F f MIM xg XFAV s . l'OITOElAl. SOIES. ehe Jh men ah e eimen fli Sending Off for Seed. HUVESTIIC MiCHINWI I b (n. OffllIM, F A PI > I U* FRIPA \ h lu K ■ 1 m: Lun z ¡ Ur ■ fur »’it d •< ami adr> nun. nil Fi.ok. xc.: F lytii by Judwe L’ IT y the estate ut the 1 whose propeity was valu*-d in 1 Itoli, an»! rvmp»i*< borde ri h g «in M.trkel in San Fr thereon. RANDOLPH HEADERS 1 ble ill m loid BINDERS, REAPERS, ETC kepi 1 ' u. ¡ • 111 : g t OU bright f«»r I unsat- l > UÇOII 111 L w til YoRK'^eenFU« mnnt down h»*ho» ' ni ahit nt-, I 'H'oml in thi .Iwir.llin If Ul' IVA M. »‘ger mt > -j to I th»* tbaiiii ! I i Hi»ei t of the next i her «lowmail contiuent. wLe.*| 1 -rtunnt« i\ ■ i. re Harm. w . i I ‘I in»! W bile 1! adv aliurt tim»* J tn I »• gra n mark' tied Hr H.HI re J mi > the I n its merits before th.- pu ’ g to inform filoni-« vii li-.'" are r»*icrret salve in the won-i for i iiP s Sores, Ulcers. Sait Rheum. Fe\ ares. fetter, Chapped Hands, ‘ hilbuii! (’»irns, and all Skin Eruptions, and pu rt s for Piles, or no ; ay requii» d i ' g 'tarant 11 d to give »five perfect perfect! atisfact • nio.iey refunded Pi ice 25 < ents pe For >ah by alidruggisH. » MEDFORD, OREGON •I iiirni- tint nt A Woibleiltil B-n-k. F k i.x< ist « »! < I time tai 11rs of an” «•ver'tiling of merit pro ■oaat in Hie fa*t Ib-rs»* lini* n »daini ng Al Farrow, the 1 H er. as a California li“r* eeent urli »•\eiuent*» at Ch" I’ lu I, is onlv a repetition I »eiitatiuid in that line ■ ke»i for. t h K Reptil blv iVlV’S comtniss. annually compensât’.tig a Ivan ent von>*nt’it •«! Ih» ornamental, and t that, am! tl»e |»eo| maintain give th»« some «40* the p4> is iniipiit that oppresse»* the sick f»»r the «• lirait Ry is infaniuii!- oae who aie too oh! ten«! thernsel h tariff am! i« st ; , . ;-n. *h«» pr* i* Upright, I agiin-t It country. i E xulim M-»rjm» Th Theo Ion !.»> tl 1 : s V l-llsil ik u rd ars have p:»s-e»i by s n •• the »1 the Pd-tim's Pro-:r- ss. In h t 1 line 1 io NN rid h »*• m id ■ a ■ n < - ill dvancis ba** forgot »tn or «»tigrown hun- b»d- <»l ill ii'-ands of b '.»ks. Yut tl»l^ kirn* Pilgrim * Pr >gr«*ss written in Bullord ¡.t.l bv a uommoti thinker ?'»• yea' -* a-«» is 10 »lav re oi m m-*re languages and hv inoie p» *‘ple <»f all class, s th m ai.v other i» -k hi the civil/»-I wot Id, the Bible alone »•\ ej'ted. A grand memorial edition has ju**i be**n ihli-h-d to l»e sold at a pri< »• will.in th»* .«uh of all. and vet to be the finest etiition prii.t. I Im book is richly illu*traied grand» st am! most uh have ever iperb Mysterious Disappear aim - . Mrs .lohn A Clarke \v a- i ¿r> from in.lige« tion and 'i K h> a I left her homi r last S »tur-l.iv .» li of De Win ' • Li ! tie E. ihv IF s» ’lox* ami lier brada I»1 di.» i ppeared my tori hh | v »s ¿t came, Try them. . I hy E. (’ Hr inks. JttcksniiN il’e to Medford. lie- \V«»rhl i.iuhlnd. h s ... t’:.* presen: »I. f •*. 4 ry (l.mg 1 h:it in i'l \v»»liare and « • 'Infor unliiiiitV’l. mid wh I gs waa fi t produce«! the 4*jHh hi*i wiih tne «ii iy pt rf«*» f Jfiiown, as it is th<* ot Iv rem»dy truly pleasing and rulreshing to th ami prompt ami utledual to cleat! system gently in the springtime, fa» t, at any (ime, and the better it is k 1 the mure pupuinr it becume.*» wagon that connects -, -r shine, and can it s . WMi.*-, Fargo A Co 8 taction guaranteed. J ohn D y ar . Driver. G rand S pring O pening AT Infall Blunk». 11 M : « • a ♦ I»ne M »nlli. & REAMES ami «• • refe, intuì' a I.” r r Link WHITE’S, AL1FORN1A OREGOX Latest Novelties in Fine Dress G ì npanv lin- li th»» pub at d t • i und hi an "thur « lleniiettau, I.at»*«t Spi ¡ng hairs aad Alpacas, u • l ' I « ■ I lit* lllllr Li st Line of I'.tnbruiderirn, Flouncing!, Etc., ever brought to town. he Iir\\ Iv.intag X' hite < », St i.i w \ S haw i s , T owels , st raigl ot track tn pert’ Ru< W i hi ■*. prim verbal . .. . V, ■ 1 inulte Jkjivw,- over II 1 0(1.1 — . . Ladies’ »!>.. .-(.MlültV. I.,» r. ttr.ivif(l -•r pro'ab y djwn-wight mgw -i W ■ ■ th ■ iiimat* > id. r.iU >U?P n tlm p ibimi e I i r t! «■ of Hie While II ,-1-e lur the41 i I. .--1 'ba«» v|r. ( le velami1 It was lie! W. Mtrirm pl«-'-' tm 1er Mrrt—t uns md i il transa Hr ■ !" • leg vrdrii i Aft» 1 beii j nn ,| bv th.- li » »•unt iy. real-»* In 1-s'i it W»*V • r. an 1 t ! «e» u 1 ( b» g •n to si. ri:. k. ii * man . 1 as a «Ian ■ • la 1»gut "I the lib» rtv ui 1. rge enough ! • -r a r g hi by. > I*» li‘» M i 1 U de i i»i- wit F- 4 air * »U* •» "1 •• »i”- «l'i’ hce .»et ¡11 It 1,(1' 1 ' the pre» rug tnuUy n! t uni in ■v*l of bi» < •t 1 Í **1 IL «-’ .«"•' 1 i»-t»m-e and IH ¡th.r*l lift!** !» • r ban ’.*! d h i- » to a lig' cd. lilt ic ’d tea ,-i(.i a. ;..ii 1 ■ d • fe*!. 'make r-ltei-l-i ' • t» u s« burg. or . July 2**. 1*A«'. given thut in compiimi« ♦» f th« ad «-f « ongr»*- of i ri ad f<»r 11»«- s.iI» of of < dUforma. Or«-- T»*rrit<»ry. ’ county ’ot «lay tlhsl suat«rm*m for flu « ! H» « . X-». Ó. *n Ta p. . ami u di off.-r pr«s»t to •light ik m«»re VMhiubh* i.-tie ttiHH l«»r agri« ultural «■stablish his claim to said K gist» r am! R«< « : v. r «»t thi- urg. Or., «»ti Tlouxlay. th«- l».i li It«- iiaiii»*i4 a- witness«-«.; \ Ir«xj kii« lien ot • f P.irtliimf. ng adversely tin* r* .pi«*st»-«l t<. til»* i <»r b»*f<»r<* kh M \v r A»lverthtng Pureau «10 spruce —»HEW YORK, Cfj for Pitchers Gastona. vre, ii'f ena< Lo lar can i«*u r. 1i.ili Notice lor Publication ». R< iebiirg. < >r. July 21. ■.’••• • it tli.it in »-«.nipiiai.. «• tti» a« t <»t < ».ngr» si- . f An act 1 <»r th«- mal«- ot 4t«*s «,f < alifoi n.d. < n ♦ - i-ljiupîon T«rr:t«»ry. f PnispiM-t, coimti «.t ■ >n, lia* tins «laj ni»*«! In am« ru» nt for the |.ur- I t ion X«». *, jri t »wushif» md h i. off« r |»r»H.f t«» iglit > more valuat»!»* than ?>i agricultura »Hsh hi*, » laiin t»» said r and K« « • i ver of this •i g* •!». <»n Vtetlnveday, . I***». H«* miiiica as A I . K itchen of Port- < »r« / .1); » a < trap < ■ u nt y , » »r« g» >n; . Washington, aiming adver» ly th« ir» r. .«i« stc«l to til» a- on or l»ef<»re Sdl»t Jpitat. 1 ABSOLUTELY PURE CULTÍVATE your orchard har-1 do, ,-il. itliin w 'T« •MCI u ¡ ,-ni I !«* for Infants and CaAtorla is so well adapted to children that • commend it aa superior to any prescription ■own to me ’• H. A A bchkr , M D., Ill So. Oxiord SL, uruoàjju, N. Y. I W< »in il. <111 IT. I Notice for Publication Children Cantería curc.t F'olir. Con/c p*tti'n Sour Stomach, 1’iarrhcra. Fru'*tat« « i-i»rg. « »r . July 2*. I in compliance f « ongresa of »r th« sai<‘ «»t ilihtrma. Or<- n T«-ri it«»ry.” 1C-*s**l >ui g. u.'uritt th * «lay ttlcil tatetnent f«»r th« and s u, »t n « s. Rang« w 1 liât th« .and î• r it* Limb« i <»r pUrpOMML UH'I t<» land In-tor«- th« H olh«*« Mt Ro**. th. l«;th «lay <»t u ltlH*s««*M I »11% bl hitch» n <*t Pr «*• I lami. Or. mg adv«*rs«*ly th» re»|ii(sti*d to 11!» n 01 l»«d.»r«- sa d \ al u< Küls W rta.*, »nxs aa tp, aud prwmotee di­ gesti» n. WiUiuul injurious uedicau.iki. Hll T hs i rsT.uR C omcast . TT Murr.it the wh Wards reckless inai iebtedr lilt Ult D’.h tudv oni íLLAAiETí L MLVPjo iuety i n in e k nr LAW BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE. AND MEDICAL COURSES PH AR.VI AC EU TIC At. THEOLOGICAL, ART CC : URSES NUSI3AL th -e NORMAL SCIENTIFIC in ER A» Y, CLASSICAL, The Orchard Nome Association. AND M « *r<*j»on NEW SPRING GOODS 2" IL I JlV i • u. -AT .'»(i t«> N LJ N A N I" t.l till;' II 'f . It-x -t.r Notice for Publication I l.-.md Ollie«-. R<»s»-I»urg. Or.. July 2\ 1 «i. i« l«y given thut in <*oinplian< e ' • ?i * >. • n*. <.! f H< iu - i , u 4 « »ng r» ss o i ■. 1>7\ « nbt i « m 1 "An act h.r th« su.- «» i aii-l- ,n th- Stat« s of « alifornia. or« X« \ a«hi Mud Washingion T . : H lian.» s u- witm-ss. s. <«u-• : hitch« ri«»f l’r-»sp»*<*t. Or.. X. .1. rtiiiiid < a . (iiHpinan of Ros«*- S ingle S trap T racx • T **- F ■ ’ 'J Notice for Publication ts & r < • B t i but tl»e cot to MippOFt tìie electi'J’ visor* api » liingu ludi 'Ai S it L V..P S6.OO up harnea F.oad Caris »'rom 39.50 up SENO FOÍY CATALO'.:"» ACME MAN” : ’. ACTiTUNG CO. NDIANAPOLIS, IMD. * GRAND lnvincibl Alpac OPENING « vu Ladies Choie 3 Washer Land < itth-<*, !*->*i burg. <»i . July 21. !*’.«•. t-y given that in 1 '«»tupi lanre in. ji .»\ «,t tli< ad (,f 4 i»ngr«*ss oi ». D7-*. « nthlud "An a«*t tor tin -1 (lie t>! 1 1 " tin Stati - <-i < alifotn- . 4 ’ »I ' n. X« vm «! m and .................. H*hti>gton T» rr:t»»ry. ’ . M« hit« •sh of Alterdt » li. county <»l • ha I is. Slate . o! U h »hingt' ti. has t hi* «in> il in this office .. his -u orti -iat« nu nt f»»r fl • reliase of th»* n « . • ’ '• *....................> p. N Ibtlig« .Xo. J e and will offer proof to t tint t h»* *an<‘ sought is mor»- vnluab.e st iniber or *t«»ne than f«»i agrien If unii »s«‘s ah'l t«» « -tahlisb his * lami to eaul I"'" I- "'•' H.inM.-r HII.I l<><-iivi> «I > m II,,«, .n- , ,,„ w.-.(n.*lH, I hr I-II. ,l>.v .,f r. 1-H«,. It. rm,,,.-. , ' a 1t- M. b..ru, I.- I'.lr,,ii, J « , . \ I "I l-ortland. Multi« ,ua|,.. uu ,1y. tis clMlming adì «*rs»*iy t ht <1 laibis ar«» i«-«|ii(*st««I t«.» ill» this office «»f> or lwfor«* •a "I »I m r. I*'«u Jt»H.X II -HI PE, R. g -t Notice for Publication I NEWMAN FISHER’S 5,000 Now in Actual Use dvr nur . Tin r»* ; <|n g<»r< - mirti»ii T«*ri 11«»ry , ’ hitch« 11 l’r«»»*p« <-t, «'oUbty «-: tat«* of » h-egiai. has this day fi 1«*| m ti I«*-l»|s »»worn *t»«t« tn< tit f«»r th-* pur .(*»<• « » I t it»* n w »-4 • - I >•«•». X < In Tu p .X - «. f Kang«- > - . < , «»rid u ill • ff«-i pr«»of t«» m I i «» u i- i . h tin bin-! s-iiiglit I m rm»rc v ahtabl«* for if». .timber - 1 st«»im fit.m f.»t ,igr ! said I hii -I I»«- 11«» Reg i*t< 1 Ktid R< e» I v 4 r of t his off I»-« - «»( • Imi g. « it ♦ g«»n. «41 NV «-«imtMlM) , ti««- 1;,th « »it-'ll- I . I'"«. Il'- IlHIIU*« H* Wit II» I W i < h. Mcl».»nald r.*iolu« «»! Portland, « \ « lianmHii *>t R«- m « l»urg. < »1 -, J. »’. M< I nt - ii . ! Al««*t *h «-ii. W a - Io net «-ii till and ad |" r-.-n-claiming H»h « r*-< iy the i-st«*l to file mis In this < tflc«* «»ii or l>«-for«* ** m I«I .if « >«■t«»l»«-i. 1st«’. J<»IIX H Sill PE. R. gist. r. of iiiia vicinity will fiad our OXFORD TIES EMORY HERRIN. Ashiaud.Ja« kbuu Co.. Ur. NEWMAN FISHER, I Jacksonville, Oregon A Ï ” > Mind iran<1*«ring enr*d. R< w .|( n Uaroe-1 ri r.•»•iiu* T«al •<> .• : ■•> fr m Mn pur» <»f tim gl-4w> Pmt>|w^.f*itf mar nrr. wut «*n npp’»r*ii.,n <•> l’niL A. L..IWU -, XJ7 tdib Av«. Nvw Yurfc.