4 GENERAL NOT Ed AMU NEWS. 'clic .Xh’wou’iaic ¿uiu‘5. MISCELLANEOUS MISCLLANEOUS 1H UH.su A Y T/«» ( hnmbrr of IvrlNTr i- ‘ Mayor DeLashmutt of !*•»:!Ian ! is ,n Omaha, N»t>ia.--t week. I The TIMKA In»» a rirenlatlwu of 2500 The Euiity hy the paili.,1 fa .,.i> «••abliabed briwe*« Portland and Kwl oi ciop* at $1 500,000. DISCESE. H»ALTM ItM f*e«’tiHi»r •-tn<-ary Is dao n* u»«i.-ii >«> the pr»M-«-!*s and NOTHING «’oiii ’»m ding H«t to 4 4 mk it th* Ingr.di» t-thcniselvsa. Utnt ir .j |f h| t D.bvckO di*« as.-u In tilt* r»tH.*«*t, or If they be advanced will prove a |>oicntcuK sh . ami a Kn *ru u r il.»*ll> 1 M ?• I ’•« J Ai.- Km i ».a ♦ • I r r »Hie. • •’* G !’>n O ntinen' v ’ t -:»’ ...ti*. ’> r -, <.♦ f. frL * •' 1 * U p r llox I 1'U <-.’»* .*. !*■ U « • .. a t; * of j y*i f*l p»v • I I • « v. r A't . i roNtraljon, rt«-. • * 7 .»') î’» r Eut» i 1 Nervine, •-•».rc’y |r cr * la>. N n Fnn« im-u» C.«l CHUM LAK M AI I » f THE STATE College, Agricultural CORVA LL1S, OREGON. (.rant connty has nearly bankrupted ita treasury, paying »16,000 fur jack-rab­ bit scalp.«. rllLLMAN BUFILI’ SLlEtMS. 1...0 M’iniifuctorer a»-»l I*e:der in Gl NS. 1’isruis AND ®!ïlll\ U. < <>>O «l.lu MAIL TK.U.M» DAILY «KXCEI-T Sl'.XDAY.) , , ia . M t aV' m I Hort un I < >. > Arriv, L ulir m Al A i » md > an i C rv.ùliu c iiiial wilh «raiuu >1 <>> . .■ u i ' uvum * IUki.r.u«4. PAU.Y utriu^. tilauw tiixctn' >> v » day .) ♦ o r. M L uv • Put.anl Arriv.-li imi «. M ->;oo M i A>r.v. M< Miuuvillv L> uv ,..«->.«. M. THROUGH TICKETS tu all puir.’s, SOUTH A. LAST, VtA CALIFORNIA. F»»r informal! n i > g irding rates, maps, etc., * au , n t «>iup.my‘s agi lit ul M* UV-rd. K KuEHi-r.ii. E. P. KuGEILS Alatutgi-r. Ast. G. b. & P. .lg‘t. Fishing Tackle. Hardwart, Paints, Oik. Varnish. !llass, Cutlery, Etc., Jacksonville, Oregon. \VI\ . FvILID rot LOSE OUT MY HU> t«»d»>. n i-ip— Jni-«*.i!ivilie. »a I luul i htv»» •• *nd»-d t«» continue rim « on»«on ularg»** THE LADIES Of Southern Or* gun ure hereby informed that in addition to a large und uhguiit line ol MILLINERY wm I mm ! •c v’ethan »*ver. I w»u« m S hu Fmociac*» recently, uh* •* I ■ »1-1 i’i '»’i • «»t the larg -»«t and b*^*f »»toelc- . r . I \ >f Firmrm«. tmitinn-ti«»n. Cutlery. H. IwnrHind Sp>rtir.« G imm F* - ver h«v««*rbt t« f»»- -a;». \’-t G« mk !» M»ld at th»» h»w**»t p*N»«*ibl** pric»**». 1 «nil unaranfert ti-eae G*a>di»f«» he in«t wh*’ I repr»--- * rt.**m t<> Ik’inrf thankful to in-. .. I .;.-- put r*UMMNt IllM-r..' Iv h- t^i » wh »!. 1 w«-nld rwpectfuPy ardunt a run 11m*-»»'»*«« of the Mme. JOHN Ml LEK 1 haw added to ni/stock th«- following clas^uf g »oda, of which I unvc a full Im«-: Lalies' Furnishing Goods, Both Knit and Muslin. An cheap it« to be bought any place; al ho CATARRH hiliren's Short Clothes. l’nd« r 4 y ears uld. A I,, aiittlul Illi, ol I rosi ER V ! COLD IN HEAD t'onrtisting of Liftle andH'k. i.< IVES It * \’l » kerchif . fs COR*»KTS Zephyr Shawls, Trythb Cure tíy’sCreamBalm U ct . nsc. tho Nasal Pansagos. Al- l?y < IrJiamnrition. IleolstúcSores. Bvf-toroo tho bet^oa ci T^stc, Suwll oud Hcaruig. A mrticle UiappMrd intooarhneet*!! o«d is agre* »Mr. |»ri* r Ule. nt J>ru«a»«(< »- bf i mail. I i iu:<» HhlL> Gó V.'arrcnSt .New Yerg, Mi»! man* »»flier things too num« r»r- i r- m ttHit iiiii in !iiM-*-l:irts stj I«-at r«*i»H«»n«- bl‘- mt» •*. t ail ali i inc <>pp»»*it» J. N'nnan*« onCall- f ima «Mr*• t. MRS. r. I’. PU IM. it ¡Gli •a Eva IneersoP, »he daughier.d < - n. I Roliert *». Ingersoll, mar i< d \V i ■■ n II. Rruwn, a local lawyer oi N- u York November 13th. They s mid» agreed in the presence of witnesses to b> e -me hus­ band an I wife, and sealed the contract by signing the necessary paper». Next Fourth of July w.tli fortv- two »tar» wilt float over the nation. The Mt. Shasta Route I. « Tile Iowa delegation I>< Ited tie- W < T. IJ. co'ivention at Chh-a.'> ucettly They were «-poosed to the d, rl:>'i**io:( I tile c invention that the \V. (’ T. I' s a partisan organizttioi.—a biancir of llu- Prohibition paitv. ALL SORTS. of ex¡>crieLcrd l*r*»f«*t*»>«>r* ar«l A full corp« _ TtmCi'iera. cou__________ _ HE OF HTUItY. A*THh : • I » xpreMily to nie*«t the demand»« an»I Time butwet n Medford and San Fran* im o , ii«’»’’D of th« farming infere**» »»f th«* 8-tuur Moure. I* .’ FRKFMlATilin DEPABTMKNr. CALIFORNIA KXFilESS TRAINS RUN OA1I.Y Bk> i, «>< r I’» j ira *»f age who deaim tu TW LKN FOHTLAND AND »AN bllANClM O. ent r i t*» < •»«!• g»* but are not prepared t«> en tei College «daiUHw hj exaniinatnm. Suutn i ,Noriu. MlbliÀBÏ TRAINING Luo r. m . Leave Portland Arnv«- n».i.» c. .v. Io i4«* ex’ent required by law. ... Y M Mediurd L« av« i n.Uu r. M. Lia .*. m lAii’Vi Sani-raiKisco i.vu* . | '..uui*. u, KblLDINtia. U*rg ■ Cu«nmoN. SUNDAY.) L a i alt.rate«! an«i C ^ im »» m rom ta unii y. azul saw a . u. Ixevc F’.rtiaud Arrive 3:V» F. M. »me «»f the h«*alih»«*t in the stat*. U.4U r. m iLvuvv Ainany L«.av« dl. *> a . m . LNPr KEMENTAL SI AT’ON. _.u> e. m |Ari iv<- hug» m L«uv* | v.«M a ^ m . t '-»•'iln’-*, tanni.g matter full *»f interest t » farm wul b” regularly i»au«-*t and copio«» m ol«*d to eavh patron of the ( «diego. EXPF >HES fUdaced to l«»weat ®4ur***. I wo «*r m«»ru fre- TOURIST SLEEPINC CARS, »lu-hip* troiu every coauty. Cuuaul' For H* commixlat ion of s * v <-U i 1- cìhuh puts* u- yuur< »»unty Sr*-M liuins. \V<« *•«»• h l-mtljr .»t»|»»*.-d t«» t*** *arni*r* a~d vr - . h ,i ' »'»»tfi.H to pMtro.’i’Z* th»* ly rrl.iM- Tu«- î». F. Co.’s I« riy mukv» connection with » in- i by Orego.i f«»r the p.-oiuvti »n uf her all cuv r« guiar traiUo uu tu* La»i >kL ihvit»- ng ; i ’ j I» ui »I int*M«*Hia. l »U U'UIM lo./t <>l r r*U«*t Foi Lia Un. F -r cat d«»gtl* °r ••th”r inf»»r.*nat-on. *»d«Ir»**a IL L ARNOLD "re-ui-i t. < ’»rvulliH, Oregon W.»t Siw* ¡Jlvi.lon. •ut» » ».« It now comes to light that I!awa-y is a inetnbei < f tl.e llaitf io ti. A. It. post that rel'iiM-il iidtn.ssion t- a negro on account of Ins co!or. Break, break, break I Oh ! mills ** loch f h • tariff pr ’feels. It will pul! taxed wool down <»v r vour • * Till it brexk-i y >ur b.irl ,-uvd invk*. SOUTHERN PlCIflC CO.'S LUE. JOHN MILLER, i. t . I As the surplus still flows on To the nation's bursting till ; While th«* ervam of the land is ilr.«** n. It s musty vaults to till. Uiiidr 12. 18¿N. FACULTY. P. T. Barntitn is astonishing th-, p • > pie of England bv Ins special et , mammoth ailver.ising schemes and «» i • «l- rfiil poster-. Ohl woe fur the farm«*r lad. As be siglis at his e n n and ha\ : No wondvr it mak s him so gloóiuy anwn by theat-a ! 1 would that th«* tariff protector A lvuaun would leu in from thee. □VERLAND TO CALIFORNIA In the Lakeview tnnniein.il < i -ci,o> the following are tbe otfi. rs , I t-t.-d : Navor, W. M Toanseml; <■ um-dim i , Geronimo, the Apache chief, has re B l»»ly. W. T. Bo»d. A M t a I n. M eently been converted ami is teaching T. Waiters, A. Snider; mi-^L I. \ Heniinger ; reco rler, «'has. E lil.-ta Snnday-scliuol. me The citiaena of Corvallis offe, a bonus treasurer, S. C. Wallis ati- in y. I of 12,000 to any person who will put up Knox. llav is b ing shipped to Tl-c l;r ■ a »10,000 cannery at that place. Rowherv. a e,l 6 from as fai east ns Nebra-lra. ■ y . - feet 111, inches high at a lior.-e show at ports from th-.re, and is se'lmt- for -y I'• per ton. There will be a u'enoi.-il s< a - in Chicago a week ago last Satuul.iy. of feed tlironjl out eastern <•< _■ >i. .. I Senator Carson of Portland is ain- Washington this winter, and uni ■ « lb - noiinceii as a Republican ean -n- >>-■ The receipts of the Ii.dustrial Expo-i- A Southern Repnt 1 < an <■-n tion hehl at Porthunl amounted to »47,- 000, which is more tliar »20,000 over ex states that all the Southern 1 members oi congress won! I penses. body for sjreaker. Thev f.ivi Washington ladies, young and old, ley, but will go to the ni in ir m " married and single, ;ire reported to in­ th -v can secure the lu st t. tn - :■ r- dulge in the game of poker and small niittee places. It is c.;nci‘,l..| lb games of chance. K-ed cannot win on tile fir-t ba ' Since l ist Augnst 70.) bitds have met chaners will be gone. death by stiising the Bartholdi statue The corner-stone of a new bit 1 of liberty at New Yura. There were De 'roera’ie beadr|'iarte>s in I I forty four varieties. N Y . to be known as the 1 in. na - .! The pension appropriation tor next ferson. was lai I in Boer m p1 ■ year must he |100,iXH),000 That ► inn tros.te tbe new hall of rec-.ids. ! i~- iiiaiiitains nearh all thestamiing ¿irtnire The ceremrny Was perforimd « <>f Continental Europe. I President Cleveland, fin- now Mrs. Aulthouae arrived in Ali»any «lut­ lingwi'lbe seven stories in |.< _ ing last Week from Ilhimiri. She it» !>) 1 will cost about $15 l.uo-l. y .. Cha. ley Ccolidge. who was t*tabl>Pd at pr-r-es. A lot wa> sold to - Lakeview rome months ago at. I went to at $1 25 |s>r box, •>' I 4 lot OI r The ia’k ah- at a budge to connect wins at $1 5'1 t er box, ;i'M E:»gl -nd am! I ranc * i* * till going 0:1. w¡rich U 1« -dv sell f r I ) . H Skilled engine«*»* ¡*--.»»»rt i »al the en- are now worth from 11 IO *1 »••rpiibe !’ feus t h*, l’ee I ridge Will cost E. White, living about eighty milm r.s ot dollars. , Wash., has ri is -d tins »me twentv-ei*ht carloads of apples Eiry ptian , >n>, wiii. h i- i».*ve lie'-n sj.jpp» .! fi mi Yreka tins f ilk j suec..«s in Culiiorni«. and Ii team-tere lining k»*pt l>u*y in hauling wi h it are <■ nfl lent it « It »he’ii Hom Scott Valiev and the Klam­ : rai home in easi -t n < »r _■ >n i ath, Rs well aafi« in ou hariisnear Y teka. | B nd. It crows to a In i.li' The Albany /»*•/•reg»m. I all kin I- ot st <-k as we It is a full-h ood'* ! Hereto»*!, tive *» .ir.s ! meal of age, a amlj£d hr «1 and weighs 215 ) I t - f. Toe pounds. ! riio-nt son oi Portland, E I. Domini* k M< CafTnyv at « «»pts Sulli­ I ex-< iovernor Mo-..'.« of Wi van's terms, for a ti».ish tigtit before the C. B -'-lull m oi .1 ,ck~otiv 1 California rhih. on’v providing that in I h > governor. Il >t> ll.- i 'iti i ’.he event of defeat McC.ifl’rey beailowcd P-1 r linn <• oi Brow-r-v ' ■ a reasonable amount of fin* t aiintig ex­ Cusick of Al 'any, a I wa-1! tieasnrt-r. .1. I- llalii m penses. Pendleton, perhaps, «-nntairm thc a-. k -r of S.v in old* st Hoidier in O e.on. ILs name is willing to Ire stat - print. . Ju : J »hi* Morrow, and Im «mt» r< d file tegu­ • urn of this « Uy would H» <-e lar a; Miy s« r* * •• iu 1M2, shurd ’» ring a mine peculiar to a judge of th musk**t im tilt»** n y’a’s -.iu.l ] -,rti<"rating voiir’.’’ in the Mex'can w ir The I’» h H u : i i-‘ur»l of l R«»hert Bonner is rep »»ted t * I i*e pur­ . p:i*s< «1 r-‘*olnti’»ns i ivo? it ) chased ••>!>».<»!,” it a ui I for f 11 ),<)'t». «jf the W'jil'l’s fair at Ch • ,x mile* w«»lk ♦**•» r* ^ ht ”! j * aft- nit» >:» between f >ur and six o’ci-s k.” It" rather t jrly locumm* t» »*, hut if he k< e;»• it np it wid put l»*m in go*.d 1. im io» that I i.' “walk” he will have t > take a’!» r ’92 G» vrrnor Forak* r ol Ohio attribute* bi* »¡♦'feat t » the I «pt r interest, and a»l»l- : “1 am not going out of politics ill the way I shonhl ha*e been pleaded to g> ou’, I u* 1 sli ill he g'ad when I am •ut and on* e moi»» ath-mring my oan negk etvd |>riv i»e afTurs.'’ h *■< MINER’S ADDITION TO ASHLAND ¡ HYPOPHOSPHITES ESMOND HOTEL, ni : HINDEHCORNS. ;><* '.»« -»jr «tandb- cm- f-»ri ».m», Du ii'-'n», Aa »’ •; m ¡-»-if »< • »-»it h»lb»l-. I. • v»>r f-ultf I i. - .-»•** ‘ r*»e . . ’ * O l . S Y. ✓ .. 6 . t . * r, . .1 f.FA TWFRATC» • . l»"- «-.» -¿.re» *4 * ’ . .î . ’gy t n-age«*..ci vigor . L, . .1 .,*;w*u - <»r*. '1 «ro.ood, fU. A V W.-U. turre*;*»« av»anr»tor rw«u»r<»t*»e. Partly •im •AM*.** UUw üuslML balai* «. X- : j bm -I And nil dlsea’iejs i:rising from a Torpit! Liver and Bad digestion. Th.' »•’•tvrnl r» -*i?t !•» *io?xl uppe- * 1 f •' K '♦ >«»• ’ i I *• ** ■ I' ?■»«?•»».I ^11, '»s«*»t> -.-•Mr .-\»i»(«:«! i*n«f i’uwy t«> h'HG . *. : ;.** iivfj. *• .* e/»»»,u '*f»/•'»• t' ' J/uwee« Lnl ., d ftr,tnht ,f * tcLruum*9 W l-i UC 9C*1 frcwi apiduati9»a. Lumber. We are triple'; t»' firn sb lumber on I sh««rt noli»» , bavin» a brg* siiioutit on |h*i r»i»*’4 ça»» b«* fid*»«;. bVGAB P.NE i’O-’B A I T MEZR Co.. Grant 5 Pass, Oregon. Children Cry for Pitchert Cistoria u 1 7 I X. A I <_ z MAMMOT1 .1 ‘I'lVO II* , I Hl ill I »HMHM» Huai ivri* 4 urli«*« ¡i« « SUSPENDERS, NECKWEAR, ETC. . r^u r’s Notice of Hirutn Cook LN THAT THE ippointed by tin* it* . < »r« gon. «lt- ;H«-i • î tn«- «-stute of I bin for cash, tin r< bv im-ui ini £ ■ -I « stale are r«- .imp ujatc'y. an«! a* «.•»tale will • « I rt-Mihnce < ir« gon. v* ith . within aix .«.«lion iii- Ali p< i - -i ■ ;*• i to up(H*ar . j > t » »aid aucuunt i CELEBRATED UNIVERSAL COMBINATION FENCE! «• l.rt (HIM t • % REMEMiiEl ~j »irkHkJj.rfrg i J. R. N. I!. Judge IA i « »I ti À \ i bun«, uni th< t ¡« ii« lit ol an iii.*Ut i ai » r* c giuz for«’, b ■** ar«- seh« iii’ i- «»NE D*»I.L V part «»r t ur t - ii an* ;.s int »t'.iai fatal i:ict r* und* always In thc -I . I ri 4 . « ■ I 0 X L t - I Gl'.\HAMEFD¡ CU^E roi\l thc Settlement. « 1'1 Ili 11 r & - «. w « * » CATARRH roRQV!UXX¿M¡lt's Especially adapted Ik Fanns, .'FJSNIA CAT-R-CURE i i i’.« j »;. oi:..t m r i i. 1 •***.♦. i « l.\ i ll VI TH! »».i- tiLd mrtiue<»t i »»d in supptirt <»f i ** <11 !»•- !.ia«i»- ! m *- 1i¡. I .la«-k*-»D 0Nint *. -n. - ■•! * h m lay. h rtf k F» ch, hom«*- i- ‘¡alidi, and N E. *4. m * c . 3, Jl *1.1« t ,1b.w- iritfuu.nis r«>i- sai i land, vD.. . d m. Nm*i»aum. I. k • Lre* k. Ja*k»*»n G AND CÜEAP ¿^r*Co:rvS|»omL*mt» S» 1,. i’ BARR & G X LU »W AY NI <*n i--tine nt ».I T. IE a* Luge! Bns., an < THAT UN- named hiMil- « t -fur** doing ntx. Jackt***»!! ti ¡ - dgnuM nt l D iurton. t«-r tti* oii’i i aii’i by vir- * a*. « labi) of tti> lo i» t.» uccurv to ». L-tat- *<-! Debi­ to tin- l»«n«*tlt *. D'K and th** •-I I • muai * C4. iv* m 11111111« IIS IIINHI UIH* . CH’» gi Ii; i; but tmt) in lb' state of 1*» troni th** • 11* «qw.n IlH -11 ) * utl. Ull. tnu j St.it*- ’:..:. .' of th* 11 bv tb«1 iind you hi ** 1«. appear nn«i I«« 1 < in r*«|uiru■ S.-blitz Brewing Coni Agents for Cyrus Noble Distillery, Jos. Sarsaparilla am) puny, Milwaukee l’.ottled Beer. S. litni.it «V Hâtai; Iron Water; also Arcadian Mineral Water frran Watike-lia. M t* ' ut.i’’ y h ’.V m» tli'»«l for washing ;i . !;«»•« c»itt.-!ins. fringe#^ a -i!tv :>fi4 Ku« k . all kinds «»f cousin. tl.mm I-4 >uul oth< r w«*ar- i' » g- r.i * i l<«ih< * rl»*!ine*\ and satisfaction t •>« in C'.-ii .^WATCHES AT COST! X 1.* Au I . ' h■ (ui. fciv n Lare* Elzlu and V .* ‘:«tn U au4»« ». H hr-’»pinlhy Gold fllk-u • . in a»K>u: ManutMluii’rb’ Fri«-«-». Th- uh . . unit» ’-'»T ui»« r>a you lu 8AÎ1 T O »■ U. l*K<»riTS, anutrly Reliable Tl»ae- kf-epers, aud in *'>*•• »**’ *’»rrr with H»«nj ■ . - M m . u I im tan r* fWI Guaran»«-«’, «'ut uní . , t ! « . b. *Hlil*».T«»^ A «taie Street, CbiMfW llltaeia. Tobacco TOLO! Tolo Townsite and Milling Co. HIGHEST MAP 'ET ■ Purelutoers of property or ( np-.tal Stock of the fuminone i 11 « ‘ t.-.t. «,f Oregon. < m«*t. K’-naii and N’lvk ii r.t uiw to recov- TAKE PUBLIC NO1ICE F. r:n for Sale I Combines the juice of the I is» California, so laxative and nutri: with the medic:-.al virtues of j known to be most beneti si t - the hut . i ?m. firming t!..- O.‘> I J*- ! ECT REMEDY to act g. atlj yet pror.iptly on the FJMET8, LIVER MB BOWELS —ANO TO — Cleanse the Sy stem EifecUinlly, — SO TU4T — PURE BLOOD. REFRESHING SLEET. HEALTH and STRENGTH Nature’.'y f ’!••>■■•. Every one ia >: and ¡d! a-e Jeii|dite 1 *'ib '- drw* ,- ' ¡or . VRo«' OF I-iC- I..,... w 1 only I y th: CALIFORNIA Flu SYRUP CO. L ol is vi l i \ Notice ANO MEDFOKD. 1. J. u. N* 11. Judin Fa biication. .-I lhiiiiic>, lüvaük Lthkb NEAT. DURABLE, STRO n’i nruirgirtiM Su-'l!. ’l.-iwhu a W«. ulani. ■'tat • oi Urvgoii » k- m. I L J. MvBride. EEJ'JVE • ? 5-i ■‘i 1 i | i-.i . 1 i J 'T L» J □ I ‘IJ .»♦ment 11. » N, lh*rtrttsc l> ’tn — an>l S »r-- E* < s. Rc- 1 ».i-t«- an I smeli; r»-mnv«*s •.-î I oiip!»•■¡•-.•m: br»*ntli, n-sulting i -Il v «lir. t ti-uis aii'i a «-or­ ti i : r « ircular t i ABIETINE 1 •IF \N V. or »vili«*. Cal. ice , ALL THE LATEST ST YLES in COLL A.KS and TIES ORRA E. ANGLE, Cotigli in tl.e morning, hnrri cult brrathing, raising ph lit the < best, quickened c«1' I he evening *»r vw« nts ar ni of these things are the tics’ sump ion Dr. Acker’s E i Ii for consumption wei cur*- tin - m * mpt»m’s, an I is si|»l unh: .« guarantee by E. <’ Brooks Wlii-ii shtHi; > L ynd ofi .. o».. Oct. io. Isrti.f n « m» i »1 at tins « ll»e« 7.01» t i al*-!» Bail**.* n. ii’ n * lairn N»>. i be« . 2. E bi uf ’« * 10. uii'l W U» K 1 W . j ri Ja*k: I *. tot lie VUÎ4C* i- euhi i arti* s ar« j- Mt th** ollie** *»1 unt> Or«g«»n. t*. Mt In «»’clu* k iditnony con- CAPITAL PKIZ l , iüüú.üüu. Terrible Furr**arnii«^«. he chin.' t*>1 i.úllCE. At thf .{•iidt'iny "i l Hf X»/'/ 'J . I» the building formeily occupici bv .1. Gold.-initli Medford, eonsi-iing of ami see me. iiE'F-IGXED OFFERS FOR SA EK ir»n < i M ncr«**«. lying bvtwr<-n < k - i '■ ait I mil’s tr<»m th«- Rogue .: j th i with all th* Mtuck. farin- ro. . ........ pl >w4. harrow»*. I ,.nl n >i ranch A bargain ti»- riirht man. Theplnccwill be k t l >i n uhort tim * «»nly. F«»r fur- .• i’.H ¡..-U ars. ¡ipply on the pr« misrs. .I S MAIR H. L >■ k. Or.. S'-ptember IK lSW. BARLEY ROLLERS. Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headac’ie, Eiliousness I rrm<: now 1 c.*i r Flour and Mill-Feed T’- 1* ir remedy never fail* to •*! leciiially cure r 5 * : i • L and < iffk » :»«!«>:. Oi.. Oct. IU. lrtrtit. ( I»»-« li « nt« j « «i ut tills < fli« « i agaiiu-l Eniu* li«»hn<-> n.«ii’.n c I miim N o . *»22U ,U >4 «.1 S« . . H. LU . S« 4 lu. Tw|». M F. * »J .. ** It il li VI» w t«» ib.nati» n <-lMiin: th*- iiimioM «1 I.» app< ar * i- « k ot J«ukÿ«>ii Co.. «.» ul D f-iMh-r, IN»t». at i ii'i anti 1 «ti u¡r-li t< htí- .¡I > g» «I MbMn«l<»in« nt. H*li.x>ì‘oN. K«-giM«-r. r. <-0b gu ç Tilt Originai AE ìv I iìk o . u put up in large tW'»-«»un« *' Pii in ¡ibrtoiute cure for •» wouthìs , chappetl band erujdions. Will positivi1 <»f hi’»s. Asie for tli“ < Ointnient. Sol»! by all *lruj;ri-«t per box—by inail .»o « ent When she b«*<*ainn ’ * th* stale ot On-gon, lit e <,! Ja» k-' ti. i -tai <»t Wm. palt« n. tteed. « IVEN THAT THE ni’ « -un« « : \S m. Fan. n. th«- County < ourt .li. his linai account am! by or«!« i of Mtn! i i 3, at thc h'.ur ! r n< ».ring, A J p« r- -* nt,tili to said ate« tint \\ v i he midi rs'^itt ili pay ali Pri/.i.s untan n L>>tt«-rive ** ululi luay !>■ ¡1 1« i -. IC. M. WAl.M'i ! ) Pr s. i. Pi EICKE LANAI \ Fi h, A. B \LI>*\ I Pi -, ( ARE kolL Fi.i i . ti OF- • ! -T\\r <11 inai Settlement KvïiCE. COMPLETE STOCK — ti ■ i- -.ii.uk, S tuta Abie, is *m i!i.n i-D'i-an! < ' tliforiti.i r«-m<*- ni mey re- ¡pvorpoi at'd I»* 11 eatiuinu «tun <_■ I r.tiicios'- mad-- .i I < .oiinlel nt mn. m i u*ur vote. ! ItM uKAN 1 I N m -> taK i-. I c- mb » .»li UK.1 V» i \L.' ten *41'»illii - • pubilc, al ti ¡VU1I.«, La. ' ■ b t «ÍU /id I Utf «•< Lht urranjttn* ma /<>/ "• mi .1 nitrii druii tii rttate Lutic i y < un<^ mu m Lye und cunt rm aelvea, and that Utt ** í » iii/Hiaty, Jt.'tintaa^ ana i di p ii lit a^ U "ti n t dm. fu uaclhta c. ftijicati, n un / H|r|H-M|- » Kild iu*-<»unt 5IBDFOK I>. OK EGO A ) Vis Hl ES ! t ’TüPTUKE • • é -f/Cri • T)HIO ’•n»... .1 «telai .O" IX» « .|-V-« .¡en Mjl «■’-ef lila î’ J’«-.: .• ' rtnutfh.v- •-•• a ¡«.".ir-. .*.»h>nx I « . » »».i F . . Exhuaxti >n. I dmuu .«»’»« Î g » , • t « » . •• V. « h Hn« m -, nu»i u!l | mi ¡>4 >• I «II» ; -’-U '»i « I k .««-!«. If ■ ;«L ¿¡-arfl-'tA NEW FURNISHING STORE CALIFORNIA STEAM FLOURING MILLS ( • -Fer want of a n:i ’. a “Ime was lo t; for 1 wni of •• *ho« . a In r-» '*as lo*t; for want i of a horse, u ri«!« r wa- l»»*t.' N* v- r tie.•h,ct small thing’. The tir*t signs of | neutnoitia I an»! eon*v.mpti«’ii < an ‘ po*itive!v” be I checked by Dr. A' ker’s English Remedy I or c«»n*timplicn h«»r .-»drby E. C. Brooks. T hx C intaur C ompany . 77 Murray Street, N. Y. hf«t Im- litte«! up a stage k“ repulir trips b-twwn I « entrai Point, connecting from and alter Apn¡ lJsKU. J'UN A. L»»VK THE STAFF UF LIFE ! iirvwslsr af<. I®., ilsdj. Mka. “Caatoriais bo well adapted to children that | I Caatoria ipatf on. ’r®llD>T , for Infants and Children he’-ulv wagon that connects ) i i;. lai;. «I.- shine, and carries mail io'.I Well*, Fargo A' Co.’s i ■ i gtiaraiFevd. .1 iin D yak . Driver. the l inai Settlement PRECEDENT O* rill 1’**»'•> li I.L* -t . • Louisianabiaif .i¡ jt -Jacks»m ville to Medford. A «I spatch nil g b»*twe«*n C»>u’ c »i<»it v « mail, was b»*l man N'»v • lre*s »1 in mask ovei ahont a ij i «r'«*r of a mi ir ;nit when ’he man step Lit ge stump, lev» i»* I a i g ving a command t highwayman then t j cut them «»pen, p».»nrcd L>uk al: thought t-j b • v « the ■ t ige, put ttie r • -t b F. .1 J. Qruk, who is known in driver to move on an I not southern Oir .u d n*»ith» rn Calif^r- back. The ivo-ning n:a us .1 fi’ii1 nurar ng^nt. can be seen ri^l t ami had aboa* I a 1.0 _ ,*..»*• d«v |.»*tng up and down First1 money, and was no -trret, •••»r»:nnd, where the ladies pa­ wa- after. ra« it h>* w..,» in a great rush. He .In is one «/f the town guys.—/».,»'»,o/’’/. F«>r’ J’.-iiP* has siibscrih*»-! some |700 | § \ \urruu Hcapr ■ I • i \* ii.t ul u * ail, a shu«* was obt ; for ■ ii i»f a s .« «*. a horse **a* h»*t; I >r want •i ¿i h-'i>i*. a i dvr m » n lost.” N\ver neglect t!.ii'..-- 1 Io* bro. signs ot pneumo* 'i im, t «ni call “p»»sitively” be «•I’ Dr. A- kit ’ s E ig'«>h Remedy • -uniition For s.»lc by E. <’. rar t.iMior ADVERTISEMENTS. HAST ALL .11 »//<*'rs.’ < ■- • it. oii»nien.«i(«i(tip. It is pleasant r r i-.1.* ibsoiut« ly harinlcM». It ■ . . •»!, regulates tin? bowels, quirt ' • m.iirh»»«*;« an.I win»! ro:i* , ul ■. . i.*h j» **, destroy* worms, and »■* ’<• • .vnl-i ••■*, suoihes the chii«l "•'I .1 !• tr _ nafnral sleep. Caa- ' « )- t < ¡;: I’ i - h ' s panacea— the moth nd •.'» 1 .i’i'-’. r aliy vt'j •* .U»i>*!’.» I' e pc« pk*. the L,.)!« tf» y,, (l «likbl»- It tip” Hil l let grand style n: several g» Jready in aid <»f a tailroa I survey from Vieka to Fott .baies and Etna. Cal , and IN dome I went) five i^nmn* have sub surd»**«! to tt! ma I. L«?s Angeles is said to have colle< ted amp thus far only $77,1)00 out ot a total < f $4» 10,000 of < ty tuxes. That is the in- Almost as Palatable as Milk. e* * « i^»)»!e r ■ u't ”f the b om. During this Ro «Hsgaier«! that It can be taken, reaction the cily an 1 *oiinty wid get L»»” « li ♦*»•• l”l*- -♦•»'» o | urrl-NMit-g«•Hnwlicr«- an»t r»*in» rn»M*r ibi ', «r»- situ »’ tieii Ytimi Mr*-»*t dlge’ved, aitri an«t in Hat eW be •eneitivo «»oinacb, wheu tbe plain oil g baili. E ijuire *f itxnnot be tolerated; nud by the com­ *vdl mak»* shiew.l inv -.-tmt nls ut the h MINt II, Attillai«! H«»m»e bination of the oil with the bypopn«»* expense of th**s.- who have overbought phitos I* much more vttlracious. themselves, am! after awhde solid pros­ Riaarkalle es a titsh prodater. perity w ill take the j lace of a speculativ«* Person« gx'a rapidly white takia- 1!. rush of business. Since the govermi ent hi* undertaken srorr S EMULSION is ackn-.Wh dg«d by ORECON. O’? ■“ to be th»-Finest and B,'t prtpa- the improvement of the rivers and Iiar- CRTLAND ration in the world for the reli f and cure 01 »>*rs on tho l’aciti« coast, the total ..in« unt of tiHJivy granted then* for irr.- >’ CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. CENERAl. DEBILITY, WASTINC ’ P»« »* melds ha* he« n 17,0^1.989. (he- 'gon has i;*reived the most oi this DISEASES. EMAClATiOM, TMO?. QJISEAN, ir COLDS »nd CHRONIC COUGHS. I ’DOi.ey, with California next, and Wash­ •W*r «>* «.«’ii’nl H • t-uirmt ¡4 un-»urpartse«! 7 4« 50 •; r.n.i-.ly ' an, and ington la.-t. with <•» mparativeiy a small I» 4 v. 1* J 'IS- 1« u ¡»V. H'o.4.1; in Chi k :u 5 M by til Drujyitla. mm. The toiai amount appropri ite*| foi Oregon inipr'»v**rnentH is $1 150 312 Tiie appropriation of 1888, 12,173,700, is the iarg***t for a».y one year. • LI. I HOS1 KNOWING) THEMSELVES IN- | Chairman Cooley ol the Interstate I b‘>t--«! to h <1 - ’ ” «L eitl.rr by n'»t»-»*r j C«»iiinH*n*c Comrnissmii argues fivin the I- - . >11 It. '»TM r > j tu call :*n«i Me’tle - 1’IIK ROGUE RIVER n»> -e i . i ;, . .*|y ti-,.ry 1 o - h t»> Öre c«»m- iiee trunspm ta'mn and exclusion rates »<»• ih.- •all. ■ mu «1 :t iuiu»t bec«»m given by the railroads I hat rates are too * . *o * that u~t X I e*n h ••• i u*t compare a !*ack of «»ur flour with any 1 r an individual that » an affoitl to be >ther brtunt utiered for eale in this market, and a .1 TluUMSl»Cl«‘J'S generous can certainly afford to be j.l.t ri..» nii’i -.t < GrsciNr r.<»tethe difference ic weight. Tress ’. if»M** P*»t«4it.»-r i .t»n'.» ieb»*vr«•« *t ' I h»»'i-in *•*. F.atnb. 1-*.’• I ('on«uniptiun Surrly Currd. I. i.-i d |' ni|J¡l»i Noi I. TIIVI»S C* T«» rin E bitoh 1 b dm * iiHirm VOT * nr loi is. >• - Cuuatautly un Land turi excliaugeù fur wheat ffc gm,«:« : rv;t«l«’< ** tLa* I I’ *v » !’ *♦ D'v«* ief»«<*«iv for • I.eab' Vv iv tn «1 <1 i *(* mm By its tun«* .' list ’h"U*.«i-*h « f h q . .«■•« - have b en p*-rn»nii«*r.il* ’ « nr« «I. I hall !> * gla«l I'- send IRving iw!d***i » of Barh-j liollen» r<> my mil! i huv* apart «*ipry Saturday to Roil Barley f«-r two bo th-» •*( in.v i**n ««lv i««e to-ri* «-f i ¿4 i?£Í}.*' Aqmt* Wanted I iiiMon ‘ rs. lie work will t»e done <>n »hurt •.our i»a’«trt *.*ii" lia*»* «’«ir.-unpii*-n if ■ otiv«*. that parties run return with their gri*» ih«\v will s -n«i in«* lb i' rs» r *s and p«>-t- nani«* Ihin prepared t«» roil i»MrlP)’ r* ai! Vistula Fua. ( flh ** addic?* lb m «•< t u 1* , .me* and i> ti e beet manner. This proem* 1» »• Rr»wMer'« Urrmb'r . -At»-ty - ■ Itrio -, ,1-r* T ' ,n>- luna II ».den A Si««« i m . M. < .. [ «tvRrt away u»*«»ir»»ducethem. Every ' *»’r «gì »-a t <»f th* clusher. »•*’ i « ii 1 S r»el. Nend #• tenui i etaniiM* •-» i-av « oet«g* end pvk.n» r Nickel P'-ved -«auiplethai wIieT. r-ii Take It In lime. ’Vili b • S '.J LryjiHi; Easv l’a» niente. in • ip - I * mg il • li u . le- an-»• t u y h «* v r. i : 11 i • , (r Iroui ili<‘ blou F tlie I!« s eite« ’s. Stoma* b :. nd H.e is «f tie * ut>e» u •« *V'-d to g'i i headway, ib c io d sh’dge or to do Kh unjdiism.it sin ul-1 a Gi:u ;isc with a fat «1 >> i'- protb ness t,» attack the - it 'o II,«- bitters should. • ’ inpt. !> s,.ei->irt, ki-.nvy uilai. t ami m rvon.-ness are re- The London Timo rvlni i a tl.e i ie viotto ehtlfiiateH of EilKleild’H « 11 -at ar- vest by H,000,<100 bushels. AÍIO.XG THE BREAKERS It tak*‘M tlKP’aet«>r a doctor and <•«»*’ij pr»- FOR WHOM •criptlon*. All ** i: » 1« ¡i«t te*)vl»lar* II* • * *v 1 fl ml BÍHIFIT lithe I h -*1 pre*villi'«* of Mini « ui v I«» ln«li'4« ' t»»•«« BilinuHtieaa, Coliwf l|»Hl i«>n, 11» ’.K*, --------- _ _ l*ilv« and Mviiiai i>«*|»« vnj »I*» ii . N> I* n *R of Univ, n«» id ’«-»>' I-«-with bustnvsa while lukim;. P w‘‘ *-intdrvn it I n moat iu- BOCTDt au«l liari»il. **. No ,h»n<«-r from expoMir«- ii’.ri taking < ».i v* <‘*»llr. 1>I- arrli«i«M. Il»»**v1 <,«»m;«’,*:»tt ■». F<*wri«»h« new and 1 • -*eri*h (. -•’■» • iiiviilkirt un*l dvlicalc p*r*«‘i • u ''tii »‘ it thv inlldvNt Apvrient nr l i • '!« > »-»in ns.-, A little taa**n at night 1« r -bimc *lwp and a naltirul *•*.«• - •«< *)«• ‘ m »* v ««I il A little t;4K« n In t* . i ng riiarpvua the appvtiti*. cli.ji w * tn lutiiueU aud ■W«rlun.* t br> ath. A PHY’Gt !AN*S OP1MOM. •*! have been t» - m twenty years Mid L-'V«« I Eut up a vcjeuM- < r•«» ke S ui-non* I.»»» 1 •nd eth-v lively if- •n .’» J per >!•>*» Ir • G» i; thiu’" «I >•» Hptwlsh In. , HialT, Cal.-a dlntaixee ol 600 mile«. It therefore otT^r*» the beet iNiliiffineiii» to advertiser*. Our list i* principally routine«! to Jarknou, Joeephiue aud Klamath rnuulle*. HnilurNN men vlionld take note ol tbi*. • miscellani piiiio * t to ulE'h the il» hippy li ri ii:il h !: h Ho-’ rhellinîiHNiu is r«*i» of pai»» is t v*. H *• eiter’» by P’ r ous < <-u jp»* V • •< ncv. h S ai T rancisco , C al . Kr. Y ork . N.Y I ELECTRIC BELT£22^1 J. H. GRIFFIS. , . 7»^. O« InR to «ho groat «ne- J*<|. ¿ ¿¿fico»» ot the new ••< «I«. W ■ y.Heelrlc Ku.li.-n.or» Belt. J* AT .lb»-' redneed the prl.-' (rom -l . tj I. whlrh make.lt the <-he»l, j’1V-T C1.AS- llh.l.T In II.« ' V. A> I, iinrl.irf'i'th.-r. whlehww •it-» -’.i . tr..m »10 to W>. tree by mail ■Or.HKi b • iLfortlO-Sendforclrenl»«. < Ulinia Eleelrk- IMI Co- Bo« *’■»*• a an< iicu.l’al. <»r callat 701 Market*-1., b.r. a!»«<* <-named de- Of the Franchises nnil Privileges grunted to F H. ROM E August 7th. 188S, By tbe incorporators of said company, now ou file at the Recorder’s oflice, in Jacksonville, .lackroll Co. ITE<»F o REG<»X. FITS, F.FT. .L a F /LÁ taj Í a ; Cr * > à J. XV. WALKER. GRIFFIS A life-long rtv.dy. T CrnL li s wor t f;H!«-ii lull t o ap- >mp .tint, ae h« r* l»y re­ tak* judginent a: i i §25.(11 w »tli in- r <•« nt. p< j Minium ' • mt» I. I nn *, until • utlu.nal to the • ' - ¡«.»a Jd, f<»r th«- ’ it a< <-< unt; and for " -‘I tin* act tin to ■ A ll V, >hl. Plaintiff. • S.M KA I 1« -1IMES lor fiX •I,-| ••! u . J. Ply nialr, . Juvk»onvJiv precinct. CONTRACTORS AND EUIL ERS I hrnnd*4 ’***■ bon i » m ‘ » M* » rat : l< and’narked crup iu r»gnt vu <» D left aar. SAW MILLS ON SAMS CREEK., u .u ul - t»p* Public Notice I Ns IMO bjED TO THF VX- • * i < *»• î r ms-vunt. i.i • i V .thin twenty day»» * -!*•. :ts in* busii)*«* immédiat* ly. ‘ j.w, jura. Lvtiiru. Tum«, Uv«. IT. 1«#,