i PERSONAL MENTION. The stock of holiday goods at the 8. F. I Among the incidents of childhood that MEDFORD SQUIBS. HERE AND THERE. Comm^Hdnbte. Variety Store must be clostd out bv new - «land out in bold relief, as our memory re- ________ • All claims not consistent with ibe high veaT's dav, hence the lowest prices are be- vert» to the days when we were young, Mayor Burdin ot Medford made us a visit i Teacher's institute here next week. Plenty of mud everywhere. character of Syrup of Figs are purposely ing asked there I none are more prominent than severe yesterday. Don’t fail to try your luck at Jake Wolff's avoided by the Cal. Fig Company. It acta Next Wednesday » Christmas. Tbe northbound train ran into a 1*»«« I Tbe Tho». Clerarnens has gone to Galice cane-rack. eently on the kidneys, liver arid bowel», creek again. Read lhe uew advertisements. DECEMBER 19,1889 THURSDAY . cleansing lhe system effectually, but is not i p,u^er & Co. open tbeir n?w art gal­ land last Tuesday and stuck there for I adminiHers it to her offspring and always Theater next Thursday night. A. H. Maegly left for Portland again a cure-all and make» no pretensions that lery this week. nearly 24 hours. Go to lheS. F. Variety Store. -y with the best success. For sale at Cuy few days since. every bottle will not substantiate. O'Bryant, the jeweler, ‘ lakes the cake," Reserved -eats for the performance to be Max Jacoby ot Go <1 II K -pe.it Mo <1 ,y and no mistake. Drug Store, Jacksonville, also Eng?l Bros , Bena Marvells ap]>ears here next week. given by Morris’ N. Y. Comedy Co., Phœnix. in Jacksonville. F. Rilschard has returned from his Apple­ at the U.S. Hall, this evening, for sale at goods in reckless profusion at J. O. Johnson ot Table Rick preciuct the Holiday G. W. Morris’ N. Y. Comedy Company gate farm. Several the S. F. Variety Store. Sand 10 Cent Store. • will give one uf their splendid enteri’iin« made us a friendly cab. Elegant holiday goods at the S. F. Vari­ Christmas will have come and gone be­ menta here thia evening. Great bargains ill many Hues at the 5 and What the Jos. Morris of Ashland has returned to Will be distributed at the New ety Store. fore the next issue of tbe T imes appears, Roseburg “Review” haa to sav of |hrir per- 10 Cent ¡Store, Medford. • old home at Elm, Mo. Year’» drawing at the S an F ran ­ Cash paid for prjiluce at Goldsmith's, and we therefore wish everybody a "Merry formance: The celebrated Morris N. Y. bis Jas. The -‘Mail'' is getting ready to istue a Hamlin of Eden preciuct visited the Christmas" in advance. Medford. * Comedy Company gave an entertainment holiday edition next week. cisco V ariety S tore , Jackson­ Send to J. W’. Bowden for your sewing- at SLa urn’s bail, Ibis city, Toesday eve­ county-seat on Wednesday. Alfalfa and timothy seed at tbe S. F. Va­ Ladies will find a tine, large stock of milli­ Mrs. A. J. Barlow and daughter of Gold ville, Jan 1, 1890, consisting of riety Store. machine attachments, needles, oil, belt«, ning. Dec. 3, to a large and well pleased IVe have valuable city j h . j < j i v nery at the 5 and 10 Cent Store. • Hill are al tbe county-seat. shuttles,and parts of all kinds for every audience. Ibis company is a large one One Fine, Large Eight-Day See the N. Y. Comedy Co. at V. S. Hall style of sewing-machines. Heaps of new goods, just from the east, and gave one of lhe bc>t entertainments E. 11. Cooper, lately of Klaiuath county, »nd farms in Jackson ;tnd this evening. at t lie ft a nd 10 Cent Store, Medford. * Clock, coating $20.00. i« now a resident of Phoenix. Jas. R. Wade, formerly a well-known that we have ever witnessed in this city. Josephine counties Look out for Rena Marseli»' great dra- W. L. Webster is employed at the citizen of Jacksonville, i» now in the em­ Bro. Buick of Roa»b irg has been at Port­ J J Fryer and T. L. l^ifoswHer of Eagle T i mes utlicc in Jacksonville tor the present. One Elegant Silk Plueh Album, malic company. for sale. ploy of tbe La Grande laundry in San land lo -king for a track that the Douglas I*oil)t visited 9» last Monday. pre- J. 11. Thompson of Willow Springs coating (6.00. A large quantity nf seasonable goods has Francisco as liook- keeper. e mnt.v fair association proposes byildlii *, Jas. Tobin of Klamath county was in just been received at theft and 10 Cent Store. ciiict is in town. Handsome Jas(>er N. Jones has returned from Nearly the whole population of Gohl lu an interview with au “Oregonian” re­ Jacksonville one day recently. One Large and COMM I’NICATIONS SPECIALLY Trains passing from the south carried Hiil has beau at the county-seat during porter be >aid : “We have secured a track Lamp, costing ting (7.50. Jas. S-iviige, of Woodville precinct, spent con«i lerable snow for several days last Grant’s Pass. the week, having beer, summoned as wit­ location.” said Mr. Knick, “at a cost uf a whi;e NOTICED. in town ope day this week F»OtO. 1 h»‘site compris» s 100 seres of fine, week. A Pair of Large Vases, costing Goldsmith, wholesale and retail grocer, nesses in tbe Barlow esse. E. Siurgei n aud family < f Ashland have level ground a mile and a quarter out from Medford, Oregon. - "Shorty” Hamilton returned on Wednes­ O. d^tsloos of thfi city, t n the line of the railroad. Our removed to Spokane Falls Pa re«ide. (4 .00, and several smaller articles. Mrs. John A. Love spent several days in Go the O. A C. and day of last week from a ruu through north­ the Southern Pacific system no less than vai ital BLuck u I ’ J UOfjO, but I cannot say Anybody purchasing (2 worth Ashland lust week. W. J. Rodgers and l ’ erry Foster and son ern Oregon, tw< Ive men have la in killed in ai t id nts h w much of this we will spend on the of Table Ruck precinct are (n town. of goods during the holiday season Seveial more marriages will take place during the past two years. Don't fail to see those hai dsome things track.” during the holidays. I. J Phipps, one pt Ihe solid men of Med- on display in Uria Angle’s show-window. coriespondent reports ti. it work on will be entitled to a chance in the Whoever eaw nicer winter weather than Dr. A McCoy We are informel that the California lutd, was in Jacksonville on Tuesday. He alway s leads. ’s drugstore at Gold IL11 ha- fish commission will establish spawning granil drawing free of charge. The we are experiencing? b en .-uvreiidid umil seasoned lumber grounds Peter Barueburg and Fred Furry of No trouble to show goo Is at the 5 an 1 10 ut points in fchbkiyuu county Cent Store, Goods were never sold so cbesp- S. F. Variety Store carries by odds An immense line of hanging lamps at can l*e obtained next spriug. where Cottonwood, bhuvel, il-rae aid1 Eden preciuct were Here during the week. • J. W. Bowden contr is the sale of the uth-r cietks empty into Klamath river, Goldsmith's, Medford. * A L. (¿iddpr and son, of foe Meadows ly a« they are there. the largest stock of choice holiday White sewing-niai him1 in this seetuin of where muunla'n trout will be caught with precnict, l-ifiied a day ip lowu recently. It is rumored that a oliunge will take Andy McGee of Medford precin-.-l made Oregon. Oflice, upstairs, in Bran’s Block. Any one olee ( .aiming t > ban'Ue nets, ‘ -Pipped’ of ih»ir eg s and returned goods in southern Oregon, ami our town a visit yesterday. A F Hale» Medfoid's leadmg photo­ place in the management uf Hie Grand Cen­ that nia< bine is an imi uaror. tral hotel here soon. to the riyer. 11^ «*g.*a will be taken to the grapher, Was in Jacks -pH le on Tuesday. Opposite Beanies A: White’s. sells more reasonably than any­ A new line of stylish hats received this Cha». Kibbe of Asbisn I is at work al hatchery at 8i>5^ri, and from that point "Ain’t it grand!" is the exclamation of week at Reames A White's. • J. fit. Luo Dei|jboaut of the 8. H-nel where else. Do not fail to invest Klippel A Curtis’ sawmill on Gal!’» cre< k. diati jbuted in ether streams oi the coqn- kH who see (J'Bryant's assortment of John B Williams and A J. Stanley visit­ pulling in a tramway. The mi l will be in try The n>oui4ta'ri trout of the tributa­ is suffering from 4 fle^r# attack of neural­ watches, jewelry, et--. (2, and get value received and a ed the T imes office yesterday. ries of thè K'amaLh afe superior eating, gia. operation again iu a short time. S. L. Bennett, the milkman, continues pi G, X. Pra»-»r, formerly of Afolami. is chance in the grand drawing be­ Edwin Ntcbols of Table Ruck precinct Road supervisors should begin to put In says the “lie ord.” Thia powder never vanes. A inarve! of puri­ comfoeifog a foundry at Eugene ut pres­ make his regular rounds and furnishes an spent Tuesday in Jacksonville. their reports, as lhe law requires that they Sinyuons L ’ vcr Regulator produces no ty. strength and wholeeomoneas. More econ­ excellent article of milk. sides. ent, omical than the ordinary kinds, mid cannot be Now is the time to select your holiday should be presented at the January term unpleasant effect upon the stomach, no If you want a genuine article in the jew­ sold In competition wRh th»* magnitude of low Mrs. Morris of Central Point precinct of the county commissioner»’ court. matter how long it is taken. A little taken goods at tlie S. F. Variety Store, elry line O’Bryantcan furnish it as cheaply t««t, short weight, alum or phosphate powders, The prass s|Kaks in highest terms of at night insures refreshing sleep and a was here yesterday, accompanied by her as any other dealer south ot Portland. Take a chance iu the grand New Year's Teacher's Institute. bold only iu runs. Royal Bak mg Powder Co.. _ ¡Oil Wall St. N. Y Morris’ N. «turnery those who natural evacuation of the bowels A little sou. drawing at the S. F. Variety Store. Don't fail locall and see the large, hand­ A teacher'» institute has been idanned takt n in the morning sharpens lhe nppe Messrs. Bigelow and Leeper of Williams attend the performance tl,i? evening will The infant son of John White of Wood­ to be held at Met!lord, beginning at noon lib., cleanses the stomach and sweetens creek are in town wiih a lot of fine vegeta­ some display of goods especially designed be treated to a first class perform if»ce. for the holidays at the ft and 10 Cent Store. on Thursday, December 'Jrlib.and continu­ ville precinct died a few days since. thè breath. - *1 Lever recommend a medi bles. The largest and best stock uf deeds, ing until lhe succeeding Saturday evening, For reserved seats for tbe Marsells per­ cine unless I know 'it to be gopd |u a There will tie a large »««emblage of W. J. V/essek, «(topral agept ot foe Ida ­ mortgages and all kinds oi real-estate und eud the leechers of Jackson couuty era formances go to Um S. F. Variety Store. nun stry of twenty-five years J have often teachers here next Thursday, tbe legal blanks south of Salem is kept at the f» It the need of such a medicine, and when ho i’ear Co., Visired the T ime * office yes­ school hereby advised of the same. institute commencing on the day after First-class cedar fence ponU for sale in T imes oilice and sold at Portland rates terday. Tbe leading educators of southern Ore­ quantities to suit al the it ME» office 1 found it I exclaimed ‘ Eureka liev Christinas. J. D. .Shearer, who is extensively engaged gon— P. A. Getz uf tbe Ashland public Douglas county is reveling in fresh be;- J. 1*. Harper.proprietur“Christian Visitor,” The new street lamps at Adkins A Webb's Henry Loftus of Warner valley is at Ash­ rics, grown |n the ouen air; or was until Sm'tbfield, N. C. HE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY GIVES IN in mining in Steamboat precinct, called schools, O. H. Watt of the Jacksonville corner and in front ot tlie express office notice that J. W. Sowden is no longer con­ yesterday. schools, H. L. Bmson of tbe Grant's Pass laud ai.d will spend the winter there. the polar wave Swept Oj er the t’ llapoom*. nected with the Jacksonville Marble Works in In a recent article in the “ Youth ’ s Com ­ aid materially in lighting the town tjifsp sebvuls. J. 8 Sweet ot the Ashland stale Holiday goods cheaper than tbe cheapest No place like soutbern Oregon to» emulate. any capacity. Judge Prim is at Salem this week, where dark nights panion, ” on “ how to cure a cold, ” the normal, E. E. Smith ot the Central Point at the S. F. Variety Store, Jacksonville. he argued fo-o ij^portajit case; befope foe All orders previously taken by Mr. sowden Skating-rink hall has been shut down in­ writer advises a Lot lemonade to he lake? We have removed our Nun*< ri«*s to Med» Fred. 0‘Bryant has lhe nicest stock of schoolsand W. J. Crawford ot tbe Med* will be filled according to tla*«-einent. Monthly installments of $10 will buy a definitely. Wolf! A Armstrong having gone r.t bed time. It is a dangerous treatment, supreme court. ford, where we have secured New Ground, the jewelry, watches, etc., in the county. If ford si hool», together with many other house and lol in l'olo from Scott Griffin. * „ J. C. WHIPP. soil of which ia a sandy loain, « nabling up to Medford, where they open busineas m e>p• cially during the severe cold weather Miss Nettie 1* -g ia baa rat-irued from a you want something leal nice in his line, rroprtetotnfJae-ksonviUe Marble Works. without irrigation to grow hi-altby, thrifty Oregon. prominent teachers of the county, will be Jacksonville:, Or.. Div la.lsse. Fresh timothy and alfalfa seed sold at lhe opera h >use as soon as the building is of the winter months, as It opens the pore* visit to relatives tn the Umpqua and Wil­ call on him. • present aud participate in the discu'sions. trc avail themselves of the advantages of Old papers, ir. quantities to suit, for tale fd'dl I t HE F'MiD. Presbyterian theuh-gic.il seminary. Oui i vere ?”14’ ”s a'm ,Jil ^rlain to be contracted. north oi Rogue river, wus in JavkS'?Lvi.le (he proposed institute; and the laws oi at the L imes office at 00 ceil la a hundred. in«, complete stock of goods and. tbe-exper- a tew davs slue« Oregon make it incumbent U|>on every THK The dilierent schools will adjourn to­ eit z n« si» nil 1 bestir ’hetnselves t > secure Many y* ar’s constant use sells quite reasonably. A i fke san H-anriseo Hoard of Health Kott*- hnn teacher of tbe county, wherein the insti­ morrow and enjoy a vacation of two weeks. tbe location oi this iuatitulio:i m Jgi ,'’~ in ience of thousands uf pers ans of all agt-s. D. L. Curiis of Ga t’s crei k is jn town, It i« |.reu.ct,,i ibat brick building« Will suiuero Which is the Beat Bak’r,e Puwder. ’ couuty. tute is holdsn, to be’ present. Tbe atten­ has juhy (tomoustraU'd that there is noth­ basing bgi-u aulipu.oae.1 4« a wifoe-Ts 111 replace lhe wooden sttuc lire.« iu lhe bu nt San FmnvlscQ Cbrsniclr* If you want groceries call on or address tion uf the several teachers of Jackson Jr ar« thoee put up by W Rena Marsell-, tne briglite«! draiustic ing belter ’or a severe cold tiF-lii Chamber- district next spring, which will lua-ie out a-oun'y i’ directed to that section of the Goldsmith, Medford, for prices before buy­ star who travels on the Paeitie coast, will lain’* C.H'gh R-inedy. It ivts in perfe-t tbe llarlow cat»:. Ia-c D ar,^ , j cuu engage in no ing. • town more solid than i ver. W W. Mooli ot the G- hi Hill h riel and natiu iiy with nature, reli ves the lung-, school laws—see page *>1, school laws < f give a series ot first-class pi rioi ni nites at in *r« lundii I > «»crup >'ion than »he exanii ’ Who art tbs lar<«»t Sssdamen tn the woddl' There will be a grand draw-no for prizes U.S. Hall next week, commtn.ing aitb liquefies the lough tenacious mucus, mak­ Mr. D Boy, the jeweler.made us a pl. usant Oregon—which prescribes the duties of The Monarch saloon at Medford, umtei naiion <»f our f >nn.e. ar.d which, A handsome clock and several valuable tion. Fifty cent battles for saie by City to this matter, incorporated in the acbmii • at compacted by ilieir families, were in thing in thalline is kept there. Several articles of local interest will be tm-r« fiiyc. ( ((Hviirnei« «liotild use. laws of Oregon, the penalty attached is the found on the first page of tbe T imes this prizes will be given away on New Year's Drug 8tore, Jacksonvil'.e, also Engel’ Bru«., Jacksonville recently. * It is rumored that the Slate Inst^rum-. 11., r ,.re qnatit ti-s o: bsking powde » day at tlie S. F. Variety Store to those who L for iftgo will be mailed FREE to all ap> . PtUD'llX. lowering ot the grade of the teacher's cer* week. k phcanti, and to laat aeaaon'a customer». J Our old frien 1 C. C. McClendon of 8 mi's Co. inl<-ii f the Consumer. J. A. Mann uf Central Po nt was at lhe December. And a «nod aa*ortui«*nt of ail th»* hading xa- same. using Gardtn, FloU'or er Field J CENTRAL POINT POINTERS. erty that was destroyed recently by fire. we are sorry to learn. I bey are made front alum, or improperly rirtieK of fruite. W. C. Myer of Ashland last week sold should tend for iL Addrett lhe public in general is most respectfully county-seat during the (oiepart uf th? Comp umled ir m oih r <-hen t »1«. »0 ilial week. Don't forget lhe fact that C. C. Sini'li ten bead of full-blooded Jersey cattle, ten P. Ivory of Applegate and Torn McAn­ D. M. FERRY & CO. incited to attend. Don ’t forget the race* ai d the grand ball they leave a sirong alkaline resid'ini io ^^DtTRQIT, (1888) has many nice things for the holi ­ Ten thousand feet of lumber al Sara's val­ heifers and a bull, to Charles Mi ler ol here on Christmas. A tii e lime is assured drew of Medford could have been seen ou H. 11. MlTCHkl.L. our streets last Friday. days. He has a complete and first-ela.«» ihe food. Many ot these powders, having ley ac bool-house for sale bv Scott Griffin ol Marion county, realizing a handsome sum ail who attend. County 8et-n pioliibited from sale in the east, have by I he sale. Tulo. Jacksonville, Or., Nov. 25, 1889 John W. Masterson cf Willow Springs stock of goods and neyef fails to please. been collected by their nisnufaeiurer»from it would not be saf^ for Dr. Keep, tlie Three years ago Hr. Adkins bought his Are Oregon bens on a strike or do we eat precinct spent a few day.« in town daring John Orth this week bought several bead the dealers with whom they were left on GIVE CT A CALL. notorious traveling dentist, to show him­ tbe week, accompanied by his sun. house which w as burned, and lot on which commission, and stripped to the Pacific y Our Ballroad. , Ul ot I flue two-year-olds from Lacy A Son this mure eggs than other people? l’age, the self in these parts. it stood for $ItM). He was ottered $G0O for coast. The public knows nothing about Portland commission men hunt, in the Notice. week. A we ' R Wimer and wife of Ashland are in the I jnoi. B Merry was here last week, look ibe district clerk, M. Furkeypile, has Ben Edmonson was in town this week, last sixty days Ims paid out »25.090 for succeeded in collecting a greater portion uf Willamette country, visiting relatives, and tlie naked lot last week, which lie refused. their Quality except what it reads in the In the matter uf the estate of Hi rain Cooksey, »og up electric-l'gbt and railway prol'abili- Jake Wolff lias rented a building in this ' newspaper advertisements. In lhe effort wid remain there until after the holidays. U- NUe e has removed from Big Butte to Eagle Iowa ben fruit. MEDFIÍRD. OREGON. ZCi«» ill behalf of urg wi.l open an of our lhost enterprising farmer.« an-l fruit- It i« not probable ih«t a pol.tical ticket claiming ihs iuosi improbable emloi se­ uuested to settle the same immediately, and will be made. Mayor l’urdm and the pres­ men s fur their g(«-d« ai d denouncing tlie those having claim* against the estate will at Ashland on Tuesday evening at th othtr .uri.itu e «tore l.ete »cun. Converse's irancbiie has to run till tlie 23d sonville. raiseis. • ent council have done so well that it is brands best known and longest used up iu present them to meat my place of residence M. E. ebureb building and th" l.ol.e* of January, and till that lime has expired, Ot.e oi the shipments f:otu this place re* at Central Point, Jackson county, Oregon, J. A. Baker has returned from Wa-h- Aid society realized a nice sum fioiu 111' tenth W. P. Jacoby was euiutuut-id as a wit­ likely they will all be handsomely re-c'cic the Pacific coast. our people cannot enter am Mr. Merry's wa* a owders sol J the past week. bonus to guarantee any company against grass and gulden seeds al Goldsmith's, desire for the ladies tu repeat the entertain­ upon tend. the Pacific coast were collected and Man enters newspiper office. Editor Notice Publication. sonville is still the best trading loss tor the first two years, and that be can Med turd. • A. S. Hammond of Ashland went to Sa­ ment at an eariy day. analyzed by Messrs. Thomas Price A Son, looks up ill alarm. "Sly dear sir," says David Linu of Jacksonville wi.l be su- lem make such a showing of it at the east as to this week to argue the appellant's side Gold Hill sportsmen will have a rifle W. G. C »per last week made ap]dication point in Southern Oregon, the well-known analytical chemists of Sau L and Orrica at RosPBrnc. O r .,) pcriutend« nt of the new plai»ing-mill at the visitor. "I have a bench warrant for be able to secure sumcieut capital in cities of tlie case of Watson,llurae X Watson vs. to the town council tor leave to erect a Francisco. They found tbe strength or December 10. isap. < where interest on money never exceeds 5 sbooiing-matcli on Christmas day tor sun­ your arrest’’ "Thank God it is rio worse. Central Point, we are informed, Business II C. Messenger. OTIFB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE dry prizes. temporary wooden building on tbe site of we have received leavening gas 1 measured at 100« h'.> of the wiille comm» need there soon after the I thought you bad a poem." twr cent, L-------- ’ as Io ens tie him to get all the following-named settler has filed notice of It. P. W*iwn of Portland has severed h'» burned busiue««-bouse, until such time brands i.a.i.ed a. fellows: J. Nutian has many handsome articles • ................................ *1 ntxt. stock taken by the 1st day of “ Marsh Go and see the elegant nr icles w li .ch w .li holidays. hie intention to make final prF---- to southern Oregon, should call al tbe 8. F 105 lowing witneaaea to prove hit continuous and faecu atmg msnrer actually capture so far. Southern Oregon against the world house next Tuesday evening, arid those should not fail to call at the 8. F. Variety raegmera'. u«e’ulnt«s of h baking jkiw rtiaidenue upon und cultivation of Mid land, Variety Store in Jacksonville and feast Miss Nell e Powell of Spokane Falls i« having the affair in hand aiv sparing no >t<»re in Jacksonvdl *, if they wish to see the via; V. Armstrong. A. Armstrong. William her audit nee and iioida them spelib. und. fur climate. llxdr «y«« on she < legant articles displayed ■fer d. |x-nds upon ihe quantity of leaven ­ CLOTHING, ar.. (t?t and finest stock ot holiday goods in sojrruroiog in A-fri imi tor tier health. She there. No trouble to show goods. and Jacob Cunley ot Sum’s Valley, Jack- One night you ace her as the newsboy, ing gas it gives off. As these powders are Selpb Notes, receipts, due-bills, drafts, etc., in pains to make it a very mjoyable event. sou county. Or. ■■Capitola," ly the “Hidden Hand” as a book form, handy and first-class, al tbe Oakland, Oiegun, has recently laid up­ southf’r% Oregon. Pt ices lower than the is a dangnter of L. J. Powell, late state ,~,_leiailed at about tbe same iqicti, the m >sl H. H. Wolters, the mixologist, lias re ­ school superintendent of Oiegon. CHAS. W. JOHNSTON. Rcglater. lowest there. SHOES, saucy boy ; another evening you see her in T imes office. wards ot mu*) feel of sewer | ipe for drain ecouotui al is al-o :>,p|>ar.nt. Mrs Max Pracht departed for Sitka from opened the saloon formerly kept by A. H. age purposes, and claims now to be the such a character as "Lady Audley,” the J. W. Merritt, W. C. Leever, I. B. Will­ i tie opluiou of the B iard of He . 1th is as Nice Christinas presents in the shape of Carlson, thoroughly refitting it and malt ­ for Publication Ashland, where she has been for sometime, cunning, iteceitlul, resolute woman, lhe dres-goods. euiis ot clothing, etc., ut New­ cleanest town on die coast. Some towns iams, D. L Newton, .John Carney. J. 8. follows ( AND FANCY in this vabey should emulate its example. Sims. G. W. Roland, J. W. Miller, Jas. last week.ami will spend tbe winter months ing many' improvements. He lias supplied next even ng she appears in her great man fisher’». We, tne members of the Board <■( Health the bar with the rinest w ines, iiqiiura and I’SiUk S tates 1 ost Orrrcx. I emotional tharseter of "Lady I-ebel" in Wright and other pr ininent citizens of with her husband in the far-of! north. of the city ami county of Sau Francisco, There will no d .ubt be excellent sport at Host-burg*. Ur.. Dec. 10, ltsso. cigars, and q tine billiard table cau also be 8. P. Kilburn lias moved from Trail the Jackson County fair Association's C-»i»tral Point h ive been at the c >unty->eat "East Lynne " No person with fieling Mr. Field, representing lhe Produce found there tjivc tilth a call for he wil! cordially approve ami recommend the utke is hereby given that the can witness her emotional acting without creek to J. C. Hannah'» place in Tuble track near Ventral Point onClirt-lnius nay. during lhe week. Royal Biking Powder It is absolutely Mart ie Works ot V. r.uont, with head­ treat you weii. following-nannsl settler has fl'od notice of • « Studding tears bl>e is ab y supported by Rock precinct. pure and healthful, compj«ed of ihe best Severn! good purses will be hung up. and a A large number of article* will be givon quarter« at san Fr m.:i«c->, m i le h;s ffieod, intentioQ to make final proof in support of Which will be placed on talc at Many cham-,-« have slrcady l-e. n tiken ingred ents, of the biglie-.t strengih and bls bls her sister, ibe beautiful Mabel Mar-ells,an l Mrs. W. H Gearhart ol Baker city is number ol horses are io trviniug Ir the: away to pitr«>nsof th 8. F. Variety St. re ■I. C. Wbipp. a ca|l 01 e day last week claim, and that said proof will be made t>< - lower prices than the in tlie i-e>v year's drawing at the 8. F. Va­ her broiher. the bright young comedian. visiting her re.etivcs.J. C. Durkee and fam­ event. tore the Judge, or I d ills alwencc. before the pn Ja. k-< nvi.-e Everybody wh » buys Dr. .1. W. Hobtnson is r-covering his riety Store in Jacksonville. For every $2 cbarautei. Clerk of the Coonty Court oi Jackson county. Victor Marsells. < ■ me out and see them, ily oi A-h and. JDS H, DAVIDSON, M. D. same quality of goods _ Israel Patton his leased the placer niims j c u I* during the holiday season D entitled wonted health, we are g-a-i io announce. wor h ot go"d« bought there you g*-t a Or., ut Jacksonville, Or., on Saturday. January for they are one of ibe finest companies t GAS. M cq I’E s TEN, M. D. The | etri jury was discharged this week Capt. Ihos. Smith and G. 11. l.y.,cn on ' ; ’<» a man e tree iji t’je drawing tor every He wi'I leave t--r California in a few d ys, number free ot charge. Matty ft>le article«, 25. lstkl. viz: «Vm. A. L. Brose, homestead entry can be obtained that baa ever visited our cily.—[San Lu » Until January 30iti, aft'r being in session of HENRY M FISKE. M. D. No. 4523, foi the lots 1 and 2. see. 30, tp. 40 S., Wagner creek, and is beginning prei .ua ‘ i |2 y o tb he invests .*«. Don’t torg< t t > try au l will sp nd «oiuetinie at Sinti C.uz including an elegant i) >ik,' a band-utue Obispo Mirror. ____ _____ T. J. l.EIOl RN'El X. M. D. K. 3 West, W. M. He names the following ovei two weeks elsewhere. sltd o: her resorts. lions for tfje season’s liydrauT.c worn. Tlie '>our luck. pfosli albuiq, a U;gc lamp, a pair of tbe witnesses to prove his continuous residence Sau Fraiicivco. Aug ft. 1S89. A daughter of Mr. bberrill of Woodville mines have shown rich prosj eels, says the , nicest vases, etc , etc., will tie given away Attention I B. o Kaiser of the Ashland "lie- ird upon aud cultivation ot said land, viz: Edward Religions. precinct departed this lite a few days since, "Tidings." Langley. Oliver B. Dews, Jarno M. Dews and called al the'pMEs office «luping the wpek. ■ here on that day. Invest $2 ai-.d try yuur Jhe almighty dollar- the few have too i;e.l about six years. Xf-w+jKope»' tAtu* Our store-room hits been renov­ Manuel Silva, of Uniontown. Jucksoncounty, l’rof. E. T. Kugler recently performed lha’, Iris partner. N. A. luck. Ilia appointments of several ministers He informs taany and the many have too few. t he t tregon. For the benefit of all who may seek to some tine organ solos at the opening ’ Jacofo. will return from h.s trip l> Cali ­ There will be a Christmas entertainment will be found on the first page < f the T imes . ated throughout, and our old ttock The following programme has been ar­ swindle the newspaper« out of their jint ipany shou|d strive to save a part of each CHAS. W. JOHNSTON, K< gister. ranged by the MeJfurd gun < fob for their dollar which comes by toil. There is a and ball at W oodville, which will no doubt ot the new organ of toe M. E. cliuri h at I The following appointments have been fornia in a short time. is about closed out. we publish lhe following which is Portland, which is said to be one of the ' A. laiinb, lhe well-known mil er. was in shooting tn Cun«tmaa day; No. I—Miss- dues, place it» Grant'» Pass, Oregon, where be interesting events. iiiideUyHev.il C. Oglesby: First Sun­ Harper's kept standing at the head of the tint edi­ largest and best Ibis side of tbe R icky and-out purse; No. 2 Turaev shoot, three town during the forepart of the week, ac- money can be saved when buying. It *A. D. Naylor attended court last Mon­ I day in i*i< !i inuntli, ut Medford in the torial column in many uf our exchanges: Call and inspect the pays to buy there, (io to the Red Star .Store day. He is now located st bis fattier’s mountains. El i-copal church at 11 o'clm k A. m ., and in Compan ed by Ins taniiiy. Ife is luatiufae. birds; No. 3—Six-birds purse; No. 4—Three ILLUSTRATED. 1. Subscribers who do nut give express Everybody knows ft.n Stern, the quon­ ibe Meibouist church ut Jscxsonvi'le at tuttii; a sill erior article of II ntr, ami he birds, turkey shoot; No. ft—Ten-birds •nd buy 2 papers needles for fte.; 3 bottles farm in this precinct, notice to the contrary are considered us A new Shakeapeare—the Shakespeare of good sewing-machine oil (or 2Sc.; cbd Miss Mattie Oner recently returned to dam drummer. He is now basme-s man­ ni^lil; sc ond Sunday, Hl Ami s'll at 11 a . finds it difficult to supply the demand for nurse; No 0—Three birds, turkey shoot; wishing to continue their subscriptions. E dwin A. AnBEY—M ill De presented in H ah * No. 7—Three-single» and two-pair purse; dren s $125 shoes for 00c.; ladi-:»'»LftO A'hlaud to remain, after a proline ted iesi- ager of a th-ater, and re entlv a iveitised a m . and Mani's valley at 4 r. M ; third bun- it. rEB's M agazine fot 1W0, with cocaairnte t»y 2. If subscribers order the discontinuance ipei tacular piece in New Yura by tuiniug day,al C,ntral t'oinl al 11 a . M.und~r.M ; kid shoes tor »3.50; etc., etc., etc. Prices d.-nce in San Francisco. A ndrew L ang . WI arvkh ’8 M agaune haa U. Golden and wife of Etna, were in No. 8—Three birds, turkey shoot; No. 9 — loose 2, UM cats properly laggtil. lint is fourth bun lav, at Brownsboro at 11 a . M. town on Tuesday, ami Mr. Uurdeu called Ten singles purse, d’heie will also be rifle- of their periodicals the publisher may cun- also made special arrangement« with A l - wonderfully low. In these days of burry Ever brought to the county-ecnt. tiirie to semi them until all arrears are 1’H onsf . D avpet , U\e greatest of living French New line of ladies' tine French kid shoes just like Beu. shooting for a beef, which promises to be •nd rush, business is governed by the law and Eagle Point at 7 r. m .; Friday before on tlie T ime » iii cuiup.iny with bis son M. paid novelist*, Jot lhe exclusive publication, io most interesting. of dollars and cents. There is no triend ju«' openeil at Reanie* A White’s- the best Wm. Gordon and Frank Joseph, two sec­ the fourth Sunday, ut the Buptist church H. Gorden ot Central Point precinct. They 3. If subscribers neglect to or refuse to aerial form, of a humorous story, to be en­ • ship in business Study your own inter­ m the market; see them. tion men nu tbe tap-line ranr ad from on Antelope, at night. re|»irt ihe roads in a terrible condition up take their periodicals front »•»? Qitfice to titled “Tbs Colonists of Qaraacon: the I asi Don't fail to take a peep into the S. F. Yreka to Montague, were kilie-1 by collid­ ests. Get the best bargains you can of the Famous Tartarin.” Th»* the river. One Part which they ar»* «lire* *■ •<-!. ate held re- Adventures Lev. F. 8. Noel will hold services at Sis­ Make the omnipotent cash do its level Variety Store and see that immense line of ing with a gravel ( ar standing on i lie tra< k story wdll be translated bv H enry J am »», and V n. Co-ik of Clifton, (dat«op county, Is worth a column of rhetoric, said an pon^i’Je nd n.cy have settled then bill jlluKtrat«*d by K«»ssi and SfYKBACH. best. Oil this basis you are cordially in­ handsome holiday goods. one night recently, while running at tlie kiyou station next Sunday, and »Ltlie resi­ the well-known capitalist, and who is in- American statesman It is « fact, ¿siate- jand orffer »4 their paper discontinue«! w. i>. H owbuji will oontrilrate a novcllete dence of Mr. Johnson in Grant’s Pass on vited to visit the Red Star Store, Grant’s Call »nd inspect those "finest white rate of 3>) miles an hour. 'T1 4. If subscribers move to other places in three parts, and L a r< a mo H earn a Sunday following. On Christmas day teresieil in the Sterling mine« wuh Capt. lwhed by the te-*r’r nay of thousands of Pass, Oregon, where the prites are a-ton- blsnk-ts in the world' at Reurnes A White's, ette in two parts, entitled “You’^a,” hand­ St. John's d iy < Dee. 27tli), the gr -a e-t the without informing the publisher ami the lie a .11 Hold mass st lhe Call! lie church in Ankeny, his fattier iu-law, is paying rrla people, that Hood < «Farsapariila does cure iahmgly low. Respectfully. before they are all sedd out. • somely illustrat<*d. event in Ma.-om chronology, wi-I be -luly i paper? are sent to the former direction, lives atSterlingvillra visit, accompanied Hotofuliu salt * rheum,' aud other diseases \V. E. DBAS. at 7:3d. 8 and 10:30 o’clock A. in illustrated pape**^» wjucblng subj«N*ts of The 8. F. "Examiner’’is tlie best paper olis -rved uy the fraternity here. The offi­ Jacl.-onvnle or Hffeeimns arising irorn mi iuiputv stale they a reheld responsible. .1 m ; sirvices in the evening at 7 o’clock. by his family. current iuterea*, and in its short stories, on the coast Don't fail to leave your sub­ cers ol tlie drift rent lod.es will le mstiuled On New-ye .r’s day he will hold mass or low condition of the blood. It also 5. The courts have decided that reinsing Ashland Miinlripal Election. poems, ivuutiruely articles, the M agazine will FOR THE Judge Willard C.awfo.u. iq Atlivtna, who at I on that event, wbicli falls on Friday—one Ashland. scriptions at tbe T imes office. overcomes that tired feeling, creates a good t j ta ke perodicals from the office, or re­ maintain its well-known standard. I ! liai» l et n suffering two qfeVk- frani There was quite an exciting time in week from to-morrow. moving and leaving them uncalled for ’ pri- appetite and gives strength to ever} ’ part of the T imes to vour friends East, or mg of lbe hh»yf, t aused Uy a small scratch. the citizen’s!* invention railed at Ashland at Send ma facie” evidence of intend fraud. A. O. Eckleson and N. L. Raber of <' r- other place. It answers better than is impioving si iwiy ami is now able to sit the system. Try it. Clitistnias Tree £nterti0an»ent. last Siturday. After a somewhat vigorous •II any 6. Any person whe iuGeives a newspa­ vallis liavebien at I'orCaml recently,where the letters you can write. up in bed. His friend» in this section are discus-ion the following ticket was put in per and mai’e^ or it. wlrether he has The following is tlm programme of tne sorry to hear of his misfortune. Purchasers at the S. F. Variety Store will several of their wonderful amalgamators nomination for municipal preferment: Horsemen and Fanners. Attention. sulLscrtbed for it or not, is held in law as a will be luanuliicturetl This machine eoteriam nent io be given at the court- Per Year: Dr. J. Grey Jewell, who formerly wa« a Mayor. H. C. Hill; Counciliuen. E. B. Hun­ have an opportunity to draw several hand­ premises fo be l|ie "king" for saving g- Id, lioiire by lhe Siliiday-schools of Jackson­ subscriber. Galbraith Bros., the cetoh.aie^ importers $4 * inei change. corner 4th and Ash streets, Port­ dressed Ur him, k S liable also to the publish PtMBtage free to ail sulmrribera in the United Marshal W. R Marshall; street cominia- tains than lor some years past. some of it at a big advance. Investments Song, M. E. Sundav-si hool. briates, is prospe-itig. At the annual meet­ land, Oregon, a choice collection of Clydes­ •er for (Ue su'uscriiniun price State*. Cauada, or Mexico. s oner.Wm Patterson ;r»corder MUton Ber- 18 DISPLAYING Rheumatism is caused by lactic arid in in Multnomah county dirt pay heavy re­ 4 Recitation, Davy Plymale. The volume# of the MAGAZINK begin with ing <>f th. Hawaiisu Commeri lai Co he dale. English Shire, Hackney and Cieve rv , tressurer, E. V. Carter; city survevnr, land Bay stallions at moderate pieces and the numbera for June and December of taacti thcblood. which Hood's Sarsaparilla neu ­ turns nowadays, and many fortune« have ft. Song, Presbyterian Sunday-school. was elected vice^pr •sidenl thereof. Dr C. W. Root. A number of citizens who vear. When no time b Mwciflod. subscrip­ Society Election. G. Recitation, Pearl been made there in the past lew years. Jewed is an acooiiiiJislied gentleman ami on term a to sui^ Di^rc leasers. These horses supposed the convention was called lor the- tralizes, and thus cures rheumatism. tions will begin with the number currant at highest individual merit and 7 Address, “Star uf Bethlehem, _____ , ” \V __ m. lias ability enough to cope with even the are ail of purpose of endor».ng the old board on the J W. Sowden sells tbe celebrated Acme Al a H hip 1 ~meeting of Ruth Rebekah De­ time of receipt of order. It is stated that Hon. Warren Truitt of b.est strains ot breeding. Every anima) gree L >dge No. 4, 1. O. O. F.. held on tbe wily San Franciaaans. waterworks quesriun bolted the meeting Lakeview would like to secure the Republi­ button hole attachment for nil kini s of L. Miller. Round volumes of H ahpkii ' s M agazine for guaranteed. Call and examine the best evtiiing of the 16th Hist , the fallowing of­ three S. Song, While We March Along.” • ------- ------------- years latch, in neat cloth binding, will anil put up a ticket as above, substituting can nomination for supreme judge. sewing uiacuiims. This attachment .is a ESPEÍ1AI.I.V FOR THE HO1ADAU CON­ draft horses eves brought to Oregon, or ad ­ 9. Recitati >n, Jennie Reanita. be sent by mail. |»wt-paid. on receipt of $3.00 the name of D R. Mills for mayor, reipiru ficer* were elected f«»r the ensiii;? i^rin : Correspondenw- Fresh buckwheat nqd gtaiiam hour oat success and »»lakes a nekt ami durable but­ SISTING in part or T dress Galbraith Bro», at Portland, for fur­ Mr.« per volume. cases, for binding. .70 cenU in kSleiMh-hell j«ong au I -Sant a Claus. Mrs Alice Ulrich. N <».; inatiugJ.b Walter and Jacob Wagner of m-al. triucum kerniea »nit nth-r articles ton bole, send for sample ot work, price«, V. Turner. each—by mail, Cloth post-paid. N k .IB Nogflt l'O|K. ( ther information. 11. Benediction, Rev. W. ^kipworth. V. G the u£T board and al»o the present niniim etc , to J. W. Sowden. Jacksonville. Ore ­ ; Wm. Deniff, R S. , M r -< Frances in this line al the 8. F. V ariety- Store. Index to H amper a M agazine . Alphabetical, GOLD AND SILVERJTATCHES AND JEW­ November 2.5. ISNI. I ben i of the marshal xdlce Eugene Walrad. Lay, 1’reas • Mi^s Kate Ftytuale, F. S. gon. VI arv « • rd aljj’ iqvited to attend. Doors Analytical, and ('lasaiticd. f«»r volume*« I to 7b. ELRY. SILVER AND I'l.ATF.D WARE. . • i • . _ » ■ - M v D ihu riMUk. Jaokaonvil e, <>r.; The «forms in northern California having The Wheeler and Wilson, No. 9. Inclusive, from June, l$50, to Juno, IftKU one ELEGANT IilthSeilNG AND PER­ Don't forget th at eyery urst premium pen at 7 o’clock vol.. 8vo. cloth, $4.00. FUMERY CA8»\ STANDARD subsided, the railroad has been rebatred Knowing J on circulate far and near, I Takes the lead, although other c^^pgnies ttellmsfl T«lk. . Get Ready for the Holiday*. aiyat'ded at the district fair tor line photo­ HOOKS. FANCY MIRRORS. Remittances should be made, by post office and trains are arriving regularly again, wi-h you would inform my little friends of advertise receiving graphic work was cairied of! by Logan, t irouit Court proeeedlnin. •uedah. At the FINEST PEHl-'l MES, CHRISTMAS AND < •» ntlemen who are desirous of appearing money order or draft, avoid chance of lose. /The urnject of connecting Jacksonville southern Oregon that I have cliosen 8. F. 4^4. tfi’e No. h received lhe first We?l dressed should order their winter suits Newspaper* art not to copy this NEW YEAR’S CARDS. ETC„ yXjnh the m»‘|l track of t)te a I’ H K. k prof tv.inicrd nf Ashland goes to Ro’lyn, the Ashland photograpbpr. for fiis unri “ ' advertis­ The iol'owing business has been trans­ VARIETY’ .'•TORE, in Jacksonville, from Paris / br rail is »lipicti-It ■»H< l> attention 111 *s, over all. Machine sold al once from J. B. boliner. our live mer- men! without tho «express ord< er of 11 Alteza A Which he U selling at the a fine picture at a small price call on the T imes : on easy payments AU makes repaired and clunt tailor, before the holiday ru-di copies >>HAOKF.ás. Address: fecent I.ittinti» ot the c. a«r, an<1 serer;.! suns tor the Christmas ball at that place. HAKPKIt A BROTHERS, New York. certainly visit all my good imle friends work warranted. Mac hines to rent. Office on. He not only carries the larges^ stuck him. • n >rti<- »>e fi.’iirinic on tne cos« of butlding State ot Oregon vs. Abner Kent; indict­ Blnill ult Christmas and S'ew Years If you wish to make your selections from at J. B. Sollner's tailor shop, Jacksonville; uf cloths ever brought to tb’.s For the best turnouts f( r all occasions but is the line, in order to whether they ran for «11 assault with a <>i,ngvrous ’wea­ n:pe. full stock of boli’day good«, don't fail call at tlie Excelsior liver,- stable io Jack­ ment Very Re-wctitilly Y'onrs, Palace Hotel. Grant’s Pass; D. H. Huling’s a fir»t-class workiuau •otcrlain tli. proposition oi the eiti.ens ot a tocdllat *" »U guarantee P asta Cl-tt:». lhe S. F. Variety Store at once. sonville Plymale's pro s are quite rea­ pon. Verdict of guilty as charged. hardware store, Medford. My goods are firnt-claa®. and I will at ll them thia pl.ee and Medford, which offers a a stylish i^t time. His prices are State vs. (I W. Ravage, indictment for at price* that will MMoniMh all. GJve m«* a H. A. RAYMOND, bnnna of »30.000 to anyone who will build ve<-c.Tb, lw. by hold of the.them«. It is likely that » >nie ni 1...» »adiiu Fear Kaiser aud N. A. Jacob«; proceedings for lUs the O.Hde R U>-/.u rtf' Pzoilu nroolr will f»i«>_ I Lamb IjDlkh iU. J»' ,r •»___ _____ > accep ______ >________ R.-v. Rollt. Ennis. Rout. It. Moore and Mise vqs . <*' Foots creek will for- ou E ’ ’ llowe an j ted by I*;- one will push this enterprise to a aucce»»- Holiday goods are being»«13 ——- ’ . ......»ton,'1. T., with a handsome e-intempt of court. Hearing set for I r,d, iiiib »1«A mu«ti£ a «rnnd «HYinAr will K* ’ -• • •------- Minute Ailaiaht'. tiotli of Jaekaonville. the music ’ ind * good «uvp«f will '»-• .l.uir, »» all such orders have baen paid in tul uruiin.tion during the commit six at tbe S ”*’* ,v.y cneap ilinstratiou of their celebrated pear, whose L'ec. », 1889 rwrxvtAA/1 orirac.* kinw***- • H<«LMEs-HHOWN-ln Eagle Point, at the provided. Th* The pnca<2 ______ F'- H. B owk . months. Our cit.xens will come to th» <»•- * ill be the full. .. . u.iety Store. Jacksonville, as virtues are extolled by tbe most noted ruaidenoe uf the bridu’s parenta, Wtn. M. ......... Lveryleidy is Tol >, D*cember2, 1889, cue, if they do net invited to Hohnes and Mixa Emily Brown. ibe entire stock must be closed out bv Jan. ponioloeists and horticulturists thriugb Graud Raffle. HE St WHIltElt TAKES PLEASURE IN <1. E. R ose . 1. 1890 out the United States. »(lend. announcing flint bls steam saw-mill is now The case of C. C. Beekman vs. Jackson Evervbo-lv purchasing $2 worth of good» running on Hill time and turning out a large 1 w<^ pa r-< of large an I eleg.int picture!*, BORN. .nmrtlitog New Under the Sun.' (Tondsr/Ht Core». quantity ol lumts-r. lie is prepared to fill all at tbe 8. F. Variety Store will be entitled county , for damages oil account of a io- a- (four in ail) among ’he fince rafifl doff on New PARKF.H-At Gold Hill, Lice. IWh. to Mr. and orders ble rates. A fine quality of "Valley Record" Bro K«i«er indulaed in drawing. Big Butte precinct, was argued in the su­ Aearsdi,* Th« y are r.cm on exhibition druggists of Rom*,, Gt., sa.v: We h «ve Mrs. F. M. Parser, a ttun. »elhng Dr ___ King - ’• \ * D’.(cov«ry, some scathing remark« concerning a few BLECKERT-On Gall a creek, Dec. 1.3th, to Patroii ze the merchants who stay with preme court this week by Judge 1’rini for at t ic 8. F . \ ar cry St »re. Tickejs only been ALL KINDSOF LUMBER, El»*ctriu Bitters and Luck leu s Arnica 8 dve of onr officials, to which they take great the town,and do vour trading at Realties A the appellant, Geo. W. Colvig of Grant's 4» 1. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bieckert. a son. for (our years. ll*v<-never handled ram- Including the tent rustic, celling and flooring exceptions. Judge Webster, who 1» theob White’s. It will pay you. Prices exc. ed- 1 i'l.s« appearing for ’.he county. Bt ’ RGESS — <)n Williams creek, Dec. ft. 1MJ9, to elites tliat sell •» W> U or klve sinh univ. r- furnished on short notice. $500.000, to loan. $500 000. ject at which tbe shafts of the writer were ingiy low. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Burgvaa, a daughter. Fora lame back try satura'inga pn- -e of * General Contractor in ir Satisfaction giiarantisd. sal SHH-faeiion Ti ve lave by n s inn- ..rincitmllv hurled, ti ed tbe proprietors of 11. Whitman of Medford, on ini­ wonde-fu! cure- etvcied by thes • medicims 8. S. SMITH. HEFFNER—In Table Rock precinct. Dec. 1. We learn lhat J. W Ingram of Willow llannel with Chamlierlaiii's I’ain Balm amt be above meniiuneri paier to aprenr ami Spring« precinct round a pocket of quart; binding it on to tbe al!e< ted part.«. Tqis IKS», to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heffner, a son. bì'm -ei urify in Jncks.m county, i?i this city. Several cases of pronounce i show why tl ev »!»• UM »1 be p«n t-l el for I a short time s.nce, which y,elded uearlv treatment wil' cure any ordinary cnss in "'"t rates of any loan agency in'the consumption have kfp n entirely cured by J<>NE8-At the Milo Walker place, near Ash­ MARBLE, STONE OB GRANITE c-ri.mHoi 0.11H. giving them ui.pi k- $ I qifon cold. <. one or two days. i’ain Balm u «o on e« land, Dw. 5. 1SM9. to Mr. and Mrs. Jonea, a > ' use of a few Irottles oi Dr. King a New Dis­ For Strains! and Sprains. morrow toai rater. M r .Ka.ser has already- ibeuniatistn. sprains, swelling »ml lam-- son. covery taken in connection with Electric M M. Cooksey has been appointed ad­ ness. Fuly cent Is-ttles for s de at «'ity Ettrtka. filed a r.plv, in win. h he disclaim« any PARSONS-In Ashland. Dec. 10 1W. to Mr. Bitten. We KU«rantee them alw»y». Bold Evidence, Freeh, New, Strong. inalu-e <>r intention'o biniler or influence ministrator of »lie estate of Hi.am Cook­ Drug Store, Jacksonville, also Engel Bros., and Mrs. W. P. Panama, a daughter. The motto of California means I have by ail druggists. sey. deceased, and elsewhere gives notice the proceed 11-g« of any case, and '1«n|?9 I’hiemx. II ARG A DINE-In Ashland. Dec. 10. IMAP, to found it. Only in that land of sunshine, Mt. PltMant, Tmi, to that effect. Mr. «nd Mrs. Geo. K. Hargadine. a daughter. For bucine«* pursuit« nt the Portland Busine«« that the court ba« any j-insdiction in the Buffered 8 Tears. J sm M. 1HI. Among the gratifying revelations in where the orange, lemon, olive, tig and Attend to This. Sufered i ysan wltk strata of back; eoaM ns4 All teachers in the county should attend apple growing for profit, especially- in this grape bloom and linen, and attain their GEARY—In Medford, Dec. 9, liW9, to Dr. and College. Portland. Oiegnw. or at the Capital hus- matter. We will refrain from making walk straifkt; ass4 tvo bsttUs St. Jaccbs OU. ine-..College. Salmi. Oregon. 1:' Schoo *- -■ ’s are rvgon. R.»th the institute to be beld at Medford on tbe Mrs. E. P. Gearjr, a son. Comments at pre«en^______ Stockmen wishing their brands in the state, is the fact that the apples produced hiuhest perfection in mid winter, are the was csreS. Ms pain la II woaths. have < 4 A the management .4 A. !' P. \r*i!--tif»iig, ar- 2litb. A most interesting programme has here are found to be so superior herbs ami gum found that are used in that brand book of the Soul hern Oregon Stock VAN HORN-At I/mg lake, Nov. 27, 1>«», to under IL J. WALLAC8. of tuition. Prompt Attention riven to all Ordern by Mail. same course* of emetics and «am--i Mr and Mrs. William Van Horn, a son. Jtaptrf MttHwff«/ «A* ntart. been prepared. in flavor to those which the climate of pleastant remedy for all throat and lung Protective Association should send in their DEAN—In Flounce precinct. Dec. 12, 1W*9, to II ti •« j li <• t» w, % it o r : ti a »I '■*»« <«4te?», A 6 i <-ap.l t I R ikìh »^ fiHIqçt, It is a fact, not generally known, that Used Cane. Bonito«, Taxai, J«a« IS. UBS. the only guaranteed c ure fur catarrh, years. So many new applicants applying % Fot tland, < »regon V It Salem, Oregon. when eiercisiog. or your hejrt has period» Jas. Briner of Talent is engaged with the I>r. T. T. Minor, who was recently drowned Cilre. Iwakina« «y b«ck: to « m es««; VM c«r«4 BOEHM—In Ashland. December 10, ISM. Jul­ ot b»atiog fa-t, yon nave heart and company now for space was the only reason for issuing by R r-u ou Oto aj-w prospecting the blue in l’uget sound while on a hunting expe­ $1; by inul, $1 10, ius Boehm, a native of Braunschweig. Ger­ •hoiild take Dr Flint’s Remedy. Descrip- gravel lead near ftufua Cole a place in Sis­ dition with G. O. Haller and Lmis C >x one the present season.______ Lost. many; ag«i 77 yearn. hve tr»;atiiie with each bottle, or, address kiyou county. Cal. For Rent. resided at Phoenix, in this county, nearly It Ashland. December 7. IIW, of con­ Dreaemaking. lulled. «««"« MU» ■■ »*»7 »»»••», ¿ack Drug Co , N. Y. My barn in Jacksonville, opposite the TRAYED FHOM THE MAHOADINB iMI Bank I. 1 uraUW ay MktoMa vu O sumption. W. G. Mills, a native of Indiana; The legitimate drama will be ably pre­ 30 years ago. He subsequently removid court-house. ranch nI<1 wgb "To^DiaxuamxDaT. dies of Ja.-ksoiivil'e and vicinity that she is a whin* «nip on n •»*. lhe other with » ater ta Mr T. A. Deroven. merchant. Deroven, We learn from E W Hamm«", the Ke l­ theater company. now prepared to do all kinds of tire«« and Notice forehiad. each having a colt; one Iron gray ford nurseryman, that M. J. Wes-fl«, the David Kinney, lhe old gentleman who Louisiana, says: "1'lieSt. Patrick’s Pills Terrible Paln. rui.ruw.tu_. w.r n. cloak making in I lie latest style and will man* with ycarlingisilt. All are branded with general agent for the Idaho pear, is mak­ has been lying sick at the rest fence of R. Went like hot cakes." People who have a small "’ on the Utt thigh, n««r the stifle, ex­ LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE UN- guarantee all work to fit. A trial will con ­ Äu ing his nur-ery be.dq'iarters for a few Benedict on Appleg ite for sometime past, once tried th. in are never satisfied with DR. CONN'S IMPRQWED LIV1R PILLS cepting the colta. I will give one of the bay dendgned. either bv note or account, are anv other kind. Their gentle action and Curt Sick-Headache, by cofflctiftf the Stomach, Bow- vince all oi this fact. Apply at residence, days and taking ordeis. Et< h tree has the died a tew day» ago. notI tied to call and aettir within twenty day», hors«» for the delivery of the abosra diacrlta-d L T IT1 lS'<,neTV. **•“«»> complexion by pu- first door east of the planing null, al the animals, or I will well reward anyonedeUvet* reliability as a cathartic is whsfo makes »< al or trade mark of the Idaho Fear l.o., and t*avc trouble and coata, an my bindiM*»« There w 11 he a Cbri»tmi» festival at them popular. For sale at City Drug ritymg the blood; mild in their action, pleasant to take, Little place. __ Ing any pert of them. My rràidem-e is in inuKt lie cloned up iintn«*