MISCELLANEOUS MBJELLANK'J'JS. r. I MMONS juf e nnrs JUNE 6, ¡hi*» r Hl ■ .1 'i TO ADVERTISERS ¡REGULATOR Le Rlrhiu’t Cohl'U nu'»aaM,j; ». J Cure« » li3’i« r«*% fr .’.««I •« ’«o:>4 ' » « ■». auKi-S n .Rh« ¡A'" W* I* «t»; '»¿F . Eyas, Noue, e’<’, Crp; «r* 1er« d Hintrhfv Sjrpl.euie e-Lt »r b, •»«».-■'«• ! Scalp, and • MRk.iry 4< l >> * *4 t’.u «a< !.w «*'i le SjRFhi* <• - 1 ?»» p««r BSMlrf ’>• Bfcha’i'* <4 Htl.niW No ') C*ur««» \cra.r. T .'1 . p’< I’i.-Rhc* ih . i Ieau, rain« i*. t': • 1’ >m -, Fani« in the* Head, î**«.k <-f tiw N\«k, t Erra'••! S« r» rhr«*.«t, s.nh al • Itasi;, lam )»a a ad cuti tr.»« »«U » • « -t'ff of the L inha, ai. I .rwheJis . H . .*« o«- from th«- •}*«••• he*\» f cau-v I b« ill«! *• f ti< •:» « r l»!*u-««r •t Mercury, kwiàg the M • l pura ami healthv. Priva <-O par J rw»rr'i«c3, Glee*, irrita» iuu G:u> el, a*»l »U- l’rinarv or»» K tal db-arraii^eiiM*nt*. i*ri• | m » s * Botila. La llichan'« Golden MpanUh In­ jection, f-r* -. ie '*••*»»■•♦ et G *n >rr’i. IHtUnuu -I »’V <»1« • L Strwtunslc. Price •1 .’»Ü |xr natila. 1.« Hictian*« Gol«l««n O'ntinen’ tor tho «ff et.ve h**ah)*4< t Syphilitic S r , ma! «runttons. Piicefri CO i>»-r Box 1.« l.’khau'« Gohlen l,ila-N«rxu xml Br * * r-utawnt; I« of phyai-al pu» • cr, atu-rm ’ oxer p«*r B oy . T*.*ic and .Yerrine, s nt everywhere, C. f' « reuní y ¡»ack cd per cxpreM. C Ra peculiar efflctWT Is dhS hm much to the process and NOTHING skill in coni) m »unding as to . the Imjr« »liruij* ihciuselvaa. LIRA IT Takpit |H time. It check* —, diseases iuthe outset-or if tMey be advanced vGli prove a potent cure Ulntttiiis* «otiiittrH HrialBte«* shoo4«i tnU«* tsttlr •>! I i»i<* . IL stali Vital It takes thepiacsof a doctor and cowtiy pre- muAM script Ums. AB who lead FOH whois sedentary lives will find» BRNKFIT It the beat preveulive of and cure for Indigestion, Constipation, Headache, BiliotmeM, Piles and Mental Depression. No loea of time, no interference with bustnese while taking. For children it ts most in­ nocent an«l harmless. No «langer from exposure after taking. Cures Colic, Dt- srrhflPB, Bowel Complaints, Feverish­ ness and Feverish Co'ds. Invalids and delicate persons will find It the mildest Aperient und Toni»* they can use. A little taxen at night insures rcfroliing sleep and a natural evueuatlon »»f the bowels. A little taken in thr im»ruing sharpen« tlie appetite, cleanses the stomach and •weetens the breath. A PHYSICIAN’S OPINION. **I have been pra- tiling medicine for twenty year» and nave never been able to put up a vegetable compound that would, like Nimmons Liver Regulator, ptomptiy and effectively mow the Liver to action, and at the same time aid .instead of weak­ ening) the digestive and a^iundalivS rrers of the system.” M. H intom , m u ., Washington, Ark. Marks of Genuineness: L«s»k for the red Trade-Mark on (Tout of Wiapin*r, and the deal anil Signature of J. IL X* inn A Co., 1Q rad, on tlie side. Take no other. II * RICHARDS Jk co., Air,»»t^ rc A 42t> banauine »trevi. Corner ».la). Son Francutco, (?al* QiB^LAK MAILED FREI t. B. STONE 8. CO.. /;/•: still . Peace! I« t uh h»J«l »»nr pcac<*. The rain f, II fast. Th«- trouhh <1 skl»-8 bi fore the strong w itici • iriv« n ; Now. ’ik • a l.»u ly p; nit» ut forgivi n, swrt'ss tii- tear-st.dn»*d face hutli A sm« pH'Siri. Ami s"bhi'.ig » urth is r*-v«»ncilcd t»» hvav« n. VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC OIL’S LINE. Loan and Commission Agents. mela One»-mor«' we plm k tin* wbid-ttuwvr in th" w « »<»« 1. Am! Iii-ar tliv ruck »«» culling trom tlu hill ; Each >n its pia» « , r« sponriw to tin * ill That bade thrill hr, an«! ** hhw that they were g-MMl.” An ! t » th»* wind and wave said, “lVuev, bv still.” »VERUNO TO CALIFORNIA. Real Estate, Collections made and promptly remiited I k No H® Ihr ri W tea« a r treu I a I Ion uf 2500 • •»♦ iMrgrnt »• rd by i*h) a<»ua|»aper briwren Portia ut! aisil lieti »* dlMlntier ot WOO lutlea. Is Clserrfarr ofTcrw ttse br»l iixliin ittriitt H» vertlwera. Onr ¡ht I* principally (W».I<1 ■- » *«» iark«HUI, JswerphSMC MUtl Peace! let us hold mir pearr. Sh»* is not here To t»!d tin* blimbvfl w> iconi«- hh < f ol«l; A ii -I wh« n the sapphire w «odian ! we behold, XV.- b nvtliv hcad, and say she held it dear T*> wahdr th.* awakeiunx earth b»*r wealth unlubi, PeTtce! let in» bold our p«-ncc-her ^’ace is ours; Here, hk wc wander through tin* woods alone. H -art whisper«,!h unto heart in happy tone, XVbat n»*«ti. i«mi0 0(h) 4 e- *f 1 «nJ ' ■■ Gr * it en • ons of c erries each'«lay ’ BniMiii w«*re Unco f<..r th» cuitiVALou «•» An extra session of tlie XVa.liington win al ; n the year 1889 the wheat area ’ had been reduce I t 2.3W.G00 acier* l< gislaiure is said to be impending. In The Presbyterian church now bui'ding the ionuer y« ar wi «;^ sq M ut M f FK : Latir 1;* :m iiv«*iagt ‘ pr'.ct* t»f *ii> u: at lielei a, Montana, will cost |5S.U00. 5) j ^liiiLiig?-, 9 |».*nc*‘ pei qu «.«t«-i ; «n g »• 1 .1- The cliuinb«>r of commerce of Nan ie: it Lad laiien o 29 >h 11 ng 3, 9 ;«.- -1. «. c l'iego Ims passed a r solution iti favor ot jd>er «j .diici. Tin clias»-'l a> about ch$* pti<*,«a Htieh wo . 1 i ruin any man, says the Sunday i in I cuiiinia.xls at a lik** d!.*la;icc fiotn American centric of |M>pulation. Lan I Mrtcury. in England at one tune commanded There are tw«nty candidates making fancy p ¡res fur tin- rex:ial con.'i-E rat 0:1 a vigorous coi test for ti.e poeiti n of col- it cuidci ivd Up«,n the owners. To ire- le< t<> of ii ternal tevenue for New Mexico come a landed propnetoi was the readi­ and Arizona. est way uy winch m»*n who ha i tna-le One metchai.t of San Rernardino f ; turn’s in bn-iiir h <*ou!d ea'ahliah clean- d up $250,000 reeen ly by th ■ sale tbums «\< i.i ma : civ. B«)t the depr - o. some mines in tlie Har«|Ua Hala dis- C atioii n »Re p*:cvso« firm pro lucta i as riet, Arizona. c.’i.-eda » oi 11 bpun ¡j 14 deprcc.it o*i in Emperor William is confi'.c. X’ortz, the anarchist, was ai- • c - h I. ••<•», l.ir many - f lire -’.¡aH»*» ¡«;i\»-«i !o s rested in Chicago Iasi week. lie is j.r.eb?l* ii;i>; < t| ,• ciiargeil with sttempting to blow up the or to a-lapt th ir s'.yi-* « 1 i vin£ ¡-» 1 re inced it.ctmits. l*i<» Kih«y E erforniance of the taxed breads tuffs. p. auhlv the loss tu “ l'assi .n 1’ ay” at Ob -rammergau. tier- the iand-owiier, great as it Im- ii.*«-u, many, was so great that many had t > be is less than tire loss th«! wotdd hav* overtaken m.inntac’uring interests had turned «wav. Sine«' the Australian ballot law went duti»s lie* ii phici I on foreign agricultur­ into effect in Tennesse«>, night schools al piodiictti, sax:, lite San Francisco Cdltt have la-en started ail over the state to Republican. prepare the negr.es to comply with the law’s edtuaiional reipiirements. Tho University of Chicago, endowed A ru ling stone rubs the moss oft its by J. I>. RiK-kefelle . Marsha I Field and b¡ »ack. Ten jeara ag«> a g, for 115 to $40. The price now ranges I- now an as-ured fact, the full amount o the sub-c ipti'Ui having l>een raised. We have valuable city pi< | e A south ! fr«»m $75 to $ U m ). iNortii. Miller Sibley have s«»ld thevearli« gs, It is repo ted at Salt Lake that the anti farms in Jackaon ami Fortkin»! Arrive lU:4.»c. M. t-UOF. a. Leave rem i voir dam at Gunnison, on a brunch . Lcuve Mvdlord LcuveJ 4.4.’» r. M. I ¡old Com t and Golden Slop»—by El c JA. A- M. I.- a' c Josephine counties ..4a A. M. I ‘ Ari’vcSuiiFraacisc»» Lcav« I Lune. M, t oneer, «lain Edith Carr—for $12j‘00. • f the Savier river, has broken. The fur sale. Win. (railway, the pioneer among rail­ reservoir covered an area of 5,00-1 acres l*A.**LS«iElt TKAIN UAH.Y L« .tv» Ik.ù a . ta . time. U:4O »*. M i. avv al the lands between the Lux raip h ami Soil ED. Lug-ti» L» iiv . J K«A» a . M. .’ i r. ii | U..\. Iloston has ni de arrangem* nts for an San Bruno, on the bay si-le, and will im- • »verflowing treasury. A new ordinance nmdiately prove-d with work on the im|M»*us a tine of $20 for each use of pr«>- uildings tor the meat-packing estal-li-l - ta« e language on the street. m nt. TOURIbT SLEEPftMC CARb, Lake Chelan, Wash., never fr uzes. al­ The senate comini tee has finished the For .»»•»«»lune"lut *»i oi s»x'»»nu-c »uw pa.^cn- though in 4S deg. The reaaon give ■* is pre iminary w rs on the rive: ..nd har- g’ rs, MlUU'h« di.» t.xpn s» i i unis. that fl is deep, and the warm water ris««s tsir bi , and ex|sfcts to report to the trom the b• itoin to snpp ant the cold. senat in a lew day-. It w II rt>ike out The total length of the te ejraph lines the a propr iation of $1,000,000 for the Hennepin ■ anal. of the world amounts to 557.(M’4; Eu Other, uji-tairs, in Rynn'i Block oj»e has Jlb.d’Mj; Auieriea, Ils’»,042; W to«t bide izivinioA. Cal.fjrnia uiode-tly announces that (.»jqivaite Keitnice iV White’s. i «w ¿.». a imm *».* »wx» ou % alm > Asia 41».MM): Australia, 24,204. ar.d Af­ she needs ten acres fur her display at the M \ll. THAINw »»All.Y kEX< H*T SUNDAY., rica, 12,0(>0. world's fair. At thi- rate of demand the JACKSONVILLE, OREGON It lias be- n estimated that the land Lak.- Front Sit«- cjmmittee tn Ch cago 7;.ai a . Xi, I.« nv« P.»rtian l Arriv« ♦.. !’) I*, m . i ».^ u r. a.i Arrive (.'«»vvaliis E«»*v«| 1 A> »*. M. contained in Central park. New York, wiHlavcto fillup Like Michigan half Al Albany an.* < ..rvidh* c«»nn« cl wilii train*- whi« h originallv cost |6,000,0«X), is t.ow w..y to the straits ol Mackinaw. worth »»ver $10ti,0(M),00i) Tift* inaitiie- »Í Ur»'g««u Faville Kaiir«»ad. 15 e river an I harltor I ill provides for a pAll.Y EXfllE * Tl» VINS <4 X« ECI sl Nl»AY.) nanee of the pa k »owls f4,0 0 a y ar. -urvej • f the Mis otiri riv- r above Greut 4:.*iU F. M. Leuvc t’oi tunl At 11 ve V-.UU a . M. Fran« « s E. Will trd, in t er walks a>M»ut Fulls. Montana. It is believed that by ö ;UU c . M.pVrrivc M» M huivii I c L« hv « , • C» a . M. Chicago, has .000many COKVAI.1JS.OREGON. m «ke shi'tM for 75 cents a dozen and miles of the river can la- mad - navigable. THROUCH TICKETS tu ail point», Imnish tiieir own thread. She also finds Tongue river will also la- surveve«!. SOUTH f • na>k lounty, An Austrian photographer has suc ­ «•ail <>n < ompany's ag« nt at M« «it«>r«l. FACULTY it kOEHl.EK, h. F. in Hi Elis. ceeded in producing a rai ge i f i South» ru Or« gun an- h»-i«-t»> inf«*riiuii that Or., for \pril, reached »357,3*5. and the enter th« ( rillrg»» but are no*, prepar »d lo un The net profits from the WHte--w<>iks in addition to a large and vi«*gant line ul f«r( oli»‘g.» cia*M« by eumination. duties •■•'lleeteil atnuunted to $*•♦•,55S 77. <»wne i bv l\»i land, amounted las» year MILITARY TRAINING During thirty days 102 dutiable entries to iZsi.OiM). Although tl ere have lieen To th« as tent rw|iiir«*i by aw | were mad«*. Tin* numls-r of « •-seis to $5,000 more interest on the Komis issued HLILDINUB. to ’ ay this v<«ar, the net i roti’s from the | | enter was twenty-fuiir. whil-Uie mtmliei Garge. t,uruiu«»di<»u« ami w«li Ventilated i of i learanees was twenty live. LOt'ATION. L have a«ld«*d to niy st h k the following c¡.ts¡»u’ water-works to «late amount t»» over $♦’•0,- I Ina an«t coinmniut y. an>t which I haw a full linw. I hiring a r«»cent thunder-storm in Paris 000, ar.d will he double 111«>:■*•« of last I one «»f th« hMKlthiwst in th« Stat*«. title*' Il isl ea • f lightning are said to hate year. EX PI KI MENTAL BIA THIN. Then« is another I V| m crit'ral oil break -cached the top Of the eomlui tor of the Ladies’ Furnishing Goods, Vircularfi,matter fuii«kf mleiest t< farmers, will be regularly isemsi and copier of sympathy for .John Roach, the h iip- Eiffel towel simultaneously, resulting in mailed tu each patron of th«> ('«»llvgH. Both Knit and Muri-n. buihler, who wa*killed, Hays a New Yo»k a remarkable display and considers!'!«' KXPKiMBKH paper, by Secretary Whitney. It is the vibru ion on the part • ( the big iron fWdiKKMi to lowwt »sure«. Two or mor« fr- (•pinion < f sensible m«*n th; t if Roach frame, I ut no ai-parent damage was Butmiarriiips from every- county t'onsui was killed by anything it was by l»eii g d tlie. juurCoanty Buperintendent. coni|H*lled to stand up to a contra« t tie XV<♦ c»mh»lently appeal to the farmer)* and Can «da h .s ordered the whole inter- As, II, api« to be buu*hl any pluee; also gran a»*) <»f Oregon to palrouiS« th« «»nly s««h«»«» made w.th the govetnm nt. natio: al l> amdary hi»* Loin the Rocky eatablirhed by Oregmi for the promotion of hr» 11av in Tuwurora. Nev., w as worth |7»0 mounts.Ilse st to Manitoba patrolled by agru abuml inter«*»)«. children's Short Clothes, V »r catalogue <»t other inr«»rmat»on. ad«!r« ns. |M*r ton the 5th of March; rattle were mourned police, of whom SOOwtll I k - de­ I nd« r 4 year« old. Ii. L ARN >Ll>. President. I bis is to prevent timls-r steal­ dy ng in 1 irze numbers, ami pun h ises tailed. ( »»rvalliM, <>reg«»i). \ !•♦ aiitiful lim of could be ma«!e at fl j»er head. Many ing. They will also prevent Canadian people in Tuscarora who had milch cows, lndiuns from crossing into tho Cnite I were feeding them flour, which cost |»5 States on horse-stealing expeditions. Within th«' past few days four convicts t'ofidsting of IJ-le and Silk. |s«r hundred |>oui'ds, says a correspon­ dent to the Greenville /full*tin. have 1 «vit released ftom Gregoti’s state Never in its history has th • state of penitentiary, making the total numb r • f Texas 1n*en ho proHperoU’ as now. The IHTsons coitlined th re 321. Thos«- wlm « r«>ps for thia year have been the U*Ht have jft't l eeii given their freed, in wer-: ANDERSON CREEK. Ling, sentenced from (I ¡»»sop ever known; but the grea es’ adv.ii re ('bin ha** been in the cot’on « rop. ( i»ns» rva- county f- r a term of four yeais, for lar­ tive estim «ten pla< its value at |90,000,- ceny ; Win. I'5-b'hcr, f om Lak«*, on«' 000, or 1'20,0.iO,GM) alxive any crop of year for larceny; James We t, irom previous years. Ti e total agri, ul*lira: Grant, one year for larveny ; and'|S'iie r llF. Ml'IIS4HIIIEIl T.XKM I'l.EAM'KE l> Ami many other thing* too uunii tour to men proiurt will this year exceed |!30,000,- Lynes, from E matilla, nine months for itunuti.M'ini, that hK 'train *aw-mill non lion, i have a’so urvd the wrvi«’<*a of a runi.K.K Ut. lull luur and lurmtix .».I a larx' destroying | rojK-rty ; says tin' Salem 000. quantity of hnntHT. Hr la pr. par.-'l to till al Il is reported that half a million dol­ .''luMongrn ->r4*-ra wltl. .ll*|.«lrh, and nt Ihr luont r> anoun- blr n»l«. A tluu quality of; Paiers have lieen signed whereby the lars is about to b»« inve-ted in establish- And am now prepared to execute an or- inga tin-pla e mill in the vicinity of Fitts- Asters of New York have agreed to build i».rs in that line in hrst-claa« style ul reasona­ ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, bii’g. The supply of Cornish tin has in that city for Georg.* C. Rold*, the ble ratea. Inelihllnx tho h.Mt ru»t:r, cellinu and tl.a.rin« (’all and ace me opposite J. Nuuan's on (.al.‘- treen curtailed, ami Ihitish manufacturers tine-t hotel on this si de of the Atlantic. furrtisired <»u short n »tn «-. furnla Hlrvet. are now importing raw ma erm I from It will pn b.ibly take two yesrs to build MRS. P. P. Bit IM. K'sal Kfucti«»u giinniiltvvd. Sumatra and other places wt.ere the the n**w house, but w rk w if! b-gin in a S. H. SMIT H. mineral is found in profitable (piar.titles. few weeks. It will lx* at Thirty-third ri The tin from Sumatra is about |20cheajM‘r s -eet and Fifth avemie, a- d tlu....... st will than ('oini.'h tin. I. • between $2,000,0 0 ..nd $3.c00.000. It A female girafFe at the Zoo < gi< al gar­ wi I bo erect, d on tho 1’arisia 1 plan an.I in the T»wi uf den in Cincinnati, t rought i«»rth a young will I ave but one entrance, with a big male g raflu, recently. This is sai«l t«» court in ti e center. It is to be conduct, d I m * tie- first horn in captivity in America. on the Eurot'-an plan. The sit.- is that The manager of the Zoological garden of tho old John Jaioli Ast r r«* id'-nec. says num* has ever been born in captivity Th«' plans arels-iug rapidly completed. Siskiyou County, Cal., Two of the venerable pioneers of Or«* elsewhere, exc<«pt. in |j»n i(»n. and none there since 1N77. The young t»*r :.t the gon in ’43 still I’ve in Klamath county, f “ Z’‘ is nearly live and a half feet high, W. G. Parker and Lindsey Appl gate The l.ilikv ill»- Slur says : ’One of their and il- estimated weight 1-»0 pounds. Uur-f«»urth down, Imlauve within six, tweiv« It is now thought that Asa Carm.in great pioneer achievements was the o d ud uigbt* «-n months. emigrant toad from Wi 1 imetle t> Fort imp al !LUIr«»»sd Depot for gru«!« «! nr!«*«*«, We havo removed our Nuncriis to Med­ was diowne«! at S xe-», instead of being or ad'ir'siK D. II. HASKEL, ford, wh«T«‘ we have sfi-ur« «! Nt-w Ground, th< kille»l by the land lide. as at fir-t re­ Hall, passing through Klamathand latke Towu-SiV' Agmit C. F. It. It., san FrwnelRcn. ■»oil of which is a windy h».ini. » tiabling us ported. Ti.e sli'lu ki led a Mt. Mfwie and counties. Of the noble fourteen who without irrl^ti«»n to grow hvalthy, thrifty pi. neeri-d that old highway, w«* h. lieve trees with an abundance «»f fibrous lateral wife and a little girl, and til inji up the roots without heavy !»»»> roots, to be cut a wa) narrow gulch, formed-a dim, which none are left but Applegate and Parker. in digging. W’e otter raised the water about 150 feet. Mr. Tlie noble saerili'-cs of the past, that Carman’s cabin whh i>00 yards alrove the «■ause us to rejoice in the beings who newly-made dam, and as no trace < f him made them, are theirs. Tneir deeds are could l»e found, it is almost certain he handl'd down to us, and by us they will p. rished in tl>y flood. He was an old he handed down in unsullied glory to the Amlall of pioneer on this coast, and he had many generations that follow.” Thue between Mvdlord and S:m Ft¿uncisco, iwvuty-tuur hours. CAL1FOKMA EAHK1LSN TRAINS KUN DAILY Bt- rwtfe.5 l’«»UALANI» AND SAN FKAÄU1SUU. Call upon us for PULLMAN bUEi'Ei SLEEPER BUSINESS. THE STATE Agricultural College. THE LADIES MILLINERY JiaN'W WARDROBES CiiMPLEiL HOSIERY ! S. S. SMITH, Prop’?. QI.OVES H IN I »KERCHIEFS COK^KTS Zephvr Shawls, r FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, 1’OWN FA Riff NO IN ENO I. AND. JAURSOMVILLE-CRESCENT city MAIL HOUTE MRS. JANE REDDING, Proprietress OTtGESI.EWK I \< K-*oN VI LI E EVERY ;1M.* u «I nv ami Friday at ♦> o v I» h k a . m . f«»r Vf ild'-rville.rvturningTu«*a«lAysan«! Saturdays Stage laavu f«»r Vniontown on W«*lnoMday»» •I lOu elock a . M., returning Thuradayt». Papers taken al Reasonable Rate!!. ÒCT0 $10 A OH Agents Wanted ! t’mcvLAM F reo . < :. sm » lirawat r’« MaMy Rain Bold«« ptvwn away tointro paj v«»«tac« aid ptukint forNicksl 1’1*1"»' s,,mn|e that **>U h for M CW. lUawsUi Hfg.C^.lkUj.Mkk. O DR.JORDANS A Museum of Anatemi 751 Market St., Sun Francieo. V W O o mik ! G-urti h« w tu av«»ir a«-uital w«*ak- ai | A ’>«••<* an«l all «il»« »•*»*s ot lie ti, A A Send for t»o«>k Privai«.* «»ilice, Geary St. Cuiisultation tr«*c. SIC DLLT ulì OwlUg te Ilei gtP'U • »C- rwrt of l«ie n« * «'I !» m . Wet ri«- li4*l<- V« r»'dn> «’ü Ih«.- pri • • from Hw » A4. Wide!» !»> uk’ » !t ’ ! e *'■’•«• «l* ,»t KiK'i-' « v- ¡ ' i i ••• II'- r R ,n'• - - 1 1 '• *-f- r\f' ;.,Ta 7«'rr..ié li" t" I . » ■■ for Mor fil H E ft balrsTor» io. -yol <■ / AlM?«K cil»««« ks-rtri” li «« « ••■ *•?« t5'**ì |*r,,K'tonr « -I uf <* B *« 7MI .M*»Zelai., a, 1. $4 Trees as Low as an v First-class Nursery. Nurseries at east end of Bridge FARMS FOR SALE When Baby was rick, we ^are her Cariorla, | OFF1 R FOR BALK ON REABONABLKterm lone of the bent Btock or Dairy Farms in Koutb When ri»H was a Child, she cried for Castoria, ♦rn Oregon, hi taaU»»i <>n D«*er (’reek. Josephine When she became M uch . she clung to ('xst«»ria, ♦ounty. cuiitamuig 321) Hcren <«f rich lM»ttotn land specially adapt«*«! to the growth of timothy hay When she had Children, »he gave them Custvria ui«i »dover. About ontx-itaif ih cl«'ar»*d ard m 'iiltivaUon, and m«>*t of the balance «?an bo easily Geared. There ut a stream of wat«*r rnrintna throughtlie plac»*the y..fcr round.atT<»r«iiiia plenty *>f water fol stock ami some f«»r irrigating. The place in all inrlooed by a «••«a! rail fence. I’her»* ma house and bare ami ¿on young fruit trees on The Laundry Queen. * he place. It also has the best outside range m hecounty; al»»o another -xcolient placecontain The sole aixent’v f-»r Jackson county f'r •ng i'A' acr«*s th»* c»kbra’e«l Laundry t;'ieen washing- For full particulars call up. n orn. J.VANN(H this place. This labor saving m uhine is Grunt’s Pass. Oregon. now such a universal favorite w.th good housewives that Mr Brown has deci»ied tc Farm tor Sale keep its merits before the public. Those A g«MMl farm ami Htoek raneh,containing ICO desiring to inform themselves as to its a« i « s. l«Mi acre«« under frnc»?, » mi a« i in culti ■ workings art referred, by permission, to vution. Good house an«! outbuildings and Mrs. Hudson. Mrs. Livingstone, Mrs. Hen­ n«s t-ssary burn room. Fruit « nough tor a ry Khpptl and Mrs H Wendt, of Jackson­ small family . Tw<» living springs on ip. place, ville. Hiul io Mrs. J.iup s R. Howard, living handy f >r stock ami irrigat.ou purpnaos. l’he’ following prop» rty will go with th« place: 4 on the IbiviHon place dear M»*«i!« nt. For horses, burn»***, wagon, plow, harrow, cultiva­ terms and prives apply to J. ii. Brown, at tor, mower and reaper »oinbin« «1. sulky rake, the Biiger residence. Jacksonville. amt all nweaaary hand tools. The pluce Is l<>2 eated three miles n«»rthw«s»t of Eagle Point, Hrirurit ami nine miles from Central Point railr »a. ' t; a¿ecUrt.,liH pialli and >,«•■« ifivatiun* n«»w it ! 13 in«' « ! Ik * « th . R:.!* wi H m U o |.,- X ' ; .«il'! «■< iiM'i'r» !i«i of five hundred •: •• ir-*. •ï»' u ilici-rtinouni filiali i»«, turf, u l $15; insur- loth. v»mi!tx in « ..<» t I h award is made t«» him. ami h*. t.*. mvb-»-ts «.r r»*fiia«*H for ile* I" i «•*: «d t« u«!a\- afl« r*U’ h award it» ma.b* to him. t». «ut! into «loiitiacl an«! tile hib b< nd oitl:«' min.ar r«*.piin«î t.x, an! t ■ 1 h<* *KtiK- ... t: !» ot. th« « aulx « «uit. 1 ii * Mud ( ountx • i i t i<- i v« *-1n«'i igltt to r«'j»x*t rii ) and all ;t AT THE OLD STANO ¡sm REMÉ dy " p AIÑ MAX MELI ER. Count} Clerk. XT CONQUERS P4LXN. BHKUMATISM, I Toothacha, Sprains, NEFRALCIA. BRCISES, ----------------- Sciatica, Lumbago. Burnt and Scalda. AT DnüSOIfTT’AND D bat . zm , INE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltimore. Mi. OF ASHLAND, DRY GOODS CLOTHING. Late of California, BOOTSAND SHOES, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. Etc., SEND FOR C'UR CATALOGUE ano CR1 Al LAS ENGINE WORKS INDIANAPOLIS. IND. Arenow pr,'part'd t»» furnish tho b^st <»f ruusit f.«r pul <»r private PatUe»«, Built», Picnics, dto , »it hi iy ¡H.int <»u lit« <•«*»■*t. All the m«w popular mumc is played by thi» Orchvft ok. H *vr r ••’■lpco- ! a Hr."» number of rnnbicians we are able to faruiah any number of bands. »!iHirumt*!’.(s r n • all or f nmndird toother ».>*•>.I»-. \I1 <>r«i r--by tnivil or telegniph prompt­ ly’»Pended to. Terms abv 'roi.H«rukbi«* Ad- PliOF. GANIARH. lr«»»»H Ashland Or. Final Notice to Delinquent Taxpayers. ! Ja< k—‘ii < ‘iinty, Or«*- N - >ti. t i « n turn« I <>v. 1 t > in» . v. ith hi Destroyer. ------ THE-------- (if hem » » st a < ig ra vatei » disea < es . f . v en I.« prosy, am! <-as«*s pronounced im urabh*, yi«*l«l to >t- niHglc touch. It is a n« w icv.-la- tion t«» mankind; a bright oiisis in a li«>p'l* ss drfUTt (*xpanH<*. ami tbr«*'.itens to revolutionize trnsilcal practice. All onlrra will bv promptly tilled by send­ ing to T inom y •* >'• 1 depot. LUCKEY CÖ ASHLAND, ORECOTJ . I awi; 5 JONES / TON SCALES $66 Beam Box Tare Beam BINGHAMTON ESMOND HOTEL To Rent and for Sale (’• r. Ft «»nt an«» M<»rriac»n Sts. iFft fìfìiì \» KF-OF i IX I. K \ I'l X.I KF I I rJU.UuU A InilH andMii-*:«:-K"« t l..m 20 Arreu tn l.iirijt Tract.s mtitabh /or ( oh f/ rttrpoMf*» ! >r parti< tilaffl apply L. B. FERRIN, 402 K* .»rncx Strict,San Francine«». Notice. A Choice Collection o* City ani Country Property Fur Saif.  Any person wishing to »*e!l prop« rty will find it to their interim to call and rive us. i warn**;t Iron, th» H 11. ( ¡ unti < ourt tor ita iiiiiii. U .it- » . " i t. .11. \|| | m r— .1win, «r. on -ai«i iist ««¡I pl« t-r vil! at mj <4Iic«' in Jack- s nvitlr and n tiIr without furlh< r delay, as 1 will b< « < ui|>< tied t‘> I« \ > ut», n Hi«* i r '|H iti- of t hI •!«•:iii'pi 'lit-, in f J.-k-m county. Or»’gon. Ja« k- nvfllc. April là. Issi. COUNTYLANES □ r nnn ae ><» fwheatani > si « \ k - / 0, UUv' • ’ Ltiud in t lu* al>o\ ■ ’ • 'in: - REAL-ESTATE ON COMMISSION / F;1E8NO AÑD MERCED Newman Fislie? JOHN VAN HORN. Afi-n«. Ashlend. Or. Must be paid for In advance, by onici-, order or ee.li. > r'r'- XHlloii Ju«, delivered «t •!■•■ A «h and Orders troni abroad promptly til •o. SWOrd. rs • H »' ,ht' ' 1 Store. J1K k-eivli:.-; It. M.III'II« .d. Grani Mrs. Wardlaw. Central Foint. 5 cents a Be»; Ever brought to the county >< 1110 ’» I In *iH> LLTH'ISE XVIlO KRE INDEBTED T(» I' f.»r *• rvic«* ot “Y«»ung ed, Sothern til« put l.is foot asleep, and makes Ins enhance in the last art Ol “Lord ChumlryW with bis t eda) full uf “pins and needles,*' as children say. XV’e cannot concede it a remarkably f inny gag, but it serves lo help out; a- least,it is rather a success for a comedi­ an if, with Ins foot asleep, he can keep an audience awake. There are some prettv little bits scattered in this “Lord Chumley;” they are nice, we sti|.|>oee tieeause they are so reminiscent. Mr. Winslow * Soothing Syrup should alw»«ys be used for children t«*ething. It ...ollies the chil>i..«oft»ns H e nuins. alla.'.s all pain, cure, a in«! colic, am! is the lest remedy for diarrbeca Twenty five cents * bottle. f7 N"! THE BOSS BOOTS 10000 Prune, UNRIVALED GOODS ’ |l¡ ’J — ask ron AKIN, SELLING & CO.’S Louisiana State ^.Jteiy Company AGENTS WANTED. IN UIISEK I friends in Cooa and Cur«y. The Wi lamette valley Trihina r««ports tlm finding by Durand, a black-mith of Dixie, of an abandoned m ning claim originally discovered on the head of one of the southern tributaries ol the Wil­ lamette river l»y a Frenchman, w ho had And a g.»f»«l a«».4ortiuent of all the leading va­ to abandon it ’luring the Rogue river rieties of fruits. Indian war. Mr. Durand and partner succeeded in finding the ledge, speci­ mens of which they brought out with tlu m, showing tlie mineral to l»e very rich, both in g* 1*1 :ir.d m I v . t . The tOOM GIVE VS A CALL. used by the original disenverors wen« found, and the cabin,constructed of l‘»gJ, had almost rotted away. MEDFOKI», OliEGoN. : \ MILLION DISTKIBUTED. I-G< HAMMON BROS. 10000 Apples, 5000 Peach, 5000 Pears, 10000 Grapes, Notice for Publication : tfc'TED ATTRACTION ! i MONTAGUE, FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. ADOPTED BY THE HT A f E c< NV . Nil* PUBTLAN'D APKfl. 24 LEGAL ADVERTISIM’ NTS. L IND Urn» L AT R osemi mi. ! »H.J April X*. EG». ( Th.-Democratic part.' ••! tic •VOTICI 1S HEREBY GiVEX IH VI THE ir«»n. *n »•»iiiv«*nl‘«»n nss«tnbl«*»l ¡«»¡I<«v. <.g-nain»*d n'-tG<-r iiua t;l«*1 n»>ti«*»t «»( plc«!_-' st » D< moo»alii prim* l.‘i- fnt■ uli n to in:ik«‘ final pro<»l in Mipp«»rt of nt*' th»* f<> iow'Ug d«*« ■ .rali« I lii'i ciaim, an I tbui -ahi proof will t»« made t»«*- Fir*’ x\’<* <■ »mu at ii at * tor« it.« judge, or in hia h I» k <-m b»*iur<* the part v iti tbis K!><1 i 'i«-«' st it« n. at .icks «nvillc. Or« gon. on saturdav. ill |«»e.i. 4 .,i >E.'4 ricali ontrj V» I'tiion : ami w nail th« ii »'•'Ulis a* «•«•itain K. S weM Inc»»rporat'«l t»y th« I.cjdMJutur»*. for l>1u- ami SW. 11’ »! NL. *-4 s«s-. <, tp. 40 inu ldng«*r ot th«* «lisint. grati-m of tliat party W. M. He Dime* thè fullowing wilneMS»*«* to cati.Htiil atri ( TiitritHbh- pur|>«»M *. mid its whicii, <*iuunpi«n»in»r th«-«'.»use ot *p«-« ial in- I ter«*rt.s pr«»v<* bin < »niliiiious r<-dt « -« ut Stato uni! privilege«! « !;u**«’>, ' h bound to- i ■ >n*tit nt ¡-.ii. in !>?.», by un <>v. i »vii. ìhiìp j p |- 11 vat ion of ii‘l land. V/.: John W. Rit< hard ¡r,«t||. i- only by tho c-»iiursivt n* ** of |Hibi*‘ und Fhillii ìhave. of Fri:»>nt«»wn, Jackson u'ar voi» . plumb*)', iltii (ho pr« r«riiirt'ht tf that which It- MAMMOTH DRAWINGS t:«k>*H l ! ><- c«»untv. Ot <>rg« Svhumpt and .h fT ¡ni* « ver st•»••l« Ritscliard. ». Jacksonv'ilh*, Ja< ks.»n county. S mi-A :itn ih h . -.1 liti« - an»! 1 >••«•« nil" r . and its pe«»ph*. GRANI» SIN», LI. NIMBER l»K.\W INGStak«* or« g«»n. Second XV« .|. n >um <• th fr.-u: ! b\ «• h < i CHAS. W. JoHNSTHN, R' gister. i !a< «* in • a« h < f the otte r I« n months of the tin* p»*-pl <»f Monhin l w « t «- i -pi ix <1 «>t th.-ii « ar. an i ar«’ a 1 «hau n in puidic. at tin Ai ad- I right «»I repr«-Hentati >n in th I n r «I >ta’< - in> <*li« v«- in ««¡mil right< to a!I nnd FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS, special privil<*g«*s to none, ami thereto»« fav«»r For Integrity of its Drawings, ami Prompt Pa) a tariff for revenue, liinittsl t«» th«- «-xi»<*n*<-s «it ÜNITEI» STATES LAM» Ort« E, » ment of Prize«». the governtm-nt econonii<’ally a«hnini*t« r<■«!; Tho Late PROF. PHELPS 11««*« burg. Di . May 3. i/«>) ( Attested as follows: believing that in »r * than this is class !■ giff»«.e is a portrait of the late Prüf. Edward <1 m« . ..'.w.iig-ti.tiire-l -«-tiler *« t!h-r ha- fi ti » t d n«»lic«- «»f •’W<* do h» r' bv <■• rtify that we ^upt.:t« L >t- e was it stion- able nian. wbost--«» I h:,;li in the Fourth—XV«* arraign the party in pow r ’ i f«»r*- tir- JiKÌg. . or i fi tils itl»s«'n<*c. before th« its ittter disr« gnrd all f«l. «ig« s made t < th«’ x*r’«ry nn«l sc¡. nti'.ic wo: I- It is n »( g n-rn’ly t ex < un anX. ci I in y* t s< n ninnai« and con­ (i» ik «.1 iti»- l o.nit A Court ul Jackson county, ti«»! th«* lhauin^H tin uhm iv« s. and that the peopl«’. xvli»i'«*!»y its as«*» mb noy was s>< u,.,i M-wii, but i ? the truth tliat Fn.f. >am«- ar« <* leljis v. • f wh.J i.kii.tu a:>«1 «»war! < *. at: K-x»«* 14. I*'.»• i. X i/, i h in.t> J. ¡» •xvuing, num« fi. .4.-»•• rt.i|«;«S.:W.WM H« n.mu^ï of « listing evils. 4nt ’« ( th« t < ó i >w ; ng winc.-feas t , j »>>»<• ii1s<*<»uGnu- it,* advcrl F.ftii-XV r coti.lcnui th«* atti'inpt tin* IL-- ■ i»-«!d* m «• up«»n ami cuit:vatu>n ol sad e mo t x ¡•ubliea:i majority in «-.mgr« ss to rvduc» tin laud. X'/ X i«*h'»Lis ('• >«>ki*. .lairivs Mellum>i’gh, ■mark a ,*urp.un iii in tn-asury by squandering and i .Itdui ( Slagi«*. Jam**.- N. M.tusíi. I i.a:l ol i .¿o’ mi Gtp| r »priating tic- *.cu , and w< csp.« i t ’x irsi« .rii ! '. i <-.l Mtic.r, blit U C •• Jackson Co., « ir. demmlice tn«-attempt i • app-r««m ..ii« a p «i i : i CHAS. W. .lOHXsTuN. IbgiMer. uf sin.h surplus w inch b«l. ng> to tin v. n •!< people to Hi-- pax m -nt of a botint.x on -ugar Executrix's Notice winch compels tnv many to pay uibut” t < tin I 1 ?vutc»t «1 al few. ?tn fr- < iy by the Isast niedivn Sixth—XVe denounce th«* action «»I Speak« r • In thè ma’t.T of thè (««tate ot John ! W atson, d«-c« ¡is< «i. liceii in counting as vot«-r» Dcinucintic ri-pn-- ,e lii’i'l.'ind also by the leading chemi.- ▼' at 15 ||M‘»II(T IS IIEIH BV GIVEX liiAT THE sciitatives who had n »t vut«d upon pending •knti'b . that for nerve tr. »iff >les, ia-rvoti < ’■ h. iiiciisur«*» nnd in d»*clining to r» « « gni/.e sm ii tin uiid«-r-:gn! our government; tii • other Is ut­ ealtli cqual to this discovery of Pref. IT a prix.n- imi. bt«sj toRaid f state are rr- .M. WA1.MSI.F.Y. terly inconsistent with tr«*e«lum «jf >j»v<*eti and »»uvbt«*«! t<> s<*ttl«* thr sa uh * inimediat«)», and l-r* -. Ijoue-iana Nalluiiat llauk. Paine’s (*»•!»*» y C«Enj»oun'l D now tn ing prep «‘«piahty of representation. those- having » lamia against rh«- retate will PI l-.llltl ; I VX AIA. S< ventii— XV« ri*attii*in th«* position which has 1 «plan!iti»--. an’lean b<*proenr •y Hi«- D»*im m rat i<- ¡»arty il! .1 acks« in vili». Jackson caunt «. ( ‘re., w it I» 1 lu­ A. liAI.DW IN. tliat g.»l«l and silver ar»-» <*n every wTapprr. !t has i»e<* nu* sjs « : liy pi opc vou<*h» rs artached. witidn nix montila l•r•■s. N. O. Nutl.uia! Batik. mon<-y ; w«* are op¡»os«*«i to all nit a*ur< * «>l dis­ ti io tiiv ni 1 pubbc.ktiou «»f Ibis HotK*e. « Alti. KoliN. ypular among pruf«.-.*ifiional men. u.in«l work«-** crimination tigmiisl silver, and drman.i ti - aiies bualeiied w id* exuding s < k u *1 duties, ».nd D s < d Apr I 4, !■'!*» I r.-., ( in* li Nati«.lisi Batik. c.illiag. t«> Mlpply 11)»* II»•« .t of mad« legal tender tor all «L bts hot h pillule and .!• «hi» Watson.drv>*uK»x1. private, 'ON'T BE FOOLED' , ' 1 Eighth -XX’edircc-t thcatl» nti«>n of tin votci-s Notice of Final Settlement ot Oregon to lúe r«H*'»rl n tin.- subj<« t ot ('him-sc immigra­ FAMILY AND FAKCY OYCINC. In tn«- ( ountx ( ■-urt of tli«‘ State • f Ur«gon, tion ; and we «lt-maml th«* strict eiil -i »-rm«nt f >r th«' Couiity «»f Jack* >n. ot tiieS»’«»tt exclusion a»-t, and the pa*sag- by In tii>* uialtL'i* of tli«‘ «Mate of Ja -. Thums >n congr«*Sb «»t further rigoi-'»us 1« gislati n wincii deci*iisv«1. will prevent Chtm s«- « ntcring our territory Hi m VNiTARiAXs—Appropriato to th ■ i U»».«»»»C I i, I.» :* h ( •* 20 » neh : Huh » “ r? IO . l»»!l< F. H HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE , Quarters ??.'»; t«nih* I wcuii » < ì » a I. place and the occasion, an iute nati >m*¡ through « vasion <»t tic* law. I t H.unibfi i«(<»r <»f th- <*stn?«*o1 Ja- 'i lioiu- Ninth—XX’«* not «»nix tavor th* forteit- 1.1ST OF PRIZES: -n. <]«• •» .«.-«•d, ha* ld«-«l m ta< < »uutj « 'nirt r huin con^iess lias been sitting at St. ure ol tin North rn Vacillc Railroa«l land * ioi.iiio «>! Jackson county. Or» gon, hi- final »’» •<•.>unt I’llIZF.oi : ...rnjxib ...................... Petersburg. The cz tr, a •»it'g undei th. grant from XValiuht t«> Portland, !«ul we also 1 ill' LAND of TU1: 1« ki.ONi i»» .......................... ns f 1 r; i/E< k .4. m . is -< ! tor ii* aring. Ail prr- is fca.UKi I FI- : <1: ( H Hie etetnai titm*.-a ol things, »»tL r- 1 a tion t«» (tie public domain. LM.OOO .♦»if inn r»-t«-1 ar«* ii *rrh\ n .ti'p-1 t • appear I’liiZK* (»I 1' «;,«••» arc ...................... MONEA E«»K >« )!.l»1 ElO. prize for the l»est v .-..y « hi John Huwatd and til« his or b«*r uldecii»*ns to said account Ti.inOai'« ’........................ 25,nuti i’UIZL OF Tenth—The gratitude of a g«-m r iiis p» .»ph BEWARE OF '.MUTATIONS the famous philanthropist who devoted ami PIU/ESoF l.Uriar«*........................ »JW on <>r brfor«* said day. a wisi-national policy ank•* demand tuat Fu! ' usl !>y «»rdcrof II 11. J. R. Nei!, Junge IMI .«•"i are. . PRIZE.** OF him'vlf to li e ameliorate»n ui th * cou- tin* g..vcruin« nt provid«* with a lib« ral hand S»«c that our tra-!* -mark. - (tila Abie. i !) o’ -aU C..111I. load« tin - Mb dav of Mac. 1«W 2MI PRiZI> OF a»*.i art*.. ' t. u » suffered with • v. rx b'.ttb « ! t.’iat |.¡’ U*:ut ( 'Rifornì;» r« .'>*1 200 nr«' J. M X AN. I’UIZE* oF w »iimls and disease m th«* lat«-war, and . k - I). ’s it;-!..* i ■« g mi ante >1 • i in n< y *ahlhfophic coheres:-, and, piesmnably, wise Administrator of said « stat»*. v-ia mu-t nave had singu­ port-’rs. But it should b «rim ml»« r< i th.«: in «b IRI/.L no I .innare................ Notice for Publication. mis bchHlt we have airt .clx l»< > u lib- i.ilb !»► ’J»*» ar» . . - I«' PRIZES UF lar » dcct. With wliH feelings of Bor- yoml pr< cedent in th.* civiii’z- d world, ami .v TEE MI NA I. PHIZES. r-.r l .i y musi Hive approache«i thei« iiisfrt that in hgislaiion and administr a i":i L and < gei » t at R o .- ehi ko . or .,) w I I G FRIZES OF h»i ill- . .M h » 14. 1 *’.'•• » iiumanitui ian labvra under the b«mevo- t niching pension itla.r*.r«-gard udy shouhl •* JlMl MOTK F IS HEREBY GIVEN lTIA'l 1IIE ha|»po*. <1 to m* .i*ur« - with tli«? e»-in » ringing in the’f vais uí tu» which draw no distinction i»ctw«*cn th« x«t- nis ml« ntp.n t<« niak«* titiu! p»«>« t n, .-n|«j« >it .»1 3,134 I’« iz<•>. amounting to. tu-ci.iini. un i that said pro«.! uiii t»W. r or ad­ -pint of a K'Usiau la ly fl »xged todeatli < ran in the field and tin* camp tol’«»w< Ion t .»* ( i« rk «.! tli» county court ■ ( Jackson in tin- rear, as involving a » rm I in a Russian pr s h ! Ami d »i they Eva» venturer count.t.« »r..at Ja« k-m/iivEh .’()r.,oi» W«riii« m L» j . wrong to the sotdi«*r and a want »n was!»* ot the wailings ul another hul)le woman i he p«H)ple‘a moii«*y. •July L, is’.Mi. vi/.; G»*o. L. « m »! st «':ng y«»ur r«->i«b•»<*«•, witb >tat« . urtino t!»> follo«« nur witu« —.-», t«. prove his young girl who p i-unmi beiseli tie«- ami etfectiv«'ly' tu th«- opening «»! Hi.- ( oilinibni ( .unt’x. ,'trt an«l Numi»« ). M•«»•«. rapi«! r«- continuousr jóur • n- -ab! ¡a i !. v»z. Sainix i Matins. F K. IG.bin- »•apv <>u r.ig« at .he han*!s of tier jailer? and Willamette riv« r* to tree navigation. -«ti.ol B»11, Jacks >!» ('•iintj .< »r«-gon; Jars. G. Iwi-iV'»—XV«* lav »r tic adoj tmn «»f an ci >*-.ng un ctiv» ;«.;«.• L< aniig \ -«ur t uli addi« iTiv.-r g .uatly ii.'cidenta »d prison hie in unieiidni« lit to th«* F<*>l«’iai c ai*tituti >u pr •- Bini*«.} of Jacksonviil» . ’.la« k- m . unix f«; ani .1 L.W«H..||’|(|p* .f Appagate. Ressi : musi ha» r given a t- uch of diati li* vidillg l'«rtne elect lull < d' S.llil is by dir«’« i IMPORTANT. — i) c.Hintx, ( »ree«»n. <*ai humur to the i»i z - lE i -d'th»» < z »r v* >t • of I in |»copb . \ DAI PII IN. N< xv Ori. an Thirteenth r:n *,im • me ul- • that < li A>. V* J«»IINST»»N. R« r. -t< r. wnicn must hiv* reu* i (tirili (hrotii-di US A 1»AI I IIIN lo /. «I >.is!x Ill’ll : t .♦* v r. marron o« li» • a>*cm'».d oi tin« si at tho « stab.is! Administrator's Notice p. -un idoi m o o Fourteen. a ith the <- >!iv:« lion that tie As sah been I tn these (’olurnnF., >ui l¿<-publican L rm r n 1 kN It lib» DciibM-iatic party «»f th -t it rát*««»,^. I.M. l lie e udial support ami adv.tm- .«»faiii't thi* < <»:isli' i* 1/nail » of !tie Mn- xcidh’iit c«»mm«»n *«*ii.i »1 sx st« ni; «it sota meat it.sp-. rti >n !.. ! xx Tu.s law xV cm A-e ot « ff< « I i V. iaxv* ter tie pUVelHL I Ail pt prohibit- <1 th«* aalc •» i’i n the state u! tro corrupt us«-« f mon« y in « 1« » ti«.n- VLAN 1 LED ¡U« * <-i ..I N * • 1- . iiact incut of sin ii un -asm es as will * »n> cat 1 fe whh h aJ not b«-oti in*p»«<.’led !»> th.* Fr. *1- I h. ¡M ha v.»l«*rtii«’ right toca t a b.i'lot in the statu before ben r.g h ! 111 d. 1 *1 • r 1. in very !(« !.-i right* j»r ■ *•<. ■it aee*-r lance wItn thi d ctat * »! P The law wa , « 1 toutsx* t blow t » III »urt.s ; ttu 1« - Cl >il*< l'IH-« . XX' utl'pl l'i!i--«l!\ II!: til' rti.li■ «Il> Ui«»UF i r j r v T •• I!. Jur.ll lion ui this state ot i h« Australian tie ict v as a palpab: til«* MliaHuM *einbly ot th«* !».l drawn i«y th B • •«! it t i i A ! nin i ll B\ I s It! iiivasiuo of the pnwer of cor jr<*ss <>v»*' I.' M oy law. I w. M. s.au^f.ti'G’ti i*i other J ites, by r» q i!« in^ W . !.. CA K>’ ’ V THE LEGiSl.ATCKE «'ONbEMVEl». not on!v 1 hat th«* aiiHti-4 •• mu-t la« in Sixt enth XV.’ c »n Icrnn th«* « xtr.iv: Administrator's Notice p «rte«i «ilhin t a • *• \ -f- »>r L»>•!• H t»ef« 1 r* ■ f tin- la-t legislature \'¡i r• ’«y tn- t‘ pe«»ph* w» i« greatly in«Teased : tii • I• ath, hnl niitst b • .:.HJ « riuii xv’lhin th» the pell. I : 11J »■•’ «-.f fit).»*«.' ! < T e • 1 k Illi I l.tl .! • eroi tln-'-rtat ot IsaacC» n»tant. stat«*. E. toy bo 1 v xv as, ! fiere fore, pre- ti«»n »»t which xx ts paid t >r -»«-rv < •**• m x . -d. nare-i lor the «be *i«»n of the supremi torim'd'1 and tin-scan ial** growing out ot tic I BY GIVEN TIIAT THE "eierksy-t oi introluc I 1«. th«- lb pub as b. » n H|-|Miiiit«-d by tue c* t! ' ol I he I nit« i Stat. wh . I» « <»n- party cau loudly l »r r< ’ >rm. ks*«n . .ìuijiy, Oregon, bit- firms Ct. so f«»v«»r laws g vittg tin ¡ab r. s again-t thè* est ai«« will Eighteenth XV« d« n »line*-t ii > IIXI.I e .4 r havuig fa-i m d it u «»un tic I r r v.Mi.-ti r* atia« iicd. wift.iii :>»ir Ii er ».< liv< amt t'-i.'-t i « (. I the stat« t.» tin- dctlilll nt ••! «»ill non -l .i- • X III «nth-ir. in (il. tirsi putì natmn <«r tm» ,«■ a »vi «-of a (■♦ b’bf b*d i fiv?••".« bor. Dot ICC. N iii - t. . ntIi —XV«■ favor such -l it ’ -gis< o«. n iti nt. Y -u (an rvpu u<- th. ci Dat«*d May £». isjm. e A i/UKtUi i* xvl¡I )•<•«IIIire tile cet-t K»n I a i in- ■ « t >r ■ f U1 bv«*» , k «i• - an I bowel- I \ • HP : ,, CMAGRIDEIL xveigiils ami m isiii • -. an i «-gi*iat v< pr »\ i- ■ _U j • . W i’t * >ar-.■. ••«! puro'; >ng rem« iy. }’< Im tiding inspr« i or* in im< »rpor.it «■>! <:ti« s. W. M. Cot.vi»;, Att i ii» « . I’weiitleth -W»’ point with ¡ I l I ■ !«> f 11« wi*» i- ms» ! vat: vo and x i< an adnoiii-t r at ¡ ¡n ol •; iv> rn«»1 Penn »y«*r, and to the scrupitl iriy County Treasurer'a Eighth Jark.ionvili«-1«> MoiforJ Walnut hoib'st m «nag ni m ■: ( e n-i.ei ; •!■ : i Notice. Fat ««'bize tire «» • «• w.. ■ :i •h. I «.»nnects m nt .. ! i.. -t ii• i . i : f. . w w< vitti ex ry tram mm «»r sht Le. ami carries wc «"omim ii «! ! > (»)•• «■!'•« tops ot this cocuimc w< alt h a « -ntinuance <»t th. - < x i-l nr< •-. •!• • the i’. S. mail and XV<-'i*. I'lrg.-.V ('o.’s OFFICE op i affairs with a eonli.h nt a-vir me-' t ,u' t i r- I RI.A - nl'.l \t K m .) b C. »I'XTV. »*. t pre*'- •*.•<«i*facti« t. I’tiarhiiteed. it* aii-1 xvill rec. jv«' m •)’ ,V- i m ir <•• r bal« ¡i i •: Jacks »nviih-, or.. Mat 14. lriri | J h % D var Driver I’wc'Uy-III i ii W • «»iphat n illy d "■ • t’ .(II »SKRF.K- C IIC! Is HEKE1IY GIVEXTHATUIIJtE be t lie sense «»1 t g - D’üioeratic party «d tic 111. V kBI RKIh.s, R.WBtK- It I. I.lies .11 me <■ .11111, ir.-asur, for the dnti-.d or« gon that tu h - v-i « <>f ih • In!, >TRAW BERRIES. FIGS. lnouthu tven*rce::t £1. -■Ul. ifrliinu 1‘il'n lol.uiltioii of < „mt, warrants pr.ax« ruoi r«-nn y» r « x- r« ■ U m 3t«l 1«IM) f . sm 400 .*4 IS F»»r S:i.-.i a? I»ruggini ’ ut. inpl it .tig it « «- planting will t»u A o«HnIard. 440 33H S wayxe ’ s (»ISTMI'NT st >ps the itching anti li<»nal i»i'cr»gat ¡ v< \ «-st« d hi I In x»(-iitix» 3*. -a upon th ■ n> ii*-at Murphy, P«»l i >JI). ( >r bh’vdiug, ilVHls uic<-ration, an«! in most case»* •is.’» 3*.tS 417 .'»¡Mi nt >, (ii'k guti, or I • U. it. stat i• .r, dr.» r- inoves the tumors. At druggists, or tn iiinmur utijualitie«! a<-tiv«- supp«»rt. Ml IHi :<•*.» 44’. »r«-g >11. 437 510 rn til foi-’Hicents. I>r. Swaym- A, Son, Philadcf- :»ti 3us 40J Ck. X m ) 511 A H. ( AR5(>N A FUN. plua. Mi l 347 34*1) 4 c 44*. .'*M r4 3t«l Da» 4x*v-niuucd !><•- ft n«ìunt: IN I HE NAME Oi TUESTATE «IFOREGON, I y 11 ar< In i» by r« «1uir»-d t > apn« ut and n ns xx cr th»* c« mi ¡»lai nt <»t the ala.v« ¡».aiiitifi in t tm above <«nt it led court, now on flic with th«« i h i t ol *uid court, uliiiin tfBduy s fr. m the dit» .fib- act vice <»t tills summons upon v»u. il fiirv«-d in Jackson county, Oregon: but >f scrvsl in any othi-r couut’y in the *»tat»- of on g«»n. tin n within twrnt) days fr«.tn the «hit. ».f the s» rvicc of this summons upon you: • rii s«TV«*«l on you out of tin Mat» of Or»*gon* or by pub!!» uth»n, then by th<* first day < t the • usuing i« guiar termo! said court. t«s wit* th» iMuny of S-J t» mb« i. Dm); ara! y *»u ar« h» 1« !»> n<*iilh «1 t hat if you fail to appear mid answer said <*oinp!aint. »is h» r«*by requinri. th«* I'.ainlifT will apply to the i -. uii t.»r Ih« r« lu f demand« «I in th«- said complaint filed In *a!d suit, to-wit: That t’n* bondi» « t matrimony now existing i» iu «ri this ¡lain, tiff and «I« f. ndant b< «lissoix.d and a div<»r< o ■ 1 cr- .-«1 »<•«•> rdhig t< • : lie law in auch cas»- made and prox id«*.i. and f or Huch «*t her relief as to pc «->urt may s< < in ux*« t. 1'. D e P i ’ATT. Attorn« y for Plaintiff. This Fuminoti« !n pu!«.i*h» d by order of Hon. L. R. XX« i.*t. rt mam at Ja«-ks»»ñvill<*. Or«-g i n'.its 1 will stand •••« 1 h-r-.uslil'l •*•) llolstein bull at Ja-n* a W rlght ' stabli- for tlu- «-iisuin* iwo ""•' H. flAlUtlsoN < . ntial l'oinl, Marvb T*. Issu. VXrARNING. 7/ oll. 1:1'III.KEBY GIVEN THAT XV HEBE wif»* I. i. ft rn> I*..in» , i WiH not N l>.«y i-rev iin> debts of i*vr c«>iitiiit t b n. hm , MANTEL SILVA I nlunU»wn Precinct, April 3, l«*u. * ’ H .".isMaicu, atsi rrn, _ -HÜPTÜKE '.tK kl> and )’e*ril>- S ». I by th« C-l< ' . ! li.HCES )’« I «3 .---.TIC ¿LÄSTIG’ I O ney i '. rf»f n« I^rel .t f' miphi» ' ’IAS IC f RUS3 ; 104 NORTH STH’ T 6Ï I.Ot’U r7 ;i. b vc an Nj « s r ■- n >'«• ancs - qi ^ t eob sai . e ’l heail of Kíil.l.'l lima).Un catlle- ,,r T s. will v.- traje th*-tu for h-rs<-s. THCS. CUINEAN, *’»< l*r. TF“The E-rno:ul R-*taurnnt is un^urpa.saed in every particular. SALE IS£ED ANNUA W for 1690 1890 wi WI i 1 l/e be ma-.ed a A rnjotd FREE to all plicants, and to last season’» custom» I Every BCM In AT using Garj’rw, /7mr