JOft.FHINE l'OCNTY ITEJKS. Hr are vp I Card of Thanks. You »re fecln-v -b-pre.std. vour ariivtite I I desire to thank toy friends nml ar Dr. Flanagan Is I d Wasblngtoa looking for a i is poor, > OU ur- bothered w-th headache Public b< flit b 13 g< '(-fi. foi riraubsL R o B kiw C. ScaiscK, ex-min­ n< w location. you ate ti. g. tv, beiv- us, and generally out qua’iitances on Butte < r» «*k and vi- i E. B h II bas 1 «t v* r 4U0 head <»f ofttth'durlng their kindness uuiuig during the sickness « i mv .. * «ii«iir Kiiiurp'3» ister to England, died at W*i>bmuton thè wlnt. r. It Li sa hi. Mr- G. 8 Mathews«»!! Is spending the winter < of sorts, ued w.-ut Io brace ur ,£ «race up ! huabami ; ubo Tí» th<»8? rf of Medtord who • niCIAl MMI0» JAIUM C0INT1, ORtME city of pneum nia, on the 23 I mutant in California. I butnot with .«■: mu anta, sprt.. In ’ medicine* Hvt.r o ki-q dur„.g f|13 Grfts« 1s gr« tving ntcely, and furnisbes fair ____ i« v»4. Ve *• I ( . . _______o bis last days. Their S F. Patton |a now In the employ uf Riddle ' or bitter«, whirl, have for th 1. i i- r ba . io He wan at one nine very prominent in fuutl f* r st< t k air» .* v kindness will ever be remembered cheap, bad whisky, an-i wl.i- h A Scott, at Grant ’ s Pass. ' the council» of tin- Ri-pub ’ iean party,but W J WluT« r. wh«» tu*w r«ai ha y u I ®t.« k <>f all kinda ar<-d»>1ng w»*ll Hgatn, and t«> Ashland to form a class. eat exponent of ths national game of Th«* ladh’s* library at the Pass is constantly want is an alterative that wi.i 1» rity v' .. ▼«•ry little furi ber 1' *.«« la • xpected. draw-poker, on which he wrote »treatise blood, start healthy action of liv^r un i ralpilatitin uj' the Heart. R Miinaflvkl of Grani’»* P am has heen aj»- receiving additions of new books. tor the instruction of English bloods. I i pointtsl ag« nt f«»r Radam's micrt'b« killer. ^There has b»*«*n a dearth of good, dry c«»rd- kidneve, restore v- ur vitality and give re­ Penn n- uh • «ufl r f mn orcasionsl pal­ newed liealiii and elretiglh. Such a medi­ Th« D»mt«cmtlo oentral ootsmltuw fot tk«- He had taken uu active interest in poli­ K»'» l« r H Gabbi-rt I m m»w . n»nh»y«xl un thè wo « m 1 at Grant’s P mhs for sometme. pitation of the he nt a . often un «w.i r alate uf Or »«ou. M«œt»ied ai Sa.« mu lb«* 1Mb tics since 1873, but lived quietly at bin St. ILit-na "MlHt.*'and la ssid tonavi* “brac«*d .1 F Robertson of the Pass will sojourn at cine you wil find iu Flectric Bitters, and that they air the victims ol heart fii»eas»*, fi-iy of Marcii, 1>WÛ, bas appointai Portland as only 50 rent- a botlie at all drug stores. CisjuiUe city for th«* next two months. up. ’ ’ home in Miaaiseippi. and «re lisblr to die without w iron c. th« place and Tburaday, ta«- Mlb day of Aprii. Th«’ chairs for the new opera-house have . . ji John ’tiii Falrrhild r n i < I.. ii nnn has lort »-.' <*«-nsl»!« ii - mu « rHt»ly ini’iv m«»re 1 hey should baniah this alarming mutom, I h O«». at th»- huur of 11 »»’clock In tbe forvnoon. been ordered an«i ar«* now on tho road. GkNkBAL (JxoRHki Bo»>x,command- r «•! than SOU lo ad <>r h r-. », «nd cattle l«»a»v« ar» a« th«‘ tiro»! for holdlna tbe convention finche The laundry Queen. and cure tbr dtoeasr by using I)r. Flin’ > D»*in««»Tallc party ot tbe state of OrkWoBFfnr tbe Division ul tli« M’BBouri, died very I [ also heavy. 8tcph«*n J* well will fi*ach th»’ spring tern» of The »ole aueiiey tor Jackaim cuun'v t'r Remedy. Mack Drug t o., N. Y. th«’ purp »«c «»f nominatiug candidates for tbe Hudd«nly <4 bewit failure at h'a ai irl- i E. C. .Mason of New Pine cr •» k Is f trade at Grant’s Pass is getting manta in the Grand Pacific hotel in Chi ­ Public Notice. supreme court, s>er»-tary uf stai”, tr««Mk tur»*a in Afrii'n. In shape to accomplish much gooi! for the niachine ia now held by J. H. Hr wn it ui « r, riupvr!ntend«*nt of cubilo inatrMvtlou. cago, on th« morning of the 21 it in-* »tit. till» l-lace. This latmr-1-aving tnaibine s town As high »is $50 per ton wm a>k« «l and r«*fus d ..... ......... W. L. VVebHter is authorized to r«c»iv< atiit»* print»T and district oSoora, u» bu v«»tvd He had entered hi» kikty-aecoiid ' eai <____ . i oo | and receipt for money!-dm du* I i.Mt-»»tile»* fi»r good hav n th« m Ighborbood of Liukvillc (I Bla’ock of Grave cr» » k exhibited a nugg»*t non such a universal favorite With ineoiectl »n, and tu tmnanst suab during the fast month. housewives that Mr. Brown has-irci.le.l t< and would have been retired by \ntii - of | worth $r?7 in Grant ’ s Paas the other day, says •* ... j until further n«»ti* e. H«* will < all up<»ii furti»« r toutrinoas a» uiay proparly coin© tx’fure Tie lie alert l.uti**r-SHVlu< keep its merits tielore the pul-lie. ’! h se . those indebted to us in a slim t time. lim a^e in September,1S91, had lie lived District Attornev r >lv’>r wns n» Grant’s Pas< I th»* “Courier.” th»* CullVrlltioU. Itivi ntiou ut the Age. Th»* r»-pr* a» ntation will oonaiftt of bei irkv A metrotiolitan daily, in apeak’n,: of this w-• k. tuktnr '!«*p»»alr1ons In the c»w <»f I,» «-A Davis have • Id their town property denriog to inform themselves as to its ------------- •------- git< *.ai>port1<»uo«laiUking tbe aevendcuuutiw General Cruuk,-ait: Tliedeatiiol General Schultz vs. lb »1«*. rf al. it Grunt’s Puss to W. H Fayle and W. d workings are referred, by permosi, n. to Arwapaprr i.utr ut the *4tut«* as fullowa: Rr«>« k for 51300. Mrs. H u -I mii . Mrs. Livingstone, Mrs. Hen­ A nun»b«*r • «*n«ef» f snow-hllndnewi w.-re 8 Ctouk ia a painful aurptise to the coun­ llak* r .................... fi polk ......... For tlie benefit of all who may set k to Mr/. E B. Christian left for Clilcago an«l the ry Klipp-1 ami Mrs H Wendt, ot Jacke -n- reported in th!« as we! ’ as in L «k«* county dur ­ I try. I rook wae a Kailant aoldier and « liu kamas.................... «'TUlainouk • aat lau Sunday morning to purchase stork ville ami to Mrs. Junies R. Howard, living swindle the newspapers out of th» ir just ing th«* lat«- unpleasant w« ather Columbia.................... 3 (Tn!«»n......... forth«* I*a«!hs’ Bazar. on the Pavtson place near M.jt. rd. l or dues, we pubiisb the !<»lluwing which is Dr Hall, ’nt- Iv of T.ang« ’) vn’l- y. has r«’- 0 did honor to the aerviceon many a critical (’riM'k.................. .......... 5 Waaco .. , Thirty »I o II mik per ton was the highest figure t. rius ami prices apply io J. II Brown, at kept standing ill the lira»l oi the nrsf «-di- Ix >i; K Las.............. ......... llYamblil. .. occaaion. f Joaephin»* county notice to tli»* contrarv ar»* cons!ih*rr » ontinur their sui»srtiptions. wkV* V.'<>«As OH . 4 derMood it. In turn the army hau*a one by local applications, ai they can uotieacb Mrhh'ur ..... .. 3 GHliaru las county, this spring. 2. I f subscribers order t he <|i- continuant <- TTonrv Boat, of William“ rr» » k was tn Jiwk- '• . Mur«’«»w......... « Harney... There is of their penodic.iis th»* publisher mav c<»u The n»*at, n*'w r»*std«’nce now being built on ihe diseased portion of the ear sonvllh t Is w- - k I!»- ] *«t all of bls h- r “ * «dur- o( ita ablest chief« and the country an i I'e’l Ó E n Ü» 9 4 Ufte Joaepbine... yfain str»’»,t.‘w»’at of Gilbert, in Grunt's P mbm , only one way to cure Deafness ami that is linue to semi them until all arrears il Marton 10 other hiatorieal character. Lion............. The new Ing th-’ past s» nson, --f some unkn-’wnn ol the 4 fr«»m th«* «»s’tlon about Tub' lake, and .artlv- I.’ n itiüa ....................10 Waiiuwa 3. If subscribers n<*gle«'t to or n itaelf. W «• ilBifton .. ol fftrmjng operntfons wl’l b gin In a short time air h» nting apparatus for the n» w M. E. church, mucous lining of the Eust •« hum iul>e. take their permdicals irom th»* » o H Htarr was engaged in putting it in last When th a tube gets inti iim-d you have a i - -am«* belns on«* «ielnrate at large trota Q . >rge R ifehcld r ln«t w- -k r.’arhed hl* -s- «AKES < which they are directe»l, th« v c »* ! W uat were Bismarck's r^al raaaons for • i«- i« iiity ami on«* dvhirate fur «. v« ry 17.’» rumbling Mouud « r imperfect bearing« and * ^ CLEAN bom»- in LlnkvHI* aft« r an inv •lun»r«rv<-doiirn w» » k. Frank H Stackpole of Mt. V •rnon. Wash.. I when it is entire y close«! D« afuess ih the ponsibie till they have settle, th* it biil v-■«•*•. at»«l ««n»* f «r « v»-r> fraction th« r«*or ri- resigning the chancellor whip of the Ger tn California, d» hiy» |ier*u* man empire have not vet !»«*en made a»!»». 4. If subsiTiber.s move to other p at th !• n«*.«’kvtiun of I«*#. ■ y < KMii.a - I*. Tf.« i rr,p on a f w with hts brother, F. Stackpole of Williams \ D Carrl«*k and W W )^nr«nRn, having tMken out and this tube iesturr«t t« its nor­ without informing th«* publisher and « r»« »» k .- ■» . it »-t ti.»- Mx 1» «14 only -'<>»1 Wiide there are undoubtedly se­ fii' .tiuij'-it**«’ r«*o«.miu#w»d»’d tbat prvotnet public. ci/rk. IrarT (u »»nd ta an liiu-.irauZ Ca'alofue, g.vlng pnin it a b>* h« AI th«- llfi h day of April, and tb«* rious d ff renceH existing lietween him diss >lv«i! parfm rshin In the blai-ksmlthlng A"hc Inngcrs of fording Applegate call thl^ mal co ndition, hearing will b-* n< «•*. all upon their numerous patrons to iBtv * bv niions tb© l«tb day of lorever; nine cases «»ut of t»*n are cause«! they are h’ ki re cuuiutltlvvs fiitvru. ae the voung Emperor William, whose sett’»’ f«»rthwfth. catarrh, which is noth ng but mu in­ Hl oy ’ rebuild!ng the* washed-out bri- '*br» moving .»mt leaving them unrall- I I • Klatt*.«th county will be herself again In due nr. W «r» r IR4JW *a: WL ugbt tribuU U» marck s opinions; yet the yuittik.’ etti* Cour*, of time. ter»d upon th«’ last term for the year wttb an gftiy est*«* ol Deafness (cause»! by catarih) ma facte’’ evidence »»f intentional fra incrrHs<*d attendance in h I departments. ■ ;n n p »I!« tu emulate tbe ex- perut has followed the ex-chunct llor’s that w* can nut cure by taking Hall ’ s Ca G. Any person who r»-cvi\i> a R >b rt Eiiiinlft writ, s from I.inkvilb* to ampn*^ Ì tlieir feil«»w« who bave su vuiphatlu- advise in appointing Ina sucecssor and <’ E Johnson of Krrbyvllle was last week tarrb Cure, bend f»»r cin ulars, tree. R s d.urg frl-nd> that th«* »‘ot it. wi.»u.;»u all> • xpr- ?*«• <1 th- ms* lv«*a at tb© polla at th»- F. J. C h *. nft de Co., To!«do, O •oibserihed for it or not, is hel»l m «’ai-ital was at >.m* firn«* four f-*. t-loopand that tak'-n quit»* si« k at Ashland while In that city h»i> »rcmliiKly »"Uglit to propaiaie Irin r-«*ut >1 ti um in frLuiMMi-hua« tta, Uhio aud m goDatlng for the purchase of the Snyder ¿H^Suld by DrufC-.-istr, 75c.» of at . k have b«'cn v.-rr henry. subscrilrer. I --w •. - i ! w ito in K un ma aniioiius«* tbvir lü­ by the tend«r of a diikrduui and sundry r4*staurHnt. Th»’ r«’-elect|on of J. A. Jennings, our p«q»- ft « -t «n i and t » unite witb us in 7. Thep •stmaster win» neglects si liecure» and d**e.nation-. The fact u’ar county treasur» r. Is one of th»* c rfain- A number of citizens at Grant's Paas were ad* *• i ii»H»c»i «tf »rt to r«v«^tabilaü uur nation- A irvcry. th«* legal imticc . I ti»«* neglect of a • ngsg«*«l in slashing th»* brush on vacant lots H-* h *:• mad»* a first-Haas xnd clever <»f t | ■ il tbe tettava uf that BUmarck decline« io accept am tl-*s to take from it » ( thee the la-w.q» «per n- ir th» ir r« si<1«nc,*s last week lu order to en­ • i r-ufi- ring faeton« a and to rvli«*velbe grc-ut favors at hl- hand» augur« ill f r the firlal. an«! >b s«*rv» s an* -th» r t«*rin. Mrs. Geo. 1* Siuoote, a higldy cultivated d r»-s td it» him, is habit* k I>< arm« of « • u»«utu«*rs froin th«* burden of tax peace of mind of the emperor hereafter. Th»* w sth- r la mor»* ch»’» rful than it has hance the view. and estimable lsdv of Pre.-cott, Ark., writes er fur the subscript uni uric w!» "i .ppr> *■«••• th< «a grieVouaiy ami profita Th»* residents of th»* Williams creek valley been for Hoinefitne past, and th * sn«»w isdisap- th'*«»» n -f.iiug, and t » r»*buk«< tbe party wbie’i It may be that advancing year» have p»*Hring Tai 1’l\ v rvwlu re. Our citzens f-«1 .ir»- preparing to bring th«* water of th»* 1111- under date of April 22. 1889: "During the uow ma< h and liver almost hope- • t t*:. - - -untry ahall luuke brick, but tb« y -tatasiuiin in retiring to piivate tit«; but r«-n«*w»M rru-rgv. irrigating purp«w*es. \\ by '•-n’l you < ur. '.bat • ugh aba.l m .k. tbvm witn-.ut atraw Th»* wiHslwork in th»' opera bouse at th»* trshly disordered. Nothing 1 ate agreed The melting snow has »‘aus«*<1 th»* sloughs Europe is loth to b-iieve it, and eontin ■ ; ii and consiiiui’th-n ASAHXL BL’KH. t'haï ravin 1 took chr< n.c* diarrhoea, and an I swamps t > ’• •<•..!«< h .wing rivers In many Pass Is about coinpl**fed. and as «o«>u as the with me Uv« to at»« over the probability of e is.*M_ an I th thorough w >rktand«rd Manufa. tur< -i l*J the HAMILTON BKUWN ami ii un ugbiy salvia. t»r international trouble soou to etwu.' N itiireinth« Irrigating line Insur«-a good crops will be ready for occupancy. my family. Fhe leading phvsiiians <»i the Tin. < >lno river is uow taking ita turn (Shoe Company of (.hlcag .for for y» ars to com»*. Ibid Yarbrough of K» rbyrille recently sur- country were consulted, but the medicine" tr< d n y ' i kiniw this >tnt< iu«-ui among the power». at tioorning, and Cincinnati ie in danger fhc|--if you have lint, y< U ar« d«» I G Wright of Dairy start.-d ft>r (’allfornia pris'Kl his friends <>n hla r»*turn from ■um- administered by them never did Kir perm I • is s> bi bv !.. ' Br- from tin* tl »1, now within a few feet of T hx Aahlan 1 7idmg».witli ill diagunied on»’ day last w* • k. sutninom d t«» th»’ bedside bol lt «'ounty, (’al., by Intr«>luc1ug his bride, a nent good, end 1 lingered between 1 fe ami se t an Hijusüc tiie highest ever known. hatred, ik beginning to poke fun at our <»f his rather nt Oakland; but on coming to well-known young lady from that vicinity. death tbe latter bring prekrable to tbr ag­ Lin krill»* h<‘ re«’» ! v«’d th«* wek’oin«* iiit<*llig**nce Robt. O. Smith and Geo. W. Colvlg have onies 1 wat enduring Fine Onions. In May. 1888, 1 be­ Union-Amalgamated friends. 1 lie gen- 1 .......... th»* ... that old gentleman was b«tt«*r, and rc- rm--d R partnership for the practic»’ of law taine disgusted with physicians ami their A u » vfmknt ia now on foot to remove tiumun who have oast their fortune* with firm«1 home, A quant »y •»! el.tú- • Kt Grant's Pass. Th» y are int»*lligent, deserv­ medicines. 1 dropped them ab, and de- k » uh tur "ai»* ai lin- H. b' h i X f'lon Chin itown from the heart ot Portland, the new party ars entitle«! fu fair treat- L' tters r»s*» f»tly r«*ceiv»*«l from fging»* 1 vail» ) ing g«*nt!en*cnnind we wish them success. B A Stanard. foreman of the Courier force p»*nded solely on Swift’s Specific (S 8 8.), a in imitation of San Francisco. Many nent at leant, in the initiatory stages of state that f«»*! supplì, s ar»* sh- rt. and H irt s. .in»* îainlli- m hav.- b- . n r dm‘»xl am st to th» was so unfortunat»* as to fall from a scaffold few bottles of which made m»* primaurntly Women*» Freucb Kid Turned Op-r» Stippen lea ling public men are in favor of ban- their organ.sat tun ; ami yet the Tidinyi traditi.-nal “haw k and 1» h « I \ " di - t during th. Worn« n’s Dongola M.S. Half Op«m at his new house one day Isat week, sustain­ weil—we 1 from then until now.” i'*;d ig them to the sub irbe and prescrib­ seeks to belittle their eflT«jrtH by «lighting past two we. ks. There Is httl • abs< Jute suff« i - ing injuries which laid him up for several, alni alan saíne in; w idth Lt. 8ho«u In w .«IthaE. am! El.., an-l stun« days. ing limited quarter» for them. rvleiemwe to the ‘4m )eiiinm pr«>p»,?»i- ing. how«*v«*r. Mai- Convention ( allrd. m<»n Hem»'* etylv, widths E. and Childr» n s French Ki ’. 8. H.Turm*d Buttons H. <'. Compson n.>w wears th«' ermine nn th. A bachel«>r *u Illinois valley, whose ranch pstr ................’ lions" of the patty. When the ridings Incumplíame with the reqinst of th«* county b--n«-h, G -v- rn >r P nu -y» r having ap­ S alem H am had 2272 rauiv days since liegtlift to realise that the Uniou party point- d hi-u to th» v:u*aiu*y «'aus<*«l by th- r. - w.iM Inirnil un«ler a mountain slide, dug out Slut«- 1 (ii')ii (’«»mmitte»* mwimg held in C’hildr« n’a Dong >la. N > Heel. Button. t h-• l< -1i»M of foui fuvorit- dog? victims of th»’ £ough medicines, Ayer’s Cherry I>o m 1-lthö 1». an«! E. Is? » and brags at»uut it. Ye gudft, 113 Juu* come to stays while it will umierlak«* sign.itioti of Ju Ig- M<»or«’. H- is a g-ntl- mau in 1 rd r t < ”giv<* them Christian Portland F«bru»ry 27. IN«», aii legai v «tn. Woin«*n‘fc Dongola, M.S. H.-B I o’s. Op< 11* tural is in greater demand than ever. Reel' d. Tipped Button. .................. SA3« rainy days each season, not to mention to cajole and woeedle ba» k into the Re­ of go, mí j»i Igm.*nt ami ability, and will m> burial.” • .f Ja kson county. Oregon, who «r«* r Button Shot s, w idths D. E. and F. A uso same doubt till th«’ position admirably. No preparation for Throat and Lung \. \ WiuuT, of Arago, writ«*« that the wfn- sympaiuy with the L'mon pirfi, a «• railed fug-, clouds or mist«! Coms to southern publican fold ttie men who have Mtrave«! in Coiuiuun-S« nsc sty It. sau»« u .dtiis. Cii'.klrt n’«* G« at. M.S H-eled. Tin* d Button Many ram*!i- r>* whose st < k low-« »« ai •• lar j-*l) t r iu < <<’■' < untyua-» dlsMgr«*<'abi<*, but not Troubles is so prompt in its effects, so upon to mart in mass c«»nvrntiun at Gram • Button lor a in »nth, ye poor bleached into tlie Union camp. The |>roH|>»*c». ’ of ol a ’ th»* r- suit of failing t-> g. t their animals iii ’« cold. N i m re than two incbsnofanuw : a i iu Ashland, on Sntur«la.., March 29. agreeable to the taste, and so widely l'hlllr.u» Dongola .M. 8. Heeled Tipped Himel s.airl get weaned from your iufstu- Union-Atrialgamai*«! party organ a' Vh-5 . .. 1 from tin* rang- wh n th-* tliM su w f* II hi - in Cuin- It any >•■ tin». The weather is warm Women’s Goat M. S. in both Halt Opera «nd known, as this It is the family medi­ IK< ji > at 1 «»’cl ck P M . f« r U f - p i p- >.* < i atiou for the aprinkhng cart. laud seems to till Brother L» u i«' honom □••w rtf th- fall j astur- pian gaih- u -w an l grass 1» growing nicely. . H-W Button. . ring « V-rvthlng into i>!tstur-s h* f r«-th th t et! -« t mg k permanent orgap z.*ii«>ii. amt C. S. styles; widths E. and F. . cine in thousands of households. lusl- tt r to th. ‘'Christian Adv«»cate’' of with alarm, and he pur«u»*« his custom­ have -t. « k eledÌ! g drl»-gale» to attend lite tram <•< n- March 12. R-v T. !.. J *>n»*s of Grants Pa*M •• I have suffered for years from a Till! Roseburg piaiariealer is out in ary tael tea ot trying t«> ridicule and th- roughly und. rcontrol. «tat»*»« that tiier«* hav«* b< cn 25 a< cessions t«» V» ntiuu to be !i»*'«l at Oreu»»n < t . April 9 bronchial trouble that, whenever 1 l»kke P« t- r th • P-»» t maintains his «*«>nditmn > f th» m* mbership of th«* M. E c’hurch «if the 1890. B.» order uf ihe t« tu|H»rary « hairman Women’» L> ingoia Turaci Congress. open a IvtM'acy <>i tl-.n Binder Hermann's browbeat the «lra\ ing adherents of Ke cold or am exposed to in«•Icineiil w«*ath- < « XC. S BlllOUa. renom tuition The fact Uist .Mr. Buick puhlivamsm into «ubinis-i'>n to Ule ch - rful s ren te and li.isn f h» ard t nn\ < imty s» at since th«* last conterence wlnt- r in K'amarh «’ »unty s • far il«- r- pot t'­ er. shows itself l»y a very annoying M« n’H Grain Bolster T’.< s. Ge* tge Dean of Ashland has eonsolt«lat«si Ash.u id. Or.. March 15, 18t0 We opine that Ilio ho-1 w •• k that -v- r 7n p. r c*-nt of th«- sta' -f.-«l ia on ttie cards for r-x-ater of the K-«-*- party 1« ase« again. tb kling sensation m the throat ami by his m< retiMii I im «* buMiness with that of his bur/ offici* JoabllvM haw s itnetfnn»: Union Amalgamated i« ad»*ne «iocs so tuf-rniAtlou WanU*d t*i -I*. siili in. có-uum-rs-hip of tilt, Gud- slow about resuming the yoke of til- quietly on th. range s. Xnauias' bosom wf Pas-*. i«ud th« st >« k of the former was last wall as A\«*i • Cherry Pectoral vvin- h bie-. vuu oi l-friend, hand sb iking can- purely ha’ai Kepnblican organ »«f App­ b. torn wir i varí* v»*«i down to Josephine's m<’tropolis. Of thr where ,b<-ut*. •*( Annie Mwr**ar t alwayM gives piompt’relief m r« turns of Th«- I’ D A I. <’ o .' m factory I k in oi>« rMtion Lrti<*rn -ii-l •¡e<-rge \\ a-uinwl.-ii K -t-er - h< ulfi in* « v. r me« t P. t« r. laud pr einct, and wiM laugh it« pr - delate. ____ ig i n. aft- r an • nf ■! «•••«! susp» nsi«>n of sev« ral mv old complaint.' Ernest A Hepler, ■ 1 i Th«* l(»’pub ic in prim ir’.-s will t»- h. bl in tension* V» «corn. m-iutliK It will b»* running <>n Dill time in a -ou. .4*- d ie»i <*. t:ve v about 2V ami li* In’sjM i tor <»l Public Roads, I'arish Ter­ K'amuth county n the Sih . w«* ar«* g ’ ad to say . It is th»* had ­ t«« th*lr county «• nv- ntt >n at re Bonne, La* Uwisn to private ieA«ons, Hon. Wm. ¡gar s Tiie ab.»< *1 * hildtei. ->r ii le i I-y 1> .ugi^a county in three Ke­ i Llnkvillc <>n th- hi h pr- m ._ which w il' mun- ing enterprise of southern Oregon, aud should Roba-rtaoc. ” I consider Avoir's ( berry Pectoral a H. Holme« this Week resigned his portlti->|) thr»*«* fi-l.-g«t s t » th- that th. pH»t winter was Aaamaiumcxting with B H. B abxam », —■ Tin* c uv- ntt n will <• t.- -t « ' gon, an l K K Skiuworth oi Eugenewa- ty judg»’ • mi ie-.*i-<*:ioiw ’ Salem, Portland and tic K. v. T' St known m « aHti rn Or« gon for K n»-rirert. '« • »t Toroum, Oil'll. . Cm -1 legat s. an > rti n <1 n t * I »w«: Id kv appoint»! in hi*» «reid. Mr. Ho m<*a n •« P vna 4. Kl un «f i t; W >< m 1 riv r 3. l> ci -jr JìAfl.UlU.xiFWHEAÌ \NbM b<*« n a tcrribl«* l-nisof ill-- i’ ll:. 4 are to have fine publti- build- iDjUUL'l’ •’ Land .o i *«• v« < »unti»» I have tested it.» » nr.itivc power, in mv -t > k • s'<- cm 1« among larg -h.'rds. Farmers ada made a tiujel »Ted table recmd whih* ffi Lost riv» r Spragm riv- r 2; Tul- htk 3 T • r« tit i i »« t ■ i n. • H y i ars. A fe««, in.’-. an-l Koa«*t>.ira 1a to have Buick i->r far t to th»* Shr< w 1 sp. cu at rs r h '* z th at n w is th. c«*nt. r *>t tiie U. 8. lan-i oflee, •»>« Fathionable. Ihimble Clothing. n nnn ri '<«1 > lm r \ n \ fri it . thirtv years, and have never known it .«raiiie»* uf hi« proi »4>u is a «• tire • «»f ton t > inv t *n K am »tn « unti pr-.n rt\ W E Bag y has s i!d his hotel building and I U.uUU ' • -’•» :-i.g.ii-B« • I L*«iid.»ith tlx- Ar-rr to fail. It w ill relieve the most serious .1. B. S »ilner. our bv«• n.» r< hant ta < r rsgrvt Io h»»tb hlizant* ami^attorm-v** Th i«:i-*in has im n ni r s .urr •« as y- t un r c rtv t th 1 Grant's Pa?« hank, who will w at« i i i ¡rr guti« n, 1 «>r mii * in affections of the and lungs, fi v I «o ■ un I wh!l< th ra-« <•- as >n h i- !» h • mm m tn »>»• «r«i (if a tine two-story h«4> a lull line <»t tl » i»t»»-t <•:« -h* at d lirougbunt Ihe state. Bv U • wav, wha' !s. ” - .Mrs. whether tn children or adult t. -rrih’v «bsa tr u*-- f » *i < kt uv« rs, t t«uf ?v- / t urfs. nJ jri>m 20 if > tn Lftrge ;i ling nt an a> Ij da\ The price paid wa- trimmings »»n l and Io. kuhs mi d pant . T iik E.Hf ¡f havn g ita vai-iter wnallmr a the Bfi.t’k’i with Billy Hu :«»«■« f-»r c<»n- e ntuat* «• the f »et that th-* Java f •» l. r Fi. G. Edgerly, Coutu il Bluffs «, Iowa ,iHt ju-l ’ •* ”*“' u >» • than whs ask'd for th»« which h<* if prci»are«l to mage up jp t' $-¡>'>00 I rilf ts su ¡tutti« ¡ fti' C^tfiuy s -"»• witat late in tue s * ms « ii bui i« ia- ,ru*»a? Tits siea-nre at his |»«»| hi 1 firn v me»* on th<* rangt» -ir- •»’« >uf numb' r - «*v r a «»Wed i’U t ¡tfiS< s. d il^mg n> a p«ettv fair a'ticle. A tre­ th »t I- gif ¡»n it » «t , k fiirmlng wil r>»"bl • f.ov’i Is going ahead rapidly. m b«s judicial »Ii Iru I was »»h«»wi» t»v • »► «un with a « of the lungs s. Ductors tn leave the fh« p. C m 1 on i irn and y«*i rM -b* ranching tr n rtl'v prrirfu- ni , .1 ns -fiowstuim rag. d un the I9ci> B g I*.w & S< m'sditeli on Wi’liama ere» k su<- I J ill.t il air- HJ ; X I'- I B. 1 1.BRIN, 402 afforded me no relief an I consitlered < l. Biipbant sice i n» t«> iii- « th >* uf »I s I w t • n i f ’v v -ir-<. 'V 'll b- k ’ Ui< ?,u * l ** aCl * ‘ ' H spt! • T i ■ hi nffle« nt nr v «■ii d *• v r .’aniig’M by the itorum and ait i iroui tue Atlantic a«»al»*>.»i«i ’u K>««.rn>) >tr««l, >»m l rancir-«*». ___ _ hopeless to use iuy cjyie 1 then b. g.ii» | ir.«« all« ri> v in ihe f Se f a ll ge R - I n< •. f r «r X wh’ch I-« th « »I r n« n f r f I . - «n F'bruHry .but th« y will hav. It in con- a' e «p.i' ed Ayer s Chrrry I’e- t<»:al, aud. b* fore I h - Vi I '•»« f if* S n. WlS of e firs.'* In ti ‘it| n t-» u1«- f r irrigati.m b» f.>r«'summer. uut»l san ui-tj ut'y M*»m«* y* fs .g », »n I m »-»or • r » r «»»’r f n — »•» «h rt » -- ‘ 11"* C v w< r t rtunat»' • nough to hav« about La«! tinisli»**! one h«'*G»*, found relit.f- 1 by «b its in everv d reciiou The w- ati»- n the p’esenl »1* mor »1 » »I v n hl«on ! M'lm r. r. r > it ’> f -b-fb’v will t» v r b» Wn v. Hucklfn'» Arnica .Sulve continued to take this medicine until a p uii Is «»? jh.tHto» « on hand this spring. ei <'* ra a cui» lo bave be» n un a spm a/« •> »ml r f» n w »r» <.f trr'eitt n in _ .*. .. Li nger He ma« n « 1 we* s, ll>> ui s w.-nl Th? best salve iu the world for Cut* a hc i s< *i*| r.u'iiiy at their plac»* fur 2 cent« «■tire was effected. I believe that Ayer s gr»1n r r-.» n - t nt i* r .mtn-.' ..n Ti I - it-» l»--- or l»t la» r« « kui» ng • r (> >und. uake it very hut l«»r him in ihe r-»m ng Cherry I’« « t«»r*»l nnv< d mv life.’’ — Brui»«i Sort** (’leerf. Halt Rheum. F'ovpr r OFF.» K FOK HALF ON REA8ONABL1 t»-rni fi fit nr « nt; but >t i- t » »H*gwl* t-» Saiiiuel Griggs. Waukegan, 111. Sor» ‘ w . . Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain», 1 hi «- .»t li»»* «»»‘M bt<»< i ur i'KH> 1 .»rn.e ; l 8<>utb T i»* h >ard < f trad«* of Grant's Pass will enter iMUIpfcigll» rV»U lh«»Ugh Boger h »s a nu- r I t I» r m* ii . Mtuaiei « h » D«-er « rrrfc. J• >»»»-pl.uie A- wdl herei n by H e call put»- tww tUuB»au«U maig u in t.i- favor I p'a' ti <«nr*«-f.t-lhvi«i X«* I’ti tvi’lv hard wint-r. into c >rr« Hpond<'n<'(* at <>nre with utuilsr or­ Corns and al! Skin Eruptions and p«»i. •‘Six years ago I contracted a Revere •.-ut l> •••ntw’.«:.gùJ«'h<'r»’»*i.i n< li bAjF N v* rt’. I «*«, ntfop» rs >f r m«*h* r- wdl !» hr is guarani eed to give perfect • at :sfact on or soon «!cve|«»pe»l all the alarming \vnn>- convent »o»i to »elect fight dr legst» s to th»* .»«»ver. Aboui i hi «1 Mairt ->f (be i»hj,tüf e < hi , l»e t-aeil> ■ u t ;u Ti.< ■ Hi. • rs "f the board hav«* pro- r -I-lit nn I rr vl*l »n c:iuR »I th- in t) l-'is« «ta! • nvenipm at Portland on th»* 24 I night sweat*. Lie« ding of th»* Itlngx, * <* h 7«<«. Tia’i« > « HtreaDi ut Whtei rui lillK t»*i*t v ar. L t n* h n*. gr > v* . e iinni n-M.-n«»*, ••g»'t-th»*re” iacits For salehv all druggist« •lav ■I A rd. will be behiat Jacks• invilir ■s-raiic slate «eotral cuiitmiib e l»*r !»-• .1- th- !r *f « k Inr’n r«>:.c< ’!<• piHcetli»'j«*ar .-«» ihkí .ntii-jclmg plenty pains in chest and sk .I»**. and was so th Ir «nice *< rs wiR he. th * w irnin*z h> k *» t' in I w I! <|. utith s- accomplish much gooch 1« g the atate r<«i»Vrution, i* -rtiaml. April n » m *>r- st m k than th v can f «■•’ an i sii* Irei t li tow n an«! county. on ■’ -\hte: f -t-> k nini M»n ■ tor iriiKet’.cg. The prostrated as to l»e confined tu niy 24»U, m» »'ls wrb the »ppr «val of a 1 ;«* Heed! Reed!! Reed!!! ; ; m < • !► «ill l.’iciuHefi b> « tJ-»<>«i r»ul fence. ’ here . v rv wlnt r Rv adh- ring t > fids i»olt« v th« I e pir» u»t t primarte« will le A m Th- first w ik undertaken by th«* Grant's bed tnost of the tin»«’ After trying -Jos m‘eraetrd, and we p-e«i.»-r on»* «»f r»mz'a wi'l n-f v.» tin iv-.v r*t < k *fi, and th t 'h i e sre«i w heat, oat* am! barley for k I.. u -«- h : ti hail Hi»«!»’ fruit tree# on Pa.-s b.-ar I of trade will 1» to s.-cur« th«» 1*>ca- he I t.»i the preceding Satur .ay, Apri: varmus pr«**--ript '»ns, wstlumt Iwmetit, T>»- piare, it nla«» i«He t he b»*ft «»uteide raiitfe if on winter In t n which pr v a **n «•<• >rrh- r" s •»!»• at .Me lf«t»e not enll a.siK«t c ami l»arm»jr.ire I« rr -r* t'.,r the «t >« kulan. u i, n- 1 o\d«M k P M ”i« <• .anti . aï-s» another xceliei't pia« e •••ntnin. fi u.t chu ! i < ry. Indue« m« nts will also pr«*bat>!y r L I hrflgy ami mili fr«d. B»ie«i hay in c >nvem a I* aver »field HI » IH«*. T ie me Ay»*r’s Cherry I,<*<'tnra1 I t"«»k it, nfi-ncr««» » ff i -1 tli Michigan match company, who «'arloa«! lots or less. Api Iv to C1 Given» . ii to m ill*, at* <• »n.itr « ffi r* and tii«* effect was magical. 1 • •tn«*»! F full p»«rtu’«j¡a¡► <*%11 up> t «»r addre».* w r-* r»*«*-*ntly r» pr» s« rit»*d m th- vnllev. to ha> a '•• r»* »Mi cal ed, Mav 3d beiug the • wnts ui ths pa-t two y* ar« tia\S Bali« H E o. J VANNOÌ to rally from the first «lose uf this put hi a branch establishment Mt the P rrm . RK.Al. EST WE TIOXSFFKM. ii-d ah thmkuig m»*n, irreai»ective uf «in»- tiv-d; piiinariea for vaine tube Medford. Oregon. K« v» 1 h ' »r>«£«»n I’.ie b ard has very a« nsibly d«*cl<1»il to a-l- iin di- me, and. after using only three p^hliml alAhaiionii, that |i>g c«»ming v- rtis»* th. wants ■ f th« town in thr....... f th»* ht I i Aplll 26'h. Iwittlus. «im as well ami sound as » ver." Th * f *’b'wtnr d-»v!« h.iv* i»e. r» fll*d f «r •a'i< rii journals siruggl'* io Oreg»»u w 11 Lu the p « p »*, v..t»*«l to the furniture, — Rudn«*y «Johnson, Springfield, 111. Plan» Tniing. > ih » i epiesshtrd t»y the Democracy, r .• r«l In th.- ffi'-if »h - r.iunty t b rk sine» milling and fruit trades. tlv last r. p. Tt «>f the TfMF<: ( ihm hd h F« i .* iiàmck . easily one of Prof. D Van II rn, th«« pxperienced the |»< W rs si wealth ami the cu'pora- A .1 W ’ c •▼ f i D M < » ’ Donni 11; b ts .8 and 4. th»* g eatest .st.tfeeinHii the wot id ha* piare» tuner, writes us tbnt hr wd be n MUtEOKI* » wi Ja« k sonvibe in a few days ever km wn, has at last tendered hi'* pattv J .‘.n A>hrn lit > Tl n IT ivtnund; 150 irr«-« The suiiHiRtent cuu’fie uf G *v»-i roign.ii.« n to the emperor of Germany. nor Feniv yer in ch* ckmg the encroach- l«»t«vu^< »C •’ W SITW Th ■*. Hurlan h ta r< turned from bia trip have musical instiunienw >boul«i wait !■•« rKKI'AKKU BV H'nn'ih »' Hl ♦ n t> Eb/ìb.-fh Huxv*; 9 î t N’r br tsku. him. Genriai von Caprivi, commander of lb« Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell. Maes, iiei ta «>f cap uiM»n the rights <»f ! >« .V «• * «n 1 "0 r »1*4 i» tw«. 'N. !» | W <7*J) tenth arniv cor, •* has been app<» at <1 !•» ^>-opie ba* g k [> d him The ui q i.t ti »1 M. P I : j p> wn« ;»t th»* cnufity-tfat Hat F' ”«n i 'I N thiinv r t ■ Win Hftrp* r; <>n- leid ty »U l'ilo. <1, mix boule.,$4. MOC.OhU, to loan. S500.00O, t ur ihv and culled on the I imkb »tier e« I him. With Bismarck’a retire­ - up|K»vl of the grame-* an«l lab- -r umoii- ui . h»’r nt. r-nt in pr p rti ¡n twp X 8. R 4 W GO TO— «1 w» H. Whitman of Me. ford. on im ment an ep« ch in Entop. an hirtoi v ends. By J. < I a- cy Wolt- r- h «> a very fine display th»« slate, and w th him as the stamiar i (’ M n"*us t » Frank L et; h»t Ì, blut k 75. M.*d farm «eeurity in Jnikson county, if <>i;*• < t oiierv an 1 ftnuy groceries proi The t « Mt tew y*-ar.s wdl »h »w w!i«'hei iH*ar» qornuialiuo near«- ------- — oft »»ft ’»’»niMiatim» i«ta-su.ed is a-sme*l in in a-i .» I f »r-i «7i ai iLt sen rate« of any 1-»an agency in tin him ! or n«4 ti».* iron chancellor was as e*»**n A. .1. Wilt ox pilo: vane» — «n«l j idkm-U- »eh elt ns lor run« ■ N inni • Ran t-« En - is \|. I. an; lot l.b'oki county. I B«r»'w !»■’ I f . M dr r I. «UMÌ n 11 tr'M - to A; .e tial to preservation «»f ti»e peacw b»- - — acr» • ifittSiiit i ami lunmi s*A*e • !&-*>*-,tli»-r»* a II »irv — H -or — Win - Priman; 4 - 41-lfl) À th»* great i »owe is as the aryrld a a I r >p ’<• rs upon t" Arfrtee. < f* r »ho« «-! e er 1 »g in«»re ur 1 a ol tin« In f’«-* <7 s. R 2 W «IVÌ \i- d •'.! w ill be i.rret P H <»vt itt r » W R K -u’oifi and C R King w »nt t<> beiit • al a bn i'agt s ol tin* Ro.'U1 L c m** ih- < » t T r f » F. Iwm Hr -wu; k»ts 11 and 1? in w<> sip r a ft w days ■inc- and broke ids the ativive • f a c**lrbrateii ph»*ician t<> »> n i !• I * ■* S oat or B .ih r»u*»r*l thG pwrty baa lua !♦* in -a«! 1 mg N k X M If r I •» !•> « W M- v t . \ J Wile »X; 1 4s 3 ani 4. til.s-k c 1 it b «f»»*. • t .N« w ¡1 having b«*vn dsh-are«t iwdew* l»ur«ien ui anievur«* « th .Is pati n*. Y ti <’sn regu ate the Action nf ||p-»li fi. M If r • «71 A t»-u 1»* f fell w*» from /srksonvdh* v ur liver, kid« eye and bowel«» bv using hi t v •»♦* « f 37 t • 31 iu ti e U d. senate, Uie peoj 1*, uvcrrniing tl e g vr- n >r's v>* Dint ’ W i t-t -n* r F! n«v F Wh* tst »n* ; * DeWjtCv Sarsaparilla, an s» s dutely re- »♦»•■ rr -ted uni fl vd for beating Pbii ’i. i' vi n.flry ger feHjiiisnuwadvkM it- I » t»» «*uiupa»*s Iiteir w f..r «A4t,ing Uu thiukuitf, rra.-«>ni?ig, hu i *- m ! r e .irir 3M < IJ ! W « 1» Ef > « pi ch 1 r... <>Ur Schuol-bOUSS IS If ail .«ol lo Continui* tune r- form, wlurh J II G« ffi ♦ . II fin-- - :nl.r->i.!* i —. •«« « « urtain.-. !i ,:ig«t», ah Hi > <1 ti..* p»*u« bill fail tu lx **utnu a iu II i v:n >n 130 acr *s in .dt.-li ble.-I and ulcerate. Inc: dn< v 11 -or.* ii.eir iMsrty —•and it in large it. t«« * n- in w w r* -i. ¡i*- ••» w :: t ami !• a- k . ;. kilios - f «WAViian OixrakNT Mop» tie* li. hing «ml law. -pj'e of «¡u i.mat p »..—* i- ia»g st.»» r « »r ir r f R It Sc fi !4; 320 acr* s hi w ... it-, -.i li* >' tinnii« I- ami o b«r wvar- .« u f h M dfur«l roller tr.i ls. bh **¿ng. Inal« uleeratlon. aril In m..,t.;i~. » •'~* ing appar* 1. ais » g< ut'- «•'■ tii«-- < i« an«si ami r« - tH.tly ul ituirp- i>d» i»t tiiii.keiM . n |» I t - U- Ti •*. R 4 ! » i D removea th. tuawva. At drugcMK or ta h linai., of t»ie j-taie fir*. ti»oi»keyM at d parrote t»av** b»ti *-!• rt n-‘tu*«*. La««* curiain c;«*an- d : »ire *»•'• at tb® c->unty- mail for WceuU. br.Kwayn. A l«in. Philadel­ . al «'H j opriiiv aunounr»* Ii.eir ii - «4*1 iiig a sp.*<*;aity . Privili ìow ami KMtu-1 action ri e i ’«»».*♦• m PurtjaitJ and thè L •»<».- phia. ________ se «r .»n burnii« s ¡a.-t Moli ley lenlioB <>f»Hpputtibg the im n who m>' s F «n ’ G T « v t Win L Sh ; 1 ts I anfi •. guHran(»M«ti. i • aii'l > liioniteH au* beni on «iealruc- t» k 3f. M if r • ejio i h»* Moiiar» h saloon at Medford, under only pmiesa but pracll-*•• Die pimc-p Jon Arrived. i:. I he c ahing y/f ^ruja and thè gal»- I m « f J -- k- -nvill»’ t » 1 of Uuiiv'iy anti r-f rui in p*»:»tic L* t h k >i. Ink- nv ! < ni t* rv. .) ’m II t fri tli<* rnahftgeincnt ot il H Wolters, is prov- t* «f vow ew !•* r» s nuding over thè «7 -.1 Choice, »elected wh.te curly Angora îtiL- n popular resort. Ttie best of every- 'bar** l • a larg»* turn ut at th«- primaries $ » ’ st »n v , !«n nt-r»* -t » r <; W II mani: gii» an i bre.uph f he Mtate. VVi’b on li.e w i. pr. X mo,ami fin* pro >»*r nmi Rue-, Mi,e-ior 1--any in the market, »ixe tr.:' • in t>*Ht line is kept there • 1» ) V r .Ir ♦ « t* t.’ ? w «:n R SALE. 3014». A« HF.< Ol’ I AM»-41» jturi.u« 4*»nm»yer al ih»* ut ih» icr«*s «»i larm .'and In tb« vab«.*j>, good tor I.» ■ fii Tiumvim t > <♦ W H -war«!; quit We r pia I !•> .sun«» ■ thst tbs lat« 'V, 310 feet, » rice. S3 hO. i cl.«»sell to • pre.-»'!»! this cotinly it P U. F Gi-kLix«* » A -*o . r i1 m I • • t . --un : r t » rt v «1 I . .r gr.i i n. ‘in»'« «li «. view < <■. I) l ib y w.* m r en:b»*rof h * a 0 Ü l.tmi when »»ui !*>t-h!ll KH l*i.ird M , Portland. « » t T « i I ‘..i \ /. > ; r -.’1 an I 22. blk W >t -he in <>f h s «1**H h, ;«n»i hi« widow » •i'iii / of hair and b ali»» *** with “F » « Ir « I h 1 1 r | .n ♦ ci*’»» an I mount »in sub lan-i. u *•»■! 1 r fruit, dary- ìamuiity, and »»hout wnti vi hit. on A|*n Ilf ti, Wh . w I; but* that J.o’ks • it St i» f Dr •» r i M rrit ; 2f |2,0)Q in due • I,g .-I St . ki.uMtig. Tm- tra. k -•! land has <• unty a i-Ot 1» It «>ut o' c hi - i I rai ion ill insr »»f time Hhal« and Shln-lei. L»v. r«« v. ii iudc> »t ?« ncin^. k is now under th»- m ii eine» < -»’ W I Vawt»-r and G. ha« jm: l *«« ii received at the liars offne A .vi mj a uf uar each ruPU.'i < an >»u .»ratldr.*« -I HI'.RKIN. II Cars ; :K0 am s in H a r (iv » • ! ur »nu t rehab • » iti» wh eb w! 1 bi* »old Hi qus’itllii a Io suit nt A«!»’ m » u 1. .1 h < k —»n !«♦-< i at e tn now pre*« nt- ttie K U’liath Nl xr, c->mi«*in i liir pu u*v - I it» « w ili ri » duubt be well i!>n«t >n; acres in ami thi in thr va i'His com t »•« com- H. H W».li»r.s, the mixologist, hat re- 32 < i: i ». $p»i ano-:ntf thi* j nitrial »ilfttr ct w th as gi»*Ht i TAK1 X I P BV THI* I NHUL-k-N» l> AT n .1 • rm 3» r J un« « Abnibarn; s*ime wo inaii'i u'ating the tar fT wrhedu en as tri. T II >f un-idi fami. k nu n ►«■ut i ■ f «ri- i . tlu.toughly refitting it ami inak- A't iha ypoe.-rilr. W* ha*.e rmL* iv- k -1< t tf -.'* hi > lo »• « .T < 1.1 «•«111*flirrt 1.kl lelatiMiia W.tli Oit. CfiNN'B IMMtfiVtD LIVER FILLS E«iii 1* nl, - -n r« 1 in« * ! < Ir -- Il t * If 1; f - )Ti; 320 r« < in i. an* uni-i -.v. rn» iita. He has supplied ... mmk-- « r «p pu in-» « v. n «ru re s'rjii»»d mi d irstricteil *-. o.ti h i.i»»’ biiliar«! table «’at. a «o be «to. I hm M .. li f» • «iing bun sm«. the 1*41 h "f Jun- lift VC I*« --- - < — - ------- rthta«th«U««U: wildI»tlwir «ctl«s. p)««««ntt«takc. • ernu g thr ft» i t\ ami • It ct • f the ex h : >.- r.- Give him a cull f«»r be will ..<• h«w |riM «r sl«kM On« 1er a «ote 26 c<» a lii tn • v r P •• party which «u tlie he- <>ui»«r iiiti j ls!«i. <»wn» r will pu p»< as«* its«- call and pay it- of Or- ir n in J I’n«- tiMor»linai> * uter ’iiu.iuh wlurh we • cnaig. > hi »<1 .akt- tin amnia tw •' tea. Onif ana0«naralStar«»orhymail. Samplelire«. » I- H S H : i $4, b ’ \ m twp f r •*. ' v«»ti w»*'l. ♦ <>i tl • m.»« nia* tui» ta r»‘!notM " J«»HN BIGHAM. mv * jilst p»e •!, We I awaie tiiat th- KIT. * ton THE OR. SOSANKO MEO. RO.. Plauau O- A E k nat of ih « p ♦*<*.n< t| a competent le—y ck «.* I tribute a h r DiLute u|M»ri reg in urv»-yor ami wl.«» has one Ot «hi* fi:-est in tin- uneniight»*nr4Ì c «} .arid r» iti ideo t* ii* ii « atitofi Burt any < QUf try !ik<* <*uiit!i- ern ami aoiitheastrrn Oregon in th»- ry s » Hmm m n -*-»uthe u Oregon, will bea \ nnn < t u f|y i< e with iieigi lioring fiuti.>bs t<. .u i «1 ne f« r mi v. \or bvt.iie :b»' D«-ni<»- f iii»* da trable, inb-'hgrnt Muffler. A Point. ti nan t .»eel jM>H>«ible hif its, wild»* Hi « — t . - u c'oi>'. i n'ion to be he d at Jackson- fiir r»* iftaii’ »lieaMl.-rs aft» mling th»* nn- c on- y |T<»uMing that li was it« hearCs T \KIA Ci» BY HIE rNDERHGNEl» AT vi I u < May 3 i piucrti» ntr«i Miiowfall and »*»•♦ ming v f o.« p a. thr»-« ami ««»»<-I ih I i ».ii!«* n rtii of I w preteuaes. ! und it. i >da , í.it r a i nti fti! t Ines« with kidney .Hl ur i» i*-‘’¡..p« an-; »»op« r-sl.»pc Hl ttie left ral . aratum for what evriy hone-t m. n in w *.»• th«* N • i'lHfj.i vi ilih Iluv»- I»« • n le.slitig tier » until s Hi- fumi iar fi ur»* w-ll long be tbia Brcfi'Hi is ever ready f » admit, i e.. rir» n i n I ';n«i»I».»ut .iHimari ih. l-’.«n «iw ii. rwl 1 ph ase tn ■ » i • n « ur st eri«, tor be was an up- Till un ininiity f n.ixl »<> «•■¡at «mi-nK liial oner in a decade or a generation w** «•>11 wifi; « «til and pMt « um g. m unii !;.k' tn«* animai aw ay. fi a ionstltutlrna! .1 •■ •» .< lorai niseaMk I bli amt miuMr ou« « iiiz~n. < |{ flLIMROlH the ii .» ii .I.»* im of the 1» :.,o«*i»t « S’»te are liable to h»ve a tegular eastern win­ t'iat a tad therWore ti cm o»t :« * ■ n-»»i I») local ap­ r g et t - « leai n that *ha ( oker orchar«! Medf«»rd, Or.. February 2ti. lrts». C'eulral C- mmitt«e, r- Utive to the pro ter in aevriilv, tivmg only the frigni t r al tl plications. It j' . Hr - a . er tituiioiiai rem- m» th . f M»df -r.i n »w . wne i b» .Mr Mur- l»rielj *>f Tt*iion»tiiatiiig tiovemor Pen- truijirratur«- ol (liat reg on. In Can.ida, Al» e. h In rh<* Frollale Court f-rth* Stai- of Ori goti, r y,*tt' ¡«lmo-t r iimd by mi bi1« duiing •dy Hk« Hood's • - . . • .?. aiilcb. working coiiuty »»f Jackson. no. rr f- r thr -.tfice lie UoW hold».« tint , Minnesota. Dakota ur W scunsin. where «unip’H-n t- « Hu e that the !-rj »w was un th«* ground through the bl ■- the impurity lu th«’mftttvr <»f th»’»'«tnt" ut Mugli J -ht^t .11 v • u » h r-11 *x of pnrty opinion through >ut Ore­ A iarev uumuer ol •f ih»’ 4r»*e« inthe4Osrre •ticb Meaeoiis are of regular r»*cuirent’»*, uu ’» r t Which causes am’ ; t . .* d.scase, and di<’« ab'*d. (>id« r to sh -w «ans« wi|> n al akes i i - by ihe i miersh . neu at ir < t vier gu« ■ '< d I’d re the rodent-» were gon llr not only haa thr unbounded the reaidenta w«>uld laugh to s<* >rn tbe prop«Ttv shouhl n«»t !»•• h ««I«1 ■u> in Ja. kiiHU cr,-. k. our l.ta. a and |2 11 u id< .»vried tu t>ç at w» rk cunfid. lire of hiA-iwn party, hut men of t» rr»»r tli’fi spur »die ca»«- of hvpei Korean imh gm ra -.lot. c »w, ugt.l alx ut ■- jaara. tùu-luaik« \X MULLER. THE t DMINIK evi*rv »hade of political baiief lull. iiii .I i-hll in I, tt < nr and ewallovt-tolk an-l I be ambon u s have very sensibly con ­ ot th«-»Mat« of H»igh Jolni't 'ti.d< « • h * <1. in » I. }1 Hi Wilder tmft inspired in ti is Reitbui undoi-bit in r-ul-t -nr; dcw.Hp on broket. having lil’M hi*« p<’titi««i» lu*r« u». «iulj ci» :v I to at) .ii-l<>n th« tuwn cemetery west r -.».ii - thai in lite | ii-. nt Htatruf |H.|,ti< -. Widle it im true, and peihai* an un fe- il.ll. tn*. II t.*ed>llg ll.T eitl’*.* tin* lath ot 1>-' praving for an <»r«l» r • t s.ti* ■ 1 •! « - - 1« • f uizii, n i lay out u new cemetery on in l».«4»l> lie i. thr until needed at thr ei aide feature of our ofiirrwise Mltno"! c.-iiil.. r. l-vftl. ’Kiioi w.lipUa«« pa> ( »>• «ii»« « tmg Siiti. au» »-r i r»»ximtiy .-f the burymg-groun<1 < 'hitnuvtir preparations h I failed. I io«.'I* Sa rsai «Brills B ..wn » t b»*m t«» app» ht t»« toi*«’ t h« - Mibi court - u I 11 s almuet Hie fuli-l V ite Ol li>e granger ele­ A I)* autitnl site has b en secured for the Bteo builds np the wh« l? vyr'cta. &nd makes I mht. t .yiimxm- vet it ’. m mm h better tl at ihe intending Cochins, day. Aprii Ntl». I**.«>, at 1«< ■ • !••« k v m ot 1 -i ment throughout the state. Hi» batik» r Heftier ftiioithi invest here with his ryes Mim»r< «s. Winners »1 th»* bi; he-t h 'p<»r- new location. y h l it. yiiirtlr you feel renewed in hei.lth and *trengtfl. day Ht th»' court-houM* in J»«« k- nvii:« . «»»• - opponent, whoever be may he. will fully go ’ n . toshow « aus* wh> at» or-l« r ii -u I n t !»« Eh < t rie. to the real sitila« a’ a 1 the I .rge exhibiii<«ns t»»r the pa-t (iff nut OpWOHlI aken i p by the i ndeioignf . d . in ** Nothing tn Equal It A* grantuil Raid adb»»ni-tr»»t.»r t*. *■«•»1 th* f"’’ tin-J 1’enuoyer enj -ying the name majority latrie R.«k pr.-viuct. Ja< kaon county, <>r«> Sill. l'fll-i-t Grat he may pr»*- r even w.ars In ordrr tma ”1 have be»-n ceding Simmons Liver Reg- Ing «bm-rib«’»! r«*»! pr»»p« rty I». I«.ngiiig t«.-aid g«»n. <>n»’ *p< « ki.ii st« . r. 3 ) « ars « -i«l hi the Egg- $3 per «rtt ng; two settings, $5. tbit lie received loar yearn ago, when pare it accordingly. In tw Uleft VKtlfit»’. t<» WÎt. ulator i* r th p st -ixty>. My customer ■ spring; has staggj ii«»riis. X • biaii.i visible. •<♦■! »1 stamp tor cut • «»„m .VI I cs-, the coming campaign in ended. Lot N»> 23 in Molinai» addition t<» th» t-wn Mai k , vr«»p hiih mut« r halt-«.-r«»p in right « ai ; tiieae tiiui-H of bwil.iin^ furilitieH, w.tli i r HouiH »• ’t the h* st rver u>ed. On«* of J. V . 1 t lu un 1« rliit iu l«*1t uu . tw«» fi*wiapH on Uriskrt. M I used Hood's Sarsaparilla for catarrh, my ' U’tomers, a hose health was in a ¿sawmill on every water course and al soutliw»-M quarter of S«»-. 32 in l<«nu-ii'r 3. F««r-* t G .»ve. Or. Has t»«-« n at m> ) .»«*«• sun*. iaat NuV«-mtM*r. T he endeavor ol ttie Republican» tu ! most untouciu’d opportunities lor iirigi wretched ondbio'i from a very bad and and received git d r«*!;« f and benefit from IL S R 2 iv . M M . C'Hitatnlng 2 »7 a« r**■*. m " or it»« <>wn«-r win tak tin auminlaua} and pa) control the «• ectiun uf repr»-tentatives in tion iti tl a i ■•« tiiiilM, a dur amount of ‘•tuot»o»n «a-r « f D -siepaia, used the Reg­ The catarrh wan x cry »tu.arreeab!»', especially kin, at public H»n t »n a.» l«> ;aw pi•-<•» it» : vnarg-s. W. T. ANDEKbON. ni » «»r a d * a •/-ii’irely < u«ed. 1 am using la the winter, causing constant discharge from Thnt a c«>py «>f tbis «»r«l«*r !"• put* *h I «t Kttrbiv Ituroni* (roogf Lock. c«'Dj • -> b_v m^aris of measure* such „ Ml* prepara!i«jii w ill enable anyone to guard k*HHt fourRuc<’«’RRÌv»’ w»*» ks m ìli«* I M.v< »' n * i n it ii y »4i f. r T >rj i : L ver. <*Hused by c!o>e my nose, ringing n<.i>e^ ¡ n my cars, and pain« ftre cotitemplcfitr-if by the L’xige bill, re Tn k t N" 12.I2? dr»w th* «••con«! capital against extraor imary loseeft of stock, T imer , h n»’Wspap‘*r «»f g«'U« ral c-i'« »> >»' * n. i-oi.i m ip . nt I find to «qual it in the back of my head. The effect to clear cent y *!itiu«iu <*d in the lower house, in where herds are not allowed t«» get un- prizvot ¿■i'Hi.'Mt in t li< January drawing<»l l'n«* printed and published in Jackson c«»nnty. <»r - I. . tna >«i|. I. tf ii. i »11 twiiitnth i»f in I h ,/hly rec* in mend its use. Rrspect- TAKEN I P AND F«»>1 El» BY TIIE I’NDEK- but an indluatiun ut the ditfposiliou ol j reasonably large g1 »n. What is tun* ot li.ia this fit k t was h« 11 !»> Corn« ins \. Dumss, fu h. Ihitiii ut JackRonx'ille. Or»g<»n. Ibis 12th day I Mgm-d, mar .«ut;<«i). m Tabi»* Buck that party to subvert the constitution li­ i «•uiinty ih true •){ tiie eastern counties. Him \A.t- f >unu turni i-*«t. star hi lor«*t>* a«l. No bruud ttu ir temile of (lower, To carry out the and t«>o little tarming mid barn building "I H<»UR?bol <'• >.. an'! .t < am« t ■>ni k :tG «I h ni.” visiit. ; *:»!« h> th»- iat< Nick Webber. toy baud in the m«»r* i - ■ v hawking and spit- HO Ci uta ti I «(«’ inployment of SU.UUU utficeia ol check the cuuntry’s progress has sus­ « lut< 1\ aii'i n on« wa^t ntiil- .l t » a division • • > >f t :i< pi /., a.-, has I»» « n f t. J»« n t»1!. Tin* m<>n« y f t xt thirtv w.|.n is iv. 1< iiu-r .' ii- teen tudliiiri dollara every two yi d ’’ta-tier nto k ami more fetd ’ baa been, •‘Suu,” February 9. kin Irn furniture, < arpets. two bed room ( Barsipartlia in my 1. iuu- as I think it is worth nrct«*d with th» Jacksonville Marble U ork^ in no good will result troni the outlay. The it ha* been «Bd learned, nml will even s» t-, »*i.air>. lounges, one organ, etc. etc. t any «'apaclty. ¿/r-W'H I-*- pl.s-' d t<> etiow g.HsU <>r furnish «imples by mall. Roapi-ctfuily. tta weight in pold M rs . G. IE G ibb , 102S All onlers previously tak«*n by Mr.H.whn I will e.l .-trucert sei ar.itelv or altogetb- • preti i -r • f allowing the Ma'ea a given tiially result in n far iuaiti.ier condition Jacksoni ilk to Medford. Eighth Street, N. \v t V. iwhingti^l, D. C- will b« 1 fill« 1 »! acc.«rding t • age » in« nt »*LI.TI1«»>E WHo \KE INDEBTED TO I S. •*r. T . would be a gulden oppor'unity . repieaehtaiiou in congreMi and then un- of the stork interest« than hna. prevail» «! j. < winrr. fl i i > ivi», a ,! ”Y.-ung < Ivde.' wilt pltwae I’.ktruhiz»* rti«* only w.i. <»n ihul connect«* - f .r hi \ o'.»* wishing to «ent a house and deilalkiig to control their autTragen ie for many years. However, il is useless to Proprietor of Jinks nvil • -Mar!»;« M« rkK. . >U and **« «tic sain» w itn J. N’unan, Jn!i *- *ni» Jacksonville, Or., lbs'. I9.1ss!« Ville. Ort >¿<11. W Im u Hi r* <*« lit tol SMine. rather moie than even Bivmank AltriHpl iu «ifsgUfse the fact that We have lite 1.8. ni4:i an«i Wei’»*, h;u/«>A Co.’s ! J r* r. i t t e eh h >r -I’-r ami go t«> housekeeping Beldby all drugnkt'i. fU; »dxfnrSi. Prepared only 81 LVLNs UKOS. bate ventured to uudeitake in the had a vefv nard wiulur, fur Urcguu, all express by C. I. HOOD A < <».. A pot hecario«, Lowell, Maae* .wi huut the annoyance of fitting it up. baiidiuciioh guanmteed. Wu 1 jrVtUc, J « a Ml, UBU. case of a unuor Geruian pruiupality. Juus D iab , Driver. 1 ▲. M. MjJtM. I oyer the state. £ìie democraticïimciF UJW'IÀl HOTES KLAMATH i'oTNTT ITEMS. STAVES & WALKER'S Branch House, Medford. Orason, i HANDLE A FULL LINE OF Démocratie State Cooveotion. The Celebrated HAWKE YE THE AMERICAN ROUND WASHER MACHINE STUMP THRESHING MACHINES 1.4"' THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF FINE Ever Brought to Jacksonville is New being Opened up at AMES MISSES, & WHITE’S GENTLEMEN CHILDREN AND PKICES TO SI IT THE TIMES Best of All FEESNÜ AND MERCED COUNTYLANDS For Home Use. \\*,, cli illenge the re i.lerto •’UceessfuHy controvert the atsseition that an acre of thrifty, well-cultivated, producing orchard trees m the val lev ol Hogue Ktvei will yi--l-l 1« net yearly lncouie of $100. It will Hvera^e NO trees t-> the ticte, and the estimate is based upon the dem­ onstrated fact timt each fruit tree will produce *1 in value, net, of inaik- t; ble fruit each year. To Rent and for Sale I In --tlier wurils an aerfi • f pnaluciiig fruit tret*B lias a valtiati-.n of sli - .i It is l i tter tlian anv bank f-»r tiie bank is soiuetiim-s t-ariied int-- C.mmla bv the ea-hier,’ Dame nature a trust-wi.rtliy guanimn tak - care of the | riueiple, ami the dividend* never fail. Of c< use if v-ui plow yur < rcliard once in twenty years, and rob the trees -if their nourishment l>y making a cornfield of the orchard ground, and invite tile buds nml .-rcliard pests to make a restaurant of your orcliard. you must not complain that your horticultural methods have precipitated a foreclosure of the mortgage on your orchard. FARMS FOR SALE CULTIVATE YOUR ORCHARD Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, With half the care von give wheat-fields, and it will yield an income on a valuation of SiiMKl an acre. There is not a wheat-field iu this county which vi- 1.1s such an income, ami EVERY orchard does. We pro(Mme to sell you an acre of fine alluvial soil, within cannon steel rails of a tl ans c- -ntiiientai t shot of oi five io* grow mg t<>w ns, elose to the --- ------------ riih-.m l iu in the most beautiful valley villey on tl-e slope of the Pacific, with railroad, lone bun.In*d growing, thrifty producing fruit trees, t<> be selected by yon. Buy it for a h<-me to shelter you if adversity or the winter:* of old Hge overt k: you and find you penniless. 1?* IT w<»l«rl II #1.<»<><>. FOR T HE Choicest Potatoes! w e give away the laud. Pay «is $10 a month, 10 cent> a tree, for vt-itis. »nd we will present you a warrauty deed of th» acn*. two vein. < 1VA HAN TEE it to have a thrifty, growing, producing orchard. Despite tln-se facts the farmers of the country c.mtinue to value th. ir land high, and rob its s->il by sowing it with wheat at -t eompet mg in the murk, ta of the world with the serfs of Russia and the shoes AT THE OLD STAND. of India. ‘ Export the wheat of a country and youshipaway th-* vital- itv of of it its soil,” says a great economic writer. The people of Jackson Having hwome that Jack- ity i county should learn this as an axiom. soiiville is still the best trading Every bread-winner at the forge or near the cutting saws, or in point in Southern • h sound of the hum of the shuttles, or the thunder of the factories, or toiling 1. teoverdesk and counter, should study our plan well. It means we have a home for a life-timeout of the meagre savings of 2 years’ work. A more beautiful and a larger home than ninety per cent, of the popula­ tion of the civilized earth can claim to own. Write to us, an.I we will send you our illustrated book of this great valley ¡Mi-l our Orchard Home. CLOTHING DRY GOODS I w BOOTS AND SHOES, STAPLE SICK-HEADACHEI AND FANCY GROCERIES. Etc., Which will-be placet! mi sale lower prices than the «ante quality of goods can be obtained elsewhere. Our store room has been renov­ ated throughout, and our old slock is about closed out. 0 all and inspect the "X 1 I m The Orchard Home Association. I k Choici Lands JEc-r Sale •< i í’<» i • « I LADIES Estray Notice. I \5 <* respect fully call your attention to our exceptionally FINE LINE OF FALL Estray Notice. Ever brought to the county-seat. All Wool L idies’ Broadcloth, 52 inches Wide. Newman Fisher Citation. M Stiiptd I'n.ile, in Colors, Iron Franif Alpacas, Mdiios, Sicilians, Sliepliard. I’laid. Cachemire, Silk Warp Henriettas, Scotch Plaids, 12 inches wide. Black Brocade Cashnn res. Eßtray Notice. T We have the above in Latest Colors. Estray Notice Catarrh T New Trimmings, New Buttons, Gloves, Mitts, Stockings, Shawls, Flannels. Yarns, Blankets, Etc., Etc. LADIES' WOOL VESTS AND PANTS, SCARLET AND WHITE. Estray Notice Special Bargains In All Wool. NOTICE T I 100 One Dollar Notice J. NUN AN. Jh< ksonvill«-. Or Hood’s Sarsaparilla Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. ¡ THE MEDFORD, OREGON DRÏÏSS-: SUITINGS Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. 1