I PERSONAL MENTION 1,1 h AI, Miner Killed. N A. J mobs Will be »»ne «>í Asldami s rcpie-entativ« s to the grand k»d¿«* of O«I«Í Ilyhest of all in Leavening Power. Her.ry Hutchin«, a well-known qntirtz Feîhiw s. which meets at Portiam! in a few A. H. Sunderinan of Medford was in Buv t White. M ss Susi- Turner leaves to-morrow for miner on Humbug creek. nge tin* R -vourg ami <’« \ ¡ u - ' i ; v. ihtgu«’ V r e 1:» town. !» y r.ii’r -a-;, E- I lire i,cw advertisement!«. fl»-arrival <«f his paitner. Henry Harris. . r. H .u. .......• t f A-h'aud .*•>. i l( 111- r- .»;« I f..mil: ure n «vv r, si- Harris, on reaching th« ledge, tocomiuence a; thei-.s .'.it. H’.irr.-»h f *r the Democratic ticket! I • t. m J n koiiiv > » !1 d. Fiancisc-» I« .id I ’ 1 • rk. cotihi ix.t d'sc »ver Hutchins anv lake DeWitt’s Little Early K imis . :i . Ja ; M« -ris <4 Go'd H i! where in sight, and from the appearance of .-pent Munday It - va. D n t fail to bear Pennoyer and Webb. ! hr n»':’.c < tic ii.led he w as buried under a ' W- ( d 1 r. K’K sr vi K sen \ ron : lit re y< siciday. ’Spurt* Angh* un i Cha*. Fierce of '.led- I' ..• vain nm •»: a- w« their ;«i p» rum, hav i igr cave He immediately e»»mmence«i Ih \\ ill’s Little Early Risers get there. ' S-.nKoi d , aricr < t S-|..a.. like i « !urn:s.h- f i.’d caEed la.-t 1 tic-da)'. lug b: en i n -ubs.T.ord. i'-rging away th” loose g-oun 1 and the rrrtiji District Attorney Colvig left f r La ;vvi¡ v. 1 I. Booth left for the north one day this FOR l:i:i KE>EM A I 1\ I 1 Th< s. Collins of Kiatnatli county arrived t i ’hi* w ai'», v hen I e toU’.u I ini rHwb'.rries from California aro in the Win. R .--ur <»f Eden precinct will soon proc«fc«l»»l to ’h>* Fob.», wi.«*r-* h»* pr. cured k < Mier oi 8 ■■■ Franchi «*. .1 We&t d iv s to look 1 r a location. s \M I. I I |;|;Y „f |. I« n market. I oiiis I'thl to go to Yr«*k tiglus county. mi »: p /l’r« *liy;< rien church of th *: city, < ONRA1) MiNGl’S ,d ( h is. Prim an I Dr. Rohti son MT lor .-»ml a •• dtin, tli«- party returning last nigh: on the eleventh instunt. tVe extend Mraw hats of ull kinds al lhe fi>. F. Va- W W. W ool! «4 G. Id Hill and Mar- I hearti-'T ci . r.K'jl-iiion- and rejoice t" Poj :1 aid on Sun L.y « veniiig, ri»tv Store « «a liu- R>we o <>M’al i’.iint have re- w.th th«' « copse L-r burial in th it city. Th« c; r.dier h-*ld an inquest and the jury ren- know 1I1 it ih* li ippv , oupic woi make A Betzof I ittl«* Bute precinct is visiiiig \ turn, <1 fr.'iu a vi-it to California. Yr. ka is to have a new paper, says the d» red a verdict in accordance with the their home i this valley. his numerous fi ci d- in town • ‘ J«ui r n a I. ’ * * 1 •! re w Cn ’rail ii making prepare- above facts, smvs the Yreka " Journal." The -uri-r se ,«f the week in Jacksonville HoL Hutcb'i s was, for a number of years, a Cica* sv your breath with DeWitt’s Little .'. J. Dalev of Eagle Point made our i ii. » • !»u Id . larve barn. He ry w.i- the marriage, l ist Saturday evening, F uk sheriff : 1 ngsw rtli i f d< di«»rd u ill be the boss resident of Jacks n and Josephine CüUlb E iriy R.st rs. ai thr brid s resided« r in tins place, o’ t.wuaLrref vi it on 1 uesday. carpeni . ties. E. Jacobs is temporarily in charge of N* D. J. L imsw Sprints 1-rccüx’t. (’. B »1 • ft li-.bt f tie- lay for Aber- Fisher’s store. itm.s, b»th will known throughout tbv ion! vw.<* iu towm on Mund • . ■ I- c-i, Wa?.. nt I* n. wh re |.e p.M to io..I. Fruit Farm Fur Sale. «•uunty. Justice Fly male performed il«e >"K KL* *»RI»LK I The candidates are now interviewing the J. W. Sowden c une up i» (¡r.inl’s . ’t-r li . ila • ili • fat biother, Dr. «arm» i.y w hir-i iu ««h* thr happy couple Pa*s the (orepirt average voter. G Hid loc.itton for finit riming, a' out the wee’ I . x R • t I. W . M. lloLM ES, of Trail <‘reek Precinct. «me, and nuiu; rou- trirnd* ten 1ère«! , ui- 200 irr» s of good lami, wi’h n three mi e- A. J. Stanley is a resident of Big Butte P. Doiregan un*! lus s m H' er of Table 1 ii«* r, e!cr . r , ula.i h ..-, i'tir I 1 me -join- in w’i-hing ot A-iilntid i«»r sale. Aihire-s pricn « t again. Ruck prei iiict, w«-rc here yes rday. F»»K * «»l NL’V « »MMIssp.Xj |{ ; » ’ olvig ¡s :.irc:i th« m long life and happiness. R R D ljvn . Al k*. ids of sewing-machines repaired R. R. Dunn and S. Ros -iiHia mad»* our ! !«■ u ;i! g. t .ih- M« dtord. < >r A clotiiHitirsi and rainstorm on the west I.ENJ. 1IAYMONH. .of lock F.int by J. W. Sow den. li tl.e «ii-ti ict. -•dr oi fable R ock mountain extended town a pleasant visit ou Wrdu. sJav. A*k E.<' Brooks what DeWitt*« Litt la A«’ th k t»:e ” T:<1 ng- ‘ can s *y .gains’ L. M. E igon of A-ldnnd wa* in town a w,sl as far us Moonville, and did cm - F‘»it rui \ si rek : HORN Early Riser« are. stderab r d t.i . Carter oi Meadows precinct was ivli to th>- MER....oí.huk<>nvil!r. H. A. Lawton, who secured the contr. «•: -•deratile damage to Ito WE In Sam's valley. May llth, 1WX», t«>Mr. m ««vv n y vsterda\. gialli and Mtripping . „ „ . . . «I iy. ac’«'nipanie*i hy a sou an«l daughtei. . rgumciit. 1 i-at and Mrs. J. L. Row»-, a sou. for carrying lhe mails on the new r,»u’e be­ Th «lualificaii"tis and wmrthin, ®s of Price E«cti«»:i tills on the tirai Monday in tween JacKs'inviile and Appvgate, V pi (hr fruit li ves wilhiu a limited area. The John Fischer, the expert pnmtcr, is in .*.,1 narn 011 tire Coleman place was almost t<»w’n, as-isting Lis broiber-iu-law, T. J a d N -*ho -, Denio-Tatic. randi-latcs for WALTER In Grant's Pas*. May 5, IW>. to Mr. J un«- - ¡he 2d mst. Lniontoan, twice a week, is looking lo; dv-tr-'Vrd bx thr wind and cuiisid, rah e and Mrs. G. Walter, a son. I h •!!’ :n-l c • rk . are !»«-x«»ml quest 1«• 11. and Cte*s. • La*. Vincent am! Monroe Gordon made Homebody to tak.« it of!'hi*, hands. In ('.rant's Pass, May 5, lslNI, to Mr. frimng was blown d-»wn. ■. h* . .- h mid !>-• el* c:, ,1 hy ••* la 1 g«* majoi ¡tv. PERKIN'S ’Tutor!* ! « no well adapted to children that Paa tort a enr*w Colle. C ob ft* pa tT»«. and Mrs. W. T. Perkins, a son. iu- 1 «all yesterday. Dr Price <»! M?dfor«i has b ,*n making "Pritchard” can’t make a in w w it» h v«»K s, i!«»«»i. st ri.iu.x 1 i . mie . x r : L.u-t week we inadvertently neg'ected sevvial p¡uic —iuiiul « .ills to lire county­ >..< < * n rarh» ids -f f tl « alt!«* nassed f recommend it as superior to any prubcripUun Sour Stomach, biarrho-a. Erucuuoa. i run to hoist ¡he name oi Beil Haymond of < i.c-.i t «.»urt for («alee county will con- out of an old one, but he , an max,* it I 0 o. L fit-* v.i I- y. boun 1 fur th,- n->'’Iu r 1 AUOWU lu ine ’ II. A Aacnxa. 31 D., s. nacK........... .< f \.i, like a daisy. Remember the plae«-, •, near R uck Point, D«-m- cratir candidate f,»r seal. \»n«*:.»xi Monday. MARIllEli. m -rH't , th - week. Will Sho >k.welt kn*»» n Ill tXA Oxford bk, x^uuuyu, 5. Y. Hon. 8. Furrv (»f Elen pr« ¡net, otre of het <*.w ;t ’ «.u” "I tto* part; vs in ch ar. re of lit«- It I v z 1* furnishing this market with the Grand Central hotel, Medf «rd, , Oru- ; « ou-dv ( unouis-.'Hicr, al the head of our Kills Worms, gives sleep, and pm^otas dl- f «» i : si u\ kï *» r : gon. PI'.N’Z COLLIER At San Francisco. May ch.-i»*e early vegetables. . columns, and we how make amends. Mr. our next representatives, made us a fiiendiy train. eesiioQ. «all last Friday. 11. 181*1. S. S. Pen»/, of Mcdlord and Miss Don ’ t forget the speaking next Tuesday H. 1- one <>i our best an«! most prominent Wuhuui injurious mcdioauon. <«. EI.KSNAT !•.'t-li lirt-ad can be obtained at the fc>. F. . .. .of Me liunl. There i- 1 ot a i ett, r, in -re ecotimnical or Frances Hancock Collier. evening. Gov. Pennoyer an«l Treasurer citiz ns, and a 1 ioueer as well. He lias hern Jacob Neathanrer an«! hist»<>n Henry, of Variety Store al any lime. on- «»i-t*;*-? ntt-uney any where MORAY WILLIAMS-At Jacksonville. May T he CsMTAVa C ompact , 77 Murray Street, N. Y. Wrbb will address the people nl that inn»-, j trn d hrlore and made an admirable otti- Ro k Point, visile«! Jacksonville on»: «lay i-.- u F’»H < <»K<»SLR : 'ban W. M Colv.g I!»* has proved a r-u, - Swan Waldin uf Siskiyou returns homo an«i everybody should turn out to hear » ial. lle should be elected, by ull means. in. lM*i, by W. J. Plymale. J. P., ILiphael this week. ■ *'-iul oilic-r, at d wi l lie -tronglv t*r.- Moral and Mrs. Anna F. Williams. Un- week from a trip to Sweden. them. ot Medford. Wm. Harper of Woodviland Joel • Jursed. W. J. Ro«lgrrs. ¡he Democratic candi­ tt * T B i tu'i'le Post of Ashland will observe Al.Z’iber, one of the oldest and be-t date for ci'iinty assessor, is well qua ifird Stover <4 Gold Hi 1 visited Ja- ksuhvi It- on * hi '•’•• ‘I-i-.v, nil u.it* «! u-. r W- o ivil'r. (or salt« I -er l ■ t . u hr get- tli n . Hr made an land on Tuu-«lax- anti w■crí^ffHslilaml tire Deum rat-, E k tlx-.u at their word, bv ail VANN<»Y--In Grant’s Pass. May 4. 1SW, J. C. A pr- in n,*nt g, n*l» man f-on*. ■ n«* 11 » Vann*») ag«,i 74 years. , x ! 1 :«i re■•• 1 4 vvhtT he w.>* coiiuiv c,«tn- following «lay. « n- . thu*, urn Ires I»» cn planted this nial, uprigh' Cd:x *n beside*. tne-iti?. « t: .Ji t i*r»,‘n»r-, v, I*,. dt-i.e«t r • i»fiiti- ROSS—In East Port lami. May s, of h«*art T he Repub ivan I h »<-,» s ex t Illy d » n t nus-i -.er. and h 1- - er 1 g < • unm*m s. n-e ,• u. . mi mure ix b«ing put in. I on I th«* ai »!- ,«f tin* lie? ubli. an » o-. M L. V» h (s-ttot A-h and «If- vu down to Ono >f failure, Eli%ab<*ih R omh . wifi* of G«*orguR ats; .h- I 1 « on is h -s than thre»? weoks di-tant know w hat the pi opl” 01 souliierii ori g n mid ki . w » Tur .day ali i dropped valley wi V 11 i t , tint wh wa- iarc.lyz.vl b.v rm - ng-si 55 y«-arH, 1 mouth mid 11 day*. are niada ol. Ail of Unimpson’.- m-uuy 1« 11 «> m ike .'it l '| ¡all - g< «» I record as a • w«vk- from next Monday n.lig up Mgainst tin* .r 'li-b .uml -I it»* w hi. in I > sue t ue 1 imes . I I -n on V a->, «»r. caniiut induce them I ■ forsak-- tlic.r scurd V, tli.- pr «• 1 • «»111.ty « tli- 1 1 - and thru A*’. 1 »• n-icuir is to have a newspaper, the honest chief ixe.uuve, iSylw-'er Peo- Charit y Kuhn <4 F-rila:»*!, ¡he w. li­ ci-ct. C. T he fo »t-l iJ vire • it ds near town ar»* L«mI »«>a,ij-i',»’•■« had fixe«I up to puffihr ugh pre ! av tig alreidv been receive«!. NEW THIS WEEK I i ;;c»or. nuyer putting "it the« iob* ol Mihinicr green . n d li nown s lock du iler, is - ojouj ning at. ’ I uv t r rrmivcii'ii.n, w-,s heard «x ■«•-- ng hi- Ad ir«Jacks- n Sow«len, Grant’s Oregon, ’ in Ashlaud. (it' E, l'.loomer. r imi» ! ite for » muti la ent Democra's have n Ktie ! J. B D\ «r art* nio-t of th, in in pl- ii lid t lih, espec- cl.agrii! in unm- asurrd lei ms a dav or two P t", t«»r a White sewii'g-machine w ¡1 jc. < i <»• a * uh tal.tir.! v«»te County Treasurer’s Eighth • WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Judg Wet, ter eft f< r Lakeview w-t- r- f*»r justice ol tl.«* |'-*ai«» all 1 Ge,»rge Retiiio tally those •I Emil Barue .-»ini Pet'r Brio, •»li-, ‘ i'a k ;.i>. nt a Ih-m,'» rapt- sla*e.' he is k il »wu !!«• is ri I:onc't T.i b unt» ««us rains of the pant fortnight tor«-unstabi«» Then strongv-t • j«,- - ti«»u who have d««ne much work during the «tay in ruii g, to Ireud tuu May term -o cu­ .'j< . mo Notice. .»us vmirig m in. and will rnake culí c -urt fur Lake «uunty. will be tlir Lniuu party numin -«-.-, W ’ J. have assured b;g crops of every kind. ,*ar. y part u! the season Our vinevardi-d» • Tim* 1 « ked «miiv«mt;*»n wliV.tln v d «11’1 ‘"I n i kn >.v the lir-t prtiu'ipies of slate buiiding. Adam Scñmitt iia> go.««- to Gra: t - F C!.i kv:> fw(! in quantities to suit at the Dean fur justice anil Al. L. Pelleit lor .»li i»-a.!ze that success with the vme de- OFFICE <>F I P« nd- iarg* ly 0:1 tiling»* and pruning, and to luaiHiiacturu a large uunioer ol 1« -er constable. It the Republican party , f thiscounfv is tw S F. Variety Store, Jacksonville. • T ue a <1*11 Et< <»r .1 A« K«»n (' ol ’ nty . . I be merely nbob-tai! attacbment 1«» Muller : Trespassers upon Rev. Robert Ennis, tlngr lab >rs wi 1 be richly rewarded barrels fur Geo. Wallets & Co. Ja« k—«nvili»*. Or., Maj ¡4, ItWO. I His girl didn't go back on him because and Birdsey and R «v. with the Ashland he u-t«i Dt-Witt’s Little Early Risers. property near Jacksonville arc hereby by an abundant cr»»p, fr >tn present indica­ otice is hereby given th at there Newman Fislrer, arioinpanied !»x’ h tions. an-t «» rat- t,»do the wagging, 11 withdraw .u- fun-l-m tli <-*>unty tren-ury f«n tin notified that they will be arrested and daughters, Mt--e- Id « anl Fannie, left tor (’- ps are growing nicely, an«! the valley prosecuted if they do not cease their dep­ n-1.'.iinti.m <.t <• -«unty warrants pretested my oar. W ’th as many go •, to-wit: parly as we have, it is a -hatlie that a th k- t n-.vv i r- -cuts a handsome appearance. redations. • spurs of tin- ' I'kivo is sever.d miles south- Rev F. S. Noel (»1 R »seburg was in town First-class cedar fence posts for sale in sliomd be s»4r<-ted elv with refir n »• to A large audience vv, 1 no doubt greet east of A>hl in»l 1 m-'dav afteriio«>n, that during the pn-l lew «lays, on legal htisnre.-s NO. Ml. SO. SO. N« I. No. N<>. S’ ». l»«»l-l« ring up ’he rham v.- «.f one or tw.» ■plant it iv.- to suit at tlie I IMKsofficH iKlu-rn <»r gon He 1* :l*o an tndti- >. vim Governor Pennoyer and Trea-ur« r W’tbb 11 » alci 1'N.I 17** 4C»»J .'»UN ls<> 42» ;i6.*» »-•Hiiieeit«1 with die < aih «he church at .ri ms, iiprit I cpizrii. an 1 de » rvt* tire mm who Lave nothing hut ».ft mt* , ih Straw hats m »n I ess quantity and in at every point of their canvass in J.i< k-on p!a» I- ’ w 'li • ■ tus »U a -n r for a short t in«- Meufur.l. IMÏ9 Ml .'Wl 342 .Elk ill 44'1 -■ «mil re< «»: >1 to rec«»inmemi th**in. Who i- every -lyl»* »1 the S. F Variety Store. . <» -d V «te he wall get. I i ep w* «I »nd Issi county. They are two «»f the most p.-pu ar tnd I wa >4 371« T.M4 337 415 4’1- 44* L-J Mr- L. P. M lury, w ho h *.- ’•«•«•n perni­ Max Muller, any wav.’ HasuT he ha«i J . < A k ns, w h . I . ■ «to the Bevlin pl <*c. ¡fis »m; 57(1 3*<5 5(W 5U9 4C 1 h«* D ni « ■ ■ in kut :• ga ing -:reng ji candidates thnt ever vv «*. it l»ei,»re the pv,» Monthly installments of $10 will buy a mureJimn tw» n y ye ir- favor at Ho* pum : wj i-« .7*1 l-tlS 4X 510 was « tli,' Il IVI» sf I ST, «-Stilli.Hing his joss mg - ver.il uioii'h- witn relatives ili tins «very «lay. 1 Ire « a «h dat« ■ a:€. weil quad pie. TL Michines are to^ well known to need comment. Thousand« of farmers have 317 :t62 344 3te* 4<*l €M 2511 511 lu* t«-at alrv :d\ •ï ‘* W ho is Jim Biulsev ? iioii'»- ;in«i 1-•! in Tolo from Scot l (inlUn. • at I *» Ih«- w iter c-me s» fast that it section, li ft fur irer home in Co »s c. -uni y in dami >n ev» ry way wui-hyof ahb»ial Richard Sinclair of Butte « re, k hud the 6i Ki .»¡1 347 .T.*j ♦U2 4»i5 r»m Ubed t a cut cl -.; ; cf t with praise. They are the only Harvesting r R -I er and wil«* of Ashland have re­ II is he »-v- r «1 ti«» an* thing more f.»»- (¡M. «I : v' ur-I fi v »• p gs f. r ill n lir f.ire he knew luis week. generally, am! tlie -•ip urt by tin* p-op «• sl»t :«»! 1 *'.«'» 4*12 :i64 misfortune to lose his httk* girl, a red a:»out 322 lumed home from tli -ir California tup. r.-iach:ao3 that wi.l give ENTIRE SATISFACTION to the pur ».Laser. party than ?«> r «1 • a hue h«»r ami Uu-- wh L was tin* mailer, says the ‘ R -c»»r,l." Wm Clarke r«1. tire D» morra, y in parti ul •r. eight years, last Svtur lay, alter a brief lil- ¡•»•ut:, al p • -•-■ io s ¿1 id the 1th «•! July Interest on the sHiiH- will reuse from this Ol«i papers, in quantities to suit, for sale Ben. B Be»*k mai , lormerly of this place « rati«-w u-h' r'”, m ««I»- u- a plea'.«i Fr «m everv quarter W'v h(- ir that t i be • late. nes*. The remains were interred in the processio. s an I the fair gr uu »1- pr -« ,■-• ¡it tiie 1 im r- office at50cents a hundred. now of F rtlan l loli««ws die ver is : - w «n a : • I in <■ a v» ¡s' an! i • pi » - ui.’.i' of Hubbard ,t William*, tne hv»* «iv i - - 1 : «lav; I :nl -peml-u,*e on th«* «’> h ; A ii.iny ting big p.»y for h:s laugh an I ins b g? vd;» I • ing Dougias con. ty for thu J.rek ,,n<* s.uould and wi l be It A I> A M‘S agricultural ltnplriiu-ol«, ma« him r . «1 I tel! you, gentlemen, they may be g, <»d • a 'ti«- M 1 o.» - i i <>n the 22 1; Vd<|UHia itia'bL-w rKs, an«! 1?» nieclin.; wi h majority. T.-u • li u-a i-l !« < t of lumber at Sain's val- at Central Point. Tuey ire file <11 v &u- enough men. but ibry are t?o better than n : ' c - 3-1 ; :i *.. 1 N v p i t o the Jltti in- vrab;e mi «’«.e-s. ( in«’ * ». ' hr i l a' in t» ... : ,. the rest ,»f us, and I lor ,»ne il-m t i .rt c i- ■ v - h i-h«»use tor sale bv Scott (irilfin of peri r g «ods an 1 give g i»e;ul sa '»a .t IL* made an r.x< « II mt • E P Pick« ns ol TnSie lb ; ..r» cin< t was *«»n wa* thè 1 ! M n » lull, lmld at t < 'al! on them. lar y famy havmg «he <1 Irgids f-om uiir Dalle-, ! • I . > .f • r ti a i n.«- 1 I«»-k at those elegant furmsh ng . ol F. >. llali last M - iidav « v» f ' g. S •■.',* at ¡in* e*»u H\ - 1 Mol d t\ wi h :t pr«,*104’1 ¡«-it out «4 «,»ii•i-H-rati-»•» n!fo Don’t fail to see that title, kir/e s*<>< k ,»< nga”Cin ml- east- rn Oi I- i r 'Uininer u*« at the S. F. Variety tine ?»ac »n, whi« h li* disp-»- d of Kt l!.' • oupíe* ¡rom Metí '••rd ami < entrai 1’ ge’iir . Why, Iwdb of <»ur names vv r r - g clocks, waichvs no I j- welry at D. I Tbo most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning gr»*t to - « B« n w .-t mg It i . Va : ty Stor» . were among th • pr -« n . 1 hr tuu« p«»r’«-d ,*rr .m ..-u‘Iv hy lt.c picked commit St«»re. Pritchard’*. He is , ,.11*1x1.tlv r»-«-»-i\ i-g m-w gif' - of «»rat -ry 1 C.ain e'er constructed. w as vr¡ y g’*od, w. i •• -a up «• ju'tic«* w Y***t- rJ.ty was the feast of Che ascension, «ill plies at tiia old stand on M,n - sptak of i»,- ng -o «• ••liv M'-n L»oki-;g f >r timber claims are rnak- nishing gu*)«l« f »r summer w- ar, me uJmg Wi-‘gli::-g n. t in their respect.ve olii e>. tu Better citiz i»s .ban Messr-. sewa i ” Well Pr«4. Kurth «4 C»*iitrnl Point Y £ STEIL r«l-4 t » «le’ei mine the all,» vanee to Le -b»lwd !««*,-ans»* a tri » ,»f tr i e l pr t Destroyer. Furry an I M ngu* * colli,! not n »vr b< n t c r way lu the Upp««r Rogue river neglige ov**r-»h'rts, un«!« r»vear, cut! , » •> th • ite known r .i- ci ¡11, ’.«4 the intis: • i a ,* ! i irahsp r a' «m \t A-h tu-!, >i-»t»al «•ffi,’eh»»ldeFs w .ntr-1 ’! »• t k«-t ,r count: y. ’• r i« 1’ • I F. Vane v St. re. «f le rih an i south-b un i mail passing mt 11 e s it ‘..-faction.. kr and ti. • 1 .atfurio Raider -bwih ex vtb «',»!|e iglle might as We i hive bveli .!«•!,II n m» <• - an .iv au l.t I de. agaiuMt whoi iMUL-nd*!,! b) b-.<■■!.«-i3 ••I -I.. Rev G. J Wel«*U r sn«l w i • •• v< r that ro'i’e , a 1 dav, a uf vvd! kr u a The Democrats do ¡.ot prop*»*«* to give !»••«• and R1« liar I R ••• K -ill ;!•■• 1 h x tr 1 ■ 1»......... f I J. Marks un R>gue river, this ¡Hid who have th* w- liar, of ,-ur « uunty »•Veiling 1 K.d Congregation »1 «d nr« i. ar «Iti'- t, -i -1 of 1 Le am u ut Í .r a foli Birdsey, Muller an«! Riva •• «4 pull in Nun»«*, for any voice we Lal in the l in y -h u--i be h »rougulv a’ h«* • r’. D : 11-, wh-» el»«-ted the Republican the public teat, a« th y have n »w ,-njox«* I m n’h. Ir i - r, t 1 b if an « X: it *c I \ i-: ? > Í ■ • ' ? 11 Sulky Plows, \»:K--n. Y a: hear me, gentlemen, the «le-t»-d by l.t'\. ,e m »j rt’ ♦*., for the in :h- < mt a'*to- io h tv,* th:- w «rk ,l«»ne «iur- cisco an«! * "310» : < ’ai Í . a. ye.»ra ago, don't repeat your nearly two years of - 1H . -holding oy in h»-t t im-t • — til«* t;.♦» l< ---m is t«» g-t a • >:*: . o a • .- are th • : - ui .• u• v safe in Top Buggies, i i e-is o' tilt* P» itu* ih j ■ a -• i-np dg'i, when the ma h mi-take. gra« e of Dviiba-rat c v »t»-*. I tn n about is g. ¡p on it b f re b««--: 'in f i-t, n- its H* 1 y V »„•»■ ei ,-l Tr. il <-r.*«-k w JUG M<»<’l »RA VATEI» BISEASES.EVFN tbelr Laad*. «re a nmin ,1 y h» a. » . I i L> pr •') . and j .-»s » pr<>noun«-.liking i-*. his jeiK, hi i a l :lie 1 h . pr*»prtv. ;o b** u i i\ *»■ ». it** xv.th t bui 'Ln..- the n< w r ;i-l ;i. I .. -,-•:? .« r . p r i • T irer. wi I be d 'eri • \ ¡’.noe. and threat.-n* to r» volut i. mi/.e r* '.In-kit g. -hr»v diy laugh'i-r that v- r me«|i< a] p, ■ l.dm IL-s? of R • <•. III I' atu*.. EL I*. Mor-» f Ashland is going through tion • f town, has ln*<* : e tip. v «1 : • r, p t r lai» - M . t .* 21 t. at a voke tbv «Cooes «»11 T<»,i».- • re--- w All «.» de; BUCKEYE Af.'D SUPERIOR DRILLS ■u - laKteg a a ¡van 4 • • n . wi ¡i i:.e •’ Exnminer’.s” crii* us tire d image d**» •* t • tn»* J -t• 1 - -n • - xv , , r •I I tn ag- «•» ... - .m. «1 « ing to t nipt him « m in ttri'»- 1 r ¡he *L< ?i a. works l»v the F. b-m-rv .’I . E !» -- • I r bo in train. We 1 « - «r » •» , llnit -d» ARD SEEDERS. *, v ral men e* cig»* ' t - -• 1 : * 1 joli?; \ A N H«*RN. Agent. A»!.!.-ui.l,«lr. ■x K i: a st v. r. a't. • > l.ii.T r. d F in < ir nit < o irt adj ■ irne I sine »Ile y f’lrr- l'nbui Party «’«»mentii»». ■ N John l’ow* r«, «4 the <’ r-> 1 ’ >t.»r at • I »-- s .III i- d .' We are gi-«i to a paid for in advam . by tn.-m ç day- li» next .vini Commences in bop- . CCRBII! DISC HARROWS. • :d«r. J* 't.»l or i r or «• ts‘i. Prie. $ J .V per Ash!.•n*l. I os’»t* tvv » a-1 if *• ' * h - 1 t • a u -opa-'i i • ! b Drum «4 la 1»* IL, * ion partv met in e«»nvt-i.iurn at lembi u.il' -u jug. .b hv. r. d tit • . Ashlaii*! «!■ p 4. li net of inounte 1 f >wls, 111 th • -I:.. • ot two . dr um aadjiMVtre u ’ . ’ i.' K • *rd ‘p*r.i h<»u*r |.»-t S.«’u’«!iv, HuD^ES-HAib'ES headers Geo 1 -» idgi of San Francisco visited '»rd--rs ?r..in prompt!« til .-i. l-> proving. D-. ai.lvx 1-» c.di of (’ -a -111111 B ig »*. with hi- 'i-tvr, Mrs. J. R. Cas«*y of Ashland, sn-*wv owls presented h m by 1 . M. R .an i. lol • - » .ii- h<- '■ tt at ih.- s. F Vas ;• ty of W’o« «iland. (’al., who reecutlx r<•’u::.e•! .ng «*I*t at Irer *«.. B. M itlicwsv- Il tul« v A L o* ; to r«*c«>v- 1 • w ..-at lhe county-seat yesterday, on returned as fir as Mriifo:«!. They Oatni.«?’, I’ mitren » W Z TJ 45* I’ I jti-ig-n- ut I. r brolher ’ s we-i«l : . uii»h p 1« < till K . m .o- > l»* t mit , ni< r,-l I I probably come back 10 Jacksoiivi iv. U .ilk« r ; land b i*nii*.-s. the -Sth 111st , at the 1 u.bolu- « litircn 1 « ths pl.»mt itf tor $1-.’ 7.’. iitbtn.) I,«-- nml co-t.-. o pr, ss ¡ast •gan, J id. J M \\ . . h a Mnyti- ; I v- \Vi!lia*v>. « t ill.; f«yir, «-f place. cl '-ui«-. D-taii't « titer*-! n*i*i judgment f<>r ¡p-un, Dr. Daniel- n. Tire g-1 ¡hnon i -’i o i iy, ut M«lif'.r«!, Centrul Point am! against B n Haymond : 1 HSs now B. A- <»rg 1». li t- rvtUiiT'! !r*»m t tri: pl.tint IT- 1« r $41- •> -. « -»-t-, « t,-. siiperintemi- <• a r« j r«-er)titiv** L»t of Amer *u « ni- A'h ami will. their mistake and are giving I,’tn a c*»:«l al J nii* - • >M* .11 a v ' H • "t k ct al.: for-*- ■ I I 1 iine fur the l » Klamath < ;u . 11.......... ' - 1 » *-t -, and their manner of g«*tting down to Ttre plann.gmill at T<»le?it is kept busy nilp|M»rt. N »thing can be -ml agiin-t ins r...>ur. ot h« n. Ju ig:m-nt !*-r plaiutitl íor I n .. *1 v -n. an ! Mi'S the stuck th, re -ui « umb».-«i tl ' lur-s -h»»w«*4 that the-, are thorough y • . -1'. ■ <■ an 1 1' *i ug go » I work. It 1» deserving of honesty, ability and titne-- for th • p«>-iu n V I -i a bou »t ui 1 ’r- er «lau.'liter of Mr ami but that I r«»' ” ariie-t in the w«»rk th.*' they hav* un •1 .rg.it 1 Silva v Manm i S-, va ; div n c, . 1 W di m:*k ?ln - a-*mIs*.*; ;,t tin- 1>!l -vy ing t*» which he aKpiros, and we pr lict I is MAI un cr-«*k, (f tins w eie n»*v» r it .«r •ak- n *he b liM ng up of i rrew paNv. liberal patronage. |> t ■ n iant g tv, n I" i.i\ - t«> li!« - aii-wr. I election. '<-• R* g'nning at the barn ot F. I ra«l' u- ( <»!is:dc’,uble rain fell during the week; tv. were m. a rie i t Jack”»»nville «ni Frank l'.ug/.g*- v- Il S. Unti ;p; t ,r. - ! u* Lugs were di'tU'irui-L«*d l*y Jake Wri-1* y . w 1 » lu« • ju l*u: g*i. H ( . ?ra I* ant, on Thursday. Max I. N. S Drew b -gin- cutting if ilf.t h tv <>u e.o.-ur« . Sh, t HT s sale « Hitirim-1 iiut since battirday beautiful weather tías Y ti i ns <.. K i X . Fat her t 'lurk »I that j froai «- i-l of the m *.¡n .11 -. - 1 Il t moderati-»o an t the r* li l-'.«o. am! w ill mak- -tamis at îliât pla<‘«-, M«-«i- I!. P;< k v - Sar.ili l';* k* ii-; «livor«-*-. ! the Hauler r inch next S-tur lay. ¡«nd w:i i . » th ’.all : ? l" 'py <"'ip ■■ r. ! Lis-oi -i. R tiren* w 1- -i I. Ja, k- niv ¡in-, riiumix. Tai, nt and tloliN W.i* til.- pH Illg O. I e i»r.*H pn vaiiing. -ar! | r:* *l Io < his , nt m .»j»« 11 court ami tak«*n un- t .and ?. ufacturer’s Agents for cut about 3«h» a re*. t»v-i-h - re ar \ h»'i a during th* -• tison. il. IL t le • ii th F» h wlrer. a w e«l- I -old his I'ain h tic .et in tire field: Srna’or, J. H S uinei ti Oregon is now at the height <»f of v,» unb cr siutr. Th»* ulfalfa crop w il *!* r n It i-< im-nt. hoti-«»- of Mr g- v- ii at th- !»!>« RI1’TI«»N AND PEDIGREE. [ move to 1 he « • A ¡.ami; r» pr« *«*nl»it ve-, > itn- it« Limity It • hi d hardly present a hnnd- If very h avy this sea- n. and a co *1 I. It. Dawson v- IL < . I. «vis ani A. H. « '.y.u mother. t..j '•th« r wi . a rrecpt'on •i « . ‘ • f E I •!>. L. A . Simon of !‘ .1» e S IU r ; p\i ,n-.ir a nee. Sn;\«i,Ti.ii v vt v G e < > h «; e is a hands»mm dap- W. K. I’; 1 t* ,t «1 'I’li in is E. X ! arci.n«! crop ix assure I by th, r, • nt he v m • -v.-t n n : at th»’ r si 1» n • of Mi ami H * - ;• ! to J. II. Iliitt* : to tak- t. stiin »nj . pl<--br<*w 11, w ngliing l.ioi i«>mn-i- when inc«»n- K I W: ii •• • r Democratic < alidi : ites i,»r -errili -mi r. !, r* < I*. rv|H«rt .lui) -. h based a arge Mock of | rains. htion. an«!-landing leui-lx high. !!•• wy- • Junes. Mrs M's Tn s .1 ¡u v- bring a s:st* r r. J M M. C «v . • ». Ad h 1. ; g«» d- <• hi market, which is now arriv­ our town a visit t.:i- vv • r .. «1 kar.w-k x-Wii) I». Haul' ) ; t<» r»s-over Re'mumt. <1 :o Jacks i.i A S »wdm, Jacksonville, nien’.s, tombston»-s, etc , wh., h they will congru tuia'i i-.- »ml a h them a 1 uo. ; life *.vdl‘ t ri.iimy be »*.,* -ic«i i.? A - f ..» nd ; is-« — -r. ' II. H. ( . D '¡i n lu«l” v- \inclín (' Doty im i--•«, t ■• wv.l i« t-H iii a -1*' «L Default , nt« r<*d an i correc­ lin,*«*. • g ' ti«l pric-s uf iuunumrntB, and the greatest pr »s| perity. s» n 1 with prices to anyone wi-h . ’ ngto : uv . f bappi i»- fa:»! ; ■ «• uif , «* num-- - tier, $211. tablets, etc. • know n e«Hiinu*r« i d traveler, vi>i:»-,i tri» 11 is tion onl'-r«-! as prave*! for. anything in that lint*. Do not fail to see Every pr,s*aution will tie taken t<» avoi«! ac­ of A.-h ami ; s« h »oi super luihii-i«'ii K ’tubali. South Dakota, "( ¡ raphic II. « . Si-•« k \ - t n- ,»r,g*.n II. F. E. com­ cident.-. hut will not !»<• rcsponsitil»* f«ir any * E i Dau.« y this wreck goes to Harney them before you buy, JoS'-phinu «’n». k -r ot A-h While th »lumns of tin- ’‘Graphic’ are in the vahev the f««repart <>f ihr w««*k. pany.«! al.; !«>r, « I- »-ur<-. Sli'-ritf- -a.« c m- siiouli! they *M*cur. IF* has ju.-l return»«! from a trip ihruuizh f r the -uininer, to look after his , Win A. Grow - 1 A-h. 1 ¡ i ; x .1 Levi Scott, who came to Or *g-m in 1*13. • pen h> any and all inu>‘j-*ctionable adver- Klamath ami Like count .vs. lirm* d. GEORGE LFRoFX hands of central <«*mmi:- sto< k interests there. - J. Da> V v- F. M Rib rts; t . rc<-«v-r and in the long ago was a fami i ir figure tise-nx-nt', yet it i «l'iite impossible for us (’entrai Point. April 3“. IS’.*». is t.ne of ex- »-pt i«mat li •• r. T. Frank M 1 n ; is. ag' ii? for M.'carll, 1. ai - m-.m \ . Di tauit « nt, ¡' «I ami ju igni« nt tor I f;i-m mi*m«»ri il services will be held at on the old trail I *.«ding fr -m ih** W il•tin- to speak knowing ' . »ft..- merits of the Va- t -tandj «» nt •! fitness, and 'he Fre.-bv:»*riau «hurch in Ashland on etto valley to ('aiifornia an«l the s«»utht rn rioiis articles « • f men hamlis». advertís» .¡. A' C >.. <»f M, It- r i I ove up ? » ’h*- c*«unty- ¡.laintiir t-.r >U f.*». nit- 1 - st ami «• -Is. >t t of ,»i gon to Fiaiik R-,-,1; larc« iiy. Notice of Public Examina­ tire I’« ion 1» tr’y «• hi h-»n - imiay, thc2'»th iualani. Oregon mines, died in Mrtlheur county re Parti iil.-trlv is this trti<- of liaient medi­ seal last 1 m lay, a ( ump »:■ I by A 11 I »¡sim-se.| » a m uu I .: g n I- me tion crntly at tbv ripe age ,«i !’• year-, says an rings. B.lt th rían- ex. ”| U .!•> ocrndon- M. Mit-hell, -ci; ■; m m! «• of the I. m al \S j \ .ng. one of the brat barbers in Stale v-(h a-. Smith: sata«*. jiae I this rrew p irty w ¡I ally, and a not” wortliv ex »-ption is the cel- F01 tiatid, who is « i-inng in th-* v ill- y. !!■■• kiii.t 11 A R-aim s v-(•-■«-. M. L-iv**, «-1 al.: it hern Oreg »n, is temporarily in charge exchange. Ireir strength this y«*ar, but -o OFFI-KOE ebrair i Chambc rlaiu's ( ’ oiigh Remedy, r«»r,-elo-nr,-. « »ni, r < nb r«-l that »in rill c»»r- to ad Wm. H. Parker has been invite«! • 1 R »-i«-l s barbershop. Never had a preparation a more apnr • Tin. Cot xty S« ii, m H. succhiati . xiient . n h n I f'-r a fi.'hting *am- This univirsal y known medicine I ims lre-s tn* -I t ite it«- <•«»•»v»*t»ti >11 i thr IC b • »all r» « i « rior in r* turn « hi »•x«-«-uti««n. J *« K-«.*.* n i 1 . M hv s . 1.**». 1,1 5herruan has o|»rned a blacksmiih* priate name than Av r * Hair Vimr been a.JVvi iis d in (In* “Graphic" for four • d*-g.«e D. Lum. administrator ot «*! >f making an nn cy.iminntmil examinât. <>f IL nry Fl«»tts informs us. The (»»tiling Fair. reg imparts reivw v»l lif»* to the seal... *•) had w«* any | er-ot .» knowledge • ! iis won- ami \» i.i, no *'.outi?, «1 > h s -ulj t ? justice \.L. Wi.I. v v- La ira Wlih-v ; «livore«-. D - ii’l p i - -ns * li - may «.ir«*r th«*nyi»*!vcs ascnmli- >***n«i lhe liMK-toyour friends East, or • Iret the hair assumes much <4 its y,»utI*.iu 1 «l-rfiii eflieae y. wiii h lias corne :»l»'»ut d:H - I - >r t < .i«-li* rs of t ii< scl»«H »I k of 1 los <-<»1111- < i-'->-I >r «1,1 • hdant. who is aw'nrl!n, *s aa«i h nutv t.y.tlic« »unty School Siipi-rmt vmk nt tiur« •! through the . ,r vailing ii tiieizi and the and fri mF in the ca - tern stat »•- for -, v« r »• ol minor elnlJ. Or» g*>ii S’ate Board of V/ru-urur« - ire a'. the ¡» ter- y hi « an wi ite. i i lb kn i a 11 \ ' Ja,k--ii «• ainty : \pp*al. yy¡11 h >: i a public < xamin.ition at his ulti«-* ju • u'•!». r;i <*.«u.’h th «’ has s< » «»fieli aitended m- nth- this summer,ami will .alterni th«* u- that thr <t the i« -r!h tor new trial will I».» » .xprm!»d • »' rain (Hkrtis bring done for costs, etc. August next. The T imes wn-hes him a As a remedv for tin- ** 1:011b a col •ugh th it hall! I any and a l other rem pleasant j mrncy. All cases uudi.-posr«l of continu,-d to special «-oiiini»*nciiig at 12o'c)ock. in th«* sp»-»*«! ring alone, p ’S-inlv a- mm h • ion t tak, any .-to* k in then). nothing ran approach Aver s >ar-.:p iriila edi»- '. . ami th” num’« r «»t fam I.«»s m Kim- First-gra*!«' «-<*rtiti<-ut-*s issu«-d under tin* old 1 erm. as $.»•*«•», ami all races after W. I .-«lay A new B.«»*. *f Table R« m ’I c precinct It vitalizes lhe blood, strength« ns th»- A. II. Maegly and family wid foou A spi cial t« rm of cireuit » »urt is called for lay, . annoi b< r«*n«*wr a I horses on- thr co 1 -t In« ' in le u 1 ■ ail ye.-trrday. They inform us stomach, and corrects all di-orders of the bad and vh ini’y m which ’his remedy has «lepart for Portiani, where they w L make <- rtilh it. -th it will soon expire should not Jul) 7. !>•■*’. b«’«n used with like «•fleets attest t«> its fair will < •«Illium* for an entii»* w «k, -;x th K their m »ther is «pule sick . ti<-gl«*ct attending tin- « xaiuination. liver and kidneys value as a spe< itic for c ughs ami colds of iheir future h >m»*. Thev hav<* been r«*si- «lays, in« billing a fr« r fruit • xhih ti*»n .Mon 1 Il IL MITCHELL. ) 1 ne strvums have been unusually high « Don't f<»rg»*t that every fir t premium every nature. For sale at City Drug Store, «1 cuts of this -cc’nm so long th it th» v w .11 -- No Ib <’ipr»»cit) in Them. <’.»u!it> scliool Sup - rintciiil» nt r,*g«'ii. ring wdl be a f•*"»» irerf-.r-nll Irer f-*r-a I tr«>< <»n mounta.11.- ¡- n «w melting fast. I er and B M . will rt. -a 1 : : b : .*. I ,-• t.it mi - 1 m • - - graphic work was carried «'tl by l. e»gun. Ti»ur.-,iay or Finlay, Frnlay. although al’h«»ugh «rver«l a:ihem» r--*.«». • wi.renl r \ h i.t'V t - L.nr »hai they si.i-uLl inert a re «lj lion (•nut I Tap *irt nf Willow ranch, near the Ashland photographer, for hi nur - I goo I ¡.'ir-rs w il be tiling lip. I’rruiiu i Ar, ¡dental l»i<>wning. Farm for Sale abl” ho diiig* 1 ,«• L f* Io. t:: J,>.-«*, ■i tin- h-. d- *d tlo .r p.j ii.ca! opponents? With S- rrated :••• of th-”-»- u•/«» t ie» t” a«'cidents trare- Cai , y, -i> ti’ tv. : a fine picture at a small price .«Il on • '« ' i-in» .--» at Oakland , Caliiiir-da 1 -st* ek d ».art n.unt ; wh 1 t e i V iniiV m the A good farm and sba k ranch,containing lli 1 .1'. ami n» PI er has any better «jaaii- made that »vav. XX ¡th • E Ig, Guard Fiale*, w In, ii pr»-v«-nt tin- grH— fr iu - ¡ t .ng f,»r- I able t« th«* t >, -.x-hei • u • c-ndition «>f 'he him. J •1»•- Uei« h. W. II Hoaglan I and -w rp-’aKe- i : Il ii hrid premi’ims will ’ licati ns than hi* **omp« tro-. Muller and jicrcs; I'D acres under f ,-n«-**, 60 acr»*s in culti­ \var«l w lu ti 1 ti — • :.• • : 1 k - . '. ¡ ' i* - n.iv ing the « hi _x ( i nard t hat -tiarj • n«- 11 - ■ :. g: v»n* m"U' U t‘».t tbi. .-«-.1-011 T• suited School Reporla. F. M. Tliompvm of \n?'< p,- w is »'»a k»r 1 ft f >r K amstu count » IF re-!, a ml ether iwportatH »•!- ng» iiird>r\ are b th r. dioil K-pub'.rans. and vation G<»<»ti hous«- mid outbuildings and th, S tani » v hi • M« *••» 1 t. - t n* u 1 - -’ -t « ¡ 11 ¡ hl * p- •»« • r w it n I»-- I raff t h, h anx 1 • • m a « r. m li' > » ti «lay in th* »lealh < I a pr<»-pe, t r m-coMsar.y barn r<»'»tn. Fruit < nougli f<»r a itiousan«!- can t« st if) to. V - • 1 h, >1 xm - xiu» Si r.Ei.-U uri.i. H av R ari . wire ii ! a- ¡1.» »-¡oal. town on Wedne-dav and - »11. I <>n i u< ■ 1 x • h a « »¡1« I of y uilg cat lie. made. As thr smees- .4 the 1..1- : n I h” following is the monthly r»u»ort of ti»» y »v ni l consid”i it ih ■ height of unpu- small family . Two living spring* on the plae«*. nam,- I S B. "im »ns, in Apphgate river. joi>g»*r a ,|m;b*i 11 in ilt* r , t’ »• 1‘ I r Fotest rre.*k '”h>> d district N* » L> -«f lacK d- nee if any 1 G im»- r it w • ¡1 1 .**k t return h in-ly tor stock and irrigation puriM»s<*s. lTx* J h 1 ‘ ■-•»nor. w • lexrn. arrived in Ash- ItME*. Tli” residents of hi* 1 >c il'.ty will >i*ar K i» / *’s i»l‘ie»’. He underto«>k to ¡dug the premiums in 1 «b jii-Uli»*«! in making ai.u «! rn r tL«* week !•> superintend the pelili 11 the p*«st-ol!ic” dep irtmv*H to e-- • r • - th** stream in a frail boat, which cap- >on couniy. Mi • Id i Hernott te»ich*‘r, for •f ttie-iav >r they n-»w * Ni tu-hand horses, harm ss. wagon, plow, harrow, cultiva­ u -tiu tion «4 the water works system. I Ind fr*»m Ash‘.in-l, in x short time \V,J - z d with him, ami the unfortunate man days taught. Ju N.». . f pupil' cnr »i!ed, 31: Price, t- r tm v p-.>-.s; th«* Jell» rs mi in tor. tnowy r and reaper (*oinl»int d iy*' attendance. ."»40; Av«-r e<*n siillering ami tl*.«-rerna 11s were giv«*n int»‘rment in I«*- l ime. 27. Xof »lays ab'enc . Il Pho -tation. It sold b«-for»* harvest th»- » rop will A Rank puerile. 1» -mo« rats, wnat has been gained by ul the I'b-ral pair««nag»* stir«* to be tie foil' wing pupils w«>r»* neither ardv nor ab­ ah go w ith the p!a<-«-. A small bunch of cattleand with a cohl and cough, also hi- wifw, that The •ig" " 1« som«* liogs will l»csold also, if »1<*sir«*d. Terms A1 m > f'-r tli< Man-iieì-1 Circular S:,w Milb. I. .rii h- a\y and Have we they took to using ( hainberh.in - ( «» igh thr n< ighboth •"! mi tlx* following ino-n- sent during the m .nth . I*abt I Smith,Ev « -lowed by ihr cil;z ns of tics valley ami. .•tin/ R-publican otiieials? ing. by Chris 1 lri< h and Sher fT Birds- v, the »iistr ct at large in.-ur'-s th” tinam ial | n« me among us hl to hold those offices? Remedy and received great benefit fr<»m it. acting uml-r ¡n-tructi ms from the county I Atteberry. A«b- me Weaver. B rth i M. Gi- ddii.g over s-un ” of ih 1 >e uo rats who ea-y; two-thirds <*asti. balance to suit pur liglit; al.-<> Appi, t'-n'- M .nui.i<-tnrin^ C->.. Michigan ... New­ chaser. For particulars enquire on tin* pltuie • il l not gefnonnna ’ ioiis • aus-« mu h mer ­ .-11c«»-- of the fair, vv« n tb«»ugh larger pre- ( A ¡dm er from frost is over now. Some For sal” at (’ftv Drug Store, Ja- k-onvdl«*. -urt. I»- - .- »-» d had b«rn pr »spevting on I Weaver, Z Ip i M !<»-r, I. Ina M< K • ot tin- proprietor. riment where the t.i is are known. N->t ton Wag.nis itii-1 il - k-. Empire Maiiiifa- ’ tiirin^ Buk-i'« I>arl>e*i m um- be«41» red tli -n .«r • givrn at , ( *j»ud» ‘ Smith, llect «r H irt. < o-org-* Smith . . •' k II. d i.) U m treexing and by Engel Bfos , l*h«enix. I REI»ERICK SCHNEIDER. S'a: guhdi for sometime, am! it was gener­ tint he has any love to- the gentlemen A inagnifii ent exhit it ia a-sur* d fo ’ x w» at her in April, but there is plenty left. Wire tilt-C' I- l-iate.l kicipp. l’urr.-ll ('<>->. g..... 1-. !..-¡.l«*- vari­ Republicans hardlv ever g v-* Demo rats ally -u: p- -rd hr was from thr state of Orren Stephen- n, Arthur Smith, L »rei.zo over whom he • profuw 1 • •!» w« rs Ids ial , an 1 thr whole « untv v. :li i!er;\ at Harvev. Berti • « oilmm. Newton We »v«-r, Mrs l. umi ll.-rrm h.«*koy, who has office in cotintieN where their majority 1* Washington H<* spok«’ of having a son John Weaver, B-rtie McKee Notice for Publication -ympathv; but he hopes that tln-v wi'l enti .-tlier manufacturing companicti. 1»-iu tit troiH the h«.i»lin.’o' 'he fair. |i>.-. nv 'img in Ashland during the winter, devilled, and yet w»* have the spemarle of living ai Smi’h river corn» rs, in De! Nort«* not act list* trii«* Ib’ino nr-» - i »nil. am! The I diowing is a report f r Lx.xt» O ffice at R osehi - kg . on.,» ' r< • nvd to her home al La Grande laal thr minority asking the D«*mo<*rals to give county . Cal. H«? was a man of about 7«» vi 1 a-s.-t in over h »wing lh«*ir |»ir v. I »er« »rat i«» 11 Da}. April 22. 1*90. t j week them thr sheriff’s and c lerk s ollie«--, n«.t years of age, weigh? «bout 140 poumls. month «f in support of 11« u *. I*, o 4 tj. Id, a.e rv»- .1 - ami o't n tl in « uml *rcl< then. All • of |i<»mu : Arthur P<-t w II «.?>.• rv«* .Me M»* ; m*r t: S<*rv.« «• I m.'tt» i - may be foiimi at thr Truss office of monumental cheek. ¡» in < •!. bach a p ■ 1 *y would •« • ujuri -11.- ’ii -« ..«iiii, air! tlia 1 -aid pr.--f will I.- him «!«- !»«•- t.H-etl»v ju ig«-,-H m Ins at-- nee, before th«- • ! i-is I-«”?» w«*r«- l»a«l y 1-Held, Nelli«* B> urn t. i. ami 1», «-<*r;»t ,>r- 1» »v ,v M «y ,y .’ »1 »I • ami . • h. For rheumatism then* is noHfir.g b- t?,-r i > mo e w a\ s thau one. \ I ,rgr amount of fruit will b<* shippe«! ,-l< i k • - f 1 ’i- «•- - unty ,• -urt of Ja< kson chi nt y S •• pr« g'amo • nrxi *«♦*’■ J Al gr:*.-- ,f w »1 ir mt ««r.es. AU««ut $3 in ' < ’ x. B< 11 ia < \. Lucy II h. I xi week. 1 h« h.oi I --t .11 A .Lind during the coming summer, than Chamb«*rl i:u s Fain Balm , h< g-«n. at J a* k-nix ill« . Or* g*-n. *»n S.-ifiinlHx, lllli • >uliivan, L n *. Sul ivan. coi*. an«! ” dd-dust yva- 1 >um! m that vicinity wnl be very prompt relief which it allord- is iilom* .-:>n. Ic -:d r.u n« • u- - .¡»nd articles of m» , I \ »V a »i» rat«*,! May .»«• h, bv E. *4 ::?( tidir value, !>ut li ‘?hi: g to <*si bL !: j ­ fr,«in Ches’”» A. Arthur Vo Fo-t Ai. « .♦ r fifty cents p*r bottle. M ,nv vtrvhi-lr.i^t - Th«* Picnic. R. 2 w»->t ttlb rnttn m l >\V. • j <«f XI ’.4 s*-,-. 4. TI». 4” .’A- t •>{ ft /.'««<» * In»i-r M \ M'l-h ris abroa<| in the land looking rd f rm- r p.a« e ot r,‘ -bi»-n- c. liave be-11 p» rmanently < ur«-4 by h I <.r h: W. VJ. H” nam«-* the follow ing witne>sesto set \ i< « s vviF lit- held id at nt the » » • h u • ■«»■ II if I -Hiji-r- A iittx uml Tht* nt t: cat di l de p < n ■■ th-, old prov <• lus ,*ont mnous |•«•sl<-n and eu!- a I- f r v,»’« . H»* limls that h” ha«« no walk sale at Citv Dru ? S <»•■«-. .1 .«(•;► v> «•. an j Unir park in M»,!.«*rd. 11 - I granger f »rd on It’guv river ___ ... tixation <•( -a ■! land, vu : J-din VV. Ritchar«! Sumi tv . v by any lur.tn-, and needs ail the lic.p l»v Engel lir »s , Pho, nix iu s are invited t" j «m w i h 1 .tr lol ow n z is • xtr.ict front a letter an«! Fhillip Gh av«-. of I’niontown, Jack-on was 3 verj pl«\i':u>t all.pr, and w il«-many An <»hi ct L<-ss«jii. r can get. *1.1 inorial Pav -» rvi- e, written l>y William S. I.i,unis, ot Shreve­ • »unty, ''r., an-t (ìiorge S« liumpt and J'-tT Yreka peopl* arc di-i ont ntiin 1 r th” !»»• ic- <>:.*■ « f the b-'.'t « «.I ¡vat»-,I young or- w ■■»• det ci r< »1 from at ten,ling on account « f port. La.. un«L r «lare of S< pt. llbh. 1S*O. din* invitation to » an V M • - FL '• < i w tin, w!i«> has b*cn risii- lice of insuring their | ro <-r x ag must tire, Riis. liard, <>f Jack-onvill«*. Jackson c«»unty. the rain of the preceding »iay, and th» I t«» ch :■ I-» in t! e ' • t ’ . i.*y i ’ hat cl (i. Karew- limy f« el di-p ” ! itii. i.ieml- in As’ilaml »luring the winter, owing to the ailvaip*,* of r»u p« :- cent, on *‘E»»r a year 1 wa- dili« t«*-i w.tti a horri- ' Iregon. On il Strikt* threatening appearance ”f the sky. yet ( H \s. VV. jnllXSTiiX. RegiM.-r. ♦ .-lUt'ful 1 ll-t »III i ol o! !»ll, w mg vv i h 11 ».v«* s i- Cf.STl. KI.1.Y I.» i;” 1 inuue t j 1* «»rt Bi*lw» ll, Cal., last ra’rs ma Ir by the comp art . last ----- summer, ski, wh-> Las al««>ui 2ou-» trees, pea,hr-, there w’s a tair-siz-d gathering »m th»* hie case of bl,»u,i poison, mid upwards of ipp!« ' i*i ..1« • in I prar- on th»* -terp hill- n<>i ot Iy ’h«* grave.- grave- .«t d« 1 soldi» r-, but week. Unable to live months of that time I wa rin- place is better preparr »»r our dt par I«-«! Irivmis a- vv«*i'. I V '.«•;•»• in l:i” rear of Ins mill projurty. hanks of the river, and a go -»1, old fash­ du w rk • f any kin«I. .'ohn R l.rwis. who gave notice hi the fore t»> ti.;ht fire, and the citizens prefer My iin.:-*t-nails Notice for Publication ! sjilru.li 1 c ,l«>r and luxuriant growth ion»«! camp-gr«»uml feast was enjoyed I he '•am « tt’ .»ml n:y ba:; dropped out, leaving or»U*r ol the C'»» ma » i * l H mi i i-t week that he iiad lost a horse, assume the risk themselves rath-u than is a livi ig .-uivi-rt ■rnent of the possibili- «‘xcel!»*nt music furnished by the Central my li* a I as La .dr« a*ly recovered him. Advertising pay the exorbitant rat» . au ami -m oth a* it it had Foint cornet band. wh«> have now attain«,*»! Ladies' Choice Washer, ii« of fruit » ; tureiu th«* fo «thills' »n lami pays. been shaved I « msu!i«'d th«- b« -t 1*«< ai I’XiTEI» STATES LANDUFFICE. > Ah Infniii"iis I. Lei. Wrn Gunther, formerly »»f Likeview. n- that whs vnlm • until a f--w y«-ars ago. to great proficiency with tiieir m-1rutnents, ¡•by'i< 1 1: f, ami R .s. tmrg. • >r.. M iv ». 1 1 t nun :r« «’s of doilars .1,11 - WaJkns of L»ttle Butte and Chris. M .illlll.M-lUiel by w \ i. . .,.in X <«.. - was a I.!»-* ar«i vitup, ration >t»-m t«» !>•* th • <»TI< I. I> HEREBY (.IVI N THAI I HF. il Grant's Vassoi» g-m. \ wl v ••: l.igi,* Point were in town on Marysville, (’al . and th” >\ rnpa'hy of the i By dt mat y t rowing the soil to and «’omnirndat»!«* absence of li-ni.ikn g. io- m.*«l i U”< of -¡ill-’ t Kim’s, hut w.’h- t-.11..wmg-D.iiii.tl s. tt|.-r ha.s ti'«-»l notit ” ple is strongly with the y»»ung his int.-ntion to make tinal pr<»<»1 in supp»»rt of tip-<»pp«»sifi"U t'» the Ih-’ii«»cr.Kr 1 H I u h«* strrpest «ml all aspiring (“m.’.i iati*we»«-<;u!. kept •' ’!:<■ H his claim, .»nd that said proof will b” made !•»•- NEWLY FURMSHED couple, lor Billy is an boms?. d. M-rvmg d tlicuitv* hi < u .r '-v*:iug « . v- I Lr j ,'ii.t fte ’ Tnhngs ira - ’»» make ; I.a tum. w l.o :• .1; /- (he in «»r !» r. Ti.c » «»’limit mt- who » ar. ied » ut t,»i- I dll; hili b tiling disgusted witn t..r. th” Ju lv. »»r in his absem-e. before th«* 1 »« :m»t rats. Io »k <»ut for campaign lies. man. and the br:de i-* pretty an I un.iri, ihe plan erlv culiivateJ. til«* trrjitnu nt 1 vy -- r««eivmg th, re, com *'i. rk of tin- « -» inti Court »d Jackson cnintj . It Is centrally bs-nt I’n la bu part .»f n»a« to thr unici ot bu'ine" ad-»:-fed l»> 1 Io y arc circulated for a sinister pur ¡ mho , even if she is »»nly lb years oid and Las ■ sh u I p >• 1«. -I »w !*• im ¡ate his rx.unpi«*, ’h rough man: er in which thr v made the r Hivm-rd t il ing Swift’’ Sp « ¡li * (>. S S ) <»r.. at .lack*-mvilk, or. on Saturday. Jun«» town, a • d a g.• I i nip ■ • i < ;u 1. i \\ •• y««.uh! flic l;». S. hi* upon me wa­ II. I*,«i. « ./ Thoma* J. I ».wiling. h'»m«-Ht»a.l ci»»l trav»l« rs. i* fltt.a up : o . : :»■« ti.. T’,.r<- « ..U-Il .h»* ■ ufrv X .. 4«». f .r th. I .G 4 and 6. an»! Janies Bell, tlie veteran sta.’e-driv.-r <.f .-'op* s, l»v all « -•: < ( «1, .1 I 'c-ju tl. if it d«-e.-> (Pli I t<- luagtn •!. i h«* < .11.nuit e a h • go*’«! with. Tb I . ■ ■ < r.-f . t|\ I urni.stit-A w ith W a-!,. s tor Ir.a:. .ml b . uy.i.. d. '¡11..^. ll v «»in ivr"i . 1 - mini <1 t • recover of X E. ‘ a. -<• ” .<2. t|».S. 2 west W M. He names - « »X L ua-u* i num » , j 1 t u iti <|«i Captured. Vv’li ■ a in M* di«u mH on I>. early »lavs, well kn-.wo »»n th” r.-uie |>.- 1 Ot t • x < I. the V i 1-v 1 I -is t.»r *«i h ir«| ;.ir - n-p rud *he « rd» r < f l>u it«»'- wa••, m «llur tiuau ibelii't 1» til«, aui hy th«-: me the fiillowimi wdiu-sses to pr♦• clear»-,i store at Tiilent. list F,*!»ru.irv. ».■irloin-ng <11 ed cured by Swi t - > e iti (S s. land, viz Xi.-holasl o .ke, .Jam.* MrDonoiyrh. w asln-i on ji- <>v» n mor'Rs. Weilnesday evening at H» n < y. ( d., az-<1 a id set ui f.'iii- tr- • - or vines vvi’hi:» the abou1 $10u worth of goo,!«, last we* k bail when th • me that (hey were pani«*. ’•> a In k sio«’k oi jewelry. woi l-i-rc.iow i.ed Hot Spiingb .!■ >hn (Siaa'.e, James .X. Mansfield.all of T»»!o. D.-eript.. u ami pi 1. . ,.« v. r glV. n ofl .laek'.'ii (’ ».. (>r. «!>;• iCMthiii. * or intended torrea’ anv body is a lib» I <>r .Mr W.J. Flymaie is now the duly an- ♦ j O years. Ills wife precede»! hint to the next live y*’H!s. Mr. lx ’.s cours,« iu speu I- the gall toappraron ’hr : lr«rt-of Ashland ha»! fail«.d.’’ ( HA*. W. JOHNSTON. Ibwistrr grave several years since, an I he ic.ivcs Choicp Lands L'or Sole th»* buiies' ,’e_r*e. ftev a on»* ar«» :• h g turn* ami ihfit v to «Ivin m-trate tlie wi aring soin»* uf the c « thing W m S. L »«« mis . Shr«’V< p -rt, L t. A s«*;?r< h linn / ! I* ,■_•! aph.«- reporter and general .surviving »cvernl chihlren, l»»r whom he “ • - ih- U-ellrW «•Com.line va in* of tli** t* *•» l«ii| lam! cannot -|j»n-i»»lc for any hi take, md they tire cor:e j* n le-it of the "Oregonian” fur S S. S. i- i iitirelv a v- ce«.ible rem- !v; warrant wa- promptly -worn out. am! ibe P«»R SALE. *11'.« A« !: LAND tl'» < ti« <.f<■ \\ ashei. was able to make due pr<•* no canvass of the county by thrifty ai»pearnn«*e ol hi- orchard. two men, Harry Little and Cfia-. P.irkrr. i-t* on n on i and -sin «li.x-a-c*, which will Two tlmu-an-l si v Imii-h -l aer« - t'M»t-|iill Jk ply at <»ii**c for l»*rius. Public >p» aking. : I,. local « .Tiuii late*. They Will ! Friday an»j Saturday was »pnte wall at- TON SCALES and ui«»iintam-sidi l.oi i.--- I t 1 : u t. -lov­ ben iil««ifreeto th*»-«* wh» wiil sen,! us ten >d taken before M Berry,.!. I’., at A-hland BINGHAMTON ing MINIM. NEW s. ■ -x ■ ' ' x • . - . i e < u i< (’«» , Atlanta, Ga. Afier a preliminary h-*aring they wer«* h< 1,1 Wehl» will »ddrr.ss th«* » i z n- «»f s >!1 i • e r 11 tion in - 1 l-hunttng. work for the profession, and J.i> ksoii Beam Box T arc Beam N. Y asl<»«-h slnsi of t«-,i, an; pl, nix -•! living (» :<■ of John (> ’ Brien ’ s sons had a narrow Oregon tl A-dda* I. Mo: d »v. M iv li* Ii. a’ county is fortunate m having son»»» of the to await the action of ’he next gran«! jury, wat»-r. j M&MV - . V gw bile eroosiMg the best instructors m the state within herb >r- Grdli’h .V Ja k- u have *'i'p'»-i*d oi their an«!, iu default of bail, were «‘■unmitted t«> lo» .wk r. m , at Medford. AfomLiv, d r. J. B. Bollner, our live merchant tailor, Tu»-d.-a . May 2” h. at I •» «»• k r. M . a high at the time. C. R. Van Alsten and <1. M. Grainger to a Han Francisco company represented has a lull line of th«* tinest cloihs and i nt» ti I’., nt. Tue Ja Niai 2’ h. at I Sonthern Oregon Pioneers. Iu all di •:b,*M <»f th»* stomach, liver and of Ashland have taken the preliminary by E. ."an lers -n Smith. 1 his will mi I-'or t •. '■im »airs,”t* at tb< F D. YCUNC, trimming*- on hand for sipts ami pants, <• !l- p- Portia i l. I nr* ’ a i t* ma «.»g.-iu, < « ig«-t:». i’ liave ' 1 »reg >n Bi >• ••! Purifier. This section is especially adapted t» tl.»’ «’¡‘•aiung up. !.♦• Ib id nt A-hl in«l. on Ihuisd iy. Jun ■ t«. i. .i-•• the shop, ('all on him and you •H -Ç siudivs slud:*. a •?-, ill. I Nbl R.-K XI'.l» OFFERS FOR SAà.k • ' • ( uHiri. Jackson* ill«*. « tregop. .47.1MMSM1. io loan, *."»’th’?'*». i»,mocr ;»t-. stand by your ticket? All raising of roadsters and track hor ♦a -1 ti-k» n , in. 5rb, JS’JU. I*»r thep np**** ”f g ’»Hi • r> Willie Jll »1; ”< d '• llKta«’ .«»II. HlSptlCiS s. \. i» li.-ad ol gradisi HoUp-iu catti«-; or E5iî-s ncs-». *-m tt <1 , W. S. Bail. y nt »rm- 11- th it the Mmin- of the S H-fr: v for the ellMlin ' yr ’ a'l if'ie are »juit»- r* asonable. 1 of y ur candida’,*> »re «lever, upright the numerous tracks in the vai vy wh.'n ¡ will trade them for I’orb”». Surveying ot all k mF in ., first -el.;ss i'vp-yy rd tig, Ia* timànthip , r.v Î li AN •inan ,»l .M-ií^r«'. *m im . !«' o«rt- I will Maud luv tii .roiighbi• d llolsti’tn bull inalili* I » i □ i . ■ . » ■ i ■ ,. : wh •-«• «| i.d tkations are beyond will he ready for spec ling in a sh >rt lime ¡ tain Erm M n truirnvlion • I any olino bii'im that may i tu I a« i. a - o < t 11. ■i •• f 1 . . », Uw, Count). X F la tl.«ud, Oi*¿v4i VI» s alcia • »rriiva. Ä . Lun 4= ii’»r*j Jackson Co. Democratic Ticket »FKK AS«, THKUK. <’. W. Kahler this we»*k sob! his tin * <»ld trotting mare," Nelli«*, to Hon. Rich­ ard W illiams of Portland, f,»r $ ;r c»nt, mi.¡;»t- there th s -» -•.-•»n Th .s E. Ntch >1, and W. K I’ri *e, ' • • >. son county’s next clerk and -h»*> ift. ar»* mak ng a wini.i-ig canvas., and Hit*;: « !• lion in cuncicd« d by many g«md ju ig, » The largest and best stock «»I ,!<-,* Is mortgages and ul! kinds of real-estate and legal blanks .south of Salem is kept at lb» L imes office and sold ai Portland i nt, s Election-day is last api«r«»acbing, I ui Reuines A. W bite are already here With a big assortment of first-« lass goods, w hi, h tiiey are scl-in^ cheaper than the ch -ape.st The spring c4p «>f wool has commenced ♦.«> come into the market, it w 11 n d be a.- large an u - uh I, owing to lhe h»-s of >heep during thu winter seuMon, but is ot a g o 1 «junlity. The south fork of Butte creek. whi- h ha> been quite high lately, his «lone consider- able damage to lhe farms of J,»». Rami es. Fred Fe« h and other», we are soriy 1,» learn The perf »rmance of Pinafore, hv the stu­ dents of tn,* A-hl.md normal s*'h ••!, a-- ststed by local talent, has ma-ie a de Á L-1 *11^’8 STAR VI3RATIMC THRESHER, AiJLTMAH’S STAR TRACTION ENGINE, BUC K E TW i N E - BIN D E R S frame SCHHTTLEE FAF.3 WAGOSS, ÄÄ . MILLER & STRANG, Agents, Medford. Oregi Hub LOCATED Williams, PO NT, JÂCKSÔλ CO., OR., N dn IÏ sii ‘i Ti fai! ani Su' us at war Warelmise Mure l’iireliasiiii' Elscwhert. N Ht’ b B A I1D & Wl LL I a M S ASHLAND HOTEL. THE WOMEN OF OREGON FIRST-CLASS IH EVERY RESPECT N 5,000 Now in Actual Use. ACENTS WANTED $66 T <