' I* iu earn«*tly hoped by the dwellera in the KI iinath basiti that th«* efforts tn have the f.. -f re-garri4on«*d will la* cr->wn«*d with sne- < >ur< sleen'ed fellowc t z.-n.C. «' Beek­ < >■•,«, and that this a«*ction will «nice iu<»r«* r»*t Tnr author of “llmlihrss'* exclaims: man, anent whom the Republican press »».-cur» from the ¡arils ol Indian outbieaJt* an I the encr« aduni nt uf rowdy fab white m»-n "Ah utc: thr perils that environ of the state has been saving some very I ou the Indian holdings. • HICIH »*»11 OF HCIOCM COURT». ORISON The man that tamper, wuh cold Iron." I .complimentary things of late, with refer- 1 Some stock are nuccuinbingtu the Inevitable, And Kaiser echoes in his heart: Ienee to the approaching gubernatorial. i an 1 the loas will tw*considerable If lunch more JxN»’APY q 1^- "Ah me, the wheneencs» of the when; THVK'l'AY «- m «»» ■>«• .»«»» nu -'W falls. Owiug to the drouth last season, ; i-ontest. ia to be congratulated ti| on hav- The rnan who m nk< ya with a pen. Mt-'lfor-l »of as >*s tnuch hay usual was pu< put up. auu and .n ’■«»».." n the \t,I nay as u,uai Is want to fe. 1 hl, courage fall mg seemed s.. ureo an organ in trit -Mr moro , not milny inucn , t,x krll( „.„ are ronseo consequently munv ^t.» krnim rrt nr»* lientlv not a» as when .ailed to decvrstr a Jail." I Mml, which last week hoists the B -ek- j » n prepar’d to inert a hard winter as they A bath w»r ia on between the overland I man colors to its mast-head, ami “thus ' otherwise would bave been. A mo MO the most creditable efforts al tin«-«, afTei-finir oam-ntier rateat" tl>e eaa( 1 early and trefore the campaign'* intiulges ' tlov.mor P< tmoyer has assuritl the real- Now wonhl he a iron.! time to travel, if holiday journalism which reached our in 'Home ¡dam talk, candidly *|»ok«*ii. ' . N. G.. th«* Link- the weather wav more favorable. which i* calculated t«.> pine« Mr. Bc«*k- • ville t-avairx tr»M»p, in b«-tt«-r •bHpt- than any V tic tion of the Roseburg Rerieui, a pai.r I other voinpany «»f th»* Ntatv militia, at it I m r»»RV *1 l.IM in IM go»ng gM'i»K to <•» add ■«••• tn ”• the •’•y im •••! rC* . never utl *------ C rv Al.Lta winch does . things by halves. Th. 1 man in tlie vanguard ui Penibjyer’M ¡»os I highly «¡«wirable that they b«« pr**pnr«*d for 7-tan« e of her boom bv con«»rneting a \umber was filled with interesting rrad- | »itile opponents. There im nothing >ad- i mutant and . ffii*i«*nt trrvic«* in tin* «v«*ut of der in thin world t> an i • see a worthy i any unforeseen »*in«*rguncy. Carbin»* and ----- -f . I ing trig and a la>v«-amount large amount of «>f general ir iniur ditch from the Willamette nell — .prin«. , tabrt* have already b«*«*n ord«*r«*d, while It la ■nation relating to I»ouglan county ai-i and denerving aHpirant for wtfire buried I conthl« ntly «•xp«*<*t»**i that at the meeting of foi waterwork« ami irrigation purpose.. southern Oregon, the people, bu- ne-s beneath the wieck of hia hope*, all iui th»* Mtaft* military board of Rale tn, «ally thin Th«» bitiiafinn wae Iw- in »nth an alhiwanct* will !»«* made for uniform* au town of Wardner, Idaho, war and armory r«*nt f«»r th»» troop. and the iniiucements it offer« to int. n.*- J coming no neri«»us for «un fel!«»w town*- iie«trnvev foe laat Saturday, involv- Th«- iu-w-vear’a eve ina*k ball gtv«-n by ing aettlera to locate tlieir families her.. I man, »•( the <■• invention c » ìk ’ n approaches, iii >.' a !'••• of *100,000 worth of property. that we had almost conciuilrd to lean« Gravi* A Lipaett at Linkviih* wan a highly m>l turning a number of families out of T iik only illu«trate.*.e of urging hn* «*au**e Iwfore the p» «e main w«-ll auNtain«*«!, the luuaie umh-r the hoUM* and home. a superior in any respect iu the United pie. H im claim* f«>r preferment at the itad» raliip of Billy Web!» all tliul c«»ulh evidence of Its laige colored lilustnstion. hand* of nib ¡mity at tii M firn« aie cer Mired. ___ A r>. hsihi s svalsnclm at Sierra city. States. tie *kill «»f that «pieen <»f culerera, Mr». .1. VV. ‘‘____ J The priz< for iiatidboui»*t costume Cal , last Fridav, ovsrwlmlmed a largr are works of ait, and are of home scene­ ■ fami? parHinoiin! to thi»e of any othe> Hanning Rei»»il»licari in tin«* se«*tion. and in view ! ' wa* award«*«! i > Mra. J J>. Fountain hm “Mara portion of the toa n and wijs-d habita- in which out people are all interested anti .*«4 >tnp«»*.. May iy« DeBuy ¡i$-“ *JFrtlfUllIA (h*ai|dinal . unii 1|’W*. ” Mi«* ’ll’» .»»«*> I’«l.* Uflr It- O! the I . «<*t ttmt the lea'b rM ot R im party tiotis and iH cupaiitH (rom thr* face of thv lut editorials are crisp and pithy. wan v tely as though swept by humorous sketches ami paiagraplin rival 1 **et m to have a tae’t unde: landing th *i original cost i ime by common eons«ni w us that those of the papers which make a spec­ | southern Oreg< ii shall t>r ie*,ogni«”d on ot I >, Stanley ar “Lmkviih* Business lliruc- tir«._____________ __ t«»ry. “Fgthrr Huldiard,** ¡»«•»•sonatisi b> ialty of them. Its illustrated poems are thr»r ticket, |>»*n.«j<*r ilie a Imire*s of Mr L-w. Stnlhuiu w«*» by < m I«¡ s th«- ugliest eu>tuiue. amo'nt its most attractive features. Ill ........................... ( 1» , m couim«»n with hw ow n partisan fol- Tr’irri e reveled in know from oil HAV I. FOK SALE 1 HE FOLI A AXING DE- wrilwd pr««perty: . b .•> M*e l.is chalices g*»j iticfieo r.i a fieit deep, which m I oo prevail­ every respect it is just the paper our peo- ¡ha.ng. w. r»-l"tl. Z7 PER < EST. I»I»FEREX( K. pie want for thrmsrlvrM, their wives and I giin ia ring bolelv tor lac k ot an * organ ” . N«>. 2. ed over moat of the Willamette valley, H 00 a year. L. Samuel, Ituiiiirsr the im*ipie»>t boom. “Worth! test * SHOXXINO THE STK»».N’uEMT \M> M«»MT A go«M¡ tarn« <»t 214» a« i ce « li E* .me m «'Ultix ulioii, u *.« wn(- cation with Vancouver wan entirely cat W« interviewed a large number of our 1 honor aridom climb«,” ami we were I m * , the government chemi-J* a* to tl»e practi­ • I « d alid a li 11« outbid«- l ¡«ligi i«»rslo*k. A No. i ginning to fear that each of our able but I citizenn on tlie situation kill« this » 1 * • • v I political ’V/1 i < ■ x off. _____ cal strength and u*efu.new of baking pow­ 1 st«K k tui ui. P ii « « . Iiitccii dolíais |>< i avi« week, intending to publish their choice sectional Republican moulders of public der*. Eiluris are <•- ntinuuu*ly made to in- «aeh. liti« p*-|l*x-l. Tilt w.iole theory ot a proUmtiv. tarift for congressman and governor. The M-ntiment ha«l gone off in advocacy of trihiuce inferior b.ikmg jm wders. (he state- No. (i. tx-nrtitinx the lal.xer reais u|K>n the fol- lMmocmtB were all solid and enthuf»ia»- aorne httlc local political deity’* claim* to n.ents bring ¡»ubli-h« <1 that ihey are as Forty a< r«*s ot timi»«-! lami « i«*»«- l<> III« coun­ edford k ov Be* km.in’H tiooin pure, or a* Mtrong a* the •Royal.” Buch lowint; rea.onintt: The manufacture» ia in t is* tv» foi . Sy I venter > Pennoyer tui for icv-cjcviiuii, re-election. BU< h .in extent that M T 1 ’jucHK-i 1 ty r«iMi i an t uni« r. (ì«»v « « imi* ut ti- enahitni hr a prolectiv. tariff to make ami were albo almost a unit for Robert • '*u,,ld »uffri lor a ant •» the nurse h ten- p »vx«lers «re ’»«»iu to cuiiMimers nt the same >*oi.i.. tie. 'J 1 he «>w ii«-r le out *»l ili* stai« und tbr lumi der cure. care <* : feats Our ' *_ have vanished L. now, price as the Koya», but b-mg defic rst in taven i ai With the Ue e will la- b«»itM. Two liumired ami Italy IUH* frixlj M«TMun "all th«* necessary rlenivntk i ubl- ati-»ns have re«eutly lnen imidr by I« nerd uiwl m i-mtivulioii; iiu|.rv>v«u witii .* IIH « beai Illg olcilUIU *>t 1 lili, ........ abbili.!) . liuti of strength ‘ hat J.e |s ;0»l» , deserving the Price Huking Powder Uo., the obvious a great storm raged in the Sier ran, which or, with Tbumptroii a good weonilaml |M- Where is kept constantly on banda complete MEDFORD, ORECON. 11 «-c»»; a d w < ding iioiit*«-. a bai n ami «»t lit i «»ul- and tirid-uhuMt stock of * Aii*«rd a • ?mp«»rary blther Harlan the theeltp. su e of th** inlet i«»ritx m low l**si < ills place, it Is a U m *>|»I ibic «•! bring ulVldtd « f the baking p<>vxm hun 1 ach* <1 ami that worth fac«ured. u« t ce «*n< h . i li« iH'l lli hail <»t tin.* pia*-« is ub- • will worth whet* Beekman in cal Id ger train« were enabled to get through, burg Htvitrc. . ,, aeren ai • art hi » l’iie Irsta i»y tli«* government « heun*t | upon to face Pennoy«»r but. m>me freight train« are *till «ide jigo », i i««' «»i i»*-! lau acres, *:»uu. l «»ui mH« s TOWN PROPERTY. FARMS. VINEYARDS an.! al*,«» bx- I’rof Ci) »tidier, <»! the Nrv eshe iciiakdhun 1 und Mining Ciuiiua bought and su'd on coin- G ovkh . vom P knnoykk lad M >nd.>y, irom L< uliai Point ruia«»aü station, litic ¡>« r- York Bu.'itl ui lit'ahh. r«-v ale*! the fact tracked. ________________ (iliHdi«)ll. after considering the claiinn of the sever that Price’s p.»w *»*r contained txvenlx- N'». w JOSEPHINEI'OlIVTY ITEMS. IN ING PATENTS «»btained al rcaaonaldc al candidate» for the otfice of associate - I •even !•« r cent, les.* Stie*»gth than the Yk.r. hoay a .» tlie Stli »f January, or , rati-s und with dispatch. A tatui ot 121» ad« e, iuiprwVrd * itila v«'Ui- circuit judge in tiie aiatb judicial dintnet, ■ R >yal. ” what 1» tieitrr known ox Gen. Jo kaon'K hirl.iiH» uwciiiug; 1« u Mcii-r» i«m-«-*i aii«i tu «•*..- I G. M>»«»n I m running a f**«ii st«»r«‘ in . _ th«- ... )K<>MPI A I 1 EN I ION gi ven t«»ali bmdii«*?v. When «ump ired m ni'»n»*y value. Uiis livatlun, m itu a uvuig opnni; mar lo« dM I day, when *'«tl i»« *i «>t> h k rana, n fu tbv tl-llrr« n> c would lie .iM fidluxx * ; Judge 1. B. Ison, finally decided upon edfgkd to alwi>*' .11 En^-lirth pretenmoue *o our G. L. MvM«erle, !«»rm« rly of tin» county, is .cuiitj . uiik«-« «r«-« k Uuwit lliroUKh lini» àmìi U» One pound can Royal Baking Powder appointing Hon Morton D. Clifford, of now l«»CMte*lat N«»rtl*f«»i k. Humboldt county . LAND AT BEDROCK PRICES. liti« p« i’t«.ut. i*nuc. « b UU. ■oil. lliut a a» nearly eighty yean, ago; xv.'rlh oO cetits. Cal. Canyon city, th ant county, who served JlltMj No. 42. 20) acres. but ti e iiM*w>ury of tl>e immortal An.liew No. «. taven alker On«- 1» >n d «an Price's xv »rth .’M» cent». Jackrtui. i. »till ifreen tn the tnind of two terms ae district attorney in that 20» rtcn-s \ rd a Hb a Til«* pUhdc arc lii«iebt»d to the Ilo»ai diairict, and la rebognized as a man of county and planted tu orchard* and grain th»* Baking Powder <’• »111 ¡>anJ’ for ’lie fight winch is plain« iand and tin* baiane«- gtssi g<«ri. ¡1« w l i mu «li« <’. t'.i» n unti gì.inaiy . ab«-ut tin» Kratelul republh-. timb«-r land. Ail K' rm I trini and gram I mih I, bijkty ai ivfctvucrd, u itti un «.»tt LaiU <»! uin.ut tine legal ability, it i» n.edless to le- coining ««iu*<»n. hrybtvebe r. making for xrar* paM ¡o with two living springs ut water. Four miles o»»»- buudred aa»M»ri««i limi ir« < s. «»u< imi .uark that lie 1« a l»eiiiociai. tlie ap ­ •;i* ak ui' the ¡tractive <>f -ubstituiiBg alum. I P. Coleman, of th»* Pa»*, ia • nt> rtainingG. troni Jacksonville. .*i I Illg Ultd <»lU*T email« * B oil til« f«u Ili. L. T. B akin , tlie next Kepublican L rirvug« , :f»- :*ii’i child, of Spirit Lik»*. I«»wa, (» . »phate**, liniv, etc . ns « h a|» subs-itut' S pointment is saiii by tlnaa* who know 1 itiik* • ci« « k i uue» IhroUgb th« i .a* « . Mpi«-Ii- > marshal for Oregon, announce« bin in* «»Id-tim* friend«, Atal everything else imaginable in this line. ¡<4Mi No. 4l<>« k i aug*, y * Hit g>>\ « rum* nt tuie. 1THC. ur ci < am tart ir, as well a* *ho. l Wrights whereof fliev s|>eak to be a fair, clean My giMwl*« an- new and ot the twat brands, hiu ! tentiuti ot ap|Hj*ntuig I. T. <ìregg, aecie- $¡'••1. «'.leh. l'n.iuprovisi; well wau be mild at the Ü taiy «»I tn» state l«oaid of agriculture, to pia**** to make a g«»«.»d homo. ■ lay in Yr» ka, which pliuc wna lua home m h«»ped liig’ t «1 ’»h»p tbjel’ cry will h"t A in i* k h«»utu* and lai g« l«»l m Ju« ksoitvm« . th«- tiioet impôt tant «hq uiyahip in hi* can always la- relied upon Ui do the right tin* early »¡xt b m $4ùuu No. 55. 4>4> aer«*s. p-went that «(impany from • -«»irmuing th- thing under any and all circumstances. u ill. u stahl«*. A *• »uii< i tabi* houi«,und ini« ! J Pardee anti wtf« . «»f Hasting», N« •!».. are in ulti« v Mr là. I m a popular an«i deser- « .x|M»*ur«* «»I »11 who are «ng «g« d in tt»e l'niii>prov««d, lev«-!, rich grass ami fruii lumi, pert« et. Pi i* « . J««««', fc.’toj « at»11 aiidl a.an« « .u Give me a call b«*forr g«»in) e a-wherr. running water; title, donation claim. A great vm/gentie may, an«l will no doubt till P:iaa. and Mr P. will «»pen a diug-atore ii a i ii * busi V" .1 p.«In.ing tip »n lh Inr«< - qua. puy mein«» ul six.iwtiv« and • lglt- Tmt action oi the San Francisco Ex- | I Grant'a there at an early day. J. C. SHERIDAN. bargum; 7 milue«-«ist o( <« ntral PuiMt. ui-lu • heap or i ¡jiirivU' hiking 1 w.icr t« < li months; d* Ici r* d ¡>¡iy m« uls to Ul uu I« u the po iliuti a< « rptably. immfr in rescuing the ahipwreck-d p*i cent, interest. ! J» linings A I)< ail’s newiv-titt« »! aal»»« n it* ai h» *.mr prit v .1 win h a jure uni ly Kussian saner, .*ntoiifo N ciiolas, fioui 4M» acri*—UtMi aiTcs rich, level, bottom iand, Au. 11. v% liolr*omr m 1 H h ra .* »id A. II. CAUSON. W. L. C AHRON ■one of th- uh-asant ’ »t rea< rts in »«»utluni I** ktiim familiar with the situation in Point Bonita ruck» during thr storm i f 1 cl«-ar<-«l. li» nei ce t«-ncc«i; »mali lioue« ami ulu­ Th R y 1 Basing P<>w«ler has the com- A Cuuifurtublc fruiu«* houw* in Ju« kb«>ii\hi*-, Oregon. Uuiy lb beat is k pt tlu re. lile; bearing »»reliant ut choieu variety of ap­ thr Sa* ramrnlo valley and other t>oj- last Fri lay night, has made the people ci i tor sai« un r*Tli __ _ — -------- _ ut three io«.ms im dull».ii < f >'l e m *t op'd su a« ro «d )ull«iwatìd sugar-|*fp< tim­ - . r t Ge«». Walt« r and (»••«>. Alti»*-l»*r ar»* m iking Uld kit*. 11« II. io« al«-u li ‘i I. 1U t ohm ot <'allturn a ^ay that, while iar .» •* the hgv citv doubly Mhd I o V a I to the monarch L>1< pant: 1 WHS to start a n»*w brew« ry at Grant’s .lie c> tiniry h»r i- ptirii} and freedom from ber; gint m tin tuitions K »gu« Kn«r nur a gouU w«il <»1 uutcì ut tiu sll.«'l. ___ d«.*»i, Mill» nature. gram haM been nown than im umuk I, t hat <4 Ills .Gilles mer and winter Evans cr« « k lune <>n « ast Vail« y , thr«*«* hundred mil« s south ot Port­ ali i*«s « r-sury «»utiioUMt*. VX ni be s r .r I himii . - be- j ever* subslaf.ce oi an inj.tr. u . 111 M|., land. is U h * phenom« nal city ot (»RANT> boundary «d *aid u«n-i an«i < .m i>» uWiand for It* m.»unt ct .r»rs win r«*c*- »11 uud bus uu Six mil«* South of Grant's Paas, J«MM*|»li1n«* the rock I furv iQany we* ka. lir'.gatiuh. tGx miles troui R. K. depot, «>u<- PAM) •i .;1 co . u iirre l*»r tiie ie »ra ssuess of County. (>r«*g«»n ly proiniHing, and all concur that tlie the li!r-aaving service at the t'liff house ¡ The town is si x v«*a«w old. has a poimlution t urtile! *1»« i«»r tin pK'prity. Fifty-titre tn k'-ts w«*r«* *<>il lor th«* (hi)si- their »•: usatie ag fiirat all manner uf i*»u«i tourtb lini» troni bciioul and post» W h •*. Prie*. <»t over 2 »w* hull, h i >Up to tilt prt ini.*' *. Jac Atrt) Iasi, "11« l ' '1 ami-While 3 » rtillllg *fv<-r ¡5(41 acr«*s. unimproved; ali lei ri. rich. U-t- alni I li.«. h. aim Mra*on. wearing small b< I!, uud *»m* whit«* yearling tide would have made iife a question ot t«»m lumi, well w»it«-r«*«i, ph nty «»1 timi»«-», ami within h radius of tw< nty miles, hik ! ship* • ;«< li !■ - l.i . 1» l :»« boUIM.*, I«»n g ilVlIig Mprìllg. Ir«>n> a living HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. I Layt<»n »r«*«l thrh big st->« k <»f » « if» r. both in « i l'-’t ' ui" <411« ft hip ¡imi «*ur- can b«- made the best dall) iam h m tiu stai«- more I uiii I h r and mauutacture«! w«Hslw«»rk | ut«si «ni a tun itali in only a few hour»» Lu the hapieen otiti aat : Hgncuiturai t D.i ii Muy t< >w it t n < it ■ g ti. < \ < < | I P 11..ni■!. ....1....... I machin«*ry in thr n»-w war«- mai k* d with s vull'-w-t- i k in right ear ami a ol On-goii; 23 mi «> tr«»m Aeh.and. t,_ .and. iiM'xJUL* le« t .li >1/.« iuu» all aw ing tu«.i «-«»u nwvsfMii'y t«»i iiiam.iy f«- un , >1 LLIVAN I1Ì.-H that he bar« Tli«' following d««*ds have been fil'd for tirtlf-upp«T-r»l »p« n^b fl • ar A Tib»*ral r« war«i per u* re. Terms, hull cash in hand, balani-*- ing «»v* i 150 in« n. I »HCUpiiiH-y I»* Hart h A S >n. rp > >r«i in th«* offlue «»f the e«»unty clerk since win be ¡»Hl«l f«»i their return to uiy plarc or prie* »-a-, *| Lui» ol sa.» . ; ■ 1 • i < « : j - chat l«-hgt?«i Peter Jac.non to tight lor at a heavy figure and amt two reporters » un « asy tei nis. A $./i,i««» brick «»p«*ra h«»use in cours« of c«»n- HI. 1.1 - r. ■ ! t<»r informati«»» leading t<» tlu-ir r«-cov«*ry. tiu* last r«-port of tlu* T imes . '• < -o • ? .< KÎ. They PllcceedeJ in their! auuiu »-, i , r genti» tmn into-» *»••«! in tin«* uiuii»*> , and, Having the giuve cuiilrnt lit to the rescue. T* _ _______ 1 2 .J.. st ru«*ti<>ii, !»esid«*s several otkwr brick struct- l»r« mia« r. or alt * u*U ut *>j t *« u <•! t u*. fi i < uur- G P S« HkítbTI.ÉIN Maggi»* Shipley to J. ('. Wiiipp; 40 AcreN in ' 177 act «*; '.4 ‘ avr«* tvn«-«s| and in cultivation. i ' an in ik ur«-s under way . tween hiuirrlf ai.J J^k-un now tiring misaiuH, and now the whole city is sing- 1 *«> < » ¡i «»r.o;i Wumh Hlr. Ur.. Jan 7, ) nvü . <». l'nir i> a v« ry dcrirubie l< *ati<>n. b« mg • . --------- * iiienfs to secure gr»»un«i* I»»r a .«.-«• paik nml tu p Ui S. R 2 W ' «1 Hou».', harn, «»i uiiard. nu a*iow , «»n<--haH int « i - Has ten g< neral iimt « Inmdi.*« *t<»r«*s. «¡«»ing aiuoiig tb* v« ry l.-«-rt tamily rcsiu« n« « r in 1 br arrangt «1 tu take place un«lri ibeauapicrs mg the praises ol the greatest ui San I hv out and «-*tabn*h .« g .<>d tra« g :». a *h»»it »> .\- T ( o. to Emilie C. Hansen; «•at in wrti«-r-«bt* ii ami water-right, and system anaggi' gat« < ash kaisitu »» <>1 $2.(441 m i day c»------- i__ . dailies. • • tim«. luwn ut!« p«tt«vl. FranriBCu*« •*.' blk "J. " hits JU. 31 ami C. blk ................ », util ngation by which 125 acr«*w may b«- irri ­ ok th»* < aiiforma Athletic Club, the R«n*eiv«*s an»l sbii»s through Well«*. Farg.-A gated. Stnain of wut«a running « hi north ('•nimanx and «>tn«*r a *> w « c ** i * ov « r $kli.(JIJO and o4. Hk “P mid l«»ts s ind V. blk “R,’’ rail­ «’¡»rkiilpluh May« 1 hat hr will r«*at on his No. Li. Grant * Pa-s wa* «'«»niplei» ’ v <-ut «»tT from road add f" AsnlftnU |1jj2l> iMHindary «>f tin* i>hu*e, T« u unit s troiu coun ­ woith «»f gold «lust annually . Bv reas on ul the vunevrted action of c.lininuin. „n.m Ln th«* matter of the »stat«* of John A Rcnaible ■ mmil ll l<'ti 11 ■ rh< -1) w ..... ' t h III» .... r..unfix up !aur«*ln and light no more. A e»»mi «»I tal»««• t rum« - in»i.s«- w il a rs ry .arp* it •>« it.iinU oii< a:>UU. l«>t II! .Ia*ka* IlVÌiic, 1U a g«M>t «1« ¡Kilt»'»1 li'Mid, t wp A** S. R W . «• late storm. Th«* “ ( -»urb-r ’ ’ Cone 1 Union. • l.< HHU ’.BY GIVEN ¡HAT THE «•« nt city and other c«»asi point*, and i* situat- MOTh'K ............. .......... . . ... i aproV«*d wagonrroad ! c » hi - tioiHiig • for tiie ie-)»Airib.>:i>n;2 <4 ** F«»:t j 1 i - « .un--i.ti. ■ i • Magruder, trust'♦*, t<> l*aa« II Williams; W6. und< raigiu raigii'sl ’i I kins ihm l»»*< !»•■<-ii ii *i»|»p«»iii|«'n t h«- ihhiii line <>lth< (H«gon toi -bitte »»li i«.**M*uabi« 1« un»; l«u* a luigi sil- i ing-i m unii .« g« sui tir» i»:u* •, t u <> go.si L»«xJ- Klam »th, se* «jndr«i ny th«- abl»* at. i >» a- . * ruunienti*» ii . •«>1 II. !• k •>.('entrai P«»int <1*0. 447 acr«*. all fenced and tn cultivation. It is «-«»unt) **«Hi»*t »•• .1.*« k*»»n «*«»11111)'. (h«-g«»n, bit­ A < alifornia Railroad w h« r** a divisi«»n <»t ter O tto S tomk of Oak Ridge, Benton e.- a mi rtian«i and San ' A Lov« to Fannie M L<»ve; property ting 111 I'lobrtl- , t*X« <*Uf«>r oi till* «Mirti«' of aonabhr recommendation** of Gen**iai’ ib« will be a m- • tihkf - ■ th«- *t"ck i >14' i*» in John ih«-utMir. wotslhou*. . vie. Prie«-, j-*sju. w . im a«*«'.. GritUihs. •b-«*<*aM,«i. Fraiieisco. thus afl«»rding M ilea, (’ungresM in an Hermann aa* en­ ot th«' («».tu» * Fa ww «»| i . iji (I i;-. (’ »inpany «»n J R. l ->¿< rtoH ( Hill; I »» in Ashland. $2>4>. ti triable Mrtl«l »-MtMt«* nr«* r«*- No. 22. uncle «»it ie* a y«*ar*M »lay, while engagrd January îfTth, ai fl*»- .< > >»IF| tun»»*«*, to • I« < 1 abled to make out a strung cane be|<»re ofli«-> i * .m l transact *u* Il ILirpci t-» Jo* G. Pierce; «put« ¡aim to i.* <(u«M» >i I«» >•< tt » ili»* Mrtiu«* inuiu-ilint'ly, au«l i tr.u-t, als«» an orchard <>! a *.iiot«-«- variety «»I A X I graliU ai.'! r-1 o k ! .ti ih » »! .»2" ari « •. i in target shooti« g lh» young rnan H’e|>- I« <»il*,*l I >J 1 Min«*Hi* He» 43 I'*' aer«*s in twp 33 S. R 3 E. $7H0. fruit. Tli«*soilis tree, rich, black h»am3 and tn«»»«« having clainirt against th«* « Mt nV- will General Schofield, geneiai of lhearmv, may e«»in<* up. m. • - irutu < mi.«. Puiut t.u i. .e. - .«i. ii nodi prd t»rhii» w ill grow allaita without irrigation. VV ¡11 l»< J.’h'i ( Augi' •> ’mil«-, «put« l.iiin to 177 U5- pr. -• nt ttH’in 1> tin- at my ¡»la«*»* "f buRin«*MM at ■♦ehii» ! * the til«* ta’grt and hi« unde GHAPE VINES, CURRANTS. GOnSEBER- sia mb«* tiom .M«.d!»-r«l la. n»a«i station; ali ! aold as a wli«>h* «>r mu I mìi vid«*d ihl«».» tariii.s«-: R>»« k Point, J. h ks<»n *-<»iiiity , ( ir» g- >n, with tlu* tir» I. not knowing hr was there, llir when the matter wan l»r'Higfit up t»»r ac­ VV ar- inf rm- «! that th firm I W B Tay- ¡til a.-i <* iu »w p :f* < R i E <7141 KIRS, BLAngt>»ii - l«»r A ' ’ >.. win«* h ha- m- t with many rever*« r*. RIES. STB AW BEK Kl ES, FIGS. lene« , al» i u.i uii«l« i * ultixatluii. Iinpi«>vea built t ra »he Heart ot tne unfor* ; oil tin* tract, and it is witlumt qin-stum uiu ot I iruu* th»* lirNt |»nbli«*rtti»»n «»f tbit* n«»ticc. While a.imitlmg that U w.*» the present 1 Is ins Iv< ut. ami that tlu ir mill will ri-v-rt t«» twp37 S. R 2 VV. <»fiii. u il ii a 'inali *lw«-niug-iioUM . a barn .jbx.ib t« « 1, tiinatt h»y. after paAMiug th«»jugb th»- the b«wl tarnis in Jackson c*<>unty. F«»i trims I. J. Phipps lo Calida P. Phipps; l«>t in Dated January H. IM*« ; tlu- originai own. r* Th»* linn was «• >muoMe«l I Our t r«««*M a* «* ar* *u n without Irrigation on ..nge graiiary . a giMMl b|n «ng win«u I uìii . s I h - s ¡Mjlicy • i tiie «41 depHitUi- nt tu iua>a»the , >1 • iu rg. t<< (ii-l h«»n rabb m< n. but lu< k was Piupp*’ r«*« i v« . M» «!f>»rd. $1.5.1. ; and prix*«* call on or addr«*s th« uud« iüigtied BENJ. HAYMOND. t. iget, »*a'ising in*rant death. / r**d lull land, ana all of known varictiee that at Medt«»rd, Urcguu. piciity «»1 uat* rior u<»im-rtic auu bt«ak pur* I’nited Stat>* unten» tu Silas Shattuck; ltXj Ex'*i*iit'»r <»f tin a*t will am! totamrnt <»f Niive«*«*d in S»»*ithcrii Or»-g«»n. truupai oi tiie nation at a few import ant ■ against them. |»«>S«-F*. Ì BIS lumi lb SUb**« pubi«-«»1 l»< ibg . Griffi»Ir,d»*o*4Mud. Sb. and central ¡ hhii I h , the general adtn ’ted Tlioa«- cunt«mplrtting iruc planting will do • si iato tuo, tbr«« ami 1 >ur laim», .m * \ « ry lì SDLKM >* thè T im * s wil! noi he ani Ata i» guiar n>> • uua of K» rbvvlllc I.»«!g»* VX II I’AKikt H. Attorney. ItW a**r«* ; ¡(41 aerea t«-n<-«*d and in cultivation ; w«*l! to visit our orchard and nuraery. or writ«* a* re ot il is gisal land uud in ai a *u.h«.fui and that there were etrontf reaaont i*»r mak­ N>>. V». I. ( ». ( » F . lu-ld D--c. J». I* xmm . th> f«»ih»xx - n* l«> mveh’ in easiern ba«-'>n nel! *ea- pof»l<»Itic«-. liti«- p« it«s-t. Pii* « . ^5 u p« r u« re t«» us for price list Addreas to us at Murphy . tiv. ac res in orchard ; dwelling and harn and IN MEMORI AM. ing an vxcei'tion in the caae ul I'u.l ing w. r>* «-I» « t« »! ■-ifu • r* f->r tlu* x«-ar | smu : ( .h.s«*phln«* c«»unty. Oregon, ort<» It. R. Station. gO.Hi ten****. .V !li*t-**luaM piiu v. Nili«- 11111« s s«»n olirli a « i arn- 1 that neailv >ne- No. 2X K P troin railr«»ad d«*p.»t. Pri*-e. tw«»-tbirds K.auiath, ami prup.».*r■*.»»*• . >• <-.; p«-t»*r Han*, n. Tr«*iiM. liiKtalla- ; * I fa» «-»untry pack in thè M i - quìi * A *-<»m!«»i tabic ri sai« ih .» <»ii< alit«>rn»a strt et cabli dowu ; baiane«.* on eaay t« t ins. and extreiiu iy fertile country at its l».u k. is A. I{. ( ’ ARSON A SON. ence be ha«l with the interior depart­ , th »it, yrat >n- .-fing in January. (ìm»•l«*y, whos« d nth in M »nt.ni « wa.** chr»»n- ««. fippi vaiicv m nube or lese tallite») by surr«»un«i*’i t»y what will «-x «-iituaily |»r«»v«-t<> in Ja* k-< in ili«-, ami * <»utaiii* a lub Uuit bh», k, ivl» d som»-tim<* ago, have bc«*u sent u» foy ment In iore final action ahould l»e taken. i 21(1 acn* ad Joi lung the corporat«* limita <»t I»«- th«* largest ami th« richest gold pro«lucing ul M X2UU I» ' I. 1 i •« ~ a '<.! RATED WEEKLY. I the thrifty and gr««w ing ci»* -.¡' .M<*df«»id, all rvgi«»n in th«- l ulled States. Ihrr«* ar«* piac« i li«»u.*i s. *• »ni' ass»»rt«si fruii tr» «>, amiaut i- The secretary oi war ia inclined to favor fi^w» J- *epliiiu c-iuniv <> ii ' «hibifum ;«| tl;»- piibliviuiun. pr v.i I ng ih» re luring thè curing eea- I fenc«*d an«i in uultix aif<»n ; m goo<] dw«iling- mines !u»w m operation within forty mm*s «»! c«ìi«ut ih u wcli ut water. Pi ir» >7UL “Qur Ilarliijg." Ah, >•« s! we saw it the tranBter oi a portion ot th»* garnH«.n I r>< uns of th-stHt,- B >m* I «»f Iminlg» ati-»n nt The Eh v»*ntli V I uiih * of H xhpek ' h VoUNO Ihotia«* and a very lafg«* barn; small oicbaru. the town y b iding as high as JitHi.Uun per an­ *»»n. Vh»»v ar« having thè warmeat win No. 24. Engraven «»u th«* lid Portimi'! Our <*iti/.»- ih diotihl *«••■ t» it at P eople , which b« ifinêwith the Number f(»r oi Fort Bidweii to Klamath There is n«» waste land on this place; th** Moil num *-a«*h. Th* i« is mu quartz wine th« Ex- IH i» Tlth«- whitrm*d « rtbkt'l, one»* that a full display - f <•- r.-ais, dri- «l and ter ever known in middle western N«>v« mb*T 5..IMH. pi'«*«*nt4 an attr&ctfx'u pro­ A tini*, in ai y ih u i«-sid*n* <- ou ,»r« g< u is «* 1 1«'Ii, l»la« k i<»ain an«-ulti- * ‘ hcuu«*r/, within U miles ot town, shipping Where a tiny form was hid. fruits, w int. r x • g. tab!«*. • t«* , is «I !• -I gramme. It will tT-rt«» its r«-a t«» th« Sell»* Smelting XX < r*k* stilli. IH Ju« kbi'IlVIll«-, b« illg il 1, bhrt k .'«d, - . • ■ ________ to the exhibit at <»n<*' . four Kt-i ialK <»! tlu 11 him *I Iviigth, and «»th»-ra in 1«-et «»n or«g..n sire* i, 2b4^ 1« « t Mubdivided into 50-acrt tract»*, if deaiyed. «>1 >ap Frim*-isco, that g«»«*s from $ll>it«» *'uu t rolli mg 77 a ferment tor rometiine over th»* cuimec* But a t» w >hort months b«*f»>rv tw«»«»r thrce parth. namely, “The R»*<1 Mus­ Price. $5(i p« r avr«*. i l»ei t«»u in gold and thcr«* is littie doubt but ou P ii Mr«*«t, ami l-.’C. i»«t <>n i- h .*t sii < *-t, ............................. Tli» r«- had com»-, iik«* a fi ig!it« i.vd d«»v«*. -r-'H»l« ‘int n w. tang.” bj W m O S toi » i > ahl >; “Phil and thr K» !•»•>u<* abb«»i t• *1 x ul ie­ ÜU what Uundu-db ot othei iniuvt* in Just plnn* One S«*|»t»*mb«T morn, a lift!* str* ng' r, t'-I - -ffi<*. rs f B •:» I. -I.- No Is, A I' A V Baby," by Lin v t 1rv.it giowiug < ii ili« lot D--c 7. I’•**•». i h tlu- « nsuing Mas.mir I’hat se«*mi*d a«*nt from U'-uv«-u ab»>v«*. by J ohn R vm » li i . < 010 ku ; am! “'Mother’« « b.*ary «»ut builumgs, a go»»«i wcd ol uut« i, and Woiild-b»? leader# in numbert y» ar- Tin»«. F Fl>>x«i. VV M ; t’1ia< J >»ui* >n. liiis piaci', about three mil«* fr«»in .M«*dt«»rd, oughly d«*V«-lopvd. Il hits !>«-< ii cst 1 mated t(¡ui r-*m.»fkrt'»iv mil«? in in<«et place« cum ol I amt. XVrtx.’by M ahoxhei E S anohtkh ; tw«» short is a htahny alai d«Mrablc locatmii. Pri* *- . hi th« Plarnix and Eagle Point road, voiitmn- th« plac«*r g«»id <»uiput tr«»m Ja* k.*»nanff Jus« - ll«»w our h«-nrts w» nt out t«» greet her. |HUU. Hl rials l»X II.IAI MXH lllORTH lh »YEMEN. Two the R im k.»*s, tiiriw having t»ern no .-now have ariMjn, ready Io *tep to tin* front in > xV . i has. \n-l> r* -n. J VX’ ; * VV F>»rl«- -, ing 14(1 a* r«* ot rich tanning land, ali und« i , plum* *-ounti**b lioin 1M‘.» up iu the pr«*M*nt As Wf cLispini her to our bo ast; S-u . ( . X* VVhipp. Tr> as Appoint»*«!: J I» ►cri** ul Fairy Tul«* xvi.l attract th«- attention No. 2f». t-» uk ui and vegetation bring a»- tiie event ui Parneli'a dethronement ; G l'l'hn. ty’• r. A J \. I• : V Johnson. fence, w ith coint«n*tal»h* house an«i g<><»d i»ai n. 11111« will tool up $.iu.(4.4',(44l, H« r«* 111** «|U« s- If »w. f.»r in tny au h »or 1 «xt -icr. of 1«»v« r»» of the w « hii |* r-wrl'l, nanu-ly, the A No. I tarili ut 2W» avi ve ; iùU »un* l«*u«*«-d , new outhuus«*. w ell, etc. TI iim ulaec h«*» w cii , ti«»n«»f det« i mining th« tru< vain, ol th« Inauri-.tnt a* it n-'ially im m Apiil or r>ut tiie gieat champion of L«>me rule as J. I>. In*tall«ition took pine I)« «-. 27. Issi» Was nil«- p» tl< d ho »! rar« m S <1 quaint tah a t«»|d by How xim P yl »-. an«! a »» ad- 12u hi « uii.\aii<>n, A No. I m »; ì . liupt» a « «1 to th«* sun, is w < li drained, aud w«*ll adapted county as a mining r«gi«»n naturally aris«>. M ix I’. a.*l. ’lere w»*rr bioorning lard yet gives no intimation oi any intention nnrabh illustrât«<1 I») him, and an <>th«*r H«*ri«* A Luige, for eitlu i* truit <»r farndug lami. Ph-nty ot Did this « n«»t mous y •« id «»! «-« ura< gold com* w llii dw cliing ty« si«•» '•*, i*»x2* l« «l Grant’s pass was lnf»*t»sl la-t w- • k by a Wv natu«*«i the bu«l of promis«*, , Io a riN ui the M'XUNNipp to take a tmek seit. li«* mainta.m» hi« <* »iiple of tlu» v»* name«! W -iff and Are: I i tinil»«H f«»i all us«*s with place. It is situated down from tii« clouds, or did d c«»m« from th« u< »ubi* i> g bai u .iiid un m * « n > ui y < »ut bui lui i,„ s. ”f>oi Ella“ was th«* num«*; i Tlu-rt* will I»- Mh -rt *t >ri«-n l»x XV. ¡>. H oweli . s , ! strong, lat« ly fr in M> df«»rd. wlu> *■ -Id a! ♦ within « >n* ami t hr«-«--loui tns mil« nui Pinunix moth* r lodes still undisturb«*d m tin- moun- i.lguty .tm.*« itti! liuti 11 « « t». in g«Mid I» vm X llig General Contractor in valley, winch * »uni the t»r«*s|»ec’ <*>r a reticence and is decidedly tlie must «lig­ Qili* wli»» * an t«*H 1 he h«»p«*>* that with tier j Im »ax* N ii . s «» n P age . M ahy E 11. kins , t alli .»ad «1« | m » i . ( an cattily l»r made <» ih <>t the taiu ranges «»f southern Or**gou'f Judg* f«»r condili«'!! ; u g'HHi W'-tl una epnng «>l wa!« r of ^o» «!-< at th.- s. »-on l-han l st- re which «lid Into our hotiH«*bol«i cam«' Í I N o KA PKHMY, H a MRIKI P k ESCOTI MI’OEVOKI». fruit «* op in that legion in- xl Hummer. nified figure in tlie whole affair. Tlie n->1 belong t<» fh'-in, alter which th>*x *kif»|»« d best rrtii« h«'Si»n tli«- cast side ot Bear creek. youi»'H. (¡I* Hii-tMibuilmii piop»il\ in th» ii< ai tu« uwtiUng. diiil i.* M.turtxi i»y Ex alte llAvin Kr.it.llk/i kiAit Bi ri r.uw«>in«* to Uv«' hundr«*d cr< t k oli l h«- « a.*t *;u<, whn ii < ali b« « immì lo Swrrr. R ichakd M alcolm J ohnston , «-t«*. p«-r cent, cheaper than it is in any town of litigai« th< pia«.«. A Au. 1 «»ulsiw« miig« I«-i VI. T he I* r*t«l» n< ha k* appointed Franklin conclusion that the O’Shea charges aie track, an I tlu pr<»spi *-ts ar«- *av«>nii»l'- that ilk«' population <»u th« Pacific coast. XX «■ «- mii .'b»1 ri«**« t<» sawiiiin. G«»«»u i«>ude w iut«T aliti eum- turi*.-«i from Portland, wh« r» tlu y w*. r- tak n ' knowledge. His«, p • nt> ofumus* ui«*Ut. lLwtou new «lu «-lhng-iious«-, barn and «»utliouM*. a bri« k <>|»*-ra house. 1« H»* Kiither«*»! ft;» g«*in to His t><.s«»rn. ¡4 i>v!»««rtiat, bil< rhangrd hi«i politics tiie Pigott letters, i. r. : t«> «»u-t Parnell by I S. thri ll*, hefng charg' d with purchas­ ' Ad V- i t is« i. running wat* i through tin* farm; good out­ can sell y«»u nic«- nwidrnce l«»ts. tiv«* i»l«»*-k* «•I all erteli at optloU «»t | Ufi iiaet r, *1 lais le m An»i w.* jirldfd with many a t«*ar; Hi- appointment in not from ¡Miwer and degrade him m tlie es­ ing lumi» r that ha i I» • o <*iit «>n g >v> rnm> nt early in Hie I range tor st«»* k. Thirl«*« n miles from rair«»iui fr«»m tin outer «»t tliecity, in th« midst *»1 ,\<». i nix « >i m« ut. and wiii inuk» a g>»<»«l ii«»m«* Au>l ti< arts ft at .st*e«u«*> th«* «.utgr -wth >>f a model ii dw «-lling* and Immisoiuc * hurvh«*s. ail Pur suuietMMiy dvp«»t. Pri**«* tor crop and farm $iUBu Th«* babe w«* bad hoped to r«*ar. cons pi i acx < >f « «-riniti «tu-mi«* of XV B 'lay I- >r H2. 1«-v« I. ch ai«**1 and *»n iiupr«»v**d str«‘«*ts, tr«»m May«« na.M long «»ugiit po- s|»njiry may tail m the d«*vout prayer o »»«■ Pemberton, a new ap­ I«» $1UH each. As a buyer, you would nat ­ As w« elaspcl the small whit«« ffng«*rH, 1»H( acr** -lfMi fem «d, 5U a« r«* in cultivation, Iitn al i r» i»-t ent .ind han nome ability every true-neat ted Irishman. 1JH ;*' » •*<»1 lan«l in arrtioti l*j. 1«>w n*hip :k» S, I point* • »f tlu ¡n»> rior>l«-pnrtm«4it. xrh-» * • inn Prompt Attention iriv«*n to h II Orden« by Mail, j meadow ot altalta ami timothy good orchard, urally ask. how can y «»u afford to ** II at Hies« Ami ki**s»-«l tlu* pun . wlnt«* brow. S i » « « * i m » * i i t'opy «• nt on rreript <»l a two-rcnt K. I X* ., <41 IA un* « r* « k. 11« ai a el« i» and p«>t- nnxioii.s to make a r> cord, n«» matt» r li->w • iinot coint»ar«- with bi* pre­ »h »iwh C han . C u NN akty , a resident ot Ihg.« shady it ìm . Th» st* thoughts al »n»* Mistake*«) us, pl< nty «»1 first-class garden lami, ai « ,»v«*r«d by piic«* with a |»«*i tert title, if «-very tiling is as tilh**«. \x Hi b« *< -ld <-h«ap.asth< <»u nvr n? di», stami». rvpnwentcd.' Tin- answer is. we ar«- the «lovs.-ur. Judge Ale Arthur in any re “ Our Ihii 'niK ' 4 s an aiig«*l now. water from two irrigating ditch«*, tu «» mil«* Si sull N i mbìrs . riv«* Onta eacli. birousut disp sung ui il. valley, six miles east oi Union, Ur , was : tr«»m s.«w-null, un« ile troni sciuM»l-h«»uæ, Our «.Id fru-nd. J. P Mill*. < f 1»«*« » <•»•••• k. I» l»e< ! ________________ Remittane«*»* should br mad«- by ps>'pliin» count v f»»r thirty will make a tirsi -«-I hmm dairy ranch; fencing niom y-urd«*r or «iruft, to av«d«i chanc« of l»»as by Edward Smith, a resident of theMame thre» y ■ ms. t.ik ng pm ! in mining in » al ly A ti«»ue< alai iot «»n X itti« \ str* « 1. u» Ju< k -<-u- That >n • from all s«»rr<»w and *ai <*. 1 in Mphmdld cundithni, buildings only fair, lum- N»*wopap«-rs ari* noi to «*opv this a«iv**rti»<«- ** M Rr. iimk an pa;>rfM never fife of Hvim-wli» n in tIo* h« av« nlj kiiiK'loin • Ville; * ii«»U*« ..... —■ L*4k'Jt» Í « « 1, ¡1^. el«>n«e, willi Uve I»« r * lu-ap ami handy; 15 mile* troni railroad i caoty. Tlie affray occurred ju*t out­ «lays and Riitiseqo.'iitly making and «-iilt vit meni withotit ih«* • xpress «»r«L-r «>| H ahflk A * • ; » i • pauper labor of England. riM.UiH; i«»itu»»o.d, where | Ing a b ..utiful f irm «»p !»••• r r» « k B koihehs . Ad«ir» sm «imi«*« youiitt fruii tre'*, ar»* the tnl»* «.t Indian*. I». ar. . d< >1«*'r and pan­ a. :«>>.<■] t.-,! \ttil n 121) ¡u r»* 4N) a«*n* l« uced mid .<) n<*n* in cu' . ........ .. l> air« d. Th' i inalerà . her tartorieM Would cluse ami « .«.* ii . CKNTK.M.LV UK- atei ». fixation, fix« a**r<* in alfalfa, small orchard, was engaged in reciting the detai.s oi a »•ral pi«»n»*« r i* n<>t i<»«pi:u i>>u*; I* w wor i* MUf- Society Meetlngi. !<«: •: w »u.d I m * w<»rne off ttian at present. No. fl«*«* him t<» tell tlu* thing* h» h i* *••• 11 and I ttie du «III ng lu his .-, simili bai n, « t«* ru nui ng wutei row h»* ha«i hadg« No. IP of Jm-kson- I All ft.«* right and till« Io ¡Ulpn.X« UK nu ,,n a Inal t - lb.* . bi.d.l i) . I **t Kring reached Ande«»uld sell al one-liiil! ili«-s« uri«-« * it s«> Lamvre. Smith was greatly und»*r tiie ’ ’ lu»m>'sl« a«l; « iw h « i will I ville iii<-«-tM each W« «huM mmicy ,ju*l asili» Ine. ma •n th«* United says thr P< it lami * « 'liii’pi fit in in« st« ad j pi • «•«•»limi tin full m«»«m; Ashland L<»«lge Ni», 32(1 a«*r«* 2H0 :u*»«*s ten«*«*«! and 1.50 a« r<* in laiml ( ompaiiy did wh»-n th«*y s«»l«i biisi- 1 t igni 1 <» | in« ha>«*r. Iuipr«»xt ii.fl'iciu e ol liquor at tiie turn*, and was • Xi by a IH U tn.UM*, H /•/. Our bound«»»»* ternt<«ry ha* m « KI. A M ATI! <«H \ TY ITEM*. Own Book Writtru by Hlinaelf, EatitM cultivâti«»n. good h«»use. barn and «mtlions«*. iH-ss lots in ihr nourishing seaport of Tacoma 4 \." t« r> g -n ( ’hapt«T N< ». 4. R. A. M . meeta in Jack« g«»«rti orchard an«! vineyard, scxeral larg«* for $75 that ar<- now worth $.«(1.(441. XX «- ran 1 tea I. .*iu*n* 1 w«l¡ au'l living spring «»t wui-i near th< s.Hiville «»n tli«' Tu-sday evening pr« vìoiih . Thi. wrll-kuowu hnuw hw been rebuilt St«»» k:n'*n ar»* k pt busy f»*« ding th«*lr herds. room tor Bullhorn* who wouid otherwise Adar« I ( hapt< r No. I. <>. E. S . of Jacksonville, with brick end greet I, cnl.i gi d, bveidce I h - iuit irrigation, l'i a«*r«*s of timothy m«*:ui«»w; six at current prices and still make thr remain mediately follow mg tills advice, Smith nous«. («•• a* i• s 1« n« « *1 u ¡lh « g< «al 1« n< • ; lun -mF» i tuiiy am uh .t h :i« the very 1» mil** from Grant s Pass. Price $5(441. \ great ing folletti worth twice-y**s, ten tiims, a* 11 uit 11 « vs, 1-y « ui -«»¡«I ass« i t«-*l x ..i h t ¡« s. u No. XV. E Gi»*»*n«*. late «»I the ••Star.'' is now m nu • I* on every *»th«T Timrs«lrty evening; ¡»tilled tiie trigger oi ins pistol and Con­ Portland. Alpini < haut« r No, 1 of Ashland on tin hist nargain. T«*nns, otic-half cash, baiam*e ou much num» y as tin- wind«* originally wu- ‘ I I I IHl Irti IH, H ¡l»l « X« « H« lit «-l.fsrti« IMlig« lor in old Fughimi NEWLY FURNISHED <* hkx l«*rma. aiui thirl Tu<*M»bty s. narty iell «lea«!, his brain pierced by fhe This is th« result of multiplied ow iu rahip. and *t«K-k; « los« l<» M iurtil and jh.si-«.fln « . AL*«» a th«* ci »y ot» * ar«- *ai«l to be starx Ing out I o.o. F. -Ja« ks«»nvil|«* Lo-lg«* N<»_ ¡0 meets ; Th«* great standard History <»f Pioneer Lif«-. builet fioui xuith’s revoiver. Smith , in Even w«*know it. Wr ar«* salisti«*«! that th«- L t- w« span «»I w« li-l»r«»k« n y «aing ni4*r« m . uitii a i w«»_ the foothill*. every Saturday < v« ning- Ashland L«w|ge N’o, ¡A complete r«s*«»r»l «»I ««citing **v«*nts on th«.* It in centrally lr $^(4i with *«-|i t«u <21441, ami m»is«- wagon, nearly ii«w, aim hui n« »* tor frtF fa« t noti Uivrr wan la«t year n tired Im- weapon fo» tin* second time, i>m town, and a good-wimple room for commer ­ Grant’s P h »**, w ill b»-«ul»divhlcd in Id or 2U-nei« p«»s*il»ly mon*. In I« ss I han fix «• y « ars.lli¡< («.«I n Il. I'.. < • H»p< r, t :¡» K<- iio «a w mi 11 man, \ ; sit«-«! III. nt N ». 10 nu « ts at Ja« ksonvilla on « v-i * g v 4f failing » tf l.i thr numtirr.N of mi- «Ed not d » any injury. cial traveler», is tilted up in connection there­ tract« if d< sired. Pi t«*«* |7 50 per acre Du I »or i h the AshlaiMi t Imntie u<*«*oui«t of t Ii» < i * 11 ii Al \** AC Hl*.. G'li- ** «»libili t do it it w i* wer«* i « i put a l»arl»4*«l win ah g«» will» tu« i-tii« « . .xi toi tti« ?i,«Wiii la-t w » • k migrane timing to thin country from <»?h**r Tuesday evening of cadi iu«»nth. Ruth I vral (’r«H»k’s( ampsign und .i thousand <»l «»tin r with. Th • table is coirataht!> furnished with mMl. Il «b si r< <1. s< >in« y < 11 nu cal 11« atul le.gs fence around th«* town and wait tor that slat« only a itn.to tl.c. crime, and on ms the best the imii'kct affords. will I»«- •>« lu w il 1.1 ii« i .ar«. A g«MMi Pargain ot affaira. Gr«*at f « ih »P» ìm a luatbur «M*«*aaiori ng coiu- story rests tiie < lam ma.L« by Smith that ' ’*.ni|»*'»ii Wiison ». turn <1 from Portland to R« In kali D« gr< < Lodge N’«>. I of Jacksonville I exciting incidents, including u description <>f in«*«-t ' ex < ry «»thcr M«»nday » vening. Hop« Buffalo Bill’s careci ¡imi *m «••>.-* in exhibiting E. K. BR1GHTM \N. Prop. H:iyn< svili«* som»* «lay a •»in* < . toi any man or wuiiutn hi m ar« ii >1 a i»«»m« . n ■•i»t. I tie army of tnvAMfoi* ÌM nidi fa I»• gr«-«-L->«L « <»f Asidand «»n the Mccotid an«! his “Wild Wcbt Show" among th«* Crown rw*| have Grimt Bargaina tooff«*r hikì it will tiie shooting wan accidental. Ashland, Oct. 10. 1>V*. Ikk ■ !♦••» I * g , holing up nearly or quit« N. S. G >o«liow. ot Lang» Il valí» y. visite«! hi* tom t >i Tu»*-day m of <*ach month. pay you to examine my liM carefully b«*f«»re J H»*ads of all Europ . Tin- hit ot a lifetime. A h«»UMc and atHmt «»m- a«*r<* <»1 groun«!, purchasing <*lsewh«-r«*. 11 you haw anv prop­ R ei » M kn . < in gonian-P<»cHh«»ntasTrib«* No. ¡Everybody wants it. Over three humlr«*,! 4 ' • "*R» t r th** '• ar. but t*how.M a ialtlflg i'n». ho i lay editions of some of lie aged mot h» r at P »t t l i ti»! >iui ing t m holiday*. mostly « d *L s ««1, hus i«b«mi L;> i»«uriiig tiuii erty tur sal«*, «mine amis«*«* m< alai I will'd«» my I, Imp'd O. R M., of Ja«*k*oiivilh*, uv. ry T u «* k - j spirited engraviug* and nearly eight hundred offoi nra»ly 7BJNNI am <* > iu pared with coast dailies were inai vels ol tlie journal A \ ry s*iec»-ssfui » im ».f *ch«»ol w:».* r« best tar you. m « s, g'Mxi x ai i« ll« m ; j *¡*«> a mining * iniiii m «lny « veiling ¡urge pag'-s. isuc ir: this year. The San Francisco » •••fitly elo*«s| by .Miss |«la i nmplH«iJ at Bat ms Â.O. I’. Vv. Banner Ltwlge No. 23 meet« I eotlll« *11014 lll« I« W'lti.; w Itil t.H is an«! k I ui «-* h tue arriva.*« in lv iess than <»l Ja« ks<>¡¡\¡11«-. The oW ner ih Ili po«»t iuwttii, Mud ford, Oregon. ingM of each mouth. Thrrr is a spb-ndid «»pp«»rluiihy in Grant*» th«* \ icmity «»( Hayn**sviile at tlm rat» <>t c»j r»*a«iy in tlu* field ar«* simply c«»inhig m«»ni*y. forty loqr 1-34«« replete with interesting per h'*ad. cbaiig« d lor thr la-ttrr. Paas for thr <-siMl»listinn*nl of a g<»od bank, a and I» I ttial I < as-. Il th« projnily will be sol«! HENRY KLIPPEL. Act quick or th** opport unity w ill be lost. You cheap t<»r cash. brewery.« flouring mill, a foundiy.H maeliin« rea«hng relative to the past, present and r». r.omp'o... w.'A Mr. l/.rri. I <«<> <*<^h “ «ki fr,,,ll .e^- r „ . . . . ......... *: • . :............... 1. Xfr*. Wni. XX'ebb, <-l Kort Klamath, i* spend­ No. 3(1. *h»»p. h bak«-iy.a ri-slMurant, a tirat-class h*il«-l, sav«- tim« ami t«» s«s*ure an agency at one-*, Htfi Money. P hi * is tin* wav ihr Bmt«»n Letider future of San FraihiSttO an«l California. ing t lie wint«-r with fru-uds and ri-lativ».* in turintur«- ta«t«»ry. bi*1 for a comp'.«*te canvassing «»uttit. 11- A li«»tiH-*t« iui claim ol I mi a« ics « hi ( ¡*ii« r Containing 121» Room*, well furnished. Th»* fact of th«- winning of tin* ‘ i«* ÍI5.INM) by <>ur i alif«»rnÍH. talks, ami thr sentuiirn rxprr«»»H d i|*er«* The Portland Orrgontari sustaint d ii 1 p»-CKM*d brick tact«»ry , fruit canning hii H c «« iii - Guidi, li« ai III« Hopkins saw inni «-li f i « si lustrut«*\«*i wiiii a small b< A mai.*«-, N«*itber exp'rieuce nor capital is rtsiulnsi will be four’’ * 1 awake «t ti.«» ap- ing a 32'page edition devoted to tin* < H'hsâ ai d family "I l.jnkx ill»* ar • ->p« tiding ii ■ hii « x *h.*nff. He r«*pli«*wn.Miid w t-migtii a Mtabl«, luinlrt r lo tmiul a new h.»ui»«- that to «-iigage in this enterprise, as th«* l»ook will f» w •!.■> s |bt r« h:«d promptly c<»m»*. I am not s«*« king tain«*. 1 <•»;*« Ti o g **>*«ii«m E>vrywiie«t* ar- ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE states of the tar northwest, g vinga« om say, i»y W’S> ”! par« Iittn-Mis, that tIn i< ai •-s« *- w Ili go w il a ito piu« « . ■»( a« i • .* t « IH'« «. u ¡I li a I aiim -...... ral .-in . •> .i« > - - ;n .n>.i.i.i. ..««i- .n K»*puhl!eans en ior iug the a«iimn»aira plete busmen* r^.ount f the leading Miss Faniib Hayn«*s t. v. , -»ndm-ts th«- post tut«-in th«* b« st county of California—Napu.'' time in which to deliver and volh*ct b«*forv $5(1 to f i«i> p«*i «ia\ each in cash. T«t manutH«-- ii IN THE STATE. paying us. tion <4 tàuv. Prnm y»*r, ami li» will I n citicH, historical an «'iigage in busi Ad»h»*a THE HISTORY COMPANY. l»< llì<*. .i lili» -j i .11^ < ! u ai < i li- .«i II.» h» him -, provisi fashi«»n. * mid invim : nr wiiti th» pub i»-. Th«* of the i Aral towns, an.I niucli informatioi new, ur to speculators d«*siruui* «>f s««-uring a •>'>■ • I * . « . < I .1 I t a aun.i.^ « ..o¡n. I. yard* in .arg« number <»t l«»ts. w« can «pi«»l< s-i-n;-h .1. I’. Rove gave a v»-i* p!»*a*ant <1i»m at j value <4» 7ne homeseeker in the P»- tiHi.ti ting»*»«, im were u litt!» t«M> bold of To H«»g Raisers. ! his pia«*»* in liay n«**\ 11«* «m n« w-y »- hi ' s night, ingly low tigur«-s l»«»n'l fool aroun the farmers of Jackson ! N<»Chin»*e «*mpl<») «*<1 hih I no deviation in «-al invt-stm«-nts until this opportumiy is g»»n< ,»«MMÌ IcsciXoll It.i ii«4«lllig Mrtl'l siili«'« s and as tending to show tlie immanae stri l -s I .»•• «r«»»i*e i. I.rt the Drim>cracy re Dharim. .in.Hh< it "k < u yourael! fm not a' ttii'K In. bx.l* will* MIlHll lo uok th> U..IM . Pi county (ha? I iin|»or!r i ■ wfll a--- i" i ■ • , 1 h-- st»» »*•• Itoiix hi:rl» 'n-ath th«* raft» rs at ful! t.l«»o«l Polaiid.China h«».-s from Mi”n«» but buy* al on«*«-ami we will guaranty-y ou n s« h«»ul- sota asi *■ rar, ami now «»th r th**!U for sale > •>' w • 11 - I g < < ». a.a >»,...'• . * ■ g.j t* *«»rr the jiropir With ti»e rut issue and Washington during the year ju’ * h » wer«* th«*re. 1 - g« lai-a-s. A;. 1 ,i (h< BUM »1 ;li.»C < -•‘-h E. LEWISTON. Proprietor. Tl»«*y .¡re tin«*, and r reived br*t premium oi at» hoiir-t .idmiiiisti at ion aggre*sively closed. The Salem N'fnf«*xm»4h also issued t U«»w n al imi* o¡ sui* . W B. >i»i«|s<»u* Lui i ii»*ar Navi«» » »rav« at l;»*t H*-pi» mber fair field in this county. a new-y»*ai *s edition that w is ceitainly waj b«*nrath it* l«».i'l ot *u»»w ;a-i * « • k. and •n the propt»* s interest. Will be sol.i at reasonabl«» rate*, (’an be No. —. On tlu inv«*stm»*nt forth«* next tiv«- Y«*ars. remaiLable, coming from so limit» »1 a hi* hay Is now • s»-«i t«> th«* < l«-iii»m>. lauidti m b'x-tioiis '., ¡*. ¡1». *J(. 21«. ami NH «>< *«•« n bv . tiling on A. A. Davis at tlie Med- Th«* history of Sjs»kain* Falls i* going to iw rv- Tut action ot Secretary Windom, in field, as it c.om41 M »11-*, Ja<-k*ott <*oimty, Oregon. *« « tl«HI .M». li |«.w lislllp •►» M»Ut li, I allg« I V«M; Th«* West»*™ Stag« < »»inpanv lire* just pur- i»cat«si in Giant * Pas* in th«- in xt tw«» y<«ar* Al*o have a me oak lumber and wagon- requiring lailr cuiiipamra to i»on«i edite«l pages devoted largely to the pro­ <*has«*«l two hght-i'uiiiiiiig *prinu u air»»n*.to I»« just as sur«* «s that time ariives. W«- ar« «-oiih.iiiiiig iLkirt« r«*. and lamia iiim * i .«»«•* 12. 14, 24 «imi 2Û, in t«»w nslnp .e»iM»uiii. «»1 num«1 ready to wag**r $1(1"'. to be deposited In any 2 west, «.»litrtinilig iUMU ¡urta. < !• i am» n in ranait 'fnuiigh the t.»un- gress of tiie towns of Willamette valley. u*«*«i for u un«! 1rav«-l. wiiil«- th.- snow con* loiigne*’ for sale. MH o! I*H‘ tinie-M. liaiik in th»» stat«*, that l«»ta w« ar<* now selling aÌH»\ «.mentitili« u tu lui Khouid b« Il s.»!«! 1 .. .% À D a !r\ war taken m uir bebeist of the rail in «»ne lor $2tm will s«'ll 1'«»r ÄJUMI insiil«- of tiv«* y«-ars. M‘ d:-»r I. Or . Noy. 13. 1M m ! l T he state executive hoard, consisting J W Path r an i »tanghi» r w, r< »1 « •►rp »ration«« with the hope Chat it arrivi at For iiiH|»s, uric«* and any «»tiier desired infor­ (HMly , ^i» p« i u* I « In t li« pi .« « . ¡I *•>•«« ili .piali- litKs Hot |.tv>lhaii 4Ua«i«s. al J¡( ‘ lofi» per i i n# vi. l” t h”* w»-. k w- -ar» u .i I r i of Governor Pcnnoyer, .Secretary of State if h that mation. «*all on or addnut* "•»ti. 1 .«o tai nullity the Scull exclusion the i>» a'ih «>» ihaJudg' S fall.» r it* much trn- .«* i «, ac«*<»r*Àiiig ¡«j fin-quit.it) aim quaibity «»< 1. And alt of a. ’ k t i* n .er tl«e law mopetative and M< Jirhle and Treasurer Web!», made tin* pruvi-d. ■ itlHi sohi. ¡ < l ins, «>ii« tilín! « ash at l u.» «>t sai«, i»iiiuiH*c «»n t nil« to bun pure lias. i.«;«l*ii- uticc ¡nor* giv» the muticy king» an op- state tax levy, amounting to six mills on >«Nl) TOR OUR CATALOOUC >xo RRirrr Pt»«»*. Martin i* coni» mphitiua lat.U*^ • *s|- . d pay uh nta lo I h Mcur<«ii»ya ni.-rtgag« • i» P if'.oily to handle the Count»* under the dollaroi taxable pr«»:»erty return* 1 ♦•«i iinpr'.vriiiriits in Ht» «primi. ----- OF- , -. »Hilf iltírmlM i I h pi < inibì*, ¡ lui» land ìm tiHMUly sughiO i '41- y by tlie county a»4*eaw)rH. IT ih is on»* making his mill at I. l.iiikvil'p ' »«•( i»n»l t<» iit.ii • jri the contract ayaleni a» of yo.r fl*r ■ ngi-lay mai, and is among Ih«- b«*l fruii land» l ENGINE WOßAs. til«- state. ti Ja« kMHi *-«»unty . prevent aary ! Tiu policv ot supplying ii«*«*«!y ram-lt.-is Prti ti« s w is.iing t«i pm* ha*, ali) «»1 *b« m I m » x «* pr*« ti tally MUMccptibla to the influence of : <1«*H« I4Iteti 1«UI*4M, **atT slop • ti al M. «il«’»“ • W II* I »• the yellow metal. Much of the g«»ud ac- by the reckless extravagance of tlie late . <¿rb liav at living rat- -.*< > far pur*u«*«|> w • 11 du lin-y willl»« met at III«- rabí «ani d«p«H i»n lux* I iuill I i tn maintain e««nUd»*ii**e in th«- future of Republican legislature. Tiie total levy < • liiiniabed during Cieveland'M time wd! arrival «»! trams ¡>y JH« kmim . VX i isu y a»«.. i«al ' this eouuty -stai«- itg« nts, who * ili « <>nv«-y th« m in g<*«»d fw und one t»ciorw the people can again fur the state and university funds will i amount to |fiDB,f>18 83 on a returned tax­ Th' -w «ut h«*r h *s mod« rai«*Q urwhat and i siitip«-(«• Hiiy uf Un landa I I m * vc l«»i san, true ic’urT» him to power. n >1 a gì «nt «)• al <»f *n<•* has fallen »luring lit«« i »1 citarge tut conveyance. able valuation of $101,586,472. Oregon I» *.*» w»*«k Mttll thi-r« is a *npt rabtimlauc«* uf MILAN J. DAY. T he great, thiobbing tieart of the is peculiarly fortunate 111 having no debt , til«' bt-HUtlflll. whatever, cither Ismded or floatingd»*ht . 1 St»s kim-it *ny that tin* rang«-s will not br Tim ■* wells «ip in sympathy with our Fresh, Strong, Convincing Pact« thanks to tiie ex onomy of Gov. Pennoy- ov.*i<*r<»wi|«nl m-xt y«-ar. i* g< hm | miiti.t catllt* Mt bi».thcr in aiihction—he of the Record having air« ady su< • nml»' «i to flu* w«*Htiier er ’ s administration, and if tiie state was —-via break.ng pro»-.ivith*a. Truly the l^cord and force *»f rircuinstaiic**»*. Best Kean Its, BwtProrKeac«. B I hull While !■ ths««ipi»T of th« Barstow Store Oe. ia “live-broken on ¡nislortune’s wheel." more nearly balancetl polilieallv. so as to Mine Erti«- S|»Hlling«i. who has been living applied roar St Jacob« Oil to many bad barns ef In Jipi:« oi Rma»»jf-»< I aiD’ath.n*« whi< h mi«* th* ieaa re< kicss legislation, sh** ' WIItI 1U , I mm«, The suddral feature of the wlajir busi- insure with hri , aUMI aunt , an unci«. X S. G« mh II«> w and j the nonldere, and always with beet reevlie theory, and practical revuh“ uf lit» Origin**!, in a»»»»* i t A klllwidl u and irritation. an«l i«the h if»-. <>t Lamr* ;l van. >. 1 1 OKO W BOBTOff. »mctiiiH*. will re- j ii«*ss .s that our MUi*remr court is just in would haxe a bright future before ii»*i i .»a gr*K»-*t niiM*pr»***fital .» a by en. >--n«i would t << .‘»«ire di*»*Hj>er u( Microtek sud other Bkui rotnpHtm« i, and inap*tout “t»»*c nitemi-t•» t«» r<»!>” h«:>, s«M»ri. it is said. , that mfehcituUM flame of mind towards It is always a luisfortunr for a «Ute, that ' "*rD "*,b* " :ll-*"" n* ts-Mllaa • >f th» fruit of h<’ labor’,(all of wht» Ii d»-- » •»< im»«- :b thr preHM oi the state that w«.uld remler is to some extent an appendage of a Th«»nins Wils<»n, u ho ha« I»» <*n In th«* asy lum Ladder Fall. Oairestoa. Texas June IS, 1UI undo-ibtbd FuiMTionq A»g‘ popularity of ln?< (nar.iing •. Fell fro« IndSer. braised aad sprained ay feet r«e Price. 25 certa a Box Prof Loiaettb's Art •»« N*««>r r »rg- timg ig r» < •» «.>. ; ii to improv-' a dcciMund»*tining c»nat ucti vr «*««ntempt wealthy city, to have any political party 1 at S;*l«*m f«»r Moinetim-. :* pad wrist; «effered Ire days was cared by St. t »stay m Loth Hem hcrea m marking an Ep • in tug m !|»'4itb, and it is hop« «1 that he u ill !»•• ' become so strongly entrenched in power M«*m»»ry Culture Hi’ Pr»•*;•*«»im(*ent ¡< .«t fr««- k- • Juste Oil JOSBUAWTTSTM a vriy convrnieut pierrilent I««eatabiiab, suthcieiiliy «• 4 oy* i «si to be giv» 'i Ins libeity I opinion« < I p«.ip!«*{’i ’U parte of iheglob** who hn •.< as to be altogether xvithout check in tiie tn tin spi :ng. ami in «loubllul eases su.ii little things u*lly ojir<| bia Ny<*t«*in by <-<>rrr«fMmrL-r • . * i r fhat h ».Srateni i’»o*. *»i .-.■■■ - Bometums tend to in*.line lhe courts matter «>f public expenditures and ai>- The co-t-bill In tlieGroils-G w tun « a»»»-, which i B— -«-P Har«. ÄS!!; • / ■.•rr northwest side." Jx’s propiiatiuns. wu»4 » r»...*r»/ , /, J • r p,.... . . .1 debtod iw iio, ’jrid^rsigm-d. either by note or T*rnia and T> *tin»,,»n.' - ««Mi» . mitt'sl t«» Judge vV* l»*t»-r by M» **rs. Hanna1 duliar» to «ioughnuts that biulher Kaiser tx»k a»*c<»unt, am t6qi4««»i».d cidl •nd eettle Prof . A. LOi SETTE, 237 Fin It A *«■»»•>. . * \ an*i Pai k< r. al tor my s t«»r t h» parti« *. at Jack- ■ ««•If /t/a-uzn w.l hr given i nr opportunity to examine th»» same at once. My h»*«vy tq- fl»»« c<»m- sonvill«-on th* t, (;»•«>. Hum, Frtsl. ( lilt, R<»bt. Jacksonville M-.yt 11, IWWL I H » «i * 2» *-^p »rili>* Hunsuk« r ami Henry l< »!•• rt* The music <-hv> after tn»* ¡itireu «1 »vs expire, as 'crii» «i»i* » tie ng. OFFER FOR5ALE MY RESIDENt E PROP- < large they may Lavr some direct bearing on has u u.;« rlul p««wer over this discas may v>e tnnnfl o« f khv ¡«»in tedi **<»ldi< rs sh ’ .Hoiusi at th«- fort lots, well |iiipr»»X’e<1 a K' h *I l«»oii ami ripe s the iiutnor. thr subject making,'* '«» Io which nt G.o. P. outbuilding»*, etc. l>«*lring to I»* hv « s»rtith» rn ■” of *J| "st«jve "-'*’'‘•"»•»•»«- ’nun •_,! |lr.K|il w,th -t have been <|<*f« »'«-n<-flt «»f tnx lu-ahli, I will give aguinst th»* en< r'»a<*bm *ijt* of th«- *ii'»w by y -11-'1* ,ur b'*,‘k «'ynru'iiiiig lu .ny > ateniente u¡ hr mo tm> , Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce anybody wishing to hiv«*t a bargain. «lay and “ennui ' by night t«»r son e w«*elrg j AT D ruggists amd D ealers . last week. *,Ami that » what w the cure» to C. 1 Hood A. Co., Apothecaries, past. Th«- post is w« ll «sjuippvd with snow ‘ I Street!, where adver« aawsaaa WAI11F 8 nt AN DODGE. Lowed, Maas. matter with Eltxa." ÎN1 PMRLU A. VOGELER CO.. Baltlmsrs, BC shovel» «uid puk< r chips. J ACKSUN VILLE^UKEUUN^ | Gold Hill. Sept. 2. IMA. % EDITO:. ! A I. NOTES. VrUtUiiuiU sLliUi'ù HAS AN ORGAN AT LAST. STAYER & WALKER’S Branch House, Medford, Oregon REAL-ESTATE HANDLE A FULL LINE OF The Celebrated J. I. Cage,Wood and Steel Beam, Side and ('enter REAL ESTATE AM) I,IIAA AEENCÏ Draft Plows, Harrows, Cultiva- tors, Seeders, Drill, and Agrie tri­ tumi Implemcntr of all kinds; al Freight and Jackson County Securities Bought aod Sold. Farm Wagone, Buggies, Carriages, and Vehicle, dcacriptionti, all Engine«, Boilw* »«uU Swingle Mills. ing Mining mid Flour Farms. Village Lets, '¡myreved and Unimtreved for bale or Bent CONCERN ’NG ONE OF THE Brick M“’King MOST REMARKABLE Mrtcblnery, Belting, Oils and Mill TOWNS ON THE Supr>!*í.8. 1 NORTH PACI- FIC COAST. MISCELLANEOUS , O ., N M S . l(i, 1889. MISCELLANEOUS. REAL-ESTATE HARDWARE ASÜ TINWARE DEPOT HENRY KUPPEL, rr Y W .EEK, Medford, Oi.: Geutleuiem—Having used one of your Evans’ Steel Tubular Lever Harrow*, I have no hesita­ tion in raving that 1 believe it to •>e the best barrow in the market. J R JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOR Real Estate Agent. HARDWARE, Conveyancing in all its Branches Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, . OILS . Or., Nov. 11. 1869. S A- W Uf Grant’s Pass, the Trade Cen­ ter of the Largest and Rich- est Gold Producing Region PAINTS M Li OF ALL KINDS. in the United States. i Mechanics' Tools, , Medford, Or.: AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Gentlemen:—Having used one of your J. 1. Case Plows for tlie past year in “Sticky,’’ I can safe­ ly say that it is the best plow for that kind of soil I have over aeen. It does the work perfectly. W. M. S . NAILS. ROPE. Lowest Ruling Prices. REDLAND -I- NURSERY, n ; w thi > week . I Lost, Strayed or Stolen A II. CAM i SON, Proprietors, F 100 000 TREES IN STOCK, Executor's Notice Apple. Pear, Peach. Plum, Prune Apricot Nectarine, Cherry. o. Almond. Chestnut, Walnut. (I n 1890. Harper s Young People JACKSONVILLE MARBLE WORKS!' -------- I I J. C. WH1PP, ORECON ST. JACKSONVILLE, OR., MAHBLE STONE OR GRANIT? Cemetery Work a Specialty ASHLAND HOTEL. BUFFALO BILL’S liners of Hie FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT “STORY OF THE WILD WEST" CIT IES ARE NIT Bi ILT THAT W AT. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. AUENTS WANTED. PORTLAND, OR., I I i Enlarging Business! .... Free Buses to and from the Hotel, - ------ •-------- ---- ASK FOR---- THE BOSS BOOTS B 0 IL< _______ B'S AÌ AS AKIN, SELLINC & CO.'S UNRIVALED GOODS! REM edy " p A|N ForlBmises and Burns. Prof. Loisette’s Having heroine satisfied that Jack­ sonville is still the hrst trading 100 Per Cent Per Annum p