ahi jifiuonatk aimes OFFICIAL Ml FOR MCUOR COORTI EDITORIAL VOTES. 7 hk Chicago. Union I’wcitic and Nortti- w< stern is the name of the latest con so'idation, and with a probability of the absorption of the Chicago aud Alton in a NOVEMBER 7. I«» few days, it is apparent that the South­ ern I’aiitic will have a combination to fight nn tins coast that will require all 4 TIDAL I»'.* VE. its resources to control before many years. If our horoscope is rightly cast, Election return« tbi* morning indicate there will be merry times in railroad that New Jersey ia overwhelmingly Dem- circles on the Northwest coast about the lime tlx' Oregon I'lir-ide i- conii>l>-t i! erratic; and a tap line is thrown down K >gu< New York I i « h made heavy Deuiueratic . ivrr valley. Speed the day I It means possible cmaucipatiou. gain*; Even Iowa has probably gone Demo­ Trig Chicago Tribune, a Republican cratic, and Foraker’s chances are very paper with more conscience if not more slim in Ohio: . brains than the Oreyonian, says: “It is Heavy Democratic gains in Massa­ an insult to common sense to affirm that the tariff enhances the prices of wheat, chusetts, and it may prove a sweeping corn, oats, cattle, hogs, horaeB or mules, poultry, butter, cheese, uiilk, hay,fruits, victory in the Bay state; Maryland, Mississippi and Kentucky vegetables, cotton or tobacco leaf. The price of tlie farmer’s products is fixed by are still with us by increased majorities. the foreign markets, and tlie price of Hang out our banners on the outer nearly everything the farmer buys is de­ wall! XX’e don’t really need Montana. termined by the tariff and its incidents. It is an ugly truth, but it cannot be I'll, Chicago l oarJ of trade ha* placed wiped out.” county court to keep a general supervis­ ion over t!»»! county iunds anr redemption huinedia«elv REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The following deed*» have bi on filed fur rec­ ord in the office of the county clerk Hiner the last rcixirt of the T imes : SICK-HEADACHE! OR. CUNIM'S IMPROVED LIVER PILLS TA) Cure Slck-Hradaehe. by correcting the Stomach, Bow- e’t. Liver and Kidneys; beautify the complexion by pu- rPying the blood: mild in thoir action, pleasant to take, -<» Marie La« ii«‘na! ; lot lo He Received n ' . • î. di ’.»irc-s O h ' i T' iii , • «U r ’ h.s ha il. will inert thr T..i- !»l*»«'k “F” lailroad mid t«» Ashland. $10» JA< KSONVILLE, OREGON. MEDFORD, ORECON payersu! said c«>»inty 1 u the purp<»8e ol rr- < hi ’ iSfoph.T (1 : ■: a -i i. hi ’ i :tt.- h r KC Foni to 1‘ 11 Oviatt; lots 1 and 2 of tic Philmli lph a., .j 11 n li i- r.»i:i ad. «vim c« tying bl*»< k 64 Mr-lford. r«‘si«lv, at »u>.» North sti -t. Harri.nburg, last P H Oviatt to 1 L rlaniilloi ; 60 ttCIC’J Iti W« dn< s«iay 1« ,xi.i $15.»iHi f r«.m tl»«- G»uis- .xx | 38 *. R 2 W. $L4) iana s»at L>tt«r\. IL m M <>m -t xv«ait h t I» «>t hi th«*ir respective pr<- Be’ h : O Doun* H to Mar' ii II 10 thkft N<> !.s- I xx :i i a . i .• g. ii- remain in caicii i»nx*in«*t !r«»m’.» «»*« |>.< k. A. M. 1 and Mining Claims bought and suhl ou cum- W A Al« Krubinc to same*; lb acres in tlcman, he inform«*«! »»- ; hat th«* first ti< k< t he until I o’clock r. M,. of <*nch day, to-wit: iniatriun. 8 B Galey; lot H Pracht 's aer<*s « »4 ' un — i in provisi - « . land. 30 ocrea of X|«-adowa ..... ad t i > Ashland, $300. which in prt. » ill»!' It' rt k ... rnlriv _______ land _____ ami ____ the balance g«»d fruit and grain land. I. liti* Butte am s in twp 3H S, R 3 E. #230 with two living HprmgH of water, Four miles tltg Butt«* Win S Giubb to AuguB F Fislier. from Jacksonvihv. • iiiiiin x 11 h k M.Nltor.i ... acies iu twp39S(R 1 1* $500. ROYAL Ki.-,U 1'JUO No. 46. E l. n............ lfk' acres, M .1 Rr«'sei to L C HiP; ¡ot IS IDghiand T.,v»U»L Ashland.... Cnimprovcd; wcll watf^jrd, and a first-cliuos Park ad«! tu Ash! n*i. $3«»0. >t«'amboMt.. place to make a g«KXl hoin W \\ I ette; i »i 13 block A good larui of 2UU aertt» oh E xuun eret k. in board, at the garua-n city. Merry Chanter.” It will begin in the t!'« f ’ ! ■ « •• - ’ C4hV ucrea—2U0 acres rich, level, bottom land, “ D ' A^bianJ. $30". tli< Meadow«. Improved with m dwelling 16x24 cleared; 1U acres fenced; small bous« and «tu- feet with live rovUiB, u L mu n and Htuhien. HO November Century and run tlnough four tlie hoi 1« r- Laving * . n t--mj»orarily 01.t W tt F« ts tuC«»ur.i*l M n_ , same | r q - i ax-pay era will ph as«‘ pay their taxes at th» Tui: Germans of the United States numls-rs. The story takes its name from bearing orchard ot choice variety of ap­ dtT«> f< lie« «1, 40 itert h in cultivation, well aat- of the tonry. N’i»v :t . less :n <‘i»‘*t criv, $4'50. .1 ■ »V« - -fate 1 times, 'flu’ law hi regard to th«‘ir ble; ple«; 2bh acres ot yellow and sugur-pmc tim ­ L-i'cd aim u hni’ otrteide range lor «Dock. A No. have selected October Glh as the day of c »!’-N lion will b«‘ s!ri<-tly <*nf«>re»N|. Win T Lee.« r to J »l.n B- linger; a vessel which staited front a Massachu­ !c< 4'V«i un th«* sa»ne alt r th • «lab of the ber; kq « m 1 site fo» saw-mill; g»»od roads sum­ * »tot k iajui. 1‘riuc, 11 It ceil dulhirt» per acre, the landing of the first German in this J. G. BIRDSEY. mer and wiuti-r. Evans creek runs on east setts port on a peculiar cruise. The call an«l the scrip owner was th«* !«>er a* res ¡ h iwp 37 8, R 2 tt'. $1'<7 ■ ar»ii. TitL perfect. >i»’ ritl and Tux Collector of Jackson Co. country, and propone hereafter to cele­ owners, a youug married couple, are on 11 C Messenger to C E Boiler; HO acres in boundary of «aid land and can be utilized for Jacksonville, Or., Oct. 17, Iks«». by his neg'.igenc«», nut the <• ■■•unty. Si'V No. fl. irrigation, bix miles from R. R. depot; one- tAp 3!>8, Klh. I leo brate it. __________________ board, and the vessel is commanded and eral thousami dollars wei«* thus h?l«l in fourth mile from school and postuftice. Price, Forty acres of timber lan«I clOBe to thr coun­ M I. Mi Call to ciiy I 1» ll»»mcr_; one half ii - 1«¥MJ acres, unimproved; all level, rich, bot­ of big-gun fame will transfer a portion of ll«'. l it« <>xx ner is nut ul the state and the land teie t in 32o acres iu ta p 3> >,R 1 tt’. $lvt«i illustrate it. The November Centurn is one sciii.-«>wner fp-m tl. • county. “ Jus- J tom land; well watered. plent> ol tiinla-r, land wiilbesuid lor tiv«* dollars per acre. cash. A his plant to American soil,having eecured A F Talent to Jain* s Helms; * ue-th i can be made tin* best dairy ranch in lb« state burguin lor bt>m«’b«>ly. an eligible site tor hie foundries and fac­ also to contain a new story by Maik • ice’’ will bear in mind that the county ii ten >t in I »ts 16 17 is IP ai.«I 2»» t> «»; k • D” of Or» gon; 23 miles from Ashlafxi. Price $6 No. 7. AT CENTRAL POINT, Twain. did m»t lo<* a c»*nt by tk,e Lichen of the per acre. Terms, halt cash in hand, balance tories near Pittsburg lart week. I age u( Tale. t Two hundred ami forty acre«—sixty Here« on easy teruis. sciip-ho’«lvr, how« ver. In pint of fact V 1 Cam rot» t » E < B/uok*; lol 4 • \ _*'■ I). XX’. T avi . oh is the most competent it ficed nnu in cuiiiVHUun; improved with a •s2. Bu'/iutta SriTts of the Albany Perno- surveyor general this state ever bad, and t?»e iiiqiifx wa« prid'-a’lv 11 ed tone ami j icks«.:.vi.lv. nice b« tiring orchard ul tin« asstirttd fruit 177 acr« s; W acres ti need ami in cultivation. again in te leiii 1 ’ 11 «1 xv trinf- subsv- D I- Uurti« . E C Br« oks ; 1 t in blu k ir« ’ «>; a dwelling house, a burn and other out- er rt was presented with a gold-headed even tardy knows it. No man con'd House, burn, orchard, meadow, one-halt inter­ hoUBcti. Tw«» feti't-aim» <>f water run through n er was Jac s nvilic. est in water-ditch ami water-right, and system cane on the occasion of hrs'rOth birthday, have attended to official duties more qu«,nt!y can- 1 in, r»ul this place. It ib BUBceptibie ot being dtviucd Wh« r- is k( pt «•« nstantly on hand a complete ot irrigation by which 125 acr< a may be irri- W H Wufht peif •• i y «afe in ) 11 n;g if and stopping into two piec» « of one hundred and tw< uty last week. A goou man is appreciated carefully than Mr. Taylor has done. He and first-class stock of gat«st. stream ot water running on north b act « ■> interest on d ni l«- th am< u t invoke«!, acres each. T he north hall ul thiis place is un- is not s'politician, but a man thoroughly r i-s. \ marvel «>f puri- by our Willamette trieiuls. t»oundary of th«* place. Ten miles from coun­ • <’ Chas impruved. rlh«- improved i»om tax*. > at that m«*ii«>‘. M< i’* «r ’ being T iik train wreckers who ditched the and civil engineering, and has not a stl from Central A’uint railroad statiou. Title p< i - li thr magnitud** «»f low Mti. caught without fun I - n han i !<> ledecm feet. •r » :i ' ;•.'.(î• ». »xx'diTs, <>. *fc C. train near Albany »ometime perior in that profession in the state. W7 lu res, all fences! ami in cultivation. It is No. S. t. Raking P..x‘.-b i < «... I1EAVY TAN.BAYERS. bituatisl in the heart of Rogue rtv< r valley,oiiv ago, resulting in tlie death of one man The new commissioner of the general - A farm of 120 ecrvfe, improvu«l with a c«*m- .11m trom Central Point d«p«d. Three com­ I Le ver est tyro in finanv • will at»; luri.de and crippling oi several others, are uqvx 'and office has hoen hasty and unjust. tl ihvwrj I h - b I ml * « k ranget» in the ti ’ uit. Th«'soil is free, rich, black loam, ¡mu Taylor had nothing whatever to rio wtb £2,U(r) and uv« r ; c.iuut \. \ unk«•••« » «• k tluvxN through this land, .viil »now alfalfa witlnmt irrigation. Will be ar Il II -Î A Nxw daily Rvpublican paper made the survey of the Umatilla rcs'-ria i l lth j « I !<« t. I’nce. «.-UU. «old its a whole or sui»divid<«d into 3 farms ot * » pa x a it« up,*.'arance at l\nt*and lact Saturday Had he d-reeted it, the w--rk w< <-i*i« in «. tiurn an the undersigned culties has long bet*!., and still is, Ayer's 6, 'Ji i G Kai. x» .-ki .-vixkx acres fenced, witban orchard ut atHiut (.’• MMt-M ’JftH G h FF Ol ll»f genetal -*3f: HI • A at Medford, Urvgon. l <» ali u tu rea**» doii>4 budiu»H, aa yet. 10.000 Mai y Kim Cherry Pectoral. It tints Croup, on«■' hundred assorted fruit trve>; one large , ail' . i e. U! »and ctfi e ni> to h .*ve Dtp hisjuot in ha.: ! w MM. ;>.nr- 4.2.'»o < BK burs A S ank< « cr< ■ k runs thiuugli the place. Sei« n- l'iu: N -w Y’oik /Ye«.« l>a» ts-en making it in rr<*«»tiHiiviuiing the r«*nioxal Asthma; soothes hrira'ion of the M,!»',5 .1 > Lucy nvcaercsin orchard; dxveiling und b.u 11 ami i t di«l stock rang«’, with government title. Price, n • *' a foie-cast «il thè uext ceusw» and isti- veyorGwbe-.il fayljr. ready ■ zooil t« iicrs. A first-class plac«*. Nine miles 4.F.»’» P Lx ul': Larynx and Fauces , >tn ngthens tha fclUUM, cash. i , till ialtir jsa Democ rat, but «»Hten^i ’ .ly L « 2-‘.U tt II I..,, trom railroad d<*pot. Price, $32UU; txxo-thirds male.« ti al il will show a tota, popola- N*». 10. Vocal Organs; a! a; •« .'ur<*ne>s of tho 1 ir r cash doxx n ; tialaucc on easy terms. I.Í.S», tt 1 I. . x tiuii tu t'iv lìnit-d State* of tH,4ó2,Wi7— canse the emn mite ¿one r c’n.in*» !•> h.ve A bri* k house and large lut in Ja< ks«»nx Hi«. X » i-1 « v i y t hing «■!•'«• iimtginab1»* in this line. Lungs; prevents Consumption, and, 2.020 G tt L uk MW. diMcovciLO 8*k) error» in me survey « I the witI» a Mubiv. A c«»mf'4’tabl«’ h<»m<*. ami till« Mv 0. >o«i«ar» m-xv and of the hvM brands, and an mele uso over ttie ¡»opulation iu l.«ó*i 2.4'.'5 N L ing« 21d acres adjoining the corporate limits ot even in adxauccd stages of that disease, (' ii pvrtect. Price. $2UUuakb umi balan**«* in Unuittlbi r*>?rv3tiuii, don* by c« iifi.n l xx ill b» • 'Id at the 2.">l vx i* I. ¡I k.u the thrifty and growing city ot .Medford, all of 2S*g per i tm «•<■< qua! pax meins of six. t w»*ivc aud figh­ relieves Coughing ami inducis Sleep. during l\*yl r’s a hut if ion oí t:. • «>! lb I 2.2UJ Mi- I L *v. tenerdand in cultivation; a good dwrlling- te« n ni ’ iitii-; del* i rc*i payments to draw l* n :l,.Î7J J A L .x.*,... There is no other ¡»reparation for dis- lousr and a very large barn; small orchurd. i ti pt i cent, interest. Y ale College w pauic stricken over an fixe of surveyor gene» al of Ore^jn. I .x.- 2, »>o D L. i»:i i hvry is no waste land on this place; the soil i I I «•ases of ill* throat and lungs to be com­ I No. IL u itrr«,ak of ty phuid U-»er that i* weli- !or !* ven popular ia Portland and i» o «* ;,.."0 J I I. ix !• n.. > a rich. bla< k loam ami fr«'e, easy tuculti- V«’ I' •r t- pared with this lv.nvly. A comfortable frame house in Ja* ks«»nvill«*. 2,100 « < >b « it ï il i d . Digh ej»»demic, thiee d«*atii» h-viiig o;- tn a poMihui. to knew State that his »uj .» d v« ry productiv x.iteandwry pr.sim live. This farm will b<- t'U sale « n reasonable terms: of thr«« r«»oiiis h A kms a : U « t»b .'».220 J tt M» r.» ill. Jed into >ut>diviUcd int«» 50-ucrt «‘jU-acre tracts, it desired. •‘»han»- curred among the •trnieiH» during the La* been a,.»-.> Magrmn-r Br > ! A iijii* A Piyin’; • i’ric«‘. $.">U per acre. Situated at a in«»t pii*lc ami bi« ast. We 2.. *.”' J -.oi Alii j A . n.xrx u-i ’ ury t®. manding point in th« fatuous K -gii< Rix «-»* • r J : I .i 3,5uu M- tritt A ri««! xarious niedi« Hies, ! lit none did Bi .ul« n XX . !.. I AHSO.X •Juaere*- known as the Hoekenjoe or Col­ Valley, three hundred mil<*s south ol P< rt- all u» *•« ssary <»uth*»ue**. tt ill be sold cheap, Hat u fur thvtr home-» until better ram- lar. 1 %-ific » i» set ktL* hide ;t< «»wn irr any g« o«l until 1 got a hottie of I tl F Bari hi ........ I3.S-I I .. ’ M« ins place, about three miles from M«-dford. land. is tin- ph« n* in n.u ettj d GRAN'Ffi us th«- own« r is in . j F. B Riirru»» ........ u ti». Fiitrni\ ami Eagh- Point romi, c»iitain- PASS Vyt r’s Cherry Pct toral, w inch lias cured ■ it 7.22»» B I Mx. iii nt. | (. \x’ Barren . No. 13. .ng 140 acres of nell tanning land, ullumk r Thetnwn is six year" old. has a population n r. A neighh«*r. Mis. Glenn, Lad the S.O27 Ai« \ Alari in . ... ¡Vit’.. >AWlb- ill T he Cu^ilrstuu ha.4 at *ast been ac­ ■ • ncv. with «'omfortablc ii>i!S‘’ and go«»d barn. of over 2JMJI), and is growing faster than anx A «wo-storj brick house in Jacksonville, tueaslek, and th« » tugh wan relieved by II !*» »pine p.'Soib’-.* t’« d tlx a s. » ’ »i.'.M' M L M. ( .j• ;. al ! .1 11 B’rmo.iX»»! .1« xx outhouse?., well. etc. This pia* «- ii«-s wt'H town in t he Stat«*. cepted by the noth at \\ .u-liin^tu:», with wait r pip* s to th« premises, ami tbrough the u.*»e of Ax« i A < berry 1’«*« toral. I |.2.»0 John Mui i fix .-i s M By» r .. o the sun, i* xv« ll drained, ami well adapteu A It has twenty large saw-mills in operation • ach room in ttu* house, from a living spring. a atri the atiip—building u»t. resti ci 11.e will have n»o»e than a nassii < itc.-.« «t 11 ha1 e no litsitaliun in recuinuicnding this 7. »12 At Alu k< i on Mrs A»m B all. oi- 11 Al ¡ll> » r B. . kiiian • within om- and thive-tunrtiis mil« sol Ph«enix than any toxvn in Oregon, except Portland. i tlie tact, lut no oliv 'beamed live yea:s gr«»xvmg tmruon u»*ue»*sary for a lumiiy t«> use. II kui tiNlims ÎÔ,» -» tt 1IU un AI x ■ N ’rthwegt**rn and New Yuik c ent»al ailroad ilepot. ( an easily b<-made one of the It has txxo sash and di><»r tacl«n ics. employ­ priuu $15uU at time «4 sale. • * ur«*d l»x a mortgage on tm* sy--terns looking t»> th»* i<»rmii:^ uf a t * .».»►4" Bi. Al. ss< ng. t.« Bru. U- I’riue, $32 .si per acre. constructing wai ve seis. A $iW,000 brick «>p»*ra house in «•■ air*« of < <>n- ift i ijii.'cs, or all cjtsh at option <»t tn«* purchas­ •remuu l, Muirillton, Ark. through tra»»s continental line. Lite 1.. %- J Al Met all Ja' B;jnu - » st : ¿'.i th­ 91. ■*truction, besides several otI»« r bri< k sti uct- er. in.- is a very desirable location, ••< ¡n;.* D K a I \ Mui.- I have L* eii aflli< f«d with asthma M B imig’T. i. IflO acres : 100 fene«-t spring I was taken Hasten general merchandise stores, doing town title p< rf***t. a»vs » ».jLH-of a ay to Portland uim > ■ it- mis:-- i 2.2< i A Myer & > ■»> Gt«» Br«»wn........ . mety .»f trim tj.«-s; small vineyuid; g»«»d. :»n aggregate cash business «d $2.K*» per-ia} wax deferred fo. a few days, owing to a wiih a violent cough, wh.i h threatened 2.. )0U ( Mugru. i r.tru« tlv, and vv« ti a cu«Mory study ot tnu map .1 «' A »; I............. ’.entiv .ie\v dw«?iling-h«»usc, barn ami outhouses; No. 17. Receives and ships through Wells, I h - . \ It-« liU'Ca 1 Hart ill til«: papers on tile in the to terminate my «iaxs. Ex cry *»u** pro- 4.4,1 tt m \| Mat ¡us K is« ncdict .mining water through th«? farm; gu*»d out- Comnanv ami other sources ov» r of the n«jrthwe»t will » »1:*.! u table t lume bouse with u Very .urge 1.ounce«! me m consumption. I deter­ 2,W.»- L vi x| .i ns department of state, 11.» governor ol I J »bn B »«I............ .Hig«' tor >t«»ck. Thirteen miles fr«'Ui rairuad worth «»f gold »lust annua lx. lot m Jacksonville, in a g*»«>d m ighis*rli«K««j, skeptical that the new system can sc« u*» mined to try Ayer's cherry IVctoral. 2, »(O 1 M« 1 >aiiit i. K f B.av A ■ *1. the terntory not liaving certified to the lepof. i’rice fur crop and farm $3UiR) Hasdaily rtag<* comiiiuiiiutttion with< r«s- toi saleen nusoiiabl«* t« rms; has a large sit- .¡.<■»0 I* .‘I* Al . n.n t ~t a southern euaat outlet, he-idi s taking Fi Its effects wt r*' mag'i« t I I w.is inimcdi- in I hi 92. cent city ami other coast points, ami is situat ­ copy ot t .c const.tutiv > sent forward. ting-ro«Hn xx ith a good fin-place, tw«• good I»» d- ?..’i Max Mull r. .»'•«., li B.'*iuit uteiy i. hr x « «I ami **i ' nu« d to imnrov»} |.o.Si*ession of an unfilled ft îd fro h * U l«»0 acres -J»U I«’m-e . Guilford, Cutin. i kiL National A^ocistiuD uf Alanufuc ■ ni x of tirst-ehissganh'n lami, ulic C B Alalney .. 23.- other way so rvad:;y, by si.iking No. Ä Francisco, thus affording 1 P •vat r from t xx o irrigating dit* lies, two mihs tuis-rx wild I k - w I ts in I'ropneUry Me t', south west x\ at «I from D isv cit y over a 2.tuj Ju- AleL><»m»ugh 4,o*> til , »XX II •• Six months age I i. i«l • t vero licm- 1 J 1! I .. No. 1 grain und st * k farm <»f^20 acres. 5 rt • fin >aw-mili, om mile Hum srh'M»l-housr. •JJEMI < lias Ni« k. 1 10.". ii B 1 « il 1. .... errhage of the hugs, brought on by an cine* at ils Annual lueeiuig OclulierlMth, comparatively level rout#, p.u>■.»»•/ lu»v 1 mil«-strom ( «ntiai Point rad rund siatlou and —•ill make a In M-class dairy ranch; f encing 3.22-« a .«rid R H Bruen ma niih-s trom Medford railroad station; all me of iines.sant cough which deprived ii splemiid condition, buildings only fair, luiu- , , : |: N. I’.eree ui Biill.il». pr.--i- .tlie R >gue nver va ley to thu roast and 5,635 »1 K Brown . is*«i uitha lune-rail wni hr Flrep and r»st. I tried xanous rctne- •'1 * h«ap ami handy; 15 mm-s from ruilruud artnocutior/I' 3, !HU xk II Bi.uishaw. delil. 'lue bu.-iu« L— ns — uf — the ----- ----------------------- tenue, and all under cultivation. lmpr«»v*-d \hebcc down the i*oa?Jr tu the bay, tin* X’ pot. Price, $2iRR>, crop included. «lies, but **bt.i;n««! n«> relief unti: I be­ S.UtPj I .l.iuli«U ........ xx itn a small du* ihug-buus*., a l»arn JIUJU t«-ut, U-1 v. ,;r was $k2,iXM>.WIU. ol wliicb »10,- ultimate Mecca ui ail the trans cun! n* W. ai. A gan t«» take A x « i s < * rry P.. • I > I. B- un« tt ■ iar^* granary, a go*»d spring which furnishes gi : \rr vixr.s. < run \xTs. inui«r.BEK- 120 aer«-s—»À) acres fenced and .A) acres Hi cul- OOJ.iidO »a« »peut in ailverti.siiig. 2.2- s ) few lxtflh s uf tlii'm* ' eureil me.'’ lai lines. That such a connection uiH | L im a Bradley. {•¡« nty ol unter for dom*»tic and st««* k pur­ tciix in. V'Kin ituii.«. it \«i'Hi:ii- ivaiion; tiv«' acre* in altalta, small orchard. J,.sV IM N ii.l'ubt y . . • 1 .st., L’jwcll, Mrs. E. Cuburn, IV S< poses. This tan»Is su«*« « ¡»tibie of being divld- be v.stablîsi*e«l sum« day tiieio van hi* 1:112-, -rit \win:nitn>, i p,». lweilHig-house, small barn. etc., running wxitci j,.s>; Circuit v.'iu't is !n s* ssiutj Lìnkv» i \\ Burrage. • *d into iw«>, thr«-«- and lour farms, as « V« ry Ma&8, Lti^ product ot Oregon udnes approxi- Lttlü doubt, an«! thu sijn-? «»rough tin place. Prtct, $RMA). • th«* tun • j.r.Ki «« k. t. 4 A acr*- «»f it is good land and near a school und Ira <'. Julius*»!» visitisi As .1.111 i last «> it t •' ««. ur»* jri ’ .ixvn without irrigation on W 11 B te-ak.. 94. mates i‘ a»iy all gd l.anu porte: d its tatty accu:ep!i»»in*et:Ç “For cliihlr* n aflheted with ««»Ids, 4.45U P«M»tofficr. Title p* rfuct. Price, $50 per acre. I ' i l;iit*l. am! all * f kii 'xxn varieties that John II. R'dti • Ì 'i;. ill x It • ii - • » ■ » . X . r .1 i; >»; i ki< y .. ■'J, .'*2 32«) acres 2M0 acr«* fenced tin«! 150 acres in roughs. > »re throat, « r « roup I *lo n»*t the output ib now about an­ • ■ >1 hi S'.utlu t n «>»•• g m. No. 23. !it .k I A'11 u I lu..gB uitivatmn. good house, barn and outhouses. V4ll*> know of any rm *«lv u h;< h will give C« mmehcs ar 1 trade were ai a stand- nually. fhe total yield of Ku**ue rive; I i ' ’ lit--mplating n-• planting will f i ri« • h't. A'l'lf" t'» u- ;»t Murphy, • « ¡gallon, 10 acr« s ot timothy meadow; six and extremely lertil»* country at its back, is <»r l‘M\2UU 1< et, lias a staid* and other«»ut- » o-t. . «1 - r. « ar iwt 11. 12.»«1»U the iiist d.?ruvtriea of the precioue wvolc,cwi!i£ to m v«*re snow tomes pr<‘- C.S.s.ig' ii* is all .*.'. «•’ on i I • ¡.ill • «’.Iiiiity. «tregon. <4 t.» R. R. State ii. able iu cast s of Wl.'v.ipuig Cough.” — in« s from Grant’s Pass. Prie« $5000. A gu ai surrounded by what wii! eventually provv to h< ms! s.' m one assort «•*! fruit tr*«*, and an ex­ .»• - A ( 1 -am....... l'S,4'M John ( i Hri n vai'irg, wb.tie here in h titln rn Or- ^■■1 otti*' at Duo'.v. . rani ’« Pa.«<.«>r< g n. 'argani, l'crins, one-half cash, balance on be the largest an«l tar richest gold prodm ing cellent new well ol water. Prie«* $7W. na tala.______________ ____ I ( ijavm r ’ 'L. Ann Lovejoy, 1-7 Washington street, .’»,..,*J B ( >.»• ID’:!.11 (I. region in the United States. There ar«’ p.ac« r j i ! iti a 11 « .-.li'li;« I asy terms. A. H. » ARS<>N X >< »N. Ti'.*’ “Shir ” i ' » hii •• we were backing—basking” an ex- .».u.'J Ml 3 P \» I »i VV • II. Boston, Ma&j. No. 24. mines now in «»prraiion within forty miles ot (IV i u V» «. it ary......... Arn. Atl-America delegates, the South pr»*ct i «• word— n the g«‘i»ia! rav< < f a » in Linkv.i x. ' I »I. Á I r.til' ( " (In town y irltling »«n tilgh hi « JlOO.UGu pvr an­ 12(1 arias ol trilli land, within (wo miles ol A tin* , near y new r«-sid« nee on Oregon J i « 4MW................ 22.4. '1 *1 !’• I 1 «* n « si. S un J.u k n l a * » • luí’.: Am-Ih-an visitor-', not tlie lasebs-li-ts num each. There is one quartz mine «the Ex- alm»x.-t vernal sun. Only tl.oeew. o I av ¡rant ’ s Pass, xvill besubdivi«led in 10or2U-acr« str*« t. in Ja* ksonvilh’, b* mg l<»t 1. blu* k 53, M Mink svy . i«, ... « I' Pay m in Lust r.vcr gap, ail» r *•» ctH-quer), within U mile* «»f tuwn. shipping tronting 77Se t« « t « n Ort g< n sir« « t. 264*^ tert .racts if desired. Price 50 per acr«- aie being treated royallv m the Missis­ experienced it ran appréciât-» the l>ec! I>.ut«’ < un.-taiit.. .»,i*.«i Mi - A.i.i Pnipp, or - in carioad lot* to thr Selby Smelt ing Work­ «ni 1 ir siu’t. and 12T4t> feet ou Tirsi str««t. F. E. K*’hili'«»n. l.d <»t >.*iii .'«11 - i,« !ir>.'«u.t»i sippi valu y iiv BruTtier Baillie, WHO in­ lies of a perfect climate us contrasted ',».*S«2 M P Pn i pp ... out in uti-in. -w .u Liükvi.i. ir 7-v’l hav. Gr«i»l Barirains tooffvr hu <1 it will er Sun Francisco, that go«'S from rn an i wif* . *X 2.5.. tt ihi.nii I’.ti iii II • i. ’rvhasiiig uis« wh«Te. 11 you have any j»ru|>- what huminds of other mines in Jos« pimn • s>ai v outbuildings, a g*»«Ml well of water, am! spectable eaitlupiake shuck to remind Heather. g« 11 valh y ?i I« r a vi d r t » t Fill an. r......... Here ill the Winter I 4, *«") P Poxx « J Dr. J. C. Ayer Sc Co., Lowell, Mass. i iy t »r sah . «-.mie nn«l sr<-im-m» 1 I ’ M k 4 2, »1. -M.U X b Pi .u hi tt . P. M MH«- ha< r turn I fr an ids trip to tive land, last Week. action, which tie usually carries out. Ofli« »' next «h»<»r n» Grand t'«-ntral Hotel, the placer gold output tr«>m Ja< ks«>nami J. -« - N<». 25. .. 2,0« " D P' rt < i < «1.U > ( ■j.itoi ica, wnerr ne ha- b u »« lilHig up his t 1* F »1 < phine couutivs from 1MW up to the pr» s. nt Mrs J J < <• K.. Medf«>r»i. Oi’» K'»n. eti)hr.U'OJ|t < p»riod of g- title, refresh»!:/ fmiicr s« -stat . 2.. 5.» Pae Po«i j i. ho A No. 1 farm «»t 2nfi a« r« s; 150 r* r« s fenced; tinu xvil! foot up $3n.0»Mi,»jxi. Her«- the «pirs- bdiia < .»ak" x.. HENRY KUPPEL 2.eS» >y I Fait. 1 «* ii 12«» in cultivation, A No. J soiL Improved raiiM in the i.uer j ’ aJ.i months, tilting tin tion ot determining th« true value «»! th« HAV. sin pl« y, th • \¡»< rt m.llwr T hk n-xn who made the atli lav«ts of i.mimi 1 «Htkicy. xx ith «iwx lling IV» Ht«.r’es. hix24 fret. A large, 2,i*J > 1’ Fiii’hp«« county as a mining r«‘gion naturally aris« which period is valn-y, has m.'vn « ng »z i at “inegulaiiiy’*/ in >uver Buw «muniy. soil for the agricultw J ( as« bwr......... 2, s."' J M lTu< tt « >t .. doultir log bat 11 andali me« ssgry outbuilding». oi this t-uiinty f«»r - >in xv Did this vnorimm-x’»-id <»t roars« g«\ld com«- L « .»:v tt H P ul,. tain rang«* of southern Oregon? Jufig«* tor m ar th«- dw* lling. and is watrn-u by F.xans h’ARK^i Hr« s. kux ihi U om vict name«! Bern ird.wh > wandischarg»*»» vigoiating trusty niglits, which lobe the J ( «. 1111111 g 11 «411) era *k<»n th« « a>i -ide. which can I m -used to 4.-0» Mr - > Pai k- 1 yourself. City ami suburban propt rtx in tin .»a-* « tug.” 17.’.«»» F P P» in.. The I « .I«’-' A id - »« i-t> ' iruin tic penitentiary lately un in- unt furrsta in their autumn hues and m . n town of Grant's Pass is one to five hundred irrigate t he pla*«'. A No. 1 outside rang, f.j L «. «.olrtiuaii 2,4'»» F M Fly ma. per cent, cheaper than it is in any town nf st«>. k ol all kinds. Five mi'.«-> f rom W«HMjvill<» ofhiM {«ohtica« services—pust ar.d future, the tender ehuoiK of thevme ami tig tree ! taluni«'iii I " r • '* i» -hl A * artton. ... 2.11«» Jas A Pank y A< a n my i.-dl b»-«' nk«’ population <>n the Pacific roast. W» can K. R. station. < fo.-«'to school and (»oHtofflce; lie serves the party of “high murai preparatory to the long season of rest. : Mis i. « < h 1.4an. 1. ú»*' tt K Prie» sell y ou choice business 1«>ts.'sl.\lilt, on im­ c him * to sawmill. G«H*i roads winter and sum­ Pillili* -»pH 11 d * 1Î1Z. !>" .x Cantlaii .......... u L ua U w gentle ia»ns again descend 5.1UU 1> F ’ -hing« r i< !ra«. ’ ’ ____ proved streets,all level, and within ;»Ui feet «>! mer. Pries $<000; hali cash, balance on till)«-, xx n king up j ■ »1 -*• nt And all of ■ Z ( an»« r«ni • 7.. «s. Päonie imp < o an»i preparu uai’ire fur renewe»! eff*>rtJ uf improving tn»- mam -t a $30,UM) brick opera house, for $2Ui« acli. We «•r all cash at opium <»t purchaser. This is a joun Duv.m.... .1 Kicnaru —m can sell you nice residence lots. tlx . blocks Nu. 1 inv« stiiH nt. am! will make a good home at phenomenal prxKLu,fion thr following ** at. A !»• i’xa’i . \ tcrkibi e c.i-tx.Jty at <«!as^ow, Scot ’,.>«■• .1 K »itili- -n.. . from the cxntcr of flu-city, in the midst yad ¡i t i ¡.iiston A Park- r s I- i D<>v» mug 12U acres «if land in -«« ction 16. township 36 S, ’•nU-*stah’ office Fresh, Strong, Cv . ng Facts, Ó.ü-U .1 LA Inos R ." $.35 to $1011 each. As a buy«r. you would nat­ U. 4 tt ., on Lx ui»*« « r«*t k. near a store and posi - I d a«* cong-al into snow once in n decade. bui.df’.y u M Duan« !».!••• • ircturv. A new building :vl- 2,os» K» am«.- A tt ait urally ask. how can you atford't«» «.«11 at th« -.- office, tt ill b« >«.!•! ch« ap, h > file uwmr is d<- i i».»xx mug - 1» h.x* b > n alb n him his W. W. N- k ma 2, "U Àli > ( .ara Kauci piic«-s with a p« rtrct title, if « very thing is ns sir<«us of disp<«sn»g of it. Die Ln tory rul!apa-d during a I N.itu e I) :<• lias all «-qnifioise, freed from Bc»l lD'-ult'*, T hi J « phine u anitx wilt» xv J Dean------- 2,->i Kol» 1 1« a « »'N« il fatti r. lying sn ‘ k represented? The answer is. we arc the the tyranny uf heat waves ami atm «- V.'ri.'e tn the ec-.r! * u hi win»I when nearing •omp-etion, 4.1e* I only * «• Rop« 1 N«». 27. can* * r.lur >«»nnmu j . tur- 1 b« '»»• lo Kìain- A D.inhii Awilu applied your f.t J phene cuirents, «a which few section« < 1 n K UicfeHl.'oll ami emabtd through the root of the low 3.. K.J Russ. ;1 a I .. .. ath a.-t x*. • * k ths mouldera, a:.J A house and lot on Valley Mr«»vt. in Jack*«* n- I’ D* m gaii the footstool cun boas«, a. ’ id in c -n e- 4. J •• B f R« • s, r er struct me, whertt the weaveta were at AV. Hay m *-..i»» ■ xc-ll» ut m L*liain*'.iiiui tak* n ll> II* 1J. Kobani villc; lion*«« 24x26 f*«t. lU. stunts, with five I 2 jju U Joan iGce .. qnene" l-f her j'ldu'ious dispeneiition« « iiarg«• ■ • i I. .if ' ■ .< h -. . 1 i p al K• i■ rooms; lot .'OxlUfi feet; a small baru ; a lot uf their I« x > uih . «1«• 1 D’ 1. 5*. MR. .»m>s ( hoiceyoung fruit tie«s, assorted van« tits, c-f sunshine ami »»lower, the rich«-M 11« »•» al*.•-.i-•• ng th»' h r:'cs «»n toe tt’« '»• rn A J Lai y’.......... an.? ?3. isss Ladder Veil. •g. .4 I. A »<•»-«• . I and a good xx«U «d water near th«* door. Pine stag»' Co.'s but*. Fell fr« m Udder 1» ui' iHig^an. A? promise of harvest ends in perfect ful- :,,.Uu > .«I Kobin- $4‘W cii'Ii. ml wr.'l. suf.-red âr- Tn a famous remark of the governor of At tin r« «j«*« -i «»f >* i ><»l Superintend nt Anna lKuu........ J tt lL»b*n lillme'it. That's why there can't be a 1 ounluln. tu« rwliou No. 29. HUA V» J& j ba Oil. » k p e hai » a- Guu hiigvl.......... North «’.iri'tir::» to the governor of South 2.2.. . I' J Ryan total failure ot cr-ips ill the R gue river . ■ ... : . - i All th«- right and t.tl< to improv» m< nts on a xi Egg.- stun.. ó.vMU I.’, xx i> K, « Carolina will oiw i ave to be Led away ' N »v< un> > .^)hi tn K la mat ¡i < >uui x Mrs « 4» rub.. . \nd could sell at on«’-hall these pric< s it ^o horn« st« a«i; uw;.« 1 will relimpijsh iiom«*stca Kovx c. Knee-Cap It ir! on the shelf with th«- rest of the chest­ i.x aiis........ : Hitbs 3 !.. J. G a • -, Im g »v num nt I ¡ graph r. ii 2,*"v tt m Ray .... Kr.e-< 1-» and inak« mom y.just as tin- Tac« inn I right t • pur« ha«* r. linprovc-a by a m u b< us«, For business pursuits at the Portland Business dispoboi, ,• i ’ ■ d «UiiigoA-'I' • bottles cf mil vrit' xx».1 r< »ii »V« ii in i.uikx on- ti»i> J, «ou J t I tags« lai» Land Company did when they sold busi­ >. »2’1 le« t. xx ith kitcin 11; a mw bain. J».x20 nuts. It »s r**t>orte ! tl»ar th»* governor of Collfge, Portland, O»egon. or at the Capital Bus ­ ‘ I . Ji j JILLS n><>» *1». ins .« < up.iii'41 ii.ivin* g Hit vv u n lue 1 ii 4 0114« I • • • ness lots in the fiourlshing scaiiort *»t lm* 1'iiHl «i x !» I( ^,r ip.i Im-. for $7.5 that an* now worth can ia«!l and living spring ol water n«ar .g. ...2e' .1 H M'-XX al I 1 the gov« t -or oí S/rh Dak«»ta undei the inanagemvut of A. 1 ’ Amistrong, have Jilin -.14.loti .. «ra| 2,«...' Grunvjfie >, sell three-fourths of utir pres»-nt possessions : h«.u«» ; ♦.»• a« rts i*need with a g*Mjd fenc»*; ïuy 4 U3Î Dislocation '|.i. t mil». ■ • » : 1 . .. . r lting in th» ¡r same course of studies and same rates of tuition. . ...» 1 o.u aui I COUÛBQd < prohii-itio’i> a« l'»:I >« -: “ Its going i at curn-nt prices ami «till mak«- the remain ­ Iruit trexs. l->«ai-«»id assort» <1 van» tits, a No 2,*»./ 1. »» ».«>41*1. I, DI; lot aid -i ;>p»* No r, | r*iPTvroin finance, especially if it s > xx1.4 K in xx • -îui u k I im ;. a i . ». • a by .’ i «./a J Bue.u’d'...... ing fourth worth twice— y« s, t, 11 times, as 1 U nit tarin, with « xc« il«ut uutaid«* range fur il» ni y >mit a w*«l»l to hoc* lie a slieol of a loi g time betfievn b tnan lift'«n n lie,-«.!' p*i«'*.'i»a- < 'fpi’*arid sto*k; clos«- to school ami post-**l!ice. .Us«» a J X). ù'è.'jJiH- >aiu»«« i » u» ry .. Oil ar.d hr.Y u ; happens Unit he has had the uppt.t i .»«. m v in m Lmkx ill** ¡»ap» r iu* pa.u *v. k. s »,. . o m .s.iny. i Typewriting. Penmanship and English Depart­ much tnom-y ns the who*!«' originally was. 'j an ol xx el I-broken young mans, witbatwo- drinks.” ______________ i . uh r J »s.i.... 1 his is tin- result of rnultinlj»«d «>wn< rslHp. ami > F L iw.» ments Day am! cveninq susmotih . stiidmtsad- to dabble 3 iitlia iq public affairs, ¡s ! W. K. ‘„iiu-i x (-« .. Hors . . prone t> air his kn-.»wb-dgv in print, an ar«’ now selling tor $2»iu a ith si |i t«.t $2"Ui. and t\xo horsts, a plow ami hariuw and sunn t*MÜa o.'s» ' '*• hl .« >a (:«* u «. hAdti G iuat nu’nber* of "ii-t rn excursion I nn »iincing tliât hi- -1« am saxv-mill i> u«»w Fortland Ktbinrx* (ullirc, Al) C4pit.1l Ruxiurx* (nllrge, • k- .i . • l»y .i I ¡. grain an- ,\« »x man 1 I'«»« r I ,u’t, td public ceimuru/ other i I « .i.;< «I s. x r.il possihlx more, in less t han tiv« years.but they all iro with th«- place. All for th«’ fl.OtAMn ....... Jutm ' j|m XFortland, Oregon. VR Salem, Oregon. i iinniiig - ii tuli tiim-ami tin nimr out a large *»sU 1 pouncing tu»' l.ii.ii il.ot in- in*» ») Mi.I« Mlitl Im k *.b xx ith dispatch, and st the most leasona- lias been the cualoui of thia class oi in­ for any man or woman in segrebof a born«*. .. .¿HO. X, A Bio military t ' v > i ..¡i on i» t »» vn t i»at place and of affairs. Great *» I >«41g< f. portion *-f tiie'ii will vi-it Oregon and lih rab s. A Im«- «{Utility of tain it. Ui must com- .1 ■ "111 L (• 1 lil'o tellectual as*» b to fir« tbeii sniall ainn»ii- !,.» u I IM S >mu u No. 29. THE CHARLEO A. VCÍ.CLL CJtiro ’ 4. Mi. Washington. Some sort of an arr.inge- S(1 u'H)« . ¡»tun« nt th« m «»n I . h ’«i . rht ami punii* | OFFER FOR J4ALEON REASONABLEtnrra 1\ *. » • N .......... . niuun Don* behin«! soni- such no/n */<• A hoiis« and about on** acre of ground, ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, «> G.iiuui <1.......... spirit. lone of th«» bowt 8’««ck or I ’airy Farnu» in South nwnt should b" made with tho railroad .>,.» »« .1 A >xx HI. . . niostix HiehiHoi, has alwnit 25 b«*ar1 ng fruit plume as I’ox l*upubt or ’’Junius,” or am Oregon, nituatetl <»D Drwf t'wk. J<*epbiue !»., g 2 “M. pm 11 Air. G» rb r ' ft Dairy Sunday t«»r * am« »ni<* »V j «»r« g«»ry ti«*«s, g*M«d • ariitic«.* also a mining ciapn ri to oilic als to grant lay-over priVjlege* _ in« !u lirjr th .•!»«-♦ rustle, cctllnitftnd 1L»orinK county. c<«ntaining 320 aerHB of rich bottom land • i’iut Juetilia, or Pro //«».¿v Public», at wim a till’ band >.l « .«tm*, pur, na.-« I trom .Ait 1« •» • «ot..« II 2. -«. » I E >.ii*xv .. conn«« tion IIn jt wiib-\xlpi look aqd siuh f-a fiirni*h'‘d on short not »er. totiriata to stop off in this Italian valley, >K(.a.« k y. . . «M»j»eriall: adapt p »I to the growth of timothy hay :2.».. M s 1 * i « i ;, i biiffieù tit !6 work 11«« sum«* wffth. vxitbtb ,00 men in public life, criticising their meth­ r»t»«•• k Br<»s. .in I < th«-rs; ) r »i..ttiiv th«* last 1. k. «.«ort-............. Isf.iction guaranteed. and cloy or. About onp-half 10 cleared and in and rlis'.ldle«s many of the pilgrims I I A ,1 >« • ¡ « i : 1 snipin* nt t<>.if will b» iu.id* i rom hu* Klaiii.ilh » U.'ldtll................ y ards of the w« st hneot tin-corfsirnte liniity -4. SMITH. od« ard seeking to bn ak down tlim cultivation, and most of the balance can be easily 3. « "»• .« J •'It XX.*11 Lfet*** ’ms y ar. <»t Jacksonville. Th«- oxx nrr is tn |»o*»r health w 'lid make their homes among us. Joiin bub............ cl«»ared. There is h etr«-am of water running reputation« It n«>t infrequently l»a|>- ,j,.^4 D H > MI^. ami torthat reason the pr»q»crt5 WÜ1 be po|^ Tii«- I**!.'.,;»-- <»f briaking luises at John 1.' X 1 burl IIIMU. There fa n splcndl«! opportunity !n Grant’s throughthe placethe year round.affording plenty •»..»«<> H >p. m í :i f • e « heap lor cash. pviis that a representative of this ciass Fanelli; l'.s ram u ;•• H.itn « r» , k vail* y, ( ul.. Ull.'Oll CX ."'«/IIS .. of water foi stock and norae for irrigating. The I ass t«u tlie «tjiablniiiim nt iimsi burses frinii Hi rancn ar»- muri, - .»ught !’ n* i. Oraupm r A bmn»*stcad claim oi lau acres on Carter is a house and barn and ¿Ml young fruit trees «in shop, a bak« rx.a restaurant, a first-* j.uo. m.t* I A*.! t;if ■; 11.'AI’.I Ml « H h >li(U laxly ol General Grant w II Boon he re- literary and pulitic.d—cornea tu grief by hy buyiTs <»n arrotini «»t their lftrg«’si/r a:**! tx h n.i.'^axUuv 2.*UV >• * nn1A .»llU , the place. It also hae the heat outside range in furniture facp»ry, brootn ra«-f«»ry. Ill«* ami Guich. near the Hopkins* saw mill on Furvfct __ _ ______________ „ Y _ ork ______ moved from N w to _______ West _____ J’oint or Ibis own petard. Such, we very much lìti» style. I »- *. ......... -ak.. .. thecounty; alno another excellent placecontain. pr. s>«-«l brick ta*-t«»ry, fruit «mining and ooin- cre«k; KRI acres of good saw tltnlxT on the 2.4. » M » 'Al.'sx. Ilh ,r, niiMsion warch«»us<-and mnuim rabh* oth« r . „ Arlington ciuneterv at Washington, tlie | fear, is to be the fate of ‘ Justice, who, t l.ic«’ Irnnrovcd with a small büÀ boute, The lami>»tle ■ t»;’s h . n <•»• ¡« rod to >••!! tiic I H J H l.m s ing 12U acres. J.2.H1 '*"■•• >!„( |fJ< If. ""»Mix t. ri.rb.- Then I. r.,.t un Idle man build a new house that For tn 11 pa, iieahirs rill upon o’,addr*i* latter being the final resting place uf . yuder the caption of “UnpaiallrJ Fort Klam.ilii militai y .no hav ii'amn. I «luVan iilgli ... 2,1X0« u.um ' t,. build:--. ' ,'iv nulinih. towu uud «. ,„2 but t :i< tat’ « i sa • has n »! b. n i»iHd< . i I» h I ill Uli X He« •»««•.. ’ «’ill g«» With th*- place. ;A) Ii* r* S fvnc«*d with a »» I.Y LLÇ lILf, ‘ ?. J. VANNOk. 4 General hheridan. And yet, after their | Ooat4n>»*vM—whatever that —va.nly i» quit»’a l.'.rg» b. ..iv .»f land, an«! I n hnx r« -- I .» ii* »maiiil . . '•*'■' IU*« UM ¿re ’ ’’*'; -* * Ta.lnr , < ’EX » t «». m | r«*i| feme. ;; acres'll alfalfa. > ,ic « s 1 £erbyvil!e Or«»con eral Huhanrs rn Grilrlt'a I’as*« takiiiL’’ m tr n *ultiptf!oij. iibopi ei ilii, eu. h in , a«|, T,, 11 ri ir*. « fine spring of *;ih r n< nr the hu> Jlf.li"r».<• .Ml ms lurvwuf "11,. rs »Muns |<| eUK.vee !u",7,: tin«* oiitsi«!» rang» i.»r st(M'k. Al»-» the ubdD onstrste il.at *'"Ul>ty T:e*-urar M ■ re that b url Riamati! v » I r ¡n t.ii p raiaii' iitly uiiza J Hamuti of the world’« fail ill 1892’ .......... —■'*”•«.U..1.UUS ul Xuurn.2 • \id«*d half <>f a imping clAiin, 1,300 yards jfi ■.«. — abandon«-«!._________________ x .io.-. J Haiuiiiit. nest*. «.**„., has been derelict in the lw 1« *1 in uldlh tog«.t|icl' wiO» a AND M I<«rw«' uiirnli* i ot lot««, wo own «|um« • • g IIIIIA’ITIAIN HANI II e*it investments until this «ippurtiinitx is y«>m .1 tl I nzer \« . • .41 lias.ji. I’ in llijr Butte pret-lncl. Htiout th*- ini'hlle of and then •’kick'' y<»iirs* lt 1»H’ nut gi-tting in. fl *•«> Ttii rt.' will alm, »•«• »"Id wtth tbc place slates tliut the justly celebrate«» caves of "Ji.'tice” to a profound ri-aliz.uion of i>< ji <>r 0"«-, vWc 1T<«S marc, »!•<>» k * mare and thr»s* yearling fillies, Josei'lime county have been known for 1.1* duty as a public censor was tlie fact to < alifurni.i. ” II .1 llel .......... with l»r « k and greatly enlarged, bwid< s being two grays and a sorrel. All were branded but buy at once and we will guurantce you d I Haruiug.. Vi if labl' ti. All U" »'l"| "I fU’iO ’•»»Il Airs J Tliornt«4i. two or three years, only niis-'-s his that th* semi-annual statement of the b< Hm inm>ntn s-ime- I-1« 1 Hansen... ;■ ” ... riri. il the left shoulder. The marc wore a bell at t : tn • text month t . tak a tlerough..... trse at v» hi itarp«'i* ... pruBtieeting |>a’li«-» fioin this section ”1 vllwl(r I.nndaln orvtl"n,7, 18, It'. 20. 5». and NH of Il f - c'-iitralli I' k -. i U m I In the biistn<*ss part of the till»«' she h it. J ( Haitfiah cleik on the 3*1 day « Vanlivk i"«amt a g.Hril—ample room for commi r- lh iij Itayiuuii ’ i A liberal rewar»! will be ¡»aid fo» the recov­ On th»- inv. Mmcnt for the n< xi five \«ai-. »« vUvli J»', in 1"« l>»bi|i X i-outh. riuiKv 1 west; balance on hand belonging 4 q th*' county A. H. t arsoh and xvife of lb «Hunds, last o Ii nub. .... ;■;*” ' l. ” u.t. i-i il rrav. h-rs. Is tirt.sl up in conueetmn tlu-ri- ery of ant «>f th« animals or any information Tlie liistorv of Spokam* Falls is going-1«» Í m * i «¿ ...nuunai. ”".- *—: *Udl»n, j i.n»n^... rea* j to uag» i• $|iw. t » b« *1. ported in anx abovoim ntjotmd land should!»«' »old in one Il K ItltlGHTMAN. Prop. requiring the t.tasuur to call in oni Mining expert* a*- *4 ing al th' ledger in »ii>< BHoffman Ashland, • Hit. 10, Irse. bank in tin- slat«*, that lota we art* now s« Ilinu body. Jo i»< r acre ia th»' price. If ««*»id In «iusn* only gives them well-sle«erve«l j-romi J 5 W.H.Iv.......; stan ling w arrant» whenever there si ou I ¡Ji'SepUine C"..ntx. and .is tj.-j «•. «. toimd .»I H.iu.t y ust. . tor JAW xx ill m H t«»r $2tMiu im»id« of fiv*- x « an* titu's not less than 40 Acres, at $lo ITt nence in its culunnis. Jaeoti S u’a.z . as much as »15(M» aaTtltnulafe in the « urn-Ini- piospi « t*. it i> i;k i\ e«.h*;*t' table v» a L. itanh y-.. l-or pricc-H am! any oth« r don »4 infor- acre, according to the quality and quantify of capital x* i i b put ;nt«. d* yi 'opinei.i work in A • num "’ .^1. ”'m t.ioii... ination. call on or sddrtsts ... land sold. T* lilts, one tirtrd cash nt time <»t cotir.tv treasury I m longing to the county that Bi'vtioii betör.- long. J - ibmu ... Uli-. san . bui.uK < <>n tim< to suit pm* has, r; d«t« rr- ■ i.i... j j, hii.iian With the wild feargn.iwuig a: hi** .1. on the Pacific a ho ha\e fund. T ol’FER FOR SALE MY RESIDENCE PROP- The Sugar I’m.- I»• ».»r ami Lmub« iCompany Jubu li 'ilou. . , . «■»l payments t b” secured by a mortgage on Arthur .n 1 erty at Gobi Hill, c<»nsii*tnig of tw«» larg«* watclieil the course of the HarriMon ad- vital» that corruption in btgli place» w.is will r bili I t i* ir tai torie- a? tue pa-« at one, Mi s j IL »tick .. 11i« pi«mis« s. This land is UMjNtly slightly n»li- l«.-‘'lj Uuxn. rX .- lots, well improved, a go«a! dwelling-house, ingehiy soil, midis among the b*«t iruit lamb mini-it rat !on m»<»n the «ubj-ct of Ch i . cm * about to "iuy thp county by the larboard and will x - si . h * .«.i branc.i «..-tr initive tuet »- G " Isaavs.. ■H.'A'. t A Wall» outbuildings, « t**. Desiring to leave southern ri« s in conn, et ion ai AMa .y. pr*«x *1 tm- lat­ 'Ir> > Lh . in Ja* kson county. immigration wid l e «urpr).>«#*■! and grati­ side,” Justice jutuiM to the conclusion ter city wili uiv. >i *2 ».(Ml .u’ ' ■ ■ k u t ir « ut r- ii L Is................... I T. .. .. Or«*g«»n for th«* benefit of my health. I will give Parties wishing to purchase any of 1h«*al»ovc l> Walk' r anj laxly wishing to invest a bargain. fied t»» tl at the treasury «lepart- that tin« pcv. le are t>eing »«.iudled out of pns« . jd’i.ikM d w’iH Ìi had .»ir. adv l> ■ n tak n iuiuw A ArUpoic *h.s< rii»*si lamls.ean stop off at M«xi1ord, u h« re •i.0»u J 1’ Walk. r . Hl’SAN DODGE. up to hi t .’sal urda) . wtliill .-i tXWlVA Joiu'»(k k>«t< u nn nt I iah rilled that a Chinese laurdry- six monthc’ interest upon the aim.un lli«-y v lit lie met at tlie iabrua«i depot on the I uii .M p ; .»I ii . uh ” k. r. Gohl Hill. Sept. 2, 1*0*9. TI.'«’sm« k1’ uf tie’ burning Sugar Pine tac­ J.uks<>11 t«> L A TO V COMMODATE THE GROWING DE- arrival of trama by Messrs. Wrish y k Go., n al A X u>< i til U.'.iHi .i«th« r* appr< - N i> j mien......... mik'fv have ruled that a laundry man wa« the treasurer. Justice places an in­ tn« liu to.y ri'tmid. Tin • it SILAbJ. DAY, -.11" Janina F W.-'l., K JoliesX >011 N AND AFTER THIS DATE WE WILL riatetm xa.iii •! sucii indus1 < I mt»-i'i sts to ^.iwijo n 11 Wri.-|. » a Htudent ur a »hp'umat, or even a Ger­ terrogation point after the word ’'idle, J ' ’ John >01... their growing ¿ on ng <. itx. «•xcluing«' luinh« ran«l building material f«»r I 3,i2.i A J Wc» ’ k> . .. 2.1.4 Jaco.iy Bro...... grain am! hay. and will n eciv. hay «t any man prince in search of a wife, ami that wherever it occurs in his communication ♦ 2,luu Mrs S A tt m: .. 2.2s.'i Vv «claim to havn ns fin,' a line of property, and station on th«- line of the O. & C. Railroad. A I K x I«*, Jr.... it did not do ao iw matter fur felicita­ in the endeavor to convey the impression 2.W! Wr'cb A ( assat t 2,0 <1 to be ah|o to furnish as reliable information Vorr»-8pondence solicit«-«!. tt It Kim.ii«L.. |.’>25 L tt"rinan .... 2.31 Ml by insinuation, winch he is too cautious tion. ___________ concerning real estate m Honthern Oreg«»n,HR J l j W. R. TATLOK At Co. i i.N hîn.«, 1» chi ' <>’ I ■’ E’ Kane ......... 2.1' mj Ciias Williams.. 2.<¡7», I any «»ther tirm n«»w doing businesH. to express ill words, that lhe money s ( H Kni’.aid.. »I the ihr at ur 1.610 H L Whit*......... 2, , . r»l C*»rr«**ip en*'« solicit»»*!. KI imiuuier.. t not IXHC idle 111 in the but that it .. is kiir- treasury, IUUBH1», I/U. A « oKKKBroNitKNT writing (rem Pori- IIUI 5,kW N A Young. .. 2.0.5 ban ti.« WRISLEY A CO. iv Kuuxx........ tuai xi I it.i «»w the u e land to the E'trt my* : "Some ■ being employed for private purposes by I We desire to give y u te iront» €* « \ . r-s y u- unir¿ • h I hiw was compiled. hors»-, brand«-«! on left thigh with a 3*R Con- tt ¡1.1« i x i j.,y.. ami Saturdays, this .state, if Fennoyer wants to be gov­ meaning of Justice, fur, with all am­ n« rt«il. about 15 years old. Th«' owner is r<- an i iu'tunt «ne -us x* ó oil Wedncsdiixs ernor another term he can be without biguity aside, it is at ticat but a despica­ quest«-«! to call, pay charg«« ami tak« th«- an! < al:f i ni;» l ai-R-Cure. at Id. Thursday s. rer.ional. malauay. M.UULP. Cor. 3d and E Street«, I any doubt. He was never bo popular in ble article, and a despicable motive that I ot .■ i ' mpGuntlM, Justice be­ Mr. II. Frobiieh^tein, of Mobile, AH . Portland as he is to-day. There was actuated its publication. oí I ulltori 1 ». 6o'»l I take great pha*iirc in r2-o, anti wriii » mendmg o Hr. King's Sew ; I». i . \ st*.- vetoed the water bond bill, but after ma­ 1 sion of financial disaster totheconnK <’ >nî lining 120 Ku .m«. xx« ll furnish<* j l.-t r< < eo i <1 a i 1 ■ gc .i id ti,-si- -las* as- t » *t ite ih'H 1 had tried other ifmcJii**- H<»r*-*H» brand*»! "Ö on righi hip. • l tie ati'st sty les, * ith n«» g ><>d re*ult. Have also used 1*1 <•- IN THE STATE. is* friend ot their«. Whether he is or on hand, a« per hi* exhibit, to the can­ sortnii-nl "111 ami is now j r* p >r<-1 to ti .to • rite’s m his tri« Bit ers an«i Dr. King’s New Life P II*. not, he can ■ arry Portland by 3,1)00 ma­ cellation ul «'Ut-tanding county warrants, I line m th - luo-t ta li "i iiab v manner an I both ut wh’uli I can rec »mm»*nd. Dr jority. Some of the Portland people and ti'.tes ilia fact that the treasurer ha« ' at e is n • 1 • 1 J.i k» spend a good ileal of their time in poking not as yet complied with the suggestion - man snl guarantees s.x’ s a* . _ ......... ......... • Uahs and colds, is sold on a positive li«):i. Give • hargus. 8*r¿ stamp L.kb r’’: .'M AX» ’ 1 ; ■ ■ While it is conceded by all that it is j trim a call and I-sve you.-ucJer lor a styl­ guarantee. Trial butties free at alldiug fun at him, but after the election the B 4 als 25 »•♦ ii!«; lodging 25 c< uts to 50 cents. EftSlAIS ßLOOifi .***•.• t i •• - Ill fl it. - OIIEUOT' entirely within the province of tn# I ish suit of clothing. fun will ail be on the other side.” tifier,hr-n Cu.;-aad riamiti. ¡ «.eSc-Jcr àn rxju stores. For sal*' at all drug «ton s. E. LEWISTON, Proprietor. 1 Sead etamp fer U «al sciolga. àù H j - w 14 at jve. TAXES FOll 188». Real Estate Agent, 9 Conveyancing in all Its Branches. REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY Notary Public and Cunveyauccr. M F CONCERN ING ONE OF THE MOST REMARKABLE TOWNS ON THE NORTH PACI- FIC COAST At Least One-half Must be Paid in Cash i'll RAIWAIÌE -AND TINWARE IIEI'OT i» POWDER farms, Village Lets, Improved and Unimproved for ¿ale or Rent. L1 □ J9S. 0. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOR, Absolutely Pure. Grant’s Pass, the Trade Cen- ter of the Largest and Rich- est Gold Producing Region in the United States. HARDWARE, • loves, Tinware, Cutlery, PA I The Favorite OILS OF AL KIN DP, '.L.haaics' Tcols, AG?EULTÜM IMPLEMENTS. NAILS, ROPE, BUSINESS OITüRTLNlTIES. Cough Medicine 100 DOO TREES III STOCK, Apple. Pear. Peach. Plum, Prune Apricot, Nectai’i-^e. Cherry, Almond, Chestnut Walnut Ayer's Cherry Federal, Ï .1 \< l