H She .íicmücraüci¿imr.5 ^.3 I’u■•loii I V *r> En I ty t»> (HIARIÆ-8 NICKELL, E dktoh and P hophiktor . TIMES NEW 3UILDINC. Olile«'—Corn«? Daini and C 8tr»*eta. Hal«* «>f Sghwcription: 'n«» copy p.r.knnun, in ¡vivane«*............ $2 W. “ “ aix months................................... 1 2^. •• three montila.............................. »’« „ „ ---------- ST A i’E ’ *F OUEGt IN. r 4 “ uit.r., .1 II. »I t. I' ll. J. N. I»o!ph; C .I»4r.-s*i»».i. i». H roll'll»; '» " ri r. S l’eu- »j • i ; »S r i.iry «»I Mt... « •« .»igc . Me. Bri I ; ’»tal-’ i r i ur«T, G« •». VS . W-bh; Stat* Print’ r,F » B «k- r. Supt. Public In*truction, E. ii »I ¿Ir »>. '»«i,»r m - Judges. K S. otraimn, (’m- t Judie ;'V. I*. L »rd. B.'» B an. riH“-! jvuu'iiu ui*ri\ « »VN 1 V S I»»t »r. r.» ». » .»»n r r.»i »:«. K pi - s nt Hives. 8. F irry. J. »V. »I rr (I. J .'I Met ' ul; C.tunly W. F ty- J «a U .J- H. N ii; » ti u. --I »n r*.i I »r. i » «I o •» • » i; I . k . I M.i.l’ r. Sn. riiT. J. i- ó ii B » ” ii i . A*-« **»r G. .hr I«. >; rr i4 ir -,i.» i i rit ti b nt. t . S IL ii i nut • ». ' g it ; < »roller Prie ; Srti’V g » »r, f .» k I ns ci ar, w i . ” "»a- r. J. S.Par JO-wgPI ill >h C »I’NTY. J »Ulf 4 Ml It »<*. »V. ■v. « ur. K pr 4 -ntativ H il ddicr; C mu »«.. « J - u Ig - . . V, I ' »I vig; « ’on ■Ul*.. Hl r*. ' . '» »•■■< ■ » ILutsen; i 1« t k, I K C ».».*-»« »r; .■».lend. Ja a ”» ». »1 » hm , l’r»’;v«ur- >n, »•r. J. ’V • » ' ' • *44 ’** f - .. Ê. C. Harm Survey- Sc i . »1 3 i.' '«“»< “ 1 »G ,v A L”"** or « ’. W. il-kv "l r I b-. 1 vV al lac«-. Wl.AUii'It COt'NiV J »mt 8 ’¡I U »i. • . VC »g-*-* ‘I ' r.M m mv . V ’•'U i- r ut L*k ; » j 4 j r, . a ;i '»i »•» T«. * C s rs < • « A. A L. L »yi W. G<>•**»>»; l’ruaHur« r. " u. K. a »r. .1 » >«» ■* a*rt; *•.» » “ 8«ip tn F » t ji ». ». »c, t» i. I* ■*» ’-u T. t’wrbea. „ LHZ 4 (*rNTT. . ik .1 .mt > > »t »r. « A ”1 W. A r-w-uAt-v . \ •■ ’ »■•’’3 . • . M I . , 4 .V \ 5.Iti • I. M»’ I iff, i il V - ?.. I « >» m .1.-ka . y.y. 'Hl- l.-ul ul. A H r... r; A-*• »* ». ¿. •’»‘* I» >>■ »UZ'I. *1 ■ * 1'1*1» **» '*'• I» '« J »»>*.. MH*»»*» ' »V »'.»I'»»»*. •Il’*' 1 ... I ,. U • I.I 'I <»r X "» '“ ’ "* ■»' ** II f- ^.1 ir ». r I»*.- 'Ul n IK IIIX .1» tu.-tl'-.t M'.upi. >O".» ' u t .,1 . .nil UCIU4 •> »»r*t -• '»» I •> "»'''■» r , i . i .r I.»- >»r*l J«.Ul.-»»ll•l»*.ri»-i -it* ..i .1. ««>»». ■»'".> '"» '4'"»l‘>-‘ »'» . .. , ,1 > -r un I 1» ' »■ I" R » " *’ •» . ,‘Jnù ..!■ * . ..»I .Oulu. ..» .In »' •»»> 'l»;’t M 111 '-‘I"' e '"'»'■>" th.- M .u .1 . . . I'. . iu 'll ■» ' -v ■' " u ' ' '' ................. , .« ..... i .1 l>> hi ii Hu »I >> ■»*• ■»'• > 1 »■> "• ■ ' 1 '« •" •-»» .< .i 11., iu i»viu. r. I » J •* •»»'»>■» e '»u ur*t M .1 ! .> < u. 4 uc » .iu » Au^u-t f .r J.I. U* hi c ni.il, lie "i.l'y. I" U H ><'” I-V' . .. ,u**. ■ ■ r* e ' I'" "• i11 ! i ■ . .1 il' IH *1 M 1 '■ ■ f,'r ,.hi.i- c .u I > . I I I»’-' ” ’•••'” • \ . .1 ii, i i i 't’’ n» -r. t 'i L«k • »ui»t\, -v.-ry’.ut i n d • »a »ot.» v • i» h nr.ng th«- hr-«l t . . lu.uu> K .’..tn« Hint) the 'll A l. » 1 »J in M *rcu. J*»»» *. Sept nil»« r iu 4 N. >v. .uii' r. jfESólONAL JAtlDo. ' \CKSON VILLE, OREGON, FRIDA Y, SEPTEMBER 19, 1890 XX. VOL. _,.■■■ OFFICIAL Üia^CTORÏ. il hr gewraffc Sim ahe flciiuicr'tir ©imr&X I FRANK GALLOWAY, MEDICAL. I SILAS J. DAY, SKINS ON FIRE NOTARY PUBLIC, WITH 1TC10NO, Kl HSING. IH.1EDISG ECZEMA» INSTASTI.Y KEt.ll.Vl 1> HYCDTlCCi.A Kt.MEOIES. •<1 REAL ESTATE AGENT I MANUFACTURER of Abstracts Made of Titles to Lands. LEGAL OOCU MENTS Of .'ll! kinds drawn up. esp«’Clallv pertaining to th- s«’ttl« mvnl «»f estates. Coll.th r uf ir onuis. Prompt Rrmiltnnffi. MONEY LOANED. ♦ Inv«^!!!.-nt Securitlufl a Specialty. Jackson (’.»untv Scrip llought an l s »Id. 1 hav«- a u'»inplet«’ ««t t»f Maps of AU the Sui- veyed Landsin this county, and rer«’ive Ab­ stracts munthlv fr«»in Roseburg of all n« w entru * made. I am tints prepared to make out H »ni«-st<•:»«! nnd Pre-emption trip to can save t > parti« s the expense Kost bu»g Lanu Office. I HAVE SEVERAL FINE FAllMS AMD OTHER DKS1HABLF l’KOI’FK I T IN MY HANDS FOK HALE. :.ypr«»mpt reply ina give him (T t ICL’RA R esolvent internally, and th«- i ’ uticlka and CVTICVKA sdlPrxt' riiMlly, and bj tin last ot August be was So nearly well that we gave him only one dose of the R< solvent about ev« rv second day for about tvu «lays l«»uger, and h»* t as never bc«-n troubled since with thr horrid malady. In nil w« us-«1 h*sthanonc half of a bottle of (.UTicvRA R esolvent , a ii«- tie Iras than one box of C uticcka , and only one cake of CVT1CUBA fiOAP H. E RTAN. Cayuga, Livingston Co.. III. Subscribed nna sworn to before me, this fourth day ot JicBuery. 1867. V. N. COB. J. P. A ■ Grand Jury'» iirporl. The undent gued grand j try. empaneled Rt the 8e|>t»*inb* r t»*rni <»f eir’cut C‘»urt fo« Jackhon county, Mubmifted the following repor ; We havc diBgpiitlv « XHiniiud into, and if v» s: igated, an diarguN of crime thdt hav*- b«en brought n, our notice, aud have acted iii«a<’h ii.T-lAiiee in a«,e«-rdaure with »tie law M.d in-tiuctloi-N hrrehif« re giV»»n UN. Our intention I ih * been called to th** («cf i»urc» uruy auiboriiie-. W* vi>il- »1 ti e c’luniy h »Ni>i'ai and fout.d u iri fair ««»n i'ti«»n, du ' wouLi tin- w«*il « n ihe dhuum ’ n In* «l«M'i»«i oui. We b«*ar-ny ol th« i'Hii ucs aga n-t ihe hi iii «u» ment, ami ar«- *f ih« opii h»n ihui it is v\« li an i properh k»-,t \Vr also visit.« EAT NEW COUDS, NEW PHIGES I« > > \NZA. DURABLE, ST Ì O - G ANDC«Ea YAQUINA BAY ROUTE [Wi 0 ’•1A ) tlUin .9 ’ ils Sti'iinii'is AV Short Line t<» CJnliíoriúii • I’M AN. 81'1 < EhSiHC TOJ.O-HAM- ») . nk’-' A ( "f »MinanXH Klamath roti. ty. ‘>r.. » ihm p.irciHve»! a hngr at «i t»n«t c I mns ».tort «4 4 hhík a hich nr»- now «»n th* wa> from l'«»rtÍHnd, sm! wih be noid ( heap for <’aah. Every »slj i» nvit^t io call nnd »» xnoii D h «« mn I s nnd prv* 1»«» fore piir«’hasina el»*»-where, juncar, always find <>n hand a full one of Conni, 1 omaiMioucn' Court. Tilt* lob*-u IIK hu-'oe-* *» M' t aii«.»< t»*d il. • l.i* » Htiii hi Ho* H p • in ter emi il»ere«»t: hi ti e nuiti» r <>l «oiin'y r* ad pe >tio e«i (or by JtttneM B ì .'I mih et ai lLpo*tn ol vtfWvir aioi >urv vor rr»««l uno approvati petitioned ior ly Me rr». s niN-o , Pnri'iitH, do ron h>>w your llttlo one*. » «I other*. R p r<- rewt and .»p .iiff> r,wli> 11 tío ir trndi r ikm* ur>- bt< rail» on Uro. with Itchinr, burning, wal>. un-l blofch- tu «I riiMt *. e oi dr i e. t>. Aik»n. JU' 1« e »f fi e >.l .kin and M-ulp dint hh . .? To krv'W tliol h .inte r application of tin t mcctra Ke.MBt.it« p* are •I Fl UhW K«»Ck i rrvfiH t, HUCtut»«», will oft, n afford inctant r> In t.p rout r>>t nd ■ ml l>-ep. an*! |H>lnt to a tioruimivnt and > c >ntm- ,.... , ap» ra. .... • tc .» , . • c«»un y • I» » m . ■<■«1 I». ,'aii«>- ho aperdj I cur.-, >m-l not to um - Or«i«»r n a»!»* ’h «i hi«la t» r con-lru ting th> nt, without a moment’« d* lay. n> to b>- guilty ot poaltivr inliuiitanily. N ■ grout, r le- hrititr avr»•>« E«mg' • ' ’ « rv» k bv invited, I«» g.icy can be beatowtd upon a chihi flout a b«* opri « d S**|»t. 12, 1890 ch'ar «kin and pure blrwtd. < Trit VH t ICrMK In lb ti H' irr « t «*prli>>>g b IHEHrtr, absolute!} pure, atui may b> ti---I i»g u U' IV p.nij-«T n . Bl'l C from infant y to age, I torn pm>|l< »to MM'.lula. R i in ;< r « v i -’ig p.uh rr* Sold ev< rvwh'-ri . l’l ice. ClTlt ftt l. WV.; w » t k y> • « i '• «i. L « « ’ I»*»* ÿJMHlr«! ’n i lull X B Ck Ol »OAF, 25c.; ilt-Sol.y t.NT. Ji I’f'-pHl. >i by t he « t» (III f - X 1‘oTTBK IlKVU A.tl> < HKMlt AL CuHPORATlOS, (i d it n f«< i» t «il ! »|’i »i - f lloatun. Mat—. . iu«> « h- f loh ih» 4t X li 1 Sr^trmb , l»k!Y i IF-Seit t tor "How to Cur' Skin I»t»>'aa> -. <4 H piu»l t » i «» i .1 M L fl » i (or paffca, 5U ilium rat iou*. ami ICO tentintoinalH. w 11. / nioitfii » i A'iwUiw, 1O» p, r »v« «i. ?•«■’(•.'» mina «s h n»! in «•«»uni) I> p al. * DV’C ^‘n an'l Sc «ip pwrift' d und b«*nu* DI ö titivd by C uticuha S oap . Abso­ Ihe I^tchT swindle. lutely pur«*. B Ahmiwuimu will beltUA-rted io the T imm at to.' following rat«. TenUnra. on-mwrtlon ....................... THROUGH THE SENA TE The McKinley Tariff bill han pat>8‘-d the Senate ov a ntiict |«riy vote, not one ol the Repuldican Set ator« who de- notinced tin proviaionn during the debate having ventured to go on record avatnet it. The ac'ton of the Senate !>aa diaap pointed public expeclationa. It waa re­ ported that cuch radical changes would Ite made in the measure that it» author would fail to recugi.ua it, and that the pntilic would learn to > all it the Allison hill instead of the .MeK’nley htl . T'lie belief Ita« not been real ko.l. The hill is «till t»iw McKinley bill, very »lightly im- piov'd in aotne re«|»ecta, but enough worae in others to preserve ihe earn, average character. About flm only imftortar t change for the better is the reciprocity »ntendtnem to the «near e-lt, dtlle. Even that can be connideri d an ttnprov, ni"iit only he« t aiiHe it recogn'k-a a goo>l liiinctple, anil not on it, own merit«. As a woikmv -t heme of reciprocity tlie Senate amen I ment IS very bad It begin« at the wrong end. It pri poeea to force otliei nation» into conee»»iorie by threats of tetaliato'y dnties inetead of inviting them by proaiianaof«ouceaeioii«. More over, it put» a dangerous authority into the hand- »•! the f*ie»ina Itava al*««« tof* the iegidatfvr branch of tl>e Guvet nutent. THK TIMES JOB OFFICE Toe free binding twine amendment ia a cuiicrMion to Hie demartda of the lanneiH of the M -aiseipm valley ; bn it.e farmers ■ f Hie Pacific Cuast have not been aide to e*cnre a Similar conces-ion in the matter of jme bags. The tin­ plate exaction remains in the bill. Toe S nate ha- made ronie slight reduction« in t e me al schedule; but on ihe whole • lie taxen levied in that cliapter remain -iiliefaiiflailv as the House left th -in. The S iga- Trust receives isttt-r tr-at cent fr nit the Senate than from the II uiae. T .1- oiiginai AL Kinley hill pm r wn sugar between .V> h , 13 and 16 Dated -t tndard urt the free H-t. Pooi tarn I.- who use tlm«e grades of sugar would lint« tie aide to supply .tiemselves without paying tribute to the trust. n.e Senate h is elo-< d up thia wav of e-cype by putting a duty on br >wn sugar fit to u»e will out further lefinmg, while g v ng tlie r d iets the privrege of ini- isiiting free the black sugars which they us a- their raw mater a). THE SHOOK-GOOIH.OW TRAGEDY. The following 1 -fteta in the Klanjatli Star : 92 00 “ each «uNsoqiHiit InM-rtlon...... TX nc‘Lcxal«dvrru*rin<-nt*ma<-rtrd rr-aaonatlf A tai r (-«auction ii-,m t be above ratea made to yearly and tlrna advem«er>. \ o. 38. .i MISCELLANEOUS, AOVffWTCIMC AMO JOB WORK have appeared LETTER FROM N. g O'lODLuW. I wa- taken lief.r« ih« J. P. at Bon- ai.ei, Oregon, veaterday, with a warrant -worn out by John Sh kill John and Dave Nho-'k The eliarire heiiu fully conEro- veried, ai d it ai'tiea'in^ io Die «ati-fai*- Hou cf the J P. that Hie charge wa« mad- through malice an I wiihout pro- habfe canae, w- were diacliatged and the <-o«ta taxed to B'loolc, the private firo-eeotor. Tlim is adding injury tn it jury. 1 wi»h to -ay to ail that if there ia an. lian any olbar In Southern Oregon, and com rare, favorably with any tu tbe Blate. Job Prlutinc of every inuqrtnabledeecriptioo done at Hau Franciaco rat««, and In a prompt and flral-claw manner. UNCOVERED AT l.AST. Discoveries made of the financial back- iug which Boulanger received will, for tbs I re-ent, make an end of the political career of thia adventurer, if, indeed, he has not been as good a« dead for some unis. W hen it was affirmed that Bou­ langer was the mere tool of tiie ruy«lists some doubted. He pretended to be a Republican, but wanted something more radical than that which wa- maintained by the conservatives of that class .From first to last thia des iterate adventurer has been backed by nearly all the elements that could be arrayed against the repub­ lican ad aiin ist ration of France. He was -ent out ot the country a» a noisy dema­ gogue who was continually plotting trea­ son. Since that time he has been com­ paratively harmless. If the recent reve- latrtunate boy and mete out B'jcb pun- i“hment tv ins slayer at is proper and right. While in the meantime Shook wili • uff-r aotnremorse of conaciunce a* he I wka from ins dour out ou the acene of ta supplying lnm with such large sums? i»> tragedy ami in hi» very fertile hn* ag nation (.ear th- blood of hia victim crying fur vtng-ance, lie can real a» ■ nr-d that I won't harm him, and I r«- quest a l those many frienda of our Ian ■ o harm him not, oth-rwise than by givng -lability to the law. And in ti c interest of tiie already overburdened taxpavers of tliia county, « ' o a ill have enough to do to foot H e expense« oft he n am tr al w th u f nni-h- mg Snook and G.iodl «»dlow .................. making m united attack nn the Shook stronghold I mu*t say that if thiK-mrl w « r driven ■ >tf ii w >u .t fe- a gr«at rem f to my ,>. or ami i.v-r-tax-d n-rve*. Capt. Will Webb and Lu-ut. Tho* Mile«, will Hi. r si>endi I reputation fo nerve «ml r-.iii'il iy, would i>rmrci Shooks amt t . nder »Item ««cure ag hum Mrs (» •odi ’a moHierlv tears for <>□ Onfoi túnate buy «Ii tn Sb. ok killed in a rruei manner, 111ir* and 1 he offended law ib alt they will have to contend w 'Ih-- N, S. G oodlow . lia-n—ville, Aug 33 rhe royalists tff France are rich. The few millions that they have contributed covertly to menace the republic and sup­ port Boulanger as a tool might only be the first insUllnient of other millions if success should follow. Boulanger has I h - vii an unfortunate speculation for the royalists. He has not done their work «ell. For a time he stimulated all the elements of the opposition. But at the s.tne time his conspiracies seemed to make the R> publicans mure watchful and more dispo-i-d to work in hai mony. Thu pre«ident of France »ome time ago ex- pre--ed He o inion that Boulanger was » harmless hail so far us the republic wa-concerned. T im » reai harm hut been done to the royalists. K bsd « V ictory — The Marne election '• Do you ki ow 'b« gr»at«*t a*’mile or wa» a m-m.-ndcu- personal triumph lor arm» - Hake’’ .« gent'emau y» sut »** v. Speaker Reed. In other respecta the FRANCIS FITCH, ■*lt • ett> if>t B(» >»*iii!Mii «»«I n A 4’lib Republicana did not hold their own. The Im gii»»i i g« • t tor- to h farmer «ml make« LAW. Arr>>llSEV ASI> m*crata gained handsomely in moet and everything gen eml ly to be found ina tiret- w A ftti -P a T n P lan TEII r«-d»-v» » rii» u- mob bean*. Nomethibg new, pi*» «mt, an-f mirta of the State. Tney elected more STEAMER SAILING DATES. r I hhh < onntry 8t«»ro nintic. Mciutic. hip, kidnvv. idur - l if ubi«h flu-r. in iirrM «nd. in Ihr JAH MOHTON. Man«*««’ rilOM SAN FKANCISCO: member- of the Legislature than they cuiar. and eh» - m paln*. Th«* tirsi «ridoni? in- r.iog YXQVINX*. ' Fito.lt V XQÜIN Bonanza. April IS IhSH Willamt tie Valley. Saturday. July ... ^ i Wir.Hin’ tt” Valley. Fri'lMy. \ugn*t . Ntantanrous pain-kiilng atr« ngib'ning pire­ i r -duct <»n of «-ii'mttnon O'l. wh ch i> had “«l ined before in eight years. The .VIOKRIS fl- HARKNESS, Will -in re Vrtd» y. M »nd.«v. Auaust In fact, trn-ts in general have fared prtNMti fr* ni the bs*aiu*. Tiie beai m nr- \V ilouuctt ’ Valley, WedlletMay. August .. n tri K-l iltilic. ti gains were su tie t a n t ia 11 y all .I'I'OllSEY AXi» I iH’X-H’-l.'Hl AT LAW, WOT1?- ♦•() Du 1»»* . a >1 h«- Will agr»-e to weh at tlie lianda of the S -i a'e W .lam It»« Valí y. Sat nday. August- ' W .1 uni' ttf Vaili» j . Tuui -'ilay, August, About WHIrtiiu tte Va l' y. >uud:»y. August.. m R-eil's district. The explanation of WiUuuetti Valley. Vues lav, August ........ g’\e t r fa ni-i |5 i««t t’acii «'itinMUion tree the old» one that suffer'd wa- the bruit N <*re(/o»» .til iliis Lea on the surface. Of eourae, gi» wn !r»»m ihr -e«n»t, the bto •I-Beam will bin i ’ h»* contra« ’ ! by « g«.o’>pu ar Buiuoi-r EX' I KBIONB riv common rr«! ben n sa’urfltrd w th ( in- I« I* ' L> 1 > * was responsible for much of the heavy ArroHNEY AM» COl’.NSELOH AT LA A, ti .>»■ o'l »I tr où all »-.»' • > I» "lits t > Y.» pun* ou t r. turn. n • limn «>•1. Hi’d which ►« l'iotii rrBcii t Siirpri-ed ... c nliat,-d upon his district to help him (’<»rr db«. 1 )r*»g«»n. ’ m ■•no'» JACKSONVILLE, OR. v i d » it »oni'»ry Ht.. Han Fra- ci»c«« Cai. Mt ■ul of w hat appeared to be a dangerous f>i birr* 1» mgli 115 »* bn-L*-l wheat. Hu ran / «ti the House have been hi some instances t' u falsen—s of h s as*-rt'.»"« through­ » » g.*n* :n.»i • • b •. we th nk, ■‘«ni»’ “br.in ' tucker a n.i.* 1.1 bole. Democratic voters were ¿irfrau- increased. Tim taxes rm coal and iron gans »»i»- out the eii'iie Utter. II- was dinharg- b-h.'ud. cinsed by hnndredi*. Orators and mon­ V, !»•!’• er nr !■ mai i uni lunged Lumber ha- suffer­ ed tn fun- I got there, owii g to a ini— J R. NEIL, [Hl! I NDEIW1GNED HAVE FORMED A fromtberxcc*» ey were poured into the district in un­ ed a ledncttoii, for which we mav tliatil' un le'8'Aildlllg as to the time set for »be i oiHrtni r-Hlp wilb iu> suth .-.led capital ot BEFORE ... A F TER ... limited supply. Asit turned out,all t!ds Arrou.xEV asi » >■ • i ' sskiah » at law 9V..IIUI. for th'- I'lirpoM Of carryltui on » Gen. r- Tobacco or Opbun, or ihruUL’i» ' o ... I ¡u i “ere the same sh >w of tech from the Wes-- tral. I never a* any tune hai a guanl Un ­ «• am u d • X u< <>1 I was unnecessary, t>ut it beli*d to swell al Banking Business in all «»f its branch»’« in f.’.m. ov«-r inl a dog-m Repubh- J.i-k* nviile, Oregon. Oft!* «» at the old stand r ■ - r. w •kefumeaa, Bearing tie n fMliski « g n F'U « (»f«»w.r's Rued'» triumph The Democrats liad no e,n Senator* uno voting with H e Demo­ for th- lai|-»yer-oi t . « , u ty. Again, .»« B'-« kman s Banking H »use, 8. E. corner («I- l a k Seminal \\ i ’U m II**»". Ii.V'ie; u or o’.it l‘r < ho nt th- mu girili utaule assistance. Tiny lost heavily, tornla snd Third str« «-ts. I• . m, \ tun al Em!-• u*. 1 • c rrl ra, ] z crat" to remove the duty fiom hindmg he kn-iws thit liimse f and ail Ins cm I’ »’I. t, ,l:i< kf'in Cotlb'V. II too, ihiou'gh questioning the policy of C. <’. BELK MAN, ziursM, Weak Meiaory, I. »'X <>( I •> a and tw tie. Tri-- senate ha- gone even liexond 22 i- I h- dis' r cl Í » r workeiHcariy arms, and on the day of THOS. U. KEAMKH. t ’H ' which ii nog!»’«-tC'lr-fk'n 1- a . *•> prctn«’um .1 nroinbition. But the ma>n cause of Mr. l\ u row «u e»» h the Hou«e in sanctioning the unpiece- the nial bail bis Wmctii-a'er in Id* hands old ac' n:id l i-ati tv J r . o i <*) n ’ 1 Gbo^vs Reed s »necea-, after a 1, was Mr. R^ed ».•' un»iN Ou th:» <1 hj 'ntid tm Hduii-'ion Í »• dented exaction of a tax on block un. f I- < ‘ .t» 1 . S»»nt bv i.-f» ’ « -. r»'* • it i «• j. ’ irc ’ all the tim*-. They have menaced us H. K. MANNA, turn-elf. It wa* not, as lie would A WRIT »:>■<;I c i giMr.f r w !d b c -arg* «I, ri'lirr in the fluiti glutin i »•■r>ne Imng the Country may he With arm- for tl.el .t two or three r orv f" >0«»r er rr-< . 1.1 > ro'-u: I t >v bumev if r to ihe r«« ♦•« ••uriie. Animeie»d'g »r - j. Af loKSEY AM» '’»> N.iEL'Hi AT Ut" modestly- have us believe, that the À a l rrm went <•’ rn i« r> t ••Ce<-t -I V. ,• } axe emuli»« Wilt in* pi ci Hie i f »r this < h < a*»- ti grateful io the Senate, and that is (o’ in intl.s. Mil.« and Webb have lioen D>-m> crate of thia district voted for him t‘ui’1 ftn.!» of tvMlrmDia’x f--m o 1 and young affording the people the only oi portnni- engaged to look ait rour «t»- k in ilia' Ja»kvnirilf. Ur. because he rep--fented the pr nciple of of both moxcn , who l a\ * be« ii in - anetitlv cured «i li s 1 .ue :• t• • i-«i*• 11* • • <4 fruii-glower* i* K«. ps t l»e birtfiMt Mock of • >je 'C«. »r«'îii a i'»' ” - had to becon ii a>qnainie>l vicinity, a* mi lit.* "a- l«en threatened, by t!»«v.«eof Aphr.iditine, ( ir« uiar free. Addrcf> a lowi'.g the 8¡«aker to see a member It-r. It wi; Now ONE OF THE BEST EQCIPPKI» FLOVHING MILLS IN THE STATE ■ m uni « I»-« ti «• « Î Ûi r* f ihe’» R«'r »•'!< n with he r al niianing of the lull al-o that ot my b uti.er ami -ome of our THE AOHRO MEDICINE CO. when be lias occasion to count bun and if and the ail i.>it place at 10 «»’t-ii’-M a m ai hm-d il on. Against h II temptations to inbrslu Western Branch, !•« x 27. P ’-’t Ot. not to see him when be dr. The Demócrata —and — *• m« tiiiiiL lor « xhii'in hi . as this »-xh bu is have allowed the debate that lia-> If-n Uio i by J-.sn Buckma-ler. while riding *bo voted for Red dirrr<»n. Th•‘••e mills arc now manufacturing the b* st rfr.vb* «>t ti-iir « '• r fT”’ J fiuhl Hilf, iirryon T> ere was no real debate in Hie llou-e malice again«t any one,-n I a bile Im lair nt i‘urth«nd. they w abed tiieir distilct to be repre­ t > th»’ trad«- in thia N«*ction aivl ar»- prepared b» till all ord» rs tor ft »nr. mil; f.-.s,, » tc.. on sh rt K r»r rt A. V illkr . The bill was driven tfir< ugh tl at cowed pretend« to be so law abiding he lia- lino with notice AH orders by mail «»r In p«-nv>n will rec«'ivv prompt attention. I sented by a powi rfnl man. They took r.eci itili on the northw«*at cob M. nevei failed bi prut-it, bar «»r and en »nd sutjei ted body like a elioi from a ¡»r •tnpfn«-wM and «I r*•»«*• »mtbiv rat’-M. a natural pride in th' fact that their Sole Owner for Jaefcaon County oí ' fie Al tie m. inirers could do wa- to C -il'ag- lawle-8'i«-« iu »ng tie .h > mo »d Test *he Flour and You Will Use No Other. Bncte Creek Rolkr Mills. • preeeiitalive »»- the uabr of his WNI. !fl. COLVIC, fe. i t* e wind a« it went bv. But in ’lie ani'iatnilv. While we re*i«*ct M a. N I “Hibbard’s Own” Patent n r y and a man of natiuual reputation. The roJt-t p ot e*n nia«i’ih»rx m (lie Senate the sell'n:e ie.e ieu an iutelli- S. Goodlow, whom w- kno* to he a lady ATT »ItSiiV ASH ■ 'H'X-liL>»il AT LAW. Butte crt*Ik nit n I imviuk b en i- a« »(! in A man of Mr. Reed’s note could proba­ I and tielieve -lie i- h.me-t. Mi N. 8. p«.«.ilu n :A1<1 bus n*-!*N having l-ee-» r»- veot and ex au-iive examination ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 1, 188H. bly cairy any district in California, ./«»• As«»/»r«H» . Ur»ÿ«»M *uin<*’l, I am t nu reaiii to supply ad who w ul I be liatd'V correct to call the di« G od ow i- q nt« t» 'he con ta v wnhuut regaid to hie politics or bit iiiM\ < ■ iu»- won Un- bed oi lull r p «» ccns cos* ■ n a debate, becau-e fur the nio-t J ohns S hook . ? 4 10 $1» t" r I'"1 Apple Tn .*« . petsunal [Kjpuiari'y To be re| resented ft i r at iii.ik»-» ra er. I fllb'Oi pi t tlm Repub can Senator- refused to «> •• H " " I’.wh ** bv R--ed means for the First District of s •• 1>-, •• •• ex- bang- * Il far»n»rr f. r vi e Pimn hii .I Prim»' Trcc- ■ I, fond He bill. They simply lent T he W» ri . d s Popí ’L atios *.— Thrre are Maa- all tie Con.re-al nal favora it mii. r ire.-.* and *hruhl»cr> furnüHhed rc:iM>n i- ■(4 <»« ng tai’ ': 38 »ou»"f* •! -th i i e when it« iniquiti. a weie p .in e ‘ rtOB&rti G. oNIITH, bu*h» I h ut. tf 1, out, of*bn remaining outside of Bb ’Ut l.oO O » in» aiuiuntR on the may ha| p- n io want. I. means endless •'!>■ ha *f’s gr.nl ft u- ; With Illi« rahn «nur-I I-hi if- r.»>f* cm • be -.■nd f..r I alili' pii>- to laivlr I h it« r than th. y iv. r< wb«n n« »v. 3| i <»im»iN «n l»«k»r N pr d- Il »ur t e glnb«». Of the-»* 33 b33 033 die every appiop .at Olis for public bu ld.Dgs, riv­ J II *E1 TLEMIRR, Wu.-4t.iirn, Or. i lie camber, but always, exc.pt on Vri’OKNKY AM» C OLNl'Ei.oK AI LAW. No more rot. N • in 1» «k.v roof*. __ _ i t in« ... i» »un«!* • f Í- »*«1. Ex- bti'io-1 ; nn an* 3’K>4 language»«, and ers and harbors. It means prompt yVHF. Torre _ -, a» jetiv^v-r, min N«» inoro r«»«»fM to tak’ îir»* . hai g iin.iivi, •<> fami v un » s m farinrrV binding t»uie | r >l».eit o i, lal ied -n nvrr lû 0religion* p»«4 •*»<».! Ry the |w-o- «ett euii nt of pension claims. Under Urani * » la**, fh> f/*»»*- Will lu r .¡.i«r tl.v < utput «»I 'he io ce wl enever a vote was called for Nacke. ¡887 i S ’ A Perfect Preservative of Wood 1 he numb•*» uf n ales and fet.iah • «Udi cncumetancea it is hardly surprising • tine « ierk h ill* 1« b«* «(jum to »he beat Hie al' est speech, s on the R. publican u I p . i< about »qua , and th ir average I fe is that the district did not care to exchange and Metal. i >m< e in Layton A <’•>.’■» bru k, upMnir< ft ur load« in »-oulhern Or-g»»n. side were those delive ed by Pltlm'i. the fl-abpots of I’haraoti Reed for the A. I. D alky . Paddia k, Davi», Ingalis and ottn r- about u3 ^» at n , onr-fou«th of il,e mhabc ROBi»T A. MILLER, ranta «!•• b fore they reach t’«*rfifteenth wilderness of ati unknown, however or­ Mnnufa«-tiir«T of Does a General Banking Business, and Buys and Sells East­ agaiiia' >-e I «ill lOttu es of the bill Yet Y'»u must paint y«»ur ahinglv r«»«da "t tlu-y ATToKNEY ANI» * '»l'N“Et '»lt AT LlW, war. T" l'>03 pp.No.’iH onlv 1 r< aclo a tho-lux, Democratic repii-sc.ita'ivc.— Et* will r«»t out. You must palm your all theta- Semoig it Hie lu»t Voted in M. ern, Domestic and Foreign Exchange. > tate or Onio, ( rty or T ledo the age oi ldOy-ara; to » very 100 only 6 tmt'ifr. ra« tai r»»ofsor th > will ruat «»ut. general lor llie lull they lia I denouni ed ,/«4> A«oMr»H**» I V< AM < '• U.VTY reach the age <»i 65. and not Yn»»rv than 1 Thi- j a’.nt la no « xp«*riment. If baa Nto<»d the ! T’.A^K J • _____ IIEMXY «II k*a oath ti.at hr is io t»cail. UM o! tun« and w»' can give you thous­ in w\-.»rv 5’0 live- to tiee the gOlb ve< uffloe la liuti ling fern», i » ■ •'cupi.«i by l»r. Dealer in Ti" gieat ilangei n >w ia that the bil A n E m » uvest I’ amage ,—.y un« tim must gifted N’EA 1 fi « , » oiDu b si< ’M- o» tbr Ci’y • Í ma» he ma ic worse than sv-rio con krand t«»t lealofl>-g'«l.t- (f) ih r minute, . r 1 »-v-iy lime the clock cwn j urnalism, onco sai>l: “It can not (icka! Married |w*ra<»ha live longer than > Hl Xl'KEi■ ¡»<»1,1 All’ •«■ 11 -n * »«•«) tive power. When the H m-ts and Sen­ r* ma' our life i- a bubble < a«t up by U H V 1’. vol 1 I AlARKil 'la' • S'l'Ol !••• Clinu a ngle nru-e. and the tad have a letter ate d «agree on any -til j etthe conferees t ie ocean of eternity, to float a moment ■ h u-< i H am •« • iT.auu < vbf chance for long life than 1 1 os» of short J kc I umhiv HI»*. •>r«'ÿ,,n. I ’ sc thl* paint <»n your fence-posts, your GENKRAL lift 1.1HXII M VIXRIAL w ! om ill y appoint tosplit Hie diff rerii-«- on it- wave« and Ink nto nothingness. I B.\SK J. < ill.NEY. windmills, v<>ur stable ti »or«. y»ur lurm im­ -'M'lire. Women l ave in. re chance-<•! E -e why th' «<• high ami glorious aapi- S« r> t>> b< t''i-' in- •> *1 ■ u ■- t-'b ,1 m lor >• o f> often tlir.i'A a-ide ail the work 1 plements. Put it on >«ni h g penn and « iiH k- n tiieir taxor pfevioijato 54 year* «4 • n < «Mips. It will wan! <»ff discaM-. 'I he in- UK pre-' C. :i i 6th c iv f Ihicmic, of both hon es ami h . op: an entirely ratru s which leap like angels from tbs age than m-n h ivr, blit few» « afterward. v«mtor of this paint h»»s Npeip m >ny yai * in lieu »eli. me that larhaps never reeeiv- C«H'MK\ OKId’.US A SPF.HALTY. A. 1» i‘•■Mk temple of onr b-a te, forevi r wandering i-»-rf«<’ting a paint t hat wonl«l Ntanu th» s’«»rui. I I k * iititnb r (f I7iarriag»*a i- in proper» A W Gl fam ', | ed a v'.teanvwiic e. Some of ft c w >r«l unaati-fled? Why is it that the rainbow I— :• Factory Ht Wridhr’s Mill. !* n<» U'»tk of a month «»r No ty Pu blu «g ti«»n <*( 75 to I11OO individual* born; tiie x.-ar. It takes time h« text tin w. nr »»f n roof riiiru an.i h Htr« « t*«, Fortlan«L Or« gun. , ie dorp-in our present t«r t]'law - wr. te an i Cloud» come over uh with a beauty tiin«* wiii'ii Hi»- grea»» »-t ntinilier o> ntir F. OE.’flOREST, ¡•¡lint. A roof take« all the storms and ah« ’ Ui«i PurcliHstTH of prop« rty or Capital Stock mu glct throug i in just that way.—,5. that is not of earth and then ni«s off to The Mimulsctnrers Aiway. Win. riage» tak»»a p a»-.* ia i i Jun»* and Dvcvm n«- painted. E Arnminrr. Lave U- to mu c on tliuir J neM? H K i I DENT 1> K NTIRT. >(.n» or Cari ni « cuar ci z •< thè a-~ limit flu* time «if tiie winter R ’ »l» ONE COAT OF THIS PAINT Why i« it that st«r> winch hold itieir rang« h ent oi thr wir» n < hedul* of t-h* taf ft h ’’ c r D 'rk*i air» «J fmidn have a Iiettcr M duini, •»»•«•>•». Is 'ttus! to thrf’c coats <»r any <»th«-r paint, and il..-- I»«* i g n in'ì'i tu» «fii in fi«*' t w;«> I srivsl aroOiid the midnight ilnone ere T hk W abte of T imekr —Amrr>c41- D., 51 <* 1*4*111111 t 'Pivitoi* warp out of shhigh’s and make th« »u lo«»k like I in rea nu du •♦■?». >ri;'»i »r ,M. Forr-oi . |w*opir ».re so Rce.Ubtome i to the id» a han th« a < f the «»i pp it c*>mp|. xion. « t alove the grasp of onr lira led facu’- • io-, torever mw king ns with their unap- r u (’»«Ih . nii \«* > ha» il»»* fio. uc - « «immi Irr slate. Address V S V , 1» S C H O EOS, «t blr f» r n bil< that <.ur count! y’a re»ouicpa in fun be* except in C »ntagiofiN dis a^ea, when* proacl'utile glory ? And finally why is F. E. BYBEE. l»*ondea «re . o nparativ • v exempt. A ar»- li.rxlmiiHtihlr lhai warning* uttered And Importer of wfiivii h-«* Ino«» n a *« up t»y ih»* b< n» li »- it that the bright lonusol human beauty Sole Owner and Mi»nu f;u turer. r r** liiCin-rlv- « .»n F. II. ROWE a:e pre.vnted to out vi, w and taken J M KRONV1I.T.E. • ’ ORKUrtW. < miniti' e (• r thr p*»«pos» • f havmg ” • i ►v» m t<» havH tH ph witliuu’ » fl-ct. One a gr at d»»nl i»vfh r than one born in « d.i pr .di n h.d today >r night. August 7th, 1888, , Iniurd tu tilt* CoUi'fry aii«i dei» i»dr«i li» oi th*- oflict-iMoi the prrbviit c nr>u>, in, th*« co>d nionthNof wimer; of i*»>ura»*9the from it-, leaving the thousand streams o' affe. turn to flow track in Alpine tor rants thr brnafe. T»io-e bom in howHYrr. likely to aroiiMr ihe pub­ rul works vice vo'-«« Ry the ineorpi>r*t'>rs of said company, uow ou file at the t»l»m onr hearts? We Were horn for a lic mind from it* ignorance, even ii not it e apring at»- usual y fa more robu«' MEDFORD, ORECON Public Notice. higher de-tiny than earth. There is a Recorder’s office, in .lackwuville, Jackson Co. votia ’ it»i"O 1 than f bon at any «>ih»T rea tn where ihe rainbow never fades, to tiiuvr it iruin it* ii»«l.tf*-rencr. It can T«» sawniil* men Him *h> up» ratiiu* AT CENTRAL POINT, time of the vear B 'tha are ni«»re fre J«rk*oii«il r. iirm-a. not, lor HiHtaiive, be h*-kla t» ifiing tiling nnii Inner» insouiiuui Ore*» n e have Whe e the star» wid be spread out befors < Fl’ LI. I.INK OF THK BEST AND MOST a * , Oregon, October 4. 1889. >,?i . ,»n l r mi I«* ik *«* » ii < ,»'.if«»rma "ir» «-t. «A ia-.iii«»iiabi« ciothN. nniaiiingB, «t*’., con­ Mod h '■»• a tir*i i •••-'• ma* hiiii*» »•I urn I »«-I l«.n-ia • ( ii-Wt-i M iriiigau fo b<* I- H t, « m J».ktt» u |.*»i pr nnptQ 1 h \ ,»r li ght. stanti) k--, 1 on hand, and nothing but tìrat- nn I wleie the beaot'tul beings that J *• ih Mo-s, w*'» i»* | repan <1 ai ab 'ino-s only unr-teiiih utiat they wrie in 188). cla*iM w.»rk turned out. Cotf-iMrriux.—Tliis fell di-eMsu Lu pa«« hetorr- tie will stay forever, in our enera* repairing, Hl d •1-»*igii Mild nor th*' lite preernt aggrrgair in (hr J. W. WALKER. R. PRYCE, NÎ. U«. t • «Io All ortl.-r* tllb-d promptly at reasonable Where ia k<*pt constantly on hand* complete J. H. GRIFFIS. the Engl sh-«|waking tunke n»« t n work. Bv a»nd>ng y«»u» H and coiirin im ij l e more than one-thnd ot clieHpc' than bs ‘•etuli' «.* n 5 when el«e lii'jf aftei tlmfi kt «ett.euient of . thia Naw H AMrsMtax a 1' ksi an.n F arms — Orrgou. 'hat in poneer-Mun bv M.vhuan alone tei I .(linnet wilt be tMk»n f r pay al in^«k country, aya th« l’iidad» Iptda /VeM. il A «leave at a ni ■ t ox ot He New year* ago. 1 be iiguie- ic.ral the enor rates William* lire k IJuil.titix, up-«*tair*. appeared Here a- it lia- nt eveiy other llaliip-hire »tale tiua'd ul agiiculiurs MAÄCVACTVKRRH OF' S ugar I’ ink D oor and I. i mhkk I’ o . uioUH«irai ih winch ar»* bmng ma le up >n colony of the Engli-h race, and its race. ye«leiday »aid that by “persistent wort Grant'»* F mhm . Or. our timber aappii. Wanton an»ir«ck~ J. a. WAIT, M. D., ravage* only cease w hen It l as Weeded ..f the commissioners" for the past year It hr dcMtiucton JR indeed threatening out ihoi-e o|«'n to it» a — anlt In leu Democrat« Mean Fight. PlirsiCIAS AM» s CHU EOS ur two 145 abandoned frrtus have been ihe loirB h the country over, a id it i' Democrat'«- in» mi'C R -ny ihn* if it ‘bou’.d raay to »Ou lliai ti tiir prearnt ra e al years, ending in 14,85, 20 18b |--rM>n» sold and 1110 others leaned to tenant HE I NBERSIGNKB 18 N<»W TAKKNG <»R- d ed of it in i’ hiladelp <»a, and its yearly t»e aiu-mp ed m :i>»* In’ll**»- to 1';*»»^ U r cviu«umpuoii it* iua. h ,¿ V itt o b-i t*», *! i) ani nirftit. O'lio distrn t**. !••> cm ab i'-li d b. th»* I m * i w hrii the Li Tee h t* drnud» d 01 tor r t.mb» r iaiide can br il.e e-litary advan'age civil z.-d women ¿111 f V11 rr .» 10 0 abandoned farms remain, all, we be« orc** b'oiikih "H er |.r.»n.»u -c**«! 4 nr U no r »ally calcinated e\en in moniba. In □ tf. A. J. LAPPEUS. obtain from tl.e e nret. si'iinging from iteve, having teiiantable buililingn upon h ♦•H-urcM, r»M»it *ou «1 b»* had to all |»**’- act we are already reC-lving | rar tn:.* I Any kind raiacd in a tlrnt-chuM Nuraery. P »I Y S I C I A X A «N D S F R G KUN. I ailiri.lH’V niraiiM In obstruct Ihe la- ft evidence of ti e m-ar approach of thi« tt.e nec-ssity it lavs on her b-eathing them, ihe *'perm«tent work" of the com* with the top of In i lung-, and keeping mi—toner cannot lie regaided a* « great Thoae wanting trocu will do well to give me lull in < oi fc » neo I • nfral l*«»hit( Orr««»a. period by ihe fo»cod ci* amgol liidiisliirs tlu-ir urdi TN, rm I w'll guarantee «atiafactlon. there nerts . f the *itl pa’i n’. Y u < an regu Mie th«- ,»ctu;n • k and i »«» u <,| n b\ u*inu notation ol tno iiirvitaole piublrin «tia1 I’ Il V H t C I A S A X I» ■> I" H G E O S, IF YOU WISH A OOOO REV0LVKR ••«►» >v- mu-of water will cure fifty Pei chaseri a f. w of the faim« and turned Dv^iti M sur-ai* ■ 11 I . an m s l'H»*:\ 1 1‘ ’ in to cohlroni tia 111 ttie nrai lUliliv — Gir«* me n cali b« fon* g«»hu «• h « wtu r«-. ■ •ent oi all COII-ll I plive Cases III hem into deer parks! Tins problem of J. C. HHF.IHDAN. Hi. «I- ; ProriHfhcc Journal. W«*df«»r*¡, Oregon. 1 abb* hi«»» d p infk ng rem-dy. Fo> fin*I and second -I >g -». ll-a-Heits that I -Mtteii (aim- 111 N-W E i.lrrid d«nerve« Finest small Z2j_ hi E. C Bro »U m . u r in ■ ever M water will give Ide to ti e eyoeni '<|ld mors -eii > uh attention than it baa yetr»« n> imftu’tn »•■! HH-ues demal" e1 in con*umi>tion. and tbe tlr.t c**«-««-♦• <»t ail Farm tor Sale. F&ihiunabi«*. Bumble Clntlilng. , __ He •■••ived irom ecmioml-iM and »talesmen. T/OMGFTÌ A TERRÒ R. E. P CEARY, Wt. D. ♦ xp» rtB. in ra.ibr«M SJ, pronounce« th- bacteria ayslem to la- What isihe can».-? Wlat is tl.e caie? JW au«l Ul«I Sliigl« or J. B. tS'i lner, our B vf nor han* ’ai’or, I 'lixtern Traatment That Curaa CoaMlfwv pm- iMMue-n«,*. H'« t■ eatment com>i»i-> A good farm and Htock ranch.contwinifig lflO •' H r < 1 I A X A X I» S C K ('• EON, dtiubie fV'tlQB. Safety Ham h:tN M full lllir < i tb« tin» >t cii»»h- ?•« d acr«‘M; l'»iicr( « undi r f* nee, »>0 aci t •« in eultl tton. tnerl«*A ant! Target model»« ■ il ih- i'-e. use ■ f «at-r every hour m ration. G oan ! H' iuho and outbuildings and friii'niineH «»n hand tor md ' n >ii;d Bent qunlliy wrought W«’»Bor«!. Orete*»*. Acoofdlng to tbo Fau Francisco «Talllet a r«tna nm'^KKS HKHIl-l.tUri'H nAHtTB Adente for Cyrus Noble Distillery, Jos. Schlitz Brewing Uotn Mtrel, carefullv BiHL»e« uni he >la\, Nine |„ ur»’ sleep regnlail» up ll»th» n«x?efwary barn r«>«»m. Fruit «»nough for a which h»* ’!« |»r« |i.»r»-<1 to ’ v bat been ditcovorcf that wkh almost un- for workinanohln andntock. Vnn< al«* handy forMtiM k an I Irrigi. ’ . on purpoa«*. Thr . rrinj certainty ovwrro^ct ronatipa.iau. It la Or. IIainr« tinlden Kprrlfle. pni'V, Milwaukee Bottled Beer, S.-lunidt «V -Co.’» Sars;i|»arilla nini not t»e 'If’rlvi^l by rh»-Hp y^aU^ablr to leave the Mvp. d on I-iin and you .Hfrvvt. imitation» Amite «11, ti e pati,-nt mn«i |,.„k upou following property w’ilT go with ih«- plac«-: 4 will b«* guarani»*« d iali*tacU’»f> -«old f<»r (he genuine article. They are unrv he new laxative pnti- Iple in Joy'« VcgetabN H im s » t k •- horwvN. harnvNM. wagon, plow, harrow, cultiva­ •he >1 mfeing f water »aI,is life H>-ie,t, Lean i»e given in a cup of tea <»r coffee li .b.e and •!anger«»u.*. Tie* Sarrn ft wbwow R b - arpquile rena<» ” -hl» ’ . t. 3. PICKEL, M. 0., •ar aparli ’ . a. Tha ¡>apar« are full of rocent oc Ir<»ri Water; alno Arcadian MiihWal Water from Wankeslia. Wia- v i \ khm ar»- N(ann»4*i upon the barrel* wlthOrrn’B tor, mower an«! reaper combined, aulky rak •, ity wh - tiieir-at dangio, an>< Dr Bur> «ithfMitth*- know eog<* of the person taking i. one. ailftmae anddaV-siof paUmta, an«i are gon<> and all nvceaaary hand I o «»I n . Th«- plaev i* lo- •arrnure« ronflrmlnv it« cOfonoy, aad we pvt !• Il V ■> I I ' I A N A X l> < C It X. «■Ivocates th- p> -p.g i>y congre«« of ■ ’i Hie nng a Mpeedy and perm »n»*nt cure, noterd j»«»rfeqfc Iru»t«t upon having them, and If cat»d th «•»•«• mil«* noittiwv»4 of Kagl.- Point, Fur .Mir. ' lace to their U*t «en«ari( wh a ’ , or ffetlfurd, Origen. ranclecu ’ H well known lady manicure. Rbe r wn al<*e« ti I»ay or Night. tear« fi..m I ow c'.n-ii nptKm wunld nut •hr Goblet* Rprcfic in their <•« tfe«* without ni_ni:*î< he«l bay In ’•« n w i1 hr<>x»»ii it» lia Ron<* h<»gH will be Bold alno. if d«*irvd. Term* l*e?ico' ’ e I 1 are for yea™ had a weak itoaacb 1 Htt« «’ un B Ntrc'd. Bpri«gfiel4s Masfl* «■any; tw.»-thirds cash, balance to suit pur­ nr-N. 7 y»ar-* <»l a¿»*. E <| or» nf • xi-t m ti e United Slates. Iheir k<.i.whigr, and to-»’i. M ik * ;il! « ni iiik * di*«’ tv«i R, Che ie«t salve in tlf* —uriti tot Cuti ft helped mo in «very way an . ha* thoroughly tier in the vieat .K-.-an race aitli GULDEN SPECIFIC CO. . D5 Karr Street frutt or grain. -11.h a- It'ii h 11,0 hui . k-ttuna. PB va. Kidney toe Inman Im.- ’ - «t. ainei City <>l N-* reorganited mo I had ouo of the moil «enaatlvt 11 Uriti-, - »ore», fli et s -ni' IHteont. FrveT Cincinnati. O Two th »iiNRinl alx hundred acvn foot-hill < ’o'iipìAlnt.4. et«-., a KiMM-iHlty. ' Ihe T.-nton«- muMte.j Il.vnt'- Í Sorer i* *tter. l’ìiappeil llatni* > hilltlain», of KToma h* an f wa* ia continual dlitro««, but koik an-1 iiiounfnin-*dd«f land, good f»»r fruft. «lary- i. Corti», ami all.Sitili Empiimi» and o..si. ran with the al l of Joy*« Veyrta'rt« 6arva|»arIHa r.M-k hgi la»ti'|>, Qh-en«to«n, at 3:11 Ing >r Mtorkralaing Thin tra. k <»t land bar I Tb« World Enriched. J. M. 3ÍÍ4ÚTT, M M.t . ov« r m « v « n tnib a of fencing, dw« lling-hotme, Bivi cure» for rtlea, or no at requireti ft uow rat any und «-verythinj with my oM ar u-. l-K-k on the uli.-rimon of ilm 41 h )n. ext session begins on M onday the a«ti»«-l. r«hrd .if MfM, and plenty of llvtng i-guaranleed lo IT I \ S A N D > V RG EU N, 15th day of S«^»t»*uii»« t , BM». wafer. pr.«»iucti’»n of every » I«’ng that *i Í conduce nvittey retnj’ I h . ì l’rice 25 ■ente .«• box Call on or nddr«’M« J M HERRIN. l»nth A irp •C’l and do’lghf-vl and rladly rovc'i Ht 7 ;t»ñ o’cl.H k on ih 10 h", making the Grant'» P am *, Oreffon. Eor t»t I . sii ire «te 10 maG rial we fa r a« «J » «•tuforf • f niai k nd Tuition Froe to All Residents of Ashland.JnrkRon Co.. Or n u « it? run h- tw- .-n ih<- two p rints in 5 day«, .are nini st nnlumted. mid when byrup of ‘ » Ii • ■ n ; » » nt .it ih*- B.-igify fl<»t»’l. the State. t a M xlttx Manicura. 20 Lours np>l 54 minutes. Tt.c l-e-t F g» w.1« first pro«!ueed the Kor «1 wai» ><».«><>. “ fl»»»r f.» I'»»»»’ ttl N/.-fr* /)•«. rt ’ Four Cours» m ; ClaMNlcnl. Solcntlflc, Liter­ ar a -eeu a t pirvimi» inn of tl,e Teutonic lietweeu enri« hed u!-h the <>• ly perfect taxaitre HimplY api’îy “Hw v vwf .' n «<-r.. um, itvh. all vruptl mu <»n th«* ímc <\ handiC am! B m nnles. The lie-t run of tlm Ini y p eaainc »n«l r« treabi- g io the raste ron CATALOOÜTH ADDF IMA n -«’ . •»•ariria !*»• akin (Hear, Whltr and Children Cry for Pitcher’« Castoria. r.b-rtnic enr«M, ¡ ,«rr I trip, n.-d-on the 9:h was 5 p 9 mues. and ’pt «»tn i-t an«! effe» tua to chanae the \»i«v»p por Advorliûinf» fb;r**au <1h Spract mj. T «» . . R«| ht-nithy. n»*ailng an.i «nirar!re i>.»w- -y*t»*tM ganiijr in the ^pringan»»*, or, in JOHN W. JOHNSON. PuiMnrcrt. ‘ • s J I C ty o> New York ma.ie the Uip in • vrs arv i****«.')»*] by no other rnundy. Ask fact, a’ »n) Um«, and liar better il »• known • - -'n” -I : ». • EtAgcue. UroguD, your 1’0 K 1>. OREGON J. C. CARSON, Sash. Doers. Blinds window md P late glass MONEY LOANED ON FAVORABLE TERMS o. I Durable Fire and Water-Pnuii Paint TOLO! A Tolo Townsite and Milling Co. CARRICK, TAKE PUBLIC NOTICE Foreign and Domestic Woolens, Etc., HARmRE AND TINWARE IIEIDT JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOR. GRIFFIS % WALKER IVhite I’iiie, Yellow Pine, Red and Wow HARDWARE, FRUIT TREES Stove«, Tinware, Cntlery. By the Thousand ! PA I N TS OILS GOLO HILL, OREGON OF AL' KINDS Msjhanics’ Tools. FRUIT TREES à SHRUBBERY, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS NAILS. ROPE. SAW MILLS ON SAM’S CREEK. Lownt Etaliug Prions, r osVor*1- SMITH & WESSON S WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, 63 Front Street« Po rtland, Oregon. Choice Land« For Sale The Farmers and Merchants Insurance Company L (1 F H CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000. «A-H’il THIS MreREîv'e NEW YORK. PAH) ITI* ÆEBAXV. ORISON iJirt. di.3ICH district 1'9 it. MEüFûaO OREGON! EMORY i