PEIUONAL MENTION. MEDFORD NQUIBX. W rreu LruigeN«». 10, A. b. A A. 51., f'ENTKAL POI NT POINTERS. Pfipid ttoafinyof the 9!rart. Th? soil is in first-class condition for pl«»wing and seeding, and many of our held its regular annual election last night, J Whenaver y feel an unwinem In the W. H. Turner has gone to Granbeiry, H. D. Knbli of AppDgate is in town. Dr. Witit iry's itew reaiden-e ¡9 about I rpgion of _ tb« bK< EMUEK 5, !>«!• bam Geary of E k eret-k is in town. bnrg, Pa. when exercising, or vour heart his i enods rustin g up a nice busineea. Dems Duggan, of Sam’s valley, a few will be installed on the evening ol bt. j terday. B. F. Wade, of Sam’s valley, is in town nights since, which was bifthly enjoyed by 1 Jobn'a day, December 27lb, aa usual. Mrs. Lyons entertained her sister, Miss Ed Temple and Miss L. Coakley w?re in of beating fa«t, you Lav? heart disease and C. D. Reel in tile the T imes office a rail this week. should tike Dr. Flint’s Remedy. Descrip­ Jennie Donohue, last wtek. the many in attendance. S. 0. STATE BOARD OF AGRICDLTl RE. Jacksonville last Saturday. I Warren Lodge No. 10, A. F. h A. M , on Wednesday. tive treatise with each bottle; or. address A. Plotts, of Applegate, was in town yes­ Theodor? Cooper has returned from Kan- Nunan is still in the lead with one of the c f Jacksonville claims the honor ot having Geo. Morine and wife atUndedthe ball at Win. Bybe? ha.* r- tiir ««1 fro- » I«:« tr p to Mack Drug Co., N. Y. ' *as much improved in health. largest and best stocks of good* ever the vi lest ij ler in continuous service ou northern California. Brownsboro last Friday evening. The business transacted by the Southern terday. For the finest genl ’ s goods go Pi Orra E egant holiday goods at the 8. F. Vari brought to southern Oregon. Hi.* prices the coast and perhaps the oldest west ol the Oregon Stat? Board of Agriculture one II. Amy is still suffering from the effect* A. H. Maegly is ab!e to be about again, Angle. He never fai's to | leae-e. are as low as tbé lowest. ety Store. day last week was in brief as follows. Mis*issippi. R. S. Dunlap has served the after a brief sickness. of his recent sickness, although able to bj The board convened al the office of ihe Send to J. W. Bowden for your sewing- order in that capacity without interruption Mrs. Geo. Anderson was convalescent at a lx »nt Cash paid for produce at Goldsmith’s, Wni. Doon and family of Applegate are secretary with President Riddle in the Medford. for thirty consecutive years, and only re ­ Alik-- pay b» wmng Hon. J. W. Whillev, now one of ti e Point called yesterday. F. U. Rowe has shipped l»is saw niill Wo!ff A Armstrong will have ilnfir skat .1. C Hall »nd Tic s. Keever were among T. C. Law, of Gold Hill, was in town on from of Jackson county, members pnaenl; I . P. John B*»lt of Applegate was In town dur best lawyers in Purt'and, spent a lew days Bellevue, Idaho, to D»»uglas county, ing-riuk in operation ut Mvdtord this week the vi-ilors at the ball at Brownsboro list Judson, treasurer, and Robert A. Slillt r, Tuesday last. and wifi commence the manufacture of at bis old home in Yreka. Cal., not long ing the forepart of the week Friday even ng. Newtl! Harlan is spending the holidavs secretary. Goldsmith, wholesale and retail grocer, lunib- r there in a short time. -inre alter au absence of about 25 y» ai.*. M?s«rs. Filch ami Penlz of Me lford are at his o:»i home in Hurlun county, Ne T he choice of t flicers fur the association Medford. Oregon A gentleman fr1»1 Hill, have rem* mb. r ul » at« htng th? te liv? !»?«• «»n th? the new states to s<‘?k hi* fortti ie. out. to-wit; President, ti. W. Riddle, totivera' of our
ry n> <’r under adverse in comfurtrib c (juaitcrs iu Mvdimd and New g«>o«ls are continually arriving at been in town «luring the week . vice-president, Chits. Hughes; secretary. Sheriff C.irll of Lakeview was in Jack ­ seat ibis week, attending circuit court in will .«|»?iid the winter heitf. ririmnistan« «•*. Newman Fisher ’ s. A cottage belonging to Mrs Sarah For R. A. Miller; treasurer, T P. Judson. sonville Momlay.on his way home. Medford schools now have < nr» Red 2'U one capacity or another. Ale we to infer that “Feitf The prospects for an extended term of dyer at Ashland was buriicuou Tuesday of On motion thepublicatmn committee wa* f’iia« W. L »gnu of Ashland H in town, Pllfiih, *b » ar? making flue pr<»gr« ss un Mu‘ b |nf«*rest wca taken ¡n «|p» | r<-tract- ia«t week. There wa* no insurance on the means to inonnate that the ladies ijf A*h being a witness before th? grand jury. disconiinued. The executive committee ap courtare t x Client. • d in“» th|g tinm|uavi«l All*n and H. (bejr Rujierior flour t-» E ig nu last w? Griffin «I Tolo, w»-r? tier? one day recently. Thel uiunu-aci;ire finds lav* r< vt ri wbcic F«»r» KI tin tilt ungo'i-’oad during tIm past very large th.s year, aim like Ja k.-ou j Mr f. A. Deroven, m*r«hant, Deroven, ■.csisi» ' was I.a di»d by * the IwUUisiuna, sa>s: ••l'ljeSi. Patrick’s Fills glass ball shoot, which class failed io fill spent .»i« inlay in town. tors in th? • ‘ Mail ’ ’ office. 'Ihe paper m is in»• < littut-i. Carltop of Butte cre?k ffl*ri<4e ’ Barney M?» pi I return?«} from |ijs Ciliior prizes wi 1 be given away «>11 N»*w Year’s any »»ther kind. Ti eir gentle actb-n an 1 irg hit* PUU)t»roU9 friend* in this section a fair in full in all case*, and to correct all g <» I name nt bom?, ’ w< n by hia ir'p a few din ; sin»;«*. Hp s i) i (hut T" h Mr«, s. A. Morton, • f Ashland, is spend­ | day at the N. F. Vu • “ty More «>» tho«? who reliability as a cathartic is what makes call errors made by the awarding committees il Hi'j's >ar' i|iar l|a J r l/i*e I, Max*., ing the winter in Califmnia pur hase goods thvr»* during th? month of them popular. F r sale at t iiv Drug and entry clerks. Ph I. (Leave am! Jos. Garrison nf 8»?r bf IB-ycr pqw 11 rain SO !»••*.« »« it (|i ! wL«|r iwbcv i i« prep ire J, there I* tn >rc <»t N » re. Jacksonville, also l’ngc.1 , lingvilfe precinct were here one day thi* he was there, A new line of stylish bats received this December. The financial commit’?? report?«! about H i:'- > »i*aj in ilia >vd«i than all other * |b(4) of the state appr«»priation vx(en«i«d weex nt Re.imes & White’s. Miss Louhe Follett was In M* »If »r»l s v iu d ' n *. and il h r* given Hie b st of sat- week. The investigation of ’he Aslilan«! may­ Fhcemx I for premiums a> th? tat? lair Fora Ian.? back try saturating a piece of PARIS, E I. Gr iupuer. » f M rliugvd e | recinct, hem case instituted by th«* gram! jury re Silpt. Mitchell and wife of Mt »»«lows pre- era «Liys last week o i bti«ine*4 :■«» inc-*t» «| isf e' -i'l eit' inlrodu*tion ten year* On motion <4 Dr. Van 1>\ke it was d< - was here one day th s w«ek. .«□l td in th? honorable di.-charg«- ot th»* flannel with ChanibeiLnn'a Fgin Balm an»! cint spent several day? in town during the with her father s estate. Bfie left tome «lavs • g > 1 bii (*< uld n<»tbe if the m«d’rlnc did cided to hold future meetings of ihe board tine« for lilt «Hat- ! binding it un to ibe a fleeted pafU. Ibis détendant, Wai. lownsend, who i* a never i ot po- a-s* mer.t It Ton sutler frrru im ­ week. Ki guo.riv«r has bee » higher this season at Grant's Pass, and the next meeting was tbrtii tor nearly two years past. tre atment will cute any ordinary c uy? n* young man The Monarch saloon ut Medford, under pute II »od, try Hood's Sarvapnrilia and Mi»« J emberger 1» »* returned to Jack Thl’ £'”"$«» *•'•'<< varlw. A marvel of pint. WINNEROF THE GRAND set tor th? first Monday iu May , law. at ou«* ur two days. Pain Balm uiso cures management of H. H. Wolters, is prov­ le-ilizc it' pc uiiar curative power. The largest ami be«t stock of dee-is. 1. More coon- Take a c h .nee in the grand New Year’s snnvil'e ujpl is »-fti uating a* court stenog the that place. I rbcuiuati*tn, spiains, awfRiug and kiiin- ------- a —— ♦ ing a popular resort. The best of every mortgages amt ail kinds oi real-estate and • than th<- ordinary kinda. Mid cannot Im rai her. On motion it wa* derided to «l ow mem­ drawing at me S F. Variety Store. PRIZE, THE thing in thalline is *«pt tbui». < *dd inoumpetlUon with the magnitude of Iuw legal blanks suuti» of >alem «* kept nt th? n«-s.<. Fitly ctui b»*itles for suit* at ( tty 'jo Hog lUiwrs. bers ol the board necessary traveling ex­ Drug M.ue, Ja» k'onv.Le, aiso Engel Bros,, Don't forget the grand New Year’s draw­ 1 iMi.s office ami sold at Portland rates M».i«rs <4»»«nier, Duffield, Sanders and Hat. short weight, alum orph.MpItaU- powder« E. C. (.'u'ter of Forest Grove will next ing al the s>. F. Vaiicly bture. penses in attending meeting«. MaU|?w* t f F-iots ere« k mad? u< a call 5 es- r».«.. 1 licje.nx I wGh to say to the f. rnitn* of Jaekson iui Whilst“Ko>“* week open out in bu«ii.c»s in the photo The ••Record'' reports that Chas. H»»ley Tne ti tan lal exhibit showed total re­ A landslide near Delta. Cal,, uy Ibe terdav. Health i« good iu southern Oregon, very surce“d» M. Caton in Hi? b is-n «' of Caton Kraph gallery lately occupie»! by Mrs M »r- county that 1 inc or ted sev« head of ~— .*** — r- . 1 1 _ ceipts I n»m th« fair ot V> 3-T.H2, it eiUding iw c.»>v* ol - i. kuess being reported. full- n ■ od lMand-China hoxs from Muuie P Donegan am! n\« $011 Hui»?rt <»( Ta­ ris, guying leased th? same from that lady. «k Gariett at Ashland, and that he wni con­ m rn ng 1,814.26; purses award»«!. $65174 iail c»a i, killing ti.e «-ngineer, Chan?.* Bax ­ Sunday. be-1> i i M< »if -rd undergoing treatment a« Bruner of s.aie ai»pr«>priation on htu«l, quantities to suit al the liuxs office at List S« pleiubvr lair held in this county iSevri .il >eol-eaiate tr.oi» u'tums have ter, and >erloualy ir»j ¿ring and *i'aldnig Ui? Messrs. RiVund faylop, county commis ­ J.u k-oiiv l is livelier than unual, owing taken lìsce tn Jacksonv'.l e l.i'ey. With fireman. W«uU i lhiaiey,and \\ ill am Boyd, the h inds of Dr. Pryce durn g the p«sr Will be »old at reasonable rates. Can tn* ab*»ut f900; o to r fund« on h «ml >942 U*. ntennial Eipo&itiou. CiuciHali, 1888. sioner«, ¡ire a* the c-»untv eat on official wepk Khe R hs been in p or health fora sc* n bv c *'.iing on A. A - Du vis. at the M< <1 The Douglas County Agricultural A-«u io the preva erne » f circuit court. ...... . ............... : al Conn«, ti >n with the <•. A R. R our a brakeman. Civating away ill? debris busine-s. 1 ng tjrpfl, ciation, through its agent, D. 8. K. »iui» k, C. H I n ken« ai d I>. Duggan, of Sam’s town may be expected to enjoy a lair-sized n?»»*5*itaied a delay of me northbound ford Ro L*r M lh, Jack-on c »untv, Oreg »n. i FOR THL Messrs Davis A France of the Medford filexl a written invitation with the secretary val ey, visit«d JacksonviLe recently. A shipment of 3*>0 Thaukstfivicg turkey- ' Al so have s uu«' oak lumber and wagon- uv« ijaijd tr tin that day of inure than six boom. roller mills vi*ited the county-seat during was made from Vedford to San Frar.c.b* » toiigoe* for s le. for the next district fair to b» t»el»l « n hc/Uis, Jake Wool ’ s cane-rack is in operation Geo. J arks-»n, of Table R »rk precinct, th»? week. grounds to be proviie.i by th* D»uglas again, this time nt Skating-nuk h »11. A A. D avis . last week by J. Goldsmith, ihe enterpris­ «•»l«i und int Ja*l Tu» >»iav. Ihe at hi* rt.*idem ? al Brownsboro Just Fn lay Obi pa|»crs, in »p.anlities tn suit, for sale “ra le tract," t > be » o-er»d a itn gra*s, fit? « »on, accoinp med by his daughter, Miss fowls produced in the Bogue riztr valley p»ice of wool commues discouragingly evening, al which liieie w re about ibjrO from du*t, mortgage*, knot*, bark and ex­ at the I iMi.s «.din.«- at 50 * ?.»tsa bundled. i9 unsurpassed. Attend to This. c- uplv* pn sciii, and a mu*i enj »ynble Aruhiia crescences; •■tra« >’’ ami gruumi to com­ J’ iin B dion has itturned to town an i iow . .lo-eph Burn*. rep»<>c.«iin^ ¡1 Gabel H. H. Wolters, the mixologist, has re Walter Dudley, the tinman on Lbv time w •« h cd until a ¡ale hour tn the morn­ <’<» h h! inor<* conclusive < vi «1» ih - c he given or pare favorably with any in the ncrlbw st wil; enter the « ui[ loy of E. C. Brooks. Lr<»ckm« u w Uiit 4 their brands in th** its intrinsic worth? i i' M «Li? ere» k ing. Numerous visitors »«Ittliicd from • f Nan F^anciM’'», I ;t»*niewed our ciiiz *.)« opened «be buiuon turmariy kept by A. H brand ol the S >ti’h *m Urez»»n S(oc< with capital stock of iu i n to be in­ The b« ard <>f tru>t«-e* held their reguiar w i « < Kt t freight tr aiuved at Y r« ka. Hi « < uiilml }’<»inl, Eagle Point and Me«iioi«i. yesterday. ' arlson, thoroughly refilling it and mak Pro11 vc A n -< elation should M-hd in their I <«l Naturda • . hus \« the Hiifhorizeti representative of the creased to>20,QUO, gH Ull'is to bv purci a cd monthly meeting last l utsday evening. White. | offer inj |»utroiis the I m -nt M-wing h jiltic« ar? not a- M-rijUb as at tust sup- ,n« *a»s. F ii/gcfa d and >.n.p*uu lurnished Mr. Nile«, r th“ sciretaiy at thi* nfl»?-atone»-, for |d,OUO, with hourly trains from Kos» machine in the world. The exiierta of Europe the bar with the finest wines, liquors anu If >ou want groceries call on or audre^* ibe music, und Mp. Doughty spread un burg al small expense; liospit.uiiir« of Co. of Nan Frnncitco, made Jackson vi lea pu-»» (i. as the wk uf getting up ’In- b ok is already and America have pronounced the fact. Cigars, and a tine bilhar.l table can l»t uinl* r way. Mini it is not probable an oilier txcehent repast. Roseburg t<> be tendered to members o! the Goldsmith, Medford, tor | rices before buy­ bU'ine«* cull Tues lay. S v» r.»l M< X ’ cau i veterans u?re in town •’ found there. Give him a call for be w i 1 edition w B be issued for the r ext two Ht*spcctfully ycur*. C'» many new applicants applying in prospectum, no lerui' mention?«!. A niece of Genera! Amlrew Jackson vis­ for spare was the <*nly i«^.*<'i> for isyui»»g al the S. F. Variety Store on New 5 ear’? county h i* «¡uite a number of these «»hi p-»rt.« woik progicssiiig >uti*fuctonly o? d »tighter, Mrs. 0’Bryan’, J. W. SOWDEN. On luuiion action wa* defence! in the day. ited i»* M d(»»r«i one day lu«t week. H«r cho new route «»f the Furl Klamath wagon- zVt u. s. Hall soldiers. Mr. Farrell, representing the “Oregoni­ n »me :.« Mrs Davidson, an I one can easi ly oiii! the 1 v«?«c»»t season. matter cf locating next district lair until i» ad down R gue nv?r, below Trail creek. Scott Griffin of Tolo wnl take pleasure in Last n gbt Warren Lodge No. l'J, A. F. s in showing strangers town and country prop­ FIFTH AWxni. BLI.I. OF THE Oregon Jacksonville, A. M , held its annual me t ng, und a A numtier ot our citizen* contributed in ti e interest of his pa|»er. MARRIED. May next. trait of “Old Hickory." The lady was on quite lib< rally t • the *ub.*rriptiun fund lor erty, • goodly uuinb.*r of member* ot the urd» r (’. Klei».hammer of Eden precinct, who her way to Salem to lo« k uft« r un estate On his own motion Mr Buick stigina- • icning the road. The p.cou u uf that Heavy ra ns in noril.e n California have ir»>m different portions of the county were ne:ci.boriioud arc- anxiop* tu gel the road own« one of the best f «rrus :n the valley, belonging U) tome minor heirs, children of STEELE t’ERI.INGS—At the r«-sidenee of tized th«» Jackson t'«»uuiy Agricultural As the bride’s pan-nls in Linkvlllr. November ad^ieused relative. sociaUon as "hug*" for off« r ug a sugges lately interfered with the regularity of the in attendance. o| e«» f»u winte r travel as soon as possible. made 14s a pleasant cull yesterday. 2s. issi». Alrxatvh r Steele to Miss Mary 1» r- trains. As usual, the N. F Variety 8«ore i* ahead tion to the effect that it would be a good Messrs, ^uckey. Berry Hansen, Kyle, lingM. 1 hr «-nt« rpris? of «hiving logs d«»wn John Pii-nni?, o: e*lcr21st, 1KS9, aged 26 years 2 months C ommittei : ox A iu < a \<; emi ..\ t *: -J Dx« r 1 ing a reign of terror among «he canary i* d wn. Mr. Row« i? cm fi irnt of tilt.« n ght. Teacher » lnatUute. < rom-milh r and W. Lytle ' Mis- Ray Young of M» dfo*d visited Jack and 4 days 1 he only daughter of a wil- BORN. owners. Three m »re oi the I Ltle s«»ngstei s mate Mh » e.«s in the expertm® it. ho*» ver, A a~gt consignment of rubber good« just owed nioth-r, who hoi alresrly burial a A teacher’s institute has been planned «eil u p-ey to Ins rapa< ry during the week, a .dwiu g»> at tfie business more rxten- sonvilleduring the week, and in company targe family of children, the death of m at Keume* \\ bi ’ e's, at unu-uaiiy iuw to b? b* Id al Me».l< rd, tegi-.i« ng at m>< n MERRICK In Ashland, Nor. 24. B*9. 1»» Mr. wi h Miss Emma Lee called on the Tiwrs. >a\s ihe ‘Journai.' • -ivt ly than « ver m xt spr ng. Doily «eems one of tho-»? k M anagm **:—I mhm «- Muller. G<*>. Bloom- ing un i the 'UCCwiiim >a urd v • v 1 « r pure Rogue river whisky, in quan- Among lb? imidmts oi childhood that Juiiti W.tôlier, oi Nam'* Vai ey, ct»liv<1 p ’ oy of Gerber Bros, of Laugell valley, is stands iu mute submission uni wails in Mr. and Mi>. J. M. Gucbes, a s»»n. »m l ihe ivarhto s o Jacks n «.»unty are titir.« to suit, call vil Cupt. l atoti in Jack- stai d «»ui »;: b«»id irli* f, as our memory re­ m ' of J*'»..—Ville; J. Uedneeday. The iurniri his '«»rm- inten­ verts to the duyc w/p*n we were young, vi-iung relatives and friends in this stetion. humble trust until the all-wise Father FARItA At WoiMlvifie on Saturday. Novem­ »-'-I- "• M'.ltunl: < liH«. Guv „1 Ontral h’*r» by utlvi-cd uf the sa«ne. -■ nviuv. * tions ui purchu-iug Wm. Payne ’ s »and in Point. HI1<1 Houck of Asliiaii«!. makes known th«* pur; oses of his loving J. H. Knutzen, the genial ’ squire of Ap ­ ber 31), 1881», to Mr. und Mrs. E. L. Farra. u Th? ea«i:ng edmators ut so it'iern Ore nun? are nu-re prominent tfian severe Jes.-e D. Nealbaiuiuer, t>.‘ Plea.'-aut creek son. gon —T. A. Getz ui th«* Asii-and ¡-ubli» P.-«•<• i d, w'as at ihv county s-.*ut one day 1 unit* Roca precim t. .*icme«s Tl.e young mother vividly re­ plegate precinct, made us his annual visit wifi. Only one short year before bad th. »'OME OXE, OtIME ALL. The price oi wheat rules very low mu» h members that it wa.s <'¿Hiiiiberiain s Cough veH^rday May his shadow never grow erm 1 ham! of death t ikrn from the age i WHITE -Near Woodville, «»n Tm-wlay. Nov. schools, G. 11. Watt of the Ju»-k.*<>nvil e this wet k. Tlww who cannot dance, coiue and wc will ‘S». to Mr. and Mrs. John White, a son. ui thei a loving daughter, having a family t«*acli you. more so than we hid txj*ecied it wool : R-mr iy cured her ui «r-up, and In turn less. schools, H L B nson of the Grant'.« Fa.«.* Norton, the noted hunter, dropped in oi. ot chii ir?n mothei les* , an t with this add MACKLIN — In Trail cr' ’ k pii ’ inct. on Tu««- ui tms time ot the year. Gm* warth»»us« schools, J > 8week of th«- AHilandn -rm « Thoae who can dance and arc atnuun ra We have valuable city property, a«iinin - tr .* t to h r > reiqm -1 from ¿ hx , Nov. ’>». 1(489, I-» Mr. an»! Mr*. Wm. Mack­ -s «H. com.- and wc bu-bt 1 a lew uuy s since. schools and W. J. Crawioru ut the Med­ Drug So.ic, Jucksunvij a, also Engel . sometime looking after pn-fes-i *i*a! busi­ uaugh cr. *he >.atm rc«| *.gaju the broke i w ill take good care of j uu. PAXKEY Al < ’ » ntral P«»int. X »v. 2»5, K-ft. to Josephine counties thread* of her dume-iic ii e and went for Al.alia, timothy, clover ami all kinds of ford schcMils, together with many other J. Il Berry ami wife have leased th ir Fi.cenix. ness. Mr. and Mrs. Thus, l*ank»-x. a son. Weight w «rd in the weU*beaten path ot c«»n*e prominent tea« hrrs of the county, will be gras.* and gardcu seeds at Goldsmilb s, stock laiicti on B g Butte c reek for a term >ingle tickets, including supper *1 «• ih - t - for .«ale. Rev. Father Grussi is still in the county 12 p »uu is. E P, Pickens, H Kcribner, R. Vincent. • present and participate in the discussions .-i(>ilurd ol five years to A. 11. diuiptmn and We«iey and meeting with a tair degree of success J. B. Dungan and other residents of Table crated aff *« lion, upon which had sudd nh BI’T< TIER-In Ashland. N. v 2s. I**.». Io Mr. tutor? W’iH be adinirt«-«! for 25 <•< ms’. It is the duty of all teacher* of the county Hiram Farlow rtturned to his home in Fitzgerald. Fbe purties were in t)wn uu hi soliciting contributions fur Nt. Mary’s R»>ck precinct were at the county-seat been thru a j* an uuexpe- t?«i c»barge Stan i- and Mrs. Phil. Butcher, a daugiiter. ( OMMl'Ml ATI< IX> Sl'Et I ALLY mg o * the threshold of life, her future oath to avail themselves of the advantages - t Asuland from his visit to Linn county, last Tuesday completing the transaction. T Hume. I he lecture given by the reverend yesterday. ol love and duty tinged wi b r-jseate Lues the proposed insiitute; and the law« o' week. gent 1 man last Tuesday evening in Jack- The agents of the Fanners’ & Merchants' DIED. NOTICE!». Judge Webster return d from eatuof the and purest flowers of hop? and happiness, Oregon make it in< umtwnt upon ever} Noles, receipts, due-bills, drafts, etc., in lusurance to., of Albany, last week a»i son vil v was not as well attended as »he im- mountains one day last week, where he hlouiiiiiig in fragrance al around, whi? teacher of the county, wherein tlie insti­ LI. i ortance of the subject demanded, but con- has been holding court for nearly tw the hard hand ot experience had nut IxMtk form, bandy and first-class, at the justed tor loss sustained by* Mrs. Geo. Jn-- tute is hulden, tube present. Tne atten­ T imes office RAGSDALE—N«*ar To!«». Jackson county. Or- ,u< in lit? burning oi her uweliing-huuse in tr button.« were pretty liberal un the part months past. yet wound?«! her with its thorns, Dolly's tion of the several teachers of Jacks«»n ♦^fon. November28, lHWj, of rheumatism of r \ wars. 9 mouths and 13 days. halo uf promise. Alito* s<»--n pulmun ry school laws—see page 61, school law« ci Ram.ey, • t lai»:e Ruck precinct, were beie ihe sum i-grrt d upon. send. Stephenson, llmck. Km*-', Msyfiv'd De puty th« riff Thompson cam? in bi>t a synopsis uf the lecture fur publication and other residents ot* Ashland are ait» n i- «oiisumption. wh •»? he edi ary taint bad [IiecMiwd during the few years of his resi­ Oregon—which pr«s-riots the duties ol «iui mg ihe week. ♦ xi week. astened its fatal fangs upon tier, devrlop» d dence in this couuty had won the confidence teachers in their relation to institutes. For Jas. Cairigan, of Sioux City, 1 wa, i* Friday from ids tux-c thctini; round, the ing c reuit court. «•sterni of all with whom h® was thrown O to Bceb? « i Phoenix lost a fine horse it*?if, and sihCri early in August she suf- and a non-compl.ance with tb? rules lelatii g now puymg ms aunt, Mrs. Cauabun, of total c »»ireHunt having aniount»d to hili Misse* Emily and Celia Brown of Eagle f-r«d patiently a» d uncomplainingly with in contact, and the Tunoyai cortege on Sunday Intle mure than $2m«0 mr the c*mn? trip ias> w?eK t»v ’h«- animal becoming unman- fo ibis mailer, incorporated in thv «»t awretnerig the ag-ipiea of fatal terred in the Masonic burial ground. Born Toe iO .d io Api-leg .1-, near the Matney feet or more. The animal broke his neck Sunday «fid Monday. J. B K»»nty.ex e'erk of I ruAijUa coun­ sickness, ami tl«e fai;hful m ther watch d in 1lirrai'l> 'la\a»»f T« xas whfle yet th«-stat< «au « luim. been put m fi»st-c ass condition, in the fall, and his owner may conclude lo waia ved to Office, upstairs, in Ryan's Block. Geo A. Jackson has built a dwel ing- fh? puLlu in g« neral is most reaper fully under th«* supeivismn ul Coniinis.-ionri 9« 11 him to the c«mn‘y board, ihe bridg“* ty has been, visiting friend.* at various ami waited, alternating betw?eu h »pe and h»-u«e « n « ne • f ins farms in lable R c C a Key. a laTg? amount «’f blot ng was Mas on wh ch the su;-ervisur in eu ’ed rt p<*ints in southern Oregon while eu rotiie tear, wh It the fair form fade«!, and the Missouri when a young man and afterward* IS DISPLAYING invittci tu attend. Opposite Reames & White’s. t » Ca iforuia. w h«Tc he resided formant years prtciuci luiciy. a " new a"" — will» . —..... .----- one y in a short time, bon Messrs, e from nuwuivcn, California. iiamniu'iu. rniiiip*, b autiiui file, that seemed so ins» parab ? with his familv at Woodland, 5’olo county. H. H. M it » hkli .. ntccs-ary. as thrre was much rock t » re­ □»lacing "■i land tiie railing ordered by the county it» F. H. Rowe’s d iin at T»>lo was not in nt.»ve. County S h <>' Sui erintendvnt. Messrs. Bow ditch, Ilsinnio’id, Phillip*. from her own, was slowly, but su e y «wal He leaves surviving Ids widow, a (laughter of t ouri io be placed on m H such bridges had wv^tsun and Burteu.-haw, members of the lowed up by the turbulent tide, whose Isaac Ellis, late of this u.iunty, and four chil­ jurt-n a gteal «leal by the late freshet, and Jacksonvi J , Or., N.»v 25, 1M.89 JACKSONVILLE. OREGON by a former marriage, C. C. Ragsdale of The Tolo Townsite A Milling Company ir not ................ yet been put up. *.o lugs were lost. A-Ll’ind bar, are at Jacksonville on pro- angry waves heat in mournful ni •notone dren Tolo, Mrs. B. F. Peart of Woodville. Theron offer lots fur >50 each—<1U cash, balance in ou the desolate shores oi lime; hut through Ragsdale of Pendleton, Oregon, and a married Th? niasqut-rude ball announced for th»- fvs-ional business this week. The | r«»hate and county courts are iu monthly payments of >5 a month. For Barn Burned. ESPECIA I J.V 1-0 II THE HOLIDAY. CON «e« i n ibi» week. i’r«cted.ngs will b«* full arrangements, call on or address the evening ot New Year's day, under th? aus­ Frank Vining and family of Tacoma. the showers of human t«ars the perpetual daughter residing at Oakland, Cal. Mr. Rags­ S1ST1NG IN FA KI Of On Fridav morning of last wtrk Tb> ni ».* pu nished next we< k. pices ut the Ja< ksunviiit- Nilwr C» ne( W hs I i . h ive l>»eti visiting re ative* in Ja'k sunshine of God’s l»-ve brightened the dale was in easy circumstances at the time ot secretary, Scott Griffin. • his death, having a fine ramh in this county, Vu rv.ot T »bl»- Rock, ha«l ih * in -io »un»* <1. uds of earthly s rrow ami disappoint ­ Band, ¡s u.«*uted uf a luvorabl? re.*u t tn e this week. Mr. V. is engaged in 8tm Cu«-k nd Win. S»r.M»n, r renewed interest'« taken in 'Oi.vil to I *»• hi* fine b»rn. containing alamt ment, unalter «1 ly spanning tne honz »n ot braid«* valuable property inCalifornia and an G< »LD AND SILV ER W \T< H ES A ND J EW. tie hardware business and doiiu wei‘. in a large estate in Texas. His death ELKY. SILVER AND PLATED WARE hope wiili the r.mbuw of His prom mtwrrst thirty ton-« ( gr » n hay and a quaot-tv of gate, have b -rii turni-Ling ib « maiktt b» i««'f-ud r* for the Ju« k> nvil e insrbh I uese parlies w ilh « a- li re« urr ng seas n ELEGANT DRESSING AND PEK- w 11 1 * ch -u e poiaioes. E i. Farra w is iu town fr »ni Woodvi ?, ise»—‘ 1 wih nut leave th** cumiortles.*,’ wa- V‘ty sudden, he being apparently iu the w«-rk*. ihe <| lahty of wmu turn?«! o il tin tr *u « e-* in the past having given con- wheat, oats and barky, together bis best of health on arising in the morning, but H MERY CASES. STANDARD i» obing p <-u»l . yesterday sie« icason u-«- L uuh I’.e 1 < f Gali's cr«-« k is in town, and from lit* ¥•• hi.»>4*.« is ui)'iirpa«>e i,‘»n i n Mr. (nh-iiv? i t unit »rinly ?.ireful and gemle w.u’on, hug’-’y, farm unp’enieiP*. ba nr-s and “’»Vlirr«- I «mi th, rv snail |||y se rvant» whh stricken w hile working at the barn, and , 2W!OKs- FANCY MIRRORS. m head of “born” n»»tt es. He wa* ac be a so " A round the hrari-b uken moth r befor«' noon Lr« ath»s1 bis last, d«*«j»ite the best HXI^I PERFt ME>. CHRISTMAS AND and looi*. by an accident resulting I ri rn re,'»rt-» th» in i e.s at work there, but not Sowd« n G.ey have a five r» preaviitativ«*. tuumv managetn»-nt. We trust the young d«-r 1 NEW YEARS CARDS. ETC.. the use of a coal-oil lantern in feeding, Th- a . ,h u full h -ad of Waler. Don’t furg» t ih it ev« rv first premium ¡»v«»| ia ot tne c unty u 11 make- it a point c»nnpat;ied by J. D. Chapp» II oi Gall s ga'her the many who have been bereft of medical aid. ] lamp suddenly became unfastened ami scat­ ' of their loved one«, i n I in sih nt sympathy ROBINSON—In Jacksonville, December 1 hr supreme court wil h« nr the case* ap- »wsrd- «1 at the »listrict fair I» r tine ohot.» I«» I». pr»'-e t cn»l purtuk«- of Jacksonville creek. Which he is selling at th« tering the bion ng flu d over the hay. rtn pea e 1 fiuiulnis district week alter m xt. . laphi w >rk wa* ca rie-i off i y 1. »gun. n»»spi uliiy« g will be leit um!< nr We ar? glad t> lenn that the bea'th of they drink again w ith her <«f ih? waters ot l.SMl», of g»'ii« ral debility. Mrs. M. E. Robin- tiered it in»|»o'*ible for Mr f urry to do T;.« re are several of lhein. aoii, a native of Ohio; Hgod 77 years and H tm* Ash ami photographer, f«»r hi« ui.r - «■• insure a viand time. For | a. Will. Vining is better thin it ha« been for Marah, while they Walk with bare and «lays. more than save huu>eif an t h * hors» *. -everal years. He is now d. ing a large bieding f«et to th«* pr«»in -el peace ami Wedding bells will ring in town iu a val> »1 portraits ami views. \\ li -n you wai t .*■ e auv-iting K. Ill«NIKS. ring at thi* aeasou. There w an insur­ ing to For (land soon t > utt« n l c j-lege dur- .-« wing-ma» hmes. 'lbi< attachment i« a natural evacu di >n of th»* bowels A littl«* re alive« in Rock Point pr«jc i:ct during the around you the broad mantle of human she removed to Ja« k*onville and bus sine» *»>• Jacksonville, Oregon. Wr have r< moved our Nurwra•* to M«M- ance on the bmldii g and contents in Hie ng the win er months. I-veami sym} aihv. in this y-.ur suprenv made her Rome with the family of her son. ford. where wr have »«mired New Ground, ttor sue ♦ -s« ami makes a neat ami dtir.ibb* but­ takt n in tne nr>rn ng .«hariens the appe pusl fortniglit, left for 8o ran.e Hu lest Farmers’ A Meich nts’ in*urame eoni- The buri»ing-out of the chimney t- C. L. ton hole. Bend for ■».cuiple ot work, pri»-c«, ire, p lv aljust d a few Kinman's residence on« «fay last wack vU-,toJ. W. Sowden, Jucksonvile, Gr»- the breath. *T never recommend a nn-dt months. promise is over all, birase 1 forever i al weeks before the final dissolution her lif< Property. treea with an utumdanve of fibrous lateral <1a\* afterwards bv the pa\ m nt of to cau*«d s >me ♦ xcitement. L eon cme units« 1 k c»w it to lx* good. In a was despainxl of. With quiet, uncomplaining g»n. roots without h«*:iv% tap roots, to I m cut awaj Al Churchill of Eug-ne, an erstwhile Mr f’urrv by D e live a'« nt <»f fh it push- M. iuy bids for t ie d tferent mail con Christian fortitude she passed through th« In the County Court of tb«* State of Oregon in digging. 51’c «»ffi r For the beat turnouts fur ao ucca.-ious m ii «'.ry <>f tw.nty-fiv» y.ars 1 have often punter, m-w a repre-ent dive of «he w«li- Klamath Circuit Court. mg c »mpan> . Wm. bin b f M • I’ H valb'j of the shadow, and the snuffing out ol tracts in southern Oregon have been btpi rail at the Excelsior livery ¿¡able i.i Ja< k- »'el the need of such a medicine, and when kn wn machinery hou-e o Staver X Walk­ for Ja<-k»uQ county. Sitting in Probat«* io W dsi.ingt« n «his week. Tne rem li-iing ca*es on th- circuit court tne spat k of life was but the introduction to tnthe rnatteruf tt>?«*Mat« of ujlliamTurtihum. sonvilie Plymale s pm « '* are quite rea I tuund it I ex<-aimed: ‘Eureka!’”—Rev er, was in Jacksonv il - Tuesday, and p»id the peace of an eternal horn«*; for truly a Attention ! b r« d Kle.nhammer, of Uniontown pre­ suitable ami he never tails in xivuig sari« J I’. Harpe- '.proprietufChristiun Visitor,” ’b T imes ffice a tra emal call in company <1 »i krt for K«-«-»*intMT 3d. The almighty dollar—the few have tt'O coat, paid bis parents, who reside near faction State vs. F Munz, indictment for mur­ E. diurrh, Revs. Walton Skipworth and Rob­ PW». the und«*raign<*d, administrator of the Medford, a visit yesterday. ize ins stage bn? run' between ti is Th? event of several n« at A*dd nd mat.y ami the many h ive too few. Che L'eutenant J. A Swift and family left ert Ennis <'1!i( )aling, and the remains were «•state <»f William Tiirnhuni, dt week for Jjor’oik. \Vg ma. der; continued for ihe term. J. H Berry end familv, of Big Butte place and Medford many »h »uld strive to -ave a part of each St» wart r Stanley, a Iminii trato" «f the e-’a v t) N. 4«., at Granite hail last Tuesd ty even­ where the lieutenant ha* been stationed injunction; taken under .3 ivi-ement. meiit, on the evening train. Two daughters Saturday, January 4, living in th»* Willamette vallej and her son at place in Grant’s ran-. Oreg-n, where make li.v;r future home theie. of Wm. Tumblin, de eaA?i, «-ls*wh»ie ing. Th? Ashland Loys know how to gel for the immediate future. Mr. S was a aain** vs. R H l’eters, injunction; same. this place survive Mrs. R. Shewa« a lady of .p a recherene affair, and they fa.rly out ­ money < an be saved when btivin? It ’ I igh r«»ll- r,” ami left numerous too-c«»li­ clock c. m ., at the coiirt^hous»' door W in. l’»r e«lon cf E ncoln, Nebra.-k i, la* t 2iv* « n«»tn e that he will «?!'the leal pr«»p- W E Slewart v«. A Z v«ly, injunction; inanj «■xerllenf «{Uiilities of mind and heart, in Ja« o k«onvili<*. Jai kson countv, Oregon, all pMjrs to buy there. G »to the Hed Star St< re week b«'Ught out ihe grixei* busints.«ot j • r.y belonging tos »i«i ♦ stat»* on >alur»!ay. did thrin.M Ive* in tfi»ir efforts last week, ft iug creditors )>ehind blip. same and all who knew her luuurn her demise. the right, title and int«-r<-st «»f the Mid wm. and buy 2 paper* nee«Be* t«»r . 3 nottb-s K V n Nnit at Ashland. lanuary 4, 1890. See advertisement lor i! e mu*ic was tin?, th«* «lee: rations b»*au- C L K nmau and fam lv departed from Same vs |R T Blackwood ; to reeovcT p I urnham. at th«- time of his dweaee, in and to ti u end «o*tum *.« eiecant; the manage ­ good 3ewin»’-iuacbine oil for 2Tx‘ chil t ut thvr partie ulars. last b .idav ev» ni g f»»r the ses ion of property; same the following ;M.5O mg to said ratatc t«»-wit : Palouse country,|. T ,wlp*re thev wi l re and >i«ietrack Wil! A millsite, millrace State vs. B A Godfrey, indictment 1 »r kid shoe* for |3.50. etc . e r . e»c. Price* Va irtv Stoic and see that immense hue ol i ? furnished by the lulo Townsile and the au»!i nc? ap| recia ive, while a sumptu­ main until spring, Mr. K. having extensive assault Th? of th?SFA4of NWG and Ai»«i aw**! a**«»nincut of »II tlic leading vii- ; continued. ous repast spr»-ad l»y Mrs. Real 1 ft nothing wonderluliv low. In ihe-e days of hurry ti ndscviie holiday goods. N W 1-4 ot SE*-4 o1 Section II, t«»w »»ship .g> south, -■ ■■ to -lock inter« sts m that secti •«», which he Milling Company, for a iinnnna! noruina! sum, Ru hard Knepper, an alien, was adwiiited rung«- 2 W _. containing l»w acres. mtuat««d in rivth* <»f fruit-. Uatanh originates in scrofulous taint. any responsible party who will put up u t«> be k.»t- arch of the grand encampment of Ore .Make the omnipotent cash <1 • its l«*vtl F. B. I. in ►ell. elsewhere in tL? T ime ? deceased. II W ,n len of Miner county. »Sou ’ ll Da- ing rmk ball proveda tery pleasant alt.iir, K' ta. i« hi suuifiei n Oregon, represt niing a gon, visited Ruth Reb«*kah Degree Lodge A De»*i>erate Character. Dated thia 4th day of D»x*«*tnlHT. 18H0. best. On this ba*is you are cordially in­ gives the usual notice to creditors. GIVE rs A CALI. x 4 I O <». F .. n I a "i Monday aven g everybody enj »ving themselves. The vited to visit th? Red Star Shue, Grant * Oil Wednesday evening of last week .1 E Wo« Uy elsewhere giv s notice that he iuU9ic and supper were ex» client, and the la>g? « olooy «»i tanners wno arecont?ini>iat- and was «ntertamed by the L ilge at an vie Fas*. Oregon, where the pn< e-are 4-ton ing a removal from the blizztrd belt to a gant oy«t»*r supper at the Chat>pei house at K. i^eabo, policeman of Ashland, whs stub­ Notice of Final Settlement. h »s I st several Ina I of horses, an l offer* miiHiger.* have occasion to < ongratulate iahinglv low. Respectfully. miter <•! mat?. The gt^itletuan ha* b en bed by a man from Portland whom be was a »i.»erai reward fur their return. FoKBrulses and Burns. theiustlves upon the success of the r«ft irts. on an investigating tour for sometime, but the close < f the meeting. W E D eax . endeavoring to arrest. The man’s name InthvUouuty Court of the Stale of Urcgon, MEDFoKD. OREGON. Semi the T imes to your friends East, or Professor P. A. Ge«*, principal of the is Aimer Kt nt and lie was recently engaged The fountuin of youth was one h <* thi* far failed to find the ‘ lam! bdoved tor the Countv of J h < kson. al any other place. It answers better than Fresh, Strong, Convincing Facts. Ash'and public s< bool, was in Jacksonville Iu the matterol the cMat« <»f W. H. Shu|>«on. Christmas Races. of «he drean s of antiquity. It has be« n by Heaven o’er a.l th? world beside,” until in a brawl at the metropolis The weapon all the letters you can write. deceased. well-» i>;h realized in Ayer's Sarsaparilla, c »tiling to thi-country. He will make bis last Saturday, during the teacher’s exami­ used ha »pened to be a c» innion pocket- The live ••boys’* cf 4 entra: Pont lave otice is hereby given that the Call anl inspect those ‘lim-t whit? wh ch purifies the blood, pives vitality to rejMirt to th«* fanners composing the col­ nation. and ( alh d t«» s»*e us l»eiore leaving knite und the bl«de broke out whil-« it was prepared an interesting programme < f for MidiO’d in the ♦■veiling The Professor administratrix of the «Mal«- of W H Simp­ races for Christinas tlay, D< » ember 25. led»-, blank» t- 'il the world' a« Re un«s«t W’hne *. all the Irahiy tuncti ns, ail 1 ihu* rest rvs ony. and will settle in this section him is a pleasant, affable gentleman, with s’.er toeing driven icpea ?dly through Leab son d«*«-a-» d. haa filed hi th«-County Court o( * to age mu h oi the vig r and f:vsbne>s Ol «elf, regardles-<»f their niovem« nts. It is cost in th*» region of the heart. Had th»- at the fair ground« of the Ja<>«o i cl UH‘< before tin y are all so I* I out. Jack«»»n County, On-gon. her final a«* «»uni ms ling, common-sense view? of matters edu ­ highly p obalilr li.ry will tx* tempted to f 1 blade been long enough ilie wounds would New Hm of adies’ fine French ki»l shoe- youth. sucli adiiiimstiator. and hy ord«e of «Mid 4 <>urt agricultural a*«o< iati<»n. A trotting ac cational, and our Ashland n. F., v:i ow 1» s rxamp v ba c»>agr.«t*ilde I upon securing bis s«-r was handled with great dexteritv. Leaho Ido clin k a . m .. i« ert ft r hearing. Allp»-r- in the market; see them. • rare and pony race m in? ftf’eri.«»*»! . all N« v 231 e ect< d the l«>iiowin : otli t r* ¡or We hardly know to whit t • attribute a vices nt ’he head of their corf s of u achers •pB-reetwi are hereby nutiti<-d to MpiM-wr is ail right «gain, but bad a < l»e call. Iii v ( . l«x :«l brevity in this week ’ .* Yr?k t “ Jour ­ for very lib* r.«l purses, ami a Rs» v. rd pot tie connin' y ear; J . .1.8 i aif , N . G. ; J . The 8. F.‘ Examiner" is the best paper and tile hi* or h«-r objts-tions tu said account ing three tii'fe w» unr good school-, and the most of the pres A Singular Accident. Thursday the evidence wa< s'rung ami pr«»v <|?d. Tn*-:««|ii»i-M Hi fee f'»i in n w I CQUr1'luadr ,h,M 4tb dM> DvccmtMT, Pur» ba«vrs at the 8. F. Variety>t »re w i l A. D. Helman, Kobt. T.iy or, M N. Lung, • nt corp- ut teach* rs have b»ep residents K< nt was held to await the u< tion of the Last Friday J. Fattier ol B'd Butte crick be 50 c» nts boy* under 12»nd over 8 years, have an «.pportuniiy to draw several hand­ trustee*. of thee mmnniiy a'most long enough tu (.■lied a large'pine tree winch leiged in the grand jury, and has b*en in jail sine? ROS ELLA SIMPSON. 25 cent*. A g a d time is a s»irtd. rank as pu nt*, rs The “ Journal ’ say.*: Having become batiatied that Jack Hcheipper, the Ermchrnan who wa- some pr z •« on N« w Year's day. _________________________Ad miniMrat nx. ‘ Over at Jacksonville the school trustees fork ol ait oak at a point fitilv twenty feet Friday. Miss Currie Beekman entertained a f«-w diip|*e»1 to Portland and d dn’t know the • nt < a«t tor an entire new set of tra< hers, from the ground. Thinking he could re­ sonvillcifi still the best trading Grail Jun. Get Ready for the Holidays, Notice of Final Settlement. Dteloi-ation. Jelbt. Ill , lUy 14. UM. fr.« n is at TnanksgiVing dinner last TtidfH reason therefor, has been brought hack b\ which creat* d a b g r >w tor a little while; lease I he tree by cutting oft' ot.e of the th»* authorit e* to appear 1:1 the A-h and DUtocaua Ooaliar 1 y*ar« aaa «•**?•* • branches of the oak,Mr. Fanter climbed up point in Southern Oregon, Tiit following is a IM ••( th«* grand ium 8 l, day in ye old-tim« hospitable manner. bir as s >on as the kn king was over th* ’ Gentlemen who are desirous of appearing WMkite te«M. U« pala wa» c arad by «VJ»*®* k. --j (.ase> He applied to the sheriff* *4 ■i*»y hern t > the crotch, when his additional we'kbt tn the County Court of the State of i»rr<< d (miaoeledf r tie Der» ml er lirniot the ' OU aa< Mai» ba4 a» ratera af UJD UOVI Parties desiring to build in Tolo khi.- _____ to people were hi h y (Blighted with th? caused ihe oak to split apart, precipitating w??l dressed should order ill ir winter suits Muunmii .iiiiali county for iniormation us ‘ we have receiv«?rgtry Oaaibm,deccaM< 9 nety stare ihirgid with inaybem. Publiatital by ordii of llon. J. B. Nell. Jodrc (■atue-biB er. and had the as-uranc? 10 set mechanic and deserves a liberal patronage. ThoHnands of Dollars uf the skin »»nd leave* th? system in such ouduiuc. ort the ni,ht ot i>. tembvt At lb. Of aald court, niade thia tth dav uf ltreeinlMir a ranchman und his hands living alCberiy « on*.it.on that another and iuu< h more se- Arp spent every year by the people of this Obj’cl. I tirely social. Admission on-* dol­ BOOTS AND SHOES. 1 'HP A few copies of the American Settler- Reboot Report. GEO. M. LOVE, Guide, standard authority <.n all land cr» ek to w- rk at building corrals, toac»*uiu v« re c«»hi is almost ct rtaiu to be contracted Mate h»r worthies* medico e* for the cure lar I cr cunpie. Hot iu 'dpiing supper. Ar- Admlniatrator. The pupils of Gurnard public school, matters, may o? round al th? I ins * office m< «late an iiiuueinarv l»er«l of cattle which Many year's constant use and th? exper­ of throat and lung diseases, when we know rangements have beçn made, whereby For htisine«* pursuits at the Portland Business STAPLE AND FANCY he s »id he hud bought at Fort Klamath ience of’hull sands of persons of ¿» I Mgrk iu earnest on her has fully deiuutistn.ted that there is r.oifi- Abie, the new California tiiscoyvry for con reasonable rate«. Ihe floor tuanam is will iar«.s college. Salem, Oregon. Both schools arc dei ortmrnt for the mm ih of Noven her beeii admitte»! to probate. Hi- wi«b w Notice of Final Settlement GROCERIES, Etc., average <> per cent., are the following: Am a Y» ude-.hss t»ern narue«l as eie uini, water-works system tbi«* week, having ing Letter ¡or a severe col.I th in Cfiamlier- minali. n ct.d kindr d complaints, ihev b • George Love, Will Wright, C >as Gay un«l< i the managementol A P. Armstrong, have same course oi studies an pipe for 1 be larger tuatn t.arnu.ny with nature, relieve* the lung* Bii«iacNN, S li o r 1 It a n <1, for the county of Jack*on. Lucy Wvat ‘JO. i'omtnv Wyatt 93; Ett« It ia recor.tmemied by m ni-ters.physicians Typewritinii', Penmanship and English Depart­ In the matter of tbe Estate of Jasper Houck, Which will be plitced on sale at M--»/re. 91; N»-Uie M<»ore. *7; B ii M >ore. B uck an I F Kleinuanimer, «>f Bte lint The 6 ami j i *< h pH»? was contracted to b» »iqu«iir* the tough ten i« : oii * jhucu *. Um.« ttid public speakers of the g.dden »ta-e Lumber. vide precim t. vi-ite«i »»ur t »wn a lew days ment« l>ay and evening se ssion«. Sttulcnlsad- dorcased. ing it easier to rxj cctorute, ami res tor» s lMtt» inst.. the lust <1 liv» r- «1 by »he Hl; Mirth* ('find» r.s Rose M < endon, lower prices than the Sod and guaranteed bv all druggists at *1 otice is hereby given that the We are i»repae»l to furniab lumber on mitted at any lime. For joint Catalogue, address consignment to be made before Jai.Uirv h .*y*tem to a strong an«t healthy condi­ a bott e Three for >2.50. The most amb­ 91; Ber’a Jorie«. S6; C»»ra 7 n»**.x5; Dav»»? M l 6 fWUan4 Rasiarv» Gller*. A|J Capital BuMurvi («Urft. executrix of the estate of Jaap-r Houck, same quality of goods tion. L .fry cent b»tii<-* for sale bv City ii un ease of catarrh will specilla slice mib sh<*rt noiie*. having a large amount on *^>rtland, Oregon. "Il The Ash’and Etctric Light Com pan y lltn. Cardw«-II, 92. L. A Sivo.n, T«* h « h- r Salem, Oregon. deceased, baa filed in the County Court Drug Mote, Jack.*onvil ?. also Engel Bros to California Cat-R-Cure. Six months hand and al.-o a large supply i f log* from have about complete! ¡•reparation* fur of Jackaon county. Oregon, her final account can be obtained Th» run Ragsda e, of Pet dieton. Or., ar- Phm-iix. which orders can be filled as such executrix, and toy order of Mid sunpiling residences with the incandescent riv«d at T 1» last bundav niornn.g, in treatment fur >1. By mail, *1.10. Religion* 5ews. S voak P ine L) o > r a V Lt mber C o ., elsewhere. Court, Tueaday. January 7th. 1MUU. at the hour lights. Kes dent* «.f F^gle Point have l»een con- answer to telegraphic summons, in time to of 10 o’clock a . m .. is set for hearing. All per­ Grant s Pass, Oregon. R?v. Falber Gru**i will b »hl Services at More or less rain has fid e i during th? attend the funeral obsequies of h«s la’her. I •iderabh nonolus-e»! over th? exploits of a sona interested are hereby notified to appear X FalMu»»« Mrdirm TrralU*. Ihe <’aihol'c cbiirt h in Ashland m it Sun- pa«’ week and the ground is being well the lai? J. F. Rags«Ul«*. A daughter of th? •neak t.iief wh » has been depicting th? and file his or her objections to said account Our store-room has been renov­ («rand Raffle. «*-< mber sanie bour ibit div, Dveeint er N h. On Rivers premise* aud he ped himseif to a nar. is now ready, and tnav l>e obtained, (four in ail 1 among «he finest ever brought Every bo-’v pm ha :ng|2 worth of goods present. JOHANNA HOD K. ’ is about closed out. Sun I »y, Dceemher 1.5 b, Falber No»-I uill number of c rai htms from th? pork freeof coat. o( druggists anil general coun­ to Jacksonville, will be raffled «ff < n New Deputv S:»etiff Tay ’ or and Constab ’ e at the S. F. Variety Moie will be entitled Executrix. hold In? regulär Service at the Catholic p ie butchered that «lav bv the doctor On Year ’ s day Th* y ar? now on exhibition try dealers in all parts of tl»e United to a cnance in tne grand New Year's Tay or,of Ashland, ire giving testimony this a subsequent night he’purloined a quantity Call and inspect the chur« b in J.^ k- nvil e. at the S. F. Variety btore. Tickets only States Mexico, an»*cintiate. pos»t’g <'L tK SALE, 3M9. ACHEb OF LANn~»l» imL’nl'"1:’ 'h‘ “me 'n>m«»»t«-b~JX5 in Ni-kiyou coifhty, h» Mu 1 >nd river. I all <* tie ha.* yet been obtained as io are prepare i with great care, aud wi I be my tbir^ bottle, and able to ovrrsee the — ♦ — acres of farm land In the valley, good for iboM-ha.Ina cuntiui aicninar the your trad n® nt Reaines .t LakeView F. IE Losing, «h? present man­ "."’i "*> »•'“■«■of busiuoa. Public Notice Two thousand six hundred acres foot-hill l at ’trj7!kJnvo tetter s Almanac for l«i wni probably be cine ever made ” Jat kaonv l.r, Jarkaon county, Oregon with AH )»?r*on« ure caution* d aga n-t»»- White’s. It will ¡ay you. Prices exceed­ ager ot ihe line Iron» Cuilahan* t » Red I ng, Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, wavs : and mountain-side land, good for fruit, dary- the pro|H-r vou<-h<-n< attached, within It" the |arge,t edition uf a medical work ever * I is superintc’’. een» cent stamp, wm will lor- for- died of Lung I’rouble.« Was given up by • just ori ,............ , , d*'t'-am"|lK,r,,Or °f U,< ’•**,u-,,»"r i|L,iiun who doctors. Am now in best of health.” Try water. must bcckmcd up iuimediately. Tolo, December 3, 1NS?. rcMUUabk rates. 1 cannot UcedtU lor a bug time. j.w. hays . it. Sample bottles free at all Drug btores canuot nrocura procure one one lu iu bis bis neighborhood. neighborhood. Dated Deccmla r 5.1HW. Call on or uddruu J. S. HERRIN, Central Point» Oct. 17.18N. Ashland. Jackson Co.. Ur. lie democratic Simes HERE AND THERE. THE WHITE IS KING ! TRIUMPHANT EÏERÏWHERE. Europe and America WHITE IT LEADS THE WOHLD! GOLI) MEDAL POWDER EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE. 1889 Absolutely Pure. NEW THIS WEEK. = SILVER -I- MEDAL, Grand Mask Ball, Ct the Jacksonville Silver Cornet Band Wednesday, Even'f., Jao. I. IMH). C. L Kinman & Go. Real Estate, 'Tnli*- w,m- A Holiday Season! E. C. BROOKS | A Loan and Gimmission .Vents. Colleciions made and promptly remilted. Call upon us for BUSINESS. VERY FINE GOODS, T i w; Very Lowest Prices. D HAMMON BROS. AUIteŒRIES ! 10000 Prune, 5000 Peach, 5000 Pears, 10000 Grapes, Trees as Luu as aov First-class Nursery.. REMEDY^ßAlhl Nurseries at east end of Bridge N Enlarging Business ! AT THE OLD STAND. N N - PILES SKIN DISEASES MOORE'S küiELï Most Complete Stock if New Gvods H Newman Fisher. F A