MISCELLANEOUS MlSQSU^MtittUS oil Vii GENERAL NOTES AND NEW3. VOORHEES AND DOLPH. MISCELLANEOUS REAL-ESTATE. MISCELLANEOUS. LEGAL ADVERTIS F >Tr NTS. Alonzo 1>. Border lent been ap|K>inted Senator Dolph lias been attempting to : postmaster at Marshtiold, Or. reply to a recent speech by Senator Notice IINPRECECIMED ATTRACTION! . APRIL 17. 1WM). rHIKibAÏ At a wedding at Lancaster, Penn., the \ oorhees in regard to the agricultural V UVhilt A MILLION IllSTKIULTEll. ilepreaaion now troubling the farmers of groom was presented with a cemetery lot I’MTRa S tates L am >»» ffh k . ) TO ADVERTISERS Ih>SEBi f«;. O h .. March 13th. KMI.f the country. In hid remarks Mr. Voor- by Iris father. •MPLAINT HAVING BI EN ENTERED AT heea Baid that “ not only had there been Tk< tim »;» «••• »ei»e«l«ii»fi of aaoo A *500,000 comftany at Middletown, thin ofhc«' by William Nusbaum atniinst «ma* F. A. G<»*ch f<»r atatndotr<>x liishotn«'- ■ Uolar,MI enjoyed »T •»» aewepaper N. Y., is to lay pipes to New York city no increase in the value oi land the lant Kt« .ei entry NU. CX'». v.'th. JsK», upon quarter century, but there had been an publiai,»«! batweaa Portlaart aid Red for the transmission of milk. th S W ’ | <»f S«'c .34.tp .3«» S.rangi E.in.lackrton absolute loss of 33 per cent. Improved ■luir.Cal.-atlletaaee el eoo lullee. It «■«'unty. Or«-gon. with a vi«w to th« canccl- A gold nugget was found in the Neal farm lands to-day under the most favora­ lati«>n of »aid < titry: tin-»aid parti« s ht <- li« r«*- ibeeefore otfere tbe keel lutluceuieaia placers on Block creek, Idaho, recently, by Fninrnontxl to app«ar at th«« < fli«««* of th© ble circumstances would not on a general lo »d verileen. Our Hit Is principally which was a perfect image of a woman. eft racy !• do« Incorporated by the L« gislaf ur«-. for Edu- e*»ni ty clerk for JatKHou county. «.rn, on average realize more than two-thirds of routine«! lo Jnrkeou. Joaephiac aulì th«' procesa and eatlonnl and (’harlta!»!« pur|»«»ses, and its the 17th dax «fMay, IHO. at liH.'el«». k x.M.. to The .Vloree Company of Yakima,Ws»F>., what their value had been for twenty- I franchise made a part of the present stat«' r« sp >n*i and tmulsh t«*tiinony concerning •»w-1 M0THINQ, akiil in comi*« nudidg Mio Hinanalb eouullea. Ruelnoee mea lias ordered a tobacco-planting outfit La nw»a«*« GaMaa five years. Ohio farms are now under # I Mi. .tpr thè rWMrtvn. Conxtitiition, in 1H70. by an uv« rw h« iming p«)i»- »an! alleged aband»>nin« nt. < HAS W. JOHNS» >N, K« gistcr. C l « tv. bw A«»< I ■liwnlrt lake aale el Itale. ulHrvot««. from Chicago, and will plant fifty-ti»e liti it Takslt in tim«'. Ucbscka mortgages amounting to $300, (X) 1,0 )0. In s r-a-Æ «ha 1 «ara and A. C. J okes Recciv« r. In the «misât, or if Its MAMMOTH DRAWINGS tak«* p!ae« acres this year. Illinois 23 per cent, of the whole face of Ä’ I cum Semi-Aiinua ' ly , Jun« nn« «•« mb« i and it** J ACK.Sl >N VILLE, OREGON. The legislature of Kentucky has appro­ the state is under mortgage, amounting H7ZE.V MY DREAMS COME TRUE GRAND SINGLE .X I MBF.R DRAWINGS tak« Notice for Publication • r.t .nry f• tth r ban i notice <»f For Intrgrlty of it« Lrawinf«. «nd I’r. n |.t l’ay west, from 20 to 50 per cent, of the farm ,t. S« ’..t c Rash, Lurups sad ©or» Tu listen—amih- aiul luUm-lu the tinkle of the employes of the Mendocino Reacon, lot» mt« nt -n t<> in.tk' tinal | r<« f in supfmrt of •Sdentary iivv* •eueui.uj iivcrt win wiL flud BkNtFlT merit f U*e slringH ... "A * fr.-1 • “ Itiae hirt claim, and that 'aid proof wil) t><* made be­ AttCKted as follows: •yi , ru I re. it tí Ot th«» sweet guitar my lover s finger« fondle as it marked the birthday of every one interest as the farmer# could nev»*r p tv 1 r ai*-« ilxurvlpr —. — l-a.-.u Xudigc/tXiyii, for«- tin- Judg<-, <»r in lli*« abs* nr«*, ix for«* the connected with that paper. art he Ung»? H.Í * 1 * P nsti|hàHpii. ilra«fa< li©, Bllioiirtnets, “W «• do her«*by cert if v t hat w«- sup« rvlpc t h« Ch ik of th« < oiinty < • •mt of J :• k-*n-w hvir my dreamt« which cost over *75,000, were destroyed face to face with ruin. Nor an» the farms I fife laking. F«»reh ¡r«'ii It it tuoni in- terv ('ompRny, and in p« rs«.n manage and con­ N •. 415»». for tin- lot* 1 an«! 2. S«x«. 27, tp. 3s S., nta‘ i s ■veent and harml«-*- X<» danger from come true? by fire last week. They were on the of New England different n this respect | trol the Drawings th«-iiiKclv««rt. and that th«- R :«W..-t. W M II '• n:ttn«-s th«« foilowinic •xpnawr«* after laking. (.urea Colie. Di- Ham«* ar«' <'(»nv<-his <-<.ntinu>-iirt r« Ki«h«n««e When my dreams come true shall the simple Truckee river. Insurance, *10,000. tJd .rrangvawnU. >*ric© $4 54> per from the Western States.” arrbuu*. B«»w««l 4 «un»»! ».•»t-», r«*vcrii»h- and in good faith toward all parti«-H, an«! w«- upon ati'i cult. \ it •' n • .1 uu art and At the late session of the United Pres ­ His remedy for tliis appalling stare of | I ■‘ïi'.’b.w. CM. jZÍÓtóíá»W.* delicate p« • < 'rii f!”d >t tb* mlldest Be cbang« «1 t«> softest satin, and my maiden byterian Church at Albany, Oregon, with fac-.similort ot our signatur« s attached, in .1« fl« rs in Matn«-j, of CniontowD. .ia<-k*>«>n Farms, Village Lets, Improved its affairs was : “Tariff reform, a full sup- I : Diamond Dyes excel all others in braided hair )«*<-tl«»n, f r • t . rc O'wwrrb«»», Hiiv«'rtiHeiu«-nts.’' Aperk-nt ami T« » ■ ’’ ■ v.-un --« A little unt v. Or« gon. 1 Be raveled into ttosay mists of rarest, fairest a vote was taken on the question of using ply of legal money, free coinage of sil­ Strength, I’urity and Fastness. Nene other 1 .11» »- y Lk-.i. Strictarvfbfe: Frite Lakrii al nielli i - mu • ' * •*’ : *b-cp .«ic and -Nervina, ,-4 * his inteiiUoii to mak« final pr<»«d ¡ti >.i¡ port of t om vu íMHioner« Xc, tamuioii» Lu* p.ou.pùy wo suppose he would have a portion of aiu«»ng the she aves No. 2. number of headaches. t rvrry-A here, C. e •<, Mcumly pMfcsfr • Ins claim, and that *«air< t•»«• judge. <»r in his al»s< no . l»<-f«.r»- tb© a: : . : ■ The secretary of the treasury Fias rec- j the and the leaves the M«-adow.s. Improv«*«l with a <1 welling 10x24 nay a JI P dz . vh drawn in th«- L«»ui.-iana >tat« «-I« ik <.f th«- C 'unty < ■ urt «»f Jac ks«.n «-ounty. warrant them to color more goods, pa. kage grain and stock, until there is a scarcity « enm^t ths <1¡ k « Shall I lift and lean between me and tiie splen­ ommended the passage of C 1^ I44CBARDM 4k CO. • 8e uat or 7«-« t with five rootiiH. a barn and Htablcrt. 80 Lotteries which may b« presented at our coun­ < >r« g'«n. at Jac khonvili«-. <)n-g<«n, «-n Saturday, rw F4 r.f rhe sv*'«-"' of farm products, when the price oi the for package, than any other dyes ever made, acr««« dor of th«- sun fcnr«-d. 46 a« r«-s in cultivation, well wat- ters. •! :*’ & Sk.iwm» «trvet. ( errar LkQF. May 10. !*<*•. viz.: TI ih «!« us Ri'> lr.i •*. » Till th«- m«M»n sw«>«»nrt into twilight; the glean­ Mitchull's bill appropriating *3000 each limited supply Would advance. The «■red imd a fine outNide rang«- f«»r st«»« k. A No. sf« a«i « ntry N«». 4.'»74, fur th«- SE. l4<4 s«i 23, "- h KranctMO, Ol. » R. M. WALMSLEY. and to give more brilliant and durable colors. 1 stock for life-saving stations at Port Orford and er’s work is done— Mark*« • t . nein -• farm. Piiee. fifteen dollars per acre B ,'K. 3 • «M, W. M H« li.uiD s I five or eight million people who would WMCLLAK MA1IXD MA. Pr*«*». Louisiana National Bunk. tue Save that yet an arm shall bind me, even as] the mouth of Rogue river. Trad«'-Mu o «■ash. Title perfect. ing witmsss«*» to prov«- his «'«»ntinuous !•«■«)- PIERRE LANAI X. ______ i_________ ________ _ ., *n thus be invited to quit farming, in order Ask for the D iamond and take no other. the reapers do &-.Ù art 1 Sb, lalui «- • .1 4« nee upon an«) cultivan n of i»ai«i Ian«), viz : Pr«*. Stat« Nutiouai Bui.k. The average wife may say, “ I told you The m« am st Mbeaf uf harvest—when • my No.«. red« uu tuu -.ide- Tu. u to make farm products high, might en- : S*n«J postal fur Dye Book,Sample Card, directions Win. !.. Y»iu the Big Butt«« saw-mill; val- «■•»unt » . »)r« g'»n. CARL KOHN. When my dreams come tru« I when my dreams enough not to remind her husband of all death in idleness, or what is about the. (io cts. a quart), etc. Sold by Druggists. Address ’able <'hi««t)y for rail timber. Government ti­ » HAS. W. JOHNSTON. iW'lM.-r, Pres. L'nlou National Bank. come tru« I the idiotic nonsense he used to talk to same,by going to work for 80 or 00. cuts a WELLS,RICHARDSON A CO Burhngton.Vt u tle. Th«» <»u n«*r is out uf the state and the land True lor«-in ail simplicity is fresh and pure her in their courting days. will be Hold for five dollars per acre, ca»h. A as dew— day in some “protected iuilu'try.” Notice for Publication. The blossom in the him kt at mold is kindlier to VIA Memls-rs of the Olympic Club claim to Tiie miserable sophistries of Mr. For Gilding or Dronxing Fancy Articles Use bargain for somebody. th« « y «• No. 7. L and O ffice at R osehcr «;. « in..> Than any lily born of pride that blooms against have received information from the east Dolph will not longer be received with Two huutlr.-d and f«»rty acri'H—sixty acre» 4t the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Maien 2u. l-’.wt. ( that Jim Corliett's proj>osed four-round much applause by the farmers. They tb« - sky. f«-nc«‘«l ami in cultivation; improved with h Tuesday. May IS, 189U. otice is hereby given 111 at the And Ro it ih 1 know my heart will gladly wel­ set-to with John L. Sullivan has been are beginning th do a little thinking fur Sold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only IO Cents. nice bearing orchard of fine assorted fruit f(»llowing-nanier m his absenc»-. I»efor«« into two pic«*««H of on«.- bundr«*d and twenty 100,000 Tk-krta at #20 rarli ; llaKr» «IO; ili«-< l«ik of th«- coimtx « oint « I .h««k>«»n T he M ontana S enators —The hope !i-an |H>litician and a number of the fa­ Quarter« jy 5; 'Irnilu* b*2; Iwt uiirlha t* I. acr«-s «-ach. Th»* mirth half <>f this place irt un- < nun tv. Or., at Jarkrtonvillf. Or.. • n <.»sepii <0 pp< it. I k >m< >t• a>! that the time wan not far distant when $1»i(l0. Th«* other IsO aerea. $!MM). Four miles which brought a national disgrace on I PRIZE OF is.................... $ :M)O.(MJO «■ntrv No. 4573. for tin- NE. *4 <1 s‘« « L*6, Time between Medford and San FrUticiaco, 1 rum Central Point railroad station. Title pcr- TUT 1.ANI1OK TUK legislative laxliet* would decide eontes»«« 1 1 PRIZE OF UMUUHs lifl.iMJO tp. .¡4 S., R. .3 «-iirtt. W. M. II«- nain«-> th«- fol­ America, died at New Orleans on the 2d. The Burrs Herald has l«s-n sold to W. Iwvuly-tuur buura. f«ct. 1PUIZEOF 'rtUMidi!» .. frt».iM) lowing witn«*ssei* to prov«- H im «•■ ait 1 nu«> us election cases in strict accordance with c a uro uj < la Biruatw train © hun daily bk - C. Byrd & Son, 1). I,. Grace retiring. No. R. A member of the French colony at Vina, 1 PRIZE OF 25.Oi»lH 2 ’».tOi t residence ujm » ii and cultivation «>1 sani ¡ami. facts. It should make n»j difference to TW1O FOMTUAND AND BAN IHANCLMIU. 2 PRIZES nF HUM) arc .... 2U.UUU viz: Thad«'UH Bn»« kl«-y. “f Bur Butt« . Jacks -11 A farm of 120 ikt ««»*, im|»r«»v«*n; J >hn 10U PRIZES OF MU are ing. «ni«'«>f the very i»»>t st«M-k rniig«*s in the 4.UU r. M. Lcuvu Portland Arri vu IViiáJ*. m ple. only question should h< ‘ which of the two <»n » '«•ok. of Big Butte. Jack** *n « nntv. 5. This shows received the greatest number of le^al ■ . v«-ry l»«»ttl<-rnia r««me- comity CHAS. W. J0HNST0N. R< glut« r. 2(IU a re.. MU PRIZES OF Title perfect. Pric«'. $*00. 7;4ó A. M. (Arri vu Sant iiuiUKo L««avtj[7.üU P. M. prosperity. for sale- i ney re- five miles east of Lima, Ohio, developing votes. The one who clear ly «lid should APPROXIMATION PRIZE No. 9. LOCAL PA j MXNUMK TKA1N DAILY vEXCLPT A gang of young “toughs" at Shasta at­ t»e seated, though ttie taajority ther««l»y ! t'undcn-se J oil mid. on«' hundrctl assurti-*! fruit tre«s; one liirg«- «1« c« a.*-«il. TEHMINAL PKIZJ>. 3:4U F. “ l/OrotM Lugcur L«uv. | V;UU A. M. And yet but a few years ago these seeds a shotgun charged with rock-salt. Sev­ The Montana conteste«i scats in the sen­ spring anil <»th«T sinall««r on«*© «»n the farm. o TKE 1S IIF.REBY tilVEX I1IAT THE i • u««»i. sit- of a committee <9 conclusive, to the Re­ Exchanges from various ]>ortions of for a week. $1(MX), cash. »■ .$1.U54.**I ting in Pr«»bat«*. admiiiistrut«-r < t ili« -lat« of 3,134 Priz«*s, amounting to.... The ca-es of the cap!ure of Chinamen publican contestants. If tlie tiii.j »ritv in No. 10. A>i»« t't And« r*i»11. «i« « « us« d. the state report many instances w here V TOURIST SLEEPINC CARS, All pcf -om»ind« bt«d to *i.«M «-Mat«- are re­ r A bri« k house an«l large lot in Jacksonville, fivi-dollar bank notes have l»s n raised stealing their wav into the country, rc- the senate had been be«n«jcra!s the re­ • pl»'st«« Il t ' • «f sj X, t W«l V«' Uibl • igh- fWForC’lub Rat«*, <»r any further inf orma­ prly to the um!« rsign« «I, pr< «'inct. Jacks«»n c-ounty. Or««g«*n. with Lieutenant 1 red S< iiwatka, of whom through. The enumeration bill is needed. 1 he whole case «lepends upon the el c- Tbu 3< p. fu.’» Ferry untMcw cuuiiuctiun with percent, mterest. elenrly stating your r«’si«h-nc'. with >tat« . thè pr«»p« r v«.uch» rs attach« <1, within six a.i mt- iygUiur trai us un tau Enal Sulu Dl’i»- Orenouiauk once had g-s-d reason to it-. No. 11. County. Str«««-t and Numi»« r. Mor«- rapid r« - montila fruiu ih«' flrM pubi«« at D III • •( t his tion in a single precinct, known as Tun­ - J A AXDEKSON. Anacortes, one of the new railroad «•iliei-, upstairs, in Ryan's Block; tun truur luut ul ï atrwt. Port.uud. feel proud. waA recently arre-ted in the A «»«»tnhirtnbh' irnin«' linn©«» In JiK'ksonville. turn mail deliv« i y will !••• asMimi by y -ur« n- notte««. - al.- ol Albert Aw coiin’y. Th«» fur sail- ««n r•«•>*•«iimblc t«TinH: of th!•<•«• room* clobing an cnv«-l«ipc bvuring y uut f u.i a«ldr« ss. And««rrt"n. streets of thieigoas a common drunkard . d«*«-« ' mmi ). Opposite Rennies At White’s. Wsst Nid© Division. returns in that precinct showed 174 Mini kitc4i« n; l"« ai« inhab­ Deimwratic and only four Repub i. an a>l n»« • -Rary <»iith«»UHos. Wil! l»c ©«»Id « hrfip. Addri'ss M. A. DA F 1*11 IN. N« w Orb ans. Ln. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. E.P. Darrah, a wealthy citizen of San itants, ,11'1 bare lots within the “business votes. The Republican .senate th««ug r Xi XAU-TILUM» DAILY ItFT aVNUAY.) as th<* <>wnt r irt in ««axt« rn Or» g«»n and ha« no Or. M. A. 1» A I I’ll I N. Washington, I » » Executrix's Notice furtb« r us«- for the prop«Tty. Arrive 6.21) P. M. Diego, went hunting deer in the moun­ section" are quoted at *300 per front foot. this an Improbable vote an«i instigate«! 7 JM 4 M.,L»avu Fui I.au-1 By ordinary 1« tt« r, c«>iitainmg M jh y » »id« i Lcavt-i E ju à*, m tains fifty miles from Portland, Oregon, e. M4-V11VU lÀJi vaXua No. 13. inquiries as to the individuxl voi«-s < a*t. irtsuud by all « xpr« ss «-«unpaniu.-., X« w York In the matter of the «Mat*» of John The Oregon 4 California branch of the A twre-Kt.iry bt stal Nut«'. M it*v.ti. » V LIT »LA DAT.) There were 17,58tl books ptibli-hed in land Stanford, C. P. Huntington, Ct as. if each and every affidavit was true th«« Th« bous« .'.-«¡.tit! on a full half block <»f «-• unty court <;f Jack** n hiu : y . • »r« - - n. sit­ Ian«!. l«M»\*_•»■» !• « t in siz.« . an«) lia.« all the fruit© itan lo ting ;n |>r bat« . • \«-cutrix uf lh '.t.:*- «»f L j M F. M. L U»V Feilt .tU.Z An ▼« J.'JUA.M. Germany last year, »u inert- i-e of ne ,rly I Crnckei, W. V. Huntington, Timothy return was incorrect . But when tin« j i- gi .wing th« r« i«n n- ssary for a family tu use. Sf.W OR 1.1 « >1» M I ION M. f. » Xh COKVA LUS,OREGON. Julm W.itf»«>n. «1« « • :'.**« «!. A.ML P.^M.^trrxYv MtJUuxxvüIv L« uv «Jú;4¿ a . m 1000 over the nuiiilw- in 1888. The list I pric«- «■..’•r*1»»: «!>•' at t.ni«- "f sale. «1« fervd pay- H>>: k ti'. R. Koehler, Donald Muc,eay, «licial test came three of the alii I tv.t m -«K- New Orimi)«. E h . All j»« rs«»ns inde bted tosai«! •* t« nr« ers had left for parts unknown. i' «« of t-ilti. ational boi ks is the larges:, 20»3, m« nts tu be r*«-eur«d bj a mortgage <»n the 'iu«>t««l t • suttl«-th«- aam«* imtiD ,tt- ly , l u ll McCraken. R. 1'. Andrews. TH(H»UCH TICKETS !• all poi ut», u/£ prvmis« s. m H cash at «'ption <»t the purchas- precinct was thrown out and the fact ha- tip'««' having claims against th« •Mat«« »lu»» Dn payrn.-nt «»fa and of Masonic books the suialh st, 22. Turm Cnm nancea Wednesday, Sep- '• SOUTH 4. EAST, • r. This is a v< r\ dertirabl«« lo«*ati(in. l»«'tng nEjitjJlbrJi i r -- - < i \ raxti . i !» pr« -«nt th« in at tii*- in- flic- ■ -f » V. . K n The Democrats carrie 1 Albany N. V . at never been made dear that mor»« than taxuber 1 J, I8SS. An artesian well on diaries Smith's tin- election which was he ■! Api ilby an am«>ng th«« very l««'st family residenc«.© in the BY F«»( R NATIONAL BAM<> . : X u «)r- at Jacksonville. Jackson c.iunti. (>i ViA CALIFORNIA. •••♦ * town tit1« peril cl. l«ains, and tbv tick» ts nr<* ?»ign«-d bxth« Pr« si- prop« ! \ Hl .1« T' att II II« n ot thl** n FAt’L’LTï. • throw ing out small fish. Smith 1 a- built a ring. son of Daniel Manning, fornn-r .'ec- san decisions were made by canvassing No. 17. r«ul uu C oluv © u /' b um « ut «ti Mvuivrd. are recognize«) in the hurhest comm; tli« r« - Dateti Aja ¡1 I. l-’.»u A '■■•■I c -rM uf eip« n©need PrufMaor© sud M ka^ÀtLJ^, L. t*. LUU LILS, number of p mis hat he wil. sto. k with re'ary ol th-Treasury, has been elected boards »nd officials, but these cairy no nIkl Mt Mjslthf. A < «»inf rtabl« fram«-iu»u«« withav« ry .rtrgr forv, beware of all imitations or ai n«»nyra«>u6 Pii» I .BE II W ATS«»X. M ai •! by t ing-i (Mtm wit h a g mm ! tir«-plae«-. t wo good b«xl- part «»r tract ion ot a tick« t !**>>! El» BY IS in uh '*«I h of tii«* fi*rm.nx inter©*»u vf tb© ¡átate Rider Hagg'td lia»announced to'rien Is given was 2500. t»r-'ak:iig up • !«>* « »i»-sn and «• •!.! that r. hfi '. is ¡on! a k;leli«ti. ©good w«! I of wat «r at any drawing. Anything m« or nsin«* «-ft« nd Notice of Final Settlement Silver Bow county. If the dispute I <‘i- prompt.y PHEP.VtVT »KY DEPAMTMENT. t«io .»!!• à I V. . «I - i'ii • t '..Il tara! >1:-. is« . will th«- •! »«a; alr-'i wi»<» an* of ax« •b«> d^ir© tu In tbc (’»unty C«mrt <»f th« *t.'«t • <»f Oregon, I'rn ■ S',’»«'; d- w n at time «»f purchaj««-.— •ul-«r tr»- <*ull«*«w Lutare Qu* préparé to en­ )t Suulürrn Or«g >u arc hereby informai that ing to Mexico for a long sojotv n m or-l r Huntington county. N. J. Bufones« ia their representative-», the Silver B u \’«»u m ike n • .¡unt..!; i«> k.- jung a !>otl¡« of $2.'»«» - - ! ■ t • HiBty ■ d .!•> k • in mx m