I * C~** g £ x „.^t... -■- ■>- . „ -, Retake of Preceding Frame ? Æhc jtiewocrañc Simes REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. .45’ OBJECT LESSON. The min«*rz of this county arc all busy and The fuRuwiac deed» have been flled for doirurrood work. record in tbe ulkce of tbe County clerk »luce E. F. Meissner, of Kerby rille, is preparing to the last report of tbe Tutts. E. Cuter to J. M. Wert; lot 32, block “M." In set out a nice* orchard. railroad add. to Aahland; *2f>0. Alsu 3a &-1U0 8. M Wilcox, of the Pass, has been quite un­ acres Iu tp 3» S, K 1 E. gMM well fur ten days past. U. T. Co. to Ueo, W. Isaacs; lots 8 and 9. Several fine orchards will be set out in the blink 78, Medford. J10. DU Quit valley this season. Kelly Fields to Chas. Nickell; 80 acres In tp F The Fotta) telegraph office has been removed 38 8, K 2 W. $800. E. H. Hughes to Thr». McAndrew; 40 acres to the opera-bause ouilding. Grant’s Pass gardeners are beginning to in tp 37 S. K I W. $100. Mosr-s Mansaeld to Levi Morris; 200 acris in bring iu spring vegetable» already. to 38 8, R 1 E. $18(10. H. H KleasliDg. of Applegate, wants the K. A. Fellows to J. M. Watt»; 130 acres In tp services of a first-class quartz miner. Jj 8, R 4 W. $3M>. * C. E. Beebe to T. K. Bolton; quitclaim to 4 G. W. Colvig will go to Salem In a few days 50-1(N acres in tp 3V 8, R 1 E. $100. to argue a case in the supreme court. Trustes^ of Jacksonville to I'crinella Uun- N. Gates was recently appointed |H>stmaster eau, lot 2, block 50, Jacksonville. $10. at A It house, vice A. IL Platter, re-signed. Martha M. Cooksey to Clias. J. Hogg; lot 10 Mrs. Dr. Sung«*r an«i Mrs. Eva Dean, of Jack- Cooks, y , ad.l to Central Point. 8100 Sou county, visited friends al the Puna lawt i J. N. Woody to Asa N. Woody; 80 15-KN acres w« eB intp37 8, Ri W. $2400. W. K. Price to Fred. Hansen; lot in Central Del Osborn«, who has b**«*n locat**d at Galiev creek for sometime past, returned to Grant’s Poltll. 8350. A. L. Willey to B. F. Myer and J. R. Gibson- Pass lately, 1 and 2, block "L,'’ railroad add toAsbland Ttioi*. t'hapm.in. f.»rm*-rl\ of K**rb} Ville, is lots $3000. now lvsiding in Curry county, where he has a C. Miusus to L. L. Angle; hood for deed lo good farm. ltiu acres in section 25. tp 37 8, it 2 W. John W. Hunt has wl«l his property in I. . L. Angle to Jonas A. Lee; assignment of □ rant’s Pag* and moved to his <»1<1 home nt title-bond to same property, KerbyVillv. U. A T. Co. to Lura E. Youmans; lot 17. block Miss Fannie Knuwl«*s will have thr local "L." railroad arid to Ashland. $80, II. 41. Co. to A. 11. Simpson; lota9and 10 agency at Grant’s Pnss fur the Laundry block 3V. Medford. $00. »«mm, Queen washer. A. C. Helm to J. C. Tolman; lots 5 aud 39 and Claiborne Neil of Ashland precinct visited cast half ot lot 6. In Pracht s add to Ashland bu daughter, Mrs. >8. W. ........... E. ~ D c |D. at the Posa $000. during the wecg. Chas. H. Hoalcy, et al, to use of public; right Several inches of snow has fallen in this of way for highway In tp 39 S, R I E. *•. F. x>. H. Carter,et vnrivi, IT Ul, al, to u» same; nautt•; same. millo*. county during the week, but most i»f it has Town uf JacgsouviHe tu T. J. Kenney* lot 2 BjMe disappeared. a \bl block 5®. Jacksonville. S25. .^urrah for Grant s Pass and her entrrpris-’ J. C. Matueny tu M. N. Lung; lot 4, block il, ts I and 2, block 3. $5n 4 street, arjd will block 10. Medford. $10. build a dwelling-house also in a short time, Geo. W Howard to D. L. Cox; JJO acres in tp Dai- Fh?ter' form* riv of this county, is now JKS, K4W. $20X1. ’ a resident •>< a»!ep). H’* was recently j«»in«*d D. L. Cox t«» Geo. W. Howard, lot I, block 6, in matrimuny tu a }uang ¡u*iy r«*sidu>g at tiiat and lots 3 and 4, block Beatty s add to Med­ place. ford. $W0. Tne force» on gag«'«! on the 8. P. D. A L. Co.’s A. I1, Tailvqt to U«‘o, W. Renfro; pr«iperty in fact«>ries here are assisted by a corps «»f ear- Talent. $2ui. pent rs eugag«d at .Merlin in frumiug tim­ B. C. Goddard to James R. Brin er; 22 53-il» bers fur the structure. acres in to s . It I E. $225. W. H. Barr to William Slinger; undivided 4- yrown. who for sometime has been the une-fttth ot lots 5 and tfibha $1UI). guest of h.s fa»iier, J«»a. Brown, last week .. U - k 19, bò .. Mudford. L. S. Patent tu «a. Thus. Martin; acres in fp started fur nis home in going via South .35 8, K W. America, where he will spend Hu* winter. Same t«> in. Wilkins; 100acr<*s in tp 3 k S, R That irrepressible fraud. J. H Stine, wh«» left au «>d«>ruus reputation behind him livre, 2 W. Same« t«> Claus Klelnhauicr; I2U ae re«« in >p has bturted an«»tb«*r newspaper at lndvpcnd- : eqcv. called the "WillamVtte Valley Tribune.’’ 38 S, R2 w. Same to Edward Graupurr; 280 acre« in tp L. L. J* nft.ug& C<>. now occupy th old store JK S, R2 W. building of tin* S. V. D. A L. c«»mpany with Invir saloon. They $<•« p th«* brat «>: • v. ry- TEACHERS’ INSTITUTE. thiUg in their line un«l know huw to treat their CUMb'Ultra Wt-U. The following is tiie piogranunc of T«*ftchf Last Saturday C<»da store, and the store iiud offices of the by the Medford Choir. 1 Sugar Pine company at Grant's Pass. II. — 1: W to 2:30 P. M.—"Means anU 1». M.-Qucstiou Box. J.C. Orson, H. B. Miller. H. C. Kinne}, J. F. K'elhy and m . A. Booth have tihii supplv- F.Vk.XfNG KNTKKT AIN HEXT. lip utnl articles <»f in*,«u*poration ot the Sugar I. —Music by Che Choir. Pin«* Du«»r and Lutiibcr company of Grant's II. Atidrckwi uf Wclc«»mc.—Prof. W. J.Craw­ Pay*, increasing th«* capital Mt«»«k to $l25.mri. ford, Principal of the Medford Pul»l *■ Scho«»h*. , Th«* "Courier" office was last week presented III. —Lecture by Rev. Eneas McLean, of with a copy of tii«* first paper ¡»rinteuiuSalem, Medford.-"A Course of Study; it.** M«*ans. No. 1. \ «»I. 1, of thv"Vux Populi,” a brief-lived Aims ami Method»' political sheet, edited bi "an asso« iati«»n of MORMXG KkSSiOS, tiUDM giutieiu« n.” Uf course they were Democrats. I —9;(X) to 9:30 a , m .—Opening Exercises. Tb«* S. P. D. A L. company have two new an«i abb* assistants in the persons of H. J. Music by the Choir. II.—9:30to 10:15 A. m . -"Irregular Work.”— S »wer. lately from Arizona, now in charg«* of their store, and Win. Dwight, fr«un Hastings, Prof. C. S. Price, of Aob!and. Ill —10:15 to 11:00 A. w.—"Illustration of the I Neb., superintending yat«l-work at th«* fac­ Phonic Mcthinl of Teaching.’—Prt»f. P. A. tory. Getz, Principal of th«* Ashlami Public S«-ho«»is. I I BiKinesa at the Rtsiland nurseries has been IV. —11:'M) a . m . to 12:00 M. "P«*nmanriiip." - rushing this full. The pr«»pri«*tors, M« ssrs. j AMraoD A Son, have found it necessary t«» s«*n«i Prof. C. I'. N« use, of the Ashland State Normal. STAVER and WALKER REAL-ESTATE. REAL-ESTATE. The land sale made by S. B. Galey oi Ashland to Henry Oliver ot Ellensburg, Wash., last week has been the chief "Utr jamm « jact ot conversation among thinking men in tbe county during the past week. It THURSDAY ........ .DECEMBER I*. 1SW>. ■a not so much the pt ice, although it •peaks well for Aahland that twenty I GLADTTONr continuoa to ad»«**«» acres ot land with only moderate improve­ ments, lying a mile or more from the bom. rule lor Ireland, .ad M «»mini JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. HANDLE A FULL LINE OF atren«tb for th. Liberal p^y*« • ~P,d heart ot the town, should have command­ ed the handsome sum of *12,000; but r.te. _ the sale is chiefly notable as showing the Coavaiu. ¿1«»"«4 ">•* poeeibilitiee of fruit culture in this valley The Celebrated J I Case, week reached the h.mtoome toUl ol and the advantages of dry-land cultiva­ Engines, Boilers and Shingle |K3,000, uhowin. that tb. letnarfic old tion. Mr. Oliver came into the valley lì w ood and Steel Beam, Side and towu io th. Willametto bu taken the seeking a home. He had abundance of Mills. means to gratify bis desire, and when he boom in Center Draft Plows, Harrows, found what he was in search of the con­ T h « New En«^d MMe. were badly sideration ot » few dollars more or less •baken up by .a .arthqtmke .bock oa did not deter him from purchasing. Be Flouring, Mining and Brick Cultivators, Seeders, Drills and the Sth inatent. Th« effeto ••»« “ •“* mg a shrewd business man, however, he deavoring to ateal all oar »bander. The could not fail to see that a thrifty, vig­ Agricultural Implements of all Making Machinery. next thing we know they will begin to orous young peach orchard just coming brag about their climate back there. into bearing and having bad the benedt Farms, Village Lets, Imprevad kinds. Also Freight and Farm ot thorough and intelligent cultivation, M vuiKD woitxtl who have flled on or could not fail to pay a good interest on a CONCERN ’.NG ONE OF THE Belting, Oils tinti Mill Sup- and Unimsrived fcr proved up 00 timber-clauna rnuet take high valuation for many years to come. Wagone, Buggies, Carriages, and an appeal Irvm the regiater and re­ But the point we wish to establish >s MOST REMARKABLE Sale or Rent. plies. ceiver oi the land ofice within thirty this. It was tbe orchard that sold Vehicles of all descriptions. dav» from the time they receive notice tbe land, and bad not the orchard been TOWNS ON THE ol rejection, or the land will revert to the ■n tbe highest state of cultivation its ap­ I HAVE FOR 8ALET1IE FOLLOWING DE- 1 scribed property ; government. pearance would not have impressed an NORTH PACI No. 2. intending pureliaser with ita value. Doee T h « belief ia gaining in tbe eaat that anybody sup|>oae that this settler, com­ A good farm of 2U) ucrea on Evans ere tk, in FIC COAST the yiuauowe. I in proved with u duelling lux24 the Columbian fair of 1802 will be held ing into the valley with all b>s belonging leet witu live rooms, ubum uno stum« s. an at Washington, and that neither Chicago to establish a home, would have looked u« r* s lciMtd, 4U acres in cumvutn ii. uc.i wut- nor New York will have the «aliafacUon twice at this tract, even though offered cred unu a tine outside rang« h»rst*ak. A No k laim. Pncc. fifteen duinus per acre* of corraling it. Our national legialatora at one-fourth the figure paid, had it been Title perlc-ct. MISCELLANEOUS will make a great tnialake, il they do not in the same state of nature as many of No. 6. lacate ttie exposition at tbe city by tbe the surrounding Heids? He could have Forty acres of timber land e-I*see to the coun­ lakee. _____________ purchased hundreds of places jubf as ty l«>UU iettdJUg to tilt Big Butte saw-mill, Vui- M ehfori *, O r ., N<> x -. lt», 18S9. uablcciiKUy iur ran timber. GuveinuMbt ti­ S csatox M itcusll will ns« liia intiu- conveniently located, ju»t as easily at tle. Tlie uuin-r is out ul tu* stut* unu th«* laud, wifibrsuid fur five- Uullui s per ue I*, cash. A. •nee at Washington to insure the eun- cesaible from towu, church and Mtltool, S tax hr & W ai . kek , Medford, Oi : bargain fur somebody. Unuaneu oi the military post and garri- for a tithe of what be paid. Bbt the or chard icat there, aud just coming into No._7. aon al Fort Klauialb, and Will advocate Two hundnd und forty ucres—sixty acres an appropuatiou lor tbe military road bearing. The past season bad demon­ ivuctU aud in c-uitivuUuli; impi(»v*u with a from Rogue river valley lo tlie fort. The strated what iuteliigMut effort. Well di­ Ilk*« bt uiing or« nurd ul line- ussuit«-d lruit tr« «*s. u dwc.nug house*, u t»arn und otn* r uut- aenator knows tbe condition oi affairs in rected, will accomplish Hl the line ot uuuscs. Iwu sirt.uiixh *»i water run lLr<»ugb dry-land cultivation, and tbs prospect ot southern Oregon. tins piucc*. Ills sut«c-vplibk-ol being uiviued the orchard's yield was no lunger tu into two pieces ui on* buna red and twenty Grant ’ s Pass, the Trade Cen ae reu each. The u«»rtn lu*H ul inis piuc* is un- T h « president’s first message is already doubt. The fact lhat it would prove impruvcei. liic iiupruvcu ou acre« an* w«»rtn profitable was demonstrate 1 beyond plunged as deeply in oblivion as the iheutuer Isu uc*r*a, $9UU. 1 «.ur mm s ter of the Largest and Rich- fcibUU. Hum Central Poiut runn»uu stutiun. inn p « r- J ESSE R ic HAKI'S o N. mind of its reputed author is steeper! in cavil. Mr. Galey,being a pratt cal tuait, lias applied tlw theories oi dty-iand cU> fcct. mediocrity. The sentiment of the daily est Gold Producing Region No. 8. press of the country was that it wasn’t livation to good protit in Uanslorunng a A lurin «»I 12buci vE, improved a ith a <** m- wa»te of decompose I granite IU4U a bud really worth reviewing, even several of tortabi«. uwciUKg; 1« n a«-r« s l*.uc*-u anu iiitul. in the United States livaiiuii, witb a living spring neai to*- uweii. the must radical Republican papers be ding paradise, ami earned the rigtit to pose aa a granger candidate whenever he ing. Mne ol Hit v*.iy uws tuivugu inis iunti sees tit. line pertect. Price, sew. Now, what ia to prevent numbers of Ax old Oregon pioneer, now residing No. 9. in Pendleton, tells of a curious relic our ciltsens Iroiu taking tins great ob­ A k « mm 1 place ui liri acres, improve*! with a ject lesson to heart and emt»iartions of the county's in the K>gue river vAley. It 1« a cast- spring anu «»tii« r smM»i*.i ones on tue laini. 1 unk< e creek 1 un.s tuj«>ugn tn« piac«-. bpi* n- iron wheel, weighing possibly 250 pounds, ilagi- oi fruit land, tin* foot hl II bit pci k’l'Oi around Jacksonville, extending lor a dis diu sivck lunge, with goVtinmeut title. Fike. which ia lying underneatlr a tree, an- lance of tun miles, is m yet aimoet un- $11AA), CUblJ. cloaed by a dense growth of vegetation No. 10. tuuched by the horticuhUriel's cu iva­ H-.w it came there is a mystery winch Abrukiiuune atiuhiig. lot ill Jatksouviil«*, lor. Here are thousands of acres ul w itii a siauie. A c«»iu!«a tabic hum« . and title will give the curious fowl for conjecture tru-t-prout land, uugrubued, unnoticed pel lccl. 1’1 K*-, $2UU * ash Ulid buiuncv Ilk lid « e « <4UM« p«> y«* Ills ui sik, tWeiVc aim e igh­ and unsung, waiting lot Sulu- t>u-w Or­ example such as our Aalilau-l luliow No. U. leans the forepait of the week, in the 82 I citiXeM have shown in nuim-rous in- A comfurtkbit- frame imu**. >u JackoonvUlv. year of his age. He was one of the vlancea. Jts worth for fruit culture is so Situat’-d nt a most picturesque and com­ tor suit «m itusunahu* tc-ims, ot turcc rooms ablest of Atuvrcans, of indomitable universally conucdud that inis v. ry week manding point in the famous Rogue Riv« r and kitcii« n; iiKuted ou ’laird stre*t. und Valley, three hundred miles south <»f Port­ ni*.s u g(M»d Hcu ed uai*r at ttie u«»or, with courage ami unqurartivned honesty; but, a prominent nurseryman— lie saui -- who land, is the phenomenal city of GRANT’S an Ut.c*Y*bur> outU<»uses. M 1H be sulu * h*sp. nevertheless, an impracticable, mis­ vave Mi. Galey his hornbook i-a-ims in It descrilies the New Dress Goods, and Illustrates a Handsome Line an t tie «»a n< r lsintusitrn Ur* gon and bus n«j PASS. guided man. May the veil of charity fruit cwitui.-—offeied to giam-tou«iy tur- of Toilet Cases. Bovs’ Watson«. Horses, and many Standard The town is six years old, has a population tui'tuer use lor tu*- prup, hu «! ships «lu ii r«>uin iu tn«- house-, trutu a living sj 1 «»»g path of dutv.^^^^_^___ Imuseli strictly lo follow- tlie nursery­ more liimhcr und manufacture«] woodwork in« uuum * is hfCMteu on a lyn hall b**a k ul than any town in Oregon, except Portland. T urks prominent citisens of Seattle, man’s instructions relative to pr< ptralion land, K ux 2( mj iccl 111 size, aim uaa alt the li uita It has two sash and door factor!’*«, employ­ grow ing tucrvuii n« *•« Mary lor m luu«iiv to us«*, oi the ground, Setting and cu ’ . livat u. Dr. T. T Xlmor, ex-mayor of the city, ing over UK) men. prict s ^ hju ; at 1;me ul sai«*, utiticu j-uy- The sagacious nnrseryuiaii knows i ‘ A brick opera house in «•our«« of con­ iut nts to b<- secured by a luurtgag«- * jii tue G. Mo r « Haller and ixjnta Col, leadiug struction, bvsidee s« verai other brick struct­ 1 1 remises, * r ail easu at uptiuu «»1 tue purdms- attorneys, are thought to have l>oen I well that tlie lesson taught by the su-. • ures under way. \ I > I )HE<> I* r. 1 uis is u v* ry uotraine locMtu u, being drowned recently in the sound, having , cess that would be suie to follow the en Has ten ge neral merclnindise st<*r«*s, doing auiuiig the Very best laiiiih r« sid« Ue-< s >u I tie* an aggregate cash business oi 82JRIU per day. town—title p«Heel. gone in a small Iroa* on Thanksgiving .erprise would sell him a hundred tr-*« » Receives and ships through Well«. Fargo A day to Whidbey island for a|prulonged for every one he gives away to foster it. Company- and other sources ov« r $JLX).UOU Such an enterprise could not fad to I h * No. 17. hunt. The* failed to return when ex worth of gold dust annually, A t*<»inloiialih- flam« in us*- wi^TaV very .urge Has daily stage communication with Cres­ preterí, and as ‘.heir boat was found float prvlitable if property carried oat in a Hall At U cent city and other 3oust point«, and is situat ­ lot in JuckbunviUc, in u good adgiiburhcxMl, mg m ar the island the most serious fears fr<>at-proof locality. There has net Iwen ed at a point on the main line ot the Ur«-gon !<»r sale «>11 reasonable- lc*tm*; has u iuig«- sit­ a day within tbe last three years when a ting-room w it h a K«»ud fij« piac*. lwt»g«»uu btd- X (JaHioriua Railroad where a division ot t< r are entertainer! of their safety. mt llrtll ts.ri AFTERNOON SESSION. turifty young orchard in the thermal I «rasl lot a large quantity <>r pr-ach pits t > get illory takes place between Portland and San r«Hims and a kitcLeu, a g«»«Kl wtiloiuater at t lie dour, wtHslfivus«, etc. Prive, $ hri . belt anywhere in the cono'y 1-..-.S not I ;,‘**eno,hrh «"»upi-fy anticipated <>r.lers tor Francisco, thus affording I. —1:00 t«> 1:30 r. m —Music. T he aspiring politicians of the new , , . , ' o > trees two years hence. II. — 1:30 to 2:15 r. M.-"Orthography Prof. No. 22. commanded ready sale at fancy figures. , , , , , , . , state of Washington are stretching out r..u . ». i John W inih-rs. fornp riv of Ashlar. I Ir.trl a L. V. Wells. *»f the Ashlami Public Seimols. A No. 1 grain und shs-k farm of 32U acres, 3 Men of means hunting horn -a aie every »erlmis accMent befall hint while working al Ill — 2:15 to 315 I*. M. — "Grammar." — Prof. their hands after the internal revenue miles from 1.* ntral Point nuiroud station and day coming into this highly favored valley , (lacktua on laths in 1. ivtoii A- < o.s n< w bri< k W. J. Crawford, of Medford six miles 1 ruin Medford luurt.ad station; all col leet ursliip and ttouble is «brewing, and nine out of tell of them leave in de» pair , hr.-ilrhna’ at the Pass one day lL rh. ued. Prof. G. II. Watt, of Jacksonville. lenve. anu an un«i* r cukn ati«»n. Improved k hls h.wd amt forthwith on a man for the district com­ became they do not fl nd tbe liom—ready EVENING E X T K l< T AIX M E X T. wit h a small uw< inng.buus*. a burn 30x<>uid"r». e-auslugadeep irrtah over hi» eye. large gruliMry. a gcA»d spimg u hi*-h tui iiishcs posing Oreg-m ami Washington, to suc­ I. —Music by th«* Choir. why thia lethargy in the matter uf de- br"1** “'“’M« I1“' head imd plenty u! wale r l«»r doimstic and stuck l>ur- II. -L«*cturv by Prof. H. I B«-ns.«u, Princi­ AT CENTRAL POINT, ceed Col.ec’ or Whileaker. Washington veloping and improving small trade of; 2!* 7”'. | m » k «*. s , 1 ins tui in is sua* * ptibl* e»t b* mg divid« C ommittee on A hhangemf . xts : — J. Dy« r. J. pal *»t the Grant h Pass Public Schools. —"Tbe evidently knows what she is there for, • •d inf«» tw«». thrts ui>u tour farms, us *vf 1 jfe," < i«m< milbr anti W. L} 11 « . our wealth of fruit lam s Tne cost IS . Qrant'i Ka»» last Thursday troin J ai r< ul it is g«»<>*i land mm near u sciiooi anu T. Flynn. R ece ition < ommittee : — G«*o. Linn. I.. Stone and doesi. t purpose shutting her mouth MORN1M. SkfSiPb.'. SATC FJ»At ...................... Have just the townaite aa<-nt at _ Portland: Is»»toffice, litlv perfect. Price. $50 per acre ami I’h lrlu r pun. if there are any vluiue dropping around. trivial compared with tlie benefits to be ; received 1. — 9:00 to 9:30 t. m . — Opening Exercises and t.tTcr from Michigan capitalist« to >rge Sdinuit, K. C ommittee ox Mesi» : < No. 23. derived; the profits of speculation eno.--i “ ....... ' "" Grant's Pas«, in addition to having a large build railroad from Grant'« Purw to Crescent Muri**, by th«* Ch«»ir. Kubli, Jr.. an«l 11. St«m<. and extremely fertile country at it« back, is A <’unfortabk* r**si.lcnc** un California street 11to l(Mri a . m . "Compositi«»n Work." Fixioii M \x \<; i : ks Isaac Mull« r. (¡co. Bl »«»m- Wirr n is kept constantly on hand a coinplcle I CoMMKNTtMQ on the president’» mea- uious if properly managed; the profits uf 1 City, in conaiderutiun of one Imndri'ti and surrounded by what will eventually prove to and tirsi -class stock of m Ju* k.'< nviite, une the largest and the richest ^old producing *»r ltM'XLU) 1* e t, Hus a stable au«l uth«ruu(- sage, the San Francisco Examiner says: production equally certain ami large in | when road 1« completed, itn«l a guarantee that III. — It'iki to ll '*‘ *. N ’ llift >i \. MI m Pie!***«* of M«*, siiiiic assoit« u li ui« frets, mid uii * x- the through rate from San Francis**«) to Julia G«»odyvur. of tm* Ashlan I Stat«* Normal. ’•Senator l-’arwell of Illinois, who is Point, and Jess«* iluiick «»f Ashland. untie* now in opvratiou within fort} iniive ot *•*11« nt new well of wate r. Price* ¿7W. IV. —ll;«4i a . u. t«» 12:00 m . -"Arithin« tic."— headings movement for the repeal of the a progressive citizen to take the initia­ Grant « l'a*«* shall n .t eiceed uti» -halt of t.‘i Prot.G. the town yielding as high ae fltiU.UUO per un ­ COME ONE. COME ALL. H. Watt, of Jacksonville. pr» sent charges of the S mthern Pacific.” No. 24. OWN PROPERTY’. FARMS, X’lNEX’ARDS num each. There i« one quartz mine it he Ex­ civil-service law. will not t»e pleased at tive in this matter of bringing the faiisst Tn«»»«’* wh«» cannot datici*, e mie and w will Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, AFTERNOON SESSION. A tin«-. 11« ur.y m w re-si«!«, nee *»n ’»re goit ami Mining Claims bought aud su'd un com­ chequer). within 1L miles of town, snipping the president’« emphatic adhesion to the portion of the state to the front of pro- teach you. kLAM ATH ( Of NTÏ ITEM.'. str« « t. in Jaeiuu nvilk. being lot 1. bi«ak53, mission. * I. — 1:Wto 1:301 ’ . m . — Musi«*. or? in carioad lots to the Selby Smelting Works 'Chose who can dam- • anti ar«* strange!’«, reform. Mr. Harrison’s remarks on this ductiveness ami profit. No more atispi tioniiug ,71^ it-el on (»reguu stre*e*t, 2fi4U feet 11 l :Jb to 2:1.5 r. M.-"Study an 1 R.’cita- come an«! w * will intrisine«- y »u. INING PATENTS obtained at reasonable ot San Francisco, that g«»es ii«>m J1LW to ^7UU ' ' OU eioua season than the present could be , Hr Street, and 12VH lot on Fust street. |»ei ton In gold and there is little doubt but •object have an apologetic tone, which is Grass is gr-’W Ing even where covered wit to tioiis, ’ l.’rof P. A. Getz, ol Ashlami. rate« and w ith dispatch. Ttn s wh«» an’ known t«> us all, c 3;0U p. U. -"The Art of School will t:ik«‘ g'>«nl oarrof y«»u. JROMPT ATTENTION given to all business what bundreda of other mines in Josephine ti^.jt not unnatural,considering the activity of imagined in which to ta-gt'n operations. I snow. fruit gr«»uiiig on the lot. H hs all nec- count} would prove «•quail)' as good if thor ­ Manag« ment. ’ ’ — Prof. E. E. Smith, of Central Felix Kahn, of Furl Kl.iinatli, is puyine Point. OILS OF ALL KINDS. I connected with the Laud Office. Clarkson, bn? he ranges himself uncom­ oughly developed. It has bceu retimated that «tisaiy outbuiiuings.a good w* a ot wut«-r. und Portland a visit. is a iitaHij) suei d*suable lueutle.u. Price the plax ’ vr g«»ld output from Jai kstm and Jose ­ EDITO :uAL .NOTES. IV. -3:00 to 4 00 p. M.—"Primary Work.”— promisingly on l he side of the merit sys­ LAND AT BEDROCK PRICES. Every h«)uae in Link ville H occupi«*«! and By the Ariilaml Public Schools. phine counties from 1M9 up to the present $11UU. No. 25. tem. and instead of a repeal of the law Majhanics ’ Tools, m »re are n«‘edcd. time will toot Up $;, lux 24 t««t. A large, Did thia enormous y^eld of coana gold c*)inc Ian 1 state Normal. — "Points and Pointers timber land. All gtssl truit and grain land. F. mix Bxv, to whose relief Explorer murdering a Mrs. Wickersliam, han Inren Geo. Devoe I.« m fcfiirncd to Linkviih* from doutde i«»g barn and ail n« <•« s.*ur\ « nt buildings' with two living springs ot water. Four tulles down from th** clouds, or did it com«, from the Eight) Ksrxoiud tru it ticca, in g« «id box ring Stanley lias devoted all his spate time caught again, thia time in Whitman ills trip t«* California. mother lodes still undisturbed in tin- moun­ I rum Jacksonville. C'lUUitiuii; a good w«-ll und spring «»t water Blaze at Medford. S. L. Ril«*y knows tie* fellow who «<•»!♦' hi« NAILS. ROPE. tain ranges of southern Oregon? Judg« for for a year or more, was no sooner county. Wash. The detective is sure watch, ami wants him t<> r« turn it. youroeif. City and suburban property in the 11« ar th« uwUlitig, and is wui< r«u b} Lvuna I^st Saturday evening, at 10;30 o'clock. Me-d- brought to a place of safetv inside the 10UO No. «6. 1Ö0 acre«, ere* k on the east sid« . which cimi l«u used to town of Grant a Pass is one to five hundred that he is the right man. A grand cnt«*rt:iinm* nt is pr >’nis«*«l at th«- L>r«i rrc« ived her first baptism by fire.thvhar- A im ! everj thing rlae iitiaicltiuh'v in tbt«lfn<\ walls of Zarrbar than lie ''unthonght- VTnimpr«>vvd; well watetjrd, and a first-class per cent, cheaper than it ia in an) town ot irrigai« th«-piace. A Ao. 1 outside rang«- tor school-h«nisi* in Ila} ncsviilc on ('hr «tmas day ness and shoe shop «of W. G. mi!«s truiu Woodviih* place to make a good homt*. like population on the Pacific coast. We can >«t of its contents, th«* harn«*as shop of W. ediv” walked out of a second story C alif »MN1A lias weil-nigj. floated off Tnos. I>ang. a pioneer of this section, lias in wii* be sold at the I*. Wood and the agricultural machinery whtv - ^>43PU No. 55. 400 acres, sell you choice business iota, 50xlUM. on im­ K. R. station. < Los» U» school and ¡«tstoffict*; window to get a breath of fresh air and ih th»' d lu/e that has been deHi:eiid;ng gone to Rogue river valley tospemi (he wint r. h.»u« Siskiyou County, Cal. ei«»sL to saw mill. G>»<«I roads u iiitt r and sum- proved streets,ali level, and within JIM feet of i • of F Hubbard, furnishing the fuel fur nimproved, level, neb grass and fruit land; a landed on T h * head. His injuries will on her devotod head f«»r ten «lavs pa*» I Arthur laingi-ll is in !>••! N *rtc c«»unty with th tiatnes. Lowest Ruling Prices. brick op« ra house, for each. We no r. Prie» «4ur intending «« ttleia away from i I ih usual |«ii Herrs -20) acres rich, level, bottom land, level, cleared and on improved streets, from No. 26. about ’he lak s an ! nixrshcs of the from tho building. Tne citizens worked « h-ared; 10 acres t«-nc«d; small bouse aud sta ­ §35 t< * JPII etich. As a t»uy«-r. }ou would nat ­ n«d»ly to prevent the spr» ad of the tJanh-s. but I slate, allegin>f tliat it rams a<> milch in KI amath basin. JL r 1 >w* Sillcot« to Canaria. \. I! < ri1S<»\. 120 acres« f land in s<< ti«*n 16. township 3T» S. id«*; L»eai mg orc liar«l ol choice variety of ap- urally ask, how can you afford to sell at the«« .»wing to having no taci|iti«*a for fighting fir«*, ! Oregon 1 bat crops can neither plar t- ! L. S. I)ycr. form ’riv Indian agent at Khitn- could nut aave the adjoining structures, tin pl« «; 2*0 iivrcs ot yellow aud sugar-piue tim­ prices with a p«-rtm well illuatraieti by the action of the U. we have had a little in exe* ss of run I No. 27. boundary of said land and cun be utilized for A siiddle-iKtrse b< I tngiug t * Miss Maggie of the latter, huwe.er, most of the stock S. pordotlice department in giving 111 inrheM of rainfall sioce October 1-t. At Wilgins was st-4‘‘n from it«*r father's barn al both irrigation. Six miles from K. K. depot- ouv- was saved, Mr. Hublmrd losing more or less A house- und lot on Vidi« } stree t, in Jackson­ tourtli mile from acbool aud post office. Price, creased allowance« for rental, light an.I Oakland, California, th**m has l»e *n over Kirbyville one night last we« k. machinery. When the fire r ‘acn«*d the brick ville; house 24.\2b feet,]}* stories, with five §12 per acre. re/oms; lol tOxlUU tect ; a small l>arn ; a lot ul fuel to the following offices last week, sixteen inches, while in the upi»« r .Sacra Th** tax-roll of Klamath county, tiled with walls of 1, A. Webb's n«*w imibling. which 81. >d next to the stre«*t, it was «-asi'y check«-t Portland, Eugen«*, fifty incties of rair.fali in the mountain opposite side of th«* fire, was saved, with ex­ $4UU e asn. Weather prophets pr«*dlcf a cold season, be­ can be made tm last uairy ranch in the state No. 2h. I.a Grande, McMinnville, Roaeburg, canyons already, and Jup*ter P nviti- cause the mow bunting of th«* British prov­ treme difficulty. Had it burned a lurg«* por­ of Oregon; 23 mik-s from Ashimid. Price tion of th«- town would have been endang«Ted. All the rig lit and lit»« tu improve me nts on a The Dalle» and Oregon City. The de­ hgA hardly gotten his spri* kling-caif inces has coin«* s aith to winter this y*ar. per acre, i'erms, hall cash in baud, balance And could »ell at onv-lialf these prices if to Th** building occupied by Mr. Wood belonged homvstxa«:. ow.ei will relinquish iioimsteud di«po«vd, and make nwnvyjust a« tue Tac«*ina ou easy terms. Come to southern Ote partment rarely or never grant* such tn- rigged up yet Dr. H A Wright is l«*ading th;* enterprise in to Dr. dkina; amount of insurance not ascer­ Land Coinpan} did whvu tn< > sold bu«i- 1 igot tu pure buse r. lnqivVee« to a low must. «8. the matter of provi«iing a mil«* rncv-trHck, tained. Ifubbard’s policy of $5110 had expired a creascd »liowanc • unless the increasing gon. the land o’ lhe le.*l, the I aiy of ti e soath ■»GA LO leet, with kitchen; a tow bain. Jbx2U of the ol 1 truck on the Brocks place f« w days before the tire. Th«* l«»ss of imple­ 177 acres; Waercs fenced ami in cultivation. nc«s lots in the nourishing ««apoit ul Tacoma 10 1, silt UutU oil oiK slue. 3bX10 leet; m guexl Apple. Pear. Peach, bud"*«-« ot the office require* it. Ln ct >ast! Wl van n artown, ments falls principally on th«’ manufacturers. Hous« . barn, «»rciiard. m*adow,'one-hait inter­ fur $75 that urv DOW Worth V. «1. anu laving >] l ing «1 Water n«Mi th«’ migrants are pouring into Oregon r>y the m water-ditch and water-right, and system sell three-fourths <»f our present | h * hk « ssion« ltoUp>t ; bO ue IX to il he tu ve ith a gxMKlltiice; 100 S enator S tanf » rd . the digj»at«*h *> (’«•1. N. B. Knight last wok «¡rov«* ov« r 25h wh learn. Mr. Cooper came«! a policy of $2(NM) Plum. Prune Apricot. est on his building and contents, in the Farmers’ ol irrigation by wnicta 125 aci-es may be irri­ at current prices and «till make the remain­ 11 mt treeb, l-}eui-ttr< am ot water running on north ing fuuriii worth twice—}««, t« n time«, a« itimi 1 al in. with < xceiie nt uulstut langt tor ishiiid ranch near Linkville, to f *ed through that the next census will make Will Mir* man. of executive tal-*n 1. nut ne**.«*.-a ily the Our M«*dford neighbors should lose no time in boundai-} ot till* place. Tm miles from coun­ much m«>n«} as th«- whole originaliy wan. slovk. eluse tu sciieju! and |HM*t-othce. Aiwa winter. Nectarine. Cherry, providing the town with a well-equipped tire piitw even tier be»t fi tends. a coiiege man,” lo whom he «lost r.-» t*» ty scat. an«i on« aim a hnit miles from p*«t»t- This is the result oi inultipiied e<>plr the presidency of that instruti«»n «>f I vid ■ contributed liberally towards boil ling l«»rtable dwellings and thru** barns are on tins of affairs Great tur any man or woman 111 search «>1 a fiume. of that city with home», file word ‘'con­ learning. Always having in imn«l tne hitching p »sts on the «id • str *« t onp »site before adjournment; tract, also an orchard ot a choice variety uf Oue indictment charging Aimer Kent with N<*. M, servative'’ may be taken to b-v synony­ welfare <»f southern Or g «n an«i Jack on Graves A Lips«*tt’s last w«*«k. truit. The soil is Ire**, rich, black loam, and the crime of assault with a dangerous weap«*u. A house and ataiut one- acre of ground, will aruw altalfM w’ithuut irrigation. H ill be mous with "stingy” or "»bort-sighted," county, we since»ely tru-t lhat the sen A chick n an I tuiit *y «ho«»t for Christmas endorsed **a true bill*’’one indictment charg­ must!} e licit.st <1. has u I k -UI 2.5 be urilig 11 UJt sold as a whole or sulHiivid«xi into 3 farms of day is ann«»unc<*d by Graves A Lipsctt ing F. H. Rowe and W. M. Goodrich with crim ­ •nd be equally applicable to the situa­ ator will not m ike a final choice without Kang« a. 50 yards for shots at head, and 200 GRAPE VINES, (CRU «NTS, GOOSEBER­ tre « s, g«*ud Vui h th s; uim * a milling e lumi in 2141. 197, 270-acre t racts. There is no want«- land inal trespass was returned, endonuxi "not a TO A(XOMMOI»xTE Till: GROWING DE RIES, BLACKBERRIES. RASPBER- eolineetn li I he l « w ,1 fi; w Ith tuuls and slui< « « tion. Unlortunately many oi the citiseus searching through this highly f.*v»«*«l 5 ards for shuts at th«* wh«>|e fowl. on this tract, and it is without question our ol true bill;” one indictin«*nt charging (’. W. Sav­ 1 m.ind f««rr«»%l est.tte, we have openwd hg uf- R1ES. STRAW BERRIES. FIGS. suthelent to wt ik Ih« sann w iti), w itliin 4U0 th«* best farms in J acks«» n county. For terms oi Oregon, who raked tu the shekels in I’Mraiiiy for the b y. 111. oi the h >u<. Mrs. John Parton, of Kcnr». return«*«! this age with the crime of suffering hii «1 permitting iice in th« town «>f yard« «A tficwesl liiicut thè Corpi.ittic limits ami prices call *>n or address the und* rsigued t l..L_ ... .11. '1 . v. ... ......... i...... . the days when the land was young and We have 111 u.ind several ui li>*- gf\u: w lc fr *in t 'alitornia with lirr daughter, hav­ unlawful gaming, endors«*d "a tru«* bill." The Our trecH are grown without irrigation on at Mcdlord, Oregon. There is a splendid opportunity in Grant's ing concluded that Klamath county's winter following is the final report of the grand jury: red hill land, and all of known vat i* tie« that nobody elan cared to hold on to money, who, each in Ins particular'’¡«er <»ty, has «-lunate "We hav«* diligently inquired into and inves- K8. Pas« for the estabiiehmi nt of a good bank, a is good enough tor nnytxxiy. succeed in Southern < iregon. are now wonderfully “conservative,” the reputation of being the best <-ducat d t igat«-«i all charges brought to our notice, and 1G0 acres; 100 acres fenced and in cultivation ; brewery, a tiourmg mill, a foundry, h maciiin« Those contemplating jrce planting will do S.nn»« of th«»««* who were subpepna’s] in the No. ®. • and are a p*reitive detriment to tlie state young man in voutiivm Oregon, und D,i l«|-Walit«*r cas<* have rcturne«! horn«*, but pa.-xHod upon them as we thought right and Wecliim to have as tin«’ a lino of property, and well to visit our orchard and nuis«*iy. or write live acr**s in orenard ; dwelling and barn and shop, a bukery.a restaurant, a first-class hut* I, A huin«*st«*ad claim of 100 acres on Carter proper un-l«*r thr law. We have « xmnin.Nl the g«MMi A nrst-ciass place. Niue milo furniture factory, broom factor}. tile and in this era of development. Wake up, who, mcasiire'l by the gauge ot h.s local .<:! will hav«* to i»c in Portland on th«* 17th inst., public tmihlings mid thervcordsof tIn*county, to be able to fur«ii«h as reliable nif«*rmation to us for price list. Address to us at Murphy, 1 r: We h-iv • ni.el* a < ireful ''or.cerniug real **state in Southern Oregon.as .1 »aephine county, Oregon, or to R. It. Station, cash duw ’ii; balance on easy terms. misKion wan-boUM* and innumerable other < n- *r««k; 1W Here** <»1 gw «ioing business. W. fiTprisca. There is not an idle man ora vacant place. Impruv«*d with a auiall I m > x liuuse. A. II. GARSON A; SON. th*.» job, to u.u? a claM.cal phrase. Corresp enre solicited . Geo. Cha«tain. wh • was convicted of *« Hing clerk. We find the county r’*eoid« kepi in a 210 acres a«l>»iiung the corporate limits ul building of ail) kind in thr town, and we might a stable, iu 111 b* r to build a 11« w house that D s M ochatic MSMBEKSof the house ex­ WKISLEV At CO. liquor nt B »nanza without lic» n«.«*. claims that splendid condition, and believe they are kept the tbritty and grow ing city of Medford, ail say, by way or f»arenth<*bi, that there arc s. v- win go w iin the place. 30 acr< s fenced with a press some surpr.se that Shaker Reed Goon roads are the one element ia<’k- Ip- was in th«« employ of one Sc«»tf at the time, in a thoroughly buslnussiike manner. We fenced an«I in cultivation; a go«»d dw’elling- eral saloons in Grant's Paas taking in from g< k. A! h «» lh< itnui- Among tin* m-w buildings going up and re- arrangement of committees. The Dem­ um formation«, the work of redeeming rn«.*nf. The inmates express themselves as be ­ vate and v«*r> productive. Thia farm will be large number of lots, we can quote astonish­ vid«d halt ot a mining claim, i.3lri yarns in c.-ntly <’«»mpl«*t'sl in Linkvillc may I»«- rn»*n- subdivi«i**d into 50-acrv tracts, if dcsir**d. ingly low figures. Don't ftn*! around with wild­ lingth bv fid text in w mth, t*.g< thir with a ocrats wanted Carlisle to be placed at the highways from the condition of pm tioned K«*s«ler*s ice-house, Robinson's dwell- ing well pleas««! with their treatment, and cat investments until this opportunity is gon* go«»«l reservoir f*»r huiuing wut*r siuit-ts und Price, $.50 per acre. hav«* no complaints to offer. W<* found the 1 ng and < »ffirr, th«* blacksmithing < mporiuin of «be head of the minority on the com­ neer day» t» slow »and irkaome, although 90. and then "kick" yoursell tor not getting in. tools with which to woik th* mine. J*rk*e, house and everything about clean and in ex- CF.XTHAIXV UM’ATEI». mittee on ways and tneaua, which was very material progrew« has been made in Webb A Beal, and the nent dw«*lling of David cvli« nt order, with tw,*ive inmates. >1.144'. '1 lit re will a»*H> I h * sold w ith the |Ja< «• 200 acres — known as the Hockenjoa or Col ­ but buy at one«* and we will guarantee you Vcdder. And all of .» head «1 vows, *mc brood mar*, also a i*.t ol lins ’ place, about three miles from Medford, "Having no further business, we would re ­ done; tail Carlisle wen not consulted many eectiona within the past tiveyears The suspicion is entertained by some that spectfully ask your honor to discharge us. vegetables. All lor the Mini ol flinti cash on tin* Phienix and Eagle Point road, contain ­ aixiut it. They also wanted Hultnan to Local trade and traffic aie and always the abandonment «>f Fort Klamath is the ing 140 acres of rich farming land, all under 100 Per Cent Per Annum duw ii at time ul sale. GEORGE BROWN. Foreman.’ go ou the committee of appropriations, will t>e largely dependent 011 wagju direct result of the machinations of some fence, with comfortable house and go*Ml barn, «No. capitalists and land-own»*rs wh«» d«‘sir«* to «•*- new out houses, well, etc. This place li«*s well On thr investment for the next five years. which Reed did not grant. The Demo­ transixirtation in thia mountain girt val­ cure Cotiunffmlablr. lumdsin 8«x*li<»ns7. 18. 19.20,29, and NH of posMeasion of the rich tract of land in to the sun. is well drained, and wvii adapt***! crats have much the advantage of the ley. The recentstorinH have brought »he th«» military reservation. All claims not consistent with the high for either truit or larming land. Plenty of The history of Spokane Fails is going to !»«• rv- section 3U, in township36 south, range 1 west; This well-known honss ha« been rebuilt timber for all us**s with place, it is situated prated in Grant s Pass in thr next tw<» y«*an* containing 1138 acres; and lands in tuctkHw 12, Republicans in tire matter of able con­ roads into their annually recurring state Among the citizens of Klamath county in at­ ch.iracter of 'yrup <>f Fig« are purpo'i ly as that time arriv«*s. W<* ar« ¡4. 23. 24 and 25. in tow uship 35 south. < t range with brk k and greatly enlarged, Iwsldes being wittiin «»11* and tlu*«*e-fourths mil«*sof Phomix just ns to sure tendance on the trial of D. n I«1 an*! Waik«*r. the ,iv .i-leil by the (’al. Fig Company. Ii a-is UNRIVALED GOODS! gressmen ; hence Reed’s curious action, of impassability, an«l the aerious check it wager $1(MX). to I m * dc|»oritrd in an> 2 w**st, containing 1UUU ucres. It all uf tne railroad depot. Can easi!} I»«* made one of the read} stag«* r«»bbers, at Portland, may l>« gently on tlie kidneys, liver »nd bowels, bank in th«* stat«*, that lots w<* nr<* now s«-lling ai»ovv-m**ntionmmer- every bottle Will not. «ulr.tHntiate 100 acres: 100 fence«!; 45in cultivation; eight Miss«*s Camilla and Minnie Wa'k r weic engross a large share of attention from land solo. Tttm«. one third ciish at time of gressmen in the bouse. I OFFER FOR HALE ON REASON ABLE tor m eial travelers, is fitte«! up in conn’x tion flier<- acres of alfalfa; young orchard uf ;JUUchoice n,situated un D««er t reck. J«>»^phme tiie lust file piarkct affords. new dwciling-house, barn and outhous<*8; Tux latent political aensation at Wash- chief studies of agriculturist and mer­ was tak«*n «udd«*nly ill at Linkvillo while on th« premise«. This land ia mostiy slightly roll­ HORSE AILMENTS. county, ci’ntaiuing 820 acres of rich bottom «and E. K. BKIGHTMAN, Prop. running water through the farm; good out­ ’rwaytothe Rogue river valley. Mrs. W. ing clay »oil, and is among the b« st trim J himmi nirton city i» the defalcation of C. E. chant alike for the next iew >ears. The h» especially adapted to the growth of timothy nay range tor sto* k. Thirteen miles from rairoad Ashland. Oct. 10. IN«». was much 1« iprov«*d at last accounts, although in JackMjn county. and clover. About one-half is cleared and in d« i»ot. Price tor er«»p and farm $;MM0. Nlleott, caahier to the aergeant-at-arm» material of whieh roads should be con­ sin? was verj ill for a while. Ncpon«ct, Til., cultivation, and must of the balance can be easily Partlowis.hing to piirchascnii} «»flh’ atx ve 92. of the lionne of representative«, who structed is abundant in this valid ; but May 20,1888. One of the Ktnr corn-spondent« at !>air) in­ d*'scribed lanus, cun *t«-|»« 11 at M« uturd, w h* re c.rar*d. There i* a stream <»f running 100 acr«*s—1(4) fenced, 50 acres in cultivation. turned up imetiing, along witti about the knowledge of how and when to pre­ forma Saiu, another correspond« nt. that he throughthe place the year round, affording plenty they wili I»« met ul th« raiir«,au d* |»ot <»n the My mare caught in**aed and apply the topway can have n«> grammatical coiuvction with coldt result: Bwelied plenty of lirst-class garden lund, all covered by Mias Jours of that plue**. They hav«* some • state ag« nts, wh*» uill cuiivey tfi« m in good place ir nil inclosed by a Rood rail fence. 1 here water from two irrigating ditch vs, two miles limbai lump between congress,last Thursday. Siileott was ap- of gravel or stone is evidently nut so very queer customs in Klamath county, and, Shupe tu any of the lands I iuivv fur bale, lue is a house and t»arn and 200 young fruit trees on from saw-mill, on« mile from school-house, foredaga and InCam- (H.inted eix year» ago fiotn Ohio, and it prevalent as to lie at all epidemic among thic «»ne w«mM be more h iRogcxI in the the place, lt also has the best outside range in uf charge fur conx’eyHnce. Cor. 3d and E Streets. will make a first-* hiss dairy ranch: fencing SILAS J. DAY. fhecuunty. als«»another xcellent placecontain. ¡nation. Cured her ih thought that be is about the only dis­ our road suiiervisors. Road building is "breach*' than in the ohaervan *«*. in splcudid condition, buildings only fair, lum­ 31 First Street, ■■ JJ. ing 12hacres. ,, .. with St Jacobs Oil. ber cheap and handy; 15 miles from railroad honest Democrat hailing from the Buck­ a science, and the Btate should make it F<»r full particular* call upon or mWrcas Jlrwarti $5000 PORTLAND. OR depot. Price, $20lri, crop includ ’ d. LO. GARDNER. eye etale. He was under 150,000 bonds its business to train inen to proficiency O. J. VANNOi Newmarket Block, 9B. F *r a bMt* r or nv.r* ple is n‘ remedy for Kerhyville Oregon to Sergeant-at-arms Leedom, of the last in it. There is a great work ahead for Containing 120 Room*. well furnished. 120 acres—00 acres fenced and 30 acres in cul- the cur« of eoiisiinip!v>n,bronchia! tr uMes, Winsboro, Tei„ house, who is himself bound in the sum our agricultural colleges, if they can con k H. croup Hiui whooping cougii thm tivati<»n; five acres in alfalfa, small orchard, I ----- THE BEST----- dwelling-house, small l»arii,**tc., running water Jane 20.1888. STRAYED of $50,000 to make the shortage good to bring Oregon out of the slough of de­ S»nla Abie, Hie Calif «tn a k i.g «»f coo through the place. Price, $1000. My horse was hurt memliers whose salary Mr. Silh-ott will spond in which its valley inJiabitantsare >nmp ion Every k.tiie warran < d. If 94. OREGON ritoM THE «>1.1» OBEN'CHAlN' '} ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE on hind leg; suffered probably spend in Canada. Wliat is plunged for three months out of the year; vou would be cured of that di.«gn«»i’ g «Ii*» 32D acres—280 acres fenced and 150 acres in I i» Ri» lluttc |>r«-ln<'«. •>•»»•« ,l"'. ’"'’ ¿. h ‘ f cultivation. go1 I h . v mar*- mul thr«-*- »«-iirliiii» ttttl* ». IN THE STATE. gtHsl orchard and vineyard. s«*v«*ral large $12,000 to loan in $1,000 boa remained permanent W. J. CLINE. two irruv» und » »orrel. Ail w.-rc l.rand.d that there is a question as to the liability i teaching ttie supervisors that a half tuile 11 ajar; by rn>il II 1» Sn-U Abe snl affording plenty of water for garden with a « óih II A on th-- ritrld "b'«>ld< r. <-x<->-|'t- Free Buses to and from the Hotel. springs, of the government to them for the loss, 'of well drained, properly constructed, <’4i-R-<'u r are s Id ard warranted by all irrigation, fi) Her«*» of timothy in(*adow; six lots, on improved farm se* In* tino th.- bntnd on ..no <>« «!•<• E™.' “ '»»" <>" «it uggislM. miles from Grant’s Pass. Price $5000. A great each loser having signed Certificates to permanent road-bed fitted for travel th.- I. ft -.lioiil-l.-r. Hie n-.ar- woi ■ a tx-tl at JOS. CAIRN SIMrSON, Esq., Sec. rzclflo No Chinde employ’d and no deviation in uargain. Terms, oue-half cash, balance on curity. For further particu­ the sergeant-at arms, on which he ob I each year, will give us g«xxl highways th« time sh« ‘ luft. . Coast Blood-Horse Association. Bays : •‘Being **asy terms. A llbonil r ward «IR I"' p»i-l lor th.-r.-. ov- cliiirg«*. tamed their salaries from the treasury. ■ Unfold »«Miner than the pretent system I 95. lars enquire of familiar with the remarkable efficacy of St. M«-*. i I m 25 centi»; hnlging 25 cents to 50 cents. cry <»t hhv of th«* animals or any infoi million 120acres of fruit land, within two miles of I iqr own Binger had his salary siuce of spreading the same ainom t of work : I that will i»«'l thcret«». Jacobs Oil, I cheerfully and heartily Indorse DR. CUMN'S IMPROVED LIVER PILES Grant’s Pass, will be subdivided in l”ur 20-arrv JOHN H«K'KENJ<»R. J:«' k- nvllb-. Or. .X/ay, amounting to about IL’HOO, tn the over twenty miles of inferior roadway. E. LEWISTON, Proprietor. Cure Sick-Heidach«. by correcting tho Stomach, Bow- this valuable specific for painful ailments.” tracts if desired. Price $7 50 per acre Landa of his friend S ilcott, and is left e‘t. Livtr and Kidney«: beautify th« complexion by pu- rising th« blood; mild in their action, pleasant te tab«, -itranded at the national capital with hinging M.»d never grip« or sicken. One for a dose. 26 cts. a NOTICE. Hon. ODEN BOWIE. Ex Governor of Mary- •caieely enough loo»e change to pav los In the ear**, sometime** amarine, buzzing box. Drug and General Stores or by mail. Samples free. Estray Notice. i iK"I have Great Bargains to offer and it w ill i Had. Jockey Club, Pre«. City Pa». Railway bootblack and washerwoman. From s* und. are caii-e I b\ catarrh, u *• exc e »- pay you to examine my list carefully i»cfore THE DR. 8OSANKO MED. CO.. Piqua. O> HE I NDEItSlGNED WILL SF.LLON FAV- r.\MF. TO THE I ’ l.ACF. *>F THE. I M»EI<- - ♦ ¡mrchasing elsewhere. If you have anv urop- Co., says: "In my lainily and my stablest the depths of ms woe he heaves a sigh ingly «lbagre* al» e an ! v« ry cori«nm»i di*- orablc tvrin« a one-half inh rest in a paving < rty for sale, come and see me and I will.uo my b-ltfiK.I. r. xiilinu- I» M. i I nu-. ill.- )■>■< einet. i Shu- t’> Cure .111 .*/.*»»« lUttfaur».99 have used St. Jacobs Oil with *ati»factory of xratitnde to tellcolt that toe latter ease. Lo*” 01 sm 1 i h a i 4 ho »es il I inerrantil«' business and ulso un«* bh>ck of best for you. *...<■ l.r.nth« ..... ... H «1 s Sarsapanlls, me i Simplx apply "S wayne ' s ointment ." N«> results, and believe It the be« remedy for the X..UK .1.1, with whit.- Htrl|><- on n.«-, hln.l ground in Eagl«* Point, with dweiBng-bousu iltdn t inn off witti tiu' U. B. treasury from »at«rrh gr at b < ms 1 punfi r. i* a pe« uba i» sti*** e^s internal in*«iicin«* rtquirvd. Cures tett r. t . t whit.-.«»an.l.-l X on naht »hoiil.l. r. The and «»ut-bnildings, good ston*-hotiso. etc. F«»r painful ailments of man and beast.’* and thereby deptive the disconsolate of ful lein-d' f «r »bis «lise *-?, wbic t re- •*«*/ ma, itch, all «*runti«*ns on the face, hands, Office next door to Grand Central Hotel. own«T wl'»^»ay charges and take tri«* animal further parti^tdars apply tothe undersigned the satisfaction of re-imburstng them i»V pu ifying th b o*ni. If y«»u suffer from n »«•*, A«*., leaving tn«* skin clear, wh t«‘ and Medford, Orejón. on thè premisi s. healthy. Its great healing and curative pow­ ,lwav * • T.H. GILSON. A t D bfgg wre and Dr a libs . HENRY KUPPEL. F B INLOW. selves at national expense for their «••Hyrli, try H«a)d s Sarsaparilla, the pe- ers are jmasi-ssiKi by n » other remedy. Aik JACKBOX VILLE, OREGUN Eaglc Puint, Oregon, Auguet 24, UJrt*. TXICHAILU «. V08ELEI CO . BalUasrt. SA Dated Kuv. 27. I n #. Isuees. c^J.ar uiedxct^p. yuur dru/ifUt Xur ¿ waxw ’S inicua um V A5K.JVINCJH HO VíSE, MEDFORD, OREGON ! REAL ESTATE AND LUAS AGENCY -X, " Æ . S L‘ Sacramento, Cal JSL> Grand Mask Ball, MAILED TREE » ilio Sacramento, Cal. Jacksonville Silver Cornet Band HENRY KLIPPEL liminVÀRt iSll TISWARt IIEI’Ui JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOR HARDWARE, PAINTS LOTS Conveyancing in all its Branches r M I AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS MONTAGUE, JACKSONVILLE-CRESCENT CITY Owners of Hie Towusite 100 000 TREES 18 SiOCK, WRISLEY & CO SIwthiiilOiiiiiiiieiiliilTiws CITIES ARE NOT BUILT THAT WAY. Medford, Jackson Co., Ogn. THE BOSS BOOTS FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. AKIN, SELLINC & CO.’S INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. •I PORTLAND, SICK-HEADACHEI T MONEY TO LOAN