jke^monntuíhuw EDITORIAL NOTER- J0SKPHIN1 C0-sTT IWW> Grant's Paiw “ . Mcctricity will probably be lighted with Car* iielt w* ' “ ®r' ».J A Bladen. e tb-re »t 3 :45 the night before bail been d-laved on the trip from Roseburg and had J i-t i iill««8 »" old railroad man anil telegraph operator, and has been etn- pl«*ved for years on the Southern Pacific and Central Pacific lines. The surgeon thinks that the foot may possibly be saved, a« the ankle joint is not injured. J. H. Holcomb and wife, nf Beicherville, Texa», have celebrated thrir fiity fiftli wed­ ding anniversary, »nd are still bale and hearty. The secret of their long life and good health is that they correct any slight »liment promptly, and In that way avoid serious eicSitess l.'ke n>o«t every one else, they »re more frequently troubled with eon’t'pation than anv other physical dm- ord r. To correct tlii» they take Hl. Pat­ rick’s Pills in nref- rence to any other, be­ came,as Mr Holcomb says. " I hey are a mild pill and, besides, keep the whole sys­ tem in good order. We prixe them very highly." For sale by Dr. J. Hinkle, Cen­ tral Point, and G. H. Haskins, Medford State Normal School, Monmouth, Or. T he Philadelphia »•<». which says of Pursuant to adjournment, the Jackton it»« II. "it always ha* been a staunch Re­ County Teachers' Association met !u Modford < publican newspaper, always ha* sup ­ SEPTEMBER 2»I >“* > I Saturday. September 13th, at 1030 o'clock A. FRIDAY ported, and always expects to support I I; M., at the Presbyterian church. Prof. P. A. Republican principles,” repudiate*- Q>*' Getz, president. In the chair, with the follow­ 1 ay G otx UO* P»> o yik ha» wirfl Mr in inis vigorous language : “The cr ing members in attendance: Misses Della knows that Matthew btar.lev mitrv Nohl«, the MM-nUry uf ion Grant's Paw’board of trade sent a recom- E. E. Smith. I. B. Raymond. J. W. Beatty, J. worthless, whore • ’ a whose word is W. Crawford and J. O. Holt. meudatiou for a recount of the state. tonnd in Portland an«! ’>al«*m. whose disaipat»"' .eachery is notorious, A communication from H. C. Faber, resign­ J. L Scott returned last week from his sum­ word, ' u habits are a national by ing the office of secretary, was read and ac­ mer outing down on the Cuue buy coast. Dion B ovcicavlt , the wiHbrat«-i ««-^r coward' -nd whose selfishness and L. L. Jewell, of the firm of Hale A Jowell^ if cepted. and writer, «lied at J,,'w .....m, ,,- con- .e are simply monumental. The once more at his old home in "York state. On motion, the following*named persons *>2d inai H- w»" “ n,“n 12,1 .ary knows that Quay has been darXr, but neverthel"« 1 Our fast horses are making a showing at the were elected members of the association: If vnu linve headache try Preston’»“ He|>earing in Wash­ alldt*«. School Superintendent C. B. Price, president­ fect that ex President Cleveland will ington as one of her United States sena­ Th»* R«»gue river bridge is finished, except elect. not being present, the retiring presi­ abandon New York as his place of busi­ tors, baa his fingers clutched ii|>on the th»- aiq>r«•aches, and whl be ready tor crusmug dent. Prof. Getz, delivered the gavel of author­ ness and residence and remove to the throat of the Republican party. He is In a few duys. ity to E. E. Smith, first vice-president, who The next annual meeting «»f Indian war Huh. It is no doubt of a sensational prostituting the party to Lis own selfish veterans will bv held at Grant’s Pass on the immediately assumed the duties of his office. character, as will lie seen in the future purpose. He is making ‘republican- 12th proximo. After severaWWhutiful songs by members Ask your County Superintend­ Mr. Cleveland’s horn* is in New York, ibui ' synonymous with rascality, lying, J B. Adams has been quite ill for sometime of the aaaociation, led by Prof. Get«, with and there he will remain. and steahng, and, were there a national with crys-pelas in one arm, t»ut !• re|H»rtvd Miss Janet Forbes as orga nist, the association ent about Free Scholarship. e.ection tins year, the Republican party much better now. on motion adjourned for dinner. G in . A itikoat »'» n-ntival from the would be defeatd, tiecause Mat. S. Quay Hon. A. w. Gowan of Wallowa county was The association re-assembled at 1:30 o'clock, poeition of aK-nt i" sai I to have reaulteil Control" the machinery. Vide»«bis gup poring over county rccortkiin betalf of the and after music by the members the pro­ from lit» haviM intiti.ate l to the itotn- is broken the party will be whippetl in census bureau this week. gramme was taken up. it was found that a ■ tui«*ioner of Inilian affi'rv at Washing­ IS92. For the sake of the future of the Grant’s Pass has another excellent hotel, in majority of those assigned subjects had failed ton that he knnw more about the n< eda Republican party, I'attison should be th«- Blackburn house, opened last week in to be in attendance, and in consequence of Sherer & Judson ’ s ulock. of the afte holding a Diploma from the school are entitled to teach in any county in the state without / $vorld of Mechanics in Miniature. Not to visit tnis Great Kxposi- Tus doctors have discovered that the »lad to see it extended to every country audience. It is a most excellent company and ner. which proved the gentleman to be up to wonderful age. wohrlers in ------- every department art ---. and - selcnee k will miss an op- tion and view ita w< --------- — # — r---------- of — - lie to — - erysipelas microbe will exterminate the which buys our products and sells us desi*i vt« a liberal patronage. further examination, lieautiful and healthful location. No saloons, Hood facilities, Fall term the educational procession and one of our pro- portunity such aa baa never been presented to the people of this coast before. diphtheria microbe, and wee won, so theirs; but they want none of (be so- [ A. A. Alw«»rth is employed with Borth- ’ gressive teachers. An animated discourse OPENS NKPTEMHEIl 23d, 1S9O, For Catalogue adder** SECRETARY OF THE FACULTY. that When the patient in ill with one dis- called reciprocity which is contained in 1 wick. Batty A < •>.. of Portland, and will r<- followed, which was participated in by Profs, THE FAT AND DOMESTIC STOCK DEPARTMENT sense they inoculate him with the virus the Aldrich amendment to the tariff bill, I move his family to the metropolis soon. Will open tfept. 35th and close October M. $5.500 is offered in cash premiums in this D» part- ! Crawford, Getz and others. of the other and bring him out well. which puts it in the power of the presi­ Ralph K. Dimick was married to Miss KtiH-k Department open to visitors fromV a . m . until 5 r. m Rxpoa'tion from 1 1*. . m . The subject ot “Vocal Music" was handled inent. Anna Baker at Wilbur. Douglas county, on i Now, if we cculd only set the tariff n*t- dent to close our ports against friendly the until 10 r M. One admission ticket admits to both. Price, adults, 50 cts.; children SScts. R< • 10th, Rev. G. W Quimby officiating. in a skillful manner by Prof. Getz, and the duc<»d rates on all transportation lines leading to Portland. erobe and the bogus [s-nsion bacillus by nations whenever it inav be his pleasure For information address, K. W. ALLEN, Supt. and Sec y. John Lenz of Crescent city. Ual., recently members of the association recci red some use- the earn, how soon Uncle Sam would re­ so to do, and that makes it {Hissible lor bought Henry Smith place at Grant's Pass 1 ful information on thia muoh-ncgiected study combinations of unscrupulous H)>ecula- and will the cover from his financial consumption. make his borne here in future. which no doubt resulted very materially to tors to manipulate our tariff for their NIeiï<»n ; was cast against it. Two Republicans— beneficial efftvt un the cancer on Ills tongue. next mating, November H, 1MM> be Protect» Butter from nil odor», The M E. (’hnrch (South) ladies gave a fine postponed until that time, unless ordered to L. Samuel, ll'r.«t Short -, Ubarle« Nu keil, Evarts and Edmunds—also voted against hunt and kumdUnif. Keens But­ supper last Friday «-veiling for th»* benefit of meet at that time by the president. ter cool and sweet and is easily «nd Tnc zx. fackiemvdle ; O. P. Maeon, it, and another Republican—Senator their church, which was quite well patronized. quickly cleaned. The president appointed J. W. Crawford, P. Hoar — fia>l the unblushing effrontery to Farmer, Portland ; S. M. Yoran. R'girtrr, v. C M. Hill, general Baptist missionary A. Getz and N. A. Jacobs committee on pro Filitene ; J Michell, .VvUi.t inter. The state in snl>Htance in Ins dosing speech f »r R< Oregon, ■a* PRICE. 30 tent* Each. attend'd the Rogue River Bap Dalle«; E. C. Pt nt'and, H7«< òither, Fernando H S Pentz to Franci* H C Penfz, land In Med­ appear now to have thoroughly learned a chance that the tight w:ll take place. Jessup, at Hay ward’s. Cal. Deceased was a ford. $1. The two pugilists were immediately ta the le»*'n." worthy young man of 34 years of age. C Magruder to J W Merritt, lot 18, blk IL ken to a police court. The charge Superintendent Roberts of the Waldo c«q> Central Point; $171). against them was conspiring to commit 1 11 and Matilda Williams to J W Merritt, lull Tur: B eton llrr,tlj prints a statement per mines was nt the Pass alter .supplies and nts last week, ami « xproses great 10 and 11, and fraction In blk 16, Central Point. of the condition of the iron manufactur­ a breach of |>eace. The justice bound sucoutreim BUT CURES « $lfW. confid« nee in the tuture of the mines. Notice for Publication. Cbarlca Walker to W 1 Vawter and R P ing business of N"W England by a gentle­ tsith over in tlO,000 each for a hearing NOTHING ELSE. last Tuesday morning. Tin* action of Geary. acres tn twp 37 r r 2 w. $*ii). Sehooi Superintendent Massie r«-turn«*d IflHt man who has made a careful study of I’. S. Land Office, Uosvbuig. Or . the police was unexpected. It has we<’k fr«nn a tour through Montana, in th*- Constantine Magruder to Nathan Steadhatn, the subject. He shows that the cost of ean»ey «riven tbat in compiiuuce American foiinrlrv iron is increased M 75 returned horn«* contented with his lot. GW Howard to Jii.nva Gilbert, lot y. blk ¿2 ing men. The common report is that wttli tto* provisu-ii, ot thè act ot ContrroM of •• M»slf»>rd; - • ro. « a ton by the «"riff; the cost of American Torn Flt/.-immons of the defunct “News" Is ..1 We challenge the reader to successfully controvert the assertion that J uih .1. l<>, Mary E Iluling, 21.48 acrea in forge iron $3.50 a ton ; the cost of scrap Slavin "blew tt«e gaff’ himself. He editor of the “Stockmen’s ami Dairymen’s twi’ X s. r Barr tlintu-r lande in tlo-s atee < >1 ettlifernia, ««r*- 2 w, $1401». was, according to report, on a spree last Exeiiangt " of San Francisco. Toiu is a good an acre of thrifty, well-cultivated, producing orchard trees in the val ­ u-«u, vada aiid Wiudiiofrtori T«.-rnt<*r> J O Johnson al., to Nathan P PbippR, lot • iiiirvu et < i «... iron 14.53 a ton ; the ciwt of I’es-e'iiar but why «iocs he spell it Fitz-Simmons, so. t»ik 2i, M. Junpt-r of Ktreeburir, c-ounty <■! I. M»«dford; : $44110. ley of Rogue River will yield a net yearly income of ¿100. It will Io-ter iron for steel making |5 50 a ton. That night and was a little out of condition. fell«»w, Itoilglus. Oregon, Ino* tilt» da> tiled now? A I) Helman lelman to Johanna Hourk. .83 acres !a If the “ «- reports are true, there w .«s every is, if the duty were taaen f-o 11 these in line office bis Mworti siatemi ni b>r Uie average 100 trees to the acre, and the estimate is based upon the dem ­ Ashland; Si. reason for Slavin to give the tip to the The lithograph cuts <»f Grant's Pass have t'urchaee of thè,« of K'c. 5-*. lu T«*p. A I) Helman to W J and E I) Cunningham, crude coinmohti-a there w ul 1 he at the been delivered to ttoe patr -u- of the enter­ onstrated fact that each fruit tree will produce 41 in value, net, of No. .fife. Ilanirv No. .i e.au'l uliìorter i-n.-t lo in Ashland; $1H7. prea-nt P’ic -Sof iron this difference to police. A great deal of disappoiutment prise, who ar«* getu-rally well satisfied with land show timi tb< land sougiit is more «sìllabi«* James M Brandon to Gabriel Long, assign­ has b* en caused by this turn of affairs. marketable fruit each year. them It is certainly an effective way to ad ­ ihw benefit of the New England manufac­ tor ite tituber or stono itimi toi "gricultural ment of bond; IflOU. vertise the town. plirpoei e. uiid to i-etabìlsh hle < I hiiii lo eald turer. OGaniardtoJ B Dungan, e^g of nr’4 and I R ii - rrskntative C oopkh proved that lnri-1 befote thè RegXcr Htl'l K«-celV«-t ot t 111. of sel^ of Rec S3, and sw’4 of gee 23; alto A b.glit- <1 lamp fell during services at the offici ai Ko-etiurg. or..oli Tbursilay, ilo lr.tU Lemon, the pension attorney, who en­ XetlpHlist vhureii in Grant's Pass one even­ •w^A of ttAa uf sec 29, t wp 35 s r 2 w act re- dii) ot OctolH-r. 1S'.*O. Il- nann e a- u .tlieeeee Oazix'N will proh.biy get no i«*count. I dorsed Commissioner Railin'" notes for ing I « «-« nt y . causing soim uhat of a pauio Itami kl.H-k, Geo short, A iri-d Kil.h. n ..t Chas. H. Hargadine to Joseph Simon anil Secretary Nobl«, h*. not »aid so in so kl'J.BIM) the day alter Ranm made a ruling until th»- lanitor threw tin blazing bowl out Ih <>e|>< i l. i >i . N. J .VI i ieh ot l'ori and. Ben Selling, 50U0 acres hi twp 3S s, r 1 and 2 e; many word», but tlu-re was a ron- that put more than fLTSi.iX») in Lemon’s of the window. ’ 1 of An) and all persone cianumi: min rei > thè In other words an acre of producing fruit trees has a valuation ference ot Joiin Hyde, Henry Gannett pocket«, had committed a forgery more alaivc-di-M-nbi-d lande ari requ» et* >1 lo tue R«*v A. If. Si'-huD announces that the first Martha W Hargadine to same, same prop- than any bank—for the bank is sometimes cariied tlieir iiooo. i It is ■ better ‘ _.................................... «-Ialine In thls ..iti. e on or b* f. r. ra d and Hp-eial A.’ent L>*land. The corres­ than twenty years ago in Washington and quart. ! ly im < ting f.»r Grant's Passcireuit will • rtj; flO.UUO. 1*141. b- held at W‘¡«1« rv,II«* on Saturday and Sun Elizabeth E Ayers »t al. to same, same prop- nature—a trust-worthy . .. guardian — luti, ua) ol October, into Canada by the cashier, Dame 1 pondent o! tile Orrgoniin was l're*-nt as had been therefor disbarred from prac­ day. September 27 and 2H; R» v. T. L. Jones, P. erty: JOHN II tJHl'PE. KegiMer. 823..W, E. . will be there. the e-inferen«'« wa- «» hiui concluded, and tice before a government department, takes care of the principle, aud the dividends never fail. Of course if Albert G Rockfrilow to Jaeuh Wagner, quit, Gannett «aid |H>«itivelv that no recount and that the patent upon which the Re­ The board of trade ot Grant s Pass is col­ claim to t-4 share in East Ashland water ditch- you plow your orchard once in twenty years, and rob the trees of their Notice for Publication. would be order«*«!. "Yon may say," he frigerator company, of which Raum is lecting an »-xt.-nsiv«- exhibit for the Indus­ 837.50. C asteria ctnsw (Vile. C«wtfp«tl-~n. N W t hllc.tt tot) A (' R Ri’o, undivided 1-40 fair nt Portland, to illustrate the various nourishment by making a cornfield of the orchard ground, and invite Sour ßtomoeb, Dlarrhœa, Eructation. a«l-l«*J, “that the seerrturv, it he orders a , president, and Representative Smyser, trial pnaim-tions and r»*sourc<*s of Josephine coun­ i I mt ♦•rest in East Ashland or Applegate ditch; C. R. Land »Jflice, Ro»< burg. <>r.. the birds and orchard pests to make a restaurant of your orchard, you reeoint at a'l, it will be Multnomah i ■to whom ba« ts’err delegate«! th" task of ty. It will be a big advertisement for this .1 u« \ 21, UM. Govan High to same, same; $50. Notice is hereby given that in compliaiKc county «lone, and that it will notextend rlei-ting Representative McKinley, is a sectiou. must not complain that your horticultural methods have precipitated a with tin provisn»iifr Milton tn ^arah A Batotnan, quitclaim ot the act ol ( « ngrt ss «.f Ah x. Watts, th«* surveyor, who went down to Rosa KüU Warm», »irei sleep, «ad pruiuoAss dl- any farther in Oregon, unless it is to the larg st,« kholder, was a worthless fraud lots 1 and 2. blk 31, Medford; $.50. June 3, l>7s,» ntitlcd Au act tor the salt of foreclosure of the mortgage on your orchard. R -gu« riv« r lor the purpose ot < xamining Matton, Guorg»- R Hargadineto Marietta Kyle et al city ol Saiem." This was assented to trefore the Republicans ol the white­ th»* timber lunds in the States of Caiitoinia. Ore route from Grant's Pass to th»* mouth of uihtclahn to 5u tmlup The dam aernaa Rogue river has presentiMl a llattie M Logan to Fred D Wagner, lot 4.5 adopted denouncing Dudley,and alleging The majority of the committee may busy in-» ne «luring the past few weeks, ami N'«* 32 a. range No. Jc, and will oft. i proof t.» on a valuation of ¿1000 an acre. There is not a wheat-field in this that Harrison and Morton carried the whitewash till doomsday, but it will not our people are at Inst beginning to realize Highland Park add to Ashland; show that tin- land sought is more valuable county which yields such an income, and EVERY orchard does. G C Roberta to Ellsworth G Roberts, 170 what a vast source of w»*tilth has be<*n allowed t<»r its timber or stone than tor agricultural state in ISaS by fraud, and that the change the verdict of “guilty as indict­ to waste in th»- water that flows d«»wn the riv­ acres in twp 38 s. r 1 w; fiiOOU. Purposes, and to <‘stablish his claim to 3-aid We propose to sell you an acre of fine alluvial soil, within cannon national administration of Benjamin ed," which the unprejudiced public has er channel. On»* n«*<*d not bean enthusiast to Ellsworth G Roberts to Emma J Roberta land before the Register and K« c«i\eroi tins Harrison has made itself an accessory found against the commissioner of pen­ predict a larg«* manufacturing town in th»* sanxe land; 1 shot of five growing towns, close to the steel rails of a trans-continental office Ht Roseburg, (>regon. on Wedn<*adax E P Hammond to William L Wallace, lot 11 IMhdav ot Oct..bcr, l*g»» He nami* au »‘ alter the fm t to •l.O'e crimes by shield­ sions, and Mr. Harrison will retain him near future. railroad, in the most beautiful valley on the slope of the Pacific, with the bik 36, Medford; $.50. witnesses N. J. Welch, A. T. Kitchen uf Port­ R« ‘ sidrntsof Jurnp-off-Joc last we»k opened ing crimln 1 e from punishment, and in office at ttie peril of hie party. It is their new bridge, built by contributions <»f George R Hargiultnc to Carrie E Hargadlne land. county , Oreg.m; < . A. < hap- ---- WITH ITS----- one hundred growing, thrifty producing fruit trees, to be selected by man ot Multnomah Roseburg. Douglas county, Oregon; ever rewarding them for their kna- stated quietly by Republicans that the citlz»’ns. for pulilie use. The county lent and Mary F Casey, 40 acres In twp V i r 1 e- $30u. J. . M< Intosh. AlHTdeen, Washington. you. Buy it Tor a home to shelter you if adversity or the winters of , au I that the brazen prostitution of ¡•resident would have demands I his res­ .«otn»* assistance in th«* shAp»* of lumber and Home Office at Salem, Oregon, Wm L Wallace t»> Martha A Cbappel, lot 11. Any and all persons dunning u«iv. rs< !y the the bridge. 144£f<*rt long, with blk 38. Medford; $V). ’ 1 >e machinery of the federal court for ignation liefore this if the congressional 75-foot span Is, :#) but old age overtake you and find you penniless. ab« a « -d»-scribed lands ar» rcqu< st»-d to ft|< f»*»«t above low water, is a mon­ O hi Fowlur to Welcome Fowler, Intonwt iu their claims in thia office on or bd<»rv said the distriat of ' u.atia, by its judge and elections were not so near, and that ument to th»- «•nti-rprise of the neighboring (tu the State Insurance CVi’s. Building.) aud blocks in Modford; $1’*©. 15tb day of October, I nwi . attorney, to the service ami protection to after Raum gets hie coat of whitewash citizens, who arc Justly proud of their achieve­ lots IT IM WOIITII $1.000. Horace Root to H F Rector, 40 acroa in two JOHN H. SHUPE, R««gistcr. (AMD BRANCH OFFICES IN PORTLAND, ASTORIA ANI> ALBANY. ment. conspirators against suffrage, constitute and the elections are over lie will be 8, r 1 e; $.500.________________ r The following is the apportionment of the We give away the land. Pay us ¿10 a month, 10 cents a tree, for H rs for ss'c n lurgi’ list ot the most infamous chapter in the judici­ compelled to resign. Notice for Publication state sch«H>l fund of Josepninecounty.as mad»* Pelican Bay Road Work Began al annals of the republic. two years, and we will present you a warranty deed of the acre, and last month by Hupt. Massie. The state fund, T he California supreme court, in Tat magnificent badge which the wagon road between Ashland and Fort IW District No. 1. $».15; No. 2. $56 55; No 3 Despite these facts the farmers of tim country continue to value j N«»tic<-1-hereby given that in c«»mphanv'* Suburban Property. press may “ freely criticise the official Araminrr offered to the most popular Klsmath »as taken in hand by ('apt. A. [). $92 MO; N’.. 4. $79 75; No. 5. $Jin.3U; No. 6, ÄIAV " with the provisions «>1 the ai*t of ( ongr'ws of Thu Oregon Lan«l C o ., wm rapcctally nrirnn!z»N! for th* purpose or buyiinr mi 1 «*ubf f<>. 10. Helman. »Tin is familiar with the country, representative of the Native Sons of the conduct of a Judge and bring to light \o 7. $894.5.5; No s. $37.70; No. 9 $11 90, . N«i $47(16; N. 1?. $56.10; No.;.- * 13.- and is experienced in road work, and with large tract« of land, and 1105 during the paaf two year« bought and mibdirid» »1 over 3.2»*» m-rn timber lands in the state« of Caliturnia. Ore­ ;<■• n. ji Golden West was Won hy Chas. S. Wie­ any wrongful, corrupt and 1 in proper li»; X • X 14. $ 11. ’»2 2b; No 15, $29; No. (6. —I SO; No. a party of fourteen all told he s arled out acn* of land into five to tw» nty acre tract«. Th»' mkvihw nt this undertaking is shown in the ing in the markets of the world with the serfs of Russia and the shnes gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory.'* land of San Francisco, a member of a act of a judical officer,” but that it most 17. $'.9 N«. 1«. $62,3.5; No. 19, <03 ’A . No. SI, from Ash.and on Monday of last week to fact that out of 2R0 tracts placed on the rnnrk» t. 225 have been «»»Id. of India. “Export the wheat of a country and you ship away the vital Walter S. W iieatoii ot Roseburg, county Douglas. Oregon, has ibis day fil'd JTS.:»; We claim that ti n acre* of choice land In fruit will yield a larger Income than lfiO at n s of we.l-known family, who received over not indulge in indiscriminate abuse, $v. 10; N ?]. $5h; No. 22. $¡0.90; No. . 23. $' ity of its soil," says a great economic writer. The people of Jackson of N 24. $1«C Nu 25. $H»6h: No. X 2K. Í.V3.H5; $53.85; No. begin operations at the first point needing wheat in the Mississippi valley. in this office his sworn stut« tueiit for the 44.O00 vote" more than his nearest com­ designed not to expose wrong-doing, 27. $C» .L5; N«». 2H. $114.55; No 29. ft 15.86. Of the attention on the road last of the K. }’. purchaAC of the lots 1 and 2. and r U ..f n t. 1., We tilao mak».* valuable Improvement* in the way of roads, fences, cl« armg the land. etc. petitor. M. A. Dorn. C. F. Crocker »as but to pander to passion and prejudice. th«- fiv«- mill count v fund for 18W . ™;VCT«I Mr He mnn We can sell a small tract of land for the same prior p«*r acre you would have to pay tor a county should learn this as bii axiom. sevf____ bun- Neil ranch at Dead Indian ot S'i No. 5. in 1 wp. No. 32 s. Kang. N-. This is sound doctrine, to which the and will of!« r proof to show tiiat the land dn*d dollars w»-r» ‘ delinquent at the spring Every bread-winner at the forge or near the cutting saws, or in ap- will push the work as rapidly as possible, large farm. third. W. J. Wiley fourth arid Stephen sought is more valuable for its timber or and will no doubt be ready for in order to allow of the use of the road for M. White fifth. Over half a million T imes can heartily subscribe. Every ¡M>rtionm»*nt. Bound of the hum of the shuttles, or the thunder of the factories, or the districts yet this year. stoii' than tor agricultural pur|»us« s. aud to the present season's hauling, and will votes were cast, showing the claims of well-managed new-paper knows where his claim to sai.l land b< for« the toiling late over desk and counter, should study our plan well. It means 1 estatdisii continue eastward until meeting the party to draw the line between liberty and Rcgist) r and K'veiver of this ofli" at R om - the Erammer, to having a larger circula­ coming this way. or until the resources at KLAMATH COl'N'TT ITEMS. a home for a life-time out of the meagre savings of 2 years’ work. A burg. Oregon,on Thursday, the hah day of tion than any ottier newspaper on the license. No self-respecting journal ml) hand for the work are exhausted. The October, 1MMJ. He names as witness« s. David more beautiful and a larger home than ninety per cent, of the popula-1 Muck, Geo. Short, Allred Kitchen ul I’t us- coast, are well founded. The badge con­ condemn an official or anybody else Pr<>f. H. (J. Falrcio is conducting h flourish­ “Tiding«''say that settlers in the Pelican pect. Or.. N.J. Welch ot Portland, or. test proved a big advertisement for that without goo«i public grounds for its ing Hchool ut Pelican bay. bay country and furihereast have promis­ tion of the civilized earth can claim to own. Any ami all persons claiming adversvly tin action. Malice and passion have no Thi« county I n wi ll reprcH» nt<»int. or.e hundred Indians at work, to improve their claims in this office on or b« tori said valley and our Orchard Home. Ititii day of October, I.*90. H. E. Spencer and family returned home the road westward from Klamath to meet N ats Persies« was shot hy Frank pa|>er whicti makes attacks on individ­ JOHN H. SHUPE. Register. the Ashland forces, and it is understood ( ochrane at the La Grande hotel in uals only when they seem to la? demand­ from Rogue river valley lost week. Parker of Sprague river wont over that they have already begun o|ierations. Si.gon, Cal., on the 2bth. Defreem was ed in the interests of the community the Michael mountain after supplies last week. Notice for Publication sitting in the office of the hotel when may sometimes appear to be sailing in Eapepsy. W. B. Grubb of Keno ho« threshed consider­ Cochrane rode up on horseback with a dangerous places, hut it generally comes able grain during the past few weeks. l’. S. Laud Office. Koscburg. Or., This is what you outfit to have; in fact, FOH Wincheater rifle in bis hand. Ifefreeae out unharmed. The blackmailer and K. , July 2s. I s '. mi , J. P. Roberta last week took his daughter you mum have it, to tully enjoy lite. Thou- the irresponsible lilielur usually come to Nutlet is hereby giv«-n that in c«>iupiiaiice Mary to 5x1cm to attend school the coining -and» are searching for it daily ,and mourn seeing the gun. started to run, followed with the provisioim ot the act ot < imgrcMs » 1 winter. grief, as we have seen in Oregon as well ing because they find it not. Thousand« by Cochrane, »ho liad dismounted. He June 8, lbTk, entitled •’An a< t f<«r the wile <1 J. D, Fountain went to San Francisco last upon thousand« of dollar« are spent an­ ------ at ------ fired two shotH, one of which struck as in California. timber lands in the States of California Ort • w. » k to buy g»jods for his Linkville and Kenn nually by our people in the hope that they gon. Nevada and Waahnigi.m Territory," Defrees in the back, passing out at the stores. David M »ck oi Proapcct. Jackaon county . or., F rom latest development" concerning may attain this boon. And yet it may be left breast Coelirane after tl.e «hooting W T. Butcher last week «opened the fall term bad by all. We guarantee that Electric has tiiisday tiled in tins wffict hissuurn Hate- mounted his horse and rode off to tl.e the discovery of the wagon in Butte creek of sehooi at Bonanza with an enrollment of Hitters, if used according to directions and mt nt fur the purchase of the lots 1 and 2 and * M ul tkc. N«>. < in lwp. No. J2a. woods, pursued by Constable Green. valley. Cal., in an out-of-the-way place, 27 pupils. H<‘ is an excellent teacher. the use persisted in, will bring you good Range No 3 c. aud will offer proof to show H. Houston, the Gray’s Harbor butcher, At u late hour he had not been captured. it is certain that the outfit belonged to a is J. digestion and oust the demon dyspepsia that the land sought m more valuable for its visiting his son. J. A. Houston of Linkville, The shooting is the outcome of hard man named Thoe. J. Sutton, who has accompanied by another sun, J. V. Houston of and install instead eupepsy. We recom­ timber or stone than tor aancuitural pur­ poses, aud to establish hi« claim to Mild land feelings existing for several days, De- iiniioubteilly been murdered. Spot" of Montague. mend Electric Bitter« for dyspepsia and all We have just opened our new importation in the latest before the R. giMer and Receiver of Ihmufficr blood were discovered on the wagon-seat freest died that evening. full and first-class (’has. S. Moore last week departed for the diseases of liver, stomach and kidneys, Who will 800 n areoee i at Roseburg. Ur.,on Thursday , the Ifiib day of hades of Wool ami Cotton Cloths. and wheel, and the mules belonging to state fair and for a trip to Portland and the bold at 50c. and $1 00 per bottle bv all drug­ <><'iober, IrW. He names ns wilnerseh <,eo city. His father will probably accompany gists . >tiort, Alfred Kitchen of Prospr N J Jl'iT liefore the vote on tin-plate was the owner of the wagon are those com­ bay him »*n his return. WcKh ,,f I'ortlgnd. C. A. Chupmau ,,f fu^ci assortment of taken it came out that the duty was ing to the ranch of W. J. Bray, which burg. Oregon. The ••Star” reports that Sain Dixon threshed Notice. railed from one cent to two and two- ___ have been advertised the past month in 1H43 bushels of wheat from three acres of \ny and all persons claiming ad verst ly the Cut tbi3 out, and when you visit Port­ The ground. From A5 acres not Irrigated hr ob­ alxivi -»b seribiii lands ait request'd to tn.- tenth« of a cent per pound in order to tlie Yreka Journal, as estravs. i their claims in this office on or b« tor» Mtid land during the exposition call on Towue, tained a yield of 27129 bushels. enable four companies to enter on ti e mules were purchased last fall from Mrs. Itfth day ot (Jctobcr. 1HW». Huckleberry pickers have done well this the photographer, and receive the follow­ experiment of making thi» article. We Caldwell of Edgewood, for Chas. Tait, of season. JOHN H. KHI PE. KcgiMer. ,J. W. Brnilenburg and family, N. F ing extraordinary otter. All presenting have beard of the nix con i anree in Cal­ the iait House, Tehama. A letter from Hildebrand ami family and Mrs. Lev sei urcd these slips will be given one dozen of uiy Notice for Publication. ifornia whicti dominate the «ntire Chi- Mr. Tait to Mrs. Caldwell made inquiry X0 gallons while they were out. best style cabinet photos and one extra for about the mules, am) a letter from Mt. J. H. Oatman, T. J. ( lopton and other enter- framing for $3 ¿0. My regular price for neee population, but there are jrlsmg citizens of Bonanza have ha -L handed over io tour. It further appears and article" found in Butte creek valley afford much protection against fire. Notice is hereby given that in Compagne«* picture. This is au extraordinary offer, with the provisions <»t the act of t . n»r»s* <«t that these four companies do ru t, on I answer the deseripti.m of Button’s ont- Judge W. s. Mo«>re is reported convalescing ami the probability of doing enough extra Jun« 3, Is.r, olititi.-d “An act tor the sale <»f thinks Sutton has been at his home near Portland, and his physician their own allowing, »xpeit to make their timber lands in th, Matts of California Ore­ has ordered him back to Klamath county to work to make it pay prompts the induce­ exieriuient Biiccersful in less than five foully dealt with, as he was alone. J. to gon. Nevada and Washington T« rn’turv “ ment Call and see our work; it speaks completely restore his health in our in­ James <'. Mclntoah oi Aberdeen, county *<4 yearn. The infant, vet unborn, wdl not J. Worthington also corroborates the vigorating ozone. fur itself. This bolds good until Novem­ S ingle S trap T rack statement of Tait, in regard to the outfit Ch« halis, Mate of Washington, has 11ns »lay B. C I < wm be able to walk before IvL te 18Mi. fu t|1(. His Grace. Archbishop Gross, delivered a ber 1st. filed in this office ins sw«»i n statini» nt tor 1 be In the wagon moat interesting ami instructive lecture at Stadio cor. First and .Morrison Sts. mean time we are to tv be _ _________ Uieicileselv being that of Sutton pjreiiasc of the n c *>4 of Sec. No. - d , pu hall, Linkville. last Sunday evening, Briug your babies to Towne. 32s. Range No.3e, and will « n< 1 pr«.«»f"t<» bled. I bo that by u nource of political »ere found cards of the Tait House, a Acfvlemy which war. list• ut »1 tn with marked at!» utlou show tii.it th«- 'and sought is mor« valuable traiieiuiioa it rnav gasp out a i uemblance tel.t. three suits of clothes, two sets of by nearly h II ¡»rogrcbaive citizens of the tot its tiuib«*r or atone than for agricultural bariiesHeM, a lot uf di/hem and a copy ol county-scat. l'rououncrd Hopeins. yet bared. of life. purposes, and Iu establish Ins claim tu said the San tranciHcu i’A.-onic/z, dated July Price, SI7 Emmitt s road-builders have . ompletni the lami I»« loi e th«- K» gist« r and IG «•< jv» r ut »Lis From a letter written by Mrs. Ads E big grade, which has now hmt its terrors for offi» «• at Roseburg, Or., «m Wcdnct'day the The Leather, Workmanship and l inish arc ot Sows of the Democrats of the houee 16th. teamsters, ami he will commence to annihilate Hurd of Groton. *S. !>., we quote “Was the vxry BEST. 15th day «>f Octob'r. |sw H<- nam«w as wit. II«*tirietla Mill« Wool, Colored CiiNlimctVN, are seriously discussing the wisdom nf ( iiickcn hill at an early date. Bob is doing taken with a bad cold, which settled on n» ss«-s; McDonald l’ardui*. N. J. Wch h A T HAVE MONEY BY Bl YING DIRECT ><• rotula all Hi» Lift. most satisfactory work, and Klamath county my lungs, cough set in and finally termi­ Mtripcii CuMlinwr«*, ! Kitchen ot Portland. Multnomahcounty ór. H<»ot<*ii Plaid, filibustering against the tariff bill, pro­ will soon have an excellent road to Ager. nated in consumption. Four doctors gave , ( . A. ( iiapman of Ros» burg, Drs>-Association last week will eventu­ 1 gave myself up to ray Saviour,determined Harness at from S6.OO up I atM»V'*-d'wcrtb'*'l lands are ropieated tò file ther claims «n this office on or I»« !«.»« ««.a cases. Their present plan is to deteil w**rst t>|»e of Scrofula troni my i infancy ate In the development of some of the best if 1 could not stay with my friends on Road Carts from S9.5O up 1.5th day .»f OCtula r. I-Mn. ** n 1 was 22 vears of age. My whole trotters on the coast, for this county is a ver- thirty-five m< n who represent districts | until earth I would meet my absent ones above New l’arasols,Ribbons, Embroidery, Gloves, V.unr ide sa* embittered and made h« *vcn.” G li Van Riper, Dr. ¡_____________ JOHN H. SIU PE. IG-gtstir. SEND FOR CATALOOI'v. that are irredeemably or safely D> m<>- I «-table by the loathsome di-ease. * I 1 mis* H A. u right ami Win. » ’lark are the directors My husband was advised to get Dr. King's not Of assortment Ladies’ Trunks, Hand Bags, Satchels, tto^asH..« iatlon Judge J. s. On U treasur­ New D:s< ovary for consumption, coughs cratic. These thirty-five men will re- only .'•uflrred from the burofu.a, hot was ACME MANUrAOfiTBING 00. MULES FOR SALE. and colds. I gave it a trial, took in ail and Window Blinds. maiu in the house all the time tudf-inrnd ** ' marked that 1 was a^tiamed t<» associate er and J. O. Hamakvr si’crctary. eight bottles; it has cured me, and thank INDIANAPOLIS, IND. the yeas and nays on every possible pre­ with, and was avoided by, my playmates Lurky Mre Hroeorth - Khr Trlle a Krnort- God 1 am now a well and hearty woman.'' JHK SCH.M HIHEH. LIVING LIVE MILL-« Having received from Boston a large invoice of Ladies ’ Fine 1 "Oiitli of .1«« li«'>in-1i:«-, hu-M viral In na <”.’j tense. Their purpose is to force the amt fallow workmen. 1 tiied every known rrH.oe Uf,. l,ul Her UeU fnte Trial bottle« free at E. C. Brook«'drugstore. patent medicine, and was first and last Boots and Shoes, our stock is more complete in that line than usual. Kul,;,na My.tenuoi Dlnpraareure. is quite a number ol Republican close dis­ ; <•<»!.tinned to grow worse. About four «tat«-Ia>tt*-ry for th«-pa«t year. Ou July -th Di.t«lSept.«,lW. '«‘rnuMl-b. 1 boualit on. -tw. ntl. th ot ticket No fr' Mn tricts and so dose that they can scarcely I ytars ago a friend from Pittsburg advised Mrs. John A. Clarke wa« a great sufferer pajtn« one doltar for II, and on July'15th 1 ine to tak»* b. S. H., whi h I did. and after from indigestion and sick heudache. She be carried unless the candidate himself wa« mivlo happy bv the nvelpt of a notice In- is actively in the field, and Io keep turn I taking seven bottles I was cured sound and forming me that I had w.,n ..n—twentl.th of left her borne last Saturday to buy a bottle Eatray Notice. ¡w»ll. The old skill peeled oil and Was We buy in large quantities, and are prepare«! to give lower prices the < apital prlar ..I I p|aCTd my tick, of lie Witt's Little Early Risers, took a here in Washington to make a quorum I replac ed by a new Hin. as smooth and Best Cough ?• ¡tomb. Rorammended by Physiciana. it In t)ic hand» ot th>-agent uf the Adniue Ex- dose and tier headache disappeared TARI N I f BY THE I'NUI IISIGNEIH «ST to consumers than most of our competitors. Intending buyers will doubles the chances of defeat. Only tree from blemish as any person’s. 1 have nrt ■*«« ompauy tor eoBcctlon.and on W,- t auch a largo «uin of limtjx v for >o PF “ We exchange for al! kiuds of provisions and produce. . Iheowner will p«j cbnrxcs aud taa«.- tbu on Ul<|x! and ’ ¿ kin Disea-ce TreaUsti the doubtful districts can be enrriad by I uluuial away. uu uiaiiedfree. TurhrteirKCo Atlanta,Ha Children Cry\fbTi>iftWrWffi those who j Irai. CiCck f'ri.cinct, adyt. j, i/Jp. " ^^L. Full Faculty. New Buildings. Light Expenses. Music and Art Departments TUITION RpJÈlS ABSOLUTELY PURE Portland’s Great Industrial Exposition STAYER Sc WALKER, THE FAMILY BITTER CASE. * 5 V SPRING WAGONS, ETC., ETC CURES Road Carts EADACHE mile Too Wait,” In Southern Oregon. Tliiil is Legal Interest at III Per Cent, on U000 far Infants and Children. I CULTIVATE YOUR ORCHARD THE OREGON LAND CO SEND FOR PAMPHLETS, MAPS J PRICE LIST. This Space Has Been Reserved THE ORCHARD HOME ASSOCIATION, Medford, Oregon. NEW GOODS! NEWMAN FISHER, NUN AN’S FALL AND WINTER GOODS I Invincible Alpacas Groceries and Provisions. i o? I