» » I I I F. H Rtanlcy. who has the grading coo- Ririe L«»,*t. cestbal point P ointer ». : tract in Linkvidv, has c«»nstruet«-d n tram- I Z--Í 1 way from the burned diatrietto th«- cast r 1«1 c . c . .1- Ilent} Kub!i iost a>tcvci • Furniture uf all kind» at Gilderdeevc'r. Ii a .■*ii.u !in, ¡at. of Williams ci» < k, ia now In ! where he will utilise the rocky ridge In rilling bre,witb a skrictoi' ■ h •' <• r arh»iw at lb« opvra liilder-leev.. M-lla furniture < h .a|i r 'han weeks a/'», for the r«•/ «»I w ' !■ c Tlie coroner * Jury cin»au>.lvd to inquir«* lnt»' the causeot George Qoudiow'd dentn nt iinyb. dr iu southern Oregon. ' < all of M< C ’linaiigi v vh . S. Pennuxir, h<>UM* nr«* n<-ntl) ntu-.t up. timter wi'J r»< - ivc h 1 Hr ■ H • I Gru. of Waldo prt-viDcf vHitcd the Aikml va le) coD9iet«*d of J. C. Serg«-nt. J. ing al the TlXW ottt e wifli th* weapon. J. «« Ileys w n ,en |-, |j governor Oi Oregon, anti others. This du- Donnell, L. Bauman, Wm. Roberts. Chas. Put­ nn * a .AUGI -T 1. 1 FRIDAY cision virtually ends ti e suit und perp ■«- countj-scat uno day rvcently nam and W. Wight. The ey«'-witneM«-a. John wagon at (,'rntrni Point ni> - i" 1 viisliip i lais, posted »lieriff John Minto vf Marion county to situated in Lake county and known ns Mrs. Harry Lambert la borne again alt»*r a luw rode up In front of Sim<»kN I ioum *. where g< 0 Is u(. >o .late ul the order, ma le lor «I Mi per IWG-uei ks visit at Hosuimtg. th«’latter war witting on Ids ¡»arrh reading a .■m!.’t”ITr!,Y,"i'k ,’li're- l,,r” '« 1 'uurtaj', t wuship. the position of chief of police of Portland, the swamp land*. Money noi’t aceonipa'iy ..r- newspaper, ami calling him out said to him, | whi.h resuiic.lu, one of the parlirlMnta Mi*.* Carrie Kobinson hiwrvturntsi tuGrant's rice Sam Parrish, who aspires to a po­ dera. Addres» Tut recent discoveries of valuable coal “John, you've been running this country long being li ully beaten. sition under Collector Earhait. He deposits in the 1'iujqii.» valley ahoulil Pass from her visit to Him ka. Cal. G W. K imsali ., Roseburg,l>r<;- ii enough, and you are within about ten f«‘rt <»f l'rof. Meir.it. (lav Bros , J. jj Kincaid Jf-nnh- Jackson of Jacksonville visitt-d the end of vourrope.” Beyond that point tho would mnke a flrst claes official. encourage *v*tein.it>c prospecting nmoiu In Mi«s testimony is conflicting, some of tin witnetiM- »rank Amy an.l Abe Newbury visit q the r parents at Grant's Pass last Sunday. averring that Goodlow Im«! hfs pistol drawn ' the ioal ru n. s ol this section. It is Ho, for Medford. I be h< avy H it * in the timbered hills back of before Shook tired, other* stating that Shook ' county seat duiing the week. Twi benefit which th* public drr.vc* .ilrt adv * stab!i*h"d b.-y"iid a reasonable Th« undersigned has fitted up a u .-.-, f"r furni- ftuin competition among uiddets, result­ doubt li at there »re rich deiioeils in the Gi ant * Pass till the entire valley witn smoke. exclaimed "What do you mean?'' and tired in- ' Hue’ "r!! Fr’*”■'*"?,o . stantiy, and that (itMsIlow only drew hi.s gun ..Iders.teve keep, 8 tille assortment which will make regular trips b tvcti \rtliur Conklin has b. m u aj pointed inliniiv- I ami tiriil as he was falling after being shut.' lure ing tram judiciomt mheitising tor pro Mradv»* and un Bear creek, also in J at kMonvilh- ami Medford, onnet tit p wd'i • th.- . -.tat. of “ Wui. i rapo, doi-ased. HtratorutC ‘ .... 1 All agree that two shots were tired. The jury and sells at the lowest rates. possi» lor the construction oi public all trains and carrying the I >. mail*. Sam's valley, and tiie rooner they are lias purchased W -r.- cail.-d on to examine affair is greatly deplored here. fin lain raised the water which for , Moore. For Sale or Rent. i Í3 < li'vu f t riirt • i>n\t-u -* at Gnuit’’* I’n** lU’Xt dvvr bJO bids for the construction of the ■ many years has tilled the .alt mine near The firmof Kunh .t Miller, dealers iu A livery stable, in a good location. I ,r variotM bridges they were farei d to l.uiid Hermanstadt, erlUB115latJli 1U t„,1Karyt IL> „ Monda». JiH k »HVI Ie will l»e well repre-ent- ; ii , Hungary, to such a an clothing, gent s furni'hing goods etc has sale or rent Terms reasonable. For fur­ MEDFORD SQUIBS. c«l. a* usual. this season tn that county. Among «lie extraordinary recently niade mi assignment in favor of 0 II Mil- ther particulars apply to loiHiniiuni) height ueiaiii ■■ > vi uv tliat ,o.l. a a ( > r,ralll „ proposals w,i* one for building a fine irreatinany io> p-v» floated to the sin- . „.''f,;,. r:rMm''n7r" SOrry uf ,htir ,.i o|.. orna aimshop il. E. B iki it Mi** C-I.** e i'iymiile i“ vi*iling her aunt, suspension bridge aero»* Klamath river, ! fare, where they were taken out with there m * h » ii . Meilfini. Or Mis L Zigler. am! faimly at Roseburg locust less than U»«. 1« 1«.»» <“ »'•' : tDUch «lancer ami diiliculry, and they B o I mt ! A. AU cu . iomnTly <»f Gram * 1’iuw. N »tw'ithstandiiic the dull tunes, prices pruvetl tu be the budiea o(3*M> Hungarian |«li« »l ill a in»*pitai at B«»rUan«l <»n rhindaj of vert is*. _______________ of real-estate in this place keep up quite Hunve«U who had fallen at the battle of ' ,“’'t *”k. well. A pisrii.ii to th** t: 'I'i'i'iir. .late.l I Veix Aknar. which was fought February ' ..................... ...................... .. H>ghe»t of all in Leavening Power.— U. S. Gov’t Report. Aug. 17. 1^89. !.. I.. Jciiniitg* an 1 Tho*. Howard ol Grant a Hdiiater, Cal., July Ii. «a«» that H. [4.1M9, ami had been thrown into the ! BRANCH HOUSE, W. S. Bai num * new residence lias been MEDFORD, OREGON. unuh• Mr»ti«»r«t - I»“U< «»t t w• • k. roofed in ai d will soon be ready tur occu- mine. The corpses weie so thoroughly panry . camlidatea for governor. 1» not held to Both th«- brrw» t it s al Grant’* l’a*s ar«’ man- ' preserved by the salt water in which vary high r»«pe. «, a* he f tile.! ....... mtrib- utHvturing an »xt'cHiiit «¡uahty <»f I »« mt aud 1>. J. Lumsden is lanitEy recovering • they bad been immersed that the wounds uto hiu assessment when lie ran lor which had cause,I death were still plain­ ui«- hl»« raiy patronise«!. from lii* recent indisposition, we are clad congress, eix years ago, and which had The Malio Sia»*’t'oiiipnny will put on fuur- to learn. ly to be Seen. Two of the bodies were h«»r*«‘ htaifeM brtwifii < i« *c« tit eit) and to »« advai.eed l.v th.- local politician«. I-aac Woo f buhls over as constable in ' headless. Grant s I’n** tiuoti. Markham, if n .ininiled, will run behind ; xhi* piecinvt, E. A. L ingley having failed I.XUXEAI «na ticket. Oregon al« » i as iier quota ol ' ■ PR. R- ».»UM »• m a patron the de­ H.uiy L. mu I h -1 t i* in.ikiiiK a b>*r reputation tu qualify thia kind l politic-tn-, who are always .population " frame read b. lore the * ir*“l drink“ at the G« in saloon in Grant's I’ iiss . .1. A. Whiteside will soon lake posses­ willing I" a low the» v ...ague, i., foot .Vademy ofMelieme.-tatesthatliiemai. I Dr. Will Jackson has l» prop. ity on 7th *ti« ««t and will soon t»<-vupy hund*omr one. ■ Such1 .-'Jo are in honor I.win • I •> share. Such' -'» per ’"’ I.«^f*« of the population, are still I Hi«’ pin«« with his family. The aver age at which osi- vear to year. riaik Xu k« i* >u ha* pureri.i*« d .Xe«-«lh i A tiona ia his office. R.» k> i-one of those 1,01)0 inhabitants, against 32.*J in Eng­ ||ai'i'»*«»n * .»Ju-iUT»'ran* Ii and w ill pr«s'r««l I«» once. «1« vi iop and improve th«- sain«’ *«»«»n. kind of fellow» who d< n't feel the need land and t” in Russia. Miss 5b»l ie Merriman e * h< m ■ f«»r her of a political < » ty to »orsl ip, ai d he 1» Th« action «»t tlu « .unl\ court, in r« fusing vacation, but will r< *nmc the study <•( Will« all the coinplaint ol hard tunes .»qs» tally averse to making >1 tin god of everywhere, the citizen« of tins va ley t.. i« t.ii'l«! fie I'rnlgc «»ver Illinois river, is stenography and typ writing at I’oittrtmi causing great d!“*nti*t;u tion ill that section. n Srplf lubvr. Hermann; consequently lie i* out king have reason to congratulate ttiems-Ives I I i valu oKxi \ snr! ammvrs, J. >. ' a < .. a iUKi;, OKfrx.oiy, tin ii saJoon in K- i by Ville, i n« y k- • p an ex- »ni. ni^ll-rnmn»'* e, enues in future. Howard and other resmviils vt M« e* far to i-ounte,balance The Monarch saloon at Medford, under I I- I. Gray ha* . *ta!»li“h««l a ’Tam il jewelry Zepliy I- < • ill till : i ins. Ul 80. Oxford torooklyu, H. T. « wtai' , i.*tuii" nt at Myrtle P«»int. in care of R. I Violoni. StlllXll« I» CoMBIXll! editorial corps bad a world of enjoyment tlie amount that the rm roa I annually the management of H. H. \\ oilers, i.* prov­ over the exposure of the foibles and draws from the C'.iltity for ire ght and i usiif”. Mr. (».win remain at Grant's l'as“ ing a popular res«»rt. The best oi every­ Wtttout tojurioui nwdxcatooiL himself. All the Rag" Illi«» \ cal. thing in that line is kept there • frailties of greatness, until the untimely fares. If the fruit and grain crops do ! (*. I»oy1i-H. and a Fin Line of 1’arasols. Tut CtNTAVt CoarANY, 77 Murray Street. N Y . I'.t li.tt.Toi M. .it..rd wa* in Grant’s Pas* discovery of the fact that Senator sometimes tail a little sh ut of our calcu­ »«•« ■ fitly vmlcav«»ring t<» g« t «»ui «’itizcn“ in- < ireat bargains in g uu and silver v* al< lies Hearst waa among the numlier who had lations, the sauii. season ger.i rally wit­ tcrv*icd in publishing lithographic views ot at I’ i ik hard’s, Medford, lor a few days. won undying fame at the mouth id his nesses a good gold crop, and. a-< the lhe pliu-c. Must be s«»ld soon lo make r »oin f<»r mam­ * purse put a damper on their enthusi- tilines bid fair tu be good to. all tim -tol 1 E. E R« dlb ! I. lai«• Linkvilb'. Ims lo<‘atvd moth stuck coming for the fall trade. i hi Grant'.* Pa**, and th;* w« ’ « k op« ns out in Mtn and turned their joy to wailing i come, this valley certainly basa bright A lawn tennis club hi* been organized The paper ha» been discreetly alien- . tiitnre before it. Cometo southern lire- ‘ ; th« jewelry bu*in«** m Arthur I’vnk’ln'* at Mulford with John Be» k as ¡»resident . bulhling. since the matter leaked out. The levnl- gon, the western Undo' the leal, and live tunce u.d Miss Carrie Van Pyke a.* secretary. Grant “ Pass wit 1» h«’i -!2.'»»» p«»pulntion. lias The tennis court is on lhe lawn at W. H. •ion ui feeling Meein« tu have eoured it. long and be ptoapetons. I in.nl« th” in«»“t r.tphi growth «»1 any Oregon TH \ I»! VI K* *11 VENT* IN The *tory is too good to keep, even on town m tin last l‘> y« ai“. Th«- factory «li >me- BUSINESS, LAW AND eral tutlhuu acres to the public domain J u!y ". i »sephin« bridjr«** a«’r«»ss that “trcain, during il ne ag»>,amt i* a!! th« ..cf of 1 ■hjit«-*.* ol two supervisors to w I mmu the taking of hir roller mill has changed hand “ and MUSICAL, THEOLOCICAL, PHARMACEUTICAL AND litio in the ratlroaUs to the large H«4»« rlie A B irk i k • p on«' oi th«- mo*i .*. « miti« <1 • ’’Ail a«-t !«»r til« MH <»1 W e eh dlenge the reader to successfully controvert the ti».»eitinti that i the Oregon census was entrusted, cared popuiur suh>«»ns in * »uth« rn Oreg«m at Die v\ Hl a!bi j * rut' 4 on the »• vebanur plan »•1- in f in ■* IT. - , rni i. ♦ »1 « - ART COURSES. far less that the enUKeiators employed "f partially earned Ian I along their county-seat, an«l ar«* c.»n“«’«piently well hervntt« r file high standard o. lhe flour an acre of thrifty, well-cultivated, producing orchard tr< O!.| WHtdnmrtou Tvrrlt<»rj. ' M ’ lil ■» in the val- routes, heretofore in d -itl.r, and < nable patron»/* «1. manufactured here will be luaiul tilled. T 1* tIi« «»¡«1« *1. ¡arg« *f aii«l h ji M p« iiHlVv iilMitiitb»n of h-HriuiiK Hi>h‘ u i tliw« --! The J l< I ••f H •*.-l»urg. «•«»untv ’of were competent than tlrat they were of ley of Rogue River will yield a net yearly income I them to p'a. e same in th-.> market. I'lic SUMI. ]t will •«< bool tip« ii.* tin lust Moielay in S« pteiuber. Hvnd for cnfalogue •" < >1 • 'll. has ihiM dai) ni«q| the right political stripe, says the ll'.b in Rowl« y . tlf« pi. » ii «’« t iihii « r of Bailee i:w k li. '1 I- kll 'T ha* given up the r-Avot n Mal« ut •ill for tli«- average 1H0 trees to tic acre, and th" estimate is In wont teatine a'-uiit the whole business er» < a • pt.* ui >n the ilein- TH<»>. VANSCoY. ITvM’bnt. k. i i bi . n \«ty ill al Grant* Pa** lor char aie uf t be Mtdford Epi*<»»|»al church The work done in must parts of l 4 ‘ d S-« • X.' • ». in Twp. during the pa>t ten years h is ....... that *. v» n«l we. k*. bill «.* improving umb r -killful Salem, « h t ’ Kon oiistrated fact that each fruit tree will pri Inc the state baa been shameful.and as a re­ and !:.*< WC' k went to l’milaml. whiih-r No. 3 «*.aii..u mic «I. i tl attention. lan«i sought i.* mon valuabh- hi* lami \ r. i I lui-ow bin) about September sult Oregon will have at least twenty marketable fruit each vear. »i«- tliau for MHTh’tiitural •/i f. settler has been discouraged lrom M - lam« * Rigg* ami M »ntgotin ry In Id 1st, >a\ .* t! e Mail |ier cent, of her present population un­ if.it»li*ii tn* < lumi to Raid making settlement, ow ing to li:s u ib htv * r\I« « * .it th« Baptist vhurcii at Giant s represented in the truth census report. ist« i and Ri-c ver of tin* > me »nr r«. k ♦••*!} riding a horse I'.i-w *. \ i i il »lay * lui Hig 11n pa*1 •» • ■ k, in the to obtain title either from the general inf« r.-*t ot the W, < . T. I . • n Tliuixiax . tin- l«;th Tlie selection of enumerator a should through tl street* of M’dh>r»l one d--v lift’ S il“ H Hfic-i*. 1' have been made without anv regard to government or fioui th.- railroads. Pi < d .l.i* G f ark i* *p«n ling at w w> • k* Iasi we« k c.iu.*«d strnm.* injury t«» life i ! ! rtfi K it« h « n (,f will be a fine thing fix tiie north .vest to down by tl . bay. 11« willgiv« .in • \» ning * |-rank Sowell, wb > w is *'.»■» ling will» tn* politics ; or if so, there should have been I Dorr lami. liave these lands occupied by genuine « fit« i tainni« tit oj p •• .*y .ni l *ong at E«ige- fath« r on the crossing, a«..l Hie i t’.er wa* ••-r*«-!y th«- hi other wordn an tivii; <4 produemg fruit trees jhag a valuation an equal numlier chosen from each also <|iiitv badly bruised w . il • *n m b’ng settlers, however the resit t may I e ac wuod beture hi* r« turn. !«•rr- tbn 1 atvi ■* the > < -ir into Canada by the cashier, Dante nature a trust-worthy guardian all utiéarne I land giants was something M. >iit»p*oii, win» iia%oiie oi ill«' I e*t and !im *t JoliX H. SIM PE. R. gir • r. H. H Wolters, the mixologist, has re ­ gon delegation in cbiigres.» had their list 1 tot ol young tiuit tree* in *outh»-rn or.gon. uot tu )-• ex)>eeted from a llej ubliean 11» m vet tail* to go «■ sati-t u'lion. takes care of the principle, and the dividends uever fail. Of coui m - if moved bi* *rrl »oil to the building mH door made out and urged the appointment of administration, though it «hoiiid have I-. C. W. l'aim’“ bailn-rshop, on Front Notice lor Publication you plow your orchard once in twenty years, and rob tin tn e» of their their favorites without any regard to ¡'In i.adtng (»rant - Pa tn« i« hauls will street. He has -upplie»! the bar with be»n insisted on by congress. light ilwir *toi«-“ with tn »th ar«* and inciin- the finest wiuts, liquor* and cigar*, other qualifications than party feal'v. nourishment by making a cornfield of the orchard ground, and invite I.. . mg « ondu.-te«! to the Vnited States she also transferred buyers, sliuwuig tl.it ¡lie lamvr W'he iodowitlg <>tlic«*r“ of Me lio’d L'»d_-e ia litui "a*liiiigt.r ii Tern tory.” Buenos \yre-, < mid buy a plow tn N f in tn *t -« la* “ *t y I« ’ by It ••!. '!• * To* k \ . . s.’,, | < >. (). F will serve during the the seal fisheries claim, including an al­ l’.iniu« <»! |*i»»*p(i f. county Of • ’ im.i \ Lodge X '.’».’» \ • • I’ W.. »»t K orby- vfl*U Dg six moriili*. having In»« n inst il cd al«* « ri ( ij < gufi, ha.* I i * ilt« . w : I I»» iii«-rg«'d mt ■ .lo*»'pliin I. *!gi So. l.i* ’ w«-- k l»\ 1» l> G M.. R R M«»rr> le >wurn btatciu« nt f«j|’ flu- ¡»ur- nf seals in the open Behring sea. This Jersey must pay Ils fo-. th» R pulilicln llJol (• fol * Pa** .if an • «rly t iy fa- t,rd« r - ’ * ot *■ • finn No. *. m t wiisUip With bnlf the care you give uIn at-ti. bl.-, an4 it will yield an iueoine «•onntry has persistently asserted the press is teeming with <1. nial-, of everv i* jn a in •*! tl »nt 1*«Hii . < on litio.i at tl»** Grain” P is* Vi . 1 V iwt- r, I'. G. E B. ig«- X... 3«-. an«l w i;| t H r pnmt to P.t k. I. .X G . H. I. Baker V G. f W. oil a valuation of sltmo nn Here. There is not a wheat-liehl in this he lau«! *. . B- > Wehb. 1’. > . Frank ier • »1* Motu* t bau f<»r agi ivu,tut al pute it except Great Britain, the claim ing it did say. Because »rance, —pain, county which yield» such an income, and EVERY orchard does. rin rv i* in» i»an .* »in« i » r l” t:« t reguhit««! Aaim, Trra*.: D S Y» ungs, W (». L. u1« g« n: tion. like the Behring sea, is 1 decided­ are «bricking tl at lhe plow --o-” the Thompson i«»i $suothrthiv Gc«»rg«- mure and Purdin, R. S S . E. P Geary. L. s. S. one hundred growing, thrifty producing fruit trees, to lie »elected by Tne nidge meets ev» ry second ami f »urih *!». A«»« rn. ly open one. and, from toe manner in Enro|>ean purchaser mure than it cost, her two colts, by Vun Dyke's trotter, Adrian, Friday evening« f each m -n h at th ir had you. Buy it for a hotne to shelter you it adversity “ r the winters of <‘l j». *.in» A'IaiHiiiiK r a-iviTM lx th« which English war ves-el.i are being tlie \mwican purenaser, and die Oliver Jordan Bros, w Ul. ere lung, have u stable ot in Adkins A Webb’.* buildmg rib«’«l iiind!» an- r« i«:« >incv ill»1 ’ which any horseman uiny !>«• proud. old age overtake you and find you penuiless. «in ibis (»liier «ni •r l»«tt>r«" s.ud •nassed at Esquimault. it begin» t > look I’iough Company backs them up with a new regalia arrive«! renewed interest is The pr«»j« « t of certain Salem parti« * to pro- as though something more than bluster certificate that their foreign prices— Intv \ id« a« «’oinnn»dal kuh for tourist* at th«' taken by the niemliers. HI I’E, K« k st«r. ... . - - - • • by and expenses oi transportation added— will have to b* resorted to soon J»»svphine limestone caves, and to op« n the Biaioe and the administration. if our amount« to more than their factory price ua\« * for’nsp« « ti »n ami exploration, should I<.»HHIV < |R<1 it cot in |X»< Ktl. W’e give away the land. Pay us $10 a month, 10 cents a tree, for Notice lor Publication. claim to exclusive occupancy in that to Americans. They do not deny—they be unc«»urage«l. It would mj doula prov«* /. \ fnir firtlt r* ¡Uh fl iritli ph tt*hnf two years, and we will present you a warranty deed of the acre, and cannot—that our protected manufacturer- protitablc. section is to be longer maintained. I Land iiflicc. Rosi burg. Or., Ill - fttllowing i* ;» list of » ttsrs which < larle* Ji Toy di«d last w« • k at tlu rt>idem-c .sell cheaper for export than tothe d irnes pl'fllll pt in **. OUR Gl ARAM’EE it to have a thrifty, growing, producing orchard. . , , , July >,|sóü. have !>♦•« ti fio' krt«1«! for trial at tin« AiU’U*t of Frank .Xiday at t he gra\ » l-pft very *udd«*n- ' '' ‘ 'i. I.y Kiv-n timt in roiupiinhrc T ui . ki : iH no one in congless who is tic buyer; that the New York price to the !\. . t tub i-ruE•“!* of th«- !• >w» i* li«> has late­ trifii of the circuit c urt for Despite these facts the farmers of the country continue to value wiii! th. ! t...Hi.,! Congress of foreign.-r is less than to the American bv ly • r«'*id»“i at Ro*« urg. alth»aigh I »run r.v a county . mor»- fainilliar with treasury questions .. I* * « mm -d An a» t tm il,. sah-..t their bind high, and rob its soil by sov.iug it with wheat and compet­ Jun. ftiey d > affirm— m I i resident ot Gritnl'* Pa**. • III Mt N At i".< K e r t: i in i ! • sta;, h <>i < niilornia. Or«- than Mr Carlis’e. and «hat he >-iv> of nearly 50 p->r cent, •> Thf MUUf price* nini ftth ntnm fi* ing in the markets of the world with the serfs of Russia and the slaves xi.ii N«\a..a , . v\ ash.ngion T«rrit.r\.” State i f Oregon v* T'iu »mas White; in- Di. Kremer la-t neck went to Wilbur, our protrtive nnancial condition that in tlie most imsitive and strongest Ualt.i * Wh.atoi, .,t K.* lajig. cutmtx |»oi»g!.»* « I ’ unty . «-alb ’ d tli« i ■■ by l»r. Pug* to «iit inieiit (<»r a a-*auit with dangen.iiH a manner — 'but ths foreign tanti is a tax of India. "Ex[»ort the wheat of a country and you ship away the vital ­ r nr»-' taken very seriously by ail tliiniijli 1/0» iri r< nt Huir < m< uh >•». '1 D-u-la*. oi.u-.u. j.a* this dav til«d « >n*ult with Inin <•> er the i a*«- «»f A. <'. I hap- w«’a j on. ’hi* <»:n h«- -w. tn *tat«mem ’f«»r th«- • ...ire to consider them on the which tbe foreign consumera must pny tiiaii. who ha* t»c«’U m-ar •!• -ath'* «!«»<»r for .*«•% ity of its soil.” says a great economic writer. The peojrle of Jackson ; 1,1 State of Oregon v*. I>. W. Mitchell; sell­ pur« . ’ ¡ar-' ..I th«- lot* 1 and 2. ami * U, -.f n ,• i. •ad plane of statesmanship. Mr. Car­ T iil Harrison family seem to be noth­ ent! w« « k*. but i* now much better. county should learn this as an axiom. ing m.ilt iiquors m less «luanlities than one ‘ ! ’ v ;- "i wi Kang, ,\.. ; <• lisle eave that the regular and permanent ing if not thrifty. Some returned south­ an«l w ui .»!L i pr.n.t to show that the iaini Grftnt * Pa*“ H 1 -k an ! Ladd« r t oinp »any iny g ill 'll without license. Every bread-winner at the forge or near the cutting saws, or in i* i. xa cahh. t,„ Ilb!h,ur appropriations for the year will amount ern California townsite boomers con­ X i 1 w.i- ¡»rgaiii/. si la*t we« k. with G«’o. H M T1O5* A l -l I W *iom i coi! .i apt i«!èl( oral puip«>.-«> an,| f,, souud of the hum of the shuttles, or the thunder of the factories, or to Htf'.OQO.OUO. If to this are added the ceived the idea of establishing a new Currey as prcsldcut ami Jas. P. Brown as Tlie A. I ’ . Hotalmg Co vs. John 1«'. BOOK AND ■ -i "' "I. .Loin 1. Mu.) inu.i l.,f,,r.. ii ,.. retary. "tt-ps ; 1 hav»- already ‘ been ...... • takt-n - l<>- ichcrc, They filhnr no fun tn h inh r*< II tin in . toiling late over desk and counter, should study our plan well. amounts which, on a low estimate, will waitriiig-piffi • at Rockville. .Montgom­ ward* si'riuing un outfit It means K. «"i. t an.l It.i, . i ,,t tu,» ..n,.., llt |t . ““ and ’ * »•«piipfiient-». Marshall; h> r«cuv-r money J. 1 Flynn vs James I’, and Margaret t'Ulk’.lll n.ll.i.H IÌKII m U j . th. l.-.tl, „I > sow the,r dollar business al Grant * Pa** last w«-«-k !•> A. r •ugh“; to r« cover m -i ev I*. i l. I II , V .1. W vhii ol I*, .rtiaii.l. Or. J, ( un rtroux mui >iitix/urhu-«/ friut- tion of the civilized earth can claim to own. An, alala |u i"..|" . laaniiiK al, . i> l> lhe estimate of the government receipts, tn crop, the projectors, »’.atz y Brothers, Leillpke, who. Oil opening tlu •‘liridK«- Ex- * «rah M. Wait»* v- C. M. St«)p.e; action ____ _ _______ change.' anmium'«“! _ CM-ent b»-«-r for sale. -I' '• i il" •! ian.s ar. r> .|in«i.'<| to lib other words, the federal government, on (otimi it necessary to enlist the support .Xc»-dl»-** l<» *ay. In* do« ?» u ruwhing busttn-«*. for damages Write to us, and we will send you our illustrated book of this great tn. n . viali!" .mln. ..Hi.- ■ .11 .11 l.hi.ir •• -W.I infill, f.'oor/» nmn h' i ,rrh il fir iii ' iik // the showing of the secretary of the of the royal frilm of "his grandfatlier’.«” tor hi* good-* .11« xtraiylit anti t!r*t-«-bi** in I'-th ila. ..I O t..b.*r I •■! Arthur Conklin v* Jam» * I’ rail*; same valley and our Orchard Home. a“ above. ".IIX II. 'Hl I I ||,.u, trwMnry. is already bankrupt, without descendants. rijimdid irhere miti*ffn tinn I* in>f yi i f a. In order to a< .mp'isli Edward Lister vs Southern Pacific < «>.: A t «pi • *«iit;d i\•• <»t tin T ime * riibltsbinv counuug the river and harbor bill, which tlie desired result and to insure I In- fiar- same. C«. will t». ‘ at Grant's Pa*s . I Hid Urti... , ItImru. Ur. tion to the sinking fund to be ai-.-o.inted common subterfuge >>t salting their i-iaiiir on July I. 1*'.«». A prompt r. fit o) Ii)l«i; tin i/ curry no „ ' » '"> that in e..,»1.1,4,,. . for. Instead of reducing revenues the with numerous tran-fers of town lots to inton>-. La- tln-.la. n ... .„ n,.. h" - « . .,n Mnt.'- <>. 7Vn bf iU'lU* <»/ thf ir ilf filimj flirt rt president; Mi*. -I. Howard, tren-mrer; Mrs. injunct.« n I ' • ulJ. > in. i nr. ,j in. i. i. i a,,., ■■ aI,d barter of prestige and position for tow n Pavi* Brower, librarian; Mrs. E h > I«-. nssi*tant H. H. Sparlili v*. J,N. <»utcher and <» 1». Hi max Aus. ii . m , the outuoinK l»enio- ?, ' "In* ■ i ol -> > N... I. in ’I w p. V>. ¡2 ' Bri-tow ; injunction. lots, by having deeds to tlie property lit»rarian. with nii>nuEurtirg to have tii.it tin imu *ciight is . >1 m<»r«- 1, u . valuable » a• 11;. I -it • J« »¡- ) it*, f te K« t p jour luoiivy mvuiii pock- t ,in«l d«»n t ul looking out for hi» friend», without timbii «a stone than tor for agiTeuitnial iigricmtma! nur- our- la-en fur cons d rations aggregating p:itr«»ni/» tit» eircu*. winch i* h bilk ot flic Sanin« 1 Pr»»v*<»lt and L. W. Smith; injum- P ” *. ami 1 ’ » •>!;«:•. J-h il!- t ..uni to t;on. regard to their politic al affections. No u w.it ft. it-» p- tformam e b.inx’ a reluisli o! about reiotded will, tiie tn • . t..i. tn. i .,,,.» p., ,..Xi t tlli.,>«!ll.,. what has been *t « n man> tim<*4 befor«. only A manda Bilger i •» J F Kellogg ami B. •ooner had the nomination of liis succe-B- Hl » l.Hig, « I| . u J ho risia), til« |«»ih.iH\ of clerk uf Montgomery county, where lhe hi «i • roll« ii , it that w « tc possible. 1 horde L. Messenger to for«-<*lo“«- mortgage. or been made than lie Bet atout to rol- • T..i»»i, i».*i. u naine- a- w ifri«-*es lie, new summer resort is locan I. I' -rbaps <•! thieves, iramt'b r* and e«»ntbb nee uu-n fol­ .L h’i Winder* vs L Winders; d.vorre. ooixe the Portland eUBlomhouae with X ' K•'« . ....... . i'i."i".-i. msa Blevins v*. Riivy Blevini»; divuic?. I . *•. Land <»tli«-«’. Rosetiurg, M«»«*t favorable report* «•! »lie «'«»uditimi of nosr. i cttLetl in h i .' bvmh ¡ m ubo rutil i vi*• i«• ns <>| .......... arrival from -tovkton, California, and his arrr*t if <»t»|y I >r a few da*. *. when it wui;i I urani in Klamath county continu»* to« orn«'in. w it h tliv provisión* <>t the th«’iu-t «»t C. ngr. *- of Jim l".“. • « lit.Ut ‘All act the sale being given the office of < ustoni inspec­ apt»»ar u.* bad a* t v* r. f inally ii i.reame Bill B.i*r» t» I h * i w«•• k r< tuin«-«l to l.inkvlllr limh. t lamlh m th. stut. - O1 i alibuniH. <>r< j tor was not on account of any is-raonal or periuaiMVit. ami «t« »pi!«* flu - Y«»n-tar.r at- f»om the Grotis i aneli, w licr.- hr has l«e«-n for goii. y'-‘da ajid U it*huigioii Tiiritorx. I Jante* < « . . M« ’ide« n. <-ouniy*«»t J.ii.t«-- M< into'dl inlosli «1 «,f Abt Aberdet political grounds, but simply coaituanded trillion of * \« ral |'hy*i» iaiiM it (oiifinurd “olii* lime. « | 1 ' ... i.t'n ot Washington, luí* fhi* by Hermann bo I hat hr could propitiate t<> grow wt»r“«‘. the dis'harur fr m the nicer ■ .1 • m • » « till!, I» i «_ Male v.«Vt ... -»-•.. - - «hiv - • <«mii i i • mn* *u| i ' u.• m I «» • riv • r precinct, tl!« «1 offic« Ins r-\s < ,| II stall im’lit tor the his friend »imon Caiu, who faded to get In * g ex« «..’ N.I. - u, Twp. V., "t ■*<■<. Many peculiar points make lb «id's SaP ;»2 s. R.’iige No.and charge of ttie Roseburg land office after c<»hdui<>n when I c<»miurn< vd to takr io b«’ tin cas*-. •> • nn.» will will < n.a to Swift’-« Npecitiro >. s > about one month s|lOW thllt til«- atid sought 1* mure valuable I’nvlv >ain < oh « i w .is rioiisiy injur«-«! I. im daparilla superior to all other medicine». being promised by our versatile repre­ h»r Ha tiinbcr or *■-:• si«»n< ug«>, but I am now happv to >av that afirr w« • k by I»« ing kn k« «l )u*t I»« low tin knr«* by '■.« than f«»j agricultural r.-cotuu m crnMnaUon, proportion, sentative that be should have it. Morris . purp’/sc.“. and i<» o «. *tu b’ish hi* c’ann to Ha id taking fi»ur large butth » of \ «»ur wundrriui alr»r*« ’in w a* «¡riving. html betorr the R« gi*l< r am! Revelv< r «»! !i.l* and preparation ut Ingredient,, Caro should I* considered with the medirme my n«»-r is entirely wdJ, ami my »»J««’.' ,i: Eo.*«-t-ur ¡>. W. Waik'r. G. W. Walk« i and Mr. Mc­ Ilood'x Sarsaparilla possesses *’r , on WTxnic “da\ the l»emocra's who are to "walk the plank” general hcalth better than it has b e»i III 1M li . of ........ - s ;h h « < n •<«!». i ¡ I*«), 1»;., »j- .0,4.1. Daniel, I roin J«»*« i»lu nr< on my , were in l.ink- the full curative valuo <>f the when President Harrison's apjointee fen yv.ir* X il «• *• -v« i il «lay “last w«’ > Hu red mr of a • o i i th«’ stag«- line between L.iikviih* and tho vegctablo dom. An. un.I al |r I .................... , !\ • i". ;v the Teculiar in bb»< <1 X »int 1h.1t had tr. ubb d me f r ' «ai* Ci »ar lake and i* giving sati.-diu fiori. a l. . . |. |..,IR|. ar, ,. t;, »I,. I rounder it with »ut an rtpia'. and ccouomy — 1 nj < di . lor s pension legislate n i>a- ie <"■ •« tur. «ai.l A meeting of “tockho’l-r- of fin- latti«’ I ■• i - — n> in !-»t h da y of «>vtot»« r. l *!»ti • •i' Na-Jivdl« 11. d'tced the surplus 111 tlie national tre . - the only medi- ma rii Waler Ditch <'oui pm v will b«- held at »aparilla Jolí\ if sin PK. Iti giM. r. 11 eati— oh l,|. .■ «1 an I 'km «I • l*c-i Kia < '<»l<>|-«->.«• ■-«-M. 11.-nri.-t t .'I !*ill‘ y\ <><»!. l.inkviil«' tin* aft«rn«M»n at 2 «• ebs k. cine ury to »uch an extent that it now »-«•n.- niailed tree whicli can trul. tesaid. -*<•<»(«•11 I*l:»i<. t l»:i*i“. un«! i*’•ui'' to I»« wcfl p:itr«»ni/.cd. inability of the revenues to meet the ♦ larger and smaller bottle« I . ". Lan<] t il! i«-*-, Ros» burg. < ir.. » »• - iuAi kable Ketc ar appropriations. Tins will prove a sad I r«-«| H Mill* bn* b»“’U api» >mf«’«l adminis­ v . . . July 21. ¡sial. require larger rto.es, and do not w h«l.lo givi, that in empiiamo Miv M trator of th«- «stat« «»f Wrirrn II Mill*, «le- .1-1 < irtain. III. sequel Io the Isiastful din T« i •»•«.. \‘ ancceeding day announced that he ha I cr.-w v. - h . H h t«»ld ber she was a br»pe l».»!h i»« « to thru*. v tim «•’ ••or.*unii»t"»u, and that n Ao-"'.n ........... hi* dosila) H.rdi«i Havimr I'eci'ivt d I fom Bo-ton a largì' Hr "icc ini-".ttv ln**w.in *t.H«-„(jjt f,.| (i, . jr. for a river or harbor of Oregon. l he In» d c -»e lidi ur* Ler Her druggi* I.Inkv lHmn* ar«’ wal«*hinx th«' Soulln rn purifier ever discovered. ' ••■i • of th. nw <.« s.v. X. . •«. in Tup X«». 1! ' < ’ '•'♦' < D k r.g “ X e >t puc >very I dispatches suddenly ceased after li.e .. I I 1’e' Uliarln its ■• good name I’ h i!n niov. m« nt“ in I h«’ mati • r of removing Blade and Shops, onr etock is inori' compli'te in that ! ; 1 >• . ami w « ff. r I !.. -f to *h"W * - • t.iuij- a botale, and ’ it* main lin» t«» Klamath «• mify wirb tigrr- home,"—them is now ol June, as did also t!io-.‘ referring to' ' n*".' ; more t fut II»- ,:ml ngtit i* im i« \ a uat'lr t«»r its h«r d i u-h’ f«»u: d herweif b^nctile-i irmi «•) • «I • xj»« rtalu»n. f.mtwj ..j -p.n, t|.nn », . ..,o- the numberless public l.nilding« which of Hood’s SarsaparilL-i sold in rir-H d ».-e b <• .ni, pned ita use atid aft» |>"*’ *, and to« >tabh%h in*«-!,»!m t< ani land b« If B. Pau!, lately jiotie» <»t Wood riv» rpri- Lowell, where Hinger bail “aecttrad” for tire van >u» taking »ni h t f«»tind h»»r“elf noti' toi e He |(. g^K-r hii «1 R. r. iv r . t thiseff . • «111 t. I i . i * i. m«»v«-l I » I’iii! ui« Iphla w ith liis aspiring’ towns throughout the state. mi » ri , r i v «!•.»•-« j»»»r own b«-u«rw"> K- *«‘lmrg. On gon. on Woln.nlav, t! . 15th other blood wit< liiey fiav« th»- best wish«»« of their than of all lay ol ! « letol»« i . |* hi . |{< iiMint s a • w um **«•«,; and i “ n» * «• i a^ * r tv»»r w-««. F r e* tj They came too high over the teiegrapo many Irien«!“ iu their w home. purifiers, _ -.culiar In tts X. J. n« hn. M< Donald Pnr«iue .»1 P« itlaim, ^‘Glr»« c»f ’h>* g «» il Di •'«»vere ai L lines at even commercial rates fur ev^ry record of sales Prof. I» A. Erteti, principal ■ f tin Ltnk- pbenomc- . ‘ . A i iripman ot lU S'bt.i^, < >j , J.c' B*- ’ • ’ Cλ . l»rg« bouies. LM c«t> i We Imv in large quantifie-, and an prepared to give lower prices i M< ’i ’1111.1*11 day indulgence and besid«- I’.iugi r md- Ami ? «>>. nt Abcrdvrn. Washington. V * 'j- "I. r» t..rn« d tin* w« « k from üttmd- abroad. othrr preparation mx th« tai» teacher - i»i «titun*nt î*nl» or b< - Any «nd <« I pi i *< uè vlmming adv i-, iv th«« ifenly realised that tbe^ cost was a rp> t<> coneir.ners than nn'-t <>f our e nup« titof-. Intending buy.-rs will ever xttalned eueb popu­ • uru« ylng at A j hliu ! j !- ■ ■■■ !:(.: I mu - tri r- iu« -t ■. tu S ■ h ’ s - b ’ u u r’ee of recklesv and unnecet.-ary extia • ” r Jam - -ii t , <¡. . ( h i i, j ;1. I i his ham» * trip. « Putite larity la to ebon & tins. find it ad'ant'ij' .'ll t ' • isit I ! "k-on-.q!l b-f i" b-n big their epi ing ti •.panes. *hich in the in'ereet ot an acc- 1 jib d j > 1 V t !• »J. «o Iienjí'mt^rTi.YTfae pre*«n! ’.;3:t* * 4 th«> r - - aai rctaiurd It» ropolntty Ib me«' gi -« cry ubiaaa JUU.X 11. Sill 1 L. K< r .. t. ’ i. - ----------- - - . C ..nr. wUich tbo n< • cc'ujy’ the al*:-in¡n.7 l( supply. to Porb.s e.-nfirt»«-« araoBg *11 cbtjc» c nnrHtn rt *«♦ t n . !• * r h ba* • - 4*ri 1«. 1 uprHm • ’ r< Ccirt'ftatyf ?. to retrench Should the appropriation ri jdv Î . r -t- -'immer ___ ______ A contrari wxth ih* •♦-»«* •* r nitiar; • lui .«alocn “ rh»y*t!H'«« cf pvcplo e» etoadlKitiy. ’ county •«.nb ¡» ■nip!«t< ’.in . I bill» now fat'to pass altogether it will part «>f th» rnnMtrufmn » f th«- Rtat- . V.* * not ♦r.id»j t ♦ * Klamath Ho not be induced to buy ether rtepantlons, ■ f fttapl»’ and tancy ur«»* » ru t*. *»/l work with our congressman's •*Krir«* unti! Ih.» fir*t <.f Janunrv. |*;c,. n,.. %t be sure to get the reeullar Medicine, L g1“l:ltur»’ oi Li»u!*htn:i, m hh’h a«!j‘»urn»*«l t »Io- r« s« IA at'.i.n. In «'■ »ninltt«'d I ilh«'|.» pi» In «.nr r mirp. 1 n.v»ni.'¡, if ,TU U1 Prepared only 1 |“92. uh .:i wlll rarry th. * finri» » .fin Li m» I • . ' thaï i-» ’h« Aj p:-trat» * an«! nirt to !'r«- Soldbyslldrundfitt. caution the public against expecting too L/JW-M / up li*v ”)' fit Lr titf* th«' «‘r«’«iit «•! IMMISI Uh-l«A.d rVu by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries. Lowell, Mau. rprr. • » m -f^ i»-A'.t |»r.< i A. L.nwtte-, i». Igo» s,, y Javkevu vi4.lv. Orogon, I XAnt A ui CBKVU puVUUUtXsr 4SVC^> f«*» prvttmttvu» L kami W. EDITORIA! .VOTE*. ftefntttra!icSbut| ........... ................ lOsEI'lllXK COV.VTY ITEM*. a g OH k II 1 I. CASE TUESHERS AND ENCINES. THE J. RANDOLPH HEADERS. BINDERS, REAPERS, ETC., -^ ON REASONABLE TERMS Staver & Walker, Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE G rand CASTORIA! for Infants and Children spring REAMES & O pening WHITE’S, Latest Novelties in Fine Dress Gc-oih. i WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. Ladies’ Fine Shoes a Specialty. Fruit! HOMES l\ OKCIIAKHS. Fruit! I CONSUMPTION IN ORDERINC COODS BY MAIL FROM HALE BROS. & CO CULTIVATE YOUR ORCHARD YOU CAN DEPEND UPON GETTING rr 1'1« 1£I<2 ! B!* mok 1 11 xi.<><><». Price List ! LOO The Orchard Home Association 1* AX J l Cf NEW SPRING GOODS! NU NAN ’ S HALE BROS, i CO., Peculiar Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Bats, Caps, Notions, and Household Supplies Nos. 825 to 835 li SI GRAND Gold Seal timiriiiiii!. Dragon Rl Bow» one Dollar tJEMOHY To Re of the Latest Styles and at Extremely Low Prires. NEWMAN FISÜEÄ. J» A U N A >'