HEBE AND THEME. Treasurer Moore has received enough 1 i.aired Lawton, of Atchison, Kan- PERSONAL MENTION.' LOCAL NOTIW. money to settle Jackson county’s portion ureii thr cn and lard at Nunan's. formerly Detkins postoffice, hi*» hid b» ing I town a few* days ago. and consumption cure This remedy is All fool»' dav is next on the list. Jacksonville lodge No 10,1. O O F.,at *5*>4. He will b» obliged to make two trips Bu'i'ieea is improving steadily. MAR* H 20. 1-90 THl’K.U>AY correct and certain in iu action and costs Judge Hanna was al Grrut’s Pass last its last meeting elected 8. J. Dav and John per week, whereas the present contractor week, on legal business. Wm. Wells bus left this section for other no more than unreliable preparations. In­ Wheat at th» 8. F Variety Store, A. Boyer as representative« to th»* grand gets more pay tor making one trip parts. sist upon having it. For sale by E C. lake DeWitt's L tile Early R imis W. H. Breese, a p oiuiu< nt citizen of lodge, that meets in Portland May 21-t. There is a great scan iiy of biidge lum­ At'end the grand ball at Central Point on Brooks. Talent, is in town U-«iuy. P >iat. es at the 8 F. Variety Htor». Thr largest and best stork ot d»*eda, ber, u'i»1 many washed-out places are en- the 2« b. Dr. Hmkle, of Centiai Point, visited th® Hucklen'i Arnica halve The member« of the Democratic County Oni .n arts at the S. F. Variety Store. mortgages and all kinds ot real-estate and i «»unter»d where a rosd scraper and other Mrs. G. W. Lance of Fools creek is report­ (’otnmiit»* of Jackson county. Oregon, are re- legal blNhks south of balrm is kept at th«» tools a*e almost essential. As the road county-seat last batur.my. i The brat salve iu the world fur Cuts ed quite ill. nuestol tu meet at the office of W. H. Parker DeWitt's Little Early Risers gel there. workmen w ’ .ll almost all put in extra time T imkm office arid sold at Portland rates Ktv Father Blanchet paid u pastoral : Bruises Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever iu J«» k»»onvilh , on Saturday. March e, bwn.to Considerable stir is discernible in politi­ ■ Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Fresh apples at the 8. F. Variety Store A grand oj ening ball will be given at St. Chis season, it is no more than just th it th»» visit to Roseburg aabh* for lopde»l friends *n town last Saturday. campaign. / been b**1 replaced. For saiebv all druggists which was St. Patrick's day. K. D e P batt , Chairman. .Jachn’g a private school on Rogue river, t»ams. A farmer near town, wh i took his Mr». F. Grob, of Wagner creek, is visit­ famiiy to church at it neighboring scho >1- Cleans? your breath with DeWitt's Little at F. X Musty’s place, yesterday morning • Cl Uncle Nick Wright of Big Applegate houar, last Sunday night, was obliged to ing relatives and friends in town. Early Risers. Jacksonville to Medford. took the train at Central Point fur home. Man Drowned. leave his hack in the mud and walk home Henry E. Ankeny baa gone to (he Wil­ spent a day In town la*>t week Sugur, s* mp. crackers, etc., at the S. F J. A. Anderson of Eden precinct has after the service was over. Patronize the only wagon that connects Nelson Grimsley visited his friends in lamette valley un a business trip. ApplWBt® h«s long been known as a Variety store. been appointed udiQinistrator of th<* estate Jacksonville one day this week. with every train, rain or shine, and carries treacherous stream and another drowning A good many hogs on the range weatb- D. P. Baiues, of ham's Valley, was in All kinds uf sewing machines repaired of Albert Anderson, deceased, and else­ ere I the storm, »he tremenduoua fall uf town and called on ua yesterday. The finest and freshest cheese in the mar­ the U. 8. mail and Wells, Fargo A Co.’« accident was placed to its credit ia«t Fri where publishes his first notice to creditors. express Satisfaction guaranteed. • ket vau be found at the S F. Variety Store. n »w having weight« d down the chapparal day afurnoon. J<»hn Eichenblatt woh by J. W. B »wden. Wui Wilson, who now resides at Phua- J ohn I) tar , Driver. Street Commissioner Eaton is replacing to such an extent that they were able to Ask E. C. Brooks what DeWitt’s Little three others underL* >k to cross the stream Frank Ennis is visiting the Sterling the bridges which were demoralized hy the root under cover much of the time. Ranch­ nix, viaited us one day ibis week. in a w’U’Qt’ at the ford above Deniae’s place Early Risers are. mines of which he was formerly superin­ flood with more substantial structures men were much surprise»i when the pork > t A. Alford, ex-county commissioner, tendent. • Religions. n<*ar Wilderville, when the wagon hung up Mure new goods were received by J. which should have been done sometime era turned up after the snow went off, a* made us a pleasant call yesterday. on a snag in nnd-Weam. In order to save Nunan this week Services at the Catholic chorrh in this H. W. Cooper of Williams creek and ago. O-dtor Kincaid and L. W. Savage tarried Louden Bros, of Thompson creek were iu place next Sander, morning and evening, th»»y supposed all had perished. the horses they were detached from the Potatoes at the 8. F Variety Store in Thus. Whelpier sold 60 head of cattle to wagon and male their way out of the quantities to suit. at th« usual hours. I hirtv feet of snow is reported at the a wbiie iu Jacksonville last Monday . town this week. l T Gorden for 110 |»er bead la^t week, pre ­ wat»*r The men, by sh »uts an t the firing Ch is L Moshe« has left Ani ma, and head of Rock creek, about ten miles>outh- W. J. Mailow, who has charge of H. C Jackson county grown alfalfa seed io ferring to feed out hay to bis sheep rather e.i>t of Gatesville. Or. At that point Louis W ib in Sau Francisco at lunt account*. of a gun whu h they had with them, at­ Turpin's farm in Chimney Rock precinct, than to attempt to save both sheep and Fisher of Mehama nailed a board lo a tree tracted about tW'-ntv m *n to their assist­ lots to suit, at Nunan's. NEW THIS WEEK. A. O. Eckleaon »"d family, formrriy of was here this week. ance, and m-rse« were sent in for their res­ Dr. Pearce of Sierhngvilie made us s cattie. it snow level in 1881 «*r 1882,and wnen ba»e C >rv bills, are now residents uf Portland. Jos. Garrison of SUrlingville precinct and cue. All bad been safely brouwht asboie pieasant visit last Saturday Th«* subscription price of the Honolulu ¿round appeared the board was twent)- Francis Fitch of Medford was at tbs nut Eicbenblatt, and he had mounted a per annum to loreign eight feet above; but it is now nowhere to (Niufftÿ reut laei Tuesday on legal business. H. Amy <»f I'entral Point were in town the There was a great mortality among hugs Weekly Bulletin, forepart of the week. h«»rse to ride out, when from some una« - as well as «*ther kinds oi stock. subscribers. 34 to Idand patrons, would be seen, being entirely covered c- un able cause he grasped the reins Alvin Bkberstwdt and Wm. Lipky uf Considerable good lumber is bring hauled seem to indicate good times prevailing in It is «aid by passengers coming over the Chicken fee»! in quantities lo suit at the wi dly a»id poll d lb- horse over on him. Hawaii. STATE OF OREGON. for Infants and Children railroad from below that the coutraeto s Chimney Kock preciuct were here Tues Jay. from Klippel’s mill on Gall's creek, which • He held to th- h »rse f >r a short distance, tì. F Variety Store, Jacksonville. T kkaschkh ' s orrica. Wm. M. Gilroy left Ashland last wrsk u» commands a ready sale. Not long since two large row-boats were are unable to transfer all the mail as fast Fresh garden and flower seeds of all S alkm Mar 10, 1WO . «hen the anoual regained his feet, and G. W. Hackathorn <»( Little Butt? pre­ 9» nt from San Francisco by the railroad a* it arrives, from Glendale to Riddle, am! make his home »n the sound in Wasuing- Notice is hereby given t hat there ore sufficient then loosened his ho*d ana fl >a’ed down kinds al ibe 8 F Variety Store. “Castori» is «o well adapted to children that cinct was in town ou AL iidiy llr informs funds on hand to pay the following warrants, company for the navigation of the new a irreai many sacks of delayed mail have ton. stream, finady disappem ing in lite current T. B Vav, formerly ot Evans creek, is lake formed by the slide in the us that he is getting out the timbers fur a and that they will be paid on pr»*»*ntation at I recommend it as superior to any pn scnpUOQ already accumulated. Along about mid ­ tb»j Cow creek Cui. Wm Martiu of D»>u^las county is just as a small boat, taken in pursuit b* n.)W located near Guldendaie, Wash. II. a thlH<»ffice: Warrants of 1889 and 1890. numhrr- knows to me ’ summer the service will probably gel into visitbig relatives and friends iu Jackson­ fine, lar».e barn. canyon. one of the bystandeis, reached the sp-t »dM75. 1034. 1117. 1138. H3\ 1461. 159 back on hiiu because 111 bo* Oxford bL, oruuuyu. N. Y. Horse and jack b Ils printed in the Inst good »hope again, for a few months. H. G Meyer of Chimney Rock precinct 2756, ville. The body then drifted almost to the ne used DeWitt’s Little Earlv Risers. 376S, 2770. 27tfy. 2773. 3735. 2764. 3753. 2761 and style at the 1' imkh office. We have the Rudolph Bieberstedt of Chimney Rock A. T. Kyle has been at Bellingham bay, is in town. Hr hud good iurk with hi« 2750. Interest will not be allow»«] aft»T the mouth of App ega’e river, where it wa> First-cjaes cedar fence post» for sale in largest assortment of cuts and mstcrial for pre» inct bad a narrow escape from death W ash., during the week, sizing up th« situ­ cattle, as also did some o:h?re in that tec­ date uf this notice. found on the following day lying in very fh^t purpose south of Salem. Rates very G. W. WEBB. State Treasurer. not long since. While chasing a panther ation. lion, losing very few h<-ad. shallow water, wiihin a i*w ferr of K< gue quantities Co suit at the T imks office reasonable. he slipped and fell over a bluff about fifty Tbo». E. Nichol*» of Butte creek, whi i.s river. Th- remains were buried at Wilder Monthly iustaiiiuents of 310 will buy a ' E. K. Anderson, a leading Citizen of the rhe increased mail service between Sam’s feet high, receiving gainful bruises. Had upper vad«-y, visited the cuuniy-seal yas one of the heaviest stockraisers in south­ vibe cemetery on Sun iav Deceased was house and lot in Tolu fruì« Beoti Griffin. * Administrator's Notice. valley and Aiken’s mill will go into effect not the heavy coat of snow that covered ern Oregon, has lost quite a number of a man about 40 year'old, and a bicheior. Il is said that the young ladies of Talent after April 1st next, when two through the ground at the time broken his fall, he 1er day. ht-ad of cattle this season He will be remembered as one of th^- par boycott the b» ys who frequent saloons. In th? matter of the estateof Albert Anderson, Kd Morse, late of Eddings A Moms of mails per week will go up to the new post- would not have been able to tell the tale. ticipants in a miring difficulty at Gold deceased. Central Point's hotel is enjoying a good Ashiund, le now » resident of Oakland, G W. Wise has returned from California office of Prospect. OTUT. IS HEREBV GIVEN THAT THE ( ’ . F Wall of Deskius favors us with Hili many years ago. patronage already, ana it is «.onstsuily in ■ auu become a resident of Ashland again. underwigueti hoe been appointed by th? John O’Brien and Cbas. Offenbat her were copies of the “Daily Bulletin” (Weekly Cahfur uia. creasing The lessees have ihe good will county court of Jackson county, Oregon, sit­ Old papers, in quantities to suit, for sale tiers yesterday. The former informs u« Summary) publishe»! at Houoiulu, H. I. I. J. Hansen and fatndy, of Willow of all, und spare no pains to please. ting in Probate, administrator of the «wtat? of Oa the War rath. al the lÌMBs office al &U cent« a hundred. bpviugs precinct, spent Saturday al the that he lost forty head of ¿kttlr, and his It is a very readable paper, essentially J R Huggins says that the rumor to the Alb’^rt Anderson, d»'ceH.M»-d. At the time of the arrest of W.C. Roberta Bad cold» are popular once tu«>re. 11 serins mining property was also considerably in­ American intone, contents und makeup, county-real. AH persons indebted to said estate are ro- effect thst he had lost his contest with the in Ashland, charged with embezzling |©00o that la grippe is making the rounds again. jured last month. and a credit to IHand j »uruslism. The R. K Duun, Siaver A Walker1« live rep- railroad company is erroneous, as the land qneHted to settle the same immediately, and ttiofl? having claims against the ewtate will fr>»m Wm. Du»»bar A. Co., his son. J. A issue of January 14 gives ttie result of the repentait ve, was in town yesterday and The Union Labor party is quite strong iu For pure Rogue river whisky, in quanti­ department decided in his favor and there present them at my residence iu Edcu Roberta, was also taken in custody and de ties lo sun, can on Captain Caton, Jackson­ the upper Bearcreek vailey, and its mem­ late election iu Oahu, resulting in a nation­ tailed on us. has been no later decision in the matter. precinct, Jackson county. Oregon, with al reform victory. tamed tn jail. The grand jury ot this bers are sanguine of holding the balan e of B. H. Hatch of Ashland was here last »roper vouchers attach»*!, within six • The “Record” reports that recent idle the county found that the voung man was not ville. Elsewhere we publish the call for a ma*s week and inspected the Hoimau addition months from th? first publication of this John Goidsby and Fred Kleinhaiunier, power, politically, in this county at ths rumors prove that, while it is very fashion ­ implicated in the allege«I enrue, and, after notice. J. A. ANDERSON convention of all in sympathy with thr coming election. to Jackson vide. able and looks quite matronly, it is very brin; confined in prmou some two or three uf upper Appirgaie, were in town yester­ Administrator of the «•state of Albert We will keep one of the best selections of HARDWARE W. H. Parker, administrator of the John movement tn organize the new Union Hun G. W. Coif ig of Grant’s Pass, rail­ unsafe for Ashland's young unmarried Anderson, deceased. weeks, he was released. the day be re- day. I arty. The parties who have undertaken road commissioner, paid Jacksonville a I laud March ft). 1X0. ladies to wear tea gowns. Looselronts are gained his liberty he informed a reporter Five stages are n»-ressarv in transferring A Grieve estate, advertises Co aeli 1(M) acres the task seem be in earnest in the mat­ STOVES and TINWARE. CUTLERY, PAINTS. OIL8 of land in the Jenny creek section at ad visit yesterday. not proof against scandalous stories from that it was bis purpose to bring a heavy the passengers and mail from Glendale lo niinietraior’« sale at the court house door ter. and deserve courteous treatment at the civil action against Dunbar A Co., for d «m Kiddle. Frank Bybee, ot Antelope, is iu town. He the nuagiUAtion of gusmpers. SHOVELS, PICKS, NAILS, LAMPS, Etc. in southern Notice for Publication. hxnd« of ihe press. The organization has on the 5th of April. ages, based upon false imprisonment Yes already considerable strength in the upper says that » great many cattle have died in Ten thousand feet of lumber at Sam's val­ Oregon. trrduv morn ng a reporter interviewed Mr. ley scbuui-huuse for sale bv Scott Griffin of Rev. J W. Sellwood of East Portland, part'd the Bearcreek valley. that «ecturn this season. Ut« it Kb S tatzs L amp Orrica. I ** Nothing tn Equal It.9' Roberta* lawyer upon the subject, asking Mto the popular Ai d able Episcopal minister, Roseburg, Or., March 12. 1890. J KJ. F. Lewis, who has been spending the 8b**r’ft Kebv of Portland has succ«*de»l “I have been selling Simmons Liver Reg- him as to whether papers hail alreadv died lust week, after a lingering illness. His Will sell the celebrated BAIN WAGONS and VICTOR otice ib hereby ’ given that the Winter m Fresno. Cal , bas gut as far back Pork products are becoming scarce in the wife is quite 111 now, having bet-n gieatiy in collecting but 3150,Out) of the half mil;- ulaio.^for thr past -i.xty years. My customers been drawn up. 1 hat gentleman state-1 f»)Uow1 ng-nMin<«d w»ttk*r ha» fi'ed notice of i»>n d i.lars or more taxes levied in Mult­ tu Oregon as Sacramento. pronounce it the best ever used. One uf that they had not, hut would be at an ear v valley, owing to toe short feed crop last prostrated by the blow. hl« lDt«*nt!on to make Anal proof in support of MOWERS, aud a first-ciass line of AGRICULTURAL IM­ nomah county. The effects of the hard Messrs. Beck and Riley, of Big Butte my customers, whose health was in a bi» oiaim. and that said proof will he mad? be­ day. intimating that th»» damages asked year. J. H. Huff» r, Jacksonville's district cl» rit, for will be in a very I trge sum — (Ore­ Newman Fisher received a nice assort­ has been busy willing tax receipts Nor a times reach even to the metropolis. When­ precin I, and H. Von der Kellen, uf Ante- wretched condition from a very bad and fore the J udg«-, or iu his Mb»vnc<*. before the PLEMENTS throughout. stuoborn case of Dyspepsia, use»i the Reg­ Clerk of the Coonty Court of Jn»*kson county. gonian ment « f new goods during the week, uiclud- greut deal will be returned as delinquent ever the remittances frmu country patrons lupe, called a few days since. Or., at Jacksonville, Or., on Saturday, April cease, th»* jobbing headquarters finds a Will open up for business The truth is. young Boherta was about tn i.ig sugar. A L. Nultner, a sun uf A. Noltner of ulator and was entirely cured. I am using 26, 1800. viz.; Alfr«*d I j H w , honi<'Ht<*ad entry beside*» that which is turned over to the great stringency of the money market pre­ commence suit to rei lev n the trunks held Portland, is the postal clerk cn the railroad it myself for Torpid Liver, caused by close No. 4150. for th? lota 1 and 2, See. 27, tn. 38 8., Notes, receipts due-bills, drafts etc., in sh erift’ to collect every year. vailing confinement. I find nothing t > equal H 1 ere by the sheriff, »nd, to prevent him bu*fk form handy and first-class, al the K. 3 West, W. M H»* names th«- following runuiug through this valley. The T imzs is f«»rtifieat K. B. Huusaaer uf Ashland spent yester­ and highly recommend its use. Respect­ witnesses riMxs office ade that iu»»y occur during the next several at Medford yesterday morning, catue t<» upon and cultivation of »aid land, viz: William fully. It was a strategic movement on the p irt of day in town. He ie oue of the promineut Rav. Elijah Smith. Alexander Enyart and wreks. We received a large -upply uf Tw«> i»ew saloon-* st Glendale are deriving “ C. P. Hisey,Druggist, Edenburg, Va. ” this coil”tv from California about a year merchants of the granite city. Dunbar A • u.’s attorneys to prevent th»- re­ JefftTMun Matuey. of Uniontown, Jackson moval ot the cuntrnta of the trunks, and suppuri froui the raiiruad worker« in Cow newspaper this week, which left San Fran­ ago, an ! had been in bad health for some county. Oregon. cisco more than two months ago Alex. Mensorof Centralia, Wash .passed In the old Gates stand, but on business principles. we would not be surprised if that firm is Ci rex cany on. months, bavng come to the lower valley Eggs for Hatching. CHAS. W. JOHNSTON, Register. Independence bchool dis’net No. 16 re- for in-dual treatment. He was highly es through the vauey last w« es, eu route home The ducket for the April term of the cir­ compelled to pav something for falsely From America ’ s best breeds: Wyan ­ from a visit to ban Francisco. cuit court doea nut promise well fur the elt-ufFd F. .M. Stewart director and John teemed 1>y a l who were acquainted with imprison'D4 the young m -n Notice Cpeman clerk at the annual meeting. Ah ihim, and wasau boneht and upright citi- Wm. M. Davm, Hubert H Gilbam and dotte«. Plymouth Rocks. Light Brab nas, ttgai fraternity. uUit-r miner* fioiu over the Sisaiyous were Br<>wn anil White lx*ghorns, Partridge Needed legislation. Assessment schedule»« and tax receipts, Jwx will soon be levied to raise money fur .zen. Cochins, White Wyanuuttes and Black rthe ere» lion ot a ueat, new school-house. I’ nitbd S tates L and Orrrrit. ) Frank Topping of Williams creek, wh'le iu this valley during Ute week Minorca». Winners of the highest h mor­ Cattk men are thia year having their e*q»eci »iiy h»r school districts, fur sale at^ R osebvkg . O k .. March 13tb. l««0. ( John M Lewis, one of Enst Portland’s attempting to cross the Applegate one day Prof. Newbury is quite sick, having con­ al ail Hie lurge exhibitions for the past eyes opened wider than ever to the r.ece-« (he 1 USS' uffi. e. OMPLAINT HAVING BEEN 1INTEKED AT EuperviMur hammond, in the Mea ows councvmen. has been appoint'd postmas­ this week with a load of oats for Grant's tracted a severe culd, and bis department eleven years sity fur leKi-lntion looking p» the r* ?tr.«n.- this office hy William Nuabauto ngRinnt Eggs; S3 per netting, two settings, 35. Thomas F. A. Got*ch for abamion1 ng his home­ ing of bulk from running at large from tb- road district, is rapidly getting the rosila ter of that city. If we are not mistaken, Pas*, had a narrow escape from drowning. stand» a.ijuurned lor a few days. be formerly resided In Josephine county I he tording-place wa** deeper than expect­ stead entry No. 4285, dated Nov. 7th. 1W3. upon J. R Evuus, one of Mediuid's wideawake Send stamp for catalogue. Address. firat of January t<> th** fir»t of July each in g«MAl shape again. th»- S W Vl uf Sec 34,t p 3rt S.range 2 E.in Jackson aud is a son-iu-law of W. A. McPherson. ed, and a fractious horse made the «filia­ citiit us, called yesterday He will make J. M. GABklsog, year A winter like the j recent teats th? Jt-aae D. Carr s loss of cattle, turned o i county. Oregon, with a view to th«1 cancel­ tion >ti I mure serious. Mr. Topping and R. Victor, who is engaged in gardening a number of improvement» soon. Forest Grove, Or. vitality even ot a sb er or barren cow. the range two months ago, will excee»l 50 lation <»f iw»id entry; tteeaaM parties are here­ on Win Byb»e's farm n*ar Ja»ksonvd»« Ins teMiu cm aped ; but the grain and a por­ when on dry feed for m »ntha. and almoat per ueul. ot the band Sauderbon Reed, one uf Portland’s prom- I by summoned to apn<*ar at the office of tb« has already placed some new potatoes tor tion of the wagon were lost. every oow or heifer which has produced a county clerk for Jackson county, Oregon, on ising > oung altoi ueys, spent a day in the A (frier. JACKSONVILLE, OR., N. W. Bumiry. (ate of Portland, has sab* at the S. F. Variety Store. They are the 17th day of May. l«90. at 10 »/clock a . m .. to A Big Bend, W’ash., stockman, who got valley last week oil legal business. ca f since the first of December last will ‘ K«*ep your head cool—your feet warm— respond and furnish testimony concerning be ia danger of perishing for a month yet oprile»! a barber-'-bop in Ashland, in Judge'« small in size, but “murphies’ all the same si.ow-h»»und with bis horse»« week before Frank Ennis, after quite a stay in Cali­ your liver active and trust in God,” was Maia alleged abandonment. fiarne-tt-Ttbop bui dm*. From ►very side cune complaints that ai It is r» ported that through trainswill be last, oft -red a rancher 3150 for a ton of hay. CHAS W. JOHNSON, Register. bend to Jackaou A Bowden, Jacksonville, able to run over the new railroad track in The regular price throughout that region is fornia, is again domiciled in Jacksonville. the advice of a celebrated physician to a must the en'ire c.df crop , would be th** m**ans of mrnts in t ie granite city. $500,000, to Ioan. S&00,000, and heavy rains have tested th»* strength of dent of this county as early as 1840, d ed W. t. Paisuus. a capitalist living iu Anzo undersigned, th»* administrator of the ♦*•- avoiding fully one-halt of the annual losers recently at North Yakima, Wash , at the na. By J. H. Whitman of Medford, on itu- fate of William Stew art, deceased, by order of bend the T imi « to your friends East, or the levees in ibe lower couuties to the ut­ age of «3 years. He was twice sheriff oi In cattle, besides insuring a better class of August Betz, uf Little Butte preciuct, is proved farm security in Jackson county, the County Court, will sell at public auction, most. cattle; for no ranchman would b** U» the ex­ at any other place. It answers belter than for cash tn hand, at Gold Hill, Or»*gon, Ht the at thr ttest rates of any loan agency in the < ’lackamas county. had engaged in eteatu- Jo'. A Crnio, of Medford precinct, is buating and ranching on au extensive scale, in town. He luised a tine crop of vege­ county. hour of 10 o'clock a . m .. on Monday, March XI. pense of keeping inferior service animat* ail the letter» you can write tables last season, and is now reaping uis 1890, th»- following described personal property fueling comfortable ovrr having carried his which he w is comi el eu to f?ed or pasture Miss L'ltie L»ud**n of Klamath hot and died after holding the position of In­ reward. b» long1ng to said (»state, to-w|t: .I’u^ cords of six months in the year Even in an ordi­ »pm.*-» is spending a month with her sister, cattle through the winter with scarcely dian agent on the 8>rucoe reservation iu Shakes and Shingles. oak wood; 1 chlcken-bous»*; 1 sniokt'-bouse; 1. A. Ludurfl, the veteran représentât.ve of any lots, and congratu ates himseif ibathr Washington during lour administrations nary reason a cow. especially a two-vear- Mrt». K BesWica ul Ashland. A supply of the h *st shakes and shingles mattress; 8 quilts; 1 blanket; some butcher oacus Brus. À Co., ban r rancisco, inter- had the feed with which to stand off the oid, has but a slender chance of life if »he tools. Yreka has had about 70 inch«« of enow- weather. It is reported that the grand ochre mine vuwed his uumeruu» customers during has just been received at the T imes office ’’come» in” before th«- first • ! April. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon. March 15,1W0. fai this winter, and it has nut ail disap­ which will be sold m quantities to suit at m which Simon McAllister is largrly in’er- J oseph ixicden . The last quarter of the Jacksonville «lis- ♦ sted, prospects well for upwards of 2800 ibe week. peared frum her streets yet. reasonable rates. Administrator of the above-namod esta te Mis. J. F. Fink and Mrs. Robert Kahler trict school for this scholastic year com ­ List of Jurors. W. H. P ahkkh , Att’y for Adm'r. A great many people are now coming to menced last Monday. As is not generally feet, and shows «ver fifty distinct shades of have returned to la^oma, Was »., tue Public Notice. The following list of jurors was drawn Jaciuuiivide on business delayed by the che case, the attendance is considerably col»>r. some of which may come in handy, lurmer having received word that uer sun mixed with a little cinnabar, for paiuting for the regular panel tor ihe ensuing April unfavorable weather of January. larger than that du’i<>g the two previous this valley red. after the next election. It wins unwed. W. L. Webuter is authorized to receive term of cwcU'l v»uri: J. P True, Jackson Catarrh originate« in scrofulous taint. terms. The increase in attendance num­ Conductor Pierce Byau Is again making and receipt (or moneysdue the T imes office is the intention to put in a reduction plant vidr. C. H. Pickens. (’. L. Svdrnstnker, Hovd's Barsaparilla purifies the blood, aud bers 16 during the past two weeks. and develop the paint mine as soon as pos­ headquarters in Ash and, alter an absence until further notice. He will call upon B F. Shipley,W T Anderson, M. A. Hous thus permanently cures catarrh. ul two mouths engaged in bucking «now those indebted to us in a short time. A Preliminary survey lor a railroad from sible. ton, Table R<»ck; Dan Chapman, David ------ FBOM THE ------- A nice assortment of the finest and Roseburg to Coos bay has been contracted ou lue laiiroad. A et zen of Harnev valley writes tn the PETER J. CHAVNER Spencer, R K Sutton, Hames Trtie.W W Give me a Call and be Convinced. frewliest French candies has just been re­ for This valley ha*» a direct interest in the Fine Onions. Judge DePeatl lias concluded to become Kentnor, A-blniid; B F. Miller, Ro’k ceived at ihe tì. F. Variety Store. proposed road, which will he of much ben­ “Oregonian” that ihe stock losses in th? a leaiuent of Jackson county ag<.in, and Harney country have been grossly misrep­ point; B. Obemhain, B W H»»uston, Wil­ A quantity of choice onions, in lots C ri*». Ulrich has made a neat, new fence efit in cheapening freight rates both north resented, and that the total loss of horses, win a n»w tue u»e ot uis name fur the office to suit, for-ale at the 8. F. Variety Store. low Springs; Tbo-». Gihon. F. i'runn , and s«>uih. cat tie and sheep will not aggregate more\J ol uin net a.turney. Sterliijgville ; S. B Hamilton, C B. Matney. f r J C. Wbipp, with which the latter will Roaeburg has organized a board of tra»ie than 20 per emt uf the herds. This tallies C. D. Bailey, who bad charge of the Fort — or----- Uniontown; J W. Howard, F. M PhniHir, «-noose his lot on California street. I MARRIED, Judging from the labor at present be­ With the following officers : D.S. K. Buick. pretty well with letters received here from Lane section, ielt tor California sometime J. W.C arrulhers, Mvdf»»rd; J. R. McKin­ ney, J. W. Robins» n, Pl* asant creek ; J. A stowed on early gardens, “truck and prov­ pr«*sident; W. P. Hamilton, first vice pres­ that section, stating that while there have ng»j, where he is engaged iu me same Work ident; Jacob Jaskulek, second vice presi­ been some very heavj* losses, most stock­ lur the e. P. K. R. Co. Ai.darflon, J. H. 8>ewart, Eden; \\ m ender * will be cheap n»*xi summer. FREEM AN—HASKINS—At Grants Paw». dent; J. W. Lincoln, secretary and treas­ men wintered through in fair shape. --------- o Moore. J as. Bigham, Central Point; J. J. March«. IW), bv Atu- Axtell, J. P.. F. M Genuine Log Cabin maple syrup, the urer. Dr. J. W Kubm*ou, whi returned from Fr> er,Little Butte, John Bailey, Meadows; be*»t and purest in th? market, for sale al Freeman and Cekwtc Hankins. Most of our vineyardists are busy trim­ California last week, is better satisfied with As fini» a lot of brooders as can be D W. Knutzen ol. Th»»mpson creek, who ming their vines, and an immense crop of Jacksonville than ever, and nas given up FAULKNBR-GRIBLING-At th» residence R A. Cook, Foots creek ; Thomas W help- I*. Variety store. Try a can. • . in . town ----- . to-dav -^av. informs us that the snow grapes is looked for. as scarcely a bud is bis intention uf leaving us. is uf A. J. Shade. March 9. 1890. by Rev. T. L. ley, Flounce Rock. Several re, not aven au al­ auu confirmed the repur* that st oca tusses Jackson A Bowden have a largp assort­ Mr. and Mis. R. J. Lewis, a daughter. dition is admitted bv all, and the work of mond blossom as yet braving the light ment of new and elegant designs in monu­ •aysT homas R hodem ,Baker>fi» ld,California. in Kl&matu county will fie tar heavier than - ---- ON ------ For sale at C hv Drug Store, Jacksonville, «a» at urst suppjoe»i, even should we have HANNAH—On Rogue river, March 4. 1890, to repair should beam t r'hwith Tne first train from the east to reach San ments, tombstones, etc . which they wilt and hy E.»gri Bros . Phoenix. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hannah, a girl. an UdUat.y eany spni g -»end with prices to anyone wishing to buy F' mih * » co after th? *•» ow blockade, carried EDWARDS—In Table Rn’k precinct. March At the Hanley I xjv ? foreclosure sale Coming tn Slowly. anything in That line. Do not fail to see F. X. Musty, the Etna postmaster, was 150,000 it Iters and 1900 »acks of papers. 14th, 1H00, to Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ed wards.a hod . la-t Saturday, the two-thirds interest in in town yesterday afternoon, and called un them before you but. * Sheriff Birdsey returned from hts tax CLKMMEN8-In Butte creek valley. Cal.. Jan Tbls Enu-rtainment will be given by W. M Stanhbury of Ashland was last It is reported from reliable authority that the h»»me ram h of 303 acres was struck off the llMM He i»i »citing out quite au or­ collecting cruise to Ashland and Medfort 31.1890, tn Mr. and Mrs. John Clrmtnens. the New .Managrnu nt oi the last Munday with co lectio»’« amounting t«< week suinmone»! to Napa city, Cai., to the Sol Abraham, of Roseburg, has sold all ins to Beeicnmn A Reaiues, the judgment cred­ chard, and tu>k bacx considerable stocx son. land from tunnel D to Myrtle creek, includ­ itors, for 310,000. a*« was also the two-thirds tiuiu F. W. Knowles' nursery near this HODGES—Iu Table Rock precinct, March 7th. >8523, of chicli over |Uu0u was paid by Ash­ oeUside of his mother,who was very ill. interest in ihe house and lot in Jackaon- place. land precinct taxpayer*. This brings the 1890. to Mr. and Mra. Marion Hodges, a Cali on Reames di White for anything ing hi« sawmills, toC. A. Roberts of Salem vd;e—»»pp«>site the T imif office—for 3100 daughter. total collections up to date to 316,*83. t Harry Preston, who has been employed you want in the shoe line Entirely new for 310l),0UU, reserving the Gle> dale town­ The two-thirds interest in the 71-acre tract Bushby’s Double-Welted, Hand-Sewed Gloves; for both which must be added the r<«ilr<>ud mx iu a stock ju>t in before ibe blockade came on. site. says the “Courier.” In honor of Its r<*-opaning. An elegant sup­ adjoining thf» L^ever pise?, near Will >w in inis office for the past six months, left Ladies and Gents, Every Pair Guaranteed. lew days, making pr »Cabri 325UÙ0, before Geo. L. M»thewsandC F. Wall of D«i»- Springs« was sold to I. J. Hansen for 3500 on the southbound train last Sunday morn­ will bv served in the Dining Hall. Excellent DJEI). A few copies of the American Settlers kuiN were in town last Friday and Satur­ another week goes hy. It is d« ubiful if music will be provided, and no pains will be ing lor ban Buena Ventura, where he wul The sale failed to realize the amount of spared to make this much m »re than half of the county tax«« Guide, standard authority on all land day, having brought d-wo th* latter's accept a position in tue office of the Ven­ 8CMMF.B3-In Linkvillf. March H.1W0. Jiwr will be paid before the d*iinquent list is matters, may be found at the lì Mas office leMm to be fed in the valley until gra-s geis the judgment and costs by about 3800. tura ‘’Democrat.” I buy for <-a>h. thereby injuring my patrons of N. Summers, a pioneer of California; aged Sheriff Birdsry starts out this week io due, as the extremely bard winter They bad «’ou-iderable trouble in Mott of the delayed freight for this valley good D. Moure laid week returned to Ashland 64 y<‘ars. post notices oi election, serve jury notices, following close upon a snort crop last sea­ has arrived from the south, and the teinpo- securing hay for the animals. frum Fort Assmabor.e, Mont., where he deliver not'res of appointment to judges All are invited to attend and participate. son lias made m u**y very scarce. DOUGHTY-At Medford. March 19. 1890. of lary shortage of staple » up plies is happily Elec ion day is just a little more than and clerks «if election, deliver ballot boxes, uad be*-u statioued as aignai-servica opera­ F ixmjh M anagers -W. c . Lrrvar, C. G. Rip­ dropsy. W. C. Doughty of Brownsboro; Aged ended. pey aud John Karney. tor for sometime. He WiU make his home two and a half months off, and the average about 18 years. etc., and to incidentally repair damages to Heavy Losse« Cal' ami mt mi'. I guarantee satisfaction. Potatoes are more abundant in town candidate is busy laying his plan« to ge fences. T .*• Oregon statutes have been -u the granite city, whe e bis family have ANKENY—At Sterlingvilh* March 13. 1890. of TICKETS. Including Supper, - 82.50 A letter received a few days since by Gen. n»*w, but are -«lung at four cents a pound, cure the cov* ted position. The sheriff wul very Kind to the executive officers of the continued to reside. tonsilitis, Roland D< Huff Ankeny, son of MRS. J. YOUNG. MISS Y. F1OCK. T G Krnmrs froinO. 8. M-x-re of Liukville. is in? supply will not be equal to the de soon deliver the poll books and notices to staie in » nab ing them to campaign at the Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Ankeny; ag«*d 5 years. W. I*. Counts and wife have returned [The little lips that once were wont to convey gives a gloomy account « f the state of at- maud. the judges and clerks of election. proper time, with expenses more than pni»i bum Washington and are again perma­ their troubles and trials to the father and fairs prevailing in Klamath county A< The representation of the c »unties com- ny fees earned on the trip. Several Repub nent residents of this county, we are A fresh stipplv of clover, timothy and al- W. U CARMON the time he I* tier was written, March 13 h. ( « fa are i tins just been received at the 8. poking ’he first judicial district on the Dem­ bean as- ¡rants a»e af er Jim’s scalp; but h- pleased to auuouuce. Mr. C. is foreman mother are motioffiess. Th? boyish shout that A. H. CARSON. heralded the returu of «lay haa ceased to dis­ there was still a io-1 ot »now at Liukville. F Variety Sture and will be sold at lowest ocratic slate central cummittee is as fol­ will I r -bably manage to keep the flies off, ul the Fort Lane railroad section, baying turb the morning air. Th? “ k » hk 1 night" at and it wus ihe general belief that stock eventide no mor«- suggests the departure of succeeded C. D Bailey. lows: Jackson county, Hon H. K Hanna. especially so earlv in the s« aeon. NOTICE losses in the basin would amount to almost prices. the wearied limb? for another night's repose; Mr Walker of Ashland, who make« a Josephine, C. K. ’ haiislor; Klamath, J. F J A Waddle, representing W. J Van but all are hushed in d«-ath. The "relentless W’. C Roberts, accused of embezz'ing or quite *eventy-five j-er cent, of ’he herds Kertchem; Luke, M T Walters. Scbuy ver & Co., the leading liquor house ■»ueinahy of raising celery, brought a load destroyer." from whose grasp escape is im- 3-80K) fr»»m Wm. D inbar while in h:s em- he undersigned hereby give » ano flocks. The «hurt crop of la*>t sum­ S tavek « fc W alker , Medford. < >t.: 8ix mile«South of Grant's Paas. Josephine The bunch of cattle brought in fr-m p>oy, ban secured the services (or bis de oi Portland, took nunreroue orders in the {»oasibiv. has invaded their midst and snatched notic«' that J. W Bowden 1*» no long'-rron- mer is directly responsible tor uiu< h of tin >u J. Nunan on Tuesday, which was soon County. Oregon. nccted with tht* jHckaonvill»- Marble Works In Kiamath county last tall by $. P Oliver, fe» se of A F Sears. Jr , and C. E. S. valœy during the week, as also did W. L. roiu among thr MBSOlMed group one Just has, ar* with the luh' supply of hay on deposed of. entering boyhood's prime — a mother ’ s joy. a any of Etna, far» d badly on the Trail Gentlemen:—Having used <»ne All capacity. Wood. Roberts claims, it is understood, Weaiherred, Whittier, Fuller nviilc-„ Or., Dec. 19,1889. satisfactorily accounted for th« presence the invalidity ot Roslyn's town charter, a brother or a si«t«*r. Conquests tn life he had T. F. Shoemaker has been reinstated in A carload « f Rogue river valley apples made; youth had not yet permitted It; Our ciliiens have all < ome to time taken to San Frem isco last week by Benj the office of U.S. land agent for this ?Ani« at on«*. My h**»vy loos by fire cot^ seasoned black oak will be sold at Gold with chilblains. The swelling and intense Winningham of Trail creek precinct, came of youth’s capabilities he was already ad­ Almond, Chestnut. i dr me to make this rail, and it mutd be eosa. alter which property-bu ders wib at once Geo. Givan, an enterprising farmer of Hill on Monday,Marcti 3lst. Further par­ itching of his feet was a great annoyance on vanced. But suddenly ail progr«jas f»check««d, the train from Oregon c ty last Mon M edford . Or., No*. 11. 1S>Í». hii»*i with immediately, to that I aunrwM be waited on relative to the matter ul Little Butte p>e«*inct, brought a ‘ load of fine ticulars can be obtained by consulting J oh . to him. He trie»l several remedies witbout d iy. for a iwo weeks' visit with iriends aud all hope of the future is blighted. The rip­ bMumM. DAVID UNN. Walnut, pling of the waters of the brook, upon whose granting the right of w»y ham, bacon and lard to the S. F. Variety Douden's sale notice in another column. Jacksonville Sept 11,188« benefit, but fortunately bought a bottle of relatives in this vadey. He reports a hard banks he loved to play, makes no Impression Store yesterday. S tayer < fc W alker , Medford, Or. Chaniberlsin ’ s Pain Balm He savs nr upon his <*ar now; but let us hope that he winter in the lower Willamette, although Don’t forget that every first premium Dr. Stone sent a lot of choi<*« choice grape cut- awarded at the district fair lor tine photo­ only applied it three tnires until his feet there was not more than a foot of snow on hears the great waves breaking on a farther Hull uf Honor. SETTI^-UP NOTICE. tingst.W M R-yal of G. Grant v.w... ’s - Pass, who graphic work was carried off by Logan, were entirely well and free from itching the ground in his section at any one time shore, and Is soothed by thr balmy zephyrs of The tollowinv ia Ibe roll ol honor for thr is making preparations to set out au exten­ eternal bliss. Away in the lonely cem«?t«*ry is Gcntlcuicn:—Having u»ene the Ashland photographer, for his unri­ and swelling hor sale at City Drug Store, The damaged roads aud fields by the great a little mound among th«* graves, not th«»r? 4 1.1. THOHE KNOWING THEMHELVBB IN ocixh .I m Wiliianta errrk diairict No 13: sive vineyard. GRAPE VINES. CURRANT». GOOSEBER­ of your J. I. Caae 1‘lowr for the A. debted tu the undertugnMl, either by note ot valed portraits and views. When you want Jacksonville, and by Engel Bro».. Phosnix. fre»het is the most «eriou» inconvenience al before. Advancing spring flowers wi 1 soon Jay Davidson, 100. KuitneU Lrr,y eameetly requested U» RIES. BL.M'K BERRIES, RASPBER­ be blossoming on that little mound; blade« of _______________ Some of our farmers are engaged in plow­ a fine picture at a »mall price call on Eha Gibaon, W. Lr a Utn uain, 9U Malonia It is 3ai<1 that the Water during the re­ present. RIES. STRAWBERRIES, FIGS. arid settle at their earli«*«t cun ven ienc«. Oor grass wlil soon be shooting forth to weave a past year in “Sticky,” I «-an safe­ »all (joedwin, 97, I^-r Har'lw. 97 AuCir Git., ing, but the weather has not been favorable him. cent flu d was much higher at the Go'd businm«« must be closed. verdant mass over h1s remains; and when Great A««tr/ wn. . >; M>
the be.'t plow for Stock ha* been turned out almost every- Hill millsite 'han in 1.861 It «as on level PRYCE A GEARY summer's sultrv days shall have wilted the Medforrf Mar 12 IWM 96. Mac« Irvine. SUL. Ellen Laep.r_, 96, siderabi? rain has fallen. where and favorable reports come in as to with the ground floor of Mr. L imb's resl- Why don’t you cure that cough ? DeWitt'« foliage supplied DJ’nature, troni the flowery red hiil land, and all of anown varieties that succeed in Southern Oregon. gardens of admiring friends will be plucked Albert Leeper, 95; Jimmy Hall.SM. Nap>> A W. Scott, lb? building contractor, baa present prospects, although many weak lenr<‘ and was over th? first story of his cough and consumption cure wid do it. Those contemplating irev planting will do that kind of soil 1 ha\<- ever mm h . the most fragrant plants to aid in decorating Icon L>>rrn. SM, Virdia Gibm.n, SM, »rank bought a one-third interest in a large pinn­ cattle will yet **u« cumb, The grass »start mill. The wild shoot of the drift wood and i his remedy is positively certain, prompt and keep!ug green the last resting-place ot a wei! to visit our orchard and nursery, or write ing mill at Salnni, to enable bim lo execute ng nicely, and,while not ver> nutritious t»s timber under the iw<- bridges wan awe in anH thoroughly satisfactory. If you have departed oue; and. Bryan, 93; Ella Loteixto. 92. to us for price Hat. Address to uh at Murphy, It does the work ¡a-rfeetly. Lilt Wan«, Toacbrr. contracts expeditiously. yet. will support life unless the animal is spiring It is thought that if a single tree tried it you know this statement to be a Josephine county. Oregon, or to R. K. Station. bad made the passage sideways both fact—if you have not, you are doing your­ "For many y«*arsmay the willow hang with Grant’s Paas. Oregon. W\ M. Si.v. The Gamard opera-house block, in Ash- very weak. A. H. CABSON A SON. self an injustice. 11 is «old by E. V Brooks. sheltering grace Ian»', is rapidly assuming proportions. The “Avoid Appearances.”—A worthy gentle­ bridges must inevitably have gone. Th«* InfuHBation Wanted And benedictions o’er thr sod. immense suction in the narrow channel Tidings says it will tower above all the man, having an unusually red nose, was And nature hushed assure the soul V Of the whereabouts of Annie Margaret other buildings in town. Hr Oef >9,500 fr >1. 1 mg suspected of being a tipp er on the sly. straightened ?v«-ryihing out before the CKNTHA LLT LOCATED. He rests in God." Lenora, »nd George Washington Rober­ JACKSONVILLE final plunge in the rapids, however, and In the latter part of December Mr. Lan son by thuse not well acquainted with his And to those who mourn his departure may Th? cases appealed to the supreme court son aged resi-et tive'y about 20 and 19 strictlv temperate habits His unfortunate thec»>unty was saved a heavy bill of ex­ Burrows seut 3* for one-twentieth of a ticket the truth of the words of th«» poet be again ap­ from this dmtuct will be heard this month, in Thè Louisiana Stat«* Lottery. At the Jan­ parent; is art, children ot E iwar ific for colds, coughs, cisi- ns in ’be following cases tried in Lak* And grief may bide an evening guc^t Timbermen continue to brave the bad and ail aflectibns of the throat and lungs. that will do this. It acts in perfect harmo­ for ,»le for caib or on lime. Write to bim up ,n «’’’«Mwtlon tbrrr- General Contractor la quantity of lumber, lie j* pr« j»ur»*d t<» fill all Ctth^Ti" T’k-* But joy Shall come with early light. ’ V and Kiamatb counties last year: ny with nature and aids nature in < iievmg roa.i» for th? upper Rogue river country, orders with dispatch, and at ty. un»st r» a»ona- Henderson vs. Moore, action for posses­ and they all speak highly of the quality of For nearly half a century it has been in th? lung*«, opening the secretiomtrbquefy- for particular, and pedixree. ble rates. A fine quality of I greater demand than any other remedy ing th? mucus and causing it’s , pulsion sion of iand Judgment for defendant. =A.bUnd. Oct. if 'A »««««AN. Pro,. fir and sugar pine of that section. MARBLE, STONE OR GRANITE for pulmonary comp.aints. >d druggists from the air cells of the lungs nexdreslor- Heed! Heed!! Heed!!! W K. biewart vs. R T Blackwood , ac Estray Notice ALL KINDS:OF LUMBER,. I timi for ejectment. Decision for plaintiff. The Ashland hotels have been compelled have it fur sale. Choice seed wheel, oats end barley for ing the system to a strong and healthy including the b«*t rustic, celling and fl «Miring by the scarcity and consequent high price Many farmers have already begun to condition. No other remedy in the mar­ Bale at Medfor-l Farmers' Warehouse. Al«>7, I HAVE ONE TH REE-YEAR-OLD DARK furnished on short n»»tice. »>» provisions to raise th« price of meals to plow ; but in sections where the soil drain* ket possesses the«« remarkable properties. rolled barley and mill feed. Baled bay in I rvd cow at the Ratrie ranch on Butte creek, Plano Ta a ing. 8V*SatiKfaction guaranteed. slowly it will be a week or two befor** much No other will cure a cold ms quickly or carload lots or leas. Apply to which 1 have been feeding since January 1. 50 cent» within lb« pa»t few day«. N. S. SMITH. Prof. D Van Horn, the experienced 1880. She is ear-marked with a crop off each H K. Bacaa, « can be done in that line There will beie-s leave the system in a« sound a condition. Miss Lvdia Met ’ all of Ashland won the piano tuner, writes us that be will be in mr and two splits in each ear. The owner •Medford. Oregon. ground ¡»owl tu wheat than usual, and 50 cent and one-dollar bottles for s «le at »8 on flirti Vhlladrlphla prize at the Ashland State Normal elocu- Ja« ksuuviiis in a few days Tu»»»v who UuuwrountMi on We *U> lualaut, • The i more evru wiü be piauied.iu couaeyueuce will please pay char#« and at the NVwtfpapcr Ad ver City Dru»’ btore» Jacksonville, and by have musicai instrumenta should wait fur Oxy (A T0-d»y " King b«K m MU qu . rising Arene? «>f Metan I ot ih» Ut» *M«u 3 Engti Bro«., Fhtouls. Children Cry for FrtcHer’e Certorla. MUeUXLUBO. ga our « u M jo H wü PPOmt* (tVea te «il Ot«n Vp Mall. ([he V üuíkcm U c éuucú U Baking Powder Democratic Co. Central Committee. State Treasurer’s Thirty-Fifth Notice. } New Hardware Store, M « A. H. MAEGLY, Prop N MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1890, Please Call Before Purchasing Elsewhere C PETER J. CHAVNER, Prop. CENT’S FURNISHING GOODS,NOTIONS Groceries. Candies and Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco, Cutlery. N Fresh and Tropical Fruits Leading Varieties NEW FURNISHING STORE THOROUGHBRED POULTRY. on kgon '< >iti> Found in America. COMPLETE STOCK Grand Ball ! an, Friday Evening, March 28, 90 Central Point Hotel, The Grand Event of the Season. rrill*: I..OWEKT PRICES ORRA E. ANOLE, Medford REDLAND -I- NURSERY, T 100000 TREES IN STOCK, Important Notice. ASHLAND HOTEL » MARBLE WORKS I J. C. WHIPP, ORECON ST. JACKSONVILLE, OR., Cemetery Work a Specialty. s. FIRST-CLASSIN EVERY RESPECT. S. SMITH, Prop’:. T n /I