’■4 • PKRttOSAL MKXT1O.1. LOCAL NOTtó. AN INTEBESTINU MAKTINU. It i< r»*r»«>r,r«i that W G Ken-?.• ha« 1 Miou*hern Oregon, •1 ul« b*»w »-u Ja k* nvi « -n i .Medí «: d 1 Buy h White • . • . Pu-tmaater Jacoby ui Gold Hill i* ¡n Bpring fights are numerous in th*“« p »rt«. M -nd it. tow n comprising the rouiu i«-* ..f D-.u. l ts, J c * m - . 1. -i ion ■ y» -.r- ir.*m July 1, IMF) I li»* Whi;e is still king. Mi lire.1 is very high at this seaauii of The present i« the lig’»t“ t term' of circuit A: inimr «-♦• «for* « f n-w g d- is i»rrr. rm i:.'i>.\Y A Lamb ai d wife visited Jacksonville phine, Jackson, Klumatl . Lak«*, <’.••« at.d the j ear. Al’ltll. 10. !'••>. Adv« rti-e y««ur s'allions C'irry, is in »erst-«!» at th:* piace w.th iour­ If it were t» of t «•• irgest and cour kt» w ii f« r yc-i»s L.i« «» Engel of Fh'Pti x vi’iteil us a few te» n «I.JcAt v« p«e*enl f'«»n :ln* ». *r <«u« Beautiful spring weather. ■ be-t n«su: inents ever br -imbt to -<»uth» n ti • I;«rt th i th» .«pp .«I bu< tv * r »m ti l« I’ *.«y l’«»-!?rof Tab'? Rock pr?( inet was chUi ches in the r» gun. a Hat «4 tho-e now g. f'ier w.t-i n «»j- R. «d l‘ H <»il3 »n's estray n Hint in an- V He .ps « f new goods at Fisher’s. ! Th«* reí «»H t'i t M (» » 'ich 1 11 f KI *.'U- utt< rm* « w«>u «1 ir..* I ii »•«»d.y *■' r»* to | i ‘has. L»mb«*rt of Go'd II.’I was at the temporarv place <»f ho »« i *-, th • t«o-» «*. «|»le u'be r c«>luii>:i «th or ali < e «■ mp I e i t. run f »r con- A Democrattc county convention tor Jack, a’h < »»i trv h «1 - •’ p rn *. o I i« Wheat at the 8. F V »nety Store, people of Ja«'k-oiiv.l e i, «•. • >< ; ■ in n. r > ruut ty Seat this tiiumihg. son county. * Ireton, is h« r«*by called to be U« Id J«>. 18 •! th m l 8. Rjbbin* *erw m town stm k is unioui'i’e I, he '-.» i » a rea r y *. rrsS. dat«*«i uL with comi »ridilo »piai r-; ¡i-v. on T n <«i i v : ist. at the Court Hous** in Javk«<»nville on iase Hr Witt's Litil* Early Rtsets. Br«> Har.an of the Medford “Mail’* go» «1 lurk. I A prominent L’cii. ri*«* ?tnt «*l»*ctitig «picit tixL-t l«» in»* ««»unty commission- a Repub ■ an < onstituf n h tr s •» mait«*r <.f mk «»nimodatioii. for lure« -quar ­ Po nt. v sited u« tins week right d»*legat«-s to ntt« n«l the Mat«* D»*m »« nitic rrs’ iniirf Ini» we-k It am •«lint*4 t » near­ Rev. W A. Smu k an ! Elder IL î! «i. i « f 11 .n S Fur? V • f E 1» ’! .» e • n i is r ¡cov­ I>**tu«H’rnu<- primaries next Saturday. ter's «•( «n hour in the broil tig «un yester­ <'«»ii> « utiou to b«* held at l*«irt.an I, Ur« g.»n, I G. W. H res alburn of Butte creek visited Roseburg by Mrs. J. A Wilson; IL v. E. en: g irum his i 1* es.« ly S17,( W Fr?*h bread at the 8. F Variety Store. April 24th, 1MSO. and to transact other busim-tM day. T’ uly the Jt.ne election is diawuig the county-*e it a few «lays since. an of Me.lfoid a ’ «1 Rev R » ‘ ** m M McL* Tr« a-urrr Moor? ha« ma b* a <•:» . for th? on apa< e. Wi«i. Olwe«l "t Pli e . x vi. Hid the c«ju:> that may properly come l»«*(urr it. Oni »n s» ts at the S. F. Variety Store. ('omn»issi«»ners Taylor and Ray are lu Leanof Gran:’.« P <-s t v M s Jan -Mc< uiîv; ly-eat Ia*>' "-aturday. r»'drnipii-n • f s«*v* ral th«»us »mi »1 «h. r« «»f The several pr«*cincts will be emitted to one Ja«. W »»ley of Butte cr» ek died rather Jht kmuville on otfic al bus ne«s E'drr Walker <«f Grant’« P.»ss by Mis. K. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers get there. f 15 or over east Kuhll; Elder W M Mathe« bv Rev. Roh­ office. other co'uiun. H.-rse aiol jack bill* at the Ashland urrk. fi«»m ad -e.isere«* inbln imi i g g< < r.iiu raiupco n < u a i *. . , N A. - , Jacobs »f - ----- .— s;w«nt a tew eit Ennis ; Rev F. G. Strang« ot A-lJand gon will s««on be lise.f ag nu tor Juhu M. Gva« iu for cungrcaauian in I&»s,t«j- Í No «'ouhl tons of hid« « ami pelt wi 1 le Yreka, from August PohW has returned upright citizen, | ‘M" ,hl‘ < J-se»t tbl, w*emore. who has b en quite Ashland i»y Mr . 1* P Prim Rev. M. A. «11 « v : ii g ui Ja k>»jnv)Ue. Precinct. Vut.«a cast in 18M. Del. Cd. ( wand« «'f heH«i 01 -t •< k 11 »Vc du d I -ring lb.. wife and several’ children mourn his uu- ■ M« Ashland .......... ............... 2IH » «•*•« k ai •*’ .Montnuuili M«.»»•»...ml. , i« »- about «.lu.m again. Ti e a m ot Geo H.»yes is quite Wi’hams at.«f wi'e «»F M •’«fo. «’ bv M - M s. Ja«* «b N«niiitimer uf R uch Point i pa-t f»-w 11»« nrbs. Appl«-gate ......................... á2 3 ¡»re-» nt. ( mel\ tb-m.M*. i A. H. 8iin«!ermun Is now iu th* employ Wm. lic.lfmnn , R. v. F A. Lott of L nk pr.«-, c: j rep r <• 1 quite ill. Big Butte ...................... 3B N«»t a s'ng ’ ej «iy c »««• was t* I l»i - • 1 at ville bv Mrs I) Linn; E ! >• P •. *r S»n» ••« lb.it for a num ( of a Portland m -I ioo I supply bouse. M -■» I ’ Winningham of Trail creek is A pa r of litII«* sp » rr w « hiinney R.M-k ................. M * •; B »v. t«*h of A-dilatid :» h irr on 1 n • term of t!»r court and the p»*tit jury was ‘a*; uf war- h ive t«»uud a- •vas t > a • e-' i' x g » and mm « ( 1¿ u. j»« Pop t > y M r*. M . H • u-«*r — ........................ so «'entrai Point 4 quite id «lis« h rg«d y»'-ter lav. Ih s is a very un - l»l »<*. mt e interior thi • ti b a u not hole i i ¡ Attorney F»tch < f M»*df'*rd is st the Ei der Furi« «»f Mr-il«.r«î’:.t-«» alici «1.« t a* ¡e-« i*>ny: I*.,«-1!.<-ss th.-« atek. Eden ,«hvid«*l by Talvut) 3 count v-.--e.it mi protessioual bus.nesM. Pl w ng an I seeding are going on rapidly L L Burter s'«a v and A > Huiun ’<1 u-ual ,*»cunrtue. ! F« h «I h ( ’r«*ek ...................... 21 daily se-s < ns. tn»* w«* ith r-b «ard ng uf the I imes *» ffi , j W G. I’«»«.per. D. J. laimsdeti and Isaac Flounce Kuck ... «f i ‘ < A bi it.u ■ ar are iu t«»wn. tf 1 evrrya here. Rev Rob rt M< 1? :« . . f Grau!’« I’ ««-. S.mon M«'Allister's or'nre min? -n Evans h «V«* at last return«*d to the r a<*< ustomr 1 Gohl Hill new precinct) W«*olf «»i Mtdi*»r of haunts, retiring mo«ter.»tu', «'“ iv red tin* o¡»*-. D. M. Mcir.tmy nss returned t» Burns. ami we J i.-k«. ■ nx 111» M Early Risers. <’ ».»-. N L im »ert tn l \V. 8, Fitzgerald w* mon at lite Pre-bvieri.o> < air« ii Hut. » ««»unty. fr »m Ntvals. pmnf Hr has h L o di*c«»v« red u va u il» e >pr n_* I)»« come. Litt lluro- 11 uf »¡¡.»hi H il are in J icksooville to-«iav. R m Is ure gr »dually improving, though Tue-day tveirng at 7 3t gypsum drpt -it . 1. «st ‘ ri-« k new pr»-cin«-t) Jo- IL iu«, J B Dyer ami Jus (’apt. a: s. P. B »yd of C««t!age Grove *h • h the Pr«*-b”h-r; •»■ *an Uiind s fur D.ouocrnti1’ i>- ruinations 'Loighter Miss M «die. w ho »i-ent the 3 >n .»f I d iit were here th s week. who * • 21 se — i m by «-'ecting R« v. J K. N. p». J ni Was in Ash ami for several davs last week \ II kinds of *«* wing-machines repaired should annoivc? ih« tn«elv»*.s in th«* c««l- wi.iiri af i'a.-iidena. ali«i Mrs Dr Songer, B* rr of Med'or i a • I Rob* W 1 Mount Pitt n»‘w pr«*« im t • rafor m»«! El n r J M L inrk » -ni*,»*;’ by J. W. 8 «wden. • umns of the Tivr- a» o.ae, as til** conven- w h<> has bt-en with thrm the lastmniih, >h >rty H mi it*»n .m i W u. Ulrich, the 1*1 »«a*ant ( 're»-k X t op ui T I - w« re here dun ¡g tb- w«ck. it1 >< k Point divided with all r» (urn«d borne Frid iy. M‘>s 8 »tiger’s we i-knowu M»*‘if«»r«l rustlers, called to day. clerk. A large coagici:atlo»i *. vm « prêt» \«*k E <’ Brooks what DeWitt’s Little lion is not far off. Joe Sul- .ti»oti left for the north last wet k on i uesday eveiong in 1 H-t. n* i lo an <«..i I Hill . ............. E »rlv Riser» are. A Glendale man whs in the vallrv last health ha« br» n considerably improved, Mr« J. Houck of Ashland made her aa«!-< h » pp ** i ?, a' d < t!« red Court business was hardly ever so light send . Shake in-w precinct)....... Mrs. Bagman of Ashland delivered an T’|T projr« t of bu lding a jo nt Htocl^ ago. |1 50 prr < ord lor cutting un«1 piling, on a y*t«-MiutH»rtt.......................... 4 as it is this session. enferiai um * ¡«<| i-*--, on i',. . ,i. < . ¡ «.f < ha«. Thurman's sou* killed a large bear company roller mill oil Butte creek h »s not Trail oi. Tabi.-Kock Le/ri abandoned, we learn. The losses trj To expri th»* inn uritit s in th? b’ond and : firm r, i« making the valley a prufes«ional yes’eriay «*vening Having b*er ue c.ii kmgn St•M-lyli this week. Talent -,nvw precinct) . I recommend it aa superior tu any prebcnpuoa Sour 8lomAcb, Iharrtcv., yr ihr past winter will prevent th»* matur­ ahy engage 1 iu the m;*' i mwoiit t r *-«»m* Will. Worms, pres sleep, eu4 p<^u.otas di- ('mont. >wu.......................... < irttut court convened last Munday with give strengt h to the systrin b«dore th?« fl« ect* ing of many j rogressiv»* scheme« for a lew visit Mrs W P. ( ’ ■» lots, a fir«t-«'ia«a t«.a< her , aaowii tu me. ’ IL A. Aneara, M D., v»ars in the f ir n-»r h w« si, - h *? i - able lo uf warm wrath« r air lelt, u-e Plunder's WiHxiviile.......... . .. . .......... 20 r««uon. F J. Taylor of Little Butte precinct an«l ?a« y h«»l«l thr attention of in r h* arei> is teacL'tig a te-m of s-cho I at Tolo montbs. b it the organization will be per- Ill bo. Oxford 81, uruoAoja, N. Y. Wltíous kajuñoas mcdtoMoa. 3 a ve/y light docket. WilL»w Springs ................ .'»* Oregon Bl od Purifier. N. t’ookeuf Willow Springs precinct are in fecte«i for future action. S**ed potatoes in «quantities to suit at the M**s*r*«. iL»*>» ri« and O ’ Neil « f M»-df ,rd, The chief topic of •li-*-u-«t*»n lias thus f ir -•» 8. F. Variety store. Turn out to the primaries next Saturday town. Total numb» r of delegates.......... Judge Tolman is notbing, if nut frank. been th? proposed rev’«i »n of the (' mfes- successful farmers, called a few days eg >. and see that represenlativ* Deni »crats ar** Primary luoetings in th«* various precincts Geo L. Matthews of Flounce Rock pre­ sion of Faith, the chief ch .mpion« »«f r**via Upon taking his seat m chairman of Ibe Farm and orchard work is progressing i Mestsrs Arnes, Adams and Bcott of C»*n- selected as del« gates to the convention tu for the election uf «leiegates to this county Republican county convention yesterday, cinct is paying bis Jacksonville friends a ion being the present tm.drr.itnr ami Rev. fal Point were in Jacksonville this week «‘«invention will br held at th«* usual p|jie«*a of very nicely at present. be held on the 19th inst. short visit. he stated that he was not a candidate for Robt. Enni«, who a* chairman of the (' >m- v. ting on Saturday, April 12th, IsW.at lo clxk The county bar was fully represented at Mr Packard of Elk creek is in town Lar H. 8. Evans, Ashland*« wrll-kn«'wn anything before the state convention, for r. m . Jas. Buckley, a prominent citizen of Un­ tuittee on Revision submitted his report in the lirtl time since tbe big blockade set painter, w’a.« eni’Bkrd in painting the rrsi- th? st tuple reason that he had no chance of The »‘«»vnuiittr»* not having any reliable data this term of circuit court. -J. favor of th? proposition yesterday morning. iu iontown precinct, made us a friendly call Porter at Grant’s getting a nomination. The grand Jury adjourned yesterday, af­ den«'? as<* the repr«*M« nr «ti >ii in th»' yesterday. Reva. Eneas and Robt. McLean ate the U‘w pr«v!nets m.i 1»> tli«‘ apportmnin nt m th* ter a thrre-da>a session. !‘a-s during th»' week. Wm Griffin and depghter uf Josephine 8 iriilT A ’e«* and Po-d master W. N ».»i I pr«fin« t*» m*c«»rding to th«- b»-st informa­ Mi«s Ella Hanley is now ip Portland, chief opponents of revision, ami the latter county are paying relWtivrs in this precinct GrO. E Jolies «•( r «b|»« R» ck pr? i'.rf is Moor»* « f R .«» bmg haw the agency for J.p Ksonville was visited by a number of tion it «'«mbl «»Plain «si th«* subjtvt. ke«*i*’n • l»o«*k«L»r Hanley Bros., the whole- was yesterday «¡.pointed delegate to the a vi-it a mibli'iii e i«-r th«-1) -ni«*« iat:c i»«»m nation -«• h l»**rn < »rrgou f«»r the L-mghxiy Ex "l- s;t General Assembly of the church at Sara- A I p'-rsoiis who favor th » p«*r¡»» tnation «»f Republicans yesterday. e biit«*h»*r«. I»« in •«-r.itu* principles and «b *».Hn supporting taga next August, with Rev. R. Enni* as Lent ended with last Sunday, which wai W:n. Herrio- and wi e of Applegate have for county M««e-«or Read his card among «ior :«iit«»m.a tc farm gate, which has pr «v «I Mrs. P. P. Ptiiu goes to Piirtland to-day alternate delegate br«>m |.r?«rnt indie* Easter. The event was generally ceie- the I»»-inocrati«- n>« iiuu «*« s at th«' appr MM'hiug our hew adrei t.sem« n!« a gr« at «u«*c»s« wherever intrudiu»*»!. The) to put. h.««e spring goods, aud will bs gone election ar«* e«»rdial!y invited to participate iu bu n at Jacksonville lately. lions the report of th»* committee tji f «v«»r brated. H. B. Miller hi« evi«l«mtiy for»'g«»tie hi« intend to have a local agent io canvass several «lays th»* priman« s. John Web h accompanied R. 11. Dean of r> vision will probably be ad .ptrd, in congrr«Si»»nal pretrn-lous, ms hr Ii i« b«'»*n ibis ci.unit f*»r the gate W 1 flowers are blooming nicely and B> older of iac I»*in«M-r.iti«' »'«». i «'ininitt«-r. to Flounce Rock last week. Marcellus Rowe and W W. W«a>«f of which cast* Mr. M L • •.» w,d no to ih«- Gm- w “re never ho abundant us they are tiiis j nominated for rrpi» «entailv? by the Re­ • E. D k PE \TT, Chairman. Mrs. A. F Whitney of Og«!en, I'tab, who Monnment grange on Applegate now ha* publican* of Jos<*i>h>ne county <»"l«t Hill called on the T imb » Monday era* Assembly under instructi ui«. spring. ha« been vi-ding her mother, Mrs Ralls wild«* in town. thirty-four members enrolled. Tne report of the (-ointnit'♦*«• ««n R< ard. of C. B. W its »n of Ashland will r?»’»*ivr tbe of Gold Hid, for two weeks past, was .in Quite a numlx r from «Efferent portions Fre-h br»*a«l can be obtain»*«! at the 8. F. support of th? delegado»» from J.icksoti town T'ie-.nd A«»*«irin:« - will be • f tt»e c • -luty.-i.t ndotl Easter servi.-es l»i-t presentid to the !'re«bytrry at .’» .» < I . k Variety Store at any time. ll iy -.n I i ai l his regular annual visit to countv for «ii-tnct uttornry. which wi'd Mrs. W w il visit a lister livng m the \ l»«*m«M*ratit* <’■•nv«-nt)<.n f«>rJack-«onroun- til s ail« rt«o<)H. The « 411’11'!'«*»' « r««m • Sumiuy. We will keep one of the best selections of HARDWARE, Mr««rs Dairy and Sitnon of Eagle Point doub'lrss give him the nomination. Wiihitn« tte val « y Incur«* r»*turning to I taii the Ti meh sanctum. f \ , »»r«*g*»n, ia h»*r»*t»v <*all«*«l to b** held at the John Watm* r • f Sam’s vsllev ni «1 I>»-w |i'..s«us«- m J. SHOVELS, PICKS, NAILS, LAMPS, Etc. in southern railroad iio’abL**, pas-rd ihr «u¿h the va! wr« k which were quite beneficial. urv» y ot th«* t»r«>po«»d route f<«r thA y« «terday in town. A -urv cation at either Ja< k-»n Vi •* or K« *"O irg Robt A Co*»k of Font* creek sp« r.t a f»-w at lt>«»clu«k i. m . tor the purpo««* of nominat­ P M. O Rourke, who has been conduct- A public imeting to discuss the nritter w 1 : d - \ - ain- y I) - <«!«i fii« 1 d - m Ja< ksotiv 1 ie Oregon. df«»rd l and Jacksonville raiir«»a«i was’ H«.n Samuel Furry has been re-appointed ley going north one day last wren. ing randnl it« ’» t«»r ounty «ad district No. 15. Prof. LaDru R ya erstwhile of the ma l» a f w «lay« since by Surveyor Huw- Ling the < itv B tkery in this place, left fur br held this evening hrL.re the Pr» sbyterv this u«-?k b«*f«>re it. H'd. and gr «d«-stak» s wer«* set on an air- ^Portland on Tuestiay. takes final action hi the tn «tier prior to a I- Fr»*«h garden and flower seeds of all A«hland stair normal school, 1« *• »id to htvr l ne from the Neuber property in tn? lower Pr«'f J. N. H « 1 of ('-**ni»a. P »¡ut was Will sell the celebrated BAIN WAGONS and VICTOR tr-The r«**prctlv.' precincts will b-* «*ntith*d grown weal'Ly from judicious invcstiueuts Herman W. Scheid of Yreka visited j mrnment. win« h it nt thought will I»** < f- «'»’ii '•»«.’ les fri ud« m Ja-x oiuviL ■ a lew kin 1*« at • hr > F Varirty *st«»rr. to th»* same r« pr« srntiiti.«n as in th«* first con­ part «-f town to the ceriM.ration lin** ot reeled at a iatr In ur in Portl«ml suburban property. fri»*nds hi th»* valley last week, while en MOWERS, and a first-class line of AGRICULTURAL IM­ vention, as gi ven al»«>v•*. «lays «nice. (’I : i.rn f'*r 1 m quantities to suit at the M«,«if rd. Th? rout? can be graded from Ali th? ineiub -rs of the Prr«byt«*rv ha\e Primary iu«*vtings in the vari«»us pr.s im-t- The railroad depot raiing hou«r« in this I > wii t > town f r about $ «OJ», it is thought. r< u'e to Washington. • Mrr.('« l Stone < f Yreka, ('a! , has been PLEMENTS throughout. been taken tu ’ he s.te ><•:•■• t «i Í r the pro- for th«* elccti«»!» «»f d»-l«*g:tt«*a to the county S F Variety Store, Jacksonville. vali»*y are grumbling ov« r the (h ineei'» D«vd <» Sp*ncer w is among'■The resi­ A«i Irras Jackson A Sowden, Grant'» time on the ruilro.id. The n**a sched­ « i>nv«*nt4 *n will I m * held at itu* usual place*» ««f It -e-ms to be generally conceded that dent« of A-hlaml pre« met whodid jury duty posed aca imiy. <»n the ' ihr ■ b :tt«*s ' near paying re alive»*, .n tins and J ■ pbme coun­ v-itiug on .^Mlurda). April 2>»th, l^yu, at I «»‘ci.ak Pa«-, for a White «ewmg-iuacbine. town, umi exures« thems-lv« s ;*.« 1’gh y ties a vi-it • atol Sheriff Bird«vy wi l t»e at iIn« term of court. Will open up for business Cle« k Mullrr ule will not b? 111 vfl'uc r ¡"tig, li«»w«*v»*r. F M. pleased with the adv.« ituges of the sitUii- A«bland, the boss Republi- The «hurt term of court Milted the j lrors D*-m«»crHtii* a-*,»iia* 's, now i« the time to All p«*r«<»n« who favor th«' p«*rpvtuation of Th»* largest ami best st«»< k of deeds, i t-n>»niinared, ta«mg the nomination* for S. B Hull of Flounce R »<*k precinct is in tion. v«*ry w«- . a« ul. ««f fbcin had urgent busi ­ < an | n-cinct announce y«»ur«» lvrs in the T imes . I)«-:n Little Earlv Risers. likely NIMM. tiimgs It is quite B . that th» p<* p e H n J H. btewart of Elen precinct, fi.MF.s office Mud s«»ld at Portland rales th« pnm.irie« W«* are gl.-’d to notice that John Orth is »»( Jackson countv will "sit down" on this th well-known horticulturist, fpent lust IF, «»rd r «»f I he Ib-tm »«-rat ic t o. (’«»»nmittev. Fir«t-< ass c»*dar fence posts for sale in Mr« Pr iu is n«»w di«plaving the finest arrangement iu an unmistakable manner. abu* to be about again, Lis health being Mun i tv in town. Notice* for th«» 1 »ration "f ] « •»••■ un«i E. DtPF.AT I. ( hairman. «pianti fir« to suit at the T imes office a.s. ortmrnt <»f mill nery co« «is »-vrr f»r»»Ui ht In the old Gates stand, but on business principles • Unlera buncii-ligbt ’ is th** picture«que c«u»*i ierablv improved quartz mines, etc., fur «.«ie ,«t th.- T iml - of- ^ilnuii ( A: o o' R»»seburg vis.trd his Jrck- to suiitLern Or. g«»n. H-r go "Is .«re the J F Wi-n r is tea hi*’g the Applegate M A 1! u-t n of Be igl»- ca'led on the n tit »• «»f the lour page >uiq>lemvn( hi "liar > oiico : hi . c«»n«titu?ncy during ti,e fore­ latest ami -tvl .-« ih? most fasiu nal» ? s'?bu »1 and giving general »atisfactton. A llariu »nii'U!» Convention. • p«*r'« W“« * y. ’ published April 2d The Tivi s whd? j" ■ f »rmii g jury duty ut the Th«* American Mining Cole, standard part ut the Week. Inter»« it g E »- rr •. rvi< es w* re I.eLi at .«Hi« !«• is by Mmni«* Bm hatian G«>«>dinan, <•' .un y--» af y « -leiday. « nnrr »n, th»* f«»ot-racer, is m town, H h The Ke'iut'l cans h**ld their county <*»»n- authority un all snbj«-cts perito Dr. Ai.i-i <*v of Central P int an«! IX«.bt. I a-t Su mia v a d we* • ami d«*scut»e« what is to be seen t»rf »re ami th*- ( utho i- h hi h is p o i .ly lo king for a «pre«i contest. \\ H. Iz ( editor of the A-bland VFirioii to s?|* rt «lelf^.'it«** I«» th«* «t-t'* (•< < «'ti- Ex< client m d mus c i»« bum the c irtam an hour ur so b> fore the " T I ng-, ni tend «1 the Republican con- ail mining, watrr-righ ■*, etc., i k**pt for h a ml *11 of Gohl H.H preeir ct co.led h* re Monthly iu«ta nicnt« of $10 will buy a V» rv well ;»:.*«*• d- 1. sale at th«* F îmes oim-«. venti n, a’ the town bud i • ’hi- t* .»• e »?*» on*« »lay thia we-k. •f \ oun.r » .«Les. I was furnt-he I « y a ch ir pr«»du«*U a • f an opera, a tragedy, a coiu- yei l on h»*re ye->u rd ay. Í lerdav There w «« a t •l**«-.«b y f«ili repr«*- Ii «n e un i l«»i in Tolu f: oin Scott Griffin. • * fa- John <’. Moore returned last r* ■ k wi h JACKSONVILLE K *ht Har«iman of .n day in i»wn last week. ago, t as L en acquifted on ti e 1 round of Thu«. Laws«m returned from Crescent II -rub "<> k are in I oau that they mtru t? I t<» hav> b «Vm i*v m ’!»«• F rancis« o. M-a«»« has b»e i prevailing on Wil­ insanity. Both pariiiH once lived in « . v tin« w«ek. basing been enow bound D I’ Brittain was hereon? day recently convent ion if tn?\ h ««I I«» -qut« 4? f he <>i»|»*» «1 i«\ a.i. Am<«og Rev J. R N Bell of R >srburg is paving li.m-«r««k an.I Applegate lor sometime. The Rummel boys of A» telope hav«* F, - on p < uiiar bu«m“«e, partiu41« of which Oreg »n. ami b:ucka«led there a4 winter. He w nt h -ol«i haunts a vi«it. ami is warmly re- *»' on out «»I th Jack« »nv». e p« ty »•««irr** L»*nt I h * «.' ue to gun work in earnr-t at tin r in n-s on the The farmer« and miners were never so w. . be g.ven io ¡rafter. in chunk- of a«'qu.e.s enee. > ver.«! «»f the Horse and ja* k b 11« prmfe I tu tm* br-t b} -trainer la-t tali ami attempted t«> return cviv« d by his many friend«. personal Klamath. bi-, ai.d the towns are currespohdii.giy line via 8an Francisco, alter the pas-es i»*:*«ling I«»« h ! likin’« of the « uunt) « • »t ion Rtyl at tile 11MK.S office. \\ r nave the >«-veral •• innmnica* ions are unavoMa» is the daily Refer S.iiion and w.fe of Eagle Point Mr. Kesters >n of fab'e R <■': has un­ I . v crowd« d oui of ihi.« issue uf the Ji mils , <1 nlrd » ar y in th«* «1 y ¡bl! iLeV «1 < ln«l duii. largest a-s«»rt 11 v.’ii of ' ut.« «n 1 mat- rial lor were filled wi Ii «now in the mount tn«, hav,- been att»-m'i'ig the meetings of the Ay«-r s Hair earthed some rich q nrtz <> i the Gau- hut wili appear in <»ur next. ready want to go »«»lele^it « t«> Fortl.wl, F«»r purr It gur river whisky, in quanti* that purpose south of S ».»«m Rites very mil wa- stopped by the rai r«»ad bh»cka«i * No matter R**traemg h:s course t«.» ('rr«'-ent city, lie IT- -byteiy 111 Jacksonville. iard h »m*—place during Lie wkuer. ui.ieM it C"U «r t>e in hi g**d by me ns of .» 'u - to >.m. ca . on Captain Caton, Jackson­ reasonable. X B Banister, wbo to enga ?! m the I.at th»* »-uior of I. S Morris n f Mtn th river, California, proxv, and the ut the fear of ed first as « • 111- General Contractor in Wm F. M< (’artbv. w*tn 1. vi Si rails* A thrm f.»ur months yet ranging them ab »ut the head uf he ¡.ver 7'"J t>n-hrls uf fin»* lim? at their ledge on iw and phau • ..» t e law <• ore h»- eyes. »*iu e fcherll Bird- p »rary and then as pe- in »nent chairman VV .«rd ’ .« « it* *••». tnree miles from Wo »«iv li “ . • • htS.iH Fran 1 « «». int«*rviewe l his nu ­ next sumtiier. a l«1s greatly IL F. D«an and B. W. Hou-tor. art .1 .,ng *ey - ti v iM?«rr-«bauxn pipe Apphgatr farmers are fortunate in hav W .1 Stanley of W«» ««’V I • u.t- eh «-te«l -?c fairly well with th»* W. low S ring- mine, A *o<’ial (Liner w 1« given at J. R M-m ami ar»* now nan Lug ttir pm«lu« t t«> Grant ' mi rous « ustomers dur ing the we» k. 1 hartu Si*....I «ir retar}* The w«»rk uf the to, ventimi lieing r»g hay ♦ m ugh it.ft over tu do their spring Mi-« May <».l.soii La* returned from Mou­ 1ÍAHBLE, STONE OR GRANITE I'.*-« Ih v have l>ad « me trouble with ! son'« pía- e on L »t-g B a i‘ h. north of th*- h«n kh!. b ir-ting, but wi l put in a draw ■ Dr B M (i 11 of Kia mi’h city. Cal., is arid cx | m -< t lo clean up with no >d re-ui s. hall tn* thin, Latva, to « le«’t «I»* ez «t?*« i«» the «• »’e < «'iventi’in, wui k. rn uih. 1 ‘ uk < <• -mty, where rhe La? be* a h ’ a h iv n * be»':» < 4, i d ’ o alterni Mrs river, last Fr:d »v mght. w h w is a' j J «»tin Miller Wi : l th«»r »ugH v rénovât»* his the iu1 «»wing wer? ■ h«»-eii. \V. H. L«*«* I-, F«‘i«*r Am-e < f (»•»:«! Hiil wus brought to alt.-ml- ig th** norrar.l school. dry.or turning n * » n in and cm.dU' t tfie.r business «41 an »1- j (’.I* \S .»Il of Flounce R«>. k prc< in t. eit“t'*:vr placrr minr «.n Farmer’« flat a* (’ B Wa’-oti an«l W. H AtKinsmiof A>h- C wn l«»r medical treatme nt to-day. Hr is temí 4 ’ v a : u .her of quests an 1 gr« a 'y »•u-ivt scale la a short time. 1 br Klamath county delegation to ih? Ayer’ * Hair \ Igor enj «yed by all. Ju Ig«* Brower of Grint's Pas«, one of soon as p«.«sri) r. (iwmgtothe *« arcity of R . uh • • tu -tale cnuventh.fi is in favor uf lan«l; H. E. Aukrnv ■ f >teriingri I“: li. D • I ilf ill. I'm* licvn-r and aniidiernse parties had , <, mth»*rn will rest or«* the «-gon’s lead ng Mtt »rney*. was suitable ltimb«*r ali i <»thrr ma « rial, a« w« II W *rk on Morin?’« n-w b i«* c hu ¡«ling at I Rubli of Api i“*-”»tr; Geo. M L-ve «4 J.»-k Th*» Appbga’e uterary society was re Dtv- Thump-«»:: s nommati m as governor aS the ltnpa--ab e < ot diti'.'i « f lb«* r< ««I*, color, 1 ring out a son V:llr. \V. I V.iw'er of Mvli»r«l. Fu. y ■ r i ¡z <1 last >a?urd »y night and promises A-hland, near the i»a »ml the Mas m ? . «putt* a contest in A-h and recently. The I here this W»*rk oil j rofe-sl »lial bil-uies«. jriton of IF«.-cy A 8- hneider, tor a ii- A fresu Hip; Iv of clover, timothy and al- block.« j-» well umi » way. file Lu ¡dinz wi i . bait the de elates wi w««rk t «r th** * on»!na­ to fl »Ui 1st!. new growth, and Mr«. S. J Dav. who is st 11 at Salem, be was un.ib’e tu make llit* nece* -ary ru '* .< »«el han ju«t l»»*en received r.t the S. be 25\’¡ó feet, and wid be «piilr an a i»iit.< n j c n-r to ret.tii sp mil ’U«Lquor*, came be- j writ» - th:r 1 ie coi «! tion «>f her daughter. pair* fur th s seasrm's op»*rat on- tion ut J. < . F » mm fo state irea-n'e". ren«l«*r the ol«l «-»ft aii't shiny. For to e the c ty conned a few evening- ; N.nr*, receipt* dur-bills, drafts etc., in 1 V ri 8u r aod w I be M I a: 1 w « st to that town - busines- ry r«» tir« tU“v w I w *rk f «r I F. Prompt Attention given to ail Order* by Mail. keeping the k ' alp < l« au, cool, ami s m e and had a lew names mure upon il Mis* Mann«', is coiMi'ierabiy improved. ¡«»r'u handy and first-daa», Ml the prices. /(em<-»n/»er la»«. Wal!n.*»i«lei «ti »t» will h«v •' B r. •• .man i i T im as uib« »* J. M Maxwell, the traveling a:er.t of primar»?« ».ex’ > if urd-iy. w.1*1« h •» 1 I -«•!»*. f we ,re pleaded to br ahi? to li vou are sick Simmon- l.;v»r Reg•l'ator tl.« ’ '.*■*4iid-*y M< rcurr ” made us a j lea.«ant lu the market. A-«*« -> ent schedules and tax receipts, drlrga’r- to the c »unty .-.»nv»*n* «»••,’<> meet will probab y b«* c ntmued against other r»c«- .1 1 governor, pr »vi leii 14* ger Heimann 1« -n- perse«!»«j bv an r.«-i» rn O e_n n nun for r-: r« «1 y i r «rbo*d districts, fur sale at on th»* 19th mst.»nt ai d «<•!• •« t oin repie- p »riles who desire tu baye their liquor li­ sta’?. Hr ha- been unwed fur some weeks wiil «urely aid nature m inak g y-di w i ill <»u Munday He is ai»o agent L»r “ I am free to confess that a trial of cense renewed. J \\ Robinson of Pleasant creek wm * If y »u are costive or dV'-p' pt.cor ur« sufi r- 1 alt:tn A B )Wen of Pu» ¡¡a* d «••mgre**» Th«* «l«-l?fc'a’iun »« » e boi»* will th«* i IME- utii. e. Ayer’s Ha.r Vigor ha« cutivinc««! me sen’ativ» « in the -tatr <*«»nvrntioii. C. A. Ayers, the A«hlan«i arilnlect and am- ng the first «»f th»* (* r< nit court jurors ing froni any «»H ot ut ih«* numer. u^ «lis- favor lb? r« u n.inat o « ot il* rmanr». h w- ihr r »« i»»a«l (umpa iy Isst week filled that it is a gm i.n»- .»r’ ’«- Its use has A Z >»ar«, Medford’s efficient night eases of thè liver, stoni.« li or bow< l-, it u G»*neral Tho«. G R am-« «r if a pair of rver. A I. «»r near v m H of the • re I'«»11 1« ♦* h« u-r at A-ln’alld With ice Irulll ralif«»rnia quail t«» H Pap»*, J r., oí (’o v J- i»',.li«r, wib renmve t» Albany, l.inn to -or vr in t »wn, ami made us a pleasant your < wn fault if y m r» m »i i ili, for ' ni not only caused the ba:r of my wife and » a aich, was * al:« d t > J& k«onvill* on 1 ues- call. . -..uiHJ . in a -h >rt lUU?. 1 Ills 1» tu be FC- ga'r.« w it a’lrnti th** «’ ,'e « «»• v nt «»:, in ■* • V I 1 I. (laughter to be mons Licer Reguiator i- a sowr« i^n r«*n.e4ir-s aim tm-mr-s u b.«H «H k ks *» in the uirgi4i.nr«..» granite city ow»* •»*»«• *0 their h »me on L ng Branch, after- in all sul h cumplaint«. curdi« piotni-vi gr n «d «cru-e tu retud pquora fur the en- May they increase and multip y. Th»- -b r AT made bi* report t-« the county tn» ir ar. nitrctura. be «uty tu his skill and ! .. ixi; g -pent the wmier in Table Rock pre s ui g 'ix mouibs. rommi* «1-mr< court th’« week, rhuwmg Josephine ( ounty Nominationi«. Oliver D* w- of Bg Api»i«g(U* was ii last»*. He wi.i hereafter confine his alien-I cinct. Teachers' Assoc elation but it has given my rather -.t.mted tntin- ttiHt UI »¡2 in tax«*« have !>■?•) paid, M ¡er B '« s, w ho are among the heaviest town on Tur-dav, rid »v«-ring t«» ge’ u«»ii exciusivt lj tu ih< work ut .111 architect. The Repuhlican cunven . «n whi< Uu.be a r« - • ?.«b!«* Jen’th an«l appwnr- Dr W. W. Rivers, J M Nichol*. S A *Tnc Teachers’ ' *-•». i ihon of J a> k-on *lu« ai-« r- in Klamath county, lust beav- county aid *0 p ai r i'.e r««a t over Mui as be w li 1101 have leisure iu bi.- new tic.d leaving 8 • ru f $16,178 (k ..'..«•.• a* («rMiit s Pa«« la-t We ìnes l »y, sure.* ’ — R Bnttun, Oak*an«l, Ohio. Carlton Geo. Br «w n ami other residents of county wi.i hoi.) heir tir­ st te u- «r n»« »4 f. v ly «Lning the winter. hi I in l i* r *.» •'My hair wa« c«?tn out (without B E lm uMon of Little Butte precinct danger« us to g » <«vi r fb* g;a ir -inc« tu« j Auicte- uf inc»»r|»oralion of the Eagle week. live H B Mi ler ; «< u: tv j «» clu a y. ’ m 1 H L Hdiuf Trad creek v.M.ed the late s’orms. with brick and great ly enlarged, be? Ide« being ('olvig . colimi --i«c rr ( 1’ . ui r 1 rr mil s company, limited, wt rr at the •I I h ‘ »me in Indiami ' ¡ am month, «.f the « «»n ity are e « ri» *t l»y r» q p—!» «i t » be c -t untv I Uied Ayer's Ba r \ 4 -r. usin^ only J Nunan and sun are expected home -h riti, .1. ( M S-; cL rk. I I — »-al yesterday. The deair? of eastern men t » ac«j iir«* n.rd in the "tfice uf ’ lie county cl» rk ia.-l ,<•-.«• was 7« years of age aud bigdiy rr A* ¡he P'O wne buttle, an«i I n »w iiave as fine a present at iLi« uirvii i'g. from >an Francis««» ... in a few days Mr ur« r. J. W.bLer«*r; a--. NEWLY FURNISHED Npccted. H (’ M»*--eng.*r has the Forter sawmill (»ur rem .i - fg l-inb r I in-! i-« ifli * nt t«« M-.iidav. Ihr principal ofli. «• will be at | N has i bead of hair as any «»u *<>uM wish fur.” gr«’nn»e (*oniiui.’«•; «b , dlV.dvd ; —Ii T. Schuiittou. Dii ksun, Tenn. published <* dl t » ie *• h *r> -, "w id ■ th» re i- 01 A-L amt « rcea m running order, and is - > impel th“in t«> 1 - • th ir utmost “Xrrt «»ns Eagir P -inl ( «pital «tuck Tho«. H Gil-nn. J P Tro»*, Ja«. D g- g<»«»«is It Is centrally located In the burn■•«« part of to g»*t over th« r«»u I» r« '» d t»rtw»*rii I hr v.»l «i«*; snrveyor, » T. H.tvv« in «>-11 11 v« ut *1 ’ >»vat n 1 nr m urpotutOrt* no law < u'npeil ng \ "ur a t* n I m »- u it.« op«-r»nng it al prr-ent. ham. B. Mat”»*v, B. F. M Iler. J A An- •* I haw used Ayer's Hair Vigor in mV town, and a good-sample room for « iimo r- • «er* n, F. M. Plyinsle end John Buney ¿»»«sion.«, V« t v «ur duly to \«»ue prof«-«* on > .d t«» Jacks »n A 8 »wden. Jacksonville, lev and 'h h- a I <»f th - river on .(» a ing are J J i ryei, F B I low, J K Green j <’. C. M« < h* don ami (; J. < I irk. w ho re- the stat»* « '»live «tb«n. H B. elal traveler*. 1* fitted up in c*nn««t .r-there­ fiMBily for a num r f year«, an 1 re ­ a.1 1 J A Ju.ia- file uLje< t «4 organ za- ' cent I v i ’ir< h »'c rt «n . f«»rmei ly of this val ­ Ashland. Oct. 10. IStO. The Jewish feast ut the Pa-sovrr was Why don’t you < ure that« -ugh ” DeWitt a ni»e m«»re'• F»r sorii«-flt ami b»*-t d aft !u»r-rs in « u'm* n u-ht* el iu last hr d.»v night, and will con­ ley. i- an apt«! ant L«r the lunno. Wi*h., cough and cuusurn ii< n « ure wi 1 «to it. a* m«j rt-medv )* po-i! wly c-rt «in. p unpt ' r • -k. w '.n*l. is nn ex'client *1 po:nUu»*lit. t)»e gui d i- ot sults. — Benjamin M. Johnson, M. D., ’» n. Gr er-oti has bten 1« »m»«i a« Gen. Newman Fi«h»*r received a me? stock of have seen tutu by tel- a-liu s thiuugbout the world, and in » barge. taatly greater t»en tit 4 » its meint) r* than an»l thoroughly satis«..« tu'v If you h «w Miks’ 'Ue*: »•„ur. Thuinas Hill, Mo. ne a g*><»d* during the week. He 1* selling arr «imi ar •«-• nv age« anion the oth*! Federal offi 1 » s, pr- *?■ ( and pro-pretive, «mr.i g its 1 oiiiiiiuaiice tin* true br lever« Ti» »« K ill er, R H. Dean and W. W. tried it you Ktiow thi* -tut« m« n» to be a “ M v hair wa* becoming harsh anuar» d<»bi.r your­ T' e g« tier «1 pub ic at U«r very lowest prices. learde«! profes-ioii« were out m full lone al ti e IL pub ¡ran s.ib ra* of ¡be unicawned bread. Wr art* ■ Wdlitscaih hauled a load ____ ' _ f _____ ___ seed __ grain but ah«*r Uhing haif a I mhi I a of Ayer’s Send tbe I imk * to your friend* East, or convention y*stt*rd»y. ' !'Lings have mull r «»b.igat »m-L > Mi-. E Jacobs I »r a ¡rum th«* \alley to F«’»unct Rock preejnet self an injustice, i l is s< I I bv E C Br ««»k<. -p nt a «L«y m the valley thib w»*ek looking wi 1 tinti niu b ol inter*st ip ihr d ba'» s Hair Vigor it grew bla- k and closer. I aft< r uiir »ai r.»«d p’o-p»th lie was f«»r- and ad«tr» s-« a. The pi.bi"»hed progmmmr nt uny other piaue. It answers beiiei than » hanged ab-«ur the i».a«a* ' .«in e v teveland « :.ui< e iol< f ih«* "shew ’ bread, something ItiMt week. cannot express the j«»v an«i gratitude I merly c;i v tdii<»r of the “Oregonian," but ail the ietu-rs y-»u can write. ol a' novelty among llie gentiles. I here was given the g. b is as fo-iuws : Rarn Burned. ------ FROM THS feel. ” — Mabel U Hardy, Delavan, III. went I«» the »out <1 and prosu?re«l J Franc? of Me«!fnrd wa* in town yes- MORNINU; • Th»* vo ing-place uf Fioun ? Rock pre­ M Purkevpiir of l’en’ral P-.tut in ati »fil­ arr nut a girut many strut observers uf terdav. acc »mpanied by Mr. Saunders, Th«* barn of Theo C.onenm. . at K ion- W.O Jlari er of Fair fir d. Iowa, a reia- tue f'-ast in this srciiun al present. cinct wil h»-reail?r fie at th»* FiuUUCc Ruck Inawaura.’ addreaft ,,roi r ? .9 tz* er column anrouncis th»t hr i« h ( an di­ traveling repr»*.«* nt.itiVr of Slaver *k town, was burned to the gr« lin I I la-t Tues­ tiv» >»i L liiind of tt is pier t.ct, 1« pav- G« .«graphy f,r ’* " ,irt' .-ch ui in Use in that precinct. We h «p« that our county board wiil see to Wa’k» r. pt »te for »lie uomioaii >n •»( r«r-»rdrr, sub­ (1 «y afternoon at about live •> « te lì I here 1 e this -« . • on m visit, an 1 may lo ate As G.-ography u’"?.1 t ’ providing s* :apt rs aud other suitable I >o s ject to the d»ci-ion of the D. tuucraiir L i B « k. am at the tune, he 1- an < 1 ergetie. enterprie.tig gentleman, Di-M ussiou of ab >v« i':»j"*r*. 1 1 >t. G. N«wuury liarrv M Robert« of Ashland i? engage*! rRKI'AKZD BY in the -werai road d.siricls of the County ■ IT a it crerk, Ims b e 1 Very ill for *ome- county convent:u >. only one «»I which was rv-cu •«!. Allot lie ArraHvk»M: — or — tui- spr.ug. ui • rder iu in.-urv g«»«»«i wont in mining iu Forb?«t"Wn. < al.. in part­ contents, hav, gram, h ;rnvss, etc., were we Lo| e that be juay te favorably .«n- ' lime, bu« M how improving. Dr. J. C. Ayer A. Co., Lowell, Mate The lower ho 4«? of con'fre-« ha« p i««e • a j.r* ss<-d with our countv. Ait <.f >« h«H,i Munagrnn-ut ¡’«*<»f. E. E ^rnifh. . on the lemma izc«l highwu>*. there is but ner-hip with hi- uncle. Mrs. R. jo ned also de*troved Mr C s lu-s is <-telimited Y- 11 g Mit« ! e 1 and Ge«». L »Bl inch“, the lull gr «nd ig M»*. A. .1 E'«'»n. nr»* »iet***d, a 'Ii >ri period in win h io duthe work be- I . lnm there la-t week. (»rttrnmir t*r«»f. i. A.^mi 'i»* Said Ljr Druggittf and I'erfuinra. qu ie a auiultsr of friends and relative* at I'ib«’, up-ii which there was no uisur- a month Cert «inly n • qf '1' ■ f y • II t»d i g I t*. have signed article* t<» fight a priismn «-Í Dis« u*ai«»a ->f al>»v*« pap* r*. Prof. < . >. Priw 1 . >a I r ihci-c » un June 27lh. surviv »r of the r irly Indian wars is more 1. r • tne io »«is g»*t loo dry, and every fa- • { S re»»ant F. Newman left Ashland last ame. The origin < f the ¡ire is a mystery . hat d«»wn to a s rnptuou* repa-t at the rs-i- den v “f > N. Harvey on Fore-* creek <>n — e ------- govern- ciuiy-huul«l ve aff »r»ir«i iraidents of the i I hur-day for I ps new station at Bj^niarck, T e ¡" hue 1 < hi iron Las commence 1 to d-s»r\ tig of re ogmtion by th-- the 4 h i' «taut, «iir» ad m h >m r ol tbe mar- A. R. CAH'ON. var.« u* districts to make their lab«»r Count • ' Dakota, Hi« family will remain in this As fine • lot of breeder* a- can be W. L. CARSO« Graut! Jury Report. Seed Corn. • il at a 1 veiv ra •*. T ie festive candi« inent than she. t > tn«- utmost. Many day»’ time is prac-1 I valley f »r so.mMIme yet. ri.«/e of N. a- McKee and bride, the latter Jackson A 8 >w !?n have a largr ass«»rt- The g-an 1 j iry -uomitt* «i t‘»e f Hoving •lai«* 1- b.-t »in ng numerous. The un Icrsigmd ha- a q iantdy of choice being the nnnable daughter of ibe hu*t. in-ally throw 11 awaj by leason uf there be­ K. Kubli, Jr., Evan Ream?*. Fletcher : ing 1.0 I iaui * al hand t<> work with. *11 I w re l ( h *. Johi.son la«t W“«‘k b-muht the m«*nt of new ami « legant «!r«ign« in mon 1 and rge Linn are spending a brief va- sped t orn for «a e Apply tu uir at my farm lb«* En ds**, trouije presented "Ing«»mar "Af »r • L*« ____ Large.I \e-’erd w y m »riuo*. 1 «oi M N. I, »ng in th“ billiard room* nivnts, tombsto ms, ric , wh'ch they will cation at home. They will return to Eu­ near ('entrai Point M^fienc! stamp for catalugue. A (hires* Last wiut«*r Mr H. E Kinkade, collector th Batbarian" to a go«s1 house last night sen I with pri« es t-> any one w i.-hing 1» Lux ha', n g • “’»s dere i a • t 1 nul nal lu itC»*r> ( at oi I*.mi- »11 A L » ig at Ashland. P W O lwiil . for the Uniied btales Expir-s Company, at gene during th? coming week. Six m;he South of Grunt's Pnn*. Josephine am! rave ?x< rd nt satisfaction. They not any thing in th »1 line. Do not fail to ser • ame before us. we visite.i »he vari •«»*■ County, Oregon. Des .* oities. Iowa, was severely troubled Me--rs. M C »rtby. Shook and Wick are them before you t»uy . Harry T. M«-(’lallen and w fe arrived «•nly have a uuint»»r <4 exceHent aru*:s in J. M. GARRISON. * 4* alili» offices W.* believe fr« ni ' ur «X vs 11 ii chilblain*. I n? swelling aud intense lb? » ‘»mpany, bu* H-ere is a u«»*i. eable ab- «mi at-"li “• ’hem .ha’ th*-» ai» ?*< hpr p put 1 g -'it u M n erey ry%re„ hedge The name of J. M M- Cal! i* prominently itching of h;s f«rt wa« a great atinoyaiicr from Roseburg a few days since am! will P. O. BOX 55, FOREST GROVE, ORE. an -ui their premise* in A-h and. ;i««unie the m »nugement of the Grand Cen ­ -en • of • : - :n*k.- that is gratifying tu a I |«eny t» anagr«i. a» «I thaï t ibe « Ili » ' bii-i- tiieniion»<1 iu cuni>rrii«»n wilt» the R pub­ Ion*.-* ¡iff« ring public. D > 1 f ul to * e th »t Lie, large^stock of lican num|iiiii«»n for state senator li«- is to b in. li»* tri**«’ several n*nu di»-s without tral II »tel tn M»‘dtor«1 at once u»-*. > f U*-- c.miity i- h»»» e t y an I f »til»- I«« iirhf. out for’unat iy bought a b *tilr <>f J S Bu'ku« "f Medfoni pre? nd c.tlle«! Tlu* E.iterpri-e literary association bolds a w«d: known piourrrmxl a repr--eulativr ’ hambrrlain’.s I’atn balm. He says nr fubv i erb.rmcd »»v «b • • dli e s ¡n ‘ha ce g «» I- al Ream»-* A While’s. "* Farm for Sale v»*«ter«lay. He is in charge of Fred. Barn?- r t» r« sin.g sessions regularly »»nd ts in a TheC’iuntv building«* ne II tu g «"d «*»n- < «uamntiy ie eiving new go >ds tuemi>ejr of hi* partv. uniy applied it Hirer t m«-- um.i his fed h irgb’- cuws, ami will -o< n «hive thqm to* HORN flourishing coud:tion (' A ‘ Dickins m is fh»- »e (li i.upiu»«uuent« ma le -irt'oi E. D F 'hd a. of Ph »en x, B w. Dean carload ot b» « i t«id « and «h^ p pelts A w» ie rniirelv writ and ire»» from itching A good firm and stock ranch, contain mg ¡60 i»r«.«m(*ni. J A. Thoma-, vice-presi­ in ihr c.unty j «il wh i** «• vilv. wer»- b .Uly • «i \y i ..w- Sj r r * am» T ’ Law c f l.»be W hs ship e I fr«»in A hla i I i-«st we* k h» and -w< ln< g hur * *lv at ( lty Di ug Store, i war ! the upper Ib’gU? river country. a^re*. 100 ar*r?a under f«*nre. Ho a< r«*- In <-u:tl- ST* »WELL-In Little Butt«' precinct. March 26. dent; M.-i Gora Ba«hfor«l, Rrt’ietary. H Apple, Pear, Peach. n»e*ir«>, a» «i w» b I rve h“ »-XP»- .«Irure «»i R ock w - e here du ing th«- ae«*k. ▼atl«»n. Good bouse and «»utbuounty-seat during the w«*ek. MF.ISSNKR N«-nr Kerby ville. March 12. 1W F Uh»i-toiie. aft.-istant secretary, Mus A > n erlainme'it wi«l be given Friday w li b* • x rn« ve this spiii.g, but «a > family. Two living Fpring- . n t h p*a«*? Gi o g:» S. • «•♦•r. tren-ur»«r Plum, Prune- Apricot, small We did m t v 1.-41 r» oiiomi«*ully pa «I out. The niMiiagers of tbe Southern Pacific ■ Ih* w ill a«si«t Ass»*s«or Childers in making • vc nu I>v t »• U ill *w 8.»rings school, hardlv bi cai led go«»«L to .Mr. unt t»e iuteiesting. have posted up * u» w order at the depot, the assessment of the county this season. following property will go with th«- | .... : 4 FRE!SE-In Linkvillc. March 31. I«W. to Mr. The i-outi’v ■ re 1 -nrer w L tin- wee* tra us­ W Nectari*?e, Cherry, la i till»« lire v un «• try r«» «!•• *•«• at this nt« , <*« " ' < I h -.«vs . the ti- kef ««fll «• tuu-t po-mv«lv h«ir»ra. hamcaa. wagon, plow, hm r« u . cultiva­ and Mrs. John Fr«*i*r. a daughter. MARRIED. Manuel Sdva umj Juliu* Schmitt each frr b»mt tlO.OM fr ■ 11 ti» • g» nrr.d f imi to b«* f * ti< kets nt least ‘ Samuel Arendt, lat? of A«hlan<1, is now tor, mower and reaper c«»mbin«d. k« rwk«* -In Linkville, Man ■> 31 i-/'. i Mr. Almond, Chestnut. II» ma> Ig* nient, a «I wr i» no rea-on t>» give no*i«« that ti e» w dl n«»l be responsible the s« hoo bi i f, whim wdi I»»- npp »rtn n“d thirty miiiut»** bclorr ihe arrival of e ich i in busitiesa at Pleasanton. Alam»*da county, LINCOLN and ail nt'Ct-aaary hand tool«. Th* 1 .,« > |.C and Mrs. W.C. Lincoln, u daughter amo «g ‘h - *“V»*r »l disirici* on the 21>l cat rd three mile* northweM «»f L.«^ . p. ,4nt Le ««r bui inai « lkv. R. W. K< u- Walnut, i 1er e* * w :►•* .uni ju tu*.«m- c ti'ioi «••rr Les er White, who is stiff ri g severely day of th»* present month. 4« r will n »the allowed to (hem an» I'Mg I and Mrs. Win. Hat« lu r, a s«»n. station. If » »Id b« fore h.u v« %t th«- <-r u’.ll n wij. Silos I. .McKcc and .Mit* FvUULi llar, The lad;?« • t the A’. C. I’. U. Or A«h’an I It. Having II » In b* r bu-i*»»wr r» - ir »»; 1 fl mmab'ry rheuiuati-iu. has re- a.? that *loe.« iiot arrive at least un mn ( Magrmbr and W T. Leey?r of On- vcy. g«» with the place. A email bunch <»! « att: and expect to "p»-n a public r«-.ulin-' ru m i 1 li.r ulw- b**t«»ru »he arrival of traini, aiecttuily a-s t«> b** «h « ha g «I f*«t th** ii*.cd !•• * me», Cai , f >r hi» health. Al’ ,’r il P<»jnt precinct w?r? here yesterday Rom? h gs will bcaokl a!»*«.. :f ir»*d I * nnt bin». LEW \RT--GO* »IiYEAR-At Ashland, April term. * C. L > yi » lx - tiuk »a. <**•>; tw<>-tbirdR caah, t»Mlam < t . ►*ijt pur­ I h«- snow in the mountains is melting Gaiiinrd bl »ck about th- first ol m It iraveling with baggage nh «uhi tak** special They have been appointed administra­ 3. I ." by R< v. F. G. Strauge, I rank Lvnunrt m »nth. Contributi 4M of boo»«, pen "li ­ Foreman. ” chaser. For particular* entjulre «»n th« 1 lao? notice of this change and govern tb< iu- tor* of the estate* of I-aac Constant and GRAVES—In Grant’s Pas«, March2H, l«r.i, the ri.pi dy n wa. m day*, and the big streams and M. n » Abbie Guudyear. of the proprietor. ra ’ s furniture, etc., are s»»ln.*ited from the aelves accordingly. wife. 1 ire i.igi«»-r ihau usual m consequence. wife ut T. R. Graves. GRAPE VINP.S, (TRUANTS, GOOSEBEIL FREDERICK CKTINFJDLR. cit-zen* ot th»* gratin? city. Good .Management. Language i« hardly Rtronz enough to ex­ 8 on . W it*on wa* Appointed supervisor KIE\ BI.ACK1H RKIES. RASPBER­ Mi«s Bell? J«»n*s. daughter of 8. P Jone* THORNTON- In Grant's Pa-s. Mxrch 27. 1'90. C. C. Walker of Ashland win fortunate of diphtheria. LdUi* Lliornl«»n; ag«-1 Ò \ • ars. press my admiration of the merits of RIES, STRAWBERRIES. FIGS. L le'ona d <»t >i r-g n* river ram? over I . .■. ■ • \ ■ 13, fur ti>? year ending enough to wmtrr Ills ent« e 'hr ugh of Jacksonville, is now a resident of River ­ h s ('ll iinl>rrl «ill’s < omrh Remedv. It is the 2 montha an«1 4 days. fr«»tn KLtii a’ 1» roi*nly a t» «lays s 11c • a* d LsD” by n»r commis-iuner»* court. ci !?, (’al , and will soon par her old home Dead I'»«lian ranch with«»ut 1 *i ig a -i »gl Our trr««R are jrr »wn without Irrigation on MARTIN—In Grant's Pi — . March cai e l «11 th Tl its • n Tuc- b»y Wi'lili- Fred r «n *■» -h«»rt that many farmers are lira I, and has -«urn- \<»Ut g «• ittle .41 I •»’« ers b -Mt remedy for < r.»up and whooping cough a vl-it, a» c jnipan’td by Mrs. Hervey, her r»»00 on« t b»\ ami had hi- ' e.tiier Lay «»r grain for their stock Those c«nit<-mphi!ing tr< •• planting will do Pr<«f I. V Wells left Ashland last week, to ia«t until May if needed isyu, John B »r«>ugh; tig : Ci* . :;r-. M'*ck wr I umirr c »< tr 1 >t the <»• g tin tig l.ent cough no ,i lo s oli tto* ut'irket. hut w«l to visit «»ur < r< herd hii <1 nurw. rj . • «r wrtta still in session, engaged to us f-»r prir«-iibt. Adh«-sht< iis at Murphy, A Prnd'eton exch »ng«* . »>'3 that Pr«»f. •my, SII I w .111 P tiisnfc. !.. , tint t.li nuler after resigning his position m th? public GANG—At Murphy. April 1. 1-J'. Banche of wini«*r, coll-« rvgon. <»r tu R. K. station. G. Roval ’r ot of ' 'h n \ v u- IL v. ttoyai la ¡a'«- *• . v • 1 i resign i.» n’» Cough ft. nu-.iy !• the hc«t o. all ■ ’■« h«"«l« ot the granite citv, for Oakland, light. He h «« I** • '» '<>•■ n Hut*« r <»f Jt -r- in ih I '»al of e |*d y and divorce cases, aud M (i. From Goal Sreu? L r>- -, a d wid !•«■ thu-«tup oy» d fur sometime. position. A H. CARSON A SON. tables be grown. S-nd for Starrett's infant daughter of Mr. an I Mrs. J. IL Abif; .:rpt i>\ siarrtU' iiia»’ag»-mri'1 ha« -m« »t«l 4 in Fr«-- » bu kwin at »nd graham flour, oat- ' al th«- ♦ n I of «h • p—««*:n »*r n, lo at ci ; M b'.-r«.l- .tt'.'v l).u.t htore, .la k«oiiviie ag«M 9 months. Seal Catalogue tor 18'tO. is»*’I M••(’«»rd, wh(» ha* filled the position nini l>v Ki.g.l llr .s . I’b'Huij, e tablohilg a ii •“ l»»rd ot mi»-»* li an l<«u m--al, t• :• »• uni germea ami other articles i moie lucrat v<* p '»»ition at Uiymp i. WOOLEY ’ Near F.agh-Point, \priI ft. 1-9*', at j o ‘ driver on the Linkviil? niail-r«mte *o Special dincount to market gardeners. head, in H«i«i'i» i> t'» uu’U* a h m I ot r til»*. 1 m tin- m e at the S. F. Variety 8*ore. Ferhai s lb«-re ders ot Ih.- TiMrs woul.i ft ti*«*l<»ck a . M.. J»un«*s Wo<«11\, ag* «I about 60 ' Prof. H. FaL“r hterhn: ’h** gram- J nvimi »ig LIO h“a«l ol « «t »• w hi« li br w n- Address . Th- t»e*t *e * i put i’oes, onion s?«'s. gar ' mar »‘partm nt "I th? A Hi ari l m hool-.and , like to know in whm re-pe.-i ( b >mt>rrl mi'- i long and acceptab’v, h»* resigned.ami i* years. trr»d on thr aliaras fur W «-». Oh n«*hain, de »■ -’« a a ia, »I «ver an i timothy -eed ' Mi-s N? I'- I. a n i- till ■ ' the t4 «1 e mad? Cougi. IP'in. dv l-h-'it r Ih in HOV oiler. | n<»w in A*hlsn*L H* will probably leave LEWIS—At th«* Esmond II t« 1.1.inkvillc.Tues­ he c.»rr«r.i th’o't-’h »*b -ut WO »«d ’ • st«»« k, at hr S F. Variety S’ore, Jack-onvide. We w I. t. Il jon. Wuen tin. Ileineij is for the north la»fore I »ng. day, April 2. 1KV0. D« Ha. w.f«* ut A. F. Lewis; Walla Walla, Wash an 1. wi ll«’ h« f d *-ui .» i 1 is ba», Ii h - I ; J. C. tl ' 1 «>t W.Liaiu* cre“k brought a I va«-;»!! in th»* n >r h prima y grad“ s'*iu»«>l fa«en us line« tel. a- s.i n a< a «oi l lias ag«*d 22 years and 10 months. j by ih«* r?*i *n «ti«m of M -- Eva Price la«t the -ati-f u tio’i ••!' < i K' • fl’ w.tti *«t been co untered, and ............It ha» become Public Notice. STOUT—At Linkville. April 1, 1 j *90.of pneumo- I » «d '»l eii'» •* «»*e I po ’ atoe« t«> tne 8. F. ! we-k. ji<»iMinal •«»s’-es. H«- 1« • f th** «»pi «i-»u iLai nia. A. M. St«>ut «e't «d in the system, n will counteract the To sawmill men and thone operating J. B. R«»»lg r« of Table R »ck pr*cin«'t will, proper cue 11» le»«i ' g ami p'««p«r V o lety ft' «<• it»« I-»r«-p irt • »f the Week. <1 g«-.iu is in great aved L»r their crop*. tion. although the bu k <»t th? se**«i vrain mal will do tins. It acts it) (erteci harnio pant, ami have a first class machinist, Cor. Frout and Morriaon Sta. Religious News. The lo** of -t >« k ou Evans and Pi?a*ant wa« fed out, Mi-d bu’ iit’l»’ pr-«yr s* has been i.y with nature and aide nature in relieving Joseih Mo«s, who is prepared at all times to du general repairing, and design and ASHLAND, ORECON, .it f ( re. k- wa* ab mt 20 per « ent w? learn, and made m spring w >rk so far. I lie lungs, opening Hie se reiions, liquefy­ make new iron work. By sending your R»y. R. C Og ?’»•»' WI I hol 1 s I vice». ... PORTLAND ORECON ' *omt wh »1 heavier on upper Butte ere« k. In purchasing medicim s d»>n’t trv ex ing the mucus and causing it’s pulsion work to iifl vou can g*t it «lone better and the Anti«»ch s h«»ul-houa • next S i d »y at ('..ini-atiy !>,(.> N . (• . f Asbl-'nd, 1» pro- perimeiits». the fir«t and only » <»• -¡«¡er i I li nt 'be air cel.s ot the lungs andeae-tor- cheai»er than by sending anywhere else. Will Sell, V are. Kent aud Handle th»* usual hours. New fire-proof Brick Flrat-claas tn Hour.' e.i by c m «e e «1 critic* to be tn? best , ing the systetu to a strong and healthy ail Rcapc-cta. i n? third quarterlv ineeting of th»* M dr lied .- mpany m the secund regiment. I tion should be ge .muet e*-’. Av»*r s S r-a ;c >nd.tion. So other remedy in the mar« Lumber will be taken fur pay at market I pari 11a has sto <1 th«* t«--t **f P»ye »r-, 4i«l to- raten. E • h «reb S «uh. wil» b»ie 1 a» J.ic«-»n- CURES PERMANENTLY >ZirKU AW» LACM. Rebu-ldnig lances ha* be* n the order of : »lav it is m greater demand ihm < v«-i r—a I ret possesso« tho«è remarkable properties. 8 ugab P ink D oor and L umrkm C o . * a *1 • 27lti. l « t tl»e official TMOS. GUINEAN, Propr. ville April ’ 2Ulb ■ Soother will cure a colli as quickly or triumphant proof »»f impular approval. h, girl wltk the jewelled finger», th»* d iy in many sections where the creeks Grant ’ s Pass, Or. Evervb -iy * in m«-inbt*rs ah b- present I li- ve the system in as sound a condition. h, girl with the laoea rare 1^ n.tGirday at g •' MT* h h’h ' ’ •‘,KU to float off the rails. ^Tt\?S?enuVe'“Ur*n‘ *’ u0,ur' “«<*l Don’t forget th tt rv« rv first premium ’.'Hl«rei.t uni unedollar battles for sale vi e I to attend the arlVn Suffered Years tn Pain. Grand Jury. What are your Jewels and what are your aw ir i»*d at the district fair b r tine photo­ ii'itv Prue Store, Jacksonville, and at 7 30 and 8dmiav tnurning a’d » »« n ng 14 Sumner St.. Cleveland, Ohio, A Choice Collection of by laces worth to you if. from undergoing the c O gle - uy . pM-tor. graphic w»»rk wa« (a* riel off by L »gm. ; E gel Bros.. Pine n Aug 11.1488. The following is a list of the grand jurors trying ordeals which fashionable society 1m- .tti? Ashland photographer, for hi« uur«- In 1151 I sprained my arm clubbing cbtst* empaneled for the April term of the cir ­ M*>v F S N'»»lw i:h ld*erv.«e*at Vlp* poec« en its devotees, enough to test the phye- !.. « p-rirait, ... . and l view-. ........ IUI. ... y.iu . ... ... .... nuts, suffered years in pain and could no» lift I I' « « < , tuniney Kock )>.'• - «.. *Val«-i Wh -n want cuit court for Jackson county ; C. L. Syden - lea! strength and endurance of the most ro­ I , v.l I >ot a .Symptom in ¡hrr>- Yraro. a* an».«»urve tht Lami ma’ 3 «M-t*»y ■»y arm. It was finally < ured by St Jacobi . . . Ipril'2»>, . .w» fi **• . luas. XÄlll < i t I.a. b en ••« HangH.t from it. present io- a *lne picture at a aiuail price callón bust, you break down, lose your health and MriRer, foreman. B. Obenchain, J. W. —„ 51 JACOB ETZEN’srERGER. i di.«w ii.g Sui da» “ 8 v» rat years ago I had an attack of th? t,*,. Robinson, l'hos. Whelnley, W T. Moore, 1 him become a physical wreck, as thouaarJa de : Ä) a M. ; cat on to me» or • at Lake creek poetcfltce. br < e»eb nted m ! Ja> «-»liVi *“ «• Testimonial« Cheerfully Renewed. pil s and fistula, from which I suffered from such caus«*s? Work on the .«»re o from the N’ uber 8 B. Hamilton SMI W. T. Anderson In­ >«*« un«i nia*s at M*-« foj«l ,«t !(/ 30 a m . Chronio Caaea the Heat Cures. Under such, circumstances you would will­ A few copi«» of the American Settler» pr«»pertv to the dis»d erv i« procreici g meal pain tor upward“ <«f a year. 1 tried a dictments w ere found against Oscar Stearns ingly give all your jewels and all your laoee tn K**v George .!•»»•« * ili prr •» h «t Ih? (Junie. Siamliril authority on all land numt'ero! retm di«-, but none of Iheni did rap’d v ami a g<»«»n ac< «»unt of so mu* h «uH. ring, and k ihiiay ì i ♦ u'h moni i at 11 •> • I •• k a M in<-w < .11^. known os Dr. Pieroe's Favorite Preeonptlou. i And it t«> their inter«**! to call and s« e ua commended tor the g o l jit lament and report will be found elsewhere. Keep vour tH'»,d pur- and you will net at .'s «in'« va ie\ G'i t*»e thi<<1 ^u d «v at il at »n. ’ ili went io he «trug store of Dr unrtet the nianagrmeut < • a P a b ve Thousands of grateful women bites the day ,'h.uniati-m Ho«d'» Sar.aparnla enterpri.-e the •y are disi lay ti-' in this mat- J < Fraukl n. intbiseiii, where I pur it was made known te them. • m . an 1 at AntHM’l* un |he 4 h 8unday •arne course of »tudie# and *amr t . , <>. tui«« 1. /><•/urbane* o/ th* /Irarr. p ir !!••» me b.o "1 and lone» 'be whole sys t»*r. For all derangements. Irregularities and Bu«in<*ftft. Short liana. at h»* «ame hour rim**« . 8. I to-»k it acc«>r»t- i weaknesses peculiar to women, it ia the otiJg ' Ay»r s Hair Vig<»r i* a mo«», exc 1'ent 't*i> io (Lr«cti «ns mb I took n«'ttiii)g rl-e. jem. Heart disease is line an asr^ssiii, which Typewriting Penmanship and I. h , xh l>•;> rt- remedy, sold by druggists, under a poeftlvn • f it preparatV'ti foi the hair I peak creeps up »n you in the dark, and strikes .11 W Dunlap ■ f Bt’bopcreek will pity a Af **r taking six bottle« I w.ts entirely menta Day and eveuiug vs-. «¡ i - > ; ;».,d- Public Notice- guarantee from the manufacturers, that it nutted atany time Loijuir.tc ..s! ■ a raa lib- rm riaard t • »npfl- r«b‘> wid return Ir >m »xperience It« u««* promotes (he ■ ure I. lii.it m- tbiifc vear* ago, am) 1 you when unaware. Therefore, do not over­ will give satisfaction 1u every ease, or money W L. W* b-ter i* autln» iz? re2*: d l>4ler». nn <4p fl| t a„ ... t . ,t growth ol new h.iir, and make« it vio-sy have n.»t n «1 any s\mpti-m * of pi.e*» or fis- look any uneasiness in the region ot the wld be refunded. This guaranb-e has bvee Ilia ,|O4 He lost him in Jacksonville a an i r« <*eii t («»• mmeysdil I»»? STATE OF OREGON. rortland . t Tin- Ni-sissippi flood« are ending, thoneti McArthur, Ohio. Au invigorating tonic, it imparts strength to treatise with each bottle; or, address Mack Notice is hereby Fi V» n that th«*re are suffl- FOB SALE ml wiiliont I'B'ing dope an in< alculsbie . the whole system. For feeble women gener­ ci'*nt funds on hand t«» pay tin* following war« Drug Co , N. Y amount of damage 1 be nyer win higher | W P Farlow’of L ike c e«*k wa« in ’«iwn ftHe-l! Seed!! Seed!!! ally. Dr. Fierce s Favorite PrescnpU.rs is Uo rants, and th« y will b« paid on pr600,000. to loan. $500.000, w*vrn h«-aes * that __ II- cati-e ■ f mue . <.f 1 h o s of cattle will trade th«*ui for honu*. . ,, rd, ,-n ini- W n r. Kb • »re c« n». *r. 1 will stand imv thoruugbbrcd Holstein bull Sai»elyo<' d Permanently E U. r.«U. 21179. 2U9*. 2U.S». J ‘ ». ’ » 214»». 2164. 2ltó, 2225. For I «riher H«»r-e gmt ? •«» d . t «ir ve ari >ad lots or less. Ab Iv to -i*1- » rate, ‘«“*4 j niaD b« ing h- »■ ke 1 down In f l.c t 11« a <1 Dr. Pierre’s Pellet* r and »f - »>•«• ¡»roved far tu setnrity in Jacks >n couutv, I- .d- -I-.I st II at the II«-»«« • rea» .liable at James Wright 8 Stahle l«»r th«- < nsuinz two 27 ’ û ‘ . 27«i» ‘ an«! 277«». lnt«*r« st will not be allowed inn ss particular» ijmui »• o DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS! U E B akir . ‘ * b.ii>’ni'ig rnonths H. H j UUOBQX. at thè sest ratea of any loan ageucy in thè u , .eep ..n.yuebest .ud »Kay. ait« r me date nt thib n- tice. lij«, stomach and bowels. Ous a dottb M m ». J. W. R ubí F so F U aimust the only remedy for tbi» erU. Medford, Oregon, (MM Polat Maxeb 1L Muu. MdtvdruCTUti Natati a »W. cvauA) G». ÖAUQ. M» G. w. webb , B»s Tmaurw. saUfUcUUU- *-------- JaciuouvUe. K»- KK AM> THERE. 7! Democratic County Convention. for Infants and Children New Hardware Store, CENTRAL POINT, OR. A. H. MAEGLY, Prop. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1890 Phase Call Before Purchasing Elsewhere td Li 4 y MARBLE WORKS I j. c. whiit OREGON ST. JACKSONVILLE, CR Cemetery Work a Specialty. ASHLAND HOTEL. Abundant and Glossy, FIRST-CLASS IH EVERY RESPECT. EGGS FOR HITCHING ! Ayer's Hair Vigor, Leading Varieties THOROUCHBRED POULTRY. REDLAND -I- NURSERY, Found in America. A H. CARSON 4 SON, Proprietors. 100 000 TREES IN STOCK, ade ä CHOICE Garden. Seeds LUCKEY <& CO., GEO. STARRETT. Real Estate Agents, ESMOND Sure Cure REAL-ESTATE ON COMMISSION 8 P KAI N S City and Country Property For Sale, State Trei-iirer's Thirtv-Sislh Sofa. I ^ ùore T hroat * •«I n W o U nds , Clna, S wellings ¡ 1 T 1 HOTEL,