ï | , O K.rrw-k '• yo'itu? prac-i orcb.rd, Orcutt Court. Fr ink X!«thews last werk succeeded Gun* , hn< k t 1.1- mill, tl.|-v»v VI-1 Te I H t-> |dnrr««r Pierer Ky«n <»n the ’|»aRs«*ti*'er, ' The fullowing pro c« «line» have tattn I rb.u.'e • w'-ii-Ji-b w in a ..., | wh'l*1 the latter i.« ri-gagr«1 in «iraighten- :« White deir. >■ tl.- ru « l-r »y of thf for I ing out m u er.« at tfir Sun Fr •ncisce> wrra .rtla.rn» > lin • ilway R i • Itonb e ih» XX • i t 3 dii» king. - Ju'!ga*ent f«»r plaintiff for f411 38. costs. * tc. Af er M I, the bil " Hfid ’ oresi» « f s H ’ h- Call fhev hi n» I» M r« mix « <1» n’hl i ar­ penrt.e» on tbe r«|i n.» at'ai rr| o T. E. Miller v*. Samuel C«»lv«*r. Judgment Hon. C. XV. J »hnston, l«te register of the fur plaintiff for $10«. 1nt«*r«*ei. «tc. r« at ’ 1 e V. S H tel having iheir t* etn • rn O’»- ruii nre full < f fiT»* ai’d ’h»* alinos* f' < b ■» in e rennif» e or, w>Th finely oolor- Kea.i il«e new adv rtisenients b RlHAX SE TEM Et. 12 . ph* re lir .vy with «moke, *ometbing that • daini lv»H. v« »'• »!•>>'. r. Ro-«*burg bind • ffice. bas <-p«-ne. quite poor ¡.t «•ho ■ w ns ’he Ad«in 8> btniot plac»- «»n « l'h the c- n>| 'lllirn • . j dant. pn *. n . bctiltr. I-i» 'be < igi.il. »,>• n>.l < a',!>.irar i tu» iu * i » genie e fu-, he i IM KM K. D. Taylor vs. Jackson county; tn nx'ovcr Mu id' cue» t,west ,«t Lakeview, ha* huritfbt drs. Geo, Pri« dr of Orfai P«»int an l Itiat excrllrm eoi'eae, hih I d.l s ..tril­ i ll • l’lllH« C» * • 1 ’ in g i y im III. lh fees. Dt oiurrer confessed and no n n«» I, n.» pam, whin ne eri'x Munz r.-.n-h in , pragus river of No git» n Xf s« Ma't!** L nv.Ilr o«le-< at ihe T imm P countable s- tie what y n .wo tl.e K F Varie’, lion io «Ile niHgnificei.i new srh .ni liuil.t. N oils ÌI..V«* been nintiff given to Oct. 6.1W, to file amended — .i .»n : Miel».r lit* h lore. 1?» XV It! - Ln tie Kady R .*« ra are tat en valley, sava tiie“Exam n«r.” ing. Ibe eh.i.ge in tba faculty, II.» large «■ffi. r <»n .Monday. The la*tor will soon suc­ complaint. aid be arm un ni» di «lely in ah ti.debt- Best pill. ’ Brooks rimaii pill. H tfe piii. Pluw Company vs. P. T. rairoln. ore prior U» Ju.y i. I îâ K). An « ai iy atti e- E Hobson and J. H Wnslry of Centra) number of »indant» and gtaduate. tue ceed Mns XX iseuiau as ch k in Dr. Stanley's et Norwegian Why suffer? rie»*tun's "Hed-Akt” wi 1 sell* them. al • to foreclose mortgage. Decree for oonrre» of ««udy aud tbe light expenre of store at Ham s valfiy, as that yonng lady mem U r« quest« d and teq'iired. a« ibe rnre y«n. $400.25, coats etc. Ma:. Ish, who ha« a flne ga-d« n in th* P .iDt precinct were at th* county-seat last tuition and board. Dun’« tail to atnj fur will return to California. budines* ui ine co npany iL.u*t be sente.) Tuesday Ti e former informs th*t his XX'. A. Cordell vs. Iwab«*] Gor»lell; divorc*. Id Mow ii.id, ».r distribution ¡.nd will i«c mailed IEEE of A m ) l»«nd chniciie« wil: booh be lighted Butte creek s»rtinn. brought a load of fine wife’s beabh has been improved by her a catalogue. at ui.ee. Frat k Huffer, one nf the t-ialr Pnivcr- Default entered against defendant and de­ waf» r-n eions to the H F. Variety Store by ►lectncny er«'«- for plaintiff. charge uj.on ; | | ii.-tdioi’. It i- ,-t large bock—over 120 pagea—and *<»jonrn in Big Butte precinct. T imrs F vbli «* ihs «> C o , sity tutors, but who has i een engaged in The Oregon Land Oom nmv rfH.tem haM ¡apt 8a urdav. J. M. McCall, ut al., vs Nancy D<»ll*rhid*-, to Jam« nvi k. Inh i i*uu The dinrict fair commer ces, one we* k T i ent. Pimenix, Tolo and Rock Point inaugurated a »y-i.ni of cu.titiir np lereo survey ng ior the Or»* -oman tiNrrow-eaiige recover mouer. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costa. ia profueelv iilu-ii.ii» J, faiiliful'v piettuing tlioiieduda cf articles of nowadaie, meny Ehg e Point is hvelv trai t* "f mod »nd ael in. thmi out in ten rai'r.*a«i <*omp>«n' t«»r th*-past rw«> monti-e, fr« tu n« xt Munday. State th . Luther L-mg; Inrc« ny of a b<»rs**. I h.* t -wn have « ven provide«! with mail CMt. h«TH, acre tract» for rt|ii>ndant sent«?nced to niercliaiiditc ;n our great < .-tublielnui lit. NE i . LUTED INDINTBIES. F. ui< jnnt ami jr ly glasses at the ri F. i< m I di >r tun i ( »Mtns! lutuhng ulwRt to ami In- hruuch ♦ xpr»-ss train wl1* h* r- rt time. on«; year in penitentiary. T. e p.»n tne nca- « e.i.ln init.i-.venieni» fu fin ».ii y *t..p at those 8iai»ous » n flag. ri* ty ly B-«>rr. • State vs. Chaa. P ai to*r and Harry idttle; lar­ bai* y m iu I V ri» b- W-y of well graft'd ut et», «nude ir. e. f«-r pa*i»ei,K*’s «.r other business ceny iu a store. Pl. a of guilty and drt*-n Tber« are sev. ra bienvlies of agriculture J. Nunan f Jack n ville and S H. Hull »ndtxdtage- that lu-nr. at once ,«traci va t tire* whir you wmii — Prestun’s ‘ H«d- >. A»r «mith o’ Cf.i<.n’<»wn sentenced to three years in peniten­ lb* haw b«et, i « g « « te«» almo-i *->.lire ) in Rrv. A XV*M»lridg* of Applegate, O’e «•( mi d tieautifiil »nr.r.n.-d’ g», whi e es. ec.al • h M*dt««rd, who weie npi»"in’« I n C m OL- (lants Ake ” tiary. |.n <1 hit f'ind •!» J .. k- ’ ov l- a and by u pern n1 of : p.-igc-e. the reader hat. as gr* nt a command over thi» vad’-b . I- wbt ii our tbnf v iurni»r- the pioneers of s. ntberr 0-eg«»n, died p-. vi.ion i» mole for mai »et» f..r the fruit. muter i<» couler with Cruuford d; Howell State Vi*. Charles Knighten; larceny of s w*«k H- ay* that h altli i* good in that Rb- uid «i» V t* lu.tue. n*t» mu nil n. O C _ «ile . an«! Cl>ol*m _____________ Cme \Ve«ine*da> morning. Ha w ni jMs ksohV 11»- Medfoid railr a *, are « ntil'e continue»! tn next term. 1* a ways sate and aiway* sate tears « d and highly esteemed by bi? Portland. Salrtn ami Alb-ny. is a mirror of f. t . nil the latest styles in various lines of mercban- B. E. Whitman vs. B. K. Moure, rt «!. In ­ promt'iv«iy lailr H.liatit! rtmlrriinu a«i- t<. murli i re ut f >r the g od woi k th* y did numeion- friend* a> d «rqu .intan« es. Cui i i« gfi»«m <4 E en pr«cin> t will Mr. It cur. s headac he only- Pirston’a * Red- junction made permanent L»»t Jon-, after the »rea» flood. I re­ in banali of « ur peo| I*-. vi ab.e i«» p'««»u«»* her. any gnat Mir*« u? M i er*««i *1 pru| « rty «n h lew davR. « II 11 di»e being shown by illustration as well as bv dcscripiion. Send for J. M. McCall vs. P. Dunn, administrator es­ XX e r* i omni, nd D - Will’s Colic and cited a bo ti» of (h ml-erla n's tone, Ml U p 9« bul**) s>»|Íri» which *u..-’irm Ake ” hm be is ir*p»rng to itiiv* f-r hi* oh! tate of Jease DoUartilde, vt al. Decree and it, and ».ccurc llic benctit» of the lowe»t prices on the Pacific Coast. Ci»* 1» im Cure tie« k use w« be »• ve if a sale Oboleiaand l> ar b.a i R me-iy troni my tllc*»i3t Iv * bl Ihr «FMI <»t nit-k'll u . bui L k out fo. tbfirailroail when the bell home 11« li.iituis, order of pale. a d miabie rrtntdy. Its go >4 effects are pn.t-.r. a' » time * be I wa- very lunch «ertali» i r du. 3 Which r. pu»* ni ,* v > u u; ring«. EHFOfiD MJCIHv Stavcr & Wa ker vm . V m M. XfArstcrs, of al. _ n in iXfeiifu’d «!• n t fall t«> caP on D. si".wn at «nt e in cawc ui ht y J obn Rt. field if hun’in/ ai d fi-iiing at i foreclosure. Decree and order of sale.. pie. sure in Bhowii g y<»ri ins inuiutm»ih Hrook*'. I hi. remrdv niirved n e m ..m e, and h ami eu 1 b p e*ei i <»« m in 1 b * r « t r - r< «» » tu bai Frank Abe‘1. who left here fn go to 8 nth cn ed mcenlirrly m a uh >rt t'me IhiLier- Bros ci b- tu’* vali»y aere iu Win E. O'Ivrr, formerly «d this plar'e, ia ! Sain«*. •e» era. b-.t I lee »nd care it ar-m.d »mone prt.HU« l ai ibi time II i- q»*i.e l11 New Westminster, B. C. i• gard* t.upi», li.a» many y* *»r* i.e.r » ro­ Sam««. h-«* i evn irnubl’«! with ••Job’s comforter*” icry in Ha.- Frnn< ia< •«, and it is lej-oned I think I gave n to a di.zeo Bril g on tti.-t w i d yon prom if ed us on ’tee tlx, rr.-uiung in a .*eri"Ds case of tt»at hi* ind-Kcriniii *tw atienUon* io toe •»me way daci un i* auei.de*> with but -light p ufi ; H. Klippci vs. E. Sanderson Smith; to I., ke France has returned from hi.« north- « r money. Dismissed. anuyei,g. X ’ awterA Howard vs. Henry H«»h*t know, in ah cutie». Iti. ibe be»t medi- b guu<» yield* are rtp «i ieu lu s«»utmrn fr«»ni him. .bulge Walker is enjoying belter health fault ent «-red and Judgment for plaintiffs for John Br» edn n g of w<-.< .ivi!» . visited ______ in Setti«/! rirttir ” ! wba< v««n • we ci. e f'r tbe dleeaee 1 have erer know n — Ougui.,.» iHipyaiU >8 a leu** hat» y *uie $401.26. costR. etc. . since ne returned from Butte creek. ib* T ime * ffi>» previon* to July 1. 1W. *R Dr. Marcoux, dentzat, could not practice Mr» K L. H bkiik . Jo* i.»t..w'>. Pa F r suinte of inc« m«- at average pricts wh !«• the upper valley U*t w»-. k vs. Jano s Hamlin. L« av«* Dr. C. Minni*. formerly of Medlnrd, has grunted ftot-kman in y »ar» ü »« ar« ity risrw ocre m wtll-cuhi. plaintiff to supply a lost record. < »nshferahle iti p” v• ment is going i n the b«»«. mr have been r ostd and muni be in liiis state Unless he graduated *froiu a tale by Dr. J. Hinkle, Central P .int. and Ioca'ed at Marfbii dd, C o county. g.-od acimol His diploma has been en U H. Haskins, M.df.,rd. Mary ( . Miller vs. W m. M. Mil’*«r; divorce. iai >ncd «i pub iv I all nndrr «-ne root tn h |> a. tmg ».I many tbon-an.l aere, of and State vs. Thos. Muhley; larceny lndiet- examiners • Baiel.« M'Xtrttnu« mure foi tunea «ea h h«v- »Ve t>« «i» «•Ur -ai c um a cal. \Xedu»iday. «MxhO io* I M' diuun to Iheir alrvauy Urge .u »mail tracie < f from S 'n l<) artes Cate \Vm. Ml n.'nr an ui Sam’s va ley is teaching slut, c and bam. Hon. A. C. Jones and family and Miss itallity ITti'1 t.rn.ot trWacr.s, ritininside coumv ftai Wednesday on railroad busi­ Clarendon Morrison vs. Elixabeth Morrison: west c.'u-t ibaii iruin un» f • tu» r o.-v •1«- 1 ' mu c rea *ch<><4 at pr»rent. H. lie Mooir, oi K 'f-ebuig. have bren camp­ . militer 1. S30 acre-; 8unm ..de mi.ob r S, divorce. Referred to Chas. Prim to take In La*e < • unty M.T. Waltora’ V Lent ed at Kotky Pi>i«it.bet«.w Empire c-iy , Cous 110 acre». Bunnt-I.ie nniulrr 3 300a. re» ness. branch’««! agi leu.’tire In tito is • OU ly ««.e Do yon want n wmeh you ran depend titaony. 1h * Pin . ar of Thomp'in creek, who jirMt 3ubn>b’h» i»« r a* re . nd ins on 1« 100 •nte*piu*e i* aa sel m n* íi . ímih V. tt ..1 J et county. Ti.ey are delighted with ihe sea- Bi.diritlliiber.il oilier» h .re been placed bUf-hei- per aC'**» avC-Huing lO Hie Luln - Bi'ie, ai d Mr. Junes ih very tuucu impiuv- oi. tue records by tl e Vr-jcdt L.t.d Com­ on? ?iee Pritchard’s patent du*i-pro.»f a more lavuud «utani? íur U e r do t *>n has b»«i qu . il . is convalescing. can-M. ♦ FMKAL POINT rOIXTER". uf U.e yrasiy «c*sei t»a dov^ i ul «x 1 t«>n Ut* I .«. XV fioi’. Jr,. L bs mnn ed *o M« uat vnw ’ Ex .inn*« r.” pany, oi t*alem Oregon. ,hi, company bi eu m i.eaiih. E. W 8<«rr has tempor rlly removed to tace «»i 'Legl »»*e. li 1 ureo* ------ bui w *, .»Uue .»l Angeli» ten in his rtnd es there. . a'So doing bu»n e»e tn i*. rtlnnd «nd Mies Maggi* Gai’ahvr, who ba.* been a Everybody iu making preparations Fr^nk M Anderson ended Lis summer’s Albany, «mi Ita» for »ale numerous oih< r rial* m. w tn re several members of his family the th. U*..nda Ol ut"uCii" U«"aChr«i 1, l't la fd traci« «uuus ui First-« a«s cedar fence nos la for sale to residmi «1 jm « *•-un ««»uniy tor the p«Rt vi.*ii mi Ashland last w»ek, and departed tracts. The great an vanisce ot ih'Spiai.is retina. i bo fair. Ot HCb al Huvium ih ai tender uur iu»«ny yewr. I* ft Medh rd io 1’« rtUnd last «»tb tHUUO'Mlt. Svi« M1O3 U» bMtl-.y U>V must « x- quantiti»B to stili a» Hie T imks office. f r Prin« vihe principal o> that it bring» logetbrr iu one cumn.nnitv W J Flippin id putting up a tine, large •M's. D'xnn last week retnri ed tn her Vi reside pttrnian» n y the I ubltc school at (bai place during lb* ibe «las» of peoyle who ara ail »ncag-d in born«* at Ht-kiy<»u, after a peasant vi It in store-room fur rent. B«ting h »p ex» eri ib *i hrr* ir d»sili., d I fabs, tu.diev refunded . Preston’s“Hrd- coming winter. buine d<> tu be a guai cent* r fui limi Ake. Ge*». R* ' n«» ds 01 Meailuws precinct w-is ihe same bnsines., ei»., fruii g.oaing, con- M.df rd ” Gilderi-lreve sell* furniture cheaper than br.»n« ü Ol hUabai dry, I hr *urr undi g* in 1- W!««.n» d.«x 1 m “1 we*k,ir.*m whom wt* The P.,H. A N addition tu Ashland Is ihe •iqm nt:y there ap ings up arg- dry.ng and • Pct* r Ilend* T'Ot», Theo Cooper and N1 anybody in southern Oregon. ibe pruxnu»i> ol tne 1 dians lo pò m m. Monthly !:«*•.« Irnent* of $10 will buy a eai n« «1 tl'Mi i.U L»ib« r bna re« oveied I ruin >a e t, uiid n>t.* will soon f»e p aced i»n the ca. mi.g e-tat.ll-hments »ini.iar u, itx.-etn 1!. Huff a e i-p. nding a few weeks down on Mrs. M. Peterson has returned to Central « Top, • Ur ubut d *ocr und Ci.CUpI.c-3 !. ■ .u ml 1 din TulO from He. »t i Griffin. • b:*» re« fi I rp« il ut .-Ickhes» the city f Baleni,wliicii adyantage, niakea toe c a t. n.arkei oy Pt It- n, IL.-kv A 5»-|., the pro- Point, f r the winter. pv*e?, tur ír«eduii* f» tu violent w i î ttir»« A 1 ew uiMiici w*3 «■rgan itd at «b-- laic pramr-h. Fifiy-»evvD acres «'( towu iota pr ti «ble tn.rset tur .he pro. u< « Mr*. I). J Lum«< «Kim.« uü.-r .tir n i n i. a. »• some* lung new in <1 e j«*w elry Ime. • ¡Be*-*i*-n of I T Downit g of ( en’ra Po nt precinct I 11« a 1* ’h«* 1 r«*Hidi >g fl-ivr ■ ffcr for the remarkable price of $2.25, the ariiCie of ht * * i* lu-ua« q « -teil lu i«*.. . wen The iilouu nitiet bave th»-elei» cut» XV. R >t »*>,th« ir I i ■ori'lgC'1 Dictionary, bouml in cither full G \V. Ruvviand isc »n'inulng the harncHR p« und. Wim« ib aVfi..gt , r • « wiii * x « d ft TUONAI MEN T ION. fu ur- hmne. Th->. I \’ :i* ty rhme has just rec* ived *b« rt l.iiit- Bu- n«'.-a wi i t»f it miiih d a* Hu» .*np;«n 1.« cL an*es timi riirnh»'» i bu i . ssh IC' o p < t ’.* o!.i ::iT»'!. with a ull .. 'full sL'tielard »ize, 11 in. l"iig, S in. wide. 5 I 3B .'rnis I« n v .* i.u rewmute m i. i b «11.1», M; d g , ves a new impetus t-> » Pur. m w M-i-orin cot « f fishing ta< kle s«.Oi a* J uuk * X^fl Si**r 1« liiriia !i« n* h d M. I ’ n d n .1 *1 XX ’ JI Bsrr liare t em on >to«-k 1er« ne -i* » a eu . > re h id w o i «i .» .>• »in by a . u ugg->ts. u g cutm 1« Gi lain « umy u. t . e n vi’itíng her «»«. Tu« s«i y cm. v >1«et ii.g. i ,000 '¡hare incliefi uf prii.-tcil surface. «’ t hr ! im kb oltire at «N«! rents a Ln ml red. The mi ». -*»n . al thv lair grou ds wih n i A lnr.e,’ fii-! Cias* incnt of Imit l.avmg »u l .t'l* 9 d 'H. uri a it* u i. ih rrlat ives in C« os « îiijîi y Being uni g die i ast jai * and jvi > u«a* ♦ -* ha j".*i hr» n re- eiv»«l b< J v > d un.»e» (fir- grand K*ai«d a- it W MS D. H. Mt er art week r»n need ’ is fam ten duv® iUaiieroi pi«»*«»«ug a t«.w acr« 3 *u n p a. Mr«. J. Nunan bas remine.’ from b» r H. I.. Hr. advertise*, in *• nth»-r c- tnmn. n • « »1» de book ever printed and -old fur the • . ! n« w jcMd»r.ce near the ni lie 6. t Var.fty Mdrt, and w«h br -u.«! id.*t i in- r*»i> is h deemed in.pmv» m« i«t. trip t«i i or«i.«nd. o«.ce. M"«l λ> ifac ‘.line t,ur> i'«»uir 1.. L» lli.i 'h^t i e haa tak»n np a «nay p n’.»|ony After a i «vcn'loi ’• 4’ tier *. Mr. E b* ..I ihu-e w».u are Murchargcd with i.quur Ei hcopal < Lurch. al ;hr must rvaSu««ai>lv ri«tf*. iMMili.K be CMll real tt 3U«r«l ut ÜUtling t* co k and wile departed t »r Ca.i.urnia's price. Beu B all nf Central Point w.ts ai the g«-« u i*H.ra« l al u-iuun r l vefigu>e- D D n'ap.J. P kt ter an-t L J 8m-»Iley I) d yon hear th. new*Y Pn: hard has i ui i al la*t w- ek. J. W 8 wdvn.havingtengn-dtheagrncy c un>.i *ben if« mi the aenaiin.dtiee of U h cuun y e»at recently. A' u«D. r ,’IU lUC t«ial * h Uid ie e vr ïa- ' f K r Bu’ e ¡-r. c net wrie h«'ie last Tues- of tii* XX inir »«•« «ng mai iun« , he»««*qu »rtvrs lad.« a wl«u wuneBs the races. m «rk«d hi- go<»ds d< wn io t*1 troca prices. K. V BeuB ii’: l f..mily i. vc been testing dar. V«'T b e Cuu.s drialu.li <*l l « imi us ul V • M-fS Haiti* N« wbmy has returned iron* He is bound to a* 1!. it«« r« f’ r 1 uve be« n « 8t »«-iisi»ed nt u*e S. F One pleasant feature of the rapidly in- he «piaiity »4 the Shovd creek *spHnge lev alni h »«» b. i lariuer* l» b nun « «h, fier trip t«* Gram’s !'**■. A X Sesrs. i nr night wat* h ran, accnm- « leasing p. pulatiun ut the northwest ciims Vaiiv 13 8t r« hi Jack.*unvil e. ^during tl.r ¡»as: we« k F ». r.k Xt irt n* of NT » df- rd, the live «genl wb ci» irtq irmly c mutami» i «*m |N) t«» iS I hat they sfi.id an alrm»«’ unlnaittd G»l. XX ju. Marlin <-f Douglas cunnty is o .ui.- i ri-i-r t! Binbey to 8 lem iast Ki.lur- XVhat is the < »use o’ • iuu lu *.ou«i tu chui « . a *1 t • ili» Mitchel. £ LraiaC'j.. called Tuis- A. J D.»ley ut ti.e But If creek tubists tn- madi luus ui« laV-jr^biv io tur rai»li g ui a lay. I m .-(, ng M b M«.ru g ««-p«»«• H« is ni;»n- U’tiuns »f this valley, pr. ducimus that D n ’ i t »il to *• e the new t-ne <»f goods at be ?ome atUactkm there. su*eip’i q**a* .yui lui* autp.e Uer«r, «r*u • ’riqnlre Rturgrs« of rnlontowu c.xlltd Tm ‘h-ixan t fretof lumber at 3/un‘i»vad- n«*cbmu.ga mu * vr«ur urtiv.c uf fiuur.lur h. *v’e nu u|«nui anywhere. Pnt«-h«rd’* in M»-dt..rd. Qu.ck sales and g”«.o .»r**c*.c 1K v. r lad» ot finding a rtudj try -< hool-h< u«r for *alf bv rivoit Griffin di « mon th« re* a rue d d«tnai*d. Geo. T. Hershberger, T J XeflT and F one u«y dnru.g tbe Wr. k small profits i* h's motto.” • Ih Cr» ece.d city tannery will send some tuar to-t. DF. ILERS IN XL Center of ifa « precinct made the coun­ Tolo. • Wright*» Jamaica G nger—strictly pnre i ti».e »Bfuplti» < f leather io the uietrict fair. H. 8. Evanaof Ashland bas b«*n spend­ Oui iruil in*iu»trj b d» fair to b«* elruply R. v (». M. XVhimey will inangnrate a ty seat a visit this w«-ek ing Suuir Weeks Mt Go«»» bay An • Xc« Lent remedy 10» » ramp. . o*».ic aud ear» mure, ami il i* fil N-.w h .1 the branch toh «! 1« ftShUUd, VVuy «mn ; some oi unr dairymen send a Ser1»-- 01 revival meeting at the Chrtsliau N » need of sending to Pon and for farm Il g >hai uthei UiU 'ChrS t ihc bUsbami prop» riy in town wul re»nm* itw normal wheir a ionic fur the «tom«« h ».nd bowels L w r. Ils ul choice Dei Norie buttar inai Thus. H Gilson and wife of Hterlingvd.e church dnni g the eonnng week tore Gilderskeve seep* m fine assortm» m isr«quirc«i. rioni by an druggists. man's art »m.u «i a«rp pnce w.iu n. Tue V »lur. would make m XXebluvt's mouth «alar? spent Monday in Ja< ks«mville Mrs Orrin K#»!io^g retnrned tn her and *e Is at the lowest rales. • < ryiii* Deed ut l«.e m-Ur is a in re mve» »i hum in Portland last we-k. immediately Kehlro A Fe left hive « Triers for over u.*ke thè t rescent city ’ News.” Mr*. E. XX ’hlams ami ___ Ben î hnr«ton <»f The new re*id. n«tes of J. H. Gay and E fie » agri« utiuiv. 1 .* fru. . fi «x . »w* tl pu- Miss Clara Cameron <4 Uniontown ha« «ft« r her return from < rater a*e. ci«M 2O,0»jOi»U.i b If* al tmir Wagner Afirr Hit lóih iiisiafit thè Butte cr»ek b en vi*i>mg rtlatlves m t«*wn. A li I g .ie pieciiii t vLitrd Jacks« nviile on C P »rker ar-ready f-»r uccupMn. y. ««nd >a*u«9. sug.r br« V-, .Jt.t *a. b«4-s Moti a. have .-ecuiuii wii. bv supplied with mai» fru- rue«.» y. p ■ ni» g inn., which iou*»B as H A handsome b«'V baby made hw appear- present a ban lsome appearanct». (r iu curn mn.*v inc ¡uiur » kii lu. ; 3i Oieitdi.g • f a hull « rop after ail. t mirai Luint li i-al*o pr« p»rd l-.«i a u »• at the ’ e*id«'i< e ea Ch«*vner intend to make rei- tuie 4U« k t.»r ul ;e* h. ov. Ut-in ■ g t fail XVe are sorry to >arn that rte store of lh c ■ddri'.nof M»r N. Lan^ril, * h*» ia t< i.«i tue iiiwttkly servitelo l^aaecieek Bnk r on Wednesday morning of last we« k. R.ricMid Hr.»«, has h en closed by un at­ ty rani» u. bi» ti ««*>, ..em au-i tu.» •>u i » M K.roi L giown will muove to an it e i»emi w»» a»y rouu* iruiu B»g Bone Hiivts in Oh.«»a vitti btiuie I« ng. at P tm j f.»r in« di<*ai trvMiment, is ni- Job:------- I F. XX il >ams, the Butt* creek mad- ‘ i > me. Cuu9«, hna-- Itn.»st completed a 16x24 J<».»t D hwa . iii , *h» repr* i - ihs thei” P«.j land Hi > fit»' 3 M' V’ • » I ¡1« »‘d cf mn «* )• - r .ab , Coun y iu h't k »Iler bis Sb < k inter« sis 826 to 835 > tfr« l C n>iimMot er Ea ’ un is «loin*: ban ,w h k 14 loot »bed *1 hound, *r«*ry. in iin< f. it. e norm «od* being « ecup.ed ny uliv. « d .it lb, c Ul- into t<»v n. For (u< mt*.re of every de.«ci q.iton go to Tbci* * 111 b .LAH i a »ai- -un, pur« u! «he secoi d -»oii at Xlediord, nndei Hr •m l«4«M3 «u ull'« I Sp > d id », »««»r u p r V m«M3 John Gild« laleeve ul ‘ emrai Portll. I- i* rv, o ’»d :hat XX’. H Eir.i’b !>«?• sold tv« ps u complete «nd Ur*i*< as* Ms*«.iliuem v*< cupk'H uy XI r. < 'a laiuiiy and the D m . Min e Mrs A. C. Hr rn Ml|d 5UU Of A.-liltili't HTr ih* management of H H Wolter* is prov WOOBVILLF WHITTLING’ .» aia. |»i«i- ** vi iu«».* ui pm.*»», m «>**-■•> •» big u>» <1 H.* otti, es, w'ufiw lUr third Siury mg a popular resul t. The best «>f every the • *t r «• » r. Al F«n<.»w, to G. B. Morris vitiuAg Mrs. H.'s iMtuer al Htockton, Cal . n.. a i> riufy ir« ' ua rivi. a* • • U ufi , avi .u.. ami a »eb» at > .u< nmst reasonable r.llPa rales. * • wi * be tìiltu np h r .* pubili Pali. thing in thalline is kept there • i Jii k F n«t nipped s< ice of ihr vines and « XuM'R ■, iu.»»* n g h . r I,.ru.*« »1 .Ig bl lu tor >10.0ii0. >ta<3 y «nd V»-w D« w M M'U'gonpry L. btacri 'ii'gom* ry were 1 rot. J '>'• He.-My, H»-i»ied hy Mt»» h. i tie »a « is «n n - tX .lunula a pu3R,t>»« «♦e^ H. 1.« neh nt Wagner creek, who wss Fv^rvhndv 1s wet» plrised Wh «.Q- corn nn Evan« creek a frvr evening« «Ince. En’r-.H^ ehrnl, nt’drr th^ tutelar* M U»14< » h > ■ t M.dioru, .o.i.uiemied a-ev. n ~ 3 vitoiting H U L Ven» al Burn» I m «, week i» I . 9 I«» Il 1C 1 I U s t tüt' <1.1 ilei, M> ia n* ir» fu i of th-«* in al di- rnoi.il!» term o. ►» liom at 1 bo» tua as. ul cult.« g gMver..;m nt iui.l>« r, baa pleaded Th«- undn«!gn*sl ha* n-.w fut *u,« at tl* Nt-W wi*! bu-uu^i.iy • dv«r *..-«• ev rry » u .i.iy IntC v* ««-k . Vnele > «k Wright and fami y were ------ will t»r..ve of great benefit to b nh this r«c ion« in ’h>« vi mui uavtiera. lt*«l It re. oau-‘S and il*V.te D-«lue-St« k« Th Du. guii.y , a*-*i lece v»d ordeia tu api ear dnwu froru Big App tuat? a lew d. V m 3>nc*. place slid Jau nvi u Crritlv by J vm - c Murrow, i* recovering fr« m uivrigH^e» »iida4ikii.ua ul rea. estate arm i *» d, h * but d ur.ng fixed at l’Jód I Great bargain« n gold and stiver watches m nr Mrrlin with h.s !a«ui y, ealir*l « n 1 u-v- hl** w oumH. a! Prmh.rd’j., Me«tfnrd, for a few dava creel» bri’ ge. and hns d«>i«a « creditable j b. Orv^uu Mir li* Unir *» ia* CJ ÖU ? hul l .» Ir«,. o . hii W s suUllr ol »aleni is kept al the it.«« jury in ibe cute uf ibe H - < xpeci* to b«ve the Ward s creek Muet 0»- K > d S.IOII to ui-ke r am f<>r ruam d y iitur 11.83 r.apsC » sin« v ll*r « urupltli-»U ul I L‘ ei « Itti I « Ml • Ds A lu t m U.alkr la U» h g*. uu e. Ifar pr«*»- n’ pH »stör i-rans’-give a net baimi sirtiid ug eeven (or acquiiial ami m joking a iww - w « sm .*«j.»u n a< Y»qu:na th« w-rlu. ti.ai «ht- i u-’.i i «H« • und re in. um« u¡ p* r .«ere lor m gumt bearing five mr < O>.V.« lun The Care wl i be tildi bay. ed b\ Mr*. Orrin K Hogg of r«»rtiMi.d, Uat which ha« tnrn«-d ou» pr»-tty <»dl consider- N«»ir- rt«:el|'i3 dur biils,drafts etc . in •e k nitiri-ed from their trp t<> Crater ing the sea««m. He has b*en offered thi - s »u c« • ui th * U«»i**« « etn er t-r riu ut court. li. VEG IHE Judge H hi a and wife left for Crefcri.t ________ 1 .ke, w» 11 | l»a«e*»« k form handy «nd first-chiss. *t thv eng *e,e n* line buMiieas n*u.e « xun*iveiy. The .MniigoiiMii | hrasnuts in the W-iistn- «11V, 0 «l , un XV« dnescay , 10 be a uihet D O r.«» , li* .1 h .ve Tt MF.S office. Dr Geox’* new re*id»nre will 8«e.n b«’ ih- v«.u»>c folks of this vicinity met at H . t . Me^euger un n g «»ul« ons:«i< ’ a week.*. et.e Val ey r«-r mire bruutie « a« h r-sasut. • utm»im i .H a: d readv for fi «.ready tue bird, tu • e ullti.il«t».r M ir . R Ol avnsr and M'*sr* CiiMvnrr «»f c»jti ent»-r« Imvin? be«-n bii*j y png* ped «»n ® h i i-t a d i "lui e l in a wn’ermeioii and B i H- pri mid die»! a ft w dnys eimr ul r«g u. , •«• d ..nd* ID« 1 -c..« de.»«an euffic» р. .r • x- e le. C» , Ol • uat mettimi. XX« trust bi^U * «1 v : i- p- ano sua ep uh * - i mu > h building . r; mg the week. It wi 1 be a f uh |>.-r-y. Th» y ha-’ a pl-H«M t ’ini- a' «I Dardanrlus mad«- Ifi* T1MBS «.ffi. e a < *1 tyi h<» d fever. fi«i •• k t| b - w9 bu.-y o r u.o * r» e t h«-y m .y t.eOuiii. w-4 «Mlbkhrd in .b» b«tmday *p C*lV n- tumi. L»« y »'•’ * n a». » id e> ii »i e d-ome o’ e . .Mis* Xl v rn B« d «»r«1 < f XVo'-dvill«- i* tea« h- *«u-li j ««I »•■•u*. c n U g u >m u*u .< r p- J. K El «r*«n t.as Tr-uned •»- B<«’.’*tMi) «u-.u y «eiuir ano ner -easi-u lui.r by. • hr hrtlnlice. . he ui 1 >e« a f»dl H H XS ’ «.Iters, the iniX()G>g)*t , has re voulu, y Mr«*. A. L«mb of 7‘hev»»* x visile ! J hc I h »»•- in <« iu uf -»moo* in d.striit No 2G. re-M-i.lra ai »u* <-• u. g u. Qui • f «I.» Al 1*5 tulli*« lb a» <1 Meiriiants Ai.« ih r un»«n«e La* go. e into effect on viie Claiborn Nell r»l A-hland and move-1 hi* *Hb. J V. Wn'»m»n wi.l p. nn From Aiiisnda L Ha mord <»t this pl«ce chil«i«en t>.. tu. » î » . sj l< »•»• »«* w “ v r, lu .t» u ers ».lu­ nd 'be puBii»«»D made Vacant, I« muoiati > ib »aid »o . tfurd mucti better favul i.s m • rrird .»n 1 tn* 7 b n a’.. Rev F. K Ptdppa A fin* tw....t*. y re ider c< . u tlie farm • f • treet. lie has supplied »he bar with 'vT/'. ,*j ber a d iii^k >h t nv * I iu^»< . c ll v e Ai b P B O Neil, one ot Medford'» Irnding the finest wines, liquors and cigar*, offl.-iatlng XV* j .in Mrs Ha' mund’s nu- A. J rit w r tn E en pitc net * b appro*« fa­ 1 ? J H. »M«o« y ut Buecb'irg returned Lum tu h" upper c unir.), enabling it,e re«i- mi y • »»« »u- t . cm« Uul U»* V- u I«» « ti« I tu » iheie l > g» t iiieir county papers a «■•lie n*. inude Jacksonvi le a bi.ei visit a and a fine billiard table ran a w-> lx me.on« friends in wish ne her many year« il g c inpl ’ i n. l_«u*i , aj*M3 ‘ W'»» i.eaajbtüat w « »i k l-i D lllUIR Ut - « . 1 T u iü„ i..«.u tin tua v.» Area e« enei » ubi » h <>rr >br uld ficutuuie. lew «lays Bine*. ■ f unrlh-ied bli »; ha» w? think it real found there, Give mm a call, for he wil FOB THOSE Mil l < r-!!.M!t: T fALL rt L i. UlalUn W h »13 o .-huw ihv vvu»i«i Msr> 1’ -gm !msfi t«d up * dres*- t,i«»^r- >3 ».g i< ‘bvi,’ <>n.e a reeMeut ut A'tilaii**, town bi* we k. VV l ar« g nd to irai n Hint Mime will..as, and ae hope this kind of m»w a piuspeiuu.» rancher ni C ’ . «»• k c«»ui.**r farnieb- Ir m li e« "fl to the UMter -»-'¡ge .*t tiau r v ri eu ti ir..di ai Ash.amj «mi un XV >u i-Liit on r «on. lake by .»*tUiu«d p.tiien, aud tour h * DrwoKR \ t Frank K- peer <4 Central p int pre- ii g g»««Hi\ have been re«iuc«*u I«* «O bi at the Ke«inerti Knies. f "iun «1 •ite, ha mb*--- Preston’.* . a», now GC3. end i . tit ee « mu ut* a’t tne. cr< k u mi lug mt* aw k. br. wi i adorni nuy cm le*i «'ii Wednesday ‘Ibd H<- is <»fle ot .■?. i . Varirl* Slur? • \ • . ’ y -jua- The mc> Ja-. K ■ .»V* He -Hie ami M »3. l a s riuu- y li jui 1 v frirn«is in J c k nvi I • a H» A fl ul« .ios»,. he itast. i juartz mm-b. etc . for sale k ( the TlMRS uf- ageu.3, u and h îudihg Asb* *:.d, *-. A rebbi hop Grn«a • f Portland wi 1 arrive h‘ »■ Cim bui 3at ui J «»' » so v ( I« , 0 ■, is i«n UuC 1 « luiuwii »r m «» ougMy. uVe>iur< r«i by a vi*i iani > m u d y. J.-ilDpl Nervous IL lia» à* n a U Tvtu n, Ml U •«. al*«. .1 K Gr*ei. i» nud i.ne • fine. 1 «rye b*»rn lie t G -mot tou . .Tu«, il.-li» you.. l limi«. Mr-». 8 war injur- its vat iron B- n B. Beekman, wh«» is p arm ing third fa e. I ckrla Volo aller o«p ■«# u. on bi* f rm it»-.«r Eagle Fi lm, anu ma» ng ed.” Rc-:Jr« r« of Evans ere* L have b-rn cai-. « u li.tei rn» ly. beri »vs h.tvi. g ..«r n.p <«.ok- XX’ H lacksnn . f<»rant’« P i*« i* makmg -uh" wi IV excited tor tit.rn«-’ - id »* oyer ih» al- i> : At. •? iu p rtiabd. i* Vi.-itlng relative* Un irtigbi i- • • X'.'UiU'.ii ai U- i r .In- Our C«t Z us .«bulli i ri» an »»ml hx up 1.1. r improv« n ent*. Wut- ti ruaktr her reCvV»ry sr» *e il ruucii m».r* pr»-*entH »h MiiM-arai.ee. Thi* m L ir I- vû mi entra, i’ • n ; blu un pr. se 1 give» in J H. H ffinsn »s a» M»-df.»rd, empi yed h »id «»f the c-rek ’ i w 11 be latte» e«l f..r N Langcli, «iepu y ni* r»*a ‘ r- v* nne co ’ - uR.I a la ge i.uu b»-i wouid h«-»p tue ¡«».'n m luu.v way«- than Wn». 1*. Berry , for mrrly • resident o( iti s (lui. ui »MU1 a.«3.*ig -*-*' tiuj «he erotta, y The A men« an Minn.g Co4e. si*n-iard rent.ih.es ir< tur, has g« n»* to 1 < m « b Nnd Curry • o«n- ai hi« ir*« e. thaï . f t'natiuth s luigbt* • bias*«Bull «uv m *- u* «i l'vi.-ra; i u li ­ с. -uiiiy , * Du hft« . ward rtui> ve«* tu ri »noin. •n« VI lile »ai lu HUttmrity on all subjects p»rt*ii»inp* tu •ystetn, ther ' v ] If v« ti nve h*adacli« try Prrat ’n’s” Hed* «il mining, wa’r'-righi*, etc., is krpi fur < »un y.Cai., w » b killed r uic.imc s -T il C t»y ns* un offic iai tin in*-Bs. Huiii a loaded W h ^ uu nv was driv­ A** ’* a»i-u i.dV. i V' « bat*»t u b nd , ne i » e k i K cur • ve», for n u.Bl-«h«’e of about 20 I XVaiter J*< kson of I ’ « r ’ land h*R b rn in •air at th«* 1 IMRH other. tu* tue siual constitutions oil -til l yotttt • it -. wi 1 ue *» • t i«» btiy Miidr. ing iL whs i«3)«vt»d by ¿.il * h » kin w th* Vallcv'ltiir W-»k Ouki’-g eftOi the 111- WÜ bv « , u. u> •> f < «. be.«ce.» i ut-3 ..* uve imiv* fr ta t b tn utt». A Ri«»*< i.il t» * tu - T the c«»iintv comnii«- .e ih«- latest an i best. Ab ut tw«» t-.n* « f c. pper or*’ from the gain from ten t > th. 'y 1 iu f-rou s *m «o 42. I »•• y i iù * n iudes i;v*.*t a “t i h.,u. and id- d«-uUi is ruuuru«d by many i iei*BtR uf E'bi g, Battiina« A Co. •t* e d«y inmrM m the sou hern p • iih »»» • f i«»>>ephii <• thirty to ui:'. 'y s J. <2 XX i lit* i“ te.*« big* music c I bsr a< Addite».* I IMF.«» i ru.'R.g DuU.’t , Julka«*T>* iilemls I«« it*. k.«*VÍ3. UU* Uur* IH't .liC.ud 1-. i.u-e-n i •-* . i o*m\v a»e being-hipped t«.S.i Frai ci-c«-, i vii e. D . K bit.son and fMtnilv have retnri ed I.HkevhW while coi dm tn g a ac!n ul Ml D r . A bors ' s ■ ’ ; :;cr’c ke.s H X!. B*i «l «4 Gran»’* P m *? is in tbi« liaiiv- *.y rx< urne«* -I . ~ — l .»U Le ou«a»»• and il k •*aii*f «. tory tesi « b made ut it ih<* j b-iii e ul uur mercbai ta are eh.pi ing ir in< e-« ent city, Cal., «nd Htr l< cah* m-elM*.e «.. / » L. A • M ir . E B. XV*is«»n la«t week reiur e«1 to bav-i.g i 8C«»rted t i< beM girl tu h«-r borne , dnr- tUi'ou^’ The ex eiiMve smeliti g workx at Linn tun. ' all « li dilati on. Il ebould bUnetd t ’ J M FortlaUl iarmeie a e Culm In iili.g ibnl ibry Itipup«! a’e r«-ii«4 bv n«’ng 1’ioton’s m ««r l’uri ami, are now c.«mpi ted an-’ *u i ing the past tv.c Nuuce. n»« *»n*. i un . f s« verm wc< ks in J »•< k*<>nv lie. I'hroat Brou- C..11 .1 in> -e nnyiUiU^ lual wil. cumuiand •H«d A m * ’ cmmeiice operaiuHiw m a f w .lay* Th-'-c I Ca-.nrtb of the IL M i *3 (»♦• tie Br oks h »s returned to the wi .mi wnen xmi visii antly re'.ieveil, There i* oi « merli« ir * that wii! cui«- I III gnu*i Cush rates. XV. J. Gr»-g»«ry la*t week ( Nine i.oni ir III Calili«! \-►»•..! AÍt»r .1 VIMt w ith her mi * te». .1. XX’i i p i.’•*! fMtnilv I uve returned vrurkR i . mvi ' a «• hi mcii » to <«• u«h ISO tons . I ! chial au 1 Lutt^ ti t.lsoEarDIsea'Li -• ID sofKncurvi I ut l 1- u. k g, <1.|.»I. 4 .«il II u.» » v'« i \ . W • ili •’ i ’«• Will’s I • H iti o « i .C m I , w. tr. h« l»a 1 be« n i eg- ti «t Mr-*. Bu ten at A*hlam! ir -m t!i ir tr-p ’o the Dea ’ I "!i -n “print’«-. (>’ (* <1 y Tins will be g • d nese *<» the L »uh H i ’ viwm J'- graduate i at the b. a «ami uuru *. tb l t • t c ■ '• t- :t. Pa. OI 1.13 ci -* *>.1» h* »•ei ugiMpiuc arp.riiuvti J. B Dungan and wife of Snm ’ s vail« y I Tt«» K*» u Rive* B»i* ti.« pi*- i*>- .«»•»•e . «■». Al» p” • >| . im >. No ilr uy , t" 'U a, |»'-iinu« ul, n A born 'S' si.avmi tl-.e -'< ■ ■’ ityofC.n- Th»- buildmg . f >hc n.»lr.-nd to tt e mai «>. tut* !' *i MMi.u Bu.-i V.-■ l ollegv .a * l Wif k J'hn A-l | m »1 ml w f.* of Eui» P"'nl have retu ne « nr - n». re at races a ’ t»i t n to ila sumptlon, ” «-.fl a treat i ott ■' Cat a- th of II • li mb rim » .«»»■ n a p ».-itl -n «I H ry 1 • a ri d «.whit at He co«»*«iy*.*»*Ml «»1» ih* »* » *, » w« . be e . » » u« vi la ■ r ; T nu * ftx , b 18 ii in*tr. hi h" T le ’ h i* jo'm-d hi* f »th«*»*, wh « * .o bav. «truca i i H um I i ■» wliult-aa.e 3p«nm g ♦ n»p. r.u.ii, W *ine*fi an < j. . v ¡ r qililp pr.4»ab|r b ” TI L HI ÏILI.1* AT I M ..U g fu. ♦ 1 ó0. Mj *gu» «bv.-r Ge«». Bn»wn of l£.**.le F««inl visited ««ur iy ,- d « u , « tn-u vA.y wll a!>o be thrown up i. 11 . in xt t»o i> me iu ih«.- ir »nt. r ... - • « X ».* h * n!.«» k muii.-h« p ni E «K '• ilir toiuv wur* l » »u- »*■ ‘»o- h m. •dCrosa pn A^ORN J a -. (Lein* of M»dFor«1 p’-eri’-ot aid Pr«f. J h k s- n cr- ek. at ea*t » n fur as ihr liw»*- 1C* ei»C urnkinff- O" M-'I hihv H»-bp* _ !ow.< u.» ii-.-» if W'-r* .•« bid hi « n -imam ‘he Jacsso. » t.l» - Medio. 1 Bip** 4<»."Jpru xi* •» «I U0»i lui For »en' • r »Mie nt a sarrifii e, near!) f’4 iy ot the proHprcis 11* ihe Bmie cie« k *ec- D«ati <»f XX’agner ereek called one day Ins' kb. lie udge oi fita< k sulpbu’e a of Fourth sn«l MorrGon St« * I'orthn •* Onjurm. I i Levi X.u ri.* hbi* been ♦ ng.inc 1 with h’* tl< HllVO. p.L'.«*rv *1 ì - m s . U eli.. r*.i«iaf> . »• a. r« s Im rt with Mix nt 75 bearing ugh t*oi\ w eek 3i vei t h h » i uiiil-trs of our citir»-i.9 bav«* i„ r. «• •»*., . « Vi a i-i . r*» «e -ni > mu ing a l«»ge muuunt ot ne<, jv x |> g ami tur proli « • U y •'! dui • N ot *. T!'-.et’*. • -~t, sanier! 11* es, join ng tbe c./rpuralv Lnm» otJaik N. dora l.a» c» » .. 'l .li.llii busti <»» et Mr. H llami. an • Ex «m ’ a*- ’ flg»-n».Vwvk ii ni ili»-|i rye on for s one yean ba« t»-| IIKlti- • • ■* i<» . I»« A *H rhd III I I* J J DonMl'tl'- i* n«»w with Condili t>*r wuìk iu ii«.**< n »-•».* *r ■ • pt- II.« to .*-’■ i • ’ ■ I » ’* fr A-i.. ■'‘1 h . o I I. ■« re'Uit.e i to .'a t . Il »», *i>iixJir. >i.eie 1.* m fion-r, good Weil ul several Riib*erip-i<»m- to tb« weekl in loan cmily BlmwnBunie tii «■ .-«BK.-ya, ai;d it i* ! *xj.re»s B r leu 01« the | as*ei»ger tiain, nod will « h ■ u «i »» • our » ur* ; t *i” k* cxnuot pu»/ i) c 1». turni •u t', w bu h «* b- « n - .ull and • hi k- qip’r j r*du*b e i tat wmk wi 1 liepin e» on in I ye t* rdav. lui «Leu »1 T. 1» iH'I'b k'" u ‘,n *• la*. E«. * for thr pabt twr zn ntl«*, r«- t, re»is. u hue ■ h Un 1 a«e, will, a *n»a^l er«» k ik * iU>ub»rtd w thine rauruud hoj 1» h r« - »»el••! 1. « mm.-, BunutMumakij »«.y XLLIMVITLO TO C‘c!i. Tl.a l'est ren.ed' ( r I.e ul.o he end lu ti rim ai » o»»F. F»r«t ind oui." sili o • iu« nr«i in me «»- Mi** Be'l** C**irman recently io «'K ciiMrxe flour t«» XX’ .| ni* e * mu» thi* \ m l»v, *b‘» imsg- r * y«mr fríen.i» E »-i. «7» ri.Lt. « W'ml.t- 1' i o Hemli I... reni- Bni>é >vur U.,U». n «u TuW I.U. For the Pen. t»v« r $7.n»- • fi do-, » ,.airi .. il.e n i..Un». Iliitiu- r»ery to k 1 ha*. P.«i k» r aid - r«»u - i .»..'». ta.-.eless. nu ba»l • li. ■ t- ho.»4 t»y h .I gri.d .1. Cuw **i»ek canyon, are irfuri.i» g »nr-e afui »utmner trim al Fi*hli *p, C-»u> riquir»- Ga'I «4 S«ni'f> valey were ntnung The Pi« »Derr*, . county n i tu» vt’er? you can wi H H. Li lle o. me t> n t n iar> Lt*t w*e-, ip in • ui *.u tr.i w«ih $2 per day and board .li ugni» ». our vi-lf.irn y* M«’»d tV FREMII M'A I I Bit>‘ J* \j Col • nd on the I’ne-dMV i I own „ g aiMF«» «Tir YrSlttdav wa» p»« n« w '»*> • an i tuer» XV. C. C»hwf«»r«i am! fMinilv «4 Klamaib 11 F. Fi-ber. D 1‘rnineer, ,' ' R b* G. Sinilli.attn’'iiev »• I • w. «ud Jas. A -U ii.er fri. n i —d. ghl » HI», sherry tot mai. nu 1 i*HUt, and ail incidental» Th» W.43 » m ^’”J at M'-nlMlU «*• »’b«n * e o* o» u»»* ’*'»• y r« Bi* ¡V .1 Al V. Ht I. k. n < ( VA Ilio» apri. •- |.re- ( !.arg* <»ut tbe ei d or the m«»ntb. -unt> last week 1 a.*-e«l h> «»ugu Un» va ie> , F T ffe of Gr int'"* F hr < iitt nd« «1 tbe pio • he Ms.ni«- place w >lh l.umer Loi-g. t'o uiai. O. .e usiti ni» > .» taren. He ih » » lluiu wo f«>rn er go i ! r» e y. «r« «pi. < e f r ». fi­ «lents *i*U lUc i k .». ve» a «1 irle» «I- Kind Gr< « • .* \i1 I vhfbil will h r-en and goo«l in**n wear out pretty rn r««uie tu bi» lecem purchase in C«»lu*u ne»-r n«*e’ing yesirrdav c n. i »• re lu re un Tm-'iisy. b.e ami p orni t. lìen-anl tu taKe. imns- qiii«*K ni nu C K Klum ’ s sone at igieni, wh le tufe, pii««-«» un M. - -I hv . > i I. in!«, r 22. l>'y al, » ii! o-it.iiiiu« -i * Mux -. Fctrib-dy invited .1. N' ipaii received h lar«pmnti’y of Hiela tei w i* s-nieu» ed to eue v»*r'* ••••- .1 A A> . »r on. T. J HntnOn «wl IL« «»uulu«» L« <1 «*• J m - k-«»uv¡ le. a v. y All the gwG- h i! ••• < i < n aivl tm-en Mun­ lh ti. Robt < l«»w < t Junction city.rnll- Mm Mamie Judge »-p- nt last Monday in n**w goods during the *■•*• k which be is pn*« uno tu for s»».-.ii«g a hors»- ’r ni t un.’, r i . ■ pimi! n .1 n ize • Met. t r-cu <., i4ruggl-is p. a a. t ’ime b d, no » mi . « u< 1 >. tu\.. Bu «rd <‘f Avricn i ur.-, will beb« i.-nfh«) ii' (he tir«! drt) • i !h» t air. roa • « o'niois-io- er, will heal 'be iitru-i Futrí e Spencer «4 K nn.aih c -ont». I. t- .ipu.nl l«» iu .ar o a -uixt-3 R» every r i ur ni de U' a r. 1 !»►. Tu* -alem. hv. ry fMcililjr « fl • , to take a p« Mliun in the office «4 tira d Rjrke» exp-cNrl »«» ge- fl with a Uvular Tot pr g Ulli ‘ V a..ii« Ui . r .» • *«*»< Ms r- Fr»» El t«. H ■'nah, V .n< I »»<■. cuinm» nrjna pn camponth« pi'-undr. A fim* ‘-Uni.ly «4 fr* Gi cai dr. nuts, t i -4."“* «1 »««i ir in tie -bii • « i>> r<«l, ii rn bu I m , w« i h b«* wi 1 «rd at pulutc ►al* I I , to* FuslHiT«! Co. y the Kni.ler, Hit h a. dlnan..« n|.i at Ja< krenviUc. New Htoruatiil NewOo»»(K L»o «-u u *,..*«* «»»• i • » •« i ■ Mt ra tie a qua- d’*nt of Jacks »nviile. is charg’ d with elop­ A*n i i*ri>-< «-xi «ri k Mrs J E. Ito»» will »' I » I-1 of ..vesto k tra« ei* b c«% t • *4 me < f «he btac stock in tb«* pi«>n* e<'s i*-umoii >«Bt>rda\. In o. n- X. ¡'»'u 1 be * iMk* w* *.i. e.»*1 il. Olii tor iiy<|.ei 'iH. »<>ur alunno h. bivi 1» E. Ridfied has op» n«*d a lar^e annuiin uuiid nx on M««ti rc is - a C^auee to a. - XI.» di«y n Ja ksoiivjite Hr infiimiN u- ’ Kl.*iui. rr”« f .'»an fi r.»«n is«; », ii.»* b en to a parent mm tie *nppo»ter «me day this D»u’t Throw 4way Y«»nr M<»ncy. ui . n- . ay L.»' »esk »ith a broken arnt. Od- bri’ Un. D90 if. 1........... sir» ♦ t, Grant’s P mmf , which tie 1« Hcliinv el that b h «3 «li euvrrrd a in* mod by wh!« h h va<«ej rrcenuy. He is <>n his way iu week, whi« h Miira« te«i «‘«»nsiderable alien* pre*»-* ih»t dwiy -uR.pwiit«»n < ¡.Usui t v n tal' front Lu pony. 14* i« m N ib I- * cure bdik-Bin* I t/* Abii.tlui H«u»r u«.*, *.- ü dalrlD to attend ¡lie SI h I v fair he e » ’ 1 bottle the wmer fr«'in XVagnrr ’ s . I mhs wu Kman sad anything »-ntrusie.l io I ’ tion. l il I im-fGan We » e lui ay lo l.av- |. riuanenny «m ai- mineral »punga so that ro Redimer t will IifTcr«’U t'-r ;«gr J! M Ki.»»'l t» prepari! ir to open » »al o" In tu» ci.cu- *.i*‘.nv3s, a r * ,* tr<»ui *• u t; • ' M-rk . ,.r» JndgeWebiter will adjourn court tbi* Mr«. M.Ortfi ha* b“en anp«^in‘u'1 i-xecu him wih i « c« tv»* t:.«» iui»-t rk 'iful attention. t 1« al «-iblt’lts, f : v ,t L. s.vi w J.aa.npaoM hi» nte»»at in ,i » ih ti a .tt> .l.i ti-t w‘,o »'Il gl'* Ht»i>’ar in ihe b *it««m ••! tfat boti*«, whn h « *WlVl *• Oi g u uur nii -he w i ♦ k .i. il TO Don't fad t.oyive tdm a mil ’ an«! fr»r ty! h ’• "f - ' b \ » ir\ . tnx • f the es ’ a ’ r of John Orth/dec* a*r«l. wr«k and go u»(Jiiliani c« un y b* num .li uiut bu t es» tu Di. Fr«t k*. ymr all h. »■ iene.- y '» *»'“ "J.'“ 1 '. is an important ducoverv. giVli.g « «•• > U* Il e* 1" I Rcdij<*« ’ d iste« L Open* Uep;errbor 13, lU'JO 0 urifor Jutigr Biru, win« >s *i<» aim un­ m d eispwliete publishes her notice fu that Cai: • n l'r. -Mure-mi«, ut tlm L. B. ll.ael MiuVeii.ft »*• |U*MH* ’ 1 p -'GTs , b l. «i »*i riatl< n I n. A1'er* Xlt.-ap i>n>i J. b-i K c» ar» now Notiee. Those n • h «rge .4 »far stat* fair f r 1890 able tu plS'iuM at 'b^ regular trim. f fle' t ~ tj-tant i nui ■ h portant uj i>t i \ rtk .r > . >.ud lu c*»uniy , V > , a I» Cb «»U l h' rm dm lina 'b E M M ll. r alore at Ash nd *e«- h'in. . ai.oíO i till.* <’.’niphi r copi» • of towns up .» I i la».*, la» posted f|l0 gruunds *•• lining ♦ very «ff ritornaseli tt>* m««*i ’ V Ari 1 RuMcriniinn* for the H F.Examiner tak* n "I l'‘H OI t»Trnv AtUCANUED LX- tu u« a tai. «» »..ma e ut mv Wm. Hu rah and Chai he R »per of A*h* li you waut t" preservo yourrool. a» weli Muccts-ful 1 1 the history of ()r«g'»n, They ai .1, re. en Iy pmctiaa> d y them. i’.e'ir 1er, mad* for f offered exb exhibitor. . |1 M per offotid it l»nt»> t<»un»-t Hi« n - u* <.t :h*- Faiwlug Thi»-e wishing a Up to id'«- f <... f.l C.IIU) Th. ui.l. tir it 1.4-M tiling u, v. protaci il ir. in tire. u». 14 i>t>.»'»1 » nr*- lenvmg nuihing und>»i* that sbouiu ■ Mid, who have b« ell p ««»pricing in. at the T imer offi e «n i M«cbamcM'. Int. r. rt « t tb« >t «te. i r < - , w i)i< o I wnthip M n»y mua acron»i h » y ui- »«> u ba * u • e » n en .a «han«** »n ibe gram! N«vetnb*r drawing Patri, k U h ly, "> ni-r y r.f Ja* ka t.vU e, (..pni a b.»4 ■» pai«'. D b « nu aop» uri jo ci iiih* county for BODi« week.-*, wtiemj Large. < »nmi.«n<»i.•« hu «) v «'. v . ¡dilated XV » d- ri» A»tdr< -« ù .•i* should semi in their -am- * a’ unce. . . . ul d .mie |or roed v '-aer. f e' f the F-.riurbei pa.lt ut«'* ...liuti rraU* 4 " > M . d buiidfue*. TL«-C«»ibg. !ai»«i*-cd ; a »I N'.rta coont., Cai. quite lib-rul ami larger pins*» fur the ii.iub io., uuf > V I C... L I he ’ecnit*»’ in Sa r*ni r«*Rtihed in a gain vated ad 1 Christ uni c urn unit an i uot u* ove, »■> e »gerii. -rM-r«l Coni* 3ls than ever btf «re will be John High« tn 01 Cent ml Point precinct «if 2r-4?» <«vei »lie tie’lli•*• of !.«• former rcn'l* to b i. r adv... *.• ih »H .y » ru m » F-Air ii.khtj durius. the wvvk the h«a.than pituatp.ua iu tt « fciatv. .-a tuo. .re qm»»- h enomli'. the Kls-iia-h hU"g UP- A iMTg»- «1» legati* h iFum iK»Q*b- ma Jr U- 4 a » ic .»«n can Wrdot-»«iM,i . H<* H b ..nd'» a«tie»lo» i‘j t paini tlil ratta. tb>-. noiu-d . in«•riiinm. ibi* is hi . rv »vidence «»( Ids r ». i «t. t » R'1 tat " »' y '•'H n" doubt le imorui» um «hat tic wi i epuu irav»* mr Bunn* ran* incoiupentcni v of »be census officials MILITARY TRAININO rieil II ep h » in Un ^r«'Mie»t * rn Oregon win u«» doubt attend. A4 wi.o loiv». • ... c.ii.fb' nsi g lite pr. ti tumi". tua Couuty, Cai., tu 1«.cute Bticifb to buu. last June ’ » il p r»e. V. ö Ff a • I HR fo Fruit ( »riutr» I tertu-oi pr»i->. fo E *n»e Munir bav»* an i«l* a that *b-*n I E»ponscs Noed Kot Exceed 81&0 to» A itdendirt field of b. n* e -k «utci.4 in th* Hou B i . hmii t'aroh««* ha ’ a rn’l t.» «tun.p | ptoteets 4 i .itt. Rviwe iK »« le eg* !H fu* ibri are in deb» 1« a p*p»r|bor $12 f«»r Enol I)elbfiu»*m <-f »his pre<-'ncL to .«piw'd departm< nt. ar. »o.».» i. ve- m . pa.“»« I ibruugb t«.wn y -t« id y. H«- is i jt> j *r y, » y - be Drain & h Entrlos f--r pr«»mi«im* «• M n !«v a* 7.3T o take tl»c t*ap«-f ull»r fume p.r«>e* ciiurgrd wim h«-rKc* ■ ing ti-e p*iii| pony» ag d abuvt al* p rn Exhibit -r ip uur . t i ak ai him v county . XX ;ltc fur C.ita gm- 1.» ei m-I« ::uu4y al W. ■ d fr in <*m« plrMS« D \A .1 al. t i E i I R ^r. ru 1 ü* ’ «A ■ira jug, ai d 1» a<«-URi» uni« d by Ki,«nt! fi *vi» g ti « cw En g«l-ou*e >n ’li- S hni'dt- y» rat Of th ’ Ir « nrri- » • ’ I -irdax b. 1 .1« the fa r hi » ì . braixUc««LwJtb a d«»ubi<- Munar«- od tk<- I.Ml p li L. ARNuLD. TbCSlpMCI. »•» n il < «>•• . 'try 1 y. le o A eoi ■ » y A ro • r s h 4 .<•*» iead tie aw ¡1 »in ti C m *-« r tn »«ir and pro Wr..wy i n 'arm n ar town ö'»ed "p -n exoeilent rlgbt Bb«'Ul'iei aud a bxur«'fi<»n thè righi hip. aa ..f ...... d >• 1 b< r ir . pul <• v» u uiiv. exirr HSi* i"’ a«ibln. *,ir»ic. G (« -. » H"i" ** a»’d artic ■ • f -r i---------- O frulli*. Ul« < uq . * A il re ,y , LlUt *<• buVe r» -V»Ve»-*■ r.Tj wU p*y otarg»* and uke tbe •»ih ’ bi ’ i.-n mm-t b . The uworr < O' dU.'VT ILifiku laid < tt «• ' a k-«v a»y» Moimay . have what is due 11, if u finx to enter suit ou Monday. pur t i» t •» «n -p**« Il*« U O I < I uu f a li. u4«r» a» ,i«t aulurto »way. i . pl>» w F «e«t 1 m S' i. V t . rl'-r. »¡f. ■•>'<> ' V* vl.»b v bld. 'V n-lvuil at ti.tf ¡or wall u d colle« t t xrd ibe BUbficnbgj’s H. L HILL. -tu ui •u.. r loUI» I- PBICEri OF ADML ION. Miao . i 'le l il" e s. ho. 1» . I h- v I e> «•tate. w.cs reltirm.t t" A»'» »'■ > ♦riMi» h tfli' t • li«d«id« ui Id* Wie. »b w.i r.ry Hat Trail creek prcoRji.1, (topi. L D*o .1. I> "«.» Grand SutcrtBinmcot. i r- »> et t et» . « al . uttd »« K n a b late itoWii»<.|ei. bi»w k. • r wtli l.» tu * ¡*e‘ h - Ku'.rUiiia. J. If. 4*rr> t)au vbarge <4 14> I. Man’s ihv H« k-1 «y* Cu uiii.'.i'. rr o 3. »»••.lieu» u.al I» ■ The Chilian Medicine ( ’ •> , now playing A iMundrv conducted fa' ('Lin*st et Ash- tian. »Udell« »**«»■>. imo to. ihe ».*..» por .. oli. r a. t K Xt’uiUHii’* day t < k< t R m> m' er that it »ill re <>u .Mull- state for vtan*. Tb'x will give ijpw« enter- 1 aouUi of JaekwiovllTo. tiaa aovwal buad <4 ' th »• • h D. H. Y. r.w Kebrri ‘ i »* 1 — ' U’iiy V Alai .tage uc»n»» i»-ue ' 8- p . t b t<> J- K b»- gr« u d n • fini y soduld gooy sei vii e d y. li»-/•«.' cuiiuu.l the .al.^ u at Hie ’»!’ m»-r ts here on Sept IN'b, VJ ti aid gooqwo.k unilua r r "th', wtik't) be "J. ” at tor a pr’-nihitn ’i«t. 1> K u t • ' Sv ' lnrrl •’ l-'ectl-C« «1 M eg..- Cb» , Pr*i‘'h’nt. ( «ftHiOoing UN» iti « ui-*. w< li furanti«!. rtt«*n» da, -bi* b »i.i be fl*<-.i Up m »<>•' 20th. The fir*» J. T. GllFOO. r- rr< ! • x ■WO tu 1. 4.! tl » .. * b JuHNlicKEE, •f »••, cuium n u ' t ■- *♦ 25 cent* t a< h,children under twelve, p) rts. apply to ~i . i d iriiK' ibe » n.-' n .«"»-»n. n. o. 0rb >. « 'albo. ■ • >* >■ "l.d •'! "* A " a ■* the town Tb’ los* amounted to a few «..yi« «nd suppHKl wuh tu bfi. » b b .1 —ms bih > r a A lare . u anlitv of I»«» » Mi < -bh-i«.» ani Mia» R » u Bui.pson D«««l Sep«. <- 1“*^________ se*, pl punii the most laughable <4 musval artists *d by itiOMv wfa « bad c. ’ u b«-3 in th* laundry day ill JavB* ■'.«'i.le r«enuy tir iti.uruia .» . hnr.T Wil i>n>. » •• o‘B»r ONE DOLLAR PER DAY MOUSE IU » 9 HIM 1 I’ll I at tu* tune. n r h t*y time-, f «*<5 u, ilia* Le will IllnM' a Lil' io l.ta .'41 ; I laying upon a«» m^ny different in*iru- parti» ' nu.-i. K’! '» io'e«l Mot'l''y.t',it 18b. Wll! b* ab«t I» | merit'* lb- r..Ll' king f i«*-. k i.| really ..Mid .*u>* Hie»» «I« I II t..pur n « •• i <>p- in 0 ; "-'i w.i'Cii it *o i.ui n 'or 1 ill b VU *• Tb* re h im p ar* in southern (begun LX THE t-TAIE. il l«i.« .ettler« fc ..wn m He'i.» ' . r no'otT a« lou-e O» i ir.» * ‘M r 1 flue • locution nl ten.I t.f tnaKc Cl.cir »how X few ■ l’i.f •! tlir An.»fl<»; « e tb ny y ma. ao> vuipanfcu by i.ia »in. V rc .1 IM 1 all land Rosh Ua-t.an !.. . t.d Y tu K l»»o »Il wb- re »tn I. a w. ll-A«k>rU«j aud first (d*RS. p »nun: y » > fi » , a g ml one. Our aitv.ci h .l<> uol mja Uitb* mamr »•! «Uthorn, Guide, of /oh» Orth, Free B ure tc ana from the Hotel. .. I » mi tm «'4 . E. J .. B. » r» wt.i tn- Rp.ck <4 Bhelf-ha dware, cuewry. ammutii« t»e l -T > - íl .» 4 w ü V..CI» lOl'U I iMB. office Mu. F. tt 8"'l?bl and two rlnl.tieo. 11 Ul»*« itirir iiotue al A^b »nd Ko CUJnwi .'ti4>l'<>iC sr.4 no devntjon 05 I matters m J <* toUTi'l •» botti oc. • l"o-, B v . tn i »legón I ml kimlR.ctc. is k« In t.tnu chanr« .___ _ Mer t * in« »* 4‘»* b1 r’’*' lie »tl. ee»» Of Il und’-rtìgD»-’! bas Lggjlrr Yard. t'anilr Mahr C ’iiilnif. Ml »'iSmiti; fuegini- a O«1A.»<’5fC»1nt li se-m» Ingi.ly . roh b!» u ai Ja< «*• n- store of Joint Miller in JaCtMonvilr*. Hr ¿autml. coil'd»' 'U Ata-Ore Guiuf >'t-O.v I It p B county omirt of JaokMoD Gm**! libri}ilhc a*4 (anffil irftx'Dg. Ho* b - p n e v.ll .mi M.dt '.u »II. b» | iruub.u 'ai.- 10 Mr. caiuri.n, . f tl>» firm of Cameroo ® timt 1Q piábalo, a te • a* • i*»tp8 only the neat gn«*. ILI* PtCI|..|» id « Bt rcaiutmbb rat*». Wb«Dtov? run Co . C- '»xhis C'.O'ly Fact..ry, bn« ttuhle J. d .. « . iti ar«*.* I rrtval tberei .« T. J>- r> '•■» oen"»'.'. I'-"»»»»'* wn11 t»|js M D' * 1 fuFrsbro f.w* ......... > . in * ’ * Lr I w *'* *^ r r «3 Htr.'g men’« with .Re »ouih.rn OrrpVp urw! anything in bl* Ha* Cfeil ooMr M 1 . r a d ,t V«. J \ . ib» n c* ► n'l * B b " ) fjy*rd anâ Tu ’ rtnn for trn m j* ( A W. (j 'Wiffi, bf W«ji«rwa c tinty, ' ot g.t» t*C'tit t<> hub t *!•». apd see y*’Ur*tof i»ir ».»..rittion o glv. an .ghibition Or u il t* Ü-< B tb »I * m -.crore SSVXffig to too gi tnr i^wl'Tcnrib Fn V aVhtf avi M' U4!• g T *r fVn c-n.Abs . 13 t V lai a,vni •* ",r «'•*• I 'n tt.'’.hi<*14a ' U-"K' fl on d- n.xkl' g. »'.d will niai’U'actbre X I.H * . l»lrVt.i»ib» bi It> * »»• •• 0 L«' ♦1 lug.) Mil.1 Judge W. u U hije of Cl|ckami> cn|yp Jt, aUatr»''K 'k* IWiuidMl ipffi me Ue a.il i t»».i y Hi ng, from tna plain ,v pkamak entyp li VËBie>-W iriSyAvisr IHPXW-'fô I -».»ral ei '« n» <>f Warn*' ‘ W l>«»* tn the jiick* nYi!ie> Jvç-toun twAiAty. örtip>n. lUe. _______ with g wr. (T» ty, «.Dr c*! Orvg «n ’ s •arit* xl 1 : : pioimrr», »PÄt i I.'guttott u» ly »i! i« u.u K Luu. Linkvil e juoti- in.«' li. ths Air.'. r» gmA ar. 0*sY. w *» jo U m ** * i U«A«<. within s ’k r<*14*''I • ’ - ”1 F »r further notiti« T »• bl c- fi advertid» Ui sell s<» n • va!« Ulf fottp»/» Of I • V flo i i r,.i n- V r-t'Joit a h w day .3 io j*« ksuovHle the forevaf. — d to re ■ ’ •«" ■ V- • r.,-. ... xrr¿ ’ inunt s ‘ frutu ----- ........................................ - . ,f 'lion, on ia. loHtl au.i g.vvti.ni» nt ih tl, the first publication of i tbie particular« ¡-. . i ic i I'»MIN’D I’ri. u„ e r. I > v ill ... TV A.h .¿¿r -P ro -h m > r..-.: the work Hr wn«i bi iflciflj 'Bal e f benne duv ee« ti'i.K. 14' '•>’ «»*« *-' r*L U h V' not »He them. * i « H...I -ta u» «I.» t I M Vh mi nt • f th. h mc * m lint* < h • r min f in.'tiga^efl ibeii 4»' u ban.» hi d Ua7e paid w. u.-. .1 tío H-. n.y tn uCt MAKGAUKTiiHTh birtvt*»T of < ... . y «iw •» au*l s In pg Ir > nu Yi ex»-fou« I* iB*ued *»ut <4 Snaai* nita r 1A. h*‘..................... de. 1. .A>JI U ’’" ».- “J- r..u« “ nl * rt.i,,.,. cul„,tQ1.r.iioil.erin jurt.e l»..ü> .CM»« by m diMpatcb KhnoU'iriny Itial his botti ' uo »Ml, Hill h.l lb.» IS IU« UlMBiyaltUl I W W . H x I h .*. CUllIlk ( t wtu * q 4 teOiaU buslii«»* sul lauri b««v<- -t *» oh ui ib e a d prac.tii’sbl*. OUR FALL AND WINTER CATALOGUE IT IS THE IDEAL SHOPPING GUIDE, Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary For $2.25. ■J SACRAMENTO, CAL. TILE FOR SALE. llin? of All Kinds, Central Point, 01 Monday, Spplercter ¡5,1890. THE PAVILION WILL BE OPEN NEW THIS WEEK Estray Notice MULES INTERNATIONAL HOTEL FOR SALE. Executrix** Notice. Mt. Angel College, I Settle Up Notice. A i I g- ■