4 it ♦ ShcJruiocutiiSiuKO <* ADVERTISING AND JOB WORK. / A«lvt«rGtM*nn ntP will be inserted in the T ime ul the fuilowing ratet- Tcn lines, on«- fnaerlion $2 «Al *• “ tiich Bui>»rqu«*nt insertion 75 OKL0fraladvc«rtiaen>4-nt«in* i -I m J n-aaonnbly A fair reduction from the above rat« - made to yearly and time advertisers. THE TIMES JOB OFFICE Publtaìicd every Tliwraday by th«* TIMES PÜBLISHINO COMPN’Y / CUÀh. IICKELL, Mllur. NEW TIMES BUILDING. I h more complete bv far than any other o» Southern Ureg<»n. und eomfmr«*H favorably «ritb any in the State. Job Prriitr.g of every imaginable description d<»n<* at ban PranciM:«« rates, and in a prompt and brat-cla*"* iuhiiii «-r. Office—Corner Third und C Str» « ts. IKriiSONVILLE,OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1889 Rates of Subscription: One copy p<-r annum, in inivan«;« nl< month'* •* “ VOL. XIX ..$2 ’A I A three nioiitli» GRAND FALL MISCELLANEOUS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. íhcgnuocrutic iimw. Jiilli I I ( THE MAHKE1S. AX EXCOI EAGIXG FVTVEE. do cg lass ’ white wide . CHIC AGG'ff LATENT SCAX DAL. lfl PORTLAND. While it is unsafe to ron& feared there in too Hops—Quote 6a9c per pound. in the fore-grutind, and a better educa­ He is up in the eeveoties, but is won­ much truth in the accusation made by MORRIS M. HARKNESS, Eggs - 30c ve; d«z tion reuliar filnesH for the official |KMt imii M lie returned against the accused uf ATTORNEY AND (’Ol'NSKLOR AT LAW. by prof>er work on the part of the Demo­ to which he has been appointed. Lay­ cuiiii’iiciiy in the murder aa upon the shoulders, ftc Wheat—Valley,|1 20a>l 22, Walla Walla, crats, it prudence be exercised and hon­ ing down my |>en at this point fur a mo­ known prai-ticert of at leaat one o' the oJarlsttnnviilr, Omion. est work is done. No party with the ment. I took it up with an idea of saying coniircl for the detente, w ho haa l*een 11 12 a ell Witt practice m all vourtanf th«* Stat »»th« Barley— Brewing, uhole,HOalOc; ground, record made by the last legislature has that Douglass made a mistake when couno* tc the Court HiMite, thin! «lour t<> l< IT <»t • n- per ton. $22(dl25 00 ever been endorsed by the |>eo| leof Ore­ lie married his white wife, and that she than any other lawyer in Chicago. Tiie t rance. (’urn*- |1 .rM) per cental. existence of sufficient prim« faci> evi­ Hour—Valley standards quoted at $1.2'»: gon twice in succession, and, if we mis­ made another; but I guess, on the w bole, 4-AT- J. R. NEIL. take not the signs of the times, Oregon 1 w ill not. As they say in congress, “1 dence U|>on which to base the charge8 Wulla Walla brands. IS 73 We have now 01: *»ur shelve* tía* n»«»*t I- eg’*- f As ' ’ corruption in itadf attempted coiruption will repudiate the party which has withdraw the remark.” So long as Mr. of ATTOKXBY AND <’OfNSBL»)R \T LAW. Feed- Briin,fll 5tKa>l.r» shorts,|1^ on r chop, $184ONrine, Or. for the people's interests and wellare. aui told that in the domestic relations ing ol justice in the ca»e of the alleged l»er ton. Butter—Quote extra choice creamery. Democrats should at once Inaugurate peace flows as a liver—I don't suppose Cronin con »pi ratura, which their trueat con>i»iralon>, Wili pruetter in aU court* of tlu '»late. »»lt< a « j 25(&)Oc; fair to choice, _*»».r25 ’j store, 13v» tiie war with »determination for success. in tnc Court ilituir, tirst do»>r tu h tt uf • n- it is anybody's business. It was along triundrt can but regret ►ineeiely, I h - cbum I 20e per lb trancc. It is within their »each and they owe it time liefore the colored people her,—who hui Ii an attempt will inevitably lie Meat—Steady Beef, wholesale, 3c; Inthevery latent nhaiion of <’nshnit,r« f. Sfue», Heiiriet^,-* S tí I í . j :.«. AI aim. ( uiubiiiatioDB Man- dreased, 6**c; sheep, 3c per 1b; dressv«!, to the countrj’ to leave nothing un­ look upon Mr. Douglass as the children regarded ar an ailmi.rtion of the weak- H. K. HANNA, I CROCKERY, ETC. 6J^c; bogs, live, 5c; veal. G@Hc.; lambs. done to tend to this .lesuable result. of Drael did upon Moser—forgave him nest» of their cane. It snould be remem­ chutttei (’anbnieren, Bunting:*. Satt«*'*»«, Lawn«, Gingluun«i’rints/Percales, Etc , Etc. ATTORNEY ANI» I'Ot'NrtEl.oR VI I.AW. “Blocks of live,” corruption and fraud, fur nut choosing a wife, when lie wanted bered, however, that «it la a certain < la.is >2 50 each. oi |oi '”^7 “» P”,nlf; . h »«I> ar»* nrw im«l Inmglit Poultry—Quote chickens, 93(43 »50. for are the weapon» of our opponents, and a^Vo'ndjromlmoni ’the" ./«•rAMsariff»*, Or. mili « utatc. '«',d“ 1 oi, *<'I'>;'»*1 are strong and ready aids for Republican w/llnn a few week'. Jtv ltemm.rU ! ‘»»"‘‘•’f th«1 'f Veeah Fruits—App'es, 75ca|l; peac.b«s, In brick. up-«tairs. We have Piquen, Zeph/r, Plaidn. Fancy Lace Cheek«, in lia Liner»«, , Vwt»»nH and Biahop Lawn« < :'klp suecesaea. The people of Oregon had heard colored orators at public meetings | r»''»ot be rec ured tbeie may be a iai $lal J»o per txix: plums, 73 per box: pears. but little to say in the lesult of trie two go out U their way to aeore Mr. Doughs “r" 10 " •“«'*-'* » »he name, U. J. MOUOW. |lul 20 per box They ! ^w,7711 " oi ira‘t’,t'77? íisk I I*’’i-<«i-il»* Hides—Tiie market is weak and heavily last elections. They were the verdict ol for l.ir connubial eccentricity. NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANi ER. < < nnt i \ l’i ' ■.i:♦ !•»>ught an«! «<»I<1: also Wool 11« re is aoinvthina new in which to invent stock'd. Quote dry hides 10*. green a purchased rabble which Das been I!i«l< I ni *- and I»«« r .«kins. Solicit <»rd* rs for vuur money that wl»i l»ringyt>u heavy return»«, 3(<4.'> c . abeep, pelts,short wool, 25RUh . n*<-- l>o(i|.ht by tnouey furnished for that pur remembered that he married a ccpvist 'ereiy dealt with Hlll, Orryttn. it 1« nut **8«*iiiutbiiig n»'w" to t»e invited to in- diuni 50(37oe long *0(<41 00, shearing 10«$ l.iunbi r. .... ...I .. I ... 1 • . kix _ I . • ’ * nnvarh mon» el.. We have atoo Joto opened up the target st.sk < f IK»ae and principally to hold the senate employed in his office wheu he was re­ of government should lw kept further v.-«t in l«»ts«»t a in w town; but it in vinpiiuti« MAX MULLER, Wlll attend t«»all busm«*«« in inv lin« wlth 20c; deerskins, 3£aC7: tallow, good to uf I he United Ulates on the side of the «•all> a new thing—“a rvfrrnhing « vent”—to corder ot deeds fur the District of Colum­ above suspicion than the judiciary. prompturss and at ri’iusonabh- rat« «. • .ihforniu Sirrvt. Jackaonvillr, Or choice, 3vt3 ’ ^. bt> arik« «1 t<» buy property where tin* «urround- money power as against the producers bia. Nobody, not even Mr. Douglass’ 'ii .'- are so fayorabw to the quick ffrowih of a Dried Ft utt8^-$un dried quartered ap­ A i . thui oil the phouosrapli I.art been tow n -tlie «mldt-n «¡»ringing up <»t a city in d ples, 4(d5, fac tory sliced (¡c Oregon plums ami consumers. But when the people own children, had tiia slightest suspicion WM. M. COLVIC, day, a« w< find in this «*a«c. We will give you 3 your peaches, Sal6c. long a* its media ui communication are has r ha SCI sco. have been successful iu overthrowing tun tprrial tv Cleveland Lead’ r. iuoii«*y and some one <*fo«* will reap thchar- A11J tini*« line ot lut». Fiirntohi.i'< G *1*. «■*..: ■ * I 4•< ■" Wheat -No 1 shipping, 32 conetrilcted out of such |>erirtiiable mate­ those who assume tu be their masters. V« st, VA’ ill practic«* in all the court«» <»f th« Ma» Barley — Fee«!, cfdunion to fair, <»3aG7c; Tin Klamath River Lumber an«! Improvr- rial» a* tinfoil and w ax. its use, proba- The people uf tins state have a fair sam­ |>ru'*«*cufiiuc Attorney f<»r First .lulu t ni"Bt Company, wit In capital of $5U0.u0»), com- l '« m »eople can afford to invest money McLaughlin, form« rly ot Milwaiik«*v. w ia«» 1« Oat* |1 22 for com mon to choice. nave tieen the wotkings of Tannerism on ».ohi, awiul grandeur of Crater lake i’r< rihi* nt <4 the Board ; Jamm >!«•< le, I’reni- such an ephemeral J. N. PHILLIPS, Potatoes—Peerless ; Burbank seed­ the federal treasury; they have had a must be actually seen to be admited ' in anything ot d« 111 of tin M« r< liantb* National Bank «»! Port­ ings ‘ ’ 1 00, (»;•!net < bile, i5c; Ear y practical experience of a corporative Hut about tiie best description ut it we nature. Still it ia ona ui the most land. who is Seer tary and TretlNurt r. Will- ATTORNEY AND OU NMELOIt AT LAW. 1 womleriiil iuventiuDH of the ajje. in lam G. >t«*« I«-ati'l M. B. Rankin, b«»th of Port­ Hose ToaMnc* legislature, and they have bad a suffi­ have read n a brief one in a late i •< im : is land, own 27.0UO acres «•! th«* b«*M sugar ami —1(MX) r«»llR, a’.i beautiful patu«rii£ err»; «it-pi ij <1 1 . Hops Qimt ’tions range from Malic. ciency of tl.e-e i »¡mi ol luxuries for a niun. Sp aking of Mount Hou.! ami M>tne citie« society has iuiind a new Abbiami. Oregon. jr ■* i Gr >t »«ri «*. l ’ ioviíúun». Etc. 'ir«'g n > • li >w) pine. Mkii tnig both hanks «»f W< h ,1 — Huhiboldt and Mendocino, 22c; J f,r Remember that we are uu*v t-> eiv • ih*' »•’.» 1 lure L t tl>e |>hunograi>h. Parlor Land tie Klamath river for twenty-tour mih s. It Mount St. Helena, it says the gieatest timp. eastern Orvg«»n. ■ 1" valley 10 2 REAMES A WHITE, JacKi «I ilio, Oregon. .*«» »imat' «i that fh> r*‘ are over I'».OhOjJUO.OOO ' ‘ the ri _________ mtiiMc uf __ a >ew Democrat» should take courage at the mountain cl them al! is in Klamath coun­ * conceit«, in which !t <»t hiinber un 1 ii«' bunk««ii 1b« riv er S«w - fall, mountain free l-'},c. San Joauuin aiid O. F. DEMOREST, outlook for the future, rather than being ty and i- absolutely without a rival or a Yoik lurtM. band i* rcpioduced with vr.il other >»wh» rs own !»s ftnieh limre. Klain- Hout hern. Hr . RESIKF.NT 1» E X T I S T. I ath < ity 1« at th«- Juixti« n "f th« Klamath Butter—r<»r g«»od to fan« y, qu«>te 10.121« ; downcast »t the results from the elec­ name. Agesago a great volcano blew ; great ti ielity by EJiaori'a |>l>unoinal>b, .»ie the style nuw. The wax «flinders \M» AT I 1 iv« r an I th«» CaiifuriLU ami < iregon Railroad, ¡«irkled, 26,J ¿ j -'. tions m tin- territories. It should I m -ap- off the top and hoi owed out the center, Me«lfhrd. Orraon. I an i th«'point to wtnuh all this hug« pileof i "ti whii-li the tnu-ic is written are pre­ Egg : v p-iiet.t to all sensible people that those then d'ed out, leaving a great smoking ¡11 mil« r must * «)m« «11 r«»utc to ipaik« t lia> -QUQiahono r.»nge rrotu I* m 12 per • lecli.'n* were nothing but verdicts in CEO. DE BAR, M. D., This company IS N* k V B i iLDiXu a iguv- chasm tiiou-andsuf feet deep. This grad­ pared al Mr. E hsoii'a lalioratorv at miil ot a capacity «»I Hljo, f«*« I p« r t« n hours, ton. There several behalf of the cmp .rations which hold ab­ ually fi led with clear, cold water, which l.lewi liyti park, N. J. P H Y f* I < I A N A N l> S I’ I: G EON. < inp!oying 2.»U m« n, with a monthly pay roll Bags—Slow. at GGr. solute control over the destinies of the is now two thou-anii feet deep, and is phonuitraplirt, whirling away under the • ! *1.'».»« m >; other c"iipani«s will «niph-y as Onions- 3’»a Vic t «*r cental fs %T t'ero" n Leular nfl ieiice ul an electric inaetnne, catch Ja«A'»anvil!<*. Oregon. many nn»r< VVitlnn a radius «»I a f« w miles people of tic se territories. They paid a surrounded by a.nio-l | ’ ' 1 ‘ and register un the cylinder» every 11t- i•«■ ar« fully Iran* mtn engaged in plaet r and high price for the result, and the honest cliffs, ranging in height front eight hun­ Farmer’s Institute. Oitic«* and residence on < a!if »inia «n < t. ■ »tin 1 mining,doing w» !l. Tin-washings show producer» have been temporarily over- dred to ovi-r two thousand feet. At an i note ul a tune oa it cuuiew from the t abs attendcil promptl.v dav <>i nil'll. that while t wo nn 11 Ivtv« taken out as much lb? foilcuing is the programme an- When a tune ia tiui-.,»»>' in a singl* ««u.«on. th«* m >«t valuable powi-red through ooiruption. There is elevation of eight thousand feet this she 1 player*. noumed fur the farmer ’ s institute to 1 e - jiik dirt n.ts not been wash»*!. Here nrc I.s*) m» n, R. PRYCE, M. D., noti.iti, t a .tish.-arten Democrats in these •f a mountain is nearly seven mile« in the ,-ylind"!► aie taken u it and other« through win»!*«* hands not less than ¿.’«n.unn brl*1 al Aslilan I October 2,> ami 2G, JAC14S()NVILLE, ORE<«ON. At a simila height Mount | pat in for the next tune. Theee cyiin- tum»v. oct . 25, “i. 4. lesult». The power uf corruption wiil diameter. |’EK MttX i Hi* put !>»«• cireulatn>11. and all PHYSICIAN AND SI R G E • » N ders may I»'shi|>|ied to any pari u< the g»ll] <>1 M u. v. so ncr or iatcr give Way loan uvei whelm-1 Hcod is m t more than one u.iie, sosoine ; i I. tm.nil ( its <•> buy U m ii good-ail'l suppm ri. U\'.'a A«idr» "S of Wc'come, W. H. L« e.\\ b HOLLARS per month, ¡phonograph. In thia way you may eii- A‘«h a n»l. people. Oregon is by no means the ab­ height of thin mountain wh *n the non «»Vera miiliuii J“T yeir, ready t«» cum«* to a R«*si oiiw, Prof. IL L. Arnolduf Curvai!»«. ic w t >u 11 v. n In tore tin- c«»inpany owning solute p opetty of corporation power, diverging ridges were rained far a’»ove j ry tlm luxury of a N. Y. oncert m your Ai usic. tin'sn<-l.av »• had tlm«* !«• pul up tin ir iniils. to one common peak. The chance> are ¡own parlor! In !ike manner the speech Wh.ti n ill tIn town t»< h In n It is a two-ycai l he P» t < Lerun Hur«»-, \V. C. Myer of and the people of this .-late l:a... at vari ' >t a groat orator or the sung uf a great »UOM YAQVtW 7th. <>j| ous times uveitl.ro« u them. Tins the» that this peak uas of greater altitude Ta r* are a number of ini|h«'V« incuts to A'I i I hii «!. I I . -i. singer uiay be caught by this uomltriul Willaim tt«' Vulky, Tucto«lax. o«i»»tu r 1‘tli 1 ■ '« .*ythc<*ompdni.u'hiciit.inn<>tfo*dc- I will dj aguiu if Democrats will only do than the topmost pinnacle of Mount Ev­ Di'Cus. ion .I. ’ th I device of the “wizird” and given to the •• *• Saturday, <21 li. I <■ 1 it»« • I *rj a a <14 < :• n- • . u. - , -a« 1» <:«!«■» rip- I their duty. We have no u«e for croak.-.s en al. Certain it i» that in th s once U»il- fAÌt t.v x •• •* W««diivt*dav, ••........ I « ntr«! Ptdnt. Or* •’«»»!. I (fin ..t which wi’l be -. nt t ■ Any <»ti «• mil ng w *rl feature of the i bai»h laibdink; pari:«« with auiph* cup’tal Pi»«.«. ‘ riie emergency demands an aggress.ve feet security,the admired of all who have I I ihy nix agj-' • d «>. < tip) tin tm. u In n coin- l’ISCUSbi'Ul. . st. Louis < x|v*-ttion at .ra. t« more attefl- Trains conuect with the O. A R. i:. amt t.*i\. r i | plefed. \V»’« k <»f 'hi <’u7* ii-i'fi»! o! Hu! * i* i l ure ! end seiive ear U|s»n the enemy'» camp, io?k* I up h its waters. I \ S • riNA i DR. S. DANIELSON, t on than the phonograph—tJirc'haii REMEMBER TUI’. OREGON P M II I Kip: I. \R I i «nd niih good leadership the whole Purchasers ot lol-» «h-Mring to mnid « an Io .1. 1). \\ ini i ai» « ! Me«ifo’«i. < . >rx alii- aii ’ l i Polli j Kiaajrlirt. ri o\ri\x st < < » SSOR IO J. O. HAM- rut'* tlck«*t.« ar«-n«»w on «aie, go«»d «v» r> 'V n ■ -o al <»ie.*« . a« tin* « mpanj. Iiav all tin mat. - I power of til.- federal admimstratiun and Phy •»!<►- Metlh-.il l'.'Hiat. ’ .*». Klamath county. Or.. Discu-'i* li , Hk* i.t< . ••! rial at hand and w ill « r> *t building- tu suit, Philomath. F k »:» R aw M atcuiai .« —Tl .ie p . i : i - | li." ci nipt rings winch follow it will he 1. li!" DI «1 ìlfb! C.»trito f»lock of hAlVKPAY. \FTH;Nu«>.X >F*-'I« -5 . O ld M ax E stki :—The lion. M. M. giving/lib' 1 al t« rms «4 payment. PHYSICIAN \ N D y C. C. HDCUE, i»*i (ht, way from Fort lami, R< 'ali li <»• (»e »1«> *v io A^ricuituie, R. A. »tlceessfuilj C. H. HASWELL overthrown in thia stat, iscr to lie a bitt, r cotil«»t tn congter« on ’ E-tee of California is t» figure al the i! ¡ !' K t.<»f K. II. < p f. r ( Hril». Every iwm I v 1-» (ien’l F. A P. Ag’t, dr»«gon D««velopment <’«• , the rill i cl uf taxing law materials. Tin- 7''"R« nn ’ inbci tin dated tin* Auction Sale, iivi.ie. Mil eroi JmkM i \»rv tills. O W fl forti. Or**«»«. next .June This is the view of ail *:•• , «»«».I m a*.ni prirefi b» Intel national Aim-rie iu Cun 31)4 Montgomery St., San hr« . I. esa which un tin pr« iiiises, Uehibvr 2id and 241 h. Divcu'Sto»). . . tou can alwnjM timi thoughtful I) -mocrats who are watching very < xirtence of certain indtirlrier, in I •-Oliver.* s in W.i«ld*'gt**ii tin« week, L Spcs-hil ulfenti«»« jrtv« n t » f.ir »nu I» ' buine « l olir certain »•eett'.n« of the country, depend* passing events ; and if the p-.-o| '.<• w id do There is n > trifling about this matter. Tin Eugene Fie d, in the Chicago on freeing rueh invterialr u! the pr> rent ’ writes , « ompany ar« cal ry mg out their plan«, a« th« y WuFhburn. their duty, Oregon will be enrolled as ! V.er. He is sire to mak * a H|*eeta*'le A. C. CALDWELL, DiscuMMon. *..oi*«i i*' 0» do, and tin \ will make thing- lax ut>on them. Ths agitation <•! their the leading j.ate in the Union on tiie ¡of hiniseli. for a u*o?e stup.d blur.J-rer mti f : m limn Tin»««* who eimii •< yee from the fob**v« METHANir IL AND (»BERAT! V! i»! X I I re|«al has reached such a height that u le of an Ti.iti: st c.verniiicnt by and for -tat. nn tu <»t fact-thru Klamath »'ity property Mu>i«- never put food in bis own niutitli. ft w as 1- a g ».»d buy w.-uhi do t»«*tn 1 1»> stay at noun Braci» Culture, t. B. Gulvy uf A'hlaml. !>î \!J K- ’N the great ma--es of the |>eople.— Exit­ P>o*ection _■ .urnals like the New Yo* k | lie w I io ruiivi.yed to Il***il-on the newt of .luklantt» Orrgnn. and 11 t att< nd tin- auction sal»*. f<>r w«*can Tribunc threat' ll tiie wool in.*nuia< tnrer- Dtscus.s.uu. land II’., bl. eraliy to b«* f*«und ina first- Ins riominatiun to the presidency. “Gen. assure 1 In in it is n » place t< r oil her blind nn n Nitr«ms <>ti"ale*l Music. .»r «ii »n« s.; only wid« awake, active men will Harrison,” said Le, in m.r re-sive tones, < lMlig le» ture by Prof. E. E. Glint <>f . «fruction «»t t• •• th J \S MOUTON. Manager the tax on tnaimfaetiires of wool will be a cep 'in with tin town. S. i: XTtrtt l.s.i.i KliF.MAls —In these <»ffic«* «»ver the Ashland Bank «he agri» usurai col!«'gc. full »ur«i In n.Uóiv. i I sms . re|>ealed also. This tlueat has ior a I ! "alih< ugh there Weie hottest limn and ! alite men suggested for this li gh }«*si- For furt iii r particular«, eataltigucs, »•*<•.. ap­ , Short «iiscussions w i I Mp-ccr i euch t**>ay .lays of a'.u t.-iati, ti, “When all things E. P. GEARY, NI. D- or add «’"•.alidi: i> hopt d tliat al farrn« r> are not what tliej »ee:n, and everything time silenced these n.aniifai tur*-ir, for ' turn, you were chosen.” After the Oc- ply to 'he reason that they would nut gain ..y- 1». J. wheeler X < 0 . ani ordì ardisi a wl»u aib’tid wul prejae is a m 'thing else ” it no more mi i tot*ei evection» in Maine last year Eslee P II V S I <’ 1 \ N A N D S Tin- R :»i.E«!at»' Auct join« i -. .X<». 11 Mont- ih» nis* lvvs lo parti« u»ait* m ihest d’-scUi-s. racu.ousthai olive oil should lie squeez' d thing by abolishing duties of k’5 t • t'i [sent the fpliowing congrer cent, ad valurem Ne«ifor«l. Drrtfon. out of a peaiiut than that Java cotfee gram to James G. B.aiue: “Three » ullurai knowhdgv. should la- ground out of the chicory r.ot, in order to get nd ot 2o to 2K l>tr cent, on . heeis for Maine. The vote today is Office in llanilln'a Bhxk. Il*^i«lenc< . ’ aw wool. It is, however, a question or that black patptrer be only another Street. the bandwi 1’n.g on the wall which we ■ B TOOH THE WRONG MXt»KlXK name Tor puiveiized eocoannt Rliefls whether the taw-wool i... *■ will lie satis­ all can read.” Now "the handwriting I fied even with the present rates of duty. E. B. PK3KEL, IVI. D. “ tfear, i.irnr, trkrl Robert Stewart of Petaluma recently had a Science is making such tapid strides to­ In fact, they aie lmper.onsly dem inmny on the wall” was oil Il:tn of t»e? I : : mu ¿ a panila«. Tu uiy aur- the poor honey-bee was accused, not of » iiì I m pr«»mptl; \tt» n I»<1 t«i D.n «»r X’i uiit. JACKSONVILLE, OR the tax on bi les in this they will be bodily lnaltli is < ssential to mental Krs ....... ì-:*» .inde me laz.'ia s', for that would have been too prl*e it nia V.* : .. Oregon long before this day of glide • a.! * ’ :• • iug more the clover heads. “I will remedy all Asserting that while the tax on w >.| i- medicine is remarkably bcnet!«’ial. Be boils nd face er THE I Xi»! ó h.xr.D HAVE KUìMI.D A s r h g r. V K T E It I N A K polkas ami waiU 's ami other lerp.ichu- > « ■iti irtii s i.ip wirh un MUth *.zc<| rapital of . tgbt a the keystone tu the protect ion ist a ch, euro you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla. out as th» p«ua«d that,” said Science. And she did rian sinuosities In cleaning up the i. ’ |. !|»i- «4 i .ili \ iiijf i»n a G«*n«'r- J«v»i*phiar r. :o:.;•’:lu*4. 7he car­ the lax on hides is an iinpo'iant poition bottle. The •'» a! Bin’s, i - Ih - »«• - in .ili ot’it« l»i*ancli«*s in ” F- cry spring ami fall I take a num­ -Lulling up the le e», f !i— kii.-cked the -nb'> - i at tue o <1 I'aity buddingoi • •lay iti: %■» «’ry gì », and in t\v.» burn k*i aud I oils ’ ot tl e arc'.i ai-o. This attemp' tn te-im- , a-t week, sal s tiie lloseourg Ptaindral- .1 i l. ri\ • . » •» _i- >!!. « Hti< *• at the old «taii'l ber of Unties of Ayer s Sarsaparilla, and h.-ad out ' 1 a barrel ol gluc'i'.'C and told iMîiec ami n-^id- n<-<* weeks xny fur r. ,"s ;• ve., aud • :?.<»oth e% vvcr. • ! B k i-i B.tuk iir iioUN»*, >. E.corner C h I- the t.ix on hi.I; - wiil .crotiie the *>p- i «in greatly benefit» «1 ’ — Mrs. James H. Grant's Pas*4. My b-othvi •• i«» to > »k a b *’.lc wlth thè sanie th. m to g" to wotk and help thems-Ives, l»'.'S;tion not only uf the tanner« but ol ; ■ r~ a small, weather rtaaned »crap ot pa- if »rum an i Ttiird -tr* < t«. HrMt nf r«*fvri*ner giv* n Eastman, Stoneham. Mass. wio.-h they did faitliju Iv. Tbeii I 'Ug < < BEEKMAV | per was four.<1, on winch was printed air K uh : ut S tewart , imaranter»!. benefit. “ I Lav<* taken Ayer s Sarsaparilla Last year l ili >s.G. KEA.MES. > urnej •, to ami from th ■ fl iweiing fields the bo« t ami %hoe makers. invitation to a Ma-onie ba.I in Roseburg ” re'.aìuma, CaL” vv i h great benefit to uiv gt neral hralllt.” t2.‘»,('Oini a’ ry — Miss Tliirza L. Crtrar, Palmyra, Md. rtiis represents a manufacturing irnlus- I potasti, v.*u c * :« «hj l'«bi* uf tieariy all olhe: to mteifeie with their getting down to try of over four times that amovin'. I Masonic Ball. Your company i -r.-spe t- *’ Mv «laughter, twelve year.* of age, E L El' T ! r P If Y SKI A N. Hs a triai iiibl judge kc ih' bl>ol direct, henec actual business. The scheme was a sue •arsapan .«>«, ba» suffered for the past year from * hu ll the re-impo-ition of the dut v wo'ihi I fuily solKiied a' a t.al!, tub«- g.veu at Ha« located in A«hhm«l. « h*„ f»>rthei> ,V ASHI’OI.E. forces :m;> ■ • ■> • r.iu~h Ih»* skin, crcatiug cess, for the honey was piled into tlie — . .... ' - ' | the Masouic bail, llosei'Uig, O.egon, on destroy. Those ■ interested therein wii: of IU h pr«»f«*««b»n. M.ik '•* all « hr -nic o».t?’ Ut v .'■table altera­ «sparlili q third the usual time. And yet Science 185H. Manage.s: I.. F. Mosher, A. E. Complaint«, ete., a apvt hilty • A few weeks since, we began to give menu aie not iuthle«sly legislated out tives sUi: nte thè va i ra* set rct.ve organi aud wasn't satisfied. Greedily she put he» Rogers, William II >tchki-s. James M. ¡n r Ay er’s Sarsa|»arilla. Her ln ahli has ali ind uritici through tbc nat- ILiun elimina of existence. witstowoik. " What’s the use of going Pyle, Richard Bitkin, William Muns, greatly improved.”— Mrs. Harriet H. arti qhanneh. l erce dries up pimples and skin I J. H. BENNETT, M D., to the expense of buying bees’ 1 can Samuel t.orden, James A •»die. S. F. Battles, South Chelmsford, Mass. eruptionsauu F K acu 1 ufjrtilii:. — Tin- make the comb quicker and quite as we 1 Chadwick, Matthew Neaves, A. J. Bur­ ••About a year ago I began using Ayer’s ease in porn*. ] PHYSIC! IN A N l> > 1 K '■ * " most deplorable result of tl.e retain «1 nett. William J. Martin. Fioor mana­ as they, ami as tor the honey—well, glu Sar«;»pnril!a as a remedy for debility the Kvi'Ubi.ian psr ’ y to tin- conttul ui and neuralgia resulting from malaiial cose ih lionev And so the occultation gers I B King, T. 1*. Grant,F. Rebiu- Religious News. Grant's I’»'». '»regen. ♦ \i»osure in the army. I was in a very W. K. Willis, director of music. of the li -ney bee being gone, So tar as it the nat'onal atiniimstiat on lias been to son. I 1 j • • inlitnm, but six E..t:b - of r’ae Bar• Vntil further notice, the fo'lowing are stir up Mok-nt and bloody race conflicts had any hand in what 1» known us the < iff!«*»* Ht present at th«- Baglvy il"t»*l. *> 'parilia, with occasional <1«» m .« of Ayer’s the Hpt»oiiitinen»s for (.’ath«'lie service« at Rica l’cnnrso.—Beat six eggs with *' honey of commerce,” it now confine», m the southern states. This state of Pills, ha\<* greatly improv« <1 my healthi »hr different stati n- in southern Or»g>n; tilings is all the more to be regretted and twelve tableapuong.nl of sugar, then add W. H. SOMMERS, M. D., 1 nn now able to work, and feel that I On the 2d Sunday < f the nioiHh. ma>« will itself tn a »mail way to home tnanuiac- condemned because it has tiansioiuied giadtiallv two teacupaful of rice that baa T 11 • ;*ntiot say too much for y«»ur excellent PHYSICIAN, Si R<;i;oN «v A< <•»(’« HEI R. be caid in Ja< k^onville at 10 a m . v liire, samples of which, if the reader par- r»-nu «In .«.*” — F. A. Pinkham, South at 7 p . m .; on th»* 3d Sunday, servo »sat ticularly wauls, he must particularly a condition ot peilect iK-ace and Hoead been boiled soft, and one tableapoonlul order winch reigned throughout the of butter. Flavor with grated, nutuieg Jtirkkon»ill?. Oreiren. F.ag’c Point, at 1») a . m ; < n the ph Sunday i Heard» tor. M 'Itim iis, Me. southern country into a etale of violence or lemon. Add last one quart of fresh mass at Ashland, at 10 a . m ; on the 5t|j My daughter, »ixti iU y< .*r.s old, ia Er*»f«*«**i'inal vail« prumptly nit n 1 <1 t*»(h«\ « t Tn - Mindav, ma«« at (»rant's Pn«e, at 10 a m : ..nd tumult in many paitH, and h.s fll.ed lu.Ik, |>our into baking dish and when i • g Ayer's Sarsaparilla with good ♦ f- \VF. HAVE NOW ONE GF ;riIE BIM Eoi IP! I» ! ! I P’X». MILL" |\ I I!!. MATE. nbrM. Suu is a KAi i LK — A certain Albany l:»**. s. J. Graham, United on the l«t Sunday of ench month the 1st Tr. < -« . s " 1'» < • »risultation.« in cither Entz'i-h < r G« rinan *.tli unea.-iiieeH and auxioUs expecia- von put in (lie oven cover it ao that it »T and the . iiu I'I m r\ lurnbdi ’ sl reas •»na- girl is a persirttent scra;»-lxx»k maker, •r- mass w* II be celebrated at J tcks«mville, at Bi« t1ir<*n ( burcli, Buckhannon, W. Va. office no'! r»*sh!t nrv «m ('alifornm «tr« « I. • non of evil the iieup'C ol other |>ortion», may not brown too quickly. Just as l'tie i ther day »he greatly horrified Le. 7 a . M ; the 2d mass at Mrdh r i at 10 a . m n«• rj»f Fifth .«tr«** t. *\I s iffered from wheie hs y,t no o|>en outbreaks liave soon as it is done remove it from the II f . v F. S. N os . l mother. The minister had just .ailed oecuire 1. No sooner waa the election of oven; if allowed to remain in too lung it The f ill«.wing are R* v. Walton Skip­ »ndasked for the young lady, and she i’resldont Harrison declared than the I t>ecuuie* watery, but if taken out as soon in S» »lit hern » >reg«»n. Th«*s«* mi I ’•» arc n »\v ni.niu • .i» tm . ¡• i • ’ r;i«i«' < •' tl< ".i < v- r off» nd worth ’ s appointments for the presen» was sent lor. to the trade In thia Kvctlon an«l ari i ■ • ; irrd t Hi . i o - . on short emissaiiert of uuacrupuioux, seh-seeking as uune it will be firm all through. with lame back ami luadaclio. ami have year: First Sahbilh ci each month. Med IS. >1 “11 r.v do yuu entertain yourself, Mi»s notice. All orders by mull or in prrs »n will r< c) .\. | i inplall nti 'ii. 1*« « n mm li l»enetite«i by the use of Ayer's Political intriguers and fanatical oirturb- ford at 11 o’cl ck a . m . ami 7 r. m . semi «1 Blanche, during these warm day .- ”' the B lack B alt , who is known to fame us Sai«aparilla. I am now bl» years of age, OF ASHLAND, O'?.. Sabba'h. (’cntral Point at 11 a . m . and 7 i* era of social order set to woik to excite minister a-ked. am! am satisfir«! that my present health m ; third Sabbath. Medtord at 11 \. m . and the negioe. to a state of uoslility iotlicir “the lone highwayman ol California,** M iiiul.u turrr of ■ tu th* us»* <»f The bright girl smiled. “Snapping,” ami prolonged life are un<:ay at 12 M. and prayir f«»r public or pi 1 vale pAftiou, Balls, Pic ice. Ac and < -xpr* ss tiains ate attributed to tiiig »1rs. Aun H I'rimsv rth. 3 lady 79 ni»»«*i ne every Thursday evening at 7 slightly familiar with the slang of the the crimes and mi»iunune» under winch •tany point on th»« coant. the southern stales once so rt'-Verely Napoleon ol the stand-atnl-ilelivr r game. * , Vt., 1 writes : All tho new popular music is played by th*« Va». , > old. So. W(Milst(M*k o ’ clock day. Then she leit her chair and ai»- l». ai« r in suffered at the hands ui tiie tcrocioua Evidence to convict li.m wag obtained i" from “After several weeks’ siilTirin^ I Orchestra. The fo'lnwing are Rev. R. Ennis’appoint* pioa.lied the visitor: ‘Would you hkr Having employed a forge nnmb«»r of muFiria* m When he m rvous prostration. 1 pro« iued a bottle sectionalism that has animated the Re­ only in two or three cgses. merits: On every Sunday morning, na1»i*. Ad- returned.” third Sunday niornn g and every Sunday that way, and We shall not tail to huid yearn. He was a good prisoner, read dr»».a HM>f i, \ XI Mt'» evening hr will preach at the rresbytt sent on application. IF YOU WISH A COOD REVOLVER CoHautitpfion < urr/t . («»I NTliY ORDER"* A SPECIALTY. numerous. Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co., Lowe!l, Masi, IndispeiiMihle to tlie Toilet. <\ < .ixst is.— Ae many an 17,000,090 to An old physician, retir'd from practice. 20,000,000 cocoanuts come into New , i» • a . t V. ♦ • ”• i \ Mi l. Sak MriM.niH cor Price $1; six bottles, f j. Woith f j a buttle» Darby s Brophy ac.n- Fluid* i.r - ■ h.iling. A Ltm.r M ixed .—The editor of the Iiavirg had placed in I »is hand« by an East T.in l an i I. -fr -tr •» « t -. Port bind, Oregon. Flneat a mall eruplii.ii- and lull ini mat runs of nllaind., India missionary the formula of a simple York city every year, chiefly from Cen­ a r m a ever Willows, t'olu a . .runty, J ruai give» inn li u fact u red tral America, though they are grown in cu:cs it.I*.:iuedor sore e-,e-; relieves |>aie“ Novhill lift, r III ■ ni-rtt .lo- I'. : • . ' - r vegetable remedy tor the «pee«iy and per (bis ex|H ricuce. Ti — editor ol a cuuutry and iheOrNtcnoiceof ail un I San Blas aru considered the best. feet; destroy*, all taint if p< r-pira*i< u or double action. Safety Ham fe« ti<»ns, als«» a positive an«l radi* al cure They can hardly be said to have a “sea­ * tTenslve su e l from His feet, or any part ol Metlio hst rtniii li and a .lance liall.sat on merle«« and Target inod«-l»> heiody . *1 a:i-c* and whilt-ti*« the -Liu 'he veranda an 1 t.•• k in the situation, for nervous debilny and all nervoti« com­ son,” as the iinpo.tsare neatly constant Be«c gnalitv wraugtet t s'.'i as a d* li'rit-i ell« I'lir.tie- i:h ; ¡ottieg down the 1«.Lowing which' be acre I, carefully hui.eeted plaint«, after having tested it« wuiidt-rful for workDuuiahiD andatock. VnrKale«! for th-lull the year. A weil-giown tree pr* -* rv *> the !'■* th und cute, to t'i.,. he; iit : i x ; i r- p ; xi i » i « \ t » w taking oil >< u^n J;i« k-. 11 an I .1 »sephiilV eoiin- n*x t»e deceive«! I»y <4ie«p mallttibl»- irvm .« felt it his «inty to make it know n to his >iit- will > ie!d in 1h<* sa.uy sear-on two nuts sure Mini- aid tanker. A l.t:lr in. . present jour i .-t»ti->r.—grand r'glit and lrrw9 N k>w will rec« 1 »«• prompt atter.th n. lK*acr!p- falls uf itself. The nuts aie sorted as I'ottr Book« I.rurncd iu one rcadínff. live catalog» p * anil prt«'«*aiip>>n application. The A ill »nd St.xt-* Normal >chl luti t»s of lea» ning. iuau tr«« . it properly «■iir*«l for. er’« Bio« k. Roebest r . Y. <. iti uducementa to C »rreFp. .nuai udvaniagee ul' a g*»<*d ralpitathni of the Heart. r- !Ät «ritti opinim« of Dr. Win. A. Ilntn- I*»» I . h T* r «»! P. u h S«*« «I u anf«i|. !. » w »ri«i-fatu«*(l S|»eciaik.t in Mind D»**«**, gle tap. Tncy are tiien packed in bags school, it has amoid training a« bojl in III »I k P« r*“.n- u bo Mirter fiom occasional pal- \. >. .J«>H.X"«»X. !» iui« I < < reenlrn rThnuip««on, th*« Pareli .1- l.ftflirn ’ Hftrnrr which the atudent tea» her i«t required t of Pio each and i-ut into Uta m.nkit. pitaGoh of th** hrait are often unuAVare J. .11. Berkley. |>.|>.,e-litorof th«» cAnxf’aa » •■L!*»!l. Allg. 1. l*«t. J I k • Kiclinrd Proctor, th«» Stjentir. work, under «ki lful di'ect'on. Ashlmd ft.at they ar • the vi< tim> oY heart disease. Of those « «»snirfics wbiebgive t«>tl»c i.ice a ¡lo:««. VI . H A«lor, .Indi;«* Gilwmi, Judith P. a's«» has the tincBt climate in tue fiate f«»r anM fro-« by health and com furt. Itw pure« oli waer Th« y b >ul 1 b.mi-h this alarming symp­ Consumption Surely Cored. Prut. A l.Ol*iETTE, 237 Fifth Are -, Ji. Y. preparations contain lea«! or some other »XT' .................................. . — . I lense ...... ............ To Till. EniToK: intorni your (fin the mountains, ita white sulphur and tom, and cun* the dorase b’^n- nr Dr. equally injurious and dangerous sub­ - f>udu >pr«ngs a e a <1« light to the lieanh HmtV Ketmdy. Muck D u^t’o. X. Y. ’ k / stances, the use of w hich, if l*»ng contin­ readers that 1 h . ve a p* sitive ieuie«ly for ,.l IwHIltttIto» hMir. X- - seeker. Uc t*li>uld he gl id to receive > • lux ilant growth, ued will, beside** giving the skin a rough tiie above natu d •! •ea-«'. By in timely I «tuJents troni ail part« ot the state Ask > f i .’•» t> R'-^or»» Gray lb use men ami Famerif Attrutinn. ami leathery appearance, ultimately pro­ line thousand« «*f hn e • *■« « asee* have!» eu your ««‘tia’cr « r representative for a irw • i 1 »is Youthiw/ Color. duce paralysis of the nerves. This state­ p* t innir’nily cured. I *!>nll b.-» glad t • «• nd Gull rann Br«* ., the c» iebrai« d m.|e>rU rs ,- i t . . a ••-nrnl Mir I’MlUng sth«»l »r>lnp, or ad lr«*'*. twobuitlesoi my leuody i’r«e to any < f ment is no "bug a-boo, ” but facts, well- . » I * • • !*■*•«»•«. It kill«all lniUmmatii q and irritation, and i-tho au «1 stock breeders «»f Jaxoville, U isc<»n- I y 751 Market Ft., Sim Francie«. J. S. > west . A M., President. known tn cheniikts and physicians, baaed your reader« wl.n have con.«11 tnp’ion if only sure dcatrojtr of Numb» * and ulkcr Skin «II», offer f*»r bale st the Live (Stuck Ex- Go and learn ln»w* to avoid dis Ashland. < ’r. tli« v will sen«! nte th«-ir ex< r ss und |»«»it- vbange, comer 4th and A'h streets, l’«>rt- < km *. ('onduli at ion and treat- on the well-known physiological effects of Parwitea. Res; e« t!u Iv, , w ............... . . |n v. uni I'« ru-, FxhounÜon. laiid, Oregon, a choice culle lion of t’lyI.o< I M. M. ( ohm ! Stork. G< m «I Urrbanls. A. A. BASHOIL **| m f niHtorrlif a < r jrmitnl wmk- ations for tiie complexion are indicated bv J. E. SMITH. a’ tnoderafa (nices and ny of tlie best nr suit pureh »«• r.«. These burses Consultation free. once produce natural activity and beauti­ with nur-cry -t» rk irwd. ful complexion try Wisdom s Robertine, A li. -n. proprietor.-, Grant5» best strains ci breeding. Every animai whicii is guaranteed under a forfeiture of ORECON. f e umfrr-igr.c I I vi’ig near I ni mtown, Pa*'«, f)rt-g< n, ami satisfaeti< n nas been •.•iia’ADt'T d. < a l and t xani ne the Imsti JACKSONVILLE, T oney to loan on i .»» xg time \ 4 I t, THOSE KNOWING THEMSELVES IN $1000 to be absolutely free from all ¡»oi- ha> a quantity ot pure, tii»t-cn in evriv instance, f hev n w have on «»raft horse« < v«r brought tu <>r< gon, or ad-’ Low Rut«*H«»n it "ill E«t it«* Set oriti. Pio.- s»c l for sale, n »ich he otters al rea-ora’ le h. nd the • h i- e*t l«»f ofJuU.tiOUfru ttre»*«. dress Galbraith Brus, at Portland fur fur­ /I debted to th» nndemixned.either by note 01 KNMMM ami injun«,u« «ub«tam « «. Cali <»n «.r tnidrcsn book luronnt. are hereby *«Mrn»*f*tly requested tn nounced by leading ladies of society and rales. I* <»r fu: tin r particulars Cali at my a I o. standard varieties, ready f«»r full de­ ther infoi inati«»i'. the stage superior to anything ever pro- i farm < r adiirr^s me at Jnck«onvd c rill and Nettle at their earheat convenietiee. Our livery. Write for terms. VAWTER A. WHITMAN, buHino. » must be clotted. diicrdtur beautifying ami preserving the1 brew making. Medf«»r«l. Or« g.»u W. II. B ostwk k . PRYCKAGEAHY Mrs. O. W. Gibson, a praet.cai drewtna- Cuiitplcxion. Madford. May 12.1RW». Take II In flinr. k« r. wouid re*«» e< tfuJy announce to the la­ bcM ! hevd ! ! Seed ! ! Fur want of m nail, a shoe was toil; for dies of J scksi nvd e a d >ic any that she is Prompt bcmii . want of u «-hoc, a horn; mum lorn . fur want ak makinr in the latest style and will lafr hip. Al«*» Cittla brand»*«| _ * • ')•» >k .*»»•«• »*int. »iru hereby noti- r< .!••«! iiHi icy and ini! ir« d. E tied hay in Ruiall things. The flr^t *igns of pneumonia euarantcr a I work to tit. A trial will con- English remedy fur Consumption the mo ­ W.» • ♦ •niaor hip; ai«» caftJe bran«l«*d with .* n^nr « s.Qtb I’'** »•' • wr’iiin the next thirty and >*<>n>uti>|»fion ran ”|K»’itivr v” la* vince «11 of this tact. Apply at residence, ti.. • t AT EIGHT PERCENT. PER ANNVM. FOR ment I began to cough, and I b* ’'tve English Ecioedy first door ra5t oi the planing mill, al the d > .. •» • H E IU kee . save my life.”—W. N. Wadace. Washing­ bran«l» ar« »bort crop in left ,«nr a-« i ’<»n;» H. WATHQN. ab«»vr, »*prbailiff Mtjitnp. Will convey jn’nnrcrs tot! | ; • in an*I irir» tiirm all th«* inlor or consuniptiun. For »ale by E. C. Brooks. Little place. J. O. JOHNSON, right. Alan cattle brand**! with 8P oo 1 *ft . Medford. Oregon. Att’y fur Estate. ton. For sale by E. C. Brooks. motion concerning th«* countrj’. free «>f charge. Medford, Oregon. and raarkad crop in right ear and hole and «pin . - I--» — j Qr.,Qct 4,1^. GRAND GRANDEST «Ss- LARGEST COLLECTION -—AT**— <>F NEW SUMMER DRY ÂÜD FADDY C00D8, I ri REAMES & WHITE’S ! CREDIT •: SALE. (•I X T1TIXG, FURNISHING GOODS. HATS, -j . cm J SHOHSy TOBACCO, GROCERIES. Ladies Fine Dress Goods Í Siskiyou County, Cal., IN WINTEF GOODS lol* Wednesday ij^tsday, Oct. 23d & 24 th Î On These Premises. ItZvoi ytliiiiir ^N<*w „„.a„a Gent’s Clothing THE PEACE uamiTHiHG Decorative Wall Papers YAQUINA BAY ROUTE D. CROraiLLEil & SON S NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES Ultori I FREIGHTS ÓL FARES THE LOWEST lio : ANZ INLOW & AFFOLE, Clolhiug. Boots and Shoe», ocarina. Hardwr re General Merchandise OREGON BANKING HOUSE, EAGLE POINT ¡MEttKurs H c. C. Beckman’s Bank, t I ...f i’aiicv i ry a The teacher Shoes, Giwni's, MtûîCHcS, ETC. MOST REASOIMASLK RATES General Debility. 1 Nut Trees MEDFORD, OREGON, HÙ APHIS ÜB LICE ON TREES FKICES A ONLY FULL ROLLER PROCESS MILL CANIARD’S ORCHESTRA Nervous Prostration, iss; J. C. CAKS0N, Late of California, Test the Flour and You Will Use No Other. oash. Doers, Blinds WiiR)O>VANû PLATE GLASS LOOK OÜÏ FOR tar ti lis 8Í ¡‘Î m Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, r,.SWr’E 8MITH & WESSON'S Brooks Iv<*<*prt I f. »3 ;i<-!».-:<> il v iï«*, <>i i-EiJÏÏ TREES ßy tho Xücnsand ! B B DIARRHŒA ELIXIR. MARVELOUS T FRUIT TP.LES à SHRUBBERY, r°1’ PILES CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000 PAHKER’S SKIN DISEASES MOORE’S CKLEBR ATEDPOISUN OAK KhmED Y DISCOVERY balsam PAH) I ? \ AT.BAK V. O' i WM. ULRICH, Disvici »seit. • S(»i).<»<)(>.<><> kgon . MEDFORD, OREGON DR. JORDAN'S Museum of Anaicmy' PARKS PË5 GINGER TON ÍO rp CHY BARBER SHOP. » SMITH & BASHOR, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, M SETTLE-UP NOTICE. Ool:•<**»•«»»» Softie Up. HANLEY & LOV5. C a MM Mt. A-1 Improved Farms, AGENTS FOR GOLD BILL T9WÜSITE. $100,000 TO LOAN. .... i.~x*?:!rJ;,'ir,■ x'.';;*,,1:,;;;