MKIWKII SQCIBS. The T imes learns that a large number of i t 'has Gay of Central Point ha® been ®p FtKsu.NAL MEMIOS. ' Slewart mid Fi'' h at JacItsonvi'Ie, Satur- Democr.itic ticke'*, xv tti the names cf pointed census enumerator for the district 1 dav .......... .... ;.... May v.... 31. at evening, 'Squire L. L. Angle yisit»d Jacksonville some <.f the Repot li an candidates w'ri’t« n | comprising Chimney Kock ami Mt. Fite Buy a White J.T. Miller of «Surdine creek is at the IInn;ih for the Democratic ticket! It is precincts and will enter upon the duties county-scat. this week. thereon, are being circulated. I he While ts still king bou» d to w n ihis time. of his office next Monday. J. W. Redfield was at the c< uiity seat a Mi-s May Wii-on ami Miss E la Griffiths M \ Y ; I A full ami handsome ine of g 'nt s fur- I •» day i* M’*morial Day. D'-in« era’•«• *ucrr-.* is n<’W a*«ur**d. ni'hif.g goo»!* t r summer wear, in«- l ung j few days since. The “ Tidings” man has taxed bis inge- of Gold liiP are m town. Fi 'ir ev« ty swtiun xv»* hear «•( undoubted ru-glig«* ov-r hr*, umi.-rwc.u, »•«it*’, <'«d- ntiitv to the utmost in the endeavor to V t * Hie Democratic ticket. Geo. Mickey of Gohl Hill was in town I C. H Barkdull of M»*dfor«l was in Jack- gu ns. ' smiville 011 business, a few <1 lys since. L« ok «mt f. r b«>gus ticket®. lars, m ektiv*, scaif*, h 4‘s, ••<«•.. h 11 town cemetery to-day. 1 ake DeWitt’s Lilth Early Risers. at H o’«’l n k. Mis* Buzz.cll is a g«»ud speaker • Queries.” etc FOR KEi’ItEM- STATIV ES ; Fortunately th»- Demo­ th»* management of H. H. Wolters, 1® prov­ Do not fail to hear lion. J ll. Stewart ami will be dre**ed m an oriental costume. crat® know where to trace the articles, and dropped in to see us last Tueaday even­ ing a popular resort. The best of every­ Dt Witt’s Little Earlv Risers get there, ing. J. II STEWART Medford. thing in thatline is kept there * H«-r*e ami jack bills at the T imks office and Francis Fitch, Es«j , at Jucksonv He Don’t forget that everv first premium reeogii'ze the fine Italian hand of L«»eds in W. P. Farlow and wife of Chimney Rock t »-morrow evening. SAM’L FIRRY Precinct. every one ami as they place no confidence Much interest was taken in the speeches award«-«! at the district fair for tine ohoto- Stvwait and Fitch at Ashland this even ­ precinct nude « ur town a visit one «day this CONRAD MINOI S ('apt. John Ashland. ing. O!d soldiers should vote for graphie work was carried oil by Logan, whatever in him, they disregard the ar­ week. at the opera house hall by Messrs. O’Brien for state printer, as he served very the Ashland photographer, for his unri­ ticles altogether. Stewart and Fitch Both are cogent for coi sty clerk : Where was Birdsey when the tire broke creditably throughout the war Wm. Terrill of Little Butte preriucr, was reasoner® and forcible talkers ami held valed p irtrai’s and views. W hen you want There has been much c unplaint, re in town un Wednesday Olli ? * ani cal ed on the th” attention of their hearers throughout. A Learned bus just c mpleted the a tine picture at a small price cull on T E. NICHOLS, of L ttle Butti» Precinct. cendy. aiu«ng those wtiotike such loving T imes . Straw hats of ull kinds at the S. F. Va- w rk of overhauling thr water-pipe him * car»* of the graves of deceased relatives in The “ Mail ’ call* our Union party friend* G «» th ty More Alcgerle, of Evans creek, and F»'R sheriff : system of (be town. 11c made a g >•»«t thought- so », < i. M* gerì”, were at the county- “Pint»»”.*,” and sneaks very naugfitily of it. ( ’ ¡♦•a *c % «»ur breath with DeWill ’ s Little lc-s children or heedless adults rob the fur«! limbs that “ Fa ts (or the People, ” ab -ut lh' in. The Republicans ®re beconi \V. K. PRICE, of Willow Spring« Precinct. Early R..*«rs. Jmieing from ♦ h** brg_’ingc imp *.ig ' made lik«» Ba qm» s glw»*t. ” will not down.” I he trimly-kept mounds of their c! u test H »w- seat on ing foolishly vitiiperativ»*, but th»n their I E f <> k recorder : All kinds ««f sewing-machine® repair«*«! by Birdsey ami Mullet, one i* led to mp- »lirtx sheet issueil on ihetvc « f election • rs, andeven pluck ti e opening b ids before :i lar n <*v> r th«* | r spect of def».*at is so great er «•( Go.d Hill precm* t were in town on votes in tb«*y blos-oni. Su«-li b.-havio«- i> im-xeus- P"*r they «1«» want Democratic lour y. ar* ago, wh *th- r it whs the xxork of by .1. W. 8 »wden. * that ani thing is excusable. W. M. ID >LM ES, of Trail Creek Prveinct. Mr Xlionl or hi* ini*gtmhd friends, still able alike in man or child, and steps should 1 I4I* .* lay lust on bu.stne*® A*k E. <’ Br« «»ks what DeWitt’s Little IM®». The “ Mail” says that J S. H>war ®ut>pr»ss it. ft is not 1 A vote f«»r Th<»iups«m ami Cameron is a contmm * lo plague him. portions Early Ri.*ert> are FOR c ól STY COMMISSIONER : S«» v » th I Democrat® in different the value «if the flowers that raises a pro- vol»* for mm-iaxab e b »mi*. Ia*t the i»eo- Sam Rosen'hal ea» h *tak»*d « 1! a m ti ii2 do *«»nu* < laim on C. street, M<* iford, pay­ ck to which th” land notices. T. H. B”«ii«»r»l, <»ne «if W■>•»f a sweeping Dem cratir t<» ilu- i-.>'deration and re i* »n «ii-plaved bx dei aried I•«v»,«l < nesj. call»-«! on the T imes a l«-w «lays sin”»’. GEO. E. Bl.ooMER .. .of Jacksonville. County clerk. the Democratm pr« ss. Mmi-'ii th»* situavion sfo k in trad«* of Leeds ami the other Re­ of Luray. Russell Co., Kansas. • alle»i at the i Miss Dvlpha Masterson of (¡old Hill i* the ’ Mau ’ w I hav«- to t'anMer to at fur vssexsuk : h«»m *ly in the sheriff’s «»ffice. leaching a mo-t mic <-rs-ful term of school patent med « ine baiai, * M< ritt w ins,” from an 1 want no more Repub'ican otli'cials for laboratory of Chambt»«*m'i s« h*» l-h"tise on Butte «is editorial column to th»* A «■.«< i»«ad of *alt was received by Rcame® publican !<-a«lers. the “ ou’side. W. J . RODGERS, of Table Ruck Precinct. awhde A While a lew d®ys since. Shorty Haniiln n s friends are not exactly Tin- county max' rest assured that in the .Moines, to show «hem his six y»*ar-old boy, i creek. H- n J. H. St»*warl and Francis Fit h. p«*t ‘on k SCHOOL SI I'EKIN 11.MH X I . sure that Meri t will win in this « ampa gi.. Al« ii’* *i k shirt*, balbriggan underwear, Es'| , will wind up the rami aign at the setiuol superintemtent who will be «-«jual to lai ’> < ’ ni”h Rem« dy, it h tviug cure I him ' W. G. Finney of Steamboat was ¡ a town el«- , at Reatiie* & White’s. last Mumbo uml tep >rted Having kill»«! a < «mnty 'va' t*»-morr >w. Saturday evening. I every »im rgency. H H. Wolter®, th»* mixologist, has re­ C S. 1’KICE . .. .of Asli)anr h;* h «r »-s. great merit, he will b - ahi«* to fulfill ail the F«»K MUVKYoli: Yarn ly Store at any time. Li (' W. Paiiii’s bull■•r*hoj», on Fron’ able talkers. r«*qtiir«-ments of the law, in a most < re«iit- ai «1 is enthusiastic in his prais”of the rem- Geo. Brown, and son W Hi«*, a* c mipuiii- «1 xir«*«t llu has -Ui i'iiel the bar with Grorer’r*-. provisions, tobacco, etc., at Tie says li !:as an excellent reputa­ G. ELKSNAT .. . of Medí..rd. “Pritchard” can’t make a new watch able manm r, ami wdl doubtless be electe 1 »dv Mis* Cdi.t B»«>wn to Jacksonviil ” . la t the finest w ines, liquor« ami < igars, tion in his vicinity; that farmers come lif- !»• aim** A Wbite’s. «•ut «>( an ol I one, but tie ran make it run by’ an ov« rwh< lining majority. Monday. Tin» latter will remain in tow n and a fine billiar I table can a.xo iw t»-en miles to his st«»re fur it. and that many FUR CORONER: A vote f«»r Birxlsey is a vote fur ineffi­ like a daisy. Remember th” plar«*, near Savages expect to bravery by of them, like himself, are never without it dm ing the sumim-r months. fouii'i there. Give him a «’all, for he will ciency and criminal carelessness the Grand Central hotel, Medf -rd, Ore ­ drinking th»* b!«»od of their brave eiuinies. treat you well. • DR. I. B. PICKEL... of MedfonL in their homes. For sale at City Drug W. J. Gr»*gorv and son. of Centra * A more »-idightened meth •«! of vitalizing Store. Jacksonville, and by Engel Bros., pre« inct, Were al the c »unty-seat «»n Point Address Jackson ti Sowden, Grant’s gon. 1 Hea­ H.u.J.H Stewart and Francis Fit« h, the t»iood Phounix. A Fhnuy (’barge. <’hi«*ken feed in quantities to suit at the tlemanly, ♦ fficient and honest x«»ung busi­ It braces up th»» nerv»® and gives strength D« ni 'Crats of hi- . i’« tion, Hid U doii g val •tn In in e, a* the Nle«lf ir«i opera I iuum *, in ami fortitude ro endure the trials of Lie. Kimball, .South Dak»ba,' “ Graphic: ’ ’ ness im 11 in thr county. Give him a Thinking it would b * a shrewd political 8 F. Variety More, Jacksonville. liable sen ice fur uur ticket ’.his camp tigli, the interest of D”mocra«*y and reform, on AVhilr th«* columns of the “ Graphic ” are hearty support for the office « f county i 4c t » w • k th»* 1 >» v roll N .ttii n «1 G il od Sowden have a large assort- open to any and all unobjectionable advrr- N«-xv st-»ck <»t s liven*, giaghsm*, pr nt® M s J W I’i\m•»’•*, Judge :. J. Day, Wedimsday eveni' g list. Both w»*re lis­ treasurer a- 1 po'il c »l Orga’»»z it’«m ■ iv AL W. II nip , and whit«* g«> »<1* at Kearnes A \\ hfte s. designs in monti tened to with profonn 1 attention and their J<»hn B »yer, K Kuh i, N. A Jarobs and tis ’ iiH ’ iit', yei it is quite impossible for us J..h » AB l»«*ii«l. J. Al Bark an I Frank I » u «”i ml c »lone! ■ f th«* 2 ¡I regiment, lia* . which they will io -peak knowmgiv , ul the merits of th»* va­ W 11. Parker, w h<» h 1 vi* b -en representing remark* went right home to their bearers. Ki i gl >v •*, h«w <■■}•, corsets, etc., all lb* lohn- .«., < f L Hie B Ute precinct, re entln is i«* i lo each member «>f the militia a rir -cu i who prut-» L*» ;»o ne «isiiing to buy put in a ti*!. trap • n ihe xoti h .* «le of th«* i an\ ( lung in th U line. Do not fad to see rious ariicles of men h »ndi-e a«lvrrtixr«i, the variou* d» g-« e I dg«-*, encampments The Medford branebor the A’. M. (’. A. « u a * ii «rgmg (itivviiiT Pen no ver With at”*t lx e*. al Kearnes «V White’.*. Patti« ul uly is this tru<* of patent medi­ ami Rubekati lotlges of t lie I .<>.<>. F. <»r'. .all b ’ctitlse «r iv»«l li >m- fron Portland 'bis week, cines. Bill there are ex«***pti*»us oc« a-i«»!i- nr« •-! v'lt. J 11 Erfor«i; vice president, G salmon. he. as »’«»mill miler-ill - chi» f of the org »1 iz. «- he u*vd DeWitt’* Little Earlv Kisers. We b arn tliat thè S« oit va'lry stage lint» They r«-p *rt mm h « ii’hii'i ism in Odd 1'1 W. \V»*I 1». secretary. E. A. Johnson: t on, h »s not seen fit to « a I a stat” en«» imu- Th«- Rej ub'it ans are ng a great hue bri w* «-n \ '• k . I «>rt Jone® and Etna, an i allv, ami a noteworili•. »*x « piioii is the < «* - low-li p throughout the -tat •. First-class cedar fence posts for sale in i tr» a-11 r»*r. B. F. Wilkin*«»n I he usual m< :ir iluriog h»s term »»f utlice. He adini's quantiti. s to * nil at the I' i . mks uffi« •• «n i rry about b gu • tickets. Drmovrats tic- Linkville 'aue i r b* twren Agrr an i cbiated < haml»« rlain s (’«High R«*m«-dy. : This universally known medicine hn* W H Parker r- .urn- d from the W3- I Committ' ••* w* re app mited, and also a so- tl. it th»’mi itarv (umi was mad* quite to Straw hats in en 1 e*s q ;a’ titv ami in *hotild h«-war«* ,»f them. 1 h”X’ alwav* rai*e L nkvi h*. I)r bave b< • n c «ns« lnl »ted, ami b»*«*n advvrtisrd in th»» ’*G'at»lii« ” f«»- four i.«m**!U- va 1 v on L'm -d.iyf ami bring* the citmg mm t'ce to pro« ure funds to admit *» such a luxury 1 nor io ’h«- 1 resi-nt everv stvl«* at thr S. F. V irirty St« re. 1 « rv of “*t'»p. thief," when tlu y are pra- Si nrwill be -uprrini«-nd- or the \»ais, but n-’t until r«c. inly news tliat Lnn <*.»nnty' • 1 z- n-, o gmdle-- eu:mh* tLviu toil: up and furni-h a room | tint « I W v. »r htvitifb « ti • xliauste«! in providing ’i«'.ngjtheir wcd-ki.«»wti tactics. ent « f bolli lin* -,'a).-> thè Yretta “ Jour- had w»* any I’ersonai kimwb- lg” of Us won­ <«! party «tlfi •..»ihin- are greatly il»'vr** ««l in the opera hou*»! bus «ling for a free read - | AL'tilhh in*fa im-nt* «>f $10 wi I Buy H nn i<>r <»'. a« « ‘'iitr»*inents. arm -rv rent, etc., V«He for »»ne « f t»i»* b« *t men in J ick*'»n nal * derful eflira« y, whit h H t- • »me about hi th«’ r t”«* for sheriff m mis county. To a for lVar * us c«»mpmies, but charges in h ■ . •• in • I »1 m foiofromBcotlGriffin. ’ «■«•unty for the offi •«• of r- untv « Irrk bv Eide- B F. K tfinger of Geltv-biirg. through ihe prevailing i dl h z » an I th»* mai!, th» ’, «-xpres-* he In>| v that tIi* ir <«id ..»ic or»- it 1 that the surplus accumulat»*«! (>hl paper*, it . quantities to suit, for sale ra*ting xour ballot for Th«»*. E. Nichol*, as s u itiorn cough h if has *0 of’en attc. *1« d !«-il' A « hiz . c , W K I’r < <*, W il win (!"• P»-!in*yivan i , -a\ - he hi I he n .'•uttering ih • i«r "«•nt y«* iri»b”ing use I for private at thr 1'iMKH offi« e atMicents a hundred. S c I uhi J Report. go «.| a man ami Democrat as there is in wi ll a colil and cough , alxo hi'« wife; that it. In the Wiitrr's family tins me*ii* im prize, an 1 ah speak of him in terms oi the j ir| '*s» s t»y the aduimistiatn n, while in lor pur»- Rogue river whisky, in quanti­ Hu- .stale ; foiloxxmg is the mor thlx report of they to*»k to using < - Cough ha® oil several ,»»’• a>i « gu'*- *■ I t «» I «h*!n- ’. No 10, J. I-. is al «»wing th«* tun t ’to pile tin in order to Th«- I'aeoma Sund«v “ Times ” of M tv • ally throughout'Or«’g«»n today. The ex­ For sah* at ('u v Drug Store, Jacksonville, e.iirs; and th»* numb« r «»I tam:l e- 111 K1111- lS'h, contained the following society item »•r t* ;«• Iu r, '<»r 'he t.j*»mh ending Mav iiiak- a showing." In view ot the fact that l'en th m*and f« «*t of lumber at Sam’sval- ercises ut A*hlan«i. .Medford ami at th«» "Id and bv Eogrl Bros , Flxenix. N iiii-»**r *«f «lax* t m ; t, 2»l. num ba I and vicinity in which this remedy has “ M i-x K it*- A. Duenkel. «lau/ht» r <»i W th -: »'»• miliiit never amount»*«! to much I h *< 11 use»! with hk»* etfec’s attest to it® r pupd* enr • I-d, 3U; total number of lint . it t” t the f »siermg « are »»t I'et.iioyer's Irv *« bool-hou.*r for .*ale bv Scott Griffin of Jarks<»nv>lle cemetery w ill be particularly >m ’b lving on the ¡»lace recently value as a s|afrnic for coughs and cohis of ham B. Dic tikrl. .inn' r'v of Yreka, wax J C r« ’ io. aitvi d «!.< « , 711. average dully at- interesting. admmis r.iU<»* < h »rg.« that h * is an- l»v him, when lie cam«* into the every nature. F’or .sale at ('ity Drug Store, inarrie i t > R P. Fabj, a wrli ttt.own in m «’. 3": to'.. I nunib»*r of «lays'at- Take a look at those elegant furnishing t g »nisttc to the organization because he Wm. Spangle of Butt«* cr«*« k was in I vvii bought xiiranr i* man of thne tv. at the r« m irm e .«a, two nub s north of • ■ .ifii ’ iv from Nebraska .37; averng«* «i 1 y ab«-vm•«*, 3. num ib>”s nut see hl to call in encampment is a g «od* f t summer use at the S. F. Variety We«lne*dav, af(«-r suppl es for the haxing M onvd c. is i repa ing to j ut up ti neat Jark.-ohville, and Engel Bros., Phoenix. ol th«- hri«l- * pari-i 11 - , I3IÓ Pa ' tic avenu»*. ! < ue<** < f t ir«l ru-si. i une; numb* r <«f v ry fl m-v one. W” v»ry much tear th.i Store. season. He ret'ort* crop pro*p«cts pool, hou-e ami ba I »st Thursday evening. I fie R’V < ò or g«1 his pre11 ises, already rs, 4 R L "t h -nor i '»rem »* Boil, Co Hunt’s sti id» n i« c» s,ion 10 his p*es t J. W. Wil'bire of W.»*‘’i»»g’on city is *«s grain i* Iu ad ng <-w an i hav rr«»| s will rn< l ‘xc«i w h a pl ink and barb»* i wire C. Wilding, pa-t »r <«i •he Fusi M. E. v Bern« . A ' bv < aut».til, Anna Her- rank ha« h*g •'ten such nil overweening <1- - V * 'in.’ hi*«•«.tisiu. Judg«* Wdsiiir- , of Lakr- be very light. Attention. Democrats « hurch, ofti luted.” Tn»* T ime - &wl* f. i cr. I. di t P» n «.Il J"* »• M - B r i M -*. s re t«« show his -l|.»nid«-r straps in pubi V « xv. e«k»*s r-ce p’ ««f card*, and w .xb the There.* not a man on Hie Ih-mo r«ti<* If v«»u don ’ t want th ” *«*ho«*!-!»< ‘ k- Il Byrne, L«*-* (.'«i.’rall, (’¡mmn < -ok. •«n I W K Price, randi- Ti» - !•:. : tbit he bus .'S bis rei «*n (Vrl.i.iiy he y«»ung • -oup «• !ong 1 f* and happin -- Wm N i-bmm m «1 family « f Slate « reek c. ntinu .ily ciiang* d, v*»te f t Fiot LeRoy, «lates f r ci* < «»untv ticket who is nut «leservmg of the j shentl. making a H irm’t. t'tia* M »**. Harry AI »**, -h o'- ■» a-s «n 1 n. bly nitres th« we -ii town y«-*t«*rday, and C do d on the D* morratir candnlnte lor stat«* sclm • thorough, v ■ an va-** . I the count v. ui.i'«- i support of bi* party al the polls ' F« rn »! . E tx\ar«l Boit. i .■ •tern t win whi h the sohiivr boys tr.-at T imes . n xt Momlax Reviewing ti»e ticket fr«»m j everv day. T‘ ey »re superintendent. .i d gamin , it . ?■» t’ «Ir ii- th z p : them. CENTRAL POINT POINTER*. slat•* *• 11 »t->r’ to < ■ Toner, it max’ be truth- j one Vo’t- for W K. Prit'r, who No better «itiz ns « r truer D m era»* i»te*s ih * j uj flH y said th «t* Very m »11 na. ed thrre m | h. i'­ live in J h < k*«»n e- uiHx than ('••nr ul M mgu- ..f ti.r b« st *h- rift* Jack*«) bl lit s ll«-m dy for man or woman i* wt- < »pi ihn« d f r th” i '.*iti"U hi- *>•« k*. J ‘ M gru i' r w .1 j al thr ».-.uni \ —«• »t <•11 w.-f ha I and Samuel Furi v I h* v w 1 I rvce v«* ih«* ht drr 11 g* iio-nt- o' the -t ’in u’h and and fur her, that each will pertoim th«* du- ho* n* - a- 1 Morula .. , h «! b hiniM*.f or her*« It unable (•» * <-«-p Noles, receipts «fur bills.drafts etc unFel support •>! Hu >1 p«rly f««r m •mbei* mav of?» ti be « orr«* tri by taking lie* lm airhi : • ti x* «-ffi «• with tjde.ity ami 1* :m invaluable medu- ne, whh h AL Puikvvnil* ’ amt xif v uj j le ar her» b-».»k form ba: «iy am! first « ¡as*, al of the l*-.:i-«I:itii'r. • nr of A \» r - | ill-. Through li »t »Hi i* n x. ot only pr«»« ur*- h.- 1« «--* ng of *l»-«-p about ihr !0 h «>f June imxt für a tw » T imes «»ffice Ix vi H. Matt « of M , • F.i ■», « tu re hl* f xiner p^eeinC’, Were Hi t.ivvn after supplies, hi- t I’I i* is g* H'rg to » b • «pute m imp'*rr mt •l\«r the want of a r.a 1. the sho«* • « . led entire, li ;* aim •*< a foregone "•til»-: or. H«ii’’es® Mack l’r'.*.g v still ovt * at ihr 1 ip«- age <•! s»r y « a«®. tli*t 1 ict, hnx mg 16 ein Iren of s< b ol age W- «Inc-day • <.nc!u*ion that Governor Prnnoycr will Wihiain am! Henry Gregory, who r»- I )• > ”. -t ¡al’ • h«' ir Hon. J H. Stewart within its t>>un«1s. b- rl «’ted, an 1- it womd be the -h « r-- J auksonville M hhv citizens of town hav«» been engage ! ami Francis Fitch. Es«|., at fo lv to t.r his iiamis by crippling thr D - turne«! from .-» trip t<» thrir falber ® ra; < h yesterday ati-l lo-dax m cl-amng up and io-im»rrow ♦ veuing ni«». r.u y in rillicr lions«* There can t»«* in Igmuell val rv. ,a*' Siturdav, r«-p«»rt ib«- Wh«» kii”W h ui. He I ab* 'lutely no -vri««u* o‘*jr t <»n u-g»*«i A*hland-L nn x uh- r-« ui ab ut •• var of ami. but bved uh’lie > i.d t * J.1 :** u ti S »w■!« n, Jacksonville, decora’ing t!>«ir lots in th«* Js«’k*ouvi :»» j nd . A coroti-r * for designs ami prices of monument*, «•im t»-ry. to have them in read n ** f««r ti*»a u i tr trav<* H* .ng re*um*-« l hroilght thein ii t« a an ms * I 1 ”.« «x V«* ■ thi' t' 1- w. «k für Klamatb •r I E. D«-B »y the «-x ri i-es to-day. rej re*rntal 1 v«*- ••!» «»ur lick» t. a- d th» m- r< , Sw« r «1 jur> , » int am L» «i t»v t»»mb*’' 1»”*. tablet*, ct”. fa«t teat they >»r»* go<»*1 men ami i:u ' ■ utilv «»v* r Hi d roui»*. ì » ttiv abietine ol th” «uro itr, f urn! that Thr»-e Ulen'* i«»*« w ill'! hav«* b » 11 !.«*inax * or ’hv't a of Yreka ba. I'tvn >y meat»» of an De iioiia *, sliou «1 in-urr their «■l c i .n,) AL l’urk« ' 1 «le va-1 d « ani” • u hi* dv.r . |.«••■-:-g *••!«""! sp.i ed, had Ja* G Bi d-* } : « cn 1’ b * :• of en ig««l t<> iurni*h mu*H fur the 4th w th Ihr 1.1. J'.rdy th«» w«1 h tvr 1:1 th - j taxes l« vi« i* r h-d dll IP! th» w»-ek. L. (ù»lv Ig at ivmle«! I. R Neil of tbis pln<»e lb* re sh ill 1 be no error « orumil e i at thi* I suicidai trtent. • our-e win 1« .-> ” !»• ul laxv* a ’ »- I»«»' paid. nesv . ■ -of hi- in Kan*-»*', and rsp ontln* «1* *erl in I.ak«» ««»unty .luring the as medical expert. eecii 11 by I«»« I *ldx s« ral« h ' e .a m«mi’ « v b . H • wa* burhd pia e t • a’.it them 3 If suh.'»r‘rlb<*r* negh'ct to or refuse to I ti "in I M. Bir«l ry am! l is «trputi«*® rgqmrnl m »y be | »Fop st®bb- ar «1 ir-'p-Hc l l«> furnu»b llrsi- tak<- their pr-r’od;-al- from the office of I inai. , l’. \ Aulì near wb«*»e b<- was t«. 1 <1. For ih» ’ ’ im:it|sm tl.« re s im'hii.g I Ift'.* •uHii* f .« | k;n !n on - jt m»u<«-. whi< h they ar«* directed, they are hel«1 r»* J..... Ih U-r l N*» ’ lriig but ch;, rui Hp I m«»r'jli I Parker. E. R »j W* dm «1 iy. F rid ax’ ani Sa’u rd ay « Í th i th <»(»»r.i< !»n l » the D in.«« ry ,«» iH’ix ot Hi fimbiig wa* ns - til • b< y h «• e ®et tied t belt bill xv»-* k arc Ember «lay* and fa*t day s ul ob space to give Hu* bant :u’. L • pr*«m«»t r»* .»•« u i- ii it »tl 'fits i- county « .n u*'Ul . win- • 1» illoil I'• <| a-* ! ai r* a* • iai I”« * Jun is an ««hi han i ami order -<1 tlmir paper di-« Vile Ir«»m Don l lai» lu e xt- him 1 « ail. * am* rot» for this p »*iti w ite ai «I da ;_ hl» r* • f tbe «i» « < .«.*»■!, \x h > w iih«»ut inf •rnnng rh»- |- it>li*|. *r uud tne For h«\ ” b«- n p rmam ntiy cure«! by ir to il th. aht r th«- el» « t» 1* «»v pr« mj 'ly and c«»rr«« « x at- n ir«! Inni antu-H al”! a vi*:t from b.m wi’liin a t ht* « • »n-««lei at ;■ ”•, 1 <*re i’ v man ' • n'«” • I J < ’. Sh- rid »ii • f < <1;lral I* '¡nt w t* in- paper* 1: - -ut to t! • iornter «iirection, l’r«»f. A. L'-Roy i* u 1 tn i «• or ••!’ ] p Ilf it - - »;•• .«» City Drug > »>•«■. Jaeksouvi ie and prises of I«»«’.»: imi-or*. th « w ; 1 1 I. *r. a ly «• v *-xv ».» lo- ohi-t nu- Licmi- by lb«- .-,«•«»r«- ;h«-y .ir«’ h -I«. .. -po»»^;m«-. w*ek. I n»- eiitire « omm iuiiv h- r*- yrn- I Drm ■<’riiti«’ m»minee is elected. advan-« d if ihe <• «U’lty i rep.e«”.ne«! «lur I I u»t xxcvk, while • 11 .« vi-it t » hi * pa.’«-:.** in I Hthuv dveplx wnhlh»m in ih- r gr.»d al .** .♦« . -In am g '* n full bl i.-t at Bybee * being «’««mi v: < d t » bux a new ■ t f .-«• Í «»■>'• by Engel Bros., Phoenix. A | i»e « oiirtx»* decided that refusing ng the next t. ur xeii- b an «-'.♦•«uv i • I ilu* city thè ! »** «»1 ih»’ husoai.d nini la ber. T'.a siieei» « amp <»n K«»g n* »iver , a large fore« b««oks every now ami then. H»» sh l-.uld be \\ •■ ' ■» i«e. Ju-t-p>i. we an* glad (.» lake p« r«»di« aix from the office, or re­ Brother Lv I- was *«» “ rib <1 Up ” «• e- t»*«i *tat«* sch« <»i superintend« nt. à lde*t d tU-'hle i* « -hier w .th thv tirili of ! « ug engagt «1 in h » «1 ing tne b imi. the I'l.MF- «xposure <>t b * • r »«;ke«l mvth- man, W )lh h s »-x ex op«-« . While atlimiiing • t »:*«•<• you, ami Ii pv \ u wi 1 nut stay aw.«} moving and leaving th<*m uncal!e»i for “pri- Uiu, *.«y- the Ro*eburg “ I’.ain- h Aux | » r-'»ii wi.o receive* a news| 3- g*d 1 g ■ x«* fasten* r »>.xm-r will pi»*a e c/x I prom-ri.v near Ja«k*'»iivdle are hfiehv rng>ng pollli; al ell ’. !*ri ig lu* *«pp » iv dvr. ' per ami m »ues u.-»e of il ul.t»t»«*r he has <»n Mr*. J. Nunan and claim property. Ih*c««rati'»u ba>. notified that they will I»»» arrested ami ting nt'gin:*. he spent an entire »lax pent in th«» race, it we question bi- being in a f • h-h search thr »ugh the re<’«»rds in Ce it al i’.'int will cvlebrate th«- Fourth .«nhxerilH’d for ’! ur i*ui, i* held in law as a Democrat*, stand to y«mr principles. prosecute«! if lh«*y »1«» m»t era.*»! their d»-p t ie <• .¡in’y clerk 's «»ffic«», thi* we» k. to at- hi any sense the rustling, energetic repre­ Tn»* t «‘-I -wing pngr imme b.* < irried «»fJuiyin grain! style ibis year, ami a* subscribe*. out on dec« ra’i ’iidav. May ■>•>. DU”, by J i- k-on county must b- redeemed now, or re« I at ions. 7. The postmaster who neglects to give t» mi»t to li’ d a pre* lent foi th» ¡ruction in sentative that the county meds in the they have sujHTL r* f«»r «i-.’ert »in A’ it w 1 nr f.never lost to UsJ , 1 here t- mg a crowd, they very reasonably ask al. tlx* legal not io? » t the m-glvct of a per.-on Chester A. Art .i' ot J Me l:«- 1 Afe*srs. St«»wart and Fitch address, d !arg« incimlirig the entire execution in (he no­ upper house nt the present time nmhtng in bis recor«l made in the lower m ighboimg to\\n* to join with them in an to tirtiv fiom tne cffic«* the llt w spaper ad- 7 o’ghx k a m th* ■ t t 111 W !.l eave M« df*»rd fteml the F1 m 1:* to vour trier.«!* East, or ami enHiusiastir audietr »-* at -• v « th ! pom * tice of sale. for the J at a * »nvide cemetery t«> decorate at any other place. Il answers belter than in the c«»unly thi* w ek, ami will *;•• ik ’<• Hon J II. bt»w*rt, Deimaratic nomi­ ii «use, some y« ar* ago, that would pr< u*mg mv«*(ing that wil. a*t >ni*h cr during as both ar«- nice *p- >ik«-r*. and thoroughly long been known as the soul «>1 ii .spit dity h.imting ami lumber xwrv *aye«i fr«»m or- ♦ , sic by the < «.rnef ban! of Med(prd. 2. the *e;t* n H. R Br -wn is «l«>i g the ;og- in <-a. ii«’*’ with their work 1 he tire result»«( iroiu a spark m his own pre« im t, and tn* li« nr>iy mid 'triict 11 Al lisie by the < h >ir. 3. Brayer by the lemon*. » date-*, tigs and other ’•wretmral" giug with hi* h r-e team*. ived at the >. F Variety Store. John C illaghun of tbi* pr<*<* inct had th-* ability a’«» a”kJi"W edge I thro i..ho,it the Ir m the engine, it i* supposed. chaplain, l \ 1*1'»•■«'« . «'». Mus’»’ by the « h >¡r. G. POSITIVE Francis Fitch, E-q., made one ot the iea* n «»! a runaway at th«- llanlev ranch ■ -!«»< k*. whu !.♦•* and j- wiry at D T ami tin-» sh irs just in nt clothing, hats from Tom Ni< h«« •>’ «lour empty• hande l, | m *t cl!« ctive t »I k * i«» a fail house, yestvr R-‘.u|:lig • »t oruers. 7 > 1<> bv Mis* L nn* GUARANTEE the h tram having and countless numb ! * have foil d him a • 1 iy al the h »lei ha I. fh it has ever been Frit<’liar«!'*. He 1* constantly re« riving nexv v« xterday m •’•:n Call an I see them. by Prof. Crawford. f>. Reimes A Wo t«1 »I» n. S. Addrr* to cure any form supplies at t i- "id stand on Al «.ti *tr» * 1, i run iw.iv a h the r ick, ami a p e« «• «-f fih-nd in mu«- of trouble. With goo\ 1 •• k i Guide. cid trd authority on all land Atedtord, Oregon the gviv ra’heor- Job. G irr«!t*«.n's house and • .'nf» nts n- ar | lhei»aniwa' frirhicne«l by the derrick making a bitter p r-onal «’auipaigti against 1 »r the lu a. ti ket. Hom J. H. Stewart al­ i’ M. At that hour the B« st will 111 «I in I matters. may nr t«>ut» I at tio* I’ imks other gmiY of eithcrM-v the Iu a 1 of B« ave: cr< vk in th»- .‘■Ji-kiyou*, 1 fork' h * c*‘inp»*tit«»r, ati«l xvdi «*'»me out ot the so ma ic a short 1 « k, sensible 1: «1 to th* (r«»Ht <>f iht *'t er«l f!»'U-e at tap ol drum wlwt’cr arifluu II G. K« -it r • n <»l T th e R«»<’k prrcln t xv.a* r.uriH-d «»nr «lay i<»*' w«*ek. » < l or several d.«y< the l*ar-meters have fl ill. ax h-» w.Ut in, what» ver the result, pom», ami b »ih gentlemen made uh excel a» »I inni' ti to il.v park. h»’i.*l»«i by lb» fnmitherx« ••*•*.»v .1 j ■ frit.«« ng a tin»* burn on In® loss on the owner of about $>'•() w rth < d ¡mil 4l»-«l ram. a. dm.iiix farmer* are pray- vx ilh <’ e tn hands and im los- «•( '•«•L-rr-peci. lent impress» m her«*. Ph-enix niar’f;«l «'.gi«|, i«»howt*d by I- is engagé u-i'oi. inn ..nits, ................ AFTER BEFORE • • Le l'lixtii) fe» t in dimensions. iiu that it may come s«*« n. Those who \\ v predv t his election on Motidav. furniture, <1 »thing ami provision*. y»»uih’ ' i .-mien r»*; rc-vtit .ng the .-«’V» r n ran* Tobacco or Opium, or throiiiui Xo’iilifu! n » tn re « hing the . • p u k the er. : * hr*»* I:»n«l «nd<*at»»n an- eut'ing adalta h «v. hoxvever, are not tion, ov< r in«iulg« n< «», Ar . mi « h a* Brain states................. l‘nton w 11 start f r the » ski- W K. Pru v, lor she/itf. has m» superior Thompson and the R- publican candi­ ti I n d to f iv r pr»-« ip tation I’.oxer. Wak- i'ilm *««, Bearing doxvi 1* in t .e The m this part of the stat*- tn ex«-cutiy»» abilit x you m untains in a short time, with John .M 1HIUE1». laid d"W n in m ihv <» A. R down * date* l ba' k . "■ i i nnl \N ♦ :>••**. li \ , ®, Xen •■•<- Fr •*- lM».»k w wi i I l»e lb rrin’s band of sheep, for summer range < UHing. a V rv hviVV < r p. will be Store«! ami during the seven or eight year* h>* has he f. ilowed, alter "h ’ '•>. n 'tu’i nl F?i-,--.••»«*. I..-n-orrh.« a. J> / aga nst monument wii be «tec■ »rated with so n however, and th ii the «upplicatioi: resble.i am«»ng tu< he ha* e-tabli-li d an WY.yrr .I o HN-<»\ Al Lmkviil . May Zi. tra zin«-**. W- ak \! hhiiix , j <. f |\>xx «1 and Imp liver and In al di-” i*»,s of *• stomach, b< mdv. . till' V 1'111.’ "I e-.f"U 1 •>» '*■ 'li'"i' for rain will be« •me qnau iq «us. ¡".»I, t»v W. A Wriglit..!. 1’., Harry (i. W\att t< r< X . A «■ h i! ♦ x-ellchl reputat on for honesty,* bi tv. . T.v! often Uli to pr«-!! •«’ u:<- - • . . . e-ns . . .. il I kidnrx* u*r. t»» th” exclusion of ail oth»-r ar«* from s ’ ’ . hlnr* and > « H Hy .. .... ‘»'d* r <»f > industry ami business integrity He has I ani Miss N'ora .1 •■ ìiiniii . l»<>tti «>t llvddìng, <»!■! u- and m-an ’ i‘r’< c >!.■*• a ! x. < ‘•ux-i Pfund* r ’ s <«. E k-mt i f Mi*r-l«-r n-v. -1, t<> refund t!.c iiu . if b M Parker ««f (»««I I Hill I i*t week sold W 1 some.«(»dy pl»a*« intorm the puh ic I'm-*«! «v. mterv¡rxxmg many of our citi- Hi* chances are brightening every h<»ur. oulO a rerm. ’ iiH-nt ’ «* i* 1 < t . :' t« . sin *♦• July 1 > *' y ami h «* bn.k»-o ’ lt ’ wa*a*k«*dbv hull Ire«!-after th«* « «n lu set » iicmating, but .4 »• p«- p t ; diy l*1 Mi. and Mi - » '. < . Park« r. a son. W. Mvni Br».. *-!i, 27. I*. 1 ti ash . < »1: A D. Heiman, gran I hi h pr voiii te k* t next Mon lav • ai i.ed h * wag»*-. In justice to I:.e balam»- horribl»* «•* < iiTrme ti M< \ list.r, May 1*IM. to ••a< h week, .«ml ha- been sonivwiiat handi- He will tak»* .««■rn ill town f t *♦“¥« ral .ay* ut 'r .«line thr Deim«rrats, by ad mean*. Mr and Airs Milton R< yIìohis, a soli. warilen. At»t” infixé •‘di « r- B. I . Morse, ■ T pr-tmard. th«- j w* .er «• »pped in his canvass in consequence. Hi* gram! «» sentinel ; <«ei. H W • I • I p . i*nr»‘ i'i showing you his mammoth quarterly examination ««I tea her* Hr i* G B. Mathews came to Jacksonville, fiiemis will see that be is not $acn|i<*ed on rv, grand in*ide sentinri ; W'. (’. 1 Wtvdale, at ptesent teaching lit the Floume Ro k I • 1HKI> THE KOGL’K RC-’ER po*f na*lr W dm -day alt»»rm>oti, to obtain account ot Ins loyalty I«» 1« s fellow-randi- district. grand m'«r*liai H»-nr\ G >rd«-n ami sister. Miss (' ar.«, iat«.*•«, however. A resident of the county Hu* s»-rvi' « * ot Rev. Fattier Clark to ad Tin- K b.-sah Degree Lu<|ge *t.«t»- ’onvei - Wm Ai. 1'olvig, our n f««r l*’r < t sa<’ranivnt to Mr*. fur th»* past seven years, he is pretty well omit un. lion ele< te«l ihe f i -wing ot!r •■<* tie- *.»rn»* «■nit«* to the val ev from th*»ir ranch on attorn»»}’, *!1H s’ands W« H with On* pimple. minister ill»* last «lav Fr»-* da I Mr* o. A. Iksdh.Fijend K gue riv« r vesterday, am! will return H” att» n«l* to the dti'ic* of hi* office, kn xv John P* ling, living near E igh* Point, known as a man who attend* to h * own who ha I b. «*n stilb ring for a long time with bu*ine**, ami w ho may be r» lied up«»n io ship No. 1-’. vice president — Mrs. H. home to in »rrow. Ml -, ri.zil,. th I, W1f,. ,,f c„,,rir,. 1 WIN«, RE< I NBA Bid N IU.HFl'1 D witt ing no one El« « l him, says the 1C.i ti nth rnn«’»-r. She but re” ii'ly returm-.i fr«»m look nfh-r th«* intete-is of the public, in : In* H. B A*k» w of Dry Creek, north of the “ Star.” H«»r«b • Columbia, ' »•«. 3. secretary Air* 1 r<« ».M Piyma V.W.J Plymale. and 1 «11 .’iHHlvrn unprovomviit®. Hr«« n«»w turnma P«>rH «iid, wbrr»* an operaii m whs p»- >T- record r'.* otli ” v«-r, ba 1 hi-» house broken open one «lay Mi'-.. M Armstrong . t tins <..untv. m.-.l ,.t .»it h tirst-rlftM* Hrti< l«- <»f Hour, which is put up ij W J P! vinal*. •' h. N-» 4; tre »sur. r l ne « mint x to im d, • ut xvi'h iu t . ix n : ih • pat it nt re | The pr 'ple cam ot do b t’er tin i ai t tailur.- a» tiu- 1» nn !„•, t 4 tMirrvl «neks, anti »»v«*ry m «« k is wHrrtMitvd t« No H ; m »r-n 4 Mi*s la«t w»ek ami 3 numb*r of articles of N. A. J ho *. H 4’<»mmis*u)>«T \\ K. Pri e and I ’ h •* E N ’ < t >«» -» I» t. Mi* Muri a> m Fast iN.rt land Max *i li -<» t tain IM p«»un«lb <»f ti«»ur If y«»u don't bvlivv» Util. B «kvr < it , N«> >; fn i,it tin- 'ak»*ii Hi* ref Fmrri.o M'< | m-r ne hu > I*'.*'. Mr,* K >** caiue to Hoiithvru Oregon with ’hiB.junt compare a »«a«’k of «.ur tiuur with aux an I clerk «»f Ja k' >n cni'itx. I Ihe s r.m « r, j B 'in«on*. who xx M rit». ' umb a cfiap: »in -Mr* Jvs»* Scfford st p-’-on of A. Po d of niftk«- tn del •»Hi«-« rs. as they »*e < 1 li- » parenu in |’• : n < r < xv. • Me« ks Mr- An* 1 ( ' i»**, A- m* . Ea ’ P ”»>l x. s “ i u« k- <1 • t! ’ bv h * I on N .3 . guar ii n tum x’.-ar, Sm- wa* ami honest. x\ « i . an- ii.p*H•io ( O'* th«- *f. .»m in a I ' I»«» w.-r« tioin to H h - iii in Ja« k-.n cl «.*«*, lo-.k .»qt !• r a big leg ban h li of li* * that "nu h river, < th’or da. W , J Ph male xx a* $3"») l r II, l.e I a t x e i ’, Ih I,' pubi an® shouhl *»*nd more lie allair*, ami van be r< ln «l upon im 1« r count j, allot xvtiom ar«- married and survixc (■ouftt&ntly on hand and exchanged f»»r wheat which she li.r* m h y earned t»v h» f tld*-ht} *P»• ik«*r* <»t»'.»pl. * stripe to I »«• k'on county th»* Rcpubi’can b s*r* arc lik ly 'o *p mg pub -h- *i in th” 1 im i:* tw<» weeks ago en any circumstam es to dQ wi»Ht m right and tn« u in »th« i. upoti 'I pui»li«’ :»t ny m nut . it is a abled Ins relatives t<» identify him. to her tru-t 'tr. Ross l”t t .1 a< ksonv 111«- with hi* family 22 1' ir 1 <» «1 x iy to im reaseth«* Dcmucra'i»1 **•! •*»!»<• th »i they hav n. t n gui ty of more just. Br '*d mimic»! and liberal hi hi* «*ai> ag«i, and has r«--i«l<-d in dilT.-n-nt » it h - h • .1 BARLEY ROLLERS. I h r«* w ill h»* a Decoration Day celebration majority. vi«-w*. m ill«* *tnclest sense a progre ssive J til' Pacittc northw,-.*t « x« r sinev. than »»in e. at Antio«-n *«'ho -l-iioUM» ttiis ,'|l t»*rm«on. man, b»-®Hies b -ing courteous amj at|a!«lv ip A Fine Piece «»f Work. Having «elded h e«»t of Rarl<*> Hollern to my mill G I K*naf. f'»r surveyor will receive a l>**4. ’ «-as<«d wa® h xvotnan ot rur»* «’.\c< ulivv R.rdsey is a chronic ofli*’»*-*erker. H« J.I. ’A hi- î» of 'he J u M m » dv 11’ h inds in«* v«»’e t ext M«»mb«y all over the lu ld the r«>n*t ible's office *• v ral years and particip »tel iu hx’ I tie th ec - ho«»|s « I the Ins demeanor, he will t»ri 'g tq the pu®.tion Hbiilty Hiid of ;mi1oriiil> hop. lui ami g.-mal I have H«»t apart ««very Saturday to Roll Barley for r«« nt\, a* >1 xx i.l be eh cled by a good ma« * m-w running f'«r sherd! f *r tin* thiol M'l’lcml n. Anti«* -h ami Mountain <1i* both brains umf energy. \\’e predict hi* n ®hon work®, l.e t T'irsdiiv nr rn i.g inet*, th” term of va h expiring at thi* triumiihan' election whcri v.-r sin r«*si«hsi. Although suffering lotice. ho that parties can return with their grini th»* »ast r»*t. H*-r he has «‘Siablishco an excellent r»*put-ati«>n, ®ubsta»»ti »I, sian iing • Iglu '♦•♦•t *ix im-ces Drnux'rats. are y« u going th vote for Re- . j j ging from it® harping on th«* wa’er bi 1. cinct, wa* the *u- «■ -*ful contestant for the ami will poll a ln*dvy vote. Th«’ count v’s daughters, Mrs. laiii. Mlt. lieil, ot I’m-' |>al « s. Farm tor Sale burb, and is ieHere I xvitn rni-e I us ij»ti :i. I i«e wat* r b 11 won’t trotilile Price halt so goal med.d rr z«- at the Ashland Stat«» N *r- Mi - « i. tea |{ 'it' . ii . < : I ,n* li-l .i»i u . M it*h :*ig 1 n. The xlvsign <» i tiir die is tl:a of *ta« w»'d publicans a -ain. an i rv« e ve insults al • mu« h a- B r jsey's whiskey bills will worry ma> commencement «’Xereises last Frida/ liuamea will b’ in st <*arefully managed and li.-r sist ureith, <>t Yr«ka. A farm and st«® k ran< li.<’<«nt.iiriiiig 1B0 '«d home- and «»utbmkling!' and Moth«*!, ” ami th ” universal verdict was Geo. B« air of Mt Pitt p.» «-n t is bnild- mal< ami |’r««l. Arm-t al 1«ml.-ii the him r- nere^ary barn r«H>m. Fruit enough !■ r a M”Xi« un-w tr « «un « ’•* R S. D inlap In : ram it.g h« r*«- xx» r»- the most conspicuous num of the countv. in»* a -aw-tnid * n Lick prairie, having Unit her inh-rpiv aToti of the sentiment <>f many r« *p”< ** tin* monument is one of ’h»- f atnr«’* of th«* Harris«»!) jubilee in 1**S. There is no more generally rcsp -ct”«i ai, W'im-ii took pla« > in Lorn- Fir c«-m« t< r.x. -mall f i mil y . lAx <« living xprinv- on t h< pl a« •«•. (!,«• pie •• wasvx elleid, ami her emimiai mn b tight th«* water-mid p'ant < n B g Bull«*. Fast Portland, >unda> .«tt< moon. Max Hib. handy for stock and 11 ration purn«M*e#L i’i«< ■ l»e* t piece* of xx rk in llu* c« im”«*r. . ami Lak«* countv *he»*p are not expected t«« forn erly •• vm d by John F®’ er. is* * g»-n-rally w« r<*g»»od, man in Table R .ck pre n t, nor ind- »*«1 in s< rx ic. s being private. Max sm- i ■ -t in p. a«-« . foil < whiu pn»|«>r twenty per c»-n’. a* ' • up n ity of the mill x«. i I be 4 >•*) 1'. »*t pet r. ii b. g« m ral accord Hit pr.ze was award * ni hern Oregon, Him W'. J It »ig«*rs, our wmh -the scattered mcmbci * < t the southern lii'r-i -. harm—, wagnn. pl«»w, harrow . eultiva- H4»rtb of tt »* s« \t t. * h"U*«-. wi ! attr < • t nui' h wool a* th v r. in «w< i ait i r«-ap> r eombined, sulky rak- . I n» Mu lh’vlm. •lav mm h attenti n tor the < lib*»*, a man of » x ri « nt judgment, and children hi O h - time d their I »er« •ax’«-iin-iii. and nil ne- “ Examiner.” | T«> ¡llu*'r.t »• th ” morfaLly am dig game The <« A K . ajthough L eon . ami has s iffi i«-ni knowledge «»I ihe «*. unty < at«-<1 tlir« > mil« - northw«-sl <«t I'.agi«’ P<»itU. .!•>»* Walters ami h's sisters have returne») 1 limns. »1«» n t take kindly ; «luring thv gre »t s 'u.x- (orm.-may b -im n lo rnatde him to make a thor «u.’.lily go «1 and nine mil«-® from < « nlrai Pom! raiir«>a«* q«»l I < -«ns.» to ! .d > ,”imiioat d*'ox«-red the car• as*»*® ot len ient, w li «arry A*hi.»mi precinct it­ .. .Malt'uuiial» •••Ulin a I.Ire- . I 3 ney oí TheOriginal Abietine (>intm»»nt is only eaay; tw«»-thirur • iff * re «1« ct i-»n liv«- H;«li.Ia*t ln**- self, such conli len «* have (he people in his pul up m largo two-ounce tin boxes and i ehas« r. For particular® vnipurvon the place «lav « veiling He ui-« • 4ir'»’d >11 hi- ram- • <« * .i-ca I l r*t « lass « iipable im-ri, John K ish. i l.roth'T Hi-’axv of John ;h«y h.i«l s iv«-umber he is an absolute cure for ohi sores, burns, of tb< propi h ing, verb »**- style. *»f thing* in r» er.«l. tud v 1 ti n »1 b--t:« r votirs- lf by *< ra’ch- ' R b FREDERICK SCHNEIDER. ' «1 \V «alvdle, whom he has i lusse* ol game w 11 be s< arre in the moun­ w 11 «|iialif1t»d f*»r the place ami will make wounds, chapp»’nioutid«»i with th.xt of Governor *<>in” of th** Republican candidates ar«- p trie«! List week for his st«»ck ranch on G. Eiksnat for surveyor, is all right. He of piles. Ask for the Original Allietine been exterminated Growr. and while lu*did little harm 1 >r bi* I spreading th»* mo*t «-ontemptible campaign j Mark * « reek. Crook county. has made a judicious campaign and will Ointment. Sold by all druggists at 25ct®. • -.x h they calm) it«* *h kll hurt their party, he certainly «Rd no good for th»* can A form» r neighbor of T E. Nichols, who beat hit "i n nt ....................................... hand ly Dr. E. B. per box —by mail 30 cents W.J. Ro»]ger* hashing been known as di.Ktes on hi* ticket. i 'apl» s makes up in I «»pp«»ncnts. Look out for them. one • f the m ri -tr. ghtf r r a t and hon now’ resnies in Jacksonville, ways there is Picked will fulfill the duties of coroner ad For Female Irregular verbosity what I k - I h < k® in argument, lie Dr. E B. Pickel is a genial, courteous eat citizens of th«* county He will make not a mon«* hospitable ami accommodating luirably, and will unquestionably be ities : nothing like' u; rvallv Bu d twenty wars ag •, but Mill gov* gputl'-man, and a good physician. Give an excellent a**«-*xor, an t i* «»ntitled to a man living than Tommy, our ‘Candidate elected. Fur Sale, on the market. A>rr» * th** ‘ ... _ i :i of^ f 1 b-ihg ' 3 an a« five h tn a cordial support for coroner He I united party f »dowing. Vote tor him next lorelerk. l’ lie would divide his last through motions fai!. >u« ressfiillv immî Two thousand b i*hrls «if wheat, politician. 1 His ’ style is that <-f the «»!«! f.tiu I will in ike an excellent official. by prominent lahe* pound of Hour or meat with any one in Monday. thousand bu*h* ls of barley an t «me span MINING NEWS. ami hr il not a bad man lo wiml monthly. Gnarant«a*«l stumper.-------- need. Ahy «»ne who has been hungry or «if matched bay hors- .*. w«-li brok»*n to har­ 1 J<»hn H. Devlin of I niontown precinct I he county nee«!* H-m. B»-ni Haymond - to relieve auppr< hm . h 1 It is Interesting to up a campaign with. tired and ruled at th** home of Mr. Nichols ness, 7 j’vars of age. Al®«» lo'Xl brad of 1 graduate«! at the A^hlaml State Normal meubtruaiiou. observers to w itch him run down utter the School last week in thv regular course a* business ability aid hon».stv in the com j am! family, will never forget the hu*pitality Notices for the location of placer and sbrep ami lambs. .'W «»f whi«:h are suitable misMoners «hair bee that he g«-ts »h»- SURE! SAFE! CERTAIN! ■ trim is turned on quartz mines, etc., for isle at the T imes of­ t«>r mutton. E iqmre of ; xv : 1 a* in th«* commercial department unite! party. v »le. and w,» wi 1 a**ure shown him. fice. Don’t be humbugged, M rs . S. FL I Ml. riieO. N . (». b y* do not take mu»'h stuck him a handsome following of thinking lb ■ A grvat deal ot mu l is h-ing slung at th«» publicans. That'. W hat AU» uml rtakvs ♦«> ¿.barge that hill, rie» .lurinK th>- entire >• mipaiirn > n of election, when it is too late to nail them. i t »rney < will carrj* everv county in 11 in working the ore from the Mountain S«*nt to any addresii. < lovvriiur Penimver u ailowing the military Lmn ledge K. Southern Oregon l'ione« rs. , the tirat j'l.L. tai dintri, t «„,| the canditlale for slieritf. lion. U secure by mail on re |»emorrn»s. the R* pub 1 ins are boasting n large ninj >rit.v. He |,a- mail" su b an ¡fun.lio pileup in order t«» make a goo«l . ,....................... .... ______ Prue, for obvioQ» reason.,l» ha* \ eefpt of price. 12.00 14th annual meetit g 111»» The Ameri. an Mining Code, standard P'oneer Society of Southern Oregon will Hunt * pm rd»* vtJori to pros- Address, been able t<»««»n’rol the patronag«» of Hie that they u:i *uc«’e«-hlan«l, sheriff * ollice ab-oiutely. nneivr B rdsry •» v«»ur aid. I ike th * n nt the r word. t»y all universally etul<«;®e^ . . on Ihiiisday, June THE APHRO SEDICINE COMPANY, I b vel of a campaign organ z.a’io i, merits ail mining, water-rights, etc., is kept for 5th, 1S!K), for ill«- p.irposf of electing <»ffi<’ers management, to the ex lu-t-m of the mesn*. Western Brauch, PUliTLAM>, «»R* | the « ontempt with which the soldier b«»Vh sale at the I imeh oflice. Mad. and he ki.-uv-» toacer aintv ’hit of the society fur the ensuing year and the I»rtm»« rat*. the Republic«»!® ®ah! at the raphic work for Governor F».*nn yer. w h ir 1 treat it. h** • annot pl i v hi- gong»1 game on lielule-»» Harrison jubilee, iu )Sh8 that they dxl th- latter was in Jacksonville last w«*»-k, eransaction • 1 any oth»T business that may shearer ti Finney, at their Steamboat lit gar«ts if l.inhey is bounced. Th ti. I not nee«l your votes in lS’JO Don't give and ttie honest and sturdy <»|«i Governor’® fl FOR SALE 1 lie I. tktview Examiner” an inde- ____ . „ gotten in shap® for the prptorly be brought before it mine, _________... have at last to,, I.knew trun the beguint >g that them anv. H ila * .I. D ay , Secretary. portrait will be one <4 the cim f obj.-.-tu of I « “ ’ ....... “1, ■ »’< - ; v 'I'» » thus «-«»mphniMite I ourrf- -eason’s run< after repairing damages done i’ri e would be a very hard man to head, « U irto disiip t Htt«»rney, M. ( ’ ul- interest to visitors to the gallery . ......... ill-. I SliKH'K-M'H FOB SAI.F. ioll.'W. Cul- by the snow and tl hh I, amt expect to make Sever il of the baling attorneys of the H«’V»*n load "f grade»! Hol®t«*fn cattle; or ami hr has kept his mu l machine busy in t»> say SnUUMM). to loan. $5<«0.00f». • : ” . . W r - w i i*h .......... a.v a a k ' hh ! word lor «be a fine clean-up this summer. They wi I Srbool Supor;iitendent Juit hell, assisted ! vig c.»un ’ v -.»y that Bi ’ ds**y is the l*igge*t will tr»i«l«* lh»*m for hors«*®. the endeavor io t>«*«-loud ill • Vl-.oll ot ihr They ..., A II«- V are il I V Ly G (• I Sewbrriy and F R. Neil, is ► rand juiy for (be C tyb. r ■ term. have plenty of water until winter conies ¡ Will -land niv th«»rougtibr«'d IL»lst«’in bull By J. H. Whitman of Medford, on im­ p**o| le. i b’o kb»* id’that ever title«! the sheriff's uf- conducting the regular quarterly exanuna* | nndoimt»-d y a >et .f h .»Durable, honest, again. •.'.7;;',"'T"® proved farm security in Jackson county, •t J h . h .- Wrilfhf» Hlnl'lv ii f ir u they ( niiiHl I ’ oint, March SI, l»S»i. The largest amt best stock of deeds, Josephine county's quariz mines are be ­ week. A class of about sixteen ®ppli- St raw berry Festa al. w r<- hb <‘ 1.1 know it. I h.-i indu-ye in | ’ro- coming more widely known throtuhoul county. mortgage* and all k:nds of real-estate and A straw b< rry festival wit i-e given for legal blanks .south of Salem is kept at the cants for certificates is in attendance. t'. ting our h one' nn.I our >1» udy and the coast and in the east every «lay The sacrifice of three human live® llieyw r,. ally l. i In District A’Y.rney WARNING the benefit of 11 r M. E. Sunday s h “•!. on riMEs office and »old at Portland rates Notice. through culpable, criminal carelessness. 1- ., «Ivi does bis duly wiibout tear or Within the last two weeks several m ning the evening ot Satunl «y. M.iv 31. 1MM, nt expert® have been in the county looking at c IIIplcte copies of township pl H- p«>.-ted oricr. IS IIF.KEBY GIVEN THAT, WHERE- Hit d'nmg hall of t! < hai>p* l h •use, Jack­ W«»rkingm»*n. vote for (’apt. John O’Brien a feaiful thing In all candor, ah . .an ; ............... ........... c.'.rru,,., Iue and for wb-.rn we entertain the various ledges. which are only partially de- up to date of the order, ma le for $l >' per a.< in, wife I.»» left in, home. I will ni4 sonville, Or» g m The puti i«- K invited to f«sr state printer, a* he is one of you. He any exen e be luund :«>r bpenff bird*« y de- greatest r»-p«*« t; and u is n,, H;ltterv when velupewiisbip. Money must accompany or ­ pay an, debt» ot bi r contrai tb n nttrnd ami bring all the folks. Fresh is pre*'dent« f the Typographical tTuon of serttng bispost of duty, and rendering‘¡»os- . we say that he is head and shoulder® above but we do not think that they were ac­ MANI SIL « »a, ders. Address strawberries 25cents per plate. •ibie such «urli a horrible horrible* casually casualty? ? any prosecuting attorney weever knew.” cepted, says the "Courier” 1 Portland and also ui the federated trades. sibie Vol jntüwn PreCTnVt> Aviti 13W. G. W. K imball , Roseburg, Oregon, HKKr AM» riiH.i. Highest of all in Lcavcum/ rower.— T’. S. Gov’t Report, Aug. i ;tlu ; »3» Jackson Co. Democratic iickei I i ABSOLUTELY PURE p V > * * X \X\\\tNSS\\XXXNv V\ CASTOR IA a 1 1 Fi! Infant« for ■Tutori» ., to well ».lapted vo eb.ldrrn that I r«orumrn.l H »» »u^nor U> any prv*,TipUua known tome. • il Children and n. Aamica. H I>, U1 So. OxtorU SL, yrvuklyn, N. Y. CaitaHa mr*e rolle. CoMHpatksn, Sour Stomach, Inarrhœa, Eructation. I Kill® Worms, give« altsep, aud pruiuotee di- gestion. Without usurious medicatilo. Tux C xntavr C obfäny . 77 Murray Street, N. Y. OREGON PORTLAND. WHOLESALE dealers IN r:s washc . ct :;*; and £• :? a ' nddtheen idaho for the bwKEYE MOWER AND REAPER Th s- Pi ¿-bines are too well knowa to need comirent Thousand! of farmer! have used i .’-i at J rpp .. ot t .e::iw.:k prai e. They are the only Harvesting M-chlnea that will ENTIRE SATISFACTION to the purcLUer. Tltr.’S STAR VI3RATIXC THRESHER, AliLTMAN’S STAR TRACTION ENGINE The most Effective and Successful Combination tot Threshing sad Cleaning Cram ever constructed. BUCKEYE stri ri» TV.ÌNE-BINDERS ♦ • Fx r F» • r< ■*1 •• 1. a I .ndr. *1» «4 pair-i. »-I ’id- r i* t-• I.ighti««** . I'toktiuriu iitudcr bülh txcellcut both SCHÜTTLER FARM WAGOHS, BUCK-BOARDS. FOUR-SPRMG MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, CORBIN DISC HARROWS, H'.DOES-H AINES HE ADD RO HA'SH BARB WIRE «"SEND FOR CIRCULARS. * MILLER & STRANG, Agents, Medford, Oreg The GeiüLraíed French Gure, APHRODITiNE , Hubbard & Williams, LOCATED AT CENTRAL POINT, JACKSON CO., OR. Manufacturer's Agents for MOWER. THE STAFF OF LIFE! STEAM FLOURING MILLS 1 1 •j 1 1 r il ill* - I Int ”’ ’ With > rrat 1 »¡mud. Di ”• u • t p. . jt i « i , a ' ' h .«»•••'■•' that " " • •»-th * ' k ■ » u aid u tuli t II’ *• •■tn 41 *11 Ik’* l h« "i «M» XIU» M« »xvi ;;* 1 '». ' I Gm thousand*« an 1--Ulx n 1 N ■ / ______ -- I % Ji Ti lang- al» » m I T Gnu I x » • . i upp r *td • <»f ' ■' 1 ’*»'•' hu ' h. ;« . i •* t « »N IA M< »U LK t I’i «I« *. x* h • h < i • a nt th» u« i**ti‘ iiisl.ppiiigf«»r- ■ * hax : hu I «»• < 'll x « • << < 1 1 1 I1.1 T *i¡;< 1 | « H- f I *• . I. u . ' ' l»g «t t : m. ; »w» r M th -- • < ing All St” ‘ I'wum-Bolder-. * itti i .|»’ •»< i*i - « l l»uudd «-»rm rs. Al>" Au' iit- T"r Maii'ti' i'l t’in-uliir Saw Mills, both heavy and |iir|lt; al-< A |'|'l< Manntaetiii ing (Michigan Bugg« « '<•-. New­ ton Wagons and II." k-. Empire Manufa<-U«riiig Co.. Baker’e Bailx-d « , 11, < b .,!• >1 Kt l.p. Blll-reH A- Co’-. laa-ides vari- X .XI S Hl’ BBA i;D & W1 LI I ASHLAND HOTEL. THE WOMEN OF OREGON ---------AKE Ou il >í|i-¡ií«» i FA I'HALLY I a W VT1 1». Tin*) I»:»” thrown auaj Hu* wa-*i«l.<*ard. shj th»-y will u*. notiiin*» but the Faber's Golden Female Pills. FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. ! T ‘i Ladies’ Choice Wash« Manufactured t»v W. A. Goodman Jx Gram’s P«**. <>» <-g«»n. Thm wtl-k- I " 1 ..... Will l*tl< k Kir « 3» ••!*> ’> » Ill-IT1 *• NEWLY FURNISHED 5,000 Now in Actual I I We would ask th«* ladle® nf this (’ hum hi lav m *M<* th«ir pr« judie«*!», . Wa-b, r a fair inai, ami tn « « nvinc«*d is « «X F. w t-h« t i n t Io- v i i 1 1 h ,t will work. We hav« a rombili«*»! Machin* Tut» hik I < t*«Ui« > llaAk« l. W« W asher <«n it* own merits. fh-M ription an«! pm« of wa<*h»-r g*. application. It Is centrally I- "i-d 'n 1 .• >■'" " - town, and a g«M*«t -aim- • 1,1 " ' <*fal triiv» h rs. >- till'd up in r with. Th*« tat»!« '-< • turiu-h«-»! with He n. st th« niarkd atf«*r«l*. E. K. BRIGHI MAN, Prop. Ashland. Oct. 10. ItMI. ACENTS WANTED -ÆU,*li. Choice Lands For Sale. Lidi«* «-an mak«’ fr««m$l • t<->300 per moot. Appij at oil»-« 1«»r t«-rn1- non S4I.E. «T' Al KI > or l.\M> *!■' r H.-r. .. ot farm , . «""d fruit • r grnin. . , , , Tu<. ihou-aiid »-¡x Uundr- I .»« r* * (• i-l«i’« and mountnin -id. laud, g- I i n 1r«i ,ar?- «ng or Ht.»<-kr«ii*lng. Thi* track 1 ’ ■ "J'1 over*.v.n mil* * ■ d h, dv . ng-h«»ii*’’. a®to«*k ®hx*d of ' and plenty «»f living Callon or addre**® •• " 111.RL«N. Asti la nd. J h 4 k.-M'n Co.. Or. * ptir-u.ts at the Portland Buxir««s <••’••’ r. J -1 «»;<•• V or«t thr Capitul Ktia- 111. -.K I V x»..’rtn, »n■ «ti-th *4hool® nre un I- i ' •’■' ’ • .1 ' ’ • f • A I’ A. • siiong Faxt ••* ■ • - 1 i I - of tup»C-1. MEMORY II»; •»: i> <-«.*». Mio i I ¡«ana, I ' p- • Mini wanden« c”»*«!. B'v-k« ’ _ 1 • me * ‘¿p r«n«l ' . ’. - h ! t part­ ir ii*ad* in *«n<- fx'.x'iinff. T««atitn''nial* fr. rn ail pxr ot tlinp -tl«” Pr vpevt«» rV I IVlti.«' 4 K»»fr«v ‘ A« Iz’W'.ttt.’, Z>« 1 JfB Ave. ?«uw Y vrix I . i __________ . i ______ ’.ointx ..ulugat ¡«TN DD ÍM.I--I t®Mn«l CWMW. LTt-.-Yh Un rrxto