Win. Osburn, a pioneer ar.d highly re- PERSONAL mention . LOCAL NOTES. Snow is several f« et de^pin nu»st locali REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. I ties m Lake county , and it- js f- ared that >l ected resident of Eugene, died not l»»ng .-¡nee. He was father of several children, Highest of all in Leavening Power.— V. S. Gov’t Report, Aug. 17, 1I89. much st-< k must succumb t<> the inevita­ Miss Nettie Tier of Medford is visiiing Trains are very irre ular. Henry Bantie!«! of Gold Hid paid us a Th»- following deeds have been filed for am ng v hum are Ralph Osburn of Reno, friends in Jacksonville. ble. as feed is none to«» plentiful. r<“cord In the office of the county ch rk since M»:-iai call last Monday. Rea«! thr new adv«*riiaen)riits. X’.-v , v.ho was formerly eng. ged in the tlie hujt report «»f tlo- T imes . A. K. WiHiams w.i- lotiud lying in a cri’- drug i'i:siit»-s- here. Mrs. Jas. McDonald of THURSDAY Fred JL gg and wife of Central Point JAN VA RY 23. IM«». E 1». Ellis ami K F. Potetof of Whit-I Sirups will soon hr at a discount again. Khnon RoMenthal to I »avid Lipman; lot 12, spent Saturday in town. i al condition in his timing claim on eaker w« r« in town during ' the week I block :w, M«*dford; W»* p iy no attention to anonymous com­ P'easant creek, dime wl i h time he ha" Go'd Hill ami Postmaster Osburn of Eu- Attorneys Hamm, n ! and Burt«ris|.aw- Sam Goldsmith, (he well- ----- — . .. .......... ( ■known Portlaml ' W 8 Barnuui t«» E I’ H rii > iii «» u «1. lots n and 7 g« ne. munion tn.ns ««OLD HILL NCMiETS. b«-en caied f«»r by M. 8. ^Vukeman. drummer, mad1 Jacksonville a call on«* ! bl.»« k 32. M^sironl; $2.Ml. J« tl' loin sou of Ek «reek was in town of Ashland are in town. Last week Yrrkans rejoiced in snow over E I* Hammon to B 8 Barnum: lot in Med- The S. F Variety St«Jre ke- ps b • best ! i-t briday making final pro »1 on his nre Col. Buwditrh in Sa1« in last week, ' «1 «y lately. The town is full of miners ami r< presen- thirty inches deep. | ford: Cum. import.<1 Key West and «1 m«--lic c «r- • nip’ion • laun. h ivi'ig as witnesses Wm. returning ««n Batu «lay la-' Snow i-« piled up manv feet deep in th- i j A Child«-r» to wimp, lots H ami 7. in block 32; taiives o« capital, "snowed in.” ( . Bennett came to town yesierd ty for in tin* market ; ais«» all-the popular bra <<1.- Ale e m l O. J Wi'lard While they do not mount in-, ami it will be several months | M«.ssrs Carney hih I pin (n Butcre Milch fear is ex* r«*"-t«l of the probabb* niedi« «1 trratmenL of chewing and smoking tobai <’"S i R ohc II n M B«*rry <*t al., to I B Williams, qult- r-port I he snow qtii'e >< ■ d« ep in that sec were in town las’ Saturday. hef«»rr it ail melts. effect of «lie inevitable b gh water to be , elaim to sO a<-r<*s in twp 36 8.. It. I W; $1. L G. Goodeii of M .,jf ,rfl precin«*t was in T ugh the vi.llev and betweim Rufus ( ox of ( • nt rai 1 oint precinct vis ­ looked lor n«x> spring. i Ella J Wataon to John P Walker, lot 13, t«> a n -evrral I «y.- this week. ford ami .Lu k- -nvill«* railroad company to acmit that the pie?-ent w inter is a rec« d the t< w n- and c-mntrv is almost entirely M<-CalT«< addition t«> Ashland; $1. k (M. ited Jacksonville on Mo <’av. Mme hosts, I) ingan A’ Wo««:f, are full up 1 h •- M ixhew.f -nnerly «»f Ashland, n -w were til»'« 1 in : II** office uf the s«-cr« t:iry of bre iker. G H Baker <-t al., to E W Stan. lots 5 an«i 6, • -u*»prii«l- <1, an! business is consequently < ol Maurv made bis fr ends in Jackson with regular" and transients, including «w<> re-!«lt*s near Hornbr«»«>k, Cal. stale at S.dem on lhe 17th instant. block m . B«-nttv addition to Medford; >15!. The following s|»ecial ▼< I>ire was ■ mi- vil't* a visit during the Week. very «lull. gentleiurn l«>okiug alter iron and him- for H B(’artert" Harry M Gee; 2d acre® in twp Tin* largest and be-i stock of «feeds, immed t • ti l lhe panel ot ju/ors for t'.c ad- I ( ir« uit c urt is in session ami wiil prob 1* r»l »ml tirm-; al«4 , John B Millioi;. Davit? King. A-h- ing the week on legal busint sM. -h- « s and r» a« bmg the tops of the poles sum«* section; $16(11. about to « rect k I s and prepare to supply 8. 11. Dunlap ami son of 1 «lent precinct T imes office ami sold at Portland rates land;J.F Adams. J P. Brown, Phoenix; G. R. Gallant ami wifi- of Central Point A P Talent to L J Sleppey. iota 1 and 2, block t isily from the surface of th»* sm»w the market Mr Pomeruy is» a "<> here, were in Jacksonvii e on M«>ndt»y. “O” Talent: $75. Wm T. M »ore a former attache of the John Barkdull, G. F. Merriman. J. G. were in town one «lay this week. working on the iron claims, ami t-Xuects to Pure honey, in i Ice pitchers, at the 8. F. T ime » office, »nd R. A. Gl»-n, “Oregonian’ Gr -srnan, Mvdlord; Geo. M. Love, Jack­ 1,J Sleppey to Jennie Sleppey; 118 40-100 acre« Medford « dollar w ’ »*ekb has “ gon«* where Geo A Jacks >n of Tab r Rock | recinct employ a number of men in the spring. Hl W: $27-5. Vari» ty Mure. Only 54) cents each. the woodbine t'vi* eth.”«s might have been in twp comp s t js . rrs«.‘ue«i a dr »wnuig man fr 'in sonville called the t* rrpart of the w«*ek. A P Tab nt to Mary T«»rrey; lot 9. block “Q.” On Sunday la>t a cw-buy looking ftllow • -xpert« d No large, flr«t rias« paper ran I Ot«ly two jury cas» > will be tried at the the W llamrt'e «iver «me morning a-t week Ai the last meeting of Pilot R-u-k En­ Bui»t Mitchell was m Ju«-ks.mvtl.e las! ’ <• printed in th** interior for less than Tab nr; <35. rod«* into t«»wn on a tin«* hi rse, air4, meeting adjourned t« riu of the circuit court. campment No 1»!. I. O. O. b.. of Ashbind, Saturday attending to st bool I um U is J G B’rdaov, sheriff, to P«-ter Britt, sheriff*» H. D. Kubli, Applegate's p.i-tmastrr, i $2 50 a v«:tr Publishers of city papers i-- deed to 320 acr«* in twp 36 8.. R 1 W; $1632.73. a farmer with other horses, at «» >< e ban­ Newman b i.-her is at hi- old .st md again forme«! us that the ma I carrier nia«L- hi- (’ pt. A. !». Helman, 1>. 1> G. P., in-tnlle«l Wm Kybee ba.s recovered f . in bi I « - sue weeklies for 1- -s mone . but they make tered him for a trade/ir to sell his ow horse and .srliuig gu ds «-heaper than ever. the h»il«>A ing « fticers for th«* ensuing term : lust t r it» on sn«»w--h«»»s This is some ­ f«n fl.*» A (er lalkii g trad* a while he rmle n-»“ of n .«ding matter that has already H. ( . M xer, <’. P.; M N. Long, H P N. cent indisposition am! i- about ag uu. Settle lTp Notice. First-«* its.s cetiar fence posts for sale in thing «b- i«L dly new in southern O.«*;om t »ii.eG«»d H L boh I, and r«3 trom <»i e oi the propr.elor , quantities i«> suit at the i ¡ mes «flff. e S. F. Variety Store are requested ta> call sia'ing that he II- «*de«i that an.OHiJ lo « f- Some ii 1 ig «*«»’ r--•pmil-niv w 11 be ot the -t«x k->h«•Jen las. A. L 'U ten’s farm J W.; W. W. Kentnor. I (». A race w as run at General Point one day and settie without further de.'av. Th»* John Orth is « onh«i» d ‘ ■ his r •• in again on Thompson cr» e^ frl* a t«“»v day- since, trel 1h«“ trade H<- -bl. ined lhe money aiui t«>ui»«i on t t a-t page <»f the T imes . th:- wr--k, b« tween Frank Lewis and om* F«»ra lame back try saturating a pie«’« of bav n; rupture«! tum-e f not I u~ ago. money due this establishment is needed. killing and crippling sevval head uf cattle th n by « "iii'ilar subt. 11uj-e iurr« w« >5 1 im» r n of (’«»rvallis, both of whom ar«* (>sc ir S'earns is comlucting u bn hard -a- County Clerk Mu l«-r is stil quit«* sick well-l nowu and fleet 1«ot ra* »*rs. Lew is (•: from an- ib'r 11! z« '» Al««>ul «h « tun- tb* i | l<»on ( Mon-y is evident \ ts.-carce at A-B and tl u t «-I with Chaintie: Iain’s I’aiil Bali., and . > t .ci i -s b Hiding at P. «enix. 1 with to inform the people of Souther»Oregon that 1 have opened a tui ding it on to «lie affected parts. This Report ail Est raj*. tb iU’h noth ng -e. i m- i anti« q ai« «l owi-er of llit h 'ise, a t*orr< we«i animal, as an\ whri« . a- $ «») wa 'ml in at tin* I .s' won "will» bands down • adding another Raphael M- rat h i-gone to F«»"ls t reek meeting of the A B *k L. A t»y a paitx trn ot him. Th«* m -n- (o i ■«•:< alter his mining interests liter«' who bi«l over lour y»ars inlrre-t in ad- one r tw«> «lavs. onmst* It i- "a‘«l that ’he '-takes w«*re que-t» d to report esl.rays for the next two Io uniatr in. • plains, swelling ami laim - improved, ai d sb* is n »w convalescent. J. E. OLs«m ts up in th«- Siskivous work va ee. ey l"aners now egan I«» smell a rat, and J E. Fe.Jon ha- been at'endmg cir« uit $ 70o. Th»- r ■« <* was a «juiet affair and wit­ in* ii'hs to the serretu' \ of ’he Stock Pr< - m — . Filty-cent Iwttes for - lie at (’By looking up Mr cowboy demun«l«d th«ir mg io - p a« er mine near c’«tie's st »ti«»n. tective Association. Win M Holmes, at Thrifty >n«liv dual- about town last we- k Drug Store, Jai’k-unviile, also Engel Bros., court as ;«n ai tui m y in an impor ignt cav . nessed by only a few in m« \. He reiU" d t«» r*iv ,alu r tins office. They Will he nientilled where F ■ - b in ns ami "ranges kept »»n hand chargeti f 1 an t»uur u»r-h«»v« I ng sm»w fiom I'hienix. R. K. Button, a pr >mn.ent business man b«“:ng h'-i«! until 7 o’ii«»«-k, con« ai e l t«» al :h S F . Variety 8t**rv, Ja«-ks<»nville. pu->ible nnl owners notified. Particular lhe ro- fs uf s .me of th«- budding-. They Max Praght ( oul<1 Fat No Fat. « f A-h and, spent last Saturd.iy in Jacks- n- disgorge what «hang« h- l«ai left, alter ibe T imes prints more reading matter < ar«- shuu «1 be given t-> reporting ear mark- Muiithh in-ta inn i ts of |10 wm bu\ a to*»k advantage of lhe necessities «»f the oc­ ville. (¿¡lite a bl"W wa- struck :«t the vanitv of w i! « h hr was rsc«»rte«i • ut • f town bv the than ;«' y olhei weekly newspaper publish and brands where vi-ib'y casion. R. R Dunn, Saver A Walker’- wide­ 'Otm* of A h .ami’s local Republicans bv b«>ys, wh«' tr derr«| bun a farewell itenetit h"U-«' an-1 l"i in 1'ulu from Scoit (ii itiin. * The snow blockade has br. n r < s. d on «•«I in Oregon. Ami 1« is fre-h and -|»icv too awake agent a’ NL dford.was her«* on Tues­ the pn!i':< at|on in a ri«i papers, it. quantities to suit, lor -ale wi’h snowball- and brickbats, lie j.»-r- no plat«* matter of any kind being used J Family libssi nif. the i’nioii Pacific ¡in '• thr«*«* passenger vgoiii'ti,’ under filming h< ad'ines, of a s«»na ed a " 1- km w n citiz ii t»f G« ;ttin at the I imes office at 5l> centsa hundred. X • w. n-le: 'ts eirculaii’ui is larger than day. !r i Jis, having on b-»aid over 3 \» «»f »ge, «lar» c. inpiexnm. am: '«i Hi- ‘ (» eg«»man” and one or t w«» oth»-rs <»f «lay Pu sh timothy and alfulta -t*ed sold at Tl «• r<•< < «• e 'llx- pal^ llx- di .i| p int. ml. d pn ; 11 p '*» i th ar’«»f -muvglnig opium and whisky him- is «• nipoiin 'ed. Noerr rt«» be feared in wore cowboy hat and shirt With ft l’.ir:land’s pies-. th« ! -w si H»te> .it th*- S. I*’ Vuri«*ty Sturt. (’heinewa Indian J. I ’ att' rson ri d W. B Grey of lai nt administering; no injury from expo-ure Tr"! J ln«li:»n trar ira; ng s« >« 1« L Tr tr«mt. Hr apt rar- tu bt* a bad egg m fl Mr 1’ A. Der.iven. imrchant, Deroven, pre«met were here last Tues«L«v : business. les .-. h... t-bvu-v io al«-bv Scott Gritlin «»I who u-ed lo reside in Jacksonville, as < -up .nx , and th it there is alnm-t a cer- .est prev«*ntive nied’(in« mt! -afe to take look out for him Iti the building fornicily occupied by J. Goldsmith People who have wi nt like hot i-akes n-' mat'pr wi* it the -i«-kne may prove tu J. Nuiian, the well known men b n', i- : iint.x ■ t l.i- ’»-Hing ‘ left.” when the s«-p- some -ui pu-e. r Ï Rn Kb. lulu once ti led f hem ar«* never sati-ti»*«! with be. ami, in any «»rdinary disease, wi I effect I h«‘io"f < f th«* Tlioinpsi.n creek -ch »ol Medford, consisting <>f January 22. !’••«•» The Ashland Ebctri«- F *ei nd Light at y other kind Their genii»* action and coniine«! lu bi-« room by an attack of rh< u- Ji i-ial«d upon io coidirm the appoint­ a gpeedv cure. ment. While musing over this d.»d am! 1» use fell under its weight ot -nuw last ('.»mpaiiy h ten«! c n- > i-iatii g their w.iic- teliabiiity as a « ithartic is wh it makes ma'ism. a " upt emlii g of a political career whicli week. poWers an«! ie-l«». at'iig lower d wn «»n them popular. Mis- «’■ ia Br >wn ut Dagir Point ha- 'liumatcpMs. F r sale at < ity Drug Th»* w at tier is pieu- nr and a general A-hlaud creek, thu gixi’»g them a vastly 8« ore Jacksonville, also Engel Brow , been vi.-itm/ rt ia'ivt s ai «1 tr emis tn J e k- pr tiiisv t Io m brilliant, wp turn p> uur The mortuary r» p« rt which pubi -h -« r. i ( wk w th a t«»|mg akin to tlia’of -on ville. im rea- e l p wer. thaw seems to ».e piogrc-ssing as we go to I’lneii' x this week contains mu« 1» i Í •» <1 fur retie«-- .1 ustice Angle and Councilman Gud«»way h I <•» i when alluding to the ’struck A X 1 »EICS« >N’ I n I’h« en i V. Jan. 17th. IMO. Albert The r o! of t he briilg«' acr- -- 1’ut te ci • ek. lion. Tl»^ gr tat n imher o >f interments but I re - B ix ri s in th«' Will.iimttt«’ valley an* <>f- ea lr. -tr-«• h-n. y«mng«*t son of Mr. ami .Mrs. Q. F«»r pure Rogue uvrr w hi-ky , in quanti- near Bf. wn-boro. v«»liais«d ¡« lev day- eriu. lo contract for the h«»p crop of 1B‘.M) of Medlorii wert* m J a< K --oli V lde olle « 1. > x got > l" show th«- pe<»| •pic d J.uks«.h it'W' diii-. a ii feather in the fat «I dart this week. N’. Ami«-rsoii; agiti about 24 yearn. -nice, a arg»* amount «»I sn- vv hixm«; ..«• 1 le* ¡o suit , call on Captain ( alon, Jackson- «»untv-seal «•» lu ­ it 1 ’ J ’ a * cuts per potiml Tl s w 11 .-»ffoni «uunty look ill»« n 11 v • Id « ami w n. ’ « d the arrow that had pi-tc d his cumulated on it. Travel i- st«»p| «• Max wa- snrirting arou» d «J i>n«-iinio:iia. b«*rtha <».. «iaiight«-r «•! A-a x i « i h "W who contract to be <• ir« Ini of tin* Portlaml M«»mlay. a cates also thu’ $h< po: ulation <»i ti1 <• c«»un- A line. lar. e sto» k of, ockeiy.glasswan , in c n.-vutieiice. ti «1 during lln* l.'-i c.ampa’cn he u-ed ar.'l Am «- Hammond; agis] 1G months an«! 11 Now is the tin»«* t • sui»-cr»oc forth»* I im i - ernis made lithe price fall-, the buy« r several w ek-. ty i- ii «rea.-ing r 1» «i y au«l that llie old el ., at lhe >. F. Variety More. Prices lh«’ . iumi - ■ f the “Oregonian ' in «• -ing «lays. an I g* ’ .dl the new- of -out!.« i i an«! -• nil« i<-na.y «nd«* payment, g> n -rttlrrs are rapully p.--mg ;.w.iv. Ol lb very low. iders an f Bl EBERsTEBT In (’hlmm-j R*>< k pr<-«-inci. ALL THE LATEST STYLES in COLLARS and TIES J. H Punier'»' v. wuu I- ;u!rr«“de I in the 'he tally a< t to the iiaimnul ti t x -even . t r-* n- \x h«» d* | a « d »1«, Jan. K IshO. l,«»r«-ttH. daughter «4 A<\in am! S ver.J -tore I'UikLng- me l« P »rilan L the rt|»e age ol sixa vear-or’»ior»- W hile th« ir r>.«»fs. «.(•. urs any where. I he dwllei s in Lost creek precinct are \V< »( »!>!•’< >|(|) At ( • itiral Point. Jan. 17th. im>u,urat»d th«* “ new tep- E«l Tempi«* of < entrai !’< int v .-i’«-»l the Ladies and Gents, Every Pair Guaranteed. the last x« ar b i- by i o me Jis b«en < «» ii - 1K90. I an»«., daughter of Mrs. Woodford; One »1 'he t’.cl ons «4 h< Like ««»n ty v<-ry anxi -u • to have b Her ma I tacditi« s c 'iiiiiy-seat on several occasions «luring '• Har 1 s >h A. Morton «1 ib at Il «»f the jur. rs, n ludirig 'ho-e en spu u« us i«»r g«h»d Ot a Hi in ihi- vi ii i’x. iig«-d ♦ years. 9 month- ami 12 «lays. Republ cans is atiemp’inz to «i -t ar C«»l. i they e: j«» v r* ul pre-enl, ami will pefi lb • p «si w«*» k. •viii' h he boasted in a letter .rau ’ i w I in ibe lit :1 ot lim Hom, have been yet an ana ysi-. f ih*- moi t nary r«c«»-«l wi 1 his « i W -ignaturt to th,, portlai J pa- I. V X I nyl« »Is T In (entrai P«»int, Jan. 17tli. i ug well fr >m pi I ii«»n lor an office in their vieir ily befor« J K Green, om- of Eul Putt- m«»-t !«■ I si*». Britta I. imi«p»oist. a nat ixe of Sw-b-ii; -b. w that ot tlo* thirty-eigh’ mt«-rim i»t- ii. •l.-cii »rgeii pr«“in- ««»‘»rt ami land «iepartnn m ; also tu ollg At present thev have to d»-p«-i «I or. 1 w.i- ,L«“t' left; Ci veiand widget I buy f< rn veu-ran-, thir­ lhe recent masquerade ball al Lake­ t xp« h in from Hi« G. A R -*!!.'• b WOllh! b»- .. ¡ill'«* <-oi i.-i h-iire Ea le Point or Etna tin ir near«*- ! ottic« s . sra ’ la-t S Hu- day maskers teen were ch du-n ui der ten y> ar-«»t age; view wa- much of a biuct -s, if 11 -hull d I ..VV th»* ••>•» p W >id’’ bv river virtually «:ui «1 '-ad i-ad roa«|M r«>ad- ami lUe t! ibe atleiulanc«* ai lhe A-h'aidr public a «I three Were the r« >U I ol a deplurabb pa u« ipa ing. vxliih Max w 1 step <1 wn ami out of of- , -rl.u Is was «»lily ab« ul <•« e hall the u-' al them .11 from the world in bad vv« a h r, Robert \\tstr »pof !«iu u.d I*, ter A « a-li: Bv , one ill it - .1 of a: no th IK . a I he town elec i m is |e-s than six week- ! number last vx« rk. «-\v ng to me preva i iig nut being ou any regular route. J legale "i ( eliUal Point Sj c ;i las B.itlit *« 1 too. In th»' -aine letter, after admin- nun.b-r were brought !«» lb» ukl m m e an ! candidates are beg.lining to let I Cal! ami Bee me. I guarantee satisfaction. ■•I ng i •« rili • d«»-e of taffy to the ‘earn- Ih -aiue stat«* «»I affair-rxi-t- There h a b g light m th«* IG publ cun «lav at iRe «irintv -s» a?. gr«»um! from n< igbbt»:ing towns ami ai their way. e-t quiet at d genth-maiilv « liairman of ii« lhe oilier l< wm» ot the ey. • amp m I, ikt; i ounty. tl ere being t vvo far* out in th«* Vhl'ey, aud then ate ill« lu«l «1 Frank L> wis, tl «* « e < br a ted f >• t ra«»-r, b«* K< ... M.i.x tt a constitute a oral disease^ N"i«-s, receipts due bills, «Jrafts etc., in iions, "lie «» w hi h i- led bv W. T Buy«L Rev F K V«'l an l w.'eof A-h in thr numb«*i ilir»e Ch n imen wh *r a|- who got Iii- -tnri at Lak» vi<- v. ha b. en n> A--u-. i i i ' icily a»«ent «h yo'mgvuters and therefore it il t) local ap- pearanc Indi« ate«! that they, too. ha«i b»Mik h>rui handy ami tir-t-class, at the la ni Ct 1« brate«l their -ilvrr we «ling t»n ih«' co clerk, and the "th«'r bv C I . Sui­ t«»Wn for several days pa-'. A1 L- 1 Ii ’ ' 1 g ap. p«>- observation: I'l MKs office plicate ns. It i 11th n t. whin a large a- «nd» age <«f der, the i ew h -ei-iver <4 the Lakevn w’ lai «1 • i -? :d rem- pa.-sed the li re« -s* re perioti ¿»« f«»re dying. '}!«'«' “ • «1- u tin integrity hi .d sometime- The amity <>f W. H. I’ ari.ei ia « «;.i- d»-r- . ffi-. “ v. lht* lat vi se-uis tv have the adv an edy like Ilood S -xeii r,-id« nb of A-hland were in fricmls te uirivd ihrir «-«»ngra’iil «ti«»us ami ti lt, working t | ruv«“ti tin in* ¡al «»bliquitv will force rage at pies' iit, th« uglt ti.e Boy«! element ab|v iedis;o-e«l at pie-» n'. be n ' vic ims wished Ihrin many return- ui the day. Ja< k onviii« “ lasr Saturday a- witnesses m through the bh ' the impurity Mail« Irregular. ve- 'o the froi t in nettle s political ot toe prrv «din * c miplmnt a «11 \ orce case. I he otoy Ban Fram is' o dail that came d »minai» .s local matters Let the ba^K disease, and as weil ;«-. n ligiou-1, .-«n«i whenever disuov- Which cause - lah.i - 4H E Slo< um aud l uinlv ami Mi-s b «It Since B‘»rea-ami Jupih r F-uviu« fu-ed valley during the pa-t ! W ■ i wage unto the survival of the Attest. T h» A-hlami amateurs gave “ The L a-t io haml in thi? on local i-sue- we have ha ■ Examiner,' and hat w week- wa- the Mr- Frames Bimon,\vife of E. F. Simon, L it a Granite hah yesterday evening to sub-i it- ‘ W«-l rather ; we are beginning communication with the east ami hut very ■g * -ent via _ Portland Tile m-mxreh of th- «lie I at Esgle I "int on Tuesday morning a! on bu-ine-s with ibe circuit «■«•ur!. to think so. t-fj. Ull-atl.-la» torv -trvi e to tile south \\ » a fair audience. A B sh.orie "f A-hla i«i - p «»m nent ciii i Sí I »’clerk. «4 infl iinmatioii «>1 the bowel- Ti e n t est an ; fr«‘ -h - st mackerel ju-t re- • lai it* . lik- E i <»f oi l. ‘aiw tys gets th» r« were ten 8 -n Fran Gru mails h hind »-ns xv as i J a.-k-ouvi !•• ; i>t \|> .da, u- I w ith tv piioid c<>mplicatioiis at 1er a painful Altamont, th- g «‘it lr tting sire wl. I Variety Store ; also other Grand Jury. yesterday, ah i the end is not yet • h-re ¡ r» ive 1 at the S F effects a permai.* i t Thousands of w« r al- . Mess ’ s Leahu and Bin Hi ‘ i Im -s of several days She was tin* daugh- *g«»i In- siart ” in mis -eciion, now has i. has be« n no eastern through n.w-pap. r ta*>|e dehcai'lrH. Th«* fo: ■«• a ing - name 1 p< r - n- wer«' drawn people testify tit! -s <>f H<»ud’ti Saruu te «»i A J Daley ami wile, a d a 'Host es b . C. 1 r .v u of F >r I «ml vv a- in Jai k- »n mail for im re than two Weeks, ami . regu­ L Louden oi Menin wa-i i Jack son vilb* Iman -even rvpr .-«*:Jative- m tm 2. »«) t m ibl«- v u g I »«iy. IL-r hli-bmd ami a is n -p«-« d grai ■! j.irx to inv«-ligate the panda as a r«-m«-u.. • r • t. uh v ■ • n other Ville «fuil’ g lilt- week, liavi’ .! !• «11 -111- We respectfully call your attention to our exceptionally lar ava a¡ cl»«“ «»i in «il may be iuoked mr ■i.< mrepart ot the week, en route to li-t, while n» ¡«rly .* «1« z«* ■ ot hi- cob- tr» h t¡g« - gainst t e ; a¡ tn - «•««i Jim -i in the preparations 1. <11 l he re pu"< k:t«ie 1- ra -ed. For u Tij"mp.s<«u creek. «■" -t.x j 1 W B. R hilts, foreman. also builds i ■::aii vv« “ t»* uhrrtd iii the ( entrai l ’ oint . ml makes nat-dv the s« i vie» ha- ht» it «pu r regn .«.r The H f«’’! «lau/hler ot M an I M -. (ir»» Wm Bl, F. i. W <« < -«.p» r I I n Mor«- f I.G«u F. M-rr.nmn, J G. lb* .le-he-t an-l nicest < an lies, nuts • in teiy y< sieniay aftetnooti. X©el rv • ■ ! “ t rength. lr< in I ««i t . nd * • uib i>• A-! Ixi.'. and th« rai- n-, • o- . c.n a.ways ;>e foum! at the Ru e wa- -adly hiirne«! about ih<* h ps an i and \V. IL Barr «»I M dlord have been at Gr - iii n Divi l Ki' g. J -nil Behiv/er Ti c rai road coiiq any is vv Thing up Jacksonville«»¡i < urt bu-ine-s thi vv.«*.; ho ly « -I h » t 1 time - n«“« a: Eagle F mf. by Fu» t ami *Oreg« I V ri. tv St»!e. i d A I. \V:1 y ln«1i< tn»e*.’,s ue»«* l"U el relian« e for I» legra h"- news 111. t avet- I I all 11 g Hit" a \ • •--« 1 ■ i m-i »lop. W bill hei w;.r«1soia huml ed m«*n in the S'skivi-u-. , Butter and »• gs are quite sear«»* a’am. rec«»very is un «voidaKy s.ow.shc was d"i; g t-;’e?. erw hs ver a I heavy engines, in «h ! Dr. S »miners, who h i" i»«-en very -i- k f >r in h" It as. - "tie ...¡tiiMl (’La-. Doble f<> ing I ublic Fas been s« rit.u ly u con:n «»«leu ar. «-ny j;; .« dwelling, and on«' again-t tie s «» iii < time, i- od to attend 1 > im-in« — *- .»i d c inn ami (X) • « nts a roll ami 30 cents a «•nd« ‘ .ivur tu k»-«-i' Che track «»pen Heavy . by tn»-de ay t- trains, ..nt the S 111 hern weii at ¡a-t a< Counts. I again. Hi- wde is «¡nite ¡1 n >w , h -xv v« r Cliinam m t •ran us-aUJ wi h a dnnger«»u la itic ('«»itipany ha- ip ds, «<*n- In the ba< k of I tl e> ar»* st Ling « heap. ln th»* -« I a’e la-t w• • k. 8 tutor Mitch« 1 \\ e tr .st he xv I s ioli > '"ng «•! a <’"Ok -tove, heating stove, 8 .me of thecit zrns of southern Oregon I 1 i ear E tgle Point Attention! I\ s» .oast» r Flurey has openeti a var.ety intr>«du«*ed a reoiu’i ti . al mg upon th« be about again. kit« : « n turniture. < arprts. two bedroom The almighty «io. ar tie f»-w too tore ni conr n t "ti w ah L’nvle Sam >h«*ad -.« reiarx of war f-’t information regarding will I»«- « alb d up ni to serve a- jurors in i ■ mu'-, h !. iiu «* n , um* <>rgan. etc etc many and the many have too n w. The quarter- at Eagi« Point. u. l» lr r u-h in - from A-niaiei n» K tin .1 uige De idy'sc >u: t so«»n.astbei lerk there- . Dr liotdi -«in, w !.<» i- si jotirri ng at '-an­ I will e.i trii« v- separately or almgeth- n.i- keen order«d to select lhe name* ■ 4 ta Cruz. Cal , w rib - that hi" health is im main -h >u.«i stiiv to sav» a pail <>f each Semi the 1’ imks to your friends East, or atb, am! a; «•'I tr ab-lit flu* withdraw al of «4 h hi ) im n fr >m the state at large, to be sum- ’ . provinfast tl«! that he bus gain.- I -« ver • r. Thi> w.'di'i I»«- a golden •»; p r’umty my head : k 1 «pit­ (lui ar which culms by toil. There • is a ; at any other place. It answers belter than troops iroin Klainath tor «¡.\ ui.e wishing to lent a h««us-* and ting was ; al pounds in w- ighi cave place m Grant’s i‘.«s-. O egun, w here a l tiie letter» you can write. ih- st«Hk <•! g" «!- in charge of I R num« «I vv aen occasion requires. 1 n accord- I furnish - ■rm*, a- they ¿an buy '»ur good-, I me t< ’ money can be saved win n i-uyin i vas I« pay s Dawson at Fine x 1- not bring -e«i ,m -•• wjh tins «'T ier th«-cl-rk sent circu i Dr. l.'Mimi-. si»ee al agent i the m«l «!<- r> ul l'ie h «ii-e and go t«» housekeeping ibes. F “ Examiner ” is the best paper eat irei tu buy there. Go (• » to th« Re k t I Mar Star Store lo. id’s of rapidly «-nuiuh to suit the as>i.-nrt , vx h > lar to Hie clerks of all the c »unty court- to partment. who-e Lead«piarteis ar«-.r R-. » wi'hout the annovai'ce of fitting it up. : Ji irnap P ip« r- m*»-«i.e- t««r 5 .; 3 buttles on the c-ast Dull t fail t»» leave y«»ur sub- will probably aud certain arti rs t > rhe b tiiletl out w th tne names ot r»*sp'»nsiblt* burg, ha- i»e«n visiting >ur town, he and buy ... s worth \. H. N x M.L',. ’ s pt ion- at the T imes otlice. lux paver-, ♦ ich county to have a re presen- went south yesterday. g> od -van g tua hue «11 lor . • b Its Vr,- • i'U«. 1029 W«»od is selling in L.*keview for per ! a-.-ortnivn' in order t<» ac«*vl»?rate the -ai»“ tuti« n acc-ording to its population. dTen’s $1 25 -h«»» s lor I*»«-.; la«)i» < >4 O W P H h-, L. Orme. Tb«»- Wihf. P Eig; . ■ | 4 tho-e a .ready on haml. .1 /’»« asiny IK C. kid -h v- fur | ■> .>i). «ii’ , et , «1« . i’ri's-s 1 < or«:, .m l can «»illy be obtained of a warm R. O'N il. Cha- Griffi'li. B 1 . W ide and About Dunsmuir and Sisson the snow II L Prug came d >w n fr«»m Deskins I i-t o: h".iHh ai d strength rei rw<-d and of ease In these day> of Lurry i personal fri«*n«l t that figure woDiieriU ly l"W has been piled up mountain high during G. 8. W<«P"H w»*re am »ng He* »«•guiar ju­ .mi « i.i'oii to low- th«- u>«“ <>f Syrup ol ami »u-h, t»u' iiis g verned r»\ lhe law ! «'ha-. Utt’viibujcher of App egate cut his ■ Saturila.v i«n«l rep«»rls lie snow as ihrn hi i . »•< •. .ir» -1 «mi» the pa.-t ten days, and ditched or st.uw rors wlp» r» tpuhd«d la- i Moi: I ay. [ ing i»v« r live teet deep at his pi-.« i, w I iih Fig-, as if ¿H ts in harmony with nature to Bold by ■ ot dollars and cents. There is n«» t’ri< n l- , thumb tt « ne . i . q this w ek with a tlie trail- and io-ri- above him were -till boumi plows and engines are to Le fourni Vin (’«»««k. wb » ba-l»e?u at the Siet Png • th »- u.t-.v cleanse the -y-tem when costive I by < ! fti ship in i . umijc «!» j Mu«iy Study y«»ur your own inter i nut het, while blliiding a s'eigh Ch a unen r Snil.! m> new- tr.-ni tar big timber t-verv tew mile» along the road, say the mines » r st-verHl w« ek- pas?, return»-«! to • biltou- For s;tle in .sk’and bottles e-ls Get the la-st liest bargains you «-tn ( lu ■•»-♦“ n»-w x ear is being duly ( eh brah «1 i. ■ v- 111-«loimifni if a->v road ever Portland a few d iys -r . r. Hi- fam lx by ah leading drugg sts. Moiifiar n-b «it» Maae the «-mnip tei t m-h uu its level bv tile h-tix« Mong«»tian-. who make day seltl« rs had been received y«ity. yifiith- A haul sp •rt-mvn am! na’ ur ;li-l- are h « I a bigger c-Hitra “t on haml than hastbe will remain at St» rh nt’vilb- lor - -in t nie. i»est On this i-a-is you are «-«»rdiailv ta»rdia.lx in ami night hideous wilii their orgies Ct'f nnt Elfft rn\ eonG-mpiat ing ibe to? niat'-'ii «•! a !>ra..< h S'Hiihern Pacific in wrestling witu the ntray poik. Rev. J W. Seliwoou the weli known Vlted l»> visit the Hed St r Mor« . Giants M L. M Cil , administrator o’’ the Shear­ ot lhe I’of tlaml A p m* club at “he granite 'Uovv i-'ob em b«-tw«-e > Redding um! Ash­ Epise«»p:il rlergym. li. ba h«-. ; v* ■ , . at NEW THIS WEEK. Silk I t iri t Pass, Oregon, where the prices are u-t«'!i- I. T ( hi i-tian has«; stray pigs al his place land. The company alno has hundreds of er ♦•-fate. will sell son»«* f r nit-land be ongmg ;l\. The bj> « t w I I'c to '--tabii-h a mu- his rrsid*mc* ill Portland » siti»->. im n. but they ar«* making little h« a«iway *»lni i.. but is uow thought to fie«--- • r >p ai d -ph' in 1 Hear, winch the owner W . E. Dr.AS F -L buckwheat and graham flour, oat­ bo«»ks .»nd -p cinien-. Ja k.- nvill»* nee-K «<»♦ «»niinu'o'r which c« nt. will p'ca-e cal. t- r ami pay’ cu-ts t»f tills Probate Court. meal, trim-uni germea ami other articles Ratlrr Bt«»s. « i Butte . 1 “ . V.iritl; Store arn. as th« se arum «Is annov people who ii»“Hr.y ;HHI tua«l ut range ri”b-. most <4 • — ■ The follow ii»g business ba- !•• en trat otti' «*, is making pr p irai i«'n- to r« imx t » c«»R. tint AND ( STRI.ET b . Jas. I < "k ¡s as*i-i,ng Garrett A 11 - ey xvhi h w H w athvr the storm al right • oiue to t >\vn and have occasion to eave Ihiker city ami pia« i.'e law a-so n a- a« «rd m probair tuurt. Juilg» Neil presid­ Hay fur yiHle. hi i lie in m u't-nient ui their saloon at A.-h 1 hex f «tu ut:d quit«'a ntiinln r of ste -r- in anv'hi’ ..' taiable in their w.igni- while successor qualities for th«* po-ition of ing, since «dir 1 •-< r« pi rt. Twen! v tons of h.ty, of good quality and MEDFORD, OREGON the early winter ami di-i'o.-ed ot J > fit ad i t -a< ting their liusine-- Last Tuexlay J. Cei' er. In the mat«» r of ih«- gu 11iliai.1 ip ■ i th«* lamí. lie makes a popular mixologist. i«ii»d well, can be bought by calli' g on J. N Thomas «4 Butte creek ha«i a -a- k -*t minor brir.- ol <». Vimrid. dr«<-a-»«i Ap­ lb«- T imes bus the luo-t com pl* t? job last week to Hanley Bros Mrs Jos. Rapp «»! Wagner <-r« ri< i re R ll xxar! oi the Havi-on place near Iri'- i | . un.-. dragged from bis Mlg<| and de point me* < f A. ary A. Vincent as guardian uttice south •f Alhanv al 1 turns out the A large number <4 pt «»pw h<» st irted por'e«l -« ri"U-!y 11 . vv<* ar -«»• v to I i \ M «U«»rd. "F on < h i- X « K«- 1. Ja«-k-onvilla. Hardly anything couhi lev krd br-t al 8an pri' es. Portland ami intermediate p•>»nt - arc -n • w - v ur«'ib\ i c«»w h mor«- . x ,-p ratiu and it is ju-t -u< h I . <• It- arms and Mr-. '». iI *.»b.iii;4i t er E-taie K (e R. Birds« v. Sale uf real* • l«i bound at 1» m-muir an l -mrr rai r broth'T ami si-t-r a 1 Mr-. R aaies went I he .-la » running b- tween this pl •« •• ami ! if onia h ' s tihcurfrij. est «te c«»ntirme«l. stations in mTihrrn (’ah! rn. t. Trax» mg h ng-« wh< ! make a town unpopular up yesterday to visit her. xv i.h re.-idents oi th«* surroum’ing country. Estate of 8"Ion < «• ver, an in-une p< r>"ii. Winhrvi ir fan«-«! lo return I’u«—«lay night, on liu- >. P. ( o ’- northern dues i- not Another w.imleriul di--' Very has been on • count ui bad road- ami deep snow. A. J . Paley, proprietor of tin* w « km « n 50 < 'rill* tl > w which ba- accumulated i- Bu't»* creek mills, visit« d a’th«-u«i mt» - at ma le and that too by a woman m this Fruit-growi rs atx»ut A-hlami report the • •vr«l. W T. And i-««i , 8. Furry and h.'f •• •• I >i'C t-e fa-tened ts ctuu'hv- upon nuhedi'V a w rm ram, most of the rail- Monday, but w is ca le t h mt- ha night county A "Secular I nion' ’ was organ. /■ «! at ; ravages of rabbits m young oichar«is as be ­ • . G. Bi-hup ¡.pi "inte«! a| prai.-ers. **»> •• •• •14 •• I'ft.^h MfiTu la-t week, with a membership oi r ad tru km Rogue river valley will float by a me-sau'C am oum ing th • uriou- sick­ her and f»u seven vears -he withstood its Estate ot 8 1’. Kep«»rt of admin- ing - mew hat -« non- sine* th«* snow fell. 1 l Ashland -evi rest t« ‘ -t-, but her vital organs were hirty. ’The mln-xving ar the offi ■ r- aw av. a- it i- nearly ad laid under high wa ness o! his «laughl'-r. Mr-. E. F. Simon. i-t- at r approx««1. und« i lii’m d an-t death -evme i imminent. W» will probably bav«* to gel along with a jel« cUuml tlu u_'h p i\-enger- personal prupcily (’ tniioii to heirs or- prh this year, from piesent indications. , - at aud >u «1 n »» -l'-vp. 8m- bought of us a satisfaction m m H <-an«*s. (■«■neral repair work. an event. I Lui i he roil?«* ttirough Willow retaiy; IL > Evan.-, treasurer. J. NUNAN. Jacksonville. Or derc i i—ue«l. boule ot 1T. King s N»w Discovery f«»r ! plow-sharpening, tire-setting, etc , .meiutly Sp* mg- gap been origina ly taken, as the i Ashland. called on us on l it« -day bavin • D x ou >utt« r with « alarrh * You « an be i driven ov • •r to vi< w the < -untV'-at an i c«'!isumpti m ami was so much relieved on . attendis! to al rcHsotiahlr ’uvtcb Esa’e'tJ. F Rag-dide Inventory of lined J \ou lake Hoo«i’- Sar.-apariila. the v.x.gcm ies of th«* ca-e demanded, several Tne shed tinder which the Jacks »nvide 11» is st llir g rights to a taking first »!»>-»• that she -hq»t ad night I banish ’ ennui.’ app aistinei t I h d. -In-wu g property to greut l»l< nd puriiier. Bold by a11 druggi.-ts. band wagon -t«»«>d gave way last week, mdes <4 expeii"iv«* work would have been that will iiiahi* butter and eggs ami with »»I e bottle has b’»<-n miraculou-!y lhe value of $1", -<»•» For several days fast trains Lavr not damaging the vehicle soiiiewhat. Ii is too av i led ami al «4 the r »Ute would be out in good cmidi'i -n f -r - vvral immths. ,■»»., of Shelby. v hope that Uns w ill nut continue long. even sj eml a 1 U e t in«* in shoveling th»* Di-> atches to lhe dai y press 1 ist Thurs- X’ < ( f* a ’«rial bottle at all drug Th«* t w«' hundred or tu.-te lrav«-er- who MEDFORD MJt'IK*. A few copies o! the American .Settlers snow off’ the n»«-f before it fel . «lay announce«! tm* death of Dr Henry were si uw-l ound al A-ldand during the Guide, -laiuiard authority on ail land A large numb» r of | e«»pl . w ho-e d» stinn Devis, ot l’hoenix. wh » was asphyxiated past w«es have been gieaily ii.«’- mtm-«!« d matters, may oe tound hi thr I imx s . office. lion wa ■ < il torm.i have b» en r« n-h zvou-- b> gas in n San Francisco lodging house. hi^rui'frifs Mor* laitttiblr than Unlit, ».«•w-' was « jtiile A I» I) id- l»y the d«-ay. ami « \| re—girat d. —ati>fa<- Are ■'ant i Abie, tin California discovery to say. th» North« rn I’m itir has i gat A bland. Mo-1 ol them a.reiurn- Dece ased ha l been in the city but a few IF n; H.,u-m imn with intir treuiment by the rai road i«ig home. hoACxt-r. ill' r iiiio .d <: miuiiny da>s, iiavitu »f«»iie to th? l ay the pre* Manx of our < itiz»’ii- h. ave been ill with lor « "ti-umption and di-c »-•• of th - throat, —AND — pt «»pit*. Fur r«-a-««ns best known to the bren about thr oil y oveiLim! road that has lurni-hing ret urn tn Ret - ami re! undmg pur- «-••ding Aiondav from eureka, where u: est and In tigs, ami < «1 fornia (’at R-(’ure. intlm-f z « during the past txv«» weeks. manageim nt, lir.-t-c a-- pa--e 'g«-i- have been tree irotn -m>w bl ckad-s ih s winter « pr ee of the origin il tickets. he ba 1 been 9«»j »iirning loi s >metiine. He Has Electrified the World the «» guar.tut« « d cure f«»r catarrh. < -»hi be»-.* t i>nq led t«» | ax uh aciditiui al < < -Is ‘ has (». Vincent, fn m up Ko.ur liver, Miss Jes-ie Couthoui app ar- at the in th«* head amt kimirvd la-i >ai ur.tav. h. ¡n arlytwentv years. an«i wa- upwards of an- "Id at *1 per package,or three f«>r $2.5»», civilization. Hi- mix > nt nr«-> and di-ov «-ri«“S vlasa traveler.- nave m en lc.mi «»m«“iy • 'uniPMint «i bv Frank Manning and 1!. L. it during the past two we«ks On the ' i>o vears of age when he «lied. He had Medforii has but "ii * paper , now. We an 1 are re omtm-u -I»*«! and used by th«- Iiav. 1». . nliR \NI», W«»NhERH L. M ARVEU route up R«»gue r ver th«* carrier wa- una­ 1r»ated ami t.ikvn < are or. tree »»i ««iv;,-.- J’i--; ■ «• i nu di. in- in hi- bool fur many ’«•arn ilia« the “News su-peudetl j ubli a I- i.liitu’ i hy-u of the l’aciti • coast, <>I S THE W«»R|J> H \> SEEN nothina Uk» ble to g't abov«* Elk creek lor - trips. | at ttie railroad bi lei 111 re ha- b-rn mt * JACKSONVILLE. OR bi-t«ir»“. Hi- thrilling adv ••iitur«*s, mai- l nr county pay- a bounty of 12 50 on while on the Jenny creek rout'- the Shakc ve irs.und was esteemed as a genial, up- tion imlelinitelv last week NI.»» si ciel compounds. Guaranteed by all th»*in a l’’:l«“ prow mg at tl.-- «1 -« rm.inat v«*lous diS4“ov« i h.*s. daring «“Xploita, astound­ «• hi h i ni llu r ami < oyolr .-« ain turned over lirht man. J. ( (’mum, who d.d considerable busi­ druggist«. ing privati«'ns. woiid -r1ul trip across tin* luuihiothe «Lvrisiun ol tb< -»• 1« ruinate « to thr «1« rk. Hunters sfwuld remember I nuiii dui noi get beyond 8 It— p i.- ags- that. Don’t forget th it every tir-t premium nr«* agitating the peuple of Clackamas inoved to Meadow- precuict. Society Meetings. i.\ • i > i H.iiK " iiH"- im-:ud« «t, from In- m>t if the railrua«! cumpany an in«» Vidu l. awar«l«d at th« 1 district la-r lor lint* i>hoto- «-ntran«-«* into A1 ih * h to tl»«‘ pr«*s«-nt lime. M is«>s-. -\Vurr« n l."«!g« N<». 1 ’ » ot Jucksun- I Lr T ime - ha- n »1 receive«! a Ii it fr )in t ounty muchly because thev have asked (¿nite a number of « i«i? *i - h iyc be«*n at one would -urtni-c tha’ it int- I dt«i 1 • inak« grapln« work was carried off by I.ogaii. Ev«*r> IxMly wants th«- new xill«- iiH-cts ca«-h AVedm-s«iax «-v< ning nt or a bn! for ibe p polar vote ami run lur con­ Klamath ami Like counties tor over a Hie A-hlaml photographer, tor bi- unri­ th»* «‘ounty commissioners for a tram hise ibe county -seal «hi- w«-« k, eni-«-r in ihi* . a pi < «•'•«!mg t Ii»-t to: ni""n; A.-filami Linigc No. week, mm c the dearth ul new? from that «•ver th«“ river roads from Se lwood on the p ' ily «»t jurors, witnesses or btigant- Genuine Stanley Book! gress ur lhe legi.-lature. 23 «•!• i iiui'aday «-xi ning during the -am«- time. valed poriiaits ami views. Wh.*n you want section n«»rth to Bar.«>w -lation on the south, and | Stanbw’s «»wn writings ami dispaiclws. a tine picture at a small price rail on •rom th«“ Whit«- Hou^e to Oregon city on L. F ( 'X ami family r« m ved iaei week Or« gon « 11 apt' r No. 4. K. A. M.. m- • ts in J a« k- (i\ From "r IO" of t lu-grandest and m«»st wmi«i«-rful -. nvill'- "ii the Tm-sdny evening previous. .1 N. TLoimis of Little Butt« precinct him. t’lrciiit Court. # the west side. Their petition asks for an from M«-«ifor(’ to their iarm m-a W«>od A lai «-I « h.ipti r X •. 3. <' E. S., ot .ia«’k-"iiville, C< HJ »RED PLA T» evt-r s»*«-n m a hook «»f ■ a l«- I yrstrfday He reports plenty ot The principal cause of delayed trams t<. exclusive franchise for titty years for v|ee- vibe, wh’-re they will reside in the future. m< . I- «»n every «»tber 'i'hursiiay evening; travels. Il ha.- bt « n «“Hgerly await's! ami will Ti>e following ItUnllle-s has tx'en d Sp«-e 1 -now ami leed g«“tting ralhrr scarce in some the south of ii" during th«- pi-t week ha- in« al or otbwr suit *b'y mean«» ot transpor­ A life-size portrait of Archie H izei. in AIpha ('biMitei X", 1 of Ashland on the first I»«* m<»rt*s«»iigbt after, mak«* in«»r«- money for ol in cir< lot i otirt since our la-t re)M>rt: localities. • th«* agent and inak«- it «-asi«-i than any l»ad. The dispatches report a even it they «io ask lor lhe whole earth. 23 at tit« -aim time. Table R«»«-k Eucnmp- GAU I lull . stanh y m tiav. S ar«- b. in*« pub­ action to ietuv«*r posse-ti« n of personal lai»-d any lately. as much of lhe old snow fail of thr«-e feet of new snow al Dunsmuir .1 * I»»* Dot has melted. b »me «4 the settlers on Fo «ts ur«-ek bav . . W<* i«nii<»un<*e an«i batt'-red plat«*»«. last Sunday. proj»eity. r, , , V> rdii ; tor defendant. est bon»'* that ever turned »lit to see a per other Tm--day evi-ning of each month. Ruth t hashes agents an«! th«- public been m t'iivti by th«* railroad uompanv that Ilia t<» prot«s ‘ t our Reb. kah l»eyr«-e LtMnl<*y Book- all «»7 which are situplx ol "Tt* 1’ri« es verx low ami sal i.-t.u tion perfect safety jury ami ac«|uiite«L It chai.scs the t l«»o«l, tenus, i e , ten per cent. down, ami bal­ iHH'ks 'thnt iiav« b« “ «'n in us«- t.,r y«-arx. and are fourth ruesdays «»t en<-li month. The «'flort to or an’/.«* a company of t he ’ A. I. Reuter x- Elisha Ray c: »1. ; fore­ gu «ranteed. strengthei - the nerve-, an l vitalizes the ance in nine annual pax incuts, the unpaid X' <«. at M«*dford -h m d receive em•ourag R ed M en < »n goiiuin-pocuhontasTri!»«-No. now off « i «si a- in w I»«M»ks. with n t« w pag«* ol l»«*w matter add'd. closure. Default «ntere«i ami jmKnient 1. Imp ’ d <». R. M.. of Jacksonville. »iv«*ry Tues ­ A ><»n ut Jac b Conley of S mi's valley -y-tem. Popular experience ha- I ng I take pleasure in announcing to the public in general that 1 have for plaintit! for $.•■'>«; u’» th«* lai.ti, the deed to con­ Oiwell’s mills at l’ho*nix will h'*r»after « v«-ry ot her Friday evening; Ashland I «>dg<- 1’eachers, Young M«-n and l^««li«"s. Ministers, State Vs. ( h.irl« - l»"b.e, imli> tnun' for pneumonia. Tm* barn on 1». T. Ewen's plac h«* old tain lim u-ual warranty clause. Prices be operated in connection w th Hie Aied- No. ii»i on th. in st and third W< Juen’ay «ceil­ Farmers, .Vb-clianio ami Clerks can easily cla-s stock of goods, which I am selling at the lowest prices. larceny in a «iweiling-ho i>e l'i»*«i<«f guilty ings of each im»uth V«slt’or«i Ixwtge No. !»s Major Br«>ckt nbrough, ex-special ag»*nt Buothby ran h near Ea I.- Pomt fell will dept nd more on location th in on qual- roller mills, lhe c«»mhinaliun will nn-« t>»cxery - TO >25 PER DA Y. X«» exp«-rt- entered. I oi ih- land «lepartment. well km»w • m under the w - ght of -now on Wedne.-lay of i v of lami. it being the policy «»f the com­ ford «•nee r«s|iiir«si. ( anvasslng outttts now r«-j««ly. prove a strong one. I ing of eiicli m< >nt ti. Semi iinin«siiately tor i I lust rat » m ! circulars and Klam «th c untx. tell and broke his arm m last we.-k, killing a numtier ot ca tie am! pany to encourage settlement in th? re 0 T«» the harnierb oi Jacks«»n County. Revs. Barden ami Van l a--ci conducted* terms fr«*e, «»r. to s«x*ur»* an agency AT ONCE, I i’o: (land i e« enl;y. hogs belonging to John B Williams and muter mciuuis , where the minimum »«•n continue to <»| erale kd ed in thr wreck 2» Market Bt.. Ban Francisco, (’ai. r«‘port«-i t" the His-r.“tary of th«- Souttu-rn ite mixologist, is now manager «if the es- may continue awhile l«»nger, although th? thtm «>11 lhe exchange ) Inn. A- S'•••ii as I The Monar< h saloon at Medford, under Oregon St«K-k Pr»«t«s-tiv< “ Ass»»ciat1«»n 1«» »late. The liar «y A Luxe property on R«>gue iabhslim«*ni of T ,oin us Laud, who e al« ! S. F. R. R. Co , is making almost superhu­ the management of H. H. Wolter-, is prov­ practic able we w >11 overhaul the null and I t'-'l Barm-burg. M■ •lt»»r»l. rep.jrts on»-red pl«« e it iii tiist-cuass rep ir. bring <rnia ..|«| lain»!.'- -l»-ei. iiuirk» »1 »-rop «»ti h tt Ih'ljirctiully V- urs The Yreka branch cost the en­ Hu country, ami “the beautiful ’ has so far sinithsbop in the bulling f »rnierly ■■«• u points south of Redding,< a!.. via 1 » ax is A F ran « k . terprising people «»! plac»* acoiii $ll(», b:itti-«i thu combined efforts ot all of the l ied by W. H. Turner. He xi I «; ml, I«*-- l a. , » ••!• an«! iiii.h r-bit in right ; also 2-y« ar- -now-pl 'W -, locomotives and the employes ..¡d r- d and whir- steer, with iind« r-bit in l» ft until lurther orders. n»ni, but as the roa«l now* pay- more than Medford, Or , Jan. 2»L I*'*” of the railro ,d comp tny. The railroad folks br.ild up a g Hid trade, as he i- an ex< el ent . a» atei two-Ills tn light ear. Bramis nut via- As the -now lingers almost too well, operatiin expenses, ami is ot immense b«-n- upchanic and a very clever man to du ihb’. mu t herv.ifter regar«l the ««»ad between F«s fur Hatching. quite a number of sleighs have been un- eiit to the to«vn. the <-iti/a-tis are satisfied Redding and Ashland not altogether easy business with. J. P. V ilk<*r. \-hlan»i. reports one man 2- , ’/ised, as — they —/ furnish much the best with their invv-linent. let Jacksonville an t cheap to operate «luring every winter. tr-»“i»i -t« • r. with un«l«“r-halt cr»»p in I' ll The town netKls a better ca abo se for From America's be-t brer.J- Wyan- pru ami Medford take notice mode of navigation. ¡ar and -h«.rt « rop «»IT right «-ar; indistinct the detention of tramps ami vags. who duties Plymouth R ocks , light Brahma-, Itati I on I. ft hip. Also «»m -old •pi»-l' »I « ow ASHLAND, ORECON Varying sensations -way the dwellers 1 he damage «lone to tin* railr »ad bridges Hou. \\ . K. Pri«of 1 «»io recently sol i could be made to du much work «» ii the I Brown ami U bite Leghorn.- l’arlrnlge i with two splits in right ear. crop, split and to Valu e A aud tracks m»rth of us was repair«'«! wilb- along Rogue river. They all want the city’s streets if proper acconnu«»dati"ns uni' i Jul in b-ft »ar; brami not visible. Cochins, White Wyamiutir- ami Bla» k hi-« enti e vs he il < rop t>f st«>rm t'» end and th«* -un to -huie forth • •uf much delay. lhe mail service from were provide«l. The night wau-h is k« pt Mim»r* us. \Vinnri-"i the highest h«»n«»r> W .;bii«14«“ < I Yreka, ( ui.. w ho own a grist Will Hell. Lean.-. Kent Rtbl IlHlnlle L « Boil. . F.agl«- Point, r. ports one <-> « hi - Portland to A-hlaml has not been a- Ladas 1VE HAVE Nt»W <»NE OF THE BEST EQCIPI’ED FLOl'IUNG MILU* IN THE STATE al all the large exhibitions for th«- past mill at Litile Suasia. we re- once more; but the longing is tempered b\ ' busy watching thetiamps at night when his old r«d -I” I. * 'til umici-Int ill right ami -plit it might otherwise b«* inis winter, as lhe dread «4 high water, th«* sweeping vv and the single cell is full. in J,.ft . ar ; als», one Iky • ar-old r«si st« -er, with eleven years .1. M. L'tdand s big b irn in this precinct ceive mail Horn tm* metropolis ami inter- aw ay <4 bridge" am! inumlating of flehl-. Egg- >3 per setting; two -etiings, fell some day- since and nearly « aus» «l -«■- H. H Wolters, the inixologist, has re­ cmp«4i th.-left am! upper-slope in right car. mediul»* points nearly every «lav. w ha h all r< aiiz«* is imp?mling when A er the N ’ o brands r« p«»rt« “ d. ONLY FULL ROLLER PROCESS MILL 8end stamp lur catalogue. Addies-. runs <«»-.-equen e-. (’.Mingus’ barn col opened th»* saloon formerly kept by A. H. Polk H«»H. Spikenard, r«-ports «»m vh-i,. A belt Amiers Ji died at his home in st ow goes off. There is such an inc edible Carlson, thoroughly relining it ami mak­ J. M. G \Kkl-o>. lapsed a 1« w d ty- belor«-. Ii'.l»r. l’v vears old ma.’.'d with and brai.»l X l-ihl« . to the ti nd«- in tins s«-« Tb»n ¡«nd »«« • pi « pui •-! bh ail «.• !• i- t"i f1««ur. mill f«*ed. etc.. <»n • *< imlustrioiis. str.aighttorwar«! y«»ung man. cigars, ami a tine billianl tabl«* «also be JiHt Arrived. Portland in-time I«» lx- pre.-vnt at th«- open­ N. A Young. Eagle Point.r« ports «>n<-4-y • ar- uotlc«’. AH order» b> mull «»r in p« rw.n will rvi-eiye prompt att« ntmu calculable «lamage. Truly th? elvnienis am! Well like«! by alt w ho knew him. A found there. Give him a «all for he will . i i «I lim -back *1« r; « ar-»narks. « rop. -piit ing ot the new opera liou-e. ( huice, selected white curly Angora wii«* ami numerous other relatives, also wid he kind to this valley if the general i treat you well. ami und. i-bu in right «-ar. sw»dlo*--furk in • Test the Flour aud You Will Use No Other. \nolher consignment of pq c for the city ma iy in n is. mourn ui- L>-- Rug-,-npcrior t«» any in the market, size ; thav, « »mes with sunshine and v»*rnal leit car; imlistim t brami «»n left hip. wal« r-works at A-hlaml wa- recently re br»-eit*s instead uf showers and a Chinook ' The installation «’f otlicei- of ('Insier A. ex»Hevt price. I ’ .1 M. Wagm-r. S.sia springs, reports on«“ re»I •tur delinquent sv.b-cribers will pleaee Arthur Bost AO. 47, G. A. R , too* place at and H. F (¿ LLl.xso* A <’«» *eiv»d; but work will m»t proceed on tht remember that lhe first oi th«* year is a w md. white :! \ . ar-oid < .w; .-ai-mark-, crop off th«’ o| eta b«»U>e as ann«»um ,*«l ami the f.?l riglit « ar.-waliow fol k in i'-H »-ar. m» bramis trenches until the -now leaves. KM i mrd m J’orilund g*»o«i um»- to turn over a new leaf and pay I n a re« « ut article in the * Youth's ‘ ’oni- lowing Will fill the i hairs during t he en-umg vi-il.h . J. R. WRITSMAN, Vic*-Prt p.mion,”-• i “h«»w to cur? a cold,” Ge year: Coiuniamfer, R. 1 ^-»u«;g. >. \’. Curd of Thanks. i.umber were -obi by the mar-h.ti l.»-t erm much t » y«»u, hit f |ono of deiihqU«-nt . w ritvi ailvi-» - a hot lemonade to bt* taken comin e. J \ comman­ biJind l«H>ks iik« “HL J. K. ELDERKIN, ** and M m : m *« .Vu-tin W Bish, Ashlnn I. rep. »¡-umm-.’»-y «ar- J. W. CUSICK, Tr«.«ur.r The undersign« d wi-h to return thanks w«ek, brmg>itg scare i\ enuugl. ¡»er hea«l -ub.-cripr. m- is «juitt* a big pile to us. .ii b- I t me. Ii i- a dangerous ir«*ntment, der, 1». A. Hulihg; Q. -M W G. Co .per. old dry «»w, y«“llowisli <-ol«ir, with long <-mp Pay up and have a clear cons i» nee. J t—p*<‘iahy during tb«* severe col«i wt-ath<*r Lsurgeo«». Win. Turner; chap a n, I). J. «at I. it. ami -hort » rop "tt right «ar. Indiatili«“) to the many fri«'n s wh«> so kimiiy lent io pay the price ol a drink. Tat roo: »-I the ires I Lummh n; offi«*« r of the gu.»r«i. J. R. I>. brand «»n h it hip. their am during <-nr aftt co- n. W.ii. Tay lor. Ashland, report* t«nn nriicai- M k vm - M rs F. \V. 11- . at E tgle 1’uint, gave way under the sn «w - -n A Bowden, has g me to R »semirg to ’ ' of (>J the "kin ami leave" the system in such I ford ; officer of lhe day, Isaac W«»oli; adju­ as follows (»ne r«-l y ear-« »id st»»-r. «ar­ that another ami mu h nuire se- tant. J. H. Fans. la-t week, ami the bridge was not u.-ed fur take ordti- for monuments, tumbstonvK, , I c«>ndii!on . Central Point. Jan. 17 IS!*». ili it b s. crop »it d undi-r bit in i iglit car; brand. c«4«l is almost certain to be contracted. several day - m l oiiscquem e. etc. They have a 1 «rg»* as-ortiuent ot n»-w | ,' vere ’ . “ F M" on rig lit hip. « »ne risi 2-y«-ar-ol»l steer; Wood for Sale. Frank A 81«wart has been appointed and e eg.«nt d> - gn-, ami their prices are Many year’s con-tant use and the exper­ I »-rop ami split in right and un»i* r-spht in left Ciirftl hm Lilli* Hoy reasonable We ui-«iri-land that .Mr Bow- 1 ience of th »u.-ands uf persons of alt ug« ». «-ar; no braivi x « »« m - 2-y « ai-ohi white « oliect« r »t rust« ius at Coos bay . while My little boy had < f the bl »od |-te«r; ear-mark .-d«i- A large quantify of dry curd w<> »4 I for d-n has taken st-yeial outers at («rant s ha- fuliy <.em««n-trate«! that there is noth­ l itla’i«l Busireas salein »jiinr Hies t-» suit. For í'irtiier pat­ E w -rd fay <»r succeeds John Hons «n in Pa-s. ing Letter .or a -ever«“ Cold than Chamber that were of a scrofulous na’.ure. which re­ I ini«l«-r-bit in i ight, and npp«“i-nalt « rop in h it (.'<>’.!< g< Portland. Oicgon, or at li:< < i> Bus­ • j th* same |K»sitiun at A-toria. Oculars enquire of lain’.-C 'Ugh R« medy. It acts in |>erfeet sulted in the breakiiiii out of an ab.-<-ess <>n ! . ar; brands ’ h ‘ «m left hip. “heart” brand on in. - <; .ib ' t Sa h-m. Oregon. L.-th-tl <<4s ire Arthur Pool had a -bed, about two miles harnumy with nature, relieves the lungs, the hip. 1 gave him Swift’s Specific (S. S. right hip. i »m- 2-y « ar-o!d roan steer with hoi«- uni i the ni.c.ig« in- .it «»(A !’ A ti.. g have 11 begins to «iuwn upon residents of south­ E W illi iM'. i-<*« f .studies and K«n>< t - "1 tui”*' *». ern Or» g weight uf -r«>w one night ing a-t it week, St ii »i n«-»». s|i <, t »ii;« n m ?-year-"l«i r«*d lieih-r. markr«l with ! ,-rop and -plit in left ear und split and upper Tvq>cwri1ing J*» nnianship and h »». part Posta i 'ur F ei ix S ixr >tiein. N. (’. . nd ju-t at a period win-, '.hey are -adly in were impusone«i under the th»* .system to a -troi garni healthy condi­ unequal. «hm«- in right ear: no bramis visible. lre.jtjse on biuo«l ami min diseases ! Th' r« sp«-rt)\» ow m is are r«sp|e«tv « all i. uls Day aud eveni* ■ -. . ■■ e« o «1 out he entire i Drug 8t-»re, Jack-ouvil.e, also Engel Bros., mailed fire. • a ihe ab »V «• part ies lor turthvr infurmati«»n I’wtKnv'a«**' ( •'l«’SA AD C«|“!il Ru't «— jure«!. th • great weight ui thr snow bav- 1 l’hxcuix. 8 wjft 8rn.a it Lu . Atlanta, G m . ‘ iu io the amiuab. i avMUMmestuck, cjcmu down tu bedruck. office at once. \i*uiUaud, Oregon. vl\ salvtu. Oivgvti. xug pi even led them from struggling. She democratic limes I1KKK ANI> THEKE. Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE NEW FURNISHING STORE. IN <>1WV?*rr 1*1« I UP. SeOtOOO.oo ALBANY, OREGON WM. ULRICH, District Agent. MLOFORD. OREGON