ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE il iíi I I I • J J. Murpbv and Wni H«ri ; xpect »o ! [opeo <* liuicncr sh »p in Asn an i. ;u the ! » mnidin^ owned i»y Ni 'fi.d* -»ro« . th!H ! W w »,».- rK. lattai A SHOPPINC CUIOE. SHOPPiNC BY MAIL FI S. Lyman, secretary «>f »be Oregon Has i’ ev»-r r». cur red to \ uii.tren 11.* reader, I/)CAL NOTES. ; that you- hum e of he»»v**n w ill be greater Pioneer Association, whs in Ashland Fri- «i» bor’ -aing >>»ur neitfbb »r’s pa A. L. R-uter has return*«! from ( olcatin i .n ..ai i I ■ t 11 u Aarl v I. i«t i irv per a> «1 < !l around at tbi« otfl e and sub­ and »lata comer« !t»g the early h*3t »ry and Look out for tires. Bu’i»r ar. J . .*g3 arc-carcc, especially Ihe netilenient of this section, tn b<-placed in Shopping by mail atlurda ad van! agon ft require« no eiperience to Older scribe im one • f your own? . Allil’S 1 Mr*. A. Gray, wh • bus best» ¡siting her former. . ttll’A the archives of the association for future The White is still king i for smne Music wiil be plentiful at the coming refer» rice. One uf the principal parties he .-ou.VV.8. Gray of Lake err. k, ♦oont of tov.n people which are of rpw- ; from Oa. «»nr illiMtratod CUolorue— .Mr. Tryon Del Norte < ounty, Cal., ’: district fair Tne executive committee raint) to interview was Capt. Thus. Biid'h, weeks, returned home to Calif* iuriila a lew iu t«»wu. Reati the new advertisements. A (TlANuE. days since. .. .u.porttuiee. They get »dvance ! issued twice a year—gives i!lnstra*.k>ns «•iRrs fr»*e a»lmis-,io»i and $25 per ««ay to who lai«l and started the fir*t settlement Ash and’: public schoul* uni open tn Tbresbi ig is going on everywhere. With thia issue a change takes pi .ce in i anv bah.! in the district that clir-u*»i. It is a Ills sisted lha’ W il \S al-:cr, wh > was ho-nl of W»-t i x iv. • , where Claus but choice crop of fruit thia seaaon iffif’e ne*t week. b>»ks have be »1 ci >aed »nl alatenieiiis Circuit court is in session this wee*. ki l« i < M-K«-:z«‘ b’ni/«‘ I: g ’ w--vk. had a Spre kle« eataLL.-h«-»: * • ug »r manufactory, wid be -»ent mini di vtely to all indent HALE BROS. & CO. make u *K»> ! book of 100 page« ?» J»i‘y 1. 1**J Au early acitie- valley last week. TLu pui.c.v was taken uut raise»! there this season is ea'd to b* simply 4(o , tb« exunaivr dealer* in linn ai talty of thia business. Their patron-1 everything that uuuoat demsr ds. Remember that it will cc> Houon v il.jf-T fur mem is requested an I rrq.riee«L a* i he Senator Hamden next Tuesday evening. N. A. Jacobs at.»1 wife are in Ashland 8acrarnebta, was in the valley Iasi week about on«* id ititii previous to Lis death immense, and those who have gone int<> a set uf firs» < lu*-» teeth at Dr. Marcoux * mint be settle I business of tne co.npa.iy during th** week. age extends from Arisons to Alaxka, Though large and expensive, we send Cures in fifteen minutes; Preston's ‘ Hed- office at the U. 8 Hute! in Jacksonville. • at «rice. ■ iis^rs MeMorrisaml Turnerof Junction the industry are jubilant over the result. making whatever contracts he could. Rose of Sterling vills spent a day Ake.” T imf . s i’l busui . m . Co. • iiy, Mr. Hunter of Bellevue, Idaho, and Considerable difficulty is experienced in Q. N. Anderson. 8r., of Phmnix is <»n ¡«is in Anton and their trade ia constantly on the in- ! it FREE to all. It gives you prices Un.f H E. Baker of Medford Las taken town this week. secnriiiff laborers enough to gather the Jae«* »nville, July 1. lhUO. Settle whit you owe the S. F. Variety charge of Griffis A Walker’s saw-mill in Messrs. Ragsdale and Griffin of Lolo have crop There is no dnnbt but what similar way to Texas, to pav hia old home, which F M. Rob« rts of this precinct is being rrr**e. I-*0 y°n **nt to know why ? been in Jacksonville during the week, you little dream of. Store. he ha* not seen for years, a visit We Hum’s valley, ami is now conducting it. results could be expected here. " ' . -1 .. . ------------ being w itnesses befure the circuit court. wish him a pleasant trip and safe return. visited by a nephew. Crop-Weather Bulletin. T. 11. B. Taylor of Evans creek is in A few copies of the American Hettier*' Al. Williams,Senator Hamden's advance Last June, niter the great flood, 1 re- E S Smith, the mining expert, went up town. Marion Griffin of Cottonwood, Shasta Guide, standar«! authority on all land The following is the weekly rep »rt of the Jai k'on creek last .Mmiday, accompanied crived a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, county, ('al , whois interested in the Tolo agent, called yesterday. Oregon Weather Bureau.for th»* week e”d- S. A D Higgins ha« returned from Cin­ Why sutfer? Preston** “Heil-Ake' will matters, may oe found nt Hie T ime * office by(’ C Beekman an«l J. H Huffer, who Cholera ami D’»rrh»ige.* and anether hunter were 2d.3 i ami 4’h. at th«* Freabyterian church, cur« d me entirely in a short time I got C»>., at Portland, and her sister Mias Et’a. Fruit jars anti jelly glas-es at the 8 F. some smoke prevailed. tn t>>wn ia*l ttaturday with a l«»ad uf fat Ashland, w her«* lancy work and other ani- several b*»ttir* and cave it ar»»m»d among has taken charge of the Chico, ('al . <»fli«e piorvers, vi-itvd u* a few «fays since. Variety Store. • Th • rain th «t fe I wn* not suffi ient t » do venison, which ihry* ha»l i»o trouble in *e 1- • .»*-> Mil I»«* offered for sale. Mean will be my acquaintHivea who were affiict««! in the The H. F. V.»ri»*ty St.»re has just reedred F 0. CoBins of Big Applegate carnr to »« fine, new »**-ortment « f fishing tackle rve«i during the day,and a progr»mme and same way I think I gave it to a dozen any material damage to the h *rv<**te I b rot» watermelons tor sale al the S. F. ing. ice c earn will beintruduced in the evening. people, und it relievee you wait —Preston's “Hed- some • f the fines*. *(»» k in >onib‘*«n Ore­ wheat, it is though», w li no'. I»-an av.-mg... Ake. f«»r the disease I have ever know n — ha* improved considerably Mnce Dr. Dr gon, made ig a p • iv*ant call la»: Wednes­ fious- huilt i»v tuat en'erptGiug ¡ iuiie»*r,N (, (_’ Walgeruf Ashland is engaked iu Oats ami bar ey ar»»g*nera lv ytvidiiig inure Mr* E L. H knkie . Johnstown. Pa For Bar’s visit. D Julien, whi h will b formally opened sale day. Lt King the census of our mineral resources. by Dr. J. Hinkle. Central Point, and than was expected De W»tt’s C »lie and Cholera Cure • n Sept »th by an amateur Company wilt) J. N Hockers mi th of Eden prccim l was H«V is as a ru e better, as to q 1 t»il.»y The lime Quarries near Gold Hill are Is always safe and always suie. Rev T. P. Buy«! an*! wife of (.’«»Huge Hi«* -ens.Hluiial drums e»ititled’* Not <»uil- G. 11. Haskins. Medford. at the county-t-eut one day last week, ac­ reported mb dmng m line business this sea and quantity, than was ha»ked tor; the Grove visited friends in Ashlaud before The records <*i Marion county show the companied by liis sister. Mr-. P. L. F»»uii- Bun It cures headache only— Preston’s “Hed- attending conf» reiice at Grant’s Pa>8 last ty. third crop in naanv *e» ti »ns bring very Th«* officers of Banner Lodge No. 23, A. p anting <»f many tb<»n*and acies of iaut i r» vious yeur*,ai»d is somewhui as.» doing busuness in P-rilumi »’«nd tribes. bad an attack of b.Sious fever, is conva­ be will ship from Ontario to tue elisivi n a« c»»uni«d for in tbedry weather which pre­ Albany, and has for sale numerous oth**r ipated. Rev. P. M. Starr, who was so seriously in lescing. N. (>. Sini nous has removed from Sam’s markets. 1 »e u >p cr »p wil'. b» about 30,040 bile* vailed when the birds were hatching, many trai ts. The great advantage of (his ¡dan i« jured at Grant’s Pass last week, is well an»! of go xi quality In Douglas county valley to Douglas county. Harry Scherrard uf Ash'and is super n- No griping, no nausea, no pam. when of the little ones perishing for want of that it brings together in one cuniinuiiitv known here, having been resident minister tending work at Dr. Braden's mill near fruit is plentiful, wheat and oats in sections the '‘la»** of people wh»» are all engaged in several years ago. Al last accounts hia F. Manscrgh is the new postmaster De Wilt’s Little Early Risers are taken. waler. Gobi Dili. a g county wheat, oat* an i harirv are C. Buhiiuayer f»»r $2 50C. Chris, secured a i* Ji -i laying a fin- . Luge «• ss »itni.*r.t <»f bar- nearly <11 cut. The gen Ta! average vivid quantities to suit at the T imes office. Brooks'. big bargain. ngof the Oregon L tmi Company <»f r'alem, m th« furniture business with I learner nc-s. s i idle-, etc. ofwneiti* 25 bushels per acre, oat* and The K. of P. bad a “big time” at Mott, Lmn. He ib now making pr< partitions to I fib p market has been quite lively P»»rtlan W I vm h f »r. <•; !v \ - bland, barley 4u bushels. The county as a wh »le Ca .. a grand bal closing the festivities. rem*’Ve ids hou-sehold goods t»> hi* new Io and buyers seem anxious to place con- County, visited A-hlami a ’ d Col.-sti i last r< -i.i. • in E i-t 1’urriand, «»here la* g m:er- Some jears ago we were very much sub­ has a fir*i-dass yield In Siirrman wheat <«nts p« r p-»u.i«1 ject to severe spells of cholera morbus; canon, amt expects to leave JatksonviJI • si««l in a b/tibert-hop. If fails, money refunded ; Prestou's”Hed« week. He is a brother of Mrs. H. Fa low ,»'.'. Ai Eiifie-.c and b«rley are turning out well. Corn and was offered on Munday uf last.week, and and now when we feel any of the symptoms definitely with his wife in a few days. of Ashland. potatoes promise well. Good accounts Ake.” lie* Bipti.*t church al Ashland ha* been the pine had advanced to 2H cents by that usua>ly precede that ailment, such as of gram come m fr »iu Gilliam and Morr«»w treated t»» a handsome cunt of ra ni, which Dr. Braden of Gold Hili spent a day in Emanuel (’lartt. who is now a resilient of I hii'sduy. counties; in the litter barley yields of . sickness of the stomach, diarrhoea, etc., we MKDFDhD 8QU1BS. impr»»v«* it* appearancec«msiderabiy. town recently. Harney county, ch ! ed at the T imes office In the bushels per acr* are reported. A wretch lost tu all humanitarian intiu become scarv. We have found Chamber­ Don't forget to see Senator Hamden and A large quantity ot fruit ts being shipped voter».ay, accompanied by John Felling ol ♦•nee sawed »41 «me ol llf' shafts cf Savage’s lain’s Remedy the very thing to straighten neighborhood of E gut Mile “G hards are Purdin A L’I rich removed tfieir shop and his unrivaled troupe next Tuesday evening Eagle Point. la and ami daily from Ashland. nftecled bv green aphis, In I’m.-.t m-.t “ 'la threshing engine while it was lying idle one out in such cases, and always keep it re-set their forges last week. at the I • H. Hall. They have no euperiors l* ail I hai Vni.»n c »unites the wh at crop • rop ad TL that B. ar have been !«•.• uym r J. S IL-rri«*’.- i ear M»-,ii *r»i, amt wnen it Marled up last abon». 11 is somewhat similar to the usual on the road. • .... 1* of ’ . I A J. Meeker, the veteran stiingie-maker, c»iuld b** ex|»eeted. The v«l»vs Wai- Postmaster Howard has been attending ! >:nd ot 2000 sbe» p i» ihr A -bland Butte W4*«ka iuli »i «y * del iy w».scaused inconse­ cholera cure*, but seems to c»»ntain ingre­ called last Wrunv'day. Alvab ¡Lames, wh»» g now in the railway I >w » c »unfy report most hat..s»a :>.'»ry yields dient.* that render it more pleasant to take, circuit court as a witness this nerk. range receudi. J. A. Bagley, Jr., ha-» tne quence. mad *«rvicp in Washington, paid his ami that «!*» th«*;/ w rk more qim-kly. I rani* Gallow,.y mid family of Medford fl >cK in charge. In the i’«»w l'*r River va ley more tiiaii Dr. Pry< e returned home from Colestein friend* in this >ection a visit during (he ; Dr. Marcoux, dcntGt, could not i rHCiie»* Die were in town«»i: Wednesday Sherifl Dever».tix tell* us that Ju* i* subject average y.elI* bave beva Mtcìire I Several of the 1 in llii- state ut-iess h*- gr.uiuatrd from a t»> cholera iii»»rbu*. ami receuriv trit a .-pell .aft w* rk, much the b»*t(«*r for hi* trip. L»r»*p. rt of the we» K. I* ,v cr »p 111 tne stock country un* extra are enjoying ill«* ben» ft -••fan- n irt *:• iting L .rl»len Ayers :»n»1 family of Little Butte c< «?»! '••'). '»I. Hi* «.iiphmm ba* b»*rn en c«niiing <»t). when he obtainc»i a n«»ttl«- «4 > go »’» t. un 1 more tban enoiigh G >upp »«v -I « « » Dave H«.u*ri»n i- imw om »»f the railroad ditch, built by M >*’*. la\l»*r. G;c n. >. d »r*«»i by tn* honorable gentlemen Cum- CuamlM-rlaiu n t »» n , < ’h»»iera ami Diarrlnaa I Do you want a Male!) you can depend con 'tictor- i un'ung r« gu iari v «»lit of Port b-j >n U»n-i tu: any w.me- arac .» r th.i’ errek were in here yesterday. on/ ."re Pritchard’s patent » nth Hr desetve- bis promotion, a* • Joint K. Green of Eagle Point made our • We »ire not writing tins fur a pay t«*stimo- thiuuga K amath. Lake, Harney, Cro»»a, town a visit last Wednesday. i be is cflicient ami imiiGtrious When in Medford don t lad t«» cal on D. examiner*. >. T. Richardson, the 8alem attorney, nial. but to let our reader.* km»w what i* a Grant and Malheur c »unties wheat, oats, He uni tukr T Pritchard, the jeweler As the Hamden minstrels were leaving wa- it« Me«lford <»n business several «¡ays I >am Muiray. w n«> taised <«-. jj-hl« ruble W. W. Finley has sold his farm on Apple­ pleasure in showing y« ii his mammoih thing to keep handy in the huu-v i»arley and rye yielded above ’he avre.g«* «piauii v of flax ibis >- ■*»>< , *ays i | p * iii - Lakevnw »n u f«»ur-hurse ng one day last good lust week. Matiafactorv yields art generally reported gate to John G-ddsby for |.bUU. stock uf jewelry. : c.u*'ry » a. b’*yomt <♦<> .fit 1» • m »r ih»* past fifir» n irais, !• of men seeking timber locatiobs. instance. You can send to them for it at HALE BROM. <\ CO. They carry cer «*1 mu » ii F» rest creek, which nette«i Sarsapari la cleanses and enriches the The M. E conicrence, at its session iu Lakeview to reside permanently at s Price g in town this week u:i uf- Ihr 1 tile ch 1.1 ot I. L. Hamilton ami bifu o'er lie will not finish this goods with the certainty that you will be b.uu.i, und gives a new impetus to life. ti> Supt Grant's Pa*s last week, ma the fuilowing Lakeview merchant* are advertising Jose, ( al , last week. tai business. an immense assortment of Dry Hoods, wile, which was so Birk, is recovering, we season's work fur «several weeks yet Oulu by all dtUggisls. appo: ntmenls. Meuford rotter-mills flour tor sale. Geo. Schumpf is enlarging mJ improv­ J»»hn Tovpper wa* ill one day la*t week, arc glad t » «ay. (.»rani's Pas« district- T. L Jone*. !’■ E ; treated with the same courtesy and i \iu (*Arl»>ads <»f ¡»eaches were .*bip|>t ‘ d Household Supplies, Notions, Shoe« The Bandon “Recorder” says M. 1.8wift but is belter now. Many farmers on Applegate are pre­ ing his re*idence in Hits place in a sub- <’. A l.“Wis; <;»>.voi>viHr. W Mr* W. 1. Vawter has been ei»j »ying a fr«.m A-bland during the week to Tacoma, fairnees ae though you were at their ami lamiiy of Jackson have purchased paring exhibits for the district lair. manner. whi- fi w.ll beautify the and all kinds of wearing apparel for stanna! B Miore; C es-w^ll, W. J. G.»r. B. (¡a «•*.’. These shipments umount- counters. They fill orders promptly, Drain. W.S. T.vlor, Grant's Pass, tu I* ♦*d t<» about iu cash Who Beys that Now is the lime to settle your old ac­ looks ui Hi»* premi-e«. Eugene, thia week. »?• x f.«»’tory. Also that David McCump- house at Redding. noth sexes. Samples of all goods by the su.'p.l.d, Gr .ni's Pass circuit. _ A. H. , count with the I iMEs Publishing Co. it don't pay to raise fruit carefully and take no unfair advantage < fin* W Logan, the Asblan»! photug- bvli at>d family. ir«»ni Gold Hill, arc there Did you hear the new»? Pritchard lias Nicnos; J.cssonv'l e, R. 1U.-.II., K sin III. , ! Mr-. M< Daniel «.f Williams creek whs iu yard, sentun application. It pays to ('ha* H Veglite of A*filan'K; il-b i r B.l. ■ 11all c eeK He is bound to s«*ll. * Quite a number uf \uung l.tdie«« ami deal with them because they buy more A-bland brickyard, at reasonable rates fied with the way other firms have euiivide Friday evening. Henry Judge ami family of A*!ilund .-pent ‘ - ..... J. Xi gent «men ar» .-t the c-mniy-*eHt this w«-ek Hra’Li.d, bprmgtield. M. SAt'C'X’V , j Don't tail to sre the new i;ne of goods at Those needing any sh«»uld not fail t > give h»hn Trim!»!«*, who was stubbed bv Bib treated you, note the difference by send­ gouds east aud abroad than any other Talent un ! G »14 lidi, t«» be Clark Savage ami Wit- wn-* cl W’oodv lie mr the purj» •* • < t s»*< uring i-*4«hr--’ ceitii- I «st buiiday at Ja 'k*»-nville Pritrhanl’s in Me«H»»r«1. “Quick sales and him a cal! k at GiViidaie, is convaiescmg Rend h:s advertisemei.t el.*t- ,, , U i ____ W lbur. G .ge W. mby , ; hna'H i.. 1 , mourn the loss of tn» u in hi nt ■ I ¡¡4. which n a»e' S'S’.d. Fri ♦* is ->n»im*iing the ex* * ing to 'etail house on tboCoMt. Theevidence Dr. J. HinkletJ ( «*nir:»l Point » allc«l at small profits is his motto.” win e _j.*n fi niy a d m*m»»»*r of | J»»hn 81sg!e :* training two trotters at •lie*i one day last we* 1 h r» m.iin> w» >r an in,I.un. ».**i-te«i nv Finis. Nrwbury ami Jacksonville on W« » no* lay agent «»t l’ru-n »* HALE BROS. & C<>. ■if it is in their prices. Brrt Whitman g pr« paring t » take a A numi-ei <»( « t » h«r !i‘G hne bo n u«»li- v r»»nf-r»*m - tilcrly e, 1 I. !>• L*. I toe fair ground*, which promise w»ll. G« iz. al tne scii »•♦'. h» use. • £ ig* ne < •pi ______ interred al Grant's Pa s. Driver. Canby,’C. Alderson: Mt. Tabor, W. Davi t Croeby bn- retiin:r«1 to Medford I .;*ii.r-« »■<»ii’,’»r at « >. t<- 1*. . rd »•' Ilor’i* ultuie i Wmo; 8. P W'il*»»n, presiding v dvr of Mn-Emma 1'upc* ot Jacksonviile made i at H:« i p-1 • Henry 8mhh. the Wolf cr^ek merchant, merits <»t the Wiilaiuuiie Fmversity at uruay. He ha* since g»u.c lu F ort Kl im » xp *n*e it i- n* w ur H. eni’district. Amity. F. I. P om ; Cor Monthly installments of 110 will buy a uth. where he nuw resides. Mr*. E l Wilkimi n »»f »hi* place a vielt ! 1 lit v«-r w (Hi be rap bu ine-* in ttd* c«mn- spent Wednv'day in Jacksonville. .'»¡tin, ‘ Oregon's p one* r in*iitutiun of learn ­ valli*, H P ba’ubwv 1; Da t »n, I r h »u-ean I lot in Tuio from Scott Griffin. • til M week. SL \! iuu Jo 1.. (>rth. «H.I dfit Miss ing, which is belter than ever and baa nu Rosal. IlaGev.A. •’. F .«irci» d. I., ta» on, i ; try. Mr*. P. Dun«'an returne«l last Sumlay Jas. M» Donald of G»»l»l H II Bhtvi ga (. a I -n lb >Khard when in Medford and budding put on the lot bv lectirly pur 'Upc.’b-r on the northwest. Mrs. E. P. Geary Mnd ch ldrvn accompa­ T. P B«)«i; Siieridan. G. G. R ■ r- . l i from a short visit nt K» h ky Point 8 B <»a'.» y is preparing t »*hip two car- 1 Sir iH.«ii,cli»ncrll«>r W llantritr l'itiv,r.ity. s» »- sometntng new in tGe jewelry line. • nied h»*r mother L oup * to Eugene Inst week, «• «I* of onions fr»»m J P. Walker's <»r»»b- R. 1 rig of F«»rtlai:d, *h > gut hi-» foot un­ clnBv«! of J T Miln r. L will o** » huh p ed >. I’. JI««rtlev of Williams creek mule after ihe latter * v .-it in Medford ard « n an order i •••» Montana. Hurrah der <* moving passel.ger train at ColeMeiti h H H. R 1 pey and son of (’entrai Point as a saloon by liu.l A Be. *, y»-ar ago, had it ampiita«r s »inh*-ru Or» g n fru t! It is confident- I’undcr thi* tiiAU4lir<*Hi(*iil <»( thcOr« A large, first das* as'or’ment of fruit i kb- The 1« g m ver beak-«) and another Rev A. F Lott of Linkville paid Rev Sth. under ihe Miiiermtendvncy of Prof. ¡r b 1 ev»d t it the -mon w ill never be in->- Board of Agricu’tur«-. will b«- b«*l Southern Oregon aaiermeb.n- wi 1 *0 >11 I F »r»-M fires are beginning to be numerous jars an«l jviiv gla**rs ha* ju ’ hern re « h » » i j peralion was periurniril at M Vimefil’s R»>bt. Ennis a visit a lew days ag»». j Ir8(i*d I y t’< ««Nilin mo’h or he 8an Jose «.’«.«wiur»i un i an nbh- corps of teachers. State Fair Ground* near K m !» in. 1 I scale. at thvS F Variety 8t«»rv, and w»ll b su ». who ha* i • nd th» 1 »m-ikv 13 becoming disagrreab c. be in market. T P. L»e, j buspit »!, r»»rilaud. rcc» ntly. coin in «-nein tc <»n n: ih** most rvusui.able rates. n !L gu • I P. D'»mg:*n and his son Hubert. uf an extensive iuc-on pit u A -peciai school meeting, called for last I M-. Nvwbm« r. a ^epre-rntative of the ND Old papera. >1; quantities to suit, for .*aio i h» Alturas “ New Era »»litor am! other Pas*, Beagle, spent a «lay in town tins w«-ek river, a few miles from (»runt Saiiirday, August 23. wa* attended by n J. Wr S *wd» !>. h.tVli g e-igm .1 I!.» .«gene y •Oregon »nv fru t .•*’.. F. in G. u-e lane that make.* the water lly and Friday with his wife and twuchitdien. schools fruit oi any k nJ that would bearshipm**nt. | cuts a big swell every time it Comes to the .XST1N«* ONE WEKK. only abou' ihiriv-t wo acres i » met«»"S this ■* ¡attract many from Lakeview ami vicinity. Vath’ty Store in J.t< ksonvil e. ntr«;i\sr*«. -miiace We have tie.»rd of other editors Th»* bomls i**u»«i by the town for intei- As the i rn e «»I lrcsh fruit is unmmallv year, but Mr. Shattuck ita* about forty-fir- H. L. White and son of R »ck Point visit g » •«! h« r<* ini’. *• ,-»m. b«* found n »ne for who w«-re likewise a flee led. nal in proven)«, nt.*- h ive I ven negotiated at >* < r«»i» troni The famous L reh a < ’ gar can alw »y * be acres an i ha* beanie bought th* • r»:» »rum < ‘ I> Reed of Ja< kson creek is furnishing ed Mr*. J. E White «»f Ashln’i»! last week. pur in <'!>i»*.»go, and the im>n»V will be lor- | *: r*. The <’*op vt'l beni tt.v this market with < ti»»icv grapes, pears, etc. f»*Ui.d at tbe 8 F V»»ri**i v 8t»»rv; ais • ull The schedith* time which obtain«* on th«* J »■». Goldsworthy un i Wm. Carr uf Foot* w r :e»i here s >«»n. H »ace Ro*»t om- of As!)!«; d s mu*’ the best brandsoi K«y W»sl. imp-.irtt-«i aim 8 »m's valley ami Prospect route waschang- Liter than it was *'‘t year,»» ••>uiit»»l M in * Nichols of bsm’s valley is teaching domestic cigars aim <» bacco. crerk were in Jacksonville a few «lavs ago. «•Ml’» h I i ♦* »•'t’zer.s . «lieti last S.uii’day at *<»iueo' the beat grout’.! having been »»ver- d »»n July ist. mucn to th»* inc«»iivenitnce 1 L Hamilton, tadmol r'erk, went to die !♦■*»'.i>-i-cr •»( i i- son- u-lrtw, B F Re er, a flourishing school oil upper Trail creek offer«*! for HirrK’ultiirai. Ht.x-k and m«’li*n- fiiweiiu th«» spring Mr. L e will nut Sam. Ma his of Birdsev creek came to Jiic..Mmv ¡:e a few day* ago ami t >l)ec«e»i i < >v«*r $7.< jaii ofl« i •••! Inspector Whitman fin i> tl.«- 'an Ju*e ot the pairuus, who do nol get the ioca. Hg'-dTa y » tf' 11** »•••»nr to Or**eon in 1HG1, ical exhibit*, for works ot art mid faimy v »»rk have so mn»y iuel'»iw as la*t \ear. Ini’ Mr. pap* * until they are neatly a week u d. Jacksonville fur a Io 4 of lumber on Mon over flhOO. t»ring this d stnet's shme » f the ;ili»l h.iMfili 'alri.lifird With the inter»-stF and for trial«« ot «n«*ed. ! —F»»l< Pete Kennev of Josephine county has scn»u prevalent in sevr»al ¡ocaii ’ u r-- in Ash ­ Sfiatiu k w»d h ive in»>re. Tne ni-io im are i»een visitmg his old haunts in this vicinity. day. last app rtionniunt. R«riu<*vd rat«* for far«- and treiglil oil nd land. when* th»* < n zens will Usui treiiiiuus A » Lunge should be made at Oi:ce. ol ill«*« »unt» fur a ¡»»ng time, having first transportation very tmv.au»! piospvcts are gm »1 i"r puces l'K. MI! M*A IT«ST> linea to and tr«»in the fair. Im ­ Dr. Robinson am! family are expected to b-ing JHgher than la^t year. Mr Jacksun. The real property belonging to ’Le ««»late We arc ¡»»forniv«! that Thus. Carr has means to ri»i iheiuseives ot it. F W. Harper of 8 nkiyou c«»unty. ('al. se’tl» «lun \\ aener < rerk. A wife and r uc portant improvement«« l»av«* Iwen made u | m » ii another trr » ver “ti.» thecr-ek, fi .s t’i»‘ gone to Grunt's Pa*s to open a ui hard the grounds anti iocreai*«*! farUith«»« .«r< A violent cloudburst h n l haii-*torm, « x- of John D. New» uiub, an insane p»*rs«>u, return from Crescent city. Cal , in a short vi.si ed Mvlfor»! in the interest of I. 6. . >ept<-mt»«-i 22. I*W. an*! • >n Api lt ga »*. 1 his farm i* sum eptible «»1 melon cr«»p »>t that *vrti»m bui» M»r ■•» bv I u h'*re s’ich a wtil-assorted und hrst-class » reek, « miv »1 th.* .* reams loia -«• :•«» •>»«: a-1 po n t*»l M. Purdin agent. J.T. Mdier c«»led at thu 'T ime - ffi I will continue Six Da>a. Ev«*r.<* takly invited. Ten th »u*an»i feet of hiiuberai Sam ’ s vn!- fit I».g made on-* ui the best in that sect am. quit»- I r »fi at I-, il ”•» untimely !r»»M « «tu*e* j vr.tbly in ’.h.r -ret un ia*i w«e\ -t •« k ».* sin If hardware, cut'ery. aiumuni- W«»»lnes«l iy. ile 1* te. cli’ng the B g Bu t. All t In* gat«*w w1h b<- oi»«*n an»i fr«** «»n Mun- <’.i p nters are at work on (l.p loot of f'«»n. iey sch<»ol-buub»t for »ale bv Scott Gr ttin of i as it COUip: Gf? « utisiue able guuti land htitu|»-r’b materia!*, firearms, tools of 1 — ‘Oreg »niun, Aug. 13. | »lay th«* fl r*i «lay uf the lair. school. M. Andrew n new brick buddii g. w och «11 k»t»«‘*. e;c . i* kept as at the pi«»neer Tolu Wright’.* Jainai. n Ginger * ri i\ pure Every 1 a«-llit> offer«*! t»» th. -< «Gtilpg to Four night»» duriinr ti«»- we< k. 1 he regular term of the circuit court will * ning next week, the county jail, Fruit Grower's Meeting. a hand'«) ue struc'ur«-. ('•rant * Pa-s made our t«>wrn a visit on k» ep* quin ii. Sold nv all druggists. which n»»w has three «»cCUpants, Will so*»li i The Monarch *al«H»n at Mvdh rd. un«!vr no st «»a«' )?.a!» •• rates. Whenever you For Booths and Other Privileges The annual » xhibit of the s<»iilber » ( ) e- 1 town. v emptied. ThO'C woo have been lur- Itie.-d ay. A BPicudid flv’«l of hor*<> i* p at hi* farm m ar B« glvp nr.i't l»mk eisewhere to Lave iheir ravage b «s b*eii iu Jo*epiime county on • flicial mu a pupulai reaort. The best of every ... ­ I ::l>4 -• e f > v raeinit will l»e given «-acli 4a> . -■ on ,>n M »miay. iiiiinv. Svpr. p.ant, Jackson c rmiy, -vp:. ‘ t oughlin’s atock budiiew in CLewau. an office, wh ch wi I prov« quite ;»»• »nvrnit KGKEHT A MILLER. StMitiAKY. thing in thatline is k« <»t there * Enlru-s 1 or pr»*nihmis < i<»*< Mo i l:«« «t . »0 ideas«s Soothe«! business 22»l. Ih3 «ti>tr.cl lair a-s.-octaumi has valley. to the peuj»le of tl.at ib igbi)urhu»'d p in. Exhibitor«« wr»* urga*! *»• •':*!» h * man) The I’roby tcrian College. Frank Branden of Adilaml ha* t«k»n kindly thrown open all the gate» to the ! | The . Twenty-five cars uf rattle from Merced of th«4r «-litrn * <»n SHtunlay b»tou- th» tan Wrather continues to t>e ipiitc warm Mes*r*. Elliot. Sii’her'and an I BooHiby Ihe *xj»ert iniller A. Lamb, who h. g county, Cal., were unloaded at Edgwood were in J ivksonville !a>( S iturday on lan I tl.e nigh’-wutch at Hu* M»»lt r I roller mi Is. ! 1 In following if tin i> |>«;tt of th«‘commiltct* hm |M*»ibh-. (».»«»»lb. Hiilmalh iiih I nrf u I»-* t«*r grounds u 1 this day anUi - Being overloade»! with gram, Mr. Davis i* I oi. Aid f»»r Coin g«*»* :m»l A* ;td» tni» R. a»lopt< »1 «-xiifbition mu*( I»»-in th« ir pla«*«** I»« Ju p. ui. will h- charge»!, either to the main ground smoke. st week for Jes*e D. Carr’s ranch In busmes*. hy l’r»Abyt» ry in so-n-n in J.-n k-on\ ilh. Ore­ un Monday. log mm, begins the manufacture ot a - U- Modoc c »utiiy. Tbi- make* 1400 head ol i . oa ru'tnlng b th«l»y and Illg'“. or to the r »« e-cour*r. An interesting I r»»- gon. April I”. Is•*♦. ------ AME Mr «» leu of Pb-as.mt creek precinct was \\ . W. J« ’ hns(»n and *<»ii of H «r*»* <*r* » k, p. ri«»r grade uf flour there this week. gramin«* will be prepared f *r this or* ìg -** ii l’|(|( E> «»F AHMG-l'ix catt e he has ba») .-hipped from there to Vour committee wa* < inp<»w< red by the Great bftrgdn* tn g IJ ami stiver wat< h. e v were here fuesdav afttr and * l »r/v at!»’” I nice of fruit ^r wvr* t* here W’t«!'t*!*d.iy, acc»»mpanieu by two of *uppb’ tlie p»ace ot ttiufce drstr*»ye«i uy the 8iskiv«*u c-mtriy. Pi ’-sby tery at it* Oet«>l»< r meeting held in Man r day t ick* t Mrs. Jas Woohy imn u ne* thui he « Frin b ird ’ s, Mellord. for 4« few days. Ou u >i t i-t |g<* 9U| plies. ll»>*et»*urg t" r>’v«*’.v» bld* from tin- ditTvreut WuUAHU't* «lay tK’ki l.......... exparte»« from all p »rt* of the state. I he bis suns. . . Ä- wifi >eh quite a number <>t horses. «••liti. , i last severe winter. Mu*i bv sold s«H>ri to make r »»»m f- r mam­ t»»wns in Houtlit rii Oregon for ibv location of Man i« aeaaun tickH........................... annual r!e» ti •»» ••! • ftb’ r* - f t l.v .!**<•<’ s:| >n JJ ri Dr. Marcoux, the scientific de ritiri. is • tc., h- longing to tn r h»Gb ton's c-t afe. vu A. B. Neil ami M Abraham, the w»»l|- moth stock coming for ttie fall trade. • If ihe c«mping-out party from Batns an cducariunal institution. Pp to date there will take place at 10 o’clock a m Ab meeting with success und gives entire *at- the 31st ui August, near Eagle Point fi.ppe»i at Mr. T.’s residence km.wn rumnien iai lourisk«, c.illed <»nu «lav Send to the b«*-rclM!\ al Pori land. «»r«**r«»ii, members are requested to !»♦• i>rrsent. isf action. H F. Wood, N . B Brad!)ury and faiui v, ticiently «Jvthiit»* to warrant your committee osy lin y will um * nothing t-ul this week 1». II. L t»ring Tlie peculiar enerv »ling ♦ ff -ct of *umnn r • m FL vans creek last Friday night ami tu»»k J. A. Wnite«idc anl family, «nd Mrs' in r«*e»»ruiin iwling the Frcebytvry tn accept for a premium lint. Preaident. II. B R»ed, the combination tene«* _ _ man, ___ , weather i» driven oil’ by Ho .«ps S»r'Mpa- in a s >> w. A. <;,Hd>nsn dclhnl»- a« ’ ti»m nt 1his meeting. Wr would week. laM fair al r«»rtland. The H>ses*ur's returns from Warner val­ in the lomalu patch. Grunt s l*«w.Or>wn. O >c department <»f the Mvdf .rd public rcvominrn«! that tIn-citir.» n* ot Jaekitonvill«* K »mar A. Mu dr , Mr Norman, special agent for the White and vicinitj I»«* rc*|ii«**t»d t»< *trtt»* Jrttnitcly W G Knighten of F -rt Klamath spent .*<•!) ol* will b- Mcvonimod «ted m the ba«»*- ley sho-v that veiy few stochin«*n ost ivss President l’r f. I* ul Bnflon. who is now in»8iski last Baturdny i i town, lie has since re- m nt »»f the i brisfian clmich < .uetully <*oiifdder all y m county. Cal has composed several tU' imd home. company. while s »me i»»et as high a - '*• per «ent. coming wilder. It w.ll b.* a kindergarten. givriith» the Adv»»ntairrs ami «lisadvaniMacs minring pie» es of music, among which are the Circuit Conrt. Wm. Feme hi* removed to the Dawson in any urui*»sal* that may be mad«-. Wm. K ihler has returned from («rant ’ s SctiuttGclie, ” ‘ May Bnilun “ L ne S.ar I hv y e h»w jackets in the neighboi b«»od For fu» nitore of every «le>* i iptu>:» ;;<» t»> The followinir pro ee.linit» l.ave tike- ranch on Trail creek t » vnj >y better school The !»l»»>\ «• report was Hinvnded «9 follows: ‘L'llle Birdie Gai«»p ’ and Pas- ami is r«*» overmg rapit’ly from tl v ! of Medford tiave reformed and now are ac­ J -h'i Gil»n isle-.-vc »»l lenirai Punt. Hr .8 ti »tusche. in \ irw ««I th«* ft«*ps voluntarily taken on place in Ilie vn< uit - ourt. Ju.lae Wm.ter privileges. L nii.-iatia Wai k .” I h»*y are oftertd fur injuries he sustained. tive alhr.* uf the state board uf borticultur»*, tin-part »»I t In* pr.»pl«.- »»I Jacksonville tn the keeps a complete ami nrsl-ciass as?ortmmi t»rratilinrf.^>nee ibe laM rroorlof Ibe I imk - sale by > mu Francisco music houses. t iguuril in eradicating th»* green apbi* jni'T«*sto1 highei «duration, as shown in lb»- Th-»* B isye h is been very ill with fever and sells at th»- nm.-t leasuuable rates. • Mis W. J. P y ni >l«*, J i I; v I • .y ami Wm. Tolr T-wi.Mie «’>>. v< b’re-l II lv.w-;i-- offer uf an » very-way suitable Hite fur a col* from our orchards. art S'i-ie >le || n».i ^-r ■l.nnt -c->. A'g'i'd for *>»nieiim • at his father's place on Mis­ Cui. Winningham of Trail creek had a Kmler attemied the M. E. « unftrence at lege building, «-<>ii«lsting of iwruty Herrs, sv. The largest and best st»»« k of deeds, souri fl it. an-l »ubnti' e •. H. H Wolters, the mixologist, has re­ cured to iln in by l*»ud on condition of their mortgages ami all kinds of real-estate ami narrow cs«*apr fiom death a few days ago. (>I*.»nt's Pass last week. <»t th«-Mine. f«»r th«- purl»«*«- in- Kain-I'oit Ur>>. v< Fred IL iwii ; t-> re Vacation w ill *<»on be over, and prenara. legal bi.»nks south of baleni is kept at the .8*» hp * unknown p rson f »r an u-iknowti A'bert MiLsapan tG. 11. sut»a«-ribed, .1»«. Helnia.-t al.. Vs. --V. M liilr -v, - t ¡d; ent ><’h»»<»l*. p.ts-ed through his clutliiiig in very close for several «lays re entlv. street. He has supphe»! the bar with t«»g«'thrr with tin- umfimbt.-d prospect »4 II»»p picking wiil commence in a few proximi'y to his oudy. The mystery attend­ injunciion. I1' e erd iha> » a limiT) i* no: the finest win«*, li» >ngct uf A*li ami ha* b*en rusticat­ and a title bi»iiar«l table can also I»»- vali«q. :i'1«-»|Urtt« t«» ronstrin-t a building J hh Itrlii.., e' i»i., vM. W. M. t.ilr y et 0» G >11 Hill precinct, was in Jacksonville southern Orrg »n as u*«»al, owing to ihe ing at Truitt * spr.nw, K uigm *, a well trict, < nl , during It?«' week tin- Pr»-fby trry <»1 South« i n (>r«*goii lu st-ssnm’ al.; to tore- l..«e nior'g.ue he-'e-gr»i t-d. W’vdne«d iy. damage done io hop-yards last winter. Uvat yon well. kn»»wn denier in French horses, wrote to iis*«*itibl«d n th«- Pr«**bytcriât» church of \V A. Wd.inre v« B K Will i«; l-> re Notes, receipts »tue-biils,drafts etc., in Prof H ( ’ . Faber, late of A*l>lund pub ­ Jacksons ill» . *1«» highly <*oiniin*n»l this rnthu- Mes*r*. «'hilders, Noah. Clark, l ’ erry, Dr. Hitikle uf Central Point that he will cover ruoney. juilxnienl for iniere’t book form barid.v an«! first-class, at the *iasi»» an»l g»-n«-rosity on their part, and do lic s« liouta. fia* d'p»rtcd lor lutate. Cal.. M »«»r«* ami Ihwlgei* of Sam s vailey were in emituvor to read) this section in lime t«» MINING NEW*. and < ost». ln r« l'\ rrsolv«* t.» do uhat«*v«-r may lie in our T imbm oflh’e t<» accept ih»* p »-ilio • of prj n-ipa lip-re. at exh bit two uf hl* line druft stallions at JajksunviLe «biting th- week W I’. Illi -» vv. f*rt»r H-.rt ; nj r.ft on. p»»w»r us a l’r<*b\t«*ry to bring about the I • <»x A Son’s threshing machine is now the remunerative salary uf $1 »0 » er mu »th. it*e »Hstrn t «air. Our annual exposition is I Fre«i R»>we uf Duiighi* «••umy is here sp.-»*l> coiisuiniiintion <»f this »l«*sir«-d end. via: Areued an * suhniitted N»»tices for the location of pls» er amt attracting much attention everywhere tin- locatmii. <-oustrm*ti«»n mid oprmtioti ol in 'he valley and do ng g«»u»l work and Ma’tie KHi-p-l v-. Fr.d W. Klipi-el. -I looking after Ins I «w-suit. He i* succeed quartz nunc*, etc., for «ale at the TtMEe of­ such IN A< TVAL I t?E Mrs. J. Nunan and her two «laughter*, an in*titutmn np.ui *ai in­ vorve. Det’irr grantrU aii»l rustody of plenty uf it. fice . Mi*.«-e- Josie am! Fannie, wni trave tor r| Th« r are over twenty trotting and run- mg nicely in bis new l»»« au.»n W«- would avk the Indica of itila Woie _ rn struct am! « nip«»u«*r our roinmittr«» of the miitur » I d I g»v»n 1 la trift’. 4» i (¿»ari to la« hr d. tii« ii pr» J«4»1 k . k , rlvi ’uu’r W'm. Buthr. Jr., is engaged wi’h a Poi dumi in a ft w dm s. The y«»ui g ladies I niug hurses m training at the Yrvka race Rummel Bro*, mine «»n Klamath (iv> r;* Itoanl »»f Aid for < oil« g»*s and Acttdriuin* to Tn«* aged mother of Nciiumpt Bro*, is in At aati.r n fair trial, ami I h » . rivit.«*ri. Th« re trac«, iiii-lii'.iiiig a numb« r of staudard-brr»! “L g'ft'iing” hay prr*.* in the upper p»rt wi I ng «in uit« n t the Si-ters’ *' b»»«»i in lhai • I ' ... . II. ... ■ • • .p, — ................... ............ w. . • • a iceble conditi«ui ami mav not survive w»»tking 2.» men. at «1 expect* to make a| proctsd t»» the carrying out of tins r»**o|u1ion -a IHINE MHsliif III till- Murk! Hint wilidnir«w»d tor th!« piir|M.f. . Th, ICrvs. |(«>l»rrt Ennn I trotfvia by «'id) great sires as Antevoh), Accident at (•rant's Pa»*. I <4 th* v »1 ey. cny. big c'tanup soon long. 8fi<- is nearly U) jeurs of age. an»! I'.mas McLean w» r»- add««! to th** com- ?”rk; h"v* w ‘ '»»"I.In»-I Machine, Warii- All« i.oiii io»! otln r- They w ll make a k I G/ar'l. lui» niel « hath»-* Ba-k* f W« aeii th« 11 i* announced that a rich bodv ul o e niitf« *• «»n At«! lor • >ll« g»-> urnl A«-a l«*ini«M». G hast ’ s P a *«. Or.. A’ig *X’». Ho* Wi l- II R ill »Iph. Who a ’ u • formerly •• ti»|»G »yc »I T» • re G oi r me i n »• tna' will cr»* im tin* riiow at noth tm* •> »m viL»-. an I IL-v I’. b» I In- I 1 Mia, is at present in Remoti :iie«L»t riy. Wr r» f» r lu De Wi:t\ ( .» » Mount c: u-ta Disrii* t A*--«»* i itioii me»4- ville, n -w 1 v.ng a« Nan Dicg«». ‘ al , visiteJ owi*ed by Dr. Hiadrii. action regarding th«- f«mim- ngs I application. I friend* m (he valley «bn mg ilie week. or «•»»li«,g»- in ,la< k*«»nville. (irt-goit. the annual t*»nf»*rriice of the Melli'd -t plaints, Nu «le ay. in» dGUpp>>i.»im-nt, no Attest F. G. STHAXJE, j t » -• Il ilo l^adlrn' Beaver « r. ek miner* ar« haul i»> be do ­ J -I n Sce dc.v, »>f Surprise valley Cal., fa lure. Eoiscopa* (.hurch. met with a s» riou«» ac- Railroad emi loyees are investing in - ------- ----..-•■J ( tloiC«- W 4MÌHT. Me *rs. Moure ami 8 hum.tker of Evuns ing well (hi* season. Al». Guiding cl*anrd Stattd (’l«*rk. eidenr t»» »lav at » o n The» h »»l Martrd s I I u load of appL-s « at Lakeview’ for town lot? at Montugue, it having been creek precinct calk*.t at the county-seat on Ladfvt* cnn tuak»- iron» f bri i >$3iur< r mutiti«? up several hundred dollars recently. A complete assortment ol justice’s bl-inks rum r« »n whit h tn» y wrrr ri»1 r lUndlmiGe-, earing house, Dosrilea *t ('onnell recently shipped <¡7 Klipprl w is among the visit»»rs sum of $2. 1 hey aie the latest and be*t. ♦ stubli-h ing. fv I h««awar !> in rros-ii g a small fr Adam All kjiowing tlu ii seivc* iiahbte»! tu ihe Petition License T. 0. Andrews, formerly of Ashland, vc. at that pt»«»*. Yreka «ilizrip- some ounces of dust from their Josephine «-minty ni r>»rtlami nt Grant'* I'a-s last we» k A blrt ,*/T imes l’riniing Hou-«* Jack.son- ravine <»n»t ih» y nerr thrown out. striking of them, at least think the railroad com­ now employed in the Haivin woolen mill.*, mine, as the result of their first cleanup g F. Variety Store ar»* requetded tu call vil e. t»n th» r head* Bvv. Suirr has been in » • luring Co ’l»■retire and settle, A cliange Ims takrn place, and T«> th«-Honorable IP»ur»! <>T County < onunia- pany wan'..* to bin»iu Montague at their < x- bus been visiting Lis family* at die granite f «r this season. •lonerNol county, Oregon. C&niat<‘sv state, with partial p:iral\ s's i>t ihr I’ri esuf straw hats and summer furnivh- city. all account* mtG’t be *»»*ttle the wise is sufti- lower limbs, ever stt.ee, ami hi* condt i*»n mgg »0 Is have been reduced io cast at the sonvi b* a few t« rui* ns I«*K n 1 v«»t«*ra «»f Gold Itlli Free!n<’t, count> C» l. A. D- Icikelso i, formerly of din* A liith* child of John Burge of Browns- authority on all subjects pertaining to ¡a c«»n»idem! serious. Mr. K-iid»*r has r-- S. F. Variety Store • cicnt. tli.-»t his brother El. has gone loth«' ?»ene 1» »io. avetl H months,wandeied away from place, but n»»w «»f Purtl imi, is at present uf J ack*ou. riat" u*ness, but i.s ‘rrioiGlv petition your bonorat»!«- twriy to grant Hull A Owen Keegan and family have rmirne«! • *f railroad operations m the Cow creek home one day recently, and was not found enjoying , - _ belter health than tie Lus for *ev- sale at the T imes office. New Sture and New Good*. H«x k iieeiM»«* to r» tail lt»|U«»n< in l«>a»iuantiti| *Tfl>\ UfttAXGEp EX T. (’ Hutchinson of Wo«»«!ville is suc­ E E. I Lóti» »i h;* op n»‘«i a Uig»*Mnd Hill pririnet,Jackaot»county,(>r«*gon. for th«* V Dea I I dian country. The liest remedy f*»r headache and m-u- • h*c»*v* r« d on a decaying haystack almost l„u>,^'t il,. „„..I. ,,| ii ,, | nr,,,!,, M. Bellinger uml fami v Live returned cessfully superintending work ut Bailey A first cl >- The Like view 'stage Robbery. •♦»-in»- q- <»i *a r e«. p«w- ry t'Tfn ttf i»lx tiionth«« <«»*». Mi< ke>, <«. F. Rail«». «..•I M.rbankw! mu r. st „1 tin- >iut. a mile from Imine, Hearch parties wer-out ralffi « is Wright ’ s Par i. o.» lit-atlach»-rem ­ »his week from tb»-ir tup toCiesceut city, John E. Potter, the well-known Table i i ’ n\ >n »>ui I n r o i M »m !. 11. Wllllaini*. I. E. Deboy. Wm. Ja.*.»l.|, < . 1^.1»,. < aixl will v ., ii ,|M i ,. i One »lay last we» k the wot»rn >taae w.«<* R> h k p*«ingogn»*, is in town attending the edy 8i»>ps pain tn five minutes. il.nm- all night lo'jkmg I fur him bul he m tde no Cal. They report fiuvmg hud a magniti- < )'s'• Mountain Lion” nri»»e on M'ssouri «Ir. fl *t, having grouml out 11,301 from 30 iuig Mr» « (. G . >■.id Ih»**-, w bu h t v i- srllim? nt L. Dungan, <’. P. Parlier, .M. P. Jacob«. I*. I(u> . building«« c te i'nlii | k |« h ii4«-d hi 4 «-11.14. rob lx d bv two rna-keti men when about a tea« less, tasieless. no ba»i effects. »Sold by ail outcry. J. W. Vtahtirnon, Jam»*« IXrig»-. L. F’.*Mllc*. H. vat»*l atri « hri«l .111 «*»11111. cant time. her s ex Animation. 111H1 \. and <»«i» ,.f of u r e recently. Thtir mill is >*g«i » i » oricrs ih «' d< v y »»Hua i '»»n He g a fit-t ­ mile out of Likrview. Th»* robbers set ured druggisiB. A. Hoolon, P. Smith, W.R. KaUMi.J. W. Walk- Th >ae owning orchards sbou'd lend a I. F. William.*, the mail c »» hgm < t »r oil • •j «•» ari».n a nd a f<»n e of tm n is ctm inmtllv • Lo** * ■ • k ¡i. ail »n I h I' mg • iitruf’e«! to «•r. W L. M«H*lure. Oiaa. N. Ioimb«-rt. N. W. th»- u«Mltai»*Ht situation»* hi th« Mat, frd-Butte cic-a lout. . W43 111 • !up*».el « hi (lie ledge Th? mine i’» him v. il i<» i«» t: « • •*’ I i a.ieidioli. W.N»lf, Jaa. M« Douald. W. Smttb, 'II ion . Dun­ I Col. Mi.ler, M-rreUry of Ihe b »uthern batch of legal pap r-* transmi’ted by Sp»-rrx are due a»».| payable at once. An early Oregon MILITARY TRAILING. Fair A-M»ciati ».», Ims our thanks in his vflorts t • eradic -te the j v*t.* which J acksoli ville last BitUí íay, a a c .ru»»at. • d I I: H to pt«n e ■* buTinnz «. Dui) I fa ! t I. iv » I i n a « a d gan. J-«' IhMigr. J. B. Dungan, J. K. M»a»r« . A Gregc t«» Jtbigr Prim of this » it .. wh» >»* *e»t rtnrnt i* upccte»!. a«e men K 'li : our f uit intcres's. h is W. Dungan, John Rail*. N. H« rt»«-rl. Robert Expenses Need Not Exceed *150 for fora < ’ »-mp im* ntaiy Hv»*ef t»> i»H* -nd the I ' am zin_’ that so many should neglect p» by bis family. brief tn ’hr w i.ai 1* • i-Jit in ti»»* m it>«*r, some » vi'Yi Fredenberg, Jua. D<>ud<-«i,H. lt«*xl, J. Ro»*. S. the Entire Session. il. S. Evans « i A-'filami :»a be ii i»« P rt- ii - 'h.»i a lug > rik.- i a* be»*u ni nleb. R »i t. Av ’ R. KobbiuA .Jan. a, Horn. F. H. Mil«**. R. I. of the • xpie*a bi x in » very di » - in»»». Th»* grotimls m ar Central I*»» nt. K» rytli hi ? pr »«>u»-G . -t » : n m-v upp 'i »g Mi W. in hi* land« .H ’ i»: on business Uuriog ifi w-*» n A C-»»K un i Wm. Midingl«»:) in w h tl is II» G Yocum. IL« ’ . Klock, L. H xaucr. Two or mor, Fr,-. Sel.olsraliijn. iruiu < »<«, r»J»b< rs will surely b»* captured >t ti w ?ai <• b-*j rak «• a t i.ecosful fair. 1» •• work. A -u . ti er hl n !—Wr ght - Bl it »i*ngiig»««d Inismts*« i.. c«»nn».-« t>«»n Wit I known as B»ai cai.y«»n. Tie ore i* de­ county. Write lur calMlogu. ti Gokilltll. Or.. Aug. 1. UW0. lime :••» ill»» r * md thr wa’<*!i <». «’•» i, h i H<»*?» — Dunlap i* buildin? a new barn ('•»• dial. (>.!<•«• .!.«*-»< 4:1» <*s ta - en. | \\ ti. Ifiun'x. cay» J pori l.yry amt u«»r»9 »arily. 8, veia II. L. ARNOV.O. I' sksioxkt . An A*hl smi p.m r report* that the I .di- the att»»rne> s bierogly plm s; and th y nr»* I e >>t • t Drew * vallvy* f.»r ihr accommoda* b v ami p><»i ii pt. 1 I«* »-ai I ’•» 1 . e <*. NEW THIS WEEK. pM'i* ”1 »1 »ieidr«i a? high n.-» $5 to the pan, Curvallia, Otvgon. an- a« K ninth Bull -•> i|p-y sax a long ! B. F. Mi.ler, • Le \eiriau i.ur.-cry man. am! ma most tinf»»rfin »?• roi.ditt..» , f r the ti »n • ’ rhe *tage compnni. p«*nsi »!e tor *uni'i»» i i:u ihlr 8.4 ! Hi »e '« ‘ »-m* to b* « . n*id«rable ot it. -♦ « t ; • nt. wiil, hhj tod smoke m pis h ill so Hi leave I«>r Jw-ephiiH? «:<»niity to Waterbury is worihl»**s tin r*is w< und reg- • irnggi.-ts I I at «¡»strict mciig t » make Hie Iwst report J; I . _ __ i ik- Oliv r M' Ger of Sti kyralle• 1 11 III ■a j lii - ■•. V r . Hi* hedth 1* improving very If that was in ! . nt -'<».« :. . w arv soiry to say. Pr t. ii4i«i. « nt »I »r ir.'in Gr mi 1 ■ *i» ral, Saivui -•«.)»» *•» «1. w »¡¡i I 11 H /e to aiGWt r Wv. PAUL. M ario *- C ovbtt . <>n.. W. IL Buck, lately ot Lniuntown pre ­ They Are (’mains. T») tbe *ren« ral pnhlu- and io ili« lioua« I m U«L M». t m:iK»* a nt u w «ii >■ « u. ot h* t >r»* Jmlge Dv'««lv f *r •r Lug liqii ,r (o Endurará by (he Fret*. S» 1 i the riMKsh» v»»ur tn»-nds East, or cinct, but who has been locateli in southern era adja»*<-iit 1«« ih< |»r«»p.^t>l eoiinty n»a»| Condurle«! l»>- Til«* un»l» r*igucd has non lof mile al the Who'* Whi’ If m ien - r* li» » »I « • > • red at any otn«r place, ft answers better than an old o:.«*. bat h<* Can in e a <«<•! • Ue J Uli In iiii.s k.*iattsm.ui. “For several months past the readers of iM-glnninK an«l riinning fn.ni L « (<»!♦♦ La-norma for the past year, returned for a ilk»- a be«.ial niau b !arti) t«j ili« AmuM-rrnan pia«'«-, to ur Au «»¡»I g«nil?man. who lately arrived sbori visit last week 77rr Sileni ftf thr Ihtly \nnn-K. read ng notice.«, showing the wondeiful 8» veral «»f our prominent men are at from C ilifi rina, atal is in search of a home The lir*t meeting of the Polk county Grant's Pass attemiing tlie farmers’ m-iU- | John Miller has returned from tn« trip to he ivi st » < oi kt iia * uh ii . vi > T.-nas psvKltle |>< riw,nfii <>r per alluniti In «urea eftccie»! by Hwift ’ s Specific, belter m tin* » ciioii , says ihst lie saw some fru t Bdvan«-«-. il.» h r»i, tulrloi», b«*«!ditig, n«-«*dl<*. aaainei Ih. thl. »aid ruM 1»^ sirel and sprviuiiy e» t- r‘a nit-r t fuu <»f fun pioneers is t > t»e held un »ulh on the (Ute. We are gtad to learn that mu. h in­ nets here mieci»*«! with the pernicbn* CaLfornni While in Hau Francis«o he known as 8. 8 8., and in the Lee of smhl î w«»rk | m r Hiinum. $1ju. Washinir imt numi li «I uiiw tip r. iu..iiMr»t.,r- ............... r..l ,)„• 11th ami 12th of next month. ami riij >yme -t. lieflded by th»* king of come­ terest is being taken ami that there is a .*« a e in a worse manner than i* u-ual- lain in n larga slutkoi tne best iiardwaie, testimony we arc rradv to say that in ad V.titiotxr. A ik I I h li.,|ni „ Muri«* extra. F«»v pari leu la r* affdrtw cuter*, fireaime, etc. dians .«nd hiini»*riai9, Senator H linden, and the «orí*! th re i* but so g »od a blood large attendance. y i t»e cane where he cam«* from. Our h«»r- wlll I h * «Sri'iU«..*! I„r Ih,' »a,,,. r>»;ul ,».n tic Miss Vida Day is no*? teaching a »umnier I ItoM ïh. LN» H !<•♦ JM. H 8IBTER M. VICTVK. ÌUq-ri«». . suipTtei hv a fi'St cisss < omp/»f>y. If you ».ne grunirl. I «„uhi nrir. u>. |.u|,J, ............. turist* mu't du something to < fiance Rev. Father Clara L i* returned from medicine us this renudy. The cuits are We ar«* lucky to have permanently locat­ ticu want tu et'ioy a good laugh a* «1 witn* • .* an term in Am bga’e >»ctn»o' district, alter a th 8 stale of affair* at once. 6 Pull and. lit Wl l be al Giant's (‘aj>s utx«. simp y miracuh»us It any <•( ou1 reader* .Ist.lnir Mkl | h UI>„ i >. un »he grcuud Ihal th„ ed w th iG :i clt> d*nti»*t who will give | |«»vo>iry. V. H. \ LGHTE, .\>lilaud For that it ta k own to so effectua ly cur»*, win- liir prire* ot adnit’si »ii. K» served treats *t h- w>ll-knuwn tecturvr ¡»ml writer, L>r serv.c« a at Jacksonville. De Witt’s Li-r e Etriy Risers. Beat lit- Call oU Dr. Marcoux, nt ihe I . Hotel J I Him*. , - , , i V* * r»opo <•» r.md runa. . b S. a trial? Tue a»•»-«»mpanie«! t»> |1U w»f»*. bave d. r VuT.ety More tie pill for «iysoefv-ia, a«»e» h ni. I I WILL WU’.LOFFLn H.K 3AIJ.FCX1HE NF.XT I «•»»mp’itiy who maku the n uiBily is one of Notice Uesirrorr) t«»lu»iuibai ’ he ( aleni« dand : ‘ »c» n ma iug a t«»ur ol hurinein ( nlifon.ia Final Settlement OFTLn 1(»K breath. by E. C. Brook*. y uf lb. ...r .NK.Íuwhiíh t¿r- I «hr<>. L-mouth»». inontb». An r< tiBouMi ¡ussishlc’. r.na. r.*l- | »'Ut* in n .Inr popular piMior oi Jucksunviile, K* v. Wal­ the Li'geit p.iUnt ni’d-.iiie flriu» in the J. L Rav, la te of uni »'it»»wn pre< inet. ' m.i ”l” s so'i'liewfi.-m ‘”i'lic»’>i« rn Oreg«»n io a wj?un. w a^on. «lur rns. rny myr^si- -J}'"* i:< Ur U«. >•»,.. OM. lf 5 far k” ritti incuci?. The rv’id-mt i of II i? B'it’e district hive ha* l» fl î»n pi‘.r:s unkitnw:i. I avii g a .moi i ,nt* -*— »ta- -- i ,’I’!*'p»‘"n*i «od »'’•«< »Ir. UjOÀan »X ! , • . Vla.kjmLltb - - mli> »»«»P. wni h« mu U u ie-1 ».-.stwuere 1 Mimmer j;i *mb> - , and ^*t.f g k ia i o.ipW'Htb. _ , ----------- Uni t'd ^tut« s i^ipt ar^ heartily e dorse»! b> In the County Court of the Fiate of Dr»*guu. drnpu and fiìr.iirurv, und i tfi| bi 5 « wci .4 .... . ■ka. l-.UIIII.L« Vfe-ltf tnrsa. <-u„ alsn n>y imatmw., Is vuv< i«»r t» “ ’ County or Jack«*»>o. outline**, which (a ou«-of . «rive Mr. MatfipN a rouÁl, un tr hii. fu -u-» t. '!,* 1«* d ” 'g n»eo of A lauta unti Georgia. Dr Flint’s Ren edy 1* the beri remedy ! levied a five mill lax to build a n»*at tu fioul- brr of dcbts b«-hmd fini». He i . hik witn . w‘l u up’beir trip w| L a vi-it to V ater 1 durii»g tbv «:uiumg y*-ur In the toaUc« of Uv-estate ul Wm. C!», E ist»*, F im known fu. in «>mMH, or .*'• erlcsM)****. ' bdu*e, wlucb is a sens b>* idea. i»im a w.*gon to wu-ih i.e nad nu i ‘ *“ *’ *‘n'’ ' *s,‘•,v“1 *“■ “b ” Ct.r.Uou «U, n4J IIW ru ’ . l Ia5wo.,il„n U to prlrH. b rina. ' dtv«uk»d * Which alili, t.“. *U nr»nv i » r .< li*, ami * lit 11 AugW.tr., UW. • ---- . •’ u g . un y i»m J jçKSunViiid m oariy davs, ww» «»ne ot th»* ' lit-»Te on Blu» d unJ8«rin Dis» ases mail- jjHTlCL V HEREBY QBXN’ THAT THE wl J.l«»»,. rW'UJV i» IH* ll»< u ,f ru*!n. ‘ w M « C l- rn ()-fg.md MU Ie’»t5 ’Q tlio VaF • LlluK u’Jt KJT bim. _ »•--. ------ citric t ’ w^: riftiihv CJ , AUantR. U* prubaLly io«-iiie. leads to su main scriou n- rv» u* di.«-a*f-. »us col »^rs win ie»ve jn a il affiniti tqr.Cor ut th«« iv-*.»tT* » OrgjL tun a to I Bid» wi • bu rtu>vvl Ly G»*h. E L. Anpl« -| I lea-in-g bgb'3 il M. E ■•.i.hru'41 Lu . r p4»tu u «r y tu pi .u »y. D« >< rp’iw tra a> v, ! ; • .'«Kl, 'ja- Inun,. 'Í UE-, Q. VT» •. not fi*ur re>p*rtt/e -tudies ♦w erbek ___ Ukt . Moa- ' at Uta* t'tf l‘T f ! >’• w * g g.»tr, at Kamatij Ag*my, uritil 8« p . 1> !». *• ■’ Hm'fy w»*ut to < ( «w |UÍ J», k»■•.'UQty, On'jrfil, U’l h ~J ..X ta»* a uh e • h t ut Tc < r. r i»h«8i» i! »• • }' .. t r‘l - * !"l> - ‘»r -- tr* <»n • ‘ «fi c»»ny. n Ì «v «v Fir lcy und famiiy *4 ‘ — U - • c»it!y»'ii D? ».g • o , N Y L G Sebree. wh » fell from tha Akblvnd fur furnt.-r» ng ami »1. ivc p.j 61 u'JÜ i u »» ju m.n «i I Tiv-<) 4U I <*'"• U) UÍCbd'ijzu i«»r tixfy G»uudj uf clean .»t fin.kt’.iMt lie « an «'«nuplgir ihr umtract I *** ’** n rt,,uVb a>«»».G. wheat a* rullnwA Tlility.« I a ht p>ubd» I IL v. Father Cl irk informs ns that bi* iheregU'ar ö«*i»fvm »er temi of ti,e er- .nia an»l til«-hta or lier <»bj«*-tl«»i»s to natd account ind«4»G*l to Or ^nJí Cbl^uod nr» hereby • b ’ *. * “ I J» ‘ k>u^v*4e. ' r * “ * straight Hour In .farmt-r'h aack>. «»r thirty-Tour — the mi.n.L • ■• •'•»- uf ■< N«^veu«bt*r. * - v v'u: C ll:» v»»b\v|ie.* nvx* \!i>ii ia. . i b ;i j gfrtt r. Archb.shop Gro-s of Portland, will i Ug souv a?l WM** :t prf» s umi and u..d b-ip b- iyr* : ear' nr« • Judge Day aud Jctry Nun.*:i *.« re tmr.g (nti v,rwui< •“* to csU at cut oib«*‘ ala« mak»- prompt I'ouri'U» of o«u’k«*l flour Kwhang«- will at*- “s* who attemt on or b«4«»r«* Kit»! day. ju'cv.uî ilv y« iow New» wn vai.eiy, at enteria Urd '.fiat tue wmk u».»y i. r ütûaitu g-' •»: .*iz«d lllX'At'l Ju ht* di JM’MWl Ilf. I i.p l>rut*ai»lv arrive m Jurk-unyllle one week enterta lied tc ti the w««i^ may bf dviaitd ■ >fir pro|*us to cal. us esm-c of «uri I cu»iri ;»>»i -»y v»»mu»i-*i >a F'rai - ♦’la»-•», a ptoi;e-r i* -idea' o’ Yr. ka,.tul., «Ile»i on tne 21*t iu-t., aged 55 y» urs. De Witt 8 Littie Eadv Riser*. Best liver pili ever niade. Cure cotndpat on every tune. Nunetqual. Uje them now. P. Ivory of Uni».n- >wn precinct h.»> just »•onq»>eie«i a ditch that wiil sti;q ly his arm with a I L*rai am .unt uf water. Largest Importing House HALE BROS, t CO., SACRAMENTO, CAL. g288‘*%8e?B! ... HOW THEY TREAT YOU. WHAT THEY KE* P. Monday, September 15,1890, Central Point, 01 .. ................. I I Mondai. Sqit. 22, Coniinnins ii Üays. THE PAVILION WILL BE OPEN THE WOMEN OF OREGON ACENTS WANTED for W TILE FOR SALE. 1 1 T Tilm of All Kinds, Sale of M A axcUaug«: Exebauget: