Oc Hemal tañí Ones Published every Thursday by the ADVERTISING AND JOB WORK. TIMES PUBLISHING COMPN’Y AdTcrttoementa will tx ina. rt.-d In th. TrMM Mt the following raf«*H: Ten lln»M. on»* insertion ..................... >2 fio '»u-li sul»t**qu»nt ins« rtion. 75 LegalHdv«-rni*vm«'ntt'in»M-rt<*d r«-M^>naMjr A lair r»«iu<*f ion from th«' above rat«« mactaw yearly and tim<* advert!»era. CH4H. AHCTÍKLL, Hdlt.r. NEW TIMES BUILDING OAcs—Corner Third and C Street*. THE TIMES JOB OFFICE rWKSONVILLE,OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1890 Itatas of Subscription: VOL $2 .10. 1 50. n. One copy per annum, in advance . •• six months........................... •• three months..................... OFFICIAL DIRECTORY la more complete by far than any other in nouthern Oregou. and corn par»« favorably with any In the State. Job Printing of every Imaginabled<«<*rfption done at San Franeiaco rat»«, and in a prompt and firat-claa* manner. 3 i FRANK GALLOWAY MISCELLANEOUS. MEDICAL. THE W.I/iKMA. FOREIGN IMMIGRATION. OMOXGROWIXG, THE WOLVES DII) XOT GET HIM. PORTLAND. The inimigmtiun question is getting On calling in at Watson, Hume «t Wat-1 Has—11<»(<117 per ton. There are beaver »laniH and other very STATE OF OREGON. into Iwtter shape for the country, in flpite Hops—Quote 5a6r per pound. son’s <»fii« e at Portland, arej»orter f<»unngrvHs to take Action Eggs 32(g over the tin» map <»f Oregon growing of onions. Onion* are easily L» g «1»mlnished pé-third iu size. < ondi- llrbl«-; Stal«- Tr« a*iir« r, <•«“». W. W «-bt>; Mat«* Lard —K«*gw, or galion tins, 8(<1 8 ’2r falling <-ff in tin* numlicr arriving at .AVk.l Ev. rylMXU Sb.mM.0Q and See the I... .. * - I grown en such land ami yield often 1000 t i« «ii Ii« «p«-li re. f *ed by the Cuticuru R» in» - per lb viij AI«»a*phii»c, l^*a»* an«l * ’ „ man. ___ It must be 1887 the enormous num tier of 387.597 Oregon lOfcilie; lamb- and ___ fall, , HXäUi Klaiuath v./unti«* Circuit Judge, L. K. WeD- »pent in rath»*r a novel lodging. The manure»! well; and if one has good seed F»«r thr« <■ y« iirs I wag alm««st crippl’d with «•I. r- lUMtrn t Att*»rn«-y. W M < olvig. Provisions—Bacon, Wtllc; hams, ‘ ' , 13c: immigrants arrived st lhe port ui New train with w hi«h he was traveling campts! and puts it iu am! cultivates it wdl the . iackson county ¡«n awful s< r«- h'jr fr««n>^niy knee «L«wn 1“ my shoulders, 9c \ufk,an»l in 1888 383 59.5 immigrants in Owyhee, Idaho, and he was »ent crop will lie extra good and veiy heavy. S»-nal««r. A.C. Stanley; R-pr»-a« ntativ« t*. J. I. ankle; th« skill was Hbtirely K«-n»'. an»1 th«- Win at—Valley,|1 2041 22;Walla Walla. entered this country at th»* same point. t1«-Hii wits on«* mare of »!ls< as«1. Hom»'physi­ Bowdilvh, R II Müh-r, W. K Pny«-. (vunty ahead acrons th«* lint* into Oregon to fin«l There is much in securing g»»l Sup« ritil» nd» nt, H. II ing all kint’s of r«-iniFS. nnd theremiit wa* as follows: Fred—B’-an, fl^$17; shorts. >210» city. Their numbers ate equal to the son ataked out his horse in th«* tall rye Joint 8<-nalor, W St < lair. R.-pr« s.-ntariv«- Aft.-r tbrkvd around for s«une Ml ■ vie!»! corresponds with manure u«m»i in 1 Meub Steady Beef, wh.drsale, 2|^a3<*; N-vada, f iregon. Klxxle Island, oi auj it upside down ami t rawled umier it. g«riMl True economy li»*« ih procuring J i MI.AMATH (OINTY «v«»v t • rp« 4-t. an»! n«»t a ztgn °f ill»1’iir* ><• t.‘ per It; drcNged <-f the ter« itorieii at the time of the last He «Ini not sleep mu«*Ji, liuwevei, under good seed. The yellow or silver akin is Joint S«-nal*»r. < A. <’«»•€*'*•,l> 1* hb »-: n« p- be man. r. (i.AHI'W' ('«».,Ga. dresBed. pc; CROCKERY, ETC muieovrr, iita “hr«!.” for as soon as ¡t was dark th»* numUre are, luuieover, r.-H».nirttiv«*.S P M »re «»f L.»k« ; < «miity Ju»l*r« . ' g ^' c ; bogs. (he-Mtil. 5^r; veal, 6<4>*c.; census. Their numbers a favorite with tliose who like otn»>na. W “ M«H»r»; C.»ininirei«»n«-r“. w « » rawT«»ni, only a part of those arriving in the wolves Iiegan to gat iter around and hel«l luinhb $2 00 t ach. * Skln.D)'1*“1-" •^Yroro, They are usually ri|»e and marketed !»e- L »• X.wt.-r; <’!• rk. A. L. I. avitt; Sh.-riff. M «.•III.•IIÜ-T. thwe M«.;-»l»..m.míiüa'i J“«:!;?“ Poultry—Quota chickens. |3 4 .50. f» r «country. ’ When ‘ " the returns are ___ made h»t'. ta • h ti n stdn an»! m*alp p. < Pikiere; Treasurer. Cha.*. Grav-.w; \re»M- fore th«- others, so th«* profit is increase»!. dtat-as«* f«»r tu*v«*fit«'< n y<*ar*. My h< aI<1 «tucks. . from other p»«iiits the total will doubt! less a cainp-ni«*»-!ing. Those of the anima! a«»r. J«»hn Smart; Set»<»«»i Sun«-« ii»t«-ii'l»T»t. I . L. vv ho*M* night it was to h«»wl «‘limited on Onions depend more on quality than on tim« s was on«- ruunlng sor«-. ami mv tantv was irii •• fl0>12 per . Founiaiii; Surv.-yor, J. B. (■rilUtii; («»ronvr.J. teach above 400,(MM). In Comparir sun «‘oV'-nsl with th»-m as larg«-a* a half dollar. I the wagon-he I an»! ta»w|ed till thev were Fresh Fruits Apples. fl(4fl .50 , «»ranvi eaily ripening for their sale. Tltuee W. SiciiteiiM with the 720.045 arriving in 1881, the I lri» «l a gi*( at many r« au dit s without «tT«-rt >3 7.5;.|.5 50 per box; 1« moi.s. sicily, uxr roi NTT. tired, an«! then ap|»«»iiite<1 a committee of whogrow them late will «till lealire «50(<' until I iis » m | th»- C i tk ura K emepiks . hih ! am 730 349 in 18* $2, 570,316 in 18S3 and the J.dut se nator. < A. <’«»<“well t»f ta«k« R- P- >7 00. way« an«! means to «ievise a sclirme for ! goo! prices, because the worl«i wants a ««tHiiikiol *o “tat«- that aft«-r tw<> months <>f Hides—The maraet is weak an«l heavily «516.933 in 1887, , these numbers may seem getting Mr. Th«>inpson and thr hunk of <_ oi- •!. I t« • I it mjr Witahirr; «’< .»uinireiom-re. H. L 8h. rl»a X. in. <’«>iii»rrj PriMluc** tiought an»i sold; a is«» W <»ol i • i• • r nt i mi. Quote dry hi«les !»(nion~growing has become the art in e educate«! t»» know Itttb son eight v< ars »»hl, I hav« trh d ahn«»s| .<(•' I. Gregon prunes dQtlOc. pears x»l<)<- by the European governments in the • lb t »n. • -.numencinir ««n first M.'tvtav in 'hjV- a'l r«-m«-dl« s an>1 also th«- most <-min* nt uu»l the m«»re than his fathers «il l ; he must Rn»>w I Th»-circuit c.iurt for t he tiret judicial district pa-t s by the ha<| uattui off llie rawhide ru|>e hv which April *5“. ...I., r an 1 l>.•«- ml., r tn Klam.Hl. uf labor. An exchange favors four ED. N. BROW N.720 N. 16th St..Omaha,N« b. Win at—No 1 shipping, $1 2»»uht- county oil -vou.1 Mon Uy in Jun. and llrst BONANZA Barley—Feed, c»«n»iHon tu fair. 7«5;»S3c; 1 ss fiight<-f,e«l the iininigiatiuii agents lhe tajrsc I »ad iieen tic»l, up to within a |s>unds ot Yellow Globe Danvers seed Mon.lav in Nov. iiitn r. In !^_. Cuticura Resolvent lew h et uf his neck. good to choice. bl(4«s3«. ; hr» w ing, K5< a May md lhe t«j s«»nie extent, -’.nd ui-L*ibvd the pla is The train in which Mr. Watson’s father I need a level, heavy alluvial soil; apply in tHtolnr. In J.».phi»'- county >>n that Th« new III hm I Purifier an«l pur»-st an«! l»esi II M .ndaia in March and Auiru.t. <»t lluinor R« iit«-0(g$2 »M». But bank thpii pauper aud c. iminaf c*la*»-es on t«» Thompson. A fellow named Elli«»t pr«»- autumn before plowing; via; 3B0 lbs. of co.umiaalou. ra- eourU luw-t ■v> ry an «-xqui-ite Skin B< aiititi« t. external!). ar»- a -<*«-«.i’in/-$l 7«'>(,i*2 .5v>. in Januap • f h«--kin. s<-i«jp an«i i»l«»o«l, with lore of hair, Early Ito-« 1 .50u$l 75. valley by a sh»»r’ cut across tire state, • »! superphospate, ami l(MI lbs uf su! Hops — Quotations range from 7al0c. April. Jub .m l >• pt. iul.er, L t 1- üp - countv fi "iu pi in pl< -s i o acr» »tula. t»*r of th«-in inigrati in f->r the past year »»•out where a military wagon-roa,:»*.-* tu Lu ten» vv«-«l h*»< k to w ithin a feu miles of where they | ihracir jiqll«. uf nitrate soda broad* g.M» whirl are now on the wii) from Pori Ii.ml •Oulliern. x.tllc/ L« *s • .e_s« n«l f«»r“H««w to Cur« ^km Dis« as«>.” and will be rndd <'iieap for (ash. EverytHNiy is Butler— F«>r good to fam v, quote V*.»2ac . at any time iu ti.e future. Tlie nation start«*»!. Mr Watson wag a «in.JI ta»v at j a*t, and re|»eat it if it seems ne< essaiK’. mvi »‘«I t<» call an«l exainin«» «» mk I h and pri **♦» be 61 pag« s. 50 illustration-, and 100 t«>tiin«>nnil“. I i« klrd. 13««/ in«-. ha.* a right to choose what p«'opie it will ’he time, am! ;>s tip*, (rain <»f 400 wug»jns » Of «outr-e the time »?f rowing the t fore purrhiuiina elsewhere. You chi . always hnd EggS — 2y«.i«K*. re«'«ive. It has long passed the lime wound around Hie arm* and sloughs of . on hand a full line of Hay—(¿mint ions range troni $Ga$13|xr when it m*ede«l to welcome any «>n<* with lhe kike, he could see tl viu far ahea»l, as I mu-t b«- governed by circtiiDstam es if good cultivation is given un the dlan MORRIS M. HARKNESS, ton. ! two arms as a valuable a»(,dBiun to its t s»*e.medon the other si»!«* «»f tlie lake. above laid down, there should Ke a Onions — 11 ,50( Pions,nini W« ak- snt! evvrythma gvnvrally to be found i a first iu - ss . S r« ri’ ss. I.aim lo ss, S.ntins. omce in Ablfa bulbil tur. Front Street. It i- povibh* that fahi-Tllia w id s ’ »11 ‘•e* newcomers must » ntpi iptu c«»iupvhtiun again they started west, l»ul found an im­ system is ftjIluWeO. v ! hhh i ountry St"»»*. and Pain r« li« v»«l hi «»n»* rniniit« With our own \\ufs »*, a.' «1 it is tlie dutj passable range ;.f ueAmtatne, am! then JAH. MOUTON. Manager The ha'tiraHy m b ami heavy lamia bj the ('uticuru Ynti-Pain Pia-t* r. Th« tirst a r t»' a ar am«-ng th* insurance ag-ivies ; at p. P. PRIM, Bonanza. April la lsttó iO iti-hoped f« r An or«'«e» lu«s g««nt- •»I pungices iu >*e that tlejse who would turn»*«! mirth and untie a complete circuit su«.*h a- heaver «lain ian»l, may bung a ainl ««lily instantain-ons pain-fcillijig pla»t« r. to » tlect Lv which tl.c Pa iti«- m- ’ iram«- ATTOHNViY AND C í »VN!*EIA>K AT LAW, •iegruiic tabur. and lower the cotniitivii • if l^au»«y lake. At length Elliot eon- fai: crop uf onions with only ordinary The Orrjfon Pacific Steamboats on tl»e Willaiu« tier lliv» r niviaion will l«av» Portland ui mn r« ’.ucc«i the minimum oi »«1rs on »>1 ti.e la’»<»f«*is already here, are nut -J - aoiitL i -I m mnd, Monday, Wednesday and Friduy at rt o'clock A M.; arrive at foi vallis. T h « nday lu-iM*»! that he «lid n«»t know thenKid.au«! tieatruent; But if these Huila l'in tie Jnrk.nt.rMr. Urryon. P«.!n■ »-- v» i«e iss».• ,i h vi.iiiH tia county, in loue«l lo coiuc. With the Tbunsiay aiul Saturday at 3;;X) 1*. >1. la-ave Corvallis. i*ortii-bound. W«-dntmia> and Friday >u«in-* ' ’lie party Were ata mt ’o hang him. when warme«l an i slimulated by the treat- i at S A. M.; arrive at Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3;3U I’ M. which ’||e cities ol Oakl »nd un i Alame la WiH pnu ticv in H» < <>m t* .d th- !*«<*>•'• '’™‘ v ’rt«»*y finally got to the literit above given it arc sp imir«i. to one ternh of wbat it had trial condition* prev-u^ » * — »n the connti - \. i lie vaim»se'g I1K I1 a.-aui-l unn^iiicti'.i Cun- Begins mail First Applhatioii.and hKxphl. -nier»d nrvss.«ry on a«»*<>unt of ’he « «»n- tn«»nth**circling aroumi in the sagebrush, improved. Ita«ii««l an«l r»-i-iiiau«-nl. «liifiot anfiMd-ry nemkr <»t th»- « rgaui- immigration fiuin ai\vquart«*»-, |Vthnpt> am! there were met bv a party sent out J. R. NEIL, C. C. HOGUE, C. H. HASWELL zaiion I h-- et!<»r ’ s ««i .M^;*agcr >( liman.of ttiey have hi-cti ove*geiv*»otta aiivady. G»*n l F. a P. Ag t. O P. K. R. <’«», It i- tlu- mucous in« iiibran« . that w«>nd< rtul to their relief. * Ami mighty goo«! the ATTORNEY AND t’OÜNSELoH AT LAW, G hq ’1 F. A I’. Agl, Oregon Development I «»., M u » f . T ime .—Asaiataiit «reneral In- Pae Ii- ’.r ^r. n« « u don, tt.gain the a«i <’«»rv tlliN. Oregon. s« ini-fluiti « ii v « Ip.- -ui r m lid nig tlie «i»,li< at» 3C4 Montgomery St.. San Francisco. Cal. « S * — 1 — 1 provision»« they br<»uglit along t.(“!vtrik«* «•atari h nuik - itsstr-«njrh« l«l. On« »-» -tablislu <1 compact have be« . unay.oli . •nda-acvu Northern I'.u itic. ni-eivedatflevram Nov. it eats into th« v< ry vital*. an.in«* y«'iir.-. after Mr. Th^unp^on trav- 12th front J. T. Sickle, gent'ral western j*«um* »iavb. There is nothing Will pra« tiv«' in all Court« uf the i*at«*. but a loiigdrawn hr« alh «»f mtar) ami «iist-as«-. war on the Alam« «la countv v‘»>myuntys in uic »x»urt H«»ua<-, Orsi dour tu Ivft «»I < u- •*lu«lall «»ver that part of the state survey ­ new in the demand ti|v*n winch they agent uf tlie Atlantic tr.»nn|>ort line, Chi­ «lulling t h« - « ti*« <>t I»« aring. ii amiru lling tlie JACKSONVILLE, OR t raue «*. agents. threw <1 »wn th»* trowel am! r«-- After s«*ring all this « oun ry. it iedifli- mortar I m »ard. They simply want a full don on Satur day, Noveuiher nth. of the H. K. HANNA, lineti p!< a-ur« - ot ta|*, ing on tr«»m ç«*iq.i(- p«»Id!n ih» lo à»l. U a*- A CAI.1FOBNIA RFNSATIOX. ATrOKSEY AND COCNSELUK AT LAW, t«» Egypt f«»r am! to th«* Dead sea and all T'llP. I NhERSIGNI I» HIVE FORMED \ s.»uh> i»««- i.o iiii»ian««u* lining and • hv «- ì <.|>.- ami stitt m*ck» d contractors 4v-» Un«> (ua< - shipped bv a h|k-cial train from 1’iiyallup, [ I*» talums Coarier. | 1 ».-«»partii»-r.-bip with an until .z«sl paniial of lil» i"'ii« s. • ating through III» .»• I»« at« < . at- ce»ie to the terms. hi « aufvi ! honest a- tth«»se «»utlandish places. bv E.Meeker «v Co.,on the 9th of n. sloughing, ami It is reported that th ■ tales of the California l»»»r i-not ;pi\aiHi-lie — in «3 «»f it- l»ran» h» » in «•th« I «I;»|U. • -»»s rv in|-t«-ins. N thing -h..rt "I Wil* praeli* e in all courts 11 shoi«i I tai • I .i»lh at loll w ill so«*ur< lu u'.lh to the remedy, Joy’« Vegetable .*-• -rsnj arilla, have Buck laying may be liar«! work j ‘ A I lour M aiikit Ar.itt.i mkkt —New sin Central, tlie Pittaburg, Fort Wayne & tn Orth's bnck, up-*tairs. »1 In-» > Banking I ì «» um » . K. E. i«««i ncr < al- pati-nt. and all alleviativi-^ ar«- siniplv pro- pro n within a few months ’ t iey are «•ud at this sea—»n of the year i’ i*«t ul<- - I I tit'l'tti'l |>¡t|H-r ttiilln all shut .I'.w 'i under Ciiii aoo, < are of the Atlantic trauajiort ilornla and Third streets. « ia-tniat« «! -ufi. ring“. S.mf«»ri‘s Itubcal really «••usatlouaL, Tbe ; H “ »e t>t thli » ■ ............. •:» January I . ...«.a». *» 2. TU^«. less dis.igrveaLlv work If men fed that MgiiH'iiietit. C. BEEKM AN. until They I>u«-aa have line t" Baltimore, thenee to Jannton di­ J, J. HOUCK, < ur« . bv ìiihii'atit'ii ami by intima! admiuis THUS. G. I(E\MF>. Th.- Imi* therefore arrive«! in Lot - the strain of it tor ten shut »l«iw n 1 vv j«v i«‘c«-ntly. umicr the same rect trillion, rar« 1> tail*: ev«-n wh« n th« di*e:t“« lia* product’b«* tfawa*: >1 la il.nply marvelous, Ihry can not NiiTAhV El'Hl.H AND VONVEYANVEH. mi*»!« frightful inn-ads on «lelicat« «-o»i*ti’ . I h' X lauulht ag< tu it was unknown. T«-)ie via the Vtlanti'- > away m Fan Francisco to people afl»' tea with promptness and at r« aaonabh* rates. < «insist* of on« I'.'tt!«- i f th«- R.i«li«-a! » lire, «me «V rp» the largest *-t«o-fc «if iily km UcJ ed from their regular «lav's as 35 | m r «ent. an«l have no competition se ilxvard. the first instance lieing that of ; l»«»x t get work i- in this iii.irk»*t. Tln'ir Lusin»*“s i* a hi»*ra- ■ lie.* V'ontan.' 'ast monttl. The ll* s* a er«- Xa WM. Nt. COLVIC, Inhal« r. m-atlj wrapped in «»m pack:««;-, with Uver trouhlea, not to ba paid for .lileaa it pnre'X * leaitimat«* oLji*ct ««f sy mpathy . ie* who ti vw one and they might ♦ a-ily make it : aatben-d from a1! over tlie Willamette, tr«.iti*«- ami direct it him , am! *p»ld by an «Irug- ATTORNEY ANU CUl NSELOR AT LAW. Such pfMUcal tests are «a pafUlnkiy nenvmc- is ground «low n through c<_)r|H»rut-e a«lvan­ nt«.,*<• Im rativ«* l«y k«.s'pi"gtbeiru|»erjtiv«‘s some being fntoi Laine county, beeides t.>r il (Xi P 'TÏU» »»HCG A < HEMI« At \C<»HP«»RATION, ing as to be .»acuMiliimaL It is StfttM 'hat tage or grer«l to a pittance lor his lata*r ut work ami >hi» ping their surplusabroa»!. j Puyallup, Wa»b. —HIUÌ — ^«arih «oiB» »He, B oston . M ask . two of the native prfnciviea of the new remedy has just cause for grievance; but the Instea-!»»f «L»ing s<», they neglect the Will prrtcti«.«* in alitile cuurt“ «»f tii«- 8tatv. Wit: N‘i'-to r tl <• >n' was dvini: at The exp»»rt belong to the vegetable kingdom of California < laf’siiian w Lu «'uinmamis ami readily rc- foreign market entirely. a NU Pr .s. « iiCiiiX Att«»ru«-y t"i First Judicuu and »•* a«> w ell knuwu to us all under cornu on ! , ♦oint«-4View JefferMU» Davit«. Mr. Davis But we are not surprised st anythiuri vaiifor- of honorable men wh»'n he retus«»- t«> put m a full »lay’s work f«»r a full «lav’s pay. rentrii ting supply in <»r»ler to “squeeze” was n«‘t >«*«*n i»< r.sernicioiiH single market *' Y -»ur i« q tebt in l»»*lialf oi a Boat on «ruar a ¡‘ut», this reinedx. attest the vvorhi-w id»* rep­ auwtner iusiauce of the astonishing possibilities Hr labor itself wli**n it is succes-hillv re- »i»*lu-ion that «»urown p «»pie an* made to j »urnal fut in»* ’o pr< paie a criticism on utation of Ayer's Pills. Lca-nug phy- of a loll and climate like own. s»te«l, since it «»¡a rat»*- as a eh«‘ck U| m » h : suffer inun sb»»rt supply ami »-«»nse

ent General Grant’« nn.itary rateei cannot intic- in Layt»n « **♦<** upstairs. $ IO $10 |M r !««•» Hiuumicud these p>Hi fur - Apple Tn-«-« th«* nnreasonaide and ai’niliary dement high |»rice- while our manula« tun‘rs «le- i»e com|l «»l with fut the following rea- . 11» “ ’ ’ “ ‘ Peaeh “ ¿tonuM'h and Liver TTvuMe*. Costive- tlrit seeks to«*«»ntr<»l trades unions, and pnv«* ,h«*m*elv»‘“ of the larger prefits son»: First, General Grant ia dying; J. N. PHILLIPS. Í • K> “ •• Plum an«l Pruru Tn . Religious News. lu »s, Bihvn-in-ss. and Sick H»a«la« he . has t»»o»»ft«n brought «»t her wise un-ie- sure t<» result if thr\ would rely on en- second, though he invaK AT LAW. bly. t«*rj»rise in extending trail«* abroa«i inMead i iithlrssly, it w as with an o|»en hand, The foilowi' g are Rev. Walton >k p- served oiiutii uj»on them.—Gr««;<•>««.»/«. tt’sr». for Rheumatisin, Jaundice, and S«ñi«l for »r < Culai' ’;«lrt!‘ .......... 'KIH- I't v 1 Ui - «1 point men! - t»»r ♦! «• pre-m t v« ar. uf rvstri» ting it ami “gouging’* at home. and as far as i know lie abetted neither N«-uralg!:i Th« y ire sugar-coat♦•«!: »‘«-tv« ifthiaii'i. ortg«»«* .1, H. SETTI.FMÌI'.H. Woo»|burn. ( ir. F.r*t Sab. ath *»f ea«-h m n Ii. M» «1lor«l a’ G rain ’ gr wi rs in Kurinas an l«)ther Wiiile pr«»te< ted manufacturer- are shut­ .»r«on nor pdl.ig«*, and haa,8inoe the war, tain no calom»‘l ; are pr«>nqi». tail tnil»L II ..'« I..« k v. m . mi 7 F. m . m -<-«»nd >.«’-ba Ii. |ocallti»*H in tin* We-t, m view »4 theme ting «i«»wn their mills t«» restrict supply I lielieve, slmwn no malignity to Confed­ in <»p«'rati<»n ^i.d. lht»rrt«»re. the v« iy ('♦•ntral P«»tni at 11 a m and 7 l* m . thud 1851 O. F. DEMOREST cess am! enormous j»r«>tits which ath*n«i ami prevent a surplus, the pr«»lectiun ad­ erates. eithei of th »miliary or civil eerv- ta .v u»v«ti« ine for Family I s«-, as vwil as *a‘ hath. Me/1’«»T«I at 11 \ M an I 7 V. M ; Therefore, m t ad ol seeking to ministration is attempt mg lo use the ire. H K S 1 l> B N T D K N T I S J for Travelers ami Tourists. h-uttii > «h> a’ii. Ja«-k*«»nvilir at 11 ,v w and combinations in varum- mdu.-trn»s, have 7 l*. M Sabbath *«11<»«'I at J h < ksonville concluded tnat the best and w io’St com st* pr«»ta*ctive taxes to subsidize other • orpo- disturb th»- quiet of l»is clotting hours. 1 f gt-atar«!, Or«f«ta. •‘I hav«' »h*ri\e«l great r«-li«f from Manufacturer of every Suiutav at 12 m and pre ver ii’.e«*lii»g f .r them, to secuie a lair return lot tbeii ralions to “ex|K»rt the surplus.” This is would.if ii were in my i»uwer, contubute Ayer’s l’ilta. Five year» ago I was ev« 1 v lhu»*dav ev.-ning at 7 o »• <»< k product, is to fiHm a combine ami fix a the “eternalround” of tin* fallacy—th»* to the pea»‘e ut his mind and comfort oi taken su ill vv 11I1 CEO, DE BAR, M. D., ih«* f.-doamg are Rev R Ennis’ no minimum pric»» at winch they will sell protection s.aike with its tail in its mouth. his body.*’ PHYSICIAN AND S l’ R ü E o N, pomt neii’.-: *»n every Sunday morning, their wheat. They propose to enter into The prot»*« ti«»n udiuinistratiuii spends the exert ting the third, he w ill Imld services A m » now that the value of tilllbw Ian.! a covenant wit’, «-aeli uU»c» tu keep their - revenue to ke«*p up the taxes; th«* taxes that I was unable to »Io any work, i puller in JurhaeuvilU, Oreg«»». at 'Ip- l‘r<- byterien church in Phcen x; ■ n ' keep up the liiono|sjli«**, which shut down in thm country ia reeoanixed, and it i. took thr«»- ta»xes of Ayer’s Pilta ami tlord Sumi i morning at <1 everv *un«lny grain ill the Lain until li»ey can sell at a otti»-»* mid r*-shieuce on Cahf«»rnia >tr»*et. it is Mig-zer-led was entirely «-ured. Since that tim»* I evenit g he will preach at th** Pr« -bytenaii -lipulatcd pric«. The farmers w dl find mills to prevent plenty, ami while they beginning to la* » alls atr»*ndvd promptly day or night. am ne\» v witlmiit a box of these pills.’* dut their inability to hidd out against the an* »loing it the a«linini*irati«»n tauttempt- that it idiould be insured. An insurance 1 hurch m Jacksonville. IUK HAVHNitW UNK««H THH HH'T KQUIHFHD H.ol'KINti MILLS IN THE STATE Peter Christensen, Sherwood. Wis. A full Im»' in stt ami 4’h when tin- harvest is ovei they mu-t seli taxes un«ier whtah the “contr«»l of th«* would lie eoiueli.ing new. but 11 v, ill ar- have «ompletely verified* 3” «»«Ac 1» >nbi I' i . iiu»r»»iini an«! »-v« ii r g. by Rev A singula;' anomaly t«» get this money. Ti.e numopoly hand j h»»tuc market” is assured to tho-*e who r.ve eventually. fi«*dfi>r«l. Orrgoa. Estimates and price-list s» nt on application. « lain»« *1 f ’’ t’.vM in alUicks uf piles, ' tl 11 x < I M. E.J; 3 I and 5th Sa’ ha’ii* make an agrecim-nt to produ» «* artificial will arise in this instance—the better Uv/in which 1 suffer»'«! many v«-ars, they COI NTRY ORMERS A SPECIALTY th.«- « bur h vv di h«* <•«•« upi« «1 iu th« u.»»i mug will not come to lh:»-r H-sciie. i Ofltee ia William.« Brick Building, up-ataira. the timber land the less need m there to scarcity. in ><»uthcrn <>r» g<»n. Tht«<* mills are il>»w* lUMUUiacturing th»- b« si gr»««b- • ’ t!»»«m ever < tT«r«d afford gr«-ater relief than any nth« r hv tii* eh iramiat 3 r. m . G. F. Bill ngs to the tra«l«* tn this svetiun aud are to till h .I «»rd« th for tl-«ur, mill fce<1, « tc.. «in short v-v.-*<‘ > i* ». nit» i » Mill. KalesmrmiS eor insure it;« heie the giants ol the forest nu diein«' 1 ever tried.”—T- F A»!»" "*« fin: Oregon V'O’ teils in the will «»tticiMte. J. 8. WAIT, M. D., i hint mJ L »111 et». Portland, Or. gmt. I u..tl..P "* 11(11J. |na|1 ,,r i„ Will nv. ivr .......... pt BU. ntion. T hk peanut «'.top af Santa Ana for the H' llv Springs, Te«ua stand together, the sunlight shut out. The tollowire Hpp' •inttiw *rs have ta-.-ti b#}h)\\',i:g how tlie residents oi that set­ past season amounted to |32,f'd/h-t»v: Fir-t S 111- and n<> undergrowth, there is little likeli­ I have, us« <1 Ayer's Pills for a num tlement would rather go to hell than PHYSICIAN ANP SCRGEON Tes» »ho Flota uua You Will Use No Other. .i:,\ in each tiionth, at Me«ifortl au ’>»< work for Jesus in Oregon <.‘ity : <>n the gHt«i to the rivtivali >n of lhe peanut, a hood of tile. So, al-I»in genet al thiougli­ l.« r of wars, ami hav«» never f«»iin«l any­ i I wri’er says: Procure raw |s*ai>uts,plump mit tins legion for eev. ral uiontlia in tlie E1 i'»'»pal church at ’ ’ <»’«4 x m . ■ 11 ' in thing e.pial to them for giving me an W.,lfrr,| Orr.-«»«- th«* Me’’*. .'« cuuri'h at Jacksonvi I«* at evening of the lust of a series of revival en«i welBfilu d. plant in the month of x eat, shot t-t. riu |s.beies covering July, appetite and imparling energy an»! night, »eroml Sunday. at Antioch at 11 v. meetings at a church not a great ways Match, in vvv)l-prepa»**d grautni, thiee t «iß« «• on Mam •*irr»‘t. In OMIders buihiing. strength to the sv.*t«-m. 1 always ke»-’ Cal*s pr«»mptly attended lu, day and night. them in the house.”—R. D «k.c>aout- V and S nil’s vuliev al 1 I*. M ; lhi'«i Sun­ fiujn Oregon City,the |»rraclier u»ad<* the or foui kernels m each hill, the bids August and Septa u»i>ei will yrobabiy be the iuo«t popular style of tnnl»er insur­ il. »«. at <» ntral point al 11 M. andTf M ; request common to aiich meetings, “will Wilmington, 1 h*l And Importer of DR. A. J. LAPPEUS, to»n th Sun lav, at Brow n-boro al »1 M all those who will work foi .h su-* and about two feet apart in the row ami tl-.e ance in the near future. “ Two buAts ui Ayer’s Pills cured me rows three or four feet apart. Tlie depth amt Eagle Point at 7 ;. m . . Finlay tab re desire tu go to heaven please arise!’’ A PHYSICIAN A N Ü S C H O B O N. c(severe the fourth Suuday, at tlie Baptist church few aios". mostly faithful sit-icjs oi the of burying tlie seed$ ia fr«»m two t«» f< ur A gigantic wire tru-t ba. Iieen formed on Antelope at night. iiM'het», «ivpending np«m th»* s«»il; Che under the shelter of the tariff, and ana Coatral Fuiat, Oregon. church. He then asked, “Will all th >He lighter an 1 drier the «ieepet it is covered. eoiiHuquence wire nail« have l«-eii ad­ Purchasers of property or Capital Stock of the who ilesite to go to hell aiiae!” With a from which I was long a »«ifferftj. MEDFORD,ORECON falle atfvibicd day or night. Starting on tbe RMImtui. Cultivation must l»c given to keep «i >wn vanced 50 c. mi per keg , furniture Kpringfi Emma Keyes, Hubbardston. Mass. rush about forty arose. The humor of E«i. Tb’-ntP«"’». « col"’v«l waiter on the the appeal sentaroarof laughter tlmmgli- weeds am! retain m>s» ir*, but care have la-eii advanced 20 per cent. A trust DR. S. DANIELSON, W believer I am troubled with con* i b«»ut:d Ni r’hern Pa-iti»* p3S“»*nc. r must l»<* taken m>t to i *ar out the trnit- of spring manuf •etnrers is contemplated, blipation. or suffer from loss < f appetite. 4 I I Id. LINE OF IKE ItEsT ANT» M«»ST Physio-Medical «1 -tin. wa • “h«»t and «faiiger» uslv wmiinh «1 out the congregation, and even llie two ing stems, whirl» enter th • soil aft«*r the Ayer s Fills set im* right a-ain ” — A-J w hieh i* consummated w ill advance price« A ’Hshlonabh* clo’lhs. finishing“, etc.. «-<«n- ministei s smiled. by J"h'i Lewis, a n* ws agent. L«-wi*| hiossoin is fertilized ami there form the .’>0 |>er eent. The tad manufacturers -»tnntly k« |>t on hand, an«l nothing but tirsi- F H V » I I I 4 8 ANDSÜKGEO N. Kiser, »Jr., Ro« k l!«Hi>»e» \a jutill-e«i from the train and han not ben rhi.-s w«»rk ti«rn«*«i out. •‘Ayer’s Pills are in general demnnd fruit.— Poitiona Tinh-i. i have formed a combination and advanced . ngiit Hu l .‘«I ati a ten .11 -n with 01 e T hf following law is pr.*babi> not uell All »»r«b rs lilhil promptly at r» as«»iiabh' Walford, Oregaa. among our « ust«>mers. Our sales 01 ■ . 65 A I A |iervcnt. « . . . — -....«» over . . , . . W- those pn* V. . 1',. I 1 mg I t I.V t.f the c«»lore 1 wait« rs in ttiedinmg car» arlv obserwd in Oregon, uud in this county prices vail ral< s and “a|isfaetl»«n guarani» <-d, Of the Franchises and Privileges granted to F. II. ROW E th. in vxree.l thus«* of nil otln-r pills com ­ A. JAKRICK. ill Lil»' day and th»- worst <»l it. l’r«»cur- it seems there is no attention whatever ¡»perlai attenti«« given to l’hr«.»nir I»is4*ns«*s. N«w that al! means of traiiKiMirtatiun to a lew weeks ago under fret» com petit i« in. bined. We hav.- never known them Medford, May 13, IHM». mg a levulv«-’ he went back into the car August 7th, 1888, the northeast are bhwked, persons who At the firmer price* tacks wen» «usually fail to give entire sat isfa.tmn. :«i <1 be-’an slnmiiiiu’ al ’h- first darkey h- paid »<» i|, although no one can but ac- have to walk to their places of business ex|»urted to European countrhu*. E. P. CEARY, NI. D. The kiiowlcige the lienefits to I h » derived Wright & Hannelly, San Diogo, Texas. -aw . He was buun»i to have (1 ‘ gr<» bio«».!, I’y the incorporators of said company, now on fde at the PHYSICIAN AND 8 Ü H G E O N. an«l shot a dittarc’;; mrm Pom th«* one with from ils observance : “Kverv su|»vrvisor in 1‘ortlan«! and pav a nickel for the 73 per cent. t female nurses and i>hy* i^ians in the fruit of whim grew beautifully less ( ans prompt!; Attended to l>ay or Sight. tliv Vnitvfl st:P - anti has been U“<«1 f«»r T ax for B ai > I« i > ai »*.—Few fai-mcn» ap­ T he I’ortlau«! Lmsecd Oil Company and still smaller every year until it was < »thes «m li street. t<»r?y y<\k*s with iivvvr-lailn g Mirers'- by pear to realize how much they an* taxed W«claim tn have hh fine a linA <»f property, and Instead of uprooting millions of m«»tl < r» for their chi’drrn Dur* wi itCi to James Fletcher, of McMinnville, g«»o1«’ t«» fur’ inh as r»‘habl«» inf«»rmation DR. W. STANFIELD, ii g th«* process of teething its value is in- for ba« I roads. They wear out hon*es, ; p'qin sting him to contract with farmers th»* tn*e, a» at first intend«*».!, he put a concerning real eat at »* m H«»nthern Oregon,at» cal< trial»!«*. It relieves the child from pain. wagons, harness, am! use up the tin:«* ;.mi for their < rop <»f flax at tin* rate af $1.40 1 bushel «At iiiue aroun«i th«* root*, and the ELECT IC PHYSIC! A N. any other firm now d»«ing bnsineHi*. < an s dysentery .nd diarrlnea. griping in patience of the farmer. They «.um pel the ¡»er bushel. They have n«*<*d of a large next y<*ar found »l«‘< i»l»*«l improvernenl in ( orre«p»»ii*tance HoJirite«l Has located in Ashland. Or.. f»»r th«* i»ravtlce the bowels, and wind-colic, By giving carrying of small loads to market and in­ WRISLEY CO. j quantity an»l »piality of the fruit. The sec­ ol hi* prof»w«ion. Make* all chronic diM-aa»*. health to the child it rests the mother. crease the number of journeys.while they amount of the mm »»! and will furnish s<* •«! hind year, the fruit was n*stonsi to ita such tv« RheuinaTtain. Asthma, Filet». Kidney t«» farmers desiring t»» put in the u<»n f«»r Price 25c. a hott1«- destroy all pleasure of riding over them. Complaints, etc., a specialty. $1.50 |n*r bushel, without inUai'st. until original vigor and the fruit to proyu r y which fruit FtuliioHHblr. PurtVlt* < tattling. J. H. BENNETT, M D •• ested in good roads as ou»- farmer friends, men shoul«! make no!6«rf. ,|. B •¿»»’■iiier, our live incn’bant tail« r. says the Hood River Glacier, “and yet no per acre ¡> 20 bushels, so the farmer can do Utter raising flax than wheat. Í I. is a lull line <>f th»* finest cloth- and P K Y 8 1C I AN A N I» SV RG EON, other class are so indifferent to them.” liotr n Tktu : 1 rim mine“ on band for suits ami pant“, I’NDERSIGNED IS NOW TAKING OR- ■n through Ja< k-'.n and phinc mun­ \\ «• offer Oi.e Hui bnt* Krsrn'd which he is prepared to make up in th»' f'r»N«ti in |»/I'*n < »«r»-»f (.rant'd Pare. orrg«»n. tivi» f«»r I .t«--i -ivies. A p< <• fi’ is i ever allowed />/f r YA J.A V/ S.S I 4.1/1 9* ft II.I Uli An «»Id phyM. i ni, rvtir» . C»H on him ami you otlkce at prea«'nt at the liagley Hotel. havn g h.«.. s Toledo. O. Dr. Ham»*- Guldrii ^pr« in<-. India hi is*ionarv the f-rxuula «»I a simple W e. »lie uiidet'U’»’* ù, hav»* kn«wn F. J. are quire reas«n»»ble. W. H. SOMMERS, M. D., It ran be given in a cup of tea <«r » ««I! <• veg< table reiinxi* Ln the spe« dy and per­ Any kind rata««l in a first-« h»«R \urs«*ry. ———<---------- < lieae» tor the li*t 1.'» vearn, m nd b-liivr We have valuable < ity prop •rtv without tin- Know rdgr ol the person taking manent curt ,»f roiiMiniptioii, hr inhitis, PHYSICIAN. Sl'HQEON .v All • »« t HEl K, him prife'liy honorable* in all busineae it. rite «ting a >prs will «t«» w« II t«» give me and farms in Jackson anti th» u «.rd* is, a- I h Cl guarani«-« - *ati-ta«ti«»n. WlN • ! ’ 1 C I • ' . ] I • ia I feetions. atao a p««>iti\e an»l radi< al cur»* »ransHCtcms ann»llt<*. Orrvov. The best salve in the worhi for Cute or an al «»'.' Ii<- wreck. I warrant all my tr<••••», ¡1 pr«»p«*rly »-ared for. Josephine counties lb ’,-amta « f fur nerv«»us «iebilitv ami all nervous com­ • u’ an« oh u'.'.tio’i mad** by their timi. Brutars Sores. Fleers. Salt Rheum. Fever W'st A I'ruax. Wh d**st*le Druggists, IT< - T«-i*ms«.f ¡.ay n-.« nt • a-\ . Pr«-hi« < tak« n at ii*l V.II» pruiuptl, att. nJ<-\v» r> m H»»»’isaiids • f i^ses, has CilliiulUtloiis in ritber Enxlixh or German. \ s. J ohnson . Walling. Kinnan A Marvin, Wholesale (•.,rn-. am! all Skin Eruptions, ami r»«»si. tbe’r knowledge, aid today believe U hv felt ii his duty to make known to his su!- .la« ksonvilh-, lirez««n. Aug. I. tasi. ............. uri r «i.I. n. o on California -tr.-i t, i or- llriiggist«, Toledo (»'.do five cures for Piles, or n»> i ay require«’ It i ijUit drinkingoi their own fr« e wiii No fering ielloa", Ac'uated by this n»«»tive urr of Ft ft Ii’t r«N. isguarantved to give perfectratistact cm or bar mfui eth ct re- hs irom its ad»»i:n:-’ra- a«. I a PE( Ibh.’C’) , Ki Ku« v b’r* »-t. w¡th full di’e< tions for preparingand usin r. Finest t»mall/7\_ ■»iirfac»** of the** st« ni. Price. 75c. l»er but- Cincinnati, <). *e:it by mail by addressing witii stamp, a r in a <■ ver .larksonvilk to Medfort. tie Sold by al drug iftsls. I h ni]factiKi-«l nann igth " t aper W A. Noyes. 149 ve­ Patronize tbe only wagon that connects an«l the Hr-t <-ii<:i,| er’s B1» m u R(M*he.**tcr N Y. OF ASHLAND, OR., ♦ k|M-rta. In ealibr«-s with every train rain or shine, anti carries F«» for Hatcliitig. 3s an«1 U-1'O. Single «»r the V S. tinnì ami Wvll». Fargo A < o. s ubleaction. Saf«-tv Hani From America’s beat breeds. Wyau- oxnn ss Satisfaction guaranteed. iiu rb su and Targ«*t intwIr-U Seed ! Seed !! See«l ’ I ! OR. CONN'S IMPROVED LIVER PILLS • i »tt»s. Ph month Ro i. . ! i.ht Brhintts. HriMt quitlilt wrought Ji.itN l»v*K Driver. Cure Sick Heidache. b, correcting lhe SIom.ch, Brw- Agents for Cyrus Noble Distillery, Jos. Schlitz Brewing Com­ •Ieel, « Hri fuilv inst-»-. t< <1 Ch--i« «•>»•» I w l ent, «»at- .«mi l»»rl«v f»»r I» »«wo ai i W hil» l.egh » i -, I’ar’T’dge et,. Liver and Kidne.s : beautif, thecompi.iio: t» pu f; r w.irUnmnshinnnti *t< -k. Ui.rh.dfM f.r Ar* now prepared to farniab th» beat «»f music rl'ring the blood: mild in thmr action, pleasant to take. sale a’ M’- ifor Farmer-’ \V r«-h tine Al «<» ('o<| ns. Wh te W\B! .«-ttes and B' $5 íhi . íhíu . to loan. SMUi.bb’h linitth, «liii iabilit y nml ncriirtvcy, 1) . t«.r pnbik or pnrate Paft*aa. Balk, Ho oca. Ac , pany, Milwaukee Bottled Beer, Srbnmlt A Co.'s Sarsaparilla ami never gripe or sicken. One lor a dose- 25 cts. a rolled barley and mill feed. B.»le«l hay in Minor. -, Winm i s <•( ih«* highest h u »»rs i i I n *-h- rlv.-.l l.yr| . ;.p muiL’t.H. i . n i,, datioo» By J. H W hitman of Medford, on im­ ...a boa. Drug and General Stores or by mall. Samples tree. carloati lots ur less. Ap| Iv to ar any point »»n th« coast. . .. • . t i; soi«l f.>r th«» K’'iiUiii«* ai iici»-. Thev are unre at al the L.rgt exhibition»» for the pud prove»! farm *e H E B aker . eleven \esra Iron Water; also Arcadian Mineral Water from Waukesha. Wis ' ‘r,‘ *' «nij>earr«*lo with firm** ni the best lates of any l»»un agency in the Orchestra. _ Medford. Oregon. !• if. a FURNiSHiNG GOODS. HATS; 1 ' TOBACCO, GROCERIES. <2/lK*n.p lor <’»tisi» ! I I It’s Especially adapted for Farms, Ranches, Orchards, Gardens and Lawns, NEAT. DURABLE. STRONG AND CHEAP NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES YAQUINA BAY ROUTE re?' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Short Lin«- to