Linn county buffered severely from the We regret to learn that R. Richardson MEDFORD SQUIBS FKKMONAL MENTION. floo I in the WiFamett«* eni its tributaries, ha" h d tt.e nm»f< rtune io |o-e a numb r THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OP it ii Vo n be r. re or » ’ that every bridge ’S J F<1 ihe road« at once. oi h > flue A g r.t goats during the recent i’i the < oun:y was wa hed a*ay or daiiiaged. Mr-. M Armsti.inK 1>*» been verv ill J. R Howard oi Medford precinct called hard weather. >’e-terday. ■ A number o houses wer»* wa-hed uu iv at ilur:ngibe w*ek. Don’t fail tu pay the printer. I- EBRI AKY 13, 1 "!»>. THIR>DAY rhe big pib- of w »«id in the court house j Alnanv and other p ii ts alo g the liver Ma y<»r Howard is t inbtl.i"hing his town W . 8o .niiiib-en oi Ashland «peut a day Read the new advertisements. yard shrank away aim*" entirely* while «.*..* in town thi« Wt« k. W. H. Bostwi-k of Vniontowi: piec iut pro, erty wiih a new fence. Circuit Vuurt. Circuit court adjourned until next Satur­ the sn w was uti the ground, someth ng "tista ne«i consideiabb damage at his | uce unprecedented. Messrs. Wolters, Barr and Gruby were 1. P. Luu,; of iiraiit’« PA.-s visited our The following biuniir-N a" bcm disp*»*-c I day. from the. washing tiu ay of rails nnd fencing at the cunnty-^est last Monday. tuwn last Tuesday. ot in the circuit t ourt since our la-1 i t-pui t: I he infant child of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. and th*- sluicing « t! of an a- re or two of Valentines in reckless profusion at W. F. Ever Brought to Jacksonville is Now being Opened up at I lckens <>f I able Rock precinct died one choice l iud. Mr Bo-dwick was raised in a Beckman A Ktainrs v.". Hmiry wev<*rf ami is not few days with friends in this place. to f reeb se mortgage De< rre and judg sun vide last Tue-day. The railroad company wishes to employ to the b»reft family. afraid of a tittle moisture. m« ni for >i'».4i>». F»0u attorney s ft»«* «nd all the nu n po.*s b.e. Judge Hanna of Jacksonville, the well- J* H. \\ risley of Central Poiut precinct costs end di-bur*e«ii» nV". Indications are s< me of the towns known lawyer, visited our town on Mon­ ci*lied on ua last Saturday. tn. Ray. countv commissioner, lost H C. L w«s <«. J. G Birosev, d al ; to A black bear was killed near Ashland pouixiw of potatoes bv the freshet, ¡n the Willaniett»* w* re cut off from the day. » recover per*on H property Motion lur in-w some weeks ago. Jas. Park, luar-fial of Central Point, vis­ who h is a matter of regret to the consum­ world mor»* complet» ly than was this val* irial ov« rrukd an t t me •'Xtyiid d for bling The flood widened Bear creek channel to ited the 11.MK« office last Munday. l-v by the flood. Littl«* newsbas be»nre- The nights are cool mid we are having er ut th« festive spud bill ! » x M «fen I. lift*». the dimensions of a river in th s vicinity Conalstiog of the Standard Goods Manufaelurod by the HAMILTON-BROWN ceived from Albany, and it is thought the J a-. ( Mrdwell was quite «ick again one r« 1» grams i< c» ived in the vaFev yesterday Ksiatc ot vv m. Giho>, an in-olvrnt frost reguiarly. wires have b* en badly demoralised b »th in many place«. iiigh( a lLi9 week, but is better now. Shoe Company of Cblca<<>. for debtor. Claim »1 b. Faftersun for IL’JUU al­ were to the «fleet h it another big landslide Sav.ige Bros. < f Central Point were here north and south of that place. Bear creek has been fordable at this lowed in me >uiu oi »eiween Mottan»! Dunsmuir would delay a lew days since. Geo. W. btvphenauu and R. B. Quelcb point, a short distance at»ove tt»e bridge site, trains a we« k ur so longer R J. Cameron sustained pretty heavy D. M O-b me »I C • vs F. Hubbard; io of Aaiiiaud were in town yesterday. since last Friday. FrCoVrr iu<>u»*y. l>* murrer tu « » inp».tini Ik» un i -»*e tlio e v *1» n iiies at the 8. F. .. ..... . *“‘l ■ ' V‘«u’*'*. if out your force*, damages during the high water in little ■'U'lumed said judg.ueiil given driemiant Varirly 8lure, Jack-«»nv 6 e. Api h gate, the stream taking away several K R. Drum, the wideuwake agent fur The ' Mail” has been issuing an interest­ “ii I r -pa r the ‘hoioughf.iie“ al once. 'I lie thousand rails ami threatening his barn AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. h»r » uh»-. ing little daily pai er fur the past week, btuver «V tV uikvr al Meuluid, is iu luwn lo- r*-ail work caniiot be . xiieioled to belter Frt.wh garden ami flower seeds of nil oa>. I ii. William" vs. Ri»'clla Berry,«*t al ; tu and outbuildings at one lime. His lower whit h is wt 11 received. a Ivaniag.* than ry*ht now. kimls al the 8 F. Variety Store. reo.i m deed. D« cr*el>»r plaint il. bott .in land was principally in mead >w, Ai i."s Agut« Gibaon i." organizing a class in Ladles' French Kid Hand-8<-wt*f Bvs.-Mr L. Mrss» ng» r vs J. J. Donoghue; Notwithstanding the biockad»..I Nunai, lienee did not sluice away badly. Sense Button Shoes; widths C. I), and E; per Pure honey, in nice pitchers, at ihe 8. F. Shura in widths E. and EE., and same inGim- Drivin 4 F. mix -e’s<*elebraU*«i fl.>urtu Gram's iuu . m « , auu hue already secuieu several and also same In Dongola; width D. to f »rvi- ow»- m«»rig ig -. Decree g«ailt*»d has a Urge a d flr»t-c a-s st.,, k o f g „.„| H Variety 8u»r,. Only 50 cents eucli. pair.................................................................. pupils I^s now general y neiieved by the taTL inon Sense style, widths E. and F.. per H. 8 l-.m»*i> V" J. A.>Wiit: co loieciusr amt seals as , h a* as ever. Give h lu a ryffl people that an’ niirely new railr. a C Fass one. day this Week. pair.........................................................................S3.2& Children s French Kid B. H. Turned Buttons m<-( i.a k ’.*» ittn. Demurrer to complaint It i" thought that the »‘ireutt court will call and judge lor you,sill. -Utbsra Woulf und bexaurr ol Gold Hili /rnusi h- (Obstructed along th»* big dam ^Mi"a M. M. Ga labor has secured npart- »U"lainr»l. adjourn lur tlie term next Saturday. ihe cvumy-seal un legal business on Same in Half Opt*ra Button; widths D. and E. 1». Me Button Shot-«, widths D. E. and F. Alsu Munt ­ Children ’s Goat. Heeled. Tipped Button. quaiiiiiH s tu suit at the I IM its office tbe luth* r f L. I.. Mem k of Ashland,and -evrnty feet deep and the obstruction is John liuttej Wut ill, lue Ap| ligate s» hou| hioli.iit c • Hoi. Ju'i.inVn loi <28t> 80. Henry Richardson and John Schiuidei* ili Coiti mon-Sen»»- style. Rame widths. ' h »*1 lived al Yieka for 27 years. wearing aw ay very •>l*iwly. 1» L. M> >"• nger vs. ii A C<«.••••; ture- ot Medford were ut the county.»eat a f»*w Uuche;, is sujuurifing ui Ashland dura g Ladies* Kreuch I’pp»*n<. Hand-Sewed Button Child ren t» Goat. M. 8. Heeled. Tipped Button. The \ -hland normal 9« h«i*>l >« conduct­ E 11. Bel itige-amt his son Charles at­ day« since ami leit their orders for the me Ulucaadv. «uv«rmu-ie>. .1 ud.' uh ii i u>r $5.> ws. SI km h , widths (_’. 1). au*. E. and same in Com­ Tm* who bought th»- C.dr« y pian­ ing a « U"" i l.«»uk-ke pmg ut present. ('hildr<*n*B Dongola X. fl. Heclod Tipped. B. L. iir.*. r»fcer and J FL biui.h v-. Wat- ito: mi 1 projeitv fail««! tu consummate tempted to cross Mill creek which luns 1 I M Kb. U. 11. Biunk ut Ashianu bas been &ick mon Sense Style, width D. per pair........... ^4.<»U Women's G«»al M S. in both Half Opera and Vab i ii-«-’ Valentines!! Valentines!!! the purcha-e. ned the e>t it« is once more through >aiem, in a buggy »»u the 111h in-l., -«•!>. lluiih & Wal'.»i., «1 *,L .um d »lr ol <’. S. stylo; widths B. Mnd F. Button. vb.lix iu, grippe, but js luucn ueiier new, we Henry Klippel, who has been at Jackson ­ al tbe 8. F. Vat let) 8ture. Jacksonville. and were thrown into the stream win n >m ; • me c<>i;i I roieivti. in the hand" of the circuit court. Women's Dongola Hand-S»*wed, Half Opera about ibe middle <»f it by the vehicle up­ ville fur sometime past, on account of ur«. g;uU iu i«.ufu. 1* 1'» I’« wii'ite at.u Milling C»». v- F. H. Miara Dongola, M. 8.. Heeled. Tipped. Button. F i sit ieiuun» and oranges kept on hand Wm R* < du g inform." U" tliar the gr.ide selling 1 h--fa'her was (irowne«i. but the SK-kne."«, has recovered m dieturned to Ins Button Shoes in D. anti K. Widths, and same Women's Dongola P. T. Haud-Si wed Oxfords t as <* oec . ami i> r «i.iioag* « Judge Day ia bury repaumg the uauiage pi'stof duty. b«-iwe«-n Murphy, re k an I W'ildervtlle 1- s in succee«le«i in rea« hing the shor. . in both Lace and Coumi'tn-S.-nsc Button; Women*« Dongola Turned Turned CengrMi. D murr«r io cuiu. ant overuha an i at -h 8 1*. Va»»ety >t*»r»-, J u-ks»»n\ilk*. in Common-Sense style, widths 1). and E.. Uuiic iiis place uj *uc iule ÙUvd, Milieu ii . v <• k iv* n d* u i '> n. unt>i la -1 M<»ndaj in widths D. and E Aleo M.S. Pat « ut Tip. Men’s Grain Boltter Tie«. auiuuuu lu CunsiuciaD e. Monthly insta nut nt" of >10 will buy a enureiy got-e, and (be riv»-r now runs I>er |»air............................................................ |3"5 ¿K “ “ ' Our delinquent sub-erd ers will please ^^ni etl'-rt will be made io have a iargL where the load iurmerty >t*»<»d. Ap ii • ti an-w r Lace Oxfords. L»*u-e .»ii«; lot in Tuio fruia S« «»rt Gi iflin. * '*• i u a li»'»l house built in M- dford i.ext remember that the lirst oi th»* year is a Langvii aim iaiuliy, who uiuved uul ul B - is. Me"»riigei v>. Juoa A. Martin; C > iiiiiii : ii .cation with Nan Francisco w I good tinm I1» turn over a new .'»* if ami pay 1 spring. Tue increa.-ing population n riders lue»r r.siaviii e Ouiiug «Aie piu^itss u* me ! OM pupt-r«, ii. qt.atitiii« s to suit, tor sale mkiii iw- n- e."iabb b <1 l ■ i< is ve< iiioi ey 8».»i. e »«- .tt»uve. It ;b»rs nut it very necessary. It is d«»ut»tfu i.p what they owe the T imes ffc.M d, L.nt retuiind liuiue. W N Luck y ma J W «Aiu.ui V". U. at ine 1 imkb office ui5u« ent* u hundred. wnerrn r ttains wnlbe run n.r regularly tu "(■viii much to you, b it flu0*»of delinquent Beans are quoted at six c« nt« a pound m I G.iiiiMia. al*>.i.»i. it*; new trial oyerruiai L Oit.deiei ul Mcditud vislltil Jackson­ Uyru." Neil an«l Mr. McCn>.«ky of Patent Portland ag.un insnie of :* month. subscriptions is quite a b‘g pin* to us. present, and are rcarce ut that. We have .» d 'hilly uujs turn- u I wc«i the bill ul e*»ch iu*«i a < hild by death not io»»g since. ville une «Jay las* w «« k , aceouipaiued by Pay up ami have a clear conscience. i o >U- ar and 1 tile caUbce, while other stu hlS WliC dliU tWU UttU^ulvl's. except Ouw. The N. F Var etv St* re k**eps »hr best Fr»-U timothy anti uifaltu seed »«»Id at import» «1 Kry West and d< me-tir c gar." Great numbers of ale V" E. M. K • en. leu *fa."* fuitber HANDLE A FULL LINE OF Fred. Huibaugh ul Portland, wliu vis th« low« st late." at the 8. F. Variety 8lor». m the m.ti krt ; a so all the |»<«putar brand* fo -tbi 1" by dogs dm ing the deep snow pre­ v'liuv given iu Li r t ill ot < xepliuliB. l’trry Foster, fioiu Ro.ue river, was in vailing a L-w weeks ago. One dog <>n Rogue town lastSatuiday, having brought over a mug Lia bramer, u. Aiaroaugu, has been of ruewtng and smoking tuba« c. s. I he town authorities should fix the mad*» quite s;ck, thuUgu he la bv-uer now. river killed n»> less than thirty of the poor Agricultural Implements,'Mill Machinery and Supplies, Engines, Boilers, Etc. at once. The people demand and (Xpectit A man from Michigan bought a number creaturts. Everybody's ranch dog turned snan of work horses to be fed by J. R. Portland and Willamette Leases. Howard at the Orchard Hume farm. J. B. G iIsley, lire pioneer real-estate uf bear skins, twenty or more, while in the hunter un hi" own account, and hud no dif­ T«*n th*»U"aii(l feet of lumber at Sain’s val- T.»e w«n QXmmtssioner Rav informs us that th¿ ^regular _r trains, and we are verv tired of ging The Celebrated For pure Rogue river whisky, in quanti­ crossing Bear cieek lust wetk. suujc his duties again, huving been a vic- ih city are as f l ow-: Willallletle saw- le- to suit, cad on Captain Caton, Jackson­ hndge across tin* Applegate, near Orlando ° \his in interruption uf traffic. Everything liiu tu ihe influenza pieVdliiuj» *11 ims sc« • i: ... .1___ 4l*».-e’s. ba" been repair»* I and is perfectly i* lies mill.-, |2u,PU0, biuith Bros.. ¿2U.UUU; Feu- dormant, husine-s is well nigh para- The Monarch saloon at Medlord, under * lion. Hoyer m.11-, izuuuu, Oitgon City woolm ville. safe again. It had a narrow escape. lyxed and nobody is particularly happy. the management oi H. H. Woiters, is prov­ mills, Northern i'acinc railroad Ladies, misses and children’s tine shoe«, But in the language < f the lamented Boss ing a popular resort. The best ul every­ ,< ’ .Hut Mr. liuiab, whu has ucen al J. li. Wils- Jpre8y a slough, road ir m Mtd'urd was the shipment ol | hted ruiher than injureu by th«- late lour carb-ads of flour by Davis A. F'rance to i li eshtl. ly esiimaleu *>t ir< m 30 io JU. Among the sonville is evidently worth a lair price yet. when liuui mg mills 1 ue .-lieets sometime. The board ot trustees -hould lose rm A Knights of Fythias lodge will be or­ ui the hardware stole formerly conducted r eek since the fieshet Trank Smith time in <>rdt*iing the ."t’cet C(»mnii"si«»ut*r mine liooaed at*»mt are uaoiy lorn up and The candidates came «»ut with th«* ground- i icked up one valued at $2 50 Lot Sunday. lu repivr the roads leaning < u» «»f tuwn s not Himwu Low al manner. 1 be -urplus n ibl­ municali*»n is e.'lubli'lied with the outside badly Ike tucks arc dain.igvd. The basin lo h g, and, like that animal, most ot them will be Wi.l slay uul. Représentative Price of Tolu was here worid. The charter iiieniberUup No withstanding ihe railr»*«d blockade own treasury wa- raise«! by tax for the mme I* bad.y li jure i, about 4ob yarua uf oieak- t w«m \ -five or more, including several during tlie forvpart uf th«* *e<*k. He in­ CIUM Waler having g me uul. lb*- slcambt»al Notes, receipts due-bills, drafts etc , in ( U s « fl' .-ou hern Oregon from the oUtsid»* «special puip'»"t* «»f fixing our hiebw.iy", forms us that little damage was done by the •WCCP " rioee bisleis Was v-aUgh in the busin hook form handy and first-class, at the word, ih* I imes « ontii'U»*" to ItfTnisb the and a goo-.tly portion uf it sheuhl be dis !ruin Jacksunville. freshet m that vicinity. • atest news from every portion oi the coun­ nurse i tor that purpose. mu I wm lie un ibe li..e ui li.e cuuniy road 1' imks office. Bridge timbers f .r i»»ur l*r dges to the try. Levi Morris, who has been al Iiilrnt dur­ until the baam » nu be repair»d Pile mei- north of Medford were load« d on ihr con Num« r *u" bams »»it up|" r R“uu<‘ riv«.r Ail those who want to work can cet JI 80 chants ui the lu*n sustained da mag s 1» stru‘turn tram at this pl ot lust »Sunday, ing the blurka«L , will remove hi" family O. E Rose and R. Benedict each lu"t f«*li b n a'b their biini«*n of »*u«»w. n I id rP a: an ot ,t»ud- uggi e^alilig probably *uO,UUU and (>o..rd i er day by applying tu the ran lheworkoi straightening up the roadbed trom Wiiitvis, Cui., to southern Oregon, as a go< d deal < 1 f* nc tig l»v tlie high Water« mg B F. Feart s, Weav» r’s ami J« ff John The- daiuugt -a» iue a >» 1 n iu*l s ise&lima. rd r«>ad company. between this place and l ow creek can\» n soon as spring opens. ot rtmmpsoii creek ami At pbgite, almo«t '-on'" l»»g ba n 1 he - h o-h u*r in lin- alllu.UUU. and lu ibe Excelsior and "bo dy R S Dunlap is able to be about again, as will go f* rward rapidly now. The un est ami fre-best mackerel ju"t re­ half a mile of rails 6« in,’ di-pluced ut t ach ¡lower I rail cre-k iti'ti nt was almost flat luiila <1 ubuUl u.-ual, nd wiil (*oniinen»*e gardening s< on, ceive 1 at the & F. Variety Store; also ottier place. ( ten»d « ill, »he weight • f the sli<»w causing Lui cheers greeted the c.nsti uctiun for th»'purpo>e of furnishing this market table delicacies. * We regret to learn tha» S H. I ’< »ok's fully han 'll»* b gs to flv from their places .rain which pss;ed o . and hope look the place oi H. Pape’« iugh the uniduess of Emil Bnit. uh > pre- inct succumbed P> the Le.ivj i>n.w ruine i by th»- tioo«i, mu< L of hi" felicin*.’ ! Staph-." of all kinds are »can »»n icrount di spomiency among our citizen**. Ti.t-des­ ‘ ' mu- t'Mj - e**|H-< ial ttlitniion to the lain gauge ai d high waler. and considerable good land being wa-lit«! [of ti l- r»il < cais wus Cow creek canyon, win re the ! rhereof ha" r .isel temporarily. In "•■me away. No mails have arrived for a month, and are enamed lu »laie that the pr«*cl|»iiall<>n ! < t the town- in th-* va ley 'here is n • "tigar. men v\ ill find t mnloy merit for sunn-time tu lu." h ••lue in Ja<*ks«>nville. We learn • I tie death, _ _. on 1 h» __ 4th __ inst., of <■ fl« e. bacon, potatoes, bean-. vt< . Jaun«iKy, and return«d H. il Wolters, the mixologist, ha." re­ liulin the saine day, accompanied by A. 8. «eased I ü e iv« iv»- -uryiving a hu-bin*l and I cepting sug ti and p »iatoi s, and em»ugh oi 1st, I 15 ux-hes; Sumiay, Eeb 21, 2.18 If y» u need anything in the shoe I n»*, opened the saloon formerly kept by A. 11. Han*m no an-l Mr-. Hyde liic ies; M h day , F« b. 3d, 2.62 uh hes; I ues- don’t fail tu ex mine Reamts A White’s eif.-ht • hi.dren, th»* y* un,;« st a babe of lour t:.ose arti<-.(-" tor a short time. ‘ arl.-un, thoroughly refitting it and mak­ months. I day, Pen. 4ib, ¿7 un b«s. Tula», 6.52 tine, large stuck. 11 er< will b*- no m»»re trouble if ’ or ihi- Hon. Thro cHrner* n returned from a ing many improvement.". lit has suppn» d llHving l>e.-<>ni<* hMtihtied that Jack- no nes. Wednc-day luurnmg. F< b 5ti>. H L. Pegg, w h»> wa" one of the j*ir«»rs at wint» ronihe score <»f ii-h b ing imped -1 the bar wilh ll;r Hillel wm» >, liqu". *, and trip to Grant Puss yesterday. Hr reports IB^V* " vv - • . * ■*' about hall an inch mure tell. Dunn: the Yesterday attemoon was stormy, rain the a<>j*»ur».e*t term of ihe < ir«u.t court, ►onvilh* it* nt ill the I h -M trading M«»-f of t’»t* dnui" Cigars, ami a fine billiard table can a.-u ue much damage having brui dour in Jose ( •ur days oi th»* siorm more ram leh than fating -tv»*ral hours ami some -n«»w fa. ing ha i ot retui n -d hum«* at a-t uecounta, in running up stream hav • g ne‘»u*, imi there wi»l be a chance to found there. Give niiu a call fur he wii. phinr county by the lat»- fl»»od. dur*ng the ni> e month- troin January 1. on tlie higher hills h iving m»t be« n heard trom .«ime lit* left k(ei the anni bu 1 ier- fr »m ml inging the treat you w. II. point in Southern Oregon, • for and E J. Ktiser, who has been at Yreka. 1889. tu October 1, 1.889. The total lor the The A"hland amateurs gave ’ rhe Last E«gie P«»int. new law t»v obstructing tl e » liani els in t e vrral w»rk" |»a"t, retun.e«l to < lutter A <’<>..the Me if »rd artist", prepar­ Cal . for month ui January, l«t<>, was 8.46 inches, we liave received intuì» Dwr.L r." in ih* f * t'iilh w il ? ave ed a series of tl*oi photo-, showing the Ash .and a lew days ag . having walked l i e ht-iii water abov«- ai d the total fui lue season si a-.e il.e first L af” at Granite hall »me evening hist “Cwtorlait bo well adapted to children that I Cesteria ______________ w____ _ eure« _____ Colle. _______ Constipation. pl» nty of ti"h next reason, il they a c sie ri Bear cret-k bridge whin the wuter was al the rnlir« «ii-tance between the two pl iers. "iilerabh* 11 jury in li 1 • •I Ociuber last is n I.trie »»yer 27 mcnes week to a fair audience. ! L recommend it at superior to any pretcnpUon I Sour Stomach, l’iarrhœa, ¿ruotatimi. <1 de-11 in ."•»me di.-fri is. i; highe-t and Hamm« n- bun still »tu mi­ cau rd by the lute siorm was J W. Ii ward of Grant’s Pass, one of Nearly seven inches of rain fell in this w ae damaging ih ■ mil - aaown to tn* * IL A. Ancua. M D., | r ‘,U -- ------------------ ----- aaU pruiuiA*« di* KÍñ» Worms, give* sleep, large iy owing in .hr high temprralurr, 4U ▼ ,emits on the first tour «laysin tlie month. rt»urmg mill.", besides gestion. Jpm.te troni II. R Brown, "O|»ervi-‘»r <1 ll 4 ou the further side, nu*l subsequent Joséphine county s mo-t enterprising biisi XU bo* Oxiord ÖL, iíTooklju, N. Y. | Without considerably. pu tint s shown.g the bridge in vunuu" usurious niwliostina degrrva above xeio bring th»* lowest re­ What section can beat il ’ ^fo* Brown-b »ro r*»ad •ii"triT -tm " that’ i e-s men. whs in this section a few days ¿tapes <>f d« mold ion after the barn bad " nee for the purpose of laying in supplies corded during the four days, while ihr mrr T hs Csirrava C ohpast 77 Murray Street. N T. Robinson Wright informed us that J. N/ th** bridge a ro s Little Bll’te ere» k m Cmt Mi.VII . Send the T ime « to v»mr friend» East, or cury range I ss high as 52 iegrees above in he had run out of. p.ace is again all right for <-r«»-"ing Ihe hvaflrtnu'ii- whicti t-au-*ed a vast quan­ at any other place, it answers better than I homa.i revived s. v»-re injur e- while on north approach to ib»* bridge was swept Oliver Dews of Bip Applegate was in the return t' hi" burn«- in Luth BuHe pre ­ all the letters you can write. tity uf sUuW m tfir moun'aiiis io mrit. I EM R A L POI \ T POI NT F K.". lacksonvill«* one «lay this w.jrk, and in­ cinct from Medford. He is mu ii better HWa) by the fl »«•iei< b of A*hland pre»-inct yesfer- now, however. forms us that the Applegate was l igher ly r» » «»ven d and r« phi ed in position, so da\ d«ciar«d hi" intention of becoming a Attenti,.»! Jam h I> -w.iii g -Ost ab» ul eight acres . f hi that section than ever before known, i iie 8 r line cicek bri Ige approach was li,ai trarel was suspended lur less than a I fine Ian * at hit pin -e on Bear « re«-k by the and did much damage. —tl.e few bave too • iti*« ”. of the lT:dted States. Th* a inigh y "Wingim- ar< uml *l«»wn stream *n theeu.-t w eek. few. The tl MXl ami ibe many have too Peter J. William" arrived in 'he val'ey, many Th.- annual a« hod meeting* will -oon b»- - de • f :b • str« aiu bu: tlie -uoerv is *r uf A for* e <»f w »ikmvu bave been as a f- ot pass» tiger from Portland, la*4 niaiiv -h' U d -t rive io "«Ve a par t of each h’ l l. and it is time the various (lei k- were that «li-inet w.ii -oon have it in coii(liti«>u ( ’ ! r!» v H 'gwho returned to his for bu"v ilo iing the we« k between Gold H I “ There is* a iuak ng preparation." tor them. (loi «r »heb comes by toil. week, af'» r u sucrrsstul < ruise of seven- f»*r ( russii g ayain. «nd Grant’" Fa-", and with the ex-» pm n m* r hoin<* in low i. is k< eping books in a l«-rn «‘ay-, thirteen of which were con­ GROCERIES, Etc., I’rtS**, o egon, where l»lN«*e . in Graii — The 8. F. “Examiner ” is the best paper iMin-ymn be -MVed wli* n buyinz. .It pH) s 1 he Boscbey p*!ac«- on Applegkh* l ist i of a few "lumi bn ge« that >»« turn of ili - large e*ta 1 shim nt th- re sumed tn going twenty miles ----------- O ------------ i- nlui«»*t rtaiy f >r t raffi auam. Th4( i to buy there Gu h» tii« K*-'i Sfar st*.re on rhe coast Don’t fad to leave your «ub- much f»-.icing ami -< me very choice la-d, track H. Magruder, Jas Wrich’ and Prof. M«*ssrw Dodge, Hull and B»ck of (»old ... ro-s . ..__ i Rogue I?. . i . >. rive: ■ i vi> ■ ha- Iti - been r i, i* 11 r > .1 : r > < d 1 * ■ budge .. ai r * I pair« the creek changing its « bannei so ( a I. aiiu buy 2 i ■ ipcF" net ti es for A«'. , 3 bol th ■» scriptcm" at the TlMFsotfice. H *ll w « t »- ain«»!»g the many who wervat Hi we «• in town We challenge* the reader to successfully controvert the assertion that Which will I k ? placed on sale at «■ day last w. « u. »« - and a train uf c« IJMrUClluii » «TH k»ad* d " , chii- j gto.i >ewir tt o a« bine < il h»r 25» J ack- *nv illc on Tut s iav. lower prices than the Mm b work i." being done on the differ future raise may carry away the best p«»r • oiiipaim «1 b. Mr. Milh r .»n « xi*ett for the an acre of thrifty, well-cultivated, producing orchard trees in the val­ with bridge timber." pas-ed m-rth fr* in itr a " fl 25 -bi»»*» lor KN.; la-iies SI SO ent roads* to make th-m passable again. tion ol the ranch. Ihe Hoagland place wa- badlv washed b!an«i us s«»on a- his fresh«ts have reduced the quantity of b t- Dr. Lappeus. ated throughout, and our old stock no matter Low dry the season. nât on, having been three days and two vited to visit the Red Star Store. Grant's hearse,» a*"k« ts un«l g'jud-can arrive tbr* ugh i tom land mure than two-ihirds. A barn I. B. Williams last Monday sold out hi" nights in making the trip Fa-", Oregon, where the price" are aston- is about dosed out. District chrks should cutnmence taking tbe blockade. They were shipped from 1 at Mr. Hannah> place collapsed under the livery stable and liv«» stock, e«|uipage, etc . i"hiiigly low. Re-jiectiuliy. F E. Bybee bad a narrow escape from tbe census of school children in order to Chicago «ome weeks ago. snow. W. E D kas . .. Califurnian, ‘ '..!Z....... ............. ¿ 2 to be the rustling • ir..wnmg in Bear creek, near Central lu other words au acre of producing fruit trees has a valuation of to a said report at tbe March school meeting. Ntephen Beers of Pleasant creek was in Call and int*|>ect the _ ----------- W.K. Price of Tolu is one of tiie flood "of­ Fitti Fradtnburg. P in', last Friday, when returning from $1000. It is better than any bank for the bank is sometimes carried Improvements lu Jacksonville. Genuine Log I’abin maple syrup, the ferers benefited by tlie affliction.-o to speak tuwn and c ill» d on uh las» M -nday nio n ns father's ranch on Rogue river. His iiw. H»- reports bridges and washc ^* Many cit tens » f thi< place attended the into Cauada by the cashier, Dame nature a trust-worthy guardian — yuPe a number of iinprovenients are go­ be"t and purest in the market, fur sale at H»- had a rocky bur on ins ranch .on which a i tX funeral ot i-am Constant nt Jacksonville h<»r*e went down iu the quicksand twice, • d» p >-it ( f about f2uo worth of upper B ar •jut badly in his district, ami h«* was hunt- ing < n in town since the flood, nearly the 8. F. Variety store. Try a can an ! Frank ha«i tina ly to abandon the takes care of the principle, and the dividends never fail. Of course if jftig authority to rebuild bridges. Fords are » r <* N>n Tues lay last. U p deceased was a gril ­ ihereby king everybody who was d imnagtd _ I uf the bridge" a<*r*»*s Rogue river? creek valley soil was made. ^all dangerous crossing. He reports that »at [ Meman in every sense ......................... ......... li lid animal and swim ashore, the h*»rse making you plow your orchard mice in twenty years, and rob the trees of tlieir of the word engaged in making repair*. hi- way out some distance down stream.*. Geo. .... H“!«'*- __ g , Point and Gold Hill, have been rr- Ever brought to the county-eeat. Deskins post»-tflee ha" been with»wt mail the dam in Evans creek, near Geo. Meger I highly respected by all. he Htirtd . ami are perfectly «ateagtdit. rebuilding hi" biacK.-iuithsh»>p on the |<( 1 lot „^paired Wm. Herrington call» d on us last Mon« nourishment by making a cornfield of the orchard ground, aud invite f. more than a monih until the last trip le’s place, ha" g *ne «»ut. and fi"h pre run­ purcba"« d of Mrs*. Sarah JustU". and Fred W. II .»pg and wife will make a visit da\, just in from I>e"kjns, hav ng been Construction trains are now in the vaBey of th»* carrier H. 8» rit ner.who made the trip ning plentifully in upper Evans creek lor to their old imme at Monticello, Iowa, m eiwh'. »lavs on th«* r«»a«l —three (lays water­ the birds and orchard pests to make a restaurant of your orchard, you in a lew days resume bu.*dne»s tbcie. J. C. through 4’a f«-» t of sn >w. having to go mi the first time in years. Whippis rvbmhhng bis marble works on and the damage d«»ne t»» Ibe railroad in foot th«* last y miles of the oltn-r relatives of Mr. H. big timber, und repot is lesnients getting Sentimental and comic valentines — hmd- Fly male is reconstructing bi" livery stable, tl«e county jail, does not seem t > have a A C. railroad, who had been steadily p»*g. A dramatic enterta nment will be given al*»ng very well, no shortage ol provisions a considerable portion of whicu wa." in­ "f.nie ami ugly—in quantities to sun al the very high opinion of tlie much-talk»d- gir.g away at the blockade in the Si"kiyous, as far as known, and prospects good fur 8. F. Variety Store, Jacksonville. ab’dit freedom of America H»- is loud in showed up at Steinman last Saturday w th «»n the evening ot th«* 21't for th»* benefit of light losses uf stock. jured by the snow »n»I water. John T»ep- With half the care yon giv«' wheat-fit-ids, and it will yield an income per i" repairing his premises, which were J. F. Wilson has removed from this place hi- condemnation of our officers ami laws. five engines and all necessary apparatus. the band, when that w«dl-known diaina, Cor« 3d and £ Strooto, Among the Breakers.” will be given. Our It 1« «»aid that they did more effective work «I m » b oily damaged. Dr Sommers is re­ to rniuntuwn precinct, where he has en­ on a valuation of JKXIO an acre. There is not a wheat-field in this Douatlou Sociable. Considerable apprehension from high bee* 1.1.ent will be m the east of characters , than any other corps at work south of Ash ­ building h s iences wa-h»d away by Daisy tered the employ of H. D Russell. water i" till felt in the fooih'.ll secti«ms, as land, and they certainly «Irserve the credit ■nd no doubt full justice will be done. PORTLAND. OR.. cieek. Besides these, a number of oilier be a donation pound sociable county which yields such an income, and EVERY orchard does. Fresh buckwheat and graham flour, oat­ gfea! boiiies uf snow on tlie mirth ini suits of having opened the road through the S h - Don't fail to attend. at the M. E parsonage in Jacks nviHeon improvements are being made. We projgtse to sell you an acre of fine alluvial soil, within cannon meal, trilicum. germea and other articles w*»uld be re ease»! b\ a continuous warm kiyous. Containing lai, well furwiateoA. Tue-day evening, cvei ir.g, February 18, lspi A shot of five growing towns, dose to the steel rails of a trans-continental Jas. Wright is now in charge of the We— Tuesday ram, and tlie soil is everywhere tilled with iu this line at the 8. F. Variety Store. The snow was not so deep in the big tim­ trop stable m «1 t rvpared to furnish first- cc-rdiul invitation i" extended to everybody. ---- THE BEST----- water. The Latest Kaliroad News. railroad, in the most beautiful valley on the slope of the Pacific, with Ma". S. J D ay . | ber as was anticipated. At Aiken's saw­ class outfits of all kinds on short notice. 1 he welcotue“car-born”i« heard again in M bs . W J P lymale .J- T ’ om. mill it at no tune exceeded five feet in There wa* general rejoicing when it was one hundred growing, thrifty producing fruit trees, to be selected by He also boards horses by the day or week By what can be learned front station the va ley, even if we to not have mail ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE Miw A unks G ihsoa , j learned the Rogue river biidge. ami the i «1» pth, while at I’ .ion creek a man named at r< figures. Jim is an old band agent» und tlioae who a'e supposed t . be coinntuiui ation with tire oulntde world. you. Buy it for a home to shelter you if adversity or the winters of county bridges across Butte creek at Eagle - Hudson, who put in the winter there and at th« business and guarantees satisfaction. -.t informed, it in .y be a few wreks be- IN THE STATE. L* »"ses of Mock in the t. otbilh have been Holla und Carbunrlri Cured. old age overtake you and find you jx'iiniless. • forr the ratiroad norm ol Grunt'» Puss wnl heavy already . and ‘f ( old spring rain., pie- Point ami across Antelope at Linkswiler’s came out the rains began, re- Don t fail to give him a « all. port« that it was about 11 feet deep there pia» e, hhd not b *t n carried away try the For veurs I have been constantly b“ in r< nditiou aca n for regular tr.fti *, vail ioaaeit will be luueb more extensive. I Free Buses to and from the Hotel. at one tune, but ha." now settled down to Fred Downing s ranch suffered to the ex­ trouble I with humors in the blood, which storm. owing to the greut d.niag»* done in the Cow about 7 feet in depth. Hudson wa* sup­ tent ot eight ur ten acres of good land, caused tin* bre.iking out ot boils and car­ creek -ecln.-i It may be necessary to The T imks lia» the mo-t complete job No Chínese employed him ! rw» deviation in Tbe S.iu Ermcisco “Examiner” will in­ posed to be dead for some l nr-, hs hr «'id which fell into the creek, besides a wash­ buncles a!l oyer my bo«iy, that when bu ld frr.tu twenti t • forty mile* ot entirely office ...utli of Albany and turn, out tbe for charges. We give away the land. Pay us $10 a month, 10 cents a tree, clude lot No. IH, in Myer'**addition to Ash- ! not show up tor upwards of two months. M»-aIs 25 cents; lodging Ä eent« to .Ml cents. out in the center of his field, caused by »be bruised wou’d make a lasting, ugly sore. new road He re, th ugh a t. mhorary toad be.t prtnling at Han Francisco price». land in ¡t- n»-xt L-raioi pnz** drawing, of overflow current, uf several rods wide ami I consul'» d m«nv eminent ph.vsi«-ians and two years, and we will present you a warranty deed of the acre, ami ■nay lie built around the dittli-ulty Laige Language i" hard.v strong enough to ex- wlii* h aiinoui*» » no nt will be made in «lue Tlie »< hool‘itrectora of A.hlanii di.trirt anoui 50 ro«ls long. zY great quantity of took a great deal <*f iu»*dicine without any GUARANTEE it ,<> Lave a thrifty, growing, producing orchard. E. LEWISTON. Proprietor. ui d smail »¡ides uie continually ociurrmj time Tbe lot was purchased two week." • press my admiration of th«- merits of debris was deposited on his aliaiia field. percept lb «» bem fit Nothing helped me on tl.e road south of Ashland, us fur as met and eipiamed the late assessment ag* i f< *r I’JiJU. I <’hamin ri »in's Cough Rome iv. It is the Despite these facts the farmers of tlie country continue to value o£ the district Iasi Friday and Saturday. but Fwift’s JSpecitn- (8. S. 8 i That medi­ Reddin, . Cal .but fur who Ii traffic to and best renien(l;(i«.n tor the resumption of trnflic. will ta* on ihe southern route tn- social parly at ihe t . S. Hull tn tbeevenmg. month we have been without mails of anv inent cough mediemrs on tin- market, but With the subsiding of ihe waters it be any kind on my bo»iv. of India. “Exjxirt the wheat of a country and you ship sway the vital­ M ichael M u H alk , Hulu, Neb COUNTYLANDS aide of twu weeks. kind or from anv direction, if we except « an.c appare it thar th«* main channel of Thia railroad bl aiftade is Incoming quite what little we gel from ■ ur own county on •;«y. ati-l w ith pleasure, tu *. that Ch imb«*« ity of its soil,” says a great economic writer. The peopl». of Jackson the (reek is still under the bridge, and it is ' la-.n's C«»ugh Rrinedy i" th«* best o all;, amt everybody is very horseback. says T hom \ s R hodes . Baker-ti* Id.Cal if rnia. thought that safe approaches can bebmli i , A Singular Arridrnt. county should learn this as an axiom. MARRIED, anxi.rus (*>r a change an t right now, too. Two of T J. Kr»"-’ ch '«Iren f»ll into i F«»r s.sit* at C‘< v D.*ug .'"tor«*, Jacksonville to it. One corner o( the bridge is badly Every bread-winner at the forge or near the cutting saws, or in La»« Tu*-‘l»v ifG-rti*''.««. a- W T. Lee»»» -uiH eqrbqt when the water gets down to WAGNER-BARRA - At tin residence of E. a> *t wife *.(«>ntr»l Poiiu precin.-i were rr I As is n il usually the case tn winter, the JackRtm (reek ,i-t Fri<1 iv, while attemj.t- [ami by Engel Br«».s Plunnir. andhvgak - Cutter iu Medford February V. 1HW. by L. L. Bound of the hum of the shuttles, or the thunder of the factories, or Ihe new county across Elk its normal stage it is thought it cau tie turning Ix.nir ln.ii> inle >!i»". e on the fu I r*.a*l between tins pace and Medford 1» mgtocroS' that stream on a h ot|<>,«, Hmi Bt-«*t IsHIKl io the alnlVf OMJUticS, Angle. J. T.. F. G. Wagm-r MM IßM toiling lute over desk and conuter, should study our plan well. the waters of i iglhr 1, at least for lu nporary use. It means nt ral ol I« h »‘ « uuntui.t, b*.th «1 them uecii ' belter Ilian that leading to Central Point would liave drowned i,ui »'«»r ihe i ojtjly as I rreck-till stand", ail To rent for ■ t<-rin of y»*art». Ata», Mina May Barra. pyinjr tie r.»' M*.rt i“ the h,r<'. in winch A few copies ol the American Hel’ler. M."i im e i^rd« r»d by Marshal 11» Ims and the cri*e»v were on a b-v«d wi'h its ti r for a home for a life-timeout of the meagre savings of 2 years’ work. A ack ^ offinemaihin >' rvit . several hours Fortunately the ( riti'*ul DELAYED STEAMBOAT HlA’Gh. th, , ,.f rnl'i'ir the» were i recipiliUed ¡Guide, slantlard authority tin all luml others nvi.r nt bund Alfalfa MndKu*ar-Be«*t lo«nr»r*r <*ie. ft jvhiie crus.«lnr.’ j matters, may be Iound al tin* T ims » office. 1 E. Nichol- is putting m cuttie sca es drifting against it, and the re-ident« of ihe 111.* r the accom­ Tract» af ¡'rata ‘it^A errata ¡jftryr JONliS-ln I ’ niootown precinct. February 2, The high water of last week washed out modation of the stuck men <.f the Butte upper country «till have something to be vid. be. ween Thompson creek and $leam- einnr.uo“ «“>• «*»*. ‘•IV* '•everely injured, Tract» »aituUlc Write to us, and we will send you our illustrated Lxx»k of this great 18UU. to Mr. and Mrs. Cliaa. Joutw, a son. i ihankiul for The deep sn w on the boat creek, Mr I ,u»tui“i“g brin*>es hih I injune* In all the U>h trat ft, dams, etc. and several creek section. Frank Brown is superin­ Ki^rney St re«-t, San Francisco. th>- hack of Li*, heuri and neck, beside:, hav» troubled question* have thus been settled. tending ihe wora. 1’iie scales have long mountain« on upper E k ere» k took up the HERRINGTON—lu Flounce Uns* waler like a "pong *, or the bridge wollM A. Ball snralnxt hi* knee hv gett •»»*» in^ three rib» hr. knt. which may prove iff -'ll'* only a question of tune," and a I been needed there. down asleep mountain. a verv acriuu* nature, while hl*, wile G | * n«-1 company orueiuu meir agent cesMira. ‘fl is him» t<»o*l *w. •Isu Miff. Ill K ‘ onsl.ierabiy m>m yrui-e» ti“u wit, yield io Hood's Sarsaparilla. Try I at A-hlaml to put do men at work on the DIED. Last "inter ................ Mr. H l< •' Kinl ade, collector Steve Oyster ha- been stopping nt A. W. i.lid internal “-juries. Both Mr and Mrs __________ .. Company, at Hueater's since lli<-snow storm commenced, the Unit« . »1 . Stat« - Express 1/ line south - f pla< e at once. The com­ 1 for it. L were contimd «•> «*’« accuui.l». I d the Town of pany I n paving $1 *M0 per «lay ami board. Des Moines. low . was severely troubled bis cabin being unsafe to live in. ANBElÔiiiN- At Ihuiilx. January SI. tsvo. Don't fait to read lteame- A White's new Mrs Jeanl.* Anderson relict of the inte J. R. WRITSMAR, ViM>-Pr«.ld,•n,. spring shoes adver* isetu. nt Tlieir stock j All the men thatcan h.* had are belt g put ¡with chilblain«. The swelling and intense The mail has to be carried on snow shoes A Great landslide. W. F. READ. President . Albert Andcrmm «nd daughter ur K. K. > itching of hi" Get was a gieat annoyance to work in the 8iskiy»»u-. t T. lekrat I,IC G*P"‘ t» "*« 1 »*• »*»* ” er*' »” »»*e is the large-t ever brougut t■> tbe plate by Devenney, ! to him. He trie«! several remedies without from iiete to 1. B Houston's o.i 111 >m|e J. K. ELOERKIN,H«. .nSM.uM« J. W. CUSICK, TnMumrer We are sorry t » hear of the death of the ¡benefit, but foi tunat* ly hough t a b* *»lle ot ! «oncr j.'k thesnov, being ton deep to go efl.ct llialib“ »h* le ,I«*’«»",““‘ ‘■«‘I*' »l>>«''a- them. on horseba. k acron.*, the mountains wile of Alvah Kmg!»ton. which look plai e , ,.w ,-rcvk < »iiyoii. ‘.ear tl»« »e»‘ lvfk* •“O | Chamber’.on’s Pm: B; Ini. Ha sav" »>e Jos. Bouden has b. en appointed alnim Siskiyou County, Cat, rru-heudoati m«‘> tl»e > the fM*Kl* tsiiai'r ol the estate of Mm Smart, de­ I at their residence «»n Dry creek a short I jiily applied it three t n4es until his ffJet | Shearer, Fi'iiu y A Co. expect to have to HORSE AILMENTS. Ill ipi mr *i.<> . completai» dammliiK up the . baii- ceased and elsewhere giv.s .mttce to that tuio- Nine»- Stie was a daughter «4 Thus were entirely well ami tree from it< king i move tlieir hydraulic pipe from off the Martin oi Tr «p creek ai •) a highly respet t- • and "welUf g For’ale at City Drug *S»or»*, | ,>«A a;xt torinuiH a i*ki* »beve it. burying effeut. bridge across Steamboat creek, being ec! ami amiable voqng Woman. Feponret, Til., Jacksoiivd e, ami by Engel Bros., Phu nix. i I afraid of iligh water taking the bridge awav . tlx- liai k ¡Ü aalet tu .11 ud O Ow levi dv< J>. 1 he breaking lit tlie billktirad of Squaw May 20,11*8». Tl.e ake report««! *r*'U‘ l»u 10 tlir-e tmr-fourth down, (»alancc within six. twvlw Parties coining down from upp» r Rogue For tlie restoration “I failed and gray hair O C. t'uly's stock ate doing well, not­ My mars ». an St mile, loll »"I at“'Ut hve bundled kel Las* Minn g 1 O .er I *us y duin.ged sev. ral ... r report much damage fr in »uow, I nd « ight«*en months. » rigtnal color und irr-linvss Ayer*« farm* bel “ *7neurly ruiningB. Arrasmilu ’ .s ' to its *t . oi..i m ,1 ir...lo,. .. a ,*».’• river withstanding the deep snow He lifts plen ­ Sts- map nf Railroad Depot for graded prices., cold: result : »welled amo»» A* one disu.’ier after anoltar tall*« Hair Vigor remains unrivaled. I’I uh is ' wash« u uts and floods. I he roads arc badly oraddroas D. H. HASKEL. ui.on ibt- raiiroal company, d *'*- place. lints.' lumpbelwcn ' washed out, but otherwise not in worse ty of hay tod*» them lor two mouth- yet. | the ino-t popu ar ami valuable toilet prep- Town-Site Ag» nt C. P. K. K.. San Francisco. i Ay that time no doubt there will be plenty rol„e»a im-st acerUinty ll-Hl ae will hav* fore-1*** «nd Influx- A force of railroad workers, numbering ! uration in the wor d , all who use it are i condition than usual at this seanou The notumn.uiiic.iion by rail with the nunb SOn, from the St-fttyuus. are reported on the mellón. Cured h«r snow hue is rapidly receding, and the south uf grass I perf» ct!y saiisfiv»! that it is tlie best. ( hillsides will soon support sleek Tr.e fur some weeks. way tosaslal the (urce* at w rft tu Cow creek with SU Jeeobt OIL The recent storm caused W. E. Finney A lieHUtiful young lady b 1 l'.ogue ri bring»* at 'ck was not L.O.GAKDNKM. canyon and Ed shearer to slop work on their ’ disfigured with p tnpics «ud biotcb-b that i »Ojured, altliou. h the road was badly quart» ledge They will re-ume work as probate Court. If lite pleasant w»ather prevailing •’1 )t ,.arnl *bat she W 'iiul die of grief, • sluiced but on the w« st s»imp etelv . ured. renches near |'i.||ie R*a»k, and some cutting the snow to their mine They have a wed wctv l ill probftte < uurt Judge bell preslff- menced throughout southern Ort g n iu a I detim d ledge 3U inches thick and a good limit ; * . . . ..... l“« ol lb<* (aire.t (if the fair, in« -inve **ur I*«' report wn« done on good soil. prospect. E-i. -.ff Job» "ol»»'«l “r,,er ,',r on hind leg; *uff»r*4 ( ' JK.i A K. Jas. Here'y ha* been making regular Perhaps the readers of the TlM» would Pu'i’l forft.-t tbit even* first premium 10 month*; was cured hy Sv J*cob* Oil; cure «Al«- of i i - h I y. tripsun Ibe Butieire.* mail rout«, and like tu know in what respect Chumiierlain’s February 1, I*»“. E-tuiv t»l F. McHrtlton* i.tuc orile* »» Wm Bedding Is able «u go a* far a* Mur­ HW,.r.i*‘I al Ibe .listnct fair fur tine photo* , Cough Remedy is belt» r than any other. has remalnsd permanent. W. J. CLINK- graphic work was cairied off by Logan, ,, E*t'ateof A Shearer. Sale of real prop- phy creek. the Alhiami photographer, for hi- unrt- We will tell you. When this Remedy is t taken as il ’ iected, «yj. <<> . us a ( vid h ijj Mr. John A. Cleary, bexton of Oakwood C. B. Matney's place wa* considerably valf‘1 portraits and views Whvnyouwant i bem v ontru t( a, ana bpfore it bus oecoine JOS. CAIRN SIMPSON, IGq, B*c. r*Hfle trtv cutjfirme»!. ‘Uwilt'k E-t«te«»t ruumr heir« of 1. r. Bean. RE­ damaged by me Applegate, winch lias a tine picture st »■ sin'll', pr'ce "al! uu I settle^' in the system, i' will counteract, the cemetery. Waco. Texa*. says: —ASK FOR---- Cout BloolHore® Areuclxtlon, **y.: -Being Specitic (S. S. S. I is a sure cure for any <1. - (•"i ' r cut a channel through a portmu ol h.s al fcmili»r with «h« rem.rkabl, eflcey of SU eflv« t of the cobl and preaVy Irs-tui tl" we- scription of blood poison. About a year 1 he 1' imks is under obligations to numer |v»TI|y1 U Hot vile»dually cure tlie cold ill nx<> 1 contra, ted a poisonous blood dis­ falia patch Jacob* CM1. I cb**rfullr uni heartily Indore. punned adtuiiU’Halor ami two days' time; audit is the «mly remedy ease. and tried a number of remedies with­ Uu, y«lu»bl« «p«cl£c for painful ailment»,* For the belt glassware, crockery, etc «»us friends fur assistance rendered in kd , .............................. the last two issues into the hand" of (hat appraiser*.______________ ..._ will 11 do ’ this. It acts in perfect harnio out avail —plain and lam y-go to the S. 1- \ anety ting I was about to become dis ­ sub"cribers in th " and Jo««-ptiine countie« b > __ - .......... ..... ....... .. ............. ny with nature and aids nature in relieving heartened. all* r. a frteud induced me to I Store. Prices very low aud satisfaction Pioneer Mall Service. ! We have be»*n coiup» lied to u-e the means the - iung", the s«* ret’ >n> ’ I Mm ()*• try S. S. fe Hon. ODEN BOWIE. Ex Governor of Mary­ Front <¡'»«1 "m-'lsonly <••»« ’»«xx' Vejo- ..... r- vprniiig . 1 After taking a part of one And al) of gu iranlei d. ! I employed in pioneer times for the past few ¡n ng the I’.’UCii* and « ..«.sing it’s *i,n,,i «w ‘- m p ”***.......... -■■* -* **- ■ reme«-!y j ... result», and bellova it the best remedy for tba wieUedareUMm. B*«ry Address , r»«p« pigs. I «bruttili thaï ei**»ii a** «f I »■* tliroiijih 'hl* I kv' 'h* r retini 1; >li’f |>r stage, uver tbe »hi route via Wolf . reek J. tn tbe vall«y Sa I kt Br« “.*' a > Id »<• qUlt'klv q“' h Hl. 1.1 n <4 Hl*". IhAtgl*» county. Will f W Ayers y»letu "Valem tn in a« a* found ruund a < n, umlitiou. ad a--ub-cunlractur for the railroad ciu- plans and spec fl ntmns for the new Linn fr.,1.1 a 1 nv .Be. an t 1“ w. I <-.oubtie?s have his stages on the road superintend its construction. He is altrst- [ WT a Y ER A SOIL uur auiburued aaenu lEogel Broa Bros., Pine nix. [Engel m .TTT avkrasoi I «¡Díte froety. moving the accumulated delayed mall tu a dass architect as well as mechanic. : 2 lew day«. Q-ilc Xu iUuiGan < . uuv - j HUE AND THUE. REAMES & WHITE’S, T LADIES, MISSES, GENTLEMEN AND CHILDREN. “X STAVER & WALKER'S Branch House, Medford, Dre?. The Housekeeper's Friend! HAWKEYE THE AMERICAN H grub ^ J. I.WE THRESHING MACHINES Enlîir^injf Business! CASTOR IA AT THE OLD STAND. Children Infants Most Complete Stock of New Goods "K1 Newman Fisher CULTIVATE YOUR ORCHARD INTERNATIONAL HOTEL ifr i!^ xvoirrii SLooo. FRESNO AND MERCED To Rent and for Sale I nnn?rHKM>FwHEAx inn nnn I uUyUUU ‘ "‘Hie Urchard Home Association. TOWN LOTS MONTAGUE, I?« S lì I'rcnanis FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. CAPITAL STOCK, $800,000. l’AIl> Ul\ eeo.OOO.oo ,OREGON WM. ULRICH, District Agent MEDFORD, OREGON CHOICE Garden Seeds I THE BOSS BOOTS AKIN, SELLINC & C0. S ;; THIS PAPER ÓC TO Slip A DAT