eiwfi ihr ikiuofrane Firnes im PuMlsbed every Tburmlny b>the HUES PUBLISHING COMPN’X C«»8. MLKKLL, XJItor. Ratet of Subscription: line copy per annum. In admnee ** -- aLx months. ................... three months ADVERTI»! AdvertiM-ment^rlU be inserted tn the TlKBB at tlie following rata«: Teu line*, one Insertion.......... ............... St M - “ uaa-h subaoquent Insertion..... '-i rviavraladvertiseiiientsinstirted reasonably A fair reduction from the above rates made IO *ys«rly and time ad vertlu-r*. THE TIMES JOB OFFICE T- -JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, V «. . i w. 71. OFFICIAL DIR^CT0RY._ KTATF* OF OREGON. U.K *»oat‘»r», J. II Mitchell, J. N. D«»lph; ('«•ngrussinan. B. H.-rmann; Governor, S. P, n- DQVer: Secretary of Ht*itu, Georg« W. Me- Rrtd«-. HUU»* Trea-urer, th«». W Webb; State Printer^. C. Baker, Kupt. Public Instru..*tk*n, E B. McElr«>y; flupr niu Judg 's.W. W.Thayer, Juati«-, W. P. Lord. K. fi. Strahan. MISCELLANEOUS. FRANK GALLOWAY, SPRINCI1890 SUMMER! An Aw URSDAY, .JANUARY 30. 1890 DAL. T Ht: MA KM Hl b. NO. 5. HONEY LAKE HONKERS. 1» more complete b» far than any other tn Southern Ure«on. and compares favorably with any tn the Sute. Job Prlnttnir of every Itiiasinabk-description done at Ban Francisco rates, and in a prompt and first-class manner. A FAILURE. THE SOUTHERN QUESTION. PORTLAND. Notwithstanding the snow is two feet Hfly-4I««17 per ton. deep, the thermometer standing several Hops—Quote f»a6e par pound. Eggs 32@45c ye dot. degrees below zero, with a slight shock Skin entirely go. r*h it ins*« of dfxxnxi-. Potatoes- |l 25 1 50 per hundred, of earthquake occasionally, everyone Leg dlmlnigliiyl I In »Ixs. C-.nitl- Lard—K»*gs. or gallon tins, th»n hojM'hns, with 11s is in good spirits, confldent'of a e tiith-uni Iti-mi- per di«^ In two inont prosperous year and a l-oorn in the Oats- Market declining Quote 38(3+0.- spring. per I'lisbel Wool—Qnnt»» spring liaise: eastern We grow the same fruits here that are 10(3.14'': lamb’ ali-i fad, l(M®14c raised in Jackson conntv, fully as good For three y. *» | almost cripphsi with O»pgon Provisi« »!«—Bac<»n, 9(i£llc; ham«, 13c’. fot size and fl tvor, and that is xiteaking Hll Hwflll Bore *I‘P f m.v knee down t<* m> Sllkle; the »kin W irely gon»*, and th«- «Iiouiders, 9e g.xh wnx one ui»»* Wheat-Valiev,$1 20i$l 22;Walla Walla, well of our fiuit. I read so mucli in the t22(2)24 crops the past season ir. some parts of wa* conij.l. »- t. ■ h curial My fl“«h wa« purlfi«si. per ton Lassen comity, on land not irrigated, ami the bone (which*had b,-«n «•xpoaed for Blitter—Quote extra choice creamery. riu-te being so much land under irri­ a year) g..t over • g.«t Mmi Th« ti« «h began to 30(<7 ‘ . J2<': fair to choice, 20a25c; store, 13^ grow, and t«f-dny. an< for u»*arlv tw<» v. ars gation, we have plenty and some to rny_ **,r !* HM B ’ V« r was. s .u’nd In 2<»e pei ft> spare. every rrepivf. .ml nr-1 n ?a s*gn of tli«- «Hsi-as»* ♦■« Meat- Steady Beef, wholesale, 2ti»3c; lx-seen. 8. G. AUER' Want of railroads is our greatest draw- RflF, Dnbo1«,D*»«lg< Co..Ga. dress*d. 6c; sheep. 3c per !b; dressed : hog'- , div-sed. 5}^c; veal, 6(§»Sc.; • isck at present. We have had several Skin Disease 17 Yearp. • uniL-12 00 curb. surveys here the past year. The latest I hav» been truuT*< with fl kin and w alp P. nltrs —Quote chickens. ?3 754H 50, h r from the different railroad rumors -s that d’-ieam* ti-r • year« ■ W»* ffi-fuGut -' i-trff .ran«:44 itw old dxxtth**, : IV' ‘ CuunpMiy, lumug-cx- tiiiHM was one ruuniter and my l»«»dv wn.« covered with th« im a« large a« a half d««llar 1 f/ee-e >10-12 per d<-z; lur.kev« 15c?»erlb: Tanated their supply of Inni lier on tlie h i« sh Fruits —Ai pie.« 50; orange-, tried a gr« ar many r< rnedl' « without «it 50^; west of the summit, will in the spring until I naed th«- »’rTK i'Hi R emedies , and am >3 7 ». |5 50 per box : 1« iiious, >icilv, mote east of tin- summit to the vicinity thankful to statu that a1t« r two months of >7 00. their us«' I am « ntirely cured. I fe» I it my il »les - the market is weak and heavily oi the Mountain meadow country, where duty to yyu ami the public t<> state th«' Hbove -t««n m\ ple.-, 4<«'5, iautory «lived (><•. Oregon plums unite in saying this would (trove a pay­ littson eight y«ars old. I have 1ri< d almost all rem«*dieHand idao the m«»si » niinent d«>c- 3&4. Oregon prunes 5&10c. pears 8a 10c, ing r-.ad. We feel confident we will not t««rs, all alike tai ing. except the wonaerful peaches,8al5c. have to wait much longer for a tailroad, (’t'THTHA R emedied . t»A!< F ka NCISCO. as the country demands it. ED. N. BROWN.?*) N. l«»lh St..Oinaha,N« b. Wheat—No 1 -h inping, $1 2*;wl 27 Very little land in this county but will Barley— Feud. < - ruin-in to lair. 7fta83c; Cuticura Resolvent i.*o«« st im«.ma Is. Butter—For g«»od to fancy, quote 19a23c; only one of the many enterprises that pu kled, 13(41« •. have lieen complet<-d the past season. l,’H< r< olitical bitterness. ire known to lie otherwise now. Jac/l *Trva*ur T. IL A. Mo ire; A«x. »»or, J. _ »I uuom * Suii.Tliit.iHliii«. II. It. m Ofìdijr». r Out of all this discussion and all these marck outwitted Blaine, and that is the Mlle hull: «Kirv.-viw, J. 8. Howar.l; Coroner. editorial fusilades a few grains of truth reason why the treaty was locked up, and H. Pryce; Stock Tn.»peoi‘ir. W. $'. Sonirer. • may have been sifted; namely: The ne­ the Senate did not consider it. while Zosr.rMlxK cncxTT. J.lini fiensUv. w. Si. Cl»»; Itoiirexentatlr«. groes at the South are generally well l>r Knapp, the German consul, with C. J. Hnwsnl; C.Hintr Ju'l«»t V. Colviir: <'.« ii - treated and well provided for by the whites, whom the whole trouble was, has been tni»»l.>ie>rs, J. H.inserii, f*. Han—'n; ( l.-rk. <’■. aid SHOES, given opportunity to work .pertect freedom reinstated by his government, and is K. Chanslor; Sheri«, J««.» C «•«*•: Treasur­ er. J. A. Jennnig«; Assesxnr. P. C. K am; and excellent advantages for mental and hurrying to Samoa, to take the com­ Sch.ii.l Superim ndcM. W A.-Mareie; Survey, GROCERIES. religious culture ; but they are not,at least mand of tlie island. A cumpaution pic­ or. W. N. SuuixliTs: CnromT Dr. FGiuuran. if in a majority or avetylarge ntinor- ture to the Bauman felly, th« capture of KI.AUATH county . CROCKERY, ETC J .lni S -pat.ir, Ò A «’ «»«refi of Lake: K -p- hv, allowed to vote the Itepub'iean ticket Canadian sealing schooner* and al owing nwnt.i»iv*.s. 1*. M a*.*« LU : ‘'.»uso Jislge, Tins fact of the prevention of Republican them to be taken to Victoria, is jxj»w»ibly W. S M .ire; CommliMlomt», «*. C. ere»foni. H*-tn«snber, three goods ar.- new and thought L. IL K.ater. t*-rk. A. L. b ariti; sii. rtff. M. negro awendency in tn my Southern lo­ the most foolwdi thi-.g any cabinet officer since Uie war in rallrtuul rates and ary sold D. CMMers; Treaxur. r, l'ha-. Grar.-»; Awus- calities seems to he generally conceded. was ever guilt v oi. The Amencau veseels •ur. /oto*« - - ■ ■ - The.qmsstiqn i«—with s<«ue—I hxw is thU . seized by Canada since Jingo Blaine has r.iuntxin; :__ . for < hm I i ! to he remeilieJr? With dffivra, mid %aa1- I wen in otkwr were taken to t atiadl«»^ W. siemens i.Akr. corxTT. ly patriotic men, the first question is: |s>rts, and the Canadians 'rill have their Joint Sena» r. C A. < 'ir.irell of lake Ought it to be different in result from grip on them. These ere only trifle«, r. —iimrive. S. >' 8 "—*; < .imty Jua-re. Country Proiluce twilight and sold; also Wool what it already is? .Mr. GmrgeW. Cable, however. The monetary question strikes Wilshire; *’>.1111111*'-’in- *■'. 1« L sa* rl.-i k IIi‘l< s and Furs. Hadley; Curii. W I' it .yl; Silenti. Win. speaking from the pro-negro side of the dee|ier. In 188!» the total of tailurex reamed Z »-’’Solicit orders for Lumber. Tr. axiir. r. A Me* alb n. s. ii.».l Sup question, says: '‘T'te true Southern the unparalleled sum of $1-40,000.000. ent, A l|. fisher- V». -* .r, J. E. Me MAX MULLER, piobletu is not, shall the negro doiniuate In Philadelphia, w irii ar lenii» e . ........... nir o M iailuy» in March .11**1 *H lol. r: six. shall not enjoy right« in th« choii-e tac'ories, 200.00 • acres of goixi farm lands db ten. commi uciux .»n first- M iiidsy in May. of their rulers." is put captivatinglv, a-e abandoned. In 1886. under a Repute riu- elremt court forili, fi r-t judicial district to induce all who read it to at once re­ lican tariff, Ue publican officials an trounced Alt» In Jaeka n count, on IIr»l M m lavs in NEAT. DURABLE, STRONG AND CHEAP spond: of course they should. The best that the lowest price* for agriculture ever April. 8. pteinlx r an.l I» a- ini.er Iu Klmiinlli AT BONANZA. county mi second M >u*lay in June an-l first constitutions are violated in time of war. reached in this country wax in that year, M ni.làv ni Novelliti» r In laike county on th. Self-preservation is first law, and inface bi the New England «tales improved third M .nd.lj III May an I tlie reeon.l M .lldaj *n Ih'tol*. r. In Josephine county on first of the history of tlie fact at issue Mr. farms, with houses, fences and I mutis can In New York M .tclay* in March and August. Cable’s strong statement of the abstract lie bought for $4 j>er acre. for In k' III countj the uounty, pr dulie mi l position yields like stubble Is-fore the a few weeks ago money was ioaned Ion eouimisai .it. r»‘ courts m.-i I . v> r.v m »nth, per cent. In exchange fur all this coiniaeiielnx with tie tlr-t Mon lay; f -r .1 ■*. plow. When, and why, and how. did forty we Lave the Harrison fan»ilv,and Repub- • ph Inc county, the rtr-f M .inlay in Jainmn« these people become citizens ’ When April, Jul, an.l s pteinlsw; for l.-ik ■ e .uiit», tried as such, w ith the men who made, licatt islditionidx, which ax Mr. Gladstone every alt. »Ulte in .Iltll'V Mimi-Ilenia tue tirsi I n. OATMAN. HL'Ci ES8OR TO J. O. HAM ' xbow s are copies of English Toryisms of M ii.hu 111 Jaiuiuri. F t Klamath count* th. tl • *ik«*r A Co. of Boiiauxa, Klaiuath county. Or., them such as instructors, how did they first W’ is H i . stay iu March. Jun.-, Sept mln r has purchased a largo and first c I hmm atock of improve the opportunity and tlie right? fifty years ago. goods which are now on th» way fr«»m Portland, mol November. Judging not only from this experience, and will be sold Ch»»ap for Cash. Everybody in S taxley ’ b K xkkgv and C oi ’ raq ’—Tlint but from all «X|ierience, from history and invited to eall and eXatpuie g«M>d« and pric»* be fore purchaaing elia where. You can always tiud reason, what would tie the result again Sianley i* a mail of vast • nergv, great PROFESSIONAL on hand a full Tine of Short latito to were Cor­ MORRIS M. HARKNESS, Clothing. Boots and Shoes of such consummate rascal* ax Quay and tez ami Pizarro. But we v- rj' uiui li doubt whether the man'lies of Stanlej through ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW, Groceries. Rardwi re prise is finished, and they expect to Dudley—in the South? An avoiiiance Africa have benefited humanity in gener­ of such a result mav lie a sufficient justifi ­ complete the work the present vear. A Smugpler Rimarli. cation for even denying to this race, al or African human hemp* iu particular. and pvvrytbtua generally to be found in a firat llH< k Ache. Kidney l’aiux,ni>d «v. hm - SCBSCHlBgK. IX sx. s .rcinx., 1 jiih . ii .- x , Htralnx, S an F ran » im .I mi ». IH.—The appo’nt- class Country Stura. though legally “citizens,” tl.e choice of Geographically he has discovered a new J AH. MOUTON. Managt» find Vi»'“ .•»■liev.il in une mlnuti no t i « f Max P»a h’. of «Viilund, Or., ’o their rulers. Another Southern friend |x»nd and seen a new mountain. Cui f I.) tin Cvllciiix Anti-Pxlii 1 ‘ bixti r. Tin first Bonanza. April 18 1888. p. P. PRIM, t: e po>iii«>n «»i «'«'I e tor <•( » usioms of Sit- A M as F rom the M oon .—A curiosity Houo’. A |>oiid is a depression, »mountain mid only liixiuntmiisms p*in-kill‘iiK plaster. ka, Al <*kn. I as not yet b»-en contirni «1 bv in the shape of a man who has been a of the negro, .Mr. Curry, of Rich­ is an elevation, and whether there are Thu OrvK«>n Pdcith* St« ainbuth-b«>un»l, Mondav. M’u*• nat< ; n .»i «f iherbatres resident of the moon now resides in Oak- mond. stated the case with much force TlHir»lav and Salurtfay at 3.30P. M L-av (’.»t vallis. »«orth-b««ijnd, W«Mnc$*da> anti Fridav vUri li .■»• pub’'be'lH-M'ii't h’in a<<* tru« Lind, California. No such man ax the thus : “There isno'hing prr »r m a white mon- or less deptereiona and elevation« .it s A. M.; arrive at Portland Tuewiay, Thursday and Saturday at 3;;J0 P. M. 1 v«ni «i Mam tha' Ili* i r «speri i »r co tir skin, unless behind that skin lie the in Africa than we heretofore supposed is in t on h n t tiright. R. B K'ttr**dgr. of following could be found elsewhere in hereditary exjieriencex of centuries of an exceedingly unimportant matter. He Will prin ticf In all court- I th« btat *. office Ln th»- Chart H •u»«*. third d»»<>r to 1* ft »»r en­ th. Ala-ka Tallin n 1’.«* k>in? ami Fur < ohi the land : I'olice Judge Laidlaw, of Oak­ gixtd g ivernment. 1 know that tlie lias brought hack Emin and a number ol trance. m »‘v , sweais tinti on May 2. 1K87, Prai’ht, land. has lined himself |50 for drunken i’urr Begins froni First Application.and isHapid, negro of Africa has tin invention, no dis­ the |ieople who we.e with Emin. A a- postulasi r of Lori» g. made nway wifb nexs. The other morning, after the reg­ great many of Emin’s people died during II» (I ira I an«l prrmaurnt^ C. H. HASWELL C. C. HOCUE, J. R NEIL, a lei t» r ddru^sed t<- ali «thrr ners «ti ; “’h «t ular cab-ndsr hail been disjioxed of, the covery, no law, no literature, no govern­ tl.e process of bringing them ba* k, u bile G hq ’1 F. Ä P. \4't. Ornanti L>nv»»i<»pmt»nt (’<»., Gen'l E. a P. Ag't. I) I' It. H Co, ment, no civilization." This is why the I» is th«* mucous in« nduatu . that w < - 3i>4 M g ¡¡ tgoiuery St.,8an Erancisco. C h I. Cornili». Oregon. ATTollNEY ASIJ COL’NfiELOK AT LAW, s«*inl-flui7. he simigid»*«! judge said: “Mr. Clerk, yon will please negroes are not allowed equal political Emin himself, as soon as brought tisueu ol th»- an and h»«»<|ii' is 1H' thè «listric? of enter upon tlie docket a charge against power wi'h the whites in the South. To back, a ..Iked through a window and JmkAtiHrillf, ttr. catarrh iintk« s it>sti«mghol Indino- ; Will practice in all courts of the State. Oilice but a l«.n|fdrnwn bi« ath «»t iiiím - i v au«l «lis« »»<«•. 'hai on ’he 11 h day ot Ap il. 1*H7. he lamini court, for violating an ordinance of this utter ruin to the South, in every sense of es many Africans were laid hold 'll and mi tlie Court H «use, first door to lei t of t n- JACKSONVILLE, OR «hilling th»' •*« iih « ««f li< aring. truiiinu lling th, at Lfiiiui, a quaniiu of giant pow city.” The judge then pnx-eeded to Sup|»M«ing that Chinamen made to carry burdens, with the result that t rance. |M»W»T «»f Mp«'UCll. • ar«i a |»n**rnger steamer, guilty to the charge, and stated the constituted a majority of the [»eople of the theydiedof fatigue; many men (dwarfs H. K. HANNA, tiinil pleasures <>f tastf’ lnsi• ve* <«n vai mani er ol ve-^tl; the meiiibramais lining anti < nvul«»p^ 1 r»»iHirtnersliip with un :iuth r.ztNl capital of h\- rs ocra-i- ’<*, betw-en Septein ly conduct, published in the press, were en, legally and nominally, equal right- of the.r villages burned. Civilization «.\5, hh »\ f<»r til«- purpose of enrrving i»n a («encr­ the b«»nes. eating through tin «ighing. ami b<> , 1 ssb.un i j un»-, 1K87. he so r«'gt»n. Office at the old stand total « ra'iicati«»u will »«•cure hea>th to th«- • i. x. ld f..|.« ,ti: g r fi w lo ibe 1'1 la-»- diunk is true,” said tiis honor. That with whites, does any man suppose tiie of Central Africa in a very alluring as­ Will pravi lei ... all court» -d (In—tat- . Ollie*- <»t Be< kinan'a Banking H uuik *. S. E.Corner Cal­ path pt, uip! all all« viativo ar« simpls pr««- in «In- il:'-tri- I ■ f A tt'-ka.” C. N. l'orello. there is no palliation, no extenuating white ¡»eople would allow the Chinese to pect,and the* are not likely ioeiislaveeach in Ortli'n t.ru k, u|w»l.drs. ifornia and Third struct». in Alaska circumstances then or now for the of­ govern the city or the Indian the country .' other or tc eat each etltei less in conse­ rd's Radical a drugk. SI ot tt. »« Iiy. *l'<» C. <’. BEEKM AN, 'i' l i .ti Mip» riii’ut.ti nt antlst »rt*u«•♦ ¡•♦•r fense, is true. That the entire occur­ Tin- case is not over-stated, for negroes, quence of their glimpse of it. One cannot J. J. HOUCK, TROS. G. BEAMES. tration. rareh fails; »•v« n wh« n th« dis« a>c has un i» ! Pr-u hi a «' rs t a' h li s •‘p*c»fic rence is larnqntable, sincerely and sadly I tin nigh more sociable, companionable and help asking »hythi- waste of energy ,»hy made frightful inr«-ads <>n d« li«-at< c« n-1itu- ki.ow b«lcr <>f -tnu gì g l»au*a»'li s, a» NOTARY PUBLIC AND (ONVEYAM EK. tions, lu*aring. smell and fast»- have b«-« n »•- w« il «'• ot lite ‘■aie «•( wh ’•*•<)' ami rific.- by regretted, I can honestly and sincerely affuctionate in disposition,jire ax a race all this shooting and burning, why the and do so state." The judge then coverts], and th»' «lisi ase thorough)) driv« n I rami lo li «iian> W L Johnson, sup» r- as utterly unfit to govern ax either of the African cannot have been left alone?— out. : lltcii••<•!»! ol t l e Riti I feti Ila v Parking Colo pledged himself to projier conduct in fu­ others. An impossible thing cannot lie Jealuiii Englith Exchange. Sa!if«»nl’s Radical i’urr for Catarrh ture and concluded : “ U|»on a refa-tition pan ' . « -f Al'-sk . sty* m hi- affidavit tha? done by law. and as .Mr. Grady said in Kee|w* the largest stock of Consists of on« l»>tti« of tli«' Radical < ure. on« b» I us kt onn Pracut tor (olir years; thai of this offense I shall not ask for mercy, his Boston sjmw I i . we shall not see igno­ A in SHAND and wife rejoicing in tlie l»«»x of Catarrhal Solvent, am! one Impr- xed T 1 h* vi?- n bis imjl \ at Loring 1" lNHd nor will I ex|>ect it, and will ¡»rohably Inhaler, neatly wrapp«*«! in on«-package, with historic name of < »rant liave been det» t- WM. M. COLVIC, rance rule intelligence any more in this 'IIP treat is« aii'l directions, and sol«l by all drug­ iMSiibsia l at« s 'h' iqiior ami rifle e I- it-sign my position. The sentence of t country—at least so far a« races an- con­ ed in a game to-beai the government !i chug. , ani .idsti al Prmht import» alle»! “ • orlo <»•». NMiiev 8.Smith. and handed the bailiff $50 in payment and idle effort than to force ignora ice up­ Ute mari'al estrangement dodge, a thing < irlarv < i Fioi eer Bus••ners A'-s<’<,iati« n of liix self-impi xed fii'x. on intelligence as its political equal. not attended with x|x-< ial difficulty in a on the northwent coast. of A sk.t, tu* v e'I a* oll»e» inumhrr-»»f ’hat While one class of the ¡silitical orga-ix are I tod where Ute separation of husliaiid and aniz-t ’ :<»n bav« f«.rwa»der < 'lifHloglle to the hout-e to re|x>rt the case to the police. ptirixise of indefinitely maintaining itself desirable morals, or that they were t itty- Liver and After-dinner pill, ami etery- J. II. SETTI.EMI EK. WiHslImni, Or. .Uhland. Oregon. As Iu* was pssi-ing along Grove street he in power; and the same use it had for ing a very shallow game to secure an w here endorse«! by the pi«•!<■«>.«•n. saw his little hoy on the op|Kn*ite side of the negro then it has yet. It would be undue [«jrtini oj our eminent domain,and 18Ô1 18S7 “ Ayer’s Pill« aie highly ami univer­ the street, and called t3 him. The boy pleased to see the+Ljutli go to destruction all investigation followed which dtw loxed O. F. DEMOREST, sally spoken of by the people about staited to run and rushed into the house in every mental sense in order to regain the facts. It is further proved that the It Ii 8 I 1» E N T DENTIST. here- 1 tnak«‘ daih use of tin tn m my of Mis. Clappen berg. When he reached and surely maintain its corrupt anti abu­ Grants are agents of a ih-troit man, who praetice.”—Dr. 1. E. Fouler. Bridge- Manufacturer of the hail he drew a revolver and shot sive power. This i* all the organs care knows the value of fine timber and is us­ Conn. himself in the temple. Mi. Flint came about the negro. A negro who votes the ing means to secure all that |iet-ait. in the “I «an recommend Ater’s Pill« ;»'*■ ' <* CEO. DE BAR, M. D., in a moment Inter, only to find his child Democratic ticket i» of no more conse­ finest timbered section of Columbia coun­ Colo el—Well, what's the matter now? all other.«, having long proved th« it PHYSICIAN ANI» SURGEON. value as a »athartic foi n»\-«li eu*; Private—I've got liver trouble anil dyspepsia, «lying. He expired soon afterwards. quence iu their eyes than a wildcat. How ty. There is no doubt but in the unpre- The parents are unable to assign any the “prohlam”—ax it is called—is to he cedented rush for timber lamls in this fainiiy.” — «1. T. IB••'.«. Leit 1 and ou rht to get leave for thirty davn. Dealer in . Orrum. Cakme'.—I’ll give you teu, au«l if you take »tau.se for the act, unless it was that the worked out. no one can more than gues«. state during tiie |>axt year many barefac­ “ For several year« Ay« i!’ I- u. «• Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla that will l>e long t»uv feared to return home alter remain­ But one thing is certain : the South will ed frauds have lieeu perpetrated upon the Office aud rueiblunve on California Street. been used iu my family. W. ii h in ( alia attended promptly day or night. an enough. • It is certain that the tim­ ing away ail night. The pistol was tak never again submit to Republican-negro government. \lrE II WE NOW ONE OF THE BEST EQl’IPPED FLOURING .MIL1.S IN THE STATE Fred II Bleukrr of 19 Montgomery street, San en from his father's bureau drawer. The rule—and tiie South is right.— E. O. ber land shark, notably a voracious and A {nil line 111 (tuck of H an l the R. PRYCE, M. D*. Francisco, writes: I h ivesi eht inauv a dollar theory that is generally accepted is that con-cienceless monster, has b eti busy, GENERAL lll ll.hlNG MATEH1AL. for medicines, bi t the ■ niy thing that ever rhe lad had obtained some sensational P H Y S I C i A N A N I» S I It (J EG N, ONLY FULL ROLLER PROCESS MILL C harity of P i hushebs . — To a news- and toMppoee that he workxfor the small - f< r vonstipati«m ami indigestion, amt stopped my liver tr »uhl • and dyspepsia was dime novels, and on reading them ha«l ar«1 never wiih»»ut them in th« h<«u.-«?.” Estimati-* mid price-list sent on application pa|x*r its advertising space iajust ax much fee that the impecunious timls*r land tiler Mnilfurde Bregón. Joy’s Vegetabl ■ bar ap-i-ip.a. become inspired with an ambition to its stix'k in trade as its subscription list, is able to pay him is |*repo»teroux. — M« - sum Greni« r. ¡«oweil. Mass. I OI'NTKY OKDEKS A NHWTALTY. G iwtav bolo- ion of 223 Vaie icia street, ti ».»ut In-rn Oregon. Tln-xi- tu ¡11.« uri- tu >w nuiiiii faci uri ug t In I h «I grait<* "f C-ur e ver » itti -red i»ffi««in William* Brick Building, up-stairs. emulate the heroes of these romances. “I hav«* ns* d Ayer’s Pill.«, for liver and either has a commercial value as ini- Francis'-o, wri vstha: it l ai t itireb- freed t » tir traili- in »hl« «o-tinu unii are ¡irepari«l tu fili all ocli-rs fur tluur, utili tctsl, et»-., un short Em lory st Weldh r’s Mill. 8itle*rimni* cor J av C ookk is R ich A gain .—A man .roubles ami iiuiig< «t’"ti, «luring many )>ortant to tlie proprietor aa the fiaxls of bit iudigestiua an sick lieu-lachcs. u ilice. All unici« by tiutil or in p»-r.«oti will receive prompt attentiou. Third anil E streets, 1’ortland, Oregon. J. 8. WAIT. M. D*. years, and have always foi.ml them B laine ’ s D eai > B rother .—The name on his shelves have to the merchant. A was at the Riggs H oum * recently who did oioiupt and effi»4<-iit n. their at tivii. ” — P H T b I < I A N AND S I K GED N Test *he Flour and You Will Use No Other. of Melville G. Blaine, who was teach­ newspa;»er and the motives w hich lead to not attract the attention in Waahington Keligiou* New*. V. N. .Smi:ii, I ties, N. V. which be received during the war. He The follow il’g are Rev. Walton Skip er at the Indian indiiatrial school at its establishment do not seem to he thor­ wrote in a flouriahing Han<-oc«uin style “I sulfered from < oust ipatiot» vhirh oughly comprehended by the public. The < lieniawa, Or., ami win» died a few w - ili'* ap|s»inn:ieiitx tor the p’i •fti’ year : a-sninud sm h an obstina'« foitn that I M t'l’eliHiit rL''ii,i>or feared it would calls«' a ’opp;i; •• « Tl.e I r-l -al. ath .»I e icli 111 n il. M 'i 'ril at day* ago, does not appear upon the bookfl proprietor of every pa|»er, at least outside the name “Jay Cooke" on the register, II '»-I ... \. m » ol 7 I’. M ; xei'ond Sal ba’h. of the Indian Imreau as teacher’of the the large cities, is constantly la-itig impor­ with as much |H.ins ax if lie wen- signing b*»\\ « !- Tw I* I i.\* x- . ! * • ■ ' I Ci ntia 1’oinl nt 11 a m and 7 f M : third s«'hool at Cheinawa, or anywhere el»*. tuned for donations. Some one wants a a check for a million. Hew»« here n f< ■* t< «1 a «'oiiiplet« cur« ‘ —D P..ke, And Importer of DR. A. J. LAPPEUS, Kuo. Me. sabbath. .Medlord at It i. m and 7 P. M ; The name does apmar, however, of little space, an advertisement, free or for buxine»»* connected with the Harrisburg 11'111 S il tm'ti .lic k ..nviile at H im m.d Melville G. I*ane, w hich,is “Blaine” with half price. Men wl,« would worn to ask and Gettysburg Railroa. h'"*l st Ja k-otivill. two letters dropjted, who waa teacher at their neighbors for money or other goods extended’ into Washington He is grow ­ thirty year* ami t«»iiHid«'r them an n eteiy Sunday at 12 m and prayer meering valuable family n:e better remedy for liver ti««»:l».e«. MEDFORD, OREGON ('ail.-* attended «lay or night. lhe f.> Iu«ir.g a e Itev. R Euiii*' *n- to the Indian nen- faithful trial of ;l » ir merits ” Samuel . il II xe(M. E.); 3d amt 5th Sa‘hath- lv go, hr had left the Blaine household, ditures. then the carjtenter, the decorator, ntllnlier of Minnesotans, including S-c- By the ineor[»orators of said company, now on filo at the T- Jones, Oak st., Boston. Mass. i he chitr h w I* he occupi»d in the morning changing his name ami never resuming the merchant must nil l>e paid in full, but retarv Windom, have formed a syndicate Recorder’s office, in Jacksonville, Jackson Co. iiy ih eh i> Hiniat 3 r. m . ti F. Billing* N«*«|forn. it He had intrusted Dr. Dorchester the printer must Is- sealed down to meet which has in view the purchase of the pine wjll officii te lands in ths Sierra Nevada mountaius Tl»» L»l«<>wH'tf appointment» have lie^n with a ines^ag1* for his brother, the sec­ the deficit. It never occurs to these pub­ Oth,-.1 In Hamlin'. Ih.x-k. It. aid- nee on < of California and the improvement of th« PREPARED UY xtreet. mud by Rev. R < . <)gl-«bv: Fir.-t Sun- retary of state, which the sii|»rriiitendent lic benefactors that coin|ntxitors must In- The paid for setting the type, the paper man­ same by making the timber accessible. «lay in <*a<’b monti*, at Meii«»r»l in tiie ha«i promifled to, and did, deliver. Or J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Matr E. 8. PICKEL, M. D*. Ei i-ropal »burri» ;»t 11 -»’cl«»« kA R.. an 1 in truth of the story is vouched for by of­ ufacturers for paper, etc. Of course they The scheme has not lieen divulgad in all Sold by aE Dea I » th in Medicine. rpO ACCOMMODATE THE GROWING DE »I m Metho«ii>l ch uni» at JaCkaonvi'le at ficials from the Indian bureau are very grateful fur the newspnp- r'x its details,but it has an irntnen»« amount P H Y S I ( I A N A N D S I R G 1 1 inand for real eetate. we have opened an of- ui„b’; sp < <»I»<1 bumlay, at Att»io»'b at 11 a . aid, ami occasionally vouchsafe it a kind of capital, nearly fl00,G00,000, Is-hind it. tice in the town of m . i « i K »ti»’- v;»l *y at 4 r. R ; 'bi «1 ^nn- J. W. WALKER. scheme involves -some of the most . J. H. GRIFFIS. T he Sri-KKMK C oi kt .—The snpn-ini word, but nrv constantly wondering at the The «!:«»•.»• ‘ • nt ial Foil«! at 11 a . m . a» <17 I’ M ; dilficult engineering feats ever attempt- A »«»urfb Sun <»..af Br«»wn«b(Mo at 11 A. M. coint ot the Unif*-«- , Ml*’ E h ’I c *t •< 7 »’ M ; Friday b i rr time is comt-oxe-l of the following gentle­ prised that editors don't get rich like We claim to have an hue a line of property, and •h fourth Sumlny. at the Baptint ebureb men, with the year of appointment, by other people. The truth is that the news- rior quality, and it is only necessary to DR. W. STANFIELD, to be aMe to furnieh hh reliable information «m Ant< lope, at intfht. whom apiiointed, and from what state: papers of the country ate constantly dis­ devise some particulxr met hoi of getting it concerning real encate in .Southern Oregon,an E L E C T I C P H V S I C I A N. Chief jiisti- e :—Melville W. Fuller. Illi­ pensing more chnrity than nil the million­ down from the mountains. It is c*»ufi- 'j any other firm now doing bnaineea. Y MANl'FACTrilEILX OF ilentlv believed that a successful plan hal*^ ( orrewpondenre solicited nois, 1888, Cleveland. Justices:—S F. aires—yes, nil ot'ier kin-ix of business Hus located in Ashland, <>r., f<»rth practic» WK ISLEY & CO. of his prot»Mnion. .Mak-ail « hi »niv, M iler, Iowa, 1802, Lincoln. Ste| hen .J combined. The people don't know it,but l>evn arranged by Hon C. M. Loring, Miu ii as Rheumatism, A«thma. i’llva. Kidney who is now in San Francisco. Field, Calif irnia. 1SI13, Lincoln. Joseph it is nevertheless a fact. Complaints, etc., a sp«*cuiiij . l‘. Bradley, New Jersey, 1870, Grant. At si kalia is altout ax large a- tl-s Uni­ T he eleventh census will be much J. H. BENNETT, nA D-. John M. Hat Ian, Kentu»-kv,1877, Haves. Horace Gray, Massachusetts, 1881, mor ■ elaborate than the last and, as a ted States, excluding Alaska. Her pei»ple By the Thousand ! Arthur. Samuel Blatchford, New York, eonxetjuence. will Is- more exact. Doing are English speaking anj thinking, full puvsici \ X a X i> ." i' K < ; i: o x 1882, Arthur. I,. Q ('• Lamar, Missis­ too much has resulted in doing nothing of the enterprise and pu-li of the Anglo- HE. I NDEHSIGNEI» IS NOW TAKING OK- den* tiirougli Jackson and J«»S(*phine coun- Grani . Fa»«. Orrnoii. sippi, 1888, Cleveland. And the last well. The final volumes of the tenth Saxon race. She is now a formi-tai-le tics for Ml I appointment h»-inil confirmed bv the sen­ census have only lately lieen published, ciHopetitor with us in the world’s mark- offic« at pruMent Ht the Bagley Hotel. ate, David J Brewt-rof Kansas. Tfiereare and some of the statistics gathered were so e*.e for the 'lix|xjxal of her surplus grain, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. three Di-mociat.--,as follows : Chief Justice obviomdv erroneous that they were never while with her wool she is bard pressing W. H. SOiMMLRS, M. D., The new census cotmuix- the American wool growers tn our own Any kind raised in a llrsUclaxs Nursery. Fuller; Justices Field and Lamar. The put into type We have valuable city property PHYSICIAN, SURGEON Ai ACC»H < HEI R. sioner promises to give the whole ceiixux markets. Her cities are grvwTng w ith balance of the coutt are Republicans. Thox<-wanting tnts will do well to give me and farms in Jackson ami in ten volumes, rffi.] to complete its pub­ marvelous rapidity while her rural dis­ their i.-nl- rs, n- 1 will giuirante-- satisfaction. Jarl»«onviilr. Drcgun. lication in I8!»2. From debates in Con tricts are filling with peop eastonishing­ I warrant all niy trees, if properly cared for. Jotsephine counties A CcRE for I nfli enza . — The New Tt-rinsof pay in'<-nt easy. Produce taken at Profumioiuti calls promptly attended to day or grexx it seems likelv he will 1st urged to ly fast. It w ill not he long before 50.00 >- market price, hintilt.*. of Pt-aeli S»-»-d wantisl. for sale. York Boar-1 of Health furnishes the fol­ adhere fo this excellent programme. night. 000 of people wid inhabit that sea-girt A. S. JOHNH0N. Consul tat ion* in either English or German. lowing prescription for the Russian influ ­ world, plying all the arts known to the age Jacksonville. Orc-gon, Aug. 1,1X811. Ulh«<‘iin i r«*id« nee on < alifumia cor­ enza. Spray the affected membrane with in tin- ra s for agri- ultural and cuuiBi< r- ner of Fifth street. A mc A xu ’ s Arnim Antrv a 10 |>ercetit. solution of quinine freely and COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALLY ci tl supremacy. Tlie future dots not «11 all IF YOU WISH A COOD REVOLVER The.best salve in the world for Cuts belong to the United Slates. frequently, ami take four or five times a NOTICED. day a pili ma le as follows : Quinine, three Bruises.bores. Ulcers,Halt Rheum, Fever p,u?V*o¥ SMITH A WESSON'S I grains; camphor, one-half grain; extract Sore*. Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Finest uniAll Corns, and all Bktn Eruption*, sndposi. «rni8 erer se of bella donna, one-fourth grain. lUiiillfai'tll: > m ] live cures for I’il-s, or no , ay required It Of health »nd »Irt-ugtb re rw d and -f e of OF ASHLAND, OR., an-l com'ort tolo«» the u-- of By p uriil the flr^t choiceoi all is guaranteed to give perfectratisfact on or expert«. In calibres S2, Figs, ax it art* iu harmony with nature to »• and 44-ltNX Biuale or money refunded Price 25 --ents per box effectually cleinsr the -ystem when costive Alt» It K TU KOTHE.Bk. double action. Safety Ham- Fi-r salt l-v all druggists Hu rless anti Target models. or biliiHis, For « - le it» 50c and íl Wbottles Mra. Mr*. Winslow’b s boothing Syrup, for chil­ ÍG»on.h0í». t»» loan. iuMMHNii. Best quailtv wrought Agents for Cyrus Noblw Distillery, Jos. Sclilitz Brewing Com­ it by all leading drugg s»s. dren teething, is the prescription of one of eel« carefully inai«ected ’1 '■1 " irrii-i. prepnrt-d to furni-h It»» best *-f inu.K By .1. H. V <»f .M«t?f id. /u ini- >r workmanidiip and stock. Unrivaled for Terri Me 8 or.-..rnin.,. the beat female nurses and physicians in for public or povste Fatties. Balls, Fic ias. Ac , proved farm -ecuiity in J acks-»n rou'io , I «b, durability and accuracy. Do pany, Milwaukee Bottled Beer, S.-hmidt «& Co.’s Sarsaparilla and tin at -*n> point »»u th-- c«H*«t. Cough in the morning, hurried or diffi­ firray Pork. n- -t lie decelve«i by cheap malkabU iron imitation* at the best rates oí any loan agency i the the United States, and lias been used for All th- new popular music i* played by ttm- oft«*n »old for the genuine article. Thrv are unre forty yearn with never-failing sucres*« b) cult breathing, raiaing phlegm, tightnesr L F (’b’istian has« ►tiav pige at hi* place ooutltv. liable and dangerous. The S mith A W kmon Ra- Urotwetia. millions of mothers for their chi’dren. Dur­ in the cheet. quickened pulse, < li’lliiwxs in near Ja»,ks<»n^ ill»* maraed with arutsMb Iron Water; also Arcadian Mineral Water from Waukesha. Wis v«>i..vKR8 are Htarni>ed upon the barrel» with firm's Harins iuploy-«i a l-rs* number of musician* ing the process of trothing its value is in­ the evening or aweata at night. nil or snv crop at d spli’ iu left ear. whi»h »he owner name, aur «lealer cannot supply you, an order sent to ad- “1 saved th» lift* <»f tnv little girl bv a cures dysentery nd diarrhoea. gripingin sumption Dr. Acker's K'-gtish remedy Isold*. All orders tty mail or telegrapL prompt «to*st> below will r»*cetve prompt attention. Descrip ____ _____ Opposite Reaiues & White's. prompt use of Dr Aeker^ English Rem»*» tbe analogue and prk«*supon application. —______ ily the bowels, anmnp ion.” Mrs. I lire** riiOF. GAN1AIIB. Win V liarri- ip-aitbtotbe child it rests the mother. symptoms, ami is sold under a positive JACKSO ILLE, OREGON. sou Fur salt by E. C. Brooks. AsUlxnd Of. Bprindeld, Mae»« P.ice 25c. a bottle. guarantee by E. C. Brooks. i < >regon, Cured CELEBRATED UNIVERSAL COMBINATION FENCE! DRY AND FANCY COODS, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS. HATS. BOOTS TOBACCO. NEW COODS, NEW PRICES YAQUINA BAY ROUTE CARDS. ore Limb ticura HOW MY BACK ACHES. FREIGHTS A FARES THE LOWEST. BEEKMAN & REAMES’ Sanford's Radical Cure For Catarrh. BANKING HOUSE, Successors to C. C. Beckman’s Baut Fred O’Bryant, JEWELER OPTICIAN, AND OREGON. MEDFORD. ,’np' WOODBURN NURSERY Frail, Shade Ornamental and Nat Trees VINES AND NO APHIS OR LICE ON TREES. Constipation Medford Roller Mills J. C. CARSON, MEDFORD, OREGON, Sash. Doors* Blinds WINDOW AND PLATE GUSS Effective Remedy GARRICK, A TOLO! Tolo Townsite and Milling Co. TAKE WRISLEY & CO Ayer s F ills Medford. Jackson Co., Ogn. GRIFFIS * WALKER, t. B. STONE i CO , Real-:- Estate, FRUIT TREES Lean and Commission Aïeuls. Collections made and prompth remitted. FRUIT TREES