MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE. i? he ih'uiocriitk Simes Xi J riiTRSPAY JAM Alt Y 23. Hay i» worth $20 per ton in Piineville. TALES! TWIX*. LISOS. 1x90. lawyer, died in that city last week. TO ADVERTISERS K» A ’»• riie TIM KN lin*» m r treu Intinti of 2500 í î**- large*.« enjoyed l»y any nr wnpaper published between Portland and Red Riuti. Cnl. a dlMtanee ol HOO nillee. It therefore »»tTcr«» the hert i ii«lii<*eiia<*nI n to h «Iserf l««er««. Our ll*«l priori|» h II. v coniine«! tn lorkwoia. J<»•««*p!» I nr hik I Klmnatli roimtie«. IluMlnrm«* men It-* J- ' -l|' ' « ! . a* mu n ’ Mk.il lu <-<«!i. 1b • iiu 1 - LIKE IT Take «t in t. <1 .'• > ' N ¡1 ’ they tx* »4 vamcI w il ; • NOTHING 1 I «.' « t aA 'cr«“«, nr«’ a.-•! • , S . ' n o Ihv Lega sod Body; Nor* L-* «. i'.y«* Couper** lor «i Biot hr* v; .«>« • .nh, «ii-nMMsi Ncsdp, and a* ]■«. i. ry íu i» *>t the diteau: known as SOO p«-r Il«»*tl«-. ’.*» K kìmiiì I. LI» n U ilunni No. 4 Cur •* - ««ni.rx. yi rcur.aISxphi.Ak* Khe-i m . -in. P. n- in th- lionet. Pains in the H « I, I-.» k of the Neck. I I t-raCts! Sure Tli t. s; p<« at «.- R um I i , Lump« and con I « ■ • - tT i. . f the I..tirt-w, 1 « t«.* u’l ...■*« a-*« from th-- «vs tu in, u 3 r « *. • I hy indi* r< tion or abu-e • M - ary, 1 tho bl -ml pure and Piir* *5 «>O per I utile. 1.1< lit«i*4 G«»l*Ien Mi anbh An'i- «!«»!•* f r t .♦ uro *.f Donorrhwa, (»lent, I r - * n <>r»x-« l, »n*l &P L’rinarv or G«ni- • J «. a<-MjigumtnU. Prie« S'4 '»a per lk»tt|e. I.«* Hi« han’* Golden Mp«ni«h In- Jerti «n, t r- x-ae of CijiKirrh ba, *• :u* toy«... », SirMtur- »¿e Prie» > per Bottle. ICichwM*« Gohlen Ointment » rt etration, « *.. Price .rO per lh»X« » .«*• m i «I Nerv in*». • « r twrv, c’. *' rrcurely pie k« J I rrXpirWNK äl *H»«*iil»l t»»kr amir ol Ihl*. te No te ItlCIIAUXl*. „V CO.. Adonis. • • ft K. j Sur.» .ne strewt. • .-mvr * l.*> Sin Franiamo. Cal MMLVLAK MAILED FlA f THE STATE r man, it seems, leaving only a library an«l some surgical iiiNtfumrtitK. worth in all *400 cloeed for the winter. J. W Hay and family are now living on his farm near this place. Redw <»od will be u*»*d to finish the in- -i 1»* w-> k on the first tl"«>r of th»* new f;»1)0,000 court house nt Stockton. L. Gates’ quart/, mine is doing very well. We wish him good lin k. Rumor says that there will I m - a wed­ ding soon at thia place, in high life. It cost I’ni'Hi «•« unty *54,746 13 to meet th-- ciirient vxprnsvM for IK89. The public debt of the vountv is *.HO,- 032 26. southern pacific co .’ s line . F.M ULTY. fu '. corpM uf «*ip«»riuiicud Prof^nura and 1 -* hc tiers. January 13, 1890. ALL SORI’S. VIA 12, 1888. Sim e our last real-estate sale report there have been several sales. Among others, Anderson. E iwards *& Khun sold to James Helms a triangular lot known as Eoit Detiance, lying between Kinin’s store ami the Baptist church; considera­ tion, $125. Also Talent to Helms, 1 lots in block “Q” ; consideration 137. rtune is her fa«'«-. And that, you see, - B« iiibla knows! College, OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA culi VALUS, OKEUVN. teathwr in the coming spring. We are having a very mild form ol an eastern winter. Sunday, the 12th in­ stant,would have reminded an old Iowan of a blizzard, if it had Ireen 40° colder and a stronger wind. As it was, about 12 inches of snow fell at Talent and now we have good sleighing and everybody is taking a ride. II- hii'li» i* Ini! -«-v«-lite«-tl. Ami v«-t *lu km-w-lhiit if bh«- flaunts IL r paint« d tan and st» ills a g'au»-•• Yt in--behind its gorg«--»u* screen Stu- Hets my puls« * all a-danc»-. Agricultural Comomioel Wittuciday, Sep- We see the poor Californian« ar • 1 There ¡ h talk among our moueyetl men > no” »'ttt of commencing a building boom in Tal­ ing a potato famine. Ti »-v ' ent next epring. A two-wtory brick lemons and oranges, you know . imuid the noted | block, a MethodiH church, a 5(M) lb. per The St. Loui» “Browns,” | day fruit evaporator and cannery are profe»»ional baseball club, gav«* exhibi-1 among the enterprise» under considera­ tionH at thp Mechanic’* pavilion at Port­ ■ tion. It has never been a question of mon- land last week. eV to btllld with,but one of piofit,w ith olir I’rof. J. D. Robb has been appointed btwineHS men ; and now they have about made up their niindn it will pay to in­ principal of the Cliemawa Indian train vest. The world fleet! not be surprised ing Hchool, to fill the vacancy caused by to hear of Talent having a genuine boom the death of Prof. M. G. Blaine. A'VOH7./7>G7.’ /.S /’OII77L It takes the i du*«* of a doctor and « • ? | <’«*- FOR WHOSt ■criplH-n-. Ml • I ■rduUlai x- lix, s x. fi n-l BENEFIT ft file L« -t pr. . < - f an»t cure liuli ;• • !» :«. C«»n-iipal j .n. I. >• ««! « Z «•'.-•, 1lili<»u«*n«*eft, 3«»n. N«» loss Pile«* and Meat" 1» a bti-im-sS Of tin»« . I'-> r I is in«»-t in- lì while la - ' r ii: r from Doer nt mi . ! I • • : l < Ur. I»i- eipnbur«* a I everlwh- arrlnra. It” we» x \I- -uid Ill nr*n and I «■ v••» i- ’• ’ t . ■ ii: 4» -t delicat«- i . A in tie Aperient • t 1 I.g - • p taken a> r • ’«.Ulis. aud a mu *1 • - arp< U» A little ! • ii in a h uud the np|»-’ • . < • •wet-tvu« I. • ’ ; <»• . \ ’ o\. A I’HYM« ! V s . t-»r *•1 h-vr L u '■ to twenty v r* ■ ' ì» put Up « V«.-^' . . y like s. rii> ii . I. and ctT. lively r an 1 at H.c kame • e emiig) »Le tw r- ->f the >v -i w M. Hi Mark* of i;»-tu I»»« n* rra«t- M • •• Aval an I ■ du red, uti th«- b.de. Tub- i Carrie Hay, who ha« been going to Hchoui at Cent»al I’oint, ha» returned home. \ roimtrv edit >r in Nebraska has just been robbril «»• *200, and sympathy fur his lo.-s is .-wallow**«! up in curiosity to know how hr got *u much money. Misti Eliza Cook of this place spent last week at Guhi Hill, vittiting Miss Ada Barker. Henry White, one of Rock Point’s well to do citizen», Spent his holidays at Negoti it n- have been concluded be- !w< eti ll •• N itl.« tn i‘a« iii»- and the Wis- «• opmii Cvntr il, whereby th»* latter will b- « am ¡* part of the Nurthein Bardic system. The Mt. Shasta Route Geo. W. Yoc um, a prominent Portland (.«rant’s Pass. W. S. Co-'k of this place is paying his Arra:.’»• i .‘xpiv»»»iy tu m»*«’l the «laniMnd* an«t UH.sfoot tn»» Uriniug mb»re«»f0 wf tb« Stat». sister on Forts crick a visit, together l'iule tKtwv» n Mvdfurd and San Francnwu, F— ..-« ««!•( >Kï O»;p«HrvtENr. t w* uly -tour tmura. with Mis. C. '»< -r 1*» » «nr» «>f hm « wh«» «i- sire t«> CALIFOHNIA hll’KL» IKAlAs liLN UAU Y HE- I hath * <’unniiigbam is tlie largest Win Russell of this vicinity, who has r » »«•« «>. g»« but Hrn n«»* prvpnr-Mj t.» au- rWLLN PUK1LAND A.XD sA.X FllAM lsM>. slieej-ow n»*r in I’matilla county. Hr been quite ill with the infinepza. is bet- tfi i uU» *c- ci»M- • by wxaminatiun. count- itiiong h s {•■ >-*us-.<»ns about 25,- > v u i a , North, MlLliAKY rUHNING t< r at present. t)00 sheep, pait aw. i.uu r. M. Ixuvv Purtiaml Arrive IV.I.»1- xi. While passing through Rock Point, ton ranges -.u» a . M. .L*uv«* M««itor«i L*a\< . ' AA»i-. m . BUILDINGS. j stop and « xatuiiie B«-nj llaymon P iim* I*at*{’- Coieinudiuii» and w*»U Vrntilat»«d. 7.4.» A. M I Ai i V*. Nulli-r.tucie* •> I.» ax • I . »•' I*, xi. Snow -hd > at ^? uf the h- MllhitsH m lhe Stalo. SiUO V M. laave Portland Arrive 3:45 e. m . Mor»* sin!«-.- ar»* ant c!put» d. and the the influenza, but is able to be behind b \Pi HiMENTAL STATION. la aV« 111. » < v. .xi. r«»a«ls are nnpas-able on ac<-ount of th»* the counter again. Albany » «e n t< ,MU«*r full«»f mt«’re»t t«» UW V. M Leave L« u\ « I Y. xi. J-.4U p. M J Al rive Lugvuc rw. wil t»»* r»**.”ilari> L*sn«-«t and copiea deep sip > w . Litlle Maggie Miller, who has la*en ». «i to eu« h t-Htr«»n of tht* Cullvgt*. I hr « xodus of negroes from North an-l quite ill with typhoid fever, is able to EXPKAHEB "«»utli (ai' lina has )»«gun in rarn--i. be alxjiit again, we are glad to say. q...tu.-.--i t,» h»w*t anuru». Fwo or more fr»*v .. .rship«» froin Hvery oouuty Conduit < >wr six (lb u.-aii«i 1 It in oft»* Week 1«- Miss Lillie Hay of this plan«* spent TOURIST bLLLPlNC CARS, ur < 3»iuity Sup**riEtH!irgia. ■ )f her sister, Mrs. Wm. Flippin, Jr. g*.re, atUwUvd t«> LxprvM* Trains. <) i •»;! to puîruhiZv tht» unly sch«>ol I b^ < )FHtfOü for tht* promotion uf ber W th 4 » mm .OGO mor«« a* res uf h»*r lathi J A. Morris ami A. J. Cook of Foots The S. P. Co.’» Firry mak«.«» u«>nu« *tiou with <1 mtei «uts. Jogu- or -»ther informât-«»n. addr»*«»R, alitile i-guiar traina «n. "tat* s, “Coin** up, gentlemen, and freeze Miss Mattie Holland, who resided here We»t bide mvitian. your noses.” a few years ago, wa* m lined the last BLTW ».» N » i. % * a a • mo a i.i.is John Dunn and Mary’ Brown wvr-* «lay of Dei-ember al Sab in, to W. C. MAILTRAIN*. DAILY LAI LI’T SUNDAY.) main»-«! in a small town in Cahfotnia K«-rn, of Newport. Arrive «».2h I*. M. 7 30 a . M. l> uve Purtiand Manufacturer and Dealer in ;ist week, ;.n«l a mattimomal si«ieh»-a«i Mrs. S. C Lawrence and Miss Nut a L« ax « J l..»0 v. >1. UJ.* P. M.jAnive Curvadla nt th** 1 < il paj'er wa- wet up thus: I'ulton, while on the way to Mt «.ford, At Albany and Corvallis connect with trams I >1 NN-BliOW \. came mar having a serious tunawav. ut Un-guD PaeiUc Kanruud. Mr- J» tier-on D.ixi- i* ♦*ti2.i.,»*'l on a Miss Nora was slightly huit, Gut hercoin- DAILY RXPIikM» TWAINs LXCKCT SUN 1»A V . f o| tier huG>aiiY. rULLMAN BUFFET SLLEFLEÍ). JOHN MILLER, liiNS. I’lSWlS AND MIMIMT11IS. SOUTH &. EAST, Balti n «•»•»»< d thirty eight encores and | Whit»-, who i> quite ill, but w ho is nn- V.A CALIFORNIA. hui a diamond wreath pr. s *td»*«l to her pros ing under the skillful doctoring of Fur information regarding rates, map.*, etc., cali «Hi Company »• hm « nt al .M*«il«4-*i. K KGLHLi.il. t.. I*. ItOGl.US Manager. Ast. G. F. «k I*. t. Fi hi'ij Mf, Hardware, Paints, Oils. Varnisb. Glass, Cutlery, Etc., The iiuinaj- ;v ln*t b«-’w.*«-n Gwendolen ('. l -I w - i. oi \met rit :« a, ami l’rince Mmal has l»»‘en a^ain arrang’ d. Brim-e Murat, th. 57 //• saxs, will a.■«•« pt any allowance Miss < .ihiwel» may giant h:m. THE LADIES if Southern Oregon are hereby int».rnu«l that in addition tu a large and < 1< gant hin *4 Jacksonville, Oregon Then are imw 2d i.Otk) tramps in tins V.>m.tn , 0 ‘.doo . i t'mm iroy*.. Thp*,ti.o, at a tiiii«- when city school-houses will m t u « mniodate ti «• pupil- s. httutlivin. T ne two facts go weli logvthei. MILLINERY , h \ I IH) Tt» I LOSE OCT MY Ht’S- I..••• ‘♦.»•mile, a«« I had wishml todo, id.it f«> roptintitf th.« m ime on a larger ,n -‘v»*r I w><-» in San Fran<-iM*<» rw»«*i»tly I r .. • ->f rhe larg.-Mt and fieat *fo.-k- I«* <>f Eirmrim*. Vmmunition. «’iitlery. u.d S’...'ting Good* .-ver brought to I G. mn I m M»lW«W| possi hl»» I have mide»I to my sto* k th«- following i l.i-'o g.MAls, uf which I hax v a full ¡in* ; A man in New Y oik w . l - heavily fined Hi»» < tu»*r day tor kis*.|!rz a girl on the pubiic s jn*t wha* ♦ ”>.-ni »of..». Ih»tni» thankful ♦«» m- - for »l ->.r f.Hrt i>at'*onagp m «» liberal. I. I woit! I rea|HM*tfully m »licit a con f Di- -ains. JOHN Ml’ LKR Prof. Loisette’s op the Diglit ul h’*r last appealance in i‘h. r «-»-ipt.s of ti.e hull»«’ Buenos Ayres, were said to be *23,(MJO. As cheap us tu Io- bought aux pii« < a -o I' nilur 4 yvars uhi. A tM'MUtirui hue «4 1 I< )SI Kin and >..k. DISCOVERY ANO TRAINING METHOD l»er-a-d im-titi-ifu* which n»' ■« th«* .t*« (the Orar i«’«!. in »i-.t* ■ f it»li--tis bv envi'.uw w.r.hLbe >1 •,b»>«e«ttempt-* t-■ r- i’" h-1.1 » I *»f which d«*n. -¡-»rate ♦’ •* ily and le-pmarify of hiatearhin. '. I N-ver I- - rg 'Ung ut r- «;•< 1 |.'iete»» as in »¡Mi ng .m I';--« h iu Fr «p«-. • ¡«oat tr- u « h I pa"!» «>! the gL-b-t v. h »havea- t- na by c--rr»«»»p Ii.ien,»-. -h'-*mg i if ult n b- noy uf -doà. io I coo br har’ ' ■ ’n >1 -¡no t I f-o fl’ll, Ac. t r k*rpr..nia, I'lr—a Bruì. A LU1>L IT I-» 237 iittli A’euu«, , m .Y t i. 1< r >!.),'-M ior tell visit- Svv- h» t -*,|s w. rt- | an! at the late » i<- ; I < h .D a vi-it. (1LOVES H kN 1 >K I’.KCH 1 11 > COR*slr!’i, 73’»,21 n men, with 133,167 ami 1.7>4 guns; tin* statnhng >t Gutimiijy «•< hi - «-1 472.3S3 men, in a---*, ¡iii'l 1,374 guns. Givat ii L as ti. irg'-'l navy, with some S- - Ot Hl * i.iss- *. It .ly has the Lua. ly arm <1 v* sm*!* ami the .-» ^uns y» t all ).it. Zephyr Shawls, And many other things too niuiu r. u* to nu n- tioii. I have u ! hu s . cur.-d the s< rv iu« s of a FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER. And am now preparrd to eM'\ iLiihi has l»< «-n wo. k - d ' y f--r til»' I-.14 two no ui»«* ting g-dd Hi that er, untd i 1 is|.. r cam«- up>-»i w hile at / ri.iu.dif •t a « • P • ut.-li» Ir »• a xT«nd. 4oubto «rrv XV.- « .il » *> «h"w ,ou how /•»*» I (> « Jur et ir«»t fn m 'h. «um.wäh­ lt .... - XVr pay ail » ipfeaa - barf»« |. a "HÜ, Mil**u, Mai.w» > urseu i i zx f OR OUR CATALOGUE*^ PRICES ■r: SÇEÔ. ; rrnYiCO k 0 AHNLAt . 1 kEE to all «»¡>- *st srAkon**customers, ever. Every person •. . -f-rr cr i .»I I- r it. A«!«li r-1 FURRY 4 CO. DETROIT, MICH. 5000 Peach, 5000 Pears, 10000 Grapes. And a good a-*< ii tniunt hi »» hr*‘t-chv*» articl». of flour, which »- put ui it iwirrwl Mirks. »»very Marie n* warranted t. I'ontain Ik pound Hon’’ If yo i don t u-v. 'hiH.jiiMt compare a sark of our Hour wifli anj i.thrr brand onwred for Mil.» in this market, amt note the difference in weight. th. x roll barby »-♦ «1 times an«l in the beet manner. This pruceee it •ar ahead of the crusher. <1. KARFWSKl AT EIGHT PERLENT. particulars euqu;rc ut DR. BO-S^.TXC’S PER ANNIMl • »R J. O. JOHNSON, Medford, Ureguu. 1 Judge McConnell granted the motion of John Kunz»* for a new trial in the Crunin case, but denied the application «•f the principal defendants, Martin Daniel Coughlin and Burke, Patrick O’Sullivan, who are now in Joliet prison. 11 Mr. Windom continues in the cabi­ net to make war un the Bacific coast hv nullifying the anti-< hinese law ami seeking to demonetize silver, Br»*si»lent Harrison will hear an echo of th«* Ohio ami luwa elections from Oregon next J une. E hEMEDY, which acts direct) on the garts affected, absorb» tu a*ors a’lays tchiny and effects a permanent cure. 50c. Oruccists or ”*a-l treatise fret Or bu^am*o Piqua, 0. ÿMNMNMt. to loan. $5ni».niii). Bv J. H. W ioimi’Ti of M« if a.! on mi proxed farm «eitiriix m-Jarks n Olii.! V. at the first rates oi any buiii agunc.v Hi the county. Pont» l'or finir. Two liiindr. il tine, I -rge • edar posts < an be obtain, d cheap by applying to the IT MBB °“1« e at uuce. 1 Administrator’s Notice UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION I ! Ì U UVEE A MILLION DiSTiUBl’TED. , ' In th«- iiiait/rof th«- «-state of J. F. Ragsdale, «ii-C'-ascd. Ü LIU’ ( oth e is hereby t A 1 JACKSONVILLE. OREGON. REAL ESTATE AM) LOAN AGENCY Notary Public and Conveyancer. Jackson County Securities Bondit I N Louisiana State Lottery Company Incorporai «-«1 I-’ cationi»! and C» franchiti»- iniid«- ; (’onstitntioti. In I u hir v«»te. Ita M AMMOì H S« mi-Annmillx. i GUANI» SINGI.I piare iti ♦ a«-li « 1 Ih y « ar. an«ì ar« a-l;•» uinx «»f Mesi*-. N « la gislatiirv. for Edii- ■ble puifioM*. and ife t of tin- present Stat*- y an overwhelming pop- Notice for Publication FAMED FC * TWFNTY YEARS, Farms, Village Lets Improved and Unimur-ved. for Sale or Tie t. HAVE FORSALETHE FOLLOWING DE- property; Nu. 2. A good farm of 2üUa* resou I.vans urc k. in the Meadows. Improv«-«! w ith a «ivv« liing Iux24 fet i w ith liv«- ro'Hiib. a iiui n aim stnbi- s. .*U a*-r« H feiic*-d, 40 ncr« b ili cult iv*«l itili, v* vii w at- «-red and a line outeidv rang« I« h - stock. A No. I stock farm. Prie«-, fitte* u duiiur.* p* r acre casii. Title perfect. 1 Bcribt-d given that the iiii-l« r-)gnv«l ha- !»«-»-ii ap|s4111<-d by the I c anity < ■-urt of J.icks'Hi county. Oregon, Kit­ ting in P- .Gat- . administrator of th*- estate uf J. F. Ragishtir. d<-uvas<-d. A ! p« r-oris irub l't«-«! to said estate are re- • iin>t«-«I f-. settle the game immudiat« ly, and tii<— having claims against the «-state will )-»• *• nt th« in to uh at mj reaideucc in I'ol«», .l.itk-iii county . Or« gon, with the l‘»’«-i ■ 1 v- m ti* 1- aftaclu-d. within six months from th* tirst publication of this not fee. < . <’. RAGSDALE. Administrator <4 th«* « state of J. F. Kags- <>FFK E AT HOSERI'RG. < >H, I»«-<•< tnb« r in. I kxr . OTH P. I- III ICLBY GIVEN THAT THE f...lox* injz-naiii’ H s« ttier haaflled notice of his inf«utio’i to mak'- final proof in support of hi* riaiin. and that -aid proof will tu- inaili br- b ro th' .luftgt. or n his absence, le-fore tlu-Chrk oi th«- «oimtx <*«»urt ot Jackson < oiintx.in .at .1 i< k- uvilh , < )r.. tin Saturday. Jan. b'.'O vi/. William |>. Col«», homestead «nfrx \ 4237. I « Ilo SW i.ofKE.M *•*« tp 35 S . It w’-st W. M lie names th«- fol­ lowing witri’-s. s to prov«- Ins contiiiuoufl r<-:! said land, viz (’ S. \ rm-‘î tig. A. Armstrong. William S« O ffkh Ros« l»urg. Or.. Ihx*. IV. ¡Kiffkf iu 'UKI I* HEREBY' GIVEN THAT TIÌ* No. «. w Hi !<■!!. w na im a-• ! : I« r Im-ti'« «i not i<-« <»t \V<- th-- and«TKÌgnvd Bank* I-'5' ; in- ini» nt--ai G- mak« tumi proof m supp'Ht of Forty acr«-K of timber land *-I om - to tin <-«> uii - i-ax ali Pii/a - drawn in tm mr vouii- j bis claim, and I hat said pro. 4 w ill i»i- iiìmiì «- be- ty r«»au l«-a*liiig t«* tu« Big Butt« saw-null; \u - L'-tìuii«-.- which max b«- pie.-» I .1 • tin .Iu«tg* . .>r III iiis ubbctic« . beb.r»- the uabi« «-hi« fly lor rail timb’r. <»..v « i nm-ni ti» tura. It. M. U ALMsl.i Y. ti. ik ot tin » a;niy ( <>mt <4 .Im k-'>n «-«»unty. th-. The ow n« ! i.soutot ttiv stat*-and th« iaiKi Pi. •>. L--in iana Nat i<-nal bank. » ir., al Ja« k--.nV! I . Or . on Saturday . January will bv bold fur liv»- mit*-*i timi me*- b*ariiig urviiard ul litiv 1 P i «-. I ni'iii Nalnniai Bank. I. i:i^ !« v . • n x • i Ii l»'w.-, James M. Ih-w> and u bai n and other uui- trc*-b; udwt.liug lmub« , M inu« 1 si:va, «4 I'nimitown. .in« ks«>n c-ounty, liousvb. lw<> biiaaiiib • : watei run tin ug • <'i « g n. «1IX al. < HAS. w. J»)HNttT*)N. N ew U kk fjk a W atekblky ".—The 1 into two pi*c*-s *>i o >m iniii*ir*(i ana twenty I ii« n«»i'tii Hurt n hail liai I «»1 <4 1 I li* in: — pia*-«- ir» un­ valuable and richly chased Waterbury U*. l « b cavil. tin .\ • d I II It II It S , At tliT I Citdf III «/ <>/ V O ’X » «u a «»U r*» .in xxoriu i inproVvd. lb« Ili* - iiiipii improv «.»0 a« a«i« Tihnda¿ it bm watch, which wan formetly the pri«l of /, /X.7d. -'.«nu. luur iini'M idle «»lin i L-Mi I ni act a* r« -«.-, >. j'.MU. 1 this office, is at rest. Tl e many long l rom ( « ut ral Pomi ram «>u1 (»«•«». W.< ’• ’■ ks«-y , tuet. «i«-*---as<-! 12U a«-! « h, miprov« d xx itti a < «uii- ItMMMM» i ici. I- at — 21» < a«-ii . ilalx « • wore out the dufunny that turns the ex- torlabi« «lwclliiig; t< n a* t<-- 1« uvea anu ili cui I « »th« !? 2 ; I « .-ntu iiii • ! . ■ < .unty i m t «.! I t- k-«-h «-oimt x. Or- g«ni. sit­ ((narici-«« tí •*» ting in Pi i»at . administr.ti 11 x «»I tb< «-state centricitv, and it could b»* wound no li vat imi, w il li a .ivmg.-pimg luarth* uwull I.IeT OF POIZE.-; '.!(» rg- « »»ok'« x. t«-ck iaiig« s m li:« PRIZE <’l . 3 iu . iii m « iiiuty. \ .mk- ■ « r«--k ib-w .- Ibi ouu i» l hif .and. i A.« p- i -«-ti- tii'i« I’t‘-<1 to sai«l « state ar«- r«*» - PRIZE <*! its owner faithfully rcvie«i up ev»*rv lìti« p« i t** i. Prie*. <»'. ■/,' hii . <«♦ an object of night­ g-»od. Hew i « -m« n« . bara ami l auary ; ai’< «.i .7-’‘, . ixxitii tn-- pr-’p’i v iu<-in r- atta«-*»«**!. within PRIZES ol 1,000 ar«......................... M.xiy acrub 1« in * - 4, witbaii «»renard -1 uhoul ”^>'.1.» I >1Ji 1,1 hiiis tr'-m tm- til st pul’li<-ati«»ii ul this ly dread. It is harmless now , and as a I'«' I’RIZJ ‘<0" a: < .. »F oli*- tiundrvd «is.-«iiì--U Iru.t tr« • *mv iaig- ciliio adorns tl «• wall of this otlic»*—from .-piiiig alni utii- r siaaii'i •■u« s «>n tm lai .... :¡nil are..................... ... 2WU PRIZE* «H 200 ar«.......... \ uiike«-*r* « k i mi.-t moligli I m piace, spuli 5tH' PRIZES oi floor to ceiling. The balance ol tin API’RoMM A I loN ¡’KIZLS. watch w ill he exhibited as an emblem of tini -1« -*k raiigv, xv il h gox crumciit t >t .•-. Pii*-. ¿¡UUU, UU.sU. |nu PRIZESob j-’aiiir«-. the fact that there ik “no tick” here— No. 10. dUUarc. l‘"t PRIZESUl that the rubscription pri»’»» of the T im - A hni k hou-« ana ¡arg« ni tabi*- «¡. >up , ami to., 'i EH.MIX XL PIUZES. period, i’ri*-«-,-4A)". «2iA**ash ami bu.aii* < m in a»lvane»*. HMi ar«-...................... prizi > < »I lurvv «-«pia! pay m«'Ul.-ol -i.t. ixx»»v* aiid « igi«- In th*- matt- r of tin- • -Tat«- of John D. I » k » arc..................... 1« « n mouth-; ad< i red pay mvnt.-to uraxx 1« n PltiZi-..* «»F Gl.ftillis. dec«;**'-«!. oll» I. Is Hi.KEBY GIVEN ¡’HAT THE K emarkabie B se <‘F I IE» ruilliv — per vent, inivi’csl. . .*1. 'Gl. K»M 3,134 Pi ìz. amount nix I« » Nu. 11. un-!« i-igti< d has I h - cii .i|-p"int«-<1 by the The Hppli<*atlufiK ol «*!»*» t icity ar»* be­ « ■ Mint y «-our! -f Ja< k-'.n county Or« g-- ii . bit­ A cumtortubic trame ìioiì - m -in Ja* k*«»tiviii< , wildering in their nuiiHter an-l variety. t«>r .-.in oli 1 *;*.-. «>i tm«« io «> ih ting 111 pl l-ale. « X«-eiit- I- uf flu- ebtate <»f J..(.n D. (¡rltUtii-. d< *•■ a— d. A recent atLiii uf Sum • iucal imp«)rlam-e a'id kilem li; ioc*il»*l « hi lliiiù li««l. ani Ah p< r-oiis Hid- id«*1 to **ai«l »stat«-ar«- r««- in a w«-st* rn town «levelopmi the fact th.it ha.- a go«al weli *4 watt!- al tm- ihjvl, wil.» 13-r < iul> Rat«--, <»i .my tm tn-rml -rni..- utii« j U k * s . W il; i>« *»old »-li«_.ij . a voting wom.in had pui» has»*d a fom- ;*.-I m «»winr ìk ut « a.-t< rii Or* goii umi uà.- n-» 11 - -n >1« su ii. xx i ¡t u i> g B»! x t ■ < tin mi-li -r-ig n- ■ f.i -s- iiav.ng « ¡aims Hgaiiibt the No. ¡3. i urn mail «I« liv< rx w ill I“ ;ir- a^xur« <1 by x «-nr « n- i i. p. i x «.< *.■ i - attached, withm mv iu»utlii be operated by th»* »-lusing of an ele«-tr • A « W’o--tu»y hi « k uulio« ili Jii*k-«4lX ;. - . « ’.oing an « nx • . p« b* armg y •-nr t ui; nddr« s~. fr«-m th- hi>t publication uf this iu »tic«. w il I» Walt 1 plp* e» lo ti»« pi * im-> r, and 1 m « ai^n Dat«xf Juiiuarv M, |s*.«0. circuit, concealed punheH ur rit< uit cl»» « a» 11 1 - ■«aii in Ho liuunt , ir« lu a .;x mg .-pi ;ng . REN J. HAY MUND. en* being placed at <•■»»!veni»*nt point , i lei.-io« ated «-li a 2u»i hall L-.- « k -4 Ex-* ufor of th« !a-t will and t«-stam« ut ot’ while a niiniatiir»* refi--cfoi »lirect» «1 -. ¡and, iuu.x2»n tv* l m -1/.' . and ila.- a.; ti.* iruit.- A«ldr«*-M \ D\l I'HIX. N« xx W »Ug U h l * «Hi li * Byoi dm.t: « t« 11< i\ <-« ntainmg M<-m y Order *i.»«A» al lini* «•. -.ot , d*i«i«d ! •»>- jet on th»* plat»*. l'he appa- Jiis worked prie« i-riKtt 1-x « \|-r«-*. -m i .u i a -, N< w York uh ut» tu b< .-«<41**1 uy a meilgag* « ai t>«< to |a*rirctiun on tht* foutlli evening that pi i ' hhm k , or a.. *-a.-n at «4 1 «. n <4 i..« j «.1 * »¡a - Ex« hang« . Diati «*<*u«>n, u* uir am«mg U h v< 1 x b» »1 lai! oy ' « r-id* n* • - .n U.< Iddrm Ü gbt’rid .dim (u ’¡.iiiini' lur- In th« Circuit Court <»1 th«* Stat- <»t ». F. Eng Í. doing i»usnu>s a- Eng* I Bros., an / ililir/T th tflirr Xew Orlenns. I«> . A <-omt • ala blu I ra uh h< -u.-« xx il li a v« ry .ai g< in.-. X« nt d«-bt«»r. Of (hose »-»»Millet 1» * w huh give to t lie ¡act- a l«»t Ili Ja* knt-nVl;.«-, ili a *-"«-*1 II* ig a i>« Ili«'« >d. \ I 1» I iS If I.KI IG Gl \ ! \ i H AT ON ghastly (yea. ghostly) whiienv.-* sml lui-sai* « hi r< lu-ioii.« bl* t< iuik ; ha.- alai,.« - t- * »« , ' . f**’* tn-- « I». .* • .nam<-*i m.*«>i- m ' iî : X « ,.* «I« :. î ■ • i, T H. L. Eng* t. » i « ■ « »« >t <»rv «i« g< -o»i li < I X. V equailv injurious and dangerous sub­ r«>oiUB aliti u k.t*.««li, ag<-*«i v* ■ . < 4 w.il«r at I.Y I « »I R N AI I« -NA I. BANK !■;»-.ii f-.«> Eng« I lit’«'-, at Plai n. V. .lü« k— D h alls, ami tlu ! :« k't-ar- -igm-i t»v il uiity. < n « g n. math- a g«n >.il .-sigimi« nt stances, the use of which, ’i long contin­ t I h duur, w*a«dÌH>UK* , * le. i’r.* » . *HJU. d« nt «4 an i nsi : tul ion, w hús­ III . I Illi"' i-*.gin «1. i. il. l>av*>11. !«’l I lic- No. 22. ued will, besides giving the -Kill ar«4ig! ar» r« < • -gniZ' ii in th«- high« I all tii- credit«»!*, un i« r una by vir- A N«-. I grani ami .-1 « k lami t »2»'.«« r* ? and leathery appearance, ultimately pro­ for*-, b« war« <-f all imitaii-m I i tin 1« gisiutix « .i--< nibiy «4 tht mih-K lr«-iii < < nu.ii Pumi railiuud Mali- 11 ai>>. duce paralyof the nerve*. I hi* -tat«-- bch«-m« s •n. • nt itb-d "An act to wenn - to i»NE DOLLAR isflu- prie« mentis no "bug a-b»>»»," but fact*, well- nix luilus truiu Mcxltura rai i--! •: x ;.-;•<»! ot lti< E-tat>- «4 l»«bt v< i, bla* k iaud and « ncios« i < h ti a* 11- -n • ! a 11- k- t I»l I I X . X I« V.— ¡¿tie« - to: tin- I»« liutit kiK’wnt" rheuHNt* and pliy-i«-ian*. l»a-ed i< lene», an«l ai; under culto drawing. Anything • I < i • • i. l i -. i ;• J • » - a • 1 < )« t. Is, Is7s. and t b«- <»1 the weil-know n pfiy biological » lb » ?s «•! wiui a ornali uw« iling-houta , a barn .»co.r.i x «I I • i-riiary 24. such substances w L-'sc pre-« i- <• in prepar­ largo gialla!y , u goo*i rpi ma wuich luri; {.*<». A • i««4 said in.- ,x-« nt «n-btofar«- ation- t«»r tin* < (>mplexi'»n are n.«h» at* -i by pi« uty *4 xxat« 1 i'-i d< in« -1.« alni ?t«-» k pui- . ’ i • • -• . claim*, uiKi»-:- *ueh outwar»! si»rns a* before -rate.’. I: !»••.-« >. i ¡¡i.- lami i.- -u.-< « pulii* «4 1»« mg «livid- I at ll. t-• Hl-■_«!.'- .. 1.4« I-I -.I a- «. .. Ul in you Would use an article v Inch w ill at • *i mi*« two, thr«* ami tour t.iim.-. ar- « a « rx • th«-.- in Hi. bank «•! Bi'ittnh f vnr;.t m i-u)-*i acre «4 it ir* KH'**i ¡an*l ,qid n*ur ; im -I i '- I aia: mg. I* rtl.ui-I. in«gi»n. within lm--*- mouth» once produce natural activity ami beauti­ p«»Kt«*tiiu< . liti« p«il«*i. i’r.*«, *.’>u pera lì . -in t h« Hat« in i-.s'l. ful »-«implexion try V.’: 4 »m * R«»l»ertiue, No. Hat« i this '.til day «4 N->V« n:b( 1. l*si«. w I’ich is guaranteed under a i"i 1« ¡»are <»f I. K. i » A W >« »N. A-.-ign«-« A -•<»mfo»-fal»l« r<-ìdeiiue « hi « autorii-a bti n\ ili* , .1 ..4 1 - 1 • !•> a I 1« 4 ila. I 1»;« sonous and injurious substances. pro or 1UUX2UU tu* 1. Ita.* a -';»!■.< a;uj « ’I h * « nuiinccd by leading la«ii« - of *o< i«-tyana liuUber,-om*-af».-*»rt « d limi t r» « s, anu au « .\ the stag»- superior to any fuing ever pro- « « Ut ili n* w xxvliut water. Prie-« *‘.»>U. fi U ■ T ’• 1 1 * I«» ìiti. H on < « h x > x < *>i ht of J ackson du»-«-«l i->r !»»• mt if-, ing and preserving 11»» Nu. 24. ■ i NIX. -i XII «Il IIIID.II.X; \\ « . tii» und« |-> COW Ili. T«HAL complexion A tin*, m ar.y ih w r- sid< nc«- « hi '»i'g«4i ì. .X1C c • -i ■ *»•-..«•’ t r- • 4 K• •« k l’ »iiit pre- Street, tl) Jacksonville, 1 - .1.^ iut I. block I.« cit y >t .la.i*- a. State «G « «r< g<»n. re j M oiif‘1 II «-111 mg . . hi G < t < Il «>l«g'Hl Min l. 2« >4It t tiudx p t lem x«-iii le.m>t.il«« body G. .Hint t • d i . Unii ami W. s d * k a ;ic« iis« to Cantona is re- ommemi»-«! bv ¡ iiv-n ian- oli E ir fti « « 1. and 12’.'^ le« 1 oli i .r.-i fi 1 « « 1. -t 1« «i x a 1 ;« - -■ ; -p-i it u--u- -r- u «pia.Hit v .* ios than f<*r • hildr»-n teething. It i- a purviy v» 2»- Ila- .1 -tua.. m* x a » ;i"d *<•>..< U*-K ut tllllt gl-*>W lllg «HI U h lot. Da-:u! Il* < a piaci t -r i h- I ’ rm < 4 >• \ in. n4 in* : taw?* preparation, its ingredients are pub­ * j *»ul buildmg - , a g > • <1 w » 4 *4 xx al ci, ami \ Emit, ri i M. Paiki i. J. H. Williams, lished around »*arh bottu*. It is pleasant is a healtiiy au*i u*-Miai-i* lo*ali- 11. i’iict : rriC.CNT to t. ILitdimin. J s H«»rn. J. F. Re lis J, to th«* taste ¡in«l ahsoluhdy harmless. It Jllui'. . ; V» Mui.'i’ « ì < . 1.. Di igiiti, K. 1 . V«-. P.10VE THE MER­ i « ■ 1 M m * nil.x.it luti. A X- . I -«-. . lni|i.-x«*i GREATEST OP ALL è « ' G: ¡hl..-. Jas. M« Iu-ugall. Il i>rev»-nb* r«>nvai-i";:-; *o«»lh»-s th«* ctinil w it h *lu * ¡hug I^ m -h-i '« s, lt».\24 I«•« I. A iaig». fTrENCTHEKIMG ■| .. »V . \\ . \\ •■■’!. ìh- •- Dii liga n. T. L and gives it r»4r« -hi’ u natural olc. ;». (’a*-- «1« »libi«- lug baru and ai! lie* • .-sai y uuibuiiumg.-. k. G M Davis. IL -Dì. S. \ainr. W.r. Ju Li-iiit y .1rs« 11« *1 Illi.t II« «.r. Ill »¿«-«-«I l-« ui ; i.g PE.ME DIFS AND toria is the » hildrcn’s panacea -th«* moth • ..iu.ii n K:* ai 1. I. vv :- > \:m . \ H'-i « « liilltii-lt - . .■ •«.<«! **«'• ana -prilli; <•! wal- i G-îtic only r iju-.'-.- ’ *. ' NERVE TONICS. er* friend .'G «lo-e*. ,*L5 «•• '¡t*. . U Dimg' X. J. \x Wa k« t, .1. IL Grilti.- n*.ui'th*- «iwvtlmg. ai.d u " •'« »-«-*1 bv l-.xaii.- iryx'-t- P”! i . h « K. W. f E li -II. .1. Wljsoll. I. I t-« k <»l nil k;n. Fix« mi • > lit-m W i««>«ix ¡..* I V lì.d. -d-mg r. .I...IÌH ó Two-thirds »«t all -balli* in N« xv York R. K. station, l ««-s« t<- -* u---l and j <-si. ti:«-« ; l\G BY LETTER, w ! • li are it;« : . ti i City arc from <-«»n*umi»ti«Hi «»r pm-um-mia *•!*•>«' lo -awmil!. G< mki i « a-is w mi « i and .-u m- . Iliak- x. J U li*** 5. G- Mali x STATING HIS SYMP­ . f ho afx»x <- . ; r • - The *ame proportion ln»ld* for mo-t "trier | m* r. I*ile«-j-WUÜ; hall casi-, baiane« « hi lia.u, r : «*r ali casa i*t «'p ’ ion «4 pur* has« i, iiu- isa • Ian!. ’ '; : G t TOMS A\3 AGE. i iti«*-. Delay-are dangeroil- Dr. \< k«-r- Nu. I in x * >t nicht. ni id xx- ill mak*- a good m-iut i . v. ! Í . i i Engli-li Remcdv fur (’*»nsum|»ti"ii will al- fur suniebudy . 1 ;t ic perl * cl. ALL COMMUNICA­ »VS \N’h--(hY-b way- relieve and may save your life. Suhl r unaware oi IL- N«». 26. TIONS SfRICTLl r.-iw !»». tox* u.-hip .U» s. CONFIDENTIAL 8Y Pi• t oh \ all« ,v Mu-« t. 'll .lacks*-li­ M I. ' •tl . - • f express. Saltsfartion gua ratilevd. vili«-; Iums« 24.X21Î i*’*l. the -t- ii's. xvjtli tixe ¡•1 lo.Hiis; 1*4 SdxlUh t* • 1 ; a Miiac I at t -al- oft.i« r« a| pr<»p- I mid a a' ■'d xx « ¡. «>' vvat* i m ar I he door. Price ¡ • rix I k i .matir <1< -« i .d, I m -I oii zing t«i said !. < I . j WU cash, ! -'.ai- . tor Hu piirp«’* - tin i-« n -.1 Girth; it it N«». i». I th n . • • . ■ * - .. • « i •. . i.- «--.«lit . i-.it .... tu- -I« «! in : • *i.»t«• apt . arbe|.,u th«-said Ad tne 11glit ami til.« I- .¡upi < v « m • ;i1 n 1 .i-• ¡.«x, the lit» day «»t f • bi'uary, 1mm« st « a«*; «»xv,.« r ** ul r« iiii«pu-U n Krarnj st., San lì am : al 21' ' I it i«i<>< - k u i., <>f ti-Glav, al t i •_ m. tii- n an«! tl»«-!«- t« 1«« t, shedd« d oil uli« blue. .k».\l»i 1« * — THK LAND OF THE i -u v* • wie «n ' : r -h -u.'i nui L«. «»•«»»♦ tin xvcll aud living spring a wm«i ■ ............. ..i i ' » • ” Imus* ; ia > a* i «> i« lived w ith a go-Hi 1 fruit u-*-* s, 1-y * ai -«Id a ••.*. >i t< «1 xm ««1 I fruit farm, xx il li « X*-« m nt outbid». I > »¿zidl K'al ! I a VIIIJIJ st*M-k: * !•■>« to s* a.«»I ami post-, ih« < BEWARE OF IMITATIONS .-pan <»t x*« il-br.>k< n young mar«xv ih ’ . sc wagon, marl' new and ha . - »• u ■ t"*«'i <»! M--1I.-I-J. Jack-on that our t ladi'-mnt k. Santa Alue, is on ANDERSON CREEK, *• -»mir. On g-*n; r\ botti«-«»f that ph-asant ( 'aliforma r. nu- I w«> I kh -*««, a ph.w ami In«» r- -v* and > all g<> with tin- plac* A!; i«-r ¡lu at put'll«- hiic G i hi as by tax* prescribed. Satisfa« tit.n guaiauh .-d or in.itn y **ush. If desirc'd, s<»m«- young • attb I Hit a . px --f t b's «»rd« I b, piibiisiitd four w ill h* sohi w itii t in- | .a« « . A go«a. ** i k in -m « « *-¡.>11 m l U« l)l xu »< il VI I« Ti MKS, tui any man «>r woman in b< arch «M ; it- V*1| - I ot g< m ral cl 1 « u.aL -n. printed •I RS< RIBI.R TAKE- I I I \-l RI P No. 2’.«. -uncing tiiat hi- -G am -aw- iii .;.' i-mo A nd it i- t urf h«r ord- r< d t hat a <’"py « »t t lu» A house «nd alMHit <»m a« t ■ <4 gr«miid. uni t I- -. i x - - p. r- "¡a - * up« - n «■;«< « •: I tb g on lull tiim- and vurnimr out m ¡arg nio.-liy *n«-i'-s«-- js and sluu .s I>.it<-i ai J»i< K- -nx ill--. «H*igi»ii. this 2AI «iaj rat«-*. A fin- «pia. ! siiltici« nt I«» w«-rk Hi- -aim•%% H u. w 4 inn -e <• ot D« « « mi»« r. Issi*. )HJ'i-«<’ th«'W»>t liiieof I lie «« rp.iratc limus .1 li. X Li L. < uiitx Judia«’. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, "I .la« k-mv ¡It«-, i ii. «»wm i-in p«><>. .uadii, At! -t Mu Mi i.f.i.K. < oimtx < o ik nd i«r that r<-Ms«>li th«- pr«-p»-rty will I»*- -..Id iny t l'. ’ st î usi ;inv und tl«*«>rin7 tn-ap tur cash. No. «ttl. A h«Hiu-st«-a-l claim <»f l»-<> h « i «-- on » art« 1 i Gulch, i" ar th. IL :-k 111- -av. miil «- ti • . r» si I « r« « k; lui aci ■ »»! g-’t -i -aw nmb«r < 11 tin pia»-«-. Iiii|-rov«d will! a -mall box hou.-«-, a stahl«-, lumi)« 1 t«» build a 11« w mm-« that wilt go with th«- plac. 30 u« i< - I«-m «-4 w ith a OH ! R H»i: HALF ON Ri KSUNAl I go"«l rail t. ii«-« , 3 a<-i* s in allaita. 5 acne in «>m- «>f L. - !»«* i St«»« k «o !» «ult ix ai ion. about «»u. t«»uria «4 an a«-re m I l»<-rri«-s. a tin*- spring «it w at. 1 iu ar t Ii« mms« . •ti. Ofgoiu Otuausl mi Im tille <»uî.-mc range t. h - sto* k. A.- - tin- iiimi- County *•<’!.iHllil’ig al-l.-icrrs Uii'iv «i'L«| ’-•»• |<> ti:.' tf ¡ I vid«xi hait <4 a minum daim. l,3'*i yar.is m • Ui x» I - I I \x I. o 1« K*«»N\ II.I.E I'.VEHY : i»‘j<;»3 h 1 y It/J f » «a jn w ml o «. v< i in i w 11 n a ami clover. Ab*.ut une-ha » ’ - !• -y ;m-‘ lì . i.iy at ♦» «•'«•) < k a . M. f«>r j g«»«>«l i-« -« rvoii t.-i boi«iiim w :•»«■! -lu.* - and cult i vwEi’n. i.»»«i m-.-sf of tb-- \V i ; -1« [ x i. i- ,i I ui tn ii*.- Til- -uax - au-1 Sal ui day s. r.ear«d. Thi-r.- . u ttrean toots with which lo w.iik f¡" min«. Pii««, stagi-mix«-.- i «» i I ni«.ut--x* n - >n W. t I ii « »«lay K Ç-1JMM». Tii’icwiii ais«* I»«- soi«i u it h 1 ti« pia*» tii rough the placrt lie year r«» at !(»«»’< i sum ui yii »-' <.»-1» piar«- ¡s all mclo««r»i by a *:«»« Uv is a hiniHf and l-arn mid J "• I down ai t ime ot salo. tlmplaco. If also t--,s th«- h anS^, N«> — f h«*c«ninty: a!-«» ». nottua I« u . [Lau'l* H» si-.-ti.Hi*,. I*. li*. ami NE 0! ir.gl2 *• n*» J s«-ct mn 44, ’n tow ö-hip 35 soot h. range I u « -I; F«»r iiii ! particulari* «--til H i«lrehb eTftï for CtrCulj r.*£| 3 pr - i *-«HitHiiiing 113»> a»-r« s; an»! htiuis îns'ction.* 12, O. J. \ xXX.)'. ! 14, 23. 24-.1114 2.1, ¡Il t«-w ii-iii p >»-ont ii. ot lang«* K’M». v lb » »repot 2 west, coiitaiiiiiig Hmo a« r< s. It ali 0! lt.< ! h I h > v <-im iitioiiv* r«-m»-dx always in the >n Jacksoil county. ! i'a i » ¡« e W >'.tlll>M Io pu reiht-< «mv «•! »•" «»box » hmise. d(>« r!bcd íutlds, «n’i -top «.tt at '•!•-.! 1 a. w h- 1 « I th« y w il’. I»« in* t hi 11n- railroad »iepot -- ii ti;« arrival of train- by M< —is. W 1 is.« . A < 1« a • -stat«- Mg* Ills. W l»«> U 1 h eoliv «y them 111 goo«i n. C«‘ | i« i H III 1.1.IG «.! x i XTH AT THE« O. >1 | artiu i-'iip ii-r« '- toi« « xiMilig I shup«-1«» any of th. -lands 1 hax <■ loi sa;«-, tr*-» i h im-!’ i -igm d ha- b« • n 4i*-«lx » f 1890 shouM »«pen March 23 I and clo-e Novembet 23*1. san Fran- « i.-uo, Sacramento, Stockton and Oak­ land clubs will comprise the league, as al present. Fiank Slavin cables from London to th«* l'uiici (»iiiettet challenging Su»hvan lu tight fur *12,500 a side, London prize ring ruictt, in America or Eutupe, ur tigi t with small gloves, l'nlicr (jazetb iUle>, lut *5Uo0 a si*le at the Caiifuinia Atii.ulic Ciut>, provided the club a«ids a *15,000 purse tu the etake. N AGENTS WANTED IMPORTANT, Assignee’s Notice Severe weather is reported geneialiy throughout the Northwest. A bhzzar.i is raging at Beardsl« y, Minn., »ir.fi.* b. - ing piled tw* rily ievt nigh. 1'ianis ami xxagou traffic are at a standstill, iiu iirsl gieat storm ol th«* season has still* k »nano Rapids, Mmn..extending ail over Die upper Mississippi region. ; »«-»<•-, usually so ahiin i -.¡.t . . th«* . i h l- »)! lira gull ii»*l in p Hil.n l, u.*;4 ♦-. •1 th - suppb is anything Lu L Woolly i--happy sin«-»* I.** advert!*«*«! 11 nal acreage was piaid« d a-t in the l.Mi.s for a h.*iul ol hois«*s, which 11. 1.-, tail the crop w.-s siiui! in n di* he i<»ui. tiie unu-11 1 <1. * - j time thereby. id, lu gll/Wlt’.g Keasuii, wid c In« d- ll Th»* snow up in the Reynolds setth - ■.x> g to tie* um-xamp'P«! ;nc-* in j ment is over 5«> inches «leep, ‘a<> repotted p q niation, has la*»*n larg iy r < x .'U hy Georg*-* Hammond. Soin»* of the fi lita ul a.i x fut mei ) «-ar. 1-to» kmen of that vicinity are driving i **• imu s-M’ lltit lilitT, -u x«-— tJ >(» ; their stock to the valley in order to pro lev »A tin* a' 1 oe Daiivs >» tul- cur»- feed. M.ix Vogt, Lu .ding, fl2., ii - w * : The political cauldron is already be • > . * W H. M'jody A ( o , |.H,0O0, in ginning to be agitated,and from the num­ L. R »rdeu A Co., IIO.HOO, m>ui- ber uf aspirants already skimming th« H. .Solomon, d. insured; D L Uato, |2H0, n-» conventions promises to be very great Hi­ insuiam-v; Dr. Waters, $100, no insui- de» d. Just how much Sam’s Valley anc« ; Dr. Boy«I. IJ’Mi. no insurance; will demand in the coming contest is luhn < r«j< ker, |1(M), nu hihui at.« • •; Di bard to divine at pl» sent, hut enough is Rinehatt, *100, no insurance; D«ifui *v known to state tl at this pre» im-t w ill de­ I Watkins, |o00, inKUivd . Jam- s \\ vl-sb i. I mand the litjn’s share, as usual. *200, n insurance; S. 1 . B )vr, *250, It wuuhl be commendable in «>nr road no innlli ahi»-. stip- rvittor to have his last year’s r»-ad An Ah'.ofttfr • urrt work inspected whi!»* th«* Know is two feet «leep, as the beautiful would hide The < higinal Abietine ibniiii many faults. If we cannot have better piu up in larze t xv.i-otia«-. i in o r-'.td work than w< have hail for the last a*i .ibs iliite cure (or «»ai m » i wounds, «-bappr i b ’ini'. a:i thr» e or four years, I think we had bet eruptions. \\ ili polii i % ci / «-u t»-r p« iition to have the roads all abaii- of pilo. A-k for ili«- Origini dol.eil. Omtment Soì«l by all druggis W«* had h«*en seriously thinking of pei box—by mai lift cen ts «i M')>ey ing the court’s »jrd»»rs ; hut when J’Irn! Ilrloioi Pitrg Pli w«- thought . t the disastrous late of the S ymptoms M’)lstui«-; n.'t l’s«- itcliing and unfoitunatv Kaiser, we very promptly J stinging; most at night ; i worst-t»x’ bi.’t’:‘-’»-liiug. .inie to the cor’dusi«»n, verv earlv un It allow»-,! t" continn- tumors I torni, xx hi»«n i ! ! he morning <4 the first, day »>f th<*w»a‘k, often bl«-«sl and u!« « rate, . !»• « miing V’ i y -or« . NWAY'-F. ’ - «HNTMLNT stopg th«- itvhing ami • to light out. into the snow up to the big j bh-'Tiiug. In .ils uh-urat ion. and in most i-as«’- i part .»f our body and wend our wax tu I r«ni<'V«-s Hu tuniuia. druggisSSj -, ur by 11he county-seat ami perloim th»* duties I mail f«>r 511 c« nts. Dr. Sw.ix n<-A > »«»il, rli'hid«ì- phia. : -4 a legal citizen. H ioekvlk . minglv, for » ' it on wre’rl «-d inv iiit!s ¡xxh«» loddle l-e’-'y along, tlmugli alw \> | L•• king as if tiny w» -e going to < iv. but 1 --m tin g to do H. lh»-ydr» up. wither, i dwindle away finally but i:- the nw-antim»* ' never having robust health, know nothing • -f Hi«* phys ral »-I jox nn-nt, tin* z*.-st of ti*af 1 t-Ai1.'*111■»* to which tin y cling with -u h i J markabi*« t»-;ri< itv. They are always to I <• i [<>imd t rying to nmnd t»v tinkering al I h»-i in­ '«•lv»-- wi-li -<>me tra-hv r» „.»-dy. tunic or ‘ p « k me-iip” to give a ti'i p t<- di^c-ti. •n. • •<’ “heip the liver.’’ It such nu- iiid»*d ¡••Ik* xxoii .1 resort ami a>lln rt to Ho.-t«tlti t **tomach Bi’ ers it ;--'-nl- t ant supp’n--» tin- stami p t Head imi in 18S5 to 1 n t th «t the f.-eb •• r» qu r« by | • rtn.tin l ! y nu’ g -tiur div known that Ralston i | reinforcing dig» .'t _rs f mm >11 ' in- T.» «I a g’> J wo'iian,w;u >!«i ,»• - t ■ a- \ « .tr, am! now ofFi-r them fop . '«■ ami to-day is consideri n ’ i < y ’* • tin»*, a d receivi-.l tir-t premium iic-t .nul brightest buttine?- ! at l ist Si-pt. rnh’er fair held in this coum v. Ion c< uni v. Wil I»«* .-(’Ll at reasonable rat«**. < an I« -»•» n by • iümgnti A. A. D.ivi> at tl.»- Mi*.i- i-.-rd Roller M 11-, Jack <>t» «'"uniy. Oregon. <’« ti» • it A A. D avis . by n r> m <1 «i ea * M« d «.ni. Or., N"V. |3, 1 xmíj . - of hie- - • n-• - I I. ivr .'lad I- Ktolibuiablt*. Dimihli* ( lotliing. t* f«> ii n y B. N.-'Iner, our bv«- in» r< h-m* tai <>r, .1 un p wl • a 1 nil line of ti»• tine-t « -4h- ; ; d me ung- on hand for suits at il pant*, s pr»-pare mak»* up in t'i- s. A p ■<» fit is <-v» r • owed I* ah p. Cid "ii him and y«»u nr»*«-WAVNE S (UM X1EN1-' ilcainj e., x .. «j kno.vn by mo«»*iTC 11!. .* perspiratru... causing i.it ns j itchlnq when war >». Ibis form as wet! as blind. Bleeu'.-v end Protrudin-,. yield at once t- $100,009 TO LOAN Ilan isbtit g is up with the times and pome of her business men are making utangements to btiihi a 150 ton steamer of light draft, to ply on th«’ Willamette l)«*iwe«*n Eugene and Corvallis. REMEMBER'3' Petition for Liquor License GOTTLE REE i Citation I Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorla. Dr. C. D. Saiiield & Co CALIFORNIA STEAM X.HV Mill DKCOVE1UKS ! S. SMITH. Prop’:. The lifiirr firts I'trril iuiriiim/, 10000 Prune, I NOIANAPOLIS, IND. I’o-t. Ilic. s have been established at l.l am i, Harney county, with Elizabeth Nor nail as po-ttnitttres.s, ami at Oakley, Hattiev cuuiBy, with B. H. Gray post­ master. Then* ire now 318 prisoners in the Or­ egon pt-int»*ntiary. The total expemii- lUrcs uf th»* institution for the year 18S9 w«'»u *15 83'132; total earnings ui cun- viui*, *14 K62.09. January 15, l.su*) have r» inov« «l our Xitrs« rn-s t«>M.«l- for«l, wIn r«- w«- hav«- M« <-ur <| Xt-w Groiiml. tht soil of which is a sandy loam. « nnbling us without itrigut n to Lrrow in i thy. thrift* tr«-. s with an abundan« . ««f fibrous Lit« rm roots v\ if bout Iu-a\ y tap ro« ts, to be «-lit awn) in digging. We«»tT« r ATLAS ENGINE WORKS nell. Liu* il/tr’ciify says ; **riivreis another "hitch’ in the nc»x Potlland daily Dem­ Dr. H nklv. “B. A. D arling .” ocratic newspaper scheme, an»i th«* jour­ nal xxili not make ilsbow fur perhaps a January 15, IS9Ü. month yet. The Mercury lias a mind t- registet a solemn vow that it wiil nut an­ TARLI. KO K TRIH.ES. nounce trie coming of tiie disciple ol Jackson until she, he ur it has crawl» itu-hes deep un ■ out ot the ahell.” the foothills. “Why don’t vou r.tn a newspajH-r like Siipt. H. H. Mitchell was visiting lhal? ’ a grocery merchant m a country schools in our neighborhood a few «lays town said to his editor, throwing out a a *u. x incago daily. “For the same reason \Ve are all exceedingly grieved to see you don't tun a grocery stoic like that,’ th»* Italy of southern Oregon go back un the »alitor replied, turning to an advei- herself so coii»pk*h*ly. tis»*m«-nt of a Chicago house snowing ;» Tue grocer look Many hogs and so.ne cattle ure »lying twelve-story building. in this valley an I many more an* liabl»* led attentively at the piemie fur a t«> die, as both hay and grain are very moment an-l then s.ud, “1 neverluuke I ■ at it in lhal way b* foie. r-C me. Father Slov»T is in our mid.-t, holding a series of >♦ -ligiotis meetings, calling • Hir attention from worldly to spiritual I matters. Children's Short Clothes I I A lot of Republicans down in “Injean- ny” have been burning President Hani eon in effigy because his ap|">in' nents in that section did not suit them. Quinn, M P . declares that the Irish party liae di reel proof that the O’Shea ease originate I in ttie London Timt» of­ fice for the t'Urpose of discrediting Par­ The l»est authorities in England ar»* of the opinion that tht* »»rice uf w heat will remain low for some time to come. A month Mgo it waa thought that the price v dd move upwind; but ac»*orelve» the fittest in the struggle lor existenc»».— ('hiciujn Herald. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. REAL-ESTATE. THE PRICE OE WHEAT. GENEBA.L NOTE8 AND NEWS. JACKSühViLLE-eRESGLNT CITY 1 AKMÒ Jt JR SAI £ M All. liOUTF 1 Wticn Raby was si« k, xve gave her < 'astoria. When she was a ( laid, s4;«- c*i*.«l f«.r< ’attoria, M fi’*n slit- l»t-cam»* Miss, -he «-lung t-» < asb-rla, M hm she had Cl*il«ln*n, she gave t hetu Costoria .ySHr’nchitis.^' Pass-Wô tiltil ai KMaolß Laici. 'L NG-Ó -Sold .nGdVWi Dissolution Notice. S •ABIETINE FiTljEco.'ovivìLLE ' bl'KAYLi. 1 . I Dissolution Notice Comlcne«- -lie juice of the Blue Figsot (alii' !. .», so laxative and nutritious, v-' h !.:.■* »r.cJr. ii.al virtues of plants lì kti - . n to be must beneficial to the 1 .!. *-.-•€»•■. forn ir<; the OX LY Pl .R. ‘ • f ki 1’Y tu a«_t gently yet promptly on tne KIDNEIS, LIVER AND BOWELS — O THAT — UPE BLOCD, i■e.Fi.kSH.’NG SLEEP. 1 - ALT H ana S iRENGTH r T> ery • ne is using it t - 1 -h ?. Ask your ‘Duf ’ i. • . i.rH OF' FH'-S. ^Lauu- íac’ui». i uni j ii y ihw ♦ CAUrO'INIA CIG SYRUP CO.. Lot i A ILL . kan cisco, C al . N kw Y ork . N. CU a T<< C SC A _______ i vl T0T\ I CATARRH ABi ETINEMED- C .^0 H OU I ? -FJ LJ CALIFORNIA CAT-R-CURE -AND TO — Cleanse the System Effectually, TI.C 0 X 1 i- 'TX ut *1 cnt «| HE ONLY Gl'ARANTEED < r re fur ( A- tarrh. t’ohl in th«- Ih-ad, Hay F«-v<-r, R<--- <’old. < atarrha1 lh'Hfness and Sore Ey«-s. R« - Mail, *1.10. SANTA ABIE AND 0AT-S-ÜUKE. For Mu»* *-y alì Oriiggisf i Trade supplied by Snell, lluitwlm a i Portland, Ur. aamm I hh I, Ulioicf Lunds For Sale Ip. 7«»u $12,000 to loan in $1,000 lots, on improved farm se­ curity. For further particu lars enquire of JACKSOX VI LLE.J »KEG« »N. y ! 11 • M'REs GF I.AND 41« .U ill !.m-i HI 1 m x Miirx . g.MHi fur fri"! «H g I Mill. NOTICE. ' y t.-»K- n bx n-. tu agri « rm n .«I* n I** P« i;s m-l -ix hundri'd m r«-s pM-iAnk m i hi •«. nia H-i n- lai«-!. ^«.«» ljor fruit, dary - mg »r -t km - *.. lì. - tr.uk ->t Inii-i hns -■> v ’ '•■!•.> '■«. -1W « r-illg-tb»us«-, a -toe|. -it.sl «4 ‘.mt*-I. aud ph-ntx «»t iiviiiu wat'-r. ’ « a., on or H«t«ir«>* J. s. HERRIN, Ashland, Jackson (\»., (Jr. HADLEY & LOVE. rn.T iy bn Fonnn on ti î ■ i •' at Giro. P. Kot . iWl LI. A Co’g Nrtv-paper A«!v«'rtisii)g Bureau <10 Spruce Streetwhere *i*h er» ------------ tibing «-ontr.iclb may Ou iuauu lor u jq THIS PfirEn KEWY0RK.1 . ’A! HA AND iiO**ShB BkANDEf» HL ON b-‘: p- A; • • . bmndud ~ on left - d -i I. t tri -»ramh-B uiti. :» tigure Zon ■•ft -id«- " hip. Ji,.- nur-tniuks of the nbov«* u«md ... rr«-i-in left . ar ;m<1 long cropin i-ii-t. Al* < »"G Lr,(;d«Mi With SP on left hip, 4- d -i. .rt*« -..crup iu right ear ai d hule and split .uh-ftwar I