* Chv XUiuvcivau ‘¿luH’u riirR.'i»AV M A Y I I '« IILKt AM* TI'l JiE. I’uv j» White. I he \\ iiv * ti ! king A 11» Deinwratic County Convention. \ Democrat io Convention fur Jackson coun­ ty < ir»-*-•»». i* I»» reby railed to tn* held at th«’ t‘. ,’urt House m Jacksonville on N.4 fl RD.4 V -4 > .1. f^.W. at hi ■• « '••ck 4 M . tor the purp »«.- of noimnat- .ru randidati-R tor county »»tficvB and to trau- M.-t ••iticr busiu»w that may properly com»* b«'f»irc it. 'I’m* «cvera! precincts will be entlt!«*d to on»* ,1. .. gat«* each an i oil»* Talent) :i f »ot* <’r«*ek....................... 6 pi *unc* 11»»ck................... «•oi l III!! -new precinct) Ja«’k«*»nvlllv....................... I n J 4 I Litt!«-’ Butte ......... . .......... 1 I. »«t Cre» k new precinct) MBford............................. 92 M'-adows........................... 21 I M »unt Pitt ,n*w precinct) Pleasant <’rv« k.. . . ff ■ k P nut »1.vidcd with «¿«•hl Hill .......................... St»*rlingv»llo ...... ................ 10 Hnake uiew precinct)....... R >t«ami> sakcr>. 1 imf . s office "■ |2 50 at Hun • A- d.»nd is t-U'ibi» «! w th a cloth* « line thief. Bl..r - j*!»M*r’s undress. <1 kid gl ves at Htin- Straw h its »if ul> kinds at the S. F. Va- i»» ly store A. s Jacobs was in t >wn on Tuesday un buMues*. Clean*»* ymir breath with Dr Witt’s Litt)«* Early Ris»rs. The winning ticket will be ’ nominate i next Saturday. Ah kinds »•( sewing machines repaired by J. W. S »wden * A*k E. C Brooks what DeWitt’s Little Early R'- cif are. «_’ t ’ Rag «dale <»i lol > was on our street* M». • ♦! pu atu»*« m quantities to suit at the . r. V.iriv y store. I axes are delinquent an I should !»•? set- t rd without deUy. Jo n J> itt»TWurth now h » »U a case on tm* Y res a ’ ’ I’ nion.” T. J D *wn:ng < 1 Widow Springs was in tow i. Munday last M » r a: d LeR»»y at AUi'.aud and J ac k - Total number ut delegatee............................73 aunviffe »»ii Siiur.iay. Prlruary iR**»*fiugs in th»' various prisrinct* A*hl in 1 hat tiv«* ” vugs’ in the chain for the election of dvh’gattu to th*- county g-ing » ii'* day Inst week convention will be hel i at the uv obtained at the S Orin >cr:iliv principi»-.’« and dvnign supporting tn I> iiiucrato* nominees al th“ appr i.tching Var «*i> S ore at mn ti»««e. H It B »»wn • i Brownsboro • . ctl •»». nr»‘ cordially invited to puriiripatc m t li» primaries. la t S immy f r a lew hours. By order of the Domocrntic t’o. t’ommittee. I h«* »(•*.«g-t'»■* t » «he respective state con- 8. D k I’EA L r. t ba.i uumi . vrntn.ns t.svt* ■ e.u nvd home. Jsm, ,s Broun » f Thtc -ix lust we**k starred • •|Ht W Hi I : ; * t. ■ n ■ I y tur an < xti r.t.-.l visit HI I 11 .1 II • n : Mn'i.iga i, a I.ere they for­ meri» «»• id- t ’ hi 4 .1 i h a r i « i ( » y are ” «»♦•cd I r f * in : w nir.il June 2 IleX’, 1.OW« • V.T Pet» r A i*’ry and " fc. ; < ■•»■nip.» ieff by Mi*s Alexa HI A !n; nu a »me d.»y* ago, ’our ul (hem having atiemptcd t » r»»o him u. -t L PUWO.NAL MENTION. Jacksun A Bowden have aUrgeas«ort- local N otes mrnr of new and elegant designs in tiionu- null’*, tombstones, etc , which they will W.«D. Hanley of Portland was in town | To-day i« May day. -•-•I I w.tb prn e* t»> anyone wishing t»i buy during the week. Hurrati for the Democratic ticket. rivilii.g iu tbit line. Do not fail lo see John Powers of Ashland took a trip to Geo. Bat run nf Ashland frecinct was i » ni »-lore y»>u buy. * Red Bluff. <' h L, las» week. her»* a few days Mnce. A; Hi«* r gul .r m<*n«hlv meeting of the S <7 Mi»««?i k • f CnVr.il Point precinc' lli-npa of hides and ¡alts «»re now being \s* ; i”i B uldi”g an»l Lo «n As^cwia’lon .v «»*■ in • wn . ne day this week. | sli »PI ed from aouihei n < iregon. Tu*» w.r< l«»«n-«l (». G. EuLsn<« «‘»»k <»• • M L»»v® has pone t » Evans creek io IAMt Mt (»2 months’ advance in’errsl mni H. W. J. llowaid and Thus. A. Harris of Iu Ige ITOOat *»‘» HWmth*» advance inter«*st, look «tier his ranch inGres's. | Medford weie here yesterday. «ays ihe ” Thimgs.'* Frank W. Beach, lately of Lakeview, is Geo. W. Parkinson uf Ashland was here J. T. Flynn of Purtlsn»!, 'be great m*t- now u resident of Portland during the week delivering go»>dM. ler, has ( bartered a Pullman car and will Jas H. K’ncald, one of Central Point’* Democrats, nominate a good ticket to­ niak»* regular «xcursions from the metr<»p- ¡eadiug merchants, called to-day. morrow, and tlie victory is your«. lis to Grant's 1’as*. The first trip will be Miss Mamie Day, who has been quite ill Cha«. I) Rifner and family of Sterling- m i»!e next batur»iay. for sometime past, is convalescing. vil e precinct «¡ ent a day in town this A'ra« g»*nient* h ivr been made for circu- Mrs. D. L. Minkler and son of Ashland, week, l-i«ing *ubs»T ption papers fur fu.’idsvf »r are visiting relatives io Omaha, Neb. Joe Hockersmith of Ashland, _____ ,___ the well- bui «ling th»* proposed Presbyterian acad- E. R Reames of 8an Jose arrived in known dealer in stock, fruit, etc., called • my Ht this place All those who cat) yesterday. town for a short visit last Monday evening simuld c»i »tribute liberally, as it will bene­ fit Hi»* whuie county. Ab Giddings is mining on Hungry creek, John Fischer of Medford and T J. K raw over the state line, in company with J. W of this place are doing some artistic work .Mr* M iv Van Auken now intends to or in the painting line. gaiiizr » asses in elocution ami singing in Brmer. H»i* i lice and perhaps in Central Pon«. Mrs. W J. Ph male geci t*» Glendale t »- C B. Watson, Republican nominee for She i* M'juiirniug in Oregon fur her health, »lav firn visit witli her sister, Mrs. George district attorney, has t»«en nt the cuuuty- and expr«*.**«*s herself as bring highly Roberts I He.it du ing the week. pleased wnh this valley. Th»* Postal telegraph office in Jacksun* D. II Hawkins, the Fnion party c unty Do nut fail to attend the Democratic organ ter, was in Jacksonville Tuesday and ville lias been Huspemicd, as th»* operator -¡»e.tki: g in this plice next «Saturday night, y ester» *ay. wili soon leave for real tie i »»I R »m. A Miller, Democratic candidair Dr W L (’»»Ivig of R »ck P«»int vi» m* frali»* .'iule »o».v«.),l»oii ihuii 1 ut ». V bifore A good *igu. The ri*|ff F a *o» >a *U1 patticipalt'd in b im i..;»»•■ s oi ih»* »» an i ihvir fam L» s. It is only a »juestiun how large Di-trict Judge Prim returned from Portland on e»cnts H most A dry, hacking cough keeps the broil- R gur r.ver volley cl in tunes in a siate of constant irriiution, Hund iv, where ho hus liven »»n prmcssionnl < Aih»rii«*y ( olvig * majority will be. He i.* Viewed from tifili app’ ur.»m e mi'A ! »ne «>( ti e bi st officer.* th - sta'e ev» r had. w hicn, if n* t speedily removed, mav lead busin*«» Ev- i y »hi g i«»w|.inu • r Iclls.»1». lLir.n<»nv .-li u! i and nm*t prev.«»l hi -• brum hili*. N»> pr«»mpt«*r remedy can Miss Lida Day uf Wilhamscrerk is teach­ j brighi and fresh. riñe of tn«* <> ,*.:ua'.* h i ! wa ters al lie had than AVer’s Cherry P.-cluraL which ing the school at SUarnboMt, and giving Democ ratic rank*, ii we wi*ii t<> be success i’i'. ”A housedivi«led against itself must satisfaction. Ashland l»v* am»* * a^* struck .as* w - à hu i is b Hti a*, anuuyne and expectorant. M s* B*»h* Anderson of Ashland was Wm. Slinger and S H. Hull, prominent fall.” lu b»wxi < IT the Liml-ay dramatic com­ Jerry Nunan is displaying a very large «pil e ser.outdy hurt by being thrown from cit-isns o! M'dfurd, ca le i at the T imes ol- pany’ lo < a.norma. ami line Mssoruu'-nt uf new goods, an i of­ I n ai I di*(*a*v.* » f tin* sioiiiach, liver an i m cart di awn by a fractious young horse, ficc Io day. fers great inducements tu intending pur­ ki »ii \ * u*v, ’<» h • »X» ’ii-i n ’»i ail oihvr near her father s farm in Talent precinct, F. I. Packard ot Talent will accept a po neda« la.*t wcek. but is Hgatii at her cases sition wnh the Pacific nietal works of Port­ chases. nit »in ices, n im e’.* wu oMiiedy . Plunder's in the ‘ Tidings ” office, we learn. Ur g o 1 • d ITii ¡lier. " Kinraid Bros of Central Point elsewhere land next wevk. S. B G.dey has iu*t finished plantin Tlie<*. Engel of Phmuix ha* returned from call «»n those indebted to them t»» settle on .1 li.. A. 1. ».(’. A is qu v d W h lull.* ab *ni 7'ibU ti »e irutl trees ou th»* Devlin or before the 15th instant. They mean truui.lv. li • j; me «•» by »■ •• * *> ri g >n i t’i|» t*» Portland, where oe I ium been ar- business. Evan» •’ w«, n-r (uv « en ut oi in* hcal.h. tra» i n ar A-hl «ml. wh” h be bought some- rtnging h S vtfi rs. Gjue ago 8q .ire Galey is »me ot the in-at E l Simon of Eagle Point had a narrow Hl* wi.e »'♦ c *m, a u> >. bun. .Mr . Annie Rassgas tn Heatll**, Wash., ii”.. ti. >i orcnui (lists in tic stair, ami know » • seane fr»-m drowning while crossing Now ;* th«* mu«* to announce for cotista- Tl.f Asbl »n i »• iv » .»urn il ha* d.-termi et I h w iu make «hr business pay. to jom her husband, who has found em­ Ru*.tb river nut long • «.cc, the water !»eirig List of Dekretes. «.¡e ami justice ••! the peace. to (■■»n i nil. 4 .»*» .t» r< * ul ground iu that ployment there iiiiusu .1 ) itigb. 'Tie m «ny fiirndsol 11. L. (Curly) Webb y a* a • ne I r t o- i • w Waivi w ik*. U »W «' .I *k«m i ■ • I ’.n quantities to suit at the Ti e fu’ uwing i*» a pa> Dal list « f d l«nra’»** CoL C. A (’ogswell, tliv genin’ L»kwinw will beg. «d t > h»*ar that tie has i»ecti n« mi­ Jake K»1, pel is »*ng:ig»»ii in l n- wood busi- ill t;ullr*t « I CulNlil «H»!'. • rie» 'ed lo fe¡»r»ce*it th»- various pregine s S 1* V.kr««*«y NCor« , Jacksonville. ll »led ' y tin* Deni* ersts ••( Kiamsth a* hi t »rm y. spent several d «y* in Ja»'Hi'» rati»' county »‘o.iven ion \V K. Pr.» »* was in t-»wn Tuesday pur >h r < «lu.iid it»* for sher tT. ami wi.i b«* vi 1«- during the wvrk. uliy .»*• ume.s tl»e r»»lo »f real «-state agent, wht« h m« » »a rex’ »> iturday m »bn ¡»Lice D. m «rus iiotn . ti ) portion « f «he ri,-' i»*d. lit* is a re i.«b r, em rg<*ti< g«*nlU- *uiiig ’nr i 1 a'Urrs of th»* rliase. Mrs. Mart f I n nntown Was in '• v«*i» candid tics tor ms es* rand*ii for Ci a» » «*ay h » « v : y u *p i l. mer, I’. '-I Miller, IL S. Evans. M. N h »m* in Klamath < «»unty . t» vr . all 1 » abed a l»*w »lays »>ii* e. 1 he ra i.c »4 a ieni«*dy sh»*n d be estimated s h I s.»pt*rinu* .»lent w»l <>e bviore th* ‘ 1’’ ir haïd <■ .n i maki»- a ’.ew w.nicli • *nt b» its curative properties L »ne. L A Neil. 1. O Mdkr. C. S. l'r.cc According to U alt*r H. Kimf of F>»«»t'* • r • k nml Ch «« a»» - --fill *» h -»Is are in operation in W K. Lawson as ruiidma*'cr. *>huto- tice yesterday, after a temporary absence (w irff»»i at the «iistrtct fair fur tine ul <’« u’r »I T» in' —E K. Owen <• T. Hersh Simon Mr Allister of Grant’s Pa«« rule»» The Kepubli* h i primaries will be held graphic wurk Logal), was carried utf by L»„ — , R*. k i ‘ .tr ail ‘ ’ « hl Hi.I districts. to-rge*. R. V Beaff and Wm. Greg* ry. at San Buena Ventura, California. • «»-dsy. H»* has high hopes of selling the E l- n -S. Furry, E. D Fuudray and Jus Alii" l”n A Sowh*n, Grant’s thr ighou! the c'.imiy on > ttur.l.i . wh n iti«* Ashland photographer. for hi» unri- E. B. Hunsaker nf Ashland returned a p tint mine he is mie?v-ted in for a large de v^a1« .* h> tut* ' * V» ! i »U t*» b» brill her»* vab'l p Htra 1 * a ml view s. h»*n you wa.ui K Reame*. Pas-, for a White srwi g machine. * few days since from »San Fra»n i«io, w-nere sum «.f money. An agen is in the cast <»n next \Vc . oc-.).») a in v • 1 c • ! a line pn.luir at a small price call un Foots Creek -Simile’ Mathis and Tbo*. that hu-iness. hv pur« ha*ed a line large slock of go »»is. A Iff'!«* rai i is need«* I an I 'he prospect« him Th* R public m c muy «■ »« ver i< ti ba k »»n him btcause .1 • • -<■» .v »I —P Elmer. E D P at, II. moved l»j (hi* seeti, n from Imtiana, about l i e Yirka « I w ty to P» i t and. «i di - i’., i» S » »♦* ••*,<« • R N t* J. D A I- hr u** d Dr\V ’’ * Litde Earlv Ris» rs. a year ago, ami, w . lie h«* hat «» en lhe o »king after th* where »b »uis of I.is fatljer, nine bir;hs La •* • ounty owes i tn l.ersfbf to elect win» Wut a pi mrer re-niviit f h section. m . K Rubli »n»i A. L Reuní. « oiitrv umh r the ni st unf ivorable »*nn»li First-» a*s »•»•.¡ar fence posts for sale in county. The I h th »roughly L ine Butt« — lohn A.*h|M»ie, Dr llsvt r*. pi.in' it o * to Milt at the I ime * uffice .1 Hi«, he 1* qu tr well |*.ra*e 1 with tie Al. Sears, formerly » f Ashland, i« u».w m ti e D moc »tie tick« • imh till«'!» ep’nuiabie, t!»r candidate* C •mbini'.g C. W iayiorai dH R B. »wn. ¡•i .*pect Hhe«d. th** tmpl »y of Cha*. > ’«-r, propiiet*«r The blur gravr mines » f S skryoti couti’v .lie'. Pv-l Th« abi hv with stc.-|ipg-w«»rth, which can »«»t I. st«'i«ek — N«» report A ¡> r ising ca'U'e of ti r«e monnffght oi the ” l i e Banquet,’ the ti. e-ff s .loon in xccedingly weil. ; l i •» ' j . > i S are *;.i i L » pr tu: irn/rG be .«ai 1 of i(s opponent 1*1 di-i. Wm Sii-.g»■r. D Medford M For tland. ug ** i i J o k*«»nv lie i« ihe inu-ic of seie- Gli Ot Soit t.-k ’ •: i St: aw hits in « n ! »'•* <¡ :a* tity and in T W-4'S. , r. B O Ne 1 an-I John >. Ml. »•! The bouthern O*eg»»n B'»u«l o; Agri ui ii. «ling p.,r i * A qiiurtMie oi young la- î som • at ’ Le S. F Variety S re. H Mu» heb and J. il M -*a* iu w *—11 .1 V-, «c•«*mp inieff i»v i wo guitars, iadmed leave in a short time F»r n tour of in*pe • ture will meet at Grant s Pa*« n»-xt .Mon P.»r ton» n i-ing g »•*.■* • U. 1« h Ni k li' Z • Ir.iVrs f • r L’ttle >h iRt t. Cal , u < i‘l«iuni .*crme»l air wnh sweet songs L r lion ihrough fileSoumi country an*I up th« •I»}', w h*n it will l,e »!»•< i I«* 1 where t he n»?xt S »K»-r t > he an- UHI • i» n d M« Pitt—No r« p rt. to-dav hi <1 wib i»e g»* n • «everal months fair w 11 be he d R •«• burg and Central M-o*r».l h u. sla-t Tuesday evrmng, s*>r* - < 'olunitiia. I w pl have uh irr-nr .i il taie ; I’.«a*«i I Ci.ek -U P Hi I « .1’”!- Point ar«-tlie only i-;in ti»ia«* * ( r h* hon* hadii g intiiiy ,. f < ui Irani! g cit zrn*. • Ih ve y • f >l a ! i t oiinty. Cal . wo:, J »»i i D. J R L-. tie h nve« for S-at'le Wa«h.. «his 1 .»lent. l ’ ;.(C'ffx, Mtd 1. R ». k Pu nt—¿le» J. H »y n n i .n 1 1 »•r, aid it w »u 4 h« on’,) c ren ju»tire to gl\e $5«) 0 u a Lu i.oi.i'ima lottery drawing. I.i»h*r B. F. Kittinger of Gettysburg, week, to tase a situation in Gie W. I . I vl. U hue. M is* Ada ' • hi aid it to the latter ¡‘< iiii-y.va »'.«, say* he had been tuflering Co suffice. Hr 114« become proficient in A m e a •■'O’’» me t<( biby buggy rolwN, ite«t the tumi y t m Sierlingvili«-—D I S. Pearce, Fred. H. Rowe of Glendale, »»ne of the wi h a < o.d and c«»ugli, ai?o his wife, that teiegraptiy. a * ■ 1 > ■: an ! Iu c l » loak* at 11 uns ikrr * bhsât—MeiViii N-»yk»r. A-bleini, w hi.e pas D«*m »».rati'- nominees for r«*i»r«**entnt v*. i t! «ytiH»k t.» using < h.tmbvriain * Cough M«»ntbb’ io*ia 'inmt». of |1" will buy a ley en route l<» F.»i Strambo«I—i.o r | <*frt. Mr*. Cnas Prim and Miss Ne«ti«* Pogue is a ihntonghiv enterprising ami reliabl« If urdy an.I nce.ved great benefit from it. 1 rail Cre( k fnisc» e arid J. R M >r- hoii*e ah . ■ : .’.i I’u.o f• oi* Scot l < trilììu. • «rv i i charge of Mr«. Prim's niilimery st re grbl.emnn. week. He is well qualified f».»r i or « j . • at »Ti v Drug Star«?, Ja’KsonvoJe, I in Jacksonville, while the propr!v(re*s i* at ihe ¡»lave, ami stiouid be he elected, ni» n K n a h ri»«-r is sa 1 to be very high, Saturday am! by E 'gel Bros . I’b'rnix. Th • Démocratie p Houston, t’errr F s a able Roell Central Point. » a »*» d by ti • Ilo g snow in the mountains ni fl i Ul'd pii will do touch M*"»d f»»r the whole » f south A Hir very w» »1 a t A we ;»1 i g par y from Satu'ft valley was , C C. <»a*l and J. L t«*r, <» I-. M O.3 puprr John B. Griffin of the Deni Indian ern Oregon. w ry 1 he pcopie tthouxl send such . ihe legis ature st lhe TlMF.f ollie«- atóOcenlRii hundred. b n_’ 1 J. K- *- e and Mrs. Mary A T driit—Ji bn B in-r. J« ff Beil and A A i \ . wiffing to rece.w the Democrat”* nomina­ st »ughten-bott.es Wuu loo often find a Ca for«»i t .« r w. e t ’.»s are b?in»r *h p;*»*d . au^ii W d >qiiire P ytnai«* tie ! t the gordian for L • p a e tuete. _______________ tion tor county a**es*'»r. TU-« ¡•era b »I m tin <» HH.I tbr*»uuh i hr v a ley » n *j i >n ii .«•» topo!1 l.c.dA/ kuo' n th» pies»* u e of Mart. ierry. A 8 Famnlowi A Thiockm »rton ani A A* nia ini w .1 hr lit:» wi h R R. Dunn, Staver A Walker'sIiV’* a^ent \i on ind M *♦ Mnin e («all. Th.» T imk * J. G, i r»»mp of L; Hili- Bufe prec.ijct wa- E y « • t Grcut .Scotf • MU -f • » ip * « .v* mi* «* Higra,Ui.th««iis. UH mtutv un 1 •' :.Ve st .Medlord, was at the county seat on I Wooffvi « —J'h’. Robiu-o » a .d (» ■ n iu* ii \ r-o r ay hii I I.<*-I on the 1 iMh> , I. of sta < o’ rie bt li.ul* i M*-ndav. He reports business g »<•! in the Wh\ don't you » lire ihatcougo .’ ¡h-Witl ► S hmi.il r n. ! h- bo.ir4 <4 tir»-»4(»-s » f tin F pnr K gue river whiskv, in quan'i- P r lat... agt c ultural ini|»leinent line. cough sod consumption cur«- *il do it. Wi iow *¡riii2* E. F De in, C ( ’ I (■-I A-- c ali -!> hrtVr Rrlvvted Fo:tl.«n . r •. .on ‘.»¡»t iin ( atun. Jut k*on- l e*;» i* <- s lip « R W u. P. Miller of Klamath r »unty I h .» irnirdx is po*!t vely certain, pr«*mpt •I il«* inni D. F« n.iG< r. s i ; v «»! h ■ d ig th«? a' mud meeting p:u..«ri> m-»* ...” V are h It you hive H i*. H W Scott, editor of paired through the valley Wednesday. »m ami t noruik-biy *u :si u-tory I « • le 1 a t»is return home from Portland, wh re he tri»-»i i’ V 'U know tu - «•laknirnt to be a Hi m *4 mi lias been ch »sen l»> de School R«*p«>ri. t ; .<• » r piu*ecul. d il lh y . I - h 1 ,» i nt- annual a hire*** and lion. Rufus attended the Democratic slate conveniion. i.ict if \ou I.ale not, v<>u an do ng y »ur- i OUI .».Iis. ’•elf tn .iijus: iv»-. I 11* .*<>11 l»v h.. (’ Brook*. i M it rv the uCciiMOmil address. Fred Cronemiller, formerly of this pin« v Th»» F » l»»t* n, is '11** n»o' th ! V re; o t »•: , i I .• J j < b «rge* wlil b • pi bl t i k •■> i Ai p • itte mi -.i* o' lor th»* n>ou¡h Ma •» •»’. <> ir (’ *th Ii'- friends cherish the is at Faker city, where h»* is in charge of Mr Inii < cutral i in n t i it« riu* April ». L*\’jO: N u uh r <•( •!.»*..« r*»i u. it.-» h ; th tArvhhi« op(ir»».*«wi l see fit tu the Biker city Blade” We learn hr will For Sale. P»» ms «»i» lin« -ti:» - » gr of the same in a >hor( ■ Two tliou.*aml b.i*hels of \vh»at, o!K SC i Ul J . Ii . 4..O.1* pur» h n time. ii) .1- • »iv i i th.* pia -v n* res »lent priest « Í ’;,r ‘ 11 **-. » one ; io a. t unii e* w W. » • f P o* ix wm in town M »i. J ihouHNnd bu*h I* • f barley an I one -p«n . v« r ge • il y ;»« .«.uff. • » « g ü ot aye'ait» n i »ne *. i.i ¡.i .♦•. Hi* lot g r«?*iurt I »• k r she« p ami iamb«, 500 »»f wla» ii are Mutable K lhe U • « >‘£ |-U| lia were li­ I'll- i H • ed (or Luke county commences on Momiay for mutton. E .quire of F «.ten f ng * h»* mon h ci • -ent nor tardy dur - (ten. T. G. Rennies, District Attorney J ack* »nvilir iT- i in» t. ! h e < -*ok, AI • e i’ ok. 1*< . Hl U ’k. Lu U C C i .ii ion* a» the U< Id H ill flour miffs during C >ivig, J T. Bowdttch, D. T. Sear.« and the J-O . Am».* Itrin tt. • I» 1 b. b Kale H«rr utt, iti».? summer Thv d.uu*«ge caused by the editor of ’lit* T imes , who wrre delegates to K M »* - w I k n n. h’, J<»< e M0»s. B r.i ;1 > *»i w as verv g eat, and it w ff I be n» ccs- «hr late Democratic state convention, have >500,(MIO. to loan. $500.000. Ir, 1. Peru« 11, F'»U 3 O B’ tn, Lydia _’V bi KS a-«* sai 1 iu be getting Oi • ary t»» rrb'i I I the d »m almoat entire.y returned home. By J. H. Whitman of Medford, .»n im­ <'entrai . J»m»s_ . (j* rl.Utt. y in the H mot'. Tn*«.. ». J W th»* b A fi • wu year-old -ou nf C. F Fr ■ zeî I of M. Jacksonville loees an enterprising an»l county F: am K. ¡g ,f i I“ ’ V A-h a *i ha«i ti e ml * fortune to fall successful business man. \Ve wish him John i’» i mu 'A :1 i«* K • • m »«•r. r m tt>«- i a »iMrane <•( the »<*■ ••11(1 ............... störV oí ... success hi I hs new home. Kimball, Siuth l>4k<»'ti. “. O. F . which meets at P..rt- i . -spvnk ai »*» wimJ \ , •»( the me it* »»I i h«* V t ..ot .< 4:< ■ I. a n« 1 11 I io nr« u't • uurt. Ju«Uv Wei- rr • r« - ama y In a i>.»: a noai Sb'll l . Hit « »* >be tast r« ¡ «'M oí «be T imes ir ut n. u. ,»r. < «- *d me handi.se n m rti.*ed. iviimriy «mi aml uu the 1‘Jth instant. I «¿ i <«r g«b\ et i . I" Arhla t d. H. K. I'anu • \ w ’ ( ‘ L i».*ii*, if.»* Em*ii«h mil »rd alio L« h •■*••. w li Fred Pape tills week g»»es to Portland, lo Fa ti ui.irly i * thi* tin«* uf patent tuedt- L**»«' e t.'» a* • »*■ i <• n 1 • » • i ciii ««. B.it there ar»* excepti ins occasion­ Te« «»v* r m'»my. .. ’ ir ( i»iu ty-ja l precinct* «¡ih Lis if ra« ’ '»«1 « lpat” m A n•• M take a posttio«« under C 'b'iiel Eckels »n, ! died < up * * U< *' umn • n- .«» • comi la ut. .he p un F .r I ion. he * preM »• lie. • f»»r-»»n.v wick * »lur.ng ihe win who is in charge of ihe surveying m»w be­ silly , an-l a nob w»»rth\ ♦ x-»¡>ti>»u i.« the cel- vs. D H Uunuuuh ’ -.»»i Jem» » Wr'»hl Remedy, has < oiiqirumi.«**»! wilh inx «m iner em- ing done by lhe Wiiiameite rai.iuai Com­ ebra'e.i « hamberlain's Cough m, í bltg h hur.-o e I“ Ile» lori. for an aceuuntit’g. ri«’. < ba? ge I ve. rms universally ktmwn medicine h«* 1*1' vr.', Dunbar A Co., ami will be svt pany. »>u ¡he • .»m lient. it i» «1 hear < Ev. r?b» «1 i; h > to Jo.*ep'iii'e ( ••untv r ti t* »L been advertised in th»* ” Grai>hic ” for four »•. fb bvr'.* 1« a shrewd m«n, and per- ' r« A banque! w . ei a hi . Mra A*bU «I ii* it L. Carter, of Ruthford, California, i« vis G»o. M L »v«* « BeeKiiiax «V Reames v or five years, but not until recently , * iitv* r w old have b«-«-n caught had he lodge« t A l* A A Mio day. itiin- a ) Or.jv« t”»< S ‘4 *•»»• <»• ’ «'Irin!* i |M ' • oi ic i uno the great mi w b Otkade. I »ies«i.*y ev» IH’ ¿ oí i »*i wie»*, i.v :♦ e. ; Morris »»f Central Point precinct, and w as h"H, draft* etc Ann» "li '•( **u 1I»’’ *-1« "»uiiu-'t. un N ot*, re. Vlpts ( »ivrfui rffi ’ :uy. will» h ha* come about dai» w o l.a I pas*» û u.».»ugü ih • Gt *. W Ri Hile »4 Biddle’s siation, Dotig- * at the county-seat last batuiday in c<»m- d fir-t eia.«: al th* tenes of th »«»•»k t»jnu hand V •ule < r .»*r< *1 Colitîr.nn.l through the prevailing ii.ffid ti ami the M M. «irgue. i.».« »(»tiirv. wi».» « xhibited some apiendid i panv Witt) Mrs. M. and her s*m .Mr, ('ar J,,. m.m v-. S. S.ii-iUn»; i<> r»-«..w* T IT uír.k »»fu» • -. » hi » ns (»i h’s ui-h ird pr« d i» t, both I 1» r was a turnier resident of this section, MU’.bvrn cough 'hat ha« so often alien,led J R. Evat Me l: »r»i pre- in t wn ui.m. v. I»,.in--nt. •> * M.»*l »*! t g v< n and dn«»1, at -’hr district fair last fall, and is, of course, a *ubst riber uf the T imls . it. In the wiil«r’s family this metlicin» ■ d into toWU on Moi.»ii ty an i d ■ Miii'ii«'M v- E M 1> U'-.'iu has ,m ««*veral «M'.ca.sionN ibis muter cured in >»I|1« IUIU l».r a f»‘ w moine..t- O I »I and i n nu< * to ¡»la.it trees. He has fully 13) 1 i cum .'iv.ir • Fui:-»iff - '■ Il -*•* «r >1 ' ' !“•»“ ur .u 'L l*. F. C. Humes and family, from Waverly, a cough that baffl *4 any and a I other rem - 1 . .» ■ ar.i Mn«l will not stop until he with several li mia ne it.tv .-is n» • i>«i j .4giu.ni l<>» •»• t i.4»ni loi c »I. U ms >'*o b< re:- Hs *pc» ialtie* ar® prunes Illinois, lagt week arrive»l at Ashland and edir*, ami the number ot fatn’.i e* in Kim­ T » be h »ppy is to bi iv your dre-s g<-'d' ivamatb ». u t> m a short urne. an i p. :»■*. oi»i he ha-» a larg** area ¡»»anted took p »ssessnm of the Tolman ranch, ball «mi vu iuiiy in which this remedy ha»» It. ! Mt cy uo«l* ot E B Hunsaker, Aah It »3 n t » « .«lib* f » t t ii’it e«-ii u.*c«i with like effec:« attest to itfi An Vnt«»wanl Accident. »» \\ mivr N' *1.1« j c h h alone. 14 “L <>«•« g «II. h * « are h • m ,re l e »vil\ ’»»a n «i b* m yal, formerly |»re*ident of make a specialty of ratsing tine stock, and every halm« Mid. J‘d.a k and a »n of Eiiien«’ent am! general »». »’• u» r w»-rr in (»»u«« ) ►«terd» Ev, n i m* tr.ii. p- aie h *.i •»• ff wail i. al o! the ¡»til» !«• schools at Pen*llet*»n for and » attic with him Lo stock up hu pur­ ot th- Gr.» >1’* Fa*s L ’H” ( »»mp * V. w-»i». c< u th -u-«’. n rihbound line < t-ihigr.,1 ion -.»•uf thi«-» vi ar.s | H-»t, hnk b**en appointed chase. T, ar W'»«Ht Hr w »« a •»•i.iriiia ly s II «i « E B. H jri'.ii;-r *ei-rted 'he very ia'rst Th«* XV..low >| in; s h oi house w ill Col. Robt. A. Miller returned from Port­ i.-ant’* F**** by b» ng ihr« *” ft iu h» Moot/«»'# and flruli m.veirus in the ure^s goods depa/.m»nt tie • quippr ! w .til m«» i. s imui svntj und m '* • ' tn: .*(*» r«-’a y <4 state of Washington, <■' : a- in »veil Ui Ohmp'.a with his farn- land yesterday and will commence can w « l < «1 .«i»d I’uvii'g In* bra i cru-h «1 bv ?. • Santa Abie no »the« and heals ’he mein wi.ne m 'he ( t y f*nnuur«- in s e iiort ’nue. v.•• leirn. The Wheel* pt«s*in< Over It. ID *as a s r» iv ly >«•• r» ary of b’ute Weir of Washing- vassing ttie state next Saturday, beginning branes of the throat an«1 lungs, wnen p«»i A n i i-. Ut’u ••. radi«he« and other 'toll” t IS a l:i &v one a id ttivim¡nu» e- •a. n, high»’ e*te* iurd a» d a ¡»rugrr-u« on i* an o.»i triend of I’rof. Royal, says at Ashland A LeRoy, Democratic candi­ sone I and h flamed by disease. It ¡»re­ ment* ha\e I »ng ntt*:i need« «i date for state senuul superintendent, will vent* night swea»* and tightness across the 'bv ‘ ‘ 1 id lies.” c.c irn. F »r a jne mmiibs p? or io m- e »r.) v»p.» i 1». * nave mode thtir appvar- is to re i P. 1 i . Tal-n» li time a»so enter the campaign at the same 4« ait» hr bH'l beri»rtff ag«*d 'll 4ev* 1 », ing 'he u < «' m < ' 11 mat art. chest, cure« coughs. cr«»tip. asthma, c«»lds Dr. A C Helm Inst week «old 38’3 acres i.i ear y will bruii« hili i»ueumoma,whooping rough and •> i »I iu J ck - •” A ÿ «w»jen, Jacksonville. m«.ve nis uimily l«» I’m il in i * nirsbmr quarry ue-»r W«»»«!v lb. ii . h had of « r> tuird land adjoining the Gal» v or- and place, and the two gentlemen y G'i' t* is an di*«-, to tarmanti! .» i «i» -ng a:.»i p ic -s oí monument*, . numb- roi o r«» «mjdowd on 'h* w;”k all «»tUer ihruHt an i lung troub e- N» h.’ir l 1 » A*!i a’ «! precinct to Henry O ivrr trayel together. . an I we tnergrlic\ (-|*t«T| r.MU/ g» ili!* ombsluiir.*, tablet*, etc. • .’»00 1 It w i d be Rev. F. S Noel departed y**-ter»lay from otiu r medicine is « » siicc*-sfiii in curing n girt to **. c him leave year« « f »• . *n » « ? -1 u ?» h- <» «« FUasaiit Gr»»vc schooi- His The <*n»»i ii » ’U* am! iiicreasing demand for bough' th»- Ga v frac: f r flZ.doO. I. About stationed f»«r «tie imni< «1 a'e tulur«- » d «i »di- -hall oi hr lielui ¡r t i> M-i in « r« hatd Micces-or hi Hus mi.**)»»n ha* n »« y»t beri» ihe’-e st ndard < a iforma remedies confirm Asili.nid lr< ni K nina fH»*se>-<**i ■ t (•«•n-* d r •!>!•* !»•** *n**. an i ¡.a I .»• *«» e.»i g . nt** Pas-. I ar i t last w » k T h«*v i ej « ti»» known relative* I'» lb * at*« i U ifohi and absolutely guar two year.- o t ¿. * sli»»p t»y bui d II .* a *ides it st.11 in-* Ii.il) »•* u* pricing gent eman, who cann »1 full lo Three fur $2 50. Ivy. Republican Convention. b i-.uv** »ion' lo i:.« sum«* 1 bH V mon party organize«« are busily benelil the cause in th.n section. A iu ■ at d h in»!* »nie ine (»I g< nt’s fur­ A 'e V J*1 * t y » unveti’m.u i promised for The following i* ih* api < rnonmriit »»i pr»*»nfing ft*eir pnnci- Geo. W Bacon, a nephew of Mrs. Wm eng«ge«i in .♦ xi « ’• , •'«* « o’ a sn gU laiididate is p’* l.ii g t'»»( <1* f i >Uinn»«-r w » ar, ire u ling delegate* anioiof he vati» u* pr«‘' 1 • ' -. a i of the various towns in Bybceof this precinct, is in the valley look i»«gun /»yr hr* i.ti»i. r sea , C.R-, • o|. (!<■■. in ib* i e rpfe p .* piv " ui m»/niiia.i n. i er cal •■( ihr < » nira’ «‘«»mmr t-»* cti*»irm. ji lai*, i; <■• t-e-. - •«'!*, h » *,, • -i»-., h.u» j .Ml ihr vadry, by . mean« • f public meetings. tug out a location from which to w»»r«c the ------------- • 1 >O*» ■ ' lu tl r Ke; U'dl^at» « • tT»t\ - co»iV»*n .srii«l . • . I ' I th*» . > 1 J iMfeau» •« r.r- »— > cutir • ■ U I I Irmi. I I ’ I . * ds i -, 1 East, . vir or a»ldi»‘•*cs. etc. i> 11. Hawkins delivered county for a superior quali y of asbe*t»»s » o i»«’ iv d »i tn«*.s » . \ *ry y Mt »re. A«idi»nv 7 it» sp»*ache.s at the rai r a l towns and roof paint for Which he ha« ih»* .»gency. Society Meeting. cn>ra l’"i i a « me irUt r- you ran write. B. K >îe. h» ’ * «»f W» Mlvilb , I del) of Ne 1’., Ai !»irg»'te 2, B’ ’ Butte I hr i l;;!:r**J ...................... „ ...... seat during the week. By ou» ce R •• k t»ta* a .«, i- t* u 'hm2 a liv» - ni n ii * tern «4 mea >* <»t uh t*ggrr«M Vw camp i'gn the ¡»arty He intends b» bring hi* family t»» he valley M isoNK. - Warren Lodge No. 10 of Jackson­ ?.. • hi'uncy R »* « K i W A I- in i. a former mull clerk nui­ soon ami make either this ¡»Lu e or Ash­ ville m»‘«‘ts «neh W»sln«-R«la> evening at or 1. b»»u’s • i«ek 2, l»»»l»i Hil 2 Jack»- null 'Ch* .»I ;4 U i 1 w >, ■ ¡i es w .’h gr» al Mic- I»*.»«!, r* h i| v to hold lhe balance of powrr land his headquarter.* fur the summer. n g n •» A'ô. ii>»L i* n »w a leading re «1- pr»s*»«lmg the full moon; Ashland lexlgr No. (••■«', the aiieu'ium e l»rn e l ug' ami g « at 7, Lulle Bufe 5, l.o-t e r k 1, , Mr»itu>d 5. rstdiv »*,•• ■ • r »tor oi ¿''inland. n iio* state af'er ih>* present year. Flea-a ii I c»e‘k ¿ E. 0. Packard (»f San Juan count), Colo­ 31 on Thursday evening during the same time. mtf rest taken by tea« bv, pupil* and pat­ Meatlow- 1. Mt. F it 1 Or»von ( hapt.-r No. 4. II. A. M.. meets in Jack­ Fr»-d H K iwe. tl.eGlemi.i!«» saw mill in m . riu* railr.-al ningnstes, Huntington rado. arrived in the valley lust wr, k, ami sonville on tl»» Tues«U) ev»ning previ»»us. l< .»•« >’u nt 2, >r»»ami»u »t 1. >le 1 ug\ II- rons. wu* • p • a iiin b. r y ¡f i h . R jrg in a Hnake 1, Tabi«* R m k 2. Î nielli 3 W ' 'dvd rr d Koeldvr, inspected the work in lhe intends making Jackson cunntv his home Adarel Chapter No. 3. < >. E. S.. of Jack«onvil!r, I hr p r-ui..; I . fît *■’ of Leu'. Jas. A ?»hoi moc, sivsUic ‘ Review.’’ *, Wiliow Spijog« 2, I'tiioiiiu* ii 3, T “*« ' uw ci« ek ranvon ia«t Friday, going norih for the present. He is not at all appalled meets on »*v»*ry other Thursday evening; »w f1. former! » of Ashland, n w »’ uiom H from Ashland by special train. They will by the |>r«»si»ect of a fo.it or two of -now Alpha Chnptrrg»»n Jhs i* said to be a it A*f.i «i a »».uc day ia* w • • k t< • .« «tisfy m linalv »ietermine on ihe site for the per­ here occasionally, as he ¡»as^ed the winter and third Tueadays. I. o. O. F.—Jacksonville Ixtdgr No. 10 meets il).-« nrnt roadbed through the canyon, just ended in a locality where the snow *ron vaut ibn i ext >.»tu'd.«v. g.» d -i u t h . h tain wi.i »-Kill tail. j element obtal: !!»•iru< K a mine <4 we l’h tn a ■ y tr »vr‘ beioie fall. a d M. M ptirpo*r of w »r.» Tuesday afternoon The latter gentleman Drgr»'e Lod««- <»f Auhlaivl on tie* second and hi* co .* «i mai V '4 the sn«»wc »v«rrd mother b thm h A sit o».* «ten nt«' b * On a re» «'nt visit to |-»w «. Mr. K Dalton h»s been makings »‘»nr •»< Oregon towns en a r • ra’eriialiy dcjrc’s. Visi* i fburth Tu»*sdays of each month. :u ' i»- >o !>»g n to -Low bare spot.*. « Id írttiale has made i»».r kir >ur nz tl- ot Luray Russell (’ » . K ii -a“ ende»! at the accompanied bv bi* wife, during ¡he pnut lini» M en . oregonlan-lhM-Mh»»nta«Tr1b<*No. invited. y « ar or in Te ; and w • ’ h I-k a b( ;• t nd graham ft.mr, oat- Fork« tor a 1. Imp’d < ». K. M.. «»f Jacksonvill»*. «-very Turs- labor*, lory of ( Tianib« rlain ...... A C«»., Des f»-w week«, with a v»ew >o r.*rup*ratinr his The tr.iitis lb d ’ iK evening fi.’. l.i i'i mil L. rme.i and other articles jr«»ung m»m t* — u;> aid-* •” » ep'ur* < r si .|r M« in»*1 to »how them his six year-old hoy tieallh ad«1 perhaps finding a more de*ir stanti} i irr« a- Vo. F W.—Banner Lodge N<». 21 meets in th:« . •* • I tin* v. i' . Vai h t v S oi<• mother, . be — gets ------- there w hem vei there is i who • * life ha I be» n Raved by Chambe r- able Incut”.n lo prac ne law fhao Li d”» »•verv «»thcr Friday «-veiling; Ashland L»»dgc siimm r t ..v • ’ Wi»h U* f 1 I' g •• gl. lai 1') IH ja< « t wh ip* ’ } I, • -? .m t ¿r» * >' *t i «ndie-, or n g«*-. lai. ■ t’oii.h Keiiudy, it b iving cured him furnishes, »-specially fr- in a'*lima:ic, stand­ No. •>’» <>n tie* first and third Wi^ineaday « ven- • in<*•• »»n 11 e i*«• il5 o bou* i • I a X ■ ry *. vr-•• a ’a» k <»l < r. u, . \ few m mili» ag • »•* re ' il T Mr D,j. point. Km h * i.iH*', Il - s «ml *.fm*r -weriimit ingKof »-neh in»»nth. Medf»»rd Ixalgr No. > I ■ ■( > * tie.« uSf H ii' te» « 4 “ < t .0.1 I • » « nt ' • a ‘ Ion * certain that H saved I, s Imy’s hf«- j i * i r cr.vt»! «»t ti.r >. b \ .«n»ty ¿»tore. Mrs. C. S. .Mo»»re of Linkvillo, who has meets ev»*ry s«'voiid and fourth Friday even­ ». ujr 1! « lured a Mcr««n«l h»ter of Arven psi’»*. ing of each month. .1« d i* • ■ i , 1 11 u » i.i * ■ i < ’ in hi* pr.i r «»i i lie reni- l»een visiting her parents. Mr. ami Mr.«. N. ■ o'd a* e Woif «a* irehiig <¡ i-i»‘ ' «■ • »Iv He^axsf :.is hii CX»»IEnt leputa- Lang«-ll. for some w eks,departed for home i, -. s , r .», » i r .»u . ’i i.oJiy ce»! , rrn*h Tb« young mm» h > ncrounta H >n hi his y icinby ; lh.il >arm - rs come tif- on Monday, expecting to meet Mr Moore *t •(».- .- 1 . \ t . i v .> ••» », .Lu k* n * i**. x ,,| k a r. geiitiiii’* *• \ . V the « uf II. h a **» oi suni * val»«-v, wl^n | >”(»•< «h’ 14 too «by for him in their home«, l’or «sie at City Drug goods afier leaving Portion I. Arthur ami lie i a le a 4*» v * * m <-. a< i,*r a Miort nine**, ¡hard w r: S’or«*. .1 ackAonville. anu by Engel Bros.. Miss Jessie Lsngell accompanied Mrs. M I r une Pi.ccn X. A few » »»¡»O * ■ I the Aiimr»» u»: '•••tiler* - T J. " Ashland Improvements. as fir as Coleatein on her journey, return ■ *n tin* staml ird ituilmrity un ail i.tmî i « a* i i t- « t ing home Monday evening neiuh- Among ifiimuv-me B r»”item i.,.» i.**’’». may 'lo'in-t at tin* J imps office ' 1 in »*- Religious Nsn». I.« ■ II’) ol Ash.st »I th s '• «*»»11 t r Td-rf I!e < o orge .!*»n»'.s will preu’h at th* * * o n.i H“U' ..’I uh ;h'* f«»! «»wi' g '• r • .L»h A Worn'«»«’a Diwror.ry ,h. 4e ..... ••»•<.. "r « r. ioiti tiaie j n '. : having her r»si'i**n» e p .mt -L k V. M i I.. • . i '*|»t sc|; »ol-b'.’j-e on the second . ,....! er kt 111. , I.j-.nh u xi Sati.r " r “Auoiher wonderful du*roveiy ba« »• ! r • • 4 ; i, p . li I > b.i. .1 « r. 4 R.“ • S ind »v in each m • • i i a( ii o’ci-.ck « n -t made R.id tlial (o>i by u Ud) i • th « ro>;n’.y. r-. V bia p* |»v ' » th** h • 1 »r i Mo - al > »m * va.lev •■ i ! t e third Sumi .y at 11 DiseHRr taitenr»! its clu « he* up «n h * an»i nut « I Mon * m . an i at Anti cl< <»n the 4 h bunday III.* »«• ’ 4VUV Ì • p «»¡H.'l O » S i ».< - III »■ imo d i for seven > rars she withs »»od its *evetc.*t a» i h«- »ame hour M. N r m de rd » » «1 r« i» •» » •!. p e » r »' r tests, but her vital orgnns we;e ut».er I m ¡ r paring t*»« «-<: R b i I ! bore, wh • i- now i months she cough» d inces -amlv an I couid I I I H re-i*‘en e » n i i»* * *r • r f Hr . i e ¡m • - . i 1 ' i» »stur •tr. not sleep. Rhe bought«.( us a bo’tlr of Dr. i High a re i.-« tie.*. B Lind * * . will i r ti.< . vice- ut r> 30 »•'< lo» i ii » :*• a King’s N’«*w Discovery fore n-umpiion and I M su» >>rdi no n • 1 n-4 ai li ' a h«»l c ' eU ì at f was mo mii' ii relieved »»n taking first d»*«c » D •tru ’nr«* «»t bncK j . h i s on«?, w i.i : : o id »» es in «i «he slupt u ! night and with < ne botde granite f.uut. e n<» h ».« be«*n miraculous y cured ll«-r name SkOituto»' l.irfi- U-yolntor. Alt« il ion i* <■ .HI í ai» i » h ou th ’N Mr*. Luther L'Hx ’ Thus write \V.,C in I be tuo! B li« ♦• ».. • • w Ml V i«.(h. *li.‘ n « do irnl a’e*. a ” lieguUmr” Hamrick Co , «»fShelbv, N C. (»« t a tree Ibi? new Ranch H. xim * Burned ri . • 14 w--,r . Hu»'.••’ *t Hnpmtan« «>r¿.»n, ihr Liver. Fur rbeu» I * \ o*..i u v r ..’ » j or I«»i * Then is y»mr ! trial bottle ai aid ug store.*. tb di 4 ha. ’ : .» w Instant Raliaf First Appllcatian. !!>•)> u-< i .1 -i k ’¡a 1 w « »y ■ m rr.*nj«»i tlic n a |j ofL«n- prompt re A pH buyer Boonville, Mo . Dec. 1M&. • I. o iihu« )»» i;. gu • r.v - i»r • : ir* for Hatching. s..r h unii;« ■ di«- I sufferad dreadfully with neuralgia fbinf ti r.- • . ......... .< . . • il i ■ n T.i * 1 j ep ing, c < tl p j i • »I am! lu v us. . o>;--- • tifty reo « p aj.p titr. kie-p is I d head.whlcb afffccttd ta» and V«» X could »U ml. w.ri ■ ; .■ ., .1 IU .1 !.. From America* bgst hired* Wyau- a .1 :i rf « sh’.’g i »T ir.,.»*. u i hoi attend to work. 1 obtained lostantaneona h.V- b- p S mm I w»ule». m H '1 ,• . . :> 1 • Kia dottes, lijlllinn'i Pij mouth R o » ks . Light Brnhina«, juuiim. relief fruta first application of S l Jacobs OU. and I. - • r i< r*.| u»r « *»»..•»•> ibi» u«a toy a r, b,n I Brown Rr.,z;; and »..d V. U hit* h-L* la’ _ ghoriiNj t Partridge in ,d- r» ..l prò < on li » M ile al (.’»I I b «* 1« *evvre »1 i»:j » the ! •’ a r..l I. " ut dn In r», by Ei'gh’ B MQchiijs, Wh’te Wyan.’iuttes and Black . » ♦ • l¡ - hou*v*li id ’ *4r, ¡ ; ii.».ne* ft* »«1 b«*I'»rv , i ix ■ Stili.»! P h D ik I i 1- . ;» t (ie» » L ro » Minorca». tyTnnrra »«I the bigbe«t h »»»nr* »•lutid /. et<*. ; Wm. K*«.v i*“d 1'* jah Siinth belili Ui» tr4- Comp lately Car«4 ky Ona Bottle. >of a Ktftnpfo»u in Fie« Yrar». c»»Ui« r f I at aff tlie la|g** e«bibv tas mg • even . — Egg*; $3 per setting; two settings, >5. late y imp ■ the ' aleni Ba- ti?' after using one bottle o( 81. Jacoba Oil was I m «i s • Í met im» I l‘.e « ui'h s ”f Swif. * •'periti (>. S S) Tie fo'l »wli g bin ne s was .r !•*:•»’” <1 I h «ve Bena stamp for catalogue. _ . Address, k wi h cubaidemie the .«elisoti ^wplvui, cured v ve : ot had any RV'npt«»r,ii •( Jt $in(*r Unit* * .V '* , (i AKM5ON, J. in '.I i *our', Judge N»il pre-rr nz, *imv c ur «i during u?» *• beet bei timi*(' \\ W il «’«»!. Mparienhurx.'H. C. ill n Forest Gr»»ve. Or. th I «.«t r*pf*i t of t e T imi X. " V» . •» in M «If-»rd don’t fa 1 to * a»; D. br- ’ig!»’ ’•» s- « k I Ire.t »c on bi H>d and e D kaliis I Fri'. Liird.tLf-)••«*•«*<’ H«-wi; i.«ke gre.G li!.t«i«*G [ b“’ t i“ih|>¡oint>d sdmini-'rator Job» , le «-i.re i shun lug j ou his mammoth »lock IMI CHAILCIA VOOCIÍB M M. Ni h-d- >. A L'axilon and A. Pool ap- * ad' ert.aviuciit ei*cwhere. êGt » ffc-f, I de*.-did to try S. S 8. After t ik.ng eight b»tUe» I W hs entirely < u-rd Theret ,r. I cheerfully add mine tn the tnany t- s iaiotiial« wh i. go tn ¡>ro*e th»* great success of s. S S. a* a remedy !«>r those suf! tuik from iheuma- listn. J ohn \l< D onali », M« D maal's M I. (>a “Cantorìaso we1! adapted to children that I recommend it as «superior to any prescnpUon tu na ’ H a . A a* her , M D., Ill do. OUord BL, druuklyu, N. T. I Catturi» enraa nolle. Oastipa’^n B out Stomach, Diarrhœa, JLr •L.U'n, Kill» Worms, gives sleep, piuu.uloa ûi- restaon. Without lajurioui madicaùXL Tim C kxtaub C ompany , 77 Murray Stnaat, M Y. •’ur Sale or Rent. Grand Ball ! A livery stable, in a rood location, f.,r sale or rent. Terpin reasonable. For fur­ ther particulars apply lo II. K. llAaaa. Medford. Or. Will be given in Honor of the Tweutj -Second Anuiv« i Fary oí HARRIET. KELsoE WOOD. A» J.icks .nvill»*. Aprii ju. D*i. W. J. piy„m|0. J. )•„ j j RH..,.. nIld Mrs. Mary A. Wood. SLOAN. At Shak»». Jackson county. Or . April 14th, lMkJ, to Mr. and Mr-. S. (. Sh.an. h daughter. STAFFORD—Ot» Lost riv.-r, Kinrnath coun­ ty. April Ä. iwu. to Mr. an t Mis. Wnnam Stafford, a girl. SKAGGS—At Bonita ranch. Anri! 21. 1*UV. to Mr. and Mrs. E. Skaggs, a girl. SPARLLN—On Williams cre» k. Apt 1 17, ls-/i. to Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Sparlm. a Sou. HALL—On Wolf creek. March 2Q. lbWO. to Mr a nd M ik . A. J. Hall. son. iW.lBLJi AND PEDIGREE: NfrCALL—At Asblanl. April 20. lsiki. after a prolong.«! ipn«••«. E so May Mr< h !1. daugh­ ter of .1. M. Met all ; aged 17 years, 4 mouths and 10 days. NtiW THIS WEEK. TERMS Sottlement Wanted \ d< rwigifd by note or book ac<*..unt pri »r to JantiMr) 1, l«9il. hi tier«»by notified to cull at our st or«» m Contra’ Point and sciti»*, un ot I»« - for»- Ma) 15. Inyú. tt INCAICI BROS. Central Point, Or.. Ma) 1. l*’.*ì. i A Si. Tammany’s Day. May 12 Slit W ai . tlk . Jn.. .* 9 \» nru <»|»l < »a1 I »lack. fin»* form. «■ » •_\ >:r Wal­ < ter. he t.\ M u III. b ’ >> M ’ I in; X r I »’«■;»’. r. Iv < ha«. N k s -E, j» < j ..n«-!»iii;» t D sí ’ okatioii CUMMITTET Frank I «rrain* by Mainbrinu I' .yinan r. h l,y Mambrin -. hr bj Import« IM - ■. ■ I i - lam waf a Izmsr <». D. < »wing-. F. Lai» cinti. F um . k M anaci r<* * P. b-. K. tn n.u. Jas. G. I*iann ■ » I ■ i... ,i :• | M* - ur i \ni *^ B/»->i..w. a?, i iu I*» lniu *rt- M’FPErt WILL <*i Baslinu. Sir spared to make < lysdalv-Morgan t DIED. persons indebted to the IMP’D O. It ll’ILL MAKI. THI: *F VS o N riF lsyn AT »1 tin- f ill 'Winy t< ~ |{ „ ifitiinkr »it the burn » i t'i mi l- i*t^* . •! <»n Mi*?>- uri Flat. Aj*- pl«K it»-p» • < met. on *;»tinffa\. April 19, lHyo, r-uuuning uv. i Siui '.tt ■ tr m th. *.- t.. «'. O. Big«*» »w** bin u vv.1 ;*.»••■- <•! k. where hr will h< - -m M n l.t v t»u . i’. X t i n 21 an-1 22: ti 1 ii t i -j• t I. -t : • i < aiv.-rt - t».,rn m Gran: * Fa-* mi W hi» ■« (a\ .un« Tnursffav, April 23 a nd .’I; * i'.»-t ’ • Dav 4 Bir4»»«-)’s narn «»n Itnv» ru;i Fr. 1 i) an«1 .*atuu!av, April and ”•». It tmun .• t . «-aeii Mand every math «lay «iui ing th»->< ;i*«ni BORN. ll Oregonian-Pocahontas Tribe. No. I S ir W alter , J r . i Tn KETH. I n < [,1’ii’xi. SvPPEît, fî 50. -dug■■ 1»-ip $5. p i\■» . nt th. tun* s«-rvie<. p. r«*n l. r» u ; --»1* >> $!»,.pay al» ■ at tu- »n ittuT»-- • 4 . in*”tan» 11 wheno»an - k'i .wn to I m * wila 1 • »a) • *t •I -an» n »lisp <(»-d of. Ev» r\ !>: < • hi 1, hi u i . i. i .k n ’ a», old ar. cblvnts. hilt w .'I »1 t •». t - :i.o*H»h* t.»r any. should tfi. y u< » .1 < C nttf . d S tate « L and O fftce , » lt »R»-burg. Or . April 25, Isytl.f is hereby <; iven that thi . T ki vm rei hvr.-ti.Iore unsurv«*y«*d |» >rti«»n *>f Tp. 2b Jack* 'i S., R. 14 W, to-u it, fractional NF.. ><*•. Jv. NOTH E 18 .¡il SL. ai» arc tutu of Sec. 27, Sec 2S. frn.’tional See. 21». >ec. 33. ■i»*inpt i<>n < ^.'gHn lNE. ' a S» t . 34. has b»*«n surviye«!. M »i» 31. 1 and the pint of surv»-) thereof will b** fil.d in tb in office on th«* 10th f»»re unsur- v«*yed ¡»ortion of snot township. < HAS W JOHNSTON. li.giM r. V * i:*.. ;.! otice N THE WOMEN OF OREGON < >n it !St rike They have thrown__ M. wMshbosrd. and awa) , ti,. « «5 th**) wi;. us>* uotUiag-but ibe <»m< t. of i k'-. |\ Col NTT, . \|-1 T.’ I-*.«' » I VIA i HA ; 1 HEBE mt ) for th»* r«‘- t>r >te*tvd from Ladies Chole*. Washer NanuTkMurçd ... w A .................... * Co .oi Grau*, n Pa.-v», Oregon. 5,000 Now in Actual Use w .rk Notice of Final Settlement. In the ('oitntv Court of the State of Oregon, fur th»'Count) of J;uk» In the matter of tb»* »state of Tn-imts II.»}- tn< »nd, .- ple.brownwcigmng !.»*» p«»im> Belmont. TERMS OF SERVICE S«ws. n. fl5; insur­ ance, S’A». Every precaution will b«* tak«*n tn avoid ac­ cidents, but will not bv responsible for anv. should they ovour. GEORGE LEROVX. Central P«>!nt. April 30. 1K90. t 1000G0 TÜEES I?! STOCK, ASHLAND HOTEL Apple. Pear, Poach. < tKTRAU.r ÍXH 1< >HE ;<>s I you are hereby ri unirai to app. M, n„,; G R \PF. VINT -, < T!lR\ NTS GO(»SEBE!<- answer the complaint of th. above plaint tr m RIE.**. UL X» Kin.RIMI *. it theabove entitled court, now untile with th> Hll.'. M 1C \ '■* HI units, i IGS Clerk of «aid court, within ten days from th. late ot the «erriec of thin «unim >n- up.m \ ou (>ur ir«- ar>■ • • n u th»»ut lr**'gatinu on T «erred in Jackson county. < irewon- l.iit ii hniw,'. f;ui»l!«-K (hat servisi In any other county In the state of r»*»i Ir.l .01'1 ;» II I .t Drririin. then within twenty days from th. succeed in Scuti«« ru i »i » ¡’•ut; I ii"**' »-••■»rt :i p .»-. nu* n». plHntinguill do date of the servii e of thi«sum«ons noon you ir If servisi on y.,u out of the Stat. ,,1 Or-¡ron w» i' t i V!Mt «»ur • -r» Im rd und nur*» r\. <»i* write tu II« f- I pri»-. 1*1 A i. ’ i — b. u- at Murpli« irtiy publication, then by the t!r«t day ..f th. |( K *tati«,n • nsuina regular term of MMd court Hi. J*»*» plun . uhm . .pr,1T This Mimmons ln publish.si byA.Pb i’.j'il'm »•»h brick and grcai !y < u 1 m « k » i, t». cd. - bd. g NEWLY FURNISHED lOwcmtmlly F>rai«« ■!> Ihc i.uo'n.-»« .f r. . :i, f : , is fitted ut» m c nm etio tiicrr- »• .r?:ub turoibfted With the bcM the market MlLu-m* A II I zs .F K BRIGHTMAN. Pr.r Ashland. Oct. 10. 1« m ». LUCKEY r. K 'll r: PF.ATT. Attorney for J’bilntiff. ASHLAND,QRECOH I s. 1!, !.. ,*■ I *, sonvllle. J«,^..., ..... . ; •»•;;* .»eloca, noon, •' WEDNESDAY. MAY 7. U9n ?' will be.,|H.„e.|f.,r r, 1 ng lb.. brulc<-ncr..ss K.-nr . .. • K at st..-, r.1 Said bids t.. bv t., repair «.<>.1 bn,I*,..... el'erk ,'ofli.’'..“' ' inc**" <*'• **..■ ul Un- REAL-ESTATE 0.1 COMMISSION THORÛUCHBREù FGULTRV V. fin«- h ” » of t r< i «1- r« a* run b* Found in Ameiica :F*s«-ud stump for ratalngue. Address A «.’ih1.-. • J. M. GA HUIS» >N I City and Cqniry Típiity For Sale. wil' U .•■pur>.| t> dep.su ' n''' biindre.1 .l.tlar« |.w. whl. Ii umminl shall l.e b.rf. n.,| t,, i n< f«il«, ncglwis or r. fu«.^ ,.,r th, (M.r| ll ii( len day. aft. rsuv.1 award I. mab t , b'm , enter into contra, t an! R|, |,,, i„ th, manner n-quinsl by an l t„ th.-aatisfa.-ti m : Ibe County Court The ,,„i Coumy Conti reserve« tu. right tor. I. ,t «■>, ami all h|.|a MAX MCI.I.Ell. <*«i«inty Ch-rk. Leading Varieties • un«! Urti Notice to Bridge-Builders. OEAI.ED PHOPiiSALS wit » pt i.M Frvrn r O. ROX .V., roKEKTGh-GVE. OR. Farm for Sale A v <«1 r«rm and -t « k ranch. r„nr>, nlnr «. r.-s; I . «.•.■.-v un.l.-t t ri. ui In . u.(, VHtl.m li.Mwt huua. ami .......... . ,,w nl « n.owuiry •>»»'» r.».in. Fruii > . , f..r . amili lauitly. ru.. liv n^ «, r nps .„ rt, . ,Hv.. barniy r.,r«i. A Miiao t»:ui< I ..ff .liti» and t 1 S to I m to btu!»l •Win» h.rgw w‘|i b. a», i . j ni-... * ...w, . r.ttna 1 ■» c d! - iiii»! »>p«-cifi- (•«•»y ; tw<£-thlr«lM cash. t»f.!:t¿t.-> t«. w, ¡| .Mir "i . chMM.-r, For t*.«tt .-ulMr*. n*1U ,. .fl tu», » por- I to (1(*poait I <»T thè propri« t«»i i\ • tmu ir.-il »iullaii* b .1 ! REDEKB K Si HNEIDI R. I b« ■ it» itr«l t«i the ii i< to him an«l i j- Un* p«-i iod »»f •’,-<*!* to him to - I* >’.*1 in th» : i • ’ - oibtaction oí i •■i(' unt\ « ’ »ort rr- nv .in ! ill bi-N. M W MI LLER, < <»unty < ¡« rk Notice to Br! !.. Neuralgia r • IT IS THI THS BEST. BEST. ~ ‘ Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. LuuVtíjiük Power.— 1 . Builders. CHOICE Garden Seeds Salem • . For County Surveyor. FOR COUNTY RECORDER HE si ll* KIRI ¡C I ! *i I FI LLY AN iloti:»« st' : !»c i* a • indidate tor th«* o<- HE SFBS< TUBER r«* t».«ctfully annotine«’* tlce of r* * * r*i* t . -ui-.i • t < • i :»•• 1« »-tf-ion of th« that h*« will l»e n candidate f»»r the otTic»’«»! Dcnr rratH t imi ’v c »riv< ntum to be held In County Purveyor.Rubject t«> tbr.ivcieion <•( tl” .lack »o’iv 11»-on M*»j 5. ensuing Democratic county convention. M ?» EKEY’PILF G. F.I.K