PERSONAL MENTION. A farmnr’s institute will be heal at Ash-1 W. B. T avlok . KLAMATn COURT DOCKET. REAL ESTATE TRA5SFEKS. 1«, E. floom W. B. N elson , land Friday and Saturday of Ibis week, «r A. A. Rocs. which Fvw’ral prominent mm will deliver The following deeds have been filed for rec­ The following eases Lave b-'tn ilocko'ed ray the printer. Wirt Pool and f imily «pent Wednesday addiC’»'«’ on mteresiing top es, :»n«t there ■ ord in the office of tin county clerk since the for trial n( ih<- November teiin of tlie eir- R *.»d the new advertisements. last report «»f the T imek wilt a's«» be a number ot instructivedisrue- in t< wn. cuit court fur Klamath county: .O TO 1.1 R 21. ls*9 Till KSPAN siQ’iM. 1 he p"Ogr.«tnme and full particulars Judge Neil and family are paying Ash* Mary J. Hutton to Elizabeth Andrew«; ¡and <» lp* 1 to Parin< lia M. Wcligter; lot Ran lido an Open Switch. ment tor larceny. Manufacturers of a id Deal« rs 1*1 enrrgv. If the n!o«. i i4 iiitfure and s ue land this week. I 8’atc vs J »fin D Collins; indirtnun’ for 3*. Practn’s addition to A-uland. $250. ’.’•'ii 1 are w. '.ging the.r way south- The 1* r«mgn < 1 !•»»«. » « x r. * < n i* • g bi:. i»uth !»•>. > a’.J min i lac* vicor To W. H. Wit kbam to Gi*.rge Engie; land in J. Wh pi> has rec »y re ? *uff!»q» ntlv • > I as amt with « dangriuu* weapon. .v :r»l. ing of 1» n < .»!>. wit • h I it Fi • a' < \ • n A«dnanu. $3uU. leanse ¿nd vilaliz* llm L1(M> i and uup«rt b about rg-rin. | 8t ite vs. B A Uodfri-y ; indictment fur as ­ Octavia Ju11. n 1 j Pair;ck Donegan; lar.-! i»i ran into »*n pen>w:t ; n«*,«r ar »urn- .»’» »* The *t-« eta of J- k< »nvill:«i cleaning new* i.fe to tne i.uth ng else ha- tp. 35 S, R 2 W, 4 ca > itcrt $1. Mr D rdng ot GklPs ere«-k visit»*«! «.ur sault with a «lai g rutis wea> oil. at Juiozis n, li e e'.«t * t I«.« «i v -o« •. Ill) b sm b a inaivrl »Ub iff ct hs Acer’s Sarsapa- R. T. Elviag.* to Mrs. J. E. White*, lot 51, S'ate vs John Due; indiCtn.ent for tear ­ town yesterday. Ilille* BOU t h ut I* •'■«a d 11« l cr ♦’ a rl 1 *. Kt’er 1 ni e si.uwera of rain fell during Highland Paik additi« 11 it» Ashland. $2’0. ing duw n fence. night. 1 he < i gi««rer wn to-day. K P»e ntat ve Mi'iar is in ths Wiilaru- Valley. $550. .»hut oft *t< am w hen ti uc« id« n* «•«•< urr» d. 30uie very tmn isuine bor4e-»hues ami BE Crouch vs. John Fountain; to re­ W. J. Rodgers of Sam’s valley spent a George Dcitricb to W. C. D. Evans; lol 4. The switch that rail ed th« *.na h-up led < tie v4 L*y. other 8pecuu» niiut tiieir handiwork during day in town recently. cover dumages. block 43, Medford. $120. Mr* II T Mc€ alien returned to Rose­ fram ihe main truck Io a at the end leisure moments, wbuh they will exhibit W I Nichols vs. J A Bowdoin; to recover J. O. Johnson to Charles Nickel!; land in tp. J.W. 8‘wden and Chas. Prim were at of winch is a lurn-tubk* Ab.-ut t«»r»y yards burg this wetk. at the next district fair. We doubt whether money. 37 8, 1< 2 W, 59 uud 67-100 acre«. Grant’s Pass thia week. nek w this 1* an«> her .-wink karting ir«»m they can be excelled in the inteiior. Jn* H.irt of Forest creek is quite ill with R II Dodson vs. Runyon, Lake A. Co; E. H. Schofield of Yreka, Cal., was th** main t ack to u Mdiug. On t’»i ^ide- ty 1 huiu fever. at same. The “Examiner” says that ibe market Religious News. A*liian«J a few days ago. track at th • time »»f i l.e ;»«•<..«1-ni w as a Greene A B.iwdoiu vs. M D Childers; to (se.lo g) price lor produce in «he Lakeview Rob». Hardman of Gold Hill caked on long train < f« u>s l-a«.t-» w in railr«-ad O L. S.aniey and Mias Flora Stanley of rec«>ver possession of property. There will be ev'ning services at the market is as f<»lh»ws at present: Wueat, th- T imes U-day. iru »; i ut the ♦ nd <»: »hr • rain • a - u not *u O O CranstoR vs. W 8 Runyon; to re­ Presbyterian church Bunday evening ai 3 cts.; barley, 3’^ eta.; uats, 3^ • ts : goon Lakeview ure at Portland. Ila- d* »m*’ giass’vare an 1 cro» kery at the nr ir the ma n tra. k hi th- regular 7:30 f . m ., the m coud t* rn dra rrs are qui k to Medford calle«! a ftw days ag->. drive wli»vl* of il r rngi. • ar «1 ihv t« nd- r Livingston «k Co. vs. Jamt-s Du Id; to re­ Etrth n jirs, j igs, etc., of all sizes at tMke udvaniage of toe ituaiion ai d l«»w«» utt The trail», l uw. v- r, ’u« k i. si rlr... a Society Meetings. Mrs. Wm. McConne 1 uf Yreka Cai., is cov» r money. eggs art plentiful in ihe Portland market, NOTICE ami sma^heo ink» Un* t ram oi »a I «»ad r. n th« S F. V »rieiy K'oie. G B Vail Riper vs. Jonathan Heywood; vi'iui ’ g relathes in A*hland precinct. M ason «. — Warren Lodge No lb of Jacksonville i ms is oniy mure evidence that the poui »rai'i wa» The buK^aye-< ar < f div »Xj-n <• ’-meh of Me-lie rd pays the highest same. mevlNeach Wudri«s«day evening at or pr«*c«sjing BORN iry business will pay well in southern Capt Caton and J. C. McCully returned »lie « n 1 b<* ng rr«im ed ci.s'j pr:.*«. i.-r pr »duze. f bad v dr moi sb <1 tne full m«M»n; Ashland L alge No. 22 on Thanwlay Dtn Colwell vs. Thos McGrath; same. Oreg >n. from iheir trip to Cimiab ir 0.» Tuesday. to kindling w .<• carb <»1 di« evening durma the Maine time. Oregon Chapter Mi* J..dg* Hann 1 has returned from F P Grohs vs F H Gwinn ; same. HALL—At Lakeview, Oct. 13,18RB, to Mr. and Noi R. A. >1 , meets in Jacks »nville on (he The ruction sale of lots at K'amaKi city, Mrs. M. Cooksey ami Mr. Gay <»f Central tram loud ot h < n were * • n pi» tel v leh - ! er t ip ‘o Ojai md. Cal. W E 8’ewart vs. Jts-e G Walker; to re­ Mrs. K. Hau, a sou. i mtsday evening previous. Adarel Chapt««r No. Cal., wb ch pr mises to be one < 1 t e n o-t Point were at the counry-.seal yesterday. MC< ped Uil i 1» led up m «ne imii. ri.ur*ate cover 1-osMission « f property. J A W son. who li.«s b*en quite sick, HOWARD—Al Lakcvi«*w, Oct. 14, isxl’.fo Mr. 3, O. E. 8.. of »HCheonville mtn-ts o« »-v« rj othf»r prosper jus towns in north« r.» Cal.iurnia, is iiis.'o* ol c«r-wIi«*«,*, nr-wliwis ki;i«:i'5 g wuo.l :i* Mrs. A. Lamb of . vs. James II Cola­ 1. O. O. F. - Jack*onv illo Lodge No. 10 m-ets W. J. G»eg< ry and wifenf Central P«»int and Mrs. C. A. < 'ogswell, a sun. in value sln uhi rut fail to be«ui Land. R« a 1 pre and Fui«m. n *«c;ei. j h«- fitsl <»ur «...I, ■«! o .« d.«y this week. 1 he Iin«l< rMimnd. Sb« riff of Ja< lc« »11 count v. han; same. Haturday evening; A*hlx»xid ixslg«- No. 28 at precinct wrl >t.»it for California next week. WHITNEY—In (’«ntral P»>int, Oct. V, lHH'.i. to »«very w ere more o< .ess t uama c i but «he ?it* ‘per A new once embeih-hes Mrs. McCain’.* S II. Clary of Henley. Cal., who wa* the re.v ad ver a-euient un i lie ti rot page ui th«* garnetun«*. Table Kock F.n<* t»np.n«.*nt No. 10 <»r«K«ti. «>r b.s lejutj. wifi m« a the T^x- Stout «k Stafford vs G W J Wilson , t > re­ .Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Whitn« y, a son. payerMof said < --iuutv f.,r 1U«- purx»«- «»1 i«-. R A. Habersham of P .rtl. ’ nd and I) T. the T imes . est aprii t'liliH ly. Alter thr«n _.nwr hit piop-. i ty i « Ju< ksor vi le. u»«M*r* at Jack son ville ou every other 1 iies«ii. > « v here last Friday, iniurms us that consider­ cover «iriiiiag. s BAILEY —At Jinny «wk. Oct. 11, lhs9, to Mr. ening of each month, hutu Kebekah Degree ' reiving otT the "teaiu hr j I ing • i toe r. gn.e over C<1. (’. A Cogswell is th« happiest man L »wt« n of Med ord made us a c «11 to day. able pr«»speciing is being done for a blue- J 1 A W P Mi ler v*. G W Lor-sfi y ; sam<. M **rs. Cmkade ami Wiley of Little and Mrs. G. W. Bailey, a sun. Ijodge No. 4 at Jaeaaonvilie meeta even • t<»«*r the ties thivw !•- m h’s e«t to mt Butt« n ude us a call lately. east of ihe mountains, because a lively Phil Gleavt* and Jos. G «rrison of Ster- grave 1 lead in tuat sfciiuu. J K lluynes vs. Simpson Wils »n ; same. JONAS—In Little Butt«- precinct, Oct, 17, I oh *.’, Monday evening. Hope Degr<-e Loige of Ash­ TAXES FOR 1889. deck of Ihr ei gn e. Fireman R« b«*ri Fu K amath county vs. J 8 Suook A J O Tne railroad company, with the economy buy put in an appearance at his house lingville precinct were here »»ne day last land on the second au i fourth Tuesday» of each to Mr. ana Mrs. J. A. J onus, a son. L. A. Mur,»by of Gridin creek is building w. s caught nam attempt« d tu jump *-n « late.v. lh»* C\ 1. is somewhat ot a tataiist, Week. month. Hamakrr ; tu recover money. loiith, following In th>irr)*p.-ctiv. i.rc- that usuuliy characterizes its management. DELAP — Near Linkville, Octubei' 14. ]*>{», to between the c»b a’«i tem’er, and tns lei 1 a ne.*i tesidem e on bis farm. met, at th. Ir -I-U.l pill-', a <,t y. tlnu. arid u ill J. IL Wrisley, the p unecr real-estaie h «s disch iraed its bridge-tenders at Quid and says that the late Democratic presi­ Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Dciap, a sun. R ed M en .—Oreg.inian-PocahontasTribe N«». 1, < remain equity . in ♦••«•!» pr«cimt fr«»in 9 «>'< l«a-k A. M. leg above the kme learubv » iu*ir«i. lie I imothy, alfalfa and all kinds of grass Hill and many other points. dent will be renominate«! in W.', b • caine aeont, made us a ple^ant call one (lay imp d O. K. M.. of JacksonvxUe. every Tuer . M.. «>f < acJi daj , lo-wit: W J Paul ys. Louis Lund, ditsulution of McCoLLl M—At Ken«», October 5, 1 »•*!». to Mr. evening. __ .................................. wa> wedge l in s«» . j. ht -- hit th •t'gu«-itM«i S v . at G"ldsm:t)i’s, Medford. * the first thing that boy did was io scream ih’S week. and Mrs. Wm. McConum. a sun. Souiticrn Oregon apples don’t go beg- parlrer^liin. tender had lu be pii <1 ap. r b- f »1* I«« -• •i«l . A. U. U. W.—Banner ljodge No. 23 meets every ; Willow Spring*« Mu h Ii« gati« n is now going on in this ging. Buvers come alter them from M »n- “Cleveland.” ................. Nev. It h J. P. Woodson aniijhv Chastain of Bn. >ther Friday evening Ashland isxigc >0 66. un < entral 1* unt Aryella Nessler ys. Emil Nessler; suit be re eused. He b r« in* *uff 1 g*4, wbii'h ' se« iH ii am« d»e sh rifT is kepi busy. ................... - Ml. The foil »wing residents of Ashland have nanzs, Klamath county,are in the valley for divorce. lana. California and many other places, (he hrst and third W«-Uucbd.-eveie, w tl o a tl.m (•«» g A * WEI». ................... •• «Wit lotaitd mining claims over i*» Mski.vou un a visit. ■uunth F» »ota < ’ r»a k J J. Fryer ih now occupying his hand- ami pay good prices fur them. K L Dusenbury vs. 8 W Du^enbury ................... •• 7th phj sician was -i»mna>nid !«• m li n« ii 1». I et county; Messrs. Watson, .1. M. Me' al , Wmidvill«-. .................. •* Mb al ; ¡'’junction. in » 1« i«»p« •« ari ly «1 r< '.*••«i * n < ««.• m * t j U• i« *, i 3«»««u- i.vw «cai in Eagle P«»!nt. Fred Rowe is making 1 reparations to Jnh ’ i Tueper has been ‘ ’ under the weath ­ MARTIN-In Ashland, Oct. J'», 1KW, Leroy Fl -OMMfit (>»•• k H. T. Chitwrood. J. N ’ . 1 h Hip-, W. H ................... - mb R member that the Winter Photo. Co. build a suw mill at Tolo, which will be in and he was i r »i.gbi n» !»<> ■ uy <»•» :h* ( Cabiurnia A. Oregon Laud Co. vs. II 11 er,” but is able to be about again,we are El »un«--- K-•< k Martin : aged 43 5 «ars, 11 months aiu 2 day *. A. II. CABSON. L»eds. Wm. S. G'bbs, Joel Furcell ami .................... •• lllh W . L. CAIISOX will remain on y a few days longer. Blech' r ; same. delayed norih-bvui d CaLl«»rr.ia exp r >. < running order before many months. Hr l-ua«’ Burris. There is an vxtrnsi« n to the glad to Say. Trail Cm k.,.. AKNoFP—In San Francise ». Oct. 11, lss'.i. Miss ................ •* 12th w bi« n arrived al 3 .;o o c 0« k I *' ♦ v> nu.g, | First-cla-e cedar fence posts for sale in has^ Urge number < f h »n is at work. M«-ad««w* U ESt’Warixs AlexZevely; sum*. > Lnlie Arnuup ; aged lö years, 5 months amt ................... - 13» b Dr. R Pryce of M.'dfor L the well known Thoma- f'a' a .«i will be known as \ Th- Table K ek *ev« n hour* 'ate. He " as imim di «it V n • i quantities to Mill at the 1 imks office 8»ewatt A Ram^e; vs L H leu rs; *ame It» du’ 8. ................... •* I4fh Jrtie county comí Ins instructed bupcr^ •r\ ihr ili- E. Du»a«lu blue gravel mine. phy.*i« ian. called at th-" T imes office one Liftli Bull» moved I«» "t \ i< cvn ’* io»*p l»l, w .(« re h s I otewa.t A Ramsey vs. It T B ackwood; .................. •* b»i b VAl (iHN In Ashland precinct. Oct . 17. 1 Wm. E Center ol Douglas county is pay- Xisor Wagner to b ivr the bridge at Kean B.g B itt. *“ .................. - bit:» Tuere is nu’hmg uncertain about tne day this week. injuries were ! «»Kcd «»u*. t«»r t»\ l’r. A. D «am»*. truin peritonitis, Mr-. Minn ElUabvtu as effects V ’ 'iimn* v R h k / «•rerk. un the Linkville r«vad, which was ............... - 1Mb Mrs. R. (’huvn *r a 1 I the Misses Ciiavner <»f Chamb -rlain s Colic, Cholera iml Bevan. IL* wit«- ami moih»*i- 1» law ac­ ing relatives in Hie valley a visit. effe h P Grohs vs. F 8 Gwinn ; dissolution of Vuughn ; ag«sl 3M yearrj Six mile« S)uth «»f Giant’- Paon. J«»*«-j»hin M *df«»rd .. burned recently, replaced by a ne* une. ................... •• ¡Mh The rl««rk’s force has commenced the Diarrhoea Remedy. Ihe tact is, it is the were at the c »unty-seat during the fure companied h m. H«»w In« *win h w.«** u.i*- County. (Jrcgun. partnership. I Eden ............... ** 21*1 The Gold Hi 1 milla, under the able man- only preparation in the market that can part of ihe week. plaitd 1* at pr« *« i.l a my*i« ry. » aieles.*- work uf copying ihe a-sesHinent roll. • A.*hlMn«j . Slate ol Oregon, ex rel , v-. N B Knight; Not . 22ml and *ird MARRIED. ' .*,f«-a»iil».»ai ne s «»f .*«»!« v • ne has c.»u>id tl e worst . Old papers, in quantities to suit, for sale agrim nt of A. Lamb, are manufacturing a always be depended upon, ami that is J. E. Fenton visited the county-sea’ one to set as-de deed. _______ N««v 25th superior article ol fl«ur, which finds a pleasant and safe io lake. 2o amt .’>0 cent day ibis week, accompanied by J. b. M »w- j A.PPrt gat • *ma>L up that ha< « v» r < « • lured «11 ,h I al the I’ imf . s office at 50 cenisa hundred. _________ •• Xth W B Jch'iHun vs. II 8 Parrish; to 1 «re­ I I t>i<»nt*»«* ri ready >a c. The demand can hardly be c»otih‘S fur sale at City Drug {¿tore, Jack­ rer ui Central Pcini. PAPE—SH1PL12Y- In Medford prccinct, al _________ - T7fh lines t»i the <* A C. TTu . lb re was i.u cluse mortgage. A Bi-b*r of Lakeview Las been ap- j >t«*rlinrvin«» _ t > ’ r«;s»«i» ticj H — REMME -In Yr ka. (Jet. 2". l**.i. bv Ro,11 r.vcr His brother came wiln h.m. t«»e hands«* will p|. a*«- ray th«*ir laxes a» tl»« vi.-i d our town the forepart of ihe week. played there. Plum. Prune Apricot. ab«»v« n • xt nt; but it Let«, him s- \< r. 1 bun I•. <1 wh «eshe laid in a lull supply of the must Valuable Baking Towder TesU Made by the EX I.R'Q.x i'LTZ At Liiikvilk-, » h l. l«i. l*s «. -state I 1 im« s. Ttn-lau in r«xard t j I in ' 1 fushion.ib.e mdiimviy. dollars eacn year. It is very p »tent »h it tiovemnient < hem I ms . I»y JurtKsWrignt. Saoiu-1 > EV’.Ts-m and ."( «»it Griffin oi l’uio w ill take pleasure in roll« etion will b<* Ktrictly «iifi.rc<«1 A mare and three fillies strayed fiom the Win. IL bee has return»-d from bis trip Mr*. Hmri« 1 E. l itz. Nectarine. Cherry. nothing p. y- those owmu ; ami better '»hew ing strangers U»wn and country prop- w .. . J G BIRDSET. 11 Obeuch (in ran« h in Big Butte piecing, Dr. E Iward G. Love, tliean ilytu al cbem to *i*k>yuU and Jtisephiue count.e*. accum- DUDSON - rlMISiN In Medfurd. O« t. l'».l**W. ari.i I nx «* Ib « i- i m Ja< k- :i ( • • and John Hoel enjo*. as will be *e *n bv than trui. raising. ibi fur the government, in s tn t«le .*t»me n M nt paniej uj his foreman. J.u k*'»nvlU.-. Or., (fi t. 1**. Do« i'. ’ il»..), B. liiRiJur, Al ’ x. D. D-*ds >ay ul the war* Imgx t«> yuu tounty, Cal., 111 a eh rl for their recovery. I>r. Love.* HENDERSON -W IL< UX In Pkasant crc» k Walnut. prior to l>5d, have been p*»»iiiised that th»« Warner’s urn him ry (L p »t of Portland, 1* lest wire made to d< termino w hat tni.n ; time. pr« < im t. 1»« ’. 13. 1*-.«. by \\. .1. Ma»ii y. J. P.. The Tolo Townsite A Milling Company Hum B».-ger licrm .na w ni w irx for the paving the valley a visit. JA< KSONVIl.I.E are the most et oi.oniictti to u*e. ¡nut P« 1« r H’-nd« r*«»u and Mi*s loit» Win -x. 1’1 e b irds most line of bird-ca^es in • dl«»r lots for $5u each -<10 cash, balance in pnssageof a bid g'uni.iig p« n.s.un.s 1 • .hem. Mr Weeks, representing B*it A •heir capai ity he* in the.r lcuv< n ng power, to” u chti i«e .oand at the b. F \ ariely monthly payments ot $5 a month. For Quite NORTON—In Ebn i»r« < inet, a number uf the turvivors of th» .se Hc«ht,was her«- yc^’eniay. awoiupauieu tests weie dirette»! * nely t«i ascertain th. ARM\<; <•« l. IX l^'J. b> M. V. R. >.,ul« . J. 1’.. J A 6-ore full arrangement*. 0911 on or address the wars are rv-siumg in Or. go... most of w hom by Mr. Packa»dof T.dent. Ai in ir«»ng .tu«! M:s» MinnieC. Nuri-»n. aVailab.c gas of each powder. Dr. L the following: pen Lt* winitd ut Guldsnitih s, Med- K1E*. HL V KBEKK1FX KASPBEK- them mud c«»in2 b- fore many years. B W. Rice of Bandon i* in Portland to strength : 1 • Ne..I«»n uf Tabb* Ruck were seen on cur K1L>. STKAWBERK1E>. 1’lGS. purehase machinery for a new* s earner, NLW This WEEK Name of the Cubic inches Gas per R >h< rl C Put’, m, th#* fireman ki le«l at stretts one ay this wetk. Jc’« i Carter an«l Jas N. Mitchelluf Pleas- ionfp. t long and tw» lve inches draf’. wnici: Ja:.cli->.i ":ty last l ri-my night, was a mar- Raking Powilei"*. each ounce of Powde-. Ourtr« ar«m«»wn with«»ui irrigation <»n Ge» E. Y«»uic, fo-m^rlv of Ashland, i* ”R »yai” ■uhsolutdy pur............... .¿ni «1 itk pi»*' :nci were 1 ert during tne 's to ply on th<* C» q"i lc river between .¡•»d mau. bav'ng w« iss Paulin r«-d hill land, and uil «»t known vai n t»«-s th.«: fii.¡ng the position of *’i, ping clerk for “I’atapM'«»” .alum powder; ........ w'e k. succeed jo Soulli« rn < Jr«-g«»n. j Bindon ami MyrH? Point. I Wciterer, formerly a r» -id«mi *.f J u kson A’-’h ir A Wu n er of I\»r .a«» i ”l< iint«»rd’s ptiosphalc t(’*h... Tti<»>- <-/fit’-inputting ii«-’ planting w.11 «!«• Fit a.k C. Baker, a:a’«» I tint er, lias or C i’izc mo*t trave':n : ph »t-'grap'. *rs. C. v 1 e. air.itr a year ago. Ik« w;.s .-,i imiu - ’’llumfords" ptmspluit« <»ld....... w «.Ii to visit our orehurd and nui sciy . «»r write J \ Jeff «.whois ut'ending the tate •*H;inforc iaaiiizing. itrhiug. burning au«l l»le«-din^ r<-r«*- to us for price list. A-l'Ir« -s r u* ar Murph«., * i i ihh 111 it* worst *tsg«-s. 4 raw Mire from Ii« a ’ J •*< piiin- «• -unly. < >r«-g -n. «yrt*» R. K Station. Bl ge’ie. i- gtv n; tne very b»*s’ »-ati-fa-'ion in sp-ct-.d wn<> n..v»v him. H«* j«- a»rii. u-'or il« ;egr at Corvul.i*. is here fur ■’Hanlord’s None Sm-ii” old......... a *h«.rt vDit. He will return soan. “Radili•ad’s" ................................... l«»f«’t. Hair gon« . Itocior* au«l hospital* Oil. Grant > Fas«. <»rug .n. Cl • \ M. -. A. lLickivin tn of A banv is .isi’- j»«»;tra;t »vor’x. Call at once, and ba e r ii wm« has Uic .sympathy <»t all in h» r Trkd «-v« rything. < ur««i l»y the ( uti«*ura Kt ui H i Cs|.t . Wrik iia* g«*n • t-j Central Point to ••( .i.u m alum |M»wd* 1 .......... A H. < ARSON A >’ >N. ! r.V sue adlicii-»!». ills rem .i a» wer taken u. • ng . r duught«r, Mr*. \\ K Prae. vl a really 1 o«» 1 .ike: ess taken. •’Amazon* alum p««uuci .... edit*«. General Conti a* lor iu m H :»-\»* .u o' ihe fii.’ gr muds. It r-»md ”< ic\ » land's* « unta.ti-« June?.... « c. L:i;n • uu«it;. for b«M al. I Tolu. T-‘«'U.*an is of f’irt tr-*e- will be plant 'd B. > . not b** »n ’ rubted in belter h; lids. ’ S«*a l oam" ....................................... 1 ‘ lu: H ive you heard w ’ hHt Mr. <;. L. W^ast of S - i:v 01 C.c compuiy which will b»ii d in th:s sectu n during th present month ...................... ............ ........ iu»« J. K. Grte: ami family liavearrived from “Czar” HAE3LE, r iui*;t mi , p .ed i . a Cambridge • ity, Ind , si vs of Chamber- "Dr. Prn • S contains Km» . .......... KJ2 r i I tin» cured <»f a loathsom«* t. Paul- I w«,ek. .......... lol in it* worst stage. I tri ’ <1 different reg n. ’♦s. "L win *’ < «m«l’ ti*»si. ... A I* 11 ii and had b -en through tn- hospital, but all to .1.1 Fry* r. on * «f the must enterprising ”C«»ngrcsn' yeaat ¥7. I h»* nobb¡est and latest styk-s of hats, mer I wa- troubled \\r\ mi»c«i with >; v«r-’ no purpose. Trie disease ejv« rc«J my whole all I Hi -Pc.dr I.-.I .t f la E An-lr -w* A < «» - < -ut.i.n , .x ■ •* in the -to a nd. an i ¡»"W* 1 ,*, »nd wa* alum' 7* 1 «-iii;:«‘i * *« < f Litt'c l*itt'c Butte precinct p-v<*i«ict m d- Un hirts, neckties, collars, cut!*,-n jrf pin.-». body troin ttn* t»«p ««I my* betel t•» the sub* of Stmt. I t. My bail' all « .tin«* out, hjaving in* a pie isantcal! isanlcal! one day thi-» this w-ek. cuHar-butums, etc., in southern Oregou .nliiml b> a fi in! 1.» h, lliis Remedy. T ime * a ph* “(ililelt *” ................... ’ W. D«» /. Li'« t> « . 1 ami see that fine,large canalways be f«»und at the 8. r Variety I t" .k one d«?«!«*, us p. r «. r« < 11. n-. ami 1 c »mph t raiv s.»re. After try ng everything J is A. McC »rttiick. we I known in this "Bu.k*’......................................... ... ....... Ml .5 dip.»- jig nt s hats at ihe b. F. Variety Store. < all and see for yourselves. 1 lu arl of your Cuiidim R rnmfic*. and a!t< 1 gave me almost 111*1.uit relief I chevr- section, . is been np¡x)i it d 1 xm-cial 1 n I *ln his report the government chtini*’ ii'ing three 1» »tti> s of Cuticura R*sulv«nt. Su»ie. tu'iy re< ummei.d it to the .dll ■»■«!.’’ 2.» Wagonloads oí apples are still being •md 50 cent bet Le-« !o. *ale aZ City Drug agent, wit 1 hemlqii irters ai Vancouver, say * : witn « iiin-ura and CuiiCura S«»ap. 1 find my- Tne l l »rde Madrid, the finest of Key hauled !hro ;ph t««wn. cn rou'e to Medfur«1 Wash. ’I regard all a'um powders as veryun- s«*lt cure«! at a cost of about $6. 1 wouci n >1 We it 1. a . :s kept only at the S. F. Varie­ fr- ill which point ihvy will be *n:p, ed Store. Jaekson vide, an'» Ei.gei Bros., I uu? ».'uticura R-’mudi«?* in my wh/ks iim. Pnospi ate and tarlane .»«-i-. o • wit a >«• ♦»i an«l I mink they arc the only tkin an I blood h is men visiting rd.»lives ami friends ic.'or* reHches here that for ometime ■ ■ r f uic K- guv liver whisky, in quan­ un ihe e ecir c railroad next season. ces* of baking, or under varvmg medicines. creditors ha>e attach« o ¡»ast Dr. Md'er, of R«» ebutg, Ims been a: PI uc;dx. returned I k me last week with changes buffer deter-o*at-ou." tities 1 1 .*u t, cu.l on < apt. Caton iu Ja< k I saac IL G erman , Wurtsboro. N.Y. ever, c a:min « iba' :»♦• t ch " s?, sardine-,oystvrs, I >b-:ers, damc. p«ymg a’teiiLi »1* tu the daugnt-ruf C »n Mr. Law. FI LL LINE t»k THE BE>T AND : M k pt on han«l, and nothing bui first- panl no money thm-'U ii'n. J. H. Stewart and wife of E’e.i i« n"iie, corned b.ei. ¡»«g’s leet ami man’ uoKtiuwii reison, Wu^oLjei tiu’iab.e 10 the AT CENTRAL POINT, Lune county, who has b en piying Ja* k- amination of ihe vam-us hakii g p »w.-er* -.-lass w >ik turn«si «»ut. ¡th pr«-mis-«»’V r «»(. s to have returned from a visit to the W illaiu- o” er arti« 1 •*—just wha’ is want-d fur y« ung larfy’.s parent*. Last buu lay he I w.i< sick in lb«, fall of lsss with .» burning All ord» rs tiihd promptly at reasonable sonv die qu.te a visit. returne«i home during of c«»mnier< e, ici»<«rt« d 1» the government •hei it!, ait ihr i sta- «i- o( ue va l«y. chuice lunches—at ihe 8. F. Variety Store visit» <1 Mr. Hermann’* nest r--Myal brand. E I. Hunil * . lb- < cuv< r«d w itn a ra*o. and couid not sleep A. JAIUDCK. A . rec« ipt*, due b'il.*, drafts, etc., in I*«»’¡na*i r-General Wa»»í»in :k« r adver­ from wbl h he v.a* 1» nu»vc«l w ’bunt re- Prof. M M «t ic, laie th ef clienii-st f« r nights or w --i k day>oui«’ do lot> tu-mght it Mrs J. A W Ison has returned from her da\ «!•> <• I thr -.1 r and M«di«»rd. May 13.16W. »*"k u»ri-t. hai'dy and firsl-ctus», al the tí*« s ¡ur l»i«Is to « arry the mads in this state iii'ny; but on the f ll.’wi ur day the Dr. m.gat b« salt r.i» um ecz ma , and said they the I ’ 8. (ieparttm n ’ of agriculture, al Dip t) the \V il un.eite vallvv. where he sin -r which <1 nr u her .1 1 1ML-* «»tticu. fur four » ears from ih*? ti«-t of n* xt July, •»n I .ii-* Hermann w» r»* un ted i • mar Ire- I la v i her s. 11 James m th. Mount Ai g 1 Wa*hi g on *ay *. ’* The chemical tesis to *».»n han«1 :i «’*ompl«-i h el* Brrvcd b. U« t 1 »n¡ V no ii« ip t x oin auv of them, or tr'»m auy Ju..n Herb«’g» r is Lui' ling new steps to nids t - be received a’ his uffv e in Waal-iug- r :ii.e. Nofu’h‘«r;ar i<:ula»-b wereobtuine ». semniary. whi« ¡1 I have* submit’ed ’he R «vai L ikuil * ci-iv-wi and iir*t-< la*a- bt* ck ul Io al cred»u»rs. Vi» to I mtxlicine that 1 c.»ul»i k 1 liol-t ot untn 1 tried t« 11. D. <’., by the 14 h of Decemutr iuxt. • 'it Cat.i«»iic hurch and making uihcr im- uowdtr prove it pcrfeit ’ y hea hlul and F J. Sunt 1, « d t«»r ■ f the b . Aivrcroin- sums ag r« g » i-g n atiy your Cuticura Kmem«-*. Altertnr«-« u.-»k* Jas. Snubert. an n’d resident of th's val The' ‘ ridings ’ 'says that 11 »n. Wm. F p. u\ vnii it*. free irom every delete-iuus substanie." bie, Dakota, ■'ll»«rad'' says; “ Ihe most use I was al»|< to work, an 1 k *pt getting lat­ Com »>rm r 1 a^aiu st E ig« ' iey, but who has been t bcwl err for several Cor. 3d and E Streets, ter until I am 11 »u entirely cured. J rwum- lime h.i'< t E'l. i»" lit w’hu hu* been in Portland for Songer has 1 aaed bis farm sevMi mile* womh riul medicine 1 nave ever met with y ears, is visiting the scents of hib former st » »n Li lh -'H'I them to ail *ut!« ring witn *k»n «iis-.-ase-. Attrffjxrpvr f air d rubi 3 m« t m«* returned last buiahiv and Wl.l • u’li of A h an l t*» B*nt Kingsbury, a- d s Cliaiub< rlain’s Col’c, Cbulera uud D - experience. en-•uiniHTe«! c« c. ♦•:. < l*MEK. TalUvHi«-, V t. Will Law 1 ««»Il wiih ir> 'atuny fur South irrfiiei Remedy, inc »se uf cone it giv« s st..y a h lc. wh m hr k u ,v:i«g. i « iu 4 ■ » POKTLANI), OR., For the benefit of aii who may *eek to Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, • rn C’ahfornia. to remain through th« speedy leiiet. On hunting trips I have Mr. \Vili?m.*, reprtwn’ing the Pauly swindle the newspapers out of their just anccs, are m»i iKtly tu • ’ (• J. Ji Tyrn'ini Lake creek called to-day Most Intense Itching < '»ntaining 120 K guuis . well furnished. Jail Cu. ’ f fct Louis, :s in t wn superin­ due? , we publish the following which is w • nter. .uund it ii ’ di.speiisab e. Put in alkali water ;.»■ »«I* i • I. h.n r - *h ul the traiK« r« ! »1. •in«» n -’m- m that gras^ is g owing Lite iik: iy y 'll th« hub. I have use«! theCuiicura R-unxii«* sm-rc-—- S »me of those wh » attended the funeral and it iinpai is a p .sunt taste ami prevents tending the erection uf the steel celis iu kept standing at ihe head of the first edi- I r M I de A THE BEST— fuliy 1 »1 my baby , whowasaflLdvd witn <-ez - ot J G. Bri*c«>e’s son in Tra I creek pre­ he paiiitui diarrhoea whicn nUah water our co inty j ¿il. to ensue, us Lehnir'» bus cl c* « ■> i» la.r-d tonal column in many of our exchanges: J nn <• l*l*by of Cniontown an 1 John ma.and huusue h lut. n>< itching tnat he n > pruduees. 1 couhi not fe< 1 safe without it the -hir.ll t. r r r« ’ V- counsel ai d will so cinct last week gut into a veil »w jacket': E L. Farra w.ll have « barge of the Fred. 1. Subscribers who do not give express ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE rest «lay .»1 night. Tm* itching is guile and OILS OF ALI KINDS. Mt. Eng» I Do*i»-r , f Ashland prvciuct were nere one n«*st uni we e stung by the insects. Geo. n my house ” 25 and ami 5u cent but les Bi'd'cvfirm n Rock r :i in 4 ut» e bes* • f la.ih Lyn< h w is ratuer severely hurt by a horst or sale at City Drug biore, Jacksonville, seas« n. and hasaheady moved bis house­ wishing to continue their subscriptions. che«keu boy. The runs m the past week and other « ut the t me. and Engel Bros., Phoenix. and ilixt he w i I p o al «•: hi er i or?. 1. hold e.fects there. M vrv K ellermans , Beloit. Kan. 2. If subscribers order the discontinuanc« .11 Ila - . .. «•-» h/ved’« a;, rd ih * trains bulb ways given ei ough ti«ue to a«» The deaf and dumb man who re-'« n’ly A lan 1-s'ide occurred on the Shasta di- A. H. Car-m of Joseph I no county, the of their periodicals the publisher may con­ -luring ih« w «♦ k. Al n»i Cuticura Resolvent ci ! !*V 1 f.tse i• fuliy «1 ■ • el«»p vi-ion. ju*t ah »ve Dmsmuir, on the'2l*i, ‘woikeii' this comiuuni-y and did v« ry w«|. kiiow.i fruit-gr« w r. pu-sed thr«»ugn tinue tosenct them until all arrears are N«, ( him s<* «*nipioyed and no d« viafiun in w i - h ; u »«»ake ¿»* any comm« « omni« u nt 1. . u* Ä11 «b» La*' «have t > get yuur pictures taken ami the Portland train wus compelad to wen, * as no d >u*»t an imp »Mor. as JacK*ouvi«le one day ibis weeK, en loute paid The iu*w bluud puriQer and purest and bu*f «•barge*. Meal* 23 wnts; lodging 25 cents to 50 <î» nt«1. •j h \S : t»-r Pnut«». Co. w lu never fail ‘ ’ to 1 av i*11 night at Sis-«m*. Tne slide ha* ill of that ilk are. ly a tit of to the bead of «he vai.ey. dt ¡uiyu;.e mi mj">t i e. 3. If subsetibers neglect to or refuse t«» ot humoi cures, mi« rnaliy, and Cuticura, tii. give * «lisiio t on. take thtir periodicals from the <»tfi«e t« grvat skin cui « , an 1 < uticura .**.»ap, an < x- ¡be-n cl«ar?«i away and th*? trai 1 arrived »-as«lull aw«k««i»s his sens»« of Lea; ing and E. LE'VISTON, Propri« f r. NAILS. ROPE. Judge Ne l an 1 Ow» n K«eg»l beeu uu a hunting exj ediii«-n in Ihe upper ponsible till they have settled dheii hili r lux e ani >p •’“tioy uni p.r.uaaciHly cui wh at fl «..r in quantities to suit ut the !*. We are sur r y to l»«arn of the death uf the And tv. ry thing 11*» imagi nab’ in:!.-fin«. Butte urt ek s mi n. act ompanivd by tnei ” taemu-jt ag »uiZiiig. ilcinng. burmng,* bk,«sl- ra: r ad be- F. \ a 1.iy bo te. It seem* that th « ke’r ami «»rdered their paper discontinue«! My goods ar« n»w nnd.-i th« 1». *1 bi ¡.* b and ; son of J. G. Briscoe of Trail creek precinct, »»eu»-!»'. swindle I ilc ho’el-k«e» er an 1 son*, return' d home a fe.v days since. ìug. .*-ua»y,’-u ana pimply «fisca*-> and tween U>is pi: Ct* nmt M* • f r I wi.» Le bli'll »1*1 I»« s« .id at Un> ailed he w m n « onnected w ¡th : h-* house 4. If subscribers move to other places uuiu -r* -1 taeskin. .-v.up a.i 1 u.««ad, witn b»** A complete line of trunks, valises, etc., whi’h uccurre«! one day last w a’lle capii o t . >»4 h f lh»w.n ; di-- hair. troni pi. ih«n * lo t»cn 1 ma. .f al. *iz - ni d prices, kepi tor sale at the pro rarted ulness. Hr was a biinht nd in- vi e n tm« .<, sk.p; ing juii in lime t«»e-e 11 e r-», Washington cuuntv. He did not a. r i «za e <>’. 0 t F11L(•(■ ; Kc- dustri-us Ind. His parents have our sin- with bi'ie nluct. He is an ingratc and a «•ept the place t«) whi b he w«v» app.iinie 1 papers are sent to the former direction, auivent, r. \ am ty siore. Li» win ti. J al, >-«ap, J.K-. PrepHrvU by in- Poli« r !'♦ h. would m«l .it« knuve, and sbeu d he louked after closely. lowest Ruling Prictf. they urehehi responsible. centbai . lt located . Drug ani « m me al turpi »rat i«»n, iiuslun. .1, F. B. Con For th«* t’e-’hest and nicest candies, nuts, ceresi sympathy. ; by cuiEereuce, a* it amounted to n »thing. W F. E*ti»‘lman » . The ( ourts have decided that relusing Let us give the rentiers ut the T imes a 7 r >«*nd t,.r "H-.w tu tiu v >kui Bisenso«," ihm wolLkn.iwn houae lias >»«**n r< buri Give me a call b< f< re golm •’»*< v h*re. The steil tel s for ihe county j lil have >p » evi bave •ig ;r*, fruits, etc., go to the S. F. Variety verse, ('. .1 i. I tv and R. K. Wm. Febely. wl.u resided in Jacksonville t5 take perodicals from the “tfice, or re­ 64 pag<*a, ùU ìiiustrations. and luu testimomais. wnh bri« k i;x»«l greatly <1»larged, h« *id« * I»« i- »it'le tiniti) advice Ho: weather is (min­ J.C. SHEK1HAN. arrived an«! are being put in position incorporât1 «I »'.« u»sc \es ini » a c mpai y S ure, Jachsuiiv¡lie. several y eats since, vi.s ted our town yes­ moving and leaving them uncalled for ’pri- ing ami won i< lulic, cholera nioruu*. dy* • ht Ja« ks » »i Cuun.y Ei ctr c designated terday, accoii pained by his wife. Ih v tna facie” evidem e <»f intentional fraud. A. J Barlow h is rented his hotel at (¡old 1 hey will puzz v Hie best of them ai d ur I DÜUIBLEN. hhu klieads. red. rough, <-liai»peu •t»iety ano biar.iax'd. ihe only a.»le wav NEWLY FURNISHED i: -ìlway. I. ht A F. wor « « »• p.»n? ami Hill io 5ivf-rs. Dungan A Wolf, lately of perfectly saf»* and convenient tn every re to combat th« se diseases is to Keep some have lately been residing at Crescent chv, 0. Any person who receives a newspa­ I IITI amioii.v :-k.upiuv< nica i «y < uticuia > ui| I li! •>! ari.« I - in ih«- audih^r’s . iti .«t Sra - 1 O'U'U < uun «y, Ca'. *pet t. bur off r nu particular inducement* per and makes use of it. whether he It is cut rally I c it «1 in th bu* ii-*.* part of i .«liable remeuy at hand, arid all who have Cal tlv 01» ti.v L.» .. uis-t The » appal si . m - k i I. » wrongdoers m iia g ». d-.*ainple r «»m f r C( in c complaints, it costs som, Nra C.trvvr. (»race Purler ami Ralph to take from the office the newspaper ad­ Medi«’f«l a' <1 Jacks, nvi e. .!;«< k-01. «•« un > . Pai n Piaster, ¿’»cents. Ashland. Oct. 10. I»vH. ANDERSON CREEK, (»ug ni, ami t«> operale li.e ruote by ?Uri. • he i imf > ulib e snouiU n«>t neglect to settle ing any ot ihv *amc will d«j well to attend ■>ul 25 or 50cents, and may be the meant) Hoyt. dressed to him. is liable also to (he publish ot saving you ur your lami y much sutler Peter Abbey.’he popular bos! of the Bay- n»ot ve power as may W «I ♦ me«i l»«'t. w'.itioui luriher delay ihe sale. Reu«i the adv. «ng, it nut Ute ils«-li, before the summer is vie* hotel at Yaqmna bay, together with er for the subscription price NOTICE and prudute ami seli eie« 1 1 itv.cie. I 1 !» h r the best gr».dc of photograph work.go Wiih the fact that Binger Hermann is 11 . A. ■ ollie U inter Phot > C’u., who will remain to be overthrown as a candidate for con- oyer. For sale at City Drug >tore, Ja< k- his family. w.hrp«nd ihe winter at Ash­ company huo emmevd u»e se junvilie and £ng< 1 Bros» Phoenix. I’ nhti » S tates L\ m » oh k e . > land. Tt;vy made>o»iv lie a visit last Hat»« r-*mini, a tir-’-« ui-s c i vi« en «ince»-, 1 :e* d ns in our city. Only a Few Days Longer. • gre*«, c unes the anmuim ement that Hon R >s. burg. or.. Oct. io. Isrti.f The following i* a summary of the a>- Sunday. w!»»» arrived iron» l’urliami y.-t- r»i.«y ai d < ’ . C Beckman is to b» 1 entered in ibera« » The W nter PfmtoCo. will be in Jac k- A food »ss »rtm-nt «»f buckets, broom*, ( < «mplaifit having l»«*en • ntered at 1 ids « ttic -essinent r< 1. oi Lake county sent to the s f..< ti»«* prelim - i< making urrangcnienis THE M ItM/lHBElt TAKEb as he southern Ong« n < aimidate lor gov­ s H« I aim.»lim ec r la y of slu.v Muilga. es, ^192,197; ing that hit _ ....___ ____ __ nary w«»rk. 1 hero is no «¡ou* t Lut w hat ; ernor.— R om burs Review. t»«r abandoning in* «l » i««n i lami N ». tt±SU running 011 tun time and tin nuig uut a iarg«- 79,4G2 a« ies inq r**v«*d land, $3_’1,XO5; «>»,113 •. i . Vdi.etv Slur«-. upon th«- NW •-( ”1 NW '4. NW *j «»f Sec. II. EG* •juautny «»t iurnb. r. IE Al: pictures fi.n.*h**d hcie. et* la ’ e sani- Portland, will be plea-ci to hear « f their Ti e llMEs would like tu j»ut»l«s ‘ » the |>ar«d t«> Illi m H A *i-h roi Mis. Dr. I)« Bar arrived from ti e . »«s sw .nip land, 155 913; 130.533 acres MtdZuld. between tue c«»uni 1 -scat and . <»l N E 11 and N E ’4 <«1 SE ‘4. S« « . 10. Tw p. i»; S. • ’nl«-rs u itu dispatcli. and at |>r« t*j<- ui<»>.i n aaciia- aim nut oi grain thiedied by the different, California un « *’regon v. ago -r a 1, J'.iL’.l'» i; •■xpcci.i return iron» the e.ste n states pcs. cas -¡v.driy and wid remain in Jackson RI W.'m Jacksou c-»uuty. Or. with a view t.> bl« rut<*. A tiu«-quaiity of Relief lii*tanUDenu>. 1 lire Rapid. Radical, th».* week. mat lune* last season, ami we tbtreio.c 392 town ¡ol*. $110,oi.»; improvcn ent-. >:<».- v. v «¡uri ¡g il « wii.t» r. tu«- i-aiic. Kation «»I *aiu d «nation claim; the and t’rrnianrnt. Hiilienriil. *ai«i partu s ar- her« by summoned t • appear Fred II. Rowe, the irrepressible, made Ih- 1.« r «in* h ive *t.irt»*d the gra*s to h«u e that those enEHgid in threshing the dOO; mtr( hanuiseand lmpieii.euts,$135,2w. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, at the office ul the Count y (’n 1 k »»¡ J.u k- »n < o.. • r-»i s of ,*ou*hern Or-gun w ill furnish us I N«» singh* di*« a.*« hu.*« < ntaih*d in«»» , stiff r- money, 1*010, *»ccuui«is, uf stuck, Lu-wan div a visit during the week. A - Henry late. Jr s . m „r »w ng n e y. It will souii be abundant with tl eir figures soon. Oregon, «n th- lGtri iay <»î D c- in:» r, KM», ai im iiiding thcla^t ruaGc, cviliug «nd ttomng. ing cr ¡».«'t« -m 3 tm- br« akhig up ut th«* < -«u>ii- etc., $27<»,175; huus h ld furnituie, car- tln ivb h. v ng sustained a seve-e l«»ss bv iór» ma»« « » thè . :Mr- ». 1 « .1 H« *» we./Ii 1 cuutiuurs. 1U «» ‘ cl >|| sliof t Uoli««-. t a« ><»n t . hui «. atarrn. lac *. um - <.f suieil. <>t m«»uy ’ »ne rniug *ai«i al;« g< «i ai-an i.»m« ni. Clarences. Smi'h, a prominent young ri.i.« s, waicties, etc ,?3 »,2I2; 10,074 horst- rtie b(.r i«ng of h s lumbtr 3 a.d, h is siill publisher ut “IL ni» n E- J J. If- ia k <»f Go, | Hdi brought F«»rn*» taatv. ut signt' of hearing, th«- iiunian vuic« . S.i1jsfHctlon gu:»i*i..n Of the varioui Baking Powders illus­ loueur mure, and -< » uh 11 mes all. yu.ll t«» it- »in.•iifn to t*»wn one «¡ay recently, whicn M1TI1. 37..T*9citt 1 e. >37X077. 13» sne p. A. < . J’»NI *. rtereiver. ¡ injur« «1 ut th** L ttie Miasta flouring mill* Magrfl« M.’pi» y. a -•» w» b ■ b Mrucuv. - iiiftm ne ■. I ’ m- p «i* »11 it <11511*11»- Henry Pa t c, Jr , «-Jitorand l ubfisber of «•ir d .» ready sale her.. trated from actual test*. kn«>wu in J..« ks.joxi l • and ¡■me day ibis week. A revolving shaft 1 jo; 111-» swm -, |2M2; gru>s value ot prop- 'he ” l emon L ad< uus tui'oughuut tn«* sy *t« in utLi< k'« v« 1 > vi- airived on the be- Mr 11 ti »*.» a*d iatuilv arrive 1 from I c.iught in his clothe*, tearing them oil him, rty, $.’,1X)O7U; 11 deuittme-’’, $3X5,829, ex- lated train la*t Sunday NOTICE. lai t.»r« ? aii'l injur, * tue most robu-t of cun- vc .il'iing i- • k pi.»« e ai 1 h»? 1 • ?’ ___ _ m rn ng. He \utii a h . <»u’»ty >».s’erduy und will spend which uione saved Ins life. stitutmns. Igu irtd. bt cause but link- undu- empmn.s, $1 i-»,x91, total l.tXuvie pi« petty, *t »rted f«»r ’’«»rv.iliis th .*" anie(L*y. accuiu- ROYAL I i-• • < \ I slQ'Ml. by ui z-L t'iiy Sicians impôt« -Tilly a*sajh «l ihe wi'-’er in J..rk-o.ivil v. $i,b73,-35 >; i¿3 puds. F n nrn S tates L andoifpl , i Medio.«I 1 r« cin t, wh«» «4h - punii (1 ny Ins bride. The soil ih in nice condition f r «low ing <»y «juauk' an ' enarlatans. ttiosv Buttering SBASTI,* (Alum).. J K»»>’ burg. Ur.. Oct. In. I’ vj H. i in Hu* I owl: be relit v.-U. Ii ,> Sin I. rson Rrtr«l. •« >:i of th-* late Judge Complaint having b«-cn « nt« t’d at tm* «»t!k*e ulj 5 rriut’v« > ot ibe « «mtr.tei :<• lu--'* K iK pr ■ c . i . i • .where l’at. will take farmers have commenc ed work ih«*re. I bis uni« . th« n, tnat the popular treatment of th * ROMFOKD'S* (tre .1 A Good Threshing Kecord. Roe I, Was he r e on pr« J«-ssinxiil bnsim**s by Tub.a* L. Link*wiki-again-t Cab b Bail<-y UU pres»ni. fi. | r« s. ip- v terriük aibcas« by rtinvuiua wituin thcrcncis « h .r e ut <»ii»« oi Lis farm* i is the season ot the \ ear w hen gram should Hutus Cux an i son, on tb • l*t!i inst., recently. He is on»« o» ’« _ he i romising HANFORD'S (.hen freth) «■ utall passvU into bauds at once rump* t«-nt for abandoning Ins d«»iiatiuD ciaim N«’>. am) h imis«>m> . fin b «pp> vcn»l lue T imes to vour friends East, or be planted, for ♦ arh gra n always does the liidsncd one ot the mu»i sue. esMul thresh­ y< ung lawyer* of Poniard, i*ut tr...nin; .iul trust w-.rtuy. Inc new ana bit in. 1 lu uu- 336 Upuil tbv " U? «»t bW 1-4 ul See. 2. L thè ti .un Svc. IQ, an i hw •t any uihtr piuc«-. it answeis bettei than best, c p* daily i«i dry weather. triet of lawyers. thè < er«-i Siskiyou County, Cal., Ci me utters y-»u t an write. prn th« • »fNW’^.ske IL J wp. »«6 8., Kl« . id Ju. k- egon. in y were occupied i.tariy 7U < ihj s Dr, Jas. Braden of <»old Hill made us a suu ctuuty, ‘ ir< g -n. with a view tutm canc ’ l- uil «>f wli >m j in i. « r It is rumored that parties are in the hearly uppi oval <«1 tuvUoumis. It is iustauta- Mi ♦ Cli.vne; p util ised a span uf ti .e, n< glib««rl.o id of Eag!e Point p«ospectir.g and their average da,’ m woik w»4> l.juu n'oriuit v.s«' y«-terday. He wil soon DAVIS’ • und 0. K.- (Alum)l <»t d«»nai*un ciaua; th«- bald part ut» ar«; lite vf Ut ,d.» \«d idi" ii-was m iUlurumg r«h« l m all n«a«l c«>l«is. latiuu r. uses of Ke-.n y A Cbavnrr ibis f »r t fea*il»!e rou’e f om th»* main Rogue uustuh. as they th called ubutll 100,UÜO leave fo. I» ìia »apolis t<» spend the winter, ■a« ¿lug, xiutfi.r. au t ««bstEU» t-«t bre.U .¡ng. u« r«'l»y ‘rumili •.uni t<» appear al the « tifie oí peri y. CLEVELAND’S. w p iy .i.g $>>> I'.rri 1 r. mil rapidly riui<»v,'b tm- most u»»pr«'.*.*j\• ili« < »uiity Ci« rk «»i J.i« k-* ni unty ui«g»i riviTvalh y. Tin re is evety pO'»*.;i:i*i»y <•’. unszivls ut grain. <‘t this amount, all uui hu. w.fl r» tini« in the early spring and re­ »n I h«- bri ù » r<*p»?nd an-i furnisa i«*iim «n> « -u nd tight«-« n m -mu*. brculii. r .-taring ’ av *ensi s ut smeil ami iu.-i- , . i-> 40,-Ä>) bj’heis ut tni . an., wnile • rniug mu « ì alleg’d abu-tituiioual I« udvu* y S-- map Mt lUi:r«jai D p< t f <>t gra hd nricee, V- CZAR flit re one dav. Mcs.-rs Cox threshed 2.419 CHA>. W JOHN* WN. R ... c 4 1 jKldr-M» D.H HASKEL, I • t. 4- 'I A. C. J ones . Receiver. Kiuacy s. runr intere ted in mining .n Josephine DR. PRICE'S I ’* n-* tu Agent c, i‘. R. K., tjan Francisco. pl« u and hist-« Lt s ! ine of grocer ie furnished ny the Tui«i Tow:-*ile and A < Illi i c mu «1 was an A'tVu!.«c ih.vsiicr, putchi.-e«t « <1 nty and will t tk« tliarve of one of Mr. a a« 11 a. ih >. t. Variety store, Milling Company, fur a nomina* sum, t Sinfurd's Radical cure fi»r Catan li I i « vl Z. I. Wright ol i\»; tlmd, and .t • uw Bvi re’s mines when h re’urns. SNOW FLAKE (CroIT.).... 1 al ihe veiy lowest price«. any responsible party wh*> wiii put un a entire euisfautio: . nd CoHbistk of ou«_* buttJe of the Radicui Cur«*, on« fi­ ■ Upi'C ASK FOR box of Catarrhal Solvent, and ou«- Improve«! tloür imh at Tolo. Fur particuic.i » addfej» A O. Eckk - n was rn the norihlxmnd fi n A o. arc threshing a large L LuUaJ« r, U’-aliy wrappMi m «me package, witn »rain ’a‘t Sunday even route h««me CONGRESS u a« *e.*d fur W. IL Bostick ur call on ihe secretary. Scott Griifin. • am treat is«* un a «lirectmiis, and bold by uu drug- Photo. Friers. fr m th*» s««cth, Where 1 e h * been looking HECKER'S . Il'.l’iV »« ' n and Mabie Stanley s bur'c'que trou; is «e'l 1 .a- iti»*r.*- on Apt I g il» . gibt« lor Jl.OU. Gu irantee ! work executed «t the follow - afu r ;• gol.l-sav 11 g maebi .? fi« i- inter»sled Il .*, «1 d***»ring to build in f««lo ibi.* patroniz-d wherever ii got-s. hut nos. esse* in.- r.lies • P utter Duro A C hemical Coupon atiqk , .11 with R iy Raber « I Curva h* and others. GIU.ETS p. »11_, v. »< 1 in. tUl hlsbcu «Uml»*.r, bi »« k and • o pait.culur merit, being piin.ii«ai!y a 8x10, D u * io >. M a ;* group or :i icie per d z . $12 «1») • b g" show. 1 ’ is said tnat more bjidlieau- A. H. 1 Guyer his return« d from Jose- t>uildmn material al the lowest price. • • ’ lu «te, woLaxe '»pen«*d an of­ Do .'t forget ih«t every first premium Carte de visite, •• “ “ 3 uu 10 h.s j ! « w location, accompanied by* his RUMFORD'S • (Phoaphate), when ujt iresh.. .OHB in the matter of th«- estate of Hiram Co« k- ire .'««*atingc a-ms in Jackson county. fice in the town .»f aw «rded ar tne district fair h r line photu- M nut ties. »« •* «- . 2 00 w if«*. ori< fi !> HEliFBY GIVEN THAT THE W. Ii. Wickham of Ashland has made 1 yraphic work was cair.e t oil ny Logan, B i-g your families and haw a g oup I uu-b isigned has been npihdnt«! by the Reports of Government Chemist«. ¡1’. a-.*qnmeut i««r ih? b n»*iil of his creui the Asbiaml photographer, for his uur - i , Mr*- E C. Kane of ....... A*hland ....................... i* payin, . taken before it is t00 »a:e «•.»uiity e.iurt «3 Ja«k'« n e« u:»t\. ns Indebted to said (*»tat«’ urcre- UNRIVALED GOODS’ .1 u«a but *»n y tireping. It wil» be I him. » Sarah Berry, who hove been at San Fran­ *•» »»<• abl«» t<> famish ms rei.ab!«* information contain cither alum or phosphates, or other in­ <1 m st’*d to settle the same nnmedtafidy. an«i Benefit Kattk resuriv 1 -d ,n tne *pi»ng, it not before. cese«» f »r medicai treatment, are expected NMiCcn*«n« real ««Mat«* xu KA.url.cru Ur«<«.n.a* J W. S«»wden sells the celebrated Arm»* jurious substances.-EDWARDG. L ove , l’h.D.’ m<»s< itavi ng Cairns ng.iirst Ih«- «-state will any ’»U ut firm now «miug ba»xmi«. 1 nank»^iving nay is next on the ducket, button huh attachment for ail kinds of A good saddle lior’e and s'ul-lb» bridle, home this wee*. ¡»resent th« ni to nu* al my pblcc of rekidciic« Corrwp cnee t*»ncM«* »n county. <>r«.*g«»n. with At Trii.i;y church cn the 9 h in*».. Miss WR1SLEY & ( V. t ilia the prop» i v«»uch« rs attached, v l 11 i . ii - ix ui iP ms by lu r »vei »or am! president. *u • » *s ami makes a neat and dtirable but­ benefit of the ( athobr chan h ai Me.lionl. ’ h : trmk l’< nno; er. only daurlitt r « f G«>v. the purest and most reliable baking powdei months lr.-m tlu- tir*t publication of th - -.•a. » A 1« w ' <»pu « of the American bettiers’ ton hole. Send fur sample ol work, pri» ♦•*, Ther“ will b. 100 ■ h •ii« esnt #1 per (hanct. I’ennoyer, w”s quiet«y married to Mr. notte offered to ihe public. G««i »v. slandar»! authority oil ail land etc, to J. W. Sowiie i. JacksonxiLe, Ore The winn< wn I <• «le. i ¡rd Ly l«»t whvm wr . 1 Thursday one of ih* most pr ^m- X. el. in JaCKsorn ilh‘. lor cuuii-'cs bciure noiim uig ti.e w* *e receivcl on Ad !ph > iimbil, an excellent brewer, in« nt young ¡awyers ai the Portland bar. ail ;PC soul. Iiin-a » »«-i I m i :M. 1 O. MAIL IlOUTE For busineM» fmr^uits at the F-rtland Business I 1. lay ami Saturday by F» r’lat.d (riei-ds ity and highest in strength of any baking pow*- M.lpiui ably re • »pen WetUru’s br» wery J. M. B «Wi r f-nmerly «^i R »*>♦ (»u*g, wa> rutilami Oiegon, or at the LapiL 1 Bus- »( "f ihe coiitractii-M p-«'T-e*, wh«» wish ti eni Administrator's Sale of Per? CoJkyc d«.r of which 1 have knowledge. ma in! ciure a go »d article of b* e.. mair»e«i t«> Mi** Lu< v S uit, the iu*com- ..n W anted. iue*s Culkgt. Salem. Oregon ]. -ta m . m « x >1 s ate » I »ng Ilf.- and all the j**y* uf life.— ¿Port­ •• W m . M c M urtrie , Ph. D. ' under the marngcni«nt< f A T Arie trocg.hav«* r Zu li is can.assaig lor a washing- ph.*m «1 urti t. May 1 heir wehdeij .ile be a sonai Property. Ore thousand boxe- Winter Nv’is pears. land \Yt\c *me. same emrse uf blud.c- and sain«.-1... « of uiiuou. ►■•.« hin-« I *«»/ 11 w ai.d ini) luvtd pattern, pr olonged b. ism :s the wish of thtir many Ca I <»n or ad Iresw, • All Alum baking powders, no matter how he undersigned , administrator a hub 1* ». j .«■.» i oi anything we have seen Ilu*incMM, slicri ha nil, 21AG1> LEAVE J A» hOX VfLI.l. EVl.HL ii . un» rvii.»‘.r< turning Tu Maya anu saii.r-laj”. Jury I < ..r«u u you ;.»' r H'ju-i s ^arsa; ar.ila, the call at ihe Excelsior livery stable ’Jack­ ■ ' ' Fol ■ H ’( firm s?curi'y. Fur further particulars teriora’ion. maij ’ s cre< k. J-» ’ k-'U c..unty. < In g*«n, on . ' 1 ’ nt "t»on W««iu- t**»aj e» Klrrtrlt Ihtlrri Plyiuale’s prices are -june rea- B* Uà.««! B unìim ■■* (•»ii»--'«*. AD Cur t I l4 (■’fiere, gic-t bluu«i purifier. Bold i y a l uruggisH. sonville • ii... i- at lOocI ck a . m <. ntfurning Tuurdays. enquire at 8’'as J. Day’s real-estate und « iVrtland, Oregon. Salem, Oregou. *(»i«able ami ne never fails in giving satis­ Saturday, Xu’’* mbf-f J, 18S9, This reme Iv is he<--.min. so well known loan agency, J.-ckscnvill«, Oregon. üb«, r ie» i la*;jfE v’ O. Harba igfi's auction sal». faction You will also do well to pairun anil so P”i u ar t’s toneetl no sp« I? b bi -’i«n humpf ard i-ew Bion*, who Mr ami Mrs A. W. Mensor, Geo. Hoov­ je.ine <| e- not t list ..rd it i- gua.auie. <1 to The highest position atta ned ami the lone of the bent Htock or Dairy Farms in South LI. rEKS<»NS INHEUTtb To THE VX Household ami Kit«h«n Fuinitur* and Lee • n t*.c employ uf the 8. P. D.A L. er and wife of Portland, and Eugen*’ Hoov­ do all that is c airned El-cirtc Bittiri universal a .(’eptance and approval of the ern Oregon,Situated on D«*er Creek. Josephine ||. <’». tn J«»*«p ,n»e ct'uuly, leturned Tues­ er and wife of Grant’s Pass, were in R« *c- will cure all iliiejs-s of the liver nn l kid­ pleasant hqui-i fruit ieme«ly Byrup uf Fig*. county, containing 320acre» of rich button) lend (.iiu-1 n »Iti' I t-. tnl« atl'l Itn- wiltiln tu< nt, .la- Sale t«» c»>tuiuunc*e at 1 >»*<-L»<-k p. m . of «1,4 .nr.< intuita un) *■ v--»t-, i day. hs uij Imt-iD-.- nurg last w«vk. b«en numiuunvl neys. ni I remove pimples, hoih.ejli rheum • s the mos» excellent laxa’ive known, i - eapecjally adapt«*i to tbe growth <»f timothy hay day. .■* id i inu--t b--t l'u-.«! up imm-titut. ly. and closer. About one-half is cleared and >r. 'JJiHT HEADA«TIER nnl «I« < tll’GIIS can T’ rm , cs’sh in band. < \ tn |:, J D' il.i’hide «V Angie arc now conducting • here t*» attend h- funeral of C ar« nee M. anrl other afTeetion.caused by impure hlo.xt. Instrate the value of the «piaiities on w'Licb cultivation, and m«»et of the balance can be earily til I» cur’«i t»v u-mgt.i. K B. K« m di«w ac­ J.W. HAÏS. I'. DOXEGAX, il <2 N th * Gi r««y planing mill at Ashland and Hoover, who died suddenly the Tuesday — Will diivemala’iairtrn the *y»iem aid its *uece*.*j i»< bi«ed ami are abundantly c.eared. There ie a Mream of water running I. I,. Central P in«. «Jet . K. WB. cording tu dlr- di« n-. A'lmtuiMrator <■! Mid < Mat.. pr.’v, nt as wed a- cur» all m 1 -rial fever« fo the Cal. FigBvrup Company. trinai, 1 h.ive lU'ta.'l-d 1. O. M;ller as superintend- eve 1» g betore. through the place the year round, affording plenty Datili (H i . SI. I vfl. Piter a tren Ly — For cure of head e he. c m.timition nn l bn M. . CUI. of water fin »tuck and some for imgating. The The son uf ’Squire Sturgess of Union­ in'ligvstior. try El.ctric Biiten—Eatir. place ie all inclosed by a good rail fence. Then S'ipprd in thf! Bud. town precinct, who accidentally shot him- D. v: . R. Ju- ca and wife of Warner val- art supoion guaranh e.I.or ni >n, y r> fun I. il iea houaeand barn and 300 young fruit troes on STRAYED Is it n«>t better ti nip rons’imption, tbe th«'j»l(V*e. | «-, , Laae county, have been visuing rrla- seh ti t 1 »ng ago, died on** day Inis week —Price50ctr. ami JI'» per bottle at al. It also han the best outside range in bVFVit. - OMO :rc »aiC r Pur uy his parents. w««o have t e cund >en.e ul ihe gr «ve. A L*w doses of California’s For full particulars cGl upon or address nr d nuwnrtte I hu > tt«r p«»int • • Dun t reglecf your opportunities. . Fine. ul ah in their sad bcrtavtiue it August, a baj mare and thrr« j« ni.¡na tibi« *, throM-y^Ar.oklH O. J. VANNtH the Wt¿ r < ( '»•«••* a ! ng«* a » first. K«»m «»«wrwl off. Rangeu«« Appiattato» useful production. Santu Abie, ihe rr » grays and a s- rr«.l. Ali w«*r<- brandii right Ii « p< ur-surc ma«ie by tl>e Winter KerhyriJl ” Oregor I <* H jo »*« fiA-nr» ♦■*• I ) <1 r- }.»»• k stray *'ortment «>1 < l«»tb*, el ' , «-f 1 rii got runsumpion. w«ll reneve armi a with a small li uo ib • right «»h »nlder, exc» pt- | « t . : « ..r ? t;»c*.r MBJ ' with us Ayer s Pi: é, 1-cing convenient, etfic«i- ami is 11 »w pr p «red it. li t • Ì fi -r» u h treatment w 11 cu»e Nasal ca- OR. OUNN'S IMMtQMID LIVSR RILLS •rg tfiiit tb«- brand i»n one «»f the gm* s was un • i 1* • h »rl. ci »us and ?a»C. are the 1 ms t cathartic, Cur« Slek-H .««ach«, B» etmellm th. S-omaok. Bov. I t .1 rh. ’ou ollen »h** iceiunn *r uf c'«n*ump- hue ii- th - mo-t ta*hLr»y»h e H 1KEN VP BY THE I NVHtMCNF.D JJV. may bo found m t • '• ft sh-’ull r. fu mare w tv " h bed at k D* T* .. « ri k • r. r' * l«.x*k t.» time she I» ft. I will «M» pai’l I T iuer« e(.,v- * fili at Oio. I 3i tea* 1; «ble i-ite*. !L s n ' F. »y different b*ar«ds of tobacco con l»e wnet her on laud or sea. iu f ity or country. I iun, c»n l»fe curto cured ny by ' California • n «w ani’-imn CaUK- ---------------- ------- .------- - ----------- *wwwtv«4 <*■ ••rs, , br-ind«" u I« ft t . H'»V. UMViMi'U ,!•'.», wit a '»’H r B- Row? li . A Co - Fur constipation, sick headache, fi.diges- ' A ht« rai n war«l util l»r paid Í r th«- r« cuv- man »’»«I guirintces . ui . <« lijt Givo Hound ’b arc sold ’ found at »hr ’he b t* 1 i . Variety Store. Score. ' You Cure. Tlb-se __ reinedn _ ’ ’ and ‘ fully ‘ , | F»na c?..«tir». B/.I1E1'. I..* * ' i< ef 1, a bau t 15 > • ai • Tlx»* ««WB' r fe rt» ery of nnv of the animals r~ or any Infoi uiallor 7'Cw««pJp^r A«lvcrthing Ruraau l«*nto FrAciffrt. (Jc>. j, 18^>. d «Uap for trial paeko««. Aodr«»- us al HERE AXD THEKE. J. W’. Suwden lost a gripsack containing a lot of designs for marble-work, fur the return of ihe finder will be suitably rewarded. One of th** largest and finest slocks of ero ker», giassware, lamp*, etc., is now being( Hiram Co »kacy, d ceased, and in : nether column publishes a notice lu (hat etfect. T.»eb<*at imp »rted,Key West ai d dome • tic cigar ever or »imhi to aoutfi« rn O egon are n.iw offdie«j for sale at the 8 F. Variet/ sio e, Jacksonville Send to J. W’. Suwden for your sewing- machine attachments, needles, oil, belts, shnuivs and parts oi all kinds fur every stxle of sewing-machines. The opening uf Riddle’* fine, new hotel at Riddle wa-> a grand ufTuir. Bous, has one. uf the best and most commodious hos­ tdries in southern Oregon. O. 0. Helman is organizing a bra* s band in Ashland, t » be known as the Ashland junior band,which will be mainly composed uf “tuolers” under 21 years of uge. M« ssrs. Luderman and Carter have re­ moved their stuck of bouts and dioes 10 Baker city, where they wid no d »uH build up a good business, success to them. Tim largest and best stock of deeds, mortgages and all kinds of real-estate and legal blanks south of bulem )« kept at the T imes office and sold al Portland rates '1 he season opens favorably, an«i there is every reason lu believe that we will not nave a repetition of the dry spell which » ii-hd a fe* days since. W. B. TAYLOR CO CRANT’S PASS, OR íStag-ar l’ino T^umlaci* it Specialty! Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. REDLAND -I- NURSERY, A II. CARSON t SOS, Pyrite 100 000 TREES IN STOCK, At Least Oae-lialf Must he I’aid iu Cash MARBLE WORKS I r. C. AV I II PF SKINS ON FIRE ORECOH ST. JACKSONVILLE, OR., Cured by Cuticura A CARRICK, XI <*rolm STOKE 03 GBANIT t Tailoi Cemstery Work a Specially. Etc.. 1- HARDWARE AND TINWARE DEI 01 A JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOR HARDWARE, 1J AI X TR Free Buses to and from the Hctel. Mï.luaics’ Teels, ASHLAND HOTEL. MUSCULAR STRAINS SANFORD’S RADICAL CURE S. S. SMITH, Prop’r. For CATARRH. LEAVENING POWER TOWN LOTS MONTAGUE, FOR SALE CH EASY TERMó WRISLEY & CO., THE BOSS BOOTS M AKIN, SELLING & CO.’S Medford, Jackson Co., Ogn. MRS. JANE REDDING, ProjriEte T PassfligCt'i taken at Eeasonatie Fates. Ä N. S. DREW. F SICK-HEADACHEI PAINLESS CHTTPVïir- ’ e THIS PAPER ‘äRÜffSe NEW YORK, S.B.Medicine 7«a iff a ciu. ine Co.