I / HKKt AM. 1HKKK. She innnocvatic firnes Buy a White. FRIDAY I hi- is the glorious ith of July. Ihe White is still king Read the new adv*-rlisements. A ( HAAGE. W ith this issile m cli4»«ge takes piare in thè mt ge ne >» of h s paper, «he Fisti Pub ubing Co «xpiriug t.y lim tati<»«». I h b*«oks h«Vr t»e»*ii <•!..S»t| ani siaten e ii- wiil I n » sent imin di «tely lo all ii dent ora prior l « .lu.v l. In}*) An varly mi-e Çiem h rruiievitd and requii ed, as ih* bu Uèw X o.ii pan y ruu-f he setiie«i at once. T im «s P Jac tranne ill«. Itilv 1 1*»‘O Fourth ot July goods at F -her’s. I ake |>e'A ill's L’t’i«* Early R'-ers C> quel sets at the 8. F Yaiieiy Store M. a W. I> K. M ii - ic . w rosl^ps V , Jt LT 9, 9 A. M. B i«lne*s meeting. Treasurer’» report. Reporn» of special committees. Appointment i f committees on orchard fruit«, -ru id fruits, vexru «les, flower«. *r* n *meutals, «ntomologv, b >ta ,v, exlnbils, nomenclature, new fiuits, legislation. N«»w bu-inead. Papeis fot this ses-»on have been re- qn«*slvd but a- parti» s have not respond •d we cannot give su -jects. Railroads and hotels will give reduced rates. A g hh I i . number have already -ig- Dirt«*«l their intention of a’t»*n ii >g. Fhu> promts*« to b* one ot our best me*tmgs. and yon aieea**! estly 'eqh*.s*ed t<» he i«res- vtJ . ai-o fo bi ing your tr ends. I he Stair Hortic Uitiral Boaru will al-o hold ih reg­ ular quarter y meeting al this place al the tune. I o* borri- ultural interests <.f Oregon, and how best to give th**m a prom.nonc - at ChiCsg«- the world s fair—is a question th *t we can dis u-> n«wie too s - mwi C-me pm ar« d t » »«id -om< new or u-e- ful matter toO egon’a hortb ultural inte - es’s. Join ihe so. ety hy paying fo the se« re ar. fl («0, and help by y«*ur presence aid un"w;rdg’* one ot our torem«»st state interests E R. L ake . Secretary. I h*»e regu'ar stage* tn Medfr.rd have In* n i" t! ro »4 -in e W U Kcn> *y com a' ’ \ 'i ,, g the IK«*I C (| • L 1 - I 8. mail ou ids con- tract last Mon lay. DeWitt’- tilth Early R *ers get there. * i Address, Pre-blent *. R. Cardwell, Port­ land. Music. * Bug*,”—not conti- e«l to those fl at in­ fest fruit—C<«l. E. W. Allen, Portland. Music. E* <»n'n C«ri»»ll of Li’tl* Butte precinct ali<* * yes t*»da.. He i»p.»ri* iln.: < r ps »er*- Con-iderably brnebted by the laie -h >w* rs. I H t - v Hull, wh-» has Imd chnrge of R. Va­ S. D«»nlap*s f *• gilt teams lor s »met me >a-l,lrft for A-tnria la-t Wt*dnesd«y, to -eek employ incut. Clean*«* vour breath with DeWitt’s Little Wiu G Kenney, who ha* the Contract Early Risers. (or carrying ’he mail between Jacks nvil e Fruit jars ami je ly glas°rs at the S F. «nd Mrdioul i- making regular trips be Van« ty Store. • tween the two places. Ml kinds ««f «owing-machines repa.reff A niimber of n -w bridges hive been by J. W. S->w«len. but t in J in«»* sonvilk* dur » g the I a-* f»** hi k-. iituter it.«* -iiperV'Si««n of Sirevl F " a hr ivy chew. u*e the celebrated E<- ('- nuni-sioner Eaton. C’-rt to’>*«t*f>. We learn th-it J B Bon.ngh and Miss FiGiing tackle uf all kinds at the S. F. l-istin M S.iva*’H we*c* married al th’* re-i- Variety St.ue. deuce of 'll«* lince’' parents on Rogue \-k E. C Br« oks what DeWitt’s Little r ver on W edtiv'diti I ist Earlv R:-er- ure. A L r * p . first class assortment of fruit F . -h *cott valley cheese at the 8. F. j «rs ai d jel v via- ■ • s L. m ju-i o.« n r<- eiv, d \ m e y Sore. ar tl e b F V inety -'tore, ami will be sold Fre-h b • ad can he obtained at the S. F. at 'he most rea-iniable rate-. Variei*. S ore at any time. A resident of J.«« k-unv il e was rim «1 $25 Henrv Bi < h"r pa -vd through town Inst ami costs P t c>4umiuing an as au t Rl.ii «I si ui bii'g the ; eaC" In default *»f pay- | week with a line lot ol wool. nn hl Lt* lailKUishe- in j J-. lie» ry <» rdm of Etn i was in town last M»s. Caiohne • ar.iw*.|l his been Hp- Tur d «y lor a few h«»uis. p ¡Util • X ■«•iltrix ui t ••* e-late «>1 J A. A«i«iress Jarkflon A Sow irn. Grant's C «1 •« a cH, *h*‘ .*'«*1. ll 'i not ce t«» this ef- Paa-, for u White -rwmg-mat bine. feel w.li be t«>uml in a.««»ther column. New stock ot sateen-, ginghams, prints Wrighl*» Jamaica Gmger stri» tlv pure ami white goods ai Rr «me- A \\ nite's. An »*x<»|iei.t remedy lor cramp-, > ic. and Kid gi-*v« a, e V, corsets, ere., all the •' he •• a 'oiiic fo: the atom u h and bow els i-required. Sold bv ah druggists lni»*>t style-, ar K- ante- A White's. Straw hats of aU kinds at the S. F. riety Stoie State Horticultural Society. Th« nr-xt qu irteyty lure'ing of this s< •tv will »«♦* held nt the court house in ( vidi s on r«ie-d «y. Julv sth, at 2.3u, r. Ttit» fo lowing programme has been ranged Horticulture in Linn County, Jay Bl ii»», Ah»anv Fruit a>>d the Firmerà' Homes, J Whitman, Me«h r-i. H gi tiru’turul statistics, Secretary E. Lake, Corvallis. Discus-inn. Viali to Hie Agricultural (’-dirge. T vk - pay , ji lt M. 7;3O r. m . Re* Chartraw ha- sold h scattie toThoa. E. Nichols -m l left f«>r W i-h ngton this wick. Maloews B os. have bought T. J. A en s bu> d. i S mv sections of ’he conni \ were vi-ite«1 hy weic<>me ami re'te-bii g ti»under •di w- e s l bri-igr Firxt-c'a-s erdar lenrr posts for sale in b nhler. h.iH pluC* d »hr Cenleiini *i bri-iee quantities to suit at the I inks office «e • Ro u- river in g*»od repair He Straw hils III end'e-s quantity and iu ;«!- • bulb n new pier under the siril'Muie. •verv -tylr nt tbeS. F. Varb ly St re. Forhi'nlfi re of every desrrip’ion go to Monthly in*ta Im« »it* <»f lit) will buv a .«< Un G'hteislvve ol < v-Jr.i! Pon*. H»* kc« ps a compie*** u'.d tir- -<* as- is««»rtiiwiil house * nd lut iu Tolo from S»u»tt Griffin. * .»nd sel.s al tn«- in«-t reasonable rales. • <)ld papers r. quantifie» to -nit, for »ab* ar the T im eh «»thee at f»o cents a hundred. The largest ami best -hick of deeds, mortgages and all kinds ot rcab»*-raie and I’ L' i' boink'.-<"ith of S.ih ni i- kept nt the ftMEH otlice and sold at Portland rates Hi- girl d'd'i’r go back «»n him because ho u-»» nt lo any addr* - m io the small l’hev are ho I it«*'t «ni be-f. Mill ol $2. For pur»' Rogue river whisky, in qnanti- Address TlNKs Printing House, Jaikson- ’iv- to suit. c.i > on Captain ’ 'aton, Ja< k-on- vile. v 1 «*. Lu o not fail to see tiiMii the forepart^f the week. them before you buy. Mrs. J. II R»*al, wh«» h-«s been vffi’ing in W R P.yJHerson. G. W. Gilbertson, Calih.rnifo, returned h »m** to A-hlan.i. ( has. Haynes, J. W. Hatch»1 r and Mr. R. L. Nichols I ihj * returned f-nm Cons .lom*s of Ashland, wh • hav been eugaced on the «4 er»* hJijck, left a-’ week for M"ti- county ami xvdi remain in t|js‘.e« ii n t igue to woi k on the n«-w 5 i O iju brick school Mari Watkindb ai d G. \\ . Faw«*r4t of «4 h m-e. says the ‘Record big .*•! pl* gale were In t >wn ih • forepart ol Once in seven years - the hody is re- this w«*ek. i « we i Th** nl«to valed portrai** ami views. When you want tire Wednvbday. a line picture at a small price cad on J mice Hanna has gone to Del N orte him • «•«uin»v. C.«l., to vifr.t Ins wile, who IS It I Trains, loaded wth cattle, continue to Smith river. p ss through the v itley. A larg* number f N va J a Inef * at»l«- an* being sh'i»pe«1 to I h«* family of T. J. Kress w« ut «> Sa’eni I* rt ami Or«*g«>n, with nin e cattle than f.is wei*H, to j.iin Mr. K , who i- engaged N't-'a ia, -h«'uLt supply n*elf. E «-tern m painting th* re. U'egon I»»et will he ready for market in a Mi-flea Josie amlFanny N»n .in went to f«-w weeks. Asli'and \e.-it*r«!i|y, a<*«*«»mp.*ti.y.i.g Mi>* Ta«* ravages of the great hailstorm of !a-t Emma Jud».'e itone. summer mi Wagner ami upper Bear creeks sr»* sti> apparent, there r»ei»«g alm »st a to­ .1 W. M.-irksbiu v. .1 W Maeters-m, M x tal f.illure f ’he appl«* ctop, owing Jac«»bv and < . S Limbcit ol (»«, all 1 h -embrvo f'uit buds having li«*en *er<- here not iim/sim le*troye<| by the triil when it stripped the .I.C. Wh pp. wht was injured bv b» ing foliage from the trees. thrown from bis cirt n few days »ine Th« faculty of ’he State Tniveraity has able io hr a’lout agiin. made a ruling that during th«* gradutting Cncir Dan Fi-Scr, W fl. IVninger * x«*r<* e* n«» ri »wer- w d be al'owed sent on Im stage It friend* of th« graduate* wi-h and wjfr of v\ '• f*** irings pi •recinct were in Jncksohviiie ¿... i week t » present th in with flow»re, they must w ii’ until nf er the « Xereiaei* or aen«i them Sun. M »*his Hft L Wo »l iridge of to the ante- ro«»m. F*>««ts creek «e»r al the ______ y -seat count Mrs B F. Dowell i.f East Portland has A’ldur-dny on land businrjB. < los«*u>a <*«n.tract for three m at cottage.-i. to L »u. Stun«*, who has hern a re-ideni • f he erect»d n Ei-t Portland «luring th * this v.illry for nr-trl» two years past, left slimmer Mm A . Bilger als«»cont'*mp!ate* for Washington on W»dn«*sd <_v. bud hi g a number «•( nest collages tor retc Win P« rnoll of Appbgat**. proprietor of ri ’ «• -sine i cm iiv. Jas. T. Guerin will th«* w« |l-knnw ti gra> ge ► ion*, ina-ie .'ai'k- •k« -hr buck an4 planter work. soia ri«* a biisn visit a lew day s sme« . I he • it r-n* of Prospect. f*»rm*rh De­ Fram-!H Fitch, E-q , of Medford, bus km-, wi I «iuiv <-rlri»rateto «1 ty with -peak itu* music ai.d a ba-ket uinn«-r. Fhe < x- been at the count v-*»- J several lime* thi- <*r< '«- wot «■••! clu«ie m the » veiling < r « Mar h*l Grimes wmk in (Mint's Pass a Woodr.ll will fuimsh 1 he music. Al wh » lew «lays I st week, 11ml Cha- '-• iiUit/ a b-iidwill haven go«»d tm*e. ti leii the |M>Mition III»ing Hie interval. f A plainjtatement . UH'AL NOT». T .1 Kenney and Phil Miller hare gone Tn.’Hfr wo l> v s' Memoir of Urr Jfiìsìmnd. to Cinnabar. Dr. Lea am) .1. C. flail r.f l'entrai Point I T WAR (»rii GfM»D FLIRTINE TO BE ch<»*'*r» t«x .1« »f t-'Hi Diivifl.b* t«>r» tri* *1» a’h. called if ve*t<- \ est< <1 d«v. n I > hx i-,-in«*' her tiu*i»an'l * «!< e«-M*: , t«« it»i‘>. ish h’T uhi «r« *f w-tk. “.Ili shelves airi, c< muterà are J. R. Evan* aud E J Montague uf Med- j FEHMIS- (Ixvis. L\ l’.lh-IHKXT OE Tilt\C«»X- f«-r«l ».ill- d on s.4tii 1’iv. taxed to uuikc room iof feik k tTr S i ati .*; A M imuii . io Jli.-Wn» >*i» A number ugh th« in»diuin • conntv ar»* in thi« -ection. c’rv.ilarn wi«l«l* diati it»ui« «i «m ng III* p bin ers j re ■ mhi:i£ fru’ii S’ c*'tr Birdsev will *<*l| the Jackflonvffle ph*. tb'Kigb. t«> uxir * uì pr:-*-. * rn««4fb tu xv pap« r* h iv. ' «krn pìlit in Ih«- j«ttt«« k- up«»n 1 di*til erv pr««pertj’ t«» <1 * V -lil'l o:ti .'wn .W v us. It !s f h«* M« nv»ir «»f h«*r l*u*Limil b> Mi­ C. c B ckiimn went to Portland on husi- trivi* n ‘m|), <■ ; nes« Wednes lay aft» rn- on. tins xjlupi CHtlv« i in: s». We have I m * n «•H'i.-d “V m ’ i ’«*- ■ put'li-h* »■*;•* nur st rn 14 ht f« -■"¡fi-. v‘t!i the 11 |a<4. «V'4\!il«!ig tlifot • iivL.il« inv. Fred, l- urrx’ and la nilv of Eden |>r»* X*> yVrtMifî ¡i« i tl *11 « «ill 1*1 I k vis»- Il *■» L« «•!« fl II tig M» US. tl) . ci- ct -1 eiii Sun lav in ’own. W " HI « - at U l'»SH t" Ufo i« / -• «U A. Sui lerof La l ev.«* v last week returned in to. 11’ or out tt ny w«* -h «ul«! I«. Vatik»-« |.ul’hfl?i< 1' I«.- I < lus» r«'4iu ¡4 «.*n fti«- - »u»' m *L 1 horn«* f« *m a visit t » Ash’.ind N >rtb. w Jloui'l I h - baUiv friilto»«.' W«* liav»* « Jii-lm -« and fri<*nd I Great h«*»»**tit ha* Leu* «lone by the • i\ e4»ntiocll«>ns .*i • *. «*i x s ' h !«- atei • itx m f h« Be iu . ptirx-light • h'»wers of the past ten div«. "ufii. Oui HlUliat i < U* i«r« ail»*».«»-« «iitfr« *> 1 W li Park r mah* a t-ip to Gr-nt'- * «ith»! n, il i- I iu u.iikf-nf '»•»utlnrn j»«*«pi. e « an jUtx’l tile Iil «1 W« « hll tlx I IlL'lstl. '»u! Ib* tMM.k- llp- ; Pa-.* 1 lie f repart ol ih«- we- k. i «•ui «ttal* n« s nu* h«r/* Iv «I« X '»»««i 1.. H. ut! 111«.- la ..I'fjfttl ill Dr Tahini of th otral P *tn’ nn -a this • *ii. If- and iti Ui« lut i -I «f **«»»** lu 11*» « - iaJs. The out- [ place h pr trs-i-4i.il vis.t 1 i-t we< k. Kl.. !l< t t lu "l-lli.l* «.t **..111 lu I II» l>. b«»ri¡ Mil.) t»i • .1, li vifijf au«! d Aie busi tu -< at t lu X. >111 . W«* are uln I to ¡« urn tna’ t|«r «•< n4 tk»u<*f as • »f-tOWR volli : lì selects iioiii a w»-ai»-«I. iiiE.-imptx I* <*nii-»*. m » »h«- pr. ! I »•. Stan ev i- rmi-idera'd v improv «1 «ti» i.iifo.r««- "Hig und «hstrihut imr. fi«i.n,a<1 etiennis envelope of -.unu'es; .X;«t Lung« il lias rr’ i-ne«l from hi« <>•- ;«n«l shipping f " i.it •- a»« « a-i.r ut >««..•.— 11 .-i. 11 >• ». »Li-» ii..«k.- A .ink<-<*♦««4 i*-* i*«« ci citv si-ter sees the pieces 1 l:c nl trip ’ • I. «v«- Hi d Klam «th cmmti« s. aux .-• t»- l»L- p. n- » ■ *ipi»*» •• «hui J. 11 Dax .- E. A Hamm •»«, Al«* ifor I’- expert • »ir . i Mi- llil’i* - a «K;l«l IlilX ■ int«i:-l.d |.-p«HI-l from which thtf^sampks wre -,« .iv* .nid m • .1 ks «»t a i-lii‘i«t< t, i *• .-ervman. wa at t •<* mi-i’v **»*’ yesterday, i t»r:it cut, but learn no inore. PHI. • > «t !»« rn 11 b» •! I« • ? t .« in h.« i tfo'f iiM* M A! Kr.'!iu* 1:4' ' »••!) Hi po nte<| |» tul! -uf tu**« <»t «*iir *» Hit’H'rn r.J.'fl. 11» en. Samples are str i 'iitfeiv u as ab-itn *. l uh*. ti 1» !- - ;nd- r*"i- ;*»i«î »Hitni«-. As î«» Ml* quality, width and price. Li th -e da - of -.u am, m order 1>.4\ ' - *\ . i k. ••.!. li ! - ' I »nX • -. E* -j.r«-i«!« *1 î • I H.|’rr (« i'l a*i I w if«- oi*iu’’> v ill« v ami tir f ni. h rat. >t •t»*-.” iKlt»li.-ti»-’ ill»* • t p. rtlui «! an«! A! -s P.« Ih* t it • 1 \ i i.»- «mix b««.».ix - Hi.«! imr I.f c.iitiKtri/.Ki b> thi- Ai» '«*r 11 <4 A-I* >. «! «*«1 e«l at thr l iMi- J. « ,ic!x ; 11 - «t Mi • I ».vis, • Iu .»• n* t « d w b’ «w 1 office ou Satui 1 «y I.-.si. goods as the neighb •«dn^ loie- sup- lit-.], Xow, an u.it-..:- .1« II • i -, hi i i.«x is. Is t Iu- • 4«- auf l««»r «4 il; 11 .«1 11 1 •) ’f ;i '• • • «•- it,--«*** fl»*« r F. iglr Point i eh- ri -V »P it h. r i -¡ul 1.¡»ul«-I .« Im«- 11«.r »1 w« i town customer «.hops w-itlt ihnost am wide a « ■■ i . ■ , «i v - " ; bi •_ i a pay, *vi «-t i*«*r j • I »■ i*l.« • w 1 < • 11-' 1« ahi. dem»»r .! red by th«* wind iti!*. <«i 1 • »•• I ii¡» i«lu «1. X'.rl i « r S.Hîtli. F r»i city sister and nm> wian j;..i itv ’ is of equal >t\le Whv should a t«n m « f a lew «1 ys «g ; I.*» I k .111.i a «o f.»i ih»* -h«»rt ln*t'.r.* Mi- ll.N i «- - t<» »•««•» i v, a ful! eliai** <4 th«. pr«.»l* Tli»* rod 4 t' ■ 1 I*«*- -easou is appro u-h she not? The fa-bion magazines go et«-ivwiiete : the Sun­ ing. «ml » ur niin'«*»ls a • happy in amici ' « m « • \ . r \ <*«,p* s.»J4. Nlu* *»xm* ami b««!«!* ti«» Arí*fi»f. Th • w«.rk 1* a ful', minuti and day newspa|K-r has ;■ fashion column . tlu ^i< at store adver­ p j on <4 a g <» 1 hum ill *r »imr*. u¡ • .«• narrai ix •• < 4 lin- oublie an«! ii« tisements arc fashion ----------- tlu best of al! perliaps. 1- ie»< h<* 1 Laih lias r»*»mm*d from Eugene. I.f «4 tl»« *ir»nt m.»n. by th«-«4iij |.«r««ii n«" Iti* It** wh - .-nr ol ihe irradu «t< v for sf«i, und living <■ n»p« t«-nt t«» |. i injur} w« ’.nr« r< - arc thè h»*n«t«om ••■t *A" have -»«en «•«iv,*;. tt • iii.ik. no • • unt"i alla« k up. ■ A -er* i!Ä'l;iie party î iv"fo“ I a number <»f ! an* •:«<*. It Is n.'t t*« c»■-**!'> ih»'« w«. ah<«ui our residen’* wi»!i rh«*ir** miijic ia*t Sa’ir to; nt-can «î-h a, « • pt tlu- S-uitlu-rt« p«*»p. «1 «*. n i’Lt, wi Ii w as vrr.i’ly ,«p«« e< ia*« «1. ns a Jur}. «*• •1*11,1« tit In t' « ir v»-i«l,rt. It« sp<. ttully urs. Wr are meeting v.ith ;;i< «t *.i«*< r— in out all wool Hen. JohP A . .Irffr* y. wh ha* t.e- u .»itrn'hiu’ BEL* »»Kl» » O.MPA.XA . l*i iii.trHi u-. TÌettaa at fittv « « ;i ’ .*«lli.l > .1 11 -, <|ui’r ■* niimhrr «4 tr* e-. X' • «n i '*.-« i.. I i S<*rd«u«T. Alax Pr.-irlit hn* J I•♦*» been routir! ■♦• ! .| í »U\-H»X >lSEM«»Kf. X n M.sin.id «n ■1- < • j 4- ' - i ■ 1. - * ■ 11 i - ' 4 \ I Bit* It* ■ ’ ■ .1'4'1 •_ ls'.MI !o It \ Xf \ \\ ]| ;O||M. \\ li CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, ROOTS, URY GOOHS, 5• ’ ‘ I ■ I b« *-n <*! ■-« «I mi'l luibt h* baiai«**» <1 a’ tiu Cures xvh^r. ; P -«ir :«i; earlie-t piM-ible d*»y. taste. Chil-lren t;j<* * m jl.«>:;t ,j. ’ in. I Bran-I», thè *up*rin’en.lcnt 4 th *’ r* « .vi- ’• y « ai>. »V rm-' îmc * . h h <1. atri • • A (’. R. R. ri ir Jhe su I u. ly of le«* 1»r< !i -»\ ulta unit« m i *» s . -kiri »•»il. «Ir» « :»• in S* « t'r «tu !-«*•», l **t week He an I»!«-«-«! ng H rr all gon«* r-j • nt ht«n u a* i»l»*»ut 'ih v» ar* • f »*<«*. - ii !’■ «>n i.m . d im uialil* «ir« J- I .I.4.U HertM-rg» . i '• |:lt -e g r! Im-t n u trn \* Cm • '1 iq « uti« iira R«-Ill*-dirti. «•-•■■• pc fruì»» «1«* J hv ’». w ii 'll ha • T rn- ■ .4i tidote- b ‘eli pii ’ • Ut *«>r t «"ie'it-. • alone pi • \ « tu** 1 t *t» ì < or» • qmnee«. coal black. Fn w Q ¡*cn. Cover« of a dei ca'e pnr»-«atiT y « F.i r tv. ih dr I - .« a-i- rti-At tn-.-k it < n \\ . P. J<»h«»-o . r*;ii «»-* I*»* agent ■ f blue. w*thjps*rp.evh>h*t ey»«. Ii. (/.•■ ■ p v» I* j •_ ; A ’• l‘h;. '''.*• 1 k. - «i - .rii’r. .icr •*-* »ny ihm and al P.»r'l.**ml, a sm pi Ja k-mx il f-w lav- irrt < flower,, fv— e Mtr’i t. v«*ry bear «..'.J. b« L -.u* P< n-fUln K.>.». >1. t • * * r<-. }. — . . :>'-.*••■ It r i - i •-' flne. BtTtr»- 4 aud Mot»1«*l. rn-ti >r. It v n war t th«- ha: ¿jw.?. -« |.. 1 *. ■ -nr. » \ «. . 1 f. ■ t an * t Ip phv ••«-( * a wh -* nt aid I « "Ld I m « :• a v.V p.4iticular ni « n«l R « Row**. Fu be ready M o 1*1 and 1 will m r.d to »■ « ; *’*r- tl;.. 1 -. •*» . •*«. * r « u t 1 C» M«>t al*- ;*• in* r it -pr« 4i i ail or*-r :«iy order«promptly *cXoowledf*d ar.d n*»i!«e g1* r<»«j wb. rla-?«.,.. «i *1. 1*. r ;«l peni el ee, h« re. ’n ici b i m i nt hair f* Il «*«ii until I **..*« nltr* G *"*• - — «•■a b«*i4- !«• ad»-i; it «h*-:i !»:• k* <«ul « hi hiv arm .i u Ig«* \A <• »-’« r h .der»*«1 Hll I -1» ui '. r - nnt m . arm* w « r • .h:-f ■ hi i». <||r lpfr. I - d'X »• »I It • \'i -1 my '-ntii tx»dy. my fa«-« b th il e ■ ■ ru 'arJ of pi .i ' tT b«-uî ! a.’id -Ii »ul h r- iK’ing th« worst. TL< b I! • 4 «1» fei. : h ». .imi l»*uving W Ì11 î ■ -« ab- f« II <*on-tantly tr «m my f sc a- wa* »ri.’in «lix. fiiou».i.i- - in I ¡*i::i-; th, km would thn k « ¡V -- an 1 I».* r* -Innd v«-ry It.-hv. aud would en*« k ! The Ro-ebuT] band, «»lie • f the brut r i l .--I t - i ih a d. Alt.-r -pending man- ’h * at *, i.*v ■ Hircif Z*- s with *• ver-«! and hundí 1'4-«*! -h ilar» 1 uus pt 4*0*1 ium -4 incurs »imo ye-t» r 1 yevmitg. which were dn v bl«, I •-.«id I I';* : ut>< ur.i K* tii«*h"s. an N.I|» «*.'l.«t,*d. The Hl. m»M r M < ¡e-»*' V* dly aft- « uflinu tw • botile- nt Cut;, un* R -o’v in popolar M'ui n«-v« r fa t > meet wrh a i I c »ul i - • *h.u«M» . and att.-r I hud tak 1 four ! 4tl*■- I * « a •- 'm ni -*» .«f « * ’ur«-!. ur«-l; aiu! wh' ti I I «’.ir y xv ' iun m th»* - « fion I h«el 41- ,*1 st X ootH* * ot < ’uticuI ;« . It '«»lv«*nt an* ns •' i- m ui h on the i e ' W«»rk t o»n* !» «X • r »'micura >tud **n«* c«»k- 4 < uti«-ui.i r*uiro*«l *• «• thr* lie • C »w creek canyon > a ;», 1 vv.is «-ill I 4 » ae'h ea itul «ilíu-ii*.. fr«»«,- I’ 1- -a d .iiaiiib- v ¡' :•«* » in; L.ye I «fur- win. ti 1 had I -ufl*-r«s1 tor tiv«- y ' ar*. I th *»igh WHOLESALE DtALtRS IN ing thè -umnier hi gr ni ng *»>4 hrr ihig. 17 th .i! «-us. w >ul«i b-av«* a v< ry de» p -car. bm th ■ < ufi<*ura K- »n i-ii* - • ur«*'l ft without an- utile *- f tra< k Htbi construe ing a 3' m « h ot •car«. I « aim* t • J K. )■! ■ >- V. Itll M P« n WllHt 1 KUl tuoi t«-is-1 In-tor-- UHllIg «’utKiira Rem dira. Tl» » A grain of t' f . v i< 'gel in ’h«- windpipe - hv *-1 my ¡It« • iidlf«-il it my duty to n <-«»*i> «f a « hiid '•! W. <» Bi-h’ib <»l E-b ft pre- nun I « h**m. Mv hair i- r»*'t r« 4 ns g«»*»d ¡1 1" -oni«- ma* • t-r, « th alni"-t f «tai • v•r and - i- i;i.v «v» sight 1 k” -*w of « uuin « io« bir t tiff nt p* r->n- who bu* e uacd t • con- equence \' «-1 <•* ;•.- i-* tier wars stim »’nt.«ura ll< • in md ull bave r»<*»-iv-i. sti m«u. ••«I. Mini uhc-i • hl r f »rm w «s adni*n- gioat I m - îu -I i » from th- ir un* is cred a re1 xatioll «4 the rh'.'u’s *y-t«m MR*. ROSA KELLY. SOLE FÚ3 AhD mtëïHERN IDAHO KR T* E R . kw- City. Calhoun Co.. Iow a. ♦*n«"v I. the r n •'■■«- «-«.u-.’lie*! up ¡nil a su g <*.*1 «»p-iation »xasax* Cuticura Resolvent Ja B «■ k’.-y. a pauieer ! PuriH«’’r a»ul | ur«*» s»i i !»« -t Th - ih i *« Bl at!» <-««u.i’*- . • • :■ < I ' b I ». < <>l Him w.«k. rh h it -I. n * >.: • . m ! « ì ri« v«i * Soxe. ,m til* r». h wiit» bim. ♦ -, lui- - t* "k ii B« i itihiT. xVimilly, ~p< « 1 n* t i.«f I. in Th v ’Uc.’imea a well known t>nc t comment. Thom indi of ffm-.s hare ily . p* 1 mm nil . and «■» tu«•>»i<* i':*. cur«- il» rally ¡It* >t< ‘nnu. burn-ng. 1*1 -ling. m - h A . h ni v l"iH y us*-1 1 end a < ; . i ■ - ti « I ll-n- i-«i. pimply, -«r» «fu!« »us. an«i h-rinfittii y -t.M i oeafh Mat bines tn At Will give LdllKi ti.TfSFACTiOM to the puL.-atei. ss • • thus av« lid Ing y • »«• - imn, «4 f it'll« and d'-hguratí«»n. P.ir« iit*.i<-ni« ui- CENTRAI. roiNT nUNTERM. bvr thi*. « *ur> s ¡n < hlLlh«»« >1 ar** p« i iiiam-nt. S<>: i W« i n whor« . Price. ( I Tl< VHA. 50» Furniture f all m " - at Gthi-r-leeve’“. > » H’. irH' ; H f - o I.VKM. -I. Pi-« i•;*.! -d by tn« . • CoMmM Í*. »"», . I’< >1 I K I »Hl «. AS|1 fHFMICAl. ATI"'. Fin« -t sim k s» Utt' 4>f E'ig«-ne, B• M I-M G i ¡derìder V«* -«il* fura i'ire cheap* r < ha* it ’ •! H w loi ur* Skin IH scm -'**. «• anybody in -outheiu <) »-g >i>. png« - -n * :in«l ration«*, and ire»»« -«inion, a ’s. J f HEKRiFTTA CLOTH, 50 CENTS. T : er will he a celebrati*'!) of on? n:i »llg ' ill' «■ I ">’n ! i- trip tn G. \V. Ba*on and i:rmiv have return«*«! .Wii* r«‘ 1 »• litch i« il the gen li« at Lake creek. and a good to k*»r«-i Gr«»ve, aft^*. a -h r» si ,y in of Presbyterian.- at timi • ime i 'anticipated. A i rogr:unn»e ( Io s u h* rn Oregon. b«> has Mr. Ge ger er tr « rxer<*is< s .«.i>u-eiii‘*nt- for »he v.mng f••!«%-, h* r-e race«*, Mr , h « »»ecu nrr«*g,‘>i. Ellis B-.-g* arrive»! from t’alitorni i th • i Ten i h*m -an 1 f-et of lumber at ‘ tired I A-h «n 1 are bo h a I V • hool-hous’-tor'.ih-iiv .'-« oil all ■ f which wil> coBciud* w:’h a part,* nt we* k a-r»*g. n W. sther Bur« au, co operating i at »he fair grounds near The p nt boar ! of county rnrn vri*- Charley of » hnnii«*v Ro k j :<--im « w«-r«* ! witIi I >iu’na Service a» Portland, Was m ill rout**s c«»nimen«'e*i -i-Hu r- held 'h* r a-» me* »mg n Tll» MÍ IX I»ii'k-><-nvJir lust S iiurilny . on land busi­ is-U‘ «1 tur week ending mm ' urday, June 2M, da« . Pmi !* A Geiz. tri i d W* dues lay. adj "imin< -in* nie nthe ness. 1 m 1«U: The co«»l. • 1 tidy a-d simwtrv Numerous t -ldng a* d pieni king par put» ic lu ul, lias b Ughi a !i •• if'* rn*'«»ii •»* iti** li«»f«r dav. Ihr gerii»*, weather of th« previous w«*ek continued fie-on I ha nv«r have btvu a»;atg«d for B. A Grig-*by, who Ir»« be»*n in tbr vai* Alyer a-b’.iti *t». and will hiiii : m- n r mp sing it liav»* proved etfir «nt, up to to- l:«v 1» is now clear and very to-dav. r ice rraidene«* tharron before the • «m mi al i «I painsifthing. »tnl d**-ro«l'H*.*rs his t.imily. g «>d- f >r -unimer u-e at the S. F. V u let y of Oregon, an«i from every set tlor «*ome I bere wa* a pl«*a-s *nt gathuiiiig • f young th- v have «t me their constituents. the lumi» d »t’ering a «d en«*«»ura.’ing »e- Store H Hinkle. Al D . of Sari F- .*«* - o. », f «tks at ili*- r. -id« tb’e "f Air-. N. ■ bur\ Fb* re wiii he r«m«’derableof a surphisin port- The raliw were espectallv copious in Dn vr w hi*; v.«- ■ tiv the r nit crop oi I hi- val'e* ttii« year, pm - liiember of thr X.*tu •«:»; >.»• - d In 1 tu! of W l!< w h iew ♦ ven ng- -mu«* En»»« h Gale and Jas Luttrell the Wil: «rn»*-te vaii»y an4 ab*ng ttie < «»a-’, i- in-tuing southern Or<*g«m a t»nt-f pr»» r-- St rifit’s precinct were in town Inst Wed- o' tne raines m lu g».*d m, ai «1 the 1’iME- pv ’.aliv in-ache- and i ear y but the arp" where fr ni «»ne to three inches tell. In «»ttb e got all th* pi L fl < Iw i.l bi* ier> abort ex ept in a h w aional visi». Southern O»eg«»n over <»ne in- h fe I at Rose­ ne-lay 'init»*d sic’iojs ih» quanty, h<»w»v?-, ILniv A (’b»’s'er«»f Happy t llll|> . U-d . burg. bu: «1 < r* aS. «1 s llth ward to J nck -r**har-is just mimiì «» kt !i'tn by .*. x» ea b\ a’ive. i Iu eastern Oregon more than ’he averag- .’-tore. Hi-«.» 'Ji in o beam g Will bring the yield Up to ti- reas. -i. J«* i amp ■•! F«p I -• to tw « im h--. The lains were *iio*l «»;- d pre- \ ti c «-aln prevailed fm about two bouts p<* tune at d have given new life to ail in A" • n i p-» ftict, is now a resiti« nt f V 41« la-t M .i.UHV evening on the big de-ri L-ike e stinly • growing vegetation. > » •« \ eteri au I thr-.ugh tl.e ••■< ti>»n extending fr«»n Fall and early sown wheat is nuw th»«ight ' .* pence and brother spent In t >'1L l.*v hr upper I able Rm k to F iouihp R'*cl. to be pa-' anv La m fion* atiu«»*i hei c ni. h» in town, having <*ume down a.let >1 »ng »lo* nver Tto-r«- was ui-o a tine tail I B. R M • tl, .1 Cans*** ft is nllmg well a> d «4 *.o d -pi •li­ ■t E ig v i’oint, on Applegate, ab.-ii j J J. Wni « < » . ly stool- I irge ami stand very g o* iih ‘| and Frink lohn*)-«n of crop w 11 be, from pre-ent ai p- ¡trance , F!»e hi *’r»*ni« iinpkins « I lie CXCV--I V« |y warm weither gives pr*»in »h** county m->re than an »ver ge • »e; fr-jn I’ma'i. ;* Li tb* Butte precinct were h< re .‘sat UltUj rakii - Wngbt’* F ulhoii il»-j.d »' he rem- I ise ««t -til« tnri ’ h er showers. » 1!.ii ru­ com« re| orts that it wi 1 be the a»g» st * rop aitern.Hiii. ♦ dy S «»i * I HU live Ii.ihlllr*. H *n R hi A 1er w«'ht to ad •fer harvested in the i ouuty Th" leading question n*»w i* “ Are Von <41 \V«**lne -i i. to ta-e i«..r» in t! Mrs. O. G. Ft»»t ha-» re’ired fr in the Ir-s. ’a- ele**. ln> ba i uff»*< t* Sold b} L ite - »wn -pring whe >t is coming up ami • iruggis'.*. pr vide«! with a b 4’ e « f < hsmberlain « l«»-h twined from it. Fr«»m every mm tn n of th* Re I- a sxf* cuar-l aga n«t sn att *ck of h«»w» ! Rev. Fath*r < « r k - • a id Wiliame te valley* report- are enc«Kir:ign S. p. Kiffuirn ba» removed from Trail (’«»»dial. Oi "V u-i :l aiw • - tafri’ii. ii . I i **t ilurim* ti e summer in«4ith-?” On Sun I «v h* Hliowing u>> rn hu»»ia t'C f.eiji g itrnoog th.* • -r. rk ’«* Aledford, Where he wu. spend thr n •- >«ml p’umi t. I’le tflant •<» t *kv. i mil.-- No fami v . an .•«rt’«»r.| »• ri-k bei*«g without last i ri-.ns by ni i i v *i* ♦• for i»uiniiH*r trouble*. b.»ld farm *rs. Bomw» lover na* »•*-down wh n flumnirr. tnts inv.'fftiab e m «in me «luring the hot .-1-kiyou st;«! on -|»e di - g druggists •>U'I. ì spr ’ iig- ni I Y reka. tti«- r ip s began, and whs slightly damag*«i weather. It 1* almo*t «-eriain to i»enee«le«i. i . ■ ' Tiruotbyhty has been gi*.*ly •iiu-iuvol. \y» learn that J. R W«-l h of the «ml > a friend in«1«*e«i when required, a* W. < ’ . R b its ersiwh le pritv p«l O'. • I C mi ey Rock prec in t were in town Oat- are doing well C «rn is fhr»vmg, but wi : put a - w m I «»ii Frail it never Isi * a"«i * plea-ant and sale to A-h ami pub • -i*ho< l*. !•(■< • t.y m ol. Hops srr growing tinriy Mid give Fete Berv» rt of Applegate ha* been in JThort nu« . It wi I i e in the tuuid • >• it\ drug -t -T«*. J a« k*onv ille, Engel Bio* , -ampin* ¡inga» furn* r. Or u'-> mi.-e of a go* d y:eis p«*t l«»rtii ght H*»n .1 K K«-.h . « X • hi f j 1- i • of Ore­ l i e hay crop of the va l«*v will b«* mm h F K ftt i icklin ha- yiir« l>a-emri. ir«i pl i »stilt will ««nainrnce it* earnest ill a Th«** Wright 4- » la «• n W> I -w Spring* fhe weather miring th»* *arly part of th»* de*.i( of the’-.s. F EXilii'iirr.” t-recinct. ind * ill « ■ mmeiice working it in 'H • on h ••! not b»V' favorab e t<» late-««)wn as a preventative. Peaches and api !«•> -hurt time. - .in, >n«i much <»f it mil l»«* < ut for Lav »hort crop in sonth-rn Oregon, other Note*, receipts due bills.drafts etc., in I • h«* m ar future. Firmer* in t’ «* l«»wer valley tin.l that lai d ....... fruits very plentiful. Toe p »tain yi*- 1 ♦»<>, k |orm handy and tirst-cias.*», al the The rout« of the n*w r^H«| up Elk cre-’k. th t will \ •» Id ' \v • cut ini”» ot alfa fa bay I turned b< in«- -m Tile- pr >mi-e* to he lh' urgent in the Lis'ory t T imes <«th»*e. n«»rth *>f ihe rive . s thi* week t»*-iug c;u i* year with, ut irikation i* lar and i h^ wh * gl it» get 'a the *1 tie. Every -«■ t-on r**p«»rtM ih* m d*» t*.«x'»l. Afing «upervi-«»r «wav M e mo-» v du dm* Ian ! we have, i »«‘ k L •• Connor of Siskivon Co .Cal. .will ’<» «»t«* 4«.-: ed up 1 r ing finely. Fhrougn the*i«». k country ura*- L. J Marek is pu-h:ng the work through S’b v excepting tile foot-hill fruit I'llld ' ' M «riin u on the range i* goo»i and cat'I»* are tn prime it- * si**»rt time on * sio< k ranch in Lake to c«unpleti*ui. Ou«* vuar w th an »Hier. hay is a much l>et- ' a' f’’ 11 i *'* ’ 1 c»»ndit «»n Toe ram extei <1 «1 Ui rough county , we 1« am. ter t avii-g crop ttian grain in this section r’ 'U: n*‘ I t.•»«•»• A> I • .1. L W’len ba* suii contra« tel t » c-irry the Crook Grant and other interior COUIltlrS, Mr*. 8 E peck of L-»* Angele- . A -i-ter m ol on ih* m w route b«-' • ♦ **n Jackson­ injuring the hay and grain crop. Sev, ral months ago Mr. Henry Phinimer. o f G F P» n ’ >* b iker. is visiting the latter's D-trict At1 • rney (' .] v /, •% h « h i- been The w* etc clo-efl with »he moat flattering ville .«nd App ig«’-*, Vi.1 fill »ntoA 11. x*n«i family near Tsi* nt ot < |enn n's. Cal , who is su j <*t tn cr imp«, wdl t >-*tay c.m.tie e the i»ervi< e. which ’n Lak- ;« >1 Kiamath • >nt « s i r th outlook for ()reg«m crops . was taken with a severe attack H« na«1 -ix or seven w eeks, ort p-ot« s-ion.*«i h |M-t i- B S P aovk , <’h >s C. Parker nf Mt. Pitt whh here on will be t w ire a week. I been accti-tome ! to get relief by «losing ne-s. returned home a few «1 tv- •> nee. Observer l’. 8 Signal Service. Wedie-dtv and qiiauti» d as ju-tice of the A-’bis is th« ith of July, our readers I wth m«*rt»hi- e. but the disagreeable * ffe r peaceful that pniinct. W. 1. Mmrand Sand** -- i; R.. i m* ■ of sho ild remember tin» pinter-. too, .«re that loliowed w.iuld make him mi-«»rablc i Put a Stop Io it. therefore, 1 »r hour* alter ti e cramp had been relieved. [ th*- brightest y<»u*tg att«»’ney - n Po ihn I. Sherd! B rd rv i- now looking after the l.iimit' and patriot c a- w»- I. , ... There it the I imi - is not up to its usual -»andarti, I p«*r-tt-*de«i him to try CLainberlai’i * have bicmii* partner* in the j Owners of vacant pr*»peny in Jackson, de i!"pn t taxpayer* in earnest j. cohe. cholera ami diarrh'C.i rem«**lv He law mid taken others in the Abinyion < i thc\ must • \cu-«* u*. H ? M ’’hl - " I- - I" r«*.-l. t oiiah. chapp« are still many ot ihem. vil e ar <*<«rn¡da ning bitterly of the depr* w:i' tnin h plea-e«i with it. nfl its effect whs : building. FI I h in*! >■ 'y *lcn pt-i-n»«! to enn rn* dan ns of h MHllnm-, wh » tear off pickets S 'll 1 lie. A r»*-*.!« nt of the upj er vailey, who was alm -* instanlaii«on*, and no disagreenhl'« Asin m I ha- the heaviest crop nf black 'M» » I* break window u_*hts, almost ruin irui» tr»*v- bc'ii*- »«ver tai-r«l th»*r»- The bushes are n town V\«*di-«*- Horace an I .1 irnes Prît »n. ici •nip 'hied i'i'«»rm- u- t' *l there aiier« rice’« a«'» ompanied its use. Chas, X ne**d "f -i h-li' ’ to P«»rt and f«-»r tiiriic in’he endeavor io filch the unripi* fiuit. almost hiddm bv th« fruit. ! .*ri* **««mr ca-r* of dip" hr-¡a. in Ashland, ilaimrt manager Farmer-’ Trail«* Fni«»n. by Jim (•■••d**n, this wick ♦.» Cr i -k 1. Id«*’- < • v«* <•< (*'•}• • tine «-«ortni« lit and even wrench (-pen doors and window- ' and th t ■ k I t-r w»*ek to at- Sam's valley. Sinon*, to »ll«*r-*:»ie <•' Ismc Con* *«nt F E R\bee is now the *« le proprietor ville box - t«> •!<• m.s< h.»*f ot th - c.'iar^ t-r temi th*- lU-acle-.-rribner Wedding. Fh«* following corps of teacher» of Ash- »ninni I el i la-t Satur-lny . w is «eil atU Coinmi-sioners Kav and Fml .rpiid ih«* is ruinous to the character f the town f«»r J h > k-« 1« <•• utry of ' Ih’-ha i - own Tin-flr«4 !an«1 ’ s publli* S< bool« were *ele«4rd by the !••«. Ho'Ki*r-m:’!> of A-hland h -s hr. n h -!»> sto- 1 ■ ■ f j a.nt. wh'ch i- giving u< i> < oiinty — eat an otti-la v -J tu -.. * k i an I disiiMt- us to it- future prospects. The u- pain-klldng placer. L »U G -V. ci« tesiice deputy I" .I re. tors of that dislrirt last wee . shi* |»b g h rri»s :,nd • urrà is ' «»rii m rib g«"-d -••!i-f.!■ t iou . thi-place. Se< I,is ad- I’rof. P A. Griz. pijic p«! of highs'hool being thè i<*i ni*« ’- l.-*-t Ih li t- 1« .1 • a»i « \ individual lo-s is not of -•» mu h con*»- tail* I to rv ch h re unlii ¡rain I nu- la- qn« nev us the tinfuVorab • itupre.s-ioii mu h ami .-oi.tn for tiie pa*»t four week-*. \ «-rti-i in- nt el*, wh r«*. a-.d stiperint**nden’: E igar E. '»mitn. in cellr.it «-tìi«*ÌMl sii 1 «*ri»r-* vith ih re.pt 1 Sunday. A bu»k'*n buvL-y was rhe . au-« a-«tat' of affmi - cie tte-in »hr mind of an «4 i< The board of tru-te - h»- «1 the»r regular 1 charge ot gr.«njmar -••lu»ol. Mi-ves A. A ni al*, ti r«-|M***iive ui party. intending purchaser nr renter. Certainly month < m« e» ng on Tur Jav evening, and i «in r of F'-nn-yI vania. ami Ka’e Coburn ‘ I' hijoosc ," 'Binir-i" and anolher Wear« giad t.n annoti • t- ai <»ur d a- things are n< w*. a mm resident could not transa« ted con- “erah r bn me-- ; .j Wis -on-m. l’ltiTiiiediate department-; fru-n-t, Peter S ju « ki of E «gb F-.int, i-al»1«* gene b< rse are nt »hi- track al»• ml*, Ja< kson I’oiintj be viprcted to purchase wen the m-i-t de Miss«** B< r ha C**lton and Alice B««nine — t«» he HÌ»(»ut ag un. alter i s«-v«-rr will p : . r ti«- pate in the « **ct*s «» d \ . a- . i suable property in town a- an inve-tm«*nt. ‘»Lehffterof Pennsylvania -e«*r*n«lary *«•*. hei f i-t lior a.floo ’ i Hibbard « Own" Pate nt sirkness He will pioimblv t.ike a trip t«» With the kn«»wl*itge th it th« pre Ui-e-woiill I partment-; M ¡ssu- Nellie I’wan and Miss tiie-ra-coa-t f«»r hi- In al h >«>«»n T :b*e R «CK pos tlu ■ I- now supplì«*.! b- ih»* prev nf vanda i-m whenever va a»»t. R S Ibi- lap ha- di-l»osed Mollie McKinley, primary departments E 1* I* . I.vns iis- entrai Point Th»* result is that pr«»pertv-ownera are l*> h Hon L IL CiX of Porii ti d lasl we. k f*«un Ci «Jut’»* a number «»f NI i-«4i- from «1 ff-*rent ' i* g bu** - 'S to S uni. R. Fai conrr ict futiin Al is- Ui I C. ti­ I An (»bi Soldier -8» ry In the war 1 was « m - ut»i;«<1 in m «rrrig« wnh M -*• Elmor -U el« I the to exprno ni< nvy in n aking nece?s»ry re­ portions of the county aft-ruled the meet cli ir--»* oi r ok lh»* .’»th I' st. a - . flier in the First M tryland Volunteer-, Jnnklu, «tanghi, r of Re\ ai.d Mr* Wil tra« ’*• >r lor carrying the m:iil on the new pairs, >i'i<| ttie untenanted h -u-es in town mg « h I e-i tur We«h«* s lay tnuh’. *«• rv. d the I ul» • le« . r- >ute. prr-ent an unne *v--urily di npidatrd a ■ '•r«*- with the hr-t wi-h» •< f Jay Sechri-t ami v. ife rctu tied fr< 111 their contracted ¡«earance Tnv fault primarilv lies with K Boxe <»f I"niontown precinct has **« me­ ........ — - chronic diarrlnua, -inrrth" I .Mi. and M.s. Cox will -pend thè h«»nev- bridiltour H-t Frida* ami wt-rr gi\«-n th ng of imp »rtai • to s.«y tu ihe j ut*ii> in have ti***d a great anmiint <4 medicine, b»n | mofm in Europi*. the parents >f thoughtless hov-. whose wlnn I found auv that would give me relief J w »'in r«***« i»ti«ui »y their ma; \ friend* !i«* our advertising columns. <-a.rlc'-ne-s in the ti-v of their “si'h \\ . J Plymale, a menibcr of thr eraml I !;«• t» «ml h«»y- t jrned .»ut to «- < «»rt ' m they wmid njure my wtoinach, until •h'd-*,” re«»n't ng in m ny a broken pa« r of Chris T »yl«»r«»f Ga ice creek, who i« in W . M irti d f r Pori from liu dt*;*oi t*> ill»* hotel. Fh«*y are nn-ets «t he will wantonly cra-b greatb-»uld *rs through \ trottii-g race bi-'ween .1. A ILivs’ 1 Prrsrnathf o Wood ml llftai. I I> S.nithof Litt» Butt» |.r»ci-.ei. I <>{ Kort .Ion», , ave me permanent relief ami no bad re­ mrtr.»pohs od thè ’»li Max Mmler Ban­ tfir fr >nt Wind ows ol sn Uh'*cr:ipie«| real h r-e. the I. *ke\ :• v. til's in tr.'iiJUtf <41 I In sults follow. 1 take pleasure in rei ommend- ner lo«igr’s repie-e italiv**. wili leave for track ami <«••<» I. r«»uv * line »rotter, wi l ......... ........ Wil at, G.,.r g .>. ' * >'• • -'»v *"h now. deuce under the ni!s.aK»*n idea that fie is ,, • '1 n-1 - 1 e < 4*i e•«;««!»EX ( «»ngre-S!iu«n mg thi- pieparatioti to all of myoid cotu- thè sanie place m a lew day*. doing somethi ng heroic One ot the best were here one dav Him t ike p .me at 'he fai. gr<-unds to-morr«>w, weea. , K . 1. « 'Hired 1 of f Santa u . Rosa 1» ,1 u mihi paint »« mii shinglc roots m th»*y J I .1. w:*» the orator rad* a w ho. w hilegiving tlu ir services to the ir va ant hmi-es m town was wanfonh S.ttur«lay, for a pur e o' *,'*0. All «line will i t > iit. t'*u must paint your S«*nd to Jack-on A Sowden, Jacksonville, of «he «lay. H • formerly resid«*d there. country, c<«nt ranted this dreadful disea-e damaged tn this wav some w»-eks ago. I- MIMMI YEW*. animals are in fine «. <»• d t uth‘*rn as I <1 d. from eating ill)Whole--»lue ard > pa-nf is n » • x ••••riin* SUtllBN. tret • >1 I Hin« HU«I u • >sr< "ii. d »-d a' bis bro In r - rendvncr in Mat Johnson i- reporte«! to have discov mt-J for in;«lic>otis mi-< hief st ihe Hell For-ale by <'i»y crug score. anr »be ofli Sk«r < rop stcl loom well, and if it ge;* huh factory last K riday Rsd the m -f»»r- v iiuliml s, \ '‘iii- -tslil'- t!" U-. >«nit tarin 1111- The nicest and freshest candies, oranges, «•ifo.ugh to heiul, will doubtless prove re­ Sunday in J illy. one d »y recently. part of s< me of his ting**rs. tunc to b se El ier David Brower will hold a series of pb-iii« nts. l’ut u <»n x “Ur lum p«-n* an : siri'.g the bridge aero-* A large assortment nf men’s summer Rose’s ball on Applegste tins evening oVIock. and also on Sunday at 11 o’cloc k nil mining, water-rights, etc., is kept for Bear creek. ami it is il» tirst-cla-s condition I»«-r1«'Ct bu ■ pai'»» »»m» would st o»«i th«- -torn». the following suggestive advertisement. i« ’ Hf Hfu! •• '-I. B is n<> v*"ik «»f a nu«nth »•» a . m . A curdiul invitation is given to all to sale at the J inks office. ‘ A lady and her brother, having claims in clothing, h its and linn shoes ju*t in at i Mu-.r will be furnished l«y Orme’s x*c*ll again. >,*i«r. li tak«--lini" I«« »«•*» tt*« H«*ar <»t ;« r«»of the best part of southern Oregon, which Re tine- A White’s. Cali and set them. I'.om. \ r«»of tak«.** ali ttu Mtorti** and should J known string band, am! Mrs. R will *.*t at end. Wm. R «hin-'Ui. who h.»s been st work I he miners on Applegate and in the Elder David Brower will hold a series of they wdl visit July <’> would locate three or Railroad tune was again changed la-t j «.ne of b* r ex.-client suppers. A big crowd at Griffis A \V: i 1 k « t - suxv-mi1! rear G«»ld *»v painted. meeting* at the Forest creek s< hool-house, Hteamboat dj-trict are taking out m-.ie four other parties adjoining rhem. on tint Tuesday, and trains ar»ive ha f an hour is atilK'ipHivd ONE COAT OF THIS PAINT commencing on Thursday. July 10, 1K90, at dust this sens.in than for several year* Hill, <*u’«»ne of his legs severely with an open land, worth I»» an acre cash when lait rfr* in both north and smith nowadays. A w«lent of Woodville precinct «m I 8«»’tl x‘k i’. m ., continuing every evening Sornv nice .specimens have been *»x ‘rn- dsx* Inst w< * k. U «*pu*l t«» tiir -'•< »«if ■ o! >in\ olh«-t pahit.an«! proved upon; cost of l< rat ng, >'»o each; i tri»-d 1une* l««»iv » If will t«ik«* flu in Justic«' Ply male * court I is» Fri- and over Sunday. Preichmg at 11 o’clock The wif»i of (’ha- Enff»’,«*m and daughter wlli la-t fine bunting and li-hing. Address A f»*w copies of the American Settlers' ; u «i-p .mt of -Inngb*a and make them look 11 k« etc.” Tbi re is very little ol the fuol-hi l Guide, standard authority on all land • >a* , « barge I xvitti assail tmg h nrigbb. r. a m . < ni the last day. All are invited toat- KieffulingBros of Applegate mii ingdb- of S < hd l'-rs ■ f H um pl *c ■ died on«* day alai«*. Addr«>.- hmd lying vacant in smith« rn Orrgou that matters, may m* found al the F inks oflice. The jury f'lUnd him guil'x «n«l tie *as lend . tjict are running their -t-un .nastr i on I is' weeK ami wasb'iiu- i m ’he .1 ackson I . E. BVREK. -elite' ‘rd t«» nay a tine of 12*5 aud costs, The fol’owing are Rev. I Father Clark’s the large body «if ru h ore on th * dump Vill»* < ♦ *meterv the following «lav. is n d worth |€ an acre ‘ when pioved up ta»’.«* V** u»*r an*l M hiiu tactor« r, Parti« s about A-hlaml have recently Io which Im p ti«i. announcements tor Julv At Jackson- on ” This enterprising lady and h»r They think they have a bonanza in the j The Monarch saloon at Me . O h koon . bro’her—whv not gentleman and his sis < at« «1 a number ih,* uiHUMrement of H H W«»iters, i* prnv- J a « ks < »s \i lie . A full a* I h in,bom- line of gent fl fur- vdle Sunday, July 0 ter’’—can “locate fieopie who d«» not km w region on th»* K amath. in si-kiyoucounty. ni-hing go«»d* f»»r summer wear, including <> cl'M’k, last mafls at 10:30 o'clock A M Bailev nct w»*re in town and nr» n rev iv» «i at ttie 8 F. Variety Store. a var.i ’ ty -lore n* «r Hanh y A W» km.-on ’ e « i h ore fr«>ui the same, xvlmh verx few* In the matt«-r «f tlu- «statu ot J. A. M At Giant's P mm . s Ju'v 27 at 10 »»’clock hunung and fi-hmg. fntemiii g locators call■ d on u- »ast Monday. Particulars la­ mut market, will «nlurgc their -lock ods soon. Ti rv are enpviiig a good h TB E l> ID RI Bi (JIVRX FHAT FBI on d**-irub e mi in- and t* t thro* away ' f-«im itnl'g’ i n.ad -e of Ay« r'sI’aihariic from the Ahh to th*- 27ib nihtant. The‘ Couru r’’s**y* th it fhe old pioneer tr.i »• nn*i- i rn *1 Im- h«*« n nppi.lnt.st by the Just their money on ptr^ons wh«>-«* nbiiitv t«» A la’ge amount f bay lias been »-hipped pills will r «-* vouxviihoiil qu« slin:«¡1* • J A m l«-bti-l 1«» said ••state are r»- l it«« iu nice ami amply worth ihe price. cuunty. 7 l p«-r*4»i»< ( t.; l * ll( in this court, Jmig«* N< il presiding, since Pa.-h. ” I ” Lire l * plenty more where tins 1 «»«»«».I «me. • nd no p.*«’u- w 11 l»e sparetl to ’ 1 3 . *M»n« jn»i»rst(alor tiled and ion «»tint) . Or .witlith* pr-»p< r vachm» Howard and Io' 'i- ui uur«* among tlm-« Jack rem* n m the vailey. He reports late company, h's.i i«»r< e of men at work pro<- jt-i. h*-l. witt’rn - * iiioutbs ìiòm th» tin»! not ihv rna'e elk -I p da h > horns each -rive*. resi,lent* «»f 'h - pl .<•<• who attended th* public *i i- n • J th- not lee i tr- *1* having done great -Roboatn was granted a iic*n-e by • -«cijon tiJ- **'”S »ii. a fre« z«'la-t a « a K hav- <’nanon is-m d to show cause why realty tin Emelme company in »he (’innabar di- C’UHsed by the pre-s Throughout the state i « XHOl.IXT* < ARhWF.i.L. trict. They wetv operated in a crude Jackson'ill« W*-«Ine-dav eveninv. ng in»r “co-.kvd a great poriion of ’he grain. should not be -ol( tt u-'ers, «»n Fucsdav e* tx-vutrn «f tl" h’-l Will aud t«*fMlU«*nt of la-», to retail liquor for the en-uing six Un’ii ’he bio »«I is cleanse«! wf impurities, settled, pro or con The bu< k eh; al l»r Don’t fail to see that tin . large stock of • J . A. < nr«lu « il.d«M«» 4is«*l. E'tate and guardianship of Bennie lack- manner several \ »»a - ;o far • as hi» case Rh*•um>t»i«m wh • h'.* tran mg he p rsrni summer al Cinnabar, a* he nnin»--«»us cH*e■«, by the usp of Aver s Sar lAurlflfn .Mmira lt«»M MY PL M F OX RI PS CREEK. **1X | *ai ari la, external treatment being of no and this, and now has his third set rapidi} did ia*t year. 1 M< dford wdl ho mwiieo witli pt«. |«> 10 ............................... . imh * n »rtb-4 I -czl !‘-,tnl. «»n«- I k »** n *z ■ The best salve in the world for Cut8 «lax . bent .» 1 • • lebr ting ihe 1*h ot jiffv. in* ;i».* 1»» y»-:tr« itlHHit ; avail. shooting heaven word ", ..... •' ; w«-itfbl IJM Bruise- Sores. Ulcrra. Salt Rheum. Feve r Dentistry. jau«1they will !»•* rovaiv «-nt*ri.-* ned. 1«» >. p’.inul**; Ed. Warman continue* to carry ex­ * ; ab *ut 1*» h;»ii'ls luzh. Has «*a'lrR **re dentistry once It wil1. no dniffj be <»ne nt tile b'gge*t gath-‘1,1 Th toul, »! .1 2, "'riti I ioti- I" tow,. n I* tt hip, M-’n "r<«7 H.U>..uMb (l-y T'r.'°" Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi­ i r Ho, f‘»r Medford. Will he at mv • thee «•rmgs of people ever -ee . in th - fe* tion. , ; 11I-.» runn"- ».«th th« 1oi-«*u«»ing. oil«* gr«y . __ ' Hhe« p h"»e. as hue Wether* have Hold i*s tive cure« for Piles, nr no pay required It every two month' mull contract. h:»-i >• I! *»n wlp-n Ito) I ft home h'gh a* #2 .yj per h-a-i in the va kv thi* iaguaranteed to give perfectnatisfact on or August 15lh, and will rem tin one week H. H Wolters the inixe efur | «'reel. lie Im* MiTH. Two thousand bu-heh of wh*af nu* 'and -.................... a t.ne billiard tabic can a ... h, Marriage Ikense issued June J*.«», to vacancy <’aiis< d bv th<- demh of John Urih. .. ....... ... - bush»*!* nf barley an-i one -p , in ‘ found »here Hivelum a call, for he will! Engle point. Or July 2 I^K1. thousand Th* lulv term of the county rommis- >’it.tri ; , ' l’i «e dull* * of the position are not new to Edw ii F erre niita and .M4-t- Miss tf«< J', 4« in x/. C. 8mver Fruit Boxes of iiialched bay horse», w, I! broken to bar- f trea' you well. » J K. Crabtree i«n«l .Mis- El- i Mr. L .«- he has discharged them «»n sever- ii-*ners’ am! prooat«• courts will bs held The Sugar Pr-e D-a»r A Lumber <’o.. of July 3. I”’«’, t nex* week This will also be the Hrst term neos, 7 years of age. Enquire ot i al different «»era» i*»ns*. irij» • . Ad «m* Ì.R-' -«Mini re. B * sure to M’P ii THE fX DERSHiX ED HERF.BV GIVE> N*»- Medford, rhe ho**<* he. an.*» fr 1, -«jed qnj ¡ Z.l ... . ami ........... .„a.,..« th. •" court ha« re- m nd and ( has W. Taylor. fl*d and their b-iiefl an I ge’ prices from them be- rail fence- diiap ’daled lunidingM ir the ii-'t h* i«*»• i'Mbli for an> ve -ed ti v «ir isiou of the '«»w. r court, in ran away ’• vini* ** *ru'g t«> j ’.mp from ! i’. , t»' *tb' « fore placing orders vatley dur ng ’hi* wind slorins of last bun .¡. ins th.j hi- wir« mav < »ntrari, n»* -b» - «• t!.e curt Mis$ You t ’ ot « »ugh» iti the ;h’*f Aicier-n v*. Hammon Bro-., Saloon Privilege«. I f tn* i-! ...... »t «raldonc * with«»"’ ,««•••| ‘ day and Monday. f5(Mi,O00. to loan. *500.000» -!stte«< Iront and «lie w 1- hr wn t»s< K injunction, e'e i he de. hum of the lower K- Thn«e wishing f 1 r *«i tor the saloon ward* ami Bragg «I (inly IOi v.«r the supreme court gives tin plaintiff poe- Ptor’-Ï färnt’Xur", m . .v_ ------ « A MlJ!ef A good McNeale A V*rt»an safe, in the T. Pritchard (he jeweler. ir!. h**r r-tnries are n t consider««’ daitget best of order, r «n be had cheap by apply pleasure in showing you bis mammoth j se-sion of the premises and mihihes ihe MMtTírt r,t**oí “ny lo“n Menci ,n ihe * •» “*•ü®“*in ’ oua. lease, ■tock of j»w«iry. • I WEINSTOCK, LUBIN S CD. 400 to 412 K Street, Sacramento, Cal NiAV THIS WEEK. Scaly Skin Diseases CHOICE PANSY FLANTSd""¿Wr Cured by Cuticura I i Ï . cncaoN PORTLAND EUCKEÏE MO&TR AND REAPER. STAR V'BSATINC THRESHER, «CITM«»'« ST»» TOfT" cy^. The met Effective an.1 Successful Combination fol Threablug und Cleaning Oia:.. ercr constructed IT STÛPS THE PAIN. BUCKEYE STEEL TM T W i N E - B i N D L ÎT S e* I'* F.»-« *>•••• » •’ Tstr-«-. .;• -* >tr, _• • i ; oa* j fr- v ' " ■ ! .. H I. r is th, J _ht". « of l»’»f* -, ' * t 4» . f ■ t L. pul*--1 , ’ • ■ - Lit ' «• ■« d »(««* ¡'««Uoru* ßuHivr i, h « •-.!<-iu I- th . «■ » •■ •'t>«l«-i bj I ‘i!.& «■SEND FOR CIRCULARS MILLER & STRANG, Asen Medford 0 Hubbard & Williams, Durable Fire and Water-Proof Pai nl LOCATED AT CENTRAL PO NT, JACKSON CO., OR, Manufacturer’s Agents lor r< N F Ing to the T im *» oflk». . Children Crj for Pitcher’» Cuforl^, I ra < lar 'll > ir and îhiiicr VS Ith S -rr «!• • 01 11 I ¡I ' 1 1 I . , I I th. « oll« « pl • ul •• rf' •• ■ •• A '• •» t ». Ml • Iv t. « »'. I V M< «XV I II I4,n h that th k ' • • 'll • h ■!• * • « , . . ,. . « , r- wi*r«l wl».«i* th« -«s t1 • » -I rik t, o, «, , • • o » r, ’ ». * f.x th, S tvspxk I' M< »• I ' • «I» !’»••• -•• r i , • thoiisH'it* »an l'-Mtlf* I tu» -1 * • 4» a ».I» * 1 • • -'v uni IlAYllAkr wi " I * ih - :u> « qua! I Ho«lx»s I r’«u*»» Ibnii an«! M Hit ¡mr.if«1' tl « hr in < L «Ttm «F» ’ Ing Alt St»*« ' I win H n>l«*r* %* «»h nor ».-| -r t««,M!. «- hi r r- Appleton's turi'ig , Mi«-hi^:m Ihijg« Co., X. w ton Wagon- hik I il>' k-. Einpir«- Mniinfiu'lmi'i- Co., ilal.cr'- Bit'1..) I Win- C".. th«'« .'U>r:«t«Ml Knapp. Bnrn ll A *Wn. I». ide« vari- ! oitr other niHtinfa'-tnring c.inipaui«'* Call and S?e us at mir WartlHist ll'fart PnrrlHsing ElsirJinr. H ubbar D& W illiams