en- him iu the neck, coming out at the base He fell on the floor, roll« «! copy of th»* tar.tT bill signed by of the brain. the president contained many niiKtak^s, where he lay until the c< r<ina r was sum and go« tion 39 uf the internal revenue moned Tuesday. Tliere la-ing no near schedule was ent rely omitted. The neighlajrs. and the night very dark. Mrs. errors are priinipally in Kpeding. At Hainey was comi»elled to remain a l the government i rinting office the state night in the house with ti e dea l men. ment is ma«lo that no authority tochange The coroner's jury rendered a ver ii< t of mis^peJed xxords in enrolled or engross jhatiliable killing. ed l i!| by congteFN exists out W hen Matt Quav wasaeked what he side that t»<slv. The printing-office iia* to follow copy, ho that law is published was going to do ab-mt R publi« an Con- with a numlierol ordinary English words grehsman KeLnedx'h speech against wiongly spelled. Among the word» him, he replied : MI wouldn't pay any misspelled are '‘cotian’’ fur cotton; attention to the words of a Ila« k’guard "afon-aid” for aforesaid; “saurkraut” and a loafer.” The K* publican party for sauerkraut, etc. The errors in spell tw-ems to be full of thia kind of people at ing were made by the engrosEing clerk» the present time. Kennedy »ay» Quay in their hurry to have the bill ready for is a “cnminal,” and now Quay pax» his the president’s signature. respects to Kennedy. ‘‘When thieves fall out honeat men get their due” is an T he Dupont powder w t.ks in Delaware old earing, and it will pussibly fit in this were destroyed on the ?;h. “Ten pereoira instance. killed, twenty w. untied. R<»ckhnd 1» a My «tuie tu »HappewraiKt. a complete wrm k.anti none of it« hou«es Mrs. John A. * larke was a great snüerer are left Manding.” Rockland 1«a village irnlig. mon and Hi. k headache, bb« on the Brandywine fnllv one mile above from •It her home lati Saturdav to buy a lot tie the scene of the explosion. It comprises a •>f De Witt’# Little Early R a.r», n-ok a large paper mill ow i e-l by the Jessup A dose ami her' di3..ppeHn.'d a* Moor«’company and about fifty dwelling», my-tenmi.’.ly nt it carne. Try ILeui. bold in widen < hit fly reside null employees by L. C. Brooks. it» jHipuiation is about two hundred. 0MrAr/an*a Arnica hatre /»Rl VKKA.VS ».«_/.f y»’,.K HAKiTl, In all th* H orld thrrt ia but nn<- Curt l>r. HaiDm (¿oMru Hrcrinr. The beat salve m the world for Cuts Bruises Sore«. Ulcers.Halt Rheum, Fever Bores. Tetter, C'u»ppe«l Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and pnsi. live cure* for files, or no i ay require«) It isguaranteed to give perfect’atl.Iact on or money refunded Price 26 cent» pir bUx For talebv alldrnggisra It can be given m «cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of theper8<»n taking it. effecting a speedy and |*rniauent cure, whether the patient ia a moderate drinker or ar. alcoholic wreck. I housands of drunkard* have been cured who have taken JsctamrrtUe tb MWort. the Golden Sp'-ciflc in their coffee wlthbut I’atranije tbeonly wagon that c. imert« their knowledge, ai d t< day belieVfe they with every train, rain or »lune, and carrie* quit drinking ot their «»wn free will. Kb the V. 8. mall and Well«, Far-pnA Ch.'# tiarmfu! effect reaulta from ita adrninMra- expre««. Barirtart'itin guaranteed. CiuYi. Cures guaranteed. Send for circular J ohn Pvaa. Driver. and full parti« u I « fn . Addrrsa in cuntidaijcr WWAAJjtZtWlV W ifo KWH b f SW btfTale? bimnlfcW-^iWttfD'* ‘Htd-