PERM» AL MENTION, Rev. Father B-.uchard, H. J., the eiui- Mr. and Mr«. Hugh Elliott entertained a MEDFORD MJU1BS. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Bumlxr of friends at their residence last ■ t.rtii lecturer, writer hii .I priest, .tied in N. H. Spencer of Griffin cre< lt visited u, I «'» 1 o.uiii last week. He wm probably the Taesday evening, and wauh»d the old Tha beantiful snow lingers. L Shideler has become a resident of M« d Th»- followiiig unty clerk since | niii.' on the coixt. a ><1 hi- did yeoman ser- Pead tbe new advertisements. lhe last report of the T imes . THURSDAY JANUARY 2. l*R0. H, C. Turpin ¿ disappeared on here »weral limrft lately. Sylv»*»»t»*r Patters m to Ja»*«>b M < aH»-l>e« r; I There ha* been scarcely any snow on the dents of Central Point. 10 Cent Store,-Medford. • so well received, that bv request, it will ap­ j Monday and Tne-x.lav. Last night there •-PC acT'-e in twp 31» S. R 1 E. $L*ft.»iO. desert. So far Lacy Bros, of Medford precinct visit?»! pear in tbe next issue of toe T imks . Fnited Stat?« pntont to Fred»*rk k , a ix a fall of about an inch and a half, Many Improvements are projected to be­ Ed. McCarty and Chas. Tjce returned Bird-«-ye-. 74 *2-100 acres in t wp 2K S. K 4 The circuit court will be in session again i • I id. W! >’ U- lite earth a.x we go to pre”., our t.»wu on new-year's day. from «’alif.irni’u last w«*»*L. gin as soon as spring opens. A Mocitd party took place at Phoenix m nlft.» 40 arr»*s in H«ni< township next Monday. and givt-x pron. xe ■ f | o-.-ib e sleigl.-rbll E. (’. Richardson. lately of Applegate, new year’s eve, which w >» a well-ait»*i>ded Sain»* to John J Kincaid; '¿\ 63-100 acre« T. II. N*»rtli arrived iroiu Adel, Several of «»ur young folks attended the h »s gone to Ellensburg, W ish. twu S, R 2 W. Go dsmith wholesale an»! retail grocer, and enjuvable event. Excellent music was 111 tbe course uf 11 le v d:n «. yester«! ty an I will stay :«while. masquerade ball at Jacksonville. H E Baker t*» Wm 8!ing«*r. hits 5 and ft. blk Medford. Oregon • furnished therefor by Hamilton Brot». Th.- coroii-r’.x jury empaneled to enquire J. B. Wysiey. the pioneer real-estate Lad e« will find a fln«*,larg»* -t ck of in Ili- B». Medford. Sk*' W. I. Vawter of th? Medford bank was into '• • cau«o of «h* d-a»h of .!><• infant agent, is visiting friends in town. Wm Wool<‘\ to Fann!'* P»-!Ilna. 40 acres In See the notice of dissolution of pari Tier­ Tboa. Robert* of Hornbrook spent Christ­ tiery *»t th? 5 ««nd 10 Unit >t r-. In Central Point on new-year s day. H. Martin at Ashland, last twp 35 S. RI W. $075. Also I hiu <1 for de»*d to ship of Hays A Elliot’, the wed-ki.ovni child of .1 inas m Ashland. Miss Clara Came^n of I'uiontowQ is E G. Hurt was up from ih»- Briggs ere- k 4Û acres 1n Ham< twp. C. Magruder, F. T. Downing and I. B. blacksmiths, elsewhere G oree Havswill Thursday found that the child ■■ .me to its visiting relatives ir» Jacksonville. Mary Ann ('havm-r. adninx., to Janie» deaf h from natural c .ii>.‘S on the 3 I dav of L J. Small» y of Big Butte »¡»ent a day at continue the business at the old stand. mines f«»r several da?. « last w< e ;. Williams visited the county-seat Tuesday Haw-kins »-t a).: (d»-<-re«*> 159 4-100 aorta» lu twp April. lx.SK if waa alleged that it.* mother tbe county seat. last. M. H. Drake of Harney valley spent 30 S. K I W. Heaps of new goods, just Irom ’h • east. lew. Stone, who had hi* leg broken at b:.d given it i.ounded gl-ta*. winch threw it th«* week with his family at Ashland, B«-nj Fox « t ab, to H»-aton Fox; lots and An immen«? line of hanging lamps at the Central Point races, has been removed into convulsions and killed tt. Chat, and Lou Gay and — Engiedow atth?5ai d 10 C»-ni S or, , M--lf»»:d. * property in Ashland. S5.00Û. • attended th? masquerade ball at Jacks«»n- Goldsmith’s, Medford. to Jacksonville, where he has comfortable Jofin C. More, C C. Ragsdale and bcott Silas F Morin«-1<» Bank oi Ashland; 5-100 of Mrs. W. I. Vawter vis te»i rei «fives and The Lakeview ' Examiner" v rv sensibly Griffin of T’«»lo spent Tn?«day in town. Ville last night. an acr«- in Aslilami. $4'10. quarters at Adam Schmitt's residence. P. Grady ot Grant's Pass is temporarily frit mi»* at Eugene «luring the holidays. say s that th. winter should teach Foniyee Roper t<» S F Morinec 12-100 of md Less «now fell at Central Point during sojourning at Ashland. S. G. Mu’phjF, It-ep m> more cat He on Lytlia and l'l«*mentina R. h 1- Joim P« r«lue. the pioneer Nti»>«*mak»*r. is .t... kt-d at present, and a winter will city, where they will spend the winter. I. B. Williams bus purcha-ed Dr. Whit- M< «iford were nt th? (umnty-eeat on Tues­ paving bisold home in Douglas county a lu-v; «aim* i»r«»p«-rty. <1.000. Oliver McGee of Ashland was at Chico. improve their i-omirtion. b-Si lex deplet ­ Stat«.-1 - J k I’.-nuf-v; ¡20 acros in twp ;kl S, K nt\ '« JO-arr»- iract near town; h I ho a house day.' The largest and best stock of d»*e»is. Cal., on business last week. visit. ing the alo. k air. ady o|| them. ■i E. «tun and lot of U. Magruder. mortgages and all kinds of real-estate ami J R Veiim-y to Lydia and Ch oi»*ntina R< m ). B. R. Willits ha« thrown up hi« j »1» with Salem’s new wo»l»*n mill started up for legal blanks south of Salem is kept at th»* Anthon}’ Wenr. ll and Hairy H >rper of m*y; ram»- i r»«p« rtv. <1.00(1. 8h< r If H.rdsey was thrown from b's i III* r.qiiipad company and rvtutnrd to A«h Prof. Kurth, th? well-known musirisn, the first time on Christmas »lay. ----- OF----- Deskins visited in M««lfor«i «hiring tbe T jmks office and sold at l’ortlaml rates Stale t<> J* N Drak« . ¡20 a«T»*s in twp 37 H. H I n. -I", .td ... in.- grade at the In- i.l of Ap- tan»!. was at th»* county-sent« n new y»*a-’s night we<;k. 3 E ftoO pl g.ic bill las. Cm sil.y, md lift I a uar- F. Pure honey, in nice pitchers, at the S mid furni-hcil superior music for the The alleged dra«l man «»( the S.skfyous.r«- P N lh ak< to Jam-« Abraham; 320 a«-r»u in 8 8. Pm.Is," Of Mtofilord, the attorney ,.w . -. ape Ir. in til ing .severely hurt. A Variety store. Only 50 cents each. masquerade ball. A nutnl er of «»ur young t<»lk- a'lend«*d tw p :n>. 1( •» E <>s Emily est man in • .»iflicrii t'rvgon •’ Hay to.lam»» Abraham; sum«* proi»«-rtv wlioie taiiiil.v living a I, w miles from Jack and in operation next week. The enter­ Lake county. H?u fru't is v« rv high. • J ■ Cai. Erb ink« ami W. E. Price. Jr. the E Brown of Willow Spr ng**. Janii.irv 1 Win dimoin« an I wife«»* A-!d;-nd -pt*nt <«0» I p h ighj •* as great, gay »«»mim-r. ial travelers, «pen th»* h-/i- prise wil. • mpiov sev< rnl operatives under t(| « has Snow . Oi ;u i » k in I w p ,M >. R 4 |s‘xi, tf«i Janies I. Cline Hid Miss Julia Mill v 11 I«* W hu * hr'-'m.i- with th«* famm» «»I D. > Y« utigs E Slap- down on struggling $i<*» Monthly in-ta'lmvnta of |10 will buy a . h Ir I the supervi.-ion of D. Dilin, one of the I in’ ruiiKtiiiing >touk still «'«»iitaiiiK inativ «la> s in t In« vaTvy. W«»ud.’ of Meuford. < harh-a Sm-w io Jaiii«*H Abraham; ««m»* i il mie of 6 ieri. h it ii stockh' l«hr-, and it is ih? intention t«» hou>e and lot in Tolo from Scott («riffin. • pr«»p«vtj Fl»-b |j»*i Linn ’returns to Eueeiir by to- hi th«* udiiiiiHstrnti«»’! »»f jii’-t < ‘ <*t Ci?u j in. h . handle the outputof a nuinlu r of sawiuil « Notr >ub!e to show goods at the ■> an ! l«j Mai •• Vh It I. ilarriH; 320 nvr»*N in twp 34 R. R W. J. Zuill has solil twenty six ‘Laun­ nmrr. vv's train to avoid n-k ot delayed <’entS;org. Good« wer«* never sold so cliVKp- 4 E <4»«»_ in this county Th? company purchase«! dry tyueen” washing-machines iu Ashland. train». Washington, Al» x M* nsoi .former i\ n i « * i; \ x i > r « i . i ri. a rt i « • 1.1 :.- •‘«ir F A. Duroven. of this piace, ha«l his finger bitten olT ami Lou;fi. .no. . a\> : ram «on i he 8. f. .Vi.OOn f**» t of «n rar pin? from Aiken Bros., I a- tin y ar»- there • R E Harris to Jam?* \hrahmn. sam» prop- ‘ i p rlv. $su»j. Old papers, in quantities to suit, for («ale is said to t»e suffering greatly from th»* in- w< n'. h now stored at the Point, for a starter, an«! hut cake» R. B. I hi-.n. ’be < lev»*r manager *»f Sta- Gira A gl«* al-o k.rps a fu I lii«»*<.f do J A tint»!« »o h. Mclntyr«-; l«i Her'* iu t wp .fj jury. it is th? intention to k«*ei> a «lock of 150,- at the T imes office at 50 cents» hundred. one Il oil th» ni are vt«r A’ Walk« r'.- branch ii<».ne al Medford, me.-ti»*, K y West amj imp n ted cigars S, H 1 E. $2.7'XJ. But the proprietor lias no denirt- to carry them over, and they will he UUlt to 'JUO.UUO feet constantly on han«l for 1 Their grntb kind «!.} ntlftT A l.adyii ’ fur • aj»e w.«s p eke«! up by 'Ir Irulys a|»e was cke«1 railed this morning It Is report?«I that Will Jackson has sold G<- . Eiiich* to Amroliiu- Engl«-. Iota 5. ft. and They « ani I»»- b<* it« n. u»«* at the pUiiing null, after it i* fair.v un­ a « »th »rti« is ril .bilit\ 9. in blk ••«»/■ railroad ad»ri>ia. thr lowest rate« at the 8. F Variety Store. pav charges. week o-, la' »1 hush es«. i hu li X Griffin; lots 13 an»i 14 in blk 29, Tolo. i Al»x Mnrt'n, 8:., lias I»»-- u »pii eillst un i Klamath St ,K If you want gr<»eerie« call on or ad«I re«.-« kN. H. Wr«’’s HINT«-, "N ■ m d iv g h I. ike H ay is selling -n the i«»w er v.illvv at |i(»i;i Teachers Present. Goldsmith, M?«iL»rd. for prices before buy­ the barn or «irliv«r-l in t-»wn lor >12 «• • -uuu ',«> ' Ui i t a b's roui. rout-«, has be» n :»i.« re.-id-i.c»* m Oakland, Cal , but wh - won th« ’ «i ting ra« •' a’ .Vewapaper Lair • The following tea* h*rs were recorded at ing stun»* t> t » 11 the • drivers «f bettcr at last account.*. Dissolution Notice race- on Cnri.-tm-»s d «y Baiedhiy. $14 u( $!•» Thr^e fijur»*s aie ramieivd .-iy u i some F«»r the benefit of all w ho may -Pek to the teacher’s m.-titute btld .it Mrdtord last late by rc.c n ol ’ then b-uiusuinu h ¡alien «¡uit? an advance over prevail ng pri • swindle the ¡ » w-pipcr« «»ut of their jiiat Rumor lin* it tha- Ju*ig« DePea’l of A carl-»»«! of api» ’ e« wa« shipped to 8.»n M s M. bl da I ’ ark'H Pel.« an Rap week, beside« which were a number who timbe: a- io s th»; roads. \\ h»*n a bal: tast summer. lu»>. w<- jmhli.-b th«- f'»li«i'.Vi»ig which i«« otice is hereby given that the A’hviia mt. ¡*»1« to reii»ro to A«;»l«»i»l -oun •ds, Min .. i- vis.' o MHtrr, Mr*. were in attemlance, but who neglect?«! (o Francisco by B» nj Eggleston on? day last tr« zeil driver has t«> rlu»pout n trunk or top kept standing at th«? • h»*n»i of t he nrst • di­ »■»»-partm-rship hrr?iof«»rc existing undue und» r bls prule.--i«,n. Work. Frank D.. v .- oi M df rd Am«»’ g (he recent accession« to »he ranks • n ! ..r« i»*et • f ■ mnv th - meting tender to prar’i register: N. H. Clayton. P A. Getz, Le­ th»» firm niun«‘«»( Have A Elliott ia tonal « oiui’ip ol .funi' of our exchaiiges : roy V UrlK, C S. Price, .1.8. ^weet -;ra. difttMilv««! i»v mutual «•«» om » u 1. Hugh Elh«*tt Gv«»rgc Lion, K.t|> Kubli ami Evan Holiday g« o-ls at your own price at the of the A'hlan«! stale m»» m.»l *«*ii »«»I i* .1. i V' «»I his sol I «¡tiy makes the hapleks Ml.-.Srs Je it* 1. Subscribí ■rs who the on; i .ary ar<* < <»n.«id(*rc»l us G»*org<- Hay-. All book aocwuuta must I m * will attaml the school dining the balan % try «aturatin : ” pu*»«* «»!’ of the term. Goodvear, Nellie K «au ami E*ielia We 1«. .. I ? -ub.-» • : i.'-r »r»h*r th»- I'ain i»»lin and The 1st? t?a«’her’« institute is generally <» M Whitney.ifath-r <»f I K Wbitnex l he - mw .- ‘ very sv'i ip|y a an»s of A ahi* nd; G um . Newbury. M ims Dee A i .- GEORGE I! AYS. of th«-ir i »11 ••!,.- il- th», publisher may con- N» w-y«*ar's day passed off quietly in i ».• «ling it on to th? art«*« teil pails. T’ l* of H c Alba »}’ ACKnowledged to h ive hern much of a suc ­ lle-Hd w •« m the va 1« -y !u w.ilch th« ir wand«* mg g'rl- al HI GH ELLIOTT. keiiy. Loflir Re« »1. Ann« Fijw*‘i?r. Hute Very little h an\ cal ing t iii ' k * to M-uij ibvui until all at ruars ar« mithero Oregon tr«*atmc it wil « ir<- ai»v oulinar} - as>-* m on mi- mg business dm ing U;<* wet k. Pa ei ts in .la« Rs*>nvidr shu’.dii ih Newbury and Daisy S«»h.«s. Jacksonville; re s.** pan! was <1 -tie Ih.-revaT'* the usual «laming one r two fin} s. l'.iiu Balm aiso » lire« the hint 8. U. Longubott«»in, Alt*p)ii K »hh-r Mi«-*»« Ten thousan»! fret of lumber at Sum « val- parlies in the evening; but thev were tin ilivuiiiati in. p ar •*. swell'iig ami i. in - M> . 8 h . ickenliurg-»nd her in <• graml- « if «i«b«**i it»» T-. n»u:l»*«-t to <»r r«*iu*< t»i Lost. Strayed or Stolen. Annie Harvey an*! Della J Pickell, Ph»i* l»*y «<'b«»»»l-house for sal? bv Scott Griffin of Thr Monarch saloon at XI« Ih > onlv amuseincn'.:-. U i ; I ft take ilicir pvrioi-kiymi h. J. 8. II »g-y, J. N Tolo ’ • •«» «, Wm. Ottoof Asblaml, last week whi« h lh»*v .tr«-Jirei t?«i. lh<*\ arc h<-! Ap;.’|.-gat<* *»n th. 24ih «•! li.s*cml»rr iast: One We have valuable city pr<>|»crtv mond, Misses Lm y E Hay, Helen Sliang, since <».<’. N- ble, Th s. M» rice ill d J In 8. without informing th»- publisher au-i the »»hl gr<-y or whi’e Spanish h«»rs<*. w <*ight Mbout John Jensen is prv.Mdriit ami Mis- M irth » W.iih.. ai alitili i r f?s««»r Uauiani. «»‘ sick« ess n»»w in Mcdt«»r«l and vicinity. Uar»ie 8a< kr: i. M L. l>avi«ou. Alpha Mc- Miller a1* lb«* candidates annoi.n r«l. so papers ai<•-«•nt to flic ...« .-oct »iir« ctiun, 900 p»»uii*lH. bran-bsl with .-paniali lelt<-r -T" York «ecr«*tary , - i . ' \ »resent Ge Neuberg muori} atui farnib in Jackson anil Th? infant rbiln I- It thigh, and having wi mklr under n»vk. 1)<»well and Ellen Bur«« l*. Me«lfor«i. J. <>. .»r n.: i I *<*., t .»»k th? iir-t p ii? in th« this morning, and leporis pienlv of >t«ow lar. tri .e olti< <•* . C. Sher The Ir- tion tak» * pm ♦* on th«* 14(0 Frara h Ma*«|Ui-' co«tum»« which lu*wo:v ••». i lie < «»urtb have «b*< idcd tiiat retusing uld. w» ignt Hb-nat !.<■•» p-.uiids, c**llai mark.« cently. amt an ubund..ii« e of levd in h s local; tv. Mayor elect Hillis to th* p»» nil, B A Steven- a«»»! W. J. Stanley, * for bale. »ion. ms be was not a local l.«n«ihold» r in n«t } v»ir .-I .lMck-«-nvill" and at Ashland. Will. T. >ho:«s. lite of Al UUi»'«otH , la*-t ( > take ¡»«-roili« ai> Lorn ih« '»tii<-«-, or re- but n»» brands t*<» far as bbowd . 1 he two will Wu«»dvil>e; John But’erworth. Mi«-es Tii? Hanley estât»* i.* now being apprsbed A Burns and wife of Hornbrook. for Geo; gc <1 ; pla\v i mu« h last»* in se« ari: g iimvi.ig ;in«i leaving them uiu iillc I far“pri- be apt tu l»e found tog**tb»-r. S»-nd informa­ Idaho and Katie A llC»ri »ll. Applegate; bv W. H. Parker, W K. Price and R. A. his own n «me at the time of his vlectmn the costum<*. and to« ”fìgger'' and -lam ing 111« rlv re>i«l- ids of Eniigrrut creek, were wee* bu'ignt ten «v;« s d timi of 1 M. iu » fa< u- ’ evidetU’v 4 intentional Iran«!. tion or return the annual* t«> St«*rliog inin«* or Harvey and h.*» outfitted with a t«*am ml A contest IS ¡•IOIIIIS« tiriffith.«. Mi«-»?« Elvi Galloway, Carlton Stab'«*. J.»- k-onvill- . <>r« g»»u. vid ing in Ashland several days last week j did th»* r* s« G. Any person who rceuivt* a imw-pa- to l’ni«ju Livrrv w.-ig n am! gone to w»rk to deveiop fas, II. E. AN KEN V. Sti rlingviUa. Dell ha Masterson an I :«<»se Griffit* ». <«ol-i Pustmas ’ er Fail- U f Ashland recei.'l.; ¡»«*r ami mane* tuo ui it. whether in* ha« Alfalfa, tiimithy, clover nml nil kind* of ‘v NOTICED. District Attorn»}’ C’ulvig went to Ash­ purchase. i >n- i«-ni nr-* ot Mis- Anni«* E. Cuanyng Hill; L. A Simon«, Ja« A. Hodnrtt ajni r«-c?iyed a tine >h -tgun, light .«n«l «in «1 «ut»«-.-!.»»vii fur it or nut, is bel»! in law a.« a ham err'»r-»ught t»> lb»* b**autiful J;»ck- land « hi * «1 iv las* wvk !<• b pr» seut at th»* Miss Martha 4 ardwt 11. Sam’s valley; Na­ gra*« and carden seeds at Goldsmith*', v-p-ciall» «1» s g i <4 I »r *l>«»od'»e '¡nail Administrator ’ s Notice. II. E. C. Clutter,wi 1 mghter, of F<>r«-»t sutisciiber. Me»llor«l. • dia Inlow, Eag>e P«»int. S»«-tt Morris. i* an anient sp«»rt«inau and one of tbe s- nvii. c«niri«i} fur interment last 8at- «•mu: e- a in«|uesl held there at that lino . Grov**. last week arnv«-«! ,j¡ Mvdiutd 1-» 7. Th? p i«ima*tvr who n»*gl?cfM to give «id.i» after,.«‘*.n, ami wrie laid to rest in Spikenard; A M M trkiund. Wimer; J F. this ¡»lace their h-.iue. « lutter «k thè legai noti».«. I th? nt-gl«-« ! <-f a p«*r«<»n 111 tl.r inatt.-rol flu V»»Mt f the «rhô* Is through«»!!! th? county best -Lota in the valley. ot J. F. Fred, and H» n-y Pcch, Jus Rodbs an«! in.-*.k ¡ r« «r ne«* « f a- ntiuihrr of reiaitves ami Wi.«ner, Roseburg. deceased. will re open next Monday, after m holiday Wag er w 11 engage in the ph«»t<»giaph i-i t»*k»- turni ’nt > ffi.’»- th»* m wsp.ipcr ad- A. I • nil. <»l Cldiiiuev Rock prvcinrt. w> r»- Deriased grew t • w- m iiih • d in ír.- nds R»*v J. K. N. Beil's new venture, the otice is hereby given that the vacation. drv»- • ! • hi •<. i- iÌ.»;»'«• -ih-• fo t h<* publiMli at the < ounty-seat a-| u\ek on lain! bu t o i-incss in '»ur «•■’}•. und« rsign-il has b«-« n appoint««! by tb»- ‘ E« I near ion al C«un|»en. H Amirews, secretary of the O. A • Xpert a f« w months of stormy w eal her and Tbe eiiitoriai work wnluejon«* it the atate gieittd b» a i. W «lt«T F»r*ih un, who ha* been attc» «1- th -' hou- c os< d f«»r th? holidays wa-a 7h*- dr»iv' (¿> it firtul 1 <«» ch mg, J. F liags'lsl»'. «lev« usi-d. grano sue« ess. Th? pupil- a I a »piittrd ’ 0. I«i»»t ki g af • r ills father's sto *k inter wh • toddle «• >!y I»»1 ■. '. mugh alw >s tn«»se having « Imrns against the «-stat'- will that company He««y«: "I t«»unn>un »»I fariner at 1 »-iking a- if ’h v v.'. 'c g»> ng to uic, but j»r»s*«-nt tiu-m t«»\in- at iny r«*siu«*uc<* in deal of ii»ter«st in me mailer of lands. G W. Howard, the agent «»f t! • 8« i’r 1 . , oiaitti g : do ;t. 1 h- y dr 8. J. Scuti, of H oumond A Hurlburt's the Chvmawa Indian school, ami r««oni- mun i >, r« tu i «1 hoin - re en’h . says the Immigration has ctinie in ■<» rapidly ih-tl on bu«in?ss. up wither, Tolo. Jacka-ai < ountv. Or« g »n. with lie Oftice, uptttain, in R vmii ' e Block Coiv ii-* I.* a I r.' He rej vrs that st«». K ««irveying |eany at Portland, w . iaiu A h- sur.niv« < tm- section, -avsihit tt.r | dw ri-ii* away li'ial!} . hu’ m«*nded the appointment of Green B. < ’ ’he me.iblitnc prop«-! vouch'TN HttH«*lu*d. witlmi aix mouths it has mor« than k» pt pace with the b*-»t Notes, rec»*ipts, due-bills. «Irait*, etc . in O|>p<>bite Reames «V White's. 6. is i.-»t .<» ki«i;ti--l to the scari ­ report that his c«mip««n, une i»* I to «•■«!;- .»nd on r.iihei paiti«ular business r *-r !» »\ . g ro u-t Io* l’li. kn -w notl-im» from th«- firat publi« Hti<»n ot this u«.»tic<-. possible pr»»grh) - cal •* joynic!.t, he zest of that fy oil-ei on th rang» . >h >ugh lhete I- ’h»* week. appraisements. However, the lands that T imks office. Administrator of the « ‘ stat? uf J. F. Hug*- Ge ». W Edwards, manager of the Ja« k- »•on id«* a e hay f*»r le. ding purpose«. He is inc Tree .as i! carried pu t isk on thr ex * JACKSONVILLE. OREGON a : * e • • i which tb *. «lii g with su< h ie are appraised will be priced just as faet as lai»*, ditcrtsed. Mi'i Bel!»* Wagner ami Mi'« Lyd’a Mr di-o rej-otl- pl.Of snow. property. Limlrn Bsnnh’er of Josephine connty son County Fruit Compuny. h »« b**« n • ■ ijiarkabie fena' iiv. Tli»*v hi ? h wav- to ta- we ran get at them. There are about 150 I)at«*d January 2. lsMO. ( 'all of .\«lnan»l *.*:n*i?(l wit'.) Miss«-.« Susie gated recently in shipping large <|ua»- Ho ­ paid relative» in Uniontown precinct a visit applicants whose l.»nei larkab v « M-*rs seat ’his w♦ ek «lay- dtimra thr past week, there bring; ««¡v»-s wi'h '«tine tra-by reni**»iy. ionic or pan vs sU»rcruoms in ban Francisco. ai»|M>iuting notices t«» them accurdi «gly. nonet 'h inurkrt. A «•«r- -.-d, which ar* i ' p - ck in ui-' ■» g vt- a filiip ;<» dige.« i n it lu h store 1 f the va I y "A f»*W da\s Bend the T imbr to vonr friends East, or Tbe rest are appraise«! a:.d ¡»rites will be at any other ¡dace. It answers belter than Mi'* <’ora and Mamie Linn gave a sociil rived I'm s'ii.v night, relieved thr wants uf ; ',r • "ht-.p t'e iv** . If su« h ms< ui I '• sent mil at oner Prices iun ab the way all th? letter« you can writ?. flrtt pagH »if th- T imm «. " A iTaiu-’nl'-»’ fan-«* w.ti. - »h < k m«»untflu to'« veTid 'i-iio-rs. ¡» •r y in honor of tbvtr br« th»-r-» wh‘* ar« ul'«. however.* from |2 50 t > |20 The high-pnce>! land it* '*to ii » i Bdiei-’tw u'd b* -»e with th»*ni. a* a s re of the fleetest tr »tt«*r« is r» a** ing win h w.-is g-v.-n b* the i e pie t»i Corvallis h -me tor the holt lay from Eugene, last COUNTYLANDS W G. Cooper. ¡»:'oprtetor of .Med <»rrant «upphes the «'ami Tin- sn»>w was a foot deep at L’. Gorden's the eaal. We expect a «'ill greater reput • very valuable, adjoining towns, lrvei ui >.o p- . . i.r»- t e in: r- >t th»-h-*mc ;»a- I'tir'«Li evening. pi*»m-er h irn «*■ am! sa ! are t j n • th • ’ ' «• f-ei> • rvqu r«-. by ¡*< rma « ntty in ’ m the wef tifcof »»ur thriv­ M II. Abl)»*y of A*hlam| was verv ill sumed business m B. . l‘-»well building rough tracts appraised >2 50, which, some has fallen since. ei rem : <1‘g»-t un ami as-imdation. It future ing cit\ an i Bent -ncouri-y al large’’ last week, after hi« return from Portland, <»:« "Hi str» rt, w i* re lu- i- di«p:aymg a « <»m- oveoom s m-rvou-i e--. insomnia, malaria, in ail probability, will ii *»’ be sold for a ANDERSON CREEK, Bad colds were never before MDomerout A C. 6tnn!«*y, admini»trat«»r **f the longtime. Tbegiea: buik of the southern The ** I idl’ies" w -s a liltb* previous in an« wh r? tn* wa« pr”«Datvo: WHEAT WUMGAK- Oregon la id is lhe r« d lay fruit-land, as it is as now, nearly the entire population being tat? of Win. Turnliain, «lecea#*-«!, will -» Ii ai.«»it; < •«.:.• th«* marri »g« on Cbriatma* we, atta« k • f as’tana nne. Hck ep* the best and *e h at «¡uite t on. riu-iiiu HiMu a’ <1 m uralgia. more or less affected. |3,UUU»" I l-Mii'l Hl Hl. al»>v..<«- ■»«»me valuable pri'prrtv bei«»i-ging t » t. r •t F.dwani Ai «i* rso ». son «»f W T Ander called This will range fro o «3 50 to Fr«*d Schults of (’;»ny«»nville was *h »wing i ed'» e r »t»*s. " To rent for .< term of > o»n*. an«! |7. We sb.»L begin appraising in the The S. F. “Examiner” is the best paper estate at 'h? ceurt h<-u-e d«»or next ■*;•!- -*<»!.. . .i Mi— E«im in Furry, daiightiT of ¡th- be.iuii«*.* of the val|«*y «n g- «i<-r.d and ¡I. ii. \\ -¡iris, the mixologist, na* re­ inn nnn »f iu- oi eim u U'i^niriT. urday January 4 See advertisement spring ami push the w»rk f»»rua vi the appraising par­ script!»)!).* af tbe T imfs office. fl.«- Ii tv event -I ! hoi take p a- for srv «ousin iron; l«»wa, wh«» arc him. ’'arlsoii. thoroughly refitting it ami mak­ he srhs. kihi . r takes i - i . easi he in ’ W.I1.-I I'.r lrrn. f'.r *nl<* in er l«ia\* ait iw.rds, l-ut the d«*s«-?vi g tita» employ cd ant in the held.” ing main improvements. IL h«* «uppn»d Li-t w «*« k .oinoiin«mg 1 hat I iìm hi « am Miw-uiill in now Tin* .«< h■»<•!-'» nd spe- nlators are a •i.-ul M KURIER. Iits*ea R«»«ln?y of St. Helen’s hall nt \ oil . ’ ■ u Iv or now r« «’»ivi g til»* « • n running «>n fui! lini»-and tui uina out m lar*? Tract* of from itt Arre* to thr bar with tin* fi:. 1 v. Ii«pi.»i« ana Portfanii arc investing in s»*ho»«l lam! in in the I un! :i-:»l “gettii g in th* r w rfc »” in gratul i” •>!■» -f tm-ir uuiii**r--iis fiirn<|-. Miss Agn«*- |)-vhii of l’«»!<»:ii"wti woo cigars, and a hue billiard talc • .ui us«» be ■¡oaniHx «>f I ii in I m r. H» 1.- pr« ¡»ar««l t»» UH all Tract* rmitabh for t atony Oirgnu Timber lamb. «•»mh»-rn Or g- n I I e e is little «•ft « f u lhe upper Rogue river country «»rdcre w ith diMp.ilch. and at th-- iiioh I r»MUM*na- th- s' i v« r me la. in 'b*■?!•»• ulmnai y « on’ v-t t‘arim»r*. gol ble»! A lurge b«al» w !.. • t ih«- \*h and *ta’«* n »rm d '' Iu««»1 »»n b ri- found ihei»*. Give him a • »11 l*»< tie will I here <*spei i il»y bl»- rat»*«. \ fin» qnalit j of f . T im « Í . « An imporiaut «|U»*«tn>n,site« link, therighf I treat you well. • Sick headache is readily cured hy Hoo»l’s lately, as will b«’ sr* n by tin* r« al-u tate M l; » •» I ht} I»• ••»•tuber 'A>t»i, th ” b<■•ng M-v»-ral y<>r p«r.icubii> »PI»'S E- "■ PKKKIX.4Æ of married women in th»* state of Oregon Sarsap »v-Ila, wlm h tones all I reg date* thr U U'M W In islilaml |»rc- truisactions. I • •out« niaiifa, ALL KINDSOF LUMBER, < ! .1 The t* a* h - in - i’ll it- w as a . r< •:» 1 j n • e.| TuU\-i\|M ___ to laue umbci ltmi.s un ier the (Juitr«l digestion end errâtes an appetite. «•m» t. (»•<• 1«*°. b\ H-•. «;•*»>. J. \V«-l»sf»T, Kcrni-v Strort. San Erunciwo. % < lu i.stma mu ce«*, ai «I it i '-u y • • b<- --.-gr« t «! th tt States lioilier a« t of June 3, IflTH, H now ( \\ irt Mino . .m atlori»«*. 'V in I. T■»« n-» ml an-i \|i— Lulu Clupniun. in« Ii-hfiK th* I»» si ru.-tie. e«*ilin|r and tf<-oriix wmsn Fi n 'ou n again ; jus 1 i that ’I« oltl pi I V:' It fail I I - <1 id iu •’ Hi • ■ I • ,♦•«»• : 11 \ UAMSDEII *- TI •l'lirv» »'. Alb if C '-seof Ashland ha* recently re ............ him-» ...................... turni*4i««i on -ti<»i*t n-»li«*« bring considered, ami wll soon b<* decided X _ has a-Hociat?«i I wi h < • - \i « «lirai irom Aubm 1 » oiii«l\ , < 'ahNm : ia, thi'- A up !• C » hi i • f ir tlu a . ot n • ! i- »•( ’ iw. I t . ti . parti«*'. ■* n<* i J h <* i ion guarant«-<-d bv tbe se« retary of the interior, fhe lute furm «I from « trip t-« >eatti»* and will s«>«»n . p,7rt.*md. f»»r th»- p-n< n P .iiit, I» . *-., I—*• tn It* x H II i»1i. hl. .1 \ Wh» r«- II** ta I « tb«* nier a i •»ant r*< ■ m ts lloll Of III* \l-lt»»!S. Itirt •••!> » - • I - l|* Ij- X s SMITH. .omni wiui’tr «*f the general laud office ftart uj» a brickyard in that city. It im«d« il : iii -1 MissLIa \ * - • • . Mr. Kluckslager. deu»hd that married w«- al PemlhHm, ha« bren HOW \RH .1» »II\-««\ In Mitt, r.« D s*. 29. main awhii»*. The political campaign is fast approach­ •f i ’»»X A* M h .«»I , ai.-i atte l iai' md it 1- ti’ling tlml a d-u ai. <>un: c»l 1. ur- I«**». In ILn « Il II .\i . Wm M Howard •*en in Oregon could not 'ake up iai.d un ing. In a very frw months the candidates discontinued • uinty Thus. Clemm ns • un» up from G a'i«»- I* at • ul«i be -tu»w n < hem 1 »a u« va.-u'is* of aii'l M’-• .1« mii• .lohn- -ii. der that act, basiug bi*» de-:iaion *ho y uu for t>>th parties will be known. The j»»'U --f«i« ’ k «b “ « ‘ fnctory in Surr-'- jojn ’ -sturk er*-ek hist M-md } ami will r»-nidiu here for this kirn >. SI A -I- Il \ ML Ai th* I - II I ! In the ground o', the j revision»» »»f It e Oregon A UlOTlg U h * m d> ills of » iiiidhood that a t«*w day s neiutr lc.tV'iigf«»r Salt L «k? » it\ . Mbi«- a«I .11ion to E ««t P »' »1 in-1 hurtled I ist ville, Jan. I. l-’«i. <• I II Huff» r. J I’.. Statutes in relation to the rights or warned • n »»*• «1 »» Ii* f. a- »>nr m«*tm»ry «•* where he will mak«* his future home. M The shoot <»f the M?»!for«l ti*i c ub on The new telegraph Im»* tn Lakeview is Sn’ irda» ii’ght. involving <-i I«»*« • f « 35.0U(>, With an insurance of Il’iJMIO v • r • * ferriug real-estate. A»i appeal fruiu ibis as far-t as tire weather wil permit. in i <• prom'nviH than -rv-r : non 1 some good sh«»o mg wa- ' <>"»■. .> n» t- N »s. Ab >ul sixty hands wej,e. thrown out oi » iu- ruling was taken to the secretary, th« ap- I ‘.e <>u i ' ill«’’ Iu r v ividly e Al- x. I .ifir . wl.r» has been at Huiubo!rrKevl; No 2 un­ case in the ordinary c»»ur«e would not with th»* beautiful to the depth of eighteen Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kenney enterta n ■ I K i, e a « m»-d .«*’ «> • r u, . ami in turn » I'nimtown p*<*<-me’, better .«an«fled with divided between Whitman, Sk*rl ami I l OBI’ItN In A*lilan.l. I»». .’I. lsa*.», t.. Mr inches previous to the last storm. have been rea« bed for «»ver a vear; but as a i»*w friend« at a social car«! j».«»-’v la-’ i«imitm iei- t »» h-r •-!l*i-rm r am! alw.«} « his *e- iioi. ih n evt-r. ili.« mother aiul Y«»ung; N 4 I k - w»»n >keei ami Sc I alvi Mrs. Twc«*d <'«»burn, of Graut’s 1' hhh . h many insrrie«! w num in Oreg- n have F«»r -air at < iv .'tep brother. it ;»n«j in- r .- m h ’he best Wi l >mitb, will remain *»»n. N«». 6 was w«»n by .\ich"l- -n. J. R Dani'-l Hammond of Iowa, an uncle of Sa’urd iy evening. Good v son. made application to purchase under this A. 8. i.ammond, has been in Ashlaml dur­ mental music was furnished by Mi«- l-.i h i Dm > ' e l;t» k- nviHe, also E >g.-l Bros ¡■while onger. of Plnenix won thr c *w, h « -tring KEARNS-In Aslil«n«1. I»»* c . 21. TT^roROUi» c»T*Loau< AM. FRICKS t«» Mr. act. United Stale.-« senator Mitclieli muve«1 ing the week ami may local«* there. You ioM inrarablr / MH.I.EK In \shlan«l, I)n «•■ amin»*r- it v «rious ¡»o uts m th** stair, to layeil fora short time by tbe fl »oils in the oraddne* l>. H. HASKEL. fr«>m Klamath county not long since. wholly untenable. wife of Mr. Mili»*r. the expr«s*s n>»*HS«*Rger, a Read the following: Mr r. 11 M ri «, by Hi? retied i nt a1, f half oili.irhr • P hi Lt ii« and iv-«*- i tne expense ui medical Sacr-«m?nto vallev, but r«a«*!icd their d«-sti- Town-Kite Agent C. P. K. R.. bau Fraudavo. Fresh buckwheat and graham flour, oat­ are wintereii through, ’he survivors wil ti inmi’io’s The plivsiciaus appoint«»! uati n in >af»-ly a d will not return to Jack Newark. Ark., say« ' Was «town with Citation meal. triticum. germea and other articles r?pre«?nt mor»* value th in th»- w-»o v h*-r I m south r-i i)»*j .u ¡.ie aa fallow- : E P ««»nviile uni i the weather becomes s«*tt»e»i Ab*« e»s of Lung«, ami friends and physi­ TIM MaeqtMrad« **11- in this line at the 8. F. Variety Store. cian« pronounced in? an Imurnblr Con would c«»iiimand after a light winter. Grarv, R Pi vc*-ami .1 B Wait, of Mr»ii«*r'l; "lice more. The new-year’s bud given by the Jark»«>n In th«* Probate Court 1-1 th»-ct«t ->-t (»la-fun, ».umptive. B-gan taking Dr. Knig’? N* w 8. F. b n r-r of Ashland ; F. W. Van vilie Silver Cornet Band at the U. B. Hall Bullard creek in L ike county is running M. Obenchain write.« to friends in Jack county ot Jiu k«on. Dis« .«very for ( on-umpt•«»n. am now on last evening was a uiosl interesting and again,after the longest dry «pell ever known jonvjlle that he has plenty of bay on ln- i *y k«* of ’ • i ant’s Pass, and J. C. Shambrook MINIX« NEWS. In th.- matur .rf tb. .-«tat» of J..ho Nolai>.l.d«v- my th r«l bu”lr. an«l able to «»ver**« t «• of R«»-«burg. eujOYaUe affair, tbe attendance of both in that section, says the " Examiner. ’ ra'ich on Sprague river, l ut that his -t. ■»•’< c.-as.» r«-al prop­ w*ora on my larni. It ).« »he tin. st m»«l dancers and -pa- :au>r» being large, the are s«*atter?«l over a district ab»>ut forty J K-kson «■•iiiniy. in U p * person« <»f E M erly aboulil ii"» <'« ««.Id (’onsideruble gnnind has been run «»ff in -in? ever made” J«-«*i* M d»lb*wart, n. usic first class aud lhe »upper excellent The T im as has the most complete job miles xpiai**, and he finds consi«lerat»le
  • prices. har-ng tll.H bn petition tarn m. 'lu.y »• -r lfl.wl. Notices for the I »cation of ¡»lacer ami Dr. King’s New Di«« > very for (’■ n«um t- n i ry. l'iw former sta ids 6 fret »X TAGE* LEA w r. J ACKx>NVILLF. EV ERY « attended (•». It was unfortunate Whooping cough, croup, s r? thr» nt. sud o i h -i»li bi»- fe»*t, w Inlr tin- lit t r i- •piartx mines, et*-., tor >ale at the T imm <*f- lioii I vs«».i «1 ha *■»• te«-t o’«» iiK’lies. A spec IlCe. Wild«*rvili»*.r«-turning Tu»«ata>>und SaturdHy a. -»tat.-, tor th.- puri«»..* ui.n-in t '• ’ " “ O' *" the name of the Union Pacific, to which i»e«' of i.r M .ih '' Tty it. Sample batiks an appearance, as many who intended go children, are easily control e»l by pr*»nq»'.y ; i d «»rdei I lu I to I r sent m tu tbe convi« D Stage hsivra for Fni«»i . >wn on W»*io«-«sdHja tharrfor. or.1. r.il1.y Hi. . urt tJmt »110g->'' • A»av.*of re fr in Biker A D«*Ci»*rg’s tree a all drug -loies. ing ”en masque” were oblige«! to attend in company it has long been an appendage. administering Ayer's Cherry Fedorai. «lotnin.;-1» p »! tin«* it i r »* i 1> of them, ami at lOo'clock a . M.. returning Thursday .ot. r. .lr.l in ».id ctnt. apimar b. «••" ’ » ’ k*dg<- n* i»r Mi-s<>uri flat show a fairperten- ---------- the capac ity of spr< ta’ors, thereby mat? court on Tuw-lay. ">■ «'''■}»> r“*2< A few copies of the American Settler«’ This remedy issiie tn take, certain :n its • tb. n i h- w. r«*. hagrined at ha aving to Wear tage of silver. rially r?*iucing ’he *um total of the receipts Guide, standard authority on all land action, an«l adapted tu all constituti- ns. UP .t 10 k a. in. of said day. al Ho ■ ourt • h g i-wa'er’ , a its. T«» Hog Kaiaerk. i r....u> .1 .»id ‘»..rt at tb. r 1"-r, “; '<'' A number of visitors were present, from matters, may be found at the T imms office. The Sterbng Mining Co ’ h <1 h h is full «»f 1 wibi t»» shv to I«.« t rmrr»«-i Jacks«»»» in, Or. g .n. then and Uo ri ». L'» I? W Gil il in»]. formerly of D«mglns j neighboring towns, all of whom were A h I ime - s at «1 -om? i month« ag >, ■ ow ami tin- waler lias been turned out county Hint I imiort«»l sev« ral l»» a«l «-f -bowoaua. why an ..r.b r »t...ui. a... b- «r»n, please-’ with tbe hospitable trtatment/ac- Considerable coasting was done in this county, well known to many «»1»! resid»-n!.« ihe liiu*’ qu.,iii«-s nea. G«»l i IL 1 w>ll b for the present. .«laaidadmintatratr.» »" 'b. iollowln*. full d I. hm I 1 ’ ofaml-t Inna l «»gs from M ’ in»* section, while the snow and frosiy weath**r »-I this see i n. «ii»*»i at Santa Barbara. 1 ai- til H d v-1 i • «1 m*x’ spring. A company cor«led them. .Iv wa- io tin- Fn«! ! w as orga z»* 1 ao l fil» -I artici»*» of incor’ "Ti'numb- lasted; but the amusement was short-lived. ifornis. last Saturday Miners have not bem .»bie to <1<> a great sota last vear, and m»w oil r them fo; m »! v TMt Anutaer Old ffhiien Dead. twrnt?-on< 21 . and I"'" nuuibvl <-b v *n II National Bank at Portland for th>- past poraiion a < S ’ i 8. i..-in in la.«» las’ w w«-«*k. under the «leal a« yet: but the prospects for a good 1 hrv ar»* lint*, ami receive t first premium at I i«t 8« ¡»tciuber fair held m thi-«« un’x . The thoughtless man now writes itlHH9, nineteen years a« bookkeeper. A wile and n »me ot thr G<* «1 II I Limr C ».. with R season areexcelh*« t. wud iwi lv.-. 12 . ». bl.«k An«»thrr of th? pioneeraof Jackson county Will in* s«»l»l nt r»*asonablr rate-. < an i-e St. all m lhe town ul Miaif.Td. Ja««aon th»*n be erases the “9” and substitutes a four < hd«ir* n survive him. F K ng, D !‘ Leach, Jacob Krinilpfi ami i » mv «?<1 sway last Tuesday, in the person of Portland parties have b«*< n iiupecting «rrn bv railing on A. A. Davis, nt ’he Med- oi.ui.ty. On-gon; A. Rogge ro« rp -rut- rs. The capita* stuck Daniel Lavennurg who was one of the ”0;” then he looks again, and then—he at public ain-i.on aaby law nr.-avr n..l J W. Sowdcn sells tfie celebrated Amin the mines about Missouri fl .t re«*enll> , for«l Roller Mill-. .I n k-on •* >unty, Or gon. d i- pl a« i at $2 hi shares of |50 each. ” That n copy "f thia "rd. i Im pub-h.« earliest settlers at Plexnix, where be and swears. Who u, IM .ar,.»i SMrf,mrr. m ihr w.rid.' button hob* attachment for all kiml« ■ • with a view to thlure investments. Also hav«* s*»me oak lumi»«*r an«! wagon­ Tii*- prmcip d uffic • in Portland. ww-kn -.waion ...Uic I.t.«'« hath i«»a. hi« estimable wife conducted the local L. F. Willits is getting ready tn set out a svwing-ma< lunes. This attachment is a D. M. F«» t A Co*, tongues for Safa. . ...-wapap.-r ot g.-n. ral i .r. uuiHon. print.-d b«*tel for many year«. The immediate fine orchard *»n An«I»*r«on creek, near Tal­ success and iuhkvk a neat and «iurabl»* but­ inumiod. D«<• Coin dv I’omp iny r une to I Miners report ah*»ut tlir-e ’ect <»f snow A A. D avis . and publish..1 in -d th» ti «’ b d of th» Phili.«tmp9 for unp.. «1 I * town life burn low in all m«*n, betitg nearly i [ iulure. l..-ir, nani.-d ther.-m who r.-aidi- iu «a <1 .-..unty gm. for iHO vtf « m. r.- FRBK to .U ap. ,b a i L 11- em Monroe Sunni« bscn w-1- Dressiimkiiig. J< hu Lamler«, late of Merlin, is now eighty years old. |n early «lays no man and atat.-. aa by taw r<-|uir.-d a-« L WtCMU, Mi M lati J pu1 i ■ h >r »• of 'I h - hunks ami btggage by 1 j The American Mining Code, standard l b* re were over 0’’»‘a< her« in attendance but.xi m -la. k. .nvill«. <»r-«on. "»• -«> «ay Mr« G W < »ibson, a practical dre^sruak« was betier known as a genial hot or xnorC milling at tbe Ashland nulls. Hi> bro’her k Jt i, b«ur thaa mr penoa J the clamiii’its nd accompanied the «Iu w , ' uith«»rit) on all subjects pertaining to G u 9 spent Christmas with him at the gran ­ at tlie in titute, which i- a arger number W Uftiag c* co 14 Æ , r. would re« evifu ly announce t<* the la- respected as an in-iii«tr»»»u«, honest man uf ItuK-mbvr. ia«0. k WL A,„1Ilt, jud,.-. Sudi ihould .«nd fol it. Addnw than were ever present at even a «h.«tii-t Ip op -on hward, 1» g.y-* them an op;*«»i- «11 linking. wat«*r-righr*. etc., is kept for <1irx of I m C as « nvil’r aud . u nity that she i* than the deceased. He Pave* a wife and ite city. Att.wt M ax M i i.i.t.ii. County Cl. rk 0. M.FKRRV ACO. Æ mre iug of educators in southern O e^on | tanitv ’•> ielMn at th? next show ¡»» nt «ale at the T im tn office. tw«» grown daughter»--Mrs. G. C. Low and now prepared to do all Kimis «»f dress ami The **b »x sociable” at Phoenix last even­ ' l he rou:e from port ami io 8acram?nta is ^^Orr*OIT, MICH. before. Much credit la due Prof. Nt-wbip '. Mrs J P Browa ing. for the Iwiieflr «if the district school«, getlit . I«» th- great bugbear of the ovrr- The tunnei at th«* Mountain L’on mine rb ak m iking ?n the latest style ami wid for so ably sec«»niiu*m*s«. Mor«* <«*«»n- Niruiuon's Liver Regulator, the favorite The great amount of snow in the higher LuUe place. Notice for Publication oinical than tin* onlinar} kimls. .•wul cannot br When th»* blooil is impure, thick and , an m»i ••» gu ii ’!■ ur vei.’ant as th« y wen* II * II iz . h ." » J'“" U!’1 '"5 home reme«l> , i« entirety vegetable, and is ranges this year causes apprehension of J. T. Briner has returned to I’h umi «»»Id in <-.»nip« nti<»11 w'lh tlu- tnagnitmii «»f low tbe purest aud best family rnedirfna that high water in R *gue river and its tributa­ slaggish. or thin ami impoverished, th* r? | ten years ago, and n -m- but rxrej'tionallv from Co*e ’ s station arid lias leased tin* lhe Fashions. »<»* num« mus illustratmoA. L am » <*»» !« a at Hoar.avKG. O h ..I Fotta For Balt. t«.st. slim t w*right, nlum «»r nh"«phat<- jM»w«l«*r*. can be no health. With these <*omiitions, ; g >(i pei farmers can any longer command i- com|«ouuded. No error to i»e feared in ries next spring. . N<» v »-! u I mt 13. 1MM«» ( «’cleniMO placer mine «»n U »ieiiian creek, -nd Two bundrad fine, l irge < «dar po*ta ran S«»l'l niv in run* Koval Baking Powd»*r Co..«-. all lhe functions of th? Ixxly are iinp tirv«1, paying lu-u es. ml ministering; no injury from exposure iaen^ ai. imbsi- UMMl*!? alike I«» l u lu»nu, It»» Wall 8t. N. Y. XWTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THR which lie will work Lhis winter. Iobtain« d cheap by »wlying to U m ? T um A number of miners on Brigg« cr«*ek in- and trio result is a variety «if »hm •♦•- n- I after taking* no I omi of tuna It is th? full«»wingrnamed *« tth r ha« til»«! notici* <»f Int rr- »n. arti Ir in the '• Youth's Com- .in- mHU'iaudlhepr-’L^»’*««1»’4“1 ,M<' The beat remedy is Ayer’s at emce. .Xi,.-n-»* is «pnr*«l 1n making it- artiMia his intention I«» mak« final proof in sup|*ort »»f t»a«t preventive medicine ami »af? to take dulg«*tl in roast ¡»aniher one day la-t week, complications i p -nion,” on -v tu cur«* a cold,” the Notice of Final Settlement. , »un.iin Foor Yrart oa Crutchr». high.-t ■■nh r II.. .-v.< hie claim, and that said pr«M»f will tw mad«- b»- no mattar what tbe sickne«» may prove to but («It no inclination io make a second Sarsaparilla. wrih*r advi't .« a h >t ¡rmonadr to be taken ih.»l M..II’.irlor |»biv. Hlfl th uu ht I ill f»»r«* th«* judg«*, «»r in his at»*» n< »-. b»*4«»r»- the be. an»!, *n any ordinary diaraee, wiil effect meal <»fT ’h»* carcass. I "For fifteen years 1 wa« aflii« ’ r«i with Don’t forget that every first premium it b»*d him-. It is a dang?r«»tis treatment. In tlu* » ■•univ Court «»f th«* Slat»* «»f Or«*g«»n, ■«i.«»..-.Iv «H '"'I'*. “,"1 ,mM «••*»«•• ,"* «•i« i k <»f tin <«>unty <*«»urt «»(Jackson «'«ninty. a apeedy cure. L»r ili« « «»un!} «»f Ja< kw»ii. The lanes in ihc vicinity of Lakeview i awarded at the district fair for fine ph it«» ' »—p- ciahv during the -evt-re «mid weather • h* um.»’i«m, lotir years of which I HMM tHin.'.u-«• h I' k U-' " f hu.»." h. < *r« g'»n. al Ja< k»*«»i«viU?4 Or«»on. <»n Satur*la>. Words are ■ t, w.- thu.M 1» in.-lnd. 'I whl. b I)»•<•• uib. r 2s. iHMM. viz: Fr»«b-rirk P«!!' I v Logan. ot ihe winter months, ns It opens the pore- ' compe I *«i i<» g«> on » riitche- Iii tiu- mali r of tlu* «Miai'* «»t It. .1 Mclìride, Attend to This ' inadequate to «-xpres- th Millering I -t. ad « litre N«». 4215. f«»r th»* !•»♦► 3 and 4. and • »- «l«*<-»-aM»*l. of the fem es on either side, and more has I tbe Ashland photographer, for his utin- i of th«* >kia ;»nd leave« th«- system in such <»f NW. %. and SW. ty nf .X E ty. a»«-. 3. I'llogsv Mli.iah. < HRISTINK I ehhi st H ek - SE. Hfockmrn wishing their brands in the falb ti since that time. During the v tif- «muition that am th« r and mimh m«»re gr- I dure»l «Iu. in ' that t ini u* ! val»*«i portraits ami views. \\ hen you want otici : i > iieicehv given tiiat tue i"u -nd M 'HVfa.wk lif KisM.Nwmr.-r«^- tp. 3?8.. R. 2 i - h *». W. M. H»* num»* tha f.»U »w- brand b»M»k of the Southern Oregon 8t»*r: idminisfrn1<»r «»t Mi«- »stai«- «>1 IL J. M< - iveiv furnish a ¡a tin? picture at a small price «ail mi v» r»*i »-l«l i- « in ».-? < - ri tin to be cnntracl< «1. i trep y a .« of ex -true»* • (it was iu»l living) to a eoRMItutional and not a local diseaMb V 1 • ’ ’ 'l.T?! ’ ’ n D??*' ing wifm-NM«* to pr»»v«- Ins (Mnlinuou? r»v*i- Protective Association sh«»ui«l »•'lid in th» ir About 1000 pt-»pie were snow-bound in I incd wvry known vinciv without re- Bad therefore tt cannot bo cured by local ap­ Ih iil»'. 'i< «•«•a*»*'l, ini* til-*«l In tlu' C«»untx Court Uauglit«» -t ll'-nu. Vian) \ • ai'.- i on-1 *.t t u-»* and llq*» x;»er him. • »1« n«-»- iijx»n and «•ulti\ati«»n of M»id Ian»!, viz IJ»r«x- « I>a>. a! Jackson < »»uni v. »ir«-g<»n. I iìm final a«*eoiint ■md orders h» th»* «ecretary at tht.*»»tlic>-at «me«*, the i'as« ad»*s on the eastern exte «ion of f *lh<-Woman "t »be l’' ri'»«L n”„ lz>uis T< nn. .h»*«-ph Itandl**. M in. Nti?l*Mum. i<-nc»* of th lU-and'«>f i ei.««»n« «•( ai| ages, I «’riving sny !» n* lit. I I liliali)' bevali on plication* It requires a constitutional ren> as sik -I i adinini-t i .«1»»r, an»l !•> «»rd«-r «»! salii iov. ls will I k writ!»« I ) " ai . teh B mkawt Ern«*Hi Kicbt«*v. all of ta«k< erw-k. Jackmm as ’ hr wul k «>( gelling up the b«M»k is alread} lhe Oregon Pat ifle railroad fur &ev« ral day» Th«* mv-trry of tbe cotd-bl«»<»d»* ' > ) wli <’h 'r«uii the •dy like Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, working l’-iurt l'ridax. D •«•'•ini" r «i. ISSI», at tlu* lu»ur ot under way. .«n«i it »* not provable another during ihe weak of I. F I'ain near Ri« k « m . is sei lor tu .«ring All p« r- and F. W. K«» hin -» n . through the blood, eradicates the impurity CHA8. W. JoHNST<»N, R?iri«trr. ever. Evriy effort to obtain trace« of If i Iain's Cough R*-niudv. .. edition w«U be issued for the next two It a. hl til tli-l »in a well ... t, tn iHtrfe.1'J"'"'* ,"‘e T.*,', 4 i«ca «on* int« r»*t«*d nr«* lu-r.-by notifi«sl to app»*ar Our thanks are due John Butterworth of iekr* 8o many ne« appln ant« applying mtir«i« rer lias b.**n nvulr. an«l i||<- South­ i harm >-.y wi’h nature, rrli»*ves th«- lungs, , man I candidly h** »eve that 8 S S. is •yttlob causes and promotes the disease, an* and til» I iik or h» r «>t»j»-<-tu»ns to sani ac<-«»unt App«gaief »ra full an-i excellent report far spa- e was the »>n|y rtasuii for issuing ern pacific's r« ward of lairi has been in th«- best blood purifier on th«» niaik» t to- <>n oi b«-1 «>rd«-r «»f Iloti. ,1. R, Nril.Judg«* ppe thr presept 4rns(»n. IF YOU WISH A COOD »EVOLVI« ! mg it < ¡•.»-n r to exi-ectorate, and restores I d .y ” institute at Meuiord. of said <*ourt. i* tie irly a half larger than that offered f »r J. 1). I ATLON (.'uba, Mo, Per Year: h >y n d ».. * -trongaml healthy cuml - i PoSjtwVE 8MITH 4 WE880N 8 .1 li. M« Bit IDE. C. (' Ragsdale of T-»l«> has been appointed Gibbs. T at ; se »-ii blood imi skin diseases Fruit Grower«. *< V!initiistra1«»r »•! sai«! •■siat«*. HARPER’S MAGAZINE............... \i'ro I- fty cent b »t> 1»*** f >r .«ale by C ly ¡ m illed free, 4 (V) Finest small administrator of the estate of J. F. Har­ HAHPEIt'S WEEKLY i ♦*. .1 i. k-onv.l e, ai««» Eng«*l Br«».-., ' Purt'and’s water commit!«-? lust Tn*-- There will be a meeting of ll»<* Southern •tacta a permanent cure. Thousand« to ¡■li ti I Novi mi» « •'. '■ arms ever 4 no «hilt, «leve.ised See his notice ta that rf- od ^ i «*«1 bid- f«»r ihe purciia-c ot $,»o.00i) -jf f Mdiie . X. gwirr S pkciku <’•»., Atlanta, Ga. H AItl ’ EH ’ S H AZ \ Il nntnnfiMtamd Oregon Fruit Growers' A«»ociation at A»-h- IK) people testify to the success of Hood's Sarw HARPERS Ynds. vlverti.-« d under the ...•< «»t f \ land on Kniiirday, Jan 11, at 10 o*rh»»-k a . p,M*iHg«-Yr«-«-1'* all «»ilHMTitMTH in tlu I ni«»«l parUla as a remedy for catarrh when <>tbet <-ii»erU. In calli>r»*s S2. m All tiHeresied in fruit culture are re Stat' S, » anadn. ■•» M« vi« «». »* and 44-l«l Rinvia or M. L Met all, a«lmini.fctr.»t«»r. a»ubi? action. Safety Han» Th- v«»lum«* »»Í •!•• B*/, B«*» • •peclfuUy iuviled tóh present. lmp»»riaut to .1» II *«»m*’ valuable real property bel«»ng- b*»nd« builds up the whole system, and makot in.-rh-M and Target model»». Iir-t iiuiii I mt f»»r .fanmn v <»t »*a«*li v » hi Wh«-n .»« i.«rr< u* v «ni -'n* h destroy the sen-*»* ing to th? estate of Alexander Shearer on [ man »t Rvamc is of this place to« To? rem«^iy is tx*cun»’ng «*• well known business to l*e tr Hisacted Beet saaltiv wraaght ivi tin»»- i- ui« nt«• .n«-l, -ul'-< i i|»lu-nH will I»«-- «>1 smell and coinp ei»jy derange thr whole and so popular :•« to n«»e 1 no *-pecinl nien- you feel renewed In health and strength. successful bidder«. _____ ____ Iv tnai*rrt«*a in*i*-rn-d K omt . A Mil LF.a, President.• I January 25th. at Ashland. at rei, ____ rarefiillv iriii woh tb»* numlMT < uri' »ii al tim«* of ro- f.»r worfcmanMiln and Mock. ÜnrKaled for b .« ♦ in a h»-n . nJ i» through Jrv mu- - lion. All who hav used Elei-tri»* Bitter* ceipt «»f «»r«l«*r. For the best turnouts for all o<-mt«i»>.. ttuleb, darabilltv and accnrary. bo Hanlev Bros havec»»inmenr?d the butch­ <-»us rm fa* «—. Suc h aTtir * -mg ii .»• same sui g if prais»*. A purer IV'iind v* him«* ot llAHi’H»'* B a / as L t u<>t be drrelvci by cheap malirablr iron imitation» fcml’ Heed!! Need!!! I ering business at Foriiand. a»»»1 purchased call at the Excu.'sior live.-y .stubl* :.» Ja< k I»»* u-r«l exc?j»t «»n prvscii thr«•»* v » gi> I'« k. in m at « l«»lli l»iuiiitig. wiil ofien fcold f<* the crnuiur artici»•- Thev are unrr me«licinc* duca n »t « i’Xi**! mid it i« guáran­ <’hoiett *??d wheat, nat* am! barley far I 4234) w«»rth <»f ieal-e«tat? «»iv the east side s«»nville I’lymale’s print's ar? -lint« r«-.»- pU ;b|? pl>} I la I-. n th« Uat»ie and dangrroua. Th*- Sanni a waanoa Ra IHK« 1’HHl. «’I ».. b\ . *'Xpr<*NM. lH-a«*iit bx mail. I»«»« ■ ...... iteti lo t d*> nil that '•« < laim?«l. Ele«*tric *«l? at Mr-lfor«! Farmer«’ W»r»*h'>u*e. Al«»» ul the Willamette river. V i '«Ra ul* »Mninr»! np.>n th«- iNurela with firm*» sonable and he ncvei tails in/i*n . ■ .’i fr»*e of «*xp«*twM* pi-» \ bh »I tin li » iglit »!«•« n ti«»t w ill «I«» i« t« nf.» «1 '«• ih«- g« ••I used Hood's HarsajMu-llla for catarrh* - ' I» « • r« »■ w .1- • ir v .ill «li ess«*« «if th»* L v«»r name, ad»lr»—»- mimi «lav*«» of paten la. and are gaar- In «vite nf a-lnli»-r.»t*«1 «mitatinn«» whirW tniMi th* faction Y'»u will a'.««» «Io w»*ll to patr*-i» rolled barley ami mill fc»*»l. Bale«! hay m » »Ium« . f •• r* ’ «•x«- ml < .in «lollar p> r -ml> Ot rt - e fro >i rh»*”i auteed i»»-,f»« t. tiMiMt upon having them, and If miu I Kulnevs, wdt r« move I'iinpl- . B » I*. tlwMiry, an<1 pr**.»" »1 rt*ul<»» ot thè Orirmal, in »piteof apd received great relief and benefit from it. bn hundre«! tiers «»( w<»od, stacked near iz.v his st.»»;** line rmrd.ig m*iw»--n th»* ' m» . niuniiia' t ii• «1 v i’ I volume. carload lot* or les*. Ai»plv to y- nr dealer cannot supply y»--p« •**•"*.•* ’ "- ’ •" !»y envsiu» w«*uld he SPiR' eum «nd • tli»*r :*flcc • n- . ui- »•«I by The catarTh wi* very disagreeabb*, especially <’1»»th «-as»* for «*a<*h .. . volino«*, suitnbl«* 1<»r l*bm|»»»tit'»r»«. ai. 1 in«i»it«*"t * 1> mw ni u-mpl» to mb’* bina II E IU kkk I -1» ' . Oh» . «:«»•<' : || i « » I «li e l»l o«l W» ‘ l .! iv M i I hhh f om biii'linu. ««Ill"-» nt li) mail. p»»*t-pai«l. «>n ro- tive cotalofrie and prl >nupon an-UcuUon. of tiiefruit«»f hi« lal»»-n«, od! of whi»-h doin<*n*trat»-> tha sal? list w»*ek. ami d whs bi*l in lor T. A la the winter, causing constant discharge from Medford Oregon. undouhlMl «»ui>»-»i<-rif» and ptMMilantj of hi*t«*chin<>. «•»•1p< ot «I Il -o *.■(• :. -«H'l I r«*V • t :»« W» II a- « ur-* all • a« ti Th*»«. <'iory’« barn was insure 1 in the i* taki-n i t rnaEy, :»n 8MITH 4k WKHM4IY. Harris at 70cenia a tier. Uy nose, ringing noises in my ears, and paint Pr<»f ta-isett^s Art of N'rvsr For*»ftin* ia rr<'««nir.»Hl up hi ’ ur l»l«rh! R.-niittan« »* -h"ui»l I" - mad«- I») p«»u«»flw-«* «nd mucoii- surla *a»ringlcl4. Moon. M * In etui ;• v« r- l’or «• i-e *>f Heu-lach»*, Stale In-uraiice Co . ot Salem, instead ot P-dav «n twth H»*m'-i-h‘ t *« markni« an Kpoch ia 11 Ihe back of my head. The effect to cleat num» v-«»rri«*r or draft, n» av«»l«l <-hain*'-of I •»•»*. Hay for Sale. tnr sy*fem. In buying Ha I'« Marty cases ot La Grippe, the ¡^reat in in lhe Farmer.«’ and M« r« hants' of Adiaiiy. ' bustipMiion ami In ige-ti* n try Electric M*-m »> fnlturt H -* Pr-iaptorii^taantpoatfran.-xirae N»*ws|»Mp?t> aro not t<» <«»py ibis H'lv«-rtfa»- < i;e bv sure you get lhe ge.iuim-. opini-f pMplein all paria of tha globi who hareact- Bhter.s. Entire «ati*•:ictn»n guaranteed, nr Twenty ton« of hay, of r**l quality and fluMUZs, are reported in San Francisco as w? «tated sometime ago, and her**« eiv 1 inent without t !»«• ••xpr«*»» <»ru«-r ot H amper a ually «.«udii-d bi* Syataio 1'5 corr»-*ponden« ab<»w»n< I numey refunded. Pibe 5Ü Cis. Mid $1 ÜU b*ded well, can be botirfbl by calling on J. wiibm the last few days. A very mild form ihe amount oi his p»>.icy witnin ’w nty ■ K-n itprrnaliy, ami made in T that hit.System n »o«e in»_l>y F J.('h»’iiey A Co. HARPER A BR«»THERK. New York. H H -ward on the Davison place n* ar u( the disease is prevalent. rtii-im» uifnti-u-andrnofft'urrdtéfc. F«»r Pruap»»ctua, AW*8old by drug ¡»is, price 75c. per ard of Medford represents the State. Mr.iturd, or ou Cha* Nickell. Jacksonvilla. Toni»* an»l T*tiin«»n»al» adti1:tt>«1 Bu-ia?«® Sunplv »pp.x "> wiyye ' h O intment ." N o adv- rtise receiving gold med.*«l*. At the •ntlrely cured. I am never without Hood's best ol order und almost new, can be C«»ll« g- r«4t!an-i Oi g-m ut atti» t .«p*ta1 Bu»- lliis seclion as an insurance agent, now Sheep for Sale m»im*ini* required. <*ur«-N t«tt»-r, Paris fair, 1M9. the a »». !> received the first Barsaparilia In my house as 1 think it is worth Brother Kaiser's lack of familiarity with charge! with rape alleged to have ta*en inti'imil AT EIGHT VFR « ENT PER ANNUM.FOR mi « -- College. Salem <»:• " •»» Iu»th «v.hool* irr bought cheap it applied for soon to <*<- z «* iiiji . itch. >nville ; Cernie» <*onditt«»n and fr«*«-from «li-'-a*«-. F«»rfurther Typewriting Penimi ti «hip a n«l 1 i;gi- h I>epart- Palace Hotel. Grant's Pas.-; D If Hilling's J. W Snwden controls th«» *sl? of tbe that the affair took place in the private Tim Janosry term of the probete end particulars appl} on th«* ram-lmr, ad»lr»*.« •oldby alldrugglRt«. |1, »IxforgX. Preparedonly mmt- l»a\ au»! evenim»•-» -si»m «•• u-l« iit»ad- liaidwaT«* store. Medford. tlirougli 1 I k * mails. nnt’eil ,it •«!• - ton« I >»r 1»>»"I <*.»i «logur.HtVtrrM uoiiply commissioner,' courts will be held I White »ewing-mathm? in this section of apartui» nts of Douglas ..n I it r.. Nov . 14. I**».». on that account. K^*rtland, Ort-guu. vH balt-ni.< urgun that machine is an impotur. • Re W» AYBlràMN. our auUi-.rUrd MtuU the same time. ffhc iinuocratií Simes WIRK AND THERE. At Less Than Cost Tf Great Slaughter in Prices HOLIDAY GOODS S. F. VARIETY STORE. NEW THIS WEEK t. 8. STONE 4 CO.. N Real-:- Estate, Loan and Gnuiiiissiini Aftiits. Cüllcctions made and promptly remitted. A Call upon us for N BUSINESS. FRESNO AND MERGED To Rent and for Sale S. S. SMITH, Prop’:. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. T 6(fOREYOU Buy STEAM ENCI NE BOILER row L( > I S MONTAGUE, Siskiyou County, Cal., FOK SALE ÜM EASY TERMS JACKSONVILLE-CRESCENT CITY MAIL ROUTE. MRS. JANE REDDING. Proprietress. S Passeneers taken at Reasonable Rates. ' .M FERRYACO.l S££D ANNUAL POWDER Absolutely Pure. Catarrh N HARPER’S PERIODICALS. Catarrh Prof. Loisette’s Catarrh MEMORY DISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD Catarrh $100,000 TO LOAN Hood’s Sarsaparilla Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. IOO Done» One Dollar T