ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. epitomai (tiw Jnuocratk ïimts. NOTES. Tus Ohio letjiels'ure I« .nd will elect » anilUl *HI »0« HMM« C0U»TÏ. tor P»'ne. t - »p^’r Campbell <1* fe*«***l Foraker <----- -- - I nr »uveri.or hv • I**»* ... -«Jo: *ty aft*! D moz-aiy •*»« lierwraiiy s«uee=»lul in THURSDAY .......... »IQVF.Mbt.il 21. l-u« Tur rpportn ol South American in»ur- rrvtiou» .fford » l'fetexl '«>' «Le cutfee P|«cul»tor» in «he . a»t lo «*»¡“1' »«««* Ibepttce of «he »re»! bever.ge berr), •ad tha market '• >" »“ uum «U« hì tondi ihjffi. - the Buckeye »late. I owa elected her fir»« Democratic g<>v- ernor »Ince lhe War (Boiea) on the first Tueedav in H'i* luontli, and made ‘hinge nncomiorully w»rjn far.‘.h® . an» renerallv. Allieou will be hu own aticceMor, but be had a very narrow e»- capa, bi« party having a »lmi majority in L. Leonard ba* gono to Portland to sell a lot of beef cattu. . _ . D W Hardin, lately of Grant * 1 **•. is now st UoquUie etty. Coo* county. Johnson of Ashland spent several < day» 1O Grant » Pas» but week. M im Lou Wade is conducting a «uccesaful »chool on William» creek, in district ho. 13. 1 A number of Indian war veterans were In the Pa** »« «he meeting held last Saturday. , Mr» Sol DavbUon of Williams creek this wet k goes to Portlaud for an extended » Ull. Important improvement» are b< Ing¡»»drat S V Mltcbeli's suburban place near th. Pa»». The new oil-house being P'" ,ul> "n property at th. county-seat I» about con»- p J* J1 Brown of WlldcrvUI.’ha» rented the J. jVarH«». «■"' *"> «"'* “ *“ *r»'",h‘’‘ the legislature. As immen»e number ot grangers from Rev 11. II. Swatfonl has moved hl» f""'11! all over the Union assembled in nation- Williamsburg, where they will remain dun g .1 convention last week, numbers rom lhe conference year. the north and northwestern state» hav­ Marv Desaluger has resigned a» poMinls- ing passed down through tine valley. It uX at Kerby .and J. D. Glidden has been »1- „ quite evident that the power oi the poluusl to nil the vacancy. Mis» Stephens of Williams er.s-k. wb<> has grange will bo lelt again in national been quite «lek. 1» recovering. Dr. Jielinr of lhe motion. _ politic» beiore many years. jaclwJiiviUv i. m attendance. The .drier" advertise, a fine opening for T hshs is a great fight going on among As predicted in the T ims » soma weeks fnc Le u* A •tore iu Gruut 8 Fa**—4«>uU!» the Republican members of the lower since, the XV*ahing«4N» legifUior» have a new furniture vu*'- house ol congress over the speakership. elected XVarson C. Squired Seattle and loss a gvud layout fur a »*. fm* J. W. Suwdcn is building upalargr *. T. M Reed of Maine is said to Lave John B. Alien ol XValia Walla U> the more strength than any of th« other United Se'es senate. The long and tUv Wuilc «»«-wing mnvniuv amt jaikHonvm » lUHT^v wui 18. in JucK-pnine county. candidates; but an attempt will beinaue »bort term had nCt been Mtiled at latest Work iNM«*adriy prufreMinicoiitbe new fac­ to combine on Win. McKinley of Ohio or tory at Grant t* Fat»*. A large foyce ut men accounts, ts*« »ill be deteiwned in are at work, un J mure will ov Linpluyed. some other western man. session ol the two houses. laacL't ports du not discourage tbt* iiveor- G ibiw , the colored Pullman porter Tilt Mere-ury says: “The Republicans, cbaniiMt* ot Juacpbmr cuuuty, who ar«* this , y«*ar planting murt vxtenaivUy than ever. who murdered young McDevitt at Port­ from IJaritBon down, are struggling H. J. L’aik this wc« k tx-gin* worfc un th«* land several weeks ago, and who was l>at d to »boa that the recent election» ‘ founUatiun lur tm* nvw factory of tav Migar arrested by Win. Clarkson, a constable indicate no dissaliidaftion with the ad­ ’ i’luc Dour und Lumber Cuuipauy hi tlie F*u**. of Sisson precinct, at Hamburg bar, ministration. li the electiou« had gone ‘ Tue next reicuinr public ciaiuinatlon uf ap- plicant'» lor u adi« ! * CLTtiticui«* win bu hv»d Siskiyou county. Cal., 1« now rale in toe the other way, llairtson and ail tirtf tp»t l ai mi am * Fa»s on Wednesday by bupt. Ma.**io. iiaiid.s ol Multnomah county’s sheriff. would have nailed the RenuUican vie- In cuufiuiuw with other section* uf H.xutu_rn He conteased ins crime, but says that lie ' tones aa a glorious tudoi aoment of the OrcguU. Juarpmuc gardeu« « have indu.g«.«» adBiiinanatiun.” That « efiadly the Mituu luxury uf np» tail -|r*aberriti* un* committed it in self-defense. size oi it. Ths jwiuple are moie en­ Hvasuii. Hart!«*' Bru*, of WiUi.uu* ne«k arc cujoy- l'usTM.tBTrR K obv '» new newspaper at lightened or! Ha» lar.ff fpiestion, also, iug a virtù troni tueir Fatti« r and a s:»tvr tr«»in Portland will be issued thia week. Ku- w.‘*«ch is another reason nt thp Bepul ii- me «-a*t, wa«» aiti rvuMHu **tt> them furine uior says it will be oitiie MOW tue and can XX’aterloo referred Id. winter. M«-**r* Hi»i.t* ai»«! l hdthum were engaged form oi the old Standard, and that it will •Jurmg th»' *’’• h 1,1 bu'hdinir a bhùir«* iut . w* I n the care of Je»»c D. Carr be Isiinon-pure Dt'tnocratic in policy. 11 ••«• »w-.lq ¿oik '»! Siatevi- k, .m tdvLrt’iwvUl Mr. Rjby «»«i Democrat himself, the Edgane ilatuiuond.and Joseph XVhiLng, party iu Oregon would stand a belter trud at Portland recently in the United cityrou-. —-Mb. vf luk. rCItV.w:..' Mi*« Georgia Mw. ‘n 4v«vri>»>R1, * i(*> - show ol having tbeir dreaui ol a *ta r or­ •States dirtrut court, judgment was given •-» caul- gan real.zed liiau we fear Will prove the lor plaintiff, and it was ordered that he uus be«.n Vzcuttiig reiut.v«.^ »uni «UUJ, liu-t wetk r«-tuni.*d ii««ni. recover po»».»*’ion oi the land and hi» vru Ui«grzii. case under Mugwump management. o»ts. The suit was similar to airumber TUv wvd-kuoxvn bro«M| man’s Bid, Hulda, U nikss the Pan-American delegates instituted from that »echon, having been .»uu mutili« it«-, uxvneti t»y Mcbsr*. Mi.L r ami w«•!*«• last wvtk tak.n to Fort»anu to huriy up and despatch the buso.es- cl orought to recover posseseion of laud ta­ Judson, uc orvu tu A«tainuut. tin ir ii*>ssioii to Washington, them-y> ily ken up as swamp land years ago, and Rev. R. McL«*un tiii.n week tak«*s p«»**«>Mii»n which, having since become dry >and, ««1 »ns u w « aw « dmg-Ui.ua.. at <»iuui n of them will fimi tueir crederi was located upon by defendants. Ac­ •wliivu ia one ol tiiv n«atcet mi«< ui<»»« v*«>ub «.- tials decidedly "back-numlasr.” Ai uà « ni votiugcs in town. ready Brazil and Veu< zue.a huve m ol* cording to tins decision, people who lo- A amiik-tuH f went turuugli th«-clutiiing ut a I iti le history »luce Unir lepre» illative» caltf OU lauds whtcli have treeli taken as svVvi'ai fiUvsib >« l luv F* a 1 ml '« .»ul« « HL iu v 'Uii- to Blame's congress lelt h< me, and sev­ -wamp land»; but are now drained, will ty-bvui Liat xv«-«k, appropriating nuiucruur» rtsLiall urticica ul uiurc vr i«t>a vaiuv. do well to »uti.-iy theiuselvea before lo ­ eral other Sonili American stati» are be­ t the laud was not swampy Tue xx a v company will hav« tndruwn ma- ginning to feel decideuiy ennuied ai cating cbufiv-suuph, vquippvu u it.» uvce**ar> luav-um- aktn. having ia-eti so lung under one fuirn ot wL* cry, ialu«», «tv., to obviate tue u«.c«*’»»ij ut government. - Muing tu Fui Hand fur 1« pm.* iu « m« » vi h « - Ill B.eher (Cal.) Tribune is credibly < K ohlbvm » Ktrinr: ”W«' K°£ ert M. X’eBtch nominated tor congre»» 0) the Democracy. Labor bu no m^e tried, tiue »nd trueted climnpion. With Vetch for congre»» and iennoyer I«* governor the Democracy would »erk tv »in by deserving success. XXe second JliiuL Tot it in oi Ashland is a candi date lur stale vieasuier and »eiisibly let* the people know it. We adm.re hi* imi-kue»*, ti.ough we cannot commuuo his discretion, lur we beheVu leal tils candidacy is tiupe.es» wi.li lleruiauu, Beekman, ku.leilou aud odier »uutheiu Oregun candidates for preleimelu ill II. field. II lueie is auy tuing we dislike, r is tue Lypocn-y ol a man who wai.ta ai utbeu and al tlie »ame lime pieteuds Ihn. hedot.-u't. Dishouesty is as reprehen­ sible in politic? aa uu) li.iug else. N lb 1> v he re tumblvd tu Dan Morris ■Subivaa’a Lesi gag—Li* Illuder Herman. LaUu.-uaMe— unni alter Le wa» gorre. A. Kuneuurg, huwever, thè uuu.ence wa- noi so siow, ah wituess thè toUpwmg sqmt» frolli thè l'ortland ll'orW : Ai . tiieatiiiai perioruiamie at Kiseourg Dau Morris burlivau »hook Landa in »udì a reaiialic manlier aa tu can down thè huu»e. Ile gaie thè reputar Her- maiiii pump-iiauuie, "truu-mese-yoii- old-irieud ' shake, lt waa a rare treni to Liugei** 11.i41.b01s, aa they thouglit Le Uad a pattuì uu lt. A BLoubLKss ri vomitoti look place it. Biaa.i lari wet*. Which wa as compiete aim effectual as it »u. unexpected. -Em­ peror bum Pedro was de, used aim shipped Lack to Portugal uu U,e sleamei UtagvaM, aud the lelgu ol lhe b.agai.Zas is over ili BmziL lue repubLc waa du- idaicU aud Doctora da kun-eca waa inau­ gurated an president and a cabinet or­ gan.zed. lue remaraabie givwlii o. idea» of popular government is wed ii- luslmu d wlieu toe woiid .a cubed Upon to w ituesa ti e depualliou ut lue empii, uim lue loimmugol lue republic- ui one * f lue great u.i. uns ol the world w.luui.i the bring of u gun or tier lusa of lite. It is the general-tnhef iu BrazJ timi the republic uaa come to stay, as lhe revo­ lution was louuoed out by lue pelismu- -ttig ut Dorn Pedro tor hie. blurmeil that the Union 1'acitic railroad company wui begin work on th«ir north­ ern C.iliioriua line al once, aud build up to ti.e Bi.asfa lumber cuni|>any'B dump, «nd then immediately i>um on eastward. At the sun.« lime the Union Pacific- and be Chicago A Not th western, coaibine.i, will bund a line uf lai.ruad hum Coos bay to Grant » A’aw, and thence un - a».- aard to a junction with the Oiegun Short Line. »«I l-akeview. Accordit.g to oan kiane.sio exchanges, the above .iH-nlioiied cumpanie» have combined with the Vanderbilt ruads, amt wdl l>c un a» one system iur a |x-rioi uf ten .cars. This wul give Vandetb.lt an out >-t to the Pacific coast. Tue survey Iasi auner through L.ssen cuuuty, it now appears, was carne.t un in cunjunctivi. <>y the two aforesaid companies. Ir is piubably early to begin mak.ng -lutes lor the next June election, thuuuL -ume ut tile pa|»rs ul the state aie ]>ui- •:ng lu.tu their eho.ee lor d.tlrrent state llic**.». llun. b. I'ciiquyer seeunr lc> bt- i' e universal chou.** of Hie Democrat* >- can iidaie lur guvoruur, and as a mat- •cr ui course too m. nuoti ut Lia name .im»ed very popular with the masse» ui .>e ;«ople by inn uppusit.un tu tue rail- ■o..d cumui.aeioK and Voitiand wat< r mil, as wen as by his etfuts to devise mt an* to open the Columma rive: . In fact, do. mg hia eulire teitu uf ctfic'v, Gov- e.nor i’ciiuoye. has dune iiuiniug to es 'range the people generally, and has done much to make tlicu. consider him .,e be Mt governor ti.e ttate aver had. ivven 111 Puit.and, where H was alleged ne had killed himself |>ulitic-al y by ve­ toing the water hill, tie is mure )>upular han he »a» in lHSti, and H noiuinateU w.u p-.ll a heavier vute than He d U lilt n If this be the ease, it Would be sua'lda. r the Democrat» to uuiu.nate anyone . !*»e. At ail event* Pennoyer is the lie lieu 1 1 and.dale for re-nouiinatiun.— fuiuidU E'rtcu-. ’ l UI*. .he prufesaiunnl card of R >lrt. G. Smith ap­ pear* in auuta« r culuiun ut tnv X imk *. He I* uUv ut tue ivadiug yuuug Hit«»rii<-x-> oi **«>uln- erii ui'vg jo, unu in d«-»v i vmg ««I a nuenii pat- ruuuge. Luc prutracted inerting lull by the M. E. L'iiurva, csjutt), at Gruut * Fa** r« v« nliy » ac « i - « m luuv'H uiLvrvat, uuu «& .*.«»>* l > nav«* rmuluii iU a VUllSlUUlHi*»« <«VCVn*B >11 l«> lll’ illl»« I'sUlp «<1 tn« iuc;u vhuzcli. G. J. Hiiivr i* putting up bis *uiv-tuiil on tm AgCv ranci!, wuvi'v t.«<*c 1* inucii tin. ti.nl>« 1. liiv.UUiUg BviM«- L'ilUU'e MUgai p.lH . li. LUliltU- uvdtjim nii orders whu tnv t>v*t qiiumy « I iuUlUt-T IU L.iC lllilik* t. lt ia reported timi a par.y uf surveyors went Uutoit 6.ate ere« g a lew «lays mncv, muting aUvut iti «I iiij *t« r*uu* uuu qui«t in.inn. i. •'»uiiH p«««p«« Ut.A.k taut tiuy ar m the t-mp;«>x ut ¿utili* i fhe vxclu- n»Ve practice «U liin pt «rtu.--.ion, «IVllllrslIJ, agalli, li.iVokg V« Un«'d CoHdu« «ilig I to HogH« M.ziel, wui«'ii w*.« i.i t.i.' luii.iv-ii<' nmnag«-«i i>y l.«.«ii« iron« a(«i\»«irt, wu ¡«-arn. L. I». Applegate and Until r Helman ami 7a.»my ot »urn vouatj »«tn- vi.Miitig i«i Ana- *‘1“T «avi w. « a. I'm M« neral a ia iuk . uliaig«.*ui l .*« l\«u.*i.ktu imvv sii *.»u i»iu futiiit,« t»i k«'«'t'Hig np < ..ai kiuu . t 1« « iiiig ili tu.- ovcuiid g < u« i au -a, .iiDl «a» Hiat.vr ims Owu druppcil. Mr*. Y«Mitigo) W’ii.iainscr. k, wiio ba«l he« n 1.1 i< *i »".U «».Ile Will* «»JU'U HJ |II! M. «11.«i '1 u 1- »ng l.i«- x». «a, H« r ui tu« i, « na*. l ;v» .« »5 amvo U à M, »VU.-S *tliuulo«l«*u (o u.j ULflsbi. Ili loiv L»«r dt'.iiu. alt*, k. a,u»ui.iiiy ul liiuiiy «siiiua- t>»«.* «¡uaiiliun and x«.«3 n.g..< viuu l>> all auu gii», a’ u.r. Otiu must go away from home to hear news. X’uu •> vW p.lpvl' SU.» 4 tu.*« ’Vi. JSpviieu ui .*>u«k.rui«< x*uu * B..W m the uiiimt iair «uiu wmo «aM.ug a-» i»v»»»«. w « hii a uig g.^uiuvr H iv'd tu pn-viupt lue pul U l,Uu* ‘»..e- pi'vVcllt- . u troia udiuB -.«j i«j .»*i.a.'s i.ua ; Uui wv lit i VO iicMrd l«mi u so.» «*r >«ny ..i.(u«- iiq . idhi ! xx a- g.v. n as a iti /., uy ui« ìh . i nm*iMg«*r*.* KLA.iUUl olM l ITEMS. MEDFORD, OREGON Tin? Engines, Boilers and Shingle Mill». Brick kinds, lMfing, «111» >«n<| Mill Hup- Plow.- I Also Freight unti Furia MISCELLANEOUS. To th'1 Farmers and Business Men of suutliern Oregon: NOTICE , 11 1 St aver & Walker. JA^ES FOR 1889, mi lhe following *Uyi>, in tlifirrenjxvtivepi *" li | ic ; ;;t th< ir uiuul piai:** ot vuting. and will r* maiii ip enl'll ppxiHi I ti'"in *1 n'i I a k -V M urtili Fot'l*» » F. M-.ty • ayh day. to-»Tt OWN PROPERTY, FARMS. V1NEYAUDS mid Mining < laínn» bought am! so'.«l «>n com- iu1gid. .n. • INING PATENTS obtain«*«! at reasonalH«* ral« * an«! w itti disputen i)ì«.’MI, ì A r i EN i ION givíu (o all t»u* .)•■*« I toiiii« <*t«*ti witt» tnc Lau«! <>1 ìm «'. LAND AT BEDROCK PRICES« • • fllOM No. V!. 2UUaci<.s, 2HJ Hcr« s «Hi (imb bVHUr *piiilK*uf wat.r, trum JiHji-’di* Ui« . •• 16tn •• IMI1 »• 2i»t!i ’ ................ “ 21st Nov. ihiil an«! -ini ...........Nov. ’¿‘»th •• 'Jilt u ................... - r.in ................... •• 2M ii lidi« Tax-psy«» »'III pl* -.»• P»y '•'*!r '*•«' -■ I.','1''. aboX'c-Hlrtted tune*. Thvluw in regard to tin 11 c-oll.ctioii »HI I*, strictl) enforc'd. J. G. HIROsiA . Slu rlfl md Tax Coll.*« l**r of Jin k-*» ' "• ¿ackwuville.Or.. Oct. 17. lrW. .HH i:re cured oy nag use of Ayer'a HAR1WABE AMI TINWARE ÛKT re I ¡uüü Wo. 4*». Unimproved; xxcii wat« wd, and a nr*i piace tu iiiiw-c a . •>> . h " e No. M. iW a*. * Vui!iipr<>v«fl, lev« i, rich gi i-> an I finit kt ni. running uat«i. tillc,«i n.tiion ca.tim. baiguln; • ot Centrai i’••«<*(. W. ¿4*0 acre*-—2U0 acre* t u h. lex « I, bottoni Lind, «•icai'i-ti; I«/a» r« s f> "et*.; Mum; nous« and «•‘ta­ bic; !»• amig 01« nard o' wa.itty « ! ap­ ples; >iaru*«d xctioxvaiitj bi^ni-piti«* tiui- uli ; g.H>d sit«* H-r sau-DiHi. g«* «-»! si».d latid Hil l I .«Il I', llllll/.t «] |*>i illigatbil. >1 A no.ts Î|\*!U iLK. »upot;«,n<- lourin mil«' from >t hooi und po^tofhe«'. l'i ice, p« r aere. Ml. acr* *. iu*iinpi«'Xall bx o u.ii- nd. pit-ntx ot lifni'fi , fan*« can be load e tin- 1». -i.ian> i -. ihhiii t.o -i.ii. uXUr«g'»n; ^3 Ito «- it in Asio.ai.i. Pi .< . *«> ••• uuxv. À rmsj if,-li vasniii ii.ibd. baiane« on ea«i t* i ms. AT CENTRAL POINT, 177 A ct «*»; *«<» >»*•»•« * L nu«xi ami in cultix alien. H««lis»•, liai n, . .1 e.t'u«1. in« «ui« » • <■;,«• i ’ KP« V- «•*1 m xx.it« r-ii)Uli tuia xxiitvr-i«gui, , aim __ * y u - Fl M.'<*. SWJ. and fi rat-« l«m* stuck ut Mi. ftj'i H I « *. ¡Hl 1 «•).«' I an i la cult a .»t 1. *n. h is *itu<«L •! ip < » 1.1..H "i r. -*«». j ¡V« i \ a.li ) ,ou Uuix *i''«n («niiiit I’/iiH i»i. Tn*«« «.»¡n- I«'! «..' ’ uuu till «•« U m I u* Uj C 011 1 hl* trai l, ai.-sj an t>i«i».u'u «>« <« u««»»»ce ».. . Iruit. in. svi¡ n ln« .ricii, i. a« k L .ou/am. Hiiigrox« a.ta.i.i wKhuui irrigation. Unit«« s«»id «is a v» li«.i. .1 'UuuiVideu mt.>3 lärm* < ¡ J«», •■•'«.-«b-.Mi. im« is. 1 u, r is n.i uusti miKA oil t ui* 11 a« l, anu it is xv h .1« >ut q«.< bijou oih ol tu« I. si iUiiHs 111J.uk' 11 uouulx. I «ir II lilis .»n.i pn« «- «..lion«,* .»dur ss the unu« r*mn« u Ml .XI« UluFd, «>! «* 41. bf*. ItiO ,u r. ' ; l«n» a< ti s i ne, J aU,j ln cultivation ; hx». .4« r« s iu «u«• nur«I ; «¡xx«jing ami barn anu *«HKlt.u «*. A IHM-« ...,s ¡fu.ee. Mm mjH* Uulu runr..ad u« ¡art. t 1 .«•« , two-i.aiua UHSn Uoxvii ; l«a.am • ul* easy t«mw. M». 2k> a« res mijoining 1 u« «■01 point«' limit* «d Mid..rd, a«i M y gfMMla ar«* new and ot the I m si brands. an«l lene« «i er* arm : ü: m « ii;i it ai *,.,n ; a gK.,Hi >» n m V« »... orciiHiu. buiisr uim i .x large Larti; * u< 1« is no v» a-K lami on 1 in* plue. ; tii. -« h : is a rich, black lo.tm an.j tr.-« . « as.v to t'uiti- x at«* ami v« ry pi o«iuui i v. . ÌÌH* tarin uill be SUl»dlVA«le. 11 deMÇ-d. Give m<* it call bvfor«* goiiiL v'ewwher«*. Fnc«*. >iu pur uur«'. _____ J. < . >HEKl L A S. 1*0. 2BVacns km«wn a* tm • ll.tk nj t* < r < ’ •!- A. H. <'AICSON. W. I.. ( \ !{>«!?» Jim* ’ piace, about tiin «• • i no’« G on; M. a lord, on tn* l'mviu\ un i uagj«* l ini ri>mi, coDtam- ing 140 acn s of i icn taruuiig ............ lana, ab undii»«* an«i g« o*..| burn. ----- r m-w out Houses, w« n, « tc. “ 1 U.S pim«,- |j( ». u . o t«< tm *un. !■> w«n tii'uin«-«!, .«o 1 wiii adapted Si.1 tnik** South of Grant s P ush , JofU-phint* lor «liin i* iruit or Luiujiig iaii.t. . Pi« lily ot County, Oregon. lindi« i* tor a«i u«< *» with pia«*. . | It i* -otuatoH within on« aim tin « •-lourth*. mi;< • sot Pho-nix riuir«>ud uvp«,i. Can «¡. mi ,\ !>«• m.«. n li; «aM**t«l<- «»t fh*ai* ci t < « k. Prie« , $£ òo pel ;k 1« . HL Jbu ¡u*r» s ; l*k) f. notti ; 15 III « lilt jx’al iofl ; l ight u« i'«*6»t minila; young «1« imi.t >inai. vincyjini; g<««id, m o >i»\ «'lliiig-hoUM . b.u n ¡ind outimus.M; running »«nt« 1 tiir ugli tn< farm; good «.ui- rai;x< Ln 't> «k. Tmrte« n mio-s tt*««ui raiicau d« p«it. I’ i 1« •• t«,r « r««p limi fm m $ jutui 1*2. irida« in * bn» 1. m «il,.» a< r« s in cultivation, ili« adoxs ot K;ia 11a aiiu 11 im»l iix, good «»rchaitl, pivnty «»1 In ’i-ciassgani« n lami, idicov« 1 «-«i i»C waivrlrom two in ¡gating ditems. tw<> mibs lr«»m saw-miii, om mil«* troia *cn »«/l-hou*« , will make .« tirst-class duiry ranch; Lacing ni spieiKiHi c«mdition, buildings <«niy ¡air. nim- b«*r chcMp and imnuy; 15 mil«* truui railroad depot. Price. §20lH), crop ¡muniti. Ki. 120 acre* -du acri* Ivnced and iiO acre s in cul­ tivation; tiv, acre* 111 allium. *m.d « j . m«id GUAPE VINES. Ol'HRANTS. (UICI-EHER. dwviiing-nouMt, small narn.cic.. running «« ml i Rll>. BLACKHIItltD*. RASPHER- through tbc piace. Price, . IttEN. STRAWBEKKirs, FIGS. I ;»20 acr« S -2NI u« )*«•« 1*4. ftuced and 150 am * m Our tr«*«*?* are grown without irrigation on cultivation. g.»o«l Hom*«*, barn ami outimuscs red hill land, and al! of known varieties that g.MHt uivli nd an ! \-in« yard. s< v« ial large Kuccoed in Southern (tregon. Hpnng*, afi.ir.hng i»i« nix ùt water tor garden Those contemplating *re«* planting will do irrigation, 10 ,««i«s ot Iniiotby mecuiuwjsix w«-|! to visit our orchard and nursery, or writ«* mil«** trom Grant s Pass. Price $5uin. \ gn at to us for price list. Address to ns at Murph). naigain. l« im*. ««m-tiiilt cash, baiane«' on JoMephin«* county, Oregon, or to R. II. Station, easy t «Tills. Grant’s Pas«, Oregon. 95 A. II. ( ARSON A SON. I’AIacr« s of tnnf Ian 1. within iwo ihi I vk of Grant * Pass, w m |.. ‘-utnlivifhij m | h ( i J :yt.a< truel* it’ decreti. Enee >1 pt r iten- JOS. 0. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOR. HARDWARE, OILS NAILS, ROPE. Lowest Ruling Prices. REDLAND -I- NURSERY, 100,000 TREES IN STOCK, Apple. Pear. Peach. Plnm, Prune Apricot, Neotari»’«. Cherry. Almond, Chestnut7 Walnut, JACKSONVILLF MARBLE WORKS I J. C. Will Pl*. MRS. JANE REDDING, Proprietress. QREGON ST. JACKSONVILLE, OR., Ornerai Contractor in f.wjers taken at Reasonable Rates. F And c,»uh! >«■!! ai disp<**c«i, and niakt- i«b>n. j Land < ouipnn.x did u ni n iie > 11. ss lots 1:1 th«' tinnì i*liing s< np. 1 ft-r *■"» ttìnt are tinu- w. itn j- .». mmi . seii tl.r« < -toiirtli- ni mir j.ri noi.tiiilit .« .-v ii. i1 u < kn-.w it. Wcwr« ■ -Hi'-ti. .1 t hai 1 ; Hit- n««u sviiing L*r */<••' unti s» I n i possjbiy more, hi ics* tinnì liv« 5 . ar* wouldn i do H ìf \vc u t ri to pnt a La 1< nc« aroEud th. town and x?alt L i 1 ot attairs Gr«-at 1*^1 ha». (In ai linryHin-t'.otf. r uu*l II will I n- 11:. list .cief-illy l.f.-re I IS) ...........* pi:i vli.i«iuk- eh. >v.1.1 - It >,.u liHve hi . j pr-.p- erty foi ...le, come an-i see me nii.1 I will .1.. lov tiest for you. (Hlice uvxt door to Grand ('entrai Hotel, I M«tifoni, Oregon. HENKE KLIPPEL I Tlieiv i- il s;»t.-il.ti.l ..pp .1tm.1t5 "1 • iuo ..t say, l.y way ..I pai < ini..-1-, tbat > 11. 1. ai. - v- ('••nta njur 120 Rooms, well furnibh«*«!. inil saloon* in Grimi - t’.i.-- i.Amir in ir .. $.0 lo »Imi p.r va. b in ca-li. I<. inani..... THE BEST — ■ uri ra <>r otti, rs w i-nlnx io i nuag. m i n-i- ncs», or to s|H'culah>r* *1< siri......... . s.-curin« a ONE COLLAR PER DAY HOUSE i lai-ire niiint* r of l< t-. u< « .tu qimi ;■ i..m«li- iiisiy l.>» liimro. In.n'i' ...lai tm iv.inw 1 ,. IN THE STATE. imi nicol in ut- uni il I a. - ..pp..; 11.,. 1, , an.>m-..i n.i i> 1 k t: 11. in. bllt bui ut olire alni »*• will guai ani. . ‘-.n (TIIES AHEMIÍ Llll.l iililWAX J INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. MABBLE, STONE 5R GRANITZ Cemetery Work a Specially Prompt Attention riven to all Order* Uy Null. Free Suses to and from the Hotel. NoChiiicb«’ «‘in ploy od tmd no deviation iu chargt K. Meals Sí c« ritH; iodjrfnK 25 cent* to 30 cent*. » ißp ANDERSON CREEK, S. S. SMITH, Prop’ . • 100 Per Cent Per Aunuin E. LEWISTON. Froprlrtor. On th«' invcMmcnt f i< i . - iH'iiU'd Io Grant's Pas« in tlie n« \t ixv«» x ,.i- uM ms **urt.‘ as Unit time mi.x«'*. W«’ an I'oii.ly t«« ig. i $J«)O". t.» b* cl, posit « ■ts u « ai ■ n w s- Lmg I f«n* xvili sell t • T Ç21MI0 ¡n*i«Jc < ! tixa- x«ai>, F«»r map*, uri«« s ami anj oth« r <1, sire d Í» !« *i - mat ion, < all « mi or addi • S¡ ila TO Al’COMMODATE THE GROWING DF- 1 man«! for real enlate, we bava opened an of­ fice in the town «>f he st . announcing that hi* strain Kaw-tnll) ia now ant T running Medford, Jackson Co., Ogn. on full time and turning out a large ipiantlty of lumber. 1 !♦• i* prepare«! to till all rm hirer takes pleasi re in order* with «linpatch, and «it the uiu*t rraaonn- blc rate*. A tine quality of * ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, We claim to have a* fine a line of property, and to In« able to furnish as reliable information concerning real e*tate in Houthern Oregon, a«« any other nrtr now doing busine**. Corrwp enc«« eolicited. WRL-LEY fc co. Inclu.lin* the I hw I rustic, ceillnz un.l fl.H.i-iiig furniHh.,1 on nhort notice. IV*SHtl»fiu-tloii Kiinrnntccrl. H. S. SMITH. No. 17. ihil < trame liuns«-with a v« ry .urge li- itidle. ili a g«>ud l>t )gbÌMii ho<-d. i .<• nubi«* lenii*; bus m laig« » t- xx d»; .4 guod fin pine«, twugo<*d lail» a k.tct.« u. a g«M«d wtJJotwaftr al • • iiuviisv, et« . iTlL-v, £*UU, No. 22. I g..».;i and st< < k farin uf .tJO mctvs , 5 .« (. miai l'uiiit rui>i*uMd *tati<»nsnd * tr »in Meni« r«i raiir«>ad statimi; all ve«l «* a Mlubic Mini ottnruut- ■ iti ci tini, tr«< s, and an « x- xx i h «1 wat« r. Prive ¿700. No. 24. ;tr x ih w r«sidt nec ou «***ea<»*i «» «nvih«. beiug Lt 1, bl« « k 53 12 r« « 1 . 11 < ir« g. li stn-cf. *jMt* te« f • t. and i’Jb. t«.'«t un Fin»! Mrcct. mal! x .11« x aro itnd suini ass«,rt« d variv- 1 iio.i ¿ri xxiug* 11 th«.* bit. Ha* m ]1 mcc - 1 x « ut Building', a goodw«i]«.( watt r, and iBaiii.y and u«situi k* location. rn<**’ BOOTS F N. S. DREW. 1 «i ni 'i K. « < N «. 2b. 1 lurm«d .’,««U «er« * ; l.’4i mit «-* T« n«*< > m I kmi I auu |N«M<>thcv; - ( -..x« mil;. G< hm I r a lit w h< us«-. ’ 1. wit., k.U hi n; n n« u l«aru, Mx2U n.«:«l« '« «-n «* ii « *i«««*, •ìt.Altf f«*vt; m gix*! nei living *| iing «I wat« r mur flit* » " .H I < * I « li« e«i x\ ,t 11 a gootltilie«; ]<<| : i ;..i u • i-, i-.x. ni -oi«i <1 van« tu s, a N<». i inni Lo i u n b « X«. H« ni «.ut side lungi for L « k: cl to ,-c ho« *1 it nd |M»si-cftìec. Alsou 11-ln« k< n y< i.ug man s, tilth g iwo- IKMI..X ihm , and imin« ss for .«■u .md tiaiii.u aim some tools • i •« «. Ad tur th<* FU«» hi i. .'« uh young k-attlc ami hogs « <1 Mill. 11.« I t.H « . .1 g«HMl i.Klgklll [ t mix man « ih . man in *« arili «jf n hume. k««. J3 A b< .;?•«■ im«! ab ut one acre of ground, nu't x iiK'l. *»«!. gas nl.««ut Lf» bearing fiuit in < *. ;’<>o«i vari« ti«*; h I m > n mining « nilin in « "im » i n 1 .<« i ' XV .i n; w «tii tools Mini sluic« * udii. ;« nt t" w«iik uh *ain«u it h. wit Inn 4U0 x.ii«.*. t tb« * . si im«-ot the <•« rp«»rtit«* Inuits ol Ja< k-*. in lii«*. Tm ow ner la in poor iHWith. and t< i i haï r ji- n the plop« rly will be sold « .«• ap for cash. No. ». \ h.»m«*st«*a! Mil Mere in i i-< 11 i« >. a till« *| i ingot u nt« i ih mi - ttie house, « iti«- I«-i :«i«'O 1« r M< < i . Also tty midi '.;2 <: r. -< ix i., i iti lit X ■ ta« I «. All i«.r in« Mim ot $1150 cash ' u« >u n mi t .me ul Mile. ;N«>. —. iz.iii«!'iu > vtu n.-T, IS, II). 20,21», und NH of s< • Iii.ii ;>o, in t«ixs libhip 3Ô suutb. lunge 1 west; < .»IlLl.ilillg li.Hi MCI • s; mid itthus 1U bid ion* 12, U, LJ< and 25, ut tou n?-bip 35 south, of lang«* - ». «-t. « ntaiinng urjo Mur«s. lt ail of the .«b «. - in« ut i. ih , *>• P« i a« i «* is th« ¡me «*. if 'Bold in unan- tit!«> not i«-s tiiMii 4Vaen*. at 5*10 to ptr .. m « «oniiHg t«»th« quality apd quantity <«f «i M id mins « ne mira cushat film* <»( . Lanin«*«- «.ii tiitii* toM.it purcha*»* r; «1« t« ir- j ayni. ms tu b« •»• < un d l»x ii nu rtgiig« op pt « mi*. -. ‘1 ms tuna is mostly siigtitiy r«»H- mg « .ax «M.il.and is among the b«M fruit iapd* lii J in k’«»li «'ollllt^ . ¡’.Hl.« ‘«V l*dlt|lg |O pur« liUHf ItllX <«1 tlu-iiliuvc m i ti-« «i «mids, « an stop « It at Medbtid, x* h«*t e V xxiKh« II.« t Kt th« IHL-roM..!« gl ¡.di ag¡ nt«- XX no wiii < <>nv« y tti< in in good .q • »«. mix o! tin- Imnis I tutve tur sub-, tree ot ctiarg«- tor cuuvcyancc. MLAfcU. DAY. Newmarket Block, PORTLAND, OREGON MONEY TO LOAN. And s 11 of < F5TKAI LY LOCATKl». by Choice Landa For Sale. ■ 31 First Street, —ASK FOR Hoodo i G'ant * F»; s. in ¡« Lini, n tu and exym* ly f* rii.«* country af il *uiToiin«l<*«; by what will < v« tUua,. I»« tin-.p« rat j*.!i w iihiii I 11 x tlie town Vit Idjng Mb lugli a.« j»Gi«.uûf num « ac n. Th«r. i< otic quartz m’.iu cìuqiicr;, within r¿ mile* < i town, «i .¡i carioa i h t-1*. 1 !¡* ' il.x >111, t • et San I- ran. t nat l • p* i t<>n hi gold an«l i in r« w hat blindi'« d(i <>t utlHi- « ..mit x would prox «• • • >. migtdy v«!j ti«>n «d «h t« rnuning ta. ccaiiitv hn a mining ngi. n nutuiaa Did tins « iiorimai* x « a: < < ,.¡ doxx n ! i*. a i im « loua.«, «>r din il « mother Lides Mill iiiiiMiiili« d ai Inin rang« s « i .'..uCnrii <»r« g»n’. x» ins« |i. Citx an suburban ¡-i* , . ¡1 » m td< tow II o! Grant « Pa«-* 'S «»ib ■ i H t: \ < Il m; i i • i i»«r <« nt. cil« ap, i than it i« in an« t .. n • Lk. poinilatmn. nim I’.i« in« «• ..« i. \v. , ;lll seil x «»o «boíl«- husiiHss i« t «. .»ax I'»', on im- pr.'Ve.l «tre. ts.ali 1. v« 1, and wKiwi .üm l « i ... a «uAU“*' bi i« k • «p» i a li< ui*« . CHU S« il Juli nie.' ! < «ld< 11« frulli 1 h «'« Ilf. r ot I m « it modern dwelling* un ¡ hau • i« x < I. ch'are«! ami «m improx t<> «pNi. iU li. A« a Lux « t, urally ask. how can you ai. >i P le«* w nu a i .it « x« t x iinnjj n presented? r is. we ar<* the l’ORTJ-AND, OK., FAiUS FOR SALE ,•■*.:'*•• d«*firabic ¡««Cfitptn, being st Igmuy r« s:d« in*« * in !hr OF ALL KINDS. ASRICOLTDRAL flMFLEMEN IS. F33 SALE OH EASY TERNE p mantlipg p«»ii<< in the (.*!.;<;• VaR« «. ilir«-«* lion•!, « d liiiò s lami, is th«- pii»-h4»HH-l¡al «.«lx PA^S. Til«' I XV¡J , - -1 X « :H - ohi. It. • •!' o’, «.r 2,t*(*U. and U ur .wiu, L 1"xx n 111 the Slate. It ha* lw« nix- large saw-mills within a radius oi ixv« ntx uu mor« Imul" r ami manulactui than any («»wn hi n.«\« <1u 1 It lia - t ” -,t-i .; ing <*v< r 15(1 in« n A $¡in,uui bi n k strlo.'tiuU. iKeid« ur«** und«r wav. ILi* «en c«."v an Mgg R.c C< 'in pu worth ol gold «lust an............ Has daiiy stau'« « »i«imuiii«‘S»» ,n cent « i»y ¡ill.I .qu. «•d at u p «int on t!i I A « a!if. . ;i:a h. ritory fak« - pa 1 ruiii^«”. tin: Mohanics’ Tools, Results. A»hlau<3, Jacks.'U Co., Or. ! i’.d'l« fniin« huuw«.* in Ja« ksotiv ih<*. . i i «•M.iuii'i«' t< rm*: of tiir«s rooms i-n« n; a.i in«, property ' • 1 k ; ••-. .-*!-*! y L i :« m h«»u*‘ IU Jacksonville, ««,«1«< i"p«** l * th«- pr« ini*« s, umi through in tii«- tiuiis«-. truui a living spring. h t >«r. 'ijHI)«:ning «*t inr A«hiu.i, llohy ! PAINLESS CHIL^ r ó f T M t No. «. l’i >i ly acr« •» <»f timber laud vb'»c to thè couw- r 1 T l\ i ,au L ading lo ti««- ihx butto saw-nuli; vai- 11 1 P n.iide < ia< fi.v lur iaUtiiidMi*. G«.vt i i«m* ut ti- < r ! . < • .- • ut «ri U,| -tate an«l tilt* und A u U * • wi.il»« -.«a 1« r nvv «ìoiluis per u< r». cash. A f-, w4iu tur S' imiaxiy, No. «. i Two Inim'.refl and loti) ncr*•>—vtxity a«*rv* t v •■ -. Ixx.» toircuius <1 wat«r run tbrvugb i tm-piac» . lt is sUM t ptibi«. ot b«*iug uiviu« d ia>« « io uuu«ir«u au«l tw«nty Grant's Pass, the Trade Cen­ ì ino» .< ì .* urtì , io« nortu hall «»t t bis place la uu- m.fiixeu. ih» ini» i<»x « a m » acr» b ar» w«»rlb otn«T 1*0 acne, $VUU. t««ur tnU<*8 ter of the Largest and Rich­ u. ut C« ì'«i«' uiiai i'oiut rai.i’vau station, 'liti* p< t• t««.t. No. i. est Gold Producing Region \ laruiul I-'J rct, luipi’ox*« «! w t»h a c«'tn- i t i.tu. un« n'e'. 1« n ni. :•« * 1« nc«-. . i ili« vii« o« *t m « < k raug«« in tb«’ > zuutx. ì . i U m - <■t a!>out HO ;.UIb.l «i -IT« <1 liUlt tl«« s; uni* iltrg<* ( i zita uu« «-lu«r ruiii.i« r «. ih * <»n thè fami, i ai.k « i«. « k riso* tiir«Audi thè piace. Splen- -i « k 1-uhjt«'. w ìtu goXAinuH.pt liti«*, l’ncc. j 10UI. tusU. No. 10. A lira k h< ui*»« and larg« lot in Ja« ks«>nx die. • n i -lutili . A «•. toi- i table tioui« , atld title I l'»1 ! ; . i »•> no u I m «4 *ix. tweix’c and <4ghp u> nth.-; <;« Jon «*ouiily. Qrcgon, ur his Deputy, will uic«t tlie'iax- payerriaf said county tor the pur|H>««* of re­ ceiving films, Village teta, Improved ard Tjaimvrcved fcr ¿ale or Rent. TOWNS ON THE HENRY KLIPPEL, 1 i J kJ MISCELLANEOUS. TIT T 1 MOST REMARKABLE I IlH’ MISCELLANEOUS. '1 CONCERN ’'¡ gone OF THE n* » • ♦ > 1 i i Vehicles of all description*. MONTAGUE, 1 Ville and Aibiabl, « hrcli «-Mpurrb»«. J by Irs Harrow*, Wagons, Biiggic*», Ctiriiuge», mid plies. TOWN LOTS ÇhÎldnffl_Cry f# PtttWì CÂftHÏ 1 Implements of ,di Agricultural arsaparilla, gfit within a day’s travel of ths enemy, IIÜL ESI.HE JAD LOAN AGENCY Cultivatur«, herders, Drilh ¡.nd Making Mnçldiiery. h luior for rears, .ri i. as my broth- Th» county c«>iui»ii*«>.'ium r* «• *iut hi . I b« ill irly .nib '«.1, I »'•rtoiuil li. XL W*«X. Ir i ..ditary. Last tiuu>. F.i.tti visit.si Jacksonville la.*f w . A rnui. who bas pra< t « cd u « (*f Fernandina, iK..ig alter su» p.i. ». tOV'A-M U.bt lu kn. vv »aa f. in e to take Ayer's A met is* main? lur self-miitila'ion T ue luitique uoiiuu» o( cutuiuun-la* I’i -. D.-rii.- r«>, () . *k it daily. I have Uiegoii, wbicli our < »U49iUe the issue, u.ay Uo Very well, in tiieory, Lu' 'V uiMiucti v iU,'K j ,n a tvw uuy s a I tny prai lue a «d exp- r « th «t in .t i jny .«¡io have »uttered »cli-intiicted amputa :• I was tronbled mo qiuto iiupr.clicAble. It 1» quite tiu. li - a , p'VM.ttHt'oli h « I 1 « «•• -- J. W. Manning and iiunily have r. iiui^« J i«. ..ex » |. un in my side. I .un, ranging from a linger to a hand, ILuX lue game in an unsettled Coui.Ly 1- Liiikviiii tu r< i.iaiLi uut.ii spring, •cr h • XVI Ji a* tìiueii Coliti cu. e « : I. at first, but it Jiu »mail uiuuceuielit to >1» eeitiemehi rather than work in lhe »lions. Nothing uitil it became W iLk.n 1» bu.l ling a mllt reat.l. nc. ¡o 1 rau lidi * L’ L:rj n < ir t . uUld beltex illustrate the eunervain.g ou Siiujw.u by tue plunder iMrtuesteader ur pie-euip m***.iy claim ...i Caurij vr«« k. • und by y il. H-.V t<• '• .b «j H I > iring tire latter K»<; bui Sutil the Cuuuliy lias ueen pat- i.tiumic-e of the tt’dlamitte climato, Î* rs of the atom- VS. P. \| > *r* <>f i.inkvil!«' precinct has re­ ni .ny Uhm« U!i(i R* < lì«.*, i ls . idi . t tmdy rellletl aa long as Oregon ha», wuh its admitted tendency t.q gpnerate turn Cant*.i ma. w * IL’! .«a.x i’i CUllCÌUSiu.t i bave i i*.v troubles. I - .panila, and, tue»u rame pioneer helluji» uu tue può- ’„Sstlude and mdolence. [t>o mituori- V' . Hale is r« covering from his r« « «m nt- a « use ul 1 aluTlli II wc>ul«i l«Ul cu W«.ll* i lake il a«c ni ng t » de«« i 11.au the use of iie» evi.hnny do not kuow how to solve l.u'fc «•) »iHi.uiiiM.«t,«ry iu« miiMtisin. HC ialnls aie ti.e very pei.oL» moat in Y ur* T< .1 v. m a.ilH, .he pain Circuit L >mf w!H r ! Maim soon. Having n >xx temateli m preeervmg the game «rum Ibi the <| lestmn oi how to make the i-oii- L. L. bORM « H, »as completely icts worn without making them too bv« ii .ii •« Mdoii marly thru«- weeks. valiti.*a Wirtz wuutoiiiy destroy ii fcr tlie Vtlic . 21 > r sta A. Furbusb, J. W. ILun.ik -r itml G. B. Van Uip« r have bilie» O' l.-*:nn, thereby *i. pcivmg them the«:—ui III-. Inere is even sonm talk \\ v xvdi givi $iGj ¡ur Hoy « ..>«■ opened a r< al-« state ««file« at Bonanza. <*t a >< me «I meal supply. XVnile in >f moviug the liistiiuiion to a more in : hai cali n«a b-* t qr *«i by llaii ■»( aiutrnt un jit ! I V. ddrr him b«'«*n app«>inted marshal • u.y Die law ia i quuuy aa ptobiblUVv iguiatmg cnmglg. The latest mnti'a of D Linkrlilc, Lui c.i in « n • 1« vice J. H. Kvda«I«!, resign! <1. F_.1. < HEN EY A < <>., !’r p . r i «» e i . U. iwli*e B4*tt»er aa lutue peltry hunter, ye*. tors are two laicenv men from l’oit and Th< Klamath 11 .us«* at Ltukvillu has been bv «1111.' 1 1 , 7 ■>«* II* piaciicu there i» buie uanger ui its ui oil two and three-year» Sentenvea, re r«*-chribt« iiv«i ••Tii«- E.*m md." B« n Lewis i«* Lowell, Mask ever Iwmg enforce«! to an opFrvrmve de- -:>*ctively, wtio experim* nt, d with lu.u, ager. Two (kicland Favoriti*!* uf Fortum*. MissA'U Sb'»< <. un«l will probably rtiuein fii« r« during I>. VV. Gibbons, 41*7 Lorain >t.. li Id un« -tv p.ovi rtj U.S laiiiily Witu meat, tel tile v whole ban 1, on Mon lay of lost We«». 3 ‘ . ».52b, xvnicii dr« xv 111. law .-laud ;u it »», and We wi-i l*e apwrvt! i lij vVil in no*, without its mitigating Jthigej > -'xv 1! in Ltt* nding e .urt at Link- ond capita; prue«»f juni.nun in 1 nc r< c. ut o« .1 • Uiu apt < taele nl veemg the deer wlt>eai circumstsuu-», awl t o- I»t dive agen- vh «. lii. sHkn»'*.^«*f hi*, w u «• pri v. ui« d hi* ing «>i rii«-Louisiana diate Loti« ry, * pt. j>hu. He 1* a milk r 01 wa^in rs al lb I 111 n not utl 111.’ tace ut tiv «arili by ll’iaeiupumu- . 'esuoteduwn earn» ;elf-inuiked crimi­ turiltr app« araiiu;*. Mr. Kinsman of L »t riv. i pr« cinct is in ami Indi w 1 k s, < '. A. Fu«-, a young un ciiaine. au'l Wuiiùliea UMflVidiia,» b- tier kuoWr nal with a high dcgine oi aati.‘fa<:tiuii. ■ ! "i xv.1 > hv * un 1»’ o' n in th« Ì own of R*>gu« ‘ riv« r v.d:» y. and r« poit n««s it that in il» deor-aaiuiler». It 1» well-known that they o|ierale on will tii t return alone. NVud«.- Paik ave., ami uoik-» at ta Hi u-.. < . . : 1 < xc k -. 11 tw • nti« th «d tick« t GB.l « h . X» «Ben u . xv t!i* tbil fiaU.UUD. < «• *.. . mn the 1 e*soii oi a known criminal jurors having b « u « x< us« Hi Li> om* ot tu n* at* st in timt suction. , are maue. No li as than a halt duz-r* -eipient to his release, ti these previous, TlH’inu.ie f >r tii.- Linkvl!!.’ Tli.u.k^l,l11K «-and date* south ut the Cal .i'oo a* art rascally convicts could hut realise how «Ml. Hill I. luill!Hb..| Ly -ii luam . -Iring OR. CUNN'8 IMFRQVEO LIVKR PluUS aii.a>iy hi the held, ur are being q i:etly • hey- a.e handicap; ing ttiemselvi a in I'Miid, wn«>ar«' tirst-CiMss p< rfonih rs. • inr-fuiiith down, balance within six, twelve Cure Slck-Hrai.che, b, caffictinj the S o.nach. Bow­ urg, d lui ward by tueir irtemia fur more tl.rir liltlire o;ieratum», they would wear mi «¡trlii«-« n u*«»ntlu. I* !*» rdwor.qi that th«- t I gmph Pnr be- e's. Liter and Kidnevs: beaut.«, «he completion b, pu- >• «• map at iiallroa ■! 1»<-pot !<»r grade«!price»», twe n Li.ikv.iH- uipj Isolan I xv.n o« •< ii.m*.' d «Ihlnfl the blood: mild In their action, pleasunf to take. or fee» im.alive otic .*, ranging from the •‘Ut every hatchet in the shops before t > th. road down tn«- KtHiMMtii riv«T. h a«l.!r«*MS I». H. IIASKEL. ..■d never gripe or sicken One for a dos. 25 cts a goveiuur»inp t > justice of the ail ,*iey would r*m.*Jer such iui|>urtant ser- 1'iox ii-Sit«- Agrnt (’. P. R. IL, Sail Francisco. Supt. Fountain will imM his r« gular public bos. Drug and General Store, or b, mail. Samples tre,. pmne cuii.t. Ot course the canvas» 1 i-e* to the detwiivu agencies as to nse ••xai«.ii).iti.m m applicants for tt auib r'* «•« r. TH! DR. BOSANKO MEO. CO.. Piqua, O. till« at -»at LinkXmL'next W. diii i-dav. pu.— ssm » luoie real interest to gi nt eim r. one on them-eive». of the parly ol high tar ff, that p-.hli. a ••f»» f'ttrr .111 filsin lunurt '• Eu*t we« k theMuiim. r May t! >w«*r. ('apt 1». m - T he Sunday .Ven-urn, a journal tl at A.ii.s made th«* trip fr«»m K-n > t«> Linkvilir !n urgmiiz.uungiavipg an api-urein i.en ou Simple Hpply “S wayne * O istmj . x r.’ X«» i» ra I antiy independent in ;* litica of la.e fix« li'iU*^ x>i»h I.jJtii i«'«t uf lumherabonrti«»i»«* <>n t lu fa« «'. Iiun N. theless riuml* rs 01 lhiuoi rats express s with Republican proclivi'iee, thus d. s- -Rurtthr" of Lip*, ti .k G i . iv . s , *.>^tii.i!<* t.. nos»*. ,V., l' .'iving tiw ‘•kin ( l« ;ir. xvliii' and rvadim -* h-> immolate t.ieluseiv.-s, that .* rants *;iun the President's dieciitnina- • >p« ri*t«' I h r on big Klamath Inkt .o. umjm L ’J Iu. lu Iwiihhy. its gr« ut heaiing and cuiat ix « pow- «num- priCK pi ly; |>ai«l was <1 (JO. *' •rSTlf p«>ss«- K«qj |,y |)n I,th«r 1-eliH dy. A-k woithyuiall praise, tin the Repuhli- rion in the matter e ' s O i . x tmi . x i ' - on pr elum ition* tn Montana and I the .Zk kali s« ho«»i «listrict has s« nsil>l\ vot« «1 a Iri- can side there are three candidates who UT\*;i:s LEAVE JA< KSONV1LLE EVERY ,y V Dakota-,Winn* wi'lihol.li'ig tt,.i: oi \V_ Va-h-y™1'11 ta v t«> hiiiLI a *« h«H>l-hou*< . This cotintrv are moie or les* openly tn the field—io. 1J M uiday anung. «-v. n i*f Wild'» x i|[«'.r«-tu ruing Tuesday s anil Sat unlay*. the ottici-s of governor, supreme court mgton i jr more than a week, through s ¿¿*op? ar«* short and cattie low’ male whim, based upon a technicality; Max'• Ivax« * for rniontowu on Wedtiembty * justice ..nd state tieasuier, respectively. The « nfetig:».ment given for thr brm-fli «»t nt I0 o ' u L k *M a . m ., returning Tliurmluy*. i Hun. J, V. Tolman ut Ashland last wm k *'ll>‘ lia*l no whim-aliout Montsna,how­ the library luii l of «u«* J inkvill. -. ho .1 on»- of tiu bust that ever t > *k ¡»Lu j n Klani- announces hiinscll a* a cuudiuate forth* ever. He tias a »tripling of a »on resul- atn county. A n.-at sum was realized. (i * conMituti« Ja-t named office, and it is evident tlier- n>g in Helena, whu yial.es to go to the I AIL« rt Walker «if Spragm* riv< r secur *d the And th« r« L r<* it will be lively lime* in inis end ut the S. Senate. Delay in tlie ailmi.-iun of ^mtract for bridging Fish-hob* ere« k hik hi I V jMcati«»n*. It I.. ” state laluie tin- cuiivelitiuns are held the »’ate was giving the Democram uiy grading thr appr*»a< n«*«, on tm* new 1 .ad 1.' edy Ilk«- Hood* Too many post » fur lLe holen in what opportunity to prevent yourg Hsrriwi's tiW stat« line. His bid was <1.275. through the bl Fall gra;u L m ^ s v«ry promising in I I p * Klam- ails the Kvpunbcan parly in euirtbein p.rty from throwing out enough conn- at ii basin nt pr« sent, as th«*« arly rains ami un­ which eaure* ami pn l DI H it FOR HAI.F.ON ItEAHONAHLEleriu JLnti«' «>r lite boat Stock or bairy Farm* in Bonth Oregon, Joe Simon will need all Lis di- lies *<> give the slate to the Republicans, usually warm c»>ndifi«>ri of tn<* e«yil brought i p • :i Oioguu,rtitnat<*<«er (’reek. JoBvphiii** «0 Father Hair »-m a lmitted the state the grain al must a» »oon a* *owp. jgoma. v in »etilmg the matter. ’•tunty <’<«ntaining 3*4)acres of rich bottom laud *» I .re the election muddle was settled, II. E. Wilkinsonuf th«* Fort im* ;u4*«*pr**d * p t t.ilix adapted to the growth of timothy hay «.id ch»v«»r. A!»<>ttt ono-haif is cleared and iu hu-placing ti e contest in the haiida of poaition a*« signal utficcr at Canmn. Nevada, 1» the event ol an outbreak of Indians and left f«>r tiiat place with hl* family last '•ultivaLi.n, and most of the balance can be easily a RefMttdicau supreme court. Evidently wc< k. tarrying f«>r huv « ral days in AsUliind. eflect.i n i • j.««artd. Th**re in a stream of water running in Klamath county the Oregon mint a t >e l..ther ol the »on expects a Ruther- r. ’ irott«rh t he place the year r«»und, affording plenty L. liichn, the live Linkvill«* contractor, re. people testify I would be raked tut to supprees the up- fout li. Ilayrs j'idginent iiom this court, turned home during tm- we« k from his n .rth- •i water foi Hfcjclc and »«»me for irrigating. The parlila n» a n» ing, ami, a» the lankville and Ashland place iu all incloeed by a g«M»d rail fence, t here urn trip, having b« « n the run mi* ot th«* Sound mil he will probably not bedi»ap|>uinted. preparati* » .«* a iitju.-c and Lani and ‘¿Yl young fruit tree* on cuuipatiies are the in a'tat to the scene The .Vere«ry is not a Democratic organ, cifl«’* ip * far north a* N’«w West minster, R. < 'It - piece, (t aleohaetho boat outside range it« als-* l.i'il*:- of Milon. It th quite i-iseitilc that the The new i-uruhu«« r of the military t«*l< graph nor does it court favors from that party ; line, tie county; also an«>thor -xoaUant place contain. W. H. M >wut. of the I» »atMl t '« graph you feel i boys wdl get an opportunity to distm- • ng IJo aerm» • ut it cannot close its eyes to fraud and company, w. nt ov« r the line l«u,t xve« k to *«•♦• gm-h themselves and to smell |>owder. F«»r full particular* call upon oraddree* chicane. The Democrats carried Mon­ that every thing is In order fur winter bud- O. J. VANNOY. Altei a fellow has on. e enlisted in the ne*«M. I tana a- iairly a- ttie Republican» carried Rerbyviile Oregon ruibtia, to extract glory and pleasure Sum Walker of Bonanza ««as too big to get ti.e Dakota- arid Washington, and that through thr boh- in tn«* will» wher«* the Port- from ttie parade and the mazy wal'z, STRAYED. party is entitled to the fruits of its vic­ Inn«! crooks em ap«««! last w«*« k, and will hav«* to r r c t.irrh, aboil' tlie only wa> to get out again with tory. Go si and holiest ciliy *ns ui all remain Hnd stand trial, miy* a writer to th«* and r< «*i\« in in it. honor and tair fame m to gel elected a "Star.” K”M THE OLD OBENCHAIN RANCH The catarrh »x parties will concede this. Them should /«•dally In R.g Butte pr.*cinct, about tin* middle of .onruiiseioned cither aiui then reaigit Alfred Jacquo* of [.ak* view hum the con­ r from August, a bay mar«* an«! thr« «* yearling Ulli« s. r* s.-iiie honor even in politics, and lhe tract for grading that ¡»«»rtion of the n«*w In the V ini. r . We trust that, sti.ee the abandonment of tx« i grays an ! a sorrel. All were branded sflidavit of an ex-convict, as was the Mat«* line **uqd in f wren Koiin l grove and my nos«-, i ¡;out con-uinmal.'d.tiie • i to clear man who te-titied to the irregularities in Qu 11 itz valley, hU b,'4 u* &12W having been ae- In the but ing that th<* lira nd on one of tin* grays was on ollieers of the two coinpames »ill see Cepted. th' lett Mioulb*r. ¡’ho mare wore n b«*ll at Surer Bow county, should not be allowed their duty in the pro)y heai! h> Ji HIN HOCKENJO8. Jacksonville, Or. time against an Indian raid in the interim ling « i- ; ' ti «» ueen detrimental to the Demucra* y J. 'V. piemen* has rented R. F. Crouch'* that must elapse before United Slates TO HOG RAISERS I 01 the north.” Tuealmve was evidently budding on Main ¡Mns-t. Link vide, and n« ally nie reit, f r troo| s could be brought ii|>on the seene. ontuely * 1:1 i. written by T. B Merry, who lately st­ titled it up for u i)ur!» *r-sbop. j • >lin it* a *upc- I WHH TO SAY TO THE FARMERS OF It might nut lie out ol place to advi.-e the rlor t«niM«»ngl urti*t. uh«» ha* o«»«qutw » iu I <>X I Ja< k*iincounty that I Imported never*I head rived from Montana and knows what he the mountain!*. He i* deserving of a|ib« rafi f*arsa|>ar>ll;. i. t, "colcuela” to ls*gtn to take daily practice, Ita w- i.l.l i . ot fuh-bliHHi Poland-China nog* from .Minn«.•- patrvnag«*. is writing ulanit. I * >t i last y« ar, and now offer them for sale. iu shouting at living uiaiks Lom lielntid ffljtithSir -. -. ' Sergeant E. »1. Gia**, formerly of Portland. ' i Tb«\v arc fine, ami rec«*lved first premium at stumps and »tones, so as to lie able to but mor«- rect ntly station«*«! at Linkx'ill« as j Rrocg Ip, i.iM S< pteinber fair held in this county. Will signa)-!*« rvice observer.!» at th«' metropolison «quip l|n mselves with eclat on the gory I"• ««>!«l at ri'Msonabh* rHt«*s. (’an I m * seen by \ < 11 arc f«*« ling <1* p^M-d, your appetite * in «nth** 1«* mvi ' of abs< ncc from duty. He ; Boldby h II «Ir- • L «•ailing on A. A- Davis, at the Medford Ro 1- field when the time comes tor that kind is poor, y- u me b ther^d wi.h headache, C. 1. Hn *o«»e contrition th»n helor«. Wn *t ton charge of the shop. ERSIAN BLOOM. L r. . ri Th« grand jury wna in *«sai«xu eight day* OR HALE. »19. ACRES OF Î.AND-419 This role has it. exception . however, as w »nt in at« *b»*ra«!TH ba’ x»i 1 ¡ u By yon«’ tißer. Sk*n Dar«',.n ! IJlejn h t i • ' iMTc» of tarin land !n the valley, good ft* in the vase 01 a wc|l-bnowu colonel on n'ord, »t-rt h< al iiy ai'i .o of ntt r ai.d and found a ouinb«c of tadictmenu« anion/ 1 fbmri Dtiunn f.vr tr «*’«•;«*• tb m tbufoll >wlQ(p Aaalntt Oeo. A.CbaatBJn fruit or graiu. the governor's st iff. wb.>cs>> o» his em I kid: vv:, V'Lm your vital ty. a»vi k Ì v «« r»- and u, A. 8«w'it. f ’r selling Hqu >r without 11-, Tw<» th niBitnd six huu«!rcd nc*r«*s f«iut-h!!l h »1 niedi- c ns<; against R. Wiia-m. for carrying a non- : and mountain-sid«* ’.»md, tfood for fruit, «lary- iMjr.pcii.t .11 frunt, ar d whom we ».and I i.exxct) he '*h a-d *'i» ng n |l;ir« i* st"« kraising. This tjiu* of land ha* *• «le V ) : w 1 ft.fi in T. cef i«' B t’< r*. an«! u ill <1 xveiipon; ii gain at C. C. Dix n, t r lar­ nev-i advir advir". Bevel ’- u •!*'• any "iri'itruslaoc. - to ('Mth*branded I) find rnnrk drrt p '.r.dsquar«* j ov« r seven inib- <•( fencing, dwrlling-boum*. ceny of a -to« r; against G«-o. and Iltnry G« m »«1- « «»r*b 50 veut* a U*tt> at j il orti* •tore*. .ftX jOsc »u ids person i *«.*ie* r rear iii-tl.ide I »■•••, ivi iwn-.u; -a-muo t. un«ii»rbitin left ear and imdersfopH in right; • st«:« k shed of W feet, uud pl uty uf living low. fur iarvtuy zu in a dw* iliu^. i water _ , ___ ... , . , 1 thr^yaar-olds and unvards lave the point of in the event of his being called upon to . tte nu Jmn’¿ej' ’TV'V "n-’J ct? .. Pal R'*«:« I a'.Uin i * a «le ) fiaJLÌl«'i«l 's Nido Su. i t'esli) li li : •• 'i - \ : < fresili Chat ni (alum ¡»««wik-i ) • F X ei ,.n«i s ............. -va F«’;*ni..................................... Dr. l’rWs................................... Proles or W. l ars. n, N. Y. • pharmacy, tu te-tn made i* soc tai ion r. ir w’s .... No e Sue : ( ri ••!, i o* . H- rsford's ( i hu.-i h il« 11 w il be i «> i< ed ili i« • h troni 17 tu 40 p. r vei.t. tuo than ai*y «jlupt . reuní «d ta i«* «*•■! s* «piemly niu< h *i.; i 1 lie guv. nuil ht « h-tui-1 • ». L«»v<*, XX h » ui.uic ili ;.uw«l* !S il r he N« XX Y t.Ui.ilb, as A«'h .f f •; t il •• mx * ” i h d the K' « «ui.p b « «i ni pu.r « H* II.-. I '. d-a s n > I h »-p li a le «roche .X»> I JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, W< hh | «nd Steel Benin, Side hnd G lntlemen : —Appreciating the I fact, that bv opening a Branch House in the soqtljern ptfrl of tlie . state, we could fill the wants of •• niiiiieroub customers more readily, with gr6atov 0ii||X« nience ■ ‘•••'m, mill ii i'o|isi«|er,jh|c sax- i«o .. M íi’t'iglll», etc., ing in the way • *< we finally decidetl Mclford. We aim to carry all kind* uf THE BEST BAKING P-iWDEK luipli iit'-nt' tt*ed utt the farm, and :OME OFFICIAL IE T* >11 U.Xi. Tlil.iR COM FARATLVK sTKENUTII, AND WHICH all kind.- id Machinery and Mill is MOST ECO N’t »M IVA I.. supplies, aud shall be pleased to The below tabulated stut -o cut* are «x have, tint only our old friendsaud true s Iruin public 1» sis «»i baUin-' p<>w«le?>', niatle t«> a*« « rrain th« ir relative xaldt n customer.*, hut the public general­ practical usr in baL'ii'g. Th • p»»xvdcr <* »n ly, call upon u* at our new store. Gaining tlie large t aim uiu «1 ¡«axini / Wry llespectfully. 3 («X i»m n.r tl'C hill’ll a al p . *| t at • SICK-HEADACHE! REAL-ESTATE. HANDLE a full line of Grand Jury Report, l.uwur*-) ;.ai only [r lit««* lin.' in * . im st d< !<■ i tis a <1 w’holv’ome Iu »»I, but is it»« in st • u«‘no!hii t! in use. lb i rd Stales coYt rim nr el « rm* . Pr«.- t«-**or E«l*«i ••!« Izive. lotin I tin «oinpir- a i. v str* ng’li ol the p wd-iK nati.til :* !■ llo x > ! HOUSE, BRANCH I Tb«* following lather«*p«.»rt of th«*gr*n«l jury -•'••auud lur ttie November term ul tur eiu. Kiauutn county; circuit court ».V. • cxiimlticd We have, with care an-* - all cnargis brought bid orc us and uhki «* h *. hu rimae in which Indict menu* have been touiui. nave investigated sev«*rui others ouiy lacking the weight and relevancy ot evidmc ■ to justi­ fy th«*ir prountatiun tur trial. We nave inspected tav b.»ok-mnii a« c Hint-«of the county uttichus and have toiiii.i llicm to be well k pt; and those ot tue periuam nt or­ der «-xcepti -iiaiiy well written. We have seen tu«1 county money and know it to be in the actual putMCMiuti oi tut* county treasurer. We ruink our county buartl tii«] well in t« ir- ing down tue cuuuty’s old sloijc corral and building out of tin.* material a neat aud sub stanliai Jail, but imnk lh«*y wuuid n.iv.- been just'.ticd in adding suthcKUt additional v.**t t j tae present structure to nave made it piucii- vaily tire proof, in tm; cv«u( uf tac c uit- hous«* burning it wuiila in uiiv opinion b. im- p««*91010 tor anyuiiu tu rescue pi ut inc jab we t:pd Dial tin* welt and tin* wat» r closet are not témple-te u^d ¡’ umwui « ud that th« y be finished ab soon a* prucl 1« ai »TV JusUvCUd tne new stone Vault and think I i »» icyiupl•’!—1 it "’“l Guth th e h . u H J I ¡ bu*g«4 jutm . mi l i’Kdui; him >«':)S’d' »‘th’ I’V91 llt on(*hi' ’•*r 8ÜM. •u l»»Ve i-otix i, nti uiiftly Cft- bevling i*«..- ‘ r,’»UvUoi*> have a nice but fa-room In the ba»wn house ha* been rebuilt NOTICE *Hl> brlc^ and greet'./ eDlaripd, Vt .nj-d Inlay NKWLY FURNISHED. lt I* <»-)>tr»lly lot tl-d to th** bu.’ncs» part of tow-, a-.*i » giM-d-tanipl*- r<>om l.*r c*-mrr*-r- ciil trav.-lrni. In up in coiinectliH. th« rt- »-Ith. Tb'. table In conntabtly farill»l>'*ue-balt mt«-retd in a paving meivantil«' busim^s and al*«> one block ‘if grown«! in Eagh* Point, with dw«*lling-bnuso and out-lrniidings. good Mor«‘-house. • to. For further partt~ulai - apply totli«* undersigned ««ti the prend**« s. F-B »LOW. Eagl«- rd nt, Orcgou, August 24, l?w. $12,000 to loan in $1,000 lots, on improved farm se­ curity. For further particu­ lars enquire of SILAS J. DAY, T jAciDsojtvmr, creoo . n .