î ht gemo tratir dimes’ ADVERTISING ANO JOB WORK i Putdlaned every Friday by CliARL.t.*¿ w NICKELL. /jtv, niHcuiecti wui u« u>a«i-d letb« Trxn at U>e fulkiwlnir rat««; Teo lints, on. nuirtluii ........................ MOD " (wub aube.'quaot Insert"«,.... 3 rw'L«votnui>vn*J rwaaonar if A fair raduuUun ftxim theabuveratos wadeto y»srlj- and U m ad vmi»ers. ♦ K mtoh aso PaoratctoK. NEW TIMES aUlLDINC ’ THE TIMES JOB OFFICE Ulto«—Cornee Third and C St rotto. Ratta of Skbeeriptiua: JACKSONVILLE, OREGO . *no copy per annum, m ad,ano— ■ “ J al, montila ......................... ihrr* inoiUiiN RIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1890. Frightfal FaUlity. MISCELLANEOUS. OFFIO l AL DIR .ÜT0RY FRANK GALLOWAY. is mor« compiate by far than any other In Southern Oregon, and compaña famrabtj with any tn tbe Stute. Job Printing of every I marl uable deaeri ptlon done at San Eranclaoo rates, and In a prom rt and first-class msnnrv. Letters ai d papers front Centralia, Wa»b ington, tell «»f tb- dt»tre»*«ii>g death << I unis M Never. 22 year ««Id »• n of J» seph Never, a former c« iaen of Med««»rd, which • •»rurrsd a few da*s ago. H«* and bts brut tier Elmer werve< gag»d in bhfiling logs. Th» Genual « ">• w»’* u I s bow ti>e a» c den« «»ceurred: ‘ T*u m* filter ogs lay si«ieb >icie. Tb« wagon was driven alongside ti e ¡O k S, ekiua put down »«nd pr« paratiui.s m d «<» r 11 a or onto tnr wag- n. H mez f«et* e»>»d ’ha “d»*g.** or book, i»«to the c enur ■ f the i«»g, bl chad a team tu the rope anu s'arud iu iUl»Wk*4b- lug Up tbe »kids. Tu'«»» m P»* d ’ y g fcady to bl •« X tt,so toat ati ’hei i4*cu 0« IAi*r6 tak« li w. b >he • dow.’’ A- it »tariro up. ^-e >n«H* e aw y iron» th» o her I g. Bevef r itjbeu a cbutiK <«i-d drut*pe<* ul) h.M kueeFDk*CRern ibei«»» 10 a, ID jUrtl Mb Le Wrtrt »4» plftCe U.ft u«-ck in p- situ»» the *dug’* afa^ped anti tiu l-»v rim ed b ex. N»»t uou“tiig bin «t t • he Liu* k w ou <1 »tup n, hi* hhwvtd it !«« p ace. Nt t »« . b< w» vet ; the h»g bum d« d one rhf d The sym­ pathy of the mat y fr'et ds ut ’he Lttn.iy n tbi- cuQi.ty will bv ax end« d t« M>. »■ u M s Bevri m »bis te«r>ble hwp , »La »«cor d • tfiiirtnpui I«,«) bvVft SUiaiDed «•■.ne- raving luwa. A WHEA T PEST. TIME To HALT. MORE ECOSOM 1C Al. TH AS MES. A n»w cloud R-PO1R to b« forming Mnat m»p’y, when ihe New York A prominent banker aava: "Myobscr- above ttis fktn ers’ ------ horizon. .. - ------------- - ----- ____ It 1» ____ a. z yet Tribune calle iur h t«» 1’ in the penaiuO va'ion bring, me to tbe r<>n<'lu«ion that of very small dimensions, and it ia hoped legi* 1 iftliuii, the peneiuti btieine-« fiitlftt I m ’ women who are tbri-wn or, their own tx- it, will assume no graver pioportion». pretty i manage lu.tte, than tnen, and near it» lp< rung wid eave a little o*tt ot a «mall income WÎTR ITCHING NING BLFRbrxG NOTARY PUBLIC, KCZKMAfc IN Y HELI EVEU its appearance in many wheat fi-lds of < whatever demand «n lie tr«a**uty toe nb-reanan wool I give tip or commit BY CUTI MRMKDIEfe. the count y around with ileva-tafing re- P* nwion «g» ni» n ake in the n«n*e ul the i eutcide. A man th nka it b-n<-atti hit ■nlia io tl « lat. i crop«. Much discussion old . MAN TRACT I'll Ell OF Moldier* To find it saving that "the i manhood to m«ke a dep.>eit than Fi. Our llttl« son r yean of age <»u Las been heard on our streets this w.ek tn« a«*ure « f p o|»ei < xp nd tmeB ha« t»reii . A ftuor woman with two < r three children th« »th lost. In . ba wu atta the Waelnngt'-n g nlhnu-ii who LaY* ttnte-, take in from |6 to »10 a week for about four w<*eki chiid received l»ttlv favoral-l« cll.lige In color of manv fi--lds lliftile it their l«UHin» eft luriaim everything tt.e »ante, »npi>ort it. r little boon-bold, or no good from I rot. hs t h** break- of 'ate giam ia cue win llv to bmnmv, m **( •r*« d- n ally t* ti I th« ir | <« ke ft at «I • « little csndjr, keep her h< u«« lookinti ctua, and more JTu dtetrewing. We 'he |.a*t as k. Otlers ate tenaciona •*.m • unie. Y trie p< ii » i «> ii figure*, f »r tidy, bereelf preventable, pay her tert Of all klmlrt drawn up. especially p< rtalulng wí 'T«* frequenti» < < taget up in the night to the s«*ttlem«*nt of tratat«*«*. ■ h the l-r-bef tl,at much of the seeming urn y«*ar might w«l a|>pal< anyone but and make a deiHtett here Weekly •>! f t :.i and rub hhn with and waler, at ri ng Hal­ ve caU«*d ntber phyai- m« n»s, tte. Fi tnirmug of tt e lale spring w heat is due to a «- a'tn ag* nt F*«r ihe fi>-ral year 50 cents to a »1. We have several .licit until no lesft » six had attempted to fullrtii rof it: oouii. Prompt tcmiUineri. eians present e in the stalk Ol the larvie of sum c o->ng J une 30. 1KH9 •!’♦* »pt r<»r»riat’««n d |M>nitora tty thi. bank. In>A«r».von« cure him. all alike _ ng. ___ and ______________ th* child M« ad- insect. I' is known that a little wo.tn is lor i4*!i-i*»n« tan up O fH9.131,8C»8. Fur ..f tlmre pale-faced, tired out look ng ily getting wfHwr, until about the JOth nf laat MONEY LOANED. July, when w»* began tn g-tv« him CunrvRA Infecting sonu- fields ot wh«at, aotiearmg th«* fl>caI year that has just » lu-ed the nomen at the window tit '. I Io not f«e*. Investment Securities a Specially. Jackson R ksolvimt internait», and tb» (T ticvha sod it-nally in the tir-> J 'lot of the stalk above Hpprupriation was the »«me, and ti»e like going out and ».jring something tc County Scrip Bought and Sold. CUTICTRA fiOAF rSMVñtdly, und by the I h H of 1 hav«« a coraphHc s«*t of Maps of all the Sur­ August be was so Marly well that we gave th« g'ound. Wl.it« it ia undoubtedly d hbu»«emen!i» «»veriun ’Le appropriation encourage Iter. "1 ut ■ rue tliat some field» of late spring »heat t»y «orne $20 (Mh 1,000 Under the old law time to r- ad,hut I don't hcliete .Iter« ate ai racta muntbiv from Roseburg of aH n«*w ev«*ry second day for about ten days l«mg«*r, in this aectiMi are burning in «pots, suf­ the pen-ion r* qui'» m**' t* for thin year any knelt Murie. tn print a« I coti d tell entries made 1 am thus prepared to make and hr has never bean tri»uhied since with th* ficiently to damage the crop to a arnall will n<»t fall l»rlow |115. cab » v of < XT«. V K a »U a p. * Il g RYAN. The worm described is anial-, white <>r »•--w rereite I the i resident’« a-gnA’ore ago i havx strut AL nxx tABM ajto erwui IMG«*« The p">or women who w-re the Cajuga, IJ rings ton Co., i’ll. frftMMABCJI enoFVRrv iW NT light green, from an eighth tos qua ter of The ir>etld- «4 f e i.ew law estimated it- I'Mera were the bermne*. While e. tne HANDS rOU MAUI. flubbcrlbed and »woru tu betöre tn**, thia an meh in length. Several farmers from demand»* at $40 0 0,000 f r »he fi»«t v» ar. t f the mon who lot raved, went ntad fourth day of Junuary. 1W7. t>*Pronipt reply smde lo all l«*ftcrs. Tii« Fat awn* Uprising. lire adj ici-nt country h«ve thus described ri»i«* w«»ulf thia paper requin d for th present ti-cai year. But women went on eil-nt and sorrowful, b<- The Dr“ ix .ti-□>. ing, fii ri’ntf b worm of thin <iivllle, filLAS J. DAY. ¡bi» i> a» ii t*h ubi in, tor the ub jean Parents, do you rrallzu kow y»»ur little ones 1 teodjnt, A. H. Fiftucr; A imcm * t , J. K. Mi Ic- tn th«* »»‘con i jo nt of the »talk Wne«i eiaiimat* of if» »»lendit, feetmi«»» Gorman CoNChBNLNQ L eather .— A f»«w yr»n »i»tf«-r.w In n tneir tend» r akin« ar«- Ht'-rftliy on pa ly has » ul » n- grain oi fyn»! athy with thn» «fir» te*l ic uniformly <4 »piing e««w D »n.Mxgtr; Ht.h.*k laa,»««ct »r, D R. J »n««a. put» ti.e fir »1 yea» ’» «I» maml» «file new i»MHt cattle men hi ttie weal have l> en in tire, with itching, burning, scaly, and blotch* 1 'he tuassen I f the p*o. it*. lu I Ulit is -ih MKKTINU orfOlKU. KTL The fa«| wheat »ho*« no «igt>B «4 iii« a-’iie ar over f78.00b 000. am! hfarHi- 'lespair. Be -f -attic were t*u bw in price cd akin and scalp dU< a««*? To know that a Th«* luprj.uj c «.»rt >t Or-g >n meets at iisidtmloi tut h atme »' >¡u un B t tir iti|f. aiuftir application of the Umcraa R kubpik « A*»uCiai“»n h- ««»!• ih» Driamiai c S.Uvtu. regular terms c«*ratn *i»cing on th»» first t« |ue«ence. Th»- eff»-ct on t e api*ar- m.«te will I m * iuun*i much clueer to the that nu pr«.fit co«-l i te »eal x»«l on tb**iu. will oft« it afford instant r«*Aj**f. p. rn»!t r»*t *.nd M «¡i lays in Msrcit au 1 Oct »b r; h I h .» at Ft*n- The Mri 'Uri D unwratn n»»it»ft»u«v «nueufthe grain is «iniiltr to th«» «f •»»ark i I imu thaï «»I the men wh«» push*d Many of ti e i»-ef rai^T*, nut knowing al«*ep, and point to a uurman«*ni and «ccn »m- .hkrt dl»*n»u, coiuiucncmg .>•» tir.«t vf • ty tri vf ty. fcal *l*«Tauec ao aperdy ) cure, and not to use ed fur &t*»r K Uro«»! Cuiumi-i on-r tue bnrninp. T e gram b**ron»«» an un* • i*e hill »hr« tigh UurM» d- lur p ic» and went *»ti’ uf the bu**in*H*B. lt •lift in Jsck» »n c »untv .»n first M >n gr«*atrr 1*«- Union. Teat.*«.*»»« ü» iu«»cr«r>iay iu N’.»v»*tnt»er. In Lak** county <*n th« i«e»f iair-e l tliMti could l-e ma* keted. PlKftar«* abM»lut«*!y pure, and iiim > be u»«-d «h'iattf fur guvtn.ur, uint the »bine ree g« {•oiteil, and it 1» bei eved the daniHye t«- in< l«»r hl» rai |>eli«»«»ri legislation to ft k .nlr.1 M »udft) in M ty an-i the s«*c »n ! M »n-!ay Ilrrds wet» aff. and *ven«uws anil ír*»ui Infancy to age, fromrhnph-s tu mtuíii I h . ■.ition u! tbe »grn uiiuiai « ia»b is m»ticeab e to October. Iu J »s *phin«* c«»unty on first • v ryahrre. O tb»- i-lher bariii, tbe Re »r»'P* w II n««t be |f***4t. Bar ev, «»at- tnein« Le» w bar !» to be the end oi ail C «Ive» wer»* ftaCt ificed. It it fta:d then* Mondays tn March an l August. T''»* wn»rn lin»? Wneie i» Di« j elision legislat'Oti «»-•e not enough «*attle in th» w<»»4 tu Hold rv< r.v wh»Te. Price, CTTK'i’KA. pub k an |H»rt> ha ujn red îl e unnsr sud • i»*i flax ate nut ii f -e<1 F«»r Jitckem county th«* c >unty, probate and | S oap , flic.; R koi . vxnt . fl. Prepanwl by th«* i.»» dl> refuse»» i<» place bun «»n un riale «i*»weic to the «!••«-« »i.»1 ion • f th 1 rva <4 <*<»(UiniM4i«»n<*rrt' courts ny-vt « v-*ry tu*»n:h, * uBOi ? We h • ve n<»l corne in right ul f«tt«*n for th»* Ria« k«4. C »to« «jur-ntly the ««omiueorlng with the first v( m ia> ; f »r J >*« - 1 1 r n IM I MAN HCCCFB8OK TO J. O. HAM- P ottxr D mki Ahi» C hemical ( «» ki ’ oration . i ket». Tu» hOUesI V trr» ut b *th patties • h He»Buii fl . Th'«» in» <*t » «’ei-crda» Urti hy tu n >iM»ii«tic in Chatnht*.«’ aa 'a d p»« ri»'U* (fw- a’torneVh •Z^S« nd for “How to ('urr Skin Dl««*ftsr-a.’fa< Depeinh p p nei n. Hrrvi<- w«- are n«»w c«»n(r' nted with an <4I»ei ; han pureliftMrd a large and first-class stock of April, July au'i S*pt«*.uu« r*, f.»r L.ik • county. lr«rm g wber ditir irumii* win^eri) in«e<*t, the hr a; oi which l»ai* - . ind «»c er«*ry alt«mate m «nta. <•'»in nrncmx the first I g.MHts which are now on ths way from Portland, page«. 50 i i lust rat ions, and 100 tvMiiuuniHla. pena» n and un r- a e ui lonraiun bdlr act, fth'-w ng how iq«*xtr «* i de ir.<’u4 ice a.e lo be luunti. Munday in January. F »r Kiamatn county the and will be »«»id (’heap for Cash. EeerytM«dy is oil» n i r *v» d eitreu e % d» Mi net:v»* ♦<» -»re i-ow un the fi er ci b«-tb Lou*el ui are blended. Tiieie ih a »h »-t .ge in ’he f DV’Q ^k.n and Scalp punfi«*»l und l»«*aa first wetln 'H-iay iu Marco. June. Svptcmb« r nvited to call and examine m < hm 1 n and prirae bw- wheat in N«jrth America 1» in black, Connie»», wi i pi»/VirioDH that piaktt the leatlier ma'k«t. In the fall of ISbV ♦DI 0 lift'd by CX'TICIRA d<»Ar. Ab«o. fure purchaainM ««Isewhere. I"Q can always find and Novvmb««r. Tearfien' Institute lutely pur»«. wuh riuaky wing*, darker at th« i*a e. present pen»“ u .• gistaticn fee* tn •• aigmf- , eather tom lied bottom, th»* low nr |»ri» o on hand a full i«ne of The foll«»wt» g >a tbe ptograu«n»e of the pale brown l»g«, back fed and hairy cant. What i» il to lead tu? Tue «le-| it had rcftiticri m thia eotititry. Tnen it ih xi in>iiluie u> ibe Ja« kso*> county teacli* al’-nntc. There are twobioo U in a ie«r. iiiarelB for n xt v* ar can ha*d>y f 1< foii'ideniy became ftcan-e. The wupj ly er»' Bs*oci«tion, w mm w :1 be ne d a< Med Ti e niagtf« t- »»f one brood live at th* [ short ui |200.000 00.», even if nu luth •• >ia i been growing »mailer for »onie tm«e, t Kd « B bsinolM} , feept 23, < ummei.CiDg ut I I n onb minvtb tri yu»om»: f*AiC n-ns, g . u I. Nrwuuiy; joint« of the Mr w in th»- «t r ng and be riaee Country fet»»re. JAH MORION. Ma efter .W- «I/*»- Orej/MM. b(Antan< un« palu-kiling atr«*mrih«*nmg plas­ v « m • iuuh I v , F A.Gelx. ginning of »ummer. Thi« d-«cri|»ti<»n '••r all pit’p »>♦•» m lb00 were |60.056.754. »kn a annnaliy into America PROM -. \.X 1 KAM 1" ihext w*t FilOX Y ALVINA: . 1 ter ____________ Wi'.'am tt Vail« ■y Friihiv. \uxuftt B« mirii Z m . April 18 !Rh8 Arriks - on — M. p d'ttw ng. J E. Weis w«»ul I t»-nd to cot i fit m the op mon tha’ 71 Tula year we r«>r«id thr»e i in*— <« • -tidd» nlr t»«*gan to ox|«oit I id««-, wi« h the Willamette Vrtiivy. ^iiturdny. Ja y 11 M »!1 in ’ . Augii«! Will Ul ! ’ »• V » ’ • . . •» n»r, uu>»y wme, Nitas i>attic Newbury; thv worm now alt«acting ao mnch atten* ■tiioUnt tor |»e»'«i««iiH ab'ne. T* « a» t g ut in oitr own market. Onr cow i i -»>!«),Äu>ru**t MORRIS M. HARKNESS, 21 Thui-.l.»> . Auirust W I Hiu.-tf Va¡ M Wtllam Iti* Vali >. Sat inlay. August. v««e»l iuu*i- . P. A. G- tx. .31 lion ¡»the identical la* * re aF»«>v** men* •nlinarv exi*eno wat«-rb> the thou»* Will4 n It«* Vi*. \. Sunday. AuKurt.. VH\mXKV AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. .. ■ WllUiuvttc V*.¡i >. T u «* s M«> . Auxuít All u.eiitb»*!» o! me sb * o < iation are ex* :on»*4,lt being th«- B**eon«i-njtne*«•*, ttri-ifun. The company reaerv«*« tin* rigid to ohaiu * I»< a late report of the «lepartment <4 lur. » « >11 t»e »wed d bv nea* ly f 10O.000.* g*« at »tat ding armies uf I’. i’ope. Tin » refindrd. Jackson count) a’e r« ques e. Y<»ur »cb«»uis will uj eu bbuu< Hept. l*t or agriculture a worm ia de-cribed «a'b-d thio. a>“i more tl an iiali ui the to'ai oi I -r.ee of rough leitinr i > <|'ta*frtip!cd IL IL amt llivcr r»-* tt at Ci«n *.lli-< an I llb.uiy. t with th * «». Mcu tn Atxir « huildinr. Er* "t St re* t. ""X. 1« F old dm a 1 raln-t c»n so«»i> thereattei, aid nu uuubt y<»u iu.»y wht-at straw worm, wh ch a *sw r* mnch 134 * 0-10.000 w ill br »p nt in i»eii«ion8. We »•nee Uftt Januarr. If now B iciiuh L ^/b***V PO8ITIVE i RSh »NS. I- K »te Tn k» t« «le :*r Sjpiim- r EX' ’ ! gain ruauy g'-ud po uts which will be ut the »atne de-cription. Ii'8tan n mt- t » Y : i I1 in« H’l.i r- turn. I vnlue tu y««u m y« u> winter’• work. <1 »as’rouK effects to wl-»at ciop« a»e ihiuwn un the pairiuiiem of any one and go into leather f« r ail it i» worth »-lie f.j Jy ATTORNEY AND C(»r\*ELOi; .AT law , n to t<» euro cure any f«»rm b-ru. , Ufticerp— F. A. <»e k. president; H. C. cited from Kanea« and California. The C. C. HÜCUE, ' * nf n*r\»».i* dl"f - a»t* XA 1 w ho object-to thlMimtiiuiiBe exp enditure. can e«»on pay ti at d* bt Wh < ii ma 4e the ( C. H. HASWELL Fat-« r. »ecie a y Cuiuiuitie« . C 3. Price, Osti I k. A I'. Au'1.1 ' i', o l: < r <>r any »*r(/Qn. Ihû’lt.A P. U’t, • ir«’*. Or»af«»r. I. B Ra^iuonu. Mias» Auna Fischer. JACKSONVILLE» OR. th.« kv 3. .ativeor- « < I V|.> jt^omi’ry Ht.. Han Franci*«'«» Cal. in the eecen«i joint. The effect i« t»» • j »lour re iuf iiigi ih being t«u 1* up an«i »tilt ra*»«*d for their hide*» al »he lhe '»«4 gK«!-» ol eithrr*»i t •Vlll prtu-U«-»' in «11 c«»uri«of the rial«’. k whether ari>li *“ . »■’ / X >* • ratine the head» to turn yellow or white •eel toe heartirat gi»od will f«»r the vefrr- being f«>r Bi tne r» aa n <•: Iittie worth. in th»* Court H »us«*, third .i.tur t»> left ot •tv dve/ fmintbeexoeMvc • />* _ I S tati or ohm , C ity or T. lido ( «s. ami die hrfon» filling. It 1» probably atiH of the war. The money doe« not trHiicc, BtfCRC um ; of Hi 1 umlauts, AFTER Li'«'*« C.ifSUT. i H'llE LNDERSIGN’ED HAVE FORMED A Tobacco or Opium, or throuMi joutnful m«ll«cr-> one or the other of 'he ab< ve named come out uf «»»me in« xhaUrttble lionrd, T he F ahni . k »’ A li i * m f — l .e t st.n- J R. NEIL. 1 «•«»partnership with an auth. r.XH«l capital of tl«vu. over Indulgence, Ac , such as 1> h »* ui Eraln F bk . sk J i -------- UKN bv - -------- iu»k-k osih tb»! he ÍP arva» which is appearing in Pa ouee an »orne Réuni tu <*ol»-l«ier. It is pa'd i-rs’ Ailiancs lim u«- 1 • I ur ti|*un $»,0w for th«* purpose of carry mg oo a Gener­ Power. Wakefulu«*»s, P-varing down Paine tn the Ih. leni-' part« er of the h m-.f F J. C ub ATrOHXBY A«ND COUNSEl.OU AT L.W pt lge", •!•» t >r« likbkeie, al Bunging Um«in«*M tn all of its brauche» in bark.iiemlual W'eakne«», Hystarla, Nervou»« >‘r • « < v , «iUlDfc. bi-bil'» |I* the City ( t wtuutfi Ide thi« aeaaon. 8» far a« we f»urn money r.tised hy taxing the rit t. -in* lawyer«, XKT A o Jiu-k^mvillv, Oregon, office at the old stand tration. Nocturnal KmlMions, le-corrbn>k'-i. and real-estate 'Ua ers. In Ne­ «fort*-« •/«•rAawMrtH», (ir. — Uitiy — and ..... t*i»ir ---- . ---- --- _ d, M»-d are abli ’o learn, th»« Feci“ n ha* been of the United State«. o» Bu« kinan's Hanking Hous<*. H. E. corner Cal­ itn«*sa. Weak Memorv, Ixws of Power au( ti»«* !*tut». Otbc« C C. BEEKMAN, HVNDRE1* DOLLAKs :or on b «ni .v-ry hrre»ofo e. It i» a matter for conjratu'a- ing it fr->m th - vit xena. When ha f of whom they propose to I. oe >tt; natni-ly oM a»re and ¡naan'-tv Price ll.uu ab»«v. ¿boxes cnsr intueCvJurt Hv>uw« nr»t U»s»r lo ivtt ot « u ui lATAKKII ib*t rsiuiotri, cureii ri« n that >t* apiearnnce now ie limited the total amount oi revenue g«»e« fur a n.-w»pa|Hir men ami all tom« or v the usv uf H all ', i a T ahbu 1.! and not gene*al. It a;*pear« only here new »y>hm of p «or rate» it ih not aur- iii.s who ahull punt, t ul li-li or ulioa to 1 -hi e» err fs 0« or ter re-elvc-t, to r«»'*in1 the money li FK a NK J. < HhN'EY. and th» re in apot« over the fields. It' p i«ing thnt even »be fiiei.d« uf the poor U- published in then pap -t.-iny di»|iaiag­ , Permanent r :re !• not effected. We have H. K. HANNA, tìwori' lo brlore tu« s- d -uo-i rib- u 'U t ' •’»•an«!'» nf tc*r|m«nia *• (-tno‘4 an«! younff. luy prese et, 114* 6lh tlsy t Detenne , would b” a ii'i terof interest for fartneia foh«»nld ’»eg-n to herniate and cry, enough ! ing aoril or e* nt> n<'t< agau.et any of the AiruKNEY ASÜ t(iL'5'EU>K AT L.IW, f both sexes, who ha*. •» been per-: aneudy «-nmd to make r* incal exam nation of grain ef­ — hxjmtnrr. candidates who -h n!. H e . lliance. When lii »•■ !i-iy- agrieu’- fected. and n«»te and rcniendrer anv new I l A W.G lzk ^ i X, ./.eX-voHV.It«. Or. fee* pft th*» largest h V r 'M of THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. ]’K't i Noiary l’uiJie. d tc« v**riea rohne<*;ed with ltd» late arri­ Qi ay ' b KhbULUiioN —Q ia> ’» ul j ct in turi.i« make np their n..rlig tub r» ’ U 'iuii, WlilCIi r«ined tl.ev deal in iio lialf-n.eaiU" and the in Orto * br ck. up-etair«. For ««It' *t City Drue Btorc, Jacksonville. while they will boycott evety in dividual are al«o curn n» <4 the prevalenc-* <4 ’he up fui ü a rumi’Uf* in the amate, tue re Emit Grower's Meeting. ««me or « ft’milar p»«t in the W Ila cidi ul wluci! will b** a forced vote un thè wliu speaks, or all •» < t ' be «pok«n in J. J. HOUCK, - and • rhe annua exhibit of t« e southern Ore Walla val'ey I ftf-lltPDCW Npecirnene of »ff»-«te«l t-nfl m i Mini ihr |*u«ip n«-ineiit of ti.e hl« presence, any wot.I or NOTAUY PUBLIC AND CONVEX ANtEK. y*n F»u t Gruw«rs A-euciation will take irrogatorv to the I«tth ti.lu 4 »I k !.ay- Tliftt uft grain, together wnh the larva» have viecliuii hin, >H < »eat enough. In *.»uth»-i n i »reg.>*i. Tb« «e mill-« ar«« n -w inHiiufarturing th«* !•■ h ! gra-b- •• rt »'ir » V r off«-r*-1 l'tiece at tb>* fnir gr«»und8 near Central VINES AND SHRUBBEBÏ m . unit i ed. etc.. t*«»int, Jackeun county, ut> Munuay, fe«*pi. >w»en »mt to *-xj»ert entom»)!«>g'»t» wnh iute and uìim rupiiiou* pomiciati can Heed. notice. All ord«-™ t»> mail i»r in person will receive prompt attention. Witlil.fdd tli reír ■uycott? Wi.l they 224. Th«* district tor a»A»»ciati«>u b»«> h V-ew of mhcwi twining exactly wi ar i» loreæe that tue pacage ut Die Foie*- on the northwest coast. Will attend toail busun»••»*» in rny line with _________ iiu'ii us, th.ir ftuila, their *i»e«ily tl ruwn *'J ftu a the gates to th« ihi* inarci exciting »o n uch n»mmeni tu>l would DlOet Hllll hU UiU«ll tllnap iir-ad.tuif« prompt mim and at rt-are'imble rates. gr. un g ir— I: rou -e '«c f.*v«.r and Kidiwya «nK VT LAW. gi amnu will be pi eifti r«J f >r th »a <•<« a«*», n ."ur •» H a h«*. I'» .|x • si tìen un ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 1. l**s. Then lie i« amu a x un­ tme lovers of oor countrv. <«.vuue me l»arder w» rk»-r in in«* Urvtrd 8 »»e- publican pany. .»nd » 1 «rec attendance ot (run-grower- i* •ite, l’jfih.-« the tir, irr R -x'd, and Jarhamtrillr, \V II tl.ey threat to have ihe « xueæivu high tar fl bin • einftof g »vern »»ent! • xpr- tec iroiu a parts ut the sia»e. Tt»« Konatc than John II. Mitchell uf Or»*y< n f RiofloprrUin Apple Troca ........... will Uai elrvtl >n ul • tficer»« «4 the rt-R<»C Htl< 11 H» put» tn m«ny hour» a day now a» to* pa^a^d in t tc n eieein of the I*, non» ¡va­ •‘tin-: ‘'No compliment«, no po'Mtuea. W*».i practice in all th«' c -u» l»» tn»* H».u». 10 •• 1G “ ’• 1*CH4-h *• Nu fll.’etft, no nice fresh ei ” Ii they «ill t h place al 10 o'clock A. M. Ai did wh» n hr fir-t came to Portland, with ina ami eaMerti iiiunu|»u ¡Me- and capital Pru**cutlt»g Alt.»rn«*y 1*r lirai Judicial a •• M •• - Plum and Prune Trees - ■ I»irtinet. UM«*«* in Court- uuuhc . -Yh?OREGON BLOOO PURIFIER member** are requested P» b<* pieari I. ip«» than $20 r tn-iv and shrubt»-ry lurnl.h-il reawna- 9 t»iy. Evr*y««ne atseutni g is ex|»**t d t * Lrina. mrpl«» of < ! a’tr an>i »farted a l*»w « flice for fat-in o g in appioMi hing «'MiLpaigiiH. i «iip-liudM h 1 along tne line, they will I ROBERT G. SMITH, S»*n«1 for CatMlomie t<> .•»»■ruvihing tor exhibition,»«» ibis * xb b i i» "I am »kbRoiu’eii attain«! the immiKm>ion i he McK ntey bill la dvr-lgned Hut Olili •»»«in hrttig th«* voter- of the country to I J . H. SETTLER IKK. Woodburn. Or. ¿É. jjKlDNEYHIVER REGULATOR »«> bt tab« n io’.be North Fac fic induatiiul to fhi« c«.»tiT»try/’ho bhk I, *‘of all who to inain ain ihe raie ot plumier wioco I term«« — ffua ratfi Amc:i VTTUKXBY AND COLNHELOR AT LAW, ¡air at Portland. i «row thvm*elve« r«< naily ii’ Ht-le to there coi tuoi ant» have tor year« ♦•Xa» led •▼.rrwhere. *1 a bwttl. i sis for M. Ronrar A. Mttxax. 18.5*1 ""O GraNi’* l'a«», th»« principle* of on» country, of «11 who hum Die p *<>pie, i»ut io luvreaae l', mo a» W hl RK llGAKM ABE CftlUXUD —I have PiCrlur/lt are personally in favor of the d«-»t • u» ton to teculiip n e them loi the milli-lie a go*>i uri lus cigar Dealer in Ort)«*? in building fvrm»*r»y occuph'«l t»> Dr. fl«.ur at nmrkei ra*»P. 1 willionunue t» all mendicant«,idi.»t« or pauper-. 1 won <1 Mod Ihe Furc-* b il Uri ai« d, or al learl m In»« hat band. 1 have ►<• n a p< bee- ex- hange wi'h farmer* lor wh«».t <«i the actually prohibit Cliineae imn ’grati n, WIIU mc R muu . pu«ipt au that a Ch'naman «mokea a cigar. I l»e- or 34 pounds oi baker*» gr. de fl< ur iei nt the Ch’ne-e government »nd ’let dia»« h a«i| p ‘i.ei.la. A full hue In stock nf bushel an.i nine pounds of feed. Ex­ retimi««. I believe in the digni'y of c« Hadi eiliiri, lut Ihe larineia aud ia* iiete it ie » ruin that no Chinaman nhall With this Taint y<»ur old shlnf I«* r«»)ts can b»* change limited, to family us« a. in farnn r'r American labo». ai d I ward iodo evriy- I m .re»ft * f Ihr coilidiy ate Incoming eu »moke a cigar nn’p afler h<» ha* cut Lia GENERAL BOLDING MATBUIAU J«ck*'u\lll«, Rrvg'>n. mud»’ better than they w«-r» wh*n new. »neks. Will gUMraittee the output ot the think? I can to protect it. I »in al««» in t'iuroiigtiiy aruua -d ami are biconi ng mj qu <>•. 3.-io«e tiiMt lie MDukmihe cigar- No more rot. No m»rr lvak>’ roofs. E-timaU s and price-list «<-nt on application Butte creek mill»* to be equal to the best favor of y<«»l im-iiigrant»«, and 1 w»>ul<1 writ iiii'HUi'd up o ihr ufonairuiu ii.- t e. I t eve» knew when* John kept Purveying of ali klu'it dono in a Qi «t-cl.iN«» Nn more r«K>fs to takv nre. il- ur tuade in Houibern Oregon. manner an«! at r<«at->u khi«* rat« ■«. 1 m C'gar Ot clgMirtt*«. YoU hitU favor desirable f r igt>er> a« fat «» q nty ul ih«* i r 11 »■ 1 that i’a pa-aag», COIN THY ORDERS A SPECIALTY. A. J. D alit . ^“Special attention pan! n. can principle« Hint had lived here louv *an! mot et ami «yaiemaiix d p *n* -in<’king la f »re you kn »w it. Il is still K K 8 I n E N T It E >' T I 8 T. To s.wmili turn and iho-r or'.r.tln« cit t»'n« in the p«tn<»t:c >en^r of the Mill rot out. Y«iu must paint your ut bili» ry am» con up-»un c*n wm again a qu-etion aium g li e la at of suji L'TB as niwal roofs or th »y will rust out. m.ihiurrt inrouib<*ru Ureacn: nr h»vr woid ’ —.V 1’. iTor/d /nteri’icv. Wr«ifor»i. Orrtf*»n. aa it did in !.. tine he uiav be to where is the N* m piare to carry a This paint Is nu experiment, lt hns stood th«* kilned « tint, ikigr irnn l.tho in cur hit fest of tioi»» and we can give you thous- faut, and burr a flm-elar» ma- binisi lu .« f »linri Vftlive oil luukei l« igar if you ar«* not etnokiug it. J. C. LEE, M. D., T r KKH MX lll*Nt>BkD AND F1FTY F i -KT UliNiak« U. amik of t«»nt hnonials that are josrjn Mo-s, who is i-rrfarrd Mt all liium truui a tree-t« p, il 1 >uks aa if ihe KepUb in'llrtputablc. to do ernrral rr|iairiiig, and design and T all .—Plot. Find ti. Fitimmer. the vol1 beau maaage»» w- »e t»w«w«et» the devil F H ï S IC l A N AND 8 L* H U K O N . And Importer of J oawvin ’» Ben S on .—The Aaldand d«- makr nrw iron work By rrnd’nr yonr »•nglneir of Tamma, says: 1 have been Of tliu FranchiHCH and Privileges granted to F. 11. ROWE Cmtrtil l'utnt, Ovrffoit. teeiivr. were watching the train, and work io ua i ou ran grt il doni* tirltrr and all over tliis country and have th« be-t and Hiv de» p w -• —E’oit Fitday and Saturday, hav- I.ionbvr will br taken f'-r pay at niarkr where WI at do yen think of the«e prrv ai» lice ol ii» Jep«i<, tue state boatr iahasisrU-il a « mhiii g to tl»r peun.u.ary. His real name i. lf.l p « pie «f filai Male. Whiie h«»pe Miller and lie i. a eon of Jouquin Mnler, vrntor "t this paint haa spwHt many yrara In wh»t ts more 1 have -eon th- m and I JarkMiNVil r, Or**a *«. perfecting a paint that wuukl stand the atorin, Rich Mlnssln Lsnt County. KI LL LINE OF THE liRBT AND MOST r«»ì(», Oregon. October 4, 18^9. made an n-t>niu*nt«l m a-mement iMbi«»miblr cloths, finishing», etc., «m- .li**eaM«* I h ii:g bivU.Ill vVal Ao the Pa­ other man a iio w.s Id« cell mate go-a by OiB *« «nd r»whlwn<*e »»u ('aUf«»rma .«tr«*»*i. Ihe Bubi tnia ti-ii cx-t «4 ('«»ttsie year. It tak«* time to teat the wear ut a roof nmnber with I hat remit Th* re are |ol>- «tiintly kept on hnud. nu «»r nitfut. {'Mint. A rtMjf ink«»« all th«* atornia and should Grove i»te Mtira« lit gcunMdrr»»l»le Httm"on ■ •f trees near the base of .Mount Tat ■ m . cific coafot, by ti»eai»a ol come of ih«* the name oi G-or.-e 1» vine, but is tealiy cla«Mi work turned «»ut. st present «nd pruxuift» «o be «be bv-t j ay- All i»r«lerH fill«*«! promptly at rviuionabie H*painted. r esilierà thal plv ItefWet-ll tini« couutiy a brut tier oit c eHti|«il cunvkt at.d a It. P4YCE. M. D., rat**** vid sat isfiici *.»ii gunmiil»*»««!. ing mine«« in Or* g*«n fl «u»r <»! the in« n wlioae foliage is so far above tin- ground and ibr Oiieiit. lo no country wiiwe il M>n of Joaq t ■ . ^i-t rge is serving a ONE OOAT OF THIS PAINT A. JAKHICK. that it is impossible Io tell to what fam- th«*»*e have p unded out as high as 125 PHYSICIAN A X I> H U U G E O N. ir provai ••ni «luea il sliow any SigUt* «J a-.ntence for larccry < i>;t m tied in eastern M *«D»»r.l. Max Li I<*••!> 1« rmml tn three coat« of any 01 h« r paint, and w<»r h o! g*"d a drty. Mwny claims have lv tl.ey belong except by the hark will last three time« longer. D will take the b»«*n lucaicd there reeen» y mh » i tbe gold Very few people know or dream of the abateiuent ; bui, on thè coiitrary, «a Oregon. Brdfurd, Orrgon. warp out of ahingl**« an«! mak»* thein look like fever i* *pr» affing. Dr. Oglesby, of Cottage immensity of our forest growth. I wish Hi»rra*niig, and, noi wiibatanding llie MAM t'Ai Tt KEKS <'1 alate. Address Ufloala William« Brick Buildinr, up-ataira. ti«»n on the pari ui Tre conferet.ce reio«! on fi.«» J 'int f&r F. K. 11YHEE. and refuses to sell f« Lomion. lt has b«-en •n Oklaborna «a» |iB»«ed by cungrt«». jAlKeONVIl.IJt' ... OllEOON. negri) f »•!)’ yeare «luce choiera spj*ear* d ¡< directa the app icat on tf the un« -x- PHYSIC I AX AND HLRGBON A New RxlirokJ. 4n thiacoa»*!, t>ut ìt may come upuu u« prnded halanne of mot.ey br relief cf •ur- Medford, Oregoa. The whol. of the pvrm.tistit d»T» through Jackdon and J<»«rphlnc coun- al any lime, and ita laiitgrs wuuid la* i etbuna in the ff on» uveifl »wed liy tli« vey and »»tvng of eta-t. et«k.» on ihe tlr-« for T herb hihl ie-n received at 1 be pen ieriiblr, dei iinaiihg oui p-ipiUation lo M Mtie.tppi to relierc the ,>e..ple oi Okla- Office on Main »trout, in Child«*rs building. Con- Bay «itti Kotthurg ratlt'-iad t» con>- »ioti • ftice over 380,000 a| plication« un Cali« promptly attendai to. day and nlxnt. ► uch an » nei»t that i! ao'iid r» qu re a hi ma ren.iered dcMituto h> tt e tun x- p elee to Vllcreitv ami tl>. Work f» beiti,- AT CENTRAL POINT, der the d» pendent pen»ion bill, arid ih» «levade tu iccovhi . The i«»»r I h •*! neaiib atnpl. d donght tl-ere And tl.i« end. the pii.h.'t righi ait*i>g. The g'stl'ng af-para- U» etu) ie not yet, a«, although the daih ON. A. J. LAPPEUS, ni» b«a bwn »bippvti troni H.t I>-g- ami or evt*ry city «I < n d be preparo«» f-.r aneli «Text Oklahoma I kmi BI. Tteat ccumty Any kind rai»c«l in « ftntt-clas« Nursery. » e, on .Ipreird ,-n 'he in.y. Giudi g »ili average of new caBe« received decrease«, a Vigilai ioli. Every city ahuul»l iin«i«-rgu emt •>uc-i in pilhlie «Iwtarbnnce and P H 8 1 V 1 A N ANU 8 V H U E O N. Tb'"«.-wnnting tr«M*n will do well to give too The patiniate b- in fub hia.t in l >«ti .i ly ¡ a l fo« by their orders. »“ I wHl guarantee nut ¡«faction. Central Paint, Oreaua. constantly on band a ooiuplete •ai- ,tn Ih. r, ad w 11 bv pn»h.d t-- L'<«iuili* made at the titoe the act wa« pending c<»uld do no barin eveii il ihe < boterà «iid 1 warrant all aiy tre« •. if properly cared for. Where Is k»pt the tk-ouiers. » city a, fa»; a» pos-ibl», ,») s th» 'H- 'ultl " and firat-clRM »t«»ck of wa-« 300.000 ca«p«, which wa», nh ihr»e Terinnof payment enay. PnMluce tak»n at Call« atteaded day or noriit. not re«cb u«. market price. IBOfilb»*. of P«*achHeed wanted. figure« »h«»w, entirely t««> email, and H N i MTC x X VLAXS ago a lin’iot cout.t* , A. R. JOHNSON. »•« now «tauri that the total numberm«y Arfvtnc. OR. S. DANIELSON, Jacksonville, Oregon, Aug. 1.1HB3. P reventing II» fk < m M llting — Min.,, 1.1 ."ei rein«'- ! t > .11 Ins liaugtiu-i r»-ach o'er had a u»iB on. Ii will tak«- “Keep vour head cool — v«»ttr feei warn*— Phyalo-Mi’lical ft • r» al<* ll.iv» u» lvU< UlifltfN that will go in a can ly-|ul • -he Wen’ tnuugli y«.tir tiwr active and tmat iu 8 V K fl E O N, pM’i»n'. Y«>u van regtt Me the ac»i«»n of clerical force in «»ilice, and the bulk ol Iron» uirluiig mw y, if the li«'Ua» k» ep»*i drove up to tier lattivi'a door, litted out Jh-tlford, Dr«g<»n. v ur liver, kid« ays and bowel*« bv using ttie uMuip» wi 1 nut get on « he penaion u I only leuieiiib. i them. One I», Dial her .leveii children, coolly took mg this fiscal )ear. I» to keep ice WS'UI 1« the « ay 10 keep it wrap, ami a«toN>a»ied Iler lather by de­ r»« DufacCuiV«! !»pw hnl'D bhw-d purify.Dg remedy. For nale «•old. A piecool “*e hi a pitchet, witti a flating that she Ual concladed to return Arwi the ftr-c r».«-ice<»f nil »•xi-ert*. in calibre* 8L t»\ K. C Bro- Ma. p«duY«rthe pilch» r and a »ng over the and atay home, aAe iittie folk« wh»» sell f-uD M Wi iifiir«!. Ori-gnn. n A Iti TH for worfcinanabiD and stock. Uurl.nlrdfor Ashland d»*t nt m «ke « «»r‘iderrb e di < n* y, tha Quaker Dairy. No. Sfi Ellis Ft. San Fr»nc!«co, (« an eve»y dai, «mi »nap »aucy fingers /a nil Ike N orlrf rker- i. 6wl an* Car. flnlah« »lurnbtlity and accuracy. Do Ofllcv in Hamlin** Ili»» k. Re»i«h*nc<‘ on f piiny, Milwaukee Bottled Beer, Schmidt »< ami »irr Í*, <••«» F«-rd Mlli’O", ten year»» test wack Mnt ti.e following letter to the Edwin at ttie mdk teat due« not dare to get i-c d«n*el«»*>l by cheap maUrahU irvn Or. Ilaine. l.nlken *prr1Br. • •firn soi«t for the* genu Luc arilcie. They are unr* Streit. o d. l»uuirbt wo lot» in Me. L rd ab«-»nt two W. Jnr C a . • Hable and dangerous. Tito Sarra ft WMaanii Ra- ft can tx-giv.-n Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla now 1 . 1 for, h T’ttg niB'te the greater part <»f And «•verytblDg else fmairlnab’e In thia line. a ntreft perfect Ia«Ut upon hartng ibam, and tf My g«»ñd» are new «nd «»f th«h«et brands, and the m« n-y iy»«D'i»g fruii at me dein. for months with sp lead id result* and ftliouhi he in e»e > liar baml ; l»u' the it. etf.i-tinv a epvetlv nli'l p 'Ill.-n*nt i tire, P H Y S I C I A X .AND Al’ R G RI » X. > ur d ’ -airr cannot surply re*, aa ordereeuStoad confín. wir b« «old Mt tba In«t yrar, *ay» the “ ridings." ,i r.-^* b’ low wQi robH vs prompt a««snsina. With wbettier ’he i*auent • a m *t* rate n dru k id-l av- he. n ' Hied wbohavetaken BM1TU di WIMROI. •-V» ry aide, ’ lie Way a piego of | Will tea FaUJonahia. Durabla Clothing. Call« promptly Atttmd«*d t» Day or Night. and getting the »y*teB «farted right, MrlatOold, Hana ihe Go *te- b|*ec Re in th-ir <■ tfee without Dfflce on 0 «trr<«€. Ot VC me a call before »«tin, • arnrher». an oc«nu!onal dove thereafter keeps ke» p is m j ke. th-ir koowleilarv, a< d to-dav believe they J. B. Hollrwr, otir live merchant tailor. J.C.SHKKIItAN. quit drink'nrot tbeiy o«n fne will No the systiru in parted condition. A hn.*< a full line of the tinr-t ch* and DR. W. STANFIELD, J. ». WRITSMAN, Vice-rr»»sid«'nt. W. F. READ, Prc:d«nt i ..rinfili rtlert re» It. tnim it« adtuini.ira- peculiarity of your r»iretsbla com­ Irituminga <»n hand tor suit« and naatf*. BurftfcM’• Arnie" E L E T T I C T H Y !« IC I A X. t.-n. Cur* » ritarani. eo. bviul fori-in nlar which be in prepared to iunkp tip in the pound Inexplicable tome 1». that It J. K. ELDERKIN, and MaragAr ÏR RALE. 301P. ACRES OU LAND-HO The be«1 waive iu the world for Cut’ «■■■I lull Oarti* ul i- Add • --n c..i lieei ce Lit»st style«. A p**o» P* 1» *ev«r «Unwed Hfia l«M*at«*ri in AchlRftd, nr., f«»rth« prftctlc«* J L. COWAN, Trcwurcr acres of farm land In the ralìey, ir-od fur does not Io*e its cffe< t. but seems U Bruise» >oref . Ub rn» . >alt Rheum. »•! h!a pr.ifoMeiun. M-dsr ■» ill «*nr-»nic -li**«»«•», E'eve1 (HILDKN -I‘E< 11 1< < it . 1- - ilare A good farm and »»UM*k ranch.containing 160 1 to leave tlie «h*’p. C m 1 on him and you aeootapHsh the same results c«>ntiuuftlly. As » fruit or grain. 1 ■y «tick a» Rhcu unkt Inn». Asthma. PII» Kidney Sores, letter, < 'nappe«! Hami* _ _______ _ Cincinnati. O 0 n>- ftcr««; 10fi acres umlcr f«*nce, 1W acr«w in rulti Ì. I will Hr guaranteed sal iftturtbjti . His pt ires Two th niKaiid «11 hundred acne f«M)t-hlll < bilhla.li». Complaint», rtr.. a epArialty. Uv*r and bowel regulator and corrective lt is per Corns, and alinkin Eruption» atoi posi­ and inmmtain-Mdr land.gnn«! for fruit, dary- vat Ion. Good house and outbuildings and »requite regenneble. 1(1 i Ing »ralot’krftlsfng. Th!« tnwk nf land has nrixraary tatrn ro»m. Fruit anuugb for a faction. We would not be without it !□ nu» tive cures for Piles, or tii» i ay required II Tbe M«*rld Lnrirbcd.^, tl over H»*vi»n mil« • of f» n<*inu, dwell!nr-hmiar. «infill family. Two living springs «>n the plac««, ». M. BENserT. M bouse. In fact I hare Juwt b< aght a dozen hot i- guaranteed t«» give perfect» at Mart on nr a«*t»M*l. «Imd uf 9ûft'»-f, and pl<*ti!> of living handy for stock and irrigation purnoaug. rbe The fa<-iiines <»i t* e prett o dai 1 r the money refuii de hors««, harocas, w«Mr<>n. plow, harrow cult I va - Call on or addreiui J. H. HERRIN. A. M. Rnwn. nf 52T Jones street. B. F.. a!*o F‘<«r »al« t»v al’ lrugg»«tr Twe» 'hoti«»'d bu-h»l< \ A shin nd. J mi kann C«».. tir. N'ealm «t nnl'ti *ted. and when Syrnn of and all n«*rc«rt^- hand tools. The place Is l«> tboifr.nd bti»b-l« '•! b«rh y «nd on. -p n writes tha* It has N«eu his habit for years v Office ;»t pr«*a«'ul Mt the llorfh y H«»tel. rated IhrtM? miles uorthweat of Eagle Point, of matched bay h< •»•». w l' brollen t.i bar- awake in the mnrnitiV* with a b»»a«ia« he ann a •* finir tn t'nrr All fikm K p «ra» firn pro*.uM i ebaccr. For particulars cnqulnk>n tbe place I t r • » thnr’-J-«. !'• n*c other r«*m«*dy. A*k fnci.M' a- y Pme, and >b b» Her it ig anowB ir.rr *’.t 'n .-.»ph •->* .^n »• «Xa'A.Tnu^-'î'Lmy f “ ’ ' P r u ’ r ‘ e, '' r > ulDBaiCKM ; HH1IDUU Sue cu'e — 1 ’ reaton'» "Hed-Ak. " yutu «tewgist for S vayrb ' s U lxtmxmt . A. i «•, F “J j Av*. New Yurt the lavra popula « It oecviurt te BMd« fur U F i -T \TF (M OKI iOMo , C. 3. Senat nfm , J. H. M*tcn« •!. J. N. t».»lpu. GungTCrt-unan, H. Ilcrmnuu; G »verier, S. i'- u- lb*7er; ^’rvtftry of Mm»*, Gvuno» W. M«*- ffahi«; Stat«* rr^a.urer, (*««•». W. W»*hb; State Print««T^’. C. Baker; Hupt. Publi«* lnatructl<»n. E. B. McElruy: Supreiu • Ju ig«**«, K S. atrahan. Chief Juteice;VV. P. L«»rd, It. H. II -an. riL4.mpnrtitig Jack* »u. J«>*<«'i»niiH*, L»ik -«nd Kfaioatn ouuuti«*»; Circuit Ju«U , L. K. W»*b- I •t-r, Dirtirlct Attorney, W. M. Colvig. iackhon cor v : v S«*nal«»r. Tnuo. Laincruu; K.*pr«., nt.itive**, R. Furry. J. »V. M Tritt. J M M«*r.»l!; i .«»»nt) Ju u»-, j. K. Neil; (•■«-ui»i<— •“ r«. (. w Tuy. l»»r, rt *n. K *y »ui r; A» n .-^^ > i , I. L. H< n rv. Joint Senator, W.M. » lair. K jpre-enial« H 11 Miller; C »uutj Ju lx *. V. Colvig: r< iaiateun«*rii, C. U. lhxe!o«r, P. HaiiMruit'li rk, <’. K. <’n t oh lor; inert if. Jam * C. M *.«»; Tr«*ai«ur- er, J. »V. Ma»*. *r; l*«-*c«**ar, K i . I< trtu >n, ffehucl Hupvrintvn lent, W A. Mwai»; .Hurv««y- or, C. W. Haven«; Coron««»*. Dr. Walhtc»*. KLAM V TH LOTS IT. Joint H.*n.4t >r, U. A. C ni*<* «I >»f LnkK *p- rMuntativc. A. 4nIder of L ift •;. C »unty Ju lx»*. J H. U.ri C j u u.-»*i »n r-. »V. C. Ci t»vf »r I. C. H. .WlV-trw Cl.Ml. A. L. L ivitt; Mn-riff. E. W. OMvaMi Tr«i<*r. J. T. Fortoea. LAM.« COL'MTV. . J«Hnt Baanf'M*. C. A. Cue swell «rf l^k* • SKINS SILAS J. DAY, < >r«;gou M«*•*«**»* PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FREICHTS &. FARES THE LOWÇST. No Rheumatic about me! Clothing Boots and Shoes. Gi ooeriea. Hardwi re BEEKMAN & REAMES’ The Celebrated French Cure, BANKING HOUSE, w:^‘APHRODlTINE”r... . Ktsssäß ts C. C. Bstómari E«ii. Medford Roller Mills MEDFORD, OREGON, Ill'S. WOODBURN NURSERY W ONLY TULL ROLLER PROCESS MILL Fruit, Shade Ornamental and lint Trees t£&y*/un(fer ^ÄlGON^OODFüRlflU. Test »he Flour and You Will Use No Other. NO APHIS ORLICEONTREES. PRICES : Jackson County Bank. Li “ •cü’Kraíií^ ■ ~ M Ei>roi< i>. J. C. CARSON, Does a General Banking Business, and Buys and Sells East­ ern, Domestic and Foreign Exchange. i-:. BYBEE. Sash. Doors, Blinds WINDOW AND PLATE GUSS N. H U R V E YOU. F MONEY LOAN ED ON FAVORABLE TERMS TOLO! Tolo Townsite and Milling Co TAKE PUBLIC NOTICE Asidos Roof Paint! GARRICK, M «• rehn.n t T'iiilor Foreign and Domestic W nolens, Etc., Durable Fire and Water-Proof Paint A J. w. WALKER. J. H. GRIFFIS. GRIFFIS * WALKER, White I’iiie, Yellow Pine, Red and Yellow Fir Lumber, GOLD HILL, OREGON. r SHING SEAS SAS FRUIT TREES By the Thousand I T HARDWARE AND TINWARE DEPOT FRUIT TREES 4 SHRUBBERY, JOS. C. SHERIOAM, PROPRIETOR. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS SAW MILLS ON SAM’S CREEK. HARDWARE, Stoves, Tin war o. Cutlery. ’WoV"F SMITH & WESSON 8 WINE AND SPIRIT PAINTS OILS MERCHANTS, OF ALT DS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. NAILS. ROPE. 63 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. Lowrtst Ruling Prices. Choice Lands For Sale r sir i n s c o„ , The Farmers ami Merchants Insurance Company , CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000. PAID THIS PAPER Farm tor 8ale F alb ; Ul’. SíOO.OOO.oo r. OREGON. NEUf new YORK iunior WS DIOICI District Vt 0. MEOFORO OREGON EMORY GbHdrxn Cry fw Pitcher’! CattcriK