o cratic (Ium# -OKyit'diU advertising and puMtahml •T«ry Tl>ur»3 75; Walia V\ alla tiratela. $3 ♦/*. F' ««l— Bran. $18; stmrtH, $21; chop $18<4|2U; elmppcd bari«-}, f per ton. Butter—Quote < xtra choice creamery, 21k* 25«-.: fair t<» choice. 15.a20c.;»lore. 13^Iftu. perlt». M.-at—Sternly, licci. whol«*sale, 3H<44^|C.; «Ircsrt« <1, 7hic.; sheep 4e. per It; drtMaed. 6^c.; tmgH.'ircNs. <1 vealJk^Me.; hunbs 42 50 « uch. Poultry Qimtechick« iih .S5.50 o »$6,lor young, und $.'».<<)«<» $0.4X1 ol«l; obi du . It>. , $10 . . p« _ r doz; turkrvM. ___ I VS, ISC. Fr»*h Fi-uita-—Apples $1 SOtAfS: orang«-«, ¿3 25>a$4 75 per box; lemons. $5 (AM A) lialtfi— Th«- market is weak and henvily Mot!'imd. yiiotc 5v*sc, green 3<^4<-.; sheep, I»« its. » hui t wool. ¡Sks»40c. uivdiuu» 50 ms *U c . long 25, «hearing 15 q »25 c .; deriskius, 25«fc32<-.; tarfow, good to choice, 4Jy-<5c. Dried Fruits—Sun-«liicd quartered apples. 7^««b«-, factory slk«xl Me. Oregon plums ig4e, Oregon prunes 5>glUc,; pears tseluc.; p«*acncs, Si 415c. HAN ritANCIHt <>. Wficnf No. 1 sbipphig, >1 25<4$1 27. lètrn > i- cotiiinon t«> fair. a Sic : g«»«HÌ t • ciiuic»-. ni .»si.- ; brewing, n .'»«<$I. t’.its -$1 I.V<»5I 37 tor corninoli t" clinico. P tato. p. erless .7»; Burbank • •«•’iiiiik''. £2 xS; Giirm i < idi«-. 50; Hai > li. f jj .’ :*} • H »ps Quotatimi** range frotn h£l fancy, quote 11 ud7.; pl< kl.'d, b..i | >«-. l.7gH -1«. U7e. ii.iv Quotatmns raug«- froin $<’• •» $13 pcrt«iM. Ommif £4 Uh < £5 U0 per crutal. 1890 SUMMER! SCRATCHED 28 YEARS GSANO ST ¿¿LARGEST COLLECTION C ured by C uticura . CELEBRATED UNIVERSAL GuMBINATID ce < Ti 11 Nd, FURNISHING GOODS. HATS. 3ACCO, GROCERIES for < ’« *•*!» 1 It's Espetiillj itytri fer lini*, lltnita, Iln'arJ;. 0 GOODS, NEW PRICES NEAT. DURABLE. STRONG i YAQUINA BAY ROUTS FJee troni Rheumatisni PH1FE3SIONAL CARDS. FREIGHTS Ä. FARES THE LOWEST. Clothing Soots and tilines. G ooories. Hardwt re '.‘r BEEKMAN & REAMES' if BANKING HOUSE, K idney ¿ li Medford Roller Mills Rich and Peer, MEDFORD, OREGON DAVIS 4 FRANCE, W30J3'J8N NURSERY nrmieatal and Nut Trees KHÌSOIÌL1CE ON TREES. Rheumatism Jackson County Bank. 3i 2CI> I». < >I< 3 7< ¿4 » J. C. CARSON, j-Jo^rs, Blinds JidDOW AND PLATE GLASS H eadache, MONEY LOAN ED ON FAVORABLE TOLO! Tolo Townsite and Milling Co. A GARRICK, X3 <*rollìi i> t 'I'ailor TAKE PUBLIC NOTICE Ayer’s Pilis, HAKPW.M1E AND TINWARE IIEITII GRIFFIS fc WALKER JOS. C. SHERIDAH, PROPRIETOR. WRISLEY & CO HARDWARE. Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery GOLD HILL, OREGON SASH AM) DOOHS AMI SEASONED FIMSIIIAG 'HIEiihl.. PAI NTS itrufoiu, Jasksoii Co., Ogn. OI.'.S OF ALT. KINDS. CONTRACTORS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS SAW MILLS ON SAMS CREEK NAILS. ROPE. JIT TREES WINE AND SPIRIT By the Thousand ! Lowest Ruling Pricos. FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, INTERNATIONAL- HOTEL MERCHANTS 63 Front Street, Portland. Gr^tron SICK-HEADACHE! r MEMORY CA1-ITAL STOCK, SÖOO.OOC. < ’ A »••'S i 1>.VII> Ul*. on i-x - on ulpU; following history of too ticket which HOW Tilg DEMAND WILL DK MADH , ugrw.u*-. U .reroor, S l^u lat.'l «»n T!iur«. W Webb; state Ev. rjI hh I j - Sh.jiil'l U<> «nd S 1*«»«» ’ <>I1 Th«-l>« in»n-rati«-party of tin- Mata- of Or«’- r niri F •’ Bfckvr; Hupt Public ln»tructl«.n, To-day th»* American ) e»i. ration of reference« to ita |>« itxmnei ur»l tie found x B M Supreme Judgea.W. W. lhayer, gon. ’ii *-«»nvimion :ta*»mb|«‘4. r« uvw th«4r Medichi«^ fail. Speedily cured by ( utlrura p.' .lir«> to i>'-iii(»<*ratl<- prim ipk-» hu »I * nuncl- Laho», a h dv c!aifii:ng about 360,OD elarwfiere in the T imer . The, ll’or/»/ • u jf J •’ * * p L >r«l. K * Slrauan. l ut a coat of S5. ai<-th«- 1»4l«»wing •i*<-,ar.iti«»ii»; u»etnl’< rH, p-»»•iii«r jcuivtai. i»ts»TUt«rr. MANI CACITiu:i: < »I- Fii.-t W*- congratulat - th.- Deniocrafit raid’ll *to secuiw the reduction of the iaet in thia city Thurbdav, did a good C»ia»rmtnx J « k-»n. Jueepbiu*. Lake and party ¡11 thi*. an.i «»ttn-r xtata-x upon th«* M*ciutl « ir» u»lJu U . I K. * - ol- NEW SI’MMEll VH-lori«-M aclii. ved in th« hiM n< ti« ral * levlioti-. number of i.««nia of labor which shall day’a work. The ’ahor foetght. It is of poaad of the leading iJemocrata of the .1 A - AM»* «'■ >L ST T If 4 l»a«l known of the < utiviira ftem«*dl«w nifipiil «1« ctionx h. i«l recently throughout th«- interest to know :t’ t h-.n'Mivtdv j tat what imrty, and harmony, wisdom and sound PuC >r ▲ ' stau-vy. K-pruaentatlv.-a. J. V. twfhtv-ciglil y«*»MW ag«» it would haw uavod I nion : and w«-hail their r< Nu)tN as a c«*rtain K d M er. W k Price. < »unt> me $2bli ,tw<> hundred dollar*«’ ami in» hninena** The nai biiiir« r ot 1 he dixinlegration ol that pHrty th federation want ¡ml h<»w th*y pro judgment prevailed throughout. j. J ii Se .. • • n rt. ('. W. ray- aiiu'unt «>f suffering My rei, cap taliat and true Dem­ M burr-Tor, J a Howard, tar cr«»i< «»ff <»f uu- nil the thm . ami my sufferings hni*« v« r blyt»«| tor lb« « quid right*«»! the whuir <4l.ci»l letter covering pomtH which ocrat rail «'and The tic.k»-l i*el»*cted is 1’ ><■** X Inapwlur. Vf E Suager. w. «•• «-iidb-as ami without H in t < >n«- thousan») people, ' tin y are iikeiv ?u winT to know about nt one tlint cannot fail to rf what a»»nn- of ific d.H-torn sani »- j g «444 < »uuiy Ju ige V. Cota.a Cu«a- right ol repr« M utation in th. Cnited Staten American Fede: at ion of Labor writes to state and true Itemoc at. Hon. Roliert a — u-ra J H^uaein. P liauaeu. Clerk. C. was 1«. pr«»MV, some ringworm, |>s<»riasiM, vie. I 32'TS and SHOES, acuate by n> tvvtot'M *»f their choice. lb A*latre* t x as follows : laua wr Baariff, Ja’BW C. M «a. Treaaur. took...... and ... Hursa pari I Lis over one A. Miller, ot J»«*k*on county, is a young Third —We believe in ^o.tl riyhta f«> all and - j A Jenamga; Aeeaaaor P C. Keaiu; y**Hr and »«-halt. but no cure. 1 cannot praise man of good abiiitira and lias th«* lx*«t • sp**eial privib a««»to n-m« . ,m*en interests of the Mint»* a*, heait. lie im a M w h gaualera; Cjroaar. Dr fbuiagaa. mud** my i«kin a«dear ami f r«-o from s**al« s as th«- koviTiniH-iit « con .mi« ally a im:nislcr.-.i. aLAMATM VQCBTT h buby’s. All 1 UflPd of Unni w tin* inter­ iijeoMe i that on and after th* l«t of good debater. aolvent. uud tw » box«-a of < utk ura S«iaj>. It recitative s P M ee of Lake- C maty Judge, est ot th«- taruiera and laboring < I mbm »*»«. May th<^, wageworkera affi iatvd sented hi« county twic»- in the 1»-gi>’aturo, goods are nevr and bought you ha«i been and said you would Lave \V s M *ure Com a»aal-»nara. W. C. ( rawfur«!, THE HEI ’ l BLiCAXS AKKUU.NfcD. I ) ■ il v. n'«i <■ h»»4 thv and proven Limseli an active, induatri- cured in«- f»-' dV ‘ railroad ratee and are »old I H K’fcier Clerk. A. L L*av;tt; Buorlff. M a it h . ne A Uerican F<‘4‘*rat ion of Labor y. I lt»ofcvM^«l IL llir picturu in y«»m I mh »L 1» ta i Treaaurar. < naa. Graves. A m «* s - Fourth—We arraign the pai l> in pou < r for wou <1 adopt the ‘ e gbt hour” as the oua and »llfcient member. If elected i>e u*^' Cw<». ‘ ‘ How to of ¡M*. »l iatdiL o. Superintendent, P. L. its ult* r «itan-gaitl or alj p|. dgex made I«» tlu tlie day's work. it is will not be an introducer, like bis op­ » n«>w I Min as clcfir as cure skin D ir * « uh -« people, whereby ita aac» nd**nc> mum s«*eur«*d Inuit of k- - «nt i»n. surveyor, J. kl. Uritfiib; Coroner, J. 4 ;h «•»» .'Lii-omch .rt*ull of I^ke; Rep- I ►cratch«-«! t-.v* nly-- »xht ) ♦ ai«». hik I it ii »t to outlay of time and money. The history citisem. of « xiMing evilx. r jfc^ataliVfc, B. r ■ >ea; County Judge, w. A luce bought anr l«*rR for I.unib« r. Wuterlmry, Vt. Mirpluxifi tin- trea-*.urj by Mjuai) b ring and II ’rtsurer. A MoOxllea. Bo boo I Bup*rint«?u«l- 111 i.-uppiopriatnig th.* same, and we expt'ciaily cannot be much longer deferred, The it too well known to requite anv recom­ «■« A ■ Ytshsr; Asama »r. J. E M Douough; MAX MULLER, Cuticura Résolvent d*‘iiouncc tin- iitlciiqd tonppropnatc a portion campaign is on, the hosts have been mendation at our hand . lie is the Bi »«a Ina pre tar. D K J qb » m . ;f. rnia Str* * t. Jacksonville. ’ »« of -IK II .-ill-plus which b* I..ng- t.> th« Wig.l. ■ wu>« or « ovb - vs . arc. Th«* n» w Bl«>«»d Pci fi« r «n i |m - ht an«! b.-st h«e friend of the .people, ami ha-» eto-» 1 the • people t»» th«* pay in* nt »»f a bounty <»n sugar, marshaled, drilled, ammunition Tne »upr-«o esart of Oreg »u in* 'U at ol llunioi K« im «h« .-.int-'iii;« s. «n U i 11< i fest for the paet four ve«re. II'H fp - i»e*-n ami is beingprovi k«l, and the I which «-.»mi»«-.'» tin. many topax tribute to the 3 ragu.ar term* oommenciag on th« tirat tin jji -. nt >kni ( ui .»’>«1 < i i 1« i » \ S oap . nn f«-w. slec tion is demanded by the. ;irc-ssjt;es M .alar»'.a Mnrob ead (>clob»-r; also at Peu- lie symp^thv and sentiment has » xquiHit« Skin Bviiutitirr. ■ , t-rii.0'5 , -j . . <|. Sixth- Wo d* n.•uu«-« ! ie a« ti«.n o’ Sp akcr 4. I »ti commencing r»s tirwt M*»ndajr tn May. <»f our F*nfe, and w * have too much con— tlj . |.« rmam-nîlv. ami « « « n«»m’< aii\ < » ii . m J lit" « A- ï-* 1 Ï Re»»l in counting a* \.-i. 1 - In-mocrati. r« pi-. . aro i-«. <1, ami th • g.airi army of labor is r»e eircail court for Bha flrwi jndioml district i-aily lit«' itchmg. biu mim. l»!«-« «l;ng. .-« :dj. s< (>tall v «- h h no hn lays in AND CHEA? criisl««!. pimply, "ciilulous, :oi in«-a>ur»-t* nn«j in «iccliinng P* r* « ognize hutu hel«i in tin* grej: c-nter* of p » jhiia tio!» •«> Hppr d.cnd »bv differ ?>’ r.-uiS April B»»eteBsher an4 DBCBmbsr. La Klamath huinors with I o  h ot liatr. line .n •i*i.x;*z tr­ HON ANZA • • 1 1 • ■-'•11 it i\ • h op »n t .- tl m 1 • • tu* Suusif os W* >ad Monday in June and tlrst Toe selection of li »n. XV. M. Town- ot toi turc ami «I is II ku »ation Par* nta. r« ni« :n- t 11*- ix in *-ontlu t w:i 11 in«- right.-- a<-*-or»i«*«l ¿•«»m Maine !<» <’i'h rnia. (‘.iie- v.heio Mos lay i« November, la Lake couatv on the I h - i thi*; ( ur«-s in chi !h'»'*l ni « |>» t inam lit Io (|p 1111m I ity t*y iili p it.< ai pm tl. - -ill» • * « maiiUl I' t '11 ■ s ar;- ♦ -I <1»’tahed H 11 fee! I sen-! «>i Lake <•« imty, wan <*nv <4 the beet .air«l ■ aday tn May aud ihs second Monday Sol«! « v«-rvwh« r«-. Prie«-. ( inci ha . ■»«>•.; 1**1.nation ot our gov riiiin ni; lie *-t 1 is »il- tn«‘ ii.ll Ii;»- j«ifiMM*nt w it b ir* • <1 in oi « *1 j <«i»4 M »adays in March and August ï> wnjinnrs m ix i h . PolTKK I»IU «i AM» CHhMK Kl ( OICFOlCATK». h* n I ai • ♦ . t«» ’ h * b •* k. E i« h local has been an ac’ita* w>rk *r «4 t■•«* i arty, • qua'oty oi 1 « pr* m nun ¡<.11. F >r Ja« taaon county tec county, probate and B<)Mi«»ri. Mat**. c ,t « i i i»<.u.-r. an arm«*ry an«! is «me of the g«»<*d i»ien u '»•» g 4 hm x*!-v. ntli \V, r»-Klhi ui th«- position ubicli I..«** Uomn - cc«vru’.BSlonerc' courts meet ••▼cry month. cr’Sentl tor ”H-»w t<» <’ur«- Skm I> is <- hs «* s . Gl V ( !ty 1 *t»Ii«-rn'.»ir« J’.ip* rf.-iu-e. • v* r be* n maintain <1 by tn* 1»* iikh «-ati«- party of intci •*« :« -lnl; and a distributing start in Old Yainhtii. He whi make a c-'ina*sj'S| with (be Bret M »ndsa. for J ms- pax« s. .‘»U illustrations, ami KJU i« *t ummial*. paiae county, »be first Monday in January* r; .. . • 0 that gobi and sllv» r are « -pially p.- pi* Miitata! p!K* «nd ot *!:•»- agency for ♦- -ht-nour literature. Each April, July and September; for Lake countv, HUI <1 “Soil to J. O >1 KM- HIRS l’LES. bla« khen«!*, r« «1. r«»ugh. « hanp«-«! Ihr laticuua uaiiuita < ■ ; the stomach mi 1 bjuve.?, ci 1 inih.ik 11 against s;i\er, hii <1 .-il*-< ds of biiMti* ss ; and g’ami «hvi>i‘»n un ier aide cominin iers. The renomination of Hun. G»*o. W. < lulu in Jan.iary. K -r klamata county the at ti fir»»* «•;..»*« fc’«»t w of *a * C -! r < a’ hartic ae- timt ail money iimuvd by the guverniricut lx e m Wednesday in March. June. September «litiuii than ta*f'>r- b it a just re- 1 h«* Br«itl ••Hi - >d of (*arpent»*is ami Webb for state treasurer un ili») way from Porllnnd, mad*- i« g.1! t. n h r f >r all debt.- Kot h pub.ic amt ad Novemb«»r. •fttL-u. The «!an~cr at- privat»-. tidfi h ‘lue ta t ap f«*r < ash. Everybody ir Joiners, w : ave !>e«*n re ected io lead, <* »giiiii«>n of the service* of an honest,« re­ ■ apj .-treni The -•••v »amine g’HHls and p i *»«* !>♦* In one minute thr < lito-tira Anti- tending lheir st.-a.i i i*i in ii -AV, ..itfct th« alt< 11: o m of t ar» lull <4 II (• en’hitaia-m of past victo­ dent ami wortl y ortiuu-r. II«* ha* serv«d u.i. rt-. You «-Ac aiwHji* fimi I’ain riilNti r r< li« v» s rii« u'n.it ir. laxative priuripl«* l-i . • ’•« \ etyeiahlc ski; •».•»par1 *.t th* Ln . ..a «4 Oregon tn t-i* ries. It ciuit-ar« j ii ihg their ranks by ifie people well lor the past four years. M-iatic. hip. kidm y.ch«>t an i iiiuk - f ¡•arty upon tin- sul*j* cf of Ctnm s*- 1 i'-r«-a *n ; mid w«-dem.i.'ri th* strict »-nf co ” .«« ^Trotlons an t i? . \ *liin Hilft: in- la-«t« i. coining uu : banking inter *t *e: v"d. amt wdi nut be were unorgaliixe.i Hte fap:dlv i E. DE PEATT. c'.ngi «>*•« is demanded dr- Hie »*hiH <| of that organ ration. Toe ly safe to en w ill pr< vent < hm* M- « nt«-riiig our ATruRNRY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW c'J • t. H « t!*• H-i tiirough evasion . ! tn*« law. mtn tn mi p- and fact-in w and in ft || I. for the bert mt Tests ul the |»eoplc. y the innat c.e 1 Ninth- W. n »t oiiiv fav«»r the f rf- i I N > selection is more acceptable to the hiui « in > »»f a r will <*on:i ihu e to tiie U«*A'««a«»/<*, ur. o| th* Nortiierti t’a< die Ra. r* ad Inn i«ra!!y t«> he f«nn:d u a fir«t n -n-n grant from W;»-;n..i t»» >’.»rt1a»i«!. nni tt.c iimvement. «nd nearly a legal gentlemen of the state and the |>eo- a will practica in al! th* Cmrts of the Stat*, sn 1 STEAMER SAILING I’ VH ti.-drioTi *»f * •rgaii z *«i men and m llions «•! ple general1 v. than tic nomination of H -U n» 1 tavor th«-iiuni* «liate um-. min«.nid f i f. itm JAS MO’dTON, Marftg^r la th* Umtod Ststss Circuit »-»-int. O»H> * of all un< arm d land grant s ami th ii ref mi other* in ft •’»ii'i • y ar»* center ng their Hon. B F Bonham tor supreme judge. HEALTH RESTORER • ¡ta Ibn il K Hanna iu Orth s bi«*k i -« >» Aprii IM !•*** B< FK< >.« Y * QU IN A: ti >ii t 1 the public domain. 1 MONEY F«»ll *>« >l.l»ir.lta. ** Monday, “ MORRIS M. HARKNESS, given poinf —• _:ht l.' iirs. The instincts has the cuntbience ai.«i e^t«*em of ail who 0 P IT Is TU P ÌDF \T* MFDTUTNF TueiJny. Tenth • The gratitud«- <»f a g< 11« r**i ILs el»*« tn»n to the hupieme <»i the pe.jt i ar»- With us, an«i many ern- , know bun rnoM And a w i-* nai:on.»; p. < \ r K d* in '.•i I Taursday, May . . . A HORNET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, I: rotbp-i f ■■ I • -■u'*'- K : - vs ltl s- iueiff think« ra f-'tat.iiu Us. The p.an of ' I m ncri would add materially t> the cun- ■ ^i the g »vernincnt provid* witu a |*t* s II »4.1. Ii« . I»v ¡F- • . s an Th* company rcuervea the right to cbang«* sailing «lateg .(h n s ■ . Gr«»!'» In»*, Ornean. a fur th«* wants -if tm*s< who suff* 1 I he cam pain ti n to ubli<* in Hie mtegiity of lit- Put ihr* the If)/ •re Bi" ‘J, "1 • • 1- an ! !:-• «-• -u t h< lat. war. ■ iv »♦ -•■ *»f -ii - 1 .!• p. n !• nt p- r- *i- a> to mei»t. no 1 bat u hen the hour of acti< n that comt. and give aasuratme uv! n*vc Trains c««anect with the O. J C. R. R. and Klwr Beats al < «»rialti« .«nd \«’.> n n.n-r .n ti.r» hu-.Mluj. Front Makea "’he A\ et-.k ’ ■ r - ■ n< 1. Hv ! «.ume.« we >ha. i priv* *1 of their nafur.«! protect *rs 1 found pic-pared. The the peoule that ptat.ee will be had at the C. C. HOCUS, port« rs. But it sh*ml«i be r.-iu* mb« r* C. H. HASWELL P. P. PRIM, union tlidt Ba l»een *(d« rted to b *giu I Land« of the tinal tribunal. nREGOHBtD0trä$S GeuT F. «k P. Ag’t. (» I . L. It this b- ha J w« hav«- ah«-:iiy* b* en Ii lieu'l F. A r. Aa’t. < >r«ti<>n LMvoiopmcnt < <»., Prof. McElr«>v has me •’ Li* match r»rk aTTOItNLY AXD CUt'XWKLVR AT LAW. 11 z><. 11 for ftw «¡uaiter. Prof. A. Le- dej the ejght-l; ur an 1 otner thou«Mri>ia | ' tv»uC' may «■•** well call n^i-t that in !- gis*;*iion and adm.ri JacK.tourlltn, Urqion. t niching p- n-: *n aff 1 r-.regard only « JACKSONVILLE, OR. iL ov, of Linn county. » an able man, and ut»«! r th “ iiiiivh««ur ey m. Religious. VERÄ! ha-i to hoiioriibh- past s.-rvic«-ami ¡*r»-x In fact, the na th* linen l ave been l«»ne whose personal apnea »an« e indicates E»r»«»u-* m-is-vsity W. ar* ipnosedt *i WiU practica in all courts of th* r, vigor an«l every whica draw m» distinction l>«-tw«-<-n !n ta<- Court House, tulrd dwr t»» left ■ f an- i h '*' a j p"i :»■ ei-.’s t»»r the | •:» tranco. «•run in the tici i and tin- camp tol ..w «arg * citio pi iI p country letu**«* to adopt quality wi.ici» goes to make an educator. F r**t Sa'*- ath oí « a h m n’h. Me t! nr I \i«ri* IGNEI» H W E FORMI I» A venturer in tin* rear, as involving oi:: t-l!; j w»i ■» an aitth r.4«*«i capital of the eight-B ur day the car|K*BteiM w* I He is sn olf . ».rrvmgon a (Jcnrr- i '.*nt ra p . nt at 11 A * m and 7 r. w tii«- p.-opi« s ni**ney. strike ami w :h receive the support of the served in»* country in die hour of need. . - llii"in»-»** ;n I.- *.f ita branch« *« in I Eicventii We urge »ip«»n e -nwr-ss %rr-disnr and (’ ouns ¿ lür at law . *a I. ’ii Mv-’h»»d «(11 a m n 1 7 Fe.Bratujr: B« the mill st ext* i t of its Though a stranger to many in tiie con­ ■ . or-2 n < » Itici* at the* ohi stand J «ig. f -’.» * a;■; r r:.»f: n I tn : u . ■ h .'la h J.»»« k-< Ji vim al 11 a i: k ; .J-I B.inkmx H'US«-. S. E. corner Cal- funds, arid <«|L her tiH«1»* will o|»en tttair vention, liis nomination was the ono J su<-h m«*it-»ir« • as will t. nd most JarktoHrilt', Hr. 7 I*. M Sabbiti» M'hm'l at Ja k- 7 *■1 t it::, .»u l Tiilf«l Mo rta. and *-tT* «‘five1 \ tothe ofM-ning ot the ( t e»i. ur !<» hi ii -t;*.;n them. Many of the which took tii* convention i>y storm, Prim .* an l Pra^nt. the Million;- t* .in«’ • . • BI EKM tin«:av m ’ 12 m *n«i lyaver n .«i. i Willain« it* - ru - -rs t • 1 1 1» i»av*gnt Will practica tn all couru» •-f the Stat*», »btto« •• n?.i- a vrx an i«•;« !> g1 1 an«l after his siiort speech, theie was no ft ! I amendment t«» th«‘ F* -’.«Tal c--ustifi:t 1 li­ fodow ir.g a-e Rev. K Ennit trance. this remedy, attest the wori«i-w nl.* r« |>- their « i ; a >i’£ . »n-. a- i olI p a«ge *m- ' limit to the enthusiasm ol the delegation P<.’nt n*nt- ' h» ev**’ v nmr y m -rni' g. vidlug I ..r I In- ei«-ctjo|j «*f x* natorx ! utation of Ayer’s Pills. Leading j hy- .-.«(•♦-j lb g •In* thir t. he u 11 l »u-i serve ♦•*• Vot. of lb. iM ol.h . H. K. HANiNA, tenere i | lll .Tt«‘ •!v Iy tie»-are that th*y ure an J it wa» thorough y demonstrated that »i« :ans recommend these pills for 'iiuri. 'iith Th«--aiu«- Enpuls.- that imp h he Pre^bvt» nan chnrdi n Phccrcx , on H holding Back t«» ee f ’be men _____ mean ! the convenbon ha«i f >un«i the right man •is to z«-a!«>uxly uph«d<1 tin- right ATfoKNlY ANO UUL’NwKlXJK AT LAW. Stoma«-b and Liwr Trouble*, (’»»stive- th r«t Sund inori ing at «i every **ui »tay • f th*’stat* s at fioim* pr -»npts 11 - t«» hop. t i buMue^s i n>H I-r*»!*;». eta of the Buil ling i 4t tj‘* _’WL tune, Fan-well McElroy. ness. Biliousness, and Si< k H«*.%da« he ; K • ; s tin ¡argent st •• k «»» * v.-» :• g hr w !i| -«-*. h al th ■ Prrabyterian th«-estat»!ishmcnt of imirn-rub-fur Ircian •ia:i !. ,/uaA ««»•€*<«*•, U*". :\ ¡H- >I’ATE Capt. John O’lhien, the nornir.ee for iva I! WE Now ONE OF TÌIE BEST EQUIPPED FL’H lilk ■ 4Ud trudel are g< >od, ami mt n of Brain? an i also, for Rheumatism. Jaundice, and F-»urt«***nth B- ing pr«*t<*uu4!y drfch iu Jacks»»nvide. » » and the with th** convicth»n that tin- < i? iii« f pillars <.f money u ili not long |4*o»tat infighting I state printer, is a ; ra th ul workman,and l.d.n « hu ch pulpit a ill be' ‘ ccupi* «I 1st WU1 pruetlcs in tü« courts of tbc Stats, »»file« Neuralgia. Tim) are sugar•« ••ai« «l ••»- <»ur Republican form ot government are an thè inev ¡table. Ti bu hi t g contractors a thorough printer, x in.it» «f \.-.»is and iu Orla s K.ek. u»»-fctaiirs. <.-*‘»b.itb u th»- tii<>nth. m* rning an I eve tain no calomel ; are prompt, but mild, ONLY FULL ROLLER PROCESS MILL on!ight«-ncsi yeomanry ami a fr*--- an I honest tg.o their h «|w* He is a-i vl i —»«i r and n ng, ’ Rev V . Ru«- t Bapf «t). 2 1 aid Ph t»i sure« x- U|»un lheir exf«ener'«-e X’ . - oft» . !• , ! *v. ’ I ¡v * , u ■ pledge in op ration ; at L i’ ereior.*. ii.** ' i y J. J. HOUCK, and — unir-'U l ’ an«l *v»ning. by Rev fIn- Democratic ¡«any of ib«*xtat • >1 < m a*.-i.iiy to Hffui»« a xlj.Jj nr !>um «*er of r^w in tl *■ tanks t om a t n aits to the . _ g<-n to . • f b**st me«lu me f r Family Use, ax w»-b .is < «f. H X • M I. Sa b uh scb<»*»l *v»r\ the cordial support and advanc«•in« nt uf uui ml* he H»* i* tn 1.1 1 *yru|-ittLy i -. • \ • nun-union <-ai j»r: »n I h«is creat'« a NOTARY PCULIC ANO CUNY SVAMPIR. In ** ■»utfinrn Oretrnn. Thr-xe mnix arc now rnamifactumtf Th*-i -i _• fur Travelers and Tourists. 11 S n dav a< 3 r. M. conducted by G F. 1-X»■«•ll* nt c<»mni'> d school xyxt cm ; t«* 11»«- j-as- pairic in the rank t th--tra«!«* In thia acction iinr ti -ur. i . i ; t !. • h .. I« À S ‘ he union treu. with the lab- r o ganiz iti» n« < f ou» •age of . Tf. «■! ;v ■ ¡aw- f**r t ‘ .* J »« V* nil 11 ■ f nolle«. All «»rdvra by mail or m p « th .» h will receive prompt atn :ii; -n. "I have deri'««1 gr«-at relief fr*’n GoM Olii, l/rfyun, th«- «■«•rrubt 11 *c <*f in« )»< j in • 1- »-turn« ami tin* rt.a! I Bi a * w 11 t i I It. r »•* i ev-lent for Ayer’s Pills. Five years ag«> I was ’he f«»llowing MppointmviVs have b» « h the n rthwcKf coast. < riaetmen« of such m«*asur* s as wi I x-. ur« to tu«* rea**«»! •* ; fr ’, t - qi . ti h « n men ] 1» ii g at i«re»-eiit the pn *idrnt of ihe ty- Will attwnd to ail business in my ima with Test -he Flour and You Will Use No Other. taken so id witb d> bv i:»*\. P. < <»,.!•--Hv • 1’ir-t > every v*»ter th» right tu c»uit m ballot fiaiu«*d • i: th.e inx’.*» <• • w- prorupi-avaa fuel at rcaeuoab»« rau ». ■ t ii-- . s* m- l»»jfcTu v I uch I union a*‘«i also-uf t lefederat- in necordanc with tin- h monti a’ Mr!f«»r«t in 1 •■3 J »»ii I *‘^<’ oji »1. t»e- «•1 tra ie-ui.ibn. He is a man of g<*od » . n-ci« nc« . W** unqua’itbsHy urg« the a>1.*p- pa’ ».V with uiri«r: i ; ■ ‘ •« I' n WM. M. COLVIG, 1 n in thi« stat«-ot tm-Austianan system of cfum * n«.»n-i;rron m< n i■ *v I Mrn*-«! itoat I pructicul business sense, and a thorough- Mr h«» l-M choren at Jíicnsonvi le ihat T was unable t«r do anv w< rk. I voting, a id the pa-sag«- by tfm .* g.-lativ • as­ ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBiJ: 1. 1-- ' ly practical printer. It is to the beat in- lit; s«-. <»n«i >'in«‘ay. t An»i->-b at 11 ArroHNEV ANU UOUNdELUH AT LAW s’ mb!y of th*- bill drawn by tin Ballot R* f. rm t iu y ♦ iblniig« i lien * »' »1 po-it .«»n w I.eti to««k tbr«*.- box.-x of Ayer ’ .s I ’ dami PRICES ¿t 4 I M . ’i;'-!" ' . terest of tlie state to have a change in I«• agii»’ . 1 «>r«’g**ti. they Bee« me ’Si a’»**.” was entirely < ure . a ' « « ii’ 'a 1 I ‘ miai 11 a . V . a .«IT»* Iut«-«n W. iirt in favor of th.- r« gin »tu n 1 he ui* on men of other tr.i*iex will net I the office of state printer .« least every am net er w ithout a l-oK of th«*s»* pth« ';r of railn ads ami «*t.»• r trunsj*ort.*rn«y i >r First Ju ncia. ployed. fbe American Federation of at tlri* crisis who shviiM l»eele«*ud. 1 he TIIE LF.G1XI Alt HE (*U>PEM.X£1». “ \y ct *« I’»!:« * I 11 f. ;i ri. s .n.i.-tv . at tb»* |iapli>i «hu LiiSU'i *t. uSc« iu ». jurt-u >us faiuiiv upwaids *4 tw« uty yea»« ;n- i Sixt*s nth W* condemn the extravagance Labor w ill n< t scatter its f »rcex. but will ticket and piatfoim ar«« al: ti.«* |*eop!e \ n.. b»| • at night. ii.ixe <.v / i.iyifi: ha a a fr«*in wlii- h I - .:t« i •■ *1 many y • ar«. 11 - y tion «! which wa« paid lor x«-rvic«’s n« v< r p. r- tow n, i’ w li move aiong over the whole success of the nominees «ie; eu-it-d upon In all lit*' H arid titer*- ia hut on* t'urr, ¿rroKNBr ano (.omsLoii at 1.4*. afb*r»l gr- it* ’ i relief tli.»'i any «• ’ r 18S7 f i m«si an*! f be x<-.tmlals gr -wing <>ut of th* industrial field. As war provokes patri­ hia individual ene»g»e>.' and if tins is rne«licin»< I ever tried.”— 1. 1’• Adams, Ur. Ilninei«' Gulden Specific. ••< i< i k -1* rn” int i-o.liH 1 by tin R.-pub.ican fir«nf'« I' m «», Ort v« ntc* nth W. approve of declaring cig!»: ¡*r us** all the latent **ntLu*« a m of the ' will bo crowned bv h gl n< u* v ’».ory on ” ! have u- 1 Ayer’s Pills for a num itIi ■ :t th Km» A edge «»f the per'mn taking Office in Layt n t ( ->. * brick, upstair«. hours a «lay’s labor in factorn-a, num s ami | the first M«>nda> in June. Manufacturer of brr of vi-ars, an25 an-, w.ll l»e 1 eld b.tck, n«»t bv physical force, wreck. I h .»uaaiula of on tin- pnwiiK-t of b.s tai* r. r »ii aleolH'lic .1 117.7./. DEIIM 1> / n >[7L ¿vish. strength t«> the syxt«*in. I always k»-ep Eight'-i-nth W’c d«’U<»un<-. the convict con­ but by lhe ov» i w helming influence of ATTORNEY AND Cof.NaELi.K AT LAW, dru’ k u- th«- detnincnt ot our lion«.At la­ the einplex ers have force«! the issue bv I pre*»»-nted a fair leeue to tlx* peoj.’.»* tef thfi Kt *-wlvlg»- aid •• Two boxes of Ayer’s Pills < urt**l me : licir own fr» e ail No bor. quit di inking of lo«*\i:.g «»nt some «4 tn<* craftsmen of tl.<* •next June in th** ib»imtiali<*n of I>. P. O. F. OEMOHLST, Nm t«-«*nt’.i We fav«»r such stat ' legislation of severe harmful etb-ct rex dtM from ita admnitatra- There u< no ml for circular ns will r«-*piir«* tie* election -fan msp* * t**r <-f I u l bug tra E N T D E N T 1 !» T. iig ►« A-i , lSr> Ka«v ¿o < et building in«}-* • t -rs in inc.*r|>’ -rat»-«! < Hlet». ■ cdhirit. On n, ^I. i « n . i w« nf i« 1 Ii W. p-.int witn i-rid»* to th.' \v:»r. their unuis*|om. for un '-ns out of the ' of capital better than ruihiona.re r<»om|w const r vat i ve mil chan ii.bninist i ati**n of }■ ’e»l* ration are sr«-k;i.g admission, and *°n* As to how the Portland delegation CLO. DE DAR, M. D., i: ’ •i - tn ! j i. • i-t M* nt on application Gov« rm-r i’eim-.y «-r. an I t<» th«* x« r*.)pulous'y uni-'iist. at had but little interest in the I that protriired his nomination was ob- stipation, nr suffer from i* '-' • ‘ -‘PP‘ ’n’** < »I À.IB OIUH.R> A SI‘F.< IALTÏ. P H î BIC U N AND B U R G R O N. him« si maniig« n • t»t **t tin- tiiinn« ia! depart­ Ayer’s Pill** s«*t m«* right again. - A. J. ment «>1 tin stat«* um.1* r Geo. W. W. bb; and ,*igl»t-li« ur inownw-nt are now amotig tame«], it in only m <-»-► *ary to read the I Jscksusvli!«, Or«p »a. w<- eominend to the elect««rs of this common tl e tiiort prompt in sending in their cor- (tacgoutun, the leading Republican paper Kiser. Jr., Ro« k House. \ a. T’.i w.aith a c »ntinuaiice ot ttir « xi-ting ■ r-i-r ■ f ! ti • I nt; .iu* t«> tlie «-ight-hour ►Hike fund. in Oregon. "Ayer’s Pills are in g«-n« ral demand Money was m-« d l y the OtflF« and r«ai i«n<-e on VaUfornift .■»tr.-et affairs with a » • ntl-i’-nt a-suranc' i aat it m r- j among our customers Our «al«-s «*f < aga atten lwd promptly day <>r u.gul I'un’ha»cr3 of property or Capital Stock of the 1 it.« ami will r«s*»*iv«-thru-c.«r*lial ••mi *ix«'im ni I If th«* b»r -ling it !«* « ►!« ar** pa ab x»- W W ‘U he rn*l»O!tai- sands to ¡«sui** l»ia *l«-«li- ii. R. PRYCE, M. D., Ti.onqe state of (?r<-g*>n ditat in hia veto of th«- bill b'e fail to give entire xatisfltat i*>n The ii un who has I ie li»b »r to rell I eon w » m a member of th»* b««ue* at the t ¡-a*-«*-l by th !.i-f 1« gi-hit v«- a««< i:;t kn >wn rnrticiAN and si roeon . Wright & Hannelly, San in*•:««. i»-xa< a.« tn* Port laud Wat • r hill. bus. -1 up -u th« • x - h;.- ti e i gl.t t<» fix tl.»* .»U)* nril bv will last session, elected and a. •rpte.l the . nipt ->n from taxiniou <4 fit« t*-nd« th. r-m ■ •dfenl* Oregon. ¡»r.-vi l« «l for. Gov« > ¡i -r Penn«y r • x-r. .-«si a ■*••11 ami the pr.»»* tor which h« will »*ell position iu order tu fast» n ti|»on the peo­ wis«-ami <*«>inm« nm*tttn- it, ar.«i having this right he can select Ina ple a flood of untaxrd bon is, so he could Odio« *.n WUMaaub Ilr1*k Building, up «taira. ti.-nal j»r« rogat \ * vested in ttu . Xi*cutive ar. I hl ' nt to rnakt* the fab* for him. invest hundreds of thousand« of dollaie, rKKrAi:r.i> i;v llrinrrnlR-r ■ hi». upon th«- «¡u stioii llurthy rai-. 4 w. | :u«.w Of the Fi RtiehiseH nnd Privileges grant. ”1 to I . H. IJ ) V. ! . The d«*man«l for eight hour* Las held derive a Jaige income and let |>is poorer Dr. J. C. Ayer i Co.. Lowell, Mas», If u.ii a»»-sil k Siuiiuoii’» Liver Regulator him our unquiilitied iictiv* support neighbors pay I p « taxes. Governor Pen- a prominent place in the plffitHrm of or BO N August 7th, 188S, wul Mir» y .»id nature in niaKiLg y«»u w» il Tnedoemnent wax iea*l atni«l the 1J- bold l y all Dealers in Mvdkiue. lf \ ni ere cosiive <»r d\>p< pt c or »re suif» r- ext »-ni hitaiasii) When the < ¡AUxcetuiuix* ganixed labor f »r over a quarter of a < en- noyer vetoed this ¡»et sc h *me of Thomp­ MLDFORD, OREGON.! ■ •-tfnrd, Or«*goa. 11ury. and some of th«* trades have en- son’s an«l now they’ll have t.*e <»pi»or- in¿ from Hiiv other ol th • numerous dis- I’.y the incorporators of said company now oil til»1 at 11 e M ing Governor 1‘ennoyer was r« a-i, tlr* j »y*-«l it« a I vantage« for years. Amid tunity oi trying tl.«* issue l»»*iuxe th«- peo­ ease-« of the liver, stomach nr !»<■<• h, it >• <»iTV-ec>n Main str^.t. to Chllder. build.ng. Jackai ( '• >. ronv»-nlion turned itxell loose an«l Becorder’s office, in Jacksonville yolir Í u n 'aulì ii you I* Ill iu >r for > m the «liversity <*f lheorieM advanced for ple of Oregon. Thompson lepreM’iits al) * ai. p>'«>tut-t j aiiend.-l lo. day atri night. Il I 1. I IM. op THE BE>T AM» MOST cheered again nnd again. Treasurer mon> Uv»-; Kegiiütor iy s ovt rei^u remedy th«* «»»lution of the lal>or problem, the that is objectionable in trusts and r«*m- i 1 HniahingA, ete., oon- Webb received a similar ovation. 1 he DR. A. J. LAPPEUS, »11 bl. subcr 4, I *'5 • clause ariaigninL’ the last leg •.-Mature lor c. f»— v.«.rk turn« I out. .«*- the measure nearest the Leait of the labor. Pei»no>er is a man of the pe -j le, P il Y A I C I A N A N I> SURGEON. AT CENTRAL POINT, Ail ord-rs till* ii ia lien uiiaWHrv. Therefore, «1 • ivt <>' »ver­ Tlie platfoun wax adopted by a nnani- most |*erhi«tent agitation, and almost giasping capitalists, ami Le’ween honeat DR. S. DANIELSON, >i k any um-a-'itn’S'* in the region r. Fi'ni’* Remedy. i»ea«ripùve MANI I A*» Mack Of I tv»-r c«»*!neticw W hid)give t«> the »bee s t«»-«Iay against Ih»* ei^ht-hour day. PH T P 1 C I A N ANDSVKGKON. ulia-t v (Vcs. gh«»>t.y) whitenvs- «Mich c<»mp aint that the builder« and con- Their is no hyi»ocriry in this fight; ti e Drug Co . N. V ■ edford, Urrtfoa. pr« {-i.»ai <-ii> • «»nJ.iin 1« «tai.ces. lln-u>e «4 which. »1 l«mg eunl»u- i Th«-v L ive bad ample time to prepare Thompson an«! mon»*y “j'vnnoyer and m-«1 will sides giving the *kin n laugh giving ll't r M< 'IVe Hi d t'1«M in G «1, ’ wa* I for the !-t <»f May. lSfM), and they must a fair division l>etu I i.ave known that their refusal to concur | bor.’* One i«’l.in t<» a ar.«l !♦ ati cry appearance, I f . - * .,»! «»st »’•*, w« have open**«! an <»f- rhis Mute- PHYSICIAN AND H L K G K U N. l>r. Y il « H’i rvgu t»’e tlv* aeium of due«-paralysis oi the nerve.*» .. * «»♦• t«»MTU • >f ’ i with the workman wouhl precipitate a for success, the other on the correctn**«-« liver, kidte.vM ami boaeh bv using ment is no ‘ i»uu a-buo, ’ nut fact-, weil- | of hts princip «- an i the gu«xi judgment Medford, Orrgoa. iliS Sar apuri 1». an ai s Intely re kn«»wh t«» iheniista and ph\«iciaits, nasc-d strike, am! they also know H at «trikes The loss of time caused sn«l honest intention of the ix-ople. Let For sal»- .» ii th*- w» ll know n phys’ol-'gii-Hl elh-< t.s of r»re « xpensiye. blood pur i) ipg lerne«!) . Otite«* ’n liftuiUn s lil«k. Hueüdwn«« ou I * »t t . •? î s * * T o c 1 s such suf»’tHnc«*s u h'»»«- presence n prepar­ by a strike, even if it lasts but one the c ani| am open ; let it la* hot an«! ag­ (’ lÌ!U««k.». * \f U « W AA .X i * * * • u rUr» t. liuti «ve ae fino a Iine of property, and BUILDERS ations for the complexion ar«- ind»< .-(tc . U G K V N. ,re «••»nrip'd The hot salve in the w«»rl k. >n airi .!>>,,-|>tiinc cu Mskf* >ui cur-»nic uis t»s« ». < J.(’.SHERIDAN V for such as K.' h - ui italiani, Asthma, Fi.ee, K in«) -lup d f-»ily. Starving men of one cla^s i ing the enumerators only thirty days for 1« terrilir. V. .«anie emid'ons. cy< l<>i < s, I Cviupiuinta, vic., a aptciaRy. their work Populous distrn te will’ have •-Hrtbquak«'*» ur<-HHiu.lv ai»<1 tramen i h'-y , into submission to men of another class to be divide ) ro that no more than lour When Baby «as m - k. *1Tr her ('asteria. j i< tiirv-qiie. hlit setircr v »ips»'Hbie to emu­ results ui the r«*|rf*tition of the contest. J. H. BENNETT. M D-, When hlie was a < hil<1, she cried for < astoria. Any kind ral*» *d in a flrst-claas Nursery. late in ai timi nn I • ilcrt by thè admini^trM ; I he American Federation of Labor has thousand, aecerding to tl.e last census P n Y N 1 C IAN AN P SV Kü I O N, The J»upeun7 • ) flou ol rriiie ile" whirli pniduce co- vul*i -n vo«-y, Milwaukee Bottled Beer, Schmidt K (’<>.7 S;;¡,-.-irUI < :uid I o -A t nt - ng t ! • ■'•*»«■ I*! give inc Cor. 3d »nd E Street». and ag**ny in H e abumnitJ l urtionnf thè i7.«*«i constituency, and until the eight- tendent will fig the cviii|>eneat.on of enu­ !!■ r r i I -, I wil g i.mintcn *at¡Mfaeti.m. When she had < 4 Ir n. she gave them I astorm Grant's Paas. Oregon, l.nn an fr.nn»- S .«ti i> Mie » Iteci <»f 1 ••««>- h«.ur «lay is gained no other question merators at least one uo nth Is fore the I a irrant all my 1 r»*» *. if pr»»p»Tly cared for. fasi. ir.«-d vele: f purgati»’» s h>»| |> I v f - ll-ng 1 I ' I' ' I |»n> tn.ut easy. Pr-nluce tnkon nt PORTLAND. OR i'ffirent prwnt at the Bagley Hotel. will divide <»r difttrat t its attention from commencement of enumeration. The m:*rk' 1 pi :• •• i«ea»U ■*. of I’e.-ieh Si-»-<| want'»! more itnd m«”e mio <1i'*ms»-, ami of wtiirh law fixes coru|s*r>HHtiun tn |opuloas d s- A J* JOHNSON. Ho-tctter'*« S:«»nnc|i Ui»feis i* tlrwhok- the main issue. Containing 120 Koom*. well furnished. <•(»11X111. W. H. SOMMERS, M. D., J t< k- nvi!L . Or»von. Aug. 1. 1883. tricts st two cents per nsme, filteen cents S ami ’KI. ( vompkkr , some. pl<-a>aht ih d far moro < He- I ve -m - r dealt.«, ----- THE BEST— e»-«iH’ « uni. I li v ue tf rm d 1 he 1 :it< »or. for each farm, two .elite PHYSICIAN. BURGEON A A< VOUCH BUR. th • Bit’« rw invi. <e Hi’»« r*. • ii tl-e DR. CUNN-S IMPRQyEO LIVER PILLS ing soldier, sailor or n a-ine, or si.iow ■ f Professional sails promptly stten Jed to day or F ’ neat small in.»! -ntl I1H .stir Krput.lie.n« who J. R. WRiTSMAN, v Tr - i t IN THE STATE. Cure Sick Hradach.. b, correcting the Stomach, Bow­ < 'idf.iry. H’;d I» < h«i »* it eu tblt-, n : «ore***, W. F. READ. I’rwid.nt nlgiat. a soldier, sailor or matit e In c tt.ru els. Liver and Kldnen*»uitaVons n either Brg 'sb or G< rman. where tlie tak i.g of tie cer.tus j Me nu I riMnq the blood: mild in thalr action, pleatant to take, — ' erp» tita’«-*- thè r activitv a» d l'-g-.l ti •’ v ‘‘walk- .v..r” in Orepon thia re.r will | I districts J. K. ELCERKIH/ Free B jt.es to ar.à fron the Hotel. „„u lg morH ,..«,.„1, ofllse an 1 reaidenev vu ( all(<>n a street, cor- J L. COWAN f Trenaurnr new gripe or aicken. One for a dose 25 eta a Th- Iner i> b«-m fic «!|y iditihit d. n- h n» r of Fifth fctr. i t. t|,v Superin-.endent hav.- ttu ir , i , i | iv. .inn sornnwhat ti nt- , 1..... «. .................... . <1 H 1>U bos. Drug and General Stores or b, malt. Samplestren < No < ’him -*•• rji.pL»» e«* and m» «1» vlatlon in ktdr » \ > a • a»e. he il i- m.- i i- » w ich ■ i 4 if th •} »tu li the election return, can fix th.-.-onij cnsation at , o! |,.KK l;,aI1 . .. • .-.cilon, Sii>ty ltuin- THS OR- ROSAMKO M«O. TO.. Plaua. O- r _ rl« _________ sH ar i J ar-' ......... t iu ......... ' m I c I n cbarg«*. y <’ ui'i'h r-, ,»ì-.», ma .l’m, m rv »3a day nor more than |f.. There » r.o BcM «lunlity wrought from th- hitherto Republican stale» of .Mi ala-JScenta; lodging S3 c« i.t> t«» .»‘I c< nta. and i h» uni ti imu iwt Mtcel, • •: • ■ 'Y i»'«! Ht .ele blsnrl ai. i ri» . ;n : V :p and »tael dr I tirh ulod for o E. LEWISTON. Proprietor lir.ÍMh, - dm mid at I Itnliana. Rhode It-la'xi ha« elected I i tcnees oi enumerators. — ability ....... .......... J nrcurary. !>» /*» tra rd I. ' ’ • - i'-- : »-y • t auslng in!;n«c .(-t.i-fj wiie»» wart*, ihis form a$ ad* •‘Hotrf fttrr All JHaeaaM.” ! -l r i t r I s. Tbo S mith a W rs » n H h - Notice I"» 1 « I' ••■■••c'H'ic governor end tlie mn- I az ’ • . r • •• . h i »• 1 up- n the barrt-l, with firni’» < «S Blind BlerJh 1 «d Prolrgdim,. yield at orcs t- SiiO-lX.O-oo tt '■ i -1 " ’ ’a O' i '" «rid Indiana were simply apply ■•SwaTxa a . ixTxnr " \ ■ -»■ ;t 11 Id it - -, « f pftteAt«, nit"! ar>* gunr« 5 il.LTHOS! Wil«» MIE IMH B’LI» l'» I >. i- -J.-ti.t. In-i«t upon having them, and it • - fae< hand«* call un d»rcc«h cnpjrts afhetai ausvros tu >*• « di re.-, n e prompt attention, beacrip- says tln< Eatt 11rrpoiiimi. I« nln rill Inde I ph la t.'C cataivf?» • "‘'I i f- ■ mpon appli.-ailoo. ville, Oregon, wh*» will r«-« « mers allays tchlng and eMects a permanent cure. 50c. < b**.’bT Itatfraat bearne and «untava <•« - at tJ « NrwipaiH-r A .*rr b.UITU X WESSON, druggists or ma'I treatiss free Jr Btuantio Piqua. 0. Children Cr^ for Pitcher’s Castorîa. ----------------------------------------------- mtuoy A,k bpriugheld, N» m < Wildrrville, Jan. 31,1*30. >i r:b.T In Southern Oregon, nud eompui*»' ravorabiy with anj IntheSrntc. Job Fri nt in« of every iiua<1uabie donvrlption d.,n< at >,,n Frane¡aou ratea, and in a prompt aud nrat-claaa manner. iCitSONVlLLE, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 1. 1S90 r»uoc »p> per annum, in advance........... •• mi in »nths.................................. •• three ua»uths •••• 4 job work Advertifteim nu win b<- m», rt< 4 in th- T imps «t the f,>U<.Win« rat,^ Too liO««, ooeinsertion M n« “ " meh ■utm.wiu. nt mai Hion -, £J^*I^ rtia<*.u« ..tatua, ri..-»l r .^4,.1 )y A falrrnrr