The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, November 28, 1889, Image 2

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As many horsemen shared the doubt I
a** t«> California race* tracks being full I
¿Tu ^rwciraticïimrs
*FFICA L FAFIR OF JACKS JM COUNTY, 0111801. I length, the San Francisco Examiner has
1 had the Napa track measured, and ttnda
it to h^ tao fe»*t ami three inch»*« over m
mil»». Palo Allo, Sunol and Slamboul
are therefore entitled to their record«.
L ynn , Massachusetts, had a $2,000,-
I). L. B ribe was tried at Harney city
recently, for the murder of James Isaac», 000 fire yesterday, which, as we go to
and the jury acquitted him. He was press, ia still reported not under control.
tried at Canyon city a year ago, and the A r usual, the finest busineM blocks in
the city, including a national bank build­
jnrv failed to agree.
ing and Heveral factories and wholesale
Tua case of Olds, who killed houses, were burned. The Boston anti
Euul Weber at Portland several months Maine railroad depot was also destroyed.
I t is said that the tannery at Dallas
ago will be heard in the supreme court
next week. It is said that the murderer in Polk county is doing a good business
has not much of a chance to escape the j anti ia a money-making concern. It
might be well for a similar enterprise to
gal I uwh .
be inaugurated here, as ireght both
T iik political guillotine is lied up for ways on all the leather consumed within
the present, as no more appointments several hundred miles of this valley
will be made by the President until after could lie added to eastern profits, anti
congress convenes. This is to save mak­ hides and tan bark are both plentiful in
ing out two seta of papers, as has lieen southern Oregon.
Ii should not be forgotten at this time
done in all reeetw appointments.
that Grover Cleveland is by far the
T iik death of Hon. Geo. II. Pendleton, strongest l>ernocrat in this country. His
one of the purest anil ablest of American defeat has not stripped him of his pres­
statesmen, again gives the lortland tige, ami he is stronger to-day than
Orfjhoulian an opportunity to vent its when he was a candidate in 1884. H im
clean, patriotic and successful adminis­
spleen on a dead Demo* '“'- 1» •“ »
etition of the fable of the hon and the tration conferred distinction on the party
he represented and ou huueelf.— Atlanta
cupied by J. NV. Siemens and J. Fl. Lindsay.
and fill-4 them with goods He is now able
to inuk«' a creditable display.
Geo. T Baldwin, in his n«-w quarter* near
th«* Lltikvill«- bridge, is carrying an immense
stock ut stoves, rang« s, barbed-wire, paints,
i oils and g«m<*ral hardware. He is also agent
fur th«- fam«»us Rain wagons. Call <»n him, f«>r
I he will treat you well, and »ells goods cheap.
Sheriff Childers advertises to sell some desir­
able real pro|w*rty, levied on by virtue of exe­
cutions issued out of the circuit court In the
chmc S of Dodson vs. Runyon X Lake and Cran­
ston vs. Runyon. Th«- Male will tak«* place on
Saturday, lh-rember 2sth, at the ruurt-house
in Linkville.
Stout A Stafford, who had a written contract
with (1. J. S. Wilson for the delivery of so
much water, did uot raise a crop of grain be­
cause the latt«T, for torn«* reason, failed to
comply with his agreement. A suit grew out
of th«- matter. an«l th»* Jury gave the plaintiffs
a verdict for nearly $700.
Tlu* lat«' grand Jury fouml several indict­
ments against the judgment of the district at­
torney, and it turn«-«! out that th«-y exercised
their authority too fr«-e|y, as a conviction
could not iMMAMibly I»«* sei-iiretl in several in­
stance*. No indictment should be r«*turncd
unless there is sufficient proof to back it up.
H«*nry Conn's house, on Is»st river, occupied
by J. Mosher, was entirely destroyed by tire
on Monday of last week Mrs. M was sick at
th«-time, and it was with extreme difficulty
that her husband rescued her from the Haim's.
Their entire houst'h >ld goofls were consuimxl
ami tli«-v ar«* left in very d<-stitute circum­
stances.’ The building was insured.
What w»* need most is a omplet»* system of
irrigation, like some of the counties in south­
ern California have. It would make this sec­
tion •‘blossom like th«* r< »*•*." Water is so
plentiful ami th«* plan so feasible in every re­
spect, that nearly the whole county could be
irrigate»! at small exp« ns«*. Such a thing as s
failure of crops. ’ike tin- one recently experi­
enced. would th« n be impossible,
T he T imes is again called to chronicle
Many of our miners are busy.
the departure from these earthly scenes
of a great statesman, in the person of
Ht alth is g«Ms! evcrywhvr«- in the county at
Hon. Geo II. Pendleton, who died in pr«s»nt.
Pro|»crty is changing hands every «lay at th«'
Europe one day this week. Mr. P. ob­
county «seat.
tained considerable prominence at the
J. N. Gotcher an«i wife visited Jacksonville
Cincinnati bar as far back as 1830. He one «ia> this week.
entered ¡»olitical life early, ami was elect­
L. L<*onar«l. «>f Althouse, I ims returned from
ed to the Ohio legislature and the lower his trip to l*ortland.
house of congress, where he was recog­
Th«- Star band gtv« s a danv«* at Music hall, in
nize« I as one of the lea«l?rs of the IK jiuo - Grant's Pass, this ev* ning.
A U matilla county man who owns a
Work is |>rogr«'ssing rapidly <«n the wat« r-
threshing outfit, ami who does a little ctatic party. He inherited so much works reservoir at Grant's Pass.
figurine for himself, has calculated that wealth from his father’s estate that he
C. T. Hav«'ns, th«» surv«*vor. b ft last Friday
“protection” coat him about |3(X), the did not find it necessary to depeml upon f«»r a thr»*« -weeks trip to Minnvfmta.
Jos. Scott, of Grant’s Pass, is visiting his «»hi
amount of the tarilT tax on the iron, I hr profession. In 1864 Mr. P. was the
lumber and other materials in his tot.» Democrat>c candidate for vice-president. home in Iowa. A |»l«*asant voyage t«> him.
M»*Mc«eng«*r A t'a.'s saw-mill in Grant's Pass
purchase of threshing machinery. He is
RHiiatv and a as once a prominent can- precinct hits l»e« n stmt down fur the wint« r.
studying about the benefits of protection
Robert Slwiw returned to Ashland last w« « k
didate for the pret»i»lential nomination.
to American labor.
He served lor several y»*ars with credit after several months' sojourn at Grant's Pass.
Th«* signal-s* rvice flags at th«' Pass hav<* n< t
a>< .Minister to Berlin, and more can be r« quired v« ry fr« «|u« nt changing during th«-
M XN V sententious phrased Lave i>een said of Mr. Pendleton. He wa* a man past tw«» wts'ks.
formed by Democrats all over the coun­ of decided ability, and in ail his long
S »m«'J »sephim* county hops wcr«* shipped
try expressive of theii great delight ar politira) career was without a suspicion t«> th.- English mark« ts last wet k. They are of
the defeat of Joseph Reason Foraker to» of political corruption.
Th«* holidays will be appropriat« Ir oi»serv«sl
governor of Ohio; but none is more pitl.x
T he political iuud»lle in Montana is in thissccti«»ii. Preparnti««iis f«»r th«- same ar«-
thana laconic telegram sent by A G.
I incr'asing in complications. There has air«-ady under way.
Thurman, the “Old Roman,” on the
as yet l»ren no legal organiz Uion of eith« r
G. J. H ll. r has sold his saw-m»ll to Holman
next »lav after the elect on to Grover
bouse. In the senate each party lack« P< r« rs ami Mr. Dickey, an«! will prosecute
Cleveland: “Governor Foraker Las sur­
farming hereuft«*r.
Much interest is tak.*n in th«* Grant's Pass
rendered al! the Republican fhgs in one of a maj »rily ami each divis'on has
elf*Tied a so-called separate organiz ition, library, which contains mail) valuable works
really without a necessary quorum to and is patr.mixed by all.
Supt. M.issi«' is holding his regular quarterly
organize or transact business. The Re­
Ma. G laps TOM k said in a ^¡»eech last publican member.*» of the house under­ examination. S« v. ral applicants for «•« rtiti-
cates are in attendance.
week that the wag-s <»i English working­ took to organise at Iron ball in opjMjei-
The new sidewalks in Grant's Pass proven
men had increased 40 per cent, in th« tiun to the governor s proclamation, with great
c«»nvcnit*nc«* t«> f«»ot pass«*ngcrs since th?
past fifty year«, while cheap food and the assiatancs of their illegal <lelega»es S' -sson «»f mud arrived.
clothing were niore abundant than ever • ruin Silver Bow county; blit as the exec­
D H. Burroughs, of Grant's Pass, and M
before. Mr. Gladstone must be mistak­ utive relu»« s to rscognize them an«l the <'hiipman. of Williams cr« * k, were in Jackson­
ville one «lay tins we. k,
en. We have understood from a num­ smate ha« no quorum, no action cm bi»
Mr. F.iyle is superintending the building of
ber of eminent Republican politician- t ikrn looking to the election » f United thrS. P. 1» x L company's factor.t during the
that it is only tn the United Slates an«!
tales senators. The Dein<M*ratic con­ abs.'ncot IL <’. Kinn«*y.
in eonHe<pien<‘e of our protective tarilT tingent have also organized the lower
L M. Kan*' la t w« • k r« turn*s1 from Port-
Inn I ami i-' suinril work at th«* M< rim branch
that wag» « go up and prices go down.
house with the assistance oi their dis­ of the S. I*. D. L. Co.'s factory.
puted delegation from Silver IH»^ county
The new post-office l«»ck and call box.'S hav«*
I r st ems us if the agricultural classes in the place designated by the »governor, arrived at Grant’s l’a.-s. Mr. I> «lg • will as­
will at last rise in their might and “tight and it begins to look as though soiih sume liis duties as post master so «> ii .
Jasper Darn ill«-, «.f Applt gatc. has b«'vn « n-
the devil with tire,” as it were. The one will have to die before the «i»*a«)lo< k
tertaining Ins brother. <». Darn<-ilte, of Sum­
Ead Oregunian man suggest» that the is t ruken. '^pth a man of Governor ner, C«»oa county, during th. w«-uk.
proposed wbeat-growera’trust, whereby r^ole’-A nerve Xnd determination in Die
A. C. Spc«'r, of W.hMlviib*. writes a g.xsl arti­
they hope to control the western market executive chair, it will be somewhat dif cle to the Grant's Pass •'Courier," n<iv<»«-ating
and obtain at least a certain price for ficult tor lhe Kepubl.cans to steal the th * construction of a ditch from Gold Hill to
Grant's Pass.
their wheat, though a wrong thing in the <tate, even w.tii unlimited » apital and a
Althous«* nn l Suck«T creeks arc «m*h «I'-sir-
abstract, is justifiable uuder the circum­ partisan U. S. senate at their backs.
ablc location- for -aw-mill nu n, as th«Te is
fin«' tiinlH'r there. The s- I tiers are clam-
stances. Farmers, and more especially
Ma. Bi.AiJrtMias secured some valuah’e
wheat-growers, have been subjected to information that he «!i«i not want, and «tring for a mill.
Tne completion <d'Judson X Sh«*rr« r s new
many forms of plunder—by the tariff h«» got it where of all places he supposed bri«
k building has t» < ti <1 layc«l v« r\ much by
laws, by ratlroa«) combinations, and by he was the least likelv »o get anything t-o th«* burning of tn»• S. I’. I). A; I.. C<«.;- factory.
gamblers in “futures,” so that thev ear­ qnw“htome. 11 • •<«ke«l the <lire« b»rs of auJ is us yet nut cncius<*«i.
Hoxie Bros, hav«' taken charg ■ of tlH'ir
n'd Is» blamed for combining to redre— the C»*minerci t. Exchange of Pl.ila»lel-
fathers -aw-ml 11 prop, rt > .on Williams cr«-. k.
their grievances, ami if possible turn the pl.ia f >r ''icgt sti.»na as to how to f«»rm and
will maniitactur«- a large quantity of ex­
screws on their enemies.
closer comim n ial relations with South cellent lumber th« re n« xf s«*as«»n.
Everybody is busy, and th«* improv in« nts
America. Of course the right answer to
will tak«* pla«-« m Jos.-pbine « ountv «lur­
Tn;; national convention of the W. C. this conundrum is “prohibit the impor­ that
ing the v.nning year will l»c gr«at. This sec­
T. U. was in session at Chicago last tation of S«»uth Ann in-an wool ami sub tion is moving forward quite rapidly.
week. Miss Frances E. Willard was |«i«l.*e st‘Min«tiiM lines.” But instead
The city eburch«*« at Grant's Pass now pre-
convention the stupi.i »iirectors sent this : “Th? ad­ s» ut a v. ry n«'at appearance, b.»tn th« Baptist
unanimously adopte«) the following reso­ mission into this country of all raw or aii'l th«* Mut ' »-dim'« - having be« n treate«l
to their finishing touclKs ot paint last week.
lution, from which it wuiil«l seem ths« 'Manufactured material absolutely fr-*»* of
hurnigrauts continue to inv.-st in Grant's
the loa lers of the G. O. P. neeil reform­ duty from said countries, nu matter Pass prop. rty. R«»b«rt Shinn and family, of
ing: "We have seen what e<*ems to u. whether Mich material la* intended i- r it ickiand < ■uuty. V «« ¥■ rk, ia>t w«s k arr*v«'d
to I e amply sufficient pre »of that the vicv- direct consumption or for u<e in the ait-* flier.- with the intention «»t making it tlielr
presi»lent of the United Mates has per- mJ scienr»'B, or for sub.-« q»i?nt manu­
R. G. Smith has been appoint* «1 a n *f ary |>ut>-
initte«l a bar at tote new apartment hou-
facture; pr«jvi»!e»l reciprocal action is licby Gov P.-un •y«-r. B >b is now anth«»ri/.< d to
at Washington, ami we express our t.ik»*n by sai l governments touching on« indulge in i'-gai pr »tanity, an I will «io so
We when« ver iM casion r. quir. « it, at reasonable
amazement, grief and condemnation g»»o«»s imported int«> their ports.
that at this a»lvance»l stage of temper­ unquestionably «on lenu» the payment »»f
Th«- S. I*. I>. A L. «• nnpany ar«- gifting in
ance retorm the second rdllcer of th»* bounties or Fiit»si«ii«‘s to either steamship their new maciiin ry and placing a portion <»1
government should thus openly a ly him­ or sailing lines, other than the. pr« | mt it temporarily at the M. rim »..ill until their
sq<l generous com|»ensation f«»r curving building at th«- Pa»*s is ready to accomni«»-
self with the Injiior dealers of the i.aiion.
uatc it.
the mail-, nut recommend the rebel «*f
H. c. Kinn«-\. <>f the S. p I). Jc I., company,
vessels engaged in th? trade fr«»:n all is taking a month's trip through th«- • ast, as
I n attracting eastern brain ami brawn
chargts * far as practicable, and th? al far as N.-w York, which will doubtle-s t»«- t »r
to the shores of the Pu< tic the Washing­
lowance of Americans to buy foreign the bt n< ht of th«- iiin«-iiin«-ry dcpartim nt <>f
ton cities of Spokane ami Seattle m * *t«»ins an 1 -ail them in foreign tra«le, tn - n w factory.
The real prop, riy b Io girjrto th«- e-t ate of
allowing commendable ml rr*r»-e. 1.»
urly u«Atler lhe American flag; ami the J. T. Bryan, d« c- a- «1, «.tu.«t« «1 . u Williams
the matter of serwring the mil* h-lalk*»d*
estabLshmcnl of direct rapni communi­ cr«-* k, w ' hs sold at public sa.c by D. J »mi. to.-
of Sullivan-Ja« kson |use tight,the lower
‘minis!rator, a f« w daj s sine. . Il wjis i»id in
cation between the several inteiestv«i •»■
by Mrs. Bryan at
roast citi -s were a littM bit slow in rais­
ountries lor th*» conveya«nu cf mails,
M. Chapman has inv» st «l in a tin - <1< u’.l
ing the stake io be guarantee 1, and
passengers and goods.”
circular aw and mad -a numb« r of iiuj.r *\ -
Spokai'H rushe»l forward v ‘4 a guaran­
meiits on ms mill <>n Williams cr* • k. II • pro-
teed bonus of fdD.tMID,while Seattm made
l*.'s- - putt mg a large ani-mnl ->f go >d luinb« r
«<n t'i .»ia« k* I (luring ia«* coining .-« a- »n.
a bn I of 125, ROB for the honor cf l^iug
W. E. Dean has not be« n in Grant's Paas
the “mill site” of the pugilist«. L»*l’s
«)nr farni« rs are putting in all the grain | hih - ¡l »n.-, but lie ha- air.-ud> g lin. d th*-reputation
see: it isn’t roveiv long ago since i»«>th
b«-ing one of th.-ni'-st clev« r, ♦ nt« rprismg
nl th* « h * >wns wvr«» the recipients of ex •»ibt»\
snd «traightforw «rd business men in south­
T. J. <’l »ptou <»f Bonanza is at Fortlan»i «»n ern Oreg ii . H*- k* « |»s a nice ass«»rtmerit of
t • «M*r relief funds from the whole coni.- bosineea.
go* .«is and Us Very l«»w.
n« ht. It begins »o look as though the
Ttvre will be pl*-nty of 1> >li<lay auius» ne ut-
• hicago p.mers ar«- filling aft* nti .n to thr- «*
fi.e Miff rers bad been “relieved” intu ui H um sentmti.
large pears
nt lo the Portland fmr fr«»tn
> I’a.-s, and aft« rwar«i* lak n « ast by a
T hr Imtependente, among whom Pre«
¡»lent Elliot classes himself,will probably
fin.l the Democratic party good enough
for them, or at all events the best they
can coinman'l. and will l»e satisfied with
it, as he ia. The present a»lmlnistration
is clearing thousands of, minds of all
doubt on thia point —A’ F. Evening
JX Mugwump.__________
Sc me of the t»eoi 1‘* of l\-»»thiml did not
treat th»’ captor of tne murderer < iibh:
they slMUihl
Dr| uty Sin rtl CJaik-oi»
received $1170 reward, although |13>»
had been otTcrr«!. He clar.os to have
h.*rn charged
> f- r »he « »«lie» tuu of the
money, and says the Pullman car .»om-
pai v r»*luM«*.| to psy the am<»»P » they
»•beer b 1; aiso that, after deducting
^xpan^e*», be won’t «> »\»* a nickel far bi.-
It such treatment as in­
terior otticiais bn vo often received fro.;.
<b«>se of Purtian»! lately ie lots» pc: d-t. «1
in. the lat»er should expect t^j b • « »'’•»
pehe»l t «io U.vir own »ietretive
ami w.tbout the r»> jierstion o» th» se
living els-where, who have alway«,
been so Wilting t»» a<,aist them.
I f the balance <»f Poitlnnd’s leiectivvs
are like those who have lately been m * i .|
into southern Oregon ami northern Cali­
fornia, thp m» tropolis n»av well »-x* 'a in :
•‘The goml Lord deliver us from the min­
ions of the l*»w.” Tin icilow ahnclarme l
the cred»t ol catching the thief wI»«» I!' . 1
off with Dr. Gies»*s borne an» hng.*y
although Constat le Clarkson airested
him 'ii Siskiyou countv. Cal., also h;«d
the gall to boirow f«V> fr» m the rea* « ap
tor and never returned it. “Ilay-helly,“
aliai» William Henry Harr.son Grant,
also a so-calle«! Portiami «feteciiv»», i* ac­
cused of stealing a buggy rule from an
another of that gentry from the same 1st
itude is charged with petty shortcom­
A siixKirr’s convention has I »pen
called to meet at Portland on the 9th of
Drcemt»er to organise tor a more cff«»<-
tive system of apprehending criminals.
A partial organisation was effected at
Pendleton last year, ami it is to be hoped
that every county in the state will have
its detective forces organised for thorough
waik l»efote manv more months go by.
It is especially desirable that the bonier
counties in southern Oregon be represent­
ed in the convention, and we learn that
the executive officers oh Jackson, J«jee-
phine ami Klamath will attend. The
clasa of traveling, predatory criminals
who infest the lines of overland railroads
require thorough detective work in th« ir
apprehension an»l conviction, ami th»*
only way to cin umvent the rogues i« to
organize for action in advance of their
Tux .V. F. Timrs /Mugwump) says:
It was said in private in Octolsr. 1888,
by a prominent Rc)>ubhcan politician,
who is also a very clear-headed man,
that if the canvass coul«l be extend?«) for
sixty days Mr. Clcve'and would carry at
least three northern states. This gen­
tleman's opinion is so clearly confirmed
by the November flections that he must
have a peculiar satisfaction in the fact
tn st tl»e president and party, who
have since given him a very lucrative
federal office, did not have to face th?
people for two months longer. Re­
publicans will, oi cowee, stoutly d»*nv
that it is a sign of the end of public
opinion, and will repudiate the allega­
tions that it can he regarded as a popu­
lar verd.rt on the administration. But
even they D uet admit that tlm coinci­
dence ia r efficiently remarkable to de-
maud explanation.
c<unity H uh -ua-i >n.
i'h lat«1 rainn have b« « n .«u copi >us t'-rit tii-.-
roads are in a sorry plight.
Jerry Martin i- at his h«»uu* in Oakland. Cal .
and w’ul sp» nu the winter llu rv.
Judge M>»«»ie returnetl a f, w «lay* sin« '1
fruin bis ti ip to the Wdimn. tr va’.l« y.
Ta«M»p B . O. N. G., giv< a gran I Thank g;v
tng l»ail tint« t-veuing at Avau- iny ha!i.
The e«»nnty »• »nirnission» r-‘ < «>urt wks in
suH.Mi.ui »hi- »*♦•« k and Iran iet«d c,«>n.*ili« ral»l<-
The D«><!d :ind Walk r -tag - r.»bt»«ry < a>.
- a . 1 .—«»««ii br ht ard in Judge Deady's court at
Port kind.
James Wii«« l« r, a w« ll-known r«-dd< nt of
¡.••si riv«-r ¡»r« cin
will up« n a saiuon at B »-
n.inza -«>«»n.
Tiic y utig f«..ks of Tub* Lake • nj »v»il a
Lui«*«* an«» bu.-k» i supp« rat Mr. Crawturd's «»in*
mgnt la-l we, k.
Mis. f. E. !<• .b«n-.ui arrivid from Santa
R ~ i. ‘ i»L. <»•»«• day last Wv< k. t > j'jin her hus­
band at Lmkvilb .
Mr-. M. E. Williams, who coudurt«sl tin St.
t'harh-s h<«t« l, at Linkville, has r«-m«»v«-l to th»-
Wilium« tte valley.
Circuit e«»urt for this county adjourn« «! this
w •< k. alter « hi -1 of the b»ug«.-.;t terms cv«*r held
(n houtn ast« i n «>r< g »n.
J»^ m G. W.i.k« r is acting as p »st:na-< . r at
K« no CJipt Ferree an«i family now r«•st«l«* « n
tin (,». N. Andet.-oU place.
(’. G irlan« aux. the w. Il-known m**ehnni<*,
la.-l w*•• k put up tin franu tor Judg< Smith's
new pork-patkmir bous«-.
Mrs. J. D. Fountain has opened a Hn«-, large
st x k *1 hat-. 1»•»nn ts. trimmings and other
miiiin«*ry goods st LiukviUv.
J. I . Arant has Joint'd his family in Douglas
county. an«l will remain at his farm on tin*
South I iup«|im«luringthe winter.
Th»* work «-f grading Linkvillc's main -tre« r
will !»•• begun as soon as th»' w«ntli«*r will ad­
mit. it is a m ccssary iinpr«>veincnt.
D. A. l’i« s'* y writ« s totheTiMEs that a post-
otlb ■ called Morton has be« n established n« ar
th«- stat«: line. Mr. Gay is p«»stmast< r.
Tn«- Linkville s«-h<M«l boani will mc< t as a
l»onr<t of «•quiilization at th«- office <»f Win. A.
Wright, el« rk, on the 4th day ot Dvi-emlaT.
Plander cas»*s w»-r«' rather num« runs at the
last t* riu of th«* ein uit court, it would se«-m.
This kind «>f litigation is comparatively n« w
A. F. Canter was successful in his land con­
test auainst tin <>r« gon <. «'iilral Military Road
«••»lupaiiy, d«vidvd last wr« k in th«' Lak« view
D. J. F« rr« « having made an Rsxignincnt for
tin b. ii « tit *»f Ills i r«-«Iitors, with H. A. Emuiitt
as assign« «-, the property assigned will soon
!»♦• s«»l«L
G. N. Wi!s«»n, th«* government tilrgriiphvr.
f««rm« rly at Fort Klamath, has l»«s'n assign«*«}
to«iutyj«t Shreveport. L«»uisiana. in'thvstgnal-
servi«'«- office.
State 8«'nutor ( ‘«»gswcli has a free sclmlar-
ship for Klamath « «»unty in the Ashland Mate
normal school at his dispoeul. Apply to him.
if you want it.
Th«' weather has been quite disagreeable
during th«- past few w« » ks, with plenty *d rain
an«i some sn«»w. It has not been as cold as
u.-uul, however.
Albert Walker, hwal deputy sheriff at Bly.
was flic officer who captunsi young Frank
Wade and the Scribner horse, last week, near
Alturas, California.
Daniel Walker, Jr., last we« k brought out a
siinill band <»f hors« s from Ashland, whic.i be
will k< rp on th«*tine Sprague river valley ruiich
during the coming winter.
Th«1 regular quarterly examination of appli­
cants t«»r teach« r’s c?rtifi«*at<*s is being held nt
Linkville by Supt. Fountain, and several of
our teachers are in attendance.
Th«' last San Francisco Bulletin says: “A
telegraph company will run a line from M >tt
through the thnb«r belt. Fall Hi ver, Bieber,
Alturas and south«*tuUern Ort gon.
E. Bryan, of southern llunois, who located n
claim n«nr Dairy last spring, has brought
out his family, and th«*y ar»- now living «>n
tgilubr ty aud pru9p«.cU fur u good crop next
J. T. Forbes teas bought ou* the busiu« sa
f. .rm* rly conducted by Jas. H. Lindsay for
i Judg Smith, and now has tin* > nly saloon in
Linkville. H. keeps the best of everything iu
ids line.
Judg« Smith has fitted up toe buildings ad­
joining hl« at«»nc •‘torc-roomr. until lately pc.
i'hiia i- Iphia in.'.n and «-¿mbit»*«! in the Gard' n
i City, l'n * largest «*n.- weighed 3 pounds. 2
.»unci '. tiie smallest one 2 pounds, s ounces,
and th«- three t *g«-th*_-r n< arly V pounds.
The saf*-an<i fixtures of th First National
Bank. <»f Grant - Pass, arriv«d la.-t we. k. Th«
vault has about b«-« ii comp1 t.-d, and the st«- *1
front wdl b* in position and the <1 > »rs opt n
tor biism« ss this wi • k or n« xt. (>n«--half of
! the * ntir«*« upitai st »« k ml»-« rib* <1 has been
puid in. A bunk has long be- n ba«lly n«.-cd«-d
d< t h« Fa--, a:id t m Community i> to be c.».i-
grutu’at -I on having s* t ur-d an institution
of tm-in j.t suiMtantial character.
At a m -etiug <»f « aiu;» No. 7.Indian War V«-t-
t. aus. ii- d at Grant - f’a.-s on the iGtii instant,
tar«-.-n win mb. rs « nro.lcd, and it was
agrr'd that a* h im mb* r of th«* camp should
til--with tin- seer- tary hi- rc«'‘»ll«-ctionsof In­
man war • vents, rtxiuced t » writing. A coin-«-«- <»f thr«-«' was iipp«4nt«-d to pr«-s«nt a
r-solution to Oregon's repres*.-ntativ« s in the
uational congress. r«<|U«-sting that in future
eh ing.-s «»r am» ridni-nts of th«.- existing p«-n-
mm laws th«-right-of pt-n*ons who did mili­
tary dut> in the Indian war in 1<V> .7! be t tk* n
into c«»nsld< ration.
T«»in Ja« ks.ui hv«*s n« nr Waldo. He owns a
mule of th»- high.-st type ot intelligence. The
tw » wcr«- out b-at-hunting two weeks ago,
when th«- mill»- tr<-e«i a b«-ar, and Tom shot it.
Tha bear—a yearling -r*»!l» «l down out of th«-
fr«-«-. apparently dead, and Tom climbed down
from Ills mule, put his crutch in a place ut
saf«-ty-unfortunately tie Wall-» bunt r has
but one I g and slid and crawled d »wn th«
hill to where bruin was lying, and began to
m.tke preparations to skin the game. S ik I-
d«*n!y the b«'iir took a new lease «if life and a
firm grip on Tom's sh'iulder,an«l the two went
down th<- bill together, tearing great chunks
out of th«-atmosphvr«-and making a trail in
th«* bushes. It was nip and tu« k betw«*en
them until Tom's dog app«-are«l <»n the seen«-
and distract« d bruin ** attention to such an ex­
tent that Jacks.m got in a left-hand» r bch»w
the belt and knock'd out his opponent. The
hunter had just before kill«-»! two bears which
his dog had treed, but did not thi-k th? mule
had gutt« n onto th«- «'«»mbination, until tils
long-ear«s| c >iuljut.»r «'l«-vat»*«l hi- heatl and |
“mad« a stand" at a tr«-«' th«-y were approach­
ing, and a glance revealed th»* bear among th«-
bran« h« s. Th«- brut«- brought in the pelts of
all three with his master astride him.
lhsturbtturr ufthf Htart
To tin1 Farmers and Business Men
of southern Oregon:
Conveyancing in all its Branches.
At Least One-hali Must be fail in Vasli
Ask For Ayer’s'
Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery,
¡t Bigetti.y in.lti.igt-d. as ¡1 will be by the
interni ig pureha-ers.
Varik u ais later.
/«•--»irer.w //» r Youth.
Mrs ph.; re ( lie-l y. i'e • r <»n, • av •'»» .
I« lis the i«»do.»in*4 ie<iia.La‘. c st«»»« , the
’iutb«»i whi'h.s vv.idi-*,| lor uv th - r«*-i-
«ient!* <>f the town:
1 am 73 years «»bi,
ha*, r oven »ro ll».« <1 ki«)m*y
aiuiki'mib-s i.»r many year ; coiml not
Ir« " 4*\ «• : wt-1«r».it t.« Ip. N w I am five
fiuin .d‘ pai ' aii-i suruiv-s, -«mJ am aide I
«Io ml my own housework. I «»we my
tuai Vs to E.«'* tiir Biiiers ;«.r hav n : re-
revved m\ y«>utii. si.d reumvul « omp ctelv
Hd'.i-i .i.-e and p;tip." I ry a b it r .’M»«’.
and »1 . a* .. I «irug ‘•»ore«.
Now Mr. Dcrkler VS ill Take filings Easy.
than ever before. I never hesitate to
reconiinend it.’’ — George W. Whitman,
Druggist, Albany, Ind.
•• I am safe in saying that my sales of
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla far excel those of
any other, and it gives thoremgh satisfac­
tion.”— L. II. Bush, Des Moines, Iowa.
*• Ayer’s Sars.apariHa an«l Ayer’s Pills
are the best selliug medicines in my
store. I can re« <*mm»-n«l them conscien­
tiously.” — C. Bickhaus, Pharmacist,
Roseland, Ill.
•• We have aoM Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
here for over thirty years aud always
recommend it when aske«l to name tfie
last blood-purifier.” — W. T. McLean,
Druggist, Augusta, Ohio.
“I have aohl your medicines for the
last seventeen years, and always keep
them in stock, as they are staple«.
• There is nothing so good for th? youth­
ful blood* as Ayer’s Sarsaparilla.”*
11. L. Parker, Fox Lake, Win.
“ Ayer’s Sarsaparilla gives the best
satisfaction of any medicine I have in
stock. I recommend it, or, as the
Doctors say, ‘ I prescribe it over the
counter.’ It never fails to meet the
cases f<»r which I recommeml it, even
where the ductors’ prescriptions have
been of no avail.” — C. F. Calhoun,
Monmouth, Kansas.
Ami «-vervthing «-i»»c imaginal»'«* in this Hue.
My giMKts ar«- n« w and or ttie b« bt I .ran*Is. anti
wil’ I»«- sold at the
Lowest Ruling Prices.
Give me a « all b«-forw goim -*■ wh« r<-.
Apple. Pear. Peach.
Plum. Prune Apricot
Neotari-e. Cherry,
Almond, Chestnut-
bottle. *
Our trees are grown without irrigati«»n on
r«-l hill land, and nil «»f known varmtirK that
•m<'«'«-<-d in Soutltern < >r« gon.
Timfi«'contemplating ire«' planting will «h»
w«-l! t«» viait our orchard and nursery , < *r u i it«
to us for price list. A«l«lress to 11-at Murphy .
Josephim* county, (tregon, or to it. II. St at i«»n.
Grant's Pass, On‘g<*n.
Curt Slck-Hetdicht. by coIRcting the Stomach, Bow­
els. Liver and Kidneys: beautlh the complexion bv pu-
rl*vlng the blood: mild In their action, pleaaant to take
...d novar gripe Of sicken. One tor a dole
25 eta ■
boa. Orug and General Stoaoa or by mail. Samples trea.
J. C. WHIP j P
MRS. JANE REDDING, Proprietress.
>yl -> .*•'*
! >
a locai «useasSf
: - J by local ap-
t . »itonal rem-
I *!i. working
:’.*• mq».:rity
« . vase, and
Cemetery Work a Specialty
nd spit-
I.» gavo
I was
■it Hood’s
k It is worth
‘ ' inn, 102fi
ii , D.C.
Prepared only
. 1.0W.U, Miik
0*’.s Dollar
I' (
Them is ¡1 splendid opportunity in Gram's
Pass lor fin- « sfiiNishim-nt «»f a good bank. ;»
brewery, a tlouritig mill, a foundry, a tnacliin«
shop, a bak» ry .a msfaui ant. a !ir.-t-« I k -* hot*
furniture fn«*tory. broom kut«»ry. til«- an *
pmss'-ii brick factory, truit canning and com
mission warchous«- an«! i mu inn rabk "th, 1 • 1:
t«-rpris«'S. Ther<• is n »f an idle man «»r a vacant
building of any kin 1 in th«-town, and w«- might
sa> , by way of parenthesis, t but thcr«-ar< s. \-
«■ral sal«M»ns in Grant s Puss taking in tmm
$50 to JUKI per «lay «-ach in cash. To mannta« -
tumrs <»r otlicrs wishing 10 « ngag, m ;.u*i-
ness, or t«> speculators d<-sir«»11«* «4 s« «-ut ing .1
larg«-number of l«»ts, w«- can quot«
ingly l«»w figures. Don't tooltimund v ith w 44
«•at in vest m«'tits until this opportunity is g -n
and then "kick" y ourself tor not g. tiing in.
but buy at uticc and we will guarantee you
4 U i Í
h II
On th«* invest tn «nt f«»r th«-m-xt liv« y«ars.
Th«- history ,»f Spokan«- Falls i* going to I»« 1« -
) ><-at«*<i in Grant's Pass in tin* next two year*
,ust as sum as that turn arrn«'s. W<- at«
n-ady to wag^-r $1000, to b«* d« posit«-! in ary
bank in tin- stat«-, that lots wc ar, m»w s« liing
for $200 W ill s«|| toi' *2000 lllsiile ot tl\«' Xt.ils,
For maps, pi i«-«-s an*l any «»th« r d«-sir< *1 infor-
tnalion, call on or addr«-**s
i 1 in.ind f«»rr«‘a! «state, wo have opened an of­
Medford, Jackson Co., Ogn.
31 First Street,
Nolan Public and Ccnvcyancer.
Jackson County Securities Bought
and Sold.
Farms, Village Lets, Imjrcvcd
and Unimrreved fcr
wale cr Kent.
I H.H I. l ull .-ALL J JIk FolJ.'A'l.SG 111.-
L .-« i lb« «1 piup« l 1) ;
No. 2.
-\ gins« tai m <>1 UAJ uci « - «4» E\ans « r««k. in
th' .U«.
imi i < \ « <1 u nti a dw « lung 1UA24
!• ' I uun liv« riM.iii-, a bain and stabas. bU
.«« i • l « ne« «1. 4<i u« i « > in « ulti vai i<4), u «ui wat-
• i .« à ¡«nu .« ¡io« «uii.-.'ii lang« h 4 stock. AN«».
1-t< « k im ¡n. F ikc . tilt«-« u u«*liai> per aere,
cabli. Title p«-rt«ct.
No. d.
F«ut> m r* s <H timbri land «1« se t«» th<-«-«»un*
.> 1 '»a«l h adiiig t«< Im Big iiutt» .-HH-nilii; val-
u.»l»j' « m* li> ¡«4 iailt.mb«r. G«.\< i imi« ni ti-
11». • Mrti« I i «411 «1 (il, Miai« una tL« iund
w... b. -1 ;<i t«»i t«v«- d« .¡lui s p< r ut r«, «a.-li. A
Hurguin tur suim budy.
No. 7.
Tw ** blinde« <1 ami 1«Uy acr«*-tixty a< r« n
* !»« « d in <•iiìtaathii; iinprov««! u ith a
m< «■ l»< ai mg «»rriiani ut tire i«st»uil«-d liuit
11 • «
a «iu « King u* . um ', a bai n and utlu r out-
ii**u-''-_ 'J ho sircaim* <*! uaU*i ruii tiiruugti
Ibi- pia«-«'. It i». bus-« j Iibi«- ol b«mg diviu, d
¡liti» 1 %». » pi,« « r «4 «ai«- bunuiid aliti tw« uty
a, 1 « - > .icii. ’li»« nort li iiad <«t lins piac«’is un-
I iiq-l'«il. J in llnji <»v< «i «X» a< 1 < r, ur« w<atb
$I(M’. Iti« «liuti ¡.MI M«l«s, $9UU. Poui 11111« r
II om t « ut r«u F« rui.r« a«i stai i«»u. 1 iti«- i>< 1 -
N<». b.
A<l k*»a«iw., im|*rov«d a il ti a V«<lu>
¡<4 lab. UW « ¿,]|ig; 1« h a«. ' • r 1« ll«-Vd .111'1 in « tù-
1.\ al i >n. w 11 u a uving spriug m ar tue <la« H-
iix. < >n< «4 1 in* \ < 1 I»« -t »-1«a k i ang« s iu tbc
•iiiit x. 1 ank * « 1« « k tiow- tiii uugh Ibis land.
4iti< 1 • 1 I«-» 1. Pm-. . *run.
No. K
A -r ti ; :.,«•■ <4 luhuT«>. in«pruv<*d witb a
*i. e« w i « ria« m <, Liti n alia graunry; alsiut
it> a< 1 < .- 1. ik ' uj , uith aii or« hard ol ubuut
e- huii'lit d <«»«-it«d truit tr« « h; « ne bug«*
iuing and «an<r smam r «-ms «»n thè taim.
« ai.k-• crt-tk rum* ttirough tn«-piar«-. >pl«n-
>•: -t. « k ittiig* . witti g«.\« min« ni Utle. lTice.
««'<*•. <-usb.
Nu. IV.
A Fi ;< k tioUb* and laig, i<,i in Ja« k^<>nvilJc.
• il a a -lai.,* . A « < * ii < t * 4 f ablc tiom«', an«i liti«;
,■ it«tt. Fi i« « , *« rji »; *L«Mu ««-L and balano«■ in
41 ' • qn.i |*<-t> in« utr> <4«-iv< and « ìgh-
.•i u m<44li-, d< 1« rr«-U |»a>uicutr t<» draw 1« u
t», i cuit. inu 1« m .
Nu. li.
A «•• a4<.rla!»l«' frame bouse 111 Ja< ksonvill«-.
• i * «i' .ui r* a*' iiabl<* t« rms; «4 tin« • r«*<>ms
*nd kb« U« n; hx-at«-«! on Third street, and
a v »«««i u,
«4 wal< r at tin d«M/r, with
'.. i»*c''-.u? « «ut t*« »us« s. Willi»«- bold cheap,
.'to- ■ w n« i is in <a.*ti in Or« gon and has no
iuitb«-i u>. tor the prv|M-rt>.
No. 13. ’
A .a -I. , '. l*i i< k house in Jacksonvill«*.
.»it '.w.j<i pip'sioih« premises, und through
• ¡1 i >m m ti,» in
t ti.-ui a m ¡ng spring.
‘ >♦ 11
- '.«t««l OH a full liait l»««ak of
i ». 1
1. « t m
w and has all tin- IruiUi
jt w.ngtu 1 « ■ .11 m « « s-ury lor a family t«» us«-.
• ' ' 4* ’"-l lililí i.¡ sai, . « 1 « 1« i < *1 pa) -
•' !l' l" *'' *•* cui' «1 by a mortgage on tin-
i-i-i. at « >pti«>u « 4 I tn- pur« has-
« hi * .* a x-i) u* 'liable ¡ocatb n. b<-ing
- ■ ) ! st 1ami;y r< sid< m ■ • in thr
t-»un ut«. p« » ct.
No. 17.
' '»mi it.iL.- frani« bom*« uithu V« ry .urge
i in Jiuksuvi
ma g.H»«l u« ighbi’i hwd.
1 ' "-‘I« «ai i .» lum* turn*; ha* a inig, nt-
I mg-ioom u nt) .1 good Hr« pa««. « , lMog««o«l b«ti-
1 ■" .* .111'1 a k t* 11« n. ;« goo.j x»« ¡I «>1 uat< l at
tin-m«4, \% • ««aim u-«'. e-u . Price, $HW.
No. 22.
A N«». 1 grain am! st < k farm <4 1120 acr«*. Ú
mii« * 11 ■ i.» «• miai F-unt railroad station and
*. « iji H'- s lrom M-*dt ru rai;r«»ad station; all
X « j , l«u< k lami ..mJ « m j. >« d v ith a rniK-tail
• t- ! . X .»I .- D 1 III] ! * X • <1
: -t • ■ 1' ix- • »Hiip-li. .1.-1 , a fun n JUxiiO fett.
i .nur». .1 g. »«.«j -pi mg u h*r!i turiiishia
P bi y < 4 u ar i !. 4 d. .¡m st 1« ami -b «< k |»ui-
!' ”
1 |'-- tai m j.- sum < plibl« * 4 being dix id-
; ial** iso, rin... ¡«mi tour tarins, ms «v«iy
■ i« r«- of it is g»««] land ami mar a sctu»ol and
¡•«»st' If a,-«, liti«- perfect. I’m«. $5u per Merc.
No. 23.
V« i f r :ii> 1« sid« ti«-« < 11 ( .i,if<urr>a stret t
H -! •
i »X u». . amj contains a full bait block.
4 i'S’xL«*'I« « t, a statile mid <4h< r out-
.» o*
-om. ;«"•*! t«ii fruit tr««s, and an « x-
• 11* 11? n< h w« I; «»! u at» r. Pi n-« $7Ut.i.
Nd. 24.
A foi' . 11« ar y mw r<sid< lie«* ««u Or«-gon
>•- . m .1.«'k- nx j,l, . b« mg lot ]. blcikf»,»'
« * ui »ng ,'.U. i. . 1 « h «rr-g.u str«-« t. 2t4Uj le» t
‘«In *11.. i. and
tret on I ¡1-t str« < 1.
Ha- a - n »;« i » X i m y uro ¡«n«i s«<pit ¡«-soi t < d vu <■-
» i« - of 11 u*t gi-*xung .41 th, h t. Ha* all n» r-
outl'ioioiiig-. a g«MMt w« 4 ot uat« r. an !
• a inaili») mm «¡i-irabl«* J«MMtiun. Price
No. 25.
A X«>. 1 faim» ¡ LWHu f's; l.‘d acro («me«-«!;
I.' ri culli vat:, n, A No 1 -< u. lui|«iov«d
».Hi.iu.llit’if l.'s t. i’«*. 1«.\24 î««t. A large.
. « ¡ I
H. g («.«: u a nu ail n« «■• —arx «ait tiuilumgs.
• ;■ Ht ) .■•• • • 11 « u 11 •. t ti«-«-, in g»MHl I»« aring
• -it'h!. »n. a r-o«*«i w, i| Miui spring ot WMt«r
u< ai tu- uu'iung. ami 1- wat«-r«-«£ by E;a'i*
.i«'k«*ntm « a.-t -il«, v. hieb can b« um «ito
■ iiig.'t* tb* piar« . A N«». 1 outsid« range for
■i •« k «4 ali kinds. Fix« mF« - Imm U <•« ai ville
K. K. station. Lios« t»» sc I hm .I ami post"ffi« « ;
<...... . i * au* u . et. i an 1 *u in­
ni* i . Fi :< *
bai! cash, balan« «* <<n tin.«',
*■: ail •■:>n ¡*.t option of purchaser. 'In is isa
X . 1 ¡nv * ■ ¡ • ot and u ui make a gu« d home
lor s »m, bo«l) . Till«- pi-i t« ct.
Nu. 2tt.
I •" " 1 • *• • 1 I tivi m s« « tion I«;, tow nship 36 S.
R. 4 u .. «.u Ex ans « r< « k. tr« ar a stört arm jm st.
; *ll)< «-. V, i ¡1 b< s> j«t eil« aj>. as the om 11er is de-
j *H oUS Ot tilsp«'feiHg «,f ¡t.
N o. Ï7.
V h 1; • M-1J !«,: -» Vali, y str.'« I. in Ja« ksoti-
I X 111. ; hoU -* 21 X ’.’«i ! ' ' Î . if 2 *1 « 4 I« -, With fi V t«
i.M'U.*; I"t bUxJUU le« t ; M SUIItll t»M'l n .* M 1«4 p*
j » m-ici )'*ui'g iruit tr* «-, a.-soit«*«i vari« tica,
orni a g ■ d u « il «*• wat- r iH-ur Un- d«»or. Price
$4W> « asli,
N<». 28.
A I t i.« i ghi ¡:ml lit :« t.» uupmx . m< ni s « n a
nom»-t, .;*!: «u,.« ru H1 r< ¡iiiquish butmsf«H«t
i Ht t«> j ur. ha-• r. I ii > 14 < >x « u b) a n« u ii<.use.
• •*..\2U t* * t. «ith kii«ti«n, a *|. h barn, :t6x20
î• ■ 1.-h <.u« «i «41 « 11* siu«. .'¡tixlfi f« «T; a g«»« l
XV« h atm living spring « 1 uat«-r mar tb’«*
. u.— : «U :n 1 * - 1« n< • u u it h a g*»«m t, m « ; l(t.i
truit 11, « >. 1 -y ».» t -, ,o a* -« 41 « <1 v art« lit s, a No.
i 11 u 11 i ai m, u 11 h « v11« ut < i.tsai« rang«' î« r
*• * m ;« -« to M-ho.' mid |»otd-«>ffi<-«-. Also a
-» ..u ci u • il-i*i« h* p y , .«mg mar« s, u H h a t uo-
n. 4 >• vag. n, marly mw, ami harms- t« 1
i u o i.«4 '• -. a p»*.u ami liai mw and som«
«I h
1!; g • uith im j a«-« . Ad tor the $1.UWI in
< a-h. h «I« *ir« «I. -»»m*-y oung «-atth ami hogs
"bl I •• ** *1' 1 u 11 n t h, pi,t< « . A gtMxl bar gain
i i any man or xvommr in >« art h ■ 1 u home
No. a».
A inai*' and »bout on. acre of ground,
¡mot.) « nci> m «1. about 25 •»« ar tug fruit
ii" -, go, <¡ »au, h«>; H im , 4 nitrii ng c »Him in
.. im. «th n tlni'U ti., with mid Muic«*«
-util« trill t'» w.rk the >am«- m ith. within 4M)
\aiUsot the u. st im«-of tb<-corporate limite
i .la, k--*11X111«. Tu- <»xx m r is in |H>or !>« aitb.
.¡mi 1» i nut r. as«4i the pr«»p« ity will be sold
«■ii« up fur ca*iii.
No? 30
A h'Hib-si.a l v'.aim of 1<X> acr«-s on Cait«r
«.u.« h. n ar tn* ll"pkin- saw null on fronst
U 'k; in«» .ur»> «*1 go,»«! saw innbti on th«-
i ;a, * . Impi' Vi»! a small ho.v house.
.1 - ta l«l.-, lu m 1" i I*, build a m u bous«- that
" lu g ■ « it ?i tfi< i la« , ;>Uacr< s 1« ii«-« ti with a
g - 't 1 ai» t« ne« . » a* i es » n a*Iaiti«, 5 acr« s in
« iilifx atioii. al», ut om -it/Utih ol mi a« re ip
in*-, a tin« spring »I wal«i martin h«usc.
n;i oinsnt. rang« mi st««k. Als.» th«- unpj.
X id* «I iu.4 <t a mining euum. 1.3MI var«¡s ip
I ngth lx it-- 1« « t in wi«tth. t« g« tber with a
g**' d i • '• i X ' ■ 11 I * i Ito Id nig u at« r siuic« s uml
i ••■i- »« .Hi xt m« h to vi, ik the mine. Price,
• i."u«>. it'ii u ul ms, I »c sold v* it ti the pia« e
.» m »«'i *i
uh - biood mare, also a lot of
v«g«tab|<s. Al! 1.4 Ju sum of $11’M) rash
»¡«»«v n at turn of s*»l<-.
;N’o. —.*in s« « tions7. is, 1!«, 2b. 29. und Nfr> of
s uioii M'. n t. Mnsiup û south, range 1 ucM;
«onuuiung ll.i«»ucr«-. amt iuu«is ins« «tiom 12,
14. 2.». 24 and 2.». in t. ii-bip .2» -«.iitli, «4 tange
J ». .st. «-oiitainiiig l«Mi aci«s. It all of tu«*
- '1 " a • - m • i ¡ 11 * 11 < < i lami sle.ui'i b, sohi in «ne
; . i a, r, is im pr;««-. If sokl in quan­
tum- noi i — than 4Ua«-i«s, al $IU to $15 p« r
¡ ¡ihgtoth' quality amt quantity <4
..¡nd *•■ ¡«I. 'lu m-, om thiol cash uI tun«* ot
*.*.*. bäum-« « *n tin.« to suit pin chas« r; «1« t«i r-
' 'I pa) 111« lit.- to I k -«'« UK itbx a lll«i|1gUg« <*11
III* i i' ii *«.-*
I ms lami is m«*-tiy slight)) r««ll-
fiig ch«y soil, is among tin l»< st 1 ruit lands
in Jav k*«»ii «-«ainty.
Part i«-*ux 1-I11 ng to pur« has«- any of 11»« a box «
«I« -<i 11 mi I » ii ' ih *. « '«»i U< p ,4! m M« <ltor«l, w »i« r«-
i*i«y vu.»" m« t at tin i aiir, au «1« | m 4 on tir­
ili 1 X ,»i «>! 11 a in- l>\ M« --i -. NV 1 ¡-I« y k ('«•., r«.a I
• tut. ¡.g. nt- , who u hi «-«»nx « y th« m in g«M»d
snap« to unx «»1 th«-lands 1 have I«»r sal«-, lied
ot « iiiug« t «ir convey atice.
81LA8J. DAY.
Newmarket Block,
And all of
Thin well-known hnuiM* has been rebuilt
with brick and greatly cnlurg«'d, besides b< irg
Two thousand six hundrc«l acres foot-hill
and mountain-side land, goul for fruit, Vary­
ing or Ht.»ckraiMng. Thin track of land hat«
over sevenMnii*-s oi fencing, «lu’elling-hnuse,
‘ft 90fuut, and piuniy of living
Aml«'<»iild s<‘ll at one-hall th«-, pric-ut so
.llsposni. ami make tm»m \ .ju-t as th* If ma
Lam! Compans di«i u in n th-v ** . t bu*»
tivss lots in the nourishing s«-ap<irt ol Ta« .nu
tor $75 that ar«■ m.w worth $a0.0t»u. W« » ¡,i
s«-li tlire« -!<»ii'-f Its «*f our pms« nt poss«*si,,n*
at <*urr6iit prices ami *till mak- tie minam
ing fourth worth twice y«s. t«firn*, a*
much money as the whole originally «¡«*
I'll is is the r«-s«ilt ol mu It if »In *d «»w m-rship. anu
w«-know it. W< ar« satisti«*«! tliHt th* I* t* u.
ar,- m»w selling tor $2HU with s« I* foi $2 hu « i . and
p«»ssibl\ mor«*, in h ssthan liv«-y«nus.i»ul 11»« >
wouldn’t do it it w«■ w«-r«-1«> put a barbel wir",
h-nce ar«»un«l tin- t«»wn ami \\ ait tor that stat«
of affairs. Gn at
100 Per Cent Per Annum
Ashiaud, Jackson Co., Or.
Grant's Pas«, in addition to having a ¡¡«14.
and extremely f«-rtih- country at it* !*..< k. .
"urrounded b> what will « v«-utuall> |*t'*\* 1
ta- tin largest am! 1m- rich«***1 gold |*ro*lm h ^
region ¡n tin- I nil«il Stat«*. Th« r, am p ;.«■< »
anm-h m«w tn operation within 1**rty mo« - «4
In- tov n yielding as high as jdtiii.uUU pi an
aum each. Th« re is on«-quart/, mm« tin IA
. m-quiu 1, w it Inn 12 mile*» <>1 t«»w n. snipping
•r in carioa«! lots to tln-S« ih\ Siwitimi U . 1 k
• t San I ram iM-o. thiit g«»es from $luo t». v,**
p< t toll in gold an«! tin re is lift!« <n alu Pot
arhat huirii<••!- of other minra ¡11 Jos phiti
count) w.iulu prove « quaiij a* g.«o«i it tin 1
uglily d«'V, l«*p«-d. It !iii> be« n « *timaf«ti t ?i.«t
(ii, pine« i g"l«i output ti om ,l;t« k*<*n and .!<•*«
phine c<»unti«> Jr*»m IMh up to ih< pr«-**. nt
niuvwill to«»t up SdtMMJU.hOH. H'-r«- th« qu<-
non ot det< rmimng tin- tru, valim <1 th*
county as a mining r«-gi<>n natuiailx ai .-<*
i>i«i this < ii"i im*u->-« i<| <>! «».ar*« go.*: « * ;,«.
lowii fr«»tn th«- i-loutis. or «ini if «**im tr**m tin
moth« r I« k !«* s still umii*turl»«d in tin- moun­
tain ranges of s« uth«rn <»r«-g«.n? Ju«ig« !• 1
yourself. Cit) an<l sulmrban prop«rt\ inth«
town ol Grant's Pass is on«- to ti\ « liun<lre«l
¡•u ,rnt cheaper than it 1* m anv town >4
lik«- population on th«- Pacific <-««a*t. Wc can
sell y«»u eh«»ice business lots.
H r », on im-
,»r>»v«xi strv« ts.all l« v« l. am! wjtbtn 4mi t,« 1 .1
a $.k'.<tm» brick <»p«-ra h«»us< , t«»i $2«J«» • ach. W»
can sell y«»u nice msi-k n«-«- lot*, th. i. « k*
Iromth« ceiih-r «»t tliccity. in th«- mi«l>t <4
model n dweiimgs and handsom«*« humin *. all
.«•vel. cl«-am«i ami on iinpr«»v«-<l str«*« t*. tmm
>151«» $1«! «'¡ich. As a buyer, \ «>u would nat­
urally ask, how can y««u at!< »rd to s« •!! at tin*.
I»iic«-s with a p«-j'I«7 t titl« . if ,v«r> thing i* a*
r<'pr«-sent«ti.' The ab*w «•;• j* w,■ are tin-
acr«-s of farm land in the valley, good fur
F milt
or grain.
Call on or addn-as
Free Buses to and from the Hotel.
fice m t lie town of
announcing that hls steam saw-mill is ii .« w
running on full tiincan«! turning «»ut a larg«-
«piantity of lumber. H«- is prepare«! to fill all
orders with dispatch, and at tlu-most reas<»na- We claim to have a*» tinea line of property, and
bl«- rat«*s. A tin«1 quality* of
t«> !»•* m M h to furnish a- r«dial>l<* information
concerning r«‘al psrat« in Southern Oregon.a»-
any- other urn’ n«»w «loing business.
(’«»rresp enre solicited .
including th«* best rustle, ceiling nnd llooring
furn¡slu'd on short notice.
nr"Satisfactiun guaranteed.
Choice Lands For Sale.
S. S. SMITH, Prop’r
Oll SALE. .TniJ.
■mi-: iiKsr
two grays and a sorrel. All were brand's!
with a small A on tlu- right shoulder, except­
ing that th«* brand on on«* of the grays was on
th«' left shoulder, flu.' mare wore a la-ll at
th«- ft tn«- sh«* left.
A liberiil reward will b<* pai«i for the r«cov-
ery of any of th«; animals or any information
that will h ad thereto.
JOHN HOCKENJOS. Jacksonville, Or.
Medford, Or., Nov. 13,1^9.
’Ham im 12(1 Rooms. w«-ll lurnislnd.
J f
in Big Butte precinct, Hbout th«* middle of
F hom
August. H buy mar.. ant| fhr«s* yearling fillies,
I Jrt«-kRnn county that 1 ImiMirted several head
<»i fuil-b|o«Mt Pohmd-China nogs from Mlnne-
sota last year, «nd now offer them for sal«'.
I hey ar<-tin«-, and nxjeived first premium at
last S«-pt«*mt».-r fair held in this e«»uiity. Will
be sol« 1 at reasonabl«* rates, (’an !>«• seen by
Ir M U,J A- A Davis, at th«' Medford Rol­
ler Ml Iis, Jackson county, Or«-gon.
A Ho hav.' souie Gak Lumber aud Wagon
Tun<U'*a for sal«*.
E Streets.
Prompt Attentiou giv«-n tu all Oldere by Mail.
r catarrh,
fit from it.
¡»er tally
' barge from
. and pains
• ct to clear
Aon«* of the b«,et Stock ur Dairy Farms in South
ern Oreg«»11, situated on D«*er Creek. Josephine
county, containing 320 acre» «>f rich bottom ian<1
especially-adapted to the growth of timothy hay-
ami «’lover. About one-half is cleared and in
cultivation^ and most «>f the balance can be easily
Casared. There is a stream of water running
through the place the yoar round, affording plenty
of wat«»r foi stock an«I some for irrigating. The
place ir all incloe«*d by a a«x»d rail fence, l’her«*
ir a house and barn and 200 young fruit trees on
th«* place. It als«» has the beet outside range in
the county; also another excellent placecontain.
ing 12) acres.
For full particulars call upon or address
KerbyviJIe Oregon
au J
and therefore it c.
plications. It i«
edy like Ho«»«; •
through the I :
Which causes
Cor. 3d
General Contni« t<»r in
Passengers taken al Reasonable Rates.
0 Monday and Friday at 6 o*cl«a*k A. M. tor
Wihi« rvill«-,returningTuc**duys and Saturdays.
lcav«-s for Uniontown on Wcdm-adays
Simply apply “S wavxb ' h O intment .’ N o at Stag«*
lOo’elock a . m .. returning Thuradays.
Internal m«-»iiein«* required. t 'ur<-s t«-tt« i\
••<•/. inn. itch, all eruptions on the face, hands.
n«»s«-, Ate., h aving tin- -kin clea.-, white ami
In-althy. Its great Imiling mid curativc pow­
ers arc poss«-s.s«*d by no other renn-dy. Ask
your druggist for S wayne ’ s O intment .
to f.'ttr»- All fikln
It 1 Constitution;*.!
7»’”l hav«-Great Bargains h»off. r and it will
pay you to cxuinm«- my list «-aretully » m T oi «
prrcl¡a.-iiig « I.M U ! h j . . |( you have any prop­
erty tor sal«-, coin«- und -«•« m«* ami I willjio my
b«*st l«»r you.
Offic« n« \t «loor to Grand ('entrai Hotel,
Medfor«!, < n «*gon.
’ uci'« •» C.-J acr.-s 1« L'cc'i and 30 acr«*s m cul-
t.\.uo*ii; h\* ;«. i < - in alfaita, -mali orchard,
i w» ili’ix-ho«i-« , smail barn, eie., runnmg watei
t in olia ii t m pia«'«-. Frice, fcioo».
.¡Jtiacrc- 2s«i a«-r*-* 1.- ii «-<-1 and
aerea in
culti\¡ti i«»n. g.» ni house, barn an«l «»uthouscs,
goo.j onn.u-l ami vui< yard, s«-v« ral htrg«”
spuli;---, atlonhng ph-nty «d water f«»r garden
Htigalioii, |H a< t « « «*t tornitili incadoiv; si.\
nule- troni «ir.mi Fu.—. I‘ri«< «CiOOO. A guai
uargum. I'< rms, om. -hall • ¡¡sii, baiali«-«- un
cas.y icims.
12” :i« r« - «>1 fruit I.m l. «¡thintw.» mih-s ot
Grant Pa—, w 1.1 l*« -ul»di\ bl««l in |(I qi 'JU mch
tracts it «haired. Prie« §7 -Mi p«-r acr«-
kies , bla <' kbi : rru >.
raspbkr -
: I'M! u< '-d; 4'» in «'ultiviif ioti ; vighl
l-‘ i -. » ■ mg <•!« hur l «it
« lion «
tiuit u v, < ; siuitl. viiicyurii; g«M»d.
'iiig-tmii,-. . bit in ami «>utti< lUbes,
it - i i m -tigli t m- t:«rm; go««! out-
I mt t« « n mile-j jmu raiiouu
11 j* ¡inti tarm
I acres - !(<» t n« « i, hi a«-r«-s in cultivation,
; h «. i *1.* w «4 ¡lilalt.i anu timothy, k . hmì «»rciiard.
i*.< nly ol nr-t-< »a-- gar«b n land, ali c«»v«-nsi by
"■’« ■rti'*m ’wojnigaling dit«-iies, I wo miles
i oni -uw-imll. om mil« Hom * h nool-hoiise.
will mak< <« in-I-class dairy ranch; fencing
-pl* mini «-oniiiiion. bmMings only lair. Inm-
i « tica|- .«no handy; i‘> mil« - tr«»in railroad
pot. Flit « , $2tMiu, « io,, iticiuded.
H*»«k nj-»s or Cul­
lili.- > Ir<.m M'dt«>r«t.
*'• Point roa«i. contain
4 ming lami, ali unti« i
• n* 4i-«- ana good barn.
• . 1 hl- place ll*-s wch
i* «I, ami wed a«lapte«J
! in;iig lami. Pn nly ol
• uri h- mil« > ot Ptaunix
Mly I**' made urn* <»t tin
-i .-’de ot Bear ere« k.
A. »I. « AHS«)X.
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla,
Dr. J. C. Ayer 6t Co., Lowell,
Price fl; six bottle«, | j. Worth $5 a
itiu a« i • -. I'*' a* i < - f. m « «i and in cult ívutiou ;
HX a . oí *'.«» «u«. uni. uu'.Hiig albi barn auu
" 1*1“«-. A Ht>t-cla.-.- piace. N1U«- Ili ile»
:r.*m raiir«»a'l «b pot. Pnce,
a.-n «¡ou n ; biuanc* «ui« usy t« rms.
21H ,t< 1 - a i.àanhig the <•'
corporate limit« ol
1.1 tm itty albi gì..»» mg « uy ,,t M«df«».d, Mi
■ neeu albi m « u.tivation; a gisni «lu« »«ing
i-u- .uria \*iy nug* barn; -mali orci aid
is h» u ,t-|. tau-» «m t ins piact ; tin- Svi.
a i au. i-.ack loam albi tre» , cu.-y tu*..ul»-
v,«t. U14 \ ry producid«, ini- larm uilil»,
..iuiVhi.4 mio äu-u«re tracts, it d«im«.-d.
Fl ic« .
p' r a, t ' .
Mr. Dvckler is a riiarri«-d man atui has two
In the Town of
<-Inldreti. H»-r«side- at «¡31 *Hh av«-., <>n th«*
thinl floor. For six «»r s«-ven years In- has
workctl lor tin- firm of \V«-sael, Nickel Gros-,
«•t 137 W« bt 4jtn st. T im y ar«- manutact ur«-rs
of piano actions. On Lai>or Day he invest«-»! a
dollar in a otm-tw«-ntietn tick -t in the Louisi­
Siskiyou County, Cui.,
ana State Lottery . Th«- number was s.l‘,4. He
read in Th«-N«-ws the dispnt<-h from .\'«-w Oi-
i<-an- that ticket No. s.174 had drawn tin- capi­
tal priz«' «»f $3UB.BdO. It mad«- iiis wife «»pen h< r
«•yes. IL-r«e« iv««l a telegram that his «lollar
Onr-fmirth down, balance within six, twelve
invt'rttmrnt had yielded Slo.tMMl. ||«* to, k the
nd <*ight«*cn months.
ticket to Weil*», Fargo a C o . for <-«»11« «-lion.
map at Railroad Depot for grad«1»! prices,
H'- r,ceiv«-«l the JI5.BHB, I«--- th.- collection
|). H. HASKEL.
charge <»f $t»2.jO.--New Y«»rk Daily News or address
Agent C. P. R. R., San Francisco.
Oct. h.
y. C » >|»er last seek return?«) from Ins
Ka.isa- tr ;»
J. N. Fanning is a^ain in charge of the
Ciarei dun hotel.
Mr’. <»eo. Anderson has been very ill for
sometime with typhoid fever.
effects a p'r:
D. T. Lawton of Ibis j lace has been ap- people t«*pt i\ ;
p< inte«i .» no*ary public by Gov. Fenn«»ver- parlila ss .
J hn Ft*« her. «he expert painter, was in preparar
Jacksonville one day this w-«-k.
also bulb
Rev. IL
Ogle-ty wi I bold servccs here you f» «. . ’ r
on Su «lay m >*nit.g, at the u>u «1 hour.
P. B. 0 Neil, of Rut errs A O’Neil, is
visiting friends in bis form* ’' home ..t Napa
va ley (’.i.i orni i, where he will remain
some weeks.
The Monarch saloon at Medfor«). umhr
the management of H. H. Wolters, i- prov­
ing a popular resort. The bent of every­ In tit«- v
thing in thalline is kept there.
my no«
N. A. High and Ervine Brown, of Klam­ In the
ath county, who rec* n«iy bought out the
Urv>tsl b’a. ksmithshop at tills place, ar-» g ami industrious, and will nu
doubt build up a good bimness.
H. H. Wolters, the mixologist, has re­ my bea •
opened the saloon formerly kept by A. Ii.
ting v. .
Carlson, thoroughly refitting it and mak­
ing many improvements. He has supplied me reli' f
the bar with the finest wines, liquors am!
cigars, ami a hue billiard table can also be Barsupa:
found there. Give itiuj r call (or be will Ni
treat you
Bigi' »
Herr: dbeaa? is lik*‘ an assassin, which
creeps up >n y< U in the «lurk, ami strike
you whe i unaware. Therefore do not
ov*?r;u«»k any uneasiness in the region «».'
th? heart or distiirbum-e in it- aeii«»n, bu:
at oi ce take Dr. Film's remedy. Descrip­
tive treatise with each bottle; ur. address
Mack Drug Co., N. Y
The f«»ll«»wing business has been trans.*u-tc<l
in the circuit court for Klamath county sine«*
I th«* lust report of the T1M£S :
Stout ¿Stafford vs.(J W J Wilson; to recover
nmn. y. Jury trial and judgment f«»r SMb
J K Hayuesva. Simpson Wilsu n; to r«-c«»v« r
damages fur sland«*r. Contlftiusi for thet« rm.
Kluinatbcounty vr . John S 8ho«»k an<! J O
Hainaker; to r«*cov«-r money. Judgment ren­
dered against Shook for|ii3 70.
W (’ Hale vs. Klamath county; to recover
money due ae clerk s fees. Judgment for
$11:» .0.
S W Dusenbury vs. R L Diisenbury ; to re-
cover money. Judgment f«»r plaintiff'
Emma B Gwinn vs. F P Grohs; to r«*cover
damages for slander. (>»ntinu«-d for th«* term.
B F Crouch vs. John M Fountain; damages
( 'asc.
Engines, Boilers and Shingle
R H Dodson vs. Runyon A laike; I«» r«*<*over ;
money. Judgment for $1116 57 for plaintiff.
OOUranaton vs. W L Runyon; to r«Tov«*r
money. Judgm«-nt f«»r $277« 76 f«»r plaintiff.
Greene A Bowdoin vs. M D Childers; to re­
cover personal property. Jury failed to agree.
Dennis Crawley vs. R W Marple; tu recover
money. Disinisse«L
Flouring, Mining and Brick
( 'ultivators,
Cogswell A Cogswell vs. E E H« idrl«*li; to
receiver money. Dismissed.
Co. vs. Jas. Dodd; to rurovi-r
Agricultural Implements of all
money. Dismissed.
Making Machinery.
G B Vau Riner vs. J Heywood; to rrc«»vcr
money. Continu«-d.
kinds. Also Freight ami Farm
Dan Caldwell vs. Thus. McGrath; to recover
money. Disimsstsi.
Belting, Oils and Mill Sup-
F P Grohs vs. F S Gwinn; t<» recover mama .
Judgment for$l«llM 30 t«»r plaintiff
Wagons, Buggic', Cariia<re
J H Colahun vs. J A Bowdoln; to ntover
money. Settled.
W J Paul vs. Louis Land; to diss«live partner­
ship and for an accounting. Evidence taken
in «»pen court and submitted.
A Neaaler vs. Emil Nesaler; «Bvoror. l»is-
R L Dusenbury vs. S W Dusenbury; injunc­
tion. Dismissed.
F P Grohs vs. F S Gwinn; diMolution of
partnership. W E H«»w«- ap|»otnt«-d t4> take
Btat«‘ board of school laud commissioners vs.
N B Knight; to set aside deed. Demurrer t«>
complaint sustained.
N I^iDgell, administrator of the ««tata of F
B Langell,deceased, vs. Grecnck Bowdoln; t«>
rec«»wr money. Bcttld.
1 Nichols rs. J A Buwdoin; to recov<-r
»n‘»n. y. Verdict r.»r $37U for plaintiff.
M E Stewart vs. J G Walker; ejectinent.
Diamisfk <1.
G W Smith vs. H S Parrish; to recover
mon«-y. Judgment f«»r «.ar» fi»r plaintiff.
State Ina. Co. vs. J H Colaban
Culahan ; to r«*covvr
r«*eov« r
money. Settled.
Assignment of I) J F«'rr«*e. R A Emrnltt.
G entlemen : —Appreciating the
aseigne«-. onlrred to sell pr,»petty and settle
debts within th«* next six months.
The undersign «•«!, Sheriff «»t Ja«kson county.
Stat«- rs. Simpson Wilson; indictment for fact, that by opening a Branch
carrying conceal«*d wea]»«»ns. Verdict of not llouae in the southern part of tin- Oregon, or his Deputy, yvill iimct th«- l..x-
Grant’s Pass, the Trade Cen­
pay«TH of said «umnty for tlu purpose ot re­
stilt«* vs. (' C Dixon ; indictment f«>r larcenv. state, we could till the wants of ceiving
\ «;rdict of u«»t guiltv.
ter of the Largest and Rich
State vs. H Goodlow; indictim-nt for lar­ our numerous
customers more
1 and Mining Claim.-bought nndsoidon com­
ceny. \ erdict of n< t guilty.
Stat»- vs G G. nm R ow ; indietiuent for larceny readilv. with greater convenience Un th«* Gdlowing days, in th« iriesp<x'tiv« |*r«-
est Gold Producing Region
i|l\l\t. PATENTS obtuin«*d at r« as«jnal4«-
vinct, ut their usual ph««-«-s ot voting, ami « ill
1 .it • .1 mi \k it ii 4i-|»utch.
state vs. Geo. Chastain; selling liquor with­ to them, and a considerable sav- remain in «-ach pr«-em<4 troinU o'clock A. M
in the United States.
IlKOMPI A fl ! N fh»N giv« n t .ull busim —
out license. \ erdict <»( guilty.
ing in the wav of frei
etc., until 4 o'clock F. M., ut each day, t«»-wit:
1 «enm «-t.-i u it!» tn« Lumi < »th« •
we timdly decided to locate at ( «-ntrai Point
Ruck Poinl
No. 42.
2UU acres.
Foots Urei k. ..
We aim to carry all kinds of Wuudvillc...........
2”” ¡«CH'S «4 iiiiini|»r<.\. <1 lami, ;W acres ol
i> 11 t fail to utlind th * CuriNtmas party.
PIcMUUllt (.'ret k
u 111« Ii l- pi a. i.ii«- laud iin<i tin- balance go<»u
The ('entrai Point salo >n is now cunduct* Implements used on the filini, and Floune«- lt«»ck
timlM-r laud. All go«»d truit uml gratin luna,
eli.» Westrop’s building.
u it ii t a•> ll\ 111
pungsoi water. f our miler-
all kinds of Machinery and Mill Trail
11 um J.u k*«*»iiv
Our town continues to improv«*, nntwith*
i Able Ruck ..
supplies, and shall be pleased to Littb*
stsmlii g tbe ni'-I* incut w alher.
liulte. .
N«>. 4«;.
la»' acres,
W. J. Ralls of Neva*la, a relative oi M s. have, not only our old friendsand Big Butt«* ...
I lllillpi o\ «-1; weil wat« i*-«!, aibi a first-class
retersoii f-«inily . 1- p.«ytrg them a vis t.
piu« • t . in.ik* .« g'»«»d num«*.
customers, but the public general­ Medford.......
M. M. Oliereha»n has r« nt v« «i hi* family
No. «55.
4BU acres,
from Cui - s station tu ('entrai Point f r H e
N«»v.22n«l and
I lllillpi ol < <l. it \
rien grass and fruit land,
................. Nov.
Mcambout .
runiiiog u.ib i, i title, «1 mui'*u claim. A grcui
Very Respectfully,
i«aigum; 7 um«.- » « usi ut Centrai P«»mt.
Mbs Ivoitie Reel, one of c ur teacLers. is
L UlUliluW II
at J. m i;s.»uvHle attending tlie quarterly ex-
NterhlitfVlIh ...
................... 2UJ :u i. - i i«h. i«*Vvl, bottom laud,
JucK-oiiviH* ...
• i' .«1 4. I • -i- i « ' I ■ m • *., -m th lious« albi stu-
I B W.ll anis and family re-m»ve«l «hir­
i»l* . t- .«i iug on hui«t «4 . h'*u-e variety ••! up-
Situateti ¡«1 a n»o.*-i pictur«—*|U<- alni « • h :
ing lhe week from the Peter-on huu*e to
; >•) a. 1 .-*4 y how ami sugur-pmt* lim-
point in th«- tamous R *gu R',\*i
• H i; p .<**1 ut, !' i -avv-mih; g«»«Ml ¡«»ails sum- manding
the Hays r« sid« nee.
Valhy. three* hundred mih-s south * I F- t’
xTiix-puyci-s w ill |i|>-us<*
ttu-ir t;ix< * al t
phenomenal vite «*l GRAVI '
Dr. Lee In, of K nr9 Las local« <1 at (’et-
>< un <>t -ai'l iariu ami can be utilized tu« PASS.
above-Ntatud turns. Tiici.iw in r«-gard to th« 11
trai F'”tit. and is »*:?« ;« g a .‘weLmgd»ou.-«*
11 -at lai.
mio- troni U.K. <1. pot;<m-
culi«*ctioii will be strictly «-nforc<-«l.
six v:ir> ohi, ha** a v |*u «ti< t»
f«»r permanent resi Hm e
iii turni;« i r »m .-« m»o. «imi (»o-toüic« . Fric«., »f «»ver 2.WMI, an«!
J. G. BIR1»IA .
is gr«»wing !a>t* r than an>
j!2 p« r acre.
Sheriff and Tux Coll« « i«»i- ol Ja« k- >11 « .
Win Hurl y thi-w « k removed from ’h«
Ji«cksoiiv»il«-, Or., Oct. 17. 1M**«.
it has 1w«-nt\ larg«- saw-mill»* in "|»*iat
Wa's »ti iai-iii tu bi- ih - w reciti» 11 r near lhe
!>«'.1. r* .-. umi.q 1 oy e«i; .dl I« vv|, i tch, b«,t- W Ubili
a 1 .cl : ii*- of twenty
Ceil' Point pl tint g mi l>.
i 4H ¡¡«11 1. \k< i. vs.ti. M-u, piviity «4 limb. I, lami
more lumi»« r an«l manufa« turni « ••*!« ik
Sarsaparilla, and be sure you get it,
• un b<-mao* tb« b«--t «tuiry raneu m th« state than
Pr«»!. E E. Smith and wife m veti into
t«»wn in <>»•« g*>n. « \< « 1 t F it .-.',4.
when you want lhe best blood-punfier.
• 4<»r*gon, 23 nul«- Hom .bm.ii4. Prive y.
It ha> tw<> ni -I i and d«»'U ta< lot h•**. « ;a; i*\
’1 e Peter 01 r« idem•'.recently vacated by
i 'I. ci *.
I ■ i ins, hail cu.-n in hand, bulam« ing
• With
« Ith 1U
its forty
fortj- j year*
im 11.
I. B. W illiam-, a f w days situ e.
on « asy b rms.
A $iib,000 brick <>|»« ra hous* in < * tn -* «•«' * n
£■» of unexampled I iuc -
A programme of races ami sports is being
> *•■ v, 1 al « *t Ie 1 br« k Mi mt-
ces» in the cui
ure ot
acr«.- I«Aie««! and in cultivation, ur«-s under way.
arra ge I lor < liri-tmas dav, and an lutcr-
JU imm I I»is<-iseA, yoa
i'*i. m« ad*»w, om -milt ínter­
Hasten g« n< rai im-r«-h;iii''.M -tor«*. <i it...
csti «g tune wi11 «ioubiiess be La«i.
in h ami wan-r-i iglit, ami -y -tvn. «n nggregat« « asti busin****' : *-.«I'.iu ; * •'..*>
can make no mis*
D »n’t mak any o her engagements f. r
by winch J2.» acre» may I»« irn-
Rocciv»-»* and ships through W
take in preferring
• hri-tni is. but g -t ready t > atte» I 'he so-
I. oi wat» i running oil mail. < omuany an ! otIn 1 *nur«-«s < \ . r *■ -«••.•»■«
*“■ i*, h
I'limio - ir<un «-«mii- worth«»! golil dust annua ly.
■ 1 I * <«r'v it F.d. Owmi’s new* storeroom in
’H' .oíd ¡i intit mm- trun» pust-
Haadaily atage communication w th ( 1
1 entrili Po.nt «»n the even ng of lhe 25tli
Win re is kept colU'atitly «»n lian«l a e*»m|»l«i«
•Oiiiou.-*« . Price, ÿ.iuüu.
«■••nt city and «»tlu-r 0010*1 point*, ami 1* *;t »ut
and ilmt-cliiMH *do< k of
• ii at a point on the main iim ot th* < »1:
i * -. .«:l t< 11« < d ami in cultivation. It is k Calit«>rnia Railroad wlnu* :« «livi.*ioit ot i< 1
Tin- re-ent rains have put the ru e ra* k
-it mtt ■ <l m m ii*. a« t «4 Rogm i i y « i valley .on«, i 4.4 \ t.»k* * i* 1* • between F
to any other. The
ut the lair groun>is in fii e .-h m e. It is the
au« H • h « • ¡ilia Pomi «1« pot. Tlu.-«- «-«4U- Franci«-«». Gius affording
b’"*t w t-w» alh»-r tr n k- ti t i? Pa« iti«; « «>a-t,
fore-runner of mod­
. *rtai»a' <iw rm pg* a ii-i 111 ¡-« c uuriis ur«- <>n tiut*
• rperliM ' n ti e «• ntin* nt. ( apt. Werk
ern blood medieines,
1 a« t. ¡«!-<»uti ojt Uiti'l </l a choice variety «»¡
is m «-iiaiA«* oi ¡he gi( uml'* at piesent.
‘Hit. im ' *< - ti'«-, inn, black loam, aim
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
i.!:i.t MUU;>ut iirigati-m. U ill h<
•»!; ■■-■low a.f.i.t.i
Mu li - disfa, t"*n is expre std at
_ _ Hi«-
is still the most pop­
.1 a tl«H»«
¡loo- oi -HlHhvnb-d mio 3 larms oi
pro*-pr« t of 'he ; i ‘ 1 *: iiig- bi I starting up
ular, being in great­
.«< I • tia't". i m r< I- n<. u art4 iati .
, i_; in» n a -h rl time oil a .-oli i ba-
and it is without <pi«-stiuii one ol
er demand than all
la't. It wi l ¡»rove oi invai* nhible bewfi*
m Jack->u i-«»imty. tor terme
others combined.
:■» th«' t»wii ami surrounding count!.,
«n i pi m - < a.i on or :i«lur«.-> tm- und«.rsign«u
kt M« 41'4 '1. < »regoli.
fhe’e is a lor'une tn tbe on- ness wh( n in
“Ayer’ii Sarsaparilla is selling faster
It is centrally located in the btiainees part of
town, ard a good-saniple room f »r coinrn'T-
ci al travel ore .is fitted up in connection th«-r« -
with Th« table Istrnnstahtly turnish'tl with
the besj. rhe market affords
B. K. BRIGHTM4N. > for
Ashland, Oct. 10,
he rxi»i:iL<iG.\En will sell on fav -
orabl«- term- a on<*-half interest in n paving
nj'-rcantib' Imsim >s ;.nd also <>n«- block «*!
gr*'Uiidin E.tzl- Point, with dwelling-house
and*Iinu*<, good stor«'-hous<-, « t«-. F«»r
furth«-r parti tdars apply t<> th«- und« rsign«-d
on tin- pi rmis« n.
Eagle Foini, Urvgou, Auguet 24,
$12,000 to loan in $1,000
lots, on improved farm se­
curity. For further particu­
lars enquire of