EDITORIAL XuTES. She fiewocratic Simes. whim of a Douglas county member whose gall is in too close proximity to his spleen. If the move must be made, however, *t is but fair that the surplus now <>n b ind slmuld Is* turned over to 1 the Jaek.>>n conntv association and not taken without the county. It came from the pockets of Jackson county patrons, and, if the board is si nccre in its I protestations of not wishing to make I money out of the fair, it would be a very ' graceful act to turn the money over to 1 the county association, (which in all jus­ ' tice it should do anyway,) and then it might go to Roseburg with tne district 1 1 fair and relieve us from the porcine im­ putation. _____________ KLAMATH COUNTY ITEMS. T he whole reading world gave a great sigh of relief last week a hrn it was au- tliorilalivrly announced that Stanley and hia “relief” expedition have a’ last suc­ • « THURSDAY DECEMBER 5, IMO ceeded io reaching terra eognila with 9 Emin Bey and bis followers, and we will J. G. Walker has been appointed post master no longer be bored by reading imaginary at Keno, vice D. J. Ferrer, resigned. T hs Democrats carried Albany at the newt from the lost explorer. It ia said Some »now has fallen,but not enoogh to cov­ recent election, re-electing J. L. Cowan that Stanley ia now able to demonstrate et the ground for auy length of time. HANDLE A FULL LINE OF as mayor, and lohn N. Hoffman as that Africa has an interior and that the J. H. Sims of Poe valley returned home re­ marshal. That has usually been a Re­ Nile naa a source; but it is greatly to be cently to buy a carload of horses for ship­ publican town. feared that he will inflict another book ment below. on the public, and there isn't very gener- A social dance Is announc««! at the Poe val­ The Celebrated J I. Cane, ley school-house for to-morrow evening. De­ T hk fifty-first congresa of the United al rejoicing over the result of his inveeti- Engines, Bvilerj and Shingle cember 8. gations. btatea convened at Washington last There was some floating ice in Klamath lak«' Wood and Steel Beam, Side and T hs great fires in the east the past Monday, with both bouaea hdiy in ac­ last week. Cummlurabie frosty weather pre­ JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. Mills. ceded the late rains. cord with the administration. The Re­ week tiave been a.» disastrous as those of Center Draft Plows, Harrows, John McCurdy of Alkali vallpy is danger­ publican party ia in a position at last the earlier summer in the northwest. On Interest continues unabated in the akating- ously ill with heart disease, wc are sorry to when it cannot pueaibly evade the re­ Thanksgiving day a «20,000,000 fire oc­ rmk at the Paas. say. sponsibility for all sins of omission and curred at Buaton in ttie district burned Flouring, Mining and Brick Cultivators, Seeders, Drills and A tine school Is progressing iu the upper M. Ubenchaiu has Just completed a neat commission in national legislation. over in 11472. Despite a heavy ram Williams creek district. dwrlliug-hous«’ au«i a substautiul barn in Sprague river valley. H. Jones of Williams creek, who has been which was falling, and in the face of the Agricultural Implements of all Making Machinery, Herrin, the Lakeview photographer, has Os the day before election the New united efforts of Qfty-flve engines playing quite sick, is improving. Josephine grange No. 179, P. of II., met at been in LinkviUe since Thanksgiving day on York Tribune editorially remarked: on the flames, some of the finest blocks Merlin, on the b umi nVMM lutcut. JUlii uit. kinds. Also Freight and Farm "Tl>e Dvmucals have no business to in the city, buildings accounted to lie Webb A Beals' new biacksuiithshop, 24 x40 ft Miss Addle Stephens of Wiliams creek is grudge to Republicans such satisfactiuo fireproof by architects and inspectors, cuuvalesciug, after a afi«>rt ilin«*ss. Belting, Oils and Mill Sup- la dimensions. Is in process of construction on ■ as they may be able to get out of the were burned like timber, the heavy Wagons, Buggies, Carriages, and Mrs. Del Osburnu has been appointed post- the site uf the burned Heidrich shop. A band of fine bogs, numbering 100, were actual returns.” Thera has not been eu granite walle ciumbting like plaster be- miMtrvea uf GgAicc creek post-office. dnv«m to market at Ashland last week They plies. Tue‘‘Courier” very Sc-nsibly urgea that the were tbc property ot Miss Hattie Ferree. far one Democrat who grudges the Re­ loie ttie intense heat. The Are ran its Vehicles of all descriptions. publicans all the Mtisf.ictiuu they have course and was only stooped by a change u jxt district lair b« ue.ff at Central Point. The evidenc«’ In the Paui-Iamd case has A recently-organized grange Js now flour ­ been able to get out uf the actual returns tn the wind. The destruction wait ishing aiuuug the farmers ut Williams creek. been taken and submitted, but the argument will be bad in cbambcni at Jacksonville. of the Ute elections. wrought in ttie shoit space of three T. Shattuck has runted W. S. Patton's farm The report that Mr. Bioomtngcamp of Siski­ hours. The tire originated from an im­ down ou Rogue river fur a term uf three you county. Cal., bad purchased the Muuz I n the teat ease of the PeopU vs. Saw­ properly insulated electric light wire in years. ranch in Sprague river valley is erroneous. Mra. W. H. Fayie last week returned to yer tannery company, prosecuted under the upper story of a wholesale dry-gooH R. B. Hutton btui been appointed roceiver Qraul's Paaa, utter a six weeks visit to Port­ for th«* put tiiurstup property of Grohadr Gwinn, the California game law fur having in house. The insurance, carried prlnci- land. which is m litigation. This is a good selection. their possessionillegal deerskins, Justice ;«lly by English companies, us was the Miss Dura Bland of Graut’s Pa.*»a lunt week C. A. Garlaouaux has been engaged in build­ Tnompson ot the super.or court of Napa caou at the Lynn fire, amounts to some­ went lu Civil liuud, Douglas count), to visit ing a handsome addition to I vmd Applegate's county, recently rendered a lengthv thing over |3,5o0.00O. The extent of the friuuds. residence iu LinkviUe. He is a good mechan­ L. E. Hoover, the rustler, haa been iu Juck- ic. decision releasing the defendants. The Lynn fire was appalling, over 25 acres of suu county un a busiuese trip, and sold several Th«’ past season has thoroughly demon­ case has excited great attention in gtouud, exclusive of streets, having been bills ut lumber. M edford , O k ., Nov. 16, 1889. strated the fact tnat the Klamath basin is well California, and was begun at the instance burned over, and inure than 7000 people Real-estate transfers continue numerous at adapted to the production of the hurdler va­ of the state fish commission, with a view being thrown uut of employment. tu«* u >uu()-«*«*at, aud much iuiprowmcut it rieties ol fruit. S tayer W alker , Medford, Oi.: going ou lucre. of enforcing the laws in reference to the W. A. Wright has removed into his new Tua drift of public seutiuieul iu the The S. P. D. & L. Co. has located its stock ot drug store in the eastern portion of LinkviUe, illegal slaughter of deer. Re|>ubLcan camp is well illustrated by LUurcUaudisv. etc., in the new upura-housa wuuru be is displaying a com pi etc line oi Gentlemen:—Having used one the election uf Mr. Reed of Maine to the block at Grant’s P mmm . drugs, medicines, etc. B lvokr H ermann voted for Reed of speakership uf the house uf representa­ Rub* rt Morris, the Reuben creek miner, Jas. H. Li missy, lately a resident of Link- of your Evans’ Steel Tubular M.tiue for speaker of the bouse in the tives. Mr. Reed is an able man au 1 iias has sold uut anu removed tu Gruut t* Paas last vidu, is m»w assist lug Jas. R. Courts in con­ duct mg the Western hotel at Fort Jouit*, Cali­ Lever Harrows, I have no hesita­ K -pitblican caucus which determine«! the a clean personal record, but he is ttie week fur tue winter. if« usuu X Caapumu, abstracters and search­ fornia. nomination, and thereby divided with vary embodiment of eastern Republican ers ui records, have tueir ufhee over Luytuu A Sheriff Childers, T. J. Clopton, John Carter, tion in saying that I believe it to McKenna of California the diatinctiau of ideas un the Cuineee question, the silver Cu.’s hardware store. J y »1 iu M hm 4I amt a« v. th ! «»I «»ur rvdiavntri arc being the only Pacific coast congress­ question and in the matter ut public im­ An udditiuu will shortly lie uddud to the at Portland as witiivoset* in the Dodd-Walker be the best harrow in the market. man to prove treacherous to Western in­ provements. His pru-Cbinese record is Bugt ) house ut liraut> P ush , I o ucuuiumo«lute stage robbery case. the lUureasAUg travel. J esse R ichardson biumens & Witbrow have put in a tine bit- terests. It is said by those in a position almost as pronounced as Harrison s. Uraut's Pass' new puMtimuner, Mr. Dodge, liartl table in connection witn their cigar bus­ to know that Binger’s patent election His anti-silver sentiments are the retiee- Last iness. They have aiso furuisucd their batn- >unda) established I iih headquarters iu ruuius in nice style. hand-shake was modeled after the style ' lion of those ol the easleru inunoiuetal- tue opera-house block. All Wool Ladies’ Broadcloth, 52 inches Wide Stages are running on winter time, and of the Maine congressman, and he prob­ isU. His opposition to public improve­ Tue Williams creek grange celebrate*! their sometimes the drivers are on the way several ably felt in honor bound to support his ments is well-mgli proverbial. We greatly anuivui-sur> yvaterthQ at tneir imn. A img«* nours iuuger than they would be it the roads M edford . Or., Nov. 11. 1889. number were iu attuudaucc. tutor in the buncombe school. were in good coudJtiuu. fear the Republicans have made a mis­ Dr. M. C. Baker, Grant's Pass’ new piiysi- H. P. Gnrianvaux will att.-nd the Catholic* take in abauduuing the Ohio idea just as ciuti aud Burguou, uas uis office on F struct, college in Portland this winter, having pro­ S tayer A W alker , Medford, Or.: A terrible fire occurred in the Min­ the eastern manufacturer» are tieginning near tUu M. fc.. Church, >outn. vided hiuisuit with the where withal trom the neapolis Trtbw.t building last Saturday to clamor fur free raw material. Tue W. E. Bagley «»f Grant's Pass erected a nice sale ol X) acres ot land to G«.n. John Mil*« r, Gentlemen:—Having used one night, when a full corps of compositors, party has been blowing cold on the burn Juriug tue week on a hit adj«.»iuiug Dr. For gjuu, last week. Jessup's property ou Glh struct. editors and telegraphers, numbering in tariff question for so lung a time that Uur stuckraisurs are fearing tbo advent of . 1. Case Plows for the '1 his liuguriug summer weather reminds one th«* sheep business, wnicu is rapidly crowding of vour all upwards of 100 men, were employed eveu a slight raise in the teui|>eiature ot of the way O. T. Russell iiugurs uruuuucuitMiu 1 out cattic uud noises iu other sect ions. A past year in “Sticky,” I can safe­ in the seventh and eighth stories of the its breath will be regarded with sui-pk- favored spots on Williams creek. migratory st«K k law ahould be parsed by the structure. The fire broke out on the cion by the wool men of Ohio. Already Rev. John Wiley has been appointed pastor next législature, preventing sheep-owners ly say that it is the beat plow for third floor end communication was at they express much concern lest Reed ut thu Graut's P kim « circuit of tu«* M. E.Cuurvh. living elsewhere from filching the iced tuat H»| »reached ut diatu creek lust Sunday. light lull y t'vlougs t*cli<»n. A prosperous year The militia covered themselves with glory It does the work perfectly. elevator with a narrow stairway winding the interest of the free-raw-malerial, ( is anticipated,as file outlook is favorable, at the ball given by tr«»«»p B, 1st cavalry. U. N. tip and aruund the elevator shaft, am manufacturing element. Verily this j Christmas fertilities, with a tree for the lit- G., at Liuk\ nie last Thursday evening. There W. M. S ly . ( was a larg«* audiuueu present and dancing con­ tl«* toik. a , will bu held at Kenuceiy eliaprj ou Chasseur Seal. no other means of egress had been pro­ administration seems born unto trouble Williams cretk ou tUe eveuing ol the24tu lust. tinued until daylight, to the inspiring alruius Mousse Cutlet. vided. The firemen, with their ladders as tne sparks flew upward al the Boston 1 Stidhams orcinoira. Fred (litt won r«-- \V\»lf creek was higher two weeks ago than of uown by bis grace and agility in leading the Myrtle Navy. and life nets, by prompt action saved all fire. Mt auy tim« last winter Tiie miners are great* grand march. An el«*gant supper was sprva«l Grenat Kleet rie. but about a dozen men, although many iy eucourag«ii over tu«* outiuok for tuis sea­ by Mrs. J. W. Mau mug in the court-room, Tua lukewarmness ol the Democratic I son. Silk f’elret were hurt in the rescuing. Two of the h blub was highly appre.x*mt«.*d by all present. leaders of Oregon in the nun establish­ In th« t own ot Mrs. Davidsou, ni.»th«*r of J. E. Davidson and compositors appeared at the windows A grand ina*»«|u, rud«' bail is aiinouuceit to ment ol a great daily newspaper at 1’ort- Mis. J. B. G«»nlum, iMrit wee k retumuti to Purt- tak«* place at lii’Uaiizaun tbc evumug ot the and shot themeelves, rather tliau enJure iuiiei, alt« r an uxtendeti visit to bur uhihiruu m land is suicidal and inexcusable. The , 25tufof December. Four prizes will be giv«n tins county. the agony of roasting alive. away; two lor tue most original and two fur Orryvaiun is the chief reliance of me Re Gilbert, Riimiuagt* A <’«>. have op«-nud a lum­ the best sustained ciiaraclM ri. t ickets includ­ publicau paily, and in a single day has ber-) aid iu Grant s Pass, ou I lie south side uf ing supper will be ÿ2.5U each. There will also Tua "uppeicrust” of English society more readers mail the entile Democrat.e Siskiyou Couuty, Cal., tu«- railroad tra* s. I u« > luanufactuie u su­ be hors -racing duriug the day with liberal a. brewing a great scandal in which many purses nung up; oue iruc-for-aii trot and une press ol the state ; and ulthough it has perior tU'liuiu uf lumber. of the leading families are vitally interest­ E. P. Uuur wu«> is now interested with truu-tur-all run ot otiu-iialf mile each, purs«.* swallowed its tai.1T reiurm doctrines, u iu each and entrance tee §LU, and a tree-for- ed. The Britisli world la getting hearti­ ceased its tight on tiie Jo Simon corrup­ Walter Emulous in a placer claim un Gaiicc ail saddle race for purse «4 ÿoU are already ar- creek, U.u» been i i*gag<.*d ill hauling «»Ut sup­ ly tired ot tliene revelations of corruption tionists, and is now cheek by-j is I with plies Hum laugvd tor. Jas. U heeler 1» mauager. Onr-fourth down, balaneu within six, twelve tue Vasa rucuutiy. and licentiousness among the titled ml «'ightuen months. A i«*w dayssiuce Miss May Calkins was rid­ New urrivals have ab«»ut takeu all th-j va­ the Portland ring, Hie Democracy has nui|> al RailrueM Depot for rrad«’di»ric«’S. c!aa*ea, and a few more public exhibi­ no means of counteracting da influence. cant hour« s in Grant's Pass, aud lUe real-us- ing home troui a s«x*lal dance in bprngue riv­ or >»•«• ad'ircKK D. H. HASKEL, er vaik y su«»rtiy betore da) brt-uk, wtiuu her tion« of depravity will induce the people As iar as the country press is concerned Latu agi-utsarc busy huutiux accumui«jdat*uus horse took trigut at the remains ot a tire tnat Town-Sit«* Agent V. I*. R. R., Sun Francisco. iur thuMU who arrive troui day to day . to follow the example of Braid in repudi­ nuiueouc uad kiudk-d, and as lue saddle girth ■'Ki inch Tricots. .IO Cents a J rrrr/. the Demo-racy is tar ahead oi the op|o- : Saudurs ut Gaiicc creek gave the ten- became somewhat loosened tbc vuung lad) ating the empire, in apite of their inher­ sition, the Eu»t Ureijiinian, Jacksonville d« Cu.is. C.5 “ ” Cash meres 40 rtcct about Grant » Pass auuic intcrestiug was thrown from her saddl«*. Forlunately ent veneration for the established order luMooUri iu pa«kiug animals last wc« k. livr foot was not in th«* stirrup at the tune and :n Cashmeres. '.*.» ............................ T imes . Albany Deinucral, Eugeue (Juunf, , object of things. Uf course Labouchere is aud Yamhill Telephone Rigislrr being Hi dots it in tUu approved old-time fushmu. she full tree from the horse, but struck ou a iÀ but boulder ill her tail ami sustained a tractur«* of MAIL ROUTE chiefly instrumental in bringing the acknowledged as sterling representatives Zaytou A Co. ut (»rant's Paas are preparing Lbotu bkuh aud jaw. It was at first thought h« r Sb cruel a large Iwu-atury warehouse «»u >L ,but be pleased to show goods or furnish samples 1>) mail. Kespcctfully, scamlal to light, and for once the Prince of newspaper enterprise and ability. wtreel, on the* pr»»pvrty m»w uc*cupitsl by W. jurie s would prove fatal, but carutul nurs­ y. W of Wale« assumed to be virtuous and But the need of the hour is a great dauy^ M. l'uruurju tue ripr.ng. Tue buiieltiig will bu ing and prompt medical treat meut saved bur J. NUNAN, Jacksonville, btu. Wx.5 ti*« t. lent his aid to bring the guilty to justice, in Portland. California Would have until the fact was divulged that hia The new put*t-otfiu«* established between tages leave J acksonville eveky «on was emulating the example of hi« given Harrison 20,000 majority it it had i Wil«lcrviilu aud Kurbyvillv, km»wn as Audi r- Monday and Friday at 6 o’clock 4. M. for s<»n, is uuw open iur busiuvMiand is proving a own earlier yearn, and was implicated in not been for the able, argumentative, gr« at accummodal d » u to r« sid« uts in that vi­ Wild» rvillc.r«•turmngTticHday a.tndSaturdays. manly contest for tariff retoim a id Stage leave* f t I ni n ttie scandal. The prince is not now tear­ cinity . OR. CUNN'X IMPROyCD LIVER PILLS at lOu’clock a . «.. returning Thursday». ing his ah.it .n the endeavor to assist Uhinr-e restriction made by the Ex­ Dr. F. S. Stirling has r«-turned to Sat. Fran- Cure Slck-Heedecke. S coWecfin« the Stomach, Bw aminer; and such a journal would have «• ijk ’ u to practice his profession, since thrduuth els. Liner and kidney«: beautlt* the cempleilan by mi >cotland Yard in bringing uut the lateut ammunition enough in the corrupt.on of uf bis wife, it will bu rvm»*mbvr«*d tuat be riMng the blood; mild In their action, ploaaant ta fake, tacts in the case. summoned tu her bedside in this couuty -m noeer gripe dr «liken Ono lor a doae. 25 eta. a the Portland ring to bring tile people Iu i < months since. > box. Drug and General Storea ar by mail Samgleafroo, 1«*''Engine« r N< ws” r«*|N»rts that the builtf , THE OR. BOEANKO MEO. CO.. Piqua, O> AT CENTRAL POINT, A - Muivii «r singular rac«* is that now a realization of the great state issue in BRANCH SIUS J. DAY IIOU^E, MEDFORD, OREGON JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Notary Pnbhc and Conveyancer. Jackson County Securities Bought and Sold. TOWNS ON THE NORTH PACI­ FIC COAST LADIES Grant’s Pass, the Trade Cen ter of the Largest and Rich- est Gold Producing Region in the United States We have the above in Latest Colors MONTAGUE, FOR SALE OH EASY TERM i I I I New Trimmings, New Buttons, Gloves, Mitts, Stockings, Shawls, Flannels. Yarns, Blankets, Etc.Jtc. LADIES’WOOL VESTS AND PANTS, SCARLET AND WHITE. Special Bargains In All Wool. JACKSONVILLE -CRESCENT CITY ; taking place between two lady travelers, Mi-»- N -ihe B.y, representing the N, w Yo k H urti. an l Miss Eliiabetb Bisland. oi i^i- iZ-igiUi«. in the en­ deavor t > make the champion trip around the world; the first-named taking tlie ea terlv and the other lady the westerly duectioii from New York, their common «tailing |»)'n’. Both ladies undertook the journey with less than twenty-foni hour- preparation, and each is “flying light," w.th a band satchel and herknit- t iig. They both expnet to beat Jules Verne a imaginary time of 80 days, and a.Il p«M.'ibly demonstrate that the trip can tie made iu seventy-five days. Whether they succeed or not, they »ill everlastingly demonstrate that a worn in can travel without her "Saratoga,” I >r neither lady carries enough extra cloth­ ing to wad a shotgun as it ought to iie wadded, snide from what rhe wears. - a---------- T iik Milwaukee Journal interviewed Judge tlre«hain recently, and makes ttm r-pet: Judge Walter Q Gresham, who p i.-aid through this city the other <: ,y, ta ked polities freely with a gentle­ man whom he melon the train. He ad­ mitted that Harrison's adminislration is not proving a success, and tie gave his opinion as to the causes. As he was not speaking for publication and his criti­ cisms of ‘ho president were quite j>er- sonal, it is not fair to give them (or pub­ lication. The significant part of the judge's remarks were regarding cx- I’resident Cleveland, ife spoke in very high terms of Mr. ( leveland'a adminis- tra:. n. and said it was remarkable how fast the |>eople are coining to look u | mjii him as a very strong and courageous , man, who did his duty under circum­ , stances that would have overwhelmed a weaker character. Jungs Gresham ls>- I liavsf that Mr. Cleveland will be re­ nominated in 18'.)2, and he says he can see no possible way in which tie can be defeated at the polls. I I , Oregon, which is, "shad the people or, ing of a raiir«>ad lrom Boise city t«> Grant's Pass is an assured fact, it might have added ehaii Joe bituon ana ins h-nehmen lule tirnl thu extension of th«-iin<* to the coast will —lioieburg lie lit follow shortly alt« r buildiug. Th«« I'uanksgi vmg «i.Hiee at tIn* Pass was a gri at suucvsri, th« i < being a larg«1 crowd pres­ 7 HE DI^TKll'T FAIR. ent, and «' »' ‘Mi go»«i t«-«*iing and high spirits. Th*- music was Un«- and tue >upp« r at thu Pal­ Brother Buick of Koseb irg had .«good ace h-jl».i was triput «ally gu»sl. A tempurancu picnic, under the auspices of dial of ginger under ins crupper w.i n tm- M. E. < huruli. will be iiehl at Music hall. he was in Jackaonvdle in attendance ->n Grant s Pass, t«»-morr«eo|>le of Jack- sworth. Consideration $150. Mr. S. will cruet a neat rusidence and will put out u < bole«’ son county, more particularly the poo- I urcuard immediately. pie composing the Jackron County Agri­ | Visitors to the Pass fr»»ni abroad are most ifiipi«riri.ukhol«l«*rs of tlu* Sugar the lucation of the district fair. Brother Pill«-JJoor and Lumber Co., h< l«l at Grant's Buick had fallen into the v-ry natural Pass last M »ii'iay. forth« purpose «>f iuercas- error, from alT- cting a leguminous diet to ing the capital sHark «4 the «’«»mptuiy to $125,- excess, of supjKising that Douglas c •nni v tiuu, the snares wur«* akMait all representmi and of tiiu eaiI was fully carried out. was southern Oregon, and during the ' tin-object Thu stuck now consists jf 1250 shiires, of $100 last sessiou of the legislature drafted a per share, ami supplementary articles of in­ bill, which afterwards treeame a law,con­ corporation have been filed as retjuired by stituting tue seven southern counties into law. ¡ WRISLEY & CO., “ Hotr tn Care All Ukin Pioneer Iteli Estate Firm. Siinplv apply "Sw atses O intment .'' N o internal medicine re«|Hired. ( urea tetter, ♦■e/.i’iiiK, itch, nil eruptions on the face, handa, nose, Ac., leaving the skin clear, white and healthy, its great healing and curative |»<»w. ers ar»* possessed by no other remedy. Ask 'ro ACCOMMODATE THE GKOWING DE- vour druggist for sway . ne 'A ointment . 1 m.m• plications. It requires a coi. titutlonal rent­ ed? like Hood's s .r-:,p ■ ul lrb, working through (lie bl««!, cr.'di ites the Impurity which causes and pioiip te. the disease, and .• Thousanift of s of Hood's Sarw parllla as a n r.a .lv ’ - catarrh »lien other preparations li ol r ia u II »cl's .Sarsaparilla also build , u, l..e -ai. -J t in, aud make* you feel -'i.ngth. Where in kept ronntantly on hand and tirnt-claà« stock of h complet« HARDWARE, PAINTS1 OILS OF ALL KINDS. Msdhanics’ Tools, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS NAILS. ROPE. Ami everything els»» iuiaginab’e in this line. My g(HM*iM are new and of the best brands, ami will be sold at the And all of Lowest Ruling Prices. Give inc a call bvfor«.' iroin> r'»< when-. J. < .SHEK1HAN. Catarrh Catarrh REDLAND -I- NURSERY, N 100 000 TREES IN STOCK, Hood’s Sarsaparilla Shade iiml Ornanieutal Trees Rich and Poor, N FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Rheumatism f Headache, rr R INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. It 11 (llSpMtCtl. LAND AT BEDROCK PRICES. fcHOU No. 42. 200 acres. 2U0 acres <4 unituprov<*d land. 30 acres of winch is pfrtiu«- land and (iu- balance good timber land. All gmHl tnnt and glam land, witii two liviug Spnugv ot wMtvr. iouriuik» Irom Jacksonville. IU**.» No. 46. It#» acron. rniiuprovv«L wril.wMt* &*«!, nu ot said land and can be ulilixc«! tor irrigation. >ix miles troui K. it. depot: uuv- toui th lune lrom m hovl mid | h »btotiice. Price, >12 per acre. 81. 1500 acres, unimproved; ah level, rich, bot­ tom land; well wait red, plenty ot timber, laud can be mu teruis. 82. 177 acres; «‘acres leuciti and in cultivation. House, barn, oiviiard, im adow, »»nc-hait intcr- «•sf in watt i *—«iitcii ami w al» r-i ight, umi system u! irrigation by wim ii 12.» acres may I m - irri­ gated. Stream <>t water running on m>rtii uuuiidary »4 tb«* place. Ten mih*s from coun­ ty seat, amt on< and a halt miles troni }H»st- otliue and suhuulhousu. Price, j».k»UU. Hti. 4ti7 acr<*s, all fenc»*d ami in uultivatiun. It is situated hi tiiu ti«*ait ot ICogu«* river \alley,one mil«* truin ( entrai Point depot. Tiirvu uuui- tortable dwe llings and three uarns art* on this tract, also an oiuuard ut a cimice variety ot truit. 'Hie soil is tree, rich, black loam, and will grow altaita without irrigation. U ill be sold as a whole or sutKiivxltd into 3 farms «4 2UU, l’Jl, 2'«U-acrc t racts. i liurc is no waste land on tins tract, ami it is without «i2Uti; Iwo-tlnrds casti dow u ; balance on easy terms. M*. 21U acres adjoiiung th«* corporate limits of th« Umtty and growing city ut M«nitoni, all fcnuuU and in umtivnimn; a goo«i dwelling- house and a very hug«* barn; small orchard. There is no waste land on tins place; the soil is u nub, black loam ami tr«*c, easy tu culti­ vate and very productive. This turni will tn* subdivided into 5U-acre tracts, if dugired. Price, $ÓU pur acre. Wl. 2U0acres-known ms thV Hock *nj»»s or Col­ lins' place. ut»out three miles lrom M«*dford, on the Pnu iiix and Eagle Point road, contain­ ing 1W acres ot rich ¡arming lumi, aliundtr fence, with coiutortabn* house und good i»arn, hew outhouses, well, etc. In is place lies wed to the sun, is w eli drain«tl, and wen adapted for cither truit or /arming laud. JMunty ot timber for all uses with place. It is situated within one ami tnree-fourths tullesu| J'bcenix railroad depot, ( an «itsily b«* inaile »»nr of th«* bust ranches on tin* east side ot Bear creek. Price, >J2 5U pur acre. »1. l(iU acres : 100 fenced ; 45 in cultivation ; t ight acr«« of altaila; young orchard ot .WUchmcc variety <»t truit trees; small vineyard; good, new dwelling-bulls«. barn and «»uth«>uses’ running wat« i through tiiu farm; g«K»d out­ ran*« tor st«s k. Ì hirtrt n miles lrom iair«»ad dei»ot. Price lor croi» and farm kju*» I HAVE FUR bALETHE FOLLOWING i»K- 1. sunbed piopcrly; No. 2. A good farm <4 2UUacius<.ii Evans « r««k, io tiicMeudows. IiuprtA'cd with a gw tiling Itx24 tuut with live looms, u bin n aud stain« s. MJ acres 1« uutd, 40 a«-n s hi < ud jvmiku , ueu sat- cr«d uud a line oulstut lang« lol si« «k. A Nu. I stock I miuj . Price, liltcuu ucilar» pci mre, cash. Title perfect. No. C. Forty acres «»f timber laud <*l«»sc to th« coun­ ty road H ading to th« Dig bull»- m »u-mid, val­ uable uni« tiy lor ¡ail tnubei*. Government ti­ tle. 1 lie <»w n« r la cut ut tue stai«.- anu tin land will be sold tur five dollars p< i uul«, cms I j . A bargain tor somebody. Nu. 7. , Two hundred umi forty aero—bixty uun> fenced uud in eultivali«>u; niiprov«*d with a nice buMiiug urchard ot tin« ubsuitud fiuit It « us; a duuiuug bouse, a bam ami «4h« r uut- houa< a. Tw«» str« ains «4 uaUi run Ibiough tiiiri place. It la suact ptibk- ol being UlViU« d tutu two pieces «>1 <>n<- Uundr»-«! auu tiu-ut) mci ' cs each. Thu Dorth hail u! this pine« la uu- liiipiuVcd. 'J he impioVed (AJ mu !<*a ar«- Woith ^ltAJu. Tiiu other loo Meres, ¿'.«uu. l our milcF* lrom Central Point ruiiruau station. 'J ill« p« r- tuct. No. It. A farm «»f Ubaciari, improv»*«! with a coin- lortabie «Iu < lung; 1« n ucicri 1« need ami in < ul- tivation, with a nving ripnng n«ai the um til­ ing. uncoiihuvui) ixrit at»,« k mug«** ju tu<* county. 1 aiikue crc«.k Uows thruugh this land. Title perf ect. Price, ^MJU. Nu. U. A gms! place of ltii* acres. hii|M*ovud with a gotxl, uew residence, trnru and granary; am ut aixtj ucies t< need, with an oichard ol ats.ul «>uu huiiuruti assort«.»! iruit trc«s; on«* iajge spring und other smaller oiks on the laim. i ankeu ere« k runs through the place. >pi« u- uiii slock rung«. with govuiuuKUt title. Price. *iUUU, cusb. No. 10. A brnk iiuust and hug* lot In Jacksonville, u it h u at able. A KJirioi table bom«-, and UUc ptiUut. Flic«, £tiUU; JCUU cash and batanee in tiu ec < qua; pay m« ii I b ol six. tw« xVe and «lgb- tu< n luoiitb*; deterred pay un uts to draw i« n percent, interest. No. 11. A comfortable train» house in Jacksonville, for sale on reasonable f« nur*. «4 tbi«-c i < k m» and kitchen; iocati'd on Third slr<*«t. and haM a g.riAl well ot water at the do«>r/wjUj ub uuc"M»ar> outhous««. Will be sold cb< ap, as the owner is iu «astern Un gun and Ha-« no lurtucr use fur the property . Aiu. 1J. A ng. The bouse is located on a lull bail b.ock «4 land, 1UUX2U11«*« t in size, and lias an the Iruita glowing tm-ruon n»v«*&sury tor a tamiiy to us»*, pile» ¿luuu at tun«* oi sal«*, u<*f r«siy< nc< »> in th«* town title pci t«-cl. No. 17. A comfortable frame bouse with a very .urge lot in Jacksonvilit*, in a g«MMl neigliin’t ho^y, l»ii sale on nasonable terms; has u iarg<- sit­ ting-room with a good hrupiMu«. taogo«Ml b» d- roouisaiidM kitchen, a < u « m 1 well oí wat» i at tiiu door. Woodhouse, ct« . Price, $s(JU. No. 22. A No. I grain and stink farm <»f X90 acres, 5 miles tr«>m ( « nt ral Point ranroad station and six miles from Medford railroa»! station; m F level, biuvk land and « nulos» d with a um. -»..»J 1» ncu. anu all under cultivation. Improved with a small dwulnng-buus<. u burn «K' auii tu t, larg« granary . a go«al spring winch luinish« « pnnty ot uut« r tor domtslic andstotk pur- p.»s< ■>. This farm is suso» ptibh-oi b» ing divid- • •d into two. three and lour farms, as « v« ry aun* uf it is go»>d land and n»*ar a m hool and ! pt«>tfiuu. Title perf ect. Price, fi5U |»« i acre No. 23. Grant’s Pass, in addition to having a large A c •infortabk residence on California street and uxtremuly fertile country at its bauk.iri 111 J.H k^mvila , ami contains a fuil huif bin Oregon chequer), wit hij] 12 mil«**» ot town, shipping sill <1. in Jacksonville, bi.Illg lot 1. bh.«k:»3, or.* in carioad lots t«> theScib> Smelting Workri ^-«lUiing 7«>y feet un Ung» li street. 2b4^t te«t o! Stn Francisco, that g«n*s from fluuto $*.UU .Hi i h slnul. and 13’.’^ 1«*et on Fust str««t. . pui ton in g«»ld and there is little doubt but Hu> a small vim y nrd and s< m< iissort« d van« - j what hundreds <»t other minus in Juscpbin«- tn*.» «4 tnnt grow ing od if thor­ essaiy outbuildings, m g»M>d well «4 water, and oughly dev«*loped. It has been estimated that is a healthy anu u« suable location. Pnce the placer gold output tr<»m Jacks«»n and Jose­ >11UU. phine counties from 1S4V up to the present No. & time will foot up Here th«- ques­ A No. 1 farm «4 2Uiluci« >; 15b i «ns f< net <1 ; tion of determining th«* true value ol th« 12U in cuitiVatH.n. A No. 1 soil. lDipi«.\1 c«N4rse gold com«* double log l»ai n .«mi all 't n« i», u« it.x24 weary «»ut buiiuiiigs. down fr«»in the clouds, or did it c«nn«* from th« Eighty MsM»rtcd truit tr«*«s. in g«s»m W«n»uviih like (»opulatiun on the Pacific <*<»ast. We cau sell you cbok’«’ business Iota. 5Uxl00, on ini- K. R. ritatioii. ( lose to school and poslt lht « ; prov«»d streets, al I level, and within 300 f«*ct of dose to sawmill. Good roads wHitui ami sum­ Priut->4«iUU; half cash, bulancu on time, a $7IO.UUU brick opera house, for $2UU « ach. We mer. ail cash ai «»¡»tioti ut purchaser. Thia is a can sell you nice residence lots, five bl«a ks ur Nu. 1 1 inv»*««t HlVi-MtJD* jih nt. and w ill mak«-a good home* from the center of the city, in the midst of I ‘ tor H«HiH-b3.'» <»$100 each. As a buyer, you wouldnat- 120 acres of lami in section Id. township :jti S. urally ask, how can y<»u afford to sell at these R. 4 V' ., on Evans « re« k, near a slur« anu p« «4- piic«*s with a perfect title, if everything is as oihue. Will In s«4«| cm up. as the ow tier lb du- represented? Thu answer is, wu are the sir«>iiso1 dis|M»sjng <»t it. No. 27. A house ami lot on Valley atr«*ct. in Ja< ksoii- villu; house 24x2ti t«»t.]y^ stories, with tivw rooms; lot sUxlUU Iu« t ; a small barn ; a lot ot utmic« y«>uug truit true«, assorted van« lira, ami a good w« 11 ut wat« r uutu th«* d«s>r. Pi ice *■4(0 cusil. No. M All the right und title to impr«>v< m< nts < n a Ami could sell at one-half thi's«* prices if so i hoiu«*st« a«i; «>w (.«i w ill r< fimpnsh humerit«u<1 for $75 that arc now worth $->u.UU(i. Wu <*an w«ii an«i living spring ot wat«r n« ar th«* sell three’-fourths of «»ur present puma-saions hous«-; «id a< rts 1« ia til with a good tunc«*; l«t at current prices ami still make the remain­ t run 11« < s. 1-y« ar-oid ass«•rt<*d % an* th «. a No. ing fourth worth twice—y«is. ten tim«*s. a* 1 truit farm, with « xc« ¡1« nt uiiGud« range h»r much money as the whol«’ originally was. stock; clow to schoo! and | m * I-office. Also a This is th«- result <»f multiplied <»w nership. and span *»1 w«ll-brok« n young mal t s, w ith a two- wekiluwit. We ar«* satisfied that th« lots we In.rs« wagon, marly n«w. and haimss tor are now selling l«»r $2(MI with s«*l‘ for $2iN>‘, ami tw<» hor*» a |»i«»w ami hariow and sum« tools |M»ssibly more, in less than five yearsjni* they all g«» with tm pia<« . All 1« r th« $I.(W in wouldn't «id btugain of allairs. Great lor any man or woman in st arch «4 a hum«-. N«». 2M. A house and alsmt «»m* acre uf ground, uioritly « n« lin 111« lew nii; with tools and sluiet s suttkn nt t«> woik tn«* Maine wjth, w¡thin 4UU yurdsot tiiew«sl line ut the c«>rpoiate Hunts o! Ja< k>«»nvil|. . ’11 k ow m r is in pool h» ait t> There is a splendid opportunity in Granta .mm and lorinMi tor that res r« us<4> the property w ill t»u sold Pass fur th«* «•stablishim nt «4 a gtabi«'. iuiiib« r to built! h lit w I h hi >« that say, by way of par« uth»*sis, that tin re ar«* sev­ Min x<> unti |hv piac«. JU a< r«u it n< « «j u un h eral saloons in Grant's Pass taking in from giMMi i an It ne «-, 3 auro in Mllaita. 5 u< i « •« in $50 to $ Hili per day each in cash. To manulac vultivntiuii, about «>iit--!« uit n «.t an u« i« m turers or others wishing to engag»* in busi > bun nt*, a tin« spring «4 uai< i nt at the It« uw. ness, «>r to speculators desirous <»f Nucuring a Hilt tiuibitiu rangt to! httic k. Alao Ihu uudi- ot - a . " mining large number of lots, w«* can qu«>te w donisli-! X . Hitti , . liait r*.. ....... ” claim. ............ l.Jiftj — * >anlM in Í**:, 1» : gc „_:^_t ingly low figures. Don't fool around with wild- _ '* ' l>KJ * * • 1 “ l” **' *• ‘ ’1 .............. }n u‘dth. lb« i uitb a ’ . g«»o4 iibtiv.tir tor htiitiing ««aiti Mluit-«r> und cat iuve stin» nts until tins opih-trtunlty is gone M,MM‘ »•*••'..»«• n.i j liM.Iri unit u hit it i<> u-otk th«- mine. Pritt-. and then ’‘kick" yourself tor n«»t getting in, ’ i I m i t u ¡II alm b«* M>id with the plaue but buy al once and we will guarantee y ou I .* m ad ot ctiWM. one brotal mart-, m ! i »«> a i<>t of MAX« V» XN A -n A vugt (Mbit M. AH l«»r the »um ut $1150 um «h «ownat iuncut m « i «. ,No. ,ra. Lands In »«tian»7. is. 1». 3>, 3», Bnd N»$ of rv- H’N ti'«n JO, ;n t«lj Vt-UH utloiuu Hiliu rihould be m»l«l tu oim * p« « I acre Mt n is Ulbepricu for $2im will n «*I1 f«»r $2lMMi innhb <»f fiv«* v«*un*. Ihrtl). . $1. $■*- P* the pricu It mo I»! in «|uaii- For niHps, I priceH and any other denirud Infor. _ Itlt h “ * •' 1114 * kwtlian 40a«*r«g, t »I to $15 put ----------- 1 I aui «, uucordHig to the quuuty unu «(nantit) <4 ir.at ion, call on uy addrvM land sold. T uiihm , <>»• tinnì uanh at tun« <»f 1 Hale. Iodane« on tlm« t«» nuit puruI mam r; *1«1« i r- ! «tl pa> in«-utH tu bu Mt-urtti I») a murtgag«- < n»U- I mg clay suiI. ami ih among tn« bx«t truit lands ’ hr.hu |p*uti ouuut). Partien wish i l)|f to purchiiAe any of th«* uitov«* tu« in iiigtfj i siiHpi* t«» an) of the lands 1 Imre tur sale, inc of charge for coiivu) ance. Owners of Hie Townsite 100 Per Cent Per Annum bl LAS J. DAY. 31 First Street, Newmarket Block, MONEY to loan PORTLAND, OREGON, i — WE880N Tree Buses to and from the Hotel. Ayer’s Pills, $12,000 to loan in $1,000 lots, on improved farm se- 1 cunty. For further particu­ lars enquire of SILAS J. DAY, T Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. I » ENTS obtained at reasonable ’ENT1UN given T<» al! busineM itb the Laud (ifliee. Grant's Pass is particularly happy in hav­ an agricultural district. Mr. Buick evi­ U NRIVALED GOODS! ing men of good businesa tact and judg­ W. L. CARSON A. li. CARSON. dently supposed that Mt. Pitt was still a ment ut the head of its affairs. The system of hole in the ground and that Jackson advertising by tin- tuwnsite agent, J. i . Flynn, “I used H.»«!' s r^nparilLi for catarrh, comity was a howling wilderness; and could scare* i) be unproved upon. By tue Notice of Final Settlement. iu<>Mt judicious mutbexis the attuuti«>n «»f the and r«’i*»*iv- <1 gr« .4 ; • f benefit from it. when the Jackson County Agricultural outside* world is continually dir«*ctud to the Thecai.irrl: v..1» v. -y In the County Court of the State of Oregon, /r *■.,Lb1,«-specially Association made a tender of the use oi metropolis of Josephine county, until it is Six inlles South of Grant's l’a»», Josephine lor the County of Jackson. .¡.< t a: it discharge from their ground« whereon to bold tile first evident that at no distunt day a large luauu- In the wint-r. • County, I ircgon. In the matter uf the rotate of A. (’hometun, facturing town will stand where a few years iny nose, rii ;;. . 1 .■» in » r, «•ar’*, and pains district fair, he was so surprised ago lieectLscd. was«»niv a stagu-atatioii and cating-iiuua«*. at the absurdity of this county assuming When oue counts the c«»inparativeiy- trifling in the back »•? r.iy i:- a-.l The effect to clear otice is heheby given that the adminiNtrutor of the eKtatc uf A. Cbom- to thwart his nicely laid plan to have c<»rit of tiius punting ttie public ustutueadVMii- s <>t a particular t«H*aiity, wtien m«at«ured eton, endage to Douglas, that lie ttiat other favorably situate«! towns in south- as such administrator, and bj order of said Court. Friday. December tit 1». IrW!». at the hour exacted a bond of *1000 from ttie Jack- «■rn Oregon «1«» not take their cue from the my hoyil bi tin-1;), i: :t v i , . <:? and splS Pass folks and pursue the sain«-tac­ of Itio’chs k a . m ., is set for hearing. All per­ son county men as a sort of penalty at Grant's tics. A three-column advertisement «»f tin* Wag vhm p •:■.r :i gave sons interested are hereby notified to appear Apple. Pear. Peach. tached to furnishing the distr et associa­ Pass in last Monday's *«>r«*goii!an" states nie relli t and tile his or her objections to said account |'I ’v. *.- b,; ■! [ WMJ Il on or before said day. tion with grounds rent fr«?e. Mow, how­ Mimpl«* facts tn tin* lustory of thetuw n*sgr«»wtb rntlreljr cuiv-l. I ; .. Plum. Prune Apricot. . r v.liboiit Hood’d • i’ublishfsl by order of Hon. J. R. Noil,Ju«!ge ami d«*v*cl«»pment that will «io the town a world ever, in making a lender of prospective ut go. Holt«»n. F. M. Bak»-r, W. Douglas county association, that they Berg«man, Banny B«»)lt-, R. J. Bliss, J. W. Burson, Miss Lizzie Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bar- Boldby all ; :,*: r< .’’! ■ x* f*-. Preparedonly Notice of Final Settlement Walnut, will du thus and so, if the fair is located 11. A B« rberich. b. M. Ha kt r. H. W. Con- Tin. fable of the jackitaw in the iwa on tlieir grounds. Paraphrasing the iett. . . ,r! Lowell, Ma««. nwli, Mrs. A. M. Davis, Dub«»y A Stewart. S. A. by ('. I ll< >« l • a < . \ In the Ceainty ( ’ «nirt of the State of Oregon, cock’d plwiawire in r«vall«Hl when one I>oet: "Honor is cheap in this degenerate Edwards, Abraham Etias, J. Easuiiten, Jaim s for the County of Jackson. IOC dollar lu-ars of th« ill«comtltiire of poor Fred day; fill out a bond, if you would have Gray, J. < . Hurley, Lew* Hunsaker, Lewis In the matter of the «’state of R. J. McBride, Hay nus. Haver A < uup. W. S. Hyde, Eu Harp* Jiouglass. th« Harrison minister to your way.” The hog is a very useful do­ ur. dec (Nuk'd. Mrs. la a Harper. G. W . Lenard, M. Mun- Hayti. Fred wm no MXMMr clothrd in mestic animal, but the Jackson County ru«’, J. A. Mt rr« tl, E. M. Minister, Frank Mus- OltAPF. VINES, CI RKANTS, GOOShllhlt- o TK’E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE H1ES, HLACkBEHKlES. KASF1IEK- M* ngur, Mrs. t iara Maria, H. A. M«*ycrs, Mr. administrator of Ah«* eMtutc of R. J. Mc­ Ins little brief authority than he innisted Agricultural Associationdoesti t feel that Morrill, < mis. M*Hire. L. K. R iper, J. T. Rob­ ItlES. STRAWBEKHIES. FIGS. Bride, «l«*ccas4si, has tiled in the County Court on lhe tender uf man-ol-war tran«porta- it is drsi-rving oi comparison with the erts, Mrs. Eva E. Route, Mrs. Nellie Musage, of Jacks.m county, Uregon. his tinal account tiori to the island, with the run ot the creature's most pioininentcharacteristic, Mrs. Belt«* i'aylor S«*«»tt. < >. C. Spear, Alibi O. Our trora arc grown without irrigation <»n as such aelministrator, and by ortier of said Prince an»l Peasant, the Millionaire and Court Friday, December tl. IMS’.», ut ttie hour of ret! hill land, and all <>f known variuticH that officer's tai'les and quaiters fur himself taking all the circumstances into con­ .’’Hiwiii«-, Augii" .Sutherland, A. >uth«*rland, E. >< tiocii, H. B. >watf«»r«i, D. iV. Tattursliail, H. 10 o'clock iaset f«»r hearing. All per­ succeed in Southern Oregon. Day Lal»oi«*r, by tlieir connnon use of and wife; and by virtue of his iace hold­ sideration. With the tacit understand­ Turner. Those oonU*mplating jree planting will d«> Georg*-L. Williams, W. C. Watkins, son*« intvrustetl are hereby notified to appeur this renietly, attest the world-wide rep ­ ing the whi|ehand over the Republican ing that tlie district board would at least Tl»t»s. A. West, W. W. Wetzl« r, lssahar Wil­ and tile his or her objections to said account well to visit our orchard and nursery. <»r write liams, Gilbert Williams, Mrs. Suran Y«»kum. utation of Ayer ’ s Pills. Leading phy- to uh for price list. Addreaa to uh nt Murphy, «»n oi beftire saiil «lay. party hi« demand« were acceded to, and expend the amount of the state appropri­ When calling tor any ot thuubove please aok Published byonieruf lion. J. R. Nell, Judge .loaephinc county. Or «’gon, or to R. R. Station. Bi< iaus recomnien«l these pills for he went to the court of llyppolyte in tie- ation in legitimate premiums and offer fur advertise»! letters. Graut’H Paw, Oregon. w M of sal«! court. Stomach ami Liver Troubles. Costive­ coming style. The Haytien«, however, lilieral premiums in the s|>eed ring, the A. H. (’ARSON & SON. J. W. H«>W IHI>. P. Al. .1. ii. M« BRIDE. J. M. J ohn , Deputy P. M. ness. Biliousness, and Sick Headache ; Administrator of said estate. unfortunately took umbrage at brother local association expended nearly *7> Dated November», issti. also, for Rheumatism, Jaundice, and 1' line's h fl-banded compliment in Bend m ,, -, . ------- .. X" . in ntting fitting up up me the newt best track track ana and gruunti* grounds jll,« 1 • o only .. » a . UII Neuralgia. They are sugar-coated ; con­ inj dl.XAr*» them • the negro in our _ diplomat- t|,e northwest coast, fnrnishing the A tlsaUrdly Crime. Ti < corps, < 1 1 I i H and ALil U lulu not openiydiscourte- ......... _a .. . ’ , ■uiiiiRiiiiix . me j FARMS FOR SALE tain no calomel ; are prompt, but mild, tie while The aMMUMiinatiuu of J. F. Cam near Riddle's, grounds for a merely nominal rental to in operation ; and, therefore, the very on« to our representative, they have let the district board, and had a right to ex­ iu Douglas county loot week, wus so culd- i OFFER FOR BALE ON REASONABLE term bi«M»d«*d and deliberate a murder na io excite best medicine for Family L se.as well as him severely alone, and he ha« totally ----- pect l rraNunaoiy reasonably good goud tr treatment lrom the general ntteutiou all over tne comet. Cain lone of the beat Btock or Dairy Farms iu Honth ( ENTRALI.Y LOCATED. for Travelers anti Tourists. ern Oregon.situated on Deer Creek, Joeepbine *2. W"‘re * Cü“ '"X official* in .eturn. was u track-walker for the S. I ’ , railroad com ­ i-------- I.By the gener-j county, containing 8‘A) scree of rich bottom land Station OU the island (or this country. osity of the county association and the I pany. Th» night Relucted by the aaaaattin for “ I have derived great relief from eepectally adapted to the growth of timothy hay btrt crim»’ was «>f pitchy dark n ewe Cain had Ayer’s Pills. Five years ago I was The secretary of stale now finds it neces­ grace of the T imkh and other county reuchud the northern extremity of hia beat on and clover. About one-half is cleared and in ♦akeu so ill with sary to send a special envoy, a white pa|>ers in furnishing free advertising, a hia velocipede, to which, luinging on its for­ cultivation, and moet of the balance can be easily Cxeared. There is a stream of water running man. to accomplish the desired result, crowd was assured and a successful fair, ward end, was attached a lantern that ah«iw«-d through the place the year round, affording plenty him the track. After taking the velocipede and it is rumored that Fred will have to financially, was the result, although the of water foi stock and some for irrigating. The otf tb<-track lie went into a snvd and waited coiue home in disgrace. Thi» WAll-kn.iwn houRf* ha* been rebuilt that I wm unable to do any work. I for a train to pass him. When he came uut place is all incloeed by a good rail fence. There crowd undeniably felt that they had l>eeii took three lioxes of Ayer'» Pill» anil is a house and barn and 200 young trait trees on with brick and greatly culargrd. bc8id«'s being position of his lantern was such that its hdked to some extent in the quality of the the place. It ale«> ha» the beet outside range in rays lit up ins form with sufficient cleariicaa nu entirely cured. Siuce tliat time I T ub general belief that Secretary the exhibits and races. The gentlemen for the murderer. conct«ieoer of year», and have never found any­ ing that the brand on one of the grays was on the pr. -ent rotnag. - I silver and the re- staled that they left the matt _ r of water from two irrigating ditcheg, two uilltn __ ____ _ gettili ____ F ’ identity nr the object of the crime everything thing equal to them for giving me an the left shoulder. The mare wore a bell at from saw-mill, on« mile trum Nchool-boum* movitl ut tin, limit n tlm monthly pui- up the premium list largely with the sec­ ia iu« rest speculation. The theory of tramps appetite and imparting energy and the. time she left. has been discarded. The opinion prevails thMt will mak< a first-claas dairy ranch; fencing* cbaio- < f bullion. Upon th« bullion so retary, who wa* totally inexperienced Cain had some secret enemy who wished to rid A liberal re wan] will la* paid for th«* recov­ strength to the system. I always keep iu splendid Comi it ion. buildings «»nly. tan* lum­ ery of any of the animals or any information them in the house.”—K. D. Jackson, purcha->e2W ai , crop included power to is-uii the treusury notes «Uy fe-t jad/ment in it» composition. Not­ tain papers in Cain's ¡x»s.sesaion. The thor­ JOHN HOCKENJOH, Jacksonville, Or. Coiitnlnlnir 12U Hmunn. well furnished. of bis plot shows, however, that he «4. " Two boxes of Ayer's Pill» cured me drei-i itwii, th< -»• note» to l>« rstlseniable I withstanding a.l these drawbacks, by oughness must have known Cain's habits. 120 acr«« — 60 acre» ft m ««1 and 30 acres tn cul­ of severe ----- THE BEST— upon presentation, either in silver bull­ persistently hammering away on the tivation; tiv.* acres in alfalfa, smatl orchard IF YOU WISH A COOD REVOLVE« i ion at the ruling ptice, whether tha: subject, the Jack»on Countv Agricultural dwelling-house, small barn.etc., ruuuntg water ONE DOLLAR’PER DAY HOUSE through the place. Price, |100U. '- bTxrr. nr Onto, ( itt or T olei »», i b»1 mote or les. than the price on l)is«lay ' a o » i H oV E 8MITH & 8 A hk -lution and the I imks and the oilier IH L itas Corsrv, <’ from which I waa long a aufferer. — Finest small of issue, or 'n g -id coin at par, at th« I , --- IN THE STATE. ;») »erra—a*) acre, fenced and ISO acre, in county papers suci eetled in getting out I-rank J. « iieiiev makes oath that he is Eintna Keyes, Hubbardston, Mass. arnm ever op'i-in ol the government. Thia option the crowd and making a ¿1^, cultivation. k . hh I house, Imrn and <>utbou»<« ’...J... manufactured the «ei.ior psrtn-r of the firm ol F. J. great .' hnuncwl "Whenever I am troubled with con­ Ifood on liarit utxl vineyard, several iarae and the first choice of all is inteinieii to guard against combina­ huccusm of the district fur ass in se a poor crop Ctieney i <», iloiug business in the City I st ipation. or suffer from loss of appetite, experts. In calibres 32. »frinir», atfordiu« plenty ot »»tei for nrden tion» to depress ilie price of silver in th- year. It seeing 3« and 44-luiL 8lngle or No Chinear employed and no deviation In Irrigation, lo aerea ot timothy iiiendow* six «eeins passini' passing smgi singular to be ol f <-t|,>. Coii'itv and State aforesaid, and Ayer’» Pills set me right again.” — A. J. double action. Safetv Ham- ch inn**. interest of s|ieciiUtoni, ami to prevent Stigmatiied as hugs’’ for effc niil.-s troll! Grant s Pass. Price (MU). A irreat Kiser, Jr., Rock House, Va. „Jering to do ih.n - o l firm will i ,-iv the stun <■( ONE merleas and Target model*. Mea I m 25 cents; lodging 25 renta to SO cents. naraaln. Terms. <>n<'-li»lf cash, bal»il< >- on Hl NDlthD DOLLARS for eai h »nd combinations to run up the price ot bml the same thing over again. Best qaallty wreaght “Ayer’s Pills are in general deman«! easy terms. steel« carefully Inspected The gentlemen compoxing the district every i a«e of catarrh lhat cannot tw cured ion ami unload it on the treasury. The among our customers. Our sales of K. LEWISTON, Proprietor. 0». for work manahip and stock. plan provides that the secretary may board assert that they do not wish to by the use uf H.ill'.« Catarrh Cure. flnlali« da rate!Ilty and aecaracy. Do them exceetl those of all other pills com­ 120 acres of truit lami, within two miles of not be deceived by cheap makeaMe imn imiiatunta F kixk J. C iikxi . y . bined. We have never known them Grunt's Pass, will tie subdivided in JOur 9h-a< re nu»)>end the purchase of bullion when­ make money out of ti,.. business; that often Bold for the genuine article. They are unre­ Sworn to b'h-re me and »ubscnlHid iu traete if dcalru«!. Prie«* $7 W per acr«* NOTICE fail to give entire satisfaction.” — liable and dangerous. The S mith k wmsom K b - ever in his judgment the public interest their object H to advance the interests uf niv prese ice, this tl h day ot Deeemlier. A VdLYIu are stamped upon tha barrels with firm S Wright & Hannelly, San Diego, Texas. is endangered by a simulative combina­ the agrieuHure! element and to insure D lSSfi. name, address and date* of patents, /DU. and »n.1 srr are guar S««r- ­ €■’“1 have Gr»*at Bargains to offer and It will HE I'N’DEKSIONED WILL SELL DX FAV. pay you t«» examine my list carefully beton* anteed perfect. ------ Insist ..™. upon bavins having them, and ana If It tion. There|>oit will make no recom­ ttie holding of a successful fair each year. A. A. lli vAsox, Notary Public 3 ... -— cannot mipply oratile tw win receive prompt attention. Dencrlp- mendation either as to the national bank, We will heartily co-operate with them in -rcantile bn*inetw ami also one block of •LUW. Buld by all Dealers In Medkine. henry kuppel . side by side with all. to new and untried quarters to gratify a XVrold by drugguts, 75 cents. ASHLAND HOTEL. -1 r I Conveyancing in all its Branches. Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, THE BOSS BOO I 4 / JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOR —ASK FOR— Catarrh effects a perninncnt people testify t t Or HENRY KUPPEL, Passengers taken at Reasonable Rates. t Situated at a inoat picturcsqu«* and com­ manding point in tb« fanmuH Rogue River Valley, hundred milca Mouth uf Port­ I land. i* three the phenomenal city of GRANT’S PASS. Tbc town ia aix ream old. has a population of over 2.0UU, and ie growiuf faster tuan any town in the Stat«*. It has twenty large saw-mi I I m in operation within a radius of twenty mile*, and ehipe more lumber and manufactured woodwork than any town in Oregon, except Portland. It baa two saah and d»M»r factories, employ­ ing over 150 im n. A fiM'.iMin brick opera house In course of con­ struction, besides several other brick struct­ ures under way. Has t«-n general merchandise Htorcs. doing an aggregatv cash business of per day Receives and sbii»s through Wells, Fargo & Company and other sources over $JUO,(JOO wortli of gold dust annually . Has daily stage communication with Cres­ cent city an