The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, December 26, 1889, Image 2

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    e vito " i al notes
■ FMI I HW OF HM«-» «••kn.SMM»
TH V KM hv V
ig liolel will bs ojw*ne«i
to tlie pu»« ic "'M^sahington's birthday,
February 2?,'T^0, after which Oreguu's
metropolis cau txiMt.of one of tbe most
thoroughly equipped and appointed car­
avansaries on the continent.
Ji uvs A FTUArh ii <•! Sestil-, Wash ,
formeily ol Nstem. I. is r-veiv. <1 bl» tn m
mi sum as r>r.*» fitting attorney of tbe
third juilicial district from the g..vcr*. r
He h.v* appointed Hon. W. D. Vrnton,
formerly of McMinnville, as hisd puty.
H enry tf.
G rady
Geon.ia, the
great orator, editor and acbular, died a
few day* siect, having contracted a se­
vere cold at Boston, Which developed in­
to pneumonia
He w * h wlil.out lioiibf
one ot llie iuo»t bliillsnt Uirtl in the
United Stairs, aud I.IS death i«'J
A rgaav taruii e is now -ai<l tutliieat-n
large citiea ot the weal and aouthwert.
The people* have at last teamed Io
U»e the une-cent cum, and ibe need» <>f
circulation hxva increased beyond tin
power ui the guvertitnenl maclimery to
promptly supply tl.ern. w The 1‘buadel-
phia mint i* ab-iul two months beiiind
witli it» O'ders fui tliese uiece*. in »pite
ui keeping nt wuik uigbiandday turning
liiein out.
I n v ew of the 'act that Bingt-r Ue»-
ui mu iiaaloat moucy in W*»luugl«M> »ml
•l«o prentig» a* X e«lM»uli»W fur Hie U.
S. »ciiate uu »ccuunt of Iu* treactieruu»
vutw »< r Krtil »mt *g*m*t w.-Bleru tiilei-
evi*. the Suudwj irclcviR» Joe* nut blame
liim mucii lui ui.*,U eXpicNUuu ut
tile »CUI.m. lit 'That lue Uiu»t pupUlai
political part) ul lhe luture will be the
unc that will alluw it* candiuate* lu pay
their a*.»e»MiKUl» uu tlie m»tallmeui
T uk N'evv Yoik Herald recently pub
liabed Uidpalchea hum IV *latea,«buwin*
that the piurpecl* lor the adopliuu of the
Australian ballot law are ereelirui Hi all
of them. In many malaucea mutliflea-
tiuiis aie de-ired, nut the dtapueiuou tu
regard t ie new »yalern a* a desirable
auU nrce»»ary one la general among the
leading official*. We are glad to ray
that Ui luual 01 Ilia rL»Ua beard (torn the
l>. u o* a II. lake me lead lu lav or ui
tbe change.
Tus Ashland Eeturd ib booming Re pre-
■tentative .Ylniei ut this precinct lor con­
gress and pa) a lutu a neat coinplnueui,
even it it dura diservdit Gov. L'eriuuyer s
el .ipii liee as an oiator. lunsla.l i.aue n
"Ar Governor Peunoycr la riot
ail oiatur aitli any ot lhe special tricks
ot swaying an auilieuce by the eioqumi
■nauiiei ot bring out iauguagr, it 1» -aid 1
Muter re just too tuau wanted tor llie ’
cun*i rssiuuai campaign.*'
of Yaml'ill countv; Sileti, T. Jav Bu-
<•< ii’.ty ; K ainatb,Elisila
T hk riMics wi«l eg its num rou* pat­ L Api'l»‘K«t«!, <.f J'Wi'Inne; regiflcr of
one ami ail. a happy ami proiper* I lini . IB e at tn. Oil C tv. J. T. Ap)»t-
oh* N* * Yeur.
*mi ; leirirlrrvl iii'l'ffiieat Lakeview,! '
Warren Truitt, . f 1' k ; receiver of land
Ex P rl * id *. kt C lkvki .480 aitrail«**» < ffiee al La Granii*, A ('. McClelland,
<■ n*Ht*r*bi«* *iit.iitiuii 1 lie oilier <lav >r *
ol I,’nion; aiiper nt* nd'-nt of
N«W Y»>k *leva'eti train, l*vc*u»* he uni
aelioi-l al Cltvitiawa, R*v G. M. Irwin of
U|> *tn*l gHV* llU* *e*t tO * ilOlllel)'*f4Cetl | Union; revirV r of land . ffice at Burna,
working Fir), anil ti.en *(■**! I.auging *>u .1 B Huniinritun. of Ktker; receiver,
a «trap all th* way down to Colt I.mill Harriaon Kelly, of Jack* mvdle ; jtoet-
*treet. The rarity of the act in New inaater at Salem, A. N Gillrert; collec­
York probably canaea an much comment tor of customs at Sitka, Alaska, .Max
as the eminence uf the actur.
Fraclit, of Ashland ; U. S. marshal for
I ron and steel in Europe have, during tiie district of Alaeka, Orville T. Porter,
i ' ; U 8. coniiniesicnerfor Ouna-
III- i.aet lew month*, tna<i- a I*'*." a I- ■ •I A
*Mll*e ill *.. :t>. *l <l e»ery '
" sta‘ 1 **■• , ;ia-K.i.
— ........ L ii * Atkinson ot Salem; deputy
uxnt ui E I.ope i* now luil >*l u.oer* ai><4 ' col Ice’ i . r r f cukiotun of Alaska, R. Em-
making ihiich lamer pioth* than ■■*»’ Í num-, ol Portland ; flimsier to Turkey,
year ago. A* a cunaequence uf this ri»e I S 'i<>in-n Kirsch, of Portland; J. L. Rot*,
in the foreign price ol lhe niv'al*, 4:*e • 4 Union, apceial swamp land agent; G.
American manufacluiera have le-en able C. Litchfield, ot Salem, special Indian
to advance their price* »4 a ton. agent ; Lorenxo Dow Montgomery, ol
Andrew > arnegie «urn* out 2.1X10 «*.n* ol Ikmglaa. special Indian agent; J. 1).
*ieel a day from one of hia great wo< k* Fotdyce of Portland, special nwainp-laiid
I foril, of B .litui
*1 me. Thi* mean* $14.000 a day irreatet
p offi from ibat eKlabli-hmeiil J.e.n ti..*
uion*.poii*t wa<* receiving une v* u> *go
‘Mr Carnegte wa* *elui.* In* *.eel *t a
priilo ;<* RliOVe lile fo e gn art'*'*** Inf »Tr
me iec* nt ul.aiqe l**ta pl«*"«t. on **- v>> >'*■ piodui't
Even had lhe pr ce fallen in E ir >pe in
*t«**d of ri*ina. he could *>ili It *ve made
4 gieat .h af of money. B<r t'»• |..'«eof
all the pi ih I uci * 01 A'u.r't'.n iu in* I*
tctuall* lowrr in the farmer'* liaiul* lh«n
it i<* in England ur France. The Ameri­
can farmer I* no better off than lit*
Englian ur French peaeanl today; but
Carnegie anti In* protect»-«! aaaociaie* are
va»Dy better . tf than tiie fo - gn luanii-
lacturei*. and :b**li*nge ih'iiwal.oui it
■ * it *a I tie A*»« r.can lai mern who tn*
*i*t by their vote* 11* enriching Mr.
Carn, gie, while they them*elVe* aie
kept poor, egy* the National Vemocrut.
Tnx publication by the Oregonian <>f
the L-t of lecoinmi tidal on- by «tie Q • •
gon delegation lor fed« ral pr«d« riu> lit
cauaetl quite a *tii in ioutic»l circle*,
and it i* rumored that Brother Her­
mann'* daily uiu>) now contains mallei
that mak<» hi* tmui f« rg. l jli it* j.iylas*
woe ovei Silcott'* defalcatiuti. Ti.f del­
egation have not Item tn half *o inuci.
of a hurrv a* the hungry aptdieaiit*
wiahed in d< tng th«’ kieking-oul act, anu
when the rltuation tiecame rieapeiale
and they joined force* and ‘‘it fl loerice”
lor tiw purpure <>f holding the too-a*pir-
tng hurtle »uccnrfully at bay, the nun
entered the *uul* of thru* out uf four uf
ttieir former aduiiier* and ruppuitei*
There in ncareely a man named in th.
lint, raving local po-tina-ter*. who e ap-
poiiili« ent Will hut ire Ih the natuie ul a
eumpiuuiie«- betwern wairing factlune;
and thure whu knuw ot I lie ftuiluw pit­
h-new of «ompruiiiine* can bent reahx
what a nieuy time 1» coming in tlie next
Republican convention, winch will de
teimiue wlietliei u> not itie pienent ring
nl.Ril continue to dunnnate politic* in
fi there in an mucii feeling
1 ankiiiig in the borumn uf appiirantn lur
uiiiiui ap;o.iiimi'tii* a* there 1* in tbe
muid- uf -orne uf ll*e would '•** land «.ffi
Clair at Roreburg, heli a lury w.fl be a
•ynoiitm lur llie liauouny Dial will din
tiliguiah tbe gathetnig ut llie elan*. A
w iiuleaome fear ol I’ennoyer umy dele*
the lactiune fmin dynamite ii.
their effort* al inuioal aniiilulauon ; but.
thia being the *', ff )e*i ’ and the pariy lieing ro great,ihe liuie-liuuoieu
cunioiu of wteakmg letnbuiton for *in-
of uuiir-1..n and coi>«in:»aiun within th»
paiiy pale can b<- n.«te<y carried out.
T hmke aie seventeen cuuteated real- in
emigre**, a very ui.usual num bei, and a
mill moie »iugular thing la Dial malvai!
ot living preti) evenly divided liei aneli
the two politicai j artier, a» in pr<-viou»
cvnglenscn, in liiene. 17 carer all the con- . aie Ke publicans. Ut tbe lou* .
Wert Virginia »< ata three are in conte»!,
and li e elect loo* »ere to eluee that tile . Teere are data) «lay * la More,
For the muu wuoac* i.eart la »ore,
iaigert maj .nty iu any ol the diamela on 1
Ai**la-wtaiy with eternal waiting fur th«1
either »¡de was 13.
lhe Kepuhlreali 1
»oh that ne'er e-auie- ill ti;
will *14 hl* loin- tor war,
conte-latita naturaiiy expect to be seaieil.
—no wilu toiuauawg and "bar "
right or wiuug.
lie wiu siu'tv tie. "deicgnlion" and the- Port­
laud bonne«*, bip *uu tul*U
Weather prophets arc enjoying a love-feMt.
Navigation U closed for the season on the
The »»utlying valleys ail report a very heavy
vai <»t snow.
Snow everywhere, from eighteen inches tu
three feet deep.
The witneesea in the Dodd-Walker trlnlbaye
yeturqed from Portiaud.
A number of irupr"Vvin» Mis ar** vhr»»nlcRM,
despite the snowy weather.
E. Bryan, recently from Illinois, is building
a m st rcaidenve in Aikuli valley.
Lingvllie merchants have the bean-Jar-
gueM mania pretty well developed locally.
Liw tempt rature and abundance of snow.
This myans phnty of moisture next season
F. E. Kobina»»a haa opened a real-estate
olficv at Linkville, and ia now ready fur busi­
Arthur I angell will return home soon, hav­
ing sold tbe burses bc t«K»k to u<»rtb»uu Cali-
Wnuat aud »»at* are selling at two cents per
pouud, ryu’ u| |hree cents, in Liukville, at
Ih nuia Crawley is feeding 100 head t»f cattle
at bis ranch. With abundance of hay he dova
uot fear the winter.
Tbe holidays were spent pleasantly in this
section, notwithstanding the dull timcM and
UAvlenjent wvath»’r.
The bail at Poe vailvy- ytibuol-fiomu* last week
was a stunuiug affair. A large attendance
and everybod> nappy.
Dr. Loomia,who has been in Lake and Klam­
ath counti a on government business for
sometime, baa rcturnud porth.
T. J. Clopton of Bouanza haa been adding to
kia stuck of goods, and keeps a nice line. His
prices are quite ruasuuablc.
The recent heavy fall of snow insures g»M>d
crops in the Jilumatb basin next year, al­
though rutucr bar I uu atoc^ this winter.
Nearly the whole countryside from Hayncs-
vibe tu I’ule lake waa ••widowed" during the
Contiuuunce ut the Dodd-Walker case at Port­
Couaid» ruble feeding la being done already.
With bay scarce, many stockmen fear tb*‘
worst, snouid the present weather continue
Alex. Steele’s handsome residence »in Lost
liver does crcilit to bulkier and designer
alike, aud is «me of the finest homes in the
Klamath county farmers are finding out
thMt a smaller number of better-bred stocK
means more money iu (»uu'ket at the end of
tnees* aaou.
Gen. E. L. .Applegate this week took charge
at the Agency, uud th«* noble red man will
now nvur tan a of bis auc» airy "‘way back be­
fore the stars fell.’.’
The letting of mall contracts on the Ager-
Lingviiie and Linfcville-Lakwn w routes will
be r« -advei 11soil iq February, calling for ex­
pedited service tu Utt hours, summer time.
J. R. G. Haynes, of Langell valley, last wvt*h
weut to Mi-MinuvUlu to resume t»iw college
studies, lie waa a pass» ug< r on the lost Link-
viHi-Lag« view stage during the big sui»w-
The b< lautifu) n»*w residence of Mr. Uenley
on L»*t river is ready for occupancy. The
stairway railing and bailuater. furnished by
Pvti riuun Hro’a, uf LingviUe, excites favor­
able c«jiumviit lroiu aii.
It 1». thought that those who are so fortnnato
as to have a surplus «if hay will place a uni­
form price of about $15 per tou on same,
wuiuu wilt t uubivaii 1« as fortunate atoek-own-
ers to carry trivir herds through w ithout in-
lug ui auj way oppressed.
Lak • and Klamath counties are inclined tu
b« H* vv tout tni y made souicthing of a nils-
i..x .um udmg up a too-united supplication
<\.r »now and rain this wiuter. The ,,Exaui-
ju»r ' accuses Judge Townseuil ot taking a
hand in the general supplicatiou aud causing
uiu Burvtu» aud Jupiter Pluvxus tu uvtrdu the
Wc nru glad tu luara that H. B. Compson has
bo u reappointed tu tbi supenntendency of tbs
/Kiamatu agmey. taibc land that tbe other
iciup.uyrva arv all retained. The school has
|t»v«’n most aucucMsfulty e<»ndi*vted under the
ipresi ut mMOagem* nt. Tin-same may bc said
X»1 euperiut» udeut Braud» uburg ami his
dorps of asaUUntN at laiuax, who are equally
sau»factory tu rcaidvuts ut that vicinity.
Tue went of the month was the tulbard
tuurnamenl at mcmcQs & Withrow * ciub-
ruom* IU LinKviJu last week. The entries
were M« am! *. Huuuer, Bahlwiu, Leavitt. L)i>-
sett, Houston. Moure, Siemens aud smith.
Liptti ti to» K Urst money, wiumug six gaiu«s
out ot clgut piaycd; smith was s< cond best,
wiumug Uv« gam« s. Moure made the high» at
rqu, J5, aud Butcher the highest aVirage, l»Jg.
Tnc touruameut provided pleasant recreation
for scVtrai wiuter evenings, uud should bc re­
peated ut an curly day.
The following deed* have been tiled for
record tn the office of the county clerk since
«be laat report of the TIMS*.
J K Tuier io J C Neil; lnu acressnd lut* 5 and
a, ■< c a>, i wp ; m s , k -• E. saw.
t* It Hull to «V I Vawter; lota 7, 8 and 9, blk
M, Brdtvrd. >201.
w C Myer to Mr*. Martfaret Lindsay; iota 21
and 22, Myer add to Ashland. $402.
U W Howard tu G S Y ouiiks ; lot 7 blk 71.
Medford. $ nj .
I'. H. to John Callahan; patents to 24U acres
ko «wpX 8, H 1 W.
Jarne, G Binlsey, sheriff, to Cbas Nickell: 120
acres In twp 38 8, K 1 W. $460
b L Apide.ate to Marietta Dollarhldc; qul«-
elalui to 180 acres In twp 40 8, K 2 B. $1.
T J Clopton to H It Brown; two acre* in twp
M8, KI E. $05.
Plat of "the Whlttnir tract," Tolo, Oregon,
ftpencr r tkilldera 8r.. to 8nenc r Childers Jr.
1st .8 acres iu two 35 8, H | w $10.
i J Fhippa lo Emum E Justus; lota 3 nnd 4
and north uaif of loi 2 blk V. .Mulford. $5Ui
Mary L Currey to Edward Ashley; 4 acres In
twp 38 S, K 1 W. $1000.
J H Willlams «o P N Fick; 40 acres In twp 37
8. K 3 W. $200.
Fred U'Brysut to C*rrlc L O'Bryant; lot 10,
blk 68. $75.
Jas 0 Blrdsey, sheriff, to G«*o Hamlin: 120
acres lu twp 38 8. H 1 W. $475.
O k T Co to J McCoy, et al; lot* 13 and 14. blk
16 Gold Hill. $100.
Jouu A anil David V McBride to Jackaon
county; didicatlo.. for highway in twp M 8,
Carrie H Furmanto Spencer Chlldtrs- 160 8
screw in twp 36 8, K 2 W. *2000
J M Arthur et al, to 8 O 1. k M Co; quitclaim
Io undivided one-half of blk 17, Central Point.
8tavor 4 «Valker to aaine; quitclaim to un­
divided one-bait interest Imeaiueproperty $;.
T E Jones to David Whetstone-; lot
"D,” railroad add to Ashland, $auo.
UrraEAugfe tot FWulger; bond rordeed
ko 3.74 acres In two 37 8, it Z W. $«85.
L Uray to W W Erb; 211.38 acre* in twp 29 8
K 1 E. $700.
Pburtre J Wells to same; quitclaim to same
property. $2.
Froctue- Burrlas to same; same.
Lurllla M Broadsword to rame; same.
L L Angle to Orra E Angle; bond tor deed
tu 8.74 acres lu twp 37 8, It 2 W. $ mii .
b it Foiled to lamias F Follet ; town lots and
property in Moeltord. $1.
The C/dchrHted
il ...» «. i » r
/» » •
G .
n . I. n C rscs
.’A Wood
* «tur °*
oio“ «»»ui
and (enter
Draft Plow-. ti
Harrow.-, Cultivators,
Seeders, Drill«
Agncul «1 Implements of all kinds. AI.-<> Er.^l.i ami Farm Wagons,
Buggies, Carrui«jes, and Vehicle> Sof aH descriptions. Engines, Boiler ami Shingle Mills. Flouring
Mining and Brick Making Machinery, Belting, Oils and Mill Supplies.
■ kb Lirt wn oat or reía,
» uu ib > gw
Mrs Aloiand- r Vau^h*’, wife of one of
th»* m< nt pr«»n.ineni and cxu nsi vel.v known
nicrchniitw of Pr»**C"ti. Ark . « r »ca the fal­
lowing iriter ui der date af April 22. lMhff:
“I uwe the prrffrv Hinn of n.v life unde
p'Ovidciice t1» Swift’s S|»e»‘itic (S S. S )
For four years mv healfli wua wretched,
ruined—m v ii e. « li'e of c«»na(ant pain and
mist rv and t»*rit|re, Fo »d a-ure l on my
btoiuuf h, and wbal 1 at«* to-day 1 uonld
vomit to-morrow. My a’e^p a’ niaht wn -
broken with the in *t hor'ibh* vision* »n
dream?, •(> iuu<*b a«» that I could not bear
to be left alone; • hr -nic diurrinr«. a pai •
ful cough that ih*ea'enad me with con-
auinption; my f»*ct and ankles were twisted
out of all pr<c orlion, and inv 1 -nibs swelled
nine or lean. I couhl n<»t walk ♦ xcrpi on
a level H ' »r, and ih u with difficulty, and
for a wh L* could not get in or » ut of bed
Without a** st ,n
The prmsure of a fl' gcr on my body
would leave ita imprt*'M>*»ii, an<l iD sho t 1
thought I had dropsy Q addition tu my
o»ber afllictbjn!«.
Two doctors treated me faiilnudv »iunn>
thesiH |«oir y»'WTs but tiid me i o gou-i—th«
medi»-!» c- they g:,v rue weie a? u-eie?» a
Nlagn.ii t wa'er. My fri.uoH th» ugln 1
would d<«*, Buffering a? 1 w«i uith »uch »•
eonil jiiat on » I ifiai ;i‘-e-’.
In lsi<7 I di>toirinu»d th'» u-*'* • f th»
nit <1 »'»lies I had been heicfoture taking Hint
b gan to lak»-8w ¡fl's Spe< itir (8. > S.) Five
»»»tiles ol tins truly feonderiui medicm
aas abut worked the mira< le of my con -
l b*te and permanent rec»»v» ry ”
Ti eatiNe on biood and skin diseaseR mail-».
*3W1FT SPECIFIC Co . Atlanta. Ga
Tug advent of the u fiueiiia Into nu
D.» r»-ue eaetem citiee »:u» mg the tasi
week baat xtHrd n«»t a lime alarm at id
trrpxiaiiun on th a r*>nur»ei»t. 'lin­ din-
Lhe inil iiProduci d in tl.e lower l.uu>v
dan- of i t.^.C’N «as! Week t»y Kepi« sei»laiiv»
ease is Lot irgaidrd at tie i g at a
geruua. but i» rio edit g y a*inovit>g t
it. iu.,»nn. piuviding tur i•■payment ul
al» ciM>f» e, mik ) k M'tDr ta t quivrtirn! t » i fl
pt’i . «lutuall settle.s withili th»
temporal? luee of uttUpanun. Ai-tore, Diu.lbuiany mini giant which hua I kcj
mu^HiMiie, minn-te»* ahi lawyviM ar» •o ti.a> i»v th c»ai* d iutlelUd, and win
musi in »beati ol
approach,f«<r natu-al­ may l ave r u.clia»«d ¡amis m the even*
ly en« ng;» ili« t.t» ru e| »xtui u* p» mona il
iiuiiibvred s»«*IHdis at the »hmhie LJimi-*
netti teli tu
that ihr tuunliy ». o uui puce u $2 50 p» r acie. i» a mérito*
o.i the eVe ol a iaotii u* qu.nin»*.
num* mea-ure; out sliulhd be supple-
uienled by a bdi leduinng lhe i r»» v
Tiia ilirro states o( the Union which duilbie-iuiliiuium lands, « x< rp. liini»ei
have adopted piolnbiliuii a» a and mineral lands, tut lit imiMiuu.u tli«>
|«>r the vice ci druhkeunera—-.Vlaihr, ul >1 25 pe» acre tu actual buna jiJt *«•♦
ig.»» un«Gr tue pre-emption i.»ws ur :i
Ki., -an and lowu—llaVe ill . ffe* I com.
In II . i . in In».on that lire no caned ieui- ca* o ui cumin illation ol bvmvB’rai! ei.-
rdv .* a lai.ure. Neal D.«w r. Cenli) tr»«». 1< haa Amkcd a giea< hantship it
Mated that ill Portland giog*»h«>pt* "aei | a vaM t>uinb«r if carea lur lhe iiuneil
in. p.ettv luiieli »» lliey did iwriuy yearn set tier, »‘riving lu Muccwaaiiiiiy battle
uiiii." bi Kansas JuJge Furier najn; with nature anu ihetk^mmia, in what m
>.!•< I,hi* are conducted withuui dirgum« at tiesl an un« qua 1 Biniv, lu have tu pay
and > runiiial cuuita and jaiir are lull or .Double fur the land on w hich he intended
Probata Court.
I.until»**.” lhe lows State HegOtei tr tu establish ins hume tanraua«, lursooth,
The following bnsinM* was tranvactid in
pori* that “piulilb'tiuu baa piovtd a tail tiie tvderai government saw tit to sut»si-
pr 'bate court since our l»at retort:
<ir> in lhe deZen or more counties wine! «iiie a railiua«l company lu tun its line
Estale ot Oro W Cooksey, deceased
Putt» r’a via) has been discovered at tbe Pas»
contain the chief citiea and where tem­ within thirty miles ul lhe settler’* claim
In diggiug a well.
I ventury »nd appraisement hltd and ai -
The rank absurdity of making the settler
ei d.
perance is not needed.”
Work ia prugrcffitoing on Luyton A (’«».’»war«-
t»ear Die burden ut it* own bounty lu th.* liousc uu H Mtrcvt.
E is'e of B*|.tinte ('lugar. Admi’iialrn-
Gruut’s Pits» in holiday attire surprised»-ven I. r i rdereo u> aril personal properly ul pri-
Ji tail. T jia YKK of the rupretue court curpui at lulls dues nut *vem tu have eve
rate sale
occui red tu the general government. Tlie th«- oldest inhabitant.
rendered a nuuiiwr ot decision» which
Es'at» nt John Noland. Petition of »ti­
KeV. John Wliey, uf the Paas, »pent acverul
slight eiibancument in Vaiüe ut a quarter
me veiy unnopular m southern Oirgun,
da> a last. wccK in Mudford.
minsirstrix to sell really tiled and ci ta­
section willnn lhe limit* ot a ia>bua»i
amt in-"it be **»at down upon” vei)
Rev. Wm Taylor ami wife, of South Dakota, ins order'd to issue.
granl iu mure than offset by lhe la« t thal arc Hp« ndiog tn« winter at the Paas.
im it I t re if IM liar the iemei*ty tu reck
C«»nJs3n in Mpt udlng the holidays in
ta-enction. It make» all the dijlei-
Wurth Knowing.
diawu rum seiiiem«*nt by reason ui llie Sun Franc*iso>. A ph-aaunt trip tu him.
suce ill tl.e world tu buu who llie liti­
\V. H. M••rgan, lue ch.nt, Lake cit\.
Haya A Loy's new eat market is neat ami
Tiie gieat number ul abanduneij
gant » and lawyers interested in llie wi
Fla ,*a.- taken with a sever** c »id. at’en '
nometieads au»i
pre-emption claims utiruvtivv aud ia do >g a good businesa.
eial iare» aie; iiriice hia opinions »r<
M*sa Lizzie Farr, uf Iowa, ia spending the • <1 w tu a di*lres«mg ( «»ugh ami run dn
ntoctmtiunipLiun m ns fir.t stages Hein« d
ufu n bia-td ami nut temi*rei 1 with ju.
winter with rctativca in the cuunty-»eat.
i» nut like wuikijjg lhe uiinm ul Golcon
tice amt good law. Thia diatnet gave
The new $15.0Ui) hot« 1 will be the finest south lujicy s<>-calle i p.ipui r cough r»*ni>dit*M
W rm iedu<*e»l in
da lu hew out a hamlghuii in the w.l.ier- of Salem. Grant’s Pass nev«r does nn>tlnug imi Meadi y g»ew wor^e
Judge 1'l¡ayer a big vota in 1384. which
had Uitticultv in brew th ng and whk
uess, even though tit ie lu Uq; « Ulin ta* by naive».
viriu.d.y e.rcted him; Lui lie reckon»
The Masonic lodge will bare a grand invita­ u; at» e to si ep
Finaby rie<i Dr. K»ng's
given free. A* the Dakota fanner ob­
without tn» hunt if he calculate* to gei
tion, installation aud supper to-murrow night New Dmc»>very forcoiKUtup’iun and l«>un»l
served, ‘‘the government wagri* a qtiar- ut tau paas. .
any majority Fiere at all in the luture.
limned ate relief, and alter using about h
ter-tantion ut it* domain agam*t tive
The holidays were never more happily spent i.aif <n sen h tiles found himself aed and
year» of tbe settler’» life, that hr camiui in J*>«»cpbine county, and there was no end to ha' bad nu leturn »>f the disease. No other
I.x the land «pnf.'St» lietween llie rail- l( main on Lj* claim the iu»l period; amt tbe ainuseinents.
retii.dv can >h-»w so rand a record <»i cures
r»a<l company and i*< W. Smith, Julin iD nine iBsra nut u h*b tbe guvcrninrnl
Tbe fall term of school on Murphy creek, so .»s Dr. King’’« New Discovery for consump­
BeavriiUe, 8r., ami Je»»e H- wins the bvt.” Tu be mire, here in Ore succcaafuily taught by Miss Ailie Carson, tion, gunrant*ed to do just what is • la med
ciuacd last week.
for ii. Trial bottle free at ail drug st res.
centiy decided in favor *»l lhe ret­ gun, With our *ui»eiiur enmate andgbun
Rev. G«?o. W. Black an»l family, of Grant's
ti«! * tn tlie land depailuient at W»Mw
are spending tbe bolidaya at Central
dance uf tir biuWw, tue condition» air
An Ineuranet Cl-r*’» G*o«f Forrwaa.
ingiuri, the renier» had purne**iuu alni revri»»d, and in nine vaB's out uf ten tlie PoiUt aqd yjcinity.
Roc Grant, who Is employed In the Hartford
fian improvement* on llar land» When tung-'uff«*iing Mrlilri endure* unto tlie
A Christmas tree ap«l entertainment at the
and Annuity Insurance Company, held
the) were-wit bdi awn iu la vor lit lhe rhd on a homrsietni claim ; but it is none M. E. Church. South, ou ”<‘hrisUuas Eve. was ■ I.ite
mo-twentieth of ticket Kt,KM, which drew tbe
enjoyed by many.
railroad company.
lhe deeiaiou *• a the ir»» a baidsbip to him tu have to pay
ttrat capital prtie ot $300,UUO in tbe drawtug of
New stores are opening In Orant's p.i»a
jurl une, ami umv gives llie Settler nglitr •luobie tithe» iOr liir pi ivilr^e of develop aliu»»st cv«.Ty week. A furniture store ia thia The Louisiana State Lottery Company on tbe
15th of October. He collected tbe money
which he would have had 11 tie had riieei mg the «‘oyntiy within tiie limits ui tiie we« k's acquisitions
through Adams Kxpr.ea Company —Hartford
After the next letting of contracts there (Conn.) Time», November 18th.
previous IO lhe expiralioii ol the land rat ioaii grantf
The government wants
other limitation, liad llie cunten» tieen the public ¡and* qccupted tiy 6ong Jlde will t>e a trl-wevkly mail from Grant a Pas»
to Williams, via Murphy.
iiiauguialetl during Kepiimlean admrn- eether»; the individual >ga<e» Jemre it
8. Mounrv and wife, of Marshalltown. Iowa,
istrauunr, the outcome would have been ibove all thing» else, anti even ihe
arrived at Grant's Pass last week to vetablisn
ot lier w lhe.
___________ ___
toad companies are nut avrisr to having ¿heir bum«* in that section.
¡1. C. Jpzncy. accompanied b> Mrs. E. B. Car««. ky „Metin, th, St,MMtTU*-
the country developed. Tnrre can he
Wlncn, bls inutber-in-law, returned from •ti. Llw in* KWnn, ; bMutlfy th, e«*^«ilon by M>
Kiunr columns of solid nonpareil witti- no argument advanced to justify the New York city last’SuDday
rttyln, th, Mo«* ; nlM In tlMlr (ctlM. ptmunt t, tek,.
uu a »ingle original idea. That's llie ctiargmg 'X double minimum price for
Prof. H. L. Benson will attend ;he teachers’ ..M nmr ,rlM ar ,lck,n. O m I m H h , 2Set». •
(vat accomplished by President Hain»oii these rvrtvoyi^bered *••<•»!« n-, nut to institute at Medford to-morrow aud <Jt!iycr b«L O hm m , Gtneral SIMM « by im II. Snm^cttrw
in »rtiii’g Ins annual ineraage to cun »leak of additional Jand-uffi. r ire», save an address on •*Tbe Aims of Life.”
KeV. Father Noel will hold Catholic ser­
gres- ; amt tlie manner of presenlatiun i» and except tiie very *bui i*»igbied con
vices at the bouse of Mr. Johnson, of Grant's
eipiallv as hucklieyed a» tlie idea* pre- aidrratioii that their egtya .cugt to llie Pass, onthe 2Vth, at 10 o’clock a . m .
fo Care AU hkln
bented. Never, during tlie past twenty settler may enable the railroad Aium-
Simply apply “S waymk ' s O utturn ?.’* N o
The annual meeting of the st(M*kh«»ldera of
'.nternal inedudne required, (’urea tett«r,
years, covering the
administration» panie» to obtain an enhance«! price lur Xhe Sugar Pine Du«»i aud Lumber Company intcriml
eczema, itch, all eruptions on th»» face, hands
Id uu Wedneaday, January 1, |.«w.
ut live presidents, has a pre»idential tiwirown hohimgs. Hiinpir ju-ticr re- will
n<is»‘, ic., leaving the skin clear, white anti
Hon. Davis Brower attended supreme court limlthy. ItH great healing and curative pow­
message lallen a» »* tbi» one h..a. quire» I,bat «ii sU< ti lands t>r leetuird io
The message will make .Mr. Ilarnson rm ah tqnaiMf pi'h the general pobuc do­ r«»pondeut in the case of Rkidk; vs. Miller, ers are j»oHs«M.*»‘d by no other remedy. Ask
your druggist for S waynr ’ h O intment .
fiiemls, ami with lhe exeeptiun of the main, a» iegatda »‘ost tu the bonujidemsl *-t al.
Miss Mercy Appl« gate is visiting relative*
abauid parug'a) h relating to pditica in tier.
aud fri« nds in Dram, where she will remain
the .South, will make bun no eiieuue»
!"... ...
11 »U
for th«* holidays in tbe hope of recuperating
Mr. Hlaine'a woiai etieiyy will nut ac
her impaired health.
cuse him of having had any band in th.
The Christuias-tree entertainment aud party
as KerbyviUe wcr<* v«rv weP-attcudcd nnd
preparation of tiii» message. More Re-
A recent number of the Qregonian bandBoin«* affairs. Everybtsiy enjoyed tb».*m-
publican» than ever nuw refer tu Mr.
ci.ntain* <l>e tolluauig reeuinni. n<i*t«oii» selvua and went away satisfied.
Harrison aa Haye» II.
The new safe of Sherer Jt Judson, received
by llie Oregon delega'ion iU Waabingtuli
la-t week, is the laYg-st In Southern Oregon,
«• l) tor tl.l* »tate : U. S. mai -hal, L- T. weighing
pounds. It is a snug fit in’
T iik» ot tlie United State* Mf •■( Oregon City; coileclor ot eut- height for 5010
an ordinary box car
U a «mtitutlonal and not a local oiaeaM,
pear to differ with Mr Hairuu n « I ■ . oii : h «1 l'orliand, R !’• Earhart; coile«-
Tbe recent purchase by the Presbvtei inns of tad the ref oie it cannot be cured by local ap»
tbe legislation necrr**arj to*riv.,xu’*i ibeir tur ol internal revenue, Milton Weid'er. Grant’s Pass of a |74JO Church organ gives
doubtless the best musical Instrument in plications. It require» a constitutional rcn>
interekls. Mr. Harriaon in his nrem>»«tr , <» Porliand; surveyor genera', W. H. tbciu
any church south of the Willamette valley in fidy like Hood's S rcap“r lia, which working
to congress s*y* : ’ Tlie protective ;>rln-' B.a.e, ij >*1' m; V S. dialrict attorney , Oregon.
through the blood, t*. ■ c t. -» ¿he impurity
ciple inaiii'aiiied and fairly *|.plie<i !• I1’I’. Ma«n( <4 The Dalles; |«stu>astcr
The Grant's Pass Water, Light anti Power Which causes and pi
«Usaaae. and
lhe product* ol uUr farms as well a» vj .«1 foil ai d. Geo. 4. i»teel; leceiver of Company are getting ready for busim-M» d«»wn
un inc river bank, having a portion of the
. »hu/>» ’ The National Fanner's auu dud
IBce at Ro*ehunr, Jndiew M
ground already cleared and th«« frame of their
l.ah irer’* Union at their convention in Crawioid, of Maifhfl. Id, C
.uiin'y; building up.
St. Louis declare: We favor such revi* l>o*tma»ler at Baker City, Geo. JI
A wagon-load of cabbag»* brought u» the
ion ami reduction ot lire tai iff that l.,xe- ("racy ; siipeivi*or ot cen*u- ea«t< rn dis­ PiikxbyQ. H. Briggs.of Suckercreekjast we« k
over MO pounds per head, many or effects a permanent cure. Thonsanda of
may real a* lighily a* pooaibie a,on pro- trict m O.egon, J. W. Sirii'.-.
of La tbcnlceiy.trinitned brads weighing more than people testify to the success of Hood’s Sarsa>
ductive lirtior, and that its burden* may Giuiide ; western district,Job>: H. Shupe, 40 n^tinds each.
\ parllla
Ptnl as a remedy kr catarrh when other
be imposed upon the luxuri-s and re­ of Oakland; commission U> 4|>prat>e
JEastern parties are coptemi llUallMIbe er*«*-'.toter
»reparations had failed. Ho*id’s Sarsaparilla
_______ r .. al ..........
moved from the necesaariea of life, aud land* ol iTnatil.a Indian reservation, J. jfttn of a foundry an«l macf fiiiie-ahop
> builds up the whole system, and make#
^ounty-aeat. Tbe enterprise ■would
would undoubt»
in a uiar.ncr which will pievent contin
M Summerville, J. B. Eddy and J. P.J ally be consummated if there was a railroad you feel r«*n»-w»d in health aud strength.
tied acTUinnlaiion of the United Slate* Bushee, all of Pendleton,
Vuialllla to salt water from that point.
treasury surplus.
The literary and social entertainment given
county; faiiner at Indian school at
C'heuiawa, C. A. Reed, of Portland;
Eve. by the Baptist and Methodist Sunday-
“Y uvnu mkn in politic*” wa* tlie sub­ comini»*ioner to represent Oregon in I schools, was a novel and pronouuced success,
MI used Hood’» Sarsaparilla iur catarrh,
ject «4 Mr. Cleveland's recent letter to tlie Wo.Id’s quailro-centannial exposition ip an»! a nice sum was realized for tbe respective
and received great relief and benefit from it.
1802, Wiu Kapns, of Portland ; collector schools.
Democratic Club ui Caiiiuu. Ohio, a *yn
Tbe 8 P. Cojnpanv has erected a building
/. arable, cspeck Hy
<)p»i* ul wtiicti wiU be iuumi on tbe ol cUMlvui* al Yaqnina, R A. Beiise), ol with track running through the center at the The catarrh was v ry
tiiet pagv of llie TlMK*. Tlie nt Newport; register ot land office «t La county-seat, near the machinershopg. to be In the winter, causing constant discharge from
as a repair shop, something long nulled. <ny nose, ringing noises in my ears, and pain»
beueve» that ‘‘llie constantly growing in­ Grande, Lun Cleaver, ot Baker city; UM»«d
It will bc rap«ciaily convenient for repairing I d U o back • f my bead. The effect to clear
terest niani(e»teil by our yuung men in regtafei ot land office at Itakeview, A C. passenger coaches.
tl.e principles ot the Demucrsiic t arty Hinder, ot Jxikecunnty ; collector ot cus­
As the frame of the m*w factory Is about up
■oti»titute* tlie muet tellable hope ut toms at A»toria, E. A. Taylor; deputy and the work of getting the building ready
o<*cupaDcy goes steadily forwaid, tiie citi­
their ascendency.” Tu young oitiaen» collector* J W Welch and Henry Hahn ;
zens of the Pass look forward hopefully to an
ki-e:.»y alive tu the country'» welfare, inapeclur, Frank H. Ward, po»tiiia*ler iurly resumption of tbe business of supplying
my head 1!> ! >e in.
g and iptt-
“reare.I in tbe freedom ut tlntrsnuueled at Astoria, J. 11. II. Gray, ol Astoria; I 1 this coast with sash, doors and boxes.
tii.R was i i.nfi
. ...¡'.¡a gar»
.Imught U> fulluw the patli of g<
good citi- chi, t ch-rk railway mail service at Port­
Many thousand pounds of wintt-r vegetable
me relief .. :m . 1 was
rruponeibilities can land, W. W. Welki-r; postmanter at have been shipped from Grant’s Pass this
Kensiup,” loiilical
season, mainly th»« product of the rich Rogue entirely -
''non: Hood's
2. Tbe importance of Ashland, A. P. Hammond.
lie ________________
aaKiy trusted.
rtv« r, Applegate and WRlisms creek valleys. Bart if arda
i.k It Is worth
Tlie lolh'Wing important offices in Ore­ W. S. Patton alone sbipp«M 30,0 mm pounds uf
uiBintaniiBK >n active »eivicr all the year
B GIBB, 102»
around tlie clul>* ul tbe young Democra­ gon and of out it, tuive heretofore b.en onions and potat»»cs to Ashland last week*
... D. C.
Kii- ' '
tilled on r.commendation of the dele­
cy ol llie ciXMitiy caiinut tie oveie»tima
tid, and Mr. Cleveland ia doing good gation: U.S. Indian agents—Umatilla,
far Rent.
wrvH-e by repeatedly inculcating it in Lee Moorehouse, of Umatilla county;
,r»> pared ooty
My baro in Jacksonville, opposite the .. ..............
Ina rr*|>onHe* to the invitation« ot Dem­ Warm Springs, J. C. Luckey,*'of Crook court-hou!««.
b . m / wo U, Maaa.
county ; Grand Kunde, T. N. Faulconer, i
W. H. FiUU.
ocratic aaaociatimia.
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castori».
Catan h
: »arilla
vo liar
M edford , O r ., N ov . 16, 1889.
Gentlemen:—Having UBed one
of your Evans’ Steel Tubular
Lever Harrows, I have no hesita­
tion in saying that I believe it to
be the best harrow in the market.
urn H'li.rn wAa kui 'R d .
imi llwiptivi
W C Myer to I N 8hex.k; part of lot 24.
Myer's add to Ashland, $lou.
J A McBride to David V McBride' «0 acre's
In twp 30 8, It 1 E. $1700.
» Ue Kiisus App.egate; patent tolCOacres
Ti e foil* wing business bus been d spused
ot in cir« li t < ourt Mince our last »e)Mirt;
Stale vs. Kiiser «ft Jacubs; citation t»i
sb«»* Ciiiue why d* fci dunt** should n t <«e
niini«hr«i lor contempt, etc. D i I< iu 1 hdi
Kaiser app nr«*<i t»\ attorney, H. K. Ha
i’«, and tilaad* d want »»i j'fis icii<»n.
Taken under Hdvisement uni I January 0
I MM).
S ate v*. Abner Ker t; indictment for »s
-atilt with a dangerous weapon
f ir new trial pending.
Fl« i-» liner. Ma» er «ft (’»>. vs Kubli «ft
B » t. Judk'in* n’ (or defendant-*« ior cost-
etc , amounting to $51.«u.
Jurors excused from further attendance
nnt I Monday morning, January 20. IW.
Talesmen on fi-ecial venire dv*cba ged.
I J. Ph'pi s vs J. Noland estate; ior*-
< loan re. Di^misse»! <»n mbtion nf plaint.ff
Be» kniaii A Kranies ve. hur ft ,t An
«Irews; to recover money. Same.
Slate vs Enos R ten; r»»bb»ry. Scn-
tencr«l to one year in the t»enhenti»rv.
In ma'ter <»f Nsaignm» nt of J. H. Will
irtins ai d A. A Bashor, insolvent debtor*
F'< al report «f R. II Mo«»re, H-ssigue»,
filed and said ashknee d'acliarged
Fodder Cutters.
• ôtavek ' iÿ W alk er ? Med ford, Ot.:
Circuit Court.
STAVER & WALKER’S Branch House, Medford, Oregon
June Be-e k tel John Be-e k; quitclaim to liifi.'
blk 3. liarr'a add to Medtord. $1
10 twp
40 S.K
S. 4 t*.
•*}’ to
H K Ila*. • r lOiWm Hiiuger; lota 6 and 0, blk
Holiday Season!
J esse R ichardson .
1 and Mining CiaiinN bought ami su'd on com­
tll.Xi.Ml PATENT'S <ibtuin»*d at reasonable
AL rat » -i ami with «iiNpatcii.
|>Ro.MP'i ATTENTION giv» n t»»ull business
1 c mu i te«l With the Land Oihv«'.
M edford . Or., Nov. 11. 1889.
S tayer & W alker , Medford, Or.:
No. 42.
•Jtm uitch ol uuimprovi-d lami, ¡Mi acre»
uliicii ih praiii«* land ami tlu* baiane»- g
limbi r lami. All go»»d truit and grnin in
Yvith l w<» hving npnngs of water. Four in
I rom Jacknonv Uiv.
BOOKS, FANCY Ml Rill ills.
Gentlemen:—Having used one
of your J. I. Case Plows for tJie
past year in “Sticky,’’ I can safe­
ly say that it is the best plow for
that kind of soil I have ever seen.
It does the work perfectly.
W, M. S ly .
Nu. B».
IttO acres,
(’nimprov.ii; well watered, and a first-class
pluce t<» ntali'■ a good home.
Which hr is selling nt i hr
No. 55.
400 avrei».
I iiimpr<»v«*d, h vel, rich grass and fruit land;
tit le, donation claim. -Agréât
bargain; . miles » ast «»t Centrai Point
My koím I« are tirat-clusH. and ! will st II tln in
4ïM)acr»K JUU ii» r. s rieh, lev» !, bottom land,
Ht prie«** that will astonish all. Giv« ìih
small bouse and sta«
call and be convinc'-d that « in» »tn just wlmt I
bi*-; b» ai mg «.rciiMitl ot choice variety of ap­
m «\.
sugar-piuc tim-
Jacks .iivili . < >r»m>n.
l»»l; g»»od Mte toi HUW-miâl; K« mm I r»NUUI sum-
invi Hiui winter. E viiiin en < k runs on east
l»ouii«mr> <-t K.I.-1 lUtBi un«i »-un bc utiiiz»-d for
irrigation. Six miles tn»m K. K. depot; oue-
i fouitn mil» 1 l’iiin rcuool an»! postolhce. l’rivv,
$1« per acre.
15110 livres, unimpn»ve»i; liti ie» » I, rich, bot­
tom lauti. ud¡ wai» ntl, pi» i»tj ot timi»« r, laud
eau b iiiu<i- tm i>» .-t duir> ranch in tin-state
otKr.gofi, J.» nu1»* trou» Awiihviid. Prie»- ÿt
pei nt re, iïnus, fiait casi» in hand, balunce
on t »!•>> terms.
J'.', a« i.
'.«’¡nr» s 1« necci and in cu!tlvati<»ii.
H.i»!'«. , t ai n, « i« I-arti, ni« a«i«>w, <iti<*-hnl( mt« r-
« st in w.ih I'-itih-n anu u at« r-rigiit, and s) st« iu
• d u i > winch 125 acres may h«- irri­
gai» <i. mi . am ui wat« i running un north
n<Hjn«iui> <>i the piace. T» n iuil«-s irumcoun-
l) ><at,.«ni »ui«-anu a tnut miles truth p«»st-
«ilhc« an i scnuolimuK . Price. ^.RAJU.
4«>'. at i i *», all 1« n«-«-d and In cultivation. It is
situati u in ii»c it. art ut Rugue it ver valley ,uiic
mm- it-«»in « intra' Point «npot. Three cum-
I « .riiil'i<' ii weinngs an«l ture«' harns are on this
traci, ai> • un «.ri-hard ul a choice variety ut
tiun. in. -.■his tr««, rich, hia« k loam, and
wr»»w .uiaila without irrigation. Will I h
s . i . i a.- 4« g 4i«ii< «.r -uiMin lut-u intoJJ l'armsol
' f At*1' , v tracts. I id r. is imwast« ian«i
u.‘.’taM ta,u.r... j... T.-'H-WJ."’?"';'1
ami prie» > »-ail on «a address tn«- unaersignM
at Mcdiord, or« gon.
C ommittee on A kkancxments :—J. Dyer, J.
Cronenit Iler and W. Lytle.
A im I <’v<Tvthing etoe
In this
1IM» .u r« s ; IW acres tencc«! ami in cultivation ;
K m < Krrto.N C ommittee :-Geo. Linn, L. Stone
My kfhm I n aru new and of the I h * i brand*, and nv< a« usiti orcnard ; <lw« iling ami bainund
and Fi' tch« r Linn.
wil! bv gold at 1 he
! g«HMit.-m «r. A lirst-c.iiss place. Nin»‘ miles
C ommittee on Meal«':—George Schmitt, K.
tmm iaiir«»ad d» pot. Prim, $U3UU; two-tmrus
Kohli, Jr., and H. »tone.
cash »i.iw ii ; baiane« on casj 1« rms.
F looh M anagers ; uwtte Muller. Geo. BI«M»m-
vr ami J. G. Birds»*) ot Jacksonvitle; J.
Give me a rail t>efore Kohu »• •»•‘whirr.
JIO 4ici1 ' ad.LiiiJiig the corporat»* linnts ot
Pierce «>f Medford; Chas, Gay of Central
tn. turili \ an« gi -wing city ol Mc<lt«»rd, ml
P»»int, and Jesse ilouck of Ashhind.
1« n«-« <1 an i in cuitiv.ttmn ; a k » hk 1 uwcliing-
h«»us. Mii.iit v. ry iaig< burn; small «irchard.
M . !.. c AKS» iS
i id i • i> n - v, .i.-i--land on tins place; the s«»h
Thuae who ran nut dance, cuinv and we will
is a lien, bank loam an<l tree, easy tu culti*
teach you.
\ ,ii< an i v. ry pr.-<iu« tiv« . 'iins tarili win bt
Those who can dance and are btrangers,
sut»uivi«D i ml»» àu-iH r«- tracts, it dcwicfi.
c«»mc and w« will introduce you.
Prie«. *.«• p « r acri.
Tuos.- who ure known to us all, conic and w«*
will take g«Fod cure of you.
2Uba«'r«> kiiDwn as tiie ILak iijos or Cui­
us pia«., alhjut tnr«v mil«* from .Mcdt«»ni.
Single tickets, including supper. $1.25. Spec­
olitili i’.io rn i ano i.-igii Point r»>ad, contain­
tators will be a«lmitt«d for 25 cents.
ing i-iOaii >«.f rich tainniig land, ail mid« r
1« m ». u itn i''in t oil ahi« hotix- ami good burn.
Hi w «nit lions« wi ll, «■!<•. This place lies wel,
t.i tin sun, i.'w« ii drained, aud wen ailaptcu
toi ihmr truit or tanning land. Plenty ui
tiintui l« i an u.-»* with place, it issituatcXl
w itimi on an t tm • < -tomtn.w ruin sol Pinenix
lu the Town of
ia,.ri an «.I j I. « an easily b«- made one ui On
I», .-i i an«.1«-un t.i«' « a.M side «»t Bi ar cr»*« k.
Prn «.
io per a« i «.
• IhU f • ne»il ; 45 in » lilt i vat loti ; eight
lada; y«ning or< har<i <»t .fun choir«
Siskiyou County, Cal.,
vari« I,. 1 H int n «« .-; sinal. vineyard ; good.
H n ow«-liin/ riuUNi , barn umi outhouses;
running wat«i tmough the farm; goml out-« i i -t . k 'Um t< « n miles 1 i-«>m rairoad
«D i-« t. i ll« tor < rop ami tarin j.PiW)
Uur-fourth down, baiauce within six, twelve
nd eighteen in»»ntha.
l»H»a«.-- li«'h iici-ii, 5u a« r« s in »‘ultivation,
tk*»’ tnnp at Railroad l)»-p»»t for grad»*d pri'*» s,
ni< a-iow ot iiilii.ia an«i tinu»thy. good orchard,
l-i« nt \ ot in >i-riant»gulden lumi, m I i cuv< rod b)
Town-Site Agent
P. It. R.. San Fram-is»;»».
wat i 11 ni tuo in mating «iitctics, two miles
1 rom >au-iiiiil, «iti» miie trom school-house,
i..:ik «i hist-class dairj ranch; fencing
hi sp.« iLi.d cornuti»»ti. buildings only fair,iutu­
li« i ilnap amt Hand); 15 mil«> trom railroad
crop Included.
Our trees are grown without irrigation on <lep«»t. Price,
r»*d hill land. and all of known varieties that
12U ai i’." »«i» ;icr»‘N fenced and .‘W acres In cul­
8ucc»*«‘il in Southern Or» g»»n.
al lai til. small orchard,
Those contemplating jree planting will do
lung In «is., small barn, « t«„ running water
wel! to Visit onr orchanl and nurs'-ry. or writ» «¡w.
’, $1(KIU.
to us for price list. Address to u* at Murphy.
Josephine county, Oreg<ui, or to R. R. Station.
ami 15») aerea in
tages leave J acksonville every Grant’s Pass, Oregon.
ruitiv.itioii. goo»l house, barn and outhousi's,
Monday and Friilay at II o'clock A. M. for
seviral large
WildiTvilli..retiirnlnirTiii nday-H and Satunlay».
springs, afloi’ding plenty ot water for garden
Stairr Icaviw for Uniontown on Widneialaya
meadow; six
at lOu'cloc-k A. M„ rcturninir Thuraduy».
mil' s t nun Grant's Pass. Price $5UUU. A great
nargain. Terms, «»nit-halt cash, balance on
«‘Hsy t< mis.
120 iicr» s of fruit lami, withintwo mill's of
(¡rant's Pass, will besubdividiM in lOor 20-acre
tracts if d«*sired. Price $7 50 pe r acre
Very Lowest Prices.
Grand Mask Ball,
At ilio U.
Stoves, Tiuwate, Cutl ry
Jacksonville Silver Cornet Band,
Michaaics’ Tools,
Lowest Ruling Prlcos
100000 TREES IN SiOCK,
Apple, Pear. Peach.
Plum, Prune Apricot.
Nectarine, Cherry.
Almond. Chestnut.
JL M.nbvu prupurty;
Nu. f.
A g«>»iu iaiui ul iOU iurta mi Evans <n«.k. in
lurMuiuu»^, impiiA tu h itu a uutning M>x.4
.ut uhm iiw li/uiHb, a liuin anu Manna, eo
« u t » e 11 u» iu, 40 UCi«.» ili CUltlVUli» n, u » uat-
< 1 iu una u mie ouibiut laug. luiNiiak. A Ao.
i slot k luiiij. i'iAuu, lillotu Uuilar» pei aule
cmbu . .liliv perigei.
Ao. t».
Furty aercsot tinibrr tand eluse lo thi coun-
lj iuau KMUHig tu lui j»m L*UUu nau-iuLi; val-
uuiiii cuti ti^ im lun tiuiucr. GuVt.ruiuiut ti-
ln . ì ili ,,W 40.1 la «/Ut ul U»l blalt UhU Ilio Idilli
Min bt e,» ìu i«ff- hVu uuDiUs p«.i acre, cash. A
buigu111 lui' bulucbuuj.
No. 7.
ì w<» bumlred anu lurty acrta-sUty acr<s
li neiu anu in cuitivaUun, impluvio wilu u
uicu bcaung uituuiu ul Uhi <u»&u!tcu liuit
• i . ie; uuueoiug uuusc. a bainanu utmri.ut-
uuueis. Awu tklleulnb ul uuin run tnruimb
• «**•» piact . il la bum « pi i U$c ul beili£ QjViutd
.441«) iwu pi vive ul mie/u 44 ijuì cu uiau tumty
taUicf uacu. lui. nurtJA 4iaii ul lui» piace m uu-
»UipluVi-u. "lut. ilupruVeU tX/ auree ale Wtatti
14o uluei ino acne, t'.Mi. ruui lul4t s
4rum Ceuiiu4 FuiUl raLi'uausialiuu. litio i»tr-
No. S.
A Larmor lLMacixs, improved with a com-
tollable uu cuing; tenuti vs liuccu
ana in cul-
ovation, ulti» a uving spring
_ mm uh
-- - uwtU-
ma. urn ul ine v
v.ry^D. Bi stock rangt« ..........
in io<-
ctiuiil) . k mili « ere» k Lous luruugü mit» lam)
1 iU< p» ri ee t. Prie»
l’nu«, fcsuu.
No. V.
A g»s»d place of lhu tu res, improved with a
gouu. m w iiMui nee, barn uhu gruiiary; about
•ixty aurtslcuccM, with an ui couru ut’ a lx «ut
• »n« iiumirvu iuy.'.vHtiu iruit trees; um* targe
spring un«i «4mr smaller on«s <>n the imm
i unkci ire» k runs inmugu tue Liu» v. >pn u-
M4U m , a I i«. uRu goVcinim in iTtr»
puuu, CMSil.
No. 10.
AluKkbuuse undlaig,
In J*< k-..iiviU«-
Pillili nlabh . A CulUluiUtbiV»
, una - title
pvrtwt. Pnct.^a»; y.Wtubh
-------------Mou ba;anee in
lurex- L^ual
....... ’• pay menu ot Mx.iwt.vcanu • igii-
tc< tU montlm; U« lured l-MJ in» nth to ÜJMW un
1" 1 < 1*1. <1*1 1 < H.
’ ‘
No. 11.
A cumfortubJe traine huuae in JackMonviile
Situntvd ut a moM pictur«Mqiie ami c»»m- ‘“r suit t.n i.uM.naiuL Itilo»«, ul luna ruum»»
maiKlmg point in th«* tarnou«« R >gn< Riv« r .ili'J kileiHU; 4txuItU uU ì iillxj btlXxt, Hlid
Valley, three hundnNl milca aoutii uf Port­ »»a« u ktMMi wi'U ut UMi«_r at tm u.»ur wito
land, in the phunointMinl city ut GRANTS U44 IHIXaMir) UUtUuUMffi. U Ui tM huiO l'irtfl!
a»* tu» * kiii ) it, m taMun Ur«gui4 auu ha* uu
Th«- town irtdx year« old. Iiaa a population lurtuvr U n tur tu« prupvrty.
«d uv« r 2JKM.I and in growing tuater than an)
No. 13.
tuwn in th».- Stal»-.
A ¿wo-Mury bricM huuae in J*»< kjM.nville,
It has tw»*nly iarg<* saw-mills In operation
Malti |4p» « tu ih« primis« s^ anu I uiuiia b
within a radiua ul tw»nty mile»-, an»l bhtp» ■ witL
.1« Il 1 «rt<m Hi 1 4»V fli.liht , 1 I « ili M 111 HFg »*4.1 Hlg
more lumber and manufix tur«*<l w»»odwurk A i .VH u UFM 4» Hrt utili un M 1U11 hM1|
than an) town in Or« gun. ex<*«-pt PurtlMiid.
i.tiiU, DOX^UJ 1»
H| »»U.C. KllU hHM 4411 ILt J j »iitb
it I ihn tw<> Hash ami duor !a< torieN, • mplov- gi
ing over 150 m« n.
f—A*», fcLXAi 441 tHiiv ut MÙl*, Qtl«|«U |hl) -
t»ri< k opera fiouae in Cour*» ul con* pili«
ih Mvunu by a murtgug« un un-
Mt ruction, bewiduM ««*vcrai ot h< r l»n< k Ktruct- pit mi>* •*. <;| Mi» i .u*44 ut «.ptiuu ut Im pulì liaiu
ure* under way
«i. 11411* ih u v«r> uthiiMbm hxutiuii, bi-ing
Has ten g» id ral mercliHndiM* stun*, doing u4i4.
iig ijd vu > u. »i tamii) rondi ih . hii Ihe
an aggregat«-ca>h iiu»in»KMof $L’,mw i>»Tdav. «uw li—tiiii' ptrlixl.
R«<-< ivet* and tthip* through Wvlla, Farg«» A
tumpany and other aourcc* ov< r ¿ftJO.OOU
Nu. 17.
worth of gohi dual annually.
A i-umt<jitalM« fruiiiv huuac* witli a v<-ry *arg<*
Hrtatiaiiy htJigf communication with <’r«*-
in J.u ks.*iivim. ina guua n< igiiburhuud
c, nt city and other c*MU(t ¡a»inta, an»i is Mtu*t- •ut
ed at a point on the main line of the On-gon tu» bHJi' ull r» itb>4Ui()h IcrUiK; m»2* K4Hlg«. Mll-
A California Railroad wh« re a division of tet­ iing-ruuiii witn 44 gutrtl tir» |I.MC(. tuugtrtrtj I mi I-
kitemn. u g<M*d u»M«.1uul<r ut
ri Uiry takes place latwcen Portland and San luuuiauiidu
ili«- «tour, wuudnuuH«-, et«. Prk-e, J niu .
Francisvo, thus affording
Nu. 22.
A No. 1 grain und st.A k fami uf
a< r< ► 5
inikMtr«»iu i • ntrai Pmnt rauruau utuii» n und
bix mini* lr»»iu Mcdtoru runru«ui «tatu.n- ali
.« v« i. k :aiiu una « m i«M u w Uh u muc-niU
linee, una ali unu«r cuiiivaLuii. ImpruVtxl
Wlt il 14 .**44.44 4 1 »1W »'441Ug-b«>U>vt . M l»44l U .AikuU 1 * « t
iaigt granury. h girtrtj bpring wiiich tinniMHb
pi« nty <»1 UHUriur Uum«»i4» undbtu<k i or-
pum«. 1 ni» larm i» bum .« pum« <4 b« ing »iivid-
• ni ini«» twu. tiir««- unti L.ur farmi», mu cv«ry
YA4A\,.'21J* ls, N’M*U lumi unti mar a »*« h«Mil una
'* 'iiv p«-iT«»:t. Pricc. >5u per acre
Grant s I’ hnn , in aililition t<> having a Jargu
A < .iiiL.i tabli- i .Miu.iie.. oix «inornia m.wvt
aiid vxtrcinely h rtilc country at Itn buck, la
KuirtiumiiU by whai will eventually prove tu *u Ju< kx.nvillv, «nuc.iitain* * tuli lm.1 Ulovk
I»«- tlu- largeM iintl tn«' richvNt gold producing .1 U«.._l«i I. . 1. 1,«. « .labi, alia otn. | „uù
region tn the 1'nttvd State». ’1 here are piaci r I".III.'". -.II*. u*~ll.<l bui, Ulta «l.uan.x-
niiiHw now in operation within forty mi lew ut *'*ll. ul io w wiliot wat.-r. 1*110 |7uu.
tlie tow it \ ftfliiing aw high m * $l»AJ,UUl‘ p< r an­
Nu. 24.
num each. Thur«' i« otic quartz nunc Rhe Ex-
A line. u*«r y uew r, aldi uce un «Ireuou
ubc«pier/. within 1- mih* ot town, shipping
t 1. bi.. k ....
or.' in »-aimati l»»tN to theSulby Suieiting Work* almi, in Ja.k-. uviu.. bong
<«r. «ni atr, < t. a«u i„ t
ot «san 1 ram inco , t hat k « h * from f lbu t«» £'.uu 11. imiiK ..)■ 1« < 1 <
•il tu aliol. a IH* 1U4. 1**1 oli ».tal Mini
p< i t«m in gold ami there is little doubt but ■ Ila-
a amai, «lliiyalu alni a, n., u nm.
wfiat iiunurcdt« ut other linriee in J«* m phim
ii . hi Ino! *r..Hiu* on in,. |.,t
count) would pru%c «qually mn go»»d it thor­ I .'«l>
oull,uiliull*a. ■ *<»! weil ol wale, and
ough!) d« vch»|rtxt. It lirt.s I»« <11 eMJmat«'»! t liHt
1,11 h>
ui“,mWv '«**tivn. Prie«
tin placei gold output tr«»iu JaekNon aud Jutw- * Ulti
pltliiu count!«* I k .in 1M1‘ up to th« pritHiit
No. Si.
turn will 1u«»t Up fJU.UUU'UUU. litre tbi- quetw-
A No. 1 talli! ol 2111 avi«*: IMI *.*»■ rn*-,<l ■
tluii ot d« t< rmining th» true value ol the
countv mn a mining rign.ii naturally aria» b . I2U III «ult.v.Uon. A N..: 1 a,.;., l,ni.“v.d'
Did tiii*. »iiuriiniUN yel<l ot »■» aix gold conic Hlllldw.Um* IH, atoC’iH, 10X24 Hit A tara,
down trom tin-clouds, or di«l it e« nn from the «luublc h*g iiui n unuail m v* u »* mo uui binluingt»'
mol her Indo» Mill umiiMurbed in th«- moun­ Ligi«!) ui*auiliu nuit irv<M. in guua i»« unng
tain raiigi-N ot bouthern Oregon? Judg<- t««r euiMtumu; u k « kmi wh I una Kpimg ut wuu*
\ours«lt. City an«i suburban pruptrfv in the ihurtlii awilung. una it> uui<j«u b> Evana
town ot Grant'N Paar, ia one to tlVe hundred «i«»k untnv «uj*i hnn. ubidì cun in. uimxi tu
piT vent, cheaper than it is in an> town of nilgau un pmc«'. A A«». I uut«iUc ranne fur
nkc population <>n the l’auilii' comm ". Wv can m . « k «*i hiì kiMUf». Five milito ir« in MuudviUe
tu scmiul and puMullic«**
Nell ) oil choice buNiin-ah lota, 5bxl(JI>. on im- li. R. i*tui 1«-i4.
pr»»\ «-»I KtrectN,all level, and within .¡ uh fuet ot « .*.1*« tu -awioHi. G u « m 1 rtMuib unite r and burn­
a $;ih.<iOlt brick <»p« ra house, for $2UUtHch. W» ii!« 1. Prn.« J4OUU; ha il vasti, balancc un tiu.e
can m H you nice naid» net* luta, tlv< lihak- <.44411«. imi 441 < piiun ut purctuMar, 1 ihh d * h
truinthv c« nt« r ot tin city, in the nmiMoi Nu. I me« i*lmt i.t, and uiii makt a guud iiuuiv
m«id« i n «IwcliingN and hanuautne church«a, all iur i*um« bua) . A iti«- p< ri» et.
1» vci, chart'd and on improved str«-eta. ti«»m
N»». 3tt.
>>> Io $KM each. As a buyer, you w«.uid nat­
avi «su! iand in mx tiun 1G. tuunship ;s> 8.
urally ask. buw can you afford tu m il Mt th»w. R. P-M
4 G ., «,ii Evitila « 1 < < k, li« ai a Mt r« anu puM-
p.ic«-s with a perfect titi»-, if every tiling is at«
i ’ ì I hi . V lii la »*. ,iu t i»« ap, uf* tiiv uu m r lb dc-
represented? The ansu r ia, we are the
toiruutout un>|M<Miig ut it.
Grant’s Pass, the Trade Cen-
ter of the Largest and Rich­
est Gold Producing Region
in the United States.
business oitortlnties .
MRS. JANE REDDING, Proprietress.
PassuDiers taken at Reasonable Rales.
Pioneer Real Estate Firm.
Office next dinir to Grand Central Hotel,
There is a splendid opportunity in Grant's
M‘iilor<i. O k gun.
Pass tor the establishment uf a g<a»d bank, a
tir« w« ry. a figuring mill, a foundry, a machine
shop, a bi«k»r\.a r« Maura nt, a lii-M-dass hotel,
turiiiturc fuctury, broom factory', tile and
pr« sscd brick factory, fruit canning ami coin-
missioii war« In »use ami Innnm« ruble oth« r« n-
tci pris«*. Th« re is not an idle man or a vacant
building of any kind in tiu-t«»wn, and we might
say, by way ot par« nth«sis, that tber« ar« s. v-
» ral saloon» in Grant s Pass taking in Irmii
$50 t«» $100 per day each in cash. To inanufac-
t uix rs or others wishing to engage in busi-
n«W8, or to speculator» desirous of securing a
large number «»I iota, wv can quote v.doiMMh-
ingly low figures. Don’t f»xdar»>und w ith wlhi-
cat inv«-stin« nt* until this opportunity is gum
and then "kick" yourself f«>r pot getting in.
but buy at once and we will guHrante«- you
Oeuvrai Contractor in
Medford, Jackson Co., Ogn.
We claim to hare a« fine a line of property, and
to be able to farnieh æ reliable information
concerning real estate in Southern Oregon,ae
any other arm now doing business.
&,rr*»p «n..«.hpit»d wul 8LE y * çq .
Cemetery Work a Specialty.
Prompt Attention given to all Orders by Mail.
And allot
It I«centrally tncalwl in the biisiii.-» part ..f
low. Und« u.xHl-.Hiirpif r. "Ill Ir ......
. r-
clnl travder», I« ntt—1 up in < ..muí tin. Hi. r.-
with. Th*t«hl|. I«•••inMnhtly tnrnisiu’1 with
the lii xt the market ntf .nfi
Allibimi, Get. 10. IN".
Cor. 3d and E Street«,
31 First Street,
Newmarket Block,
Containing 120 Rmnns. well furnished.
A h«*UM*and lui un V m 11< ) etr» et, fu Jackson-
ville; I1U14S4 XlXtab 1«il,iL* M«*ri«h. w ilh Uve
i iHiins; lui Mix ino l«-vt ; u finali barn ; a lui uf
vimict )<mng truit in«». a»*M.rt4d tali« 11««*,
und li guud w« ¡1 u1 watt t iivur ih» d«M»r. Prive
>4«M» ciu>n,
N<». ».
Ai! ti.« right and liti« tu iuiprov« uh liti» un a
b«*iii«-Ht<ud; u»(.« r uni rviinquitoh hom«M«aMl
ugni tu purciiNMr. impruv«u b) a mw I k um -,
* m » x -0 i««t, witn k^'iu.n; a m w t»ain. :tt»x2li
Ivxl.aiuudtU «ili fin oiuv, Jbxlti tevt; a g«H*«i
w«b und iiving rtprmg ut water ih ut ih«-
fluito« ; »iDucus imvid witn a g«MKi tene«; 1UU
!» «•< irvt». 1-y« ai’-uid asxdUd vanititi», u Nu.
1 Inni lai in, w uh vxct in ut uutiude rangc for
stock; 4 iva« tu M htxjl and |>ust-< tiic». Alt*«» a
»pan ul util-tiiukt n )uuiig muro, witi« a iw«*-
bortoc wag» n, inali) ihw , and liann nr* 1« r
¡wo hoixb. a piuu and haiiuw ami m hh tu»,I h
ali go witn im piace. Ali tur thè >l,(MNl 111
cauli. 1! diMiau, to4»ine )«»ung catti« and bug*
wiii bc buid witiitln piuvv. A guud iiuigaiu
tur any man or woman in a« ardi «>1 a iiunic.
Nu. 2>.
A I10UM- ami Mbuut une acre uf ground,
muffiti) <iid«*t*4d, ila»» .MiaAlt 25 iuaniigiiuit
m-«b. gouu curi» tio; uif «> u mining ciaim 111
iutinccttun thi ii witL; witn tuui». una rtuiets*
sutticicnt tu wulk Ibv uann w itb, within «Ai
juiUsul tucuxMl lini ut Un cut pula tv mnitt»
«»1 Jat kbuiiViliv. Tm uwner 18 in p«H>r Inaitti,
and tur tirai liMtoun U»v propri!) W1L1 bc- H.ld
eh va p tur cash.
No. ;©.
A bum-eiviui ctaim c»l liki acr<* on can« .
Guidi, m hi thè Huf kin» r*aw miti 011 Fort M
cruk; lui acre» o! guuu riaw inubti «m thè
piaci, impruvtd wiih a mumìi U» x toutiNt*,
a stabi«, iiHubt r tu bulla a 11« w houn liuti
will go witu tu«' i'iuc-i, ¡Al acTt »> 1« bei u w itti a
guyd lab fvnc«, ó uc-n-to in ullaitu, 5 an«b in
cultivutibU, abuut uii«-1ui4iTh ui ali aere* iti
la-rrn m . a hu<- apring ut watt r n< ur thè ìiuum -,
UH« iiùtMd« lungt lui Mcak. A. im . thv unui-
yidcd ha»! ut u nnning uiaitii. l.dun )arua in
kngth l»v 1U) luci in wioti», 1« a«thet w«th a
g«»uu rubi rv«»ir tur iiuiuing water aiuic««* und
1«Miih unii witicii tó wuik tUi iniiM. Pnre
>1,<KA». ì h« re wiìl anu» t»d mi >»1 with thè piove
5 I h ad ut cuwa. on» l»ruuo man., albo a iut <»f
vegvtablv». Aii l«»r thè aum ot |]1M) < ash
duw n al lime ut naie.
.No. —.
Uutato in »ectton»:, Ifi. IH. sn.2». and NU of
»4‘Ctiull *m. III tuw lltohlp U5 to«<ulù. IHIlgv 1 west*
ciiiitMiniiig Hdb aerea, and iMiida in Mt in.ns 1Z,
14, 2ii, 24 Miiu 25, in Uiw nship ;i5 aontb. ut rung<*
X wttot, cuiitaining ìiaai MvrtM. il ali et tne
atiuvc—meniluiii-d land »»iiouk» !»«■ auld hi < nv
iHrtl) . ft, p« r acre ih tn« prie«*, it a.du in «»uan-
tilD8 mt l<*8tiian «faci et», al >1U tu ¿15 p< r
uvn . aci-unung tu tiie quaiit) mimi «¿uantit) uf
iaiid toi»Hi. Itruitt, olle thiru tushui lin»«- <»T
baie, itaiuncc un tiuic liiauit puii haa« 1; di lem
ed pa> menta U» b< e*«xunu b) a iii**rtgMgi- « n
thè pn luna*. Tuia land 4» mu»t») idigLii) rull­
ine via) auil, anu la aumng tne laM lru»t landa
III JadiMHi cuunly.
Partivawitihiug tu purchiUH-any uf tbeabuve
»1« m 1 il»vd landa, « an j*1up « n ai
ut« td. w In re
Un j wii : |>»-iiM t ut ti«« tuf;r«.aó utiiui un thè
uriivai <»i t milito 1») M« ufi a. V indi > A(«*,, n^l
• totat«- ag« ntM, wm» w ih v«>m« ) tiimi in guud
sbupv tu any uf thv lanus i taive iur sai». tre©
ul ebarge for convenne c.
rciuly to w ager filUUO, to be deposited in any
bank in the Mate, that Iota we art now hulling
fur fi2UU will sell for $2UUU inside of five y< ar>*.
For map*, uric«* and any other desired infor­
mation, call on or addreaa
Ion* uf th* lH,»t BU*ik or Li*i>f lkrat» in B<>»«li
•rn Orogon,»itu»tad on LB—r l>»*k. J*»»phiiie
County, containing 320 acres of rich bottom land
especially adapted to the growth of timothy hay
and clover. About onu-half ia cleared and in
cultivation, and must of tbe balance can be easily
c.eared. There is a stream <»f water running
through the place the year round, affording plenty
of water foi stock and some for irrigating. 1 ha
place is all inclosed by a good rail fence, I here
ib a house and barn and 200 young >H>it trees »>n
the place. It also has the best outside range it»
the c<»unty; also another xcellent placeconlain.
ing 120 acres.
For full particulars call apon or address
lierbyviiie Oregon
Having Incoiiie.»atisfivil that Jack­
100 Per Cent Per Ai*nuzn
sonville is still the best trading
the inTcatinent for the next five para.
point in Southern Oregon,
The history of Siiokanr Fail* is going to be rv-
peatud in Grant s Pass in the next two years
we have received
just hi » sure mm that time arrive». W»‘ art
Thin bons» h«s h»»n r. built
with brick .»mJ greatly cnlnrgiil, b. sldi s I» i. g
And cimili sell ar univhalf these prices irsu
dwpusid. und make money-just «»tin Tauunia
Land Cmnpniiy did when they sold tarsi,
m »» lots In the ttiairtshlriK seaport ot Tacotim
tor $75 that are now worth $50.uuu. Wi- t an
tali tlina-tourtb* ol our pris, nt possession.,
at current prie, s and still make- lhe remain.
Ina fourth worth twice—ytw, ten tlrms, as
much luouey as the whole originally was
This Is tin result ol multiplied ownership and
w< know it. Wear, satish.xl that the lotawe
an now sellina lol $2nu with sell tor $51««|. mid
possibly mon . in h w than live y <Hm,bul the)
wouldn't do it It we were to put u bui bed wire
fence around the town mid wait tur that state
of a IT sirs Great
2S*"I hav«-Great Bargains to off» r and it will
pax yon to • \amiiK- m> list cawfully* biffiirv
pi ti'basing » I m win r»'. 11 you have anv prop­
erty for sal,, eon:« and sei me and I willjfo my
I»» st for you.
1 mand for real estate, we bav? opened an of­
fice in the town of
Farms, Village Lets. Injertó
ana Un:mtr.ved fcr
i.ale or itCoi.
in Big Butte precinct, about th«’ middle «ff
F August,
a bay marc and thn* yearling nine»,
two gray» an«l a aorrcl. Ail were brand»*!
with a small A on the right «houklcr, rxcepf-
Jng that the brand on one of th<* gray« waa on
lhe left shoulder. The mare wore a hen ax
the liiqe she Jelp
, , ‘ ,.
A liberal reward will be p^<i
*>ry of any of the aoimala or any ii>iotmau«»p
that will lead thereto.
JOHN HlK'KBNJOS. Jacksonville. Or.
----- THE BEST-----
Free Buses to and from the Hotel.
$12,000 to loan in $1,000
lots, on improved farm se­
curity: For further particu­
lars enquire of
XoChiQt*c «‘iiipjoyed and no deviation In
Meals 25 oents; If sigi ng 25 cents to f*> cents.
E. LEWISTON, Proprietor.
Estray Notice.
signed, residing in Sterling-111®
C some
month* *«o.
years old, with wt
feet white, branded
vw«IT will pay Chan
p»uid >’ov. n, is».
".'l .’
the animal
Ever brought tu the cogu tv-seat.
Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce
Street!, where silver* Sfili UAHU 1
¡ ä ' täs IIEW
and Loan Agent,
Newman Fisher
• '