Retake of PrecedingH’rame I nuF. AND THJUtK. Linn county buffered severely from the Wf regret to learn that H. Richanlenn RQU1BS. PEKxONAL MENTION. na*- l;:*d tl.v m sf.-riune to lo-e a numb r flout in H e Wil nnirtt» rti 1 its tributaries, it. h Vo g be n re- or » ’ that every bridge oi h * ii e A g r.i goats during the r»*«>nt Fu the roads at once. l ’ t Ibe < • un:y wa.*« wa hciJ aw m \ or «iamaged. Mrs. M Armsiiong Bas l»een very ill hard rati or. J. it Howard of Medford precinct railed I A uiHiibt-r o* h»-iises were w*n-h»*d uw -i\ at : «iurmg lue w» ek. Don’t fail to pay the printer. yesterday. F EHKl AK Y 13. !'!•>. TH I K-PAY * l;e hig pile <.f wood in the court house i Ah .mt a> «1 other p u t» al<> g the liver M..y<»r Howard h emb«Li-hing his town Read the new advertisements. W. 8o »nichseii of AsLlaud spent a day y-ir«l shrank awuv aim .s; entirely while \V. H. Bi’lwi k <»f Vnioniown piec,n' dam ige at his | lace Messrs Wolters. Barr and Gruby w» re T. 1*. Long ot Grant’s Fats Visited our The full«»wing bu»ilies» as been disposed day. tiom »lie washing nway of rail« »nd (ei cing t the county-.-«al last Monday. tuw’n last Tuesday. ot in the circuit « uurt sin< e our la-t repot 1 : I he infant child of Mr. an«l Mrs. E. P. and th»- sluicing < it oi a:i a- re or two of Valentines in reckless profusion at 8. F. I lexeue rruled and t me extend d tur filing The flood widened Bear creek channel to ited the li.MEs office last Munday. ley by the flood. Little newb has be»n re­ The nights are cool and we are having er of tbe festive spud. bill - 4 « x ♦ -ptio *s t M ticu 1. Hit* dimension« u Linger R J. t’fttneron >ust»ined pretty heavy |M»mt, a short di.itanc( above the bridge sn? D. M O-b me X C vs F. Hubnard; to of Ashland were in town yesterday. tirtniNgeM during the huh water in little sine? last Friday. recover iu.>n**\. D-murrer tu i -tnp. nni G<» and see tho v v I» n ines at the S. F. Ro'««! HU|' IViSQFS, f out VOUT fi rcCs Api 1» gate, the stream taking away several sustained au«i judg«uenr given defendant Va iety Store, Jack-uiiv the. K K. Drum, the wideawake agent lor Th? ‘ Mail has been issuing an interest ­ an 1 r pa r the thoroughfares at once. The thousand rails ami threatening his barn AT PRICES TO Sl’IT THE TIMES i*»r cos«*. ing lit tie daily paj for the past week, 8tavei «k. daiavr ul Meuiuid, is iu town to­ Fresh garden ami fl«»w»»r seeds of all r- iui work caniml be »¿pviided tu better snd outbuildings at one time. His lower win« h is well received. day . 1 B. Williams vh . Rosella Berry,et al ; lo a Ivantag«* thnn r * ht now kinds at ibe 8. F. Variety Store. bolt >in land wa*' principal!* in mead »w, j» deed. D« vr»ei«»r plaintdl. Miss Agnes Gibsun is urgamxing «class in Ijadi»*»* French Kid Hand-Sewed Coininon- Women', Dongola M.S. Half Opera Button Women'. French Kid Turned Opera Slipper».* A freight train tcok si veral ctir' -ads of B«-ssir L. Mess* nt« r vs J. J. D-ni « >U Ii lie ; Notwithstanding the him kade. J Nunan hence did not sluice away badly. Pure honey, in nice pitchers, at the 8. F. Sens<* Button Shoes; widths (’. D. and E; per rniuic, «nil hus already secuieu several Shoea iti widtliaE. and EE., and Mine in Com- Davis A r an. r s celebrated tl .ur to Grants I- » f-«r« i* ose im»r!g ig •. De«tree gì ante«1 has a l'«rg«* a d first-«- a-« stock of goods aud also xame in Dongola; width V. l^s now general y believed by the mi 'X1'1 Variety 8tore. Onlv 50 cents euch. pupils. P«dr..................................................................... mon Sense style, widths E. and F. per 11.8 Etnei> v- J. A. >wdt : u» foreclose and sells h s . < h a • as »-v«-r. Give h-m a lyffi peopiy chai an mirely new rail ■ a 1 Pass «»uc day tbis week. 13.25 ............................................................. m» « i.a ivS ntn. Deinurier to conti lamt It is thought that th»* circuit court will cail and judge lor yourself. Children*» French Kid S. H. Turned duttoM. •utssra. Wouli and bvxautr ot Guld Hih «in X ^.Mi-s M. M. Ga has st* ured apart­ ^must h- < onstructed ulong the hig dam »tl't .«IHeil. adjourn lor the term next Saturday. D. M« rtick of Yieka «! e«i of dr«»psy ot/ <*;iu-ed by the land-s ide in C«»w creek can­ ments with Mrs. F B. Ticknor. when* she visited ihe Cvuniy-stai un legal business un Saini* in Half Opera Button; widths I». and E. Children's Dongola. No Hoel. Button. il C 8 ut (Tfi years, lie w «*« yon. Th'* water above the d im is about will continue the dressmaking busiue-s. hr .it E vm > « rating < «•. rt a».; t-« mrrdo&e Seventy feet d» ep and the obstruction is Button SI kmw . width« D. E. and F. Abu Mine Children*» G. vs earing aw a y very -L»w iy. h ««I lived at Yieka for 27 years. in < oiuinori-S« n.s<- style, same widths. «»I Medford were ut the county-seat a lew u uent-r, ia sojourning at Asniund dur.i g La die»* French I’pper». Hand-Sewed Button 1». L. M* ’».'•• iigvr vs. H A * ,t>r ; lure- riir Ashland normal school is condu» t Cbildren'B Goat. M. 8. Heeled. Tipped Button. E H. Bel inge-ami hi» son < 'hades at­ «lay» since a»i«l ieit their order» fur th? «ne bluCRadv. « uv, r iuu««ey . J i«d.a ni» i>: h>r $55 <»*. Shorn, width» D. and E.and same in ( <.m- The parties who imtight th»- Gilr«*y plan­ ilig a • lass 1 ■ i.ook-kv- pltig al piveilt. tempted «0 cru^s Mill creek, which iuns 1 LMKM. B. L. I»« - v «A* -i ni u J E. 8iui b V-, Wat- Childn*n*a Dunirola M. S. Hocled Tipped. ing mi l pnqeitv fail»«! to coi summate M . 11. Bi una oi Ashianu has been sick mon Scuse Style, width D. per pair........... J4-’W Wom»*n*R G« aiem, in a buggy on the Hili iust.. ■*««1», Hum «V Watson, rl ol. Aia« dite oi (’. S. Myl«>; width« E. and F. Button. w ifi iu grippe, but «s rnucu oeiter lmw, we Henry Klippel, who has been at Jacks«»n- unit were thrown into the streum when at G.v8. F. Vairelj bture. Jacksonville. >«ii ;• m«* «•« -t*» i filiti r«i. in the hand” oi the cir< mt court. about the middle . v- F. H. Mi am Donffola. M. S.. Heehd. Tipped. Hutto«. Fi rah lemons and or.vnges kept on hand 1 h*-fa'her wh > dr »wiled, but the sicknes;«, has recovered ai.d i eturned to ins Wm R« < du g informs ip that the grade veiling Button Shoe* in D. and E. Widths, and same Women’s Dongola P. T. Haiid-Sew«xl Oxford» lo.we; i.- »• i ¡«»“b uev « jiki i- r «i.iit-ag- » Judge Day is busy repaning the uumage post of duty. at-ii 8 F. Var.ety Store, J icks«»iiviile. s m suerreded in rea« liing the shore. bvtwe. ti Murrby < rt k ar. I Wilderv li« i> D nn.rr-r «» ruin. .» nt «.ver uivd au i in both laici* and Couiiii<>n-S.*ns<* Button; Women’« Dongola Turned Turned CeixreaB. Uuiie nis place by uie iule liuud, m I iic L i in Common-Sense style, widths D. and E.. i* v » iv n «I* k i-<. n. untd la -1 nolid.«j in Monthly installments of |1U will buy a entirely g«»i-v, and the tiv» r now runs til rt will be made to have a iargL amuuuta to cunsiutuub.e. width» D. and E Alsu M.8. Patent Tip, Men » Grain lb »Inter Tie«. per J***ir............................................................ $3.25 Our delinquent subserd ers will please where the load iurnieny stood. Ap i| n an>w r I h<>u-r .«ii-. lot in luto from 8«’utt G1 itfin. tt Lace Oxfords. rem»*mber that the first 01 the vear is a « Modern .- bool h«»use built in M-«l «>r«i i ext xt -rs■ LviUgt n umi lami.y, wbu moved ubt ul B »• l . Mv»« i k-i vs. J una A. Marlin; ^spiiug. I'ne inriea.-ing population r« n«i« is Comim;ik.ratio.: with Sm Francisco w l| good tim»* to turn over n new’ leaf and pay [ Old papers, 11. quantities to suit, for sale lutii r.siuvii. e tluiiug «ut piugiess ui me — l I««» ve« d ... i v> 81*1« v.i- .»nove. i ’ wry necessary. i p what they owe tn»* T ime *« It ones not m » oii in- r<* e>iat»li-b «1 It is (L.ubtfu i H». «I, La * e re lui lit «1 bume. \\ N Lm k y jli J W Amati v*. U. at me i 1MK» office at5b t ents a hundred. wuernrr tiain.- w i.l b • rvn me regularly to 1 ‘■(•cm lii'icii to you, h it fpsfiof delinquent Beans are quoted at six cents a pound at G i «i«.. .»1 - i H. in nea trial ovvrrn r i L.« ul visited Jacksvn- •»ubscripliotis is quit»* a b'g pile to us. present, ami are tear« e ut that. We have l > rus Neil an«i Mr. McCrosky of Lalent Portland gain inside of u month. a..«l thn ty «lay s Him- u l wv«i t ■ li e bill ul ««ch lost a « hild by drain uut l«n«g since Vdic une uay las. *««h, «accompanied by Pay up and have a cle ir conscience. i o ?u. ar ami 1 tile ,teact*. while other sta Dis WT«t uliU l W u uaUgultTa. except •».«' The S. F Var etv St- re keeps ihe best Great numbers of \en iu b e « ill «>t • lieptiuli». l’crry Foster, fiuin Ro.ue river, was in vailing: f» w wrek> ago. Oned->g on Rogue town last 8aluiday, having brought over a ltlUg bi.-» bruiner, u. Haruuugu, has been of cuewing ami smoking tuba«c- ». The town authorities >houhi fix thr r<»«d-. quite sick, thuugu he is buLier now. river killtd n»» less than thirty of the poor , Agricultural Implements,ill Machinery and Supplies, Engines, Boilers, Etc. at once. The people demand und « Xpeetit A man from Michigan bought a number creaturts. Everyliody’s ranch dog tun ed span of work horses to be fed by J. R. Puri land and Willamette L amk «. J. B. bilsley, ihe pioneer rtal-vstale of b»*ar skins, twenty or more, while in the hunter on his own account, ami had 1.0 dif­ How ard «i tbe Orchard Hume farm. Ten th «u^ami tret of lumber at Sam's val­ Toe w*«v! recedei! from th»* street» < t agent, and bis daughLti, .urs. Guduaru, 1 teilte valley th«* pa t few weeks, paying an aver­ ficulty in finding all the game he wanted Agente Messrs. Wood A Whiteside rendered a were here the lurepart ul me week. oi th«* r V» n g ol the 7th ualant, ley s« buul-house for sale bv 8iOlt Griffin <»f age uf about $.» f«»i good specimens. genuine service to the community in rig­ alter doing in.mense d. m »ge I.» toe cliy’s rue It is now* over a 111 nth since we had 1 . 11 13 1 up their ferry for temporary use in J. H. Whitman ul Medlurd isubie lo re­ GXmmissionrr Rav informs us that thT «regular r trains, and we are verv tired of ging busuie-t» lUlrlcatB. iiie heavier losers n 1 The Celebrated For pure Rogue river whisky, in quanti­ Bear cieek lust week. sume his dulies again, having be« n u vit­ ih city are .»* I4.OW-: Widuiuede saw­ les to amt, caii on Captain Caton, Jackson­ undge acr«*.-s th«* Applegate, near Orlando “ \^i» in interruption of traffic. Everything crossing ' em tu ibe lnUuvuSa |»ieVuUiug m inis set- , - e ’ s, ba- hern repair? I and is perfectly V I 1 . ■ M « I a « r mill», |2u,UU0. óiuith Bru»., >gu.uU). Fen- ville. lies dormant, busine-«» is well nigh para­ The Monarch saloon at Mediord, under lluu. * sate again. It ba«i a narrow escape. llover m ¡i-, I2UUUU, U'tgon Cuy woolen lysed and nobody is particularly happy. the 1 management ol H. 11. Woiurs.i» prov­ ludi». llu.tJUM. Normern Pacific railroad Ladies, misses and children's tire shoes, But in the language Lmgu.ig? • f Í the lamented Bos«» ing 1 a popular resort. Tbe best of every­ Air. Burns, whu has oeeu al J. B. Wiis- T4re8qu iw lake bulkhead and «lam went ,i 1 Tiut c >mpaii) . I15.UUU. Mornsun street bridge new stuck, just opened at Reame» & pfft in th»- flood, ruining or filling up most xTweed, “what are you 1 going to du about thing t in mat line is kept there • .ey b place in Ceniiai i'uiul prvciiict, nas t umpauy, ILUUoo. U. R. A N. lu’« >U«i W bite ». relumed lu nishume m hiuuntt* Ku< k pre < The ag­ few we»k» i ff. Candidates, announce yuur- J. Httkulhurn ul Butte creek started fur Thr largest ami best stock of dee«’». take orders fur monuments, tombstones, Ln r uf youcg folks } at ticipatcd Ham 11 te n's Selves. The Great«-Ft I«alMir-Saving ur« litstra furnished tbe music, ami Tom gregale of »mauer lusse» wih s wen lue total mortgages and all kinds of real-estate ami etc. They have a large assortment ot new his mates in Oisaiyuu tuiiuly, lu.., re- Invention ot the Agr. to au use figure, with uu data tu found CciiUy, and lcacned mein alter lnuen UU- Messrs. Culr, Armstrong am! 8elph of legal blanks south of 8ulem is kept at the ami elegant designs, ami their prices are Harns attended to the ”prompting.” MACHINE IlCUlly . an esumale upon. Al lheguti city the 8am b vadey were here last week on land 1 i.MKs other and sold at Portlan«! rates reasonable. We understand that Mr Sow- Mrs E. W. Hammon was th«- first lady uh .Is and laclunrs bave aitm-Bt all be- u business. den has taken several orders at Grant’s pas;*«, ger tucross Bearcrrtk in th.‘suspen­ Lvwisblune, whu hud bis leg broken ul A lot of San Francis« «) toughs are said tn swept away, including the engine of sion ciadlr, riggeil in imitation « f the life­ the Central Punit racetrack leceutiy, is • The spring fever is already raging fierce­ haw been among the railroad workers who Pas». the ■’U pbile mil , ibe hxcel-lur mid», the The gentleman who bought the home saving -ervice upparatu» in use along the able lu be* about with the assistance uf sb duy mi 1, sawmi.i aud lumber mil., the ly among some or our most respectable passed through the valley on the con­ struction train going n »rtii last Monday. ranch <»t O. Ganiard on Rogue nver last cua-t. Ibe car is diizy-luuking, but safe* cruUhes. fui iactory, the picker's ruvm and part ul citizens. enough. the wuui Luu-v ul the Oregon < ity wu-deii D Linn has sold his naked lot on tbe fail had the misfortune to lose about 2u J os. Duuden ul Rogue river called last Five miles of railroad track are reported MACHINE. head of tattle and 10 ton» of hay, which milla, u poi t un ut hr I 'mon Pacific war« The first movement of freight on the rad­ 1 UcsUay . He says that his place was beue- Wn-die-i away between Riddle’s station and Corner «»t Ot«gon ami California streets to were on an inland opp««s t«* bis place, hoUBc, und a numb« r «1 dwehiug», vaiìuu»- Glendale. road ir m MtcLord was the shipment oi tited rather than tujureu by the late J. < . V» hipp for $800. PiupTiy in Jack- separated from the mainland by a slough, ly esumateli al ir« m 3M to ùu Among the four « arluads oi flour by Davis «k France t«» ireshtl. sonville is evident y worth a lair price yet. when th«* frv»Let came. It is said iliat Grant’s Pass la-l Tuesday , ami one < arload lume vT less lujureu bu.ldiugs may be i.oied 1 lie grain market is »till dull an«1 the Several parties have picked up small none of ’.hern escaped. ¡he el» eli i< hgui »taliun, me p «per ¡nids price uf wheat lias not changed any for A H. Maegly spends six days in the to the blockade workers in the 81 kiyuus. pieces of g«»bi ir» Ihe vicinity of Jacks, n aid U e liupri ta. Üoui Uig tu ids 1 ue sii eels »«»luetHne. week at< i nirai Point, naving la«xvn charge Th* board ot trustees *hotild lose no A Knightsuf Pythias h»dze will be or ­ c-rek since the freshet Frank Smith time in ordering the street commissnmer initie tlooaed ills, net are i»a»iiy turn up and ui the hardware stole formerly conducted The candidatescame «»ut with the ground- I ickvd up one Valued at $2 50 last Sunday. lo repior the roads lea«ling • ut of town .n a gan zed ut Mediord as soon as mail com­ by n. C. Lewis. with debris. Lt is nut known buw dinuiv orni» In < ItaiUTEl ha« iiy lb? lucks art duinugvd. The basin 1» h g, ami, like that animal, most ot them substant ul manner, ihe surplus n the munication is e-labli-hed with the outside Kepr» M-ntativc Price of Tolo was here N«>withstanding the railroad blocka«!.* own treasury wa- raised by tax for the world. The charter membership will be lady ii jure*i, kboUl 4uU yarn» uf oirak- wi.l stay out. MMES A leverai • luring the forepart of the week. He in ­ iw«i.iy-fivc or mure, in bluing cu s < fl -<, CLEAN Notes, receipts due-bills, drafts etc , in forms us that little damage was done by the • WEEN "Tbirr bisUi» Wb» CuUrL 111 ibe basili book form handy ami first-class, at the wor.d. want to work can get fl 80 cbanls of the town suslaiürd damag s I» O. E Rose and R. Benedict each lost I fell b-n-u'h their burden of snow, ui* l id struction train at this place lust Sunday, ing the bluckadt . will remove ht«' family and no..rd 1 er day by applying to the ran aboc&»oi auud- aggi e_,ui dig piubaoh $uO,UUO l'neworko: straightening up the ruu nc ng bv tlir high waters i ing B F. Pe tri s, Weav« r’s and J« fl John »«»on as spring opens. The daiuugv «o tbe a «> 1 u ml s is taiiui ». v*i mad company. uf 1'humpson «Trek .«nd Appl- gate, almost son’s log ba n Ihe s. h *o'-!v>u-e in ’he b-tween this place ami l ow creek canyon Mt^lu.UUU. and lu ihe Excrlslur and sbu.dy R > Dunlap is aide to be about again, as wul go f< rwani rapidiy now. The nicest am! fre*b»*.st mackerel just re­ half a mile i f rail» 6« in/ di-plaeed ut each i lower I rail creek district whs alm«»st tint luuis al u bulli $25,UUU. ceive 1 at the 8 F. Variety Store; also other plage. usual, mi will commvivv gardei-ing s< on, |ten»d< ut, ’lie weight f the snow CHUsmg L-'U-i cheers greeted ’he consti uction Lw ruine i by th«- flood, mm b < f hi- fencing | Staples of all kinds arc »car« e,»»n account dtspuiniency among our citizens. Ti.edes |M) s es|w*< lai .iLUiilion to the lain gauge ai d hi .Merritt at ('»ntral Point f«»r > >m«*- and tiiei IlloiH ter nt ni» lathei's place, a e i thereof lots r ase! temporarily. In s -me li di cars was ’ <! Wagner err« k. l»e- sonville h»> >ti I plenty of vvetvtiiing. ex storui was as foi ow- : Saiurdav. February at least ten days. w er. in Ja« ks • n ville bunday. ami return« «1 H. H. Wolters, the mixologist, has re­ bom« the same day, a« < omptnied by A. 8. cea-r«! r tv« > surviving a hu-btnd and !cvptingst:g.ii and potato« s, ami enough oi 1st, 1 15 inches; 8un<>ayt beb 2i, 2.18 If you need anything in the shoe Lm*. opened the saloon formerly kept by* A. H. Hamm n i ami Mr- Hyde inc.tes; Mui duy, F« b. 3d. 2.62inches; 1 urs- don't fail to ex mine R«amrs A While’s eight • hndrm, the y. un ;« st a babe «»f lour ; tl.use arlicivs lor a short time. months. ‘'arl.’un. thoroughly refitting it and mak­ «iuy, k*eb. 4u>, 57 iDibr«. Tot«), 6.52 fine, large stuck. TLprv will b-- no more troubl«* after this ing many improvement.-'.. He has suppm d Hoti. Theo. < atiwr.-n returned front a Having become batibtied that Jack­ in« ues. Wedne'day murning. Ft b 5th, H L. Pegg, v ho wa- on»* of thr j«ir«»r.s ar winter on the score uf fi-h b ing imped«*-! the bar with the fini al wines, liquo > and tr»i- t«> («rant * Pass yt>terdav. He reports about half an inch mure tell. Dutinilhe Yesterday afternoon was stormy, rain the aiijourned trim of thr cir«u>t court, in running up stream M«»- ’ of t'-v dam-» much damage having bv» n «lone in Juse cigars, and a fin»* billiard tabic < an oe sonville is still the læst trading f<»ur days ot th»* storm more ram ieit than falling several hours ami some >n-»w fa. ing I.a ! .«»i rrtuin**d home ai a-t a« counts, hav g ne <-U’, tml tliere wi-i b.* a chant »• to found there. Give him a ca.l fur tie wii. phine county by the lat»* flood. dur ng the no e no'iith* troin January 1. on the higher bilis h iving n<4 b«« n heard ¡rum .-iu« e hr left ' k«ei tne «lam hull-ivrs fr we have rereive iu in- f • thills w II ! aw ed a series of il >ou photo-, showing the Ashlat.d a lew days ag . having walked I'l.r ht-’h water alaiye (•« Id Hill «lid con mi d the total Im ine season si ce the hrsi "Castori« ta bo well adapted toehUdren that Caatorla enr^ Colle. CowHnatlo» si«1rrablr injury in ti ling up .«mi other- j pl. nty of fish next ‘Wil, if they u-c sLi-.ri Bear ere» k britige win n the water was at the < nlirt distance between the two pl «ce». • >l (>< iob. i last is a I.tile over 27 incties week to a fair audience. Sour 8 to mac ii. Diarrhoea, Eructation. L mcomiuend it as supenor to any prcfccnpUun ii inghe-t and Hamm* n - brn still stand The d.UM ge cau-ed by the lute slurm was Nearly seven inches of rain fell in this w >» damaging ¡h mil -race <»f :h«* Gauiat«l uf fl./'h iii s-’in» di.'tri is. J W. H ward of (¿rant’s Pass, one of I *now» to me ’ H. A. Arun M D., ti4 on the further side, and subsequent Josephine countv’s mo>t enterprising busi larg« iy owing io ibe high temperature, 40 vicinity on the first tour daysin the month. t! Hr ng miUs, besides injuring the daiu i J^mite from H. R Brown, supervi-or Ill Oxford 81., hronUyn, N. Y. • «»K-idri ably. degree» above Mio being the lowewl re­ What section can beat it ’ i.e^s men. w is in thia action a f« w «lays JH\t‘ Bo-w n-b »ro r «a«i «ii-fri t. -tat. ■» tliaM pn tun s showing the bridge in vauous Kills Worms, gives Bleep, aud promote« di­ ¿tapes of di mulition after the barn had •* nee for the purpose <»f laying in supplies corded during the f*>ur days, while Die mer liob n-<»n Wright inf«»rnied us that J. Nj Hh»* bridge a ro-^s Little Bu'te creek at that Mnen. gestion. Semi the T imrs to v«>ur friends East, or cury range I as high as 52 degrees above in In* had run out of. pace I' again nil right for «r«»ssing 1 h«* 1 h «tn «- rrr. ¡ved severe inj u r- wh ir on Without uijurioui medicteKn. at any other place, tt answers better than ibe after no'll**, which caused a vast quan­ north :«| pr«».u h to ihe bridge Was sw. pt th»* return t«mt m Littl« Butte pre ­ Oliver Dews uf Big Applegate was in all the letters you can write. tity of snow in the mountains lu nieil. T ub C bwtav « C ovpany . 77 Murray Street. N Y. t * E M R A L P< ) 1N T P< >1NTE R>. Iacfcsonvillv one day this w.*ek, and in­ cinct from Medfurd. Hr is mu n better away by tnv flood. I u’ in««sl <»t Ibe timbers DRY GOODS, COTHING and plan*'I- lge«i bvl «w and were pr inpt- R. B Q le • b <»f Ash-aml prrcim t ve^ter- now. however. forms us that the Apphcate was : igher ly r< « < »verv«l nmi r« pia ed in position. So dav declared his intention oi booming a .n tba’ sectmn than ever befor»* known, Attentio«! Jam- a D-«wall g ’ ost ah- ul eight acres of I he 8 r line cjrrk bridge approac h was it.a’ travel was suspended for less than a BOOTSAND SHOES tine Ian«’ at hit pia-c on Bear < reek by the ami di-i much damage. Th. a inigh y dol.ui—the few have too citiz»-’; of the I’ iit *«i States. -wngm.- ar- und d«»wn stream - hi thera.-t w eek. fl »od. Peter J. Williams arriv«<1 in *he valley, many and the many have too few. The Th«* annual »« bool meetings will -oon b«- -> «ir • f th • str« am but the >U!.er\k".r uf A l’ur< e <«f railroad w »rkmeu have been STAPLE AND FANCY many -h<*u d strive io save a pa't of each h»*l egon, where 1« rn «‘ay-, tlurt« en of which were con- GROCERIES, Etc., The S. F ” Examiner” is the best paper of a few Miiad bti g * that sv« lion «»f ill«* large e «tanl'shtm nt th* re I mon* yean be >aved wh»n buying, . Il pays lb»* Boschry place on suiiuti in going twenty miles ----------- O------------ Red - biar Ht«>re on ttie coast Don't fail to leave your sub to buy mere. (io to th«- ~ much fencing and .-«me very ciiuicr la; d, track is aiui««sr rtauy f »r (rath again. The H. H. Magruder, Jas Wright and Prof. Messrs Ihdg»*. Hull and B»ck of (»old am. buy 2 paper- ne»*dles for .5c, ; 3 bottles Bcnpti-ms at the T imes offi< e. tlie’crrek changing its « hanue. so that a bi nige aciO'S R«»uUe river ha- been r- pair« «l 11 ill were among th»» many wh-» were at Hill were in town one «lav last week, a< - We challenge the reader to nuceessfully controvert the aasertion that Which will l»e placed on eale at ami u train ot «<-nstructioii cars loaded gco.i >ew n g n a- hme < tl tor 25c. . ch. Mm h work is being done on the diff» r fi.tur«* rai-e may carry away the best por­ with bridge timbers pas-ed north fr<»m Jacksonville 011 Tuesday. < oinpani« <1 b. Mr. Miller, an expert for the an acre of thriftj*. well-cultivated, producing orchard trees in the val- lower prices than the »ir. a's 11 25 'ii»*» s lor 90« .; ia .les' S4 50 ent roads to make th-m passable again. tion ot th«* ranch. Ihe Hoaglami plate wa*' badly washed (I'Wrg « lr«>n Cu., wln> has been inspe-’ling ley of llogue River will yield a net yearly income of S100. Medtur«! M- inlay aiternn. kid 'b e- t<»i $3 50; et<* , etc., etc. Prices Let it go on without interruption. name quality of goods It will the minera! resources of this acction in thr Now is thr time to sub-crib»* fur tbe T imes won t» riml\ h»w. In these days oi hurry J. (’. Hannah sustained a heavy loss m and the o’<-fi'ird was a most ruined by ’he interest of that corporati »n. can l>e obtainctl average lod trees to the acre, and tin- estimate is based upou the dem ­ an 1 g- t ail th«* news «>!' -«-uthern and s< nth water. t«ut the house Mill stands ami is yet ami ru-h, i»u-ii.» s> is governed by the law High i’avlor ami I. W Burriss of Ash- ¡ h:» raiici» on Rogue nver, by a « hang« in (’. W. Avers of A-hland a- rompanied 8. onstrated fact that each fruit tree will produce tl in value, net, uf dollars and cei ts. ibere is no friend­ land have put up about 75 tons ot ice for east»m Oregon, trvsh ami spicy, as well as th«* channel almost ruining his fire orchard habitable. elsewhere. a svn .p-i- uf everything important that standing «»n the bank uf the stream. His M Wilcox on his railroad velocipede trip ship in t*u*n.ess Study your own inter- use in this valley next summer. Several nv tule rs of Wm. (’arson’s fam­ from Roseburg to (»rant s Pass lately, ami marketable fruit each year. oc« urs any where. e-ts (¿el the best bargains you Can. pla« e. | rn»r to 1862. was one of the fimst ily, who hav»* been quite sick, ateronva- b«»tb gentlemen were weBnigh w«»rn nut Weils, no matter bow deep, are full to Make the omnipotent cash do its level Our btore-riMim has been renov­ Ja- L. Down-ng wi 1 open out in the iiq - !>.-dn » of land on Rogue river, but repeated l»*>r» nt now, under the skillful treatment<»( with fatigue when they r»*a< bed their desti­ best On this basis you are cordially in­ the brim and are not likely to fail again. «fertaking (ju-ims.-at A-blaml us soon a-hit* freshets have reduce« the quantity of but- | Dr. Lappeus uo matt r bow dry the season. nât on, having been three days aud two ated throughout, and our old etuck vited to visit th«* Red Star Store. Grant's tom laud more than two-thirds. A barn hearse.« ask« is and good-can arrive thr« ugh Pass, Oregon, where the prices are aston­ I B Williams last Monday s«»ld out his nights in making the trip District ch rks should c«»mmence taking me i» cs kA 1» I'.- «*» were shipped from at Mr. Hannah a place collapsed under Ibe is about closed out. livery stable an I live stock, equipage, etf ishingly low. Respectfully, F E. Bybee bad a narrow escape from the census «»f school »hildren in order to Chicago B*«ine weeks ago. snow. W. E D ran . Iii other words an acre of producing fruit trees lias a valuation of report at the March school meeting. biepben Beers of Pleasant creek was in to a < alifornian, said to tie the rustling ect the ♦ — W K Price «»f Tolo is <»tie of the fl «od suf­ P-in . last Friday, when returning tr«>m Fred Frail» nburg. It is better than any bank—for the bank is sometimes cariied Improvement« lu Jacksonville. Genuine Log <’abin maple syrup the ferer- twnrfil« «1 b» thr tu -peak. i town ami cull«-d on uh la»t M -mlay nio-n- a s father’s ranch on Rogue river. His $1000. lijg. He r»*ports bridges and roads washc nJ ” Many cit tens « f this place attended the horse went down in the «juicksand twice, into Cauarla bj- the cashier, Paine nature—a trust-worthy guardian — Qui*e a number of improvements a re go­ best ami purest in the market, Lr sale at H* ha i a r«*< kv t»-r«»n his ranch.on which a «jut badly in his district, ami he was hunt- ’•tXfuneral of 1 aa> Constant at J ick-onville an 1 Frank had tina’ly to abandon the • d* p --»• f »b»» »t $.*»<« wor'b ot upper B ar ing « n in town since the flood, neatly the 8. F. Variety store. Try a can takes eare of the principle, and the dividends never fail. Of course if jnig authority to rebuild bridges. Fords are ire^n l ues lay last. I be deci asm was a gen ­ creek valey s«»ii was ma-ie. animal and swim ashore, the horse making everybody wh«» was «tamagtd thereby being '«"'K i uf the bridge* a« rRogue nver 'all dangerous crossing. He reports that iat ; ffi-man in every sense ...... uf the won! and - his way out some distance down stream. you plow your orchard once in twenty years, and rob the trees of their i /< i in mahiug repairs. Gr«> Ifayrsi.» _ __ ü Point and Gohl Hill have I«»« n re­ D *i' s p.i’.* :ti r ha- been w ith* at mail the dam in Evans « reek, near Ge«». Meger­ 1 highly respecte«i by ail. rebuilding his bi ar*-mithshop on the I nourishment by making a cornfield of the orchard ground, aud invite j Ever brought to the county-seat. Wm. Herrington call« d <»n us last Mon« ared ami are perfectly sate-again. • r thsi a "n h ua'ii tbe lust trip le ’ s place, ha- g me - ut. and fish are run «I W11TI*"“1 ¡»urcbas.d <>f Mrs. 8«rah Justus ami Fred W. 11.»gg an«1 wife will m ike a visit ri'ner, who made the trip nit g plentifully in upper Evans creek h r Construction trains are n- win the v»i ev thr ruh I » f» - t -*f -n w having to go on the first time in years. m a tew days resume bu-dnesa there. J. C. to their ».»Id home at Monticello, l«»wa, in rivlit davs on th«* r«»ad—three days water­ Whippis rebuilding his marble works on and thedamage d«»ne t«» the railroad 111 f-H»t ;h Lt- ? miles <»i the di-tauce. a h is still confined in assistant general superintendent of the O. other relatives of Mr. H. mg timber, and reports lesidents getting Sentimental and comic valentines—h md- ti»e«uiinty j *;i. «1 Ply unde is reconstructing bis livery stable, not stem t » h ive a t C. railroad, who had been steadily peg­ A dramatic entertainment will be given al «ngvery well, no shortage oi provisions a considerable portion of which was in­ sí .me ami ugly—in quantities to suit at the verv h gh ««piDi'-ii «»f It»»* much-talk» <1- ging away at the blockade in the Snkiyous, as far as known, and prospect» good for ab*«ut fr»c«i«»tn of America H»* is loud in showed up at Steinman lust Saturday w th on ihe evening ot the 21st for the ben< fit of light losses of stock. jured by the stiow-¿nd water. John Tap­ 8. F. Variety Store, Jacksonville. the band, when that well-known diama, With half the care you give wheat-fields, and it will yield an income ! per is repairing bis premises, which were J. F Wilson has removed from this place hi* ««»udemnalion ot <>ur officers ami laws. five eng.nes »ml all necessary apparatus. Cor. 3d and E Street«. Among the Breakers,” will be given. Our It is said that they «lid more effective work »No b tdly damage«!. Dr Sommer» I» re­ to Cniontown precinct, where he has en-I on a valuation of $11MK) an acre. There is not a wheat-field in this . Douatlou Sociable. beet talent will be in the cast of characters, C«»nsnl»*rable appreh* nsi >n from high than any other corps at work south of Ash ­ bud«Lng ms femes wa-h«d away by Daisy tered the employ of H. D Russell. wa’er i- till frit in the foothill sections, as land, ami they certainly reserve the credit -nd no doubt full justice wdl be done. Th» re w.11 be a donation pound sociable county which yields such an income, and EVERY orchard does. PORTLAND, OR tirrk. Besides these, a number uf other Fresh buckwheat and graham flour, «»at- ¡ g«eat boihes «»f -n««w un the north till.sides of having opened the road through the Sis­ Don’t fail to attend. at the M. E parsonage in Jacks nvideon improvements are being made. We propose to sell you an acre of fine alluvial soil, within cannon meal, trim um. germea amt other articles w->uld be re eased h\ a continuous warm kiyou». Containing lift) Rooms, well furiiiah» be commuun ation with the outsi-ie world. you. Buy it for a home to shelter you if adversity or the winters of i county bridge» across Butt? creek at Eagle Hudson, who put in the winter there and at the business ami guarantees »atisfaction. h»*st informe»!, it m »y be a few wt eksbe- IN THE STATE. Holl» and Carbunclfi Curtd. Looses of Stock in the foothills have been aud a< r«».-- Antelope at L'nkswilrr’a came out the rains began, re­ Don t fail to give him a cull. * old age overtake you and find you penniless. ,, forr Ibe rai road north ot Grant's Pass wi 1 For y»urs 1 have been constantly be in rendition atram for regular tr «fti . heavy alreadv. and if « old spring rains p»e- place, hfad not b en carried away by the port» that it was about 11 feet deei> there Free Buses to and from the Hotel. Fred Downing's ranch suffered to the ex­ trouble I with biiniors in the blood, which at one time, but has n-»w settled d-«wn to storm. owing to the great dmuHg»- done in the Cow VHil losses wdl be iuu«:h more extensive. about 7 feet in depth. Hudson wa- sup- tent oi eight ur ten acres uf good land, caused the breaking out ot Ixnls and car­ It may be necessary t»» The T imms has the iuo*t complete j«»b No (’liimw employed him ! iu » deviation in Tbe 8an Frmcisco “ Examiner” will in­ budd from twenty t » forty miles oi entirely office south ui Albany an«i turns out the clude lot N i. lx, in My er'.-a«l«Bti'»n t«> Ash­ p »sed to be dead for some t m , as hr «'id which fell into the creek, bet-ides a wash­ buncles ail oyer my body, that when We give away the land, l’ay uh $10 a month, 10 cents a tree, for cnarg«*?. out in the center uf his field, caused by »be bruised wou'd make a lasting, ugly »ore. not show up tor upwards of two mon’hs. Meal« Scmta: lodging Ä oeate to M ernt«. Hew r-»ad there, th ugh a t» mpirary mad best printing at 8an Francisco price». land. in its next grand pnz** «hawing, of Hlltl overflow current, of several rods wide amt i consult»d iiiMiiv eminent physn-ians ami two years, and we will present you a warranty deed of the acre, limy l>e built around ihe difficulty. Large Language is hard.v strong »*n«>ugh t«> ex­ aiiotii .50 roils long Z*. great quantity of took a great deal «-f in«*dicint* without any The »» hooi directors of Ashland district wliich announce incut will be mad? in due mi »1 sium I slides aie cuiitin ally occurring GUARANTEE it to Lave a thrifty, growing, producing orchard. E. LEWISTON. Proprietor. time The lot was purchased two weeks press my M'lmtration of thr merits <-f debris was deposited on his alfalfa field. met ami equalise«! he late assessment perceptible benefit Nothing helped me on the roMd south <-f Ashland, as far a> <'hanibvri on's Cough Rrme-iv. It is the ag«» for $2IM). Despite these facts the farmers of th«* country continm* to value but Swift ’ s .Specific (8. S. 8 ) Thai medi ­ <»: the district last Friday and Saturday. Rrdiiing, Cai , but fur ahu h traffic to and Volun’eer forces have been at work this best remedy for croup and wh«»«»ping cough from b.»n Francisco would now b<* r» -estab­ This total suspension of the mad service i have <*v»*r u*»*d. During the past «igli- we» k ♦ tting the C« ntral Point bridge in I cine cured me! 1 am now enjoy mg excel their land high, and rob its soil by sowiug it with wheat and conqa-t- Friday is St. Valentine’s day, ami the lished. However, it is thought that trams young la«llr* «.( this place have annouticef the world with the serfs of Russia and the. slaves wii be lunnii.g on the southern route in- social party at the I . 8. Hull in lheevening. month w<* have been without mails <»f anv inent cougn niedi«- nrs on the inarkt i. but With tin* subsiding of the waters it be any kind on niy body. M icuael M i H cik , Hulo, Neb of India. “Export the wheat of a country and you ship away the vital­ kind or from any diie« tion. if we except «ay. ami with pieasurr, to-', that Chambc. Bide of two weeks. came apparent thu' th»* main channel of COUNTYLANDS This railroad bl-»cka«1e »» becoming quite what little we gel from • ur own county on Ian’s Cough R» nie«iy is th«* best of all; thee rev k 1- still under the bi idge, and it is ity of its soil,” says a great economic writer. The ¡»eople of Jackson i nmnot'-n'-us, ami everybody is very1 horseback. thought that safe a. proacbes « an brbuil' saysT iio . m as R hodes , Baker*ii Ll.Cahf--rnia. A Singular Accident. MAURI KD. county should learn this as an axiom. anxoms f -r a change an i right now. too. (’ h v Dfiiii «Ir at Cn Drug store, >tor«*, Jacksonville I to it. Oue corner o[ the bridge is badly Tw«> of T J. Kr»-s-’ chi’dren fell into F«»r s «if Last Tuesday afierimon, a” W T. Leever Every bread-winner at the forge or near the cutting saws, or in -uni eq: but wfien the water gets down t » and by Engel Bros Rlm'nir. i As is not usually the case in winter, the Jackaon «reek last Friday, while atternj-t WAGNER-BARRA At the residence of E. •nd wife < f < entrai Point pracincl weie re ('utter tu Medford, February 'J. lsim. b> L. L. sound of the hum of the shuttles, or the tliumler of the factories, or across Elk its normal stage* it is thought it cau be The nvv county 7R nnn.y Kt; l-ond >oFw HEU' * xdsiu * k . turning home from atle-uiance on the fu I r«»ad between this pace ami Medford is mg t-> < r«»s- that streum on a f< 'tlo.’, ami righte I, at least for ty nporary use. f9,UUU«<-'-< in Ihr.i.,«, (ouutl,'. Angle, J. P., F. G. Wagner and Miss the waters of would have drown«*«! tail »'or vlie i-pmly :«» (*r»*< k -till .MtamL, a toiling late over desk and couuter, should study our plan well. It means to ral ot l*»ac < onstant, bolli of tbe«i occu better Ilian .hat leading to Central Point -isfjnre'|i'«hr»4by T«» rent for a tr for pying tl i* rea' seat io the bars in which A few copies of the American bet Hers a home for a life-time out of th«.* meagre savings of 2 years’ work. A inn non A<',u>°FFlNERAl8INJ*'Krrr; «♦•v« ral huur» Fortunat»iy the < nti- ul »KI.AYED STEAMBOAT HLI’t.H. the-) .ere ridmg the) were precipitated .Guide, standard authority on ail land others nebr al hand Mr-B«Ml Und.wtth HORS tune was pa»»»*«! without any h« avy limb, r more l>eautiful and a larger home than ninety per cent, of the jaipula- IUU,UUU AltHlfaan.lSug r»n’ creek white crossing I matters, may be found at tin* l’t mes office. T E Nichols is putting in rattle sea es drifting against it, and the re-i«ients of ihe ipe str. am, by the giving aw.iv <»( the fast­ 8n<»w hes been six feet deep on the di .. ­ tionof the civilized earth can claim to own. at Eagle point this week, for the aecom- Tract* <>f fr"tn '¿tT,Acrc<,tu l^irye The high water uf last week washed out m«»«!ation r.f the stock men «.f the Butte upper country »till have something tobe vid. between Thompson ereek and ¡Steam­ JONES-In l.’nloutown urucinct. February 2, ening» *»n the sea’ an i severely injured, thnnkiul for The deep sii w on tiie Write to us, and we will semi you our illustrated Look of this great I SUU, to Mr. aii«l Mrs. Cinta. Jonea, » son. Tract* *aitablc far\Culo»u Mr I sustaining bruises ami injuries to all Ihe 0>h trap», dams, etc . and J«everal creek section. Frank Ih«»wn is superin­ mountains on upper E k ere» k took up thr boat creek, Par/nau*. i _ HERRINGTON—lu Flounce Rock precinct, valley and our Orchard Home. Ahc back ..f Lis in-ad and neck, besaies hav­ troubled questions have thus been eettled. tending ihe WOI'K. me reales have long | waler like a sponge, ur the b'ldgr wuu d A Bail sprain»d his knee by getting January 1ft. WW, to Mr. and Mr». H»*rrin¡rU»n. ing three rib» hr eke n, which limy prove of >r part muiars apply to K. 11. PERKIN wv • It'» only a question of time,” ami a been needed there. have doubtless shared the f «te <»f it» prede­ thrown from bis snow shoe» while riding a son. K< urm-y Street, San Fran< lM*o. ‘ r a very serious nature, while bis wife is short time, to«», a*- to when your rheuma­ duwti a steep mountain. The railroad < ompanv ordei ed their agent cessors. It is built too 1 »w. also stiff» in g «‘or.sider»b y from bruise» tism wihyieid to Hood's Sareapardla. Try at Ashland to put .‘»0 men at work on the Last winter Mr. H E K'nka«!e, collector mid internal injuries. Both Mr and Mrs Steve Oyster has been stopping at A. W. HIED. it. line south i f pl.-v'e nt once. The com­ for the United Stalo Express Company, at Kueaier’s since the snow storiu commenced, I. were contini d to tad at List accounts. !VI<-<1Í<>1*<1. - - - < >r*«‘|£-on Don't fail to rea«i Kearnes A White’s new pany is paving $1 SO p» r «lay ami board. Des Moines, low -, was s. verely troubled bis cabin being unsafe to live in. ANDERSON-At I btuiiix. January 34. ISV0, A »»reat landslide. npruig shoes advertisement. Their stock All ihe men that can b<* had are btii g put with chilblains. The swelling and intense Mr:-. JuHRie Anderson, relict of th<* late In the Town of to work in th? 8iskiy««us. The mail has to be carried on snow shoes it< hing of his Get was a gteat ann«»yancr Tt-iegra) hie reuui ts <»n tbe 7tb were to the is th«* large-t ever brought t > the place by Albert Anderson and daughter of R. R. W. F. READ, Prtaideut. J. R. WRITSMAH, Vic.-Prn.ld<-nt. to him. lb* trie«! several rem« «lies without i (rum here to 1. B. Houston s oa ihomp- We are sorry t » hear of the death of the eff. Cl that ibe wh»*k lli««ilidaiii side above them. Devruney. I benefit, but fortui it« ly bought a bo»lle «»f -on cr . k thesiiQV) be.hg loo deep to go low «reek canyon, near the west lurk, bad J. K. ELDERKIN, See. and M«ua<«i J. W. CUSICK, Trownrer Jos. Duuden has b«en appointed a imin- wile of Alvah Knighton, whirh tex .» place I Chamber’.»in’s Pai. Bi.Im. Hp savs n«* on bor»eb»ck «< ru.<, the mountains. crushed d«»w 11 mt«» I he canyon the preced­ istiab r ot the estate uf Wm 8tuart, de­ at their residence on Dry creek a -hon ¡only applied it three tmes until his feet time huh r. Sue vas a d «lighter of Ttios aiieurer. Finn.y A Co. expect to l.ave to ing d.*j , completely damming up the chan- ceased ami elsewhere gives notice to that I were entirely well an«l tree from it« hing HORSE AILMENTS. pl HI Siskiyou County, CaL, ( Martin of Tr «r creek an<) a highly respt « t- ; and swelin g Lor «ale al < Uy Drugstore. move tl.eir pipe from off the i « h h : i oung Woman. the tra< k . ii w aiet 1« • m td luu teel det p. bridxe nero»« Bteamboat cree«, being Jacksonv l e, and by Engel Bros., Pbanix. « *1 he b eakmg of the bulkhead of. Squaw UtafciliK "I V"« 7 vv«»i*M«-»aa v» « «junn Neponset, Hl., alrtti ! of high wafer taking the bridge awaj. Tor akr is reported fropi two to thr« e Parties coming «lown from upp» r Rogue sevt ral ----- „ g • u. »eri’iusiy , damaged - t ' For the restoration of faded and gray hair May 20.1st». nm»* ion a» d about five hundred feet Laae X Minn G C. Culy'e sioek are doing well, not- i>A»Mrlv rummgb. riiiiiiuvS. Arra>mitu Arra-mIlli*9 s to its riginal color und ire-huras Ayer's river report much damage fr in bUOW , bei«»w, nearly a«:ioss A b one disaster after another falls farms Oa.L.u, My mare -a un ht oar-f Ul ’ . g«O.OO O.oo 1 ..e I Ihe recent storm caused W. E. Finney A lieailtiful young lady b* came ho sadly I Login* n er bridge at T ab e R >ck was not | canyon with SU Jacobs OIL ! and Ed tshexrer to stop work oti their disliu't’red with p mples and blotches that UO.GAKD.NML Probate Court. If the pleasant weather prevailmg at it was i^ared rhai she wuOfld die of grief. iDjiir«*«!, althou/h the r >ad was badly i quart» l*dge They will rasume work as sluiced OU’ oil the West bide of the river, ! tie f .l’ liu*inM.* ba- been trans present continues gardening wd¡ be com A friend reet.mmvnded Ayer'gSarsapaiilia, Many rails were washed awny fpotn ihe l >uon as they .-all get a road broken through menced mmugLuut southern Or«g> n m a wh ch she took, an I was c>mp efclv cured. Wlnaboro, T«x., »elc l in probate court Judge ell prestd I hev have a wed ranches pear T’-h1«* R'xik, and some cutting I tire snow to their mine Juna 20,188$. shoit t*u»e. detinrd l< dge »1 inelie. thick and a good ine -ince • ur Ja«' report: Hhe i* now one of ifie fairest uf the fair, wn» done on good soil. I prospect. E-ta - of Jol.n Noland. Order made for liy horse wu hurt Jas. H»re y ha» been making regular I Don't forget tbit every first premium Perhaps the reader» uf the T ime * wouLl (’.F.SAR. •at<- of real y. on hind leg ; suffered trip. o«> lb« Buit« rw-'M iu»U ruute. .»J award» d at the district fair for tine photo­ like tu know i»» what respect ( hmibvrLiin’s E-tate ot F Mr Halton, 'aiue order »» Wm K.'liluig Is »>>lv «-* K” February 1, H9n. 10 month«: was cured by Sk Jacobs Oil; cur« lar BS •"'>«- graphic work was cairied of! by Logan, Cough Remedy is better than any other. ah >ve. hte remaiQBd permanent. W. J. CLINK. the Ashland photographer, for his unri­ We wdi tell you. When Ulis Remedy is A Aair««m KtwnHn Estate of A Shearer. Sale of real prop­ pliy creek. <<> u c pi 'h i^ C B M»tn-y'« phc. whs consiiismbly valed portraits and views. When you want taken as directed. erty' Cootirnied. Mr John A. Cleary, .exton of Oak wool a fine picture at a -siirtl’ pr'ce cal! on been v jnir^ uq, ana betöre it has become Estate <»t rumor hetrs of T. F. Beall. Ke­ damaged by toe Applet;»'*. wb.,c‘* TeXim, JOS. CAIRN SIMPSON. ., Me FsclSe .. . . • . Wa?r. pt rt of K' approved. (h. Ö. 8.) IS a sure cure for anv <1» Owut Blood Horse Association, (ays: ‘'Being effec t ul the cul«i ami grvapv |r»nu it* -v- Specific of i«f blood I.I.....I .............. AU • «liy u» a.late > i Win quart. Jos. Duuden ap- Ulla pituh 1 he piMBs is under ( bligstions to numer­ ^efiRv, |f nut efltrt liialiy cure the cold in «-Option poison. About a'yiar tanlllar with th. etBoacy of St. poiniad adiuinistrator and -------------- For ihe b*'»t gUs.ware, «rookery, etc. ous friends for assistance rendered in k’el two days' time; and it is the only remedy ago I contracted a poisonous bl to 'he » * »rirty U j v.luabl. sptatifle for painful allmenU.- subscribers in this end JoS’-phine counties. ny with nature and aids nature in relieving out avail I was about p, become di.- Store. Erice» very low »nd natiaUction Pioneer Mall Hervie*. We have been compelled to use the means the lungs, opening the se< retions I »tm (y- heartened wh. r. a tricml induced me to KU.iranleed. employed in pioneer times fur the past few I Illg the THUcu* and « .»..-»ing if s «.xpuDiop L7..1 i 6 A,'rr J“11''1« « part of one The del.rved tuatl for this valley now at Hon. ODEN BOWIE. »» Oo«r«.r ef Miry- From GooH SoedMonly can < w » m 1 Vege­ Several locomotives eanie over from tli- weeks f Hoseburg amounts lo more than ten ton«, And all of ■ fr.-»a »he air cells of (he lung-, amt rem r- bottle I was a sound man, and nos«mp tend. Jock.y Club. Fri-.t. CKy fw JUilw.y tables 1 h * grown. S nd for‘Starretfa Californ » Side OÍ the Siskiyou niouuUins amt the ra Iwav ai.d postal authotiues hav • i.a»»*at diapat' hes from Linkviile are to • ing the ’•ystem to a strong and bcal'hy tome Of Ihe felldmeasf have ever returne.I. ’ Co , my»: "In my t»mlly .nd niy .ublMl sine» our Iasi issue »n«l »re no» employed Heed ( ’ atab'guc for 18 ’ 4 0.. Jr.-atise un blood and akin t sent around b. the effect th** great ruiiistorm extended ! * coiid.tion No other remedy in the mat- have u»ed St Jwob. OU with «.thfactory CmcviAaaPMa. « Special discount to uuirkv-t gardeners. st n-e over ibe old route via Wolf creek J. in the v»il* ' through ibat section as we l as through the ■ i kyt possesses tfie.-e renin J; »b’j* prop» < ig«*. Utuiltu fr.*cf reault«, anfl bvlfev. it the be.t remedy for th. MM An at r i lalMy Bala ItlAa i*«itT-rt< trtcCo., Atlanta. Ga. «« Ki ld :■ <4 Biddle U-uxlaa ( ourity, aHI Rogue nyer valley, and reduced the >n< w ' Ni> "the; w«l« «•up.* a « • ¡«1 i«® t|Ui» kly or C W. Avers »1 Ashland has furnished painful ailments of man and beiwL" Klvnnawn>iaiatt«4ao.ih«a Bnr, ^-* and . - fl ation, ... a num I aisti j from a depth of over four fe»*t to Irss than i ' leave the system in as tumid a cumhtmu. a. t a- oib-eunlraclor for the railroad com­ nial» lor *1. ti»e new Linn , GEO. STARRETT. 1 S om , .nw tap froaa l to ». uem pany through Ihe blockaded section, am county Bank building »t Albany, and will a foot on the level Th»* snow is rapidly 50 cent and one-dullar b tiles fur sale at nm« uta I mm W* fM. In« ■ mm. ,"™f”fJnI’Ml«d?1nMa AT D bccgiuts asd D^ amim . will coubtless have his stages on the road iiuperiniend its construction. He is a tirst- I disappearing uuw, though me nights con­ • j ( ity Drug Store, Ja-rkbouvdle. an t by at the NewR¡>ajxT A«iv«-r Walla Walla, Wash, \3 N RI VALED GOODS ! Using Agency of M«>«r\ tinue frosty. moving the aeiumulated delayed uiaxl in a C1MS architect as well as mechanic. : - - Engel Bru»., Phrnnix. DUtlUBLU A.V0MLU M our auUiurltcd aaenks lew davs. ¿Ílí ¿DlUiuGalU < UUV-4 FINE S REAMES & WHITE’S LADIES, MISSES, GENTLEMEN AND CHILDREN, STAVER & WALKER'S Branch House, Medford, Ores, s HAWKEYE THE AMERICAN J. I. OASE THRESHINC MACHINES Enlarging Business! AT THE OLD STAND Infants Children I Most Complete Stock of New Goods Newman Fisher * CULTIVATE YOUR ORCHARD INTERNATIONAL HOTEL irr it< wok / ih ^i,ooo. FRESNO AND MERCED To Rent and for Sale The Orchard Home Association. TOWN LOTS MONTAGUE fan S Í 1WÎM any- FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000. ALBJVNTY, WM. ULRICH, Districi Agent O regon MtDFORD, OREGON CHOICE Garden Seeds the boss boots BE TO $10» HT A n V* Agaate Wanted I AKIN, SELLINC & CO.'S .. I