: > ▲ GREAT DISASTER. •ntif n 1« cs b d t»» th® adv* rti'cni» nt Minot Auftin and wife, « f Grant cnr.nty The waters of Griffin ami Daisy creeks JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. D. M • gly, wh » ha* , urchiiM-d H. C. wL«» have been vi- ting the family uf Wm oveiflowed the I-h ranch on Monday to Highest of all in Leavenin irt ' burdw ’»-Mor- nt <> • ¡r«i P.»intai:d E Iwar.is ior * ni» I’lne. ha* beenuomp« II* »1 «uch an extent that Mrs. F E. I-h and 'I he damage to this valley by the A- hm I Circuit court will convene on the first Mon­ y '«) will i.o» tn* uiiHCM'.tl by anyb.wty. «» ir .o; . !.h-jr-la. t< an intlefinite peri­ chi . o: be even estinmUd ns vet, (•» p«»*ial family were couipelle«! to remove to safer day in next month. »dv»r quarters in the vicinity. od, *wi g t . 'h l> o kade Mrs. A 1- a The streams arc still full of water and ford­ As w» go t<* pr< rt- the vea her i« spri* g- • iii fh'v «»: Mr ami Mr . E , ali'l well » ».nimuni ation is so un«« r ain ami limited miners •PJ>y now. E- , ih t only surmises cun be made <>f ilm rav- The foot bridge across Jackson creek near ing of most of them is Impossible. ike ;*n-l | le:»SMi t il wifi not I c loll ' fi ­ noWii rn this M« ti n. •re the latest ate! nges of ihe water on the line of the numer­ Judge Dav’s place stood throughout all the * dispatcM lo eev rything will ba\ e resumedi*s wont» «I The^ountv will hr under a gr» at expense in The/ •o D I . rfiide’' rt.iwmill in th«* Si-kivous was ous tributaries of Rugue river. Certain it turmoil of rushing waters, Hie creek at t rvpwfin •ing bridges and r-pair.ng rOtdfl, iqiB.'briiim ai»l bucine.«.* progressing a- times flowing under if, at other times al ­ comp.-lie«I to shsperul oper itions for th«* _^he W! is that many small ranche« ha*e been bad ­ ow fceíng carried u«ual. edfordaudl il hr wagon bridge.lump-* »ft J»»«*< ■!•<•• k' win «* ' ¡w • wueks ago. ’he mi > w Laving he- ly damaged, if not rutn»'«l. I«« les of i-ncni» most entirely deserting it. ^■\\ >11 bene beneath its weight of snow not long sine»*. fee« tiun R.‘«> Kelly, with a crew of ihirty «>iue •<>» «k«*i> r.«» u«:m*t oi I g-icg li e swept away, a goo«l »ie.il of the finest .-«»il in i»* ’ A 11 of .^f the < All streams were higher last Sunday Nothing definite lias been heard from tk« next event on men wa« eng«’. e i in clearing the tr ck m ■»m.w at th«* ini’l wa- about nine lei t «leer, ’• day t gr, v» l the bridge across Rogue river, m ar Bybee’s and Monday than ever before known, and did Bl o-i Run Hit d b“is deposited bv th” more or less damage. ami bedrock, and the spectacle of fields old ferry, hut it is the general opinion that ValmtiB«« in reckite ofu.-lon at fe. F. side of rev nt »laic f r several dajsla.«t thr-U’h * ii «» w fifteen ie**t «Jeep in taking flooded, roads washed out, bdd.’es and it still remains intact, although the ap­ Grave Cr«‘»k and Wolf creek were very high Week. a can common as proaches lo it are probably gone. filing ott J R. Howard at the witter sinde last Friday has caused much dam- I he now at the summit of the fei«kivnu y nAvor saw his Th« ground Stu«’ men in the D» "I Indian <’«»uiitry scare» Iv to cause comment The gravest Much ch«»ice land on Thomas Mc­ age in the mines and to ranches along their farm near town. t»J|-roa<’wa* 15 feet «h»*p hofoie the late ¡•X’-ric:uel mu« h «hili til tv n breaking a Hpprehenaion whs fell as to tbv retail, had *had<>w lax 8u Andrew ’ s place on Bear creek fella prev to con race. No new« has been reO’Ved from ti il « i t t » ib» valley, ih'uiigh sdow hix or the immense masses of snow in the moun­ 3. W. Hockersmith drove a choice lot of or old, the Italy of Orr «toni» We have just paws*! through th«* gr«iit<«t there since the great rain ueg»n in the -ev n f. «*i «lerp the wi «1 on both sid»*s 0! tains tuelted and vanished by the usual the w «ter«, the damage being variously es­ bogs from the vicinity of Medfor<|to the again timated at from 40 to 75 acres that whs un­ rainstorm and flood on record. Much dainxg< Valley. Ashland market last w*- f. H »* ividim» rul :e til»u»g up th*-trail ul»«-ut «low ;»r<»ce«*e.« of wi”d un«1 sun; but when dermined and carried away by the stream. has been done to roads, bridges, mines and can now he »»■> once in a while, D D. Mitchell, sebo I superintendent, it« fas: a,- it u.mld be opened, pr«*vi >us to r. » those fears was added the • ertawi’y of a J. W. Winn of M. K bdm «. bar which farm«, which it will take H long time to repair. quite a tr. at. The channel of Jackson creek below the However. WC are still in business Mt the old el«» wli- r g s m tir e « hat h • will ho ! the he* tune Hi t the rain .*. t in. Feed has he­ fl-».»(l which came with the greatest rain- been ... an ...... enforced ---- --- a of the Medford e,ka of food *>■ Iber now would i ext «pri t rv » x.iniinatiuii «*t ai pli< aot« ron e verv short in tliat section. -■’«•rm on record iu the vallev, it Is small distiilexy is filled with tailings to a l»*vel stand, even if badly disfigured. betels since the b-ocxBJU Vga». with tin- roadbed alongside, ami is undi«- the bay famine. A arrfous landslide at Bloody Run. three f- r t»-a< h»,,s‘ certificai«« on VVidne.-div, Gr»k E Anderton, the drayman, has Jas. Henlv, wh«» varrie* the mail from wonder that a gr»»at commotion prevailed tinguishable from it, each partaking large­ in ¡h’s south of Grant’s Pass, last wok wa- re­ Feb 2titii. The nvH.n chitiiged L ik v«-rai «'Be uf excellent hay, wnkb be h M-- iiorti t<> B g BuUv. ;.n«l Win Reddit g. nmong the dwellers along the atreims as ly «-f the character ot the other at present, garded with smne ftulieitude. until the news t!.e w ¡t» r* begin t«> advance upon them pre.uiiiably for the brtlet S »me mean« «hoiihi be devised by the ih»* c in ier on th- J ..' k •> mville- Wilderville iH-ldi-g ai returnable fig area. Give him reached us that the railroad in C»>w < rr. k as it were. if “spring lime town authorities to confine ,!a k«on creek i m «lurii.g the past week can­ l>i”«lgvs h I ohu * ¡heir loutes have been swept were no le«* futile than those of the hapless new’ ('hann**l between the bouse and th»* tcr»d. es» fl-MMf ever kn»»wn these parx' > but CENTRAL POINT. OR.. The loan of the splendid wagon bridge at not be rt p< He :. ;«wa> an»l it 1* «foub’tu! whether lliey will fortunat« ly the damage <»»ot hasj not l>e» n Va'ivty fet> re, Jacksonvil e. property-owners of this vallev who «lwelt barn, and did much damage by depositing Grant's Pas« is a serious blow to al I fw*vti«jus ot be ah < lu resume r« gular Hips at <»nce. The Jah* rnir.s have had the effect •>{ .«»*i- gr»at f Josephine county. Some id« a of th«- great A sc.>r<-’»v <«f cattle feed in town on Mon- within reach of the changing, wfiirline, silt, an»l sluicing off surface soil anti grow­ tlmg the roa is to s«»me extent ami it go »d The Monarch saloon at Me*Kurd, under »lay < mu «« d some appr« hension. Tin* railroad « um; any employ- d a large rushing water- that caniedown so ¿itilesaly ing wheat. volume of water in Rogue river may be had the management of H. H. Wolters, is pr« v . h»rdsc»m be found in the various n’rcuiB I n im!««ro men tin- week, to sh *ve’sn-.w from the nunritain gorge« during f e week, when it iw stated that the bridge wa« alm-t Lee Rodei burger of Willow Springs pre- trav ! an»«»'« ibe c* tintry <•.»?» he re. um- d ‘•11 tn- fti kiy».u mount.*, n*. The wages Mrs. Hoagland and family, wh » reside a 44» feet above tow watermark, at a point where ing a popular resort. The best «»f everv thmigh fortunately few, it any, lives wer> « < n ’ wa« in town a few days since thing in that line is kept there • in a few weeks. It- r d ait $1 80 a day an«l b urd. The ft. lost. Filled as those gorge« were with a short distance northeast of Central Point, the channel is unusually wide. had a narrow escape from dr«>wning, being Pure honey, in idee pitchers, at the S. F. îtion of HARDWARE, We will keep one of the bes* la k'ou » reck wa he«i • ff il c wiitvi'g- i1« ii. mu mg de j.« r ate . it' rt- 1«» secure vast accretion <»f tailing« and mining de­ compelled 10 seek the roof of their resi­ J »in feinip-»»ii, Ed Wi k>n«on ami George ffotr's Ihit: ;r- u_h« ¡tml m st <»f tue h tuboi;:-- -ck.s io <• nr.,U! a’jo • wall 1 ali ornia, and we bris which had been accumulating since dence in order to escape the angry waters Ktl-ey w» re »»n the M*-dford bring»* as it Variety Store. Only 50c?i ts each. ," PAINTS, OILS, We oiler One H undred Dollar.« Reward STOVES and TINWARE, First-c s.-s ce»iar fence posts for.sale in the imr’hern p<»rti»ni of t -wn, uhi. Ir will vv .dd m»t Lc snip»’ sed if it succeed«-«! in pione. r «lav«, the effect was overwhelming of Bear creek. went out, ai d got m*»ie or less wet in mak­ for any case of Catarrh that can not be tpnintitn - to sun at the T imes «.tfic^J. t»e replu« ed m «me time, as they ar«* u u illy g<* t n : a t am through to tins valley before when the loosened water*» bo’e it forth up- ing ib» ir ♦ scape. , Etc. injsouthern SHOVELS, PICIW, NAILS, Emigra1 t creek swept away the dwelling- cured by taking Dali’s Catarrh Cure. me U. A U. dues. hi ’he ftriile valley lands below Just as V;d»" i’i» - ! Valentin»-.«!! ValeMii.es!!! well p.itrur ze L Tbed 'cb ran full .4 water «luring th» F. J. C ukney «1 Co.. Props..Toledo. O. Our Gtlirquent subscribers will please the roaring torrent s»eme«l to have fixed hi'Us»-of W. H. Shepherd, on the line uf Oregon. at the 8. F. Violet' fen-re Jack-oilvdle. late fl«»» d until the » urrent . f one < f t Di-pat he« fron» f Dunsmuir report the We, the undersigned, have kn -wn F. J. ihe Soda «Spring« road. Mr. H succeeded less«r fi ot*hdi streams rut acr«» s »t and I'’ « .« Ivin «ns and oranges kept on hand condiU Ht« •..iiviiang«*'! ; •' v«»ry.'»udy ch et- r* u» mb. : th l (he first ot th * year is a upon a channel for its course, a choking in saving b's h*»useh«»ld eff-cts by carrying Cheney for the last 15 years. hu « i believe im 1 • turn - ver a new »e vf a: «1 p .y mas* of rttoins and b »ulders, tre- s. «turn.”-, fir, hut starving, C’ontii uu¡ r t curri i g Will sell the celebrated BAIN WAGONS and VICTOR washed it "Ut fui a < -■n«iih ruble di-tam e. at 'b-JS F. Variety St«»re, Jacksonville. him perfectly honorable in all business them to higher ground; but they were ey -o.u ti e T imes J i »t»»*s not ruo’s. waste ami s»nd woulii iniuedv its land and * now lides prev« nt the t pening .pvvl.it transactions, an i final»« ;«1 y able to carry MOWERS, and a first-class line of AGRICULTURAL IM- Tn»- M-df r 1 mdiiary romnanv do not Monthly ins?aiiinri.t« of $10 will buy a of the lu.lr ad * em in •« h t » you, but $4’100 of *»• TinqUeht further fl iw, ami the torrent, w ra «.* to the badly damaged by the rain. ki-» w »»l vh Iler they w ¡11 I e mu«te • d in huu-e anr quite a distance s uth of Tolo the out ant obligation made by their firm ->■- . 44ions is qui•«• a big pile to us. riebi or left, ihr »».gli orchards, barnyar.ls, It has Ixeu too interest 1.*.*< durhig the I West «t Truax. Wholesale Druggists, To­ PLEMENTS.throughout. as infantry or artUh ry. T e b-v« are up an I have a clear consriili'.r. Gid papcj«. tr. tp.ant>ties to >int, for sale past ri« l-i«, grows and dooryards, would spee-li waterf of Jackson creek swept down on wk . k fi-r . ven ttie 1 • iil’cntn« to -p n tru .» i g at their qu^rt« r« m Hamlin’s hall. at the T ines utficc at 5o«-ents a hundred. ledo, Ohio. Don’t lurg-’t that ev« ry first premium iv sluice out a new way to Hie river, only one side of the railroad track, while those Walding. Kinnun A Marvin, Wholesale their lit 11» \arii*. They au» « >. n be b i-y Will open¿up for^uairiess: Mayo» How r«i has-<»l»i <|Ui’» a nnmfier Frc-h timothy and alfalfa -e< d sold nt a »»»in, a* the time f« r connubii.iing is.fast t s ti- • u the «listrict lair for hue ithoto- to repeat the damaging operation, when of Bear creek ‘ laved" the other side in bad Druggists, Toledo. Ohio. shape. It is needless to say that that por­ ut b»rs l Meters >1 nge , F »wlei V»wter once more a mass of debris, fi ’ ling up rap. 1 v. ■ j -x w.»s cai rica uil by L> . ’ n, v. -u k Was , ai neu Hi«- k w« st th** s F. Var.ety store, E. H Van Hoesen,Casbier Toledo National app'» at bin • *»oc track is in a wofhl condition. .i .1 u«a! * ph <1» gr:.; ‘ f* f Bank, Toledo, Ohio. J;*. k«< nvi ie di-tiict sc!u»«.l tax >s now lb** ma ke and til«p«»se ol them un the in- Denelt A Ilowell, wh«» h:««l (u»mm« n’v»t val-i pm i ran « and views. A h»*n y «m w.uil I*e»l. Thio «’«»Ipinuallv slui'h'ng nwn> Die Southern Oregnn thought R was dealt Hall’e Catarrircure is taken intarnsMy, du* t*nd payable to J. H Duffer, th»* clerk. m n»ng <»n P«A»rinan's creek, w» re <•» ni- a tine sta lmen plan. • < io» ai a -mail price cud on tighter soil and depositing a thick “strat­ with very severely by th«- late storms; but. acting directly upon the blood and mudbus T* n ’h ii«and !• et <-f lumber .«c Sam'« val- pr!L*»i to su-pend <-p» rat <-n«, the water bin* um” of tailings over the whole of the over according to the dispatches to thv T imes . surface« of the-ystcin. Price, 75c. per but­ Wiu U n< b is *t»ll gri* v nguver th- I «* * th- rmervoir- ami rvery- 11 »we«! region, no one in the vicinity of a «»th» r -e« lions of the Pacific coast Lire«! «4 fi s »ey roadater, wl i* h wa.« so lay i» v "> b • l-h<-use tor «.»1«-b\ bio-l <»r ttin ol swt p g .1. W. '«»A-hn.of the new finn of Jack­ str* am fert .-ecure from its mad rushing to much woise than we did. Probably we can tie. Sold by al. druggists. 1 long vise brtore it. In the old Gates stand, but on business principles kick»d by a vu i u.« fi- r e in • he a’abie witn r’io ’ n «V ft»»w ivu, has g n« to Roseburg to and 1 ro ' b^ti. "lankful ourselves tliat it was no worse. Win. Stunit, a we1« known cit z*ii of s tair-e it that it becsuit net e««ary tu put il out ol For pure R guc river whisky, in quanti­ mo num« n.s, i»»iiib«tonta, H(»u>»ebold Gouda for Sale. -n i s. h»r .lamage X- h , Only ¡i vague conjecture of the <1 ^The bridg«* across Butte creek, at Brownsi its mis. ry. ties to suit. Cad OU Captain (.’aton, Jackson- G*»ld H II, «lied a f»*W «¡a*« -in.’«*. f « wu- et •*< T..-« bave a I ,rge ii.-sortmeni ot n w ¡il ug the (purse of R«»gu»* river gain will i»e otiered for the n < A rare barg suinpti« n a»:« d about .32 » ai .* II«’ w »« The health uf Mrs R. T. Young is verv . l.r. a: • ti e * ..lit «1» s aits, and » I < -r prices are nerie. A* w»* go to pr- ss it i« report«d tha^ boro, is gone. Nothing further has been s iiMt ....... days in household go*>ds con­ ■ ...s ubi«. We u* e -■ .n ; iti ii Mr How Lndies, misses and children’s tine shoes, X»nm ot th»* bridges that spanne»i it. fr-oa sisting of « cook stove, beating stove, t*»r. Mi-»« Eima.ha« r»*tur i»*‘i irum Jack«»»n » cw slock, just ope»o <1 at Rr.. mes A number of ft lemi.«. - !• • » i hart taken .« « V • al older» ai Graul t» All»- big limb’ i to Giant’s Pa-»«, have yield­ iiKiwn tu estublish the fact that nearly’ if kitcuen furniture, carpets, two bedroom a«»t quite ail of the bridges a< ros.s the vibe, where «b»- h *s bt«n bolding a p- *iti«»ii The raim«n»riu h »s t»e»genera! :d«»n. l’a-s. bite » ed to ’he torrent, and tb«* wrecks ¡ire .streams vanished before the turbulent wa sets, chairs, lounges, one organ, etc etc. iu ib- T ime « «th» e. fe in«’ .«now fell in th»* higher in- untains the wlu'l»* «oast to h - ’ «•lumb; . . andli»« 1¡ v bist a «I only train fr* m the north -tr«*wn along its banks. It is known that t»TR. I will eell articles separately or altogeth­ Medfi-rd gr*»ceR» bntfa pretty g-> »1 * up during ihe protracted rain m the h»wer • r batari « -¡tv \V :i am " a d fea 1 - 'i, c t .« <» ionie m uaii wa! ifiat oí fciun-- he stream ha* badly damaged some of the The railroad track from Gold Hill to er. This would be a gobien oppor’unity mento rivers were many of th m Light. r Lly ot staple« on hand wli- n th»* Ul « kad** Valley. <1 »y, tm» 2fi h uit., 1* «ving a small a «u unt finest ranch« s along ns bank««, repeating t’enfral Point was so ba ly torn up that a for any one wishing to rent s house and (tian ever km»wn btfore. rgun; but in romm«»n w-th oti.er town* of oí mail mi b«»aid* ir»»:u a wv* k to ten days ii* freaks ol f«»rmer years, wh* n many of hand car could not be run over it last furnish same, as they can buy <»ur good-, Notes, receipts due-bills, drafts etc., in IN Now is the time t«» snb*«‘n.» • l\»r the TiM1 - ofii the vailey will r»»n sb»»rt it» some I m » o U form handy an«i firsl-clas», ul the Ir wa* h»ur »lays oi> me 1 »ad, ami «n- ib«* most fertile fie ds were transformed in­ Monday, to be used in transporting the re­ rent the bouse and go to housekeeping ami g- t all the new- « t -« uti-- rn and *■ nth lines in a lew mure days. «•«»¡int* re i .*u> h terrific snow drifts ami to rocky bats, and hr rich alluvium taken mains of Isaac Constant from his home to without the annoyance of fitting it up. T im km office. eastern Oregon, irtsli »mi «pi \ . ms w« I' u- s»» much í . fi n tim»»* r «m th«* tr .c* thaï from their plow« d surfaces was deposited in A fight took place between x voting m m A. li. M akgly . Mt'dford. for removal to the Jacksonville Tins v •! ey will pay many times greater waste plac« s beside the river or swept to cemetery. who is visiting relatives iirre and a cowboyf tr;t»ut* lu Jupiter Piuviu* this year than 3 syn'p.-is of t vviyth ng important tha’ it is a m.', * c y buw i. g«»t through at ali. »■«•«•ur* any where anrrhiirged with liquor a lew «lay« since, to be state. í’b«* iir.sf-c 1 « pa-senger*. wh »werede the sea. When the waters of the river BORN, Water from Mill creek ran down th«» It has be. 11 lilMl.V loll' y« IT* si me ’he -weep over cu t'Vate«! field« with th«* im- in which the latter came out s< c -iul fie.«’. The town « edtion is 01.lv a few weeks «»ff, ground wa* s • ’u I «•!’ wa « » --v- rvwi. *»e U.S li\»dat Asi 1-n i, were lakei: north, i-»be i • til- given by the fall ol the stream, much butlines« streets of Ashland in torrents Both were arrest« <1 ami ea- h fine i $10 ami r* t ¡roe»! to l'oiilumi ii p -ss ble, ou lu**.-- for awhile, but did no particular damage, MATSON.—lu Ashland, to Mr. and Mrs. Mai- I wibh to inform the people of SouthernOregon that I have opened a coatrt, the c. b pleading gwiity, %hne the hd «I candidates ?b<»uid commence announc­ it i* now. amt ’.b r»- i ♦*• -i be i •> f»* «r -.f a .. t\ * ¡ , «1 w»» k. Whe<.-er th-y su c» « «lep« li »ike th it of Hsn during the oti.er st«>o«i trial and was ( onvicted. uc r . i vy - nd th- n-ulhcmul-»v\ id • i»r- a time, however. Bear crevk al-o cut up LI’ i T l E - In Aahland. Jan. 21,1S9Û. to Mr. and The sg«»ny seems tu be over. u*<»i nearly pr« wni «’enlury. -i «lu ti > *|s came w-■ nave n-»t I» arned. caped the visitation, ’ he heart of ihr val H. H Wolters, ttie mixologi*»:, has re­ h.idiv at that point, but fortunately did nu<» Mrs. H. li. Little, a son. J a» k-onvill • merchant* have been «Lawn Aloni tu y '«comica*« pasneiigcts re­ 1« ’. hh.si>re*»-nied the a:»peaiam p of a tur- serious injury. opened the sa>»»<»n wept oy A. 11. all huve settled down to their usual uv*»- farl-son. tbo’ffcuglily refilling it am! mak­ cutloi:« again. <*ll i"i sugar ni.«1 ««»me «»th r s-»p. m - !•$ in Hi i al Asolami at tt»e cump tnv « • x,-vi»s-*. • H«l «• a ro ’days, an 1 cum muni ati n with Nearly all the people living a!ong Wagner died . 1 ... y .tv ¿i ve.» two g »«»i, -quart* invìi- per i-- many towns was almost susi-e tm- treat y»>u well. * mi .etti'g th» m dr.n,. i ni •!’« Water I li.* tew bar-*s an-i liou-es, and I as wr«»ught «•reek cutting several channels through his ceived at the ft F Variety Store; id.*uother p«»r'ti:iity to -h -w wh t * i ll. ’hey ar» much de-trijrtion in underiniui g and MB»! ZU days. Water is stand ng in many places in table delicacies. * m d»* *>l, a« nearly ab th* ih-»’1 uglifa-« -m ... . «r -h ni 1 bc «a -luily m.»ie»i uv.-ry- s. uit 'Ug <»ff th- deep alluvium comp- *ng ns fimst garden land, [A prince of hospitality, a chief among town, the «lit» h bavin * been badly br» k»*n bi«*«.n is still out uf the woriii, but sn»»w- ’ll«- coui ty ar«* tbitra:«*4 in -.« »a I«*-*, «n i Wxit ie. 1 »»• mi m ¡roto • W’* that -ubai t 1» nk-’. li is .* b-X»“ ami ih- offa! ami fiilh by th.* great numt er of sinu .h«, spring« plowrt are approaching there from b »lh some of them s« »ious y. Lv w rtfi alone. 1« tin* summary ut ih- hi - I la« .1 U y - 1- tu re i- i-'-m» -> t iati Uop -tr« aii’« in the county and periiHps 'he le««' 4buut iort Lan«*, all flu* small bridges « rtF«»ry ai ti *wab*s « inptymg into if. Duieas im ai.« Hurtli and south. of Isaac CJonstant. N«» man • v- r « am* < »Vote* sh» uhl he d» . rm, n.r in number-. l' a¡ u pa»ri«s b«iy ing milk shouht « ai-ab «■ of retainin’-: its volume of wute/ living wa-h -»l away. b«*sules numerous JF. totlu* valhy wlm m<»r<* richly 1 - ai. - l < when bankfull The serious effect «»f Mir- ruts and washouts having resulted from Nick Kin ei* at Hapry < ’ amp. < ’ al., en ­ k o * v» .»er«* it i* coining trotii. trilmi« an«! non«* of the pi-»m - r* |»r< s* 1 v «1 to ♦ b a. sui p us water, mu* ii sicknrw« wil. sure Jy. Al th J -h 1 »; < i cewi ter on f.-.ll-plowed gr«»ur>»l in the small ere- ks changing their usual course*, gaged iu mining f«»r J»»e Reeves, who ha* • ■ Ulil\ pay s f r mo da* of his -it ath m*»r«* m arly th» habit* ly rtsult in the summer. 1 he • F ir r *” r» p«»rt.* 11 at Mr. Wi.it.ng, | B ar »•»•«*.-k valley ami foothill ram h« s ami the r»»ads will be im;«a-.*ablc fur wagons tlu* b-rm of the «-»»mm ►*.«»;:» * • rt I*» h . \ ari l vu*i4»tn« «-f early tim«* »in-! th»- op- n- be»-i» quite iii» i late. i«» vaia.» uf a gami ol men 1’ work remov- 1 wifi pi’ihap« be more fell than elsewheie for some lime in cues « qurnce. Telegraph bn* n eu un tbeir \e »wit « de« was paid on over hfty «»( Hie “v.niuint.« liatidvj ui-si.* of living «4 • arly »iny * man hr. The snow at the b* ad of Jackson creek g «n w liom tue rai road near Duii-*- >n t e county. are abou: lie oily p»-.«er« bv on ihe rai Tb»-re was in his e«*mp<*iti»»ii that union - t Whole field- have been (h»v of th»* i'cm tits «»I tl.e 1 it»* 11 »- «1 For its size. Jack«<»n creek doubtless all th«* « P iiu nt« «»f true manhood, » mb .«ly in­ continues to m»*it, »u there is slid much n un, was k.iled b. a snow-¡»low. . Hi.* re- r«» d at present. Wni ft ngietoi. »4 lb** -ubmeiwd lor days, while in places, where ’be dr«»wnuig of -q-;;rrcl<, ?«pl «• ■. m man »nr . d r. l e Ir. i.ht »..rrliou.c, ihr -lope admitted, considerable dam.ige caused more r ul ilaniage than any other justice. buinanitv umi morality, which iua-1- We*iem l inon line passed s» uth lr< iu wat» r in I be stream etc., with whi-’h th - sc- bon was t”< u man his friend, ami gav- him a pin« • In rtiere ha* been a big «1 iqan»! inr rubber 1 b»»u*.i’ 4.« up-Hi t’u’U«:»-»- * 01 tfi - , a hde «Hit 11 g t-ai.«p rtalion to Ridding I. «' r. U ¡r i from the washing away of the creek in the county, owing t»» its greater ac­ cver> Gr ill’s Pase ast ft.«i unh»v. a««»»m, an e i by cumulation of tailings fr«»m 'lu* mines and the affevfitmH «>1 « v- n comparativ< strang» r-. C. Ayer*. K«1 Wil ains a d 6. B bo< 1* .*1 nd cioihi g f la v, ami the supply mu>t have sue«.umo«*«i iu the watery le- i»-r buri, ,umi ween liiMi building . oh »p -ed ' urfa-’e soil. ('«•inmg to t u«‘vaih y in thv early titles, iu ALL THE LA E.ST S1YLKS in COLL AKS and TIES. general cu«sednvss. The channel change«! the b »«! v w ■ i m ,v» «1 io iu ill» wiv.-k a< -1 Whi’De »*f the I’, slid ii e w«Uf i u'Hi a« far is utlln ^h vxhaU' ed. In me Appleg ite reg on there are f- w s.-tthsf oil th» week, eturn n_’ south <>n Thecit a»*ns «»i ToL» district are mak'm «luring the highest stage uf the Water. Ftiuuir is verv - a*« v in the vai . ey. a our r«».rd u up* L once more. Bushby's Double-Welted, Hand-Sewed Gloves; for both fid wife, wli ■ siill surviv s ium. h* saw tuur • a-hed « ut A number of pe» ple *eie Fr may. pm .» tm I i ii* to b i.hi a nt w «ch ol house mvr< hub'* «11«! not In i.i • V th«- «•ar- All the stream*, excepting lfogue river, loving »Liught« r.« an-1 on»* son gr«»w to y« .u - Hammon Brow., on the east »tier at that p ate next spring. 11.«» e.« w;li remove his residence • 4». ge l to h av«- their farm-h »uses for Ladies and Gents, Every Pair Guaranteed. Geo of maturity, and «»m- by «»lie »1« part from th« load, ms u>iu»l. ami the »1 d inhrrup- were liigh«*r during last Sundey and par«-ntal roof to preside <»v« r bonus <4 th-¡r creek, ar»* au-ony the heaviest 1 str- in H i« i ircuit court w ill adjourn f-r the term ti«»n «»1 traffic between I • t nil .> •:» h»a un irs cure 1-- i' hi . 1 f .»a • Dot been safeiy. M--ndav than ever kn wn before. As very • »wn H ere ii«* saw the wikicrn«** d»*vel<»p in Vici» ity, tn« fl >od hav.ng swept » w »y their next feaiuidiv < heat <1 unsge was »lone to th«* mining in my, though nume < !*<• outb • 1 : 1 ».jure It ha.- been two m<»nth* Francisco has cur uil a u; ; p i •.« 11 uni little, if any, of thv snow on upper to th» gar*I- n-8p»»t ot M»»iith«rn Or« g n ba n, hay. pig pet s ni.d ••ut’--u’ <1 mi*, pixa since it first« onveued. .ng* « ■. v: < b d.y »I., ¡iu. v t by ih • v. at« i. He in «1-st« b. th - wa-hiug <»ut of r«*«erv»»irs Rogue river meted, that stream was not through tlirr« Indian wars and turns <»f sunny ai d lowl*. twsides having «i» ne much in I buy for cahli, thereby insuring my patrons of v»' -.own hi« bi.t- ki-ii.il mop, wh th an i «lam-,breaking an I fil ing up of ditches, w li c as h gh as it otherwise wouhi have b'tn. p«nc» • 1 lir -ugh th«’ tiah'y- >n »lay * ot tIu - st:«g« - The gra*s is gr *winz rapidly, ami B ginning Friday evt jury to their gtewmg i»ur**ry. I tie barn <•11 «1 lands -n i »»• «»cd of die < reek, and r<- 1» jss < > of tiiime.', slun'es, etc. The work ot aAhoUt'h its w aters have never be* n so high c »» hc I i aa<1 tin - I»11*1 1 ng lit»• ol th»* rai!r-»ad. where the m » i I is ♦ X.»-se«! discovered with without ii.lei n».s«n n. « w< ii ’ to pm< es b»- me i til’ng into tin stream, months ot pivpuralion has be< 1 undone in 4,hi it >oun whtr in the iiumtdiatr vicin On«* his tir-t cr .p-wa* d< v.,i««i to du 2 -luce lMil 2. h«»ur- Sumlay ni.ht, un’i « rn- ity, ihungh iu a sater place. Although in »i.y inst*«iu'e-. or it would have cirr.e*! the bridg»* uut a grem sward already. caiisu of humamts. Th»* Indians, att« r th-. ing. making (ar an t aw« ra n y Tee O. A C. R. R. track ha« been washed with it »« oi er than that structuic left ita Thtis H. Gii*uvn iuf-Tms us that thedain- han! winter of 1M52. w» rv rv»lm*. d t - a v»»n- feeii»i the T imes to v»nir friends East, 01 batli. ■ : i«..g iiT'-d, eiu.y ui gilt Cal! ann. tin.* .eil dud W'.i resume uusine-i' at once. at any other place. It answer- bettei than -to n» that ban «ver I«e-li «»ti 111 some pla« «•«. ami tin* r<»a«i-b«*»1 seri- age «ioneai th«-SterLngt'<>’> mines,a tl»«»ugh dition of absolute starvaii«»n, au»l many ■•! m< urings tb. 111 uiust nave p«*ri»»licd had n -t Mr. < • n- valley. Mayor Howard tins appo>nte»i the full -w all the letters you van write. D. Nay i* r • »Uni on m» Mon-uiy ai»«i u'iy«ly ihjtii» inmi *t k. an ingci lHiultle« *iu the« 11« c uil 1 . Finance, T he ft. F. ‘•Examiner is the best paper ! V • rt i c<» .s. e at» «• «laniage t » fanning »it! er north or south. ble rtuinir g whs w'a-hr l away, and mme or wlu ii the Iii'liaii war »»t l-.Y» «> wa- raj-.i.tf. lu un «b F. M. 1* \ male, 1. L. Kami <>-• ami A. A. on the coast L D<>n l fail to leave your sub C«»iiimi*s*.«»m r th«- 11 1. «‘¡Veh.* .-oath • i Griffin ' ar I S Ah th« -t v -m« were as high, if not h gh less damage «fone fo thv ditch ; but it may and In s family ai >m . «•? ail th** in Ind» ’an’- - t I i.l-s Ct «»*•* soim oi l Davis; Street«, A. A Davi«, 1*. M. Ph «cripUons at the 1 i. me * office. er« K dun« E* ill«’ gr. di Kt.Hiu priiu ip .ily r, fb -n «luring the great floo«i <*f 1S61 2, not : v bmg before active opvrati .ns a;e th- v4»ifi’v, w. r--allow«*»! t«»r« m tin un:u .fi-i**i 1- male, Frank liafowav ; ftamtarv, Fr»nk in he way «»1 gr«»u d-shm ing !al>-piow« >--rt, was boastim.* f 1 revs m tbeir urci urd.*. th« dvt d to him at his ranch gat»’, wiu n. w ab­ ' K'rwy .*** iron suff * rt*u f re or e«s. piopvrtx. Two hundred thousand do .lair* moved their busin -s quarter-», when the in -«»m w I»« r- ' hi ’ii Si ki*.-»u.*, tal ìo/r 1 be residen« e of M u k A -instr ilgfigi a , ¿im - 1 I a-«l v atn»;i • cimugh to ex- wni n t rover it. The danuigvin this place nruspei’t« seemed gouti for soual’v times. out a w urd. !»«• started t • run t«» his cabin, an 1 Sv».t’m«*nrai ami comic .’ d» m ir’.es--h «ml- vi v.. <»f in- un ai’i *u* inni’y « hve i»i e i hi '“TarrTArg^apr f*o ., d»st.-nr i •». by fi r . th»- fvlh «w taking th»- hint wa- out uf gum-h -t mjv . mi* tiin»« : ’b * merits «»f «1 h «<* w li lout up several mousand dollars, Th»* damage at Aslilan«! frtiin the flood l»«’f«»r»’ii v app- ar«*d with his ritir. “It h- -I We .res-luy morning < f *ast wcrK M.«« rt«.mr •ml Ugly — in quaidPies fo suit at the white. m i in’* Cough Tfomv iv. It is the ami Rome «»f the other towns in the vahej was comparatively light, however. ft. F. V ii ety ft ore, Jacksouviilv. l»vvn a li ttlv < l«»* r. I’d have slml at him." -Mid Josie Armstron *,w h: e eng «ge l in p eiar- A waler bound - it z a «»f Jackson lenudy for < r-.-up an«l who ping cough have suffered alm »st as -everely. du- »»id g vntleman r««eutly, ‘‘au mad was 1 at ill your attention to our exceptionally Fresh buckwheat ind graham flour, oat­ lvM-eff a d--w .a«t Tuesday, n emul Latest advices are tu thv effect that the the lug break fas t,«i'S<'».vere«l i he rtwin a«lj » hi ¡114 w » V- r used. During the past *i..ii wan ton »»utrage." bridge across Jackson cre» k, near Central the kitchen to b* filled with sm- k-. a mal- meal, trilicuni. germei imiotb.’r arti<*lv- \- ah,;i'«l.a the. i t**rr«t ir ed 1 FLOOD NOTES. Of his childr--u, four daugbt» rs. Mrs. w I year- 1 have *.r e*l n»ai ly ad the prom- Point, sustained but slight injury to one L« » ver. Mrs Wm.A.Ow« n, Mr« <’. Magrud* r tre«« having taken fi e from adi f»enve tiur, tn this line at the ft. F. Variety ftiore. • ith«y tidings <»r «»five br »n« h.i’ >« *1 * • «»a_'h in» «i n > t»’i Hi»’ market, but ft« 111 • of the si ream« ar«* still cutting appro;.ch. ami will !»v rvp:«iie«l in a day or all r«’fcul.ng in the vicinity ot th» o 1-1 m>in«’. and but fur prompt action on the part of Harvey Huff' ha« been promot« d from t -have f »uml a temporary resiiim-| and w th i «-user , to»», that Ch tml»er- away much fine bottom land. tw«u l be cr« ek filled up th»- »»¡«1 channel ami Mr a. Jesse Robin- hi ot • >aklan-T.« alii - 1 n.s. herself ami fattier the burbling would have 'irvrn.11 to engineer on the <> R R. M-. Pitt. - « oligli IL m»-iy i- Hl«* h--t <»’ all; surviv»’ him; an »»nly son. Tu«»a.C«»nsianl. hav- Min bie, Jacksonville, new ¡ --lo mill w ;s slid -landing. ¿lu- fun» i'ui was anniHiiicftl 1« r ! i-t >-iml r.. t" I. W. Thoma« had a« even and nice a fami. e, h * \ hi «n I m r bant ■ ar»- ‘-i mvay trom the err» k altogether now,and a it th«* gr- at btorm and ti«»«»»1,w inch cuimiDHt- Everv «flor! wa« mud** to save the nrfilg»- I forty-acre ii* hl « f wjtvr as wa« t . b<- seen on both -ug-ir an I »«»ff»e I.y E gel Br •« . l ’ ho* -IX. -th thv r.-iilr-»a«l bndge an I the wagon) lb«* >»iff s' »'« mew one will ptobabsy have to be built. w on that day. *’ut 'rt- a’cess to th«- family across rirjir » ret k af tin* pu ce, but in spile in tbt valley during the last few «lavs. ».: th«* m r«* 1 site*l tailings, silt and ffi'-r -«*uiii of Albanv ami turns out the «n-i park animals la t vv»*. k, b.v.iki -g a 1 heir bring unde» mine»! by the insidious ¡1«, bi» f«»: luuat’ly l«»ugh ub tile «»f r.rl thr»»ugb «lr:ft* of sm»w in the m u - did gravel over large areas. Some of ih«* l»e-t lower Ih-uLs on ihe Byb ’ e place, and current. The portion « f the bru’g*- which l»e«t printing at ban Fran» iscu prices. ANNOUNCEMENT. •:. .. .1 ’> I'a 11 I »a m He say- lie lam r«»a- 'I be Ja« k-»*m iile water works were bad­ tret «1 ep. ;tj p!i- W’ 1 g b<»r -ale ut 1 <’y Drug ft* r.. •h luge «»f 1SG1 2 wa* paralleled 2S years at- taiiings. yon wn« b> th»- effect that th** w iter 1- 1 .-! I HEREBY ANNOL’N’t E MYSELF A < AN Lwo men, whose namt-s wv were unable I •■. an«! by E m» l Bros., l*l»«j?Uix. t« r ward by that uf 1>94. <’- mpany D, O. N G.,of Ashland, has now »’oing much damage !»» the r-.iir a i. I did .it • t-*i t .,• - ¡?i •■ • : -: 1 ■ • ; • . Then and Now. to aM’erlain.wvnt out to the island opposite at ¡»ad fine quart* r.« fined up for them 111 tbv R* as«»n wnv — there is. no railroad ih* ir. v r« wa iiil'mite trouh'e expert n ed /Tfie v . j « ’ » rn nbutiu nt of the new To!\ lilt» vusuing municipal vivcti-»n. A winter line the pre e p wii natura’ v upper s*.»»ry of th»* G»a ite hall bu.bling. , ft. R. TAYLOR. >u*- i - j - so «** 1 a-1 ftundav and Mon- ii « r«« k bridg»* was d.nna ed somewhatl l'olo in u small boat before the raise 111 the 1 a * ntv m I••* ot r- a I is reported to hav»* awaken retuiniscei c«« oi th» time »>t t?i«l river las« Saturday, and fears ar»* enter Jacksonville, Evi». 6.1890. yi^grvat p ri n»f«b* r» ad to Sterling J>e» n v a he-i away. w j ’> «»ve fl >w< «1 »’vtlar*. Most «»t them ■ at thv brnlge is still passable. 1 (Mined of tbeir safety. I’bey were heard and priv.t i- n uincli th- J»i - e*»rs expe l uv-i 1.i*lv e-’TVoir.« tur the surplus I 1 hr b dge across Bear creek, near G. F.' lien- rd it. the famuu* si ow I- «> kM2. Jnl • 1« a t lal wreck and mu-t b*l the railto ‘I bri»*g»’a ««•*,' li-.e >U’ :: «ill t Fi ruefing a raft to escape with on Sunday » h.’i- b en a hv- y th’iuami l»ir pump*. bridg»* wer- both washed away. HH UNDERSIGNED ANNOIM I HIM ! p a-e, Mr.« Ann» I »«an «»i Willow Spr ng-. The T imes to-day prints «»ver 2000 wo <1.- at J« rt r-u' , *¡ «1 rtie l.’»«!ge a« I«»'- Yieka Horning, but were not seen from this shore A nun !»« ’ <»f ihe « <*ih*r- under bri< k bu-i- svi:: a* a candidate for marslial, subj«ct I«» wb» se marr are w th hr iatr Mr 1» mt of the latest t»*legranhiv news, winch wi I <•:»-«-«, «rn th*- bi-eol the Yr» ka brai.cu r«»a»l, fterwards. Their friends hot»«* that they Nr 11 y all of jtjit* trestliug leading to fb< tin* d«svision ol the voters at the « usuing town ua« ol»’* <4 the first wrd in gs <•»-lrbrated in dotibile-s be apt»ie» iaier *■»•!. without wa Img up, ami this va lty.tliU' refers io iu r own experirm e fable K«>ck side of the stream. Water stood H. W. GRIMEK A few copies »»! the American Settlers day s ol the week. it be a me an imp*-ra ive nece-sitv t«» re- iiohl Hili, v ,: ls carried oil by the water. during thr «now v prri«»d : “But mv dear Guide, standarii authority on all land .Jacksonville, Jan. 30. ls'JO. •veral feet deep on the island. The «’¡liz'-ns <»f A-toria an* enhnneing nmv«- th* waler <>r run great risk of caving . Forest—better known as Jackass—creek .. Seal. Ch asse a r E----- , I will rrcoui t a 1»t»le of my experi­ matters, may be found at the T imes office. ti»«* value» f real-« stilt«* and thv growth -»1 Judgv Day’s faith 1« founds on a rock, . f the wail*. Th** «eib»r« of luany re*i- kwept awn.v the bridge over it ami badly CÑitk Mitasse ... ence the first wintrrat'trr my »»wn marriage. the city by the « xpt iuliiure of n<».ney .»nd and lie at first exhibited a degree ot confi­ J. P. Walker has purchased the B. d»*nc»’« wei.* ffooded. which ha«i not ha« 1 jiamaged the mines along its bed. Marth .. Navy. I wa.« married Nov 15, J&»2. in this place. NEW THIS WEEK judicious adv» rtning. The vainm.« L»wn« dence in Jupiter Piuvius that was iittle less It is reporte I that the Umj qua bridge at Electric, In December it con iu«hf M»uthern Oregon sh uid lake the bint w.t'eri'i them since they were constructed, (ire auf im»'e tlii-n thirty y«”*.r* agt*. Sone cellars Myrtle creek was washed away in the than astounding to those whose faith was snowed more or irs«* every day arui ni.h' tiou.wardat Ashland; ««msideratiun,$1***». ami act in cor«tii»g y. Silk I elret shaky,remaining in possession of his dwell win h Law iiain- leading to « ¡ ’ h«*r creek floo«l ; a Is») several others along that lor six weeks rr«-vi-i« ns were ail pack»«! EXHIBIT The surplus in the town treasury wiil ing in ihe cretk-be«l above t«»wn through Mr« Alice < opping»’T «1 «ugliter of -• cr«*- a?e l!»»w tilL*«i wit.11 w»*t» r, it having been stream. on niulrs from Scottsburg or Fortl »nd »t coni«* handy in repairing the damn v «Ion» three days arui nights of the deluge. Hv that time, an I wr w« r< soon blockaded bv t»» public property in the corporate limit« taryBI »inv, die»l at Wasniiigt«»n last Sun­ n ««-*ary t*» 1 lug the drums when the Tim bri-lge across Rogue river, at Rock left on Munuav. however, mu« h to the re­ Showi ng the receipts and expenditures, ol day. In the I «.« of a hr •!her ’hvtir-r fio n vr»‘eing-j»ortt and .«old every ruar> 1 st. 1SS9. to February 1st. l«90. kilo« ke«i out and prevent» travel quarters in the Moody building on the The worst feature about catarrh is it* dan­ a* «! his f i.nily hav*? be- n -'»re»y afllai ik- I«» know ii. what rv-)»e« t Chauinerlnin’s thing Mt the «1-1 prii es, thinking Ibr bb»ck across it. hillside above. The h«»u>e still stands, RECEIPTS. miiv other. »11 11 ;».i., iiav ing i»»*t n b-tb r «ut p i- I w*f h th .lhi!!\ «'pen.iig the seer< ’i'»n«, liqo-fy- land wn« washed int»> Bear creek al the • ’oursv, wreck the fencing anti the r» ai hearty laugh over “going io mill." 1 here condition. fe«’«l ¡han im»-t s.*«*ti■•n*. C;-w »rds «»f .'»GOli iii2 r«.♦ nm- ii« and c.iu«-ng it’.« expulsion Enoch Walker place last Monday, as also premises of Dr. »«»miners’ property, and v»> •• ** ;u •• Cash aie res was a butcher who had his shop here, and EXPBN DITCHES. For ih • best gltssware, crockery, etc • lam.'ge the corrals and fences about G. m i line timber. we |-> id him 70 cents per found for beef —plain and fancy--go t«» the S. F Variety hea»1 of bovines are being :• •«! bv the ram Il­ to in 'in* :nr • ei .« ol the lungs and re.«tor- Karewski's barn in town, a One of its in ’ ite «y-t’iu to a strong and healthy and $,» per puuml for «alt Of course there Store. Prues very low and satisfaction ers of that s*r’i«in th .« winter. $ The C»»n«tant ranch sustained a loss of lreaks was Ui wash a two loot deep chan­ For Nightwatch.................... VtV’ll bc pleased to show goods ur furnish samplet* by mail. Koar»i «4* triisn **« di«l m»’ h -I i ih :r Frank I,»-wis, the fo »t-rHC-r. had one of peared now, however, “ Stationery ............... ti 1« i men the store-room—it ha«l a big fite- his leet hurt bv a burse filing wub him, r« gul »r tn* et ng last Tin «day ci,hi. tl.ice PK1UONAL MENTION. “ Town Charter — Att«»rn« ‘ y ’ s Jowe^ . yffbv bridge across Murphy creek, in , place—and loaned ihem ftv ng pun«, and but 1« almosi fullv recovered n«»w. He 1« • »f th« i’i**m!»er« be ng «.n thv sic«i h.«L A Ft*«« .................... . .......... Son of the Lord in Limbo. Xhin-county, has disappeared. It is i also they li\e»l ih**re for s« v» ral weeks »>n frit »1 siill in Ja- ksonvi le. a l>o \ “ Insnram*»*.............................. -p- «ia! meeting will he h-l«i in a stv rt W. Beeson of Talent visited the county­ ih* ' o oi W. C. R<»h»*rt«, m»tv in jar I here - -t:i e«l ihatsomeof th»* briiig»*-, in the lower beef aioie w th ut salt 1 h» ir btef bb “ Recorder's Fees ............... seat last Tuesday. < on-idei< blr rain has fallen since th I time, in «»uh r to make arru g« menfs f«»» i A.i.ii'-g 1. a. -pur*al • u l«» l t-riltu «1. was Applegate ci untry areal*«» g >ne. “ Fidewulks................................ was I’JO, which Mr D« an paid. t-»r the coming town election. last Fri'liv c-mtniih ^-»u a teiegrs; hi- Mrs Dr. Sommers, who lias been quite “ Cvnu*t»*i*y............................... which , ne» that ’he stre ims wi»l be full of waler fur ‘ * Print Ing. .. ............... s>»met ime lu « vine . nec. 's r. in -’Id’.crv t»< « »mplt !e the "t ew 1 h * c: iua*. I he y»ung man is about ! w» nty - aged, as their ditcncs are tilled with slides pi’g in a btlle -h.n ty m ar, and ><»ubl J. 1’. True of Medford spent a day with *“ Treasurer’s Salary............. Street < ommi«si(»ner Eaton has been pr«««:« as" <»! ff«»ur mak ng in t:.* s’.-irm live y» a. ol !. W.i'.l^bert.sw&stiieeon- from the hills ami their reservoir» gone. Come a* d pi« k up tl.e beef Inai's thrown friends in town last week. " Fir«» Engine........ ’. away. As >O»’l> a« the butcher <(isc<*V Ted kept very bu.«v since th»* deluge begun, and iiT’run, of th** supp y h»ni*v of W m n* r hdt i»li »1 « h*rk of the c-»nifiii*.«i»»h house of “ Fire Wardens..... Ben Beall and Jas. Williams of Central In going to Central Point ju«t now one ut fior iaml, ami th«* “ Water Pip«-............................ this he charged h»m 25 <•»nt* each fur them. has ha«l a large force under mm wb« n he A Co., P«»r’ ami, wi t -up ’lintvnd the W. Dull »' A ’ " Sundries......... ...................... ¡iiioii is all«* «*»i to have cr< --es Ja«'l-son creek “four hundred time*, Point called on us to-day. pla*-mg « f th« new n il*. rtcL,»*’«’. Mr Ihan 1‘d-i h ni g » stop that “2 bit busi­ could get anj biwiy to work, x I »-•»( u;>t or hi' defal- C. J. Geer, the popular Centra! Point ami seven th-Hnand of its benches, ” a« a • ■ •. 11» ba g • of the ness." or leave »he place, tor !•♦• would n»»t ■■«■il- Total vxpenditur«**. .. Busin»*«.« b.is been paralyze«! by the un*' drayman, visited our town last Monday. ji . is tn the fiairds ot Hivriff Birdscv, a id citizen says wh«» has travtle«! it. tolera>e it I fear 1 t.re you with ihi« «ub- pre» edent» d weather of th* pa»t imnithj w. , -ix I ar:-- trunk« It 1« tfiought • lie ject;but()h! E-----, th«»«e were «ie icimis an»! it will be . m » h etiniv vet before it re*' County Clerk Midler is steadily growing Receipts in ex<*ess of » xpumliturv« .$ Ifl7 14 The bridge across Bear « reek, northeast « *.5 trunk- «•oiit.dn pr- ».fs ol the guilt »»f the •*f l-entral Point, is st 11 there, but the b» t-ei ami was able to be Mbo.it again tins Money in tin* Town Treasury.......... pancake».” fem h wa« rioneei no«pit*»hiy Mini» •« its wonted »qudinrium Nu nidvbteun « > u i V11 who n ii *> wmh H il.*» riiak- iiiiih- nel to the west __ of ltie not eiactiy the must > onnurtHble times to _ . st] rt ture. Ch is Gay. the cl* ver manager of I)r. «»■ities somewhat; but ¡h-re will be great thv town of Jacksonville. Or.. g preparatior s to rep ♦ vtn them w hen he I D. Bl«'»omer s ranch,^ie;«r the mouth of La * pens’ drug-store at Central Point,»pent live in. danger * f weak an ma - l eii'h.ng m th« , [SEAL] this 1st «lay of February. tii'c 1 wa* arre :«:«!. .. whs „.. . «leeuird ,, aw- hr u h ; j x Tin- Railroad Brdly Injured. quite badiy G. W. Gibson and family. Granville Sears ’ ranch was < B n tne market ; also ail the popular branm» manv .’•h',u d si live to ««ve a | art of each dur ng the past w«- k. Um- little cl.ai Iroaii t-» th« north :s now in far cut tip by tb<* waters of Armstrong gulcli, I A. L R *uter, who ha« been confined to his Notice of Public Examina­ Oniarwhch comes b> toil. There i« a uf chewing and smoking lobat e»*« toAii kill« «1 Hum -nne 8«piiir»!' in fit than ¡hat portion sou h of [ wiiii h escaped from their accustomed | ro*»m with a severe cold, is uble to be about place in Grant's Paas, Oregon, where 1 The cigarette tiend« are in dismay, as it iioiir.« oUl 11 ' in • ri -i ■ trip 0 tion. For loti miles n ” th of Medford ch »1 nel and swept across his field again, we are glad to learn. niun»y can be saved when buying. It pa>« is reported that a gnat trust bus been fence in bi« fati.er'.* lie d. >ti of slide.«, washouts, sunketT, to bujr there Go to tin» R. «i Star Store lurmeu to <-«»ntr«»l ih. .«¡4»* f their tavorit»* The David Birdspy ranch suffered the C. B. Kingsbury, who is interested in the OFFICEOF ) -pread-n*. rails, no* to -peak of “Ay«r’> Cherry Pe- t-rul l a- g v» ami buy 2 papers needles for 5c. ; 3 bold«« ari.cit* ol existence and raise price«. “s of some land and a g-.»»»«l many rails, Wiiitmg ad*iition t«> T«»lo, is in town to-day. T bte C ounty S chool S i i * ehintem » f . x r, ulveitsa'ul bridges, will render great relief in i»rum tiiti- Wi’mn a immili J A« hs«»N viele . F» bruary »». IH*». ) , V ■ w -wn the i iv< r, as dul al* • the Fred good irg ma< bme « il f««r 2o< , chil­ Bini- accompanied by Scott Griffin. J upit r l’luviu«i« <»pe*.ly a« cu«ed uf hav­ iidmg precarious aud uncertain tor «■ y ranch, now farmed by Ed. Farra. otice is hereby given thaï 1 F or dren's fl 25 «tu.«- tor 90c.; laoies’ fl 50 1 ing tireti «4 breaking hi« »»wn records of I hav<--ent mm- «•!' this pr« par.ition to a Mr« John Miiler ami Mrs. G. Karewski, v.v*k», lo place« for m-'es at a thv purpoH»* <>f making an « xaininat i«»n «»f kid sb es fi»r >3 50; eh* , eh , etc. Prices ' r« <•• nr «- nturi».«. ami <»! having started out fr.end suffer-ng fr* in hr n-hi -• ami «.«th The -lower Bear creek valley, from Cen- al! p» rs-HiK wh»» may «»IT« r thvinselv**.- ascamli- who Lave been quite ill, are able tube about - »e:. h ’ Lv track i- alm t entire y gone or ma It lias Cow nw < » n « k ' waUr standing for several feet deep about • ar 1 at hr 1 u*i over it. In ihe The largest and bc-t stuck of deetls, viHv. lTymouti’. England. Frei (»rob of Wagner creek spent last w ill iioid a i»ut»lic examinnti«»!! Mt hisoA»*** in purchased the Telegraph Variety Store, and have a new and first- of dottare and cents. There is no fri«-nrth ul Rustburg and m Rogue river fell about five feet before the of water everywhere tn that «ection. class stock of goods, which I am selling at the lowest prices. ests ; j «I bruises ai d track, counts for the tact that the bridges along he«t On this t-a-i« y«»u are eor«linll> in i The “Tining*' rep«»rts seven burials nvarl» .mt'» P.**- ha-i gon <»u th it m o 11- quite ill. having caught a severe cold from owminencing at 12o’c!(X-k. W; vn lite next in »*i will a r ve is ••pa-l that stream are most of them still standing. F rM-grail«* certificat»«* J»* huv »1 under th«* «»Id Vite«l l«» visit lb’* Reti St:.T fetore. Grani i» wifbin a week s nn>e al the Fhtcrrx Ceme­ ¡im. rai» will prove • exposur».! during the Gjrepart of the we-k. law- cannot I»«* renew»*«!. T«*Mch» t * hoLl’iig PETER J. CHAVNER Pa-«-, Origini, uhe •• the arc a«!» n tery re «n y Not all the de eu«.*-i per. 1 hat •• t n. a« it cu .* off a ¡a; gv <•<» .11' r v finding out, ' «>• Lord Dundr*ary would Judge Haiina and W. Kahler, who in- c«*r iiti«*Mi« »• thm wiil soon expire steouAd n -t Give me a Call and be Convinced. The bridge across Rogue river at (told -ay. MH.sW«r* ic-idtnisul that pHite. however from that place. isbiogiv low. Ri «p»cuul v. HU has again stood the test, although it temle«*\ h*«. i«se; I n^ that he bv .«»«n on ih«* -irwt«unty, Oregon. 1« Ward D ug as tinder an t ¡t-r name, x. iih i. e., pa«*kiug suppm•«* ■ n Imr.-t F. M. Ferguson, I. J. Hansen. Ralph ■Sears’ creek left its channel south of the shurt of jh m-i’ig Ite (’« nl’al I h um at A-d land, wh th an Mi e» unt - I some <1 bi« h*rmei e-capades. of hauling them with Wa n- Dttck :n.->: <1 •k u| e< s i.. - - mi i-ern < . a - i- no a a pa, ; r, an»i. i-.nle-s a fresb suppl y arrives lair rounds, and j -iuing with the waters Dean. B. W. Huston, John Ralls and J. E. M»h'»dA b and ere« k, wss burine! lu'-t The uhl hrindie cow can live to ii .bt for tinys entire y th* i.,«h on. T: fio.iti cu' <> ii, W’C w ,h all Le oblL í <1 to re-»» rt to us- of Arm*trong gulch, cut a new channel Fisher o( Widow Springs precinct were Estray Notice 1 u« sii ■ y, thè t»r< resulting fr«»n» the »‘ii'-t- h» rim* auuiticr winter; but h»r owner out ihe r»»ad.« .«<» baffiv ami swept away so • I g w rappLíg I r p s er I aj tr 11>- T imes across the Ba nes field, opposite Central he»e yesterday. ing » f lamp«, | rthUriiaNv. Th»* bu ld n/ »toesn'i b ts«» the sbowt rs that remove«! ihr many bridg» « 1 hat it 1.« next, u impossible Poinu , h. « a ¡are»' r*” ‘ :, e ,fT’i iruua ¡ty b’- M. L, Mr’’all of Ashland is in town, hav- LARGE. RED BELL < A ME T«> THE was bou-ht by S. M. Kyerg ear a d w th thè hie. day laM wv«*k. Bothuf his t*ars are cr»»pp»d b* kkHi offl but. no brands w«-rr notie« abl«’. Th»* - ei» the toe incinte iiis'ance b« b» t . matlv it ir«»pi«*al f »r tfie regular aimy, v.a- reader w; I prefer ..ewo on colored paper to tn it. Jacksonville, Jan. ¿s, 1S90. treatment bv Dr W. S. Jones of Medford, id Port.an ; late-y. be tu a with«-.*- in the none at ali. K. B j « itn mi » ms m cdging-hou«e in conio c- etc. for dropnv, ir«»m which she has been a suf ­ Residents of the lower valley, who had 4*ii-- -? • u murder • « . r »• .■ fn
  • ulr. supi 'y vas deiui peti by tl»e flo d, and thè from bis^un m-rtb ar«» in serious danger ba* been sentence»! t«» be hung in June. weeks, regretted that the labor had not Thus. B. Merry, who is also acting in the liOU.’t burntd c » n.p et**iy up. ern, Domestic and Foreign Exchange. A work-iwii wa.- rvp»-rie«l at Ager, Cal., Twenlv tons of buy, > t good quality and been bestowed on boat-building when the capacity <4 correspondent of the ftunday aken ri* and posted by the under - from starvation, at last reports being almost the f«»repait ot the week, ami it was bah ■« well, can be bought by calling on J. flood was upon them. signed, in Jacksonville precinct. Ja< ks--n “Welcome," left for ftan Francisco recently county. out ot supplies. Or«*gon, one whit« yearling steer, with Now t« Y.Hir etuknee. thought that ’In* Cal f.-rma end ot he 1 ii- R. II ward. <»u the Ijavix n place mar All of the streams have subsided, though on the steamer “Santa Rosa.” red ears; no mark or brand visibl«-. L< ft ear L..I’ udj- inni, tl.e oily park i f Me«Wnrd, Huge slide* at the west fork of Cow r»»ad would bv open f*»r business in !«>« M «¡lord, or ou Ciias. N;c£t-11, Jacksonville. much waler is still running in them. J. W. Ingram of Widow Springs precinct lops down. Have been fv1 OTTEGOIN > COMPLETE STOCK SUSPENDERS. NECKWEAR.ETC. EOWENT 1’HICE? Medford. LADIES FINE LINE OF FALL / 9 DRESS-: SUITINGS Striped Foule, in Colors, Iron Frame Alpacas. Merinos. Sicilians. Shepbard. l’laid, Cacbeniire, V... \ T Silk Warp Henriettas, Assabrts, Tricnts, Scotch Plaids, 12 inches wide, Black Brocade Cashmeres. We have the above in Latest Colors. New Trimmings, New Buttons, Gioves, Mitts, Stockings, Shawls, Flannels. Yarns, Blankets, Etc., Etc. LADIES'WOOL VESTS AND PANTS, SCARLET AND WHITE. Special Bargains In All Wool. PETER J. CHAVNER, Prop Vi CENT’S FURNISHING COODS, NOTIONS Groceries, Candies and Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco, Cutlery, -y Fresh and Tropical Fruits. N A Jackson County Bank, 31 EI)F< >1« 1 >, OREGON T