¿he ¿Democratic diuca FRIDAY .. ..OCTOBER 10, 1890 A CHANG K. With thia heue a change takes place in the management of thia paper, the T imen Bublhhtnic Co expiring by limitation. The b »ok*< hare been cl<*aed and statements will be sent imin»-diatety to all indebb •fg prior to July 1, IttUO. An early set lie- menl ia requested and required. as the bu'imesa of the co.npany mu<t be settled at once. T imbs I'CSt-ISHt.»« Co. Jacksonville, July 1. 1890. A Just Claim. Rcprvsen'ative Hermann has secured the passage ot a bill for tlie le irf ot Colonel Wi liam J. Martin, ol Douglas county, Or The claim is for 37500 and arose as far back as 1849—lorty-<>n«« years ago—»nd because of it» age ba» been a difficult claim for tbe Oregon delegation to handle, thi tigh it has passed Die senate three times ill six years, and last year received iha favorable report ot a bou-ecommittee. In the year lM9an acting quart« riuaster of th«-army was ata tinned at Oregon citv, and employed Martin to furnish 90.000 pounds ot heet at Fort Hall, Utah territory, for the use of what was known as the R He reginieut. The price agreed on was twelve cents per pound on foot. Colonel Martin purenased 122 head of cattle tn Yamhill county. While en rout, the cattle were »tanipe«led by the Indians and twenty-two head lost. The remainder wi’h great difficulty were de livered to tli«aForl in September. 1849 Tbe quartermaster advanc'd 3'i5*8> and gave an order on Judge Bryant, the terri torial judge at Oregon oty. for tbe balance, but hts (tinds were exhausted. Shor ly after wards tbe quartermaster became insane amt was-removed from Oregon city, ai d had no remembrance of the expetiition or tlie contract. He wa» »tricken fr.«m the army rolis tor not presenting for »•ttlruivnt hi-« accounts, and be died in»ane near Buffalo,N. Y Tha war department declined payment because "I the absence of vouch ers from the quartermaster, ami this de ficiency re«juired oiher evidence which for years Colonel Martin found difficult to furnish He now asks that tbe bar of the statute of buii'ations ntat be remove«! and the case submitted to the court ot claims to »«IjU'tlcste on tbe fact». Thi» tbe bill passed does. Yreka Races. Bmgo won every race at the Yreka fair in whit li ha ran and added several hun- drad dollars to his owner’s wealth I He is u race-horse in every particular. Klickitat I was nor so «uccesBfui a* at th« district fair, losing every race he ran in, which may also be s i<l of Winf (.’reek _ Ba ' dv \ and " • •'« trolling ‘ hu.se E. I’ Arago w -ti a %-tuile race in 85 seconds, winch is within a bait beat „ tirueoo record. _ Aiken's second f tire _____ _____________ Sammy H was a close »econd, and subse quently won the >3-mile race for ben tea horses, defeating boih Klickitat and Baldv. L. Bwan’s three-year-old stallion Ante-echo won three trotting races, making 2:43 in his contest with E P. Wands who is of the McDonough stock,won thetn ttlng rate, beating Ante-echo amt Effie V. in straight hea'.s an 1 making in 2.37. Vance’s Effie V. wi n a trotting race, as also did Swan's Z-phyr and Mi Donald's Mi>s Hi gm. while Wild Oats won two running races. HXKE ANU THERE. Buy a White. The White is »till king. New goods at J. Nunan’i. Read the new advertisements. Settle what you owe the 8. F. Variety Store. Cures while you wait—Preston's “Hed- Ake." Wheat remaiua stationary at M cents a bushel cash. Ab. Giddings of Klamath county was io Ashland recently. Why suffer? Preston's “Hed-Ake” will cure you. Fruil jars and jelly glasses at cost at the 8. F. Variety Store. • H H Blecher ha» returned from a trip to Klatuath county. 11fail», money refunded ; Preitou’»"Hed- Ake.” A nephew of F. M. Roberts of this place is paying h ut a tisit. Bring on that wood you promised us on subscription account. It cures headache only- Preston's "Hed- Ake ’’ Medtord roller fl jur in quantities to suit a* Kearnes A White'». • Stoves have been brought into general tire by tbe cool weather Mrs. I. E Deboy ot Gold Hill is visiting friends in Douglas county. De Witt's Colle and Cholera Cure is always safe and always sure. Groceries and prorisions of all kinds, fresh, al Kearnes A White's. * Max Jacoby is now engaged in tlie com mission business at Gold HiU. Alex McNeil has complete«! the building ot a neat residence at Eagle Point. A vast quantity of wood is now being hauled, for winter is near at hand. First-class cedar fence posts for sale in quantities to suitat the T imbs office. A. A. Bashor has located in Eugene A3 agent for tbe Singer lewing-machine. The Talent planing-mill has just finished 15,000 fruit boxes for G. W. Edwards. Enoch Roten has returned home, after sojourning several months near Salem. Monlbb’ installment« of 310 will buy a house and lot in Tolo from Scott Griffin. * Mrs. Lucinda Justus departed fur a trip to the eastern states one dav last week. Call on Pritchard when in Medford and see something new iu the jewelry line. • Old papers, in quantities to suit, for sale at the T imbs office at50cents a hundred. S H. Clary. B.vron Cole and sons, of 8iskiyuu spent a day in town this week. Geo. Walker and J. W. Robinson are burning a kiln of lime near Woodville. NoGriping.no Nausea, no Pain, wh«n DeWitt'« Little Eirly Risers are t«ken. Small mil. Sate pill. Best pill. Brooks sells them. Judge Prim, who »rent to Salem to argue the motion for a rehearing in the Beekman Hsmlin case, succeeded in having tbe petition granted We have had some cold weather along with the pleasant during the past week. On Wednesday a little snow actually fell on the foothills. When in Medford don t fail to call on D. T. Pritchard, the jeweler. He will take pleasure In showing you bis mammoth stock of jewelry. • Settle I Bettie 11 Settle' I! what you owe tbe T imes office previous to July 1, 1890. as the books have been closed and must be balanced at once. Jas. McDougall, ihe well-known bridge builder, has been doing niucli work in bis line for tbe county, to the sauaiacllon of all concerned. Rev. F. K. Van Tassel, who has been in charge ot the Baptist church of Ashland for the past year and a half, has resigned bis charge there. The ladie» should not fail to examine tbe handsome millinery goods tbst Mrs. Prim selected personally from the great stocks in Portlaud The Jacksonville marble-works are bnay with orders and are d-'ing first class Work, Thev are patronized by people as far north as Douglas county. Will. Jacoby is now sole proprietor of the Gold Hill store, formerly owned by Jacobjr Bros . and is stocking it with a flue, large assortment ot goods. Mr. and Mrs. M Obenchain of Ashland precinct last week bad ihe mi-fortune to lose ttieir infant child, its death resulting from teething disorders. Dillon Hill has tbe contract for getting out a large quantity of ties for tbe railroad company from the Griffin creek saw-mil', says the Medford “M»ii.” J. W. Sowden, having resigned the agency of the While sewing machine, headquarter» therefor nave be. n eat «t.lisbed at the S. F. Variety Store in Jacksonville. Supervisor 8-hmidtlrin had a force of men at work tilling in tbe approaches to tbe new bridge across Ward s creek, which structure is a good one. Wright's Jamaica Ginger—strictly pure. An excellent remedy for cramp», colic and where a tonic for the stomach and bowels is required. Sold bv all druggists. Messrs. Johnson and Erfor.l have com pleted repairing the bridge across liutie creek, near Brownsboro, and It is one of the best st'uctures in that section. Subscripti<in>for the S F.Examiner taken at the TIMES office. lbo»e wishing a chance in the grand November drawing should send in their names at once. The young folk- of Woodville baveorgan- ize.1 a literary society with B. Il Stevens as president; 8. C. Sbertll, vice-president, ana Miss Anna McHugh, secretary. For furniture ot every description go to John Gildersleeve of ( entral Point. He keeps a complete and first-class assortment and sells at the most reasonable rate«. , The largest and best stock ol deeds, mortgages aud all kinds of real-estate and legal blanks south of Salem is kept at tlie T imes office and sold at Portland rates Nathan Defreese. formerly a hotel clerk in Ashland, was killed at Bisson, Cal. on the 24'h ulr., by Frank Cochrane, also well known in southern Oregon. Tbe trouble originated over a woman. Col. R. F Maury of this precinct is justly proud of li'’“tn cess in capturing the blue ribbons' tbefaironhis fruit exhibit of 20 varieties of tipples, be’i-les a number of He is one of pe irs, pe u h’S, prunes, etc our leading horticulturists. AC Yreka, on the 4th, the jury in the case of J. C. Weiss, who was held for the mur der of Cbarle* Ingram last June, brought in a veidict of not guilty. Chris, is well known here, having been a resident of Jacksonville foi several years. Tbe round-trip tickets to Portland for persons attending the industrial fair will be stdd only on three daps of the week. Mon- dav. Wednesday and Friday. The fare is 318 25 from Ashland for the round trip, and the tickets are g-8>d for ten days Oakes' Swiss Bell R ngers and Comedy Sketch Club will perform at tlie U. 8. Hall on the evening of the 13th They are so well known as to need no praise from us The company is one of tlie best that travels and never fails to give satisfaction. Wallace A. Gridley, section boss at Dil lard, Douglas county fell from a hand-csr while in motion, thecar passing over him, one day last week. Fortunately he was not dangerously hurt, only a little finger be ing dis m ated and one rib fractured. The suit between H C. Lewis and W. G. Cooper, over some Galloway cattie thit Die latter claimed belonged to Win. Gates, was compromised after it bad been sent back from the supreme court. "■ The 1 stock ...................... was divided among tbe litigants a short time since. J DeRoboam and wife, desiring to retire from the hotel business, on account of ill health, offer their furniture for sale and their buildintr for rent at a very reasonable tigiire. Read their advertisement iu another column, tor there is “money in it” for some one. E. V. Carter of tbe Ashland bank has volunteered to look after “Old Prob’s” in terests at Ashland in the future, and at tend to the westtier -ignal flags, tlius giv ing the r. si tents of upper B-ar creea valley Ihe benefit ot the regular daily signal-ser vice predictions. W. H. Parker, Esq., yesterday presented the T imes with a liberal supply of some of the best grapes we have seen this year. They would have made a good showing even among the elegant exhibits made at the county fair, as the bunches ami berries were juicy and large. Remember that Dr Marcoux, dehtist,will make von n full nnper and lower set of tbe best teeth f ir onlv 325, and satisfaction L'liaranteed. His office is in tbe IT. 8 Hotel, Jacksonv lie. Please remember, also, that ever«' Monday the Doctor visits Central Point, »here he lias a branch office n Dr. Lspie-us residence. • The Mana Colver place in E len precinct, one ot the largest and best farms in tlie vallev, is now offered for sale, and those wishing bargains in choice land have now the oppo-tunity to purchase what they wish For further particular» read the ad vertisement in another column. The fakirs and prostitutes who were so prominent on the district fair grounds near Central Point were also at Yri-ka. Cal., last week; hut thev were not admitted to anvthing over which the Mt. Shasta Agricultural Association had control This action of the Intter society give gen eral satisfaction.aud was the proper thing, beside» K- aines A White received this week their new stock of tall and winter goods, con- si-tine, in parr, of dry good", ladies' fine dress go. .dr. fam v goods, ladies'and gents’ furnishing goods, tine shoe-, lists and clothing, all of n liicli they will sell at the most reasonable prices. Call and see their n* w goods before making your purcha-es elsewh-.-e. • There may lie persons in this community who are at tim-s troubled wi'h colic, or subject to bowel complaint. If so. they ab.'U d try Cnamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It will afford almost immediate relief, and when reduced witti water is pleasant to take. If taken as soon as the first indication of the disease is felt it will ward off the attack Many people use it in this wav. and find that it never fails them. A 25 or .50 cent bottle niav be obtained from Dr. J. Hinkle. Cen tral Point and G. H. Haskins, Medford. PERSONAL MENTION. Harry McClallen has returned Roseburg. A Great Show. LOCAL NOTES. frotu A B. Seal, the notorious drummer,called yesterday. Judge Prim has gone to Ssleui ou pro fessional business Theo. Engel, the Phiauix merchant, called Wednesday. George Brown it in attendance at the in dustrial fair at Portland this week John Compton and family of Little Butte precmct spent Wednesday in town. Ben Beall and Jet! Wilson of Central Point ptecmct were in town Wednesday D. Crotiennller and wife of Fort Klamath made the valley a visit a short lime since. C. M. Root and wife and Mr. Boswell of Gold Hill tarried io Jacksonvi le Tuesday night. Judge Hanna and wife returned from their trip to Crescent city, Cal., a lew days since. Miss Pauline Karewski left for Portland last Sunday evening to pay relatives there a visit. John Hufler. who has been in tlie field with a surveying party, returned home on Monday. Tiie Merrill-Abt-Abbott Modern Miracle Combination, which are advertised to John Wade has returned to Albany. appear in Jacksonville Oct. 10th an t 11th, W B. Mudd of Humboldt county,Cal., is are pronounced by the leading pre»» of Arne-ica as being the best novelty company in town traveling. Don't fail to see them. Ed Williams has returned to Crescent city, Cal. Ik Mysterious Disappearance. Oscar Stearns of Talent was here during Mr». John A. Clarke was a great sufferer the week. from indigestion and sick beadacbe. She S. M. R tbinson of Talent spent a day in left her borne last Saturday to buy a bottle of De Witt’s Little Early Kisers, took a town recently. dose and ber headache disappeared as Mrs. V. Schutz has returned from ner mysteriously as it came. Try them. Sold trip to Portland. by E. C. Brooks. Hon. J. S. Herrin of Ashland visited us a few days since. V BORN Congress adjourned last week and the BENNETT—In Medtord precinct, Sept. 28. country breathes freer. 18110, to Mr. an t Mrs. 8. Bennett, a daughter. Geo. Bush is lying quite ill at Wm. HOCKENJOS.-In tbls city, Oct. 4. Wl. to Mr. Bybee’s farm n?ar town and Mrs. John Hockenjoa, a daughter. —In this city, Oct. 5, 1890, to Mr. and J. H. Hoffman is repairing a number of SILVA. Mrs. Manuel Silva, n daughter. the tin roofs about town. Wm. Russell of the City bakery and res 01 KO. taurant handles choice cigars. 8T0NK-N«nr Ashland, Sent.21, 1KU0. J«-nu0- Mr. Blacx «f Salmon river, Cal , is in F., daughter of Jacob anti K C. Stone; aged this section looking for a home. 1« years, 2 months and 21 days. MELHASE-ln Linkville. Sept. 27,1M90, infant A large quantity of wood is being cut off daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Melhase. the Holman addition to Jacksonville PlCKEL-ln Eilen precinct, Sept. 25. 1S80. French Picket, a native of Teuuewee; aged Josh. Neathatuer and wife of Pleasant 71 years, 4 month» and 28 days. creek precinct made us a call Tuesday. The smiling countenance ot Col. Bow E<1 8 iltmarsh has gone to Little Shasta, ditch of Ashland was seen on our streets Cal., where be has steady employment. yesterday. A little rain has fallen during the week, Ben Haymond and C. W. Taylor, county commissioners, are in Jacksonvil e on but the weather is beautiful ut present. official business. Read tlie chanco in Slaver ,t Walker's Jaa. McDonough and wife and Mrs. W advertisement. 1 hey never fail to please. J. Plymale returned from Yreka, Cal., D. A. Presley has returned frotu ea-t of during the week. tlie mountains and will locate on Butte creek. Col. Robt. A. Miller went to Roseburg Isaac Raglin of Gall's creek, while at this week to attend the meeting of tbe work with Savage's thresher, had a leg Eastern Star chapter, broken. J.S. March and D. Hedges and wife, who Henry Oliver, the Ashland fruit raiser, reside north of Rogue river, visited us dur attended tlie industrial fair at Portland ing the w<ek. last week. V. Cook of Clatsop county i- at the Ster Thus Nickerson, Will Lewman and ling mines, in which he is interested, on Henry Jones of Applegate wore here a few a tour of inspection. days since. M M Harkness, a well-known lawyer G. H. Jones has removed from Sam's of Grant’s Pass, was here yesterday on valley to Toto, where he has purchased ten professional business. D. Bloomer and son of Gold Hill pra- acres of land citict have been at Jacksonville several John V. Keizur and family, having tired times during the week. of life at Eugene, are once more citizens of Jacksonville. Hon. Theo. Cameron was at Rossburg Mrs. Holman Peter and children of Grant’s this week, attending tlie meeting of the dis Pass visited Mrs. Newbury and family trict Eastern Star chapter. during the week. Jas. Helms, los. Rapp, J A.t'arli-le, los. Miss Tillie Reeser his accepted the posi Robinson and Henry Ammerman o'. Talent tion of finisher and retoucher tn a Salem were in town on Wednesday. photo, ratibic gallery. Tbos F. Fish, the San Francisco capital G. H Anderson pi-sel thr nigli town ist. was in tl'.e valley looking after his to d iy on tiis way to Applegate for Ins t-ri'perly interests last wse<. winter supply of apples. Will. Ja. k-on returned to Grant a l’a»s M'S’ Reynolds of S tn Franc s o ha- been the forepart of the week, after having paid engaceil to teach the n-w department in this place a professional visit. tlie Ashland | u >li ■ school. Francis Fitch and 8. 8. Pentz. attorneys- Mile- Cantrail lias gone to Phoenix to at-law from Medford, were at the county take charge of th'- school there. He will seat Tuesday on legal business. no doubt give satisfaction. Mark Kerr, who made the ascent of Mt. Sanderson Re*d, a popular Portland a‘- St. Eli is, is well known in Ashland, where tornev, visited Jacksonville Saturday, be- he spent sometime in the past. in,; "ii profes-ional business. Miss Sophia Simon of Eigle P > nt. who lh>s. Liw-oii, J. C. Hannah, Perry lias fieeti at death's d.air for so 1 mg, with Foster and J G . Brainletof Trail creek pre typhoid fever, is no.v convalescent. cmct were here during tbe w-.-ek. Mr. Sperrv of Lakev ew. a well-kn >wu A local teacher's institute was held at attorney, lias gone to Sab-ni to be admitted Gold Hill last Saturday, which proved an to practice in all of the Oregon court-. interesting one. bupt. Price was tn alten I- Mrs G. H. Haskins of Medford visited erce. Jackaonvtlle yesterday. She took quite a A. 11. Evans of the Depot hotel, Ashland, number of premiums at tbe district fair. recently retHrued from consulting a San C. C Ragsdale. SroltGriftio, L I). Hitch Francisco oculist, who afforded him great sod J. A. Cichran of Tolo w---e among relief. those in town thi- week on leg* bnsines- M s Cnap.el ant Miss Knowles are Attorneys Watson. Hanim -rd. Burien- making prep tra'ions to remove their hotel Shaw and Pin! ips of Ashland were here bit-im-s-1 i ihe G ulling bull ling on Cali during the w-ek o-i professional business. fornia street. Miss Winifred McConnell of Yreka, Cal., M .rr'»-e license issue I October 4, KkJ.to visited the family of L)r. 8 mg-r ami other Newe I Harla ■ and E leu Gertrude Peers; relatives in Ashland precinct during the October 7, 1890, to Leo Netherland and week. Winnie Crosby. E. Sanderson Smith, manager of the Mr. Doran returned to southern Oregon Steamboat ledge, and Dan Griffith, hi* last week alter an absence of several years, foreman, a|>«riZ a day in town during the and visited his sister, Miss Alice Doran, week. during the week. Oscar O»car Knox of J<*aephine J.wephine county fell Mr. Hurd of Portland, formerly with from a wagon a tew days since and broke Staver A Walker, was in town this week. his jaw, split his chin, and received other He is now interested m a collection agency injuries. with Cass Barlow. L. L Burtenshaw. has returned to Abb- Hon. T. J Howell aud wife of E'na, Cal., land from a vi-it with relatives in Lirin who attended th • fair ami afterward ft>eni county. His brother Janies accompanied several days with friends in toe valley, him home. have returned home. Judge Smith and wife of Linkville tar 1 K. Debov, Ja<. McDoug.tll, Jesse Dodge and F. M. Parker of Gold Hill pre ried here a few hours last week, while on their way to Portland to buy furniture for cinct spent several hoars in town last their fine, new hotel. Wednesday C. M. Root and Miss Higgins were mar Mr. Dickison. who had the Stephenson place in this precinct rented last season, ried al Gold Hill recently and made a bri dal trip to Portland. I’ueir many friends has returned from his trip to the Willam wi-h them much joy and prosperity. ette valley OUR FALL AND WINTER CATALOGUE Is now rendv for distribution and will be mailed FREE of charge upon Application. It is a large book—over 120 pages—and i» profusely illubtrated, faithfully picturing thousands of articles of merchandise in our great establishment. IT IS THE IDEAL SHOPPING GUIDE, and by a perusal of its pages, the reader lias an great a command over our prices and assortment» <ir though personally at our counters. It is a mirror of fashion, all the latest styles in various lines of merchan dise lieing shown by illustration as well as by description. Send for it, and secure the beuefits of the lowest prices on the Pacific Coast DR. ABORN fob Tn os i wno cannot possiblt call px » •ONALLT, BJME 1 RUI NENT PLACED WITH. IN THE REACH OF ALL THAT WILL GIVE ÎN8TANTANE018 RELIEF AND A PERMANENT CUBE. "The most speedy, positive ami perma nent cure for Catarrh of the Head, A»thma •nd all Throat, Bronchial, Eung. Heart, Stomach, I.iver and Kidney Affection», Nervous Debility, el Consumption, in its various stages, pernianently cured. D r . A born ’ s O riginal M ode of T reat ment and his M edicated I nhalations gives instautaueous relief, builds up and revitalizes the whole constitution and •y»tem, thereby prolonging life. Weak, nervous, debilitated atid broken-down constitutions, old and young, invariably gain from teu to thirty pounds ill from thirty to ninety days. D r . A born ’ s phenomenal skill and mar velous cures have created tbe greatest astonishment on tlie Pacific Coast and throughout the American continent, dur ing tbe past twenty-five years. Asthma, Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat, Bron chial and I.ung trouble instantly relieved, also Ear Diseases and Deafness often cured permanently at first consultation. D e . A born ’ s essay on the *' Curability of Con sumption.” and a treatise on "Catarrh of the Head,” with evidences of aome ex traordinary cures, mailed free. Call or address DR ABORN, Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary Fpr $2.25. We are able t<> offer for the remarkable price of ?2.25, the ’rigimil Webster’.- I’tiabridged Dictionary, bound in either full sheep or half morrocco (full btandard hzc . 11 in. long, 8 in. wide, 5 m. thick) containing fibout 10o,000 word«, over 440 ^ibic inches of pa|>er, ami nearly 3o0,000 square inches of printed surface-. Being the largest and m<>»t valuable book ever printed and told for the Ten thousand feet of lumber at Sam’sval- ley »«-hool-hoiwe for sale by Scott Griffin ot Tolo. • Willie Robinson's condition is much improved, and he is probably now out ot danger. Considerable plowing is being done in different portions of Oregon; also some Tlie po* in “Pest ond«-nc.v” which wa« Saney uf Rogue River. sowing published in the T imes « short tune DEALERS IN Senator Mitchell some time ago made ap Noles, receipts due-bills,drafts etc., in since, was written by IL C Emery of plication to tbe superintendent of thec->ast book form handy and first-class, al the Union, Oregon. It is a gem of considerable and geodetic survey for nn or e for a T imbh office merit. survey of Rogue river. Oregon, and now A complete assortment ol justice's blanks Our exchanges are vigorously censuring is in receipt ot a cbinmunn atnji» fr>.m the superintendent -tating that Mr Dickens of the nianageni« nt of tlie races during the will la- »ent to any addre-s for the small sum of 3-- They are the latest and best. the const siirwy was engaged m com <ii»trict fair. Address T ime « Printing House, Jackson pleting a survey of’hat i art ot the coast N'-w- comes from the Cow «*reek canyon just south ot Coo* bay. Oregon; that this that hundreds of men could find employ ville. would probably lie ti nsned tbe pies*nt year, A summer friend—Wright’s Blackberry and that when it is done he will be instruct ment there. Cordial. Once used always taken. Relia Fourth »nJ :iorrinon Portland, Oregon. ed by tbe superintendent to take up Louden’s thresher was housed for the ble and prompt. Pleasant '<> take, lii.li»- 825 to 835 another uniinisbed part of the coast, ah ch season last week, after having made an ex penstoleJor summer trouble». Sold by all K. Street, • Nore. -Home treatment, securely packed, »ent by includes Rogue river, and he w old fh»n tensive run. druggists. •xpreAS to all part* of the Pacific Coast, for those who be instructed to survey said river to the emi Cannot po*-» biy call in person. Commissioner Tlylor informs □« that A. Sam Veatch, one of the 8. P. Co.'» of tide water or the bead of navigation, all ALL INVITED TQ CALL FOR FREE CONSULTATION. of which the superintendent hopes to Mi Ned has commenced repairing the Kagle freight train conductors, was thrown from a car in Marion county a stiort time since, accomplish the coming year, provided Point bridge. appropriations for the work on the coast Tbe latest styles in gent's furnishing and ha i a narrow escape from being o( Oregon are not cut down at the next goods have just Been receivedat ths 8. F. crushed. chart of session. The publication of a Variety Store. Tlie best remedy for beadacbe am! neu Rogue river and tbe coast up and down At cost, a large, first-clas» assortment of ralgia is Wright's Paragon Headache rem frotu its mouth will follow shortly there fruit jars and jelly glasses, at tbe 8. F. edy. Stops pain in five minutes. llaini- after. lees. tasteless, no bad effects. Sold by all There is no p'ace in southern Oregon Variety Store. where such a well-assorted and first-class druggists. Clothing and gents’ furnisbin g goods of stock of shelf-bardware, cutlery, ammuni Looking for a Location. FOR All the medicine in the world will not tion, builder's materials, firearm», tool* of the best quality at Kearnes Jt White’s— cure your stomach trouble if your teeth are all kinds, etc , is kept as at the pioneer F. V. Medynski.wbowas the superintend new this week. • tn pe r condition. Visit Dr. Marcoux and store of John Miller in Jacksonville. He ent of the big ai-tiliery at D< s Moines that R. A. Jones and family have left Grave have your mouth put in order so you will keeps only the best goods and sells at the was run out ot the state of I -wa by the prohibition laws, is now on the Pacific creek for eastern Oregon, where they will enjoy lite. * • most reasonable rates. Whenever yon coast looking lor a location fer a distillery, spend the winter. Circuit court commenced again last Mon need anything in his line call on Mr. M. in the interests of a large and wealtby N. C. Boynton, well known in this valley, day, and will be tn session until Judge #Dd see for yourself company now operating in Illinois He have control of tbe electric-light sys Webster and District Attorney Colvig leave has been at Waila Walla, Wash., and at will The Medlord “Mair' says that Dr. Pickel for Lake county, which will 6c tn a very probably has the most complicated and various places in Oregon, and stopped at tem at Grant’s Pass. perfect electric battery in Jackson conntv. Grant's Pass, Medford, Jacksonville and Representative Hermann has secured an short time. Ashland. The company which he repre order for increase of mail service from If you want any repairing done call on If not in southern Oregon. It is designed sents. wh»n a location is fonnd that is satis Prineville to Sliver lake. Pritchard, one door front Grant! Central, for either a galvanic or Faradic bst'ery, Who will boo n axecee full and first-olaM factory, proposes to go into business on a Medford. He can't make a new w.itcli outol and niav be chsngid to either at a mo Emil Barbe did some goo«i stone-work an Mr. R<»t>erts, who re«ided on Jackson large scale, using as much as 90,000 bu-hels The real-estate belonging to the estate of old one. but he Can make a old one run ment’s notice bv a perfectly arranged in Ashland precinct recently, assisted by system of insulated wires. He also has creek 25 years ago. has returned from Samuel Colver, deceased, wdi be sold at ad of corn and a lesser quantity of rye amt bar like a daisy. * assortment of attachments to the battery for the pur|*ose eastern Oreg- n and may locate in this ministrator's sale to-morrow. Much of it ley every year, tbe location sought is one John Bienvenue and son Ihe Earl Fruit Company is buying most convenient to prolific corn fields, shun t- countv again. is first-class and sb mid bring a good figure. The sale of personal property at the Ros» of the apple crop of southern Oregon, and of burning out warts, uiules, etc. ance of water, oak timber for barrels, and farm, last Saturday, was well attended and John Keown, the worthy postmaster at J. A Larsen, the tailor, well-known in Dr. W. H. Riw.and, of Albany, pro continues to outrage the feelings of our where transportation families are good, fair prices were realized. Keown. Adeghanv county, Penn., says: Jacksonville and Ashland, visited his prietor of the East India Catarrh Remedy, orchardists by labeling their boxes “ Csli- says tbe ' Tidings.” "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy sells better brother. Otto Larsen, near WiJderville, was here this wees tn the interest» of iiis A. Crabtree called at the T imbs office fornia Fruit.'' than any other " The reason of this is be during tbe past week. excellent medicine, aceouipauu-d by bls one dav this week, while on bis way to We are lucky to have permanently locat cause it ran always be depended upon Roll of Honor. Gold HiU from Applegate. J. T. Layton ot Aoplegate was quite id family. ed with us a city dentist who will give Let any one troubled with a severe cold The following Is the result of the written They are here and will show to night A new street lamp baa been placed at you all'he science you want in dentistry.' give it a trial and they will find that the last Wednesday. Dr. Geary of Medford ’/a examinat.on ot School District No. 40, Ap Judge Day s real-estate office. It has been Call on Dr. Marcoux, at the U. 8. Hotel first doge will relieve the lungs and make was summoned, and Mr L is convalesc ami also to-morrow night, with admission plegate: ing, though still quite weak. breathing easier, and that its continued a 50 cents. Fred T. Merrill, the clranipmn and see him. • needed for a long time past. Charles Moss, 91; John Pernoil, 88; use will free the system of all symptoms of bicyclist, will give an exhibition after tbe J. W. Sowden. who is now agent for the eulertainiuent. J W. Hockersmitli will socn ship a car the cold. The promptness and certainty The Southern Pacific’s new time-card di<t Emma Moss, 85; Josie Moss. 93; Harry Must of ot this remedy in relief and cure of colds Singer sewing-machine in Douglas county, M'ss, 85; Emma Cook, 87; Ida Cook, 87; not go into effect,»» the change of time has load of grapes from Ashland Capt. 11. Kelley, leceiver of the Burns them will be from the Coolidge vineyard, has won lor it many sincere friends and paid his friends in Jackson and Josephine Lulu Cook, 86; < lint n Co k. 85. F.orem e been indefiuitel y postponed. land office, is visiting friends in town, and the greater portion will be of the made it very popular. For sale bv Dr. J. counties a visit on Wednesday. Bolt. 93: Fred Bolt, 92: Edaard Bolt. «9; For Female Irregular De Witt's Little Early Risers. Only pill to Mission variety. —WITH ITS----- being on bis way to look after the Harney i ties; iiothingliket’ietr Wnltain Johnson, fit; Stella Byrne, 92; Hinkle, Central Point, and G. H. Haskin», N. hanged is expected to return from county -eeat question in the supreme court. on the market. Carl Byrne, 80; Id* Knight, 85; Lydia cure Sick Headache and regulate tbe bow Medford. Portland iu a few davs, accompanied by We are glad io learn that he is prospering. Hou. G. 5V. Riddle has ordered a large fflil. £uccessfuHy used eis. Sold by E. C. Broooks. Pernoil, 85; Martin Pernoil, 80; Anna fileni, Oreg-on, by prominent la lie Sirs Langell, who has improved greatly in stock of goods, and tits heretofore almost Herriotl,95; Li's Herrtott, 85; Nettie Her Religious. G. Naylor of Griffin creek is preparing empty store at Riddle will be filled to its monthly. Guarantee* Tne improvement in the Dead Indian healih during her sojourn there riott.85, Geo. Harriott, 90; Lee Cantrall, to build a new residence. 8. W. Speers of utmost capacity. Ernest Riddle will have to relieve suppresses (Lu the State Insti rance Co*«, fìnllding.)* road to Linkvide is said to be very marked The following are Rev. Robert Booth's menstruation. Miss Hallie Maury returned during the since ihe work done by Captain Helman 80; Abnte Cantrall, 8.5; Martin Kline. 85; Medford has the contract. the management. appointments for the present year: First giXD BKAM H OFFICES IN PORTLAND. A8T0RIA AND ALBANY. Jaiues Carchuff, 80 Those standing 100 io SURE! SAFE! CERTAIN! Sabbath of each month. Medford al 11 week from a protracted visit with Linkville and his force between Pelican bay and C. N. Lambert of Gold Hill has taken deporttu-t'1 are: Josie Moss, Emma Moss. B. F. Miller, who has charge of the o'clock y. st. and 7 r. M: second Sabbath, friends. M'ss Maggie Manning accompa the first named place. Has for pale a large list of Don’t be humbugged charge of O. Gaillard's mill property and Jackson county exrioit at the Portland Jennie Knight, Ida and Emma Cook. Central Point at 11 a . m and 7 r. M ; nied her home from Klamath's capital. Have Time. Haalth will manage it in the future. The Case ot Fleiscbner, Mayer A Co. vs. A lum D ay , Teacher industrial fair, is well qualified foexpatia'e third Sabbath. Medford at 11 a . M. and 7 and money ;take uooth Miss Jessie Langell departed last Monday Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms. Also City and er. E. G. Cameron won another foot-race on the merit» of this section as a fruit r. M ; fourtli Sabbath. Jacksonville at 11 evening for Portland to attend St. Helen’s Kubll A Bolt, which was decided in Judge W eb-ter's c mrt in favor of the deteudanls. recently in southern Oregon, defeating a growing country Sent to any address A. M. and 7 r M. Sabbath school at Jackson Halt during the winter Her father ac has been appealed to the supreme court, Suburban Property. Pamphlets Completed. secure by ma'l ou re man by the name of Davis. Our customers all rpeak highly in praise ville every Sunday at 12 M. and prayer companied her to tbe city. • anti will be heard at this term CCint of price, »2.00. The Oregon Land Co..was especially organised for the purpose of buying and subdividing The “Resources of Southern Oregon," meeting every Thursday evening at 7 Send the T imbs to vour friends East, or of 8t. Patrick's Pills. They are the irst.— o'cl'ick. Audreys large tracts of land, and has during tin past two years bought and eubdlv1d«>d over 3 200 aertw Judge Webster returned from Gilliam composeii of L54 pages in pamphlet form, Once in seven years—the body is re- Brser Bans.. Carroll. Nebraska. For sale teres ot land into five to twenty acre tracts. The succew of this uudvrtaking la shown in the at any other place. It answers better than has been completed by State Pr liter B iker, THE APHRO NIEDICINE COSPINT, The following are Rev. R. Ennis'appoint county a few days since, where he has Hewed. T. The ‘ uivod ■ • must - have ■ the elements bv Dr. J Hinkle. Central Point, aud <1. fact that out ot tracts plac» «l on tbe ni.irk' t. 22.5 have boon sold. ami 'he wh"le ii'indi-r li N be -o Imxed »n't all the letter» you can write. ments: Ou «very Sunday morning,except been bidding a term <»f court for Judge of vitality. Wright's Compound Syrup of WerternBrand», Box27, l'OBTLANb. «>n We claim that ten acres of choice land in truit will yield a larger income than 100 acre« of H. Haskins, Medtord. .. . shipped to th*t> destiuation — K .b*-rt A. ing tlie third. he will hold services at the Bird, who is hi Calif «Tina for bis health. ’ the Sold by E. C. Brooka. Dru«xl»t. Jackaonvlflr wheat in the Mississippi valley. Saraapartda cleanse» ami enriches De Witt’s Little Early Kisers. Best little Ixiuis 8ilber«tem, formerly a well-known Presbyterian church in l’hceux; on third Miller, secretary of the Southern Oregon pill for Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Bail We also mak* yalual»l<-improverix-nta in !li<* way of roads, fence«, clearing the land. etc. b ood, and gives a new impetus to life. J. H. Oatman, the well-known Bonansi drummer, »on-in-law of Hyman Abraham, w e cau sell a snia.l tract of la id for tne a.imr price per acre you would have to nar for a State Board of Agriculture, at Jacksonville. Breath. Bold by E. C. Brooks. Suniiay morning and every Sunday even Sold by all diuggcsts. large 1 arm. • 17 • died at the latter's residence tn Portland, ing he will preach at the Presbyterian merchant, who has been nt Portland with The work is gotten up by the lio.trd ami is his family, spent a few days in the valley A flue supply of fresh candy, nuts, on Sept. 29'b, of consumption He bail church in Jacksonville. McAllen A McDonnell of Portland, a collection ot statistical and descriptical this week, before returning home. well-known dealers in ladies’ goods, data relative to the agricultural ami oilier bananas, lemons, etc., at tbe 8. F. Variety been sick several years. Archbishop Gross ar.d R«v. Father Clark induatrial interests <f Oregon, calculat d Store. The best in ihe market. (’has. Wall and wife of Flounce Rock holding u cloak sale which is proving quite At a meeting of the creditors of Magruder will be nt Grant's Pass on Saturday even popular. They are selling elegant wraps to hern fit those industries and to encourage precinct have gone to New York, via Tbe circuit court adj turned for the term Bros., doing business at Central Point, ing, which will prevent the latter from immigration. It is mostly di-vote-l to the yesterday'. Yellowstone park They will spend some- at prices never heard ot tietore. Don't A special term will be held held in Jacksonville last Saturday, M bolding services here Sunday. Comities of Lake, K amath. Jackson, during the latter part of November. There will be no services in the Presby tune in visiting different portions of the fail to buy one. Purdin wa« appointed sssignee. He will Josephine, D mglas. t’ooa and i'urrv, say» Owing to a mistake in tea ung li,ure«, a terian church the coming Sabbath, as 'he east. Rev. Walton Skipworth was assigned to soon enter on hts duties. the ' Statesman." pastor w II be absent attending the meet of 8800 kegs ot powder, instead ol 33011. Thomas Garrett »nd two children and blast There is one medicine that will cure im ings of Presbytery and Synod. duty at the Mt Tabor pastorale near Port as was in tended, were used to charg- a nDl'k. kLPTt Mil III •»■.4U «tiri»« —___ ■__ . Mrs Fitzgerald and four children, all from blast OPEN» WH'Tl Mitili J.',th. ISSO, (LORES Ot'TOBEK 35M. mediately. We refer to De Witt's Colic land recently, and resides there now. The Presbytery of southern Oregon will m Cow creek canyon recently, and Another Teacher Necessary. and Cholera Cure for all summer com meet on Oct. 3d at 7:30 e M. in Oakland, the vicinity of Alturas, Cal., last week re the residents for miles around thought Signor Liberati » Military Ban-1 of Fifty Selected Musicians will furnish the music A tew copies of the American bettiers plaints. So large is the attendance at our district No delay, no disappointment, no Or., and the Synod of the Columbia will moved to Ash land to aecuie good school that an earthquake hail broken loose. nix and one-half acr«n <>: floor space tl led to oversowing with the wonders of thia privileges. school—although it baa b.eti in session less Guide, standard authority on all land failure. Brooks sells it. mt-et on the y (j in Portland. wouderlul age. A world of Mechanics in Miniature. Not to visit tai» Gr«t F.rwui. The State Board of Comm.-ree has al than a month—that it has already been matters, may be found at the L imbs office lion and vi«w He wonder» in .very departui. .it «if art and science will bete mis« anon- The f dlow ing are the appointments of Ralph C. Miller has returned from Cali Since viewing the new patent b«e stand ready liearded the railroad officials in their portunily such as liu» never l«t u pn-sented to th«- people of this coast tu tore. found neves.ary to eturaire the services of The supreme court is in session. It is Rev. Fa’her Chit k for the month of Octo fornia where he has been engaged in min another teacher. Thr board of directors not probable that as many case» front this at the district fair, devised bv r. J. Bell ot ber: Sunday, Oct Sth, at Grant’s Pass; ing on Klamath river. After a brief s< j >um den, with reference to piovidmg better THE FAT AND DOMESTIC STOCK DEPARTMENT have accordingly engaged lire »etyices of district as usual will be tried there this term. Talent, «everal of our cit z nshaveconclud- Oct 12th, Ashland; Oct. 19tb, Jacksonville in Rogue river valley he will go to Colorado facilities for local trail! —putting our local ed to begin the honey business in earnest. shippers and nianufaetur-rs on an equal Ml.«» Arnes D»v an <>l I niontown precinct at 10:20 a . m .; Oct. 2'1'h, Grant’s Pass at toengage in mining. Will opiuS.pt, Siili and dos«’(k-toN-r at. $5.5(0 Is offered tn cash premium« tn this Depart- De Witt’s Little Early Risers. Best It is the best we ever saw. fooling with the metropolitan jobbers, iu an accomplished young lady, who assumed 10:30 a M. meni. Stock Department open to vi«itors from U a . M. uuttl 5 r. M. Kxp<M'tlon from 1 r M charge ol the primary department this Liver Pill ever made. Cure Constipation District Attorney Colvig has g<»ne to abort. We recommend De Witt's Colic and untillOe.M. On.-Hdinission ticket admit« to Ixith. Price, adutu, 50 eta.; children Seta He- week. I’ri f Price is a teacher of »bitty everytime. None equal. Use them now. Ch 'lera Cure because we bdieve it a safe I ductsl rates on all transportation hue« leading to Portland ‘ Lakeview to attend circuit for Lake Attempted Suicide. Tbe road around Mule bill, in tbe big For information address, n. w. ALLEN. Su pt. and Scc'y. and industry. and is proving h.niself popu county, which convenes next Mouday. Appleeate section, which was almost Wm. Hill of eastern Oregon arrived and reliable remedy. Its good effects are Cha ’ . Bennett of big Applegate one day lar with both parent and pupil. The same recently Ju<lge Webster will leave this morning for to assist Dillon Hill, his brother, shown at once in case» of Lbolera Morbus last week insde an attempt to commit the same destination. entirely destroy^«! last season, is being put may be rani of his assistants. We have the well-known vegetable and fruit raiser. and similar complaints in first-class condition by Oliver Dews, «very reason to le-hev« that our school is suici 'e which whs almost aucceesful. He road supervisor for that district. The H B. Oatman of Portland, o ie of the second to no public school tu Oregon out Mrs. Kreuzer, who was for mauj' year» a had sent his wife to a neighbor's (8 C. P ositive A considerable quantity of grapes is side of tbe larger cities. being shipped to the Willamette valley resident of Jacksonville, has returned trotn I l atter) house, and, as she was returning earliest reaid-ntsof R-irie rivev valley .has county lias donated a Mir-sized sum to ward tlie work and private subscriptions been paving his former home a visit, accoin tbe east to Portland. We a»esorry to learn TAr ffnly fttfp Protpftnrtf home wi h Mr. C. and bis wife, they heard market Iroui Miller'» vineyard near town. f>tr Houtr, ToHrttf, rimtr «nd that she is in a dement'd condition, with a shot, which is not an unusual occur panied by his wife. Mr. O. is one of fhe suc h ive nearly doubled tlie amount,so that the S. 8. Convention. road will somrbe in good condition again The building committee of the Portland poor prospects for recovery . rence in that vicinity. Imagine their sur cessful real estate men of the metropolis. The annual district Munday school con- city ball have decided in favor of tbe Ash-' Protects Butter from all ndora, Mrs. J. M. McCall and Mrs. Josephine D The San Francisco "Examiner's” great prise when they found that Bennett had Mr. McGee and another mining ezpirt vention ot Jackson, Josephine and Klam land stone in preference to that from Teni dust, beat and bandlin«. Ko pa But it with suicidal intent. He was found Crocker of Ashland were at Roseburg from drawing will take place in November tired San Francisco were at Cinnabar this ter cool and aweet and ia easily and ath counties will be held at the Baptist no. lying in a pool ot blood, hut still alive, the yesterday a*tending theaesri »n of the grand week, accompanied by Capt. Caton, re Subscribe for the weekly at once il you quickly eleaned. church, in Medford, on Oct 28th, 29lh'and Hood's Sarsaparilla has a steadily in- wi»h a chance to draw one of the valuable bullet, winch bad entered his month below chapter 0. E S., they holding the offices turning on Wednesday, A tunnel over Juth. 18‘JO. All Sunday-schools tn the dis creasing the chin and found egress above the nose respectively of grand worthy matron and 100 feet long has been run this sea-on. and be articles ottered to new subscribers. jiopularity, which can only 1‘liICE. SO Cent» Each. trict are requested to send two delegates, won by au article ot real merit. Give it a having ent away his tongue and nasal grand se. retary of that order. tbe prospect» for a rub. permam-nt de with lull reports of attendance, etc. Lltw-ral discount to Agents. Sa.upls H Gss<tu»t's new stage line has reduced organs and left him in a feirlully maimed Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Corm trial. E. .A. Rogers and wife of Quincy, HI., posit <d ore are good A saw-mill tuay yet A cordial invitation is extended to all by mail on receipt of price. rates to Crescenteity. Stages go through bv condition. His windpipe whs also laid HEADACHE, And ALL PAIN. Sunday-school workers, as they will be The next event of importance will be the dayligtit, and, while not so expeditious a« bare, ar.d it is with great iliBicult)' that after a pleasant visit with Dr. G»o. DeBa’ lie pot Up there, lor the purpose of sawing f n. CAsn co. Tb« California Positiv» sail Wigativ« .. ___ _ ... —, ........... favored bv _ a series ot verv interesting Merrili-Abt-Abbotl entertainment. Every the mail line, afford m 're comfort and are food and medicine are admlni-tered to and family of this place, lust week resumed lumber with which to timber tlie litonel. 1435 A aland« 8«., San Frauclsoo. Cal. their southern trip Thuy return east over Ibis jear ___ ___ lectures by 1 >r Hobbs of New York, one i of body should go and see these wonders of generally appreciated by tbe traveling pub him. ELECTRIC COUGH CUR1 ’ B'-nnelt lias be* n suffering with the Denver and Rio Grand»* route after America's noted Sunday-school lecturers the age. CURES COLDS. CROUP. CORSUUPTIO». dropsy for soivetinie past, which is the spending lic. several weeks in California. Coming Attraction. G. L. W bbb . Pres, of Convention Bold by all Droggiit». Each 35c. SO. A t cati-e • f Ins desperate died. His eirlv John F. While, who has been appointed Tbe Ashland raiitoad office now sell» death, which was inevitable, will now be Hon J. D. Whitman of Medford was in Cr.a»ln««r A Co . Prop'.. Le» Ang«l««. Oal We are visited by the world-famed Mod i assignee of tne entate of J. C. Wbipp. gives tickets to all points north and ea«' (over Take it Before Breakfur. notii e to the creditors thereof in another I the Union Pacific and its lines), with the hastened. He mav be dead by Ibis time. Jacksonville last week, accompanied bv. J ern Miracle Combination. We are prom A. Varney, another member of the State ised the finest and most mtere-ting enter Tbl great appetizer, tonic amt liver regu column fare to Portland additional. When going Horticultural Board. Bitli agreed that tainment ever seen In this city, and. in S ingle S trap T rack Scribner's Alwajs Leads. east via th« south fare to Sacramento is lator. In n-e for mor- than 50 years in A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dr. many of the orchards «boot Jacksonville stead of raising the price as every other For the benefit of collectors and extra are in a badly infested condition and must good England, Positive specific fur liver com- | Sommers formerly of Jacksonville, al free. show has done, they have lowered it Illustrators we herewith make tbe an- plaint. I Bad taste in the mouth on rising their present home in California. We con- to 50 cents. At this we predict for them If you want to subscribe for the liest nouni enient that the publishers of “Scrib be looked after at once. ---------- —a bead gratuiate. in ihe iiuiinn g. <1 >..«« till -------- i a>ns — in j the and The undersigned has now for sale at.lth weekly on the coast and at the same time ner's Magazine” have,of late.n-ceived an in crowded houses. brickyards near Ashland ba; k of the rye-, tired feel'ng, d zzire-s. CENTRAL POINT POINTERN. The county commissioners’ and probate get a chance to draw a handsome present, creasing number of request» for artist's languor—syruptoms of liver complaint. Price, $17 subscribe for the Sail Francisco 'Exami proofs of engravings primed in its pages. Pronounced Hopeless, yet Saved. Reniedv—Dr Henley's Knglish Damlelimi courts are io session this week. Full pro The Leather, Workmanship am! l-'inish are < , Gildersleeve sella furniture cheaper than Tome. Relieves eonst:|Hition, sbarpena the ceedings will be given in tbe next issue of ner. " Subscriptions taken at tbe I imv .» The recent and successful exhibition of From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E the VMRY Dk-bT. office. • engraver's proofs has increased the desire anybody tn southern Oregon. appetite and tones up the entire system. tbe T imes . Hurd of Groton, S. D., we quote: “Was SAVE MONEY EV Bl YING DIRECT. Furniture of all kinds at Gildersleeve's. Inken with a bad cold, which settled on G«t the genuine front your druggist tor Alex. Watts reports the scheme for a among connoiseeurs to own artist's proofs We are informed that W. Beeson has FROM INCH TO 6 INCH. • We can sell you 31, and take according to directions. sold 25 acres of bis Wagtier creek farm, wagon-road oown Rogue river to be en of their favorite il ustra'iuns, particularly Finest stock soutn of Eugene. my lungs, cough set in and finally termi in the case of portraits Heretofore, the which included bis residence and orchard, tirely feasible and practicable and that, with Dr. A. Markham of Klirnath county, the nated in consumption. Four doctors gave Harness at from $6.00 up C. H. VEGHTE, Ashland. the exception of two or three points, an ex publishers have thought it wise not to well known dentiat, has located in Central nic up, saying I could live but a short time. for 34,009. cellent road can be constructed at a moder allow these to go out of their own possess Road Carts from $9.50 un 8.nt to Jail. I gave myself up to tuy Saviour,determined Point. ion. They nave now decided to give an op Sylvester Hamlin advertises that he will ate outlay.* if I could not stay with iny friends on Sheriff Birdsey returned from Yreka •END FOR CATALOG! portunity to those interested in the subject not be responsible for the debts of his wife, During the district fair R. V. Beall had a earth 1 would meet tny absent ones above sootier Ilian lie eXpecUni.a» he found the The Indian war veterans will hold a most obtain such proofs as they want for line horse killed by a passing train on the My husband was advised to get Dr. King's man who stole the fiddle Geo W Wi»e Theresa F. Hamliu, who has left bis bed interesting reunion at Grant's Pass next to ACME MAN”} AG f i’BING CO. their own u-e, the charge to be 31.00 for and board. railroad. I had rente«! of E B Hunsaker of Ashland New Discovery for cmisumption, coughs VIGOR‘S Saturday. Captain Holton advertises In copies on India paper, and 50 cent, for INDIANAPOLIS, IND and colds. I gave it a trial, took in all on the fair »round». Tbe culprit h»d a M. Purkey pile and D. L. Newton were ihe Roseburg town election resulted in the Chinook “dialect” to bring your wives, copies on pla'e paper. This offer is made trial in Recorder Ford’« court at Central the re-election of Tim Ford as marshal, eat, drink and be ni“rry and listen to tbe only 1« regular subscribers of “Scribner's among the many at the county-seat during e'glit bottles; it lias cured tue, and thank ¡STRENGTHS Goi I am now a well and hearty woman.'' Point. «Bo »ent him to the county jail tor Fred Fijssl as recorder, C. W. Parks as "tyees" declaim. Magazine,'' whose names are on its books. the week. II ,ai bottles free at E. C. Brooks' drugstore. twelve ami a half davs.as he | leaded guilty tressurei'. The creditors of Kincaid Bros, will meet Regular size 50 cfs. and 11.00. The fair at Yreka last week passed ofl The publishers cannot undertake to supply to the charge of |a-tty larceny. A. J. F oreyla«! week took possession of smoothly and gave general satisfaction. them to other» under any circumstances, in Jacksonville on tbe 14th inst., to select will not permit artist's proofs to be put an assignee his new pt.st-ofjce building at Eagle Point. The attendance was large, tbe exhibits and piSOS REMEDY TOR CATARRH.—Bat Easiest general sale. The plate proofs are Important Notice. ,Yon Take No Risk He will occupy a portion of the bouse as better than ever, and the races square and on to use. Cheapest Relief ic immediate. A cure N No need of sending to Port'and for furni primed on paper suitable for framing, the for We Lave now »ei t »tab nients of aceouu' interesting. Allot this cannot be «.lid "f Iu buy i ru H.s d aSir-ap.irola.for iti - everi • a residence. certain. For Cold in the Head it hai no erfual. size being about 10x12, the India proofs ture Gildefclieve keeps a tine assortment to nearly nil o' tbo.se indebted to Ur. and where rrcdgnized as I lie slu'd ml bui'd our district fair. * being on mounts of the same dimensions. and se is at tbe lowest rates. FEW POLAND CHINA P1G8. MISSOURI Tbe board of town trustees held their mi early res|«rn<e is desired an I expected. mg-tip medicine and blood i urifier' . It h e- thoroughbred. Will do witi ’ I't liicntj on «111 Ju'y .» 11 v I, 1. — stock, _ —•................. — - - —: , -- ti.croen , - -• W. A. McPIieraon. well kuown in jour It is said that the plaumg unll will soon As wr ceased doing bti-iness won it’ way to tbeYrnnt bv its own intrins regular monthly meeting last Tuesday » ithon« any the numonni» strain» now In tha t!.a val- llohnes Business College resume »iterations. This would prove a iNtbt. <-u.- books tou t b- V ' nt ' 7 ,. /■ ' Ut *?- of Apply ic merit and bus the largest sate of .-my pre- evening, but transacted no business ot nalistic circle« in O egon some years ago, tn Win. Holmes. J m ksonvlllo. Or. importance. •let«» T ime » Fvunsmxo FVKH s UIM* Co. I fnr particulars. as a writer of torce and rare entertain Of Portland. Or., will open B^pt 1st J. great benefit to our c immunity. psration f its kind Aliy bonest druggist Jackson vi I-. Sept. 1. Into. An elegAnt Line of gent's furnishing ments has completely re overe.l, it is sti I. A. Wesco, the leading penman of the coast, will confirm this statement. If yon decide I). L Newton has returned from hts trip It is r.n t hntincnt, of which a small particle is applied ta en file !n Philadelphia has become a partner in this school and will j from the disease which cause«! his tempo- to take Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be goods, for the fall trade, has just be»n re the Wn|ainetle valley, where he sold a to thp BOf'ujg. Errc»t Me. Sold by duuygiLW «ff» Immediate, harmless—Preston’s ‘Hed induced to buy anything else instead Be ceived »1 tbe 8. F. Variety Store. Don’t . tarv |oss of reasop, and he hi’ been re- njakpit the leading business college. f?end ip aoietj b6ad of horses at fair figures. by .ffltaWS; K T. ÄÄL1 ..*f Í for catalogtfe. Ake.” tail to see them. 1 leased from the a^yltuu sure to get Hood's. HALE BROS, t CO SACRAMENTO, CAL. This Space Has Been Reserved NEWMAN FISHER, FALL AND WINTER GOODS Faber’s Golden Female Pills. THE OREGON LAND CO. Home Olliee »it SEND FOR PAMPHLETS, MAPS PRICE LIST. Portland's Great Industrial Exposition CAL TBE FAMILY BITTER CASE I CATARRH TILE FOR SALE HARNESS Tiling of All Kinds, FOB Pigs A A Sale