GENERAL NOTES AND NEWS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS «Malheur county is without a physician. H’RSDAY O TOBER 10. ¡869 TO ADVEKTlSAinS ÛlftfASK. HLALTH It© peculiar efficacy 1» <5ae tn* inn»’h to the prore«Mi und NOTHING skiil in cf»inp«»unding a» to a «we th»» incrodient« th«-uiM‘lve«, nut it 'jakclt in time. It check© dt’*« a*0» in th»- «»utset, or If they be advanced will prove a poteutcuffe llirh >n i a • I a « •« I B *!•; S r c lor .1 •^1 had JiaM.*' J (Ml ja r BW tie. Men No. 3 fur - I’» •*» -X'. rvar^’s- p’i. »;» Rhcu- <>««. Pains .n the l»->.i« ■«. i'aauin th«* if i«l. ha- k c# th ' Xtvk, I krritcd Sore Im ”d, > ..!..«• Ilv-r., I.unip* and con tri t-3 OO per Pottle. l.t- Kirhau’a (aolden •* >«niah An»i- <|wte for th« cure of Qonorrhtsa, like», IrritMi«© Gravel, and all Vr’.narv <»r Gem r.vl di nor Bottle. I.e llichnua Golden Ointment for tbo ©fl • Sore’S and eruption». Price St OO per Bo* Le ICIrhau*» Golden Pll •©■•-.Nervis ar. I Dre.» reannenl; h-as of ph\s*cal put*- er, exit-«* • over work, Piuetfttion, etc. Price S3 -»O per Box. l'e«eic and Nerrinr, S< nt evervwh» r», C, C re« u-e’.y jKicked OVSK.I iX'l) SHORE. No Bate stail te Witat It It tube* tb© place of a doctor and c*»*lly pn- FOR WHOM acrtptIon«. Ml wh«»lea«l Bedeutury Bv«-s will rind BlNtfIT it th«- bv«»t preventive of and cure f«»i ladlgrrtten. Constipatii»n, Ifeailarhc» IliUousn©»«« _ __ Pile* and Mentui l>eprvsM*»n< No lot»» of time, no intert« r«-n« e with boftineH© while taking. For children it is inosl lu- Docent and harnilcw*. No dang«*r from expuAtirv after taking. Cure» Colic, Di» arrhma. Bowel Complaiat». Fcveriah- BM» and Fvverii*h Odd«*. Invalids and delicate p«-r-t»iiM will find it the mildest Aperient an»! Toni -Ho y can us«-. A littio taken at night in n.- n fr. xiiing sleep and a natural cv.i. « :: i «. th»' bowels. A little taken In n i • dMtfpena the appi-tltv, cleans, s the Momaeh and ■WCVtCDS th«' 1’H-Hth. A PHYMC1 AVfl OPINION. •‘I have been pr_ iKing medicine for twenty years and b v- . v<. r. n al-te to ®ut »ip 4 vegetable a -»nj . 1 that wo.dd, t»ke Simmon* Laver F«v . mer < iaj. Nui FvnrMS-»», Cat. QiRCVLAR AIAU.1 1» i RLE THE STATE Agricultural The TIME* ha* a circulation of 3500 iMvianrem enjoyed by aoy »ewip»p«r published betweeu Portland and Red Biutr.ral.-A f ir«- If we must n v. r me« I again. ••<)h w -< p or 1 lima, but let in»- be. Ami live ,»r di«-, f.»r all s in vain; For Ilf« s in vain. -in« i w< must part. And parting must n-a meet again. ••Till will*) fl »wers i»l«»ss«»m <»n the sea. And lish«-s >kitn along the plain Paie r«»st«of r< srs 1« t inc bi : Your breaking heart break- mine again.’’ ALL SOKl'8 A Walla Wnl)a lady (oun«l a $153 l«0arl in an oyster on the haU-shell. Ths Pacific Bell Te'.eplione company, with a capital of 85,(MX),000, has been re­ organised to operate on thia coast. Nineteen granges have been organized in the Oregon jurisdiction since the last session of the Oregon State Grange. Hunt's graders are within a mile of Waitsburg. Hunt is pushing hia read in all directiona in Oregon and Washing­ ton. The late rains have caused the rivers to rise enough to resume n.vigation. 1 The O. K. <«i N. will pnt tlie Salem boat • on to-day. liotlif rv.r . Judge Mathew P. Deady has recover­ • (’astoria i? r<*couiuii!• the test«* and abs’d’J’eiy harmless. It The Salem elate fair took in about $18,- co istip.stion, regulates t: < bowe’**. quiet (XX) this year. The 15-XXI from tlie state pai.j. cares diarrhoea ami wimi colic, al­ wil' allow the association a chance to lays f vrrisliao», destroys worms, utid lireveuts convul-i->ns. soothes the child come out something ahead and gives it reír-.•shing natural sleep. Cas- Two train-loads of sheep left The toria ix the chihlren’s panacea- the uioth Dalles during the week for Ubica KO. ers’ friem* 36 doses. 35 cents. I That city is fa.-t «»ecoming the ehipj.uiK point for the Inland Empire. Selling Out at Cost. I Bishop Morris, who is now in New I am row ot! •: i -g tuv < nt ire stock of fine York city attending the general conven­ dress-^oods, sfap! ■ ami fancy groceries, tion, will spend the winter east, in th«' ck th ii_-. boot* ami shoes, etc , at less than vicinity of New York and Philadelphia. c«»'t. l’art < s deling •«> secure bargains wi I fi- d i to their advantage to call at Sunol, Senator Stanford’s wonderful once, as • verything must li** »old immc«ii- .1 year-old Electioneer filly, trotted u nttlv I ani desirous of closing out my mile at Fiesno last week in 2:13’,, low­ businc ami wibciv • great bargains. Ni wm in F isher ering the recent record made by Axtell one-fourth of a second. TrrrlMc F <>n*n arultitt,. The Aftori'in claims to have good au­ Jacksonville to Medford. It is rumored that three New York Patronise the only wagon that connects mutual insurance companies will cut with « very train, rain or shine, ami carries in rates on this coast 40 per cent, and es- the lT. S. mail and Wells, Fargo A’ Co.’s be i tablish agencies in every town. We express. Ha ti »faction guaranteed. FAC« LI « ' tiope the tumor may be true. A full corpi, ot esperitine«»«! ProfeMe.r, Mid .1 ■ - hn I)i \u, Driver. la* («saltan. A sheepmen's quarrel in Crook county IOC« HE OFNTl’DY. >lu, for C> ittrnl Point. Tlie comm s-iotier of pensions has ap- terminated in tlie killing of Shields Loo­ Arraased espn'saly to meet th«, demund. and ne,st. ot th«« fariuim; inter«.«» wf the Suite. JlTime U twetn Medford and San Francisco, ■■ointi'd Dr. Rielitnond Kelley, member ney by Gottfried Brose on the 23 1 nit. tw» nt> -four lioui.t. I I m * umlt-r^Igiift! ha' fitt«r -rii l.u.te over i*« >.-ar* .»f a.*«* wh.* dcirato CAI1F«>HMA F.XPRKX TRAINS KIN DAILY HK- I with deliberate and premeditated mur­ geon at Portland. TW .’LN I’OKTLAND ANOHAN FHA.S LISCO. Ja< k'- »m ami Central Point, connecting «■nt'T the l'*,lb‘K*. but are u •* prcpareil to en­ der. with nil train», fioin ami alter April l.lxsn. ter I oil«*«* »la-»« by examination. A society lady of Fufs'ka, Kan., issued North. S»nth The war in the Republican camp J ohn A. I,«» ve . MILI LAKY TRAINING. ♦ M. L« uvr l’ortlan«! -\ri ivi* lihL»i‘. M. invitat.ous to a -'hieakiast,” and tliree- over the aspirants for the reeeiveiship T ■ tKe«>i*«.iit rrnjuired t'jf *nw. fourtlis ot iier guest« |>ut in an appear ­ : ibi A. M. L»’H' • Misiford la -avi , t».IY»p. m . I j of the Roseburg land office is becoming UCILI’INGS. 7;k» a . M. |Ari”vv Sani-liUiciM’o L’-av» i 7 UUr. m . ance tiefoie she was tip. Lua *. * .•mncl'ou» and w-ll i interesting. The right to petition and Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. LOCAI. PtSS’-MiER TUAIM DAILY \LX»t»T A tiact of lain! in Los Aug les county, ' remonstraie is being indulged tn ext *n- l.iH AITON. ©CM»AT.) In a etilli.etwl an.I C'eiatiai coinmiuiity, .md Cal , that soiil two years ago iur $10,000 sively, »ays the Reriour one of the h* al thio»’ in the State. H;ÛI» A. M la li\ »’ P*«rt ind Arrivi- M. was surrind, r> ! pl«H-.:int <'«ht.irniar«,jiu*- I agrirultueel eltureete. all lii. n-vular ir.un* <>n 1Ue Eart N............ " ttisfa< ti-»n gmtr.tnti « -1 <-r im-m j rv- t’..r va’ab'gu « ..r •■’h r mfor:na-'«»ri. sd«ir>s*. ion trvi.i I «ot ol Fslr*-«t Fortlan I. there will have aiepl«* work » tit which I pointees li he had been a Democrat 1 Ulid'-d. B. L ARNOLD. Pre-iàci.t. ¡ to occupy the entire w inter. t'orvaiii». Oregon. how the Orcjoninn would have howled' 'pT'H Wovt Side Division. They have a ‘‘tomato king” in Cali­ T/urpcr * Hrei/y says of "IlariiH n Bi.Th 1.1 N FUK« 4. % ' I» A « OHI tLLI* fornia. Hi- shipment* aveiage 2,000 and Reform:” "There never wan a M VIL TWAINS DAILY » WEIT SVNOAY. boxes a d iV, ati'i l>e ti a'H the nan o of grosser, more deliberate or more con- 7 ü» t. M. L« av»' i* l Ai't iv« AfiOi*. M. M*uiflfhrtt»rc? am! D n U© v »” W I - Ili ■ t’mat.» laiicli is at temi tuaxis viula.ton of pledges »■ demtili i.'Jk» r. M At rive C oin anís i.ea\«| I., a » r. u. i A I.. <>r. b.uii. ■U »T I Hav ward's, A'am-'da County. >- given to tlie country than the cours« 1 of At A.bani an I ( vrv.ilhs c >nn«vt with triün.J Geo. Miller, who ha« been buccaroo- the administratiuii ill lega.d to civil of Oregon Piu'itlc HaihiMUl. I DAILT r.XFREsS TRAINS LXl KIT -I \ D \ Y. ilK’ in Kiam.itu «outuy, teturned to Ash­ ■ervice.” It ■ said that the Southern I’acili.' i- O’ r. u. I.cav l*>« :.aiii \ri ivi- '»?0u x. m land last Week, and reports that two or « »;<•)!*. M. Arrive >L Minnvi’le l.< av»-'».(.'» v m . thre«* large bands of cattle were driven abeut to let out all its baggage m i-tits tu Motitugue from Siivcr Lake. and place its baggage business in tin* THROUCH TICKETS to a’? i oinf», Georgia ba* the lai/est water melon hands of Wells, Fargo A Co. Die lalt« r SOUTH & EAST, patch in the world. It is owned bv the company will assume the respon-ibil ty ViA CALIFORNIA. Phillips .Melon Company, and contains for loss, but will not receive dilapid ite l F'ori-.ti rniati« n rvganl’n-z nit« », ma|«*». vt< „ OR. cull r * «»nipan^ s ngx*Jit at .Mvtitonl. I *00 acres. Tlie c*>m| any wi.l«diipal«out baggage. ’ 400 carb at .1 profit, ’t is claimed, ot $150 it. K« »E1U ER, E. P KOGERS. Tlie estate of tlie late Charles Crccker, .'Iannz»-r. AM. G. F. X I’. Ag’t. a car. who die«! in August, lS.sX, lias been set­ The cabinet oilicers liave a goes! deal tled. Tlie couit confiimed the acts of ol cheap inn at tlie expense of Secietary the executors in distributing to tlie hi irs Rusk. Ttuy inc always asking him anil legatees the full balance of nearly about tlie ci ops ami bow lrs cowa are $23.0t>U,0U0, from an estate appraised al Of Southern <»r» g«»n ar» h« n l»v inform«»] that i^- tl mnslnng. But L'ncle Jerry is not slow $24.142 474 1:1 u htition tv a large and «•■< gant Im»? of at repartee and generally comes out on It would be gr it tying to the country top. U ¡IC-6 -Sold .n Gd^A'Wf if Secretary Windom would borrow T.»i.- 7 aving fheld io close our my bub - E. 11 Pi lling, an amateur runner, re­ nei's mouth long enough to explain how in©*** n .lor! -MHivill««, a© I bad vn»h©d tu do, Se^cl for C¿r¿utj r.^| ßtr ¿eHltJ for 9 . cently acc-Jiiil'Iisbe«! tw.m the feat of it is that the national debt is oil the in­ I h »v«»Cv». iul©d f«» •• »ntinii«» l! »» -une <»ti a large! t»cal©il«&n over. 1 ww in San Fr»nrii*<-o recently, I have iidtled to niv *t »<-k the following »'las* of breaking the 200-yar«l tceord nt London, crease. Windom’s silence tnav Is- gold­ ! A wh»» -’ l laid tn on »«»f th© larg *©t iml b****t »toek» giHMl«*, of wnicli I have a full !mc: of 2t) t-5 seconds. Un the first attempt en to the botnlliolders, but it is ;• wiul y i»fal kin :• «-f Firearm»*. Ammunition. Cutlery. tie* coveted tl e distance in lit 4 5seconds. exasperating to the taxpayers. Hnnlwnr«* an«l Sp»*-tin»f G««»!» • v»r brouebt t< thi» rn»»rk’ ?. Good» »old at th- low« M poenble He repeated the dt-lai ic tn l'J 3 5 sec­ Ladios ’ Furnishing Goads, Billy Meyer, the champion light prir»*“. onds. weight, has received a telegram from 1 will gnaruit»»'» 4h»*o Good© to b© hint what I repr***en* them to be. B**ing »hankru! to in; Salem, Uet . 2 —Mr. Syron, oi B.ill«- San Francisco, stating that hi- finisb old ru»(<»:n©rn for their i»ant p itf«»nage im » liberal ■ ton, has ju-t «•« ¡eb at« «1 ilie I'Mtiti aunt I tight with Carroll for $l”,0(X).t side is a iy b«*t »w d. 1 w«»ul«i respectfully »ohrit a con- versuri <1 i> s Im I Inlay, il»- catne to L* - -.»ul all th.* rir.duiiiniiries ■«,<• *••••: 1 Itnuar'.-« «»f th«* name. JOilN MI..LEli. <»■« gon ill 1S12. :::«l ¡«as ten children, A» cheap a» to be lajugbt itn> place; als«» and seventy ,x grand and a« at grand- ch Idrer-. He tmk part m the war u.’ 1812. Turm Commmcim Wednesday, Sep­ tember 12. ISoS. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO.’S LINE. Tlie Mt. Shasta Route and will go down to |>usleiity just as delivered it. The new bridge across Silver creek I.axe county is to cost «2700 and will ci nipleted l»y December loth. It will 215 leet long. for Infants and Children **CMt.Tia is so well adapted to children that I Castoria enrea Colle. Constipation, i utjeu, «u .. vw ««**. . t recommend It aa superior to one prrscnuUon I nuur KoIU’ nwmaru, Stomach, Iuarrh®», Eructation, kaowntom. ’ ttTLcB« M.D., I Kills *“"* Worms, -- ------- --------- Drum° gives sleep, “ and promote© di­ gestion. U1 So. Oxtori St., Brooklyn, N. y . | Without lajurioua medicaUosu Tnx C xntavh CoifPAXT, 77 Murray Street, N. T. Jacksonville, Oregon. H GLOVES H \ NI »KEHCHIEFS hayfever ite IN WHITE GOODS Grand Monthly Drawing. 001.^1’. rs TrytheCure r’y5s Cream Balm Cleans«?» tho Nasal Passages. Al­ lays Inflammation. Kcalstho Sores. Restores tho Reuses of Taste, Smell and Hearing. A particle tw applied lurnench nn^trJ nnd ©tfremble. PricooOc« at l>rnk nt th»»»> !•»•» b« f-»r«‘ pnrrha*ing©i*ew!t©re nn-l r»»m«’:ii!».«r th*«» ar«« Hpuatr«! <»n .Mun ««tr»»et within > ' yar«!«-f th«» New l)ep«»t Hotel now be 6 built. Enquire»f h Ml MB. Abbiami Hon*© ESMOND HOTEL, ORECON PORTLAND .Xi-w iire-pTiH»! I.i’it k l'ii-t-rhi**» hl all Hespert». THOS. CUINEAN, l’ • Esili ti) I R- -I.«urani is un»urp»u*«*ed Il eveiy parti«-nier. OF PURE £0’J LIVER Oil HYPOPROSPHirES Almost as P;;l3t?btcas Milk. and So «tl-%r»<".<1 tl»»< li run bl* tab.», llgc.i. >, u**t* ci tf« < ti - by?opUie »• a S* a i*.-■•’aw*r. rrrs; -» fala raplffij vklie taUsg IL SCfHTSEMITLSiriNisachb -lu^gojb; riiy»K-:-u a ‘ > b" t>-' Fi*“*•* t*“3 B' ’« rntifn in 'bo tri.ii«« lot t)«« ri'i i «*«*4 « ufc ot COWCUW!?T 1Cti, SCROF"LA, CENEtTM OE’J.'L’TY, W'S'IWC C«5 a AS C J?, o. L’i A Cl A’, i u »?, COLisa snd C.? iOr.;c COUCHS. 7’/ut gr. i* r.----- j f'' '' ~v -O1 Important Notice. iLL I HOSr KNOWING Tllr.MMELVFS IN- .1 «I« l»r *.| ♦ » th© 11- «h r .4. i d. ♦»ith'-r hy not»» or b<»k •*«•<• »unt, ,r«'r .pi.’^i 1 t»> «-ni! an«k>* tin- « all. an«l :t m«i *t !*»» com- wih immediately. ►«» that I c*n f *» mi me DAVID Ll ' s .lack. *«»«ia> tII«* H t>, ti.i**«. iRUPTÜKE I • . . . tJ " *.”i 1’errnnumiIv ’*/ i’ tl yilw' (‘wlehrat-d I •:». 11 ; L« i ’S PAI EM ’.«.H.rtu UASTit: TRUSS X -rHP i »IV C.KM isk. ’• fro»». ’• rf«H-t Ketm n» r r. I- -tun’ > rei irre« »w» ■ ! ’ ‘I©. Entai •- ♦ Il .«tr’«l l*< 1 •> t I a « |C TRMFS Cf).. F. i IlFFT ©T LOiTlß M ' N v Ke en r > OE1Q.SI0.LÍ« A¿I .<* Aycnti Wanted 1 . ’ TT T" vi-»»» i »rt , 4 I ( ni tn< viAMrm **> nrrirwt-r'« »■«««ay Rein Holder» ^lv«»n away to introduce them. lr«ry horw owner bove from I to 0. Liner n»v»rnn<1*i h«>**ei’ feet,. Send 2» cents <«« atain'<» »<• pa« -«Mlage and racking «-.r Nickel Plated Samvlathat Milla f«»r-4 • *«. breweUr Mfg.C©., HuÜj.Mkb. ÿ t CAPITAL PRIZE, S300;CG0. l«2v<*i y 1 liii»u’ ?\«‘>v 3tii just opened up the largest Mock of tieths SI. LIST OF PRIZES ; I PRIZE <>F WOK» 1 PRIZE OF !i«i..«»o.n. 5 PRIZES OF 5.1«*• hi - ver brought toJSouthern Oregon And finest line of Hats, tf.irai-diing <» »•»!-. B » »* ■ v-fS.«« - I. ;».% PHIZES OF ar Kin PHIZES OF .'«iBiar 30 PRIZES ok iiioai ’. fitt) PRIZES OF JOO nr« We liave altto just received from Eastern Manufacturer.-, th© hand ’.ouiest lino <»f APPROX IM \TION PRIZI I ion PRIZES OF -n««ar |«Tl PRIZE* OF 3i»iar« l uiv»» !')•« v»-r ' i,r«’-t ti^ur*--» «»n iiro;t»ri»s. Provision». Etc. REAMES &. WHITE. J»<-k-‘>nville, Oregon. U.1:U Prizvs. amounting t«. N’«»TK Tick»!» draw. r. ' ..j .« • not »-ntitu-d to t«-rimnnl pi / COST! AT * ’• -*.»’• t*U tt . »’-IF f >« L • CLOSING V «• g •Ai»* .«• ' G. KAREWHK1 ii’s Pills ■ » • » . .¡'«ipvl i r remedy never fails I ihj |erlH?Uly cure *1 Dy.pcpsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness ! *r*i-ni « • > Aurt-l IJ«. X- « .». un»l>< i»'«-»lo N. ’ • <-s arNiiu; from a TheUrig n*.l Am- Oin in. nt i© only put up 111 11 rue t »v«» < tl nee tin j l»».>x©.i, and i m absolute cure for old s. h’irn*, wotimh. ch.Tppf d hands, and ail »kit. eruption •«. Will p«j*iitivc!v cun all kin«’.' of piles. A»k for th original Alii» tin© Ointment. $<>!h<»e was l«»t; f« r w«nt «»f n "h»ic.a In r'V «:is l«»st; f«»r want «»f a la rsc, a rid» r w lo't. ” 5«*v»-r nc •!( < t small tlaing-'. Tlie nr^t signs of pneumonia ami («»nsumpti« n « an ‘ |H»Mtive’y” be cheek«-I by I>r. A< kcr ' Engli>l> Remedy or • on'Umpti<»n. F«>r-ah'!>>• E. Brooks. To.rpa)L’v.. ?.nu Bad Digestion. '•'• “ .•• is kwm I nppo J»; ;» »«1 <- i’» : t» -»li. *.iuall, cd untl eaay f . - 4*.’•>.». < t ci s where. > • < • 1 '•> */»*• fortn. lloiiMft» ! ‘ ' v ArejuF* irWto t l\')l -Hi f ill The »inu-ir api.he»’. • <-f n«‘ - (Er ment, wiUaiuf ¡»uv ¡..vr. «u»dici;«-H. will cv<« nrtj ei.*«-of Tvifcr. Kult lalietirn. Kmgwofru. I d ", lieh, Bore*. I'tmi 1»: . I m m», nil Skady Iimy. >k'u b ruptmi .-s, t o n.a trr b«>w obst inat* orlotji yt(pdiag. lti» potent. «Ooctivr »rii r a> n-myn; ©chenu»*. ONF. DOLLAR istli- p» i» « ’ • * part or fraction «»f a ticket I'-'-’l il» I | an» drawliur. Ainthinu in - ir nam 1<»r !<**• tbao H dollar is a «windl«’ htniiu i «s •• ii: «»;* lir© of propf-rty. an«! !•• t«» <«jr »»-fi a» roBahb* iuf<»rniati«>n rin!.*? r«»«l in Sonfhnru Oregon.»» wr nr’i- : «>w ^ bu»in«-e». nr© solicited WKIM.EY A’ VO. IHÍERNATIONAL HOTEL T Cor. 3d and E Streets PORTEANIX OR.. ‘»Dt liltil'y 12»» R '»til«-. "« I. 1 ill fli-llt <1. ----------- - ------ 1 Opposite Ashland House, Ashland W. II. Tivi <»R. W. II. Ni l mis . W. B. TAYLOR & CO T By Mai! ¡SANTA ABIE A ND GAT-B-UUKE i Till. III.ST h T LUDERMAN & CARTER, HE OXLY GI'AIIANTEEH» (’HE )«>H < A- tarrh.« - I m tli» ii-ad, Hat l’er«T, lh»se Col-I.t atanìia! I> alm'■« an-l ><»r«- E> e». Hc- stores thè --, || A HI ETI X E MEDI' Al. < UMPAN V. <»i >vi I.. Cai. ^EJUVE^t 1: ' rv rx ¡-Y TRIAL ió.x if < U falling <■ and i’. BOTTLE Gtib . ' . \ . : •-P* ru: m n W. . . . FREE, IlCi-iia«*, <>! ’ SUFFICIENT TO «:•«». IT. - 1 ’--cane anl li »«si. how. PROVE THE MER­ «•ated and f 1 «•».x w ITS OF THIS, THE catue produced. GREATEST OF ALL STRENGTHEKING REMEDIPS AND WWOMTM NERVE TONICS, Ts Fin r:.!/ r< m»-dv t! t prcicnts J»« r: > WILL EE SENT TO all involuntary 'A ak Ini? I»*’»©*’, I«»’:, s ANY ONE APPLY. the»yst< la. nij^.t -r ti linwt y» rth» y < . I ! ING BY LETTER, v» ’.!• ii iii v tin t ” « of tho atxivc rim : \ STATING HIS SYMP­ other Fi <-r\ <".!• . 1 « TOMS AKO ACC. t .tc-dond M- r n«?, n-id ( t in v ! 1 ALL C0MMUN1CA- T ¡Lit\N’I ,*ur ’I ! viHor unawaro ci lb- TIONS STRICTLY i - ul rn’iM», IONF!OEM!AL BY LCTTCtt on )FFICZ. FKCr.. \¿í ff V-------------- . : /UJUVEMTCff. DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. _ CATARRH GRANT'S PASS, OR ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE IN Till >TATE. "::s ts ani fr:m the Hctel. Inn 1‘ilgtug 2'» emisi » VOU WISH A COOO REVOLVER I F lirst s tti :*11 -• I ttl s c 3 < , «■«a. 1 »-xjH-rts. In caiibre» 8?. 3' ¡»nd 411«), Single <»r «l"iti.«< action. Safely Ham tin rlt-hsand Target mod« L. B cm quiiliix ur»»glit ► ' -l.-'i 1.4k l!:.-^< <".«*'»rkt;. r ,-i«,ii mJ stock. Vnri*al©<] for 1.1.¡eli, durability mid nrruracT. Do I" IK» w Rn- x ;•. Lr- -.ti t,.,HGj up. ,u t)ie I «art, 1« with flrrn*» . . la -fi i<«-.»«*. an-1 arc f ©nr« nut» e«l i- 't Insist up>»n bavtnH tb» !"■.» u ill j»»«*. <«r prompt at tent Hn. Lk»crip- lov vaUil..■•"• ¡-'i l u|r>n »¡rplloatloii. b.UITU «k U K*M)N. ^priugficld, M mr . ocmks AT L Kidney nmî P.H ■*' r C . .1: irr.u -. f r.**T.- "»d,l)i •« «i'- ¿» I i. .«•«.Ihn : • . I ;.«, . t ’. I’ri’.'.f- "a!»-' • •’)•’-• ’ ' ).! ‘ r f-: ;/ <•« 'ill' :•••’ti. '. < I' Ki’, t i i Ail < . i .. - I'all ’iadilrcsi TOWN DR.C. D- SALPI ELD, Free Bridge Across Rcgue River Now is Ycur Time to BARGAINS!! MONTAGUE, Siskiyou County, Cal., FOFÎ SALE OH EASY TERM« ■ irt h «!. it it. bi.hinr«* wiihill s!X, I w«-lvc ight« • o immtli-, i'l ipat ii.i .i*«¿ |h |".! f<>r uritdiwi prp*<*fi h - H. H. II ASK EU i 'it. Aj . nt < I’. B. K., San Francisco. REAL-ESTATE ON COMMISSION Nonce for Publication MERCHANTS DRY GOODS CLOTHING BA 13 Œ puny. Milwaukee lkitticd Puer, S. hinidt th.-iu < 'nst. ria An\ p» i - .n wislii’ig to s»-|| prop« ity will fimi it to iiir‘i int- i - ‘st tn • .ili ami >«•♦• 11» 1. «su < n i 1.1 \ t R..-« in m.. «n«„i s..|.|<-tiilH r *.*4. Isrt* i 'll .Cl l:Y «.It IA THAT Ì HE > I I IM I ■ I'll.. < ,1 t>> tiGik* iin.-ii l'foi t in <>f n i ilia! -aid |»n»«it will !•« ina«h b»-. • ik -I i h«- v »«¡ni \ «oui t «>t .la* k-<>ii it J.i« k nviib . or., on batnntuy, ¡-ii'-n < i . pr*--< iiiption l«>r tiwSW.^ 4 «4 r K XL. ‘ * '4 and • ••• W. «•<•. 1-. tp. X» S _______ < . R. 4 west. W. M _ . • ftilhtwinjr V itiit -s«> i»r«>vr Mt* to 1» iiTinti« n- r* -’!«-. la» • cm miii'. fl 'ng< (L mu.'litis, hu . < whit-'iin«) blin k , all kimls <»r wo-ib n«., ladii s' tlanm 1* ami «»’te r wear­ ing iipp.ii I; ah.» yen i \s clothe» elea n»-«] a ml re- painM on <1 u*t notice. Lacc curtain < Lnn- inu o spi i inlt \. Pi'l«*«*© low ami »alisfaetimi giiimint« « d. WATCHES AT COST! Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plant, known to be mo-t l^neficial to the human system, forming the ONLY PER­ FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS -AND TO — Cleanse the System Effectually, — SO THAT — PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every me is using it and .' !! rre dcoghte 1 v ith i . Ask your dn:*r * t lor SYRl’l' Or FiGS. Manu- fautu < I vn!y Ly the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.. S an FaANtisco, C» l . L o ' isvtllb . K y . Naw Y ork . N. Y1 J. W. WALKER I I PROP. J. H. GRIFFIS'' ( Ul»oi ■s»!i' Uj’i-h !<■»■>•* mti«v • it «j ,t k y • f.xrgw »lock nf Elgin an I " altbam •* au-h®", iu ItrM i|uaiitv «n*l«l-fUh d • JM al .DwtH Mantiffi-Eur-rw’ I’rbw*«. The «topjairtunDr «v-r u8t n-1 you U> f»A»I T"(» Fl LL PROFITS, aud I k * warrant«'! tu r«'.sivitig onlv Abaolulely Reliable Tiri«- keeper«, and In «’a--* that carry with it,.-« tb'-ir Manufu< turerà lull Guarant«*. Cut thi* out now .„t„«II. t. X. «.»miMmn* Furai for Sale White line, ïelk l'iiæ, SAW MILLS ON SAMS CREEK. —ASK FOR MAIL ROUTF. BOOTS And ail of & CO.’S Klertrieity euren all Jrnvata Weakness rd Men and Chronic Diana»©»ofbtft of’ Givejt atrial ! Address : C a UFO»I a JKIXÇT1 Cv.«h«*M»»,l>wO»*Jo\\ I LI F. I \ FRY ), audio I» trod noe it rapidi/-» M«>ni|:iv ami Frhlay at G ; - k wulflend itbym»il in plain wr»pp»r Wilfh-rvil! ’. ,r»-tui ninir Tiie'«ia \ s ami Satut • \ <. on bl xty bays' Trial, on re­ Stag«-leav*-s for !’ni«»nt<»wn on ' ceipt of only 9©, and if not fully w-’l.ln time »p©«ifi©d. no »*>r© at 10o’»-l«’«-k a . m ., returning Thurwhc»'*. be pa»d. Ijl S.ESII ANI) IIIHIRS AND SEASONED FINISHING MATERIAL. S A Pii. U Niti VALED GOODS! I 1 Administrator's Notice in th< inatter <«r Ih» « 'tal« <«t Wiliiuin Turti- tuini. «i« <’« :t"«’ I. - iì ìi i: i" hi . m in «• 'ii11 «-1 .lai k'i ii « t niitx , (h « g«iii. >ìt- tii. in L 1 . a.oii.niNtluti.i <.t tln- < stille *»f \\ ¡itrni.i '1 niTiliutn. *»d W-- hut wh« r«’in ' ut i;.»»1 - »s w«- hav«- but v< tv tow • \ p- n ■■ »'■ ¡.’»' is of |> b *4 m U i «*«- tnk»n in « whang anl allowed forMMuu-. co., u. a«»u Wii»i. cxu»<*, rm—I*. Xhl-.INGXED OFFERS FOR SALE hi hn»- fnriti nt 42»i arr» ». lying between I .«'»?• R • k- ab .uf I mil« s friHii the Rugnr iu* t r th i with all th« M“« k. larm- ni:i' inn rv. iinplriii'-nf». plows, harrow-*. " ;i.! r. ♦ ind «»n a ranch. A bargain v' 1" ^ « n 11;« right man. The pl««*© " ill be • ’•> th* n " k i i .) i a .i t tluwonlj. For fwr- f h r p u l h -. i ; u apply tin t hr pn inisrs. J. S. MARCH. Tab!. R H k. or,t S -pt «uber IV. 1SMV. Tobacco, Cigars, Etc M INI I' V< i'l REHS <•«’ i LOTS In th© T-»wn of V16’ Simrtnj St., San J tn.»« .*»< «», ( »II. Lense, Il nt nnd Handle ernt’*. .N. l‘ru)»n«‘L»r. A' LUCKEY & CO Whm shewaa a Chil-l. »he «-ri«--! f< rf'.asti»ria, WRISLEY & CO., P’ !> » r II I > K( ■ j< r«*uii or p«-r- «•n clainiing i.» own or bave f h«* antbority t « Il «a trait-1» i a « « rtain promisor.v n«»t«* in ‘■ul 't.i l’ial x th» t<¿lov. ing' m -ord-and tigur« - i - w it : ••.’imi (M). (al. June L 1ÄC. ”<)n« i I»« l-t «lay of June. we « r « il ì’» r <.t ii - j roni!.-< to pMv io th*- order of *• )•’ '-I !l< n. Join hiimli «Í dollar»» with tn- . « i < -i ti;« r» ..n .n the iute oi •» n per cent. p*-r annum, fr«un dut«- until |»nid. Principal and nt« i • -I p.i\aL]«-oiil) in g«»ld »-oiii of the I'nit- c«l "tat For \ ilu« rv<-<-ivcd. A. IL ft’MMISl«*, ) ^igtlOl.’ Cl.A K I (TMMIMiS ' H. h . CoKM.LIto’’ I A-iiic 'ai«iiit«’ isth«- property of th»- «aid Join '«1. Alh n, and m» other }»« rs«»n ha»* any ru. : » to in« j» - «M» >n of, nor to m II, HMltrn or traii't« i tin 'am« in an\ wa> <»r tiiuiim r what« • « « i. .« a 1 a. ■ iunliy t’itddd ii tjie j'ciia't»• s <’t' law, for folg« rj. »rtc., aw th«- 'has n« x«r I«» « ii indoracd. n<>r in any mani:« r. « Iti I««. I Im und« t 'igne«], t li<-owner tl««i« oî. ami p:>\iiK iit of tin -;iin«’ has !»<•« ii dul> Mop|M«t. y.| M I'll’ Ur. M A HAI rill’«. V.I. UHU I«. I« < ■. h r . llv «'« lililí. < i.:.« r Mum i-Murtl b» «11 * «|’li'- ' :..f.* ■ , ■ 1 ■ a k Exi'tiunx«', l’ruft or P.-i;«! N . .^!FTI>:r’T?f:^OROVil.LECt-lJ Flonr nnd Mill-Feed H st ir.K i»dtatiou‘ • Grant s F;;>s, Or« g< n. A . If. < \ R-« ix x s« i AGENTS WANTED . -OF WGU^E Tûî\ Whm Baby was *i< k, w© g ivo h»*r Castoria. Wlieu sliw l.a.l Vini Ir.-ri, si..’ I IMPORTANT, WINE STEAM FLOURING MILLS U Aw? .*’1« . »M.X- V ■» i I Settle I’p Notice. All those itvit bted to lhe undersigned either by note or b .«»k acr-amt are hereby m-t tied to call ami settle fm hwih.. - I .nil i los'ngortt my business ami must have ni-imy. N. F isiifk . -.4 VneStHUt, i.l.AI I. t IM.~ < i ttit WIS. GOOHF.IIEIt. un.- tu. v Km.itim.s it ,-pin it hii>. -1 it.t« ni.tntiEs. ritis. J-tf’Eor Club R«<« •*. or mi;» to it or .. «• ti«»n d»-ir«-«l. writ« • gF ' ’i ' 1 1 clearly Mating jour 1 > •■.•!« u« « . u.i i • Counfy. >ti« « t and Nu-i.b« r. ” t t i h turn mail h !iv« r\ will i clo-inp un « iiv«-loj” L»«mp j ‘u itu. I.'ll < I I L THC 0 NI.Y- Six months tr©n*xnent $1. 81. II. ^HUUHa, Decorative Wail Papers I öV7 T3X i , ClxCl’I'V «r ’ Gent’s Clothing V w/; TEL STAFF UF LIFE ! JT ’ « »A*KEH*S k me m TON«C • ’ i u. -) . a r»r - • *• '.iFi i. t. h . »• r»-»i,. i . t «.,« I* • « *«•« w «-r » r u»■ ! »e r* ■**•>©. i - 4»‘! t * i. I.»: ’cstiwi,», i . k V» i-. 1 -. i •«. • ra» r» v. «!••.• b-. itn-tch A Narrow tturarc. ‘ For want oi a nail, a shoe was os! ; for want of a shoe, a horse was lost; i >r want of a li«»rse, a rider wa.- lost.” X« ver neg1«-, -mull things. 'I be first signs of pne*.it:i nia and consuinpt'on «’an “positively I «•becked by Dr. Acarr’s Eng'i'h Remedy for consumption. Brooks. 1 lie k< epet of a popular Sun Francib- eo lunch bouse, who was arreeted the other day for sen n g quail to patrour out of reason, set Up Ils bis defense Ilia! THE ROGUE RIVER lie ptirclia-ed the birds last February The resuuncs oi tlie average restaurant and eating liou.-o num are know n to he I.millers, but tins rather exceeds the AVING IIE( ENTLY BEEN HEHTi’EI) wiH «all modern iiopniv^nient©, ar»« n«»w larmnr uoumls in the wav of palming «.II ol«l u«t a fimt-chuMi artn le of tionr, which i» |»nt up a bird* upon the nrisiiapeeting public. 1% bArr*d ►« and »-vary »»«■< 1» wnrrurit-ai ;< Eben S. Alien, late pieei.leul of a 0«»ntMi.. 4.1 p.iuiifi» of ti«»ur If y«m don’t b«»her< thi». just Co’upF •• a *at k <»f <»ur tt«»ur with an« stieet-eai corporation in New Yoik, who other brand ottered for wile in this market, and bypotb«<*ated |2oU.UU0 woitli of furge-1 n«»te the difference in weight. stock of I i.e« or poi al ion, now tracer, ins downiall to Ins w¿I.-, whom he ailoied Ilia wile was exlravagant. She wisbeu to shine 111 s« > « ly. l or her rake tl.e CoqaUuitly on hjuid end excharge? *or wheat uusualid coluiuille.'•< _ _____ ______ rown-S> «itiunl elixir, are Is.fh laid up, ami one o> loi-in I - « • n-nierably inarnie'i about ins coml.tion. lie was compelled to krep bis bed with a high lever, pains in tlie bead ami a ) annul confusion of ideas, anil revere pains in the groin and its vicinity. An eastern tnan bait started a factory lor making Sataloga chips at l’oitlaild. 1 heie is aheudy one ni San Fiancisco, out th« wml noilhwe-t i- hardly the I lace tor «-neb a irlit.i incut. In the «eng i t.n Portland wi,l never be ralietied with chips in which there is no dn-tinc- nou of red ami lime and no pos.-ibuiiy ol scientific stacking. At the Academy oj Mttxic, N> 1 Tuefdau, (Ji t. 7 «, I T-Î Bi Plum. Prune Apricot, CC t.T.1’1 A We have Piquee, Zephyr, Plaids, Fancy Lace (’hock*. India Linens. Victoria and Bisb«»p Lawns, Potted S wim *, Swiss Flouncing and AlLovei Embroider lETir T. i V l DL co . opjvillt :. cal . COLD IN HEAD Walnut Ladies Fine Dress Goods MILLINERY Robert Garrett’s lesiorulmii to health, the B.utin'i'ie .1 no t iean say s, s now as­ sured. Il<* atieuuH to Ins large eunes- rmirn It. s fall to * KO!IX- )«»» tlian .»(fl lei’, ami pondetic amt on his BalliUi re wil resume active bn* in,.VH-w'or their accommodation extra b**rthn i.le and take penmi..« charge < f his large an«l cabins wore put on tho Hteamer. The cabin whs also full of pi wtig« rs, cnt< rpii.-« s. over seventy having booked. Tin- Bible Im been ) ri; ted :n twenty- A company ot sawmill men, atuomt nine differ« nt languages to «upp'y lb. people iiv.i g tn Fevn-y .v.uua. Die w) 0111 is .1. C. Gooilaie, of th«* Col ure largely varied indn tru'-u. 1 ei.n-ylvania mill, nre contemplating the estalii.ii- ailnict wi' it* . in s a nu n eosin - r*. nt of a rawmill of lar.e <-ap.. -it> at I rohm:i )s*pu>atii>ii tnan any other state F.ii.-ere. A part of tl.e sclp me m to build a l.g railwuy, which would 1«. i i th«* I’nion. i caily four miles long, fiom the McKen­ It i>a v iy |K> r town in Ort gon now zie to the Widameite a' Eugene, llm. i that i** not | attmg it scv< ral i dditions giving the projored mi l ad' in'a •• ■ ibis t.;« th ■: with tin'fail that a med of securing the logs from bath river«. • t in ii.-« s i ie|ci-rupcri i» the arrangement» for allthe Monthly an : remi annual dron ing» of 1'1" l.o"a mui State Lottery Company, anil in pe. ojn manage and control the Drau tng: th. tn. selves, anil that the same arc conrlnclt tl honesty, fairness, and in good faith towaid all parties, aiut we authorize the Company louse this certificate, with facsimiles of our signaturesattached, ih it* adi crtiscmcuts. We tin-unrnt«‘d by th- * <*gi»luturv in isinj. for « nt ."tat. franchiHe iinui»- h p. Constitution, in 1 I an <»v< rwheinmiii pwp- uiar vote. It© MAMM'H TII DRAWINGS tnk i iu. Svuii-Ail Dually. Jum ami l>«.mt»«i, a«! it GRAND SINGLE NL.MBLR DRAWING-* take ¡»lac«- in «iu-h ot tlie otli« r t.n m nil;- of the year, ami ar»- undrawn in pul«!n. at ; the Academy of Music, N< w r> tilling, raising plilegni, tigliltios ill tin. client, quickened puhe, ch'llinvaa in the evening or >weati at night, nil or any of tin-«, thing- are the first stage, of con- sumption. 1> . Acker’s English remedy for consumption will cure these fearful s, ni| l-»i>s. an I is sold under a positive i guarantee by E C Urooks. thority for the statement that the next Robert l’alton Ciockett, only surviv­ collector of customs at Port land will be ing son ul i’tivy Crockett, is dea«L Hm Hon. L. T. Bar in, chairman of the Re­ publican state committee. age was 73 years. Under the ruling of the present admin­ Tim BUb.-eriptioi'.s to the l’arnell de­ fease fund are cLised. Tlie total reaches istration, thousands of Chines«* are being tlie sum of fourteen thousand |«ounds. landed in San Francisco. Tho Pacific Widium E. tiladatone's “peecli on the Coast was solid for Harrison. It can royal giants was caught bv a phonograph now eat of the fruit thereof. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. A Mg In the Ritw, If on the right s d* air! inwer part of the diaphragm, though »dayfullv meunt and (iciiverr.f, i.s caicnLaed to evek© i Jarity i. «»ni a < h »pi»y v»LG ,e liv* r is o.«r ot order. W.'ien tdat jegi»»n is M0”f and congestrd, pokrs jl -1 tn iit-ndi»^. Look at a iuan’8 countenance er • y«-)U pred iiun irider the rib». 1 hi» akin and eyeh. Es bar* a mi ! b.w tinge, you may iuf**r al-* • tht»t !«. i »ngue is turret!. hii* breath ap !;»•-«» r that he. bus pains not on'v 1» n • *<'' bi** r ’ *». but also under th© right •«.«» •!«! r < I «* A l»t>,ihat 1 i* b- tion mi} aire I Instead cf making a j«»' «»be demonstration on Lin ribs, recouiniemi him to t tke t»»id ste idilv i»eir*iat in taking, Hos­ teller s »n.uch Bitters, tlie ti est anti- bilious ar.d alt-rative medicine extant. In- coiiiparable is H, id-o. for dyspepsia, rl’f-rniatisiu, neivousuvbS, kidney trouble, und fever ana ngue j A I p< ■ ii- iivi«-t.|«-■ haviiig «l.iiii)' agninM fin- «stai«- will pi• «i.* th hi toim at m\ r» >i<]cn«-e in S hih ' m \.«‘ . .. .la« k- n < unf\. <>ieg«»n. Aiti» thè l « • x «»m h< i •* at Lii li» «I. wit iiin *»! v monihs ti m t ):• 111 l | ubiù .«•' iou • ! tbta n«»ii< «-. MANI.EV. \ limnisliator ot sani estate. IJ;||«-«Ì I temimi’ 12. !“©•.». ANDERSON CREEK, S. S. SMITH. Prop’i Dijsolutiou of Co-partnership «turil i. If IIIJUJIV GIVEN THAT TIIE It . 111 ■ : -tup h* : < t.’(..«< «-xiMing l»«'tw«-« n \ < -1 ti.!«» an ! II. A ‘i\«i«r. und« r 1h» HE M’BS< IHBER TAK1 " PLI AM Ili IN •arm nani- ot Mana v A < ry«l» 1. deiih-ra in gen- t n;< 1. ;. »» li .1! Sain •» Valley. < >r» g«>n, it nnnoiiiiring that hi» st-am -;««-ir -i - n « lui- ;i» d. h «u h> i-uitua. <-«>u»a nt, II. A. running «»n tuli tiin«-aiid tutn..i;r • -ut qUHHUtx «»I !unib«-r. lb• 1» pi • p.i: <•«! i- n * .«»I • -ni ixtning 11 ■ io 1 io tn in an«! A. < Mari- onir-m with t 1 ■ - lia­ i« \ t .tniinii i x 1 li buMii« *•>. to w hum all hc - <• »«Utt» at ■ pa v ubi«' an«I who it'Miino« all liabil- ble rate». A tin« «piality <»t ti< «•! sani ih'in. A. I . ITAMXV. ALL KINDS OF LUM3ER. It. A.( ICYbUt. on’s \ oi> j . Or« g.»n. Auguri >. including th«- lw-bt rustir. < • ilin,r an 11 ! Uig, furnish«M «in •*h«»rt ñutir« rr^Sati»ra« ti;»u guarani«-*-»!. T Choice Lauds For Sale I’- Il . ALI 3T.». A< R!> <»l* LAN'D-Gt 1 .-r •' «•! tar. h km! iti Ih»-valhy, gu«Kl for Iniit » r trrain. 'I wt» iti '-ri«! »r 1 n»i1, «birj - tir: « i fi« vkm;>xn»r. ’ihi.-« tra« k « t land ha« l-ft »»«I© or hip. lb«’ «'ar-umrl m • .‘ «. , «>\ • «’ ■ A ' il luti« » ol !« itcittg «•v» < l’lllU-ll'tllf*-«-. t't tu t'iti d«t ’.lOft-it. an«i | h-nt\ ut liviriR brand» ar«- nl«t»r’ crop in left <‘ i! .c d ■«.- g « r. j. 1. right. Ai»<* cat (J«» brand©«! with bF on 1* fl Lie. ! vaivi-. Itili uu ».r udóri*« J>. HbKUJN’ and marked crop in right car and in»lo aud split Ashland, Jack »cu Cu., Or. lo left ©ar* HANLEY &. LOVE. ATTLE AND HORSES BEWI < Hi 3N C left hip. Alee Cattli brail«!'' I ©id»» or hip; al»«» cnttle brun-l©d • n • t*. ••:• - <•::