I I’F.KWNAh MENTION. LOCAL NOT». A fine supply of f?esh candy. nuts, UEltEOhl» SQUIBS. bananas, lemons, etc., at the 8. F. \ ariety Buy a White. Store. The best in the market. E. J Slury of Lllth Butte precinct i ail* «i Fram is Filch. Es«j., went to Glendale To night, U. 8. Hall. ibis week on professional business. ------- years— the body Once in seven b«aly is re­ Wednesday. The White is still king. “The Chilians” are here now. >FFlClAL PARER Of JACItUN COUNTY, 0RE80N newed The bhxxi must have the elements I. E. Deboy and wife visited our town A Garrick, the merchant tailor, has put N« w goods at J N’tinan’s. V. S. Hall to-night, 25 and 10 cents. • •f vitality. Wright’s Compound Syrup of last Tuesday. < in a complete, first-class stuck of goods. Saraapanila cleanses and enriches the Thoa. Collins of Klamath county is in <•«» tu th» V. 8. Hrfll to-night. EKlOA » SEPTUM HER 19. IsPO. Mr. Burrough *-f ' If ” ! Point visited blood, and gives a new impetus to life. Forest France is at Gold Hill, assisting town. us on Wednesday Ewrxbudy is going to the fair. Jacoby Bros, in the mercantile business. Sold by all diuggisls. Peter Schlosser of Albany is in town The ladies should not fail to exam'tie Ben. bimpson, lai • ■ ’ ■•» as A CHANGE. Kea«l the new advertisements. Ruggles A Do you want a watch you can depend ou legal business. ww Taylor’s circus ...... — gave two the handsome millinery goods th it Mrs in the vallej* last we« k performances in the northern portion of on? See Pritchard ’ s putent dust-proof Best show of the season to-night. With this issue a change takes piece in Prim selected personally from the great Jas. Kearnes of Eden precinct made ♦ town this week, wh'« b were fairly attended. Mrs. N. D. Young and children have re­ cases. the management of this paper, the T imes 8tra w hats at cost at 8. F Variety Store. slocks in Portland 11» a pleasant call Saturday. As we did not alien«’, we are unable to sav, turned from California. Publishing Co expiring t.y limit »ti»»n. The Joe 8ke»*ters has returned horn** am! Jas. Fresh vinegar at the S. F Variety Store. G«*o A Ja'-kson is still shu ping carloads f om personal observation, whether or not books have been ch.sed and statements Newell Harlan of the Medford ‘‘Mair- Mrs. Roht. H, Moore left fur Eugene last Leonaid amt hiniseit will have a booth at will be sen^ itniu^iiately to all indebt ’ urcs in fifteen minutes. Preston’s * Hed- of his line melons to tl*e Willamette valley it i-» worthy of patronage made us a call last Saturday. ’ he fair grounds. week to join her husband. and Portlami markets, where be finds <»r» pnortuJu’.y 1. IHM) ‘ ' An early settle Ake. A lot of stix k is being shipped to points I). Reynolds of Spikenard and 1’. Done* ready sale for them. D. T. Sear<, A. D. Naylor, Chas. Brous mem i** requested an»! required, as the on Puget «mind from southern Oregon. Henry Barneburg of Me«lford precinct Settle what you owv the S. F. Variety and «»(her residents of Ibis place are attend­ gan of Beagle were here this week. bu ni ne«* ol ine lompany mU'l be settled Five carloads ol cattle, three and a half of was at the county-seat Monday. E H Au ’ enrieth of Yreka. C.il . will act Js now n.plv fur diatrilititioM unf Store. ing the state lair. at once. A. Thompson has returned from Klam- as p. ol s. her at the district fair He un­ hog-*, and one of ch I vcs recently went over (’. M Hoot and M ss Higgins <*f G*»l«( Hid charge npon applicatitn. It is a large book—over 12<> p*3ges—an«i T imes Pl !>•. Co CureN while you wait Preston's • Hed- derstands the buaiuess better .hin any the Southern Pacific r«a«t 8’ock ship spent nth county with Wm. Bybee's sheep. The Fo« i ible given at Howard's hall one WeiJnibdav in Jacksonville. Jacks* nvi le, J ulV 1 lxk) I Ake” lurnts are getting quite numerous. other person we kn w <»f. evening last week whn w «U attended and Miss Kate Miller left for Portland last Is profusely illu-tratcd, faithfully picturing thousands of articles of We ar«* s«»rry to le «m «hat John Cantrall pr«»v«*' as.*n. r* c» i\c*i on»* « f th«* wonders of the age— D n’t tail to see the new line of goods at Thoe. Stimson has almost entirely re­ in addition to which be wi l snip se veral Ed'-oii’s phonograph—which tiiks, sing**, A diNpatch fr ni Albar.y to (fi«» • Oie- J. T Edwards and famdy of Table Rock Prit« hard's m Medfor«!. “t’niek sales and covered since his returun from Dead In­ J F Cnliavhan of Sam’s vallev has carloads plays ul kinds if instruments, und telle precinct will soon leave for lexns of winter apples. small profits i> his motto.*' • goniaii” gives an account «»I the elopement gone to B'y. < dian. some useful informaii n One of the ir* n> that city t»n Mo minx uf last week *»f W Sowden, hiving resign**«! tbe agency pieces is the park band of San Francisco. nini I by a perusal of it- page-, pu J. M. B ack of Little Butte precinct Ill .ici«■ i Mrs I Ji .-lx ■ f Aslbaml vi-itcd her parent-, the rea< ription. »Send for 3sy»-ai*. H*' was a nephew of Mr, and Association will meet onthejtirst Saturday bquirc Purkeypile of Central Point made some time, and worked quietly. Mi*» Ira Drake is »««Nlsting Geo. Hayes in his purchased Judge Tolman’s place near M in . Wm. K hier of Jacks «nville, wh«» Mr Miliigan and his sons, who have been in October. it, ami Mcure th» benefits of the lo«<>t price- on the Pacific Coast. Ashland, has two trotters in tra’nmg, who I went to K »Ncmirg to attend the funeral to­ us a pleasant call une «lay this week. Sch.uNser t*»l«l her parents thatshe was going bUcksiuithshop. residents ot this p ace f*»r sometime, have into the country for a few days biie went i will participate in the fair races. day. The atmosphere is still full of smoke Miss8arah Dungan of Gohl Hill precinct gone to the northern part of tlie state. 1-1 nit jars and jelly glasses at cost at the l*» the house ut a tri» ml and staid a l after­ left f«»r A i buckle. Cal . a few days ago. Horsemen are invited m inspect Cron and rain is needed badly, as the weather • (Jwen Keegan’s gray horse strayed fr«>m noon. *eclu«l»,«i. and went t » the depot at 8 F. Variety Store. Jay Darneilie broke his arm by falling is disagreablu. milter A Elliott 's stock of handmade shoes Camp during his visit to the Dead Indian train time. J*be g »t on the rear sleeper Mi.*s* S'*i»hie Simon of Eagle Point is re­ from a t'«*e ami S 8 Cooper cut his leg Henry J..nes of Williams creek w hs here and judge fur tb»*ni**elves I hey make a! springs, since win* h lime he has not been just as the train started. Schmitt t««l be Very sick with typhoid ’ever. badl\ with an ad/, about the same time sp«»cialty of shoeing race-horses. b* ard from. As he had a lung rope tieil dbuut a telegram from Jackson (¿«»unty. representative, was in Jacksonville one last week. aiound his neck, it is thought that he be­ Bring on that wood you promised us un E. J. Farlow and family last week return- stating th xl hi a, sister was sick, netiied Mrs. M J. 8pauliling,f*»rmerly of Ja« kson- day last week. Rev H A. Barden preac hed his farewell with Mr. bebnoer, (his employer) drove subscription account. ville an«! a resident "f Lakvvmw for came fast in the brush and starved io ed from their sva-shore outing nt Ynq iin <. deetti. Mrs. M. Cooksey, Geo. Bartlett and sermon at th«* Baptist church last Sunday, a cab lu ibe depot with a new man am! Louis Durai'i ) of Steamboat is spending several yeai«, has gone to Den ver.Col., wh< r*« Max Jac«»by uf (h»l«i Hill is in San 1- ran For rent or sale at a sacrilice, nearly 2’3 beioie leaving for th»- Willamette valley' Mrs. Morris of Central Point precinct got on the fr*»nt car as lhe train pulled a tew days in town. she expects to reside in the future. cisco at pri sent, lajing in a stock of goods. inres land wiih about 75 bearing fruit with his family . out. > hmm n j eople are highly respected were here this week. Assessor Childers and his deputy are trees, joining tbe corporate limits ufJmk The handsomest and latest milliuerv W. K. Price of Tolo has been cun fin • J to m Jucks«»nv’l’e, where he lyarne«! a M inn The Monar« h saloon at Medford, under T. J. Mackin of Grave creek, one of completing the assessment of the county, £O< k 1 s at Mr - . Prim ’ s sonville. There is a house, good well of his room tor several days, but is better now . R »ss. H h wife was with him here for a the management of H H. Wolters, is prov- | the leading citizens uf Josephine county. and ’he board of equaliza'i' n will pass nater.barn for 2 horses, hay-loft and « hi* k- few month* a year ago. ami it in though’ Ing a popular resort. The best of every- «••-** • ••• • last -- ■ • ( J. Armstrong of Medford .was in Corlies Merritt | assed through the valley U|»un their work on Oct. 2DJ I*M. I visited Jacksonville Friday. en-house <»n the place, with a small ere« k thev are parte«!, but n«»t divorced. He li « n Jacksonvil-e yesterday. • on his homeward ] mrney to Portland last thing in that line is kept there t»r« n with Mi*s b. hiosNer a great deal, de­ Wright's Jamaica Ginger strictly pure Ht hand. Inquire ofC. B. Rostel. Judge Webster started for Condon, week Look «»ut for sneak thieves and fakirs An excellent remedy for cramps, colic and spite the (x)Niiive objections of h*r parents, The county teachers’ institute will be in j the county-seat of Gilliam county, last The prompt action of the coiumitties «luring the next ten days. who are among A bany’s b»*st miz ik .” where a tonic for the stoma< h and bowels appointed bv the citizens’ meeting at Ash­ John Barrett of Portland inspected opera’ session at Medford to morrow, and will no 1 week to hold court for Judge* Bird. I,x feh .—Since the a"<»ve was in type The Rogue River Baptist Association is is required. Sold bv all druggists. land to construct a good road between lions un the Ashland water-works last doubt be a well-attended an i successful Frank Cook of Siskiyou station had event. A general invitation is fxtended. >cbn*’. t and Mi*» Schlosser arrived here in session at Grant's Pass. There was quite an attendance fr«un Dea«i Indian ami tin- Kiamath country re week. ■ one of bis arms broken by a heavy piece froiv Crescent ciiy, CU Thu former was 8. ( bi ders has returne.l from his ranch different portions of the county last Sun­ .-lilted in raising ov**r |3«XI for th" work in Prof Frank Huffer bas gone io Eugene to Mi-Nes Rosa and Ida C lemmens have immrtliaUly arresir«! on a charge ut p«»iyg day and Monday, which wa-« lhe otctsion a sh rt time. Work has already been com resume bis duties as tutor at the State Cui- • •n Dry creek ami is employed on W. G. of timber falling on it a few days ago. aiuy . but as the parlies denied that they returned from (»rant’s Pass. inenced Cooper's brick building, which will be one Jas. Wright of Central Point occupies of Arcbbisbup Gross’ visit here. versity. were married ur that they ba lived togeth­ Newt. Lewis and family have returned of the handsomest in town when it is com­ one of the lieet saloon buildings in the D is reported that the Portland company er a* man and wife, and lhe charge . Or . . . I Fir«t-<*'avN cedar fence posts for sale in , legal blank* *outii of Sal»*ni in ktqiv at the Geo. Linn, Rap Kubli and Evan The ‘•Examiner’ reports that there ani Haymond Comiuissiuners Taylor _ , Much interest was taken by our citizens . Kearnes returned to Eugene last week to •o i h ■> r.inch and Niarle«! to Mexico v. it!» q'lam if i« > to suit ut the T imes office T imes otlh and sold at Portland rates have been a numb« r <»f r«»bberies and at- I wer«» at the cuunty-scat last wexkun official in the G. A. R. rally last Tuesday evening, resume their studies at th© State Uni­ hu wit»* anJ two chi dren in a wagon *<**nie j tempts at robbery on the streets of Lake- Don't p*»n t fail it* r<» see ace th« th» White Newing-ma- tf 'i w » c '< n Rg«», .*»n«I bad f lo > «»r 112 «»•••» when a fine bean sprea I and oyster supper Robert Taj l«»r of A>hl uid h buil ling a j view recently, ami * hv * the opinion in that business. I wa^ given by me veterans of Chester A. versity. Aith h ni aixl wauled to LVFphiN r uir n chine at the fair grounds next week. neat tw >t->r? frmie rv-idence «»n ins i ii»- st «ge robber* wh" w« re operating <»n the Lair Patterson of M«»i»tciey county , ( al . .. __ •r ¡el tor wL robtn* , y. I.u-i _ Sunday j Primus Fa‘niarbt of («alia creek wa* Granite sir«»-t lot. It wi 1 be b-xlo feet, lake’. leu - Link Ville stage a t’»*w w«*eks ag«» visit«-«! bis uld h«»mc in this valley {luring Arthur To-’. It was a very pleasant affair. The First National Bank of The Dalles XV<- iiic able t" ••It. I- I'T tlie remarkable price uf *2.25. th«' **”*• '«»un*! com »••••; -* nled ....... srciirelv I iimoog «»nr visitors luring the week. ami han«l-»«xnely iurmshe 1 througb«nit. are th»* sirevt thieves. wh * tunneled into by professional burg­ the week. If. H Wolters, the mixologist, has re-| Original Webster-' l'nabri «i at*«. (Wo ut loo.oOo words, oxer 4I*' cubic ¡iidn - of of $2. They «re Ji>* iate?t und best. sum ... .... . ... v .. — .. W in. Li)n**r. wh«» cundncla the Plmemx *ii I i *»t be. ng <«» D..vid -l\.;g*»r»-, who, wi:h visu b»-re. *■ , it <• c|m«h«-> »»i»«! •'l-bfN. bur ib» ira* r «»Í the tinc-'t wines, liquors ami cigars, Addn>s Tivt' I’r.ii'mg Hou t . Juikson- bi> family wei e supp«)N« “« n forwarioi>osche w »s suffering with to«»tbaohe. an«! was trip last week. M«»nihly in.«talliuents of |!0 will buy it ailure. > hi I••.-*•* ^rp'rinb.-r I. * 1 kn»-w the men,’’ from ibe (lo gon w« alher bu.rnu, c<»-<»per- I creek mail-rontc from Me1 ml» i.t ibi-» m»*ri-:ng. "a- wei a I knew i »r w* t k ’ n ling Viiurdav . >rpt. lJfb, HbO: i *-n P' b hard when in Medford ami • tr »v f he «lageer co« kk burr, w hi h * a .»a: » covered ill her face wa*‘burnetl no that it th »r-»ugh style. Archbiehop ttroae Jetlicatetl the new n«- for I win tr-Hsurrr f Kam««b se»- ( a something becoming no plentiful as in call f«»rtn a will lake seveiai Weeks to b«ial entirely. A •-•ut • rin*tl le.Dp'-raHire prevailed n< w in the jewelry line. • . . . .»y wh«n L‘utn.*m wh » *h«*nrt. and Kil- pr«»te»> from the late grand jury on thi* J. B. Dungan aixi daughter «»f G »1«! Hill «hiring 'he we. k In varmas >e«-ii*in- j eliurcliee at Ashland and Medfoid th.e 4* r lived near Linkville. that being the The Chi ian Medical C-o. i* now holding pr«-cinct are at Salem, attending the state ho t- wer.* m«»re tr< ijuent and of greater week in bis usual Impreasive style. He The S. F. \ ariety Store has just received point nty-Neat, ami Kilg re, Putnam and hi» a fine, new assortment « f fishing tackle. f**rth in town ami giving nightly enter ain- *rverdy, (hough the period for any serious also field service« at Eagle Point on the DEALERS IN The celebrated White sewing-machine ments to large ami delighted audiences. lair, this w»*vk a Hr »nd ■ hild were at my hou’v September dainagr bring done has passed There Old papers, ir. quantities to sun. for sale will be represented on the fair grounds It rtminds one of the W>zir tiecoming mor»* brought eleven head of fine horses to i-o ntv »nd **•-«• what they could «1 • there. \ -U'l.mer fri. n 1 -Wright * Blackberry varnd character. nabnr, where he has been employed in the tilled with sir.«jK«‘ from the forest fires. the valley, most of which he lias since i T*-n thousand feet of lumlierat Sam's val ­ I c u «1 not have been Ki g«»rr’» wajun The * oast and Willutn« tte vallev are more dis|K>sed of. John Welch accompanied Cordial. Oi.ee used always taken. Reha- Augirt Bart*-l. win» fell from a building quicksilver mines. und m ar M tagne.a- tbar o» in >i’.k’ v«*u ley * bo«»!-house for sale bv > <>tt <«riffin of I b’e eml p-ompt. l'lea*ant »•> take. Imbs- in .'c.iitic a f«-w da\ ago. breaking hi-I fV’erNiinon of Eagle P«»int is <»n hi** way free from smoke than th«1 other sections. him to Medford. • r* u tv. ••« h tif’»rn III ;•*» a* ul!» t (fit* -t Ir A few leaven have b gun to fail, few pensible i«»r summer trouble* S* 4.1 by all *p*n* , h »* «lied A married «laughter fr«>m imine fr in Germany, lhe trip ha* not It r ! uavr n »t be »r«t fmhi them Ni’K-r (hry J D. Pank»*y ba* ,r»u r« > ir» Corn near I «IruggistN varieties are «-oloriiig. -h »wing the rapid The North California dramatic treuf-e I ’ * r? £<*\\ i.*va*l r< a« he«i bi n just lieforc brin fit» «I Ins health let’ bu» hnvr .’: • d >ut»? Hi* y h - c at»*. Central Point mat will yield bushel* per approach o' autumn. } of Yreka, Cal., will give a performance hi* tie« h. ai 'l.in liine to be re<-■•giiized bv The best remedy f r he.««Lo h«* and in-ti- | acre. Grain harvest in <*. er ; t be cr<»pis general­ I at Ashland to-morrow, Saturday; oven John D. ( nai |*c'“f GaH'-« r. « \ wa- at ralgia is Wright's Bar.« un Hr. da* 1.» rem­ 'h- «lying ma'». H * wde an I childten ly 'lire ii»*«l h d b.:ul*: g f- w -r»h«»iH-es. in^ «t en 'he st n-ational drama, "Not 825 to 835 A Tragic End. C D. P fner has gone to Central Point edy 8t«»i s pain in five mi mfe*. Haun- live a1 Chub i ' i *, ami be h *•! recently «.• me the co.mi;> s«*Ht ,i f» w «i «y.* .*im-c. »« «‘"m■ mill*, e r . i> n.*w i«i nr gr« K. Street, G »««1 crop* panied by Mr. West. A'u<»tit ten day* ago two men pa**e«1 pre met to take charge ut Dr. D-Bar's less. tasteless, no bau » ttrets >«».«1 by ad t » the * ty to *e« < employ Hit Uf. | Guilty, ” «ill '•<■ piesented. < >f comee, it • :f • Xtr i -'<» » ' q’L-iii V "t wheat, oats and throtuh Lmkviii»* w th a small bunch uf farm. <1 ruggiBts. Mrs N K Lyt!e and dau..bter Mav have hay a »- 2enm (»rand ’ entral. their st " k. 8 me «lays ai(»rv»af«l Bx r«»n CT' p WHS larg»-. of g-*u I «pi t'liy and in d< - M *df*»r«i. H»*ca t inak« a new w.in h out oi ti .i*hed tw . piers fora br d.-e f RJO-r«.«n A large an-i tn’e! igent .«udienc«» u*?em- Tnos R:ley and fauulv have removed to Spri' ,**‘r. a * ex lai deput« sh-r«!t »ii*j» is being pml»ig!i« d Un- u»»w for *alr at jtb tee’ ve »•**«>« iaU«»n, reached th-leinquir i»r*»periy near Dai.*y creek, is improving generally <»f in«»'< am *in.t *»t work to . .motet»-, .«n«l h .pes to Ar» b )Nh«»p o I«1« ds h . the Sterling being haub d to archbish 1» Gr »s«i and Rev Father Clark tevut The horse th eve* left f«»r(’ ilf rnia Ju*’g - Webster. the -ou h'-rn Oregon i M .ling < o , i.< at st« r i gvii e. wi h *ome of the tm«-*i and iarge*t p»acbe* «■<>u .\v hops a -e Mt 32 1 enls pwr th* ineie anin'iinccment «bat he wi l lecture an«! were caught at R« d B ut! upon rele started on their mis>ion t«» Lhmiatb county we have see i this season, which w» r«**.uly «liN’rp i n-re»n<« like an un j in the llurrison street sch »ol ____ _ y .. n............. ...«■*' p in fair Th»- u*ual arg»*. T ed with u* a « Uy <1« titrt win» wtli give { healthy (»I»« e for in Ig.n delivered in Ins usuh ; x happy’ «nd lib»** nt been I bey ha«i springer arreal» «! for fal*e im grounds you ail r 10 ............... :» «»( his aicJ-vi■< v Noles, receipts due-bills, drafts etc., in I Call on Dr. M.»rc »ux. at the I . b. Hotel | Bird i* i:i s 'Uihern Calif* rnia for hi* ba* b»en *1 .»wn in Linn county, vim ing am! adj > nn g «-ouni:« * wm * larger that« ex- divided MH«-i»fi preserve y.»urro*>f, a* well | The bieg *t tran*a«*{.on in Inml ihm room they f un«l him lying on tn»* tj«M»r, the D'a«l Indian country, last wve< re tensive, th ugh it not ►«» great a* hi f«»rmer su«'h again. > me ultice« in the valley wrre inspected as t«» protect it tr.-ni fir.-, use Hibbard - shot ’hr* ugh the head, having commi fe«t by Po.-t H In.*»pect«»r Tnall uf San T rancisc«» pat» nt a l»e.*t*»N paint. It ha.* m> nupeii«»r I hss tak n i la* r in - uthern I 1 ) regon for a turned to his uid home in Iowa. VFars longtime wa- <-cn*uminated i a f«»w days Religious. auicide. His remains were sent to Oreg«»n last week. F«»r further pam« ular» «..li*»n Frank By- 1 since. The Harg «line tra«*t of 1*11*!. ne «r I here w l t>« i fr«»m the central F It. In’ow.oneof E «gle Point’* lending bee, ><»!e agent. Ou Friday, th • r.»lli, th* Aichbisbop Ashland, • mprising >»o0 hcmn of land, merchants, was in .1 mck .**-nv'lle not long • •th;-», m a i«*w day-*, n cin-ular. Making for At con ? n large, fir.**t <-U nn aaRortment of K‘»a«l Agents Again at W«»rk. infoi nriiio'i r«-l•«! ve t«» th«* grain hu «I fruit and the parish priest. Rev. lather fru t jara ami jelly glasses, at tlie 8. F. (teo. Beavenue, Ed Lunbert ami Mr. ■ ha* b«-en **»l*i t • Joe bim«»n and Ben Seli- since, accompanied by Ins daughter. \ iekl oi tile pt *»♦• ihi* \ rar, an-l it in hop- dark, will start for Lake and Klamath One day last week tbe Vint»*«! Stale« Variety Store. / Fox arrived from Ciescent city Turs*i.«y I ing of rortland, for .f'V»,iX>\ or an average I). .1. Lumsden of Medford was in Ja« k- e i that iho*v r»<-"iving t.hv **aiii»* may hi *- counties, to be absent until about marshal at Portlau l rerviVe«i a letter from price of |7 an acre. The sale was i ffected evening. They int* rm ns that quite a « .. ’ . , < tu i Sunday, the t* -’"th. L: j sonvillea few days ago. accompanied by «wer promptly, ful v .nd conipreben^iv» ly. ih- -’Sih ms M- sNr-. Rader, Carlton ami LinkNwiler «lelegatmn irom that s««-Hun will attend by A T. Kyle southern Oregon, which roii'ame«! infm- othciate at <»rant's Pa-s in the Tile qil Hlllt« . q'Mli y Hil l HV»’rage > i«*'d «•! |gra«*«"will his hrotber-in law, Mr. Hut« binson. grace inal»«»t» “f a stag»* rut»bery xvhi h occurre«! \v.-r it ifir County-Nr.»t la*»t Saturday on the district fair A. W. . who has just ttbstrac’e»! ontbefithof this month between Bln/.-r hind biiNine* m . I Aleck Zekin I, tin- w«'ll-ki.own nq r* s«-'iia- the • r •!».*. in Ort/«»ii. in I*»:*’, Nh<»uld be I morning at 10:30. an«i w ill dt liver a lecture FOR TRONE B1I0 < V«>OT I l^KIELY CALL PER* ¡he m«»rtuag«- re* *»rb«’.*tos ro d paint - till ea*i*. and Diamond, qn.t!l points on the Burn**- Gu«. K eh * n t the fishing biiMin»'--« Ififil farm moil .ages h tv- tiye of J«** Breim r A (’<» . . iga- in r uf c DOX AI LY. II »Ml i . *i;x. ItxikOWlT». lb* fir t qiiiuteriy rn»cting of the M. E F rt B««iwell niatl routeinsoutl.eastern Or • • t <» i H hi and went to Seattle, Wa»»|i . All Who have tried it *p»*ak in the i_reat»-*t j l«»rm* us - bat H?ìl turtr>, dropped in "n us W••dne.*d:*.v. IN TH! IO U H OF AI L THAT WILL GIVE term* of prai*e, f •« it p-»-stt v< s a* w • ! «* !»»•♦ n r«-«-‘-i"iween Jan. 1, liiSO, and : ('* nr* 1«. South. «*n the Jacksonville < itcuif, g« n The 'tag.* was bel«i up by a b-a« r « f not b'lig hiicc . De«- 31, lb*!), a | ernal of ten years, Mr. 1NS1ANTAM OÎ N RH.IEF AND A prole« t*. Frank Byb« v is - Iv agent («»• | Mr* W. W. Erb and la i¿ht«*r r«-turne«l H lua-ktd hi.-hwaymen. wh*» «»r«ier»-d th»* • fi r the < nr «ent '»ar.a ill be held at Browns- G**wan say.* Un* i* a b»*ncr showing than to Ash a «1 aitr- a piea*an* visit with Jo- - i H and E. P PickriiN of >« n\ valley Jackson county. m »il pouch tor*.wh out at lue muz/. »* * f a r; hman : • t ilrl . . b.»ro oi. Sept J7th an«i .’sth many «»there uti» ies where he lia* «l«»ne the t l.iive wbtpp»«| seven « arioad* uf bahd hay T P. H % y \ fn . P. E ¡ phine county friend*, «»m* «lay last we» k. Winchester. The driver «»’•« y dwuhaLiC MINING NEWs. Marvin \\ taxis last we« k ra;*»•*! the ft am«- ' -am»-work «‘an make ()e*t barns in the < oumy at | drbtc i. i «‘ nn he pla. c* a’ »*ati«»n of ¡*T end all Thro it. F* * Lung. Heart. ages. Al the remain» -z mail was then »•old IL 1 in ranning *»rdrr, and arr doing i* about ltM) feet long, with 21 (<»«»’. p -t.- and i !• .«• i M ■rri*«»Ti *»f Smith river. Cal . j. has been l«»ok ng aft» r h *. imuing io er«**f* quartz mines, rt«*.. fur -ale at th« H« n ! a Sxtural Dentil Stomach. I.iv r ! 1 ’ . \ Affection«. dt-Mruyr«! i»v it»* rubbers, who th.ally ur a good business. it. .h»» va ley «»n bis annual *umm r tour f|. e l«yts <»f sh.-dfOoin. 1 <’« i«»nvr Parson I»« I an i» quest over itie Nervous 1 dee«i * he driver to j»a*s on. He «’id so Measr«. Il ot ami B »sweli, wùo have C«»n-umption, in of r» « reatiuu. He i* largely mte«*-Nte«l in • b«»1v of E! z beih BurlJ.»«r>lt, m young wnbout any hesitation whatever. Offi« ers Jimmy Watson, who ha*< been «pending N* xv good* a*e b»*ing rec»-ived on »-v» rv ' D« I N »rte property, having about Tl”» a« re* bonded Dr Bra Im’s q lariz mine near Tue work of re-«»|M*ning thi­ < ¡nimbar iw . ihhu age«! 1!) ye «rs. xxh • ha«l dud nud pending !!S % . c • ■ un wil< br ** ii | »•» trace the r bbtrs, of whom hi* vacation in Jacksonville, returned to fre'vtit train by J. Ntman, who in lav nu I of timber land included in the redwood Gold Hil , spent a day in J ar ksonville last mines «»n Wagner «-ie- k g *vs on grad j «a ly «len y and rft lnr mys:vri«»u*ly at \\«»<»d- D r . A bor . x ' sohr . i a :.NL) i > eoi T reat ­ n«> clue ha»s ye* b-en obtained. It is not Portland last Week. in an imnu-i»se fail and winter s’«> k. Hr «bal «»I Hobbs, Wall «V. ’’•>., to the E«»gii*h week. but surely. viilr last week. A jurv was rinpaneled. ment and !.. ; Mi lpcati n I nhalations Mi own by i hr author ilie* b*»w much ni* nry keeps n >«hii.g but the bt si, un«i sells nt syndicate about w hi« Ii there ha* been no A fin»* line of a« cor«li«ma haN just been i reas*»nable figure* gives instantané . s relii I, builds up and G. A Hollenbenk of ..... ........ _____ Ph ip M uneii.xx I <» i* nr.».*pt-iHing a plum­ hi .*1. after n ’h«»r«»uvi' • xamnmi«»n by Dr wi « n obtain» d. but it i** brb»*vrd lu >e l»ut a much talk, recently. He expect* t«» realize at the 8. F. Variety 8t«»re and ’ on ‘1 uesdav. He w ill m » oij t tk<* charge of bing Ldg«- on tlie 8iskiyou >i«l«- b!and will make a determined ert«.»rt tr m the* lli* e Wnl such persons please The Dunknrd s««-t in Bearcreek valley read the 'aw in such cases made and pro- section. D r . A dorn ’s phenomenal skill and mar­ tw«* horsr thieves lr«»m his seelion. and toopeti the new wagon-road via Pelican are Fr*'in the Mountain Ilolicrt •’low of Lane county will be in engage«! in rebuilding their church. re­ She i f Birds v ha| p Ding along Volun­ Bay to Fort K amath. E ('. Kane and family ot Ashland Ibis in«* county a rood <|Uality of ore ha* been al:< Udall eat the southern Oregon ¿'strict velous cur s have created the greatest cently t’»m d«*wi< ai A-hlan«!, at the 'Taknt vid»«l ’ N ». reader, the T imes proposes to have what in du»» it, if it has t,» enter suit week depart lor a tour through the east and taken for something past, ami a quar / mill fa r. Kinin., ncing th. 221 HIM., with a ft w astotii*4iun nt <>n th .* Pacific Coast and teered to piiol hm» through the Applegate Send the TiMKstovour friends East, or cross-r*iMd«. for the greater convenience <»1 *»r wait a «1 collect f-nni the subscriber’s "York sei tioit in «|U» st of the r«»gues. Wh» n about state,'' visiting relatives and fr end* vv.11 mhhi | rove its ii bne-s. tuire-brcd Shottliorn bulls, wb< li lie will throughout th? American continent, dur­ the cuminunicantN. at any other place. It answers better than estate. twenty nnies on the Crescent city r**a«l on the other divide Th'- American Mining (’'».ir. stan iard -ell id public sale (or rash or aiprove.l ing the past twenty-live years. Asthma, they met th* f- Row.-», Ieadir»gtw«» magmfi- ail the letters you can write. Newsome Bros*, of >• mi-’atiN ( ». Cal , J hn . M.-Dunout h n fa«t ”Al'am«»nt” mare Ar« hbishop Gross <»f Portlami, the well- authority on all *uhj»(’N pritMining to note». The»e anima » are all finely bred, Catarrh of the Head, and nll Throat, Bron­ - «-nt mares with foa's bv their wi bushels to !lie acre this ■ lh’> vail» y !ft-t w« vk s* ♦ k ng locations, (ic «-gie^Wo ii h >ri»r.” will n t participi*e known d vine, is spending a h-w w»-cks in all minitiL', xxater-righis, dr., i> k»-pt for IO belli their lord- will have a rare o|- chial and Lung trouble instantly* relieved, also I *ar Diseases and Deafness often cured j T'o* Newsom»»* are t r; hev.s of J. B. I,’. in the for r »< cn , hav.ng aline c«»lt Ni«»«i sou hern and n »utln a*u*t n Oregon, h iving sale at the 11ME* «»ttire. tel » t-itv. The • ffit-ers got the dr«»p n the year. Ben ¡.s .* g<»o«l farmer. p .rtiinttv to make .-elections 1’edigrees ly ’!,»• <■• (•>t»r*«r»-«l «’ah! rni.a stailion ar. iv»«l here last StiurJay. permanently at first consultation. D r . Hut« hings ot A.*h»and. men. rrl'ev«*:l them of the r w»-a|M»ns, an i L icR * f xx.it« r has compel!««! Henry’A wih be furnislictl wi'h t acli annual. Anu-Vid«'. iti!*«*!tr ’ ' belonging t«> T. P. Go to the new firm of CroneuiiDer A AnoRN^t essay on the “Curability of Con­ l«»< k them to l*r»int*.s P»ss I *4<-’her with W» Iconic Fow er, vho fiu meriy re*ide«i in M»-s*ri g* r «»n II«»i*e c««*. k to su-i»en«i Geo. W. F. I wards 'f Wigner erevk is Ju«is*-n <** <>ra».t n P h .*» n , who aNo won a A 1 Elli«.»it for handmade horse shoes of th* Mt'imals >h-r t! Mo-s a» e * liipsliied sumption.” and a treatise ou “Catarrh of preparing to ship l r MM) I ’ o . v * n of choice r «* • «t th»- «liNtrici fair ¡.«st year, has been this county, but who is now a resident «»f their ara* r « lor a time, ami tbex are now the latest improve«! pattern**. l.ogltera Wanted. th» (’.-tlif »rnia «•th» »*r to C-es«-ent c ity in a southern California, i.* paying relatives an«! at xv«»rk «»n >h» ir shaft a’ *1 iiu nels. the Head,” v.ith evidences of some ex­ De Witt’s Little Enriy Risers. Best lit- winter apples **»**n, having t> »nght lit» a »•red »•»' Ai'Hin ni.' aml will not participate I friends in the valley a visit. h:u k tr* m Grant - P hns the n»xi «lay, gel u ILL Ut HEW AT roprietors of the Evans creeR «nW- traordinary cures, mailed free. Call or Logg, McDonnell and Att»*rb«rry of m T 11 he w i ml ting N.kftly acr«»N- t he stare line sat in requDi th- pill for dyspepsia, sour stomach, bad large ix»riioii «»f th»* apple crop «-f the up­ th r y* ar. th» r to let a I tging contract hi the •dtlress per Bear Misses Rea arid Wood of Gilroy, Cal . last Forest ere« k have finished a ditch that proi er ! < r-on, tiori. lb** thlexe- were la'Uen»*! h-llow- breath. Hohl by K. C. Brooks. Last we** i.H Hrttleniier of Woodburn, lo lite sin un' of lhO.ISiO or and «>ne* f th m a m s’ g t away on th»* Fourth »ml Morrison Portland, Oregon. The prospects «re good that *ev» ral stop ed 4»).0 staili ss |M>s»ible. For lur- BEltlNMMi to h mills amt warehouses N ot ». -Home treatment, sectirtly packed, «.ent by the Ye.lowsiune National Park. ce»d»-«i in **li| ping his all--»* k »-s ati.t *1.» n hauled county, Cal , and Kl-miath and Lake ; • d ■ ■ v .1 o : i.d25 to 8an Dirg... Ennis A Cani«,r**n .*r» buiblinga large re*- tln r parta tilsr* apply to e-, fl l 1 • . ■ ' - *1 ■ o leaping trum the hack Only ’he 'libers' Ineie i- cuit-iderabie *»f n Nurplus <*t unt vn , Oieiron, will par.ii-ipate in th«» ju.hou French prums to Pomona county, Mi ìzi.iji a Bi nan isi'T. crv -ir h iln-ir («alm-- « reek min« ’ * ami mak ­ Mr*. P P. Prim returned from her trip cannot pc>' ter-< ». and has for the la-»t two we-KH received an* to Port and During h r *tav shesei» cte*i ing gem ral pr»-parati »ns lor the winter. guns persuade«! him >o return. Wm. T» rrnl, an excellent teacher, is in raves at the «iistnet fair Wornivi le, Sept 13, lato All INVITED TO CAIL TOR FREE CONSUlTATIQR. nvrr.-igr of tw > telegrams a dav for tree*« the largest And nan isomest stock of mil- The\ will be Hble to commence piping a- cfiiirg»- of th»* Brownsboro tebool again, The Han Francisco ‘Exiniiaet > great Tim oidrr«««*ome from Wyoming, (-olora«lo, having given general satisfaction. Teachers' Institute. souh a* ihe reservoir i*fini*hed. New Store and New (òMsh. drawing will take place in November. M«»ntn* a I till. Idah*», Washington and l n«*ry goo*is in southern Oregon Tbe following in the programme of the E E. Redfield has opene«i m large and The Waldo copper mine- in Josephine . over ft.OOll off»T«d /s Prof. H. C Faber <»i Ashland departed (’has. L. Tlrurmai.’« health is not ini- Sub'Ctibe for the w«-ekn Sniurdav . >a,*t. J>, commencing at -re such a w» II a.*.*<)rte advi*c her <*f • I ki ■’*. etc . is ki pt a«< nt the pioneer h«»rse a short time si.ice, in able t*» d *»about feet in length and a .*hait • f fiftv feet, which him will ri-ct .ve the most sKil.ful attention. vocal rmiNir. P A. Getz. ' show* a larg*- amount of rn h-'«»okmg ore. Don’t fad (•• give him a call of J 1 Miller in J ack son rille. H- John Van Horn last week returned from I the wbercab nils uf her little sun Ra ph. will contimi«-Kix Dass. Ex«-ry t»o*ly luxit«sl AtTKRV ox — Map drawing. J F. Wri- a t»»ur of introduction in K>amatb county k»ep* oi ly the best go- «Is and sells al the again, with the as istHtice of rrutebes. A.I th«* gat« *• wifi br open and tr«< <»n M« B- (/under til«* m:m.m< in*,iit «»1 th»- < hmgoii Slate ner, bi)*»v work. M inn Hattie New bury ; in\ th« tirst day of the Fair. i S. C. Carter uf big Ai pleg.it»- came f*»r nn st rt a*.»nab e rates. Wiieuevrr y«»u ItoHnl <»t Ak'ru ii t nr* . " ill bv h <«”• n ’. been abie tog«» t*» DeRobuam’s hospital. Point during fa r week an .«ccmint »f a re« ent wedding, sai«! that effort fair as-ocution to give an exhibition of Offic» rs P A. G.iz, president, H (’. Apply to the Secretary at Jacksonville. R» member that it w ill co*t v ou only $15 for MO.NI'AY, SEC r RM HER 22. Kauak t George, an old n-sid* nt of th»- brute was dresse«! in a tan c4«»r making, ami will manufacture Faber, *tci<-'a*y Committee, ( 8. Price. a set of first < las.» teeth Prof Price, our worthy school superip- Rae»» No 1 — Running—- Pony HUI» candv VXD I.V*TIMi UM. WEEK. Dr. _________ Marcoux's southern Oregon and northern Cabfornia, «-a-siiimre.trimmed with crenm-rolore«! silk „ «t __ everything, from the plain stick to tlie 1. B. Hr mom!. Mi*» Anna Fischer. ROBERT A. MILLER, S e < kliakì . tend»*nt, who has accepted the jxi-ition of office ut the I . 8 Hotel ir Jacksonville. • yard*. Purse $30. died at his residence in Jacks.itivlil«* last and ribbon * We have heard *»f gentlemen principal of the JnCks<»nviUe •-chools,* ar- finest French, on the grounds. Be sure to Rice N ». 2 —Running- Pony race too see them. wearing cassimere ciorbing, timugh we Monday, and was buried the foil« wing The district fair coromences next Moir Accident at Portland. r ved here last we» k, accompanied by his yar«l*. Purse |25. ami continues six days Of course it day. He had been ailing for worn»- time n •'.•er *aw any of (an <-<»|,,r; but, ih tt a family. Ra«-- N<». 3 Tiotti g For three year olds. Dr t’harles W. Cornelius m»-t with an dav ¡•« every particular Purse, fl -I accident at Portland recently. He drove her marriage < eremony, must have been as Rev. Father Dominim*, president of the Jacob-» A Corm.tfK have started a lund»« r If you want to subser be for the best unique as it was unu*iial. ntfer.Nl i.»r agricultura . -♦< « k and imvhan- up to hi- residence to dinner »<•« ompamed R. T. Baldwin advertises to sell a lot of i TVE*l»\Y. SEPTE.MHEK 2‘ j. M unn Angelc«»d»ge, made«»urtown a visit at Eagle Point •« «1 are prebaled !<> tin i«-n! «-xhihiift»r u* rk-"1 oT irii.l 1-n;«-> Wiirk ..... by a lad wh •» was to sit in th»» buggy and per-mnal property, also some desirabie weekly on the coast ami at th- -atue • ime »•ne- card Race N«» I R»»»Hi1 g--Single «luring the f**rr| art of the week He ba*» and t«»r tt ia’.s nJ * *-«1. ill 1 < r«i<-rs promptly. Eli and pine .»ei.cing J. W. H<»< k« rsnu’h shipped a carload watch the horse When Dr. ’ ornebus real estate, at Ashland on the 27ih instant. get a chance to draw a hand-nine present, half m I*-. Pur-» |l’>) Opens Sept err ber 12, 1890. KtsiiK-od rat<*!«>r In« old !.'-ig!i "h all and rough lumbtrfs ca>li. at the nuii ami subscribe for th** 8ao Franci-co •Exami­ of A.*i liimi fruit t. Ne* York last week. been looking alter them .erests of his in*»ti- Ka« e N came out of the h*»u*e he unhitched »he la**. mile ,"». — Tr *t iiu — 3 »*> * tnms|H>rtHti«»n «" - t ■ »«nd ir-cti th«- ! -i. Ini- John D. Cbappel A Co. are manufactur­ ner.” Subscriptions tak»-n at the I imes I’ was shipped for P.irier B «»s , of 8 «era tuiiou of learning. $11 at lti»-ir xaids at Eagle Pun t. Ink»* A porti'i.t improv« i *•««->:? horse and was preparing to g»*t into the • l-ax « I - i» »n » b- up »n he ts. b- *t 3 1 3 Purs«- >150 * men'«), ( al., ami whs c«»ii**gne«l to E L J. B White and wife returned from a R »■ »» N •. (» - Running Mule r." th«- gToim«l> and • • r. i*«*4 i.«< ir.: jir< i’"IU*l. OF STI DY \hP.\\{.» I» ea - vehicle The b«»y in the buggv stood up ing an • x< client quality of lime near Gold office. one A'lipob*. agent*» V i»r«-**t> lo ii)<-«| f h«> ip « db of th«- Ini ruing (¡o»'1eil. New York « ity. The rar nad w.i* otî.'r« «I « xliibltui**. t*» Vaip’otiv« r. Wash., one d»»y last and was putting on a duster, which *care«i Hill, f ir which they find a ready demand. mi'e. Pur-e$: W’e recommend De Witt’s Colic ami mad*- Up* f peohes. Bartlett. Burred An­ Visit uid M«s l»noii-tj‘ Hit« re-f <>t Ih» stai* < «uue Forward. week, an*i have sim » ainvc'i at ’h» ir Imine lhe hor«e. and h ran away. Dr. < ’«>» neliu* U EPS I I» .-n i I.M bi i< 21 A few cople* ,yf t|)e American .Settlers Cholera Cure because we believe it a sale laug«-. ctttiiiiKMiiotirt ai.d well v«nlHated graNped the bridle am! wrn dragged d **n Guide, standard authority on all land and rclmb.e r»*medv. Its good effects are jou un i 8 ckel pears, i runes .»ml app e* in Oakland, U.il. M m . Ihiiituii.i of R« h k Running -M l and repeal .»mldliigs. Tin-( «»II« g«- k h , in a culti, Al. Iliff I n itiiimnify. und one «»t to lt.v limi* T'U’iH-'l wilt pirase » ali and set­ ami alter the fruit w».s all loaded ih* lb<- beaitbievf situation- in the >tat< . animal »an into a pile of slabwo*»’elvct«-d ' irmi •4-' Market rtieei. San Francisco, will rm u-e\v, si . iti miu I: 25. in this *tat»* unless lie graduated from a Central PoinbSvpt. I, l*d0). i 1 ir »ni A*b!,in«l. m every Library f»»r Sale. J H. Pre-ton, for several months a resi­ hnisiiC'i it?» work on this aide of the county, dorse« I by lb»* honorable gentlemen Com­ glasses ihut can tie nr- allied in the worid. Ka< e No 11- I rotting—2 :50 class, mile p. in. Exhibit«»! * ar«-ui-g«-*i t*» mak«-a* many «•minty. Write f«»r «-«tlHloguc to <>ur Public SclxMd dent of Jacksonville, was arrested at C *r- tins gon* to Applegate to finish the season’s posing the Oregon stale board < f dental second-hand library, library. in of tln-ir « ntri«-s on Saturday beforv th«- tair An excellent Fecond-hand B. L. ARN(»LD. Vi«E»-it»EM. liewdl I»- established near the pavilmn, examiners. * he it«, beai 3 in » Purse *175. vai'.is last M *ndav. »barge* 1 with havi-.g w«rk good Older, for sale at a great sacrifice. a* p«»flrtiblr. («*»« m 1 n . imitna'- mJ artichs* for 1 h»* J ick-onv lie *ii*t» j -t << h«»«»l re open­ ant] those w ho have lading of vision or Race No 12 — Running—Saddle horse race CA*rvalliN. Drugun. enlrretf the tailor>liop «»f J B SoJnrr amt exhibition must I».- hi th* it pl.t* . - l»y 10 p. m. Kincaid Bro*., engaged in th»- men antilr ed on M«»ml:ry last, wi’h an :ttendance »»f dim siuht. also those who are wearing For particulars call u»» or address lhe Ashland public schools began last one mile. Purse *.50. st»* i mg'wo pieces of cloth a*» well as -omr wtik wrh an attendance of over FO, the business at ('♦iP’-al P*‘'nt, have made an I ‘s pupils wii'ch numl»»-i hit* 'ncreased to «»u Monday. D eboy * Sit art . Gohl Hill. glasses, should call on him ami have their ibii ’ vt . sErrtMB,a 2it oth«*r arlK les. Hr was brought l»a< k In largest on opening day i;i the history of assignment I »t th»» Iw-n« til *1 their creditors, IM), witn numvr »u- additions Ixm.g msde PRIi ES terdav ami hnd :n ♦ x- the city. naming W. B Kim aid, their father, as dMiiy. ibis i- a gra'itying increase over held glasses and bunting spectacles and Notice. Purse *125. Man's day lickts ................ MV amination in i iKir»* i*n msle s court •v»o»i assignee. Their liabilities and assets are I h * i y«-«r buperintendent Price if the new Bell’s odometers for sale at the same place. Race No. 14 - Trotting 2 35 class mile . 25c M Ason’s fruit jars, caps and rubbers, ha f Woman s day ti«-k*-t . No griping, no nausea, no pain, when about equal. afterward, who h» Id bun to answer at the princ'p.il, at d s assisted bv <» un . Newbury Car. 34 aad E Street«, heals. Iiesi 3 in 5. Purse *21«) Man's N«*HN«»n tic k i . .. ..<2 50 gall*»»«, per dozen, |2, quart?, per dozen, Decrmb-r term o' circuit c*»uri. B »nds DeWitt’s Liitle Early Kisers are taken and hi* H*t«-r, M ** Hattie. Allareex- R»< • No 1.5 Running- Sadd »■ hor-e race. Woman * *•••*- n tick ••• The peach shipments f*»r one wet k fr ni p* rn-nce i, aole and n.ipubir teacberM. and $l.»r>0; pints, p«r dozen, &L.2Ô. For sale at Sam's V. C. 0. P* were hx»-d a» ami the defendant t»e Small r»il>. Bate pill. Beat pili. Biooka PORTLAND. OR., Scud t«» tin- -«i-i ‘‘tar\ a« P r . hi i, «>r*-g* n, one mile. l*iir*e *25. Ashland reached over 5,(M() boxes, 1500 we pretlict a sucee-**ful year for »«ur school J. Nunar’s. Jacksonville. ing iviablr to furnish iheiu was imprisoned. sells them. fur a pr«*miurn list. D. If. L« m »NEY. Osavimw. Mr. 8 . von are hitting us s»Tt nn.,r, ss . itkmcei : 27 boxes being the heaviest single dav's sh p- in every partnular. as they hav«» no Contatnlng 120 Roum», well fumlabcd. Proidcnt. right where we live. We «re regular down Race N 10 —Ru'inmc tree lor all, mile J. C Gage wa* here yesterday on land menttodate. These shipments will con­ J. T. G reg <>, **« • t • tary . Notice. For sale. ami repeat I'ar-e *2'<> business, accompanied by Wm Smith and tinue for a while yet, but the heavy output superiors an«! very few t *|’I h I n ’in southern east Yankees; in fact, were brought up ---- THE BEST----- Completecopi< s of townshippla ’ s, posted (>reg n As fl «tiering inr'm ements are right ch.se to Bostin and were raise«! on Ra< <* No 17 —I'rottitm Frei- for all. mile <>r«e \ graded Jersev « w. fo’ir years «>’d others. He is mill running his ferry aero»» ¡9 now over. up tu date of the order, made forti 50 ¡>er olfceti, Wc expe«-| to see a g'xxl stirmtane,- “bak«d beans ami punkm pie.' Wc kn »w pa*»t, «4 W*. C. Mver - \sld*»nd *»i«»rk, ar «1 Rogue riser heat.*, lie st 3 in 5. Purse *-5*51. ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE that a few big “punkins” ain't to be sneezed Raer No 17. ~ Running—N ow race, last t iwnship. Money must accompany ur- will i-.une in ..» x January. 1 raise«| ih» A team 0 H irbaugli wa« driving lasi by parlies living our**ide the di-urict Jackson county has a g»»od Corn crop Sundai at. If y «»u ha«i brought a few along w«th «l»-rs Address cow my»elf an 1 kn i v timt slie hgentlea «i Purse *2.5. horse to win lln- money alarti <1 hi run awa v » Itile pa»»ing I IN THE 8TA TE. section on the G. W K imball . Roseburg,Oregon. this s» ason There is no you. instead «»f saying, ‘ I wiJI^Jiand you can he milked b» a « bil«! Ais.i <»ne 2 Handsome Entertainments i hroUL’h bis fami ga*e, ami uè had a narro» the change in the morning,” u w«»uld year-ol*! ne f *r froni the »t>«.ve cow. wb-ch c »«st that «9 ahead of thia when vnu talk escane from fatti mjuries. On<* <*f Iti» • The , 'hillm." in a . .................. mirth- to and from The Purast and BeU. will C hur in durmg th»- spring ot B'.H. about corn. tiaini» wa» jamnied agaiust a ¡a>st and tneb M»ve just as I reionmi n*1 them Hai'ey. of Idaho, and moth' • r of John and trut Uf* the Irmghtiblc musical Mokes; th. an i Thomas Halley of Pendleton, Is visit­ a few ep?. Id. 1 ''•*». in witli A. >. J.uo' s is .»nll ma' uhiemr ng mu- ed. II.« nudo invi** prepared under the J»sion ln*f week, let lhe conti '' • ’k» Wirii» r «V Allison are disposing of a large anele I enr arto le of luml'C, bui will he II B-1 : ur i«n i u ì-» •ist<, an«! evei v s’ .-¡i m ¡li»* p.o« ess of I WILL*>m.U roti “ALE FVÌlTHENÌXT Washing an i M* ri I h * t* r f n u i.t'.g. qu unity of their superior nine to builders obliged to icniove -omi.t.n account' t (he i who will inlr tlme ninny of the Train** to Pistriei Fair. H.A. F»rguteun wnl execut«- th»- 1 rbr«-«' nionths, on r<*»L**<»nal»l* U tiiin . qiy n#t- iuf.«c , i u r i-is cirefnllv *• cched w tli a •bu g it.e railroad, "hipping as far north scaicity of t'iuber. AIL PERSON?. J 1BEMSU W ’«nrn ng fre ght tr:i»n< lew* A«|ila»*«l ■«•' iiring m 1E» «I s Sarsapardlu tur«w. « (f) A iú «] í l»H4 tn 11IL r The bridge. which dai'vatS a m , arriving at ('ential I’mn» as Roseburg. A. W. ti'OVsn of Jo»- pii. IV »llow» Couniy. \\ M lwh'lie., wh'i is ;i Imst in biui-e1! as the wood Work at $370. ---- Svh«»ol i I - i cm* .'1. J'. r • iirttrfT n«Mltitd io c^ll aPBVt ti e • issinÀe re til . U<» !» — »t ynvftig in ibi vemuty. Partii» _. . Fames t t KEV, _______ __ ____________ V«»iiH nr I J » f»'v|iM*k p m an i arrive nt the T ime - • th«-«- previous to July 1, a:uF«-r io cent-; clnLlren tinder 12 wili pianse cali ‘‘ <>n -------- ine at * mypbicvof ni * * in ‘ i si nets Dlrxvtor <»t (. Friday ami Saturday Ashlaml at 5 X» p m Redticr I rales will the bo>>kK have been C'o*td anti muwt bri thè censu»