Fheikmocratü ïimru r rue im rapir THl’KMPAY or jacho » courtt , meson APRIL 10. I'M" Demorratic State Cmeotion. Thr» IK-1iv»eratIr centri! cummlrfer f*»r the »f Or* g >ii. a«s< uibhsl Mt 8aiem th* ÌMb itny *>f M tr»*h l'Hl, has appointed Portland mm th** I’la«**’ mu I Thur*tay. tn«* 'J4th »lay of April. 1*01. at th«- h >ur of It .' c I» h k I» th»« forenoon, ns » li» time f r holding th*- c*»nv nt!«*n for th«- I» * iii «cr.ifie party *»t th*’ MtMt»-of Or» g*»n. f*»r th** i»urp- *s«« <»f n »minating ean«iklat«*s for th» ..iti M *>t »• »mrr* MMman. g v» riv»r. jud«e of the M»ipr<*tn*» court, »»cr iury <»f stnt«*, tr«*fta- ur r, •«»iTvrint* n*1»-nt of public in«tructl(*ii. mt u*« printer arid «fistrict **mc* rs. t«»-!».’v >t*il tor of it» ■ .hin-• ehs-ti >n. ait'i t*» tranlact Much furti»* r butiti' s<* a» may property cou*«- bvfur» th*- u »nV’ ntion The repr» s*«ntation will eons!ft of 192 deie- trtr-•«,app »rii »ii’-*iain*>ng the scvvmlcuuntie« «»f th»* -tate AM fullowti; fl P ik............ H-.k-r ....... Tillamook. « bu k »mir» 3 I'nion........ t’o iiintiia « W iUM*' I ... « r .• A I» »ugla«........... .. .. 7 Yamhill. ♦ • «t- -p. Gr mt ................ .1 » k«m ........... .......... k llnton.. fl K i-:».»th ................. 3 » tort .... . 2 0 furry .. 1- lite ................ 4 M 3 ( 4i l> ianx M »rr. .w ......... . .. 1; Harney 3 .1 ■piiinc.... 10 a ......... M f’i mai» . « t n iti A Io. Wallowa W diingt.in ............. •' *’<»• -a n b«-ng **iv «!• legate at large front »« AC 'uniy an>l «»n* ,!« 1» gate for »-Very 175 y -t «•. and > n* f->r • -v. ry fraction th* r«*»r «1- *•• ii ng *»n»*«haif cast for Governor Peunoycr at th«- Jun»* el«*ction «»f I mm J. Th-■ »■ «mniitte»- r»x-oinm»-nd»sl that pr«s’lnct } \ l \ »r >iis c ■iinty «• *ny * ntlons the ittth day *>f April, unh m county cuinuull«-«s dt-termiu« differently. 'V nvit’ . American citiz«-nA, withoutdis- _ i | tical prrferruc*. w h > a* w> ary of p»»y mg -*w» at-wrought tribute »o ■ - the • I a- *, * ->f th*dr fellowa who hav»* to .-mphati»*- » . ■ xpr* ss.d th»-ms»*lvea at th*- polls at the n Ma-suctnuH ttM, Ohio and I . i. and wfuiin Kansas announce their iu- »• u' nt* tab** a wtaind and to unite with us in a I t> r n ip d » ff<>rt t<> re-establish our nation- ... io r* h uit inariii*-, to strike off th» fetter* <»f ••ir -Miff ring factori'-a and to relieve the great «2»a*rv of iM»iisutiu rs frou> the burden of tax - ■' ' ’ ■> a» gi rvoualy and pr -nts t i m n diim0. an*l to rebuke the party which n v arin-iiim s n -t only that the bony politic • t this «Siuntry shall make brick, but they s.ia.l make th.-m w»thout straw AMAilr.L B(JSH. f'balrman. G eoroe F rancis T rain was on time at Hioiro, Japan, on hid race around the wield, and he will probably beat Nellie Bly’s record as a fast flier. Tu; Oregonian says that Multnomah •* unty’a 35 votes will be solid fur I). K Tiiompain for governor. His money no doubt contributed largely to Jim Lot&n’« victory in Portland 1 »st Saturday. Ex G ovkrnob M oody wta* endora-J at rim Halles f .r a nomination at the pri­ mal lea "eld list Saturday. Ilia ehancea f t gubernatorial honors are not brilliant, however, in face of the Lotan victory in Multnomah county. A nother cyclone in the Mii*i-*»»ipjd v.d rv was chronicled on the 7th instant, Prophetstown, Illinois, being almost en- tirriy blown away. A dispatch also r«titrs that Harj**r s Ferry, Kentucky, wa* w d out of rxistmce during the tornado oi two we**ks ago. A BIG FICHT AT TO TI. < Hb. JO ITHINT I - T'. IT1:”'. Abe Rowley this a wk r -turns with his fain­ J There was fun on the half-shell at the tly to Kan»MM. Republican primaries in Multnomah F F. Grar.-« and family 1* ft fur Kansas one county last Saturday. A dispatch to the day ¡a«t wc» k .VurmQg t'all, a leading Republican pa­ A building and I >an a«< »elation will proba­ per of San Francisco, gives at»out as bly be urgaui*«->!» at Grants I’a-B. truthful a statement of the squabble fur W. S. Wiggins and family l»*ft .P>s*‘ph!n«* the delegation as will receive currency o*»unty f«>r Guthrie, Oklahoma, last w»-« k. El. 11 >gu<* <>f Wnhlo was mvT.lv hurt by through the Republican press. Lt ways; ’’Never before has there been ao much being thrown fr»>m bis wag< >n not long stnee. I J. W. Wa*!i»-lgh *»f Wahlo lias return«-d h »m>- political excitement in thiscity as to-day. from an extended busin* ss trip to 5an Fran- l'he two political factions of the Republi­ i clac* f . can party, one headed by Joseph Simon, J. It. G» ttls of Grant’s P>< m Is in P»-nnsylva- l>ohce commissioner, and the other by nla *»n bu«1 neaa which will d* tain him »« vcral weeks. James Lotan, fire commissioner, each The new bank not.-a of th«- First Nati.mal seeking political supremacy in the state, b»«nk of Grant's Pass uru cucuiatiug ev»-ry- met in battle array and fought the hot­ wh» re now. test fight that ever occurred un Oregon 1 R. A. !i >oth I«st w*-« k purchased an ncre ►oil. Purchasable votes were Itought tract of improved property from Louis Koter- mund for like cattle, every vehicle in the city was . J. D. Hayes Is teaching in r*-nt( nnial m -I hmj I engaged, and Republican*and Democrats district, with ov-r 40 pupils enroll»- !. He is a alike took part in the contest. Voting i hrst-class t»-ucb« r. places were thronged all the afternoon, ! S. M M»ncy has r«*m■•v«*l his family from th«- ami the contest was considered so dose | Pass to tlie Linds* y farm on Apph-gat«*, w hicii Ur rented recently. (hat many hundreds of dollars changed I>r. W. H Flanag;*.n baa jr«-turned from Ta­ hands on the result. The Chre/joniau coma. but still thinks *»f localiug suiucwb«-rv came out leaning slightly toward the in the Sound country. Lotan faction, ami a 25,000 extra edition A new coat of paint greatly improv*« theap- pcaranc«* *»f It* v. Robert M« l.*an's new resi­ □f the Mercury was printed in supt>ort of dence at Grant'» Puss. Simon. Both papers were eagerly read, J. K Pigm y is now in th«* employ of the 8. yet it is probable it was money that gave P. D. X 1. coinpuny. having recently r« tuin*.si tne victory to the Lotan faction. Ac­ from northern California. cording to the returns the Lotan (action With the coming of April’s <*how**rs coup - m receives a large majority. This leaves I | the renewed hum of th*’ S 1*. 1). Jt I., com­ pany's machinery at th* Pass. Siruon out in the cold for the time being, Rev. Robert Mel.-ail of Grant's Puss tills ami the fight will now be transferred to w*s k att* n*i*-«l Pr. sbytvry at .laeksunville, the county Republican convention, which and dt-liv* r«sl the opening serruon. Th,* Democratic pritnari« s will 1»«* held next meets April 9th. There is the wildest rejoicing among the voters to-night, ami Saturday. Let there be a full attendance and only the beat men sent as d«*l«*gateH. litiuid refreshments flow like water." H. C. Klnm y will have th«» handsomest resi­ The Lotan fajtion elected thirty-six dence in Grant's P<»-s as Moon as he gets his delegates to Simon’s thirteen in West new ad« lit ion to tfh* same completed. Th«- Republican county ticket is comp«w*d Portland. “Big Jim" also has the East of g*NMl men. but it is iptit«* c»-rtain that a ma­ Portland contingent, or at least eleven jority of them will be easily defeated. out of thirteen delegates. Simon cap­ J. Par«te«« has returned fr«»rn hia eastern trip tured the three Albina delegates. Lotan’s ami is satisfied with the |»rus|»« <-taad Grant's victory is generally construed to mean Passas uoinpartsl with «•astern towns. A new cottage on the lot belonging to T. R. I>. P. Thompson for governor, as if the in the a«»uthw*-Ht» rn part of Grant’s Multnomah delegation to the state con­ Graves, Pass, is umong th«- latetit linprovcments. vention is instructed dor him, he will Johnny Is?wis ot Portland, who is inter«s»t»»d almost be assured of theYiorr.inalion. in th»- \V o|f <-re< k plac-r mines, is on th*- scene uf op.-rafion at present. A lug run is b» mg made there. EDITORIAL HOTES. Our friend. Jinimy Tuffs, is a nice young man; but he is m..r* valor » um than discreet I t is stated that Emperor William 16 wh<-n In* ess.iys to b« at < K. Cii uislur, Jose­ phine c«»uiqy s efficient clei k preparing a scheme for a compromise uf It is thought that m«»st of th«1 best timber the existing differences between Ger­ land in Jo«> ; hili’’ county will be in the bands many and France, ami will submit the of priv-tt’- parti< s in a short tim-. Prospec­ terms to the French government at an tors already haw their e>* s un it. rhe D**m>>«-ratic county «-■•nv* ntion will early day. The plan is »aid to l»e mo en­ at Grant’s Pass on April 19th If it is tirely equitable that its tcibler hy the m*-«*t harmonious an I n »in:n.»t - a tir-’ a-s t;< k t. most aggressive of the powers cannot sucC’-ss is a.<«Burvd. Thrr« f >r*, D* iu »crats, do your duty. fad of cordial acceptance by the other. Thrr»» w.vs a « rry crowd of Republican* Tua manner in which Binger Her­ gathered around th*- <1. |> >t M »n lay morning mann ‘S Um ke l" Simon Caro in bis fight when the Kansas »-< >r>ny w .-r«* getting at - »rd for tbe Roseburg land office caused much t I*- cars to b..| southern Or* g >u tar« w< ii. *»a}s th«* •*f Mil* scitv. of Simon and among th»» Jewish element Montana, ar.* n -w r-si h-nt.s of th*- l‘as>, Mr throughout the state. There can t»e no R. having purctiaso*| to<• j> w.-lr) business *»t II. W. Walters, to which lie tiiu. aid-si a new doubt but that Caro's nat.onality hud •t«a k <»f g- mm I s . much to du with his being thrown over- T. P. Judson woui«l iik»* to b<* county tr« as- b>ard, ami th»» temporary pleasure his ur.-r; but, as h* f. ars th« p- op!. unld b»- discomfiture affonle»! Hermann is likely ’’agin him ” be hiia bls partn»*r, J. U Stu r.-r, to cost the latter dear in the campaign. n<»niiiiaf»sj in his Mtt'ad. I.<»n .1*mungs will put a qui« tus on Jud'sfoxy little gam«-. Caro’s friends began th»: w*»- k of organiz­ i!* nry K> l y of Grant's Pass di d a f* w «lays ing for the defeat of tbe God-bless-yoti- ago. of a «’-implication t ti;>- Ma-mil­ •r- ing Hermann*» own precinct, Ro-ebiirg, der. Ii-w.b’»n”«»f the o d’-t and must re- sp«*ct«*d r- sldent- of J«a»**pbtnc county. against him at the Republican primaries J. XV. Sowd«-n's t»*nm b»*cani»* fractious whil«* by a vote of three to one, the G. -A. R. st.irvilng ie ar th«* *!*-p<»t *m> «lav la*d w* » k, J men joining forces with Caro. There are : and «»ip - *»f tfie animals g >t a htn-i '« g «*v.-r th» poh- and the two start.-.1 to run and k « k. merry times ahead iu Oregon politics. I ¡’he mishap t* rm:n.n*-*t in one ver> badly »•« i|-- BitoTHEK H arlan is jnstlv imlignant I ph*i b‘>r*’and advtn .1-m-d rig. at the Republicans »>( Me Hold pr«*cinct J J. T. Elynn »»f P«»rtlan Ì. th- irrepresdbh i**c.»uH»* th»y »lelibeiately Hraiigled > ru-tlrr. is sanguin* th it a sutfici* nt I uni t .i a preliminary -urv* y f.»r a i oli .t i from his pretension» to a ** »ut in tlmir uotiven- Graut - Pass t » Cr >, -m c tv » m I» ran-- I t»v ii*»n y»*Mterday. We learn that he w II th-- s vera! counties mi *i -si .-1 in t i pr »’- protest, in tu- a inch he cd, >4UOJ. have prriflhr-d. M»- M«!Ur was regarded an f . : , hat . st w atln r, but the uwr- ti -w of tm mvaduwa ruined his prospect«. There is plentv ot «now and miry ground a ngttp* roa-l from Ag«*r to Llnkvllle, and. sv idle tm* stage is now running. It will be many weeks bef. r • th* ri will i»«* any very heavy ri .-lghting tr -iu the railr*»tni. The stag«* from l.mkvilh t*> L.ik*-vi»-w g« ts no further than Boiiaiizn. ami mire ami snow will keep the r-»ad cloned L»r t*«mietitn»* t»» come, • A great <|iiantlty of hay was fed out at Ibnin’ S. Mai tin A i o.'a ranch n-*ar Linkville, 1.ut 'ii* h was th.* condition of «tuck when brought t > i h«* y hi I s that about 300 out of 500 h- «1 ot cattl *■ liav.i dh-d. Th«» parti«*» win» • w ri***l t h* 111 first bought JU tons of hay at «15«> p* r t.m. am! afterward« ’JUO tons more at «15 per ton; but tbe «now outlasted them after all. Th«* general public was a good d«*al atnusad at the gravity with which Brother Lauda ot th»- ••Tiding»** announced the discovery of a mare's neat in tbe ap|M>iiitui*‘iit of Hou. H. B. CmuiMoriof Klamath county to th»« vacancy on th** !»♦ m h cauatd hy the resignation of County Judge Moor** a abort time ago. L«*«sl»' pur. ly loeai <>rgan raia«d about as much of an upr-.ar a.* it was capable of over the allcg.sl .»pp«»intiu«-nt of a “carp.l-bagger" to the poai- ti-m. it wo happens that Judge CompMon cam«* to Oregon about th« time that Lead« show.si up m this stale; and he bad been a r**sid« nt of Klamath county for more than thr«*«* y»iirs, in the rciipunaibie position of superintendent *>f school« a! the Indian ag- ncy, prior to hia appointment by Governor l‘«*ii «"»yer to a vacant position for which there were few or 110 applicant«. Tb»* g«»ver- n*»r had f»»rm»d Mr. CoiupBon'a acquaintance whi t-the latter resid«d at Huntington, Ore­ gon. Iiis home for mix or eight years before his r» niovbl to Klamath county, and knew bun to be m »-very way a auitablc man for tbe place. In thes.* 'lays, when a man has acquired a stat*’ reputation, such as Ju«!g«* Coiuneon enjoys, having f«xr several years held a vommtsrtion as major-general of th»* state mi- lit-.a, it im generally conaid* red bad ia*i<* tn « ail him a carp-t-biiggcr. More eanevially is it so wh» re, as in Cornptton*« cam', he served through the rebellion as a Union soldier, ad­ vancing fr *ni the positi«>n of private in the rank- to a colonelcy’. On«* naturally pities Leeds’ ignorance t»n many occaHions, but more especially in a case where the exercise of ordinary caution would have prevent«! tiiin from expoMiug H im mental sUorUxuulngs. OVR FBLTT 1MEKESTN. J acxsoxville , Ore., April 11,1890. To tub E uit . jk or thr Tiara:— As theTiMEs is a«, universally’ read in Oregon, permit nn* to use its columns for the following; it is a fact conceded by scientific horticul- turisi.s that southern Orcg»»n, ami espevi tlly J;u k*«m county, com tunc« all th«* adaptive «*!»•- m«*nirt l«»r th»- production of semi-tropical iruiis, to market wiiicli n costs ie«« *>f an out­ lay ol mon« y and labor than any other pursuit known to the husbandman, an<1 » v«-r jias und will bo-iir*- greater remuneration than any other industry adopted by the soil-tilling yeo­ man. Tii«-time was wh«*n to dig n hole in the nn- <-ultivated virgin soil am! stick ni*»si any kiml ot a scion «»r vin»* in it *«*cur«*i t«> th«- pioneer abundant an-i profitable i«*sults; but lime, bur- roundings ami virvuiii.*taiiv*-s bav«- changi*d th* onb-r of things, ‘til now in.tuslrx, good judgment ami vigilant*»- ar«- r* quir«*«i in th«* -- :.*< lion, nurturing, and prot»-cti»»n ut vulti- vat*-d fruits. * From « au*»«*» r«*mot« ami pres­ ent it must beapparvut to every truit farmer in Jacks->n county that the pr«siu<*t* of tt» «*s ari-l vim * hav* signally det« rioratcd in »juan- tity. quality and value sine*- pioneer day s. In v ■ w ot th* facts the h-gislature of ias'J wisely, nn i i may say humam-iy, c - him - s t«> the r* in f >•! the fruit-grower t»y »-n’ablishiiig a horticul­ tural coiiiinisaion, composed ut g»-ntleiii*-n school cd hi the science of fruit culture, ami mor*-, in th«* ways an«i mt*ans best calculated t>> protect th»* orchards from th«* ravages of fruit-destroying insects that nntortunat» ly m- t.-st ncariy « v»-ry *»rchar«l in th«- c*»uuty . it i* adubboiniact that th»* orchards, young and <•1*1. «-6p«x*ially th.- lutt r. are b*mg d«-s|>oil<*d by the *>< ale rtphi*. <-**11111 iiuitli. i»or* r ami iium*-r«His other pests; llu truth <»! the <*\i*t- • -IK* «•! th* >< -in*« < t* l>* ng discuvend at th«* instanc«* <>t « xp* rts who hav«* made critical « amination of the orchanls an*! y in* *. I'm ».oiamlssiom rs hav* appointed an in- *p. < t *r tor «*u*h district who**- duty it is to \ . ..I tin* orchard*, point out th»- kind and par­ ticular!) tin- habits «it th« s* p«*sts that are ruining tl:«- fruit tr*« s, an«! inform the own« rs of tn«- b*>t c«»ur*»* to pursue t<* remedy the * vils ¡ylr* ady inflicl»-«l and arrest tlieir future ravag- *. *'h< r • are many who ar»* nt work »*ra*licat mg th* -’ |>«*M* r* fi-rr.il to, but th. ir etTotts wi prove fruitli-rts if tiicir n* ighbor* win» hav* vijtC'-nt «»r< hards n* glig* ntly, *»r p.-rfoice wi lull) . retu*«- to renovate tm ir ow n. as th« means *t < xt« i mnatton, w uirh * an b i >ne «a.*i y and cheaply. i u*- -s ab is r» a i- lly r* cogniz d, and tm- in -*l to be dr* a-i* <1; y« t by »pray mg tm-1r- * sat!• cb •! with th* !•»'- ing s .»! im ion tii» y m.«) I*» saved. Tw< nty-livm p-und.s of lime un*! u k *1 ; t w. nt) poum!-» *»t *ul >hur; till**« n p<>timls of salt; sixty gallons -•i water. ’Io mix th« all >v«-tak«* L* n poumts of l:m<', tw< nt) poun l* >1 sulphur an«! twenty g.ill m- un i* <>t liim* ami fifteen pound* *»t "tit -l.i-k. an 1 an th- tr<:* * mi k warm or warmer, rhiscau br ap- p i -«lwii ii thu tolisg«-is off tin- tre«*, ami will lav- no injurious . tl*:vt un the fruit budsor tr* • wh ItrV.’r. For tn- Ie n -tit of th»»«»* who may not !>♦* :id- vistsi of th«- aw m the matter I -pi -t* Ii »in tn i< t n i.s c*|H-ciali)' dir< <*t**d; •’ll th--*> wii * r *»r «.win rs, *»r t;i* person or r-oiis m chrtrg>-of an) orcb «rd or unis -ry or tr« . .. or p aces .»;■ art.cl- s mt> *ti <1 with said ms « t-. or any of tli«-m <>r flu ir iarva-or < ggs. »tt. r having !>••< ii n- t-fb«l t -mak- a i* «.-.»•* •»» f ir at in- nt as d;r< ct« - I. *«> h 1. t.*ii. rt* gi-» t <-r r* fu*».- **u to *1 i, h • or sii’- shall b< dc«-m«*d gm t> ot maintaining a |»iH..;c uuisam * . if I uul u u: t.» t a - C"i;i t shall «hr- * t th* a! >r«'- - ii i b.»ar«i *>f holticultiirr to abate th** n.i-smc . Itn-« xp«ns s thus incui*r>.| shall t> a .> ii upon th-- r«-ai property of th*- ue- temlunt.** A word t > th«- wis»’ is suffii-irnt. Now is the tun to a«-f < -n y »-nr < - w n n-< >l i* -n.Hmi it is to b<* h qi«-l tl:.*t « x•*-ry one owning t« w or many li - will *.•• an 1 f-- i th« important-, of mak mg tm-inatt*-r a cominimity mt* rest iu u ng i;ig r th. Pr* slot« r> at c-iiinty wi I iiut t>ehnnored hy a r.omma- ami the co ria/e of his int»*||»»ct, that he Jurk- invili-*. tionat tbe iiands of the R.pubhcnn et a te -huuld thus be mi » je<*ted to the ign »miny D.fiuty Su. riff W.-hb reports tax-s e »innig c-invention Howuver, ahouid Hermann of l»en*g relegated to the backgroumi of m r»-:y.s<>na!»lv weh, and Lu • *l -:in*pn in-\ ui'l be “l.‘roMii down,” Southern Oregon pr.>t>a)>iy n >t b«it r»-m >v s from »»nr U’e |. Tins serti, n dther Harlan’s mi’ist *.ne«.r our t>-st citiZ'-nA. H's *i m-sc i- in fa vu r w.th the b* >«!**»«. feelings in this manner. 1L- is too «»Id a g--nerally r.-gr* ttvd. Ah Gidding an I G -*> Cha'.ist w* k took wa* -horse to ri.-k arousing his oppo-ifioti, ¡ »th, b -w i Tft:: «!o| endei.t |nn*i n bill failed to an 1 too much *>r a gentleman to t**l» rate tip’ir st s k d wa th K I er •* k •'prtn an ! turn dtp n on th • i ing- . «»•< u e the i evvi>Aary two-third* Vote to being tre.ile 1 a- a churl By his inf-ii j - m Tn*- grate* is getting g -'s in ii r-« - an-i eatt : having h-ad r m ruing *.i-t of »>50 on the 7»h instant. Tne lull vontwu-» great dust • f M* Rlin.eni oV<*rfhe *e ay in I n »w !<-—tlian l»l. t *d ¡»mai m« for incapacitated aoidivrw ihe a«hiii»sit>ri of Washington. Montina I h< a-i un t ‘i- rang at th--zmnmg *>t wint.-r. I Vaughn A Sons, naarthe F rt.f -«it» -re.tile and the two Dlaotas to Ht;»t* h o I, ch.irg rii sailor », an«t for widows, minor chi 1- ¡ thr-’ug - with m -I-rat- >-<- s uut¡I a f • w w • k- • i iill *i»end< O’ parents of soldier* mg the Demo»y.n*y with all manner of ' ,-»g •. wh n tn-*, w r forc.-d i. turn th’-iu.>ut crcokedne-s uUd |*4 liral men lacity on -•nth - ig i>i udì. r.-su l.ng .i < ..n ali;ti-.;ia¡ ». 14 an Jura. ______________ H»*»*«j>int of the uelav in a>L!ir>g to th»* K— I I->ss»«M. <;• r‘* Hr«H *»f Sprigu« river *|U't fe»-lt A n r:i pnL. can sfrenjlh *n t «•»• '•cforal c Leg»« I when tin ir hay was • xiiaus|el, the h«*ad of citi. - n i tn* rang-. ai I that were I- R I rihl can* .»♦ e r «»fh ’ ng »»f the wa\ • *f a tian i <>f 4»AJ at tn«’ commi nc.-in-ut ti e people have hall •*»»• ugh uf him. is in favor of tie nomination of one of in a«bnitl’ng Idaho avid W\«>m ng, l»olb wmt’ r <’ ’HS’ rv II IT»* CMt;m lies O -w p' th. I »SS ,»• his “hvncLmi n.” and that he will then r»4 ably Re nb ican, while dentin, t -t < k i F> t Ip* » nt ir K 1 un .t P ha - ; n at I». t w •n make a deal will the Portland ring to rights t«> N»»w M» lie • and Aril n»a ah- e ■Ml and f>0 p r c nt II . i t- t r .in t I p -rt in elect him. It was th’» name gang of the DeitHM r »t-ar»- 111 the um »■lelaliev . I>. I Lik < *ui»ty indicat«* a prui»at'i> 1 -ss ut ab-ut Re I uh' :c ms w h ch elected J u l*e Thayer the last feilrral »en-us the h rntorv ol wj p. r c»-nt. W Ils & Sla*!«' had n hay barn » ru-h* <1 at in 1SS-I, no duuLt with a purpose in New M» x c’ ha*i a i»opn Atiun «>i 119 ”d»5 Spr igne r e. r. as hn | a > Ja- d’.n ' r. I l view. V'l-o’her he Laa made gissi hi- The territory of Wyoming had 24,7'>9 t y- b»’-r. «)w-ns X s ,n and G * » Sw* nck, *m. part of the bargain let his dvemione N w Mex »•»» is now eNtiiii.ite»l at near y i each. S nu (.tibí strip tur-.s w-rv n-*t-»t gr-at 2i)0,U00, while Wyoming has grown ver> va ue, how-*v»*r. < IRiTIT COFKT FHOCITDIN’GS. ■ Hay lias s.>h| all the wav from $J1) t-> <’»«1 p r I Hl*- The -an»** n»ay l»e <-ai«l of Id «ho. t >n m Lnkviile during the past month, ani F i S iihetary W hitney lately hail Pra<*ti«*ai |»uiiti*,s «1 «esti’c take politn a trav !• i 's n >w < rij »y t !»«• lu xiiry ■ f piy’iig *1 Th*-following proceedings w»*r*- had in t!;«* «*ourt sm<*** th«* last **.*u. >t the I imfs . his itti i;t a n call d to a paragraph in the virtu • mt > con.sidvratiuu to any alaim- P* r h.’iid f**r h >rs-f.-ed »-ach night at th bei eircu-i Ant- im tt. !>• i’’rttt vs. E. 1» i**atf, d voice stab.« a an i c rral.w. San FianciMo /.'aumiMfr staling that he ing extent. I)< « rce plaintiff, who is giv.-n custody «f the T he grett victor es achieve*I by the *t W’ •* .'i-li would he the Pvinocratic candidate for k Ont • f 130 ii ad • f v rv tin** h •» --- *>:i the presidency tn 1892. After reading D *ii.v» rats at the iec-nt nmrnc ptl elec- th» ranz h.- ha- b n ab,.- t » find lint I ’ h- a ! court. Owen K* "gnn was aj fu.int**»l bailiff t • th** the er’ i»le Mr. WbillteV Raid: ‘‘1 d >n*t lioiia in Chicago and M Iwauk* e in |._ gra *1 jury, ami I has. SciiuiU baiilff b r th»- D-onar-1, an 1 tin y mal. it Ihruugh w it h slight term. know whit h*d to its publication. I am the change in political sent-ment that is h «as. B- imla Barnum v. A’nl L. Wul.-y; t i r«a »-v n«>t a candidate for pres d nt, and can taking p>ace in the big -tales of I hn**i- The Dein -rratie c -untv convention, to s. |c< t * r iii m"v. I»« fm t * nt« r* d and judjrm« nt for oi.lv refieat what 1 said in a letter sev­ ind WrrconNin, a change that will re­ de!» g«t* s t » fie si.it *• »lit « titi u ut Pu and. p imtiff f r ^77.•.''I and « o-ts. -, Anni 1*». I-*.» » < nv n- it. S. Fan* ry vs. J A.-wift; f*»rc< ) -sur<* *.f eral months ago, that I won’t t»e a candi­ turn a iicjeity of D •m*»»,ratic congre-s- will be h» l«l at I. nk\ ing at 10 »'cl k a m I i is proii.tbl - that m-< ji.inic’*« ii n. D* lourn-r to complaint itieri m xt lull ami wi’l »1* ubtless resui» oo.iiity date under any «> rmmstancea.” <-Oie* rs wi 1 be placed in nomination .*•»*: am ■’ »nd *»uit dism -sea at | lai nt iff\ cv-t*. in l»olh stat»a returning D-iiixrai:* at th* sain«’ tim«u .1 Im o M-an» v*. H. Stock, th«* Or- g m Such con.-urn mat* Tiirn L: fCK of the Pi li'tdealer re­ eb rlorM in 1*92 F-»r»nnat- ly th* r • has b-»**n n • shortag of Il ft g-rating company »*t nl.; to r«s.-*»v*-r m -n v I) m*irr*T to e.unpla.nt <-v.-rrnluL Dia k» «1 l .si l'hurr» lav that thè »iay» are tr fl ng witti tii»» in’eldgem’e ami sen- nr »V'-ioi’.s, s*, f »r ms Ir ar i *»f, ¡n this . unty. lam ** H. Barnum vs. J a* G. Bi rls* ) ; n • r«-- M *st of th* r inch -rs r a' / the n- -•••—;:t% *d Iiu» »’Ver 1.1 huurit long, Il »pe defer re I tinieiiiM of the people, as t e R»*pubh* a- n laying m sidlh ¡ nt supplh-M to I i-t until r >ads <• -v r per* ma! property. l>«smi-se*I. < II. I*n k'-us v- S »rati l‘:* k ns; divorr«*. aiw.n.s in »k-’s thè «lava seein L»ng. We have l»-en gtidty • f sin»,”th-*r return to g f g. »d in U h * spring, an i th-- *1* ■ p ->u ov «n d r* I that plaint iff pay $!Uf for attorney's La\»* ai» i a tl at laat Sa'mdav Berme»! power has ul.eliatetl upright men by f »und them prepar* <1 for it in this Im -. I-’ an I support of d«-f-n-iant p* nd* nte lit»*, Jnk We-k\an Indian nt tir- r- --rviti.-u. j«> i tn. h i- t- mlant hav>' th«- car* and eusto.ly ab»M«r llòL u s or.g tv B o Eu ck while hlimirtds Who have b» rh acni-t■•lll»*r S n>«.n ( Caro " !»>».n aro was eng «g» «I in rubbing aecord their h -«»t’e-t »nppo«t to the was s-rious'v if n »t fatilo -’a'*t» I in tu* n •» k by an in lian n mb I I»« k W i f on*« d;r. p aint'ff t» hav irivii* g** of visiting in li /’ «' tc rn I.•mint turn h jcellfitlr nt, I party uh:» b lo-meny l»on »ri >wrrg ..nt th f 'tn hi >it * tat* <1 t !'n« s and ¡»¡aces. a» i h- a|M»t» •< arv w >«*hi -ay. on the ri* th hea*iy; to ov r.lak s ,- .v -I groin i. Wuit is n >v, « t in •m y. D«*-nis*i «1 at <*o«t of plamt-tT. pe. rari 'rr’s spinai column. M tuui Honest m» n hav»» no »lesire to atfi i.»t • ing in jail awaiting tr.al. M L Mct 'allvrt li nry Am» rman; to recov­ with .*r»v pirtv wliH»h is -o not »rioiisiy in pi e? «rii V» y !>• t1 i t med cine. Si-rainieriv.*r hit»«-li»-r-. with a f w «-v-*. p- er m->n* v . I)\- iius >-*1 .<» plaintiff s<--»«t. favor of -«piandering tl e publh* -ut».st »nee ti *ns, < srrr *1 tln-'r In rd-1 hr-ni gli in !in -.hap . J.mn s Wright vs. i> H. Burroughs; f(»r •II'*- »luti.-n *»f partfi -rsliip am! accounting. De­ ding to E’ • kwon’e as the existing R«*pilbii<-an pa-tv has with Mlig.it I » sm . A gr . t d al of tin hay w i-. * mur * r withdrawn »»nd d«*fvndant given tif- put up m t - it s rt, »a hi-t v ar. a>i I th • pr -v- i t !.*v s.-t i- r tbe deslrnc- stKjwti it-i’if t»> be, i»*»r have they a wish t 1* nt st ». it’ll- n r «[» -d th • r r w m I w >< n t * n «lays t » ill»* an*w • r. W. G. I'ooj'- r vs. Wm. Gat**«; t*» recover 1 < i • » Oakla* <1 and Ala- to contribute to the depletion uf til winter « am. n an ! tn -v w r • «-na!» • «I t.» n -t I> fault <»f defendant hu .I judgment ■ i . . ( .tg», I linoia, and »Irea-ury, filietl to ov»* floAttig hy MW.-at- «»n!y MiHlain th> ir->wn h-«-ds, but h • t » « b t in -r on»*). plaintiff for <527 W7. ami costs and dis- , O ’ »n->d- i .»b!«* hay t - supp-rt -t »« k t»r -uglit Die world will wrought tribut»* pai I bv a lung suffering fr . pi a «li-t ineRut t .nr si » km n m tii»- t.ur-* im ni Attached property ordered «*>1*1 t > at. *f) judgment. a , • *1 ia ;gh and forget the grue~ p» opl»*, to log-roll public buddings mi»» vali*-y susta unsi h» ivy l->ss s. W. II Barr am! E. P. Pickens vs. sain«-; v on the 15th. Perhaps 1 ex Hence in every hamlet that acks it, or Th* r • is y»*t «* »twi-b r i’»l n win rh** vicin­ *am* Default ol *b-fendant and judgment i i* al rrv-'iitiun in Chicago ami to pay unreasonable pemriottM to unde­ ity »»t Linkvi’l' . Ri’t -it!* k r un wi,| b. - .w- d f »r p aintiffs r*»r $3*2.15, costs ami dlaburao- tnis s->vs »n «»wing t«» th*1 high price ar i *• ar­ m «its. Attaelusi property ord«*rcd Bold to c I .*t we»-A ha i something to serving ninely-dava men. ctv -f-» *s¡ ani th-* lat rv ss «*f tip- s as-n safi-fy judgment. iu'L mriit of tin* augury. There T he bj mpa’hetic eentim ntahsts in tin- O its n >w S’-ll, at four c nts n r p -und ut. Lmk s: it*- vs. Oscar St» arcs; ««-Hing liquor with­ V>l •»-. ami »«11 visibìe -t >< k is m th.- han-l- -1 a n thing of a ‘‘tidal wave” in troth east ar»» protesting vigorously against the f.*w I- al- rs. It w I! I». irnp «s-d* . j ,r t* a.m- out l»v< use. Pi«*a of guilty enter»*«!. propcted census enumeration uf the Chi­ st* r4 b> transport gram f« >m »h - railr a! in REAL ENTATK TRANSFKRN. nese as being “absurd, barhaiou», un- time for a -ling, owing t > the ai- but mipas- 1 -n t exactly know christianlike and cowardly." Lt is re maìf I i * condition -»f th» roads. I* ta.' is >n r> iatb»n to the different markable what amount of gu-h is being Win. «’aril's dr v rs bav - « arri*-1 th*- mail Th«' fo’lowlng d«-«*ds hav«* been fill'd for . . i - in l**»it .>• 1 p- I t *s until it fin«is • Mpille«! over the Mongolian by lhe»jreti* ai to Spragu nv r fr -m B manza m >r • than halt r« «*ord m the *.ftl<*<* of the c«ninty clerk since th • tun»- »»n f »ot »luring t past tnr • •• m »nths. u : i< i; 1 iction is support» d by Sena- 'economists. The Pacific slope g»H about Th> r*- is v* t f --ir f-* t -.fem >w f r about twenty th** last r* p »rt of th«- T imes : oATt’o L. J s t ’uminons. lots 14 and lain t r M '• li» li. In the vtTirt to i»e non- as much sympathy from tti»» ea-t, in it< mil»** • >f th** di tan • *. an 1 tir* r • » I w I n -t t» bl .< k 47. M.-*ir »rd: $.7» < io’». : I ii it la t Sunday has the folluw- en«leavors to lid itself of the incubus of pa ’sabl«* f r wag >ns t .r w»--ks. Th«- flr-t Hitt: • an*l o H Bb»unt to J C Tolman, 120 trail br» k -n was v. ry narr - w, an I tin- h*-ivv in ’ w Li h is t!*•• extent «>f editoral coni­ the c « m »I es, as th.»* S »nth receive- from rains r »tt.si th*- snow on ! rin-ath and th* n acr* * in twp 37 rl w- $1 W f M v r «-t al to Wm Myer and F MTItl- ti’.’ ritl»e .-¡tmit i »n : Now you know I th»* c«>iJ-hl »o ie»t, c ilc*ii iting politi» arm crust«-! o s » that it I * ruinous I > h »rs- .* t > go lings, quitclaim to :y)2 5O-lnO acr* s in twp 38 a. W h > the I hjks is ' Long live tbe 1 mm « s ! of il»e north in its atrngg e to e»cai»e the I through it for any distane«*. > I • : al* > t > donation claim No 38 In name M. Ohenraain f.iih d t.. g> t up a numb r ->f At the siine t.me the OrFjonian, at the do*ninalion of th«» bla« ka Even a in m | horses t hat w- r* -n t *»-• rang*-at tle-1» ginning t .w-tish y. $1. W, My.-r»t al to Wm Myer, quitclaim to n-k »: • sì a .-ni an i t>am-timent, re­ of Senator Evarts* standing han mo far ; of tI p * st »rm. tmt f.-d thr -ugit about 4-») h- a l I »ts 8, 9, 15. 16, 17 and 2U, .My* r add to Ashland; ni xrks that it’s “agin the government." furgotien hia position as to champun the of cattle and h- rm-s. with a m r* ly n -minai $2. loss -f about L2 ben i. Tu I*.-- ak'iig down of S.»in»*to France« M Billings, quitclaim to |ota cause of the charm ng ami interesting bis fine n»w barn un»1cr its h< »«vy wight of 1. 13. II. IH and 19. s-m> add; $2. Rii it -: IbLAND elected a Democratic “little ysllow men.’’as the foreign mis- snow pn»v*s! m gr--at im-ony < nlcnc«- t» him » has M .M- . k< r to Jam.-s .M»xk**r, 153.83-100 r a* »I ;u- 1 sionary m * c * tare f**mi uf pmhinngthe H • start** I int - th»’ winter with ab mt '»»)0 t -ii- acr m in twi» 3fl •*, r I w. R4«aNi. g <»f hay, which h»* had about f--rity over a I railway c»rp*»r «tiona are striving to f »-ter aiuce. J W (io’f t>» Dir.-ctors of School Di«t Nn 36, tom* . ?... I z stature will choose the ami maintain on the w*-s’ern slope «*f the Sho.-k Bros f»s| some 300 h»-n«l of catti») «»n 2U acr<-M in twp 34 s. r 2 w; $1. J u >l’s * t al to Mrs T E Scott, lot 3. blk governor. Bv this method the Republi­ Rockies. We have no patience with the S| ragù*-riv»-r ami had rcturn-sl a porti-m ot 10. N « A • n ral Point; $250. their band to th«« h >m • rn; t:n* tier*** in twp ;15 a. r 2 w. . ' ’ Hiere ' As i* «till »ulne doubt mm aw Evart« to the nti-cLtcí they ar** «ioing r* a1 rvati->ii until t ir r »a I g* t - passai»! au iin. S im. to P bon. gan. patent to 122.12-1U0 acr»-« in t w*p ;»5 s, r 1 w- ’a< complexion of the leg's- would lie to imprison th in overnight ] An»m*’zit.* ani Anl--rs.ii als.» türm I ahmt to ti.e jsj ’ » cal » in.ad «»ulti”r**s«a vali*m toi tin sa.m- r.-a-on. J S< uintn n*t » Elizabeth Cummons. lots 14 liturc in “Little Rh dy,’’ they may sue in one oi the umkrgroun i runway.* oi , »¡0» having run out ot hay an i 15. blk 47. M»*df«»rd; 91. cecd in deli ating the choice of the pev- the*»* human rati- in the Chinese quarters N inni»* Barr I • Lucm la V Carder, lot 3, blk Mr Wi|s »n. th»’Sacra n**nto sto* R’min. who pie once mure. ol Portland or San Francisco. ha* f»> • n m Sj-ragu ■ nv. r va l> > during th»* 4. B irr*« add t » Medford; $5t4). i Goodman Nob!" to Mahala Ann Gainey, lot past two >ca--ns. h.i I th - • ii-t .itiim- t - Ì >*. I n the little nn;»l -as infm»sa yesterday, 1 al» mt »X» p-r »• ?it * f h * bv-st * k during th«- 2. !» k2. M.dforu: $sim. W • Myer to Wm Myer and F M Billings, lots Ac KREsf« nd * n r in Pendleton, writ­ pr or to the Repub i**an convention, I wmtrr.. Til»» gr» st rain wnjc m--lt«-*f mo much ing to the J t • rryiioi •'* of M trch 2t> h, winch we f^sr wil* result in heartburn­ oftfi». 4»i -w m I’-bruary. -»nly to lr**«z- up II and 12. Myer’* add t > Ashland; |10. Alexander Orm<* t » John Bailey, interest In ’i'ii iti I li th • tr » - w th i and «•Aisled •ays; It is claim *i that Judge Thaver ings hereafter, the hv mpithi-s oi ttie Hk *n -w, w ts r* s:.. m-il-l’ f »r muon »»t th-- I.».**, mmmg <1 w w t- it- .«It feet deep Oil a I* V.-l ami that be will try tA foist upon H»»»! 'publicans wlio »lesired to consult tile an ! badly dr.fted in many places m Sprague M«*lt »rd; $lh00. C M igru l i t.» C W Kahler, 15197-100 acres L>-m* crat < invention « neof hiH^heru li- general g »o4 of the party and tbe c >m- riv* r vaji.-y. in tp J»j a, r 2 w, $4570_____ R’-pubdeiin <**»nitty c*»nr» r,ti*>n. to«<*|rct Aien" as th»* imminee of that boilv for i nniiiiiy by »ending influential piar* <1 a coun­ id. to- v t: C »unty judg■*, .1. tbe Portland R»-pub!U’a’i ring to secure «so unmercifully “sat down on’’ by th«» ty t.ek t m th» Reul th* f »11 »wing: vr (' jj Morris. Grr ; * • • k. \l L* avitt ; c »unty <• muni mài » »li­ Newark, Ark , «.»y*: Was down with ab his election, l'here may t»e noth.ng in ***»lfish gentry fr<»m Ashland. With the N. er. Dam «reu .- t ; -!t- r.îf, F W. G »wan ; *imiia- !’.»-e»tn t »k;n • L»r Ku-g s Ne* D’scovery the peop'r «1«» not want u second term u! of the »1 legation is not such that t: n. b- |. 4 n - i t,i( k ! it -■ nv riti-m, (1. <’. for coii-umntiun, am now on tny third bf»t - W. \V. Thnycr, thrv will nut take kindly iv r\ f»vora'1 e r*-suits can bu looked fur A|* p - gai., » v M * r* im I W. Haie. • Ie. an 1 h ‘•!»* f - overs th»* state cunv»«n- • »f th»* gr- at im -t u ks of th»’ Sprague nv* r farm. It i' the finest in**f t -.d s» » (i -n Ie*s - Mt'l'llewart Heratu«*, Ohio, «av«: Tii! Ih»m«>cr-iti«* municipal victories eral w* lia*e of s«»nHiern <>'i*gon, we Lad t-’ ear. t i r h- r I* tnr -u^a < > huvc - *>*f u.iy, • Ha i it not b-en for l>r. Kit g • New Dis* at* H I '.Ml I .p- sv. r. : . , ut by ¡».Mil* I À W. <*«>v» ry f »r c.r *unii»< ion 1 won d have died continm* to appall th»* K -puLl'caiis all j hop.-4 to see a trung «1» legation sent up Wa k r. *«fctt -n- t.y yv. I- a - a.|.-; over the continent. Larg«» gams were by t ie Rcpubl can- at this time, when ’ n by L. I. p.U l mi d <11. :1 ham; and 3IM) .! u: / trotib • s. wa* 21V**’» tip bv doctors. - a n k h < th» M.inz ranch, lu .Am now in l>- st »( L aith.” Try it—sample nm*h* at Cincinaati this week, and ut will- pinp r manag-im nt the claims ul t ci* by G. i. t • _* -t h m in* - t proven i* t , it Lotties free ut a 1 oard Oi l given attention. As a result of ye-ter- mammg. Fortan»! iy th»' w-ath.r at that tim was» fair. an*l losses light in cons- *¡u *ncv. From Amerca ’s be N. i*t--»k, owing to iiis hug.* hay-*taiks in tue) <’*» L n**, Wh te Wvan.iuttes an«l Black x..«..-. ...__ _________ } city ■ Langeli, J. S. H -ward ami some others msrs.M** nay mg b »-n surroundesi by water 1 M «»r *s. Winners . ( the highest honor« tiruml Rapids, Jackson, , ____ West __ Bay r U p gì ai rams m I - t.ruary, and th* cat- ¡ »’ all the L»rge exhibitions tor the past ' ano M'i-kv.’un have •-"•ne almost a*»hdiy ' w»« c nl I mention, t eevms passing 1 aft !ç cut ff Ir >m a- • • - t * f. • -*|. ,**iT’-nu » um • li- i (•'even \ cars j l>vn.<-crai c 1 »• K publican» will Lave ■ -.rar-ge Hiat the preference -hmdd have *1- a\ -r - V. 1,1 « . I. 1> th. h «y t • t.r tv I- l'gg* $3 per .setting; two settings, ' to admit Alaeka to >ta ehood to coiinbT-('been given t«> • u* h !"• xp» r:» nc«‘d par- Ing y rt«*.|-, but * 111 *’ j > k » ar*- n.»w *tamiing ..d 'tamp tor catalogue. A»!»Less, ill j ‘ • p vs..:- ». t .r . • » t r a. - , i ! act the tidal Wave eWccpiDg over the t.e compose tbe majority ui the del- ta eff >rt was n t at t a |e.| v. t a much-uce-| J. M. G arrison , aud au but about Jj»j out ut L äpj Quad of «Wu couutry. legation. Koreat Gruff, Or. I MEUFORO NQC1BS. t'rop Weather Bulletin for the Week Weather—The t»*mi erature 1» •* bee” higher, hut below the av«-r «g** for tb * p« - riod <*f the year. The rainfall wh * in licit» showers, and well distributed. Know f q in Wasco, Sh rman. Gilliam. Moir w, (»ran». <’r«w»k an I coun'ie« t«j th»* *<*uth on Ma < h 30th but genera Iv «lisapue.-»red tlie same »’ay. Sn w :d-*o fell on th«- h ‘.’Iter elevations of western Oregon on Ui»*30 h. The am*»unt of sunshine ha* in» re.-ised, but is yet less than is usual the forepart of April. Wheat—The most encouraging reports as to tlie appearance and pro*p«-ris of th»* w;nter wheat crop are received. But Ht‘le of it was fr-'Zen out. S »me spring-own wheat is already up and is promising in appearance. Friid—Trees are back war I in budding ami b.o-*oming Through B«*nt* 1» county b oSNonirt ate plentiful. Wasco roi.n’v, al* n*f or near the river, ha* also l»l »*soms on h, pear and eherrv trees I he peach tne*« were generally -ligMlv injured by the hard winter, but o»h»*r fritit and berries promise b »untif'il y irl is. Warmer weather ami more sunshine is netded to develop tlie fruit b'osrtoms. Grass—The grass is growing finely in all parts of thestate. hut like other growing v«,getrttion need* w arm sunshine. Soil. Ar —The soil continues t*» be so wet, especial v on l*»w or bottom laml-1, as to re­ tard Working it. Plowin'» am! seeding are being rapidly pushed whet» possible. Th** w**t soil will necessitate mu< h summer fal­ lowing. Tlie stock is rapidly recov«-ring from the ( Jacksonville visit- tu iritnd« in Medford last week. Ke. p y.,ur eves (Hl Medford. It will im­ prove more rapidly than ever this year. I respa»,, rs upon Nickell’s addition to Mi *U0. ; W. 1 Xawter. cashier of ourb-ink, has ROUND WASHER j returned from a visit to his old home nl Eugmie. Eugene. < 1 Th«* Gr« nt* *t fail»-.r-Saving Ine» litio!» «d th«* Age. ' The "Hatch»*t Family’’ are announced MACHINE 1 at Howard's bull on Tuesday evening, i April 15ib. 6 Miss Laura Starr has gone to Salem to accept a clerkship in one of the mercantile - HAWKEYE houses in the capital city. The Nolan»! saloon property \vill be a dd ¡X MACHINE. at public «ale tq-ru<*rn>w 'l'here w .il duubl less be a number of bidders Real-estate is looking ut» again. <’. Beekman has sold eleven lot’ in the n rtb- liber SlAflLlRfi western portion of town for|.rxJO. TIMBER o* (haw. Wall and wife of Flounc»* R H k STUMPS Willi ' .il»<-r preciuct are sojourning at Medi .rd .M rb W. is oatai card L and f.,r «a ll.'.stratrd Ca autQti C1»in. man service in b< half of our fruit interests. supposed tn be incurable. For a great ! frtoa. urtua taeilaoaiaX Addrsu tt>s Maautbvturara B. W. Powell, one of our must enterpris­ many years doctors pronounced it a local ’ ing citizens, has reinoved^to Brookfield, disease, and prescribed local remedies, and Wash. We wish him sucedl wherever he by constantly failing to cure with local may go. treatment pronounced it incurable. Sci­ The denian<ì for loc^^xes at the post­ ence has proven catarrh to b:* a constitu­ office has been so gregT* that the number tional disease, and therefore natures con­ has been doubled. Our town is still grow­ stitutional treatment. Hall * cat,»rrh cure, manufacture«! »*v F. J f’hency A Co., («»- ing rapidly. Geo. Lynch of Trail creek pr.•ciuci i* a» leiio, n, «iecrasvd T ACK?*<»> VILI^E, OU I .(.ON Estat»* of Isaac C¡ • n*'tint. C. .Magruder burg. apt uinted a Mo­ Eu*., ever brought to town. as received by him one day last week. It wh'* h wa* < aus-l < h L One hair« and Alpaca«, Ail Colors. s about two inches hffig and tuay b«* *e«*n botth* cureti me entire*y. As.» I loo «! puri­ fier S > S. is r| »• bc-r in* Ii<*: • »• J vver lined W hite <ìoons, S ultana S iiawi s , T ou ei . s » Zephyr ms in al< »»hoi al Miller A Strang's drug--tor. . J. li .M agan , Jr.,Ght*gi»w Junction, Ky. Vu i lllv -t niMiS is CoMm.s vrioss. R. L. Knopf and wife of New York sp»-t t lr*-a’i*e f N«-w York arti thinks ot investing in Medford Fa«hi<>!inl>le, I>uruble Clothing. real-estate. j. B. Kullncr, our live rm r< bant tailor, A mo*t interesting programme h-ts b en pr«*piired for arb»*r day, t<»-inorrow. at tlie ha* n lull line <4* tr>« tin»**t < "th* uud Presi»)'terian church. The exerci*« •< will trimmings on l and for suits a ard pant*, ‘'»ui'irtt of addresses, music, rr**itat'ou*, Will»’!» li- is pr»*i»rtr»-’| to niaH** lip in the t*’ is 1 • v< r 1» *>we«l de- I.iiuatb n-, dirtlo-’U«*', etc. participat'd I it* *t *t\l* * A p in by the school children and many * f « ur to l»-av»* il.«* *b< p <'. I on bun ami you Will !»•• gu *' mte» »1 s ifis|.4»:l t.m. 11 I.s prices 1» a bi g citizens. H. H. Wolters, the mixologist, has re u’e quite r< a-’*’ 1 bi«-. op»med tbe saloon formerly kept by A. H. <’arisen, thoroughly refitting it and mak­ ing many improvimienta. He ha* supplì.•»! -------- O-------- the bar with the line-t u i i* *. li ppos an»l cigar*, and a tine billiard labi" »• »u » *0 i « We challenge the reader to successfully controvert the assertion that L»un»i there Giye turn a an acre of thrifty, well-cultivated, producing orchard trees iu theva - treat you well. ley of Rogue River will yields net yearly income of SdOO. It will W o l A White*ir«l duiitig tlie coming *e »s»»n ar* In other woru-«* «m Gentlemen:—Having used one It is betb r than any bank—for the bank is sometinies earned i the comer »»f S' venth «n I B str» et-, to be »»bili«- « '»uiitv. Oi’g 11. 1* t..T. by cH’l*-d to b«* !?10«tur*la). Aprii I n ». l-'.si, at 1 . k into Canada bv the cashier," Dame nature- a trust-worthy guardian • >f votir .’. 1. Case Plows for the I h i- a c uly b«* mn ; >1 tw<»*t*iy bu«in» s«< »• m . f r t tu | ut !• - <4 • ■ » t mz t- ur 4 - Of course it past year in “St icky,” I can safe­ ih Urte win h Th i* M- An r»*w will bu Id gai» * I" alt» tid th«- Stai*- l>- ,i .» rato < *.nv* 11- takes care of the principle, and the dividends never fail. on tbe PO’th *»«le of Seventh st’cet, nl o tj<>n, t<» t»<* hvM at 1* »iti.m i, <»r- jr 11. oli Aprii you plow your orchard once in twenty years, and rob the trees of their 1*1*’.’affli fortti«- pur|H»*< *4 li ir. n.iiHiu’ ly say that it is the last plow for tw » siore buiidin/s tn t»e er »*t»d by Dr. 24th. aii’iimii* * n*i « uni) m •*. unir 1 timi ,u 1- nourishment by making a cornfield of the orchard irrotind, ami mvit< A*!k n* at..! Mr* lh*ni*< n r< *f»»’< live y on . ing sucti *itt»«-r t»u*:n "•*■» a* ^«..v > r •» • r’j that kind of soil I have ever seen. the lunls and orchard pests to make a restaurant of your orchard, you me *oulh *ide »>f the *ame s’rve: bef**r«- th*- conv«*nt»«m. Ti»** ** v* t al pr« "iiu t* will b«* » nt t • ! t » *n* must not complain that your horticultural methods have precipitated a M»»lf*»r»r* voice in th»* Repub 1 a»i con- It does the work perfectly. at larga . au I un** «!< /al< ad t. 1 n c v»‘ it ion vestenlay w a* g ve 1 greater atten­ - W. M. S ly . sent up tn*’ea. to wit; • otir bv the c.»m tv committee, Al- Pr- <’in» t* V..-. v < a-t. «>!•! "» • mg. th«* GraniPass...................... th* ugh it we* an uniiMi-tl pm WotrCr.-k With half the can- you give wheat-fields, ami it will yield an income »r«-*1«-n’i *ls • f al live were r»r*»..:z** « Jump-i iff-.l •»• « lie » «»nv- tit o ( whs w» li awnr»- th »’ t c • >n a valuation of SlOtk* au acre. There is not a wheat-field in this ( < U h -*- « 1 • • k . .. 1 • T" »*♦• in M-dford’x p.jpu: E «*n a ”»•* t ni Siate CtC’-k . . 4 county which yields such an income, and E) ER) orchard does. COUNTYLANDS • nt:tles her lo t* e extra l»-l* g *l»- Th- d.l Williams........................... 4 rga»i»)»l c»»n*’.ste<| of W 1 V»wter, i A Murphy ... li 3 We propose t<> sell you an acre of fine alluvial soil, within cannon Waldo . 3U W* bb. I W. Short. J. H Fart* *in«l J A K 11 * \ v ; ' 1 ■ 4 shot of five growing towns, close to the steel rails of a trans-continental Wh t- * «le. Alitili*«’- l'tie following h a II*» f • ili • r-» •- ■f I It i* r*-< .linai ti-|. 4 fh , • a > t 11* pi • • • in railroad, in the most beautiful valley on tbe slope of the Pacific, with finn x< Uì v ,n KT andsi <; ar - i'tn »n 1 •l-.’e No. .31, K »»f I*., al» ■ b »14 tu. ir prunai) m- 1 ng f’*r tn- * l«»ii L*l ’ n otic hundred growing, thrifty producing fruit trees, to lie selected l»y TE |3,UUv'5 '• i-'l't u ’¡i* .«L.y. • I.D1 -, ut •!• |. L-at«-* ••ti salaria). April 121 ii, at I oirt’ituteil at M»dfor«l Wednes.l »y » y T • r* Iti 1 • •! .i t • eq ! \ • a . - A .*••», of you. l ’ uy it tor a home to shelter you if adversity or the winters o ’ « l H ’ k » ’ m . at tli .r u*u.tl pan • April 2d. wi’h over twenty charter m»-m- ■ ’ ' "i • |m 11 ',-is •1:11 *• I prt ni* wli 1 ! avo r ttic *| , ' • - bt-r-»; t*ranrirt Fit- h. I’. « J's.i . W \\ «»l A I - n U< nnn UUu K v 4 •':fa •• ai.<; h« « 1 Lali’l.u 4 t» I» ni »« rat ir pi .nctpb *. t d« *ign supporting • •Id age overt .ke you and find you ¡(euniless. ter*. C. ; Dr. E. I’. Gearv. V C (' tli- l»* ia.H*rat <• n arti. an tn - approaching iipproa* : * * - at tn*- Hu’chiii*(*n. pr» late. M Pur lin M of F. . • l«*ct ;• >11. ar** < *r l.a.ly i;.vu«*d to pai t .«• pai in Trucia uf fruìu Acri a tu ¡.urge H L im*den, M of. F ; J. E En\art, K tb*- pi amari* Trut ta auitubir jur l 'uhuuf B) «>rd* r of tb" I>*-m*»crati** < \ ritrai ! of R ai <1 S , Lake Fram e, 31 at A ; I. for We give Rwny the land. Pay ub $10 A inui-tli. 10 cents a tree, Tu rpuat a, . W. Curry. I G.; <’. <>. Damon. O G. H <’<4nmitt-c. < HARLES III (illES. (’hairniHii. two yews, niul we will present you s warranty -leed of the acre, and I I'. Cbitw••«» I, senior pa*t ehm» *ll*-r f *r particmarfl «ppl) to I B. FERRIN’,402 Granite lodge, wa* tlie ins»»’ i g ».ffic r, K* «ni» ) Street, Hin H mik i ’ m - o . GIsAil AN ILK it t-> have a thrifty, growing, producing orchard. and tw nty two member* «»f Grume lodre Despite thei-e facts the farmers of the country continue to value w> nt dow 1 from Ashland to take part 1.1 NEW THl.i WEEK. I the »*er its soil by sowing it with wheat and compet­ The artio’i »»f the editor of th • “ M 1 'n ing in the markets of the world with the serfs of Russia and the si'aves WARNING, I OFFt U FOU SALE ON HFASON A1 1 1 t -on assailing such of our eriterp11'in*j tr *i- * -if Iu* j l.ur and rran*a<*t business in a m« b eliti or ity of its soil,” says a great economic writer. The people of Jackson *<»uni> «'«»ntninii.g 82u Hcreb <»f neh botlcu; laid a bri -k bio. K, i- c»*rt«ihlv rc|»rehen-i »Ie, m «speciali» Hiliipteti t<» ti.»« gr<>wtb <»f tm « fl.j hay ; county should learn this as an axiom. say the leas». It i* a>i wry w» to en»- >ur alni rl»>v«’r. Aliout «»i:»--i»alf i»« ci<-ai•■»'. at «I m age enterpr *e in the substantial bu di Every bread-winner ut the forge or near the cutting saws, or in ■*ulti%Kt.«»t*..auwn buildings are sure to r«n*eive th. t *»f water f*«i M*‘»*k anti nome for irriratii;«. 11 «» NOTICE it-.iling late over * r more beautiful and a larger home than ninety per cent, of the popula­ •tn’»-.iiiit> ; also an 4L»*r x< el!»-; t pia» < • .«n’am. ng 12» • acre« a «en*trlve spot hi the br* a t of ev»-rv hon tins *bit*- I tion of the civilized earth can claim to own. For full particular« »«all up. i <»r addrenb est tradesman wh’ose t.e e*stti’* h « ve mud .K LII’S SCHMITT. Write to us, and we will send you our illustrated book of this great O. J. VANNOY JackMonvillo, (ir., April 7,^8W>. i.im a tenant • f «me able to bui «1 a pa n'— K .»rl « <- ' » tre*<*n of trade, and lacerates tile fv*-*ings *»f ad valley ami our Orchard Home. who have «lone their share m n”r:»cting FOR COUNTY RECORDER. trade to die valley me’roixd * wl.i e tenipo- rari.v occupying wooden building - or even he si'HscHinnit m>ri.- rn i . i . v an . ( itoimc *rt that I» - is h c.iixinlat«* h-r tin- or­ tents as max» shifts, A stranger m ght in­ tica* «4 »•« *-.ini* r. Mibj* « t to tb<* d» ciM«>n *4 tn** fer that Brother H »r an was a devotee at l>**in •ciati»* r iunì) * ■nv* ntl - mi lo br field in < > »•<‘•»•<»11 the shrine of wea’th A1« m 11 oi *<1 HAWKEYE THE AMERICAN STUMP THRESHING MACHINES Don’t I^Fiil to ^vttencl - OPENING & REAMES WHITE’S, Blouses 2nd Jerseys. Latest Novelties in Fine Fress G go S s . Ladies’ Fine Shoes A Specialty. Josepliine Di'fflimtir Co. Convention. CULTIVATE YOUR ORCHARD FÜE8N0 AND MERCED To Rent and for Sale i i? i?* woivrir jRifooo. FOR T HE T FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR. ttui : reqi ’ estof a m / mbi r of my Mr-«. M. E. Fielder an«! daughter tiavp returned to Central Point to re*i h*. after a temponry residence in Medford. J rm Wright, J. N Hall, W. C. L-ever, <). 0. Kincaid, Fred Tice an«! (). P.mkev were ut the county-sent on Wednesday. The Central Point band at ended the L"\y concert at AMdan t last we* k in .« body, riiev are **i w» 1 dri letl' that thev can appreciate Lieh-cinss music to th* utmost. The Jacks- n County T*- a h rs A** »na­ tion wi I meet at this pia-*»* <»n Sitiir»iny, when an interesting t«me wi 1 b • ha I L* t *»ur cit z‘ns sp»r»* nn pains to make the stay of the member« a?« pieasant as p »«si- 1» e’ Jas Wright is n*»w in charge *>f »he Wes- tr*»p Stahl«’ a«>d t reparod to fivn *h fusi- ciass outfits of nil kinds on short noii«*e. He a mo boar*Is horses bv the dayorw. rk at reasonable figures. Jim is an ohi hand at the business an*l guarantees satisfaction. Don t fail to iq.ve him a call • It is currently rep >rt*d that a Ione Re­ publican of this precinct had t » call inn» r* <|uisitif»n the s«*rvices of an obliging Dem*»cratic friend in order to hold a Re­ publican piimary last Saturday. T lie «»bilging Democrat C.dle«l the i«»ne R'publi­ can to fl»».* chair an»! »hen ba i bimseif ap­ pointed a committee < if one to select dele­ gates to the county conventi n held y »ter­ day. He reported in fav*>r of sending the chairman and an absent Repnbli**an of good Reputation, an 1 the m»e ing “«»n mo­ tion,' adopted the report and discharged the commit tee, who ni>iv*-d toa>ij<«urn >ine die forthwith. Friend Bill doesn't pro pose to see anv party languish for lark of interest, and his assistance to the ••party ot one" will long be gratefully rrniem- bered. I li;»v«- t .»U'< nt< d to pit ••‘.lit my- A H«-It tri- a.* ii'i*. u candidate t«*i tm- «»til»-.- of iu-*.**s-»r b*-t«»r** th** Democratic county c- uv* ntion on May 3, latf). G E. JUNES. Table R »ck precinct, April 8, 18>». LADIES AME TO THE Pl..\< OF THE VNDER- SigfliJd, retailing in >t* rnngvilb* i r-< inet, C Korn«- int.iitlis a»r •, a bay pm), ab *ut b»ur y»*ara old, with u rt<* wtri|»r >u nos**, ti nd t- • i white, branded X on right Mi«.u.*i«*i. Th owner will pay eli.irg-* mil trtk«- tin* uiiiinal away. Appraised at $13 b> J. F. T. II. GILSON. FOR A.t new. Unrfh pric«*, $859. Addretsi*: H. 1*. <»!•<*«»7<>r a 4k March 31. Iv5, inclu- «1VV, to-wit: N NO. NO. NO. NO. 1142 il H 1137 IH4 12HU rr.: 1 Viti I'«Z iti-. I«Ki !'><» ini:» 10H 11)37 1062 1014 1015 1'129 1142 Maj Hay Party. 104! There will he a social -lance at the hall of 1251 O E R-,‘-eou App < g .trou Fruiav evening. ir*7 May 2. IX». t-> which all are invited. A IP.-» fine supper w> 1 be pr-v.ded slid no pains 12.A Illi 1077 Iter» 1102 in»» 1047 1124 UMS ll'.o II'M 1201 1079 |i«M I1K6 1 l«t»2 1070 1469 1072 1073 10:1 lo.’l Il ’.t) 114.1 ink* IU-'4 nk*»i lu,7 H W» i«*»; 10’4 mu ite-rr 1115 1116 lini 12UI 1103 1WI |!»7I ime. 7t 34 4-4 475 1«K5 12* • 1356 13*5 1U5 will ite spared to insure a picaban» time. Int«*rv»t on tb»* Orme Bros.’ orchestra will lurtueb the best date. i I Silk Warp Benrieths, Assabets, Tricots, j . Scotch Plaids, 12 inches wide, Black Brocade Cashmeres. lion Frame Alpacas, OREGON 1237 1242 14.5 336 1110 I1»;1 H IH .ME Gl 1G0X, Prop., Lute from Palis AU Wool Ladies’ Broadcloth, 52 inches Wide. Machin« ry and Supplì»*»», 2> an i 30 North First Str« et. 1’J« JACKSONVILLE. OK.,* SUITINGS. NE TEN-HOUSE POWEIl .1. 1. CASE EN- gm»* an*! boiler ou wh "I*, with |M»w»*r Striped Fonie, in Colors, O drag-aaw compl* t*- for sawing log*». Nearly Il HS 11'4 11 f THE NEW FREMII lATNHRÏ. FINE LINE OF FALL • B i. SALE. (ilen-lal-', Oi-e^fon, IUI MEDFORD. OREGON. We rt '|>ectfully call y<»ur attention to our exceptionally Estray Notice. The Laundry Queen. The s-ile auenry for Jackson rouiiFv f"T the celebra'ed i.uindry «¿-iren w«.|fng- lUHChint-i. now h-hi by J. H. Ilr wo of this place. J his laht r-'aviro; iu chine is now such a univer-al favorite wnh ueod hou'ewives tl>a' Mr Brown has decidi-ii tc keep its lucros before the public. Those desiring to inform them-e v»s a« to its worktnes are r-ferred. By peruHs'ion, «*• Mrs. Hudson. Mrs. Livimrstone, Mrs. He - ry Klipp.l and Mrs H Wendt, of Jackson­ ville. and to Mrs. James R. Howard, living on tlie Dav'son place near Medf- rd. For terms aitd prices apply to J. H. Brown, at the Bi.ger residence. Jacksonville. ol music. Choicest Potatoes! Juck - >nvill«*oii M hx 3, 1 *';*•. M l’I RKLVPILE. Outrai Point, April 7. 18W. CENTIME POINT POiNTEIls. 13 ?« 1 '46 1327 1 3 17 r. 1292 hhio " h NO. 1 1 A.» i 1290 l>73 1-.7* Rl’.rt lue 14*2 1 ►’»* 1.538 ' 1543 1'4 ? 1 142U H.l l»rtil 1554 1611 ! FUI 1550 1 ' 1551 1547 1546 1-4* 1rs 1.555 il v a>«* NO. N« 1’4.5 1654 137 5 142»; 1657 1H3. 1 H»l 1511 1 40 » 1H6 io r» 1 Í-.9 1415 l«Vf! 1430 1448 iffff i»xr, ino 15*17 15.1S b**»4 ir iiu this H. H. MUORE, OuuQBj Ireaxurer. Choice Lands For Sale. )R SALE. :mi9. i I ANETO MV EAWM, l\ STITtl.INOV II.LF. Pi >« luci, l.«~t D>< *mb« r. « n. La) unir«*, ni»« >u t ni in ) « H|-!< ohi. u 111» ti w tu t • •»tri j • «! < >u ¡1 fi»» * an i a whit. <>n fi» »■ (-j ; tl|| < t h» r 1* « t ar«* al*** u biti 1 u< <>u ri» r 1* r- <411* *1« <1 t-. cali fortn» animai and p«y chatg * „ E GRAL PNER, Merhngvilfi . Man li 24. Isw» C .. lift Cents a !>// d. • • •• • • •• t » *l»<»w gtMrtJfl nr furnish «ampi«*« by mail. Important *• I Notice. Tiii-sr. kn -' w I ng 'i hi msei . ves ixiu nr- R*-fip*s-t fully. J. NUN AM. Ja* Itscuvill* . Ox » t Estray Notice. Special Bargains In All Wool ?.* o m T !!'1 r* ’’ ”Y THE ’ NT'ERSIGNEH at 1 ’ 1, ” farm. 11.1 . s ^»iitii < t hag • I uot. "in red It«>« _|,:|. r «». , r t v . >. arw •»14; • Hr mark*: <*r«*p <.ff il . ¡< ft un,| mvl» r s »p< hi tlu- right, bran*!«*! Y • n I- it h u I bav«-t>.. n f. «-ding him ^inev th»* 14t!i^: Jan­ uary 1*'AI <»WJ|. ) Will pl.-HM’ and j.iy «baig.H and tak. th.-an mm 1 uv .« M JOHN BIGHAM. Mp.tch 3. lrt»u. New Trimmings, New Buttons, Gloves, Mitts, Stockings, 5hawls, Flannels. Yarns, Blankets, Etc., Etc. LADIES' WOOL VESTS AND PANTS. SCARLET AND WHITE . . . 6'.» I.AND -419 Estray Notice. Sent, ladet. . . E'aey. Elect rie. .76* inch Tricots............ •• iMvre-v .7/ •* Cashmeres A< RES of H<*r» s ot farm !an»l in rhe valley, K < I L F Truit or grain. Two th*m*«an . «»r. We have the above in Latest Colors. Chasseur M<> a Hx»’ Mu it Il- Ore not Sill. I ihet Hasan entirely new itn ibod for waobinc ntie «'inbnud.Ti.w. la.-, .'urtaine, tring.« inuslin,. iae.w white and blaek . all k e-l- ■ i •v •..i-riN, ladies* tli.nm |. and .»her wear­ ing appnr. 1; m r < I.me .1 and re. pmred .m rle.rt n<«iiee. I,:.. . eertrnn < .ae- ' -a a rm.-eiai-j . I*r.eu ruarant.-ed. I • • toll*« lut* H ( 11 ng i-t v wi- !■>• .!*• »ot­ ti - hum. di.it > ly. All , jmv >ng a< < *unts against th s mi* w|:! ÍMV«>r m by *< u-uiig tunr btll-* t a-»- »nits. <-r cahiitg at my »«-¡-un»-- :n M* *lt I’l.ui'«» 1 ui'l*« tt: iu- 'am**. By **»