s CENTKXL POINT POINTERS. PERSONAL MENTION MEPPOHI» 8QÜ1BS NEW THIS WEEK Mr. Mill.«, a rsrponter. who !••'« bee’* 1 The V M L folks of Ash’and will hold living st A-hl «i‘d f r sotiKtinre !«•««», died [ .» niettme m xt Sun«L«v. t«» be address d bv . Pr. f. W I. D n f Ti!e t. th»- obj»*< t FW 11 (» it , <’lia«. Gav.Jack I/»whi a«i«l C G. Rippey of Central P. ini culled last Hnlidav goods in reckless profusion nt [a f* w days ago, >*f’er a pr. tra* t< d d e •« Ru**d • sre qui'» mu *dv. DR. A. WEIDEL, other* were c I e t as w tu(s*es before the the 5m d 10Cent Slur«-. • A few copies ot the American -.*««•»*«- be >.g • f rm a club f ihe s ci* ty wh ch Mui da He Ith s g-1 er* ly g “»«I ' gruuo ju«y thw week. >' lii-t. «1 c<* numn«r. i prund e««t te* •- THURSDAY .Mias Fannie Knowles visited in Ashland Great bargains in many lines at the 5 and Guide, standard authoritv < n * « iv.< GERMAN PHYSICIAN AND »VUG EON. l'ECEMBER 12,1*«. Th»- h> liduy.-* ure almost here. J. S. Mowrer. who was connected with matters, maybe t«»nnd al tne I i . mrs office i’lrera to tne A h ami j ubuc du u g the last w»«k. 10 Cent Store. Medford. • winter.^ Jarkton* Hie. Oreg or. our plaiiiiix-niill fur a while, has left Cen ­ Read the new advertisements. A. 8. Johnson opened out in the butcher­ Mrs. W. J Plymale will leave f»r Portland John B. Williams, on« of th»* live farm­ The fcarfh, drasiic purgatives, once I in a short time. tral Point for parts unknown. Buy your Christinas suit at Fisher’s. ing business here last week. ers and stockraisers of Little Butte precinct, Graduate from Imperia) College of Berlin. deemed so inseparable, have given p a« e t*> 1). 11. Burroughs of Grant’s Pass was here OFFICE.—I’. S. Hotel. Room No. 1. Calls R«-presentalive* F ive ar. i 1» »•.-h paid for pr iduce .it Goldsmith’«, a n.ce, fail stock of holiday gomls, don't fail For the best turnouts for ail occasions to Joseph ne county. In the matter of tbe estate of Johu A. Grieve, <»ui J Hill and meeting with success. via California in a few days. deceased. to call at the 8. F. Variety Store at once. call at the Excelsior livery stable i«i Jack­ cisco V ariett S tokf , Jackson­ Medford. Heaps ( f new goods, just from the cast, • T. J. Clopion of Klauntb county made otice is hereby given that the Mr. Cary, lately of Texas, has invested in Plymale’s prices are quite rea­ us a brief call one dav this week. S eppy A Wolters of Talent hav« just sonville attheôand 10 Cent »Store, Medford. * undersigned has been appuint«! by the poverty here an I will become one of our ville, Jan 1, 1890, consisting of Alfelfa anti timothy sex'd at the 8. F. Va­ completed sonable ami he never fails in giving satis a contract for furnishing the county court <»f Jackson county, ()r«*gon, sit­ A I it rge quantity of reasonable goods has permanent residents He was at Jackson­ Cha». Decker, Waldo ’ s popular merchant, riety Store. faction You will also do well to patron ­ ting administrator of the estate of railroad c mipanv with 10UO cords of wood. One Fine, Large. Eight-Dav I he Wdlamettc valley is boasting ol new justbten received at tlie5 and 101’etit .Store ville one day ttiis week, accompanied by John in A. Pro.»ate, Grieve, deceased. ize his stage line runniiig between this visited Jacksonville la»t Saturday. W. A. Owen. Erick G. Salstrom, Hcnrv Conalatl * and Clock, coating 4*20.00. E. P. Hammond is completing a neat All p<-«-sons indebted to said estate arrre» Fr d Barnelnirg. tha well-known stock potatoes already. * A. H. Booth by of Desk ins were at the place and Me.lford. residence in the northern portion of town. Your correspondent nVi; capi­ Administrator’s Notice Anybody purchasing $2 worth The barb-wire fence cutter 1« at work «upplvin - southern Oregon with a hrge had a narrow escape fr« in drowning wude 1) Richards and wife of Willow Springs brick block at this place. tal »lock $12,(KM). (’. Magruder, I i; w .1- number of fruit frees of the choicest varie­ crousing Rogue river at the Freil ford on ii in Warner valley. Mrs. W. It. Callahan has been entertain ­ iinure, H. C. Lewis, J. W. Merritt and 1). of goods during the holiday season apa Barlev In the matter nr the estate of ««_■ Toy precinct were at the county-seat yesterday. iiors« bark. Both aiiinii.l- lell al tlu* sain«* POU THE is quoted at 46 cents a bu-hel at ties. ing her sister, Mrs. Harvey Ramies ul Linn, in- orporaturs. deceased. John O Brien of Applegate and G. C. Nebraska,during the week will be entitled to a chance in the the Medford warehouse. The custom of giving wedding presents «ime and it was on y by ihe nio>tstrenuous otice is hekeiit given that the 1 h <'« ii'rei Point planing mill is nuw on • ’ ulv of Straiub jat visited us one «lay (his «. Ilorts that tne lady and her e.-em i eS« aped has abont got.-e out of fash'on. The ai»u-e undenugiK^i hax b<-cn nppolntnl by the Miss Abbie Goodyear of A-h'and was tlic a li. in ba-.s once more, a company grand drawing free of charge. The A new line of stylish hats received this <>f . , ilRVi.lg count» oonrt of JncliHon vouuty, Oregon. Bit- the custom rightly led to its discontin­ with I heir lives, as the liver was quite high we. k. at Reames «V White’s. • gne*t of Misses Nurah and Casrie Ply male bvtn organ zed to o|x.*iute it, c«.*niposed of ting tn piot.aU*. h«ppe«i from Ashland re­ Ed Hamnmn of Medford, the well-known dence property in this place. f I2JMM), and will run the bu.-ines^ to its full thos<* present them ut the law office of «.* W livered in Jacksonc« uuty. cently. Th«*» forget th«* fact that Fre«l iiir>eryiiian, vinled us one «lay during the draw ng. sc II b more reasonably than any­ Kahler in Jacksonville. Juelu.m count, Or, Mr. Guthrie, who h . who e average weight was 1321 De« emt er 17th. in months from the Ural publication of in ihi« vailey at present. Tin* short corn Ralph C. Miller, who has been east of th»* Point, has returned to Medford. feeling pretty comfortable over having se- ttiis mx winch lays the Arid tnd <‘attle“away notice. GIN LIN $2, and get value received and a Talent grange now boasts of thirty mem ■ rop prevented many hogs bein; fattened, Pu ( d off. 1 u c<>ii9e«|iience Kent ease. Don’t fail local! and see the large, hand­ licit, aud through the low divide east of W1NNEROF THE GRAND White ’ s. It will pay y«»u. Prices exc< ed- Miss Nina Emery <»f A-hlaod visite I rel­ there will t»e no ionnn nun with San Fran­ some display ot g'Mxis especially designed Red Blanket, to a po-Sihle junction with ingly low. • atives in this piece last week M B rry of Ashland entertained John cis«*«» until Sui.day. Ibe same slate uf af- fur the holidays at the 5 and 10 Cent »Store. t'hrittmaa 5. S. Enlertaiumrnt. die I r. railroad, l he Iroya are ready fur PRIZE, THE Ge >. M. Wi I «rd m iniger for Staver .V firirs exi-H in Shasta county, Cal., where McHenry and family of Virginia, I 1 , dur Now is the time to get your holi«las Allen J. Milt n and failli y of Marshfield b.doers now. Walker at Seattle,drew a t »wn lot in Hyde much injury has been «lone by the unprece­ ¡ng the week. The committee of the Methodist and printing ai d advertising done. 1 Mfice of the (,'uunty Treasurer. | arrived in Medford last week with the in ­ Park addition to Porthtml last week, at a dented rains. <»ne “Dr Kc.**, a -mdc dentist, whose Presbyterian Bunday «cbona met M »nduy .Ucksonvilie. Oregon. D«s-. 12. IN»» » Wm. Chapman, ex sheriff of Josephine tention of making this valley tl.e r home. forget the grand New Year’s draw­ club drawing. Home la where Ins hat is oil,’ tried Lu have evening, December 9th, at t lie re-ide ice oi ing Dun'« otice is hereby given that there at the 8. F. Vari« tv 8t«»re. Among the many attorneys who have cuun’v, is paying his old friends in Ja«k- 'The leputed nit ce of General Jackson, are funds on band fur f h<- redemption of Dr. E. B. Btone, t»> arrange for a public his piac • w:ih #ut sctildig with the land ­ There are several feet of snow on the th«* following < -minty wm ranis, prot eat cd from J. Wright has covered the Big Butte Siskiyou and Cascade nn inita n-c (’< n- be« n admitle-l tu ¡«ractice lately none are sonvii e a vi-it. Mr*, ('ol. Davidson, departed for Salem lord oi the St. Cloud hotel. As the latter entertainment, to be given un Christmas AT THE making more progress than W. II. I ’ arirer. January 1, lb<>. to JunuHi v ft. JS85, Inclusive John Clark, who w« nt to Seattle, Wash., bridge iu a tirst-c|>s.-» manner. rv« . December 21th. last Thursday, after a week’s sojourn at seized bis trunk ..n i c »nipt-lied him tu dis- Warrant« numbered: sidcrable of “the beautiful” lies on the Ills address tu die ju>y in ihe Roten ca«e with the intention of returning n >on. has Mtdford. Un motion. Dr. Stone was chosen chair­ gorge, be went before the grand jury aud Nun in ha- quite a number of nice ar­ lower mountains. No. 719. tins week w as an exceil« nt effort anti is not got back yet. man aud Mr«. W J. Plymale secretary. ticles suitable for the holidays. No. 732. Rev. K. McLean was Ht the county-.-eat secured an in Lctuient aguin>t Mr ¡Savage, Lieutenant (’. W Ayers of Ashland ha» highly complimented by all who heard it. No. SSI. Prof. G. H Watt, super ntendent of th« J. B. Trombey or Wagner creek and last Tuesday, and delivered an excellent x.barging him with keeping a gaming bou.-e. Now is the time Io select your b«)liday been mm missioned as commissary se reca nt Many were vi-ioly affe« te«l by his remarks No. r»Mi Presbyterian bunday-svhool ami T. J. goods at the 8. F. Variety Store. Joshua Wright of Big Butte .-pent luesdav Auer he bad done his cowardly wot it, lecture there in the evening, which wa* of the 2d regiment, r ___ _____ ' ?! r:J-; O. T G , with head in behalf of the defendant. No. (MY Crete, superintendent of the Methodist night in Jacksonville. Kc

on us at List. No. I,*.«. be* fully c«»nsumiualeev- R. H MOORE, in view fall to do an\thing. .Miss Carrie Beekman aud Mrs. W J. ( 'has. W. Logap of A^l.lainl. «lep.ity F S Noble, removed. Mr. Sears will make un the T imes : shutiles,and part« of all kind« for every As the authorized ropr<'*u*ntativc of the (bounty Treasurer. Pl\tmde were appointed as a coinmine on eral nice priz s at Skatt'ng-rit.k ball. stvle of >ewing machines. We inadv •rtciily neglccre i t estate in a mar.-iial. i-at ihe counly-sea. in the role of effix ieut officer. E C K me vs. Rippey A White. I offer my patrons the beat sewing 3 he town is fud of A-hland lawyers and programme. i. rmtr i—ue « f ihe H ues that Frat c s witness before th«*g«ani1 jury. ruaebine in the world. The exerts of Euro|»e Mrs. Poller has returned to E.ig'e Point r«*( '»vrr iu »•)«y. I laintilf....... ....... This ha« h» en a g<»< «! term for ih ” de- .Mis- N na Beekman was appointed as a our people sh uld “look a leedle end.” T Auu-rka have promiunred the fa< t. Jx«». N. Teal, a prominent uttuniev of after three weeks’ sojourn in Medfonl, un­ 2. J s J/ j . hi ivbi.-h t > tile bill for exceptions. f nd «nt-* in th civil (••i-es, the diff rent Riley «»f Y vka, f«»r ni »i«y yens a pre m. 7H and R*>p<-elfully coinmiriee un decoration-- with Dr. Si.me. M r. Biem, an old soldier, die«! at Ashland veMirts eiven SO far being aeaii st th • iient « 'tiz n ot Si-kiy«»u c«»i»nty, (’al., de Port and, has b«*en in Jacksonville ifiis dergoing treatment nt the bauds of one of yours. N hi h *r vs. J «lues A Cooksey ; to recov­ Frol. Watt ami Misses Kite Hoffman, one dav this week, aued about 50 vears. • Ur local physicians. parted thi> lite not long sime. lie wa: week on professional bu-iness. er in ti y; de'HUlt entered and judg­ plaintiffs in every instance. 1 Í Carrie B ekinan, Eiunia Arinstror.g, Aggie -nerdf for four years a«,d be d «th-r posi­ Monthly instailments of $10 will buy a Kiipptl A Fitch have removed their quar ment for | 1 tint ff ft r |285, c-'-ts, etc W (». SUel. w« 11 known in this county, J. W S >w«len controls the sale of th« tions of trust. An honest, entei pricing • it Gibsun, Minnie Albright and MtudCre^s hou.-c J. W. SOWDEN Fran« i O’C umor vs. Andrew O'(’onn«,r; an 1 lot tn Tolo from Scott Griffin. • White seuing-ma< bine in this sect «»n of izen, he is mourned by a who knew Inin. hit l’x»rU md last Tueed iv for an extended t* rs to the building op| osife the Gr n 1 Cen as assistants. l«U< THE divuice. Drenti «serf. tr«l hotel, formerly occupied by P. Hendri- trip through the eastern states. Oregon. Anv one else claiming t» handle Old papers, it; quantities to suit, for sale M issis Emma Flymale, Jess e Ju« ks n, B Swei z rdud C W Nelson: to recover W. A. WaL’Cr of A-hlund precinct is do­ that machine is an itnpOH'or. • John Bo t of Applegate spent sevci al duy» son, the uarber, on 7lh street. Emma Heims, Ida Clem mens, Betlie Mu- at the T imes office at 5ü cents* hundred. Jacksonville, Oregon a tine busimss raising celery for mar- in town during ihc past w«*»*k He wk* 3he b ard of trade met last Monda» m •• ev. < u iiinu d. The soil is now soaked with water to a ing ler and Jennie R»*ames were appointed as Cari-tmas is only two weeks oft nn I W N Luckey vs. J W Alnutt vs O (»a« - lot, «»n the ifelmaii farm. He hail t'ns year night and made arrangements iur tla« pr> p distributing committee. everybody is making preparations th» rufur considerable depth, and is in better condi­ a"oul s.x acre.« ut a choice article, inu> h of warmly received by his many friends. iar«i; to recover nion-y. Ttiff by jury and Prof. Watt was appointto a committee Ed. Herrin of Ashland last week depart­ er distribution of the circulars and paiuph ver iict for «h fi n lant. ’ Fre-h timothy an I alfalfa seed sold nt tion tn withstand dry weather than it has which he shipped to distant markets, as on ‘ Santa Claus ” ed for Eldorado county. Cal., to accept a lets recently primed for the town. the low st rate-» at the S. F. Variety Store. been during the past two year-. Slut« <«t Or. g »n vs. Frank Wale; indict­ lar no: th as <"p- kune ami to San Francisco On motion, the public wa» invited to The Medford gun dub wants permission ment tor f'.tgery. Flea « f guilty entend O. Guniard last week sold his stock in on th * south. He will plant lurty acre s ol goo«! position with a large mining company. K. B. ze of Tniont wu precinct was here place presents in the bands uf the general to shoot within the city limits. Don't al ­ Sam's valley to H G. Kesterson wh» re­ an 1 nsrn, Jesse Adams. W. B ing and Coimu ssiou» rs Tavlor ami Ray for the Circuit court i* -t il n session and uil legal bl.-tnkssouth of Salem is kept at tin* w> nt like hut akes a pupnlnr resort. The best of every We-t Asld»n I Di'cu (’«». vs. Foidy«e <»nrr tried ti»« in are never satisfied with Gray, Jas. Brimr. A. Virgil and Oscar Low thing in thaï line is kept there. use of the ci urtnum. kindly granted il.e.n probably not adjourn for seveial weeks t> T imes office and sold at Portland rates * R per; i j met on. Dismis-el. any other kind, Their gentle action an i of Wagner creek were in loa n last Tuesday, fur the uccasi n. come. H C D- liarbuie vs. Wm M Gilroy; to re­ Mrs. »Scott A. Riggs and Mrs Robert 'Th • dil il'»rine«s of some < f the min ute, s leiiab.ilty as a c.xthartic is wh tl makes on land business. Merting adjourned sine d e. I There wdl In* a grand drawing for prize- and jus:ic«s«>i th-county, in th«* matter <•« them popular. I r 'ide al » i»y Drug Clow, wile of the raiir »a 1 commissioner, cover m< ney. Dioui-e-d. E B STONE. Chairman. Messrs. Kennedy and Hugin. who are F • i chner. M y. r A < «». vs Kubli A Bolt ; nt tbe > F. Var.ety Store on New Yeai ’ - win» spent some d xys recently in M< df «rd. E>Pt( (ALLY FOR THE IK »LIDA Y. CON- also Engvl B os , mailing return« of mania • s, is hi blv rep- S.«»re Jacksonville. M rs . W. J. P lvv r , beer»tary. connected with Fle st hner, Maver A C«» of returned Lome to Lane county last lburs- to r»cover ni .ney. Tri «l by jury and ver­ day. S1ST1MJ I.N PART OF r lun-ible fr< in « t e v p «p. r stumipoint. 1 hueii x Portland, spent several days in town dur- dict for defendants. day. Mr. M D ’itald of I’ol > was in town last About sixty (*drl«»a«Is of wheat wil! be F«*ra Lum* Lack try saturating a piece of ing the week. Examinations tuo Lengthy. C MinLU- vs. J. A. Swift; to recover mon ­ GOLD AM» SILVER WATCHES AND JEW­ Friday; >o were D. l\-:iingeran IC Magru­ s‘dp|»ed from the .dwer valley t > tbe A-h- tl «in el with Chum'»ei 1 «in’.** Paiu Balm ami Tne ladies of the ( hrist an church, the Nyl. Paber-on and J. K Van Kant f>t ELRY. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Def;»u.'t entered and judgment for At the teachers' examination held I in der. laml io!l-r 11 >ur mdU th s -ea«oii. four binding it on to the affected parts. This Ashla« «1 sp nt a «lav in town lately. The “Earnest Workers.” are i reparing for a ey. ELEGANT DRESSING AND PER­ p aint.ff fur $»on interest, e’<. Jacksonville »ecenily, a meiimriul W • ' D. C H’-rri ,’he Lakevn-w pbot<»g«apber, ra: 1 ad-» having gone tip the r »ud la-t wc k treatment wil « ire anv ordinary < ase in I «tier IxH’» cl -♦ d his b'l-im s- and will soon festival nn«l fair al Howard’s hall un the FI'MERY CASES. STANDARD S ate vs A J Bariow; indict ment For We have valuable city proptrt » drawn up and aigtred bv nearly all the arrivtd 19 h in-«. Everyone should attend an I BOOK«, FANCY MIRRORS. one « r two day*. P.-lu Balm a«so cutes > at .t-h.and la-». .ve«-»\ to -pend the A mavy snow-storm has be* ti prevailing I remove to < id fornia. m ivbem. Set for trial on Monday, Dec. teachers present, protesting ugainst ti.e winter. FINEST PERFUMES. CHRISTMAS AND aid in a g o i causa. and farms in Jackson and rii< umati-tn, -p ai'is, swelling ami «am - in sonic portions ot northern <'.i!il»»rnia. 10. 1^89 unnecessary .eogih of lime consumed in J S. Rcdgcr-« rd Ashland, a-signee of ti e NEW YEARS CARDS. ETC.. Miss Oili« Freeland of Albany lias b*.*«*n Tm th >u-and feet of lumber at Snm’sval- At Sis.-on ami other points south, in Shasta m s>. Luty «• nt b«*'.ta*.« L t su e at ( ny estate ol W Al.Gihoy. is in town, a- ai.-o B.' kni in A R a ne* vs. J A lian’ey et ri ; Josephine counties there quarterly t xamiuations. It was ar- I‘rug M »re, J a« k-ouViLe, also Eu^ei B. os., Me«.ford during the week, undergoing for«« 1 «sure «»f mortgage. L Befani! entered Which he is selling at the Kurd 'h it briefer examinations would test iey bm l-house fur sale bv Sco t Griffin of county, there is several feet of snow on tbe 1 h«L*nix. a«e W. M. Gilroy. Fred llai s- n ami other in for sale. medical treatment at the hands uf Dr. and judgment for , hiutjfT-j for |51"U, inter grouml. • the tfflciency ol the applicants as well, Tolu. residents of Ashland. Pnce. Her residence while here has bet n est. etc. A hunted amount oi damage was «¡one to Th»1 Roseburg “Review” is gettirg re <1. and would be lets inconvenient and rxptn 8. S. Smith’s sawmill, situated on Ander­ M:s. TJpky, mother of Mo. Veit Schute, Amanda B.’ger. guardian, vs. Gm Lin; < <»MMI N1CATK»N> SPECIALLY wive to the teacher»*, especially to those who son ertek, was slightly injure«! by tire re for a mammoth m w yea:'.** »•«lition <,f 10.- th«* residence oi >. A. CaiTt«*n on Butte is lyng in .i d' ertive Hue. l rompt action entend an I judgment for pl nnt.fffor $746, “ bean supper ‘ this (Thursday) eveuing, at at prices that will astonMh all. Give me a Id »rd and Fisher are nothit £ if n t ent« r questions as are U'tualy a*ted at these ex­ NOTICE I'. Grandpa C< nstnnt and W. Freil of savtd t.»e building ami averted a heavy moned to her bedside. call an«! be convinced that 1 mean just what 1 the brick buildipg belonging to Comrade costa, etc. aminations could not, of course, b* an Flounce R »« k p ecinct v.sited us a tew days prising. Mis Yost, of Illinois, a sister of Dr. VF. -a» I. < BROOKS. I s«. 1 bv damage was fully « «»Veied by a Frank Amv vs. A T Kv e; to recover swered in one day; but the members ot sii.ee. A hands »me c I ock an 1 srvrr.-d V’.lcab:e P«»m y it« the Fai mers’ ami Men bants’ lu- L. ( o'vig. of R'»ck Point, ami aunt of Dis­ Grossman on beventh street. Of course, it Jacksonville, Oregon. mot ev. Di'hl s-ed without preju ‘.ice. will be an enjoyable affair. the state b »ard. w.io ar? reepuns ble for priz-*-* wi l be given away oil New Year s suram trict Atmrney Colvig, is paying relatives T. A ILuder-on uf Lak« view has been e company und th? loss was pr mpt- 1 South rn Pacific R R Co. vs. Jackson ibe question-list, should emleavor to make • lav at tbe S. F. Vt«»re !•» (ho«e who A school exhibition is announce 1 for n southern Oregon u visit. the queries leas complex—n il necessarily apiH.ii.ttd a n-tary ; ub ic by Gov. Pen- pur« base goods there dining the im nth « 1 ly a ‘justed. December J’hh, t» be given at Howard's county; appeal trorn county cjurt. Dis- JACKSONVILLE J. P. True and wi’e and Mrs. Kime, who hull. Object, to procure a suitab e lib'arv niis♦•< ember. have tor -ome months been veiling in In ­ H C Ixjw a vm J G B rdrey; to recover Portland la-t Mon iay «IP « led a permanent A- iarge c- nvgnment of r«»b..vr good- jus: a teacher to pay board for ntaly a week at « use iur the snv'lie last Sun­ a shop. have been un isua ly higu o! lit»* in nort:.- Tab ni church pulpit will b<* u « up.rd 1st in town rectnily. In m.dtcr ol assignment of J D Fountain, steps are b *ing taken t«> organise a precinct day and M »iiday, wh. e returning Lome A mere her of t fie Medford gun club inad an insolvent debtor. Final r«*p >rt of assig­ Aballa, timothy, clover and all kind« of t rn ('a'ifot ma. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON^ Mabuath in the lm nih morning and even­ und hay«* a new postoffic«.* in that section. from the delivery of T h O Iru t tree« to S. B gra**s and garden seeds at Goldsmith'-, vertently and without madee prepense nee apt>iov< d am! order* d th at assignee be As usual, the S F Var.t ty So»re h ahr >«1 ing. by R« v. E. Russ (Baptist); 2 I ami Ith Galey ut A«h■aii«L 1 his make» over HO.Oun Medford. Wm Turi ham h.is return»«! from Ca ’ i- sb««t one of Geo. .Merriman a geese one day I. e «hoi« and a*. 3 i*. m Mr. B.lb tuts, the in mere, it »« not exaggerating th* fact t • liapid l^nting the Heart. «he fu ’ ure. A gentleman w .k ng up the railroad uJefatiguble sund-«y-•school man, will en- Mrs. J. E. White, the keeper oi »be Ash (iibbs, tin dark v as as-m, was Convicted »ay that their rv iable nuieery has c »rrsl d Whenever yon feel an uneasiness in th MOBLE. STONE OH GBANITI Prof. L L. Rogers, erst while of Ashland track discovered an obstruction on the road­ the trade «4 die upper IL ar creek vallrv. «»t Hiiird« r hi the-e und degree at Portland land re-tauranr, turns out to be Mrs. An trite.n large audiences college, ha.- retired lr«>m the ministry and way. in Die form of a lence rai» so laid region of the in art. a slight pain in the drew Cuiiner ot Wasmngt*»n. and her hu W. 11. Smith, at his untie on S«j«la Bar The rea*»Qi) is ‘hat their st<»ck is raised yesterday. n w owns a latge Iru t farm near Oirario, across as to almost surely derail a luckless shoulder, arm. or tinder the shoulder-blade, with >ul iru »Dun and is especially adapted Geo. J. Wrislev, of the Medlmd stable-«, b md List wi ek caiue to A«1*1 »nd ami t* »< »K < laun un Coltunwoo«! creek, in arekiyuu t alifortra, amt is flourishing even a.-» a tram encountering it. lramps doubtless or when you timl yourself short of breath County, is , ipmg «‘lit numerous remains i green bay nee. to dry and cultival'on. the sheet anchor of was in i«»wn ytsierday. He is doing a. «»ou her h uie with him. when ♦ xercising, ur vour heart has periods placed it there with malicious mtent. Ja- k s- nvi le wil have a lir t « 1 ts« ('hri-t- « f p!r*-h.ai<»nc ainm.il«, of »¡«rcirs akin to touihib iruit culture. Since the re-rent e business. btating :a-t, \oo have heart disease, and Mad »me Gasquet, w ife of Horace Gas­ The Lite bl shows how ballv Med fold of im>sr now inhabiting the tropics, ami in- tnas trKtivai, and tumis are be > g lit), rail» of the Galey tra« ’ at Ashland Me« rs. Car- should l »kc D. Eli it’s Remedy. Descrip­ Ge •. E«lwar«!s of Talent < ontinu» s to slop son >ne cai .ou«i «4 ch< i«-e apple-* per week to subscribed thrixfur. 1 w<» good >.z <1 tr « s i .«lions p >inl to the tact that ihe lucati *n quet-f De. N 'lte c»ni.tv, Cd., died not nee K protection from tire Had JacK-'on- tive tie »Use wi:h • i< h noide; or, address liv«d up, pin anta have nad t«« be sati ti- d with pia« M. T. Wa ters ha« returne I t» L «keview, Notice, ing order« fur next fail d- livery Auu< s’ book form, handy and tiret-cias», at the h ivu g -o d his hor«e Al Farrow to a ( 'd.- belore ’L sh Applegate came to this country. Th »?. Moreland, a former resident of forward with all speed, fur they are bid y All persons are caution' d aga nst t eg«» haift.fmxi year’s n «i-ery stock at Red­ T imes office. Among the incidents of childhood that this section, but now 1«» ated in Polk coun­ needed. f«»rnia man iur Th animal Las been T lands has already been engaged. Henry Lim huaiid of Gasquet’s was at r< instate«! to go.»«I standingon ihe turf since stand out in bold reli*f, as our memory re ty, arrivt d at Asldan«l this week, with the H. H. Wolters, the mixologist, has re­ tilting certain orm-ts «lrawn bv I. C. We have mnoved our Niifwertea Io Mtd- Lamb on F. H. Howe and a •ce|»!e«i by tin Apptegalr T oil w«.ek, l«»ukmg after his busi­ Ins charge of ownership. wris to the nays when we were young, intention « f «¡»ending the winter in the val­ opened the saloon formerly kept by A. H la 1 <”"d, where w«* have secured New Ground, the ’ ter, a> ail >u Ji order» liav«- baen Pai I iu ley ; so his «on John informs us. ness affairs. Carlson, thoroughly refitting it and mak ­ - «11 of which is a sandy loam. «nabli ng us i»'.ne are im te prominent than severe Attention! Trains from the south have been quite F. li. R owe . without irrigation to grow luwlthy. thrifty ing many improvements. lie has supplied lull. Klippel A Curtis’ *aw mill «>n Gall’s irregular during the pu-t week, the Lite '.i«:Kness. The young mother vividly re­ Th »«. 1». Merry, well-known in southern i«»lo, I) « club r 2, 1889. The almighty dolmr the few have t< o tnawwith an abundance of fibr. iim Librai member* that it was t'Laiuber.ani s Cough the bar with the finest wines, liquorsand r. M>ts without heavy tap roots, to In- <-ut awav many ami Hie many have too few. Ibe creek h i« suspended operatn ns until alter rum- having caused th- streams to «»vvr- R n.niy lUicdi^trot *T«.up, and In turn Oreg« n. wi.ois interest« «1 in several elec­ cigars, ami a tine billiard table can also be ; he hul d.»\ s. ANDERSON CREEK, n digging. Wc offer fi >w their banks and wash away mure « r tric-io id schemes. i» paying this section a many should strive to save a part of ear b aumiini lets it to lit r offspring ami always visit for the purpose of finding out what found there. Give him a call for he will J« bn Lewis of Eagle Point has ab >ut k-ss uf the ra:lr«»ad track. dollar whn h comes by toil. Ibere is a with ihe best/success. Fur sale at City treat you well. • place in Grant’s Pass. < »reg n, where • onipleted ihe erection ot a good b*rn on A brak«man Spiague river lie re­ la*»t Tuesday evening was much of a suc­ If a constitutional and not a local disease^ ami buy 2 papers nevi e-* lor '»e.. 3 huttb s house ami graded scuu«»ls. We hope it distance south of A-hia'id. last Tuesday, cess, ami a mo-t enjoyab e time was hail. and therefore it cann< t be cured by local ap­ for last Tuesday evening w as attended by a ports everything 11 mtishing in his hwality, he sritscKiiiF.it takes fi . easi he is good sewing-machine *»d fur 25 • (hl wui get ihem. and w is severely ii j ire d. l.i'ge number of «»ur citizens, who were with »ibundanceof hay. His wife and 8"O Iii spite of the inexemeiit weather the at­ plications. It ie<|uircs a constitutional rem­ announcing that bin steam saw-mill is bow dren s 11.25 sb e- for Jklc. ; la*Res’ $4.50 Frank Wade, Jr., who p eaded guilty to s ii.« what disappointed al tue lailure ut a Several of our lawyers will go to Salem running on full tline and turning out a large tendance was fair, and quite a ntat sum kid shoes lor >3.5»), etc , etc., etc. Prices next week t<» at‘end to business before the thccliarge of having committed lorg»ry, win be here within a tew days, nn I will was realized, to be app le I towards furnish­ edy like Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, working quantity of lumber, lie is prepared to till all numb« r ol annoum ed speakers to be pres- wonderiully low . In these days of burr) and was sentenced to four ye res’ eonhne- « nt An interesting address was delivered Ispc’.d the winter with Mrs. M's uncle, ing the new church of th xt denuiniualiu« . through the bl'»vd, er die.-.tes the impurity orders with dispatch, and at tin- most r<*asuna- am! rush, business is governed bv the law suprein- court. John TtM’pper. Which causes and ¡»ruínete > the disease, and blc rat«*». A tine quality of lut nt m the penitentiary was taken to S i by Rev. E. McLean ot .»redford, which was Tiy your luck at >katlng-rink hall, Jatk of dollars and cents. There is no friend Chus. Miller of Marion county, a prom - S tate oi Onto, C ity <» f T oi . f . im », i I slened io with marked attention. An «-x- ship in business. Study your own inter­ s »nv lie Jake Wo'fT is giving away some :em Sunday by the sheriff. ALL KINDSOF LUMBER, n- n' nientf»«r of the .»lite grange ami a A gentleman near t«»wu adverti ed in the ren n d notice ot the work of the c«»nventi<>«> L ucas O» ujity , » ’ ests. Get the best I argons you * an Va u *b.e pr zcs. nr ener«»! oi tne ¡»i«n- «>f i.«». 1. <). ai M i I «-r er of the A.«uiami Astiland plan- fir .«her Frank J. Cheney makes oath ill it he is Make the ommpoltnt c.ub do its l-\t! including the best rustic, ceiling und ff«»oring • arriage licet, e issued yesterday to Wm T imes to j urcha-e a horse recent v.ami ha« lore been handed ut whit h we shall ¡»ubireh | i» g mi 1. wa« hi A.shl.in I f«»r several days the senior partner oi (he firm of F. J. furnished <»n short notice. best. Un this baios you are cordi dly in­ (urnh iin und Mis- Saiah E Oiten, bo'h h;»d nearly 5(ji) atdiiiais led utound lor Ins m xt we -k. Ami a go« m J assorts« tn of «11 the leadiOff va­ I hni week, wh n «m h's wa* home from tV~Salisfactiun guaranteed. rieties of fruits. inspection already. It pays to adverti-e vited to visit th-- R»d > ar Store, Guilts «>» Sain's va«lev. A r«q«r« tentative of the Dafft Electric' iSacramen-u. where Le was in attendance Cheney «t Co-, doing business in the City eSects a permanent cure. Thousands of 8. 8. SMITH. with the King of the country press. <»t Toledo, County and State aforesaid, an i people testify to tlic success of Hood's S atis . Pass, Oreg“n. wheie the i r»< es are »’•tun .Jiight c« inp *ny of N< w York has made a Two crnnin »1 cases v ill yet come up this oV* the national grange mor ting as a d«le- itist said firm will pay the sum «f ONE islitiiglv low. Re^pectrullv. Ho-iey A Kahn slupped Jbree carlua«! id/ pi prop renion t«» tire authorities (.1 Ashland ga\ t» rm, i e-i les w hich se\e:al civil suits will HFNDRED DOLLARS for e.i< h an i partlla as a remedy t r catarrh when other W. E. D kan . of fat cmtie ¡rum Mai «r B.irron ’ s nm. .» .»ee the elegant ar 'Cleswbich wii: tor the iree ut tie electric dynamo ami ing e ota tragedy which occurred at Com nr For business pursuits at the Portland Busincs* t-alifoima. on the m**rtf that day, in eral days in Ashian i last week, but has New Year’s day. For evriy |2 Worth o' i«»r lighting purposes. There is a strung Gr< s-man’s brick bmhling «>n Seventh D DWi. College. Portland. (heg«»n. oral the Capitr.l Bus- street. Admis ’ mm, mciud rig supper, 25c A. A. (iLE\so\, Notary Public. MEHFOUII. OREGON'. prubaodity that the * ff r will be actepted which »he principal actor was a y<»ung since returned li nne. iue*»* College. Salem. Oregon. P h » i '. i m 1; >ols are goods bought there during the holiday sea­ Hall's Catairh Cure is taken internally ‘ *'I used Hood’s Sarsaparilla for catarrh, 1. B. M r.y is the ag nt referre«! tu above. per < < uple; children, 10 • Oyster-«, entree. un«k-i the management <*f A I’ Ar:n*4r«»ug. have man wtu» f rmerly resided at la* k> nv.de Ju« Donegan, who has been in Harney son you will get a ch-nicein the «Irawing. Cum • out. everybody, with your wiv s «»r and a ts directly upon the b ood amt mu ­ ■BMM coarw 1 I f - oit uitiotl. He had for sorutlun»* pa*t b-eti c uisori ing county ior x.in.-iiuje past, relumed tu this and received great re lief and benefit from it. (’•»ngr* ««man Hermann nomin it» « W B. Thanksgiving day was obaerved in a nov­ sweethearts, and enjoy with us an old cous surfaces of the system. Eend f >r It ii *i ii<***i, short hand, with a woman nanod Mr-* E at J Smith, .-»eciiun no» long sin« e. The catarrh was very disagreeable, especially Ladue of 8*l fashioned s ».«tier’s supper. te-tunonials, free an t *he had threatened to ;»ave him for Typewriting, Penman-hip amt English Depart In the winter, causing constant discharge from S -nta < Lius is again in the land and has ii B. Fiske of Salem and II II Red 'ii-inet, in 1 wer Sam’s va Ivy, who, w th C..MWITTKK in ent-». Dav nn glad ot 1». sh**rt notice, bavin' a large amount on tl.e co n'y. w l.o w l vi.-it her gal.cry i« r w r. cd w nde •* n ilia apieum ce uf the on bi* person from a r- stdent ot this i lax c. Jake Woiff's c ine-rack is being w»-11 pa­ To Bog Raisers. h ti.d and a!."O a large supply • f logs from toy bead In the morning by hawking and spit­ pon e SMITH & WE880N 8 « ■ - —» ..... tronized a» rkatit.g nt.k ha 1, w h* re « b-gaul ih«* pu«|i SC of i.HV n.’ a negative take , gruumls, siraiehivnine up headb »ar« n't nt. prix* arc being ««ffeie 1. ting was painful. Hood's Sarsaparilla gave arms ever ecu ar P ink D o r Lt mbek <'<».. county that I im; orted >.-v ral t»»ad of pruning <»ul over apping undergrowth. manufactured Geo. E. Neuber, lately of this piace, is ber-vd. You « ani-ut <»ff«»r«i •<> w.»atc t rue i ex- Gi wi.t s Pass, Ore .« n. me relict immediately, while iu time I wu futl->»i> od Pol iiid-China hogs Horn Minne­ Having be.-4.ine sutibtied that Jack and the first choice of ail T'.iere wdl Ic the l»»rim» htu'K »» n »■«•ur l«n»^v u*«- in .**»11 h"* ct j •> '»»g a tin po o ion. with nu rative entirely cured. I am never without Hood’s A ir«*r t eman of this ¡ la «• w h » wassome- sota Iasi »«-nr, and now otl-r them for sale. expert*. In calibre« 32. ( a'hoiic « Lurch in this p < e next s today w hat i«'f* r« s'».»l in t he J »t** ■'f Dr. C. Letn- Th»y r-tine, and rcceivcxl tir-t premium g«’*. (' num .»I*« nv ** ?• tin . »*’ t! >t, -■alary, a'. R slvn, Wa-h. .** and 441'U ffingle or Sarsaparilla in my house as 1 think It is worth bonvillc is still the best trading double action. Safety Ham g a- <1 eveninc. On tl-** following p«*rt wh sc mysterious dresppeu am e some « n'y >» c hi. I> • «.ot 1 rrni’t »my di • er to ’ Don’t ia l to take a peep into th»* S. F. ni'ir«iii Its weight in gold." M m . G. B. G ibb , 1023 at I ist S. pfentlic ( hit he'd in this county merleM and Target model«. <»iue ctira. im ta- Var »-: v Store, and -<•»• th it immense Tne of i two year- ag w re a nine-days wonder, re- Wdl b»- sold at rca -otnih'r rates. Can be point in Southern Oregon, Beet eealliy wreifM Eighth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. wi ! hold -ervi- e- at 10 30 x m at Si-kiyuu entiy s**nt a det til«d des« notion of the sc« steel* can-fullv Inapectrd tiun uf Dr King'« New Di«cr.»rery f*»r <\»n- h .misóme h««li l.«v good«. n b- c '' n/on A. A. Davis, at the Mcd- for workmanship aua *t<»ck. Unrhaled for station. we have recrû cl «ump i«»n. cuugb« and voids, Lu? be sure man t » Baker ( ity. wlic-re Prof. Kugler of Of the variou Taxing Powders illus ixvr.j Ru | t M ID. .1 xcic-ofi co'inty, Oregin. finish, darablllty and area racy. £o Th Eujle P«»i'it mill vias shut down for you ucc the genuine. B**cau-ehec n make a lew Pint re. h L - wi-, who »« <*hvg ■ I with rob . P Ttlttfid rvpor’exl him ♦.» be and the Al- have > .Hi. ,. ik lumber an i wago »- not be deceived by cheap maUeahlr <>xm itaitalumo Boldbyalldrucglsts. fl; six for f5. Prepared only «lays «luring ih« week, owing toa trated from actual tests. often sold for the gtuuine articl«-. They are unre ­ m«*re profit ue mav tell v< 11 he nad «oiu«- , br«* k in bin- the « "<»s i ay mad carri* r.wil ’.«• tried airew’T < ai'.v back ir rn («putable parties tongue- ho s.»n*. by C. X. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, w*Ti the tut bine whet I. liable and dangerous. The S mith h wbssor Ra- thing ju-t a« good, or just th? satire. D r.’t ■nJu'I’e Dea ty’s c-iur’ soon. !• is al.««» that tin* man is umi ubtedly there, prac­ ▼oi verb are stannied upon the barrel* with firm'* ROYAL (PureN N« w line of ladies' tire French kid sb*»e« th .u.-ht ih it h- ribbed the .«¡age running ticing under tin* name of Dr. Kohler His name, addn*n an«l date* of |>utentM, an«i are gaar- b* d»C(lvedmanac has been issue ! regularly at PIONEER (San Francise •). A. B- yer, hoi. Sec.; S. J. D-y. J. B. Bear- scripti«»iis al the 3 1Mi's olli'-e. Jacksonville. December 11. 1K89. by W. J. «’' hargtd with lairenv «<»m- cine unit«« I know ’t to be good. Io a th .•« mnn nceiiient of every ^e.ir for over tnuc and Ed. Helm», trustee-« SenJ th« T imes to vour irietnis East, or r."t Ply male, J. P James Hord and Mrs. Agnus centwy. Ii combines, oi .e- ’ otirth «»fa m n ° ry t tw»nty-tivf yesrs 1 have <>fien GROCERIES. Etc Al il»e meeting oi T.«bl- R. ck Encamp- a» any «»fber place. It an«wers better than liiiite i ;«t R 'seburg, w* re en of h abb. a DR. PRICE’S the following otfic» r-* w»*re < h ••*« n : R. H. p« ni'entiaty. Silver Lak> . I*ake county. November 17.1889, large am un» <»f i itpreeunir and »muring John ( L ine its - now a reside it of Which will I h ? placed on tale Moore 1’ ; H. v Helm«. S. U.; J Walter Buick and Miss Cora Owsley. The “«lim»* so'i d’’h« LI ar th« A! E »•or I I’. I’ 'Ip r.i *o;»rit’ »i“('bri-lian Visit.«r,” lu’ht readiiu. an l ’S l DFOISON OAi .. l hoca'emlir. a«tr«»m»iui- SHOW FLAKE (GroT.» D.»v. H F. ;J. A B \-i. tS-rihr; K. Ku 1, F ir « e Rock prer nct, vv hf*re he l»a- lat ly sma-e ia-t » \ e »ing w is mu h of a «i.c •tres, -:n i:,:•! N C I DEWEY-MILLIS-In Lakeview. Nov, 28. 1W, lower prices thau the , duo«»« lo-zical item* &*.. Cid ('.dcillat <»n w C(ll UII ,, Iine*i by some relatives. Trtas.; L l*up-vi« h. I. \\ R. H M*»vrr, Dr. J. 8. Dewey to Miss Dola Miliis,’Squire It kill*all inflammation an«! irritation, and i«the both in point ot attend inc«* a .d |>1<- s : l ’ V I a re- n artitle hi the “Youth's i’om- arepr»p4»ci with great care, and wi 1 be CONGRESS •Lly i»ure d«*»truycr of Mkrubre and oiher fUui Fur« haters at he >. F. V.ir « tv St >re wi.1 I «h r vvd ¡«' iu the occasion. 1 h»* «1 mes ¡n p .uion,” on “Low t<> cure a c ' Willits officiating same quality of goods F. Luy ami b. J. Day , ru*te»-M. i the ‘.„ i round entirely ac urate. The issueof H ot- (•"¡•« . 16 h. •».»me pr zes on New Year's day. BORN «•xperimeiii w h «iu to repeat. at bed time. It is a dangerous treatment, the largest edition of a medical work ever GILLFTS..................................................... Uhofrfriy Price. 25 cent« a Bex elsewhere. Misses Beekman and Gibson are collect­ « -peciaFy during tbe severe cold weather Don’t forget that every first premium publish d in any country. The proprietors, CALLAHAN—At Medford. November 2». 1WV, ing tumis tor the ( hristmas festival, and aw.»r I* d at tbe district (are (or tine ph »to- of the w..iter month«, as ft opens ihe pores Messrs. Hostetter A Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., HANFORD’S (Non- Such), «ben nut fresh. I hri-tmaa Eve Ball. to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Callahan, a daughter. Choice Lands For Sale. graphic w >rk w i« carried off by L «gan. of the ski.i umi leaves the system in such on receipt of a two cent stamp, will for- Having bin t a fi «e ha'I at my plac-on are m eting with exi edent success. «1^»» M< NAM ARA.— On Siskivou mountain, No­ Our btore room has been reiiov Wm. Bail and Ben Wright ai»«i wife, who the Aslnand photographer, for his unri­ condition that another and much more se­ ward a copy by mail to any t»erson who PEARL (Andrew* t C®.) JR SALE. 3019. ACRES OF LAND—419 Applegate, es¡eciaily adjp ed fur < wing-ma« bines. This attachment is a same as usual Ev.rvLolv is invitti! to Electric Biiters wi h mus ’ happy result*. Satn te Miller of E »uth* rn Orex*»n Slock «1. r th«* ui eiag«* • f W. H M «wat, ele tri- Y(»ur wasted cheek« may have ¡»11 hv J. B. WAIT, M. D., Drug -*toie, Ja« k-onvil e, also Engel Bros., timony. saying: He positively believes he oficrcd to the public. Protective A s'* vciat ioii should send in their cian uf the Postal telegraph company. p .utnpnes.« and bh»oin of h»ahh Phu.* ux. GARRETT.-At Ashland December 9. 1889, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON would have died had it not been for Elec­ Fresh b ickwheat and graham tl >ur, oat­ through your use of Ayer's Sarsaptti la. orders tn the *»ecret»ry a» thn office at once, — “ H enry A. M ott , M. D., Ph. D." Robert Garrett, Sr. age»! about 86 years. tric Bitters. 3 his great remedy wi.I ward as the Work of getting up 'hr b ok is airrad) meal. trill«-uni. g»rmei ami oilier articles Thi> tiiiie-nonore I remedy still leads the Grand Raffle. Medford. Orrgoa. “ The Royal Baking Powder is purest in qual ­ GASQUET—At Gaiwpict’B, Nov. 27. 1889. Mad- off'as well as cure all malarial diseases,and under wav. »nd it is not probable another in (his line nt the >. F. Variety Store. van. It improves digestion, | ur.fie« the elinr Gaequet. a native of Dep’t of Muncbe, Two pare« uf large and elegant pictures, for a I kidney, liver and stomach dlaor.iera ity and highest in strength of any baking pow­ edition w 11 be issued for tne i ext two P H. M iri-hv of Lake county is buiMing bltMt'i, ami invigorates the system. Give it Office on Maifi street, in Childers’ building Franc«•. aged 77 years. Public Notice (four in all) among «he finest ever brought stands unequaie i. Price 50c. and |1. at ail der of which I have knowledge. vtar-« bo man* new app!i«ants applying *b«ri. 6ÜX120 f«et. with 4*) f«x»t p <» s s. I a trial. LOVELESS—In Crooked ( reek valley, Dec, 4, Calls promptly attended to, day and night. •o Jacksonville, will be raffled off « n New drug stores. lor spare wa** the <>uly na-ou for issuii g wid require 111,000 sb ingles to roof it in. El-ewhere see ’«he professional card« f Dr. •• W m . M c M urtrie , Pb. D. ’ 1889, ILibvrta A., wife «»f J. W. Loveless; aged ll persons indebted to the nr- may be fbnna oa one the present season A. Wtitiel, a gr iduateof tbe Imperial col­ Year’s day. Th« y are now o’i exhibition 36 years, 1 m »nth and 4 days. «lersigncd. either by note or account, arc * All Alum baking powders, no matter how file at G eo . P. J W Sowden is rustling up a large nutn- lege »»f Berlin, whohss lits office st Room 1, at the 8. F. Variety Store. Tickets only Ponti Por Hale. notified to call and m-ttlr within twenty da>s high their strength, are to l>e avoided as dan- BRYANT—At Merlin, Dec. 8.1880, of consump­ ------ --- i -T.-------- R owt . ll A Cox ______ J_______ b *rs of >»<1* rs tor the Ja« ks nvilie marble I . S. Hotel, Jack-onv. le. Dr Wei lei ha« »1. Fur Rent. tion, A. Bryant, ag«sl about 50years. Two hundred fine, large _cedar posts can lcto ' is . Phosphate powders liberate their gas Newspaper ArtrertUlng Bureau (10 Sprues and save trouble and coate, as my bugine«** must be closed up Innnxxiiatvly. w rk- 3 he quaii:y of w.irn turned out My barn in Jacksonville, opposite the > ha«i much experience at the German io s- be obtained cheap by applying to the T imes ur ui.dcr ¿lunatic changes suffer de- BQALK H—in Grant'» Puss. Dec. 3, 1889, in. Street), where adven *■■■■* !***■*■* j.w. hat *. irum these shop* is un-iirpa-se i.iind in Mr. pital in San Francisco au J elsewhere. V uu ft-bou se. rant babe of Mr. aud Mrs. E. A. Boallch. i Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. office at once. Central Point. Oct. 17.18W». buwdvn they have a live representative. W H. P arkis £ lie Uemotratir ïimr^ HERE AND THERE. TRIUMPHANT EVERYWHERE. GRIND NEV TEAR’S DRAWING. Europe and America WHITE N IT LEJOS THE WOBLDI GOLD MEDAL N EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE 1» A ll IS, 1889 County Treasurer’s Fifth Notice. SILVER -I- MEDAL, N Centenuial Exposition. Cincinnati, 1888. jnn Holiday Season! E. O. BROOKS E. B STONE & CO Real-:- Estate, VERY FINE GOODS, Loao and Giminissioii Vwits. Collections made and promptly remitted. Very Lowest Prices. Call upon us for MARBLE WORKS I J. C. WHIPP ORECON ST. JACKSONVILLE, OR Cemetery Work a Specialty. HAMMON BROS AURWERIl ÌTI? MIL Catarrh S. S. SMITH, Prop’: 10000 Prune, T 5000 Peach, 5000 Pears, 10000 Grapes, Catarrh Trees as Low as any First-class Nursery Catarrh Nurseries at east end of Bridge. Enlarging Business ! Catarrh XT THE OLD STAND V«¥ LEAVENING POWER Hood's Sarsaparilla PILES SKIN DISEASES MOOR CLLEBRAT HEMER? F Most Complete Stock of New Goods Newman Fisher THIS PAPER ^¿^^n^NEW YORK. A