MAURI ED. Religious News. local bons. PERSONAL MENTION. Mules briii” ■; better price att«l are tn- re P. Donegan has bc-n appointed admiuis- I Until further notice, the following are 11 EHE AND THERE I . ri itiiini r.'tive titan nttv other stocK that Miss Genevieve Moore vi.*»ited Ashland j the ap- ointments for Catholic services at , MOSs-i-M* CORM ACK In Pai«l« v . laik» roun- trntor of ■ he estate of ■ o-o. 'emo -1, —.1 i>, ih» -vail. V. an.t we are sur Th >». Gilson has returned from his trip friends last week. | »in did’, »-nt stations hi southern Or» gon; i ty. <<*pf»*inl»«'r 2Wih. l*w», Alyin M< m * r<» Min** and publishes hi» notice to that etie ' els. '!<■ . .... , t;..,: tit' 111 in-irv altouhl be -o s.-l to Portland. Fay the printer. : Oii th 2d Sumiav « f th** month, mass wil! 1 Anna McCorfutick, Judg«* Wilshire official- , where. Mrs. E. B. Stun** arrived from Washii g iv I,', let.I Th» ri* are 'w U «nv j»ck» lb ..«I the new a«iv»Tiisements. Rev. Robt Ennis returned yesterday from ton territory »«st w«*ek. ! b • r au! in Ja» k-»»nviik at 10 a . m ., v«’s|M*rs 1 ing. Of the varioui Baking Powders illna* Fiity different brands <>f tol a co can be '. ‘ .in ..tttlu-'u tlrrsull at pr.»eeut, although at 7 p . m .; on th'* bd Sunday, services at i DANIELS—BATHS- In Warner Valley, laik<* ' ,«H TOl’i I! 1", I •!> TH« RSDAY his trip to Roseburg. iiur.ab f«»r the beautiful rain! foun-i at the 8. F. Variety Store. "*1 tttev '.'i re until- ro;n lor awhile. trated from actual teeta count v. September 2J«1. E<1. Dani» I h 1«» MU* Th«* county commissioners have levied i Eag e I’oint, at 10 a . m . on ihe 4th Sunday IL A. Fellows is in the lunpqua valley pays your money and you take tour | T . Yreka ’Journal’’ «n t newspaper Try the skates next Monday evening. Rosa Bat**, Rev. Ackroyd officiating. j n a>s at Ashland, at 1O a . m ; on the 5th theu'Ual tax of 20 mills. booking for a location. choice. " ROYAL _____ 8. 0. Stock Protrctne A»MM*iaik)n. J. E. Dt»war«i of S'sson Cui , is in town. Lo-respon tils geterally scent to have >undav, nia-« ur Grant’s I' hsr , at 10 a m ; Y—W1L8ON—At th«« residence of th«' j G W. Isbell of Wasco county is in town «»n the 1st Sunday of each month the 1st MEKKA »'apt Caton left for P .r " : ' ' d T «• lay. A new era is dawning ior Jack* n'il'e 1 »iiff'.-.eo: ileas i-.n.'.-rit'rig suet s.ful t or The regular annual m< rt 1 ng « ( :be \ ’1 < cldstniih at Medtord want« your wool. • officiating minister, in M«*dford precinct. GRANTS •(Aluaz) M looking fur a location. E:u r:C li.bts and a railroad wil bri g where he will spend a *■ ■ *i n oiaiia^eniciii ¡ n I large crowds front the mass will be c«debrat«*d at Jacksonville, at September :mth, 18tW. by Rev. < . Hoxie, Win. land Stuik l rolrc’ive A- ix la’mv wa«h«l«l Fishing tackle at the 8- F Variety 8tore many other things that wilt add to our opin itertaine'l by our Jackson court- Murray and Miss Wilson. Theo. Engel ami Or. K »t ier .,f Ptncnix •tColver'a hall in Phoenix on Saturday .Oc­ RUMFORD'S" (íre¿) I John Kenliherof Linkville spent several 7 a . M ; th«* 2 I mass at M»*«!f»»r»l at 10 a . m . Fr?»h cranberries at Goldimith ’ », Med ­ prosperity and progress. tv bin s. ju'l ” it>g from tlie tone of the pub- made our town a call a few «¡ays sine.'. tober 5, 1S89. pursuant to published r ot < 1. R ev . F. 8. N«» kl . days in Ashland last week LEWIS-WKIGHT-At tin r«>in of tbe county town from Big Sticky 011 Tuesday last. CHARM • (Alum Powder).. sicknras and is about again. spell < f properly in Tolo. See our advid« n< «• of Win. H. Shook, formerly a resident of were read and approved .vho h th. r' was not a petition for tlie es- this section, is now living in San Francisco. T».r county conirnh.ri nera’ court is in columns. J. _____ Houck of Ashland visited her for.! at 11 o’cl «ic a . m . an»! 7 p. M; second th«* bride'» father in Trail crei k precinct, by DAVIS’* ar.d 0. ft* (Aiunj M rs. c The as«ociai »«*n lav •: g n w ciix’ n <-i »css ion. Rev. A. C. ll»»wiett. E. Balt« zore. of I mat if- I Um. Denetl nml Al. Hnwcll have rent'll t it, i-H iiieut of « tie or tivre road". A Subba h. < mitral i’oint at 11 a . m . and 7 i* EJ. Morgan ami family, l’tely oi Phf Central Point 7 p m ; fourth Sabbath. Jacksonville at 11 t end the Bhkiyou«, it was tu.un.m«»n l\ lnve It. ell ma'le B. by Hon. E. Slmurer, f Jack.4 inville. A. Armstrong ami Mi«s MitmieC. Norton Association." 'A l »rk. <’o>t and freight is all Fisher wants. on tlie k'h to l’eter Henderson and Miss A'bhi 1 I, ha 1 Hie misfortune to la’ burneil I'niontown precinct, is considerably imiis- week. DR. PRICE'S .................... On motion, the secretary ws« directed Hit g«>«xls must go. * . n (i,<-1 r« '««lmtr day, a forest lire having |K>S< d. IdisWtlcox. BORN J Ehl« r Duvid Brower «I Roseburg, a Dan-; to contract with publisher’ printing third IL J. Clark will superintend the brick - SNOW FLAKE (Groffs) ....... ,-v r ■ .■ It d "ti Its uutbuihlings while lie l he best cider vinegar for sale cheap at Geo. Stephenson an«l Cole Skit n« r < f hiving on the Ganiaid opera botP'C at k .r»f minist' r, will hohi'serviccs al th«* M One of the largest nml fines', slocks of brand book of the association to furi.i*sh 8. F. Variety 8tore. crockerv. glassware, lamps, etc., is now wa» « to prevent the hurtling Ashland made Jacksonville a visit on Sat Ashland. E. chur. h in Jacksonville, Sunday, at7:30! COBCRESS the secretary with soltc.ting blanks for dis­ BI’RNETT In Ilrownslporo. Oct. 5th. 1MM. Earthen jars, jugs, etc., of all sues at being displayed at the 8. F. Variety Store, ..I In- I. tn <' He bus the material on the unlay. o < I >ck p. M, to Mr. and Mrs. (.', A. Burnett, a daughter. tribution among the members. ground for building a new resilience. E. C. Kane and wife of Ashland am! HECKER'S J scksoiivdle. W. B Roberts, one of the soli«! farmers On motion, duly seconded and carried, the 8. F. Variety Store. The following are Rev. R. Ennis ’ appoint ­ ADDISON—At Talent. Oct. 2. to Mr. and i J. Nunan and his popular clerk. Geo. Miss Sarah Berry are in Portland att< n I of the valley, niaJc us n call a few days That popular establishment, the Red Read Melvin Culp s eat ay notice among it was decided to Lave an edition id 2»»> Mrs. Win. Addis >n. a daughter. ments; On every Sunday murning, ex GILLET'S ................................................... *■■■■■ Bio mi< r, ~re still busily engaged in arrang ­ ing the fair. House of Sacramento. Cal., ba, a new ad­ ing one of tie finest an.l largest stocks of since. brand books printed, said books tn contain , i.ew advertisements. ' epting the th’r 1. h<* w»ll h l»! servit es at not less than *20 blank pages in addition to Messrs, l’cch, Tonn and other residents ( ircuit court f«»r L%kecounty <*onvenes at vertisement in this week’s T imiis . Don't good- 1 ver I rouglit to southern Oregon. HANFORD'S (None Such), when not fresh. Hun. Theo, (’ameron has returned from lie Pi •«•shy teri in church in Pmonix ; on the space occupied by brands, ami to be »■» a h ■ laai.evn w next Monday. fail to read it. DIED. I’artiis who int»-n«l laying in their winter « f Chimney Kock precinct have been here a trip to Josephine county. wh<*ru he has thir»l Sunday morning and every Sunday for delivery tn the sec.tiarv by the first PEARL 1 Andrews & Co.).......... .................... RHHHMB lately. Thebeat imported.Key West anil domes ­ extensive mining interests. ♦,*v«n ng he will preach at the Presbyterian Slip: lies should give ’ Jerry a call, for he »tultt-miih of Medford pays the highest dav of December next for distribution tic cigars ever Drought to so'itto rn Oregon ke. ps « uh th«- la st of gunis and sells at the church in Jack;M»nvide. A G. Colvin an«l family haye returned t BIFHN A» >wan Ink'*, S«*pi. 27. 18W. Mn*. RUMFORD'S * (Phosphate», when not trash...■■■■ G. W. Bashford, who purchased the 'lhe secretary-elect was, m iuoti*»n. duly cusli price fur produce. are now offered for sale at I tie S F. Variety must teas «liable rates. , Liizrtbcth B h I ih ; Mini] .*,2 years. X month* from Lake county and may spen I the w n- Shideler farm in this precinct recently, is Nothing could be more opportune than Store, Jacksonville authorized to close contract tor printir g i and 10 »lays. Dr. B M G ill of Manistee was on the be- ter licte. the rain now prevailing. building a hamhom** residen r, Beports of Government Chemiste. the same with the T imi « Pt bi i-i; x - ’ • m : RANDI’S—In Yr» k.i. October xth, imhu , of can­ The state supreme court was called Mon ­ Inted train Mon.iay n'gtit, reaching Jack- J. II. Knutzen of Applegate visited J;u k- famy al the rate of 7.'» cents per k cut Dr DeBar is attending a number of siek day in regulur October term The doi ket cer. Elibu Knnuns. a native of w York ” Tl.e Royal Baking Poicder is compos«! o! It is to Le hope 1 that the rumor wdl seiiville at > o'clock Til’ s lay morning He souville on Wednesday to attend the .Ma­ or pictured brand contained there n, * iid peopie on Wi:liams creek. | city, aged 59 *»*tu>. ;i months an«! 4 «lays. prove true that Bort K'amuth is to be re wifi contain eighty cases, many i f cotisid. r wa' summoned to attend Mrs. pure and wholesome ingredients. It docs not all t)f sonic lodge. pub isbingcompany to furni-h «olicit i’i >n I ¡»L.H’K- lu JiirKKonvIIlc pr. wiiK-t. October <«. contain either alum or phosphates, or other in- Recorder ^ears and Peter Henderson able importance. garrisoned by two eonij anies of cavalry. \ II-1 'live Ro k precinct w ho was, brought blank«, as provided fur in previous motion, « a ted one day this week. Miss M if'kett of Aslilund lias assume,! <4 h«*art uii.»! nt of this vicini­ ■’ The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly /fhv board of trustees are t"0 economic d by oii. all 11 of it -orders. year mulled a« follow**: J«»« A Ctain the wideawute merchant. i«w poods to supply Lji nqmerou» < U- J ty. im«l wa* univcraaily reap«*t<«l. Lik«* so <’ W. Pay lor anil Win. R «y,»'oiinty com­ • ¿lit«* a number of horses in the valleyy tar in this tegard. ’ of i h«- pioti'M-r mnr rs. le* lived and «lie«! the purest and most reliable baking powder president, re-elected; Davi 1 <• enc*r ot missioners. are at the couny-seat 011 m- turners, ». ' ■■■ «-a««.an V-, J.t , ILunlin; motion | U)°.nj There i' tv lung un.-ertain about tin ’ a bachelor. Am »ng those who w»*i«* rlos«-lj Ashlami was elr< ted viee-pres «lent. Wm. .i;t* atllictvu with distemper. Jasper Dennis and llobt. Anilers—u reft ,-il'. •' . f < 1« • r n ' «'olie, Choh ra anil licial business. lor - uv (j j., h ., ,.X v . D u- ;daii' ; id« utin« I th» re wereBoU1.* )«!>«» Moo«} higher in th«* «*- .’•lrs. Ra«l»r <>f _____ _____ »luriia bay at * spending th«) fall moutli> n Little Butte pr« ciuci of G Karewski's superior Hour, for 1. J. and treasurer i out heaps ot su|« rior lumber. I linii«»i«»b oi «In i.«-opl«*. H< h ; u * a native <»( ,«nlv p.:ti't the market (list can vistlnl our town last week, aicmLpan'ivi A blend ami will probably rem tin thr u.’i. lile trun rip' • n i.'peul. ‘1 The Royal Baking Powder is purest in qual­ The finan-ial «tr.tement «»f th«* r« . ii. -' Clopton of Bimanz'i. 1 the prov'm <; ot t lM » r. Ireland, and cutiiu to ,1 a its IS <|nk Ennis is expected to return from ‘nine V- -a1. ; in t<| . tv f,,r j.ijutu'lion the winter. •cerctarv. J. <’ Neil, showing balan <•« n Ann i lea in early manin»«»d. folluwlng the ity and highest in strength of any baking pjw- Send to J. W. Sowdeii for yotir sewt-g pl,wan'an.l sate to Ink«-. 2.1 ant! -a, c*,nt amito et a-'h- 1 "i<. D fendant given 2u I | lord11»«*«* band of |13 M), was on luutmn. a«•• < pu •! ( alii* inia «luring the month. «»1 th»- gol«l-hume»> to the Pnriffi* dcr of which I have knowledge. Geo. hinimons, uim Jos'pbin» coun­ machine attachment,, n-ed’es. ml, b. '.t-. -i,' I .r '»I»- nt City Drug Store, JaeK- days ti ne i . w ,.i h t . hie answer. i* F. ¡.rieming, of j<»wa, an uno ’ c »•( J. B crass i iuiothy , tdfalfa and all kinds of | coast In th»* tttti»Mu<] ha t r« *u»b*d in thn and approved as read. ty ’ s most enterpiLilig capital sts, sv«m i shuttles,slid parts of al! kinds tor every 'nnMlle. mi l Engel Bros.. Phoen'x. < ’ ariisle »»( T»ntiuuo«it>)'\ ainc< hit first arrival No fuither busme's upj raring the *v«o i« e 1 al G Idsmitli’s, Medford. yesterday in Jacksonville. style ot tewing-niHChines. the ii tenth n ot bn» nu a farm in the va.ity of iiiorG'ug ■. « umiliti.' «t. ! lie uas in ill h ulth tor s ,m«*tlmu t>et«»r«- h»<* • All Alum baking powders, no matter how Tlie fit e grapes of lit” county wer<‘ not ciation adjourned, t > m«ri h P- jv «: to th<* j l'r.nrK and Mi*«s Jessie I^angell are recov­ I death, v, Inch v. . is pot un» xpecf <*d. Th«* funer ­ Mrs Mlirphy of Califomi 1, form» r!y a and moving his family th'ther. A grand chapter of the E istern St ir <■: d. Fa..ui ■ A Livi v Miri il Hauleyet al; high their strength, arc to be avoided as dan­ al at : "-i iirov tint tn .'ins Emil Britt rail of the president, on the fir-t ^aturd.ty ering from a spell of sickness. al took pho * j »•‘•teniaj t'in't s -ii« on luesilay, uccoiiipiiiiie.f |,y died it assistance had not arrived then. Vegetation will siuu take a fr >li st.nt >i n, R posed oí la-1 «.t.tiiiued until a spillai terni ' vtl on s utliern Oregon entirely. Syno|*is of the AMetwmeiit. ant! nature will then stui'e once, more after Bia« k M iiv”:sie. l-alx-na a’ltl Salem va Mr. Irwm, agent for 8 aver «k Waikcr. oí « ■ urt, tu he in bl on Munday. Nu- Thewi'eof Dr. Stirling »lied at their farm J;.cK?onville’s citizens, like Eii, have at the longest spell of drv weather ever ekpc rt.dies. Th«-last two are known as Amer ■Mr . Tho». Ryan, wile of lhe Hon. Thus TliTongh Ute courtesy of Deputy A*« m ** j last i.. np< ai d ate n o «early to well Ryan of Kansas, our present minister to in Josephine countv on (h r. Sih, after a vemb r 2ñ. l‘.“:t. nenceit in »julhcrn Oregon. ‘got there with both leet.’’ S¡.«'< tal term onler» «i ns above. «or F. It Neil we have been ftirni-h»*«! a i i»p e I !■.' ’’’I' I "nitty as the foreign vurie- Mexico, will spend the winter tn Ashland. liugerirgiLness, and F. M. Hoekett died at Win. Bybee talk, ot importing a tir-t I i!:c-i quality of rolled outs tn quantities «tatemrntot tLu* total-** .-liown on the a«- In Die matt« r of llvi stale of C \ Xutley the same time of consumption, aged 2S 'Vivilo, class jack from Kentucky. We hope Dial lbs. " 'll Bybee, who went to California to years. «•«* dis­ which wt* make* the ioll«»«\in4 *9 nop i- ir , .uif' bel tigitig tu tlie estate pru lhe S. F Variety Store keeps a full line lie wul, for no stock industry is more ri - i Hi» r>* wa a very I cht attendance rronl attend tbe btskiyou rtvr of Total number »f acres. l*rj. ‘.7 4 v »1 «• fl uf .«; tH les t«*r ibechoicest lunches. r .'a ain ng « lamíante, after paving costa of to th* gen« mi rii-tom. cU'tnm. The paring peo- The largest ami be-t atm k of d«el'. if irr.u « i<> 11 th- in •'»•m l »2.«i!*3, value of town l»»ts, f‘222 Hl, it i» z ng ial thi- vva»’. t>r< .Mrs. J. T skinner of Yrelt.i has rem «ve l supply of truit ho buftet service from Chi. set'l. lut ili ot«. in full. lb nietii -1 that tl.e Winter Photo Co. mortgages and nit kinds oi r< a.-c-twli' and ll'l a. ■ a n, 5>.4I<> over 1 i*«i yea . v.. *.. • i will itinn 11 < ii r a few days longer. legal b ank« south of Sah rti kept it th- | io; a Vus'lv iliilrirnt meaning he-« frmn petioleii 1« ai of tho ).uii|ti unary ( of the estimation in which »»ur fruit is h«ji»l mi) r<»v»i»**nu». IGJ2J22. sn in -• F.rst-cla s c«* »’'»•'• 1 •' « . r’al .i< « ••• t.*.ti"n n the effete east !• E. I'hagnon of Ins,ar ra, Xev . t< q’lan’ tl« - to suit at the 11 mkh office MINING NEW >. err:«*** ot VU.M; ni»»nr\.t '• uriti- : ih > a • • ym >f plenty, health, paying Mr- Cochran np I ( lia- f'auiev Peter Applegate was deputized le Sur Mrs .1 M. McCall and .Mr- J D Cro» k»r MEDFORD, CRECON ere . |431 170, a «l«»’r** ot »-.» 42; value j > v< a! ina’ters of lo*al Iu terest will be vevor Howard to act in hi* “te .<1 h and happin« s> w hd<* the. c 1 Ashland v;>ri«*«l Portland nu t tiie M»_- in I- - if household good**. *»c., Ji»7. a »1 • 1 »• ' b un«! «>n the first page of the T ime .-. u «1 mi- rv when it’-C'd I an I « y- I X eating till' change III the Ft i ( -mimeC la r. alter :r>u ’ d U.: the hi. »tin E. Bryant an I wd.-ii-it,,! Jacksonville o! |b>,575; hor-tc-.4179. v.*ni«**l *! »2 -’i". > J , A L, th', ■ .lai»!«’ cl«»(h', linÎNÜtiur-. < t«- . <-<»n- tion <»f >L*.’J»4: rattle, V» II!'. ' I »• 1 „ " —• vw- or.i u« Gram s ■. 34c impanitd hi W< ng Pas«. i Mtn r ur getting nwlj L t winter. Ttif T « tHiitij k*j 1 on h.imi, ,tn<| m*1tiii»*.> Put tn-’ !. w s' bud In; th xt M n 'a' evi n i .- n.*Ti k I ih has returned from Klam $130.916, a «’fcrrve »'• » ••» •> 11II. Th«* (¡1 r v |»ii«r' ig r.i'R at .v- iimm! I.a * » !.:'» r n ti i ve em' >iirages!t- will be a full assortm. nt ot sit; <• " ■o I r iintv ami will remain awhile. them con i«lii - value of $.35,421; she«*/. I ’ •»’ v » n <1 < a*, h I '-V. J tT.nnl.. anil wife, J. G. Bird-ey • . ., id to it C. Do-lariiid« of biskiy« . All .■»•«!• 1-. tilhsl ptt.n ).t!\ «i j ;* m n.thh* t r :.t> .10 n .1/ f t th tl kin.;- alt'y. >10 7’55, a »leereuse iu nt)iub»r and i-I a« 11« >n y uh rant* • • ! . ’i a v. Won : ¡eft .1 wpe beliind I It Beav.-mp. Jr. H„.| J.,k,. .......... ...... ami I.. L. A gl of Mcll i'l. they pMing ■ lained. value ot >.3401; »win«*, 7■*«»>. v.«In d tr ?l '. ard of I'aL-nt m ok* us a « all yesterday. VV ih it » i .k j «• •. ts «41 e\erv d‘ o.r th«* unp.eierre i Molton», Maj 13. I-*». The barometer »’ill Indi it » st ut.i. 75(4, an increa-e in numb *r oi » < in va .« g< d m .Ir- igu’ing* iu Wald Ih«* l<»»is’ l«»»»kei (ur run has come at last, in«ivt*t» »Im-ss of tbecumern. i g t 11 • urn* I dm comp* I d him to ■'unlay weather, an 1 we may have much mo <• ram of $ti.**l >. Th’* gross value <»t u I 1 r«;- • r y and south rn Oregon wiL b»iom again. pr mc J. B. R »idle, well Known in Jackson H|3,235.34H; iiiaebtcdne*»* within t 1« 1 »• - It - tk * u. Scot - Il gulch , Ju**« piliIH* n. . h v:i • r o r-turn cert fit a»r. h it I*o4ti»* liver tua»le us a hml «luring ifi. »’ouuty, has lately fiui-h«*d one <»t ti e fii.e-l <). 1 ;q»« r-. in r plowing !»71; exemption**. 7»H, an.out.t 4 ’ • -w.»■!!•! m ma-.*«* t<>’ -bp m s *nir. pus« wvvk , llu v.’re| oil ihul »c t on hiring h'»te > iu .'«lUthcri) Or g•».». ami w 1' <»j en • • r ty. ate ;;ct ii ,.* rcariy io:’ « xtn.- ve at the i ime - oilice utfiOcentsa hundred. already. tniable pr •|»eriy. >2 *'♦ p *T . 1 ’.V * * . bout th only thoroughly up rapidly, \V F. M • .<•♦* an»i son of Central Point th • shiijc wi’h a gram! ir«e dinner on the • q»vrut < )>-. While the general a*-a ’*-iii»*nt >1: *w- son««- A number of Indi ins from KI .it’.dl ■ • *iz <1 < t E.ama!’. in the county. 1 « al e I oat* «lay »luring the week. Henry I. Ibi» Lt recen!Iv .-itnek a ri' h what of falling oft lr- m th«* b«» >ni *!•» ••• P < J. N. Pbi'liiH of Ashland was at Ealem 22 1, t » wnu h ev. rybody is l. FIBST-. I.A>S IV EV EBY HOPMT. county are camped near t'enir .l B nt a • mi Ite.i’d ’* . it )1 r. <» L Wea-t • f this week. He Las been adiuitled to t»r.»c- -ir' ak ul . a\ »i;rt in Lis mi: mg claim on of 1M.HR, yet it indicate*« a in« - p" 'p n u- Wu Bvb«e Las left YrcKa for Happy piebfiit. 1 he mäh’; p«»t t;--ii are eng.14. •’ ii » >XTK Al IA I xm ATI !». a Tl»e “ W» st Shor«* ” is now issu»'d as i.iufi* ■ ity, In’. *i*ivs of riiamlxT- t re iu tli«* supreme court on a «icriificate Farmer s 11 ci»ndili«»n ot the Country, a .<1 '> n L I C ,nq., ! i1 to look after the pork business. li iiili»»/ lnmber from Klippel A Ciirtn w.-ekly It !' a tin-ly illu-’ratvi | at er. an ! Thia w ILknuwn l.«»u»»«» tu»« h**en r^lmill - 1 «»1; . <’i;o 1 »n I Biarrmra Rem«*- iron» Wisconsin. .1 nuiu a very **ati*«fa«-t«»ry ih'».'. nz br-»u. Tne ctist ■! -Kry animal r« -«»«»rts of ri».h saw -mill. wjtb l»ri<*k mj \n !••< - an 1 im I'iowing, w.ta a very few more days’ rain. . ti ’ *; • F. a» Kwell : it ich ’»nJ bowels, and was i a rrra-e in the am uni »•! iin»i>* y, 11« le m *a*» in tuwn Tuesday laG, uc looatrd in th< l«u**n« - pjrt of a relative. anti: rity n ail 'ubj«cis pertaining to .■ - j - r ihreclhin«, and ii eompllshes what is claim' d for it, is what towr. and a go«.«l —an.f r<«-i¡t t.o < .mr,»« .- -taliM*» have been u.vt-nii ' I Ih* ’r .1*1-ar- quite irreguJur thte w«vk. h -*« n« t returned io h > lorm r lui ;nS \it. n »logical gard n i»i the grui ite < ity with ah mil in* wa’r’-rgh<- etc., is kepi lor t in taut relief 1 cheer- Mi l»i-h »pt f I-iur*d’»,*q>ui 'al ng«*ntof the x tine»* rial tfHV«-l« T', i-, tilt«*»! up in « <.iin.*«-t i«.n iti« ¡ .?a.-h iu .’.hat kiinl of t r«»p» rt Ih r i*i 1 i he principal Inin** ««I unii .1 f<» ih»‘ atHieied.” 25 «.«»vrrnni. nt, u in Jacksonville taking ♦ v.- pa«, th« r L it leu ter a * t «rt* r. l»r >t ker L* e i- j *«ale al th< 1 im Es o.lice. Th«»s. McC of the 1 h.uinps *u t ■ k > t «vi.ll he hic'ive of !>« .<.'b lay . sale greater than that of any other sarsapa- ih-- I»« a th«* mark« t affords. • Io • • >le at t’.tv Drug i«n» *i»i die nutter of .«we:al Indian «hp- wouldn't make a ba♦ >1« rd iv. He n’* rm- »• Lapp kt**« to t|)” r»ve-t» rs ' . 1 ■ ; t adjourned I i.-t Momlny. Ihvic is u g!« at tl» iu uni f -r hi- luiiii vr. r I are at n • k an i will make a big run during E. h BKIGI11M \X. Prop • an I I- < fl l»r »<., l’lme- re»!aii »u claims. Mor it Wires "1!1 "r 1,100,1 purl' normal c.op ••» »-.*•«- rn. himseif. lb»* < r.: t ¡in w !1 t.u num* ice 111 D«*ct m 1» ing a :nt»siDnp •ssihie t»» fj.l i l lft«* «»r>. i IVIKill V ” III& g vr before the public. A«hlet. 10. 1MW. the .s« ariibrook. < <:!., last ' rial y«*a»» and a large anmunt »»Í imm- y «• coiui**g in. value* of the p’t -eto *• • ■ I l \'» r -m ’■»v,:. | uf'tiav 1.1,'t <»i» beis:!»e*s, Di *k L.t- J Jupi'er Pb.r we« k lost iiis barn a «1 am»:it lifts* t »us <>i I in getting t » li e r p-*y groui <1, ami we Rheum anil all Humors, Dyspepsia, Siclr V Id Card to the Public. idreu l.v began t»»exu ••:•-!> e Lake county stock-grow rs arc dit\in s ; ‘ I h • ni'»-t It ail - nt . >n di ’ c hay by li:« , ••mb. rs lr» tn t tunning hrus'i j imp lb o < n ’ t ! p; >'• w i < l> dui» rvwar.led .i:».! w .11 1 HEHI.IIV CIMA ToTHI! IT II- rrea-4 Hi 'h* -. -, s ■ r h<* fl».H I hav«* fhi.*»., Grant's 1’.»-», w.i, her« te blowing. 11 on.1*. Harwnpnrilln is «<¿‘1 byall drug­ N}Hin*-ibi« k.raiH - unt tram on thef. Al’, The new «juarier.-» <»i the S. F. Van-tv b»iin«i il io«lis I • .»-ai< v. Put in alkali water centiy . n business. gists. ft; six f r«5. Prepared by C. I. HooU Bat«-«! al \-lnai<‘!. «»?<>• .n. th;- ^*Jh«ia) .f laaf year. ».’t (»! rilin of Tok» will t ike pleasure in store iu lluj L’t.* Men’» bunding are am m.; an«! it impart a I- :*ant la-t«* and prevents I. IL B. Taylor atid O. W. Train of lias icast»! the lit Iman white sulpiiur rriilnrad wa, ueajr k Co., Apothecaries, Lowell. Mass. td . m in Linn --------- August, j**-«. ill diarrh at tie A I’leaMiiit Surprise. rty • fine, complete line of gooiU 1» btJigdb p r« and and .'»0 cent bottles in i.iy l.«>u,;* ments on tlm premises to uci ommodate in railing all but tw> cars. The tireuian.Wtn- old Steekel sawmill. The Ln’id« >nic*st line of bird-cages in played there. have noted in last Fr>»i»v’s e»lit:«.n an k «’ lor sale at < ty Drug fsture, Juckuunviile, creasing buriuess Ran-oni. was ki ted, and Engineer Mc- Rev. R. ' . Ugleeby and family have ar- Parties having premiums due the m from ai <1 Engel Br«)>., Phoenix. •uunt of a San braiuisco jewel r h.ivit g o.Vll tail be luu^d 41 the 8. F. Variety from Juneii.,ncity. Laneco.tntv, ami A number of applicants for admissi<>n t-» f-add ti and a tr.'iutfi who wa. stealing a the district fair sh«>ul»l apply to Col IL A prtnounce’l a curious gu .-n - r.«• t«k«-n 1 L« t ns yive the rea«lers of the T imes a rivetl will soon be located on the Armstrong the bar were examined m the supreme r d< in a taix car. '.etc dangerousl)* hurt. Ten tl. u« md pounds of dried apple- and I Mijer, jecietary, at Jacks n » ilie. 11» ha- Id I«- tiinelv advice Hot wvatiuT is cotu- fiitn u lw p »limbed t » b< an « i cr »i 1 worth c.-urt tins week. Am»*ng(h m * w h»« passe«! A num' r oi p ..-rue.-rs were injured more peaeoes wähltd at Goldsmiths. Med hli warrar t*» drawh and ready f»*r d-hverv imi «nd with it ((»he, cholera morbus, lai in near Jt»< k-oiiville. *♦ turn- |d> .... | ov< r the- ounhy nt the time, which fa. . Colvig of Grant s pass, 1» (' Brcuntdl ut the bract) near ‘ r*M ent ■. jty by her »laugh I .ni.I bacon b»r sale at the S. F, Var.ety .'tunding reward of $400 for the cap'ute <»i i«lia‘>:» remedy at baud, and all who have Oakland, t'al., is paying relatives and Linkvilh* and Victor Bellinger of Portland I makes the acetileni excusable. The tram ter, who is now d»*a«l. S n*•«• tn« Store. We rei-peetfully etill your attention to <>ur exceptionally any one found stealing horx - anu catti«*. ti i« 1 ’ ha'iibt riain s Colic, Cholera and Di- (rteinls here a visit at present was aluiuat ten iKiurs ate in eoueequence ia rth flu a ton delivere«! already, but not a thief has been found so far, -a\ > arih'i.t Remedy- ui| admit that it is th»* Tin* proposed changes in the* By lyes' treasured tlie pretty »»t'»ne as a ktep-akr, Hie "Examiner. Jeriyan y i l Fort Klamath wag«»i;.road. peti- not knowing its great valu»*. h- w-v - Hii i at d will probably La stjll higher before I rint-t prompt, reliable and successful inedi- latid last Week, but returne i to the metrop­ > /en «ENTRAI. POINT MINTERS. tion»*«! for by J . <• Briscoe, et a!,, and Wm. With a railroad running through it wch ! »* tie know n !’«»*• thii*e complaints. It costs olis soon afterward, hire will return took it to A jewelry si'»rc wlnle m «> k -purg unt > «»r ».»cents, and may be the myans M. H» lines ct ah, have been ordere«l by Jacksonville in a short time to reside. it» streets liglced by electricity and ilo* li«u«l, (’ «1 . t - h • ve it euitab y im unte i f >r W II. I’ i’k»‘i- is in >‘.<,eni this week t>«» fi/othillH II. I. m s wa* at Jacksonville last Tu. teein>ng with orchards and vice of -a\iu. ymi <»r } our family much suiter J. B. Desselles of Jo-yplnne counlv, who the county court, me report uf vie we» & preservation, it >** uunriessaty I» iy *1« r..«»mg an examination for a.imission to yards, what is to prevent Ja k- jnvple lr»»m ii»,;. if not lite it.'« If. bvforc the summer is owns a hail interest in »»tie of tin- principal an»! surveyors having been favorable, ami day. that she was amazed on learning from tn* the bar. I • »Ver l or >i'e at C|iy Drug ''tore, Jack- Dooming again honest jeweler that it was a vain tide g**m placer mines tn southern Uregott, t- tn tm remonstrance nor claims lor damages I! I. For pure Rugue river whisky, in quan- \ Lyman Barnes of Applegate, Wis.amt >on\il v and Engel Bros, 1‘bbenix. Jins is but another example of th«* w«»n ’ilie« o. 'ii t. ca l on Capt. Catón in Jack Jacksonville on a visit t > his many friends I having been file«!. va h y, »( is quite evident from th«) • i (sonville. John Lamar, who returned to h.s <11 • panied by W. B. Haysoi Central Point in mad«* the p I't sc‘son that the fairs of the «eciion of the foot»t«x>l. it is nothin** un­ R II Moure. Wni. Moore an«! Tom John« vestigated the timber laudb at the head oi 'outtu rn Orcg«»n district are hereafter to home at Fn.ton, MO., some weeks ago. will L«*« ver and Fix*d. Dow n ng w «• re at usual to find nugg«*ts of gol i .'in i I»- /hi one of the mercantile hou-cs tlier^ -- ---- - - _____------------ 1 •»» » are engace»! in packing apples on Ap- b ■ tlie impur MMithem 1 ng of the forest fires, which have done -o fiom liu eHcc suf th»* dr night, the visitor* H Ablrey, John Gridley, \V »,'. Myer. N.< ho-»k- of every description. Readers and time on the >*L*i>h »rr th«* »iri ijmManc«* i- «Iregon. arii brucio exchange ! for the new series inuch »l.smage to umber, bes'dvs tilling the having Inile r« a»ly « aslqlo e\|»en»I. ami vet titan Deulrev ami others ol Ashland were ih«* .1. « : “ oi coun:y f.ur was an unqu.ilitnd | in town during lhe fair list wees -ays 'he worth relating. Not the least tniere-Dn : I D»» i-1 fail t » c;dl an»1 see tbut fcne large at biosphere with smoke. irt .* until Novenibc r 1, l-s:». \ ;rtue and st' a’ifas’m^-s m the < .iu> • <■: Mieccx , while th«* Siskiyou county mana \ reka ’'Journal cir« uinstam e about the ♦ iner.iLl *a-» thu «.i '{• iy «>.* g»*ni s hats at lhe S F.’ Variety The Tolo Towj'.site r Milling <’«»mpunv g r i u t il t■» get-»ut a ciu"-I. When all is W. J. in .* St rr. oiler lots for eu«'h -♦)(> cash, baki .c«* in - i 1 ihe. I oj nial.c the fair, am! just so Mrs th »uibcrt mon were growing, as it was unl.v w!,tin th W»* 1 < 1. .1 *». > kept only at theS. F Varié* full arrangement*», call on or nd»|ress th« • ii'lo’ incut and at probat on <»ur lair will someliine, accompanml by her dau/bter Caio ought I » be appt inted r«*ctiver of th G.’s beali li. they were in Jacksonville I water that its pretty Utos were >1.» uu to 1 j Store. secretary, »Scott Grittin. • Mrs \V. Anderson, departed 1er their Ro-elmru'land uili«•«* upon the saiu«* ptin- yesterday. «(» t.nue y«» be cr »wnv«l with success. the «»beerver beíure th» l.ipi«t.»ry rem« v«* 1 home last Monday. • -------- A larc*» <|iiantity of apples are now being Vnllke must traveling r»h »tegraphers. c. ciple. Ilis said the .alter has g..n • t«. ♦ the rough coating. It was heir -l»ap«* 1 in Lux« <1, ready fur transp jrtalion to outside MkBFOHB MJlllBw, L. Winter, of the Winter Phutu Co , Eu­ asbiugton to see if Hermann, Mitch« 1« I . M. Fries and wife of Central Point form, ami a> large as an ordinary marl le. Skating Rink. markets. gene, is giving the very best satisfaction in were in town Munday ami called at the and D«»lph have thrown him down. W<>. It A Arm" ¡;; wi!t, iiext Monday Order of the Eastern Star. If vuiiwant genuine bargains, don’t fall purlruit work. Call at once, and haw .1 W. Shot t h is returned from a trip to 11MÏ- office. Tuey will remove to the up­ By an oversight last week we neglect« i evt nil • pen ;t >k.iiitig link in tl.«* lower a really >.ood likeness taken. • per Butte < reek country nr a short to to rail on N. Fisher. He is selling out, and S irdinu ertek. fhe following otB» er» w« re e.ectr.i ;»t th- to mention the mairiaue nt Port ami on story « I the Odd !•< lows’ building on Ore­ • .Mo> Mattie Brown of Elkton, Oregon, is locate a lan l claim. Prof. E. T. Kugler of Portland writes to grand chapter of (hr order •»! ih»* Eastci n no mistake. rhurstiiiy Scptcmhe! 2<¡. lx*’», of llu hard gon-reel. 1 hey will furnish th«»«? desir­ at lending sell >ol at Mvillord. >tar which met al ib>‘*..mtrg l.t-t lnur.' Chauncey Nyc of Flounce II >ck precinct li. Klipoel. a Í »rin«*r typo on the I imi - ing t<> partake uf that ni. st exhdaiating ex- N»»««*s, receipts, due-bills, drafts, etc., in the T imes that Dr. C. Lempert, who di- h day Mrs. J. M M all of tlj>h«’ chapb r book form, handy and first-class, al the peared so myste’iuusdy from Jacksunv 1 »• B. U . P«'.ved has returned from his ea-t* was here yesterday, uccoinpaineii by hi- force. lh<- bride way Miss Emma L. Wan- er< i'i . -!.at 114. with the best of roller skates a few* years ago, is now practi» .114 at Bak« r vrn trip and gone to Puget sound. ii.oihci, wire will probably locate Heure drd, of the nielrupolis. and alter the wel- ;.nuuhg<*uuplc at fort and enjoyment of their patrons, The I liamii r Scili. fjrand worthy patron; .Mrs. Ju la A r . W h »«!\ die pre *tn» ♦ was huil uuewbat by The nobbiest and latest styles of hat-, to Albany, where he wilt follow his calling. woo tesides nr Montai a. is also here oil ii once began h iusekteping at their home in be-t of urdt r w ill also be maintained. .Ifo»««« visit. Ciltiet. iani of RuartHjrg No. s. associate *ran4 a frac •¡ ious borse. East Portland. D ick is wed known in shirts, necktie'», collars, cutt-*, scarf pins i Ar hur L »r g d <4 Klamath county last .Myrtle . Xarif. worth/ inatrou, J. L E *y 0 .. .»nd (trennt always be found at the 8. F Variety fori. Colvjg. lion P. P. Print and Mt-s Kale among the printing fra’.ernity down about _ » rockery, i----- • - lamps, - - etc., * ;*l i'-ware, at * ■* the " 8. can the highest position attained and patron; V. L. Bunn«U’«l li»»set»urg s The Sill. Ve! ret Store. Call and see (or yourselves. The wii«* c»f Henry Hollingsworth of i.< rger, sténographe», hit for Lake­ Portlan L grami tec tu per ; Mrs. J. 1». ( rocker ol Al 1*. Variety store. universal a« 'ej t «u< e ami approval <»f the view ihi- week, whery the <1,'tuber term ot J. I!., who formerly p;il»ii-h‘d pl a«ant liquid iru t remedy > yrup of Fins, I l.e finest and most stylish millinery I J W. Sowden sells the celebrated Actin* Me«l:ord arrived from Om.iba one day the circuit court will »'olivette on Momiav pha No 1, Ashlami, grami s»rrvt.o \ . Mr button hole attachment for ail Kimis «>1 th s week. th.- N. as ,»t Y.i'piina Bay. writes to the t’hristie (’arotbiTH <»l Beulah No G,< •»«|,i* "• g «» !-ar»* brine displayed at Mrs. Prim's .•is the mo'L t-xeehvnt laxaliv «• known, i - next. 1 sewingrmachines. 1‘bjs aitachmcnt is a ‘ 1 imes" an letter. \\ e cull the l'lstrate the \itlm* of tl e qua'itie« <>n which Laz «ar ul tashu n. citv, grand treason r; W m. ».u:.d < 1 IL* M*s Emma Amy un 1 h»*r mother of . sue ess Him inaacs u neat and d^r.ibb* but Mes-is. ('.inverse ami Kirkwood, who f uiowng from H : < u.o. 1- Mo>^r. Í i- I P's 1« h n-e«i and are abundantly burg N»». x. ciikplam. D. Litui «»f Ad .ni IL nry se l uihl- nnrly ol theold ‘R -<*t» irg Hade, ’ i-i*o\v it' t > the Cal. Fig S\ rup Company. No J, Ja< kM.nvn.»*. gr ind mar ha Mi- 1: • .** t;irm in this ptecim t, was in town |vtc,l».»J. W. SjWdca. Javks*.-n\il e Or«* Jud,«* Walton s. iug rie »le t r • railroad between Jm ks n managing editor of the .\tu<»man . one Nina M. Fry ot Eug^m* No. 2. I’un a»* tv, «luring the week lio'i. I. D. Wittman h.i*» be *n at Port- ruleand Mrslford, are in town iur th- pur- ! of th«* leading i'iipei s in Hie 1« ri ilury. W nal k’-ll. comiurtrtas, Mr- >. E W y in»»* m ( «»»mg«* .i!i i to ’• n 1 the meeting of the State pus Ol <■ nrciuditig .rrtangemenis looking stiti k must forcibly up« n entering the Pressmakiner. t ■> get your uioture» j takt 11 lhe annual convention of th»* Hnn till- inauguration G W. Gib.**on, a practical drc«sma- Clara Fullert* n •»( R«» m burg N«» *. A»i.»h. . j^ive salistact on. Hen«!» r*<»n. th«* barlx’r, last week re­ j counties was field at .\ i ia>t we« h Mr.** Rose J. WiL. n «f >t Man - *. Simpson of Eugene, lecturer of the Í construction ul thesidewuU in trout of the k«*r, woui»! rc-i vetfu Iy announce to the la­ A 1 *?npl* te line of trunk*', valises, etc., ’ and proved quite interesting. Full pro- move i t • \\ •<> iville, at er seiring out his M John t .rvald-. Martha, Ruth, E- her and E « • ,te Grange, is stt | ,n t.u- valley .1» door, ltionmsts oi empty beer bottles ri n «>( J acksonvil «• and \ ie niiy that she is mi in -- here to M r. Pet« ra. <4 m -iz s ar d pnce», kept for salt* at the . cetdjngs w :|1 be found 011 the first r.i:r* of ta were apportioned «.ait l<- Or v .tal N ., I'Vering luhlr»sses at dirt rent p».t.its. He d. vcii into lhegix ui.u » l«»sv. t(»gvth«r. b«*t n >w (>repar« t <«i»»v»*. A ittle "it of J. ti. Briscoe o! upjerTrai' It was report'd during the w»<’ weekly to a w; • kly newspaper and will ap- is <1 nng much good in hwcause. Mr. S n >tt es without i«ul or assistance we did not jfiiarunt<*v ail v,<> k to fit. A trial will con- .»’« inch Trient* ."><> t '» »/.« i’ln> la» t. Apply at residence, best. first d«>or <*a*»t of tbe planing mill, at the ted warden an«J IL J*. Dunlap »>( j !«_ver, but . j ucovenng. 40 null company together with tiic R • in ( Muth <n . Ju«* ’ sonv file. K“< «.»rd* r Sears is mak*ng an assess- im e, acconi|>anied by VV t I <• who lu­ rear <•*' their line store, a represtillative u! Th. RallnMMl Mor« tli>n » I’ri.lmt ill'). Zi^W'll be ph ji< -4 t<> show g«>»ds or furnish samples by mail. R«-| « ifull,'. Attention is cnlicd to lhe advert -i m- i.t «4 ih'* t wn and the council pro- it» en rusticating tnere tor sometime. Mr the T imes last week obtained permission to The Wint< r Fnuto Co. will b? in Jack* W ne «I in u.ey, and Hmse indebted to Mr-srs. Kirk««»! and < ..t.vir»., r-t 'r- lie 1 i m i> <•!!!' shoui»! n »1 neglect to settle asking for bids tor the repau.ngand a.ter.. , p ■ 1 vying a five-mill lax at once. M. has locut«-d another claim and wnl spemi investigate it an 1 found it tar beyond cur st.nvilleonly unt 1 the 14th. Tho«c wish- J. NUNAN. Jacksonville, Or The business ot raising ing superior work will please call early. setiilt'g Die rori'i attv »11 > pr. i, .« to t tn .. * without liirthvr delay. tion ot the {»resent wagon-road be w«*«n ' Mi ’( n and New» Il Harlan are now the the winter with his faintly in tLe upper r< nt rep >rtv. thoroughbred dogs of the breed various.> Ali pictures ftnish^d here. »See late «am- th»* ek. trie railr. beiw.en J»» k>..nv. . Paisley and Keno. and iur the cun-tru«*- l-r-pri'-i'r.* if the "Mail, Thus. Harlan couuti y. 1 r the be*t gra«h* '»f photograph work.go» ■ tmn «»: a new road between the last-named 1 known as Siberian bioodhuunds. Great •nd Mrdlord, «re liete at pr.-'ei.t t r ih» having retired from the minugement. A. W. Wehner, publisher of the Demo­ Danes or German mastitis, has long been nurpurr nt com) ieltng linai n'ii'.l’iil . tt- Hottie Winter Phot») Co., who will remain1 p»ace and lhe state hue. aper pubi. sued at Chehalis cratic paper |mbl.sited Cheltali-, W. 1 . I a tew «lays in our city. * A but» her-'hop, run by A. S. Johnson, earned on tuer *. and at present with the j |>< y bare a4reri l«, but \A millsite, millrace ar..I sidetrack Will So<*i(*ty Meeting». ominen etliz. n imported dog ” Bruno nt lhe ht‘ad of the S. IÍ. H. Berry, also a pt prominent •» lit«,’ ca.iti"» 't-e I' "i> warrants t>> a., 1 Send the TiMEstovour friends East, or te^urmshe»! by the Into Townsitv and wilih• «•*d.-t b operated in the building and ( M iions . \Varr«*n Lodge No IU of Jacksonville raiituge. a ru.u.luT fh.’ pull spirit» t ! at any other place. It answers better than Milling Company, for a nomina* sum. to o a, i *>i b\ the .\l»‘»ti«) (l shaving parlors. <>f the same pl ice, tnailc us a < all yester­ liaretu, and th ■ b.ecdiiig pens occupied by 1 m.*f(- < at h WvdueMla> evening at or preceding day. I li<-y aie tavorab.y impresserl wilh a!l lhe letters y»>u can write. citixeii- of tin. place have . I.» any responsible party who win p it up a i .’.i • • \\ r -I v and Geo. Justus have this m ’ i lion amt will probably return to lo­ about :i dozen immense femah-, logeUiei (he full moon; Ashland Ledge No. 23 on rhurMiay with a number of tine p ippies, the exhibit evening during th«* same tiiu«*. Oregon Chapter their notes, t»» 1 lie .«mount of f'..'"l. n lt< it ' <»! Weive» ha*l his br**t horse killed by ■ Hour null at Tolo. bur particular - .»«hit ■ - burned .» p,ti’nert- tnareof. payable when the ralligni i< iu- 1 the raiboa»!,whne Le was running in Amy s or call on t’re secretarv. 8< ott GrtUin. * -i first'l» • v«*ry an 1 feed stabh* at Dr Mrs. J N 1. Millet, Mr- D. I.inti ami c lass bench show. Two hue pups m one 1 luvsiay evening previous. Adarci Chapter No. pleteil. and'»»»» lhe «Tip tin n»s» lv»- i !■.»• • pasture a -hurt lime finer. Lewis ’ «» d staud 3. O. I.. 8., oT • acK-«»nvilie meets on every other G. W. Moore, who is the inn»* R. A. Mill, r alien.iej the first meeting of pen have already b on so:«!, one to go to same ntav tu* -aid ut Medlurd. wlt.r*- Purchasers of property or Capital Stock of tin I L<* S. 1* . “Examiner’’ is the best paper deposits on Ihapmaii cieek, I'montowi) Orra E Angle, son ot >»qiiire Angle, the grand chapter, order of the Erstern Albany ami ih«* other to Oakland. Tin- I'hursday evening; Alpha Chapter No. 1 of Ash- »nudar .tale »d Hlt.'n» . xi«t- At 'In-writ Ian«! «»n the first and third Tuesdays. •n th« <• u*»t Dor. t (ail to leuve your sub­ precinct. Will soon comno nce burning «me th s week ojens up a *«t''» k of gent’s fur­ Star, last Thursday. Mrs. J. M. Mr t'rll firm also hamiic a blat k and tan variety of i»V th* re -««iu- to he 1.1» »t'.ut.i but what script 1.0.0. F. Jacksonville Lodge No 10 meets ions at the TlM es office. or m«»re fcdus. lie has had a 4 in the bu hiing lately va­ ami Mrs. J. D. I rocker of'Ashlami were b «dger «!<•£*» Ui,. two t»»W>i* will hi- lighted « tli » le» tri • every Saturday evening; Ashland Usigt No. 23 at cate«! by .1. al* in on a charge oí insanity. have d.'- ».\«*l partnership, the lmterre- Emil B»*itie. Geo. Lampert, John B»«m- wi.l.eii 1 here is n-» < a'eulatu g th»-I » m town a few days since, accompanied by J. l/i«lg<* No. 4 of Jacksonville meet» every other TAKE PUBLIC NOTICE The following is the |»r«»gramme an­ Monday evening. Hope Degree Uslge of Ash­ tit that wtllai'crue therefrom. (•«• ■ >1 ■ r.-.i.t >••'■« r.d ( i>tn**se skilled in packing fruit venue am| sou, who have bcm buijuin^ Grin r from th»* lii m. Mrs. Scar.-» will con- A. Aiin-irong. WHO is employed on one ol i.due Wall of those who It iv»> s<. n .ldy n- havearrivtd from California an! are at the stone piers for u bridge a« lo^.s 11 11 litii e ih- i :.-i’ « ss of divssinakmg. lhe O. rk. C. freight trains running between nounce«! for the farmer's in**tituh* to be land on the second and fourth Tumlays of each Of the Franchises and Privileges granted to F. I.. ROWE creek, in Ashland precinct, returned tioiiie aisteil in bringing thi- ii-ult abottt, ,11 4 wurk »n the different orchards. lhe.Monarch salmon at Medford, under Junction city and Portland. Further par­ held at Ashland October 2» amt 2G, is*!»: month. R ed M en . Oregonian-Pocahontas Tribe No. 1. 1 amxv, oct . 25, 7 :.*Wr. M. we feel certain that they wùl be ampi, re­ A larger an»l more fashionable stock of a few days ago, having tinisucd the work the management of H. H. Wolters, is prov­ ticulars will he given hereafter. Imp'«l O. K. M., «»f Jacksonville, «very Tuesday August 7th, 1888, in a satisfactory manner. Music. ing a popular re-ort. The best of every­ paid in tlieluture. g» ti *’ fui n 'hing g«x» Is than ever is now «•venirg Janie- M< Donongh will go east in a short Address of Welcome, W. H. Leeds of * The dilapidated and dirty condition of thing in that line is kept there. A. O. U. W.--Banner U»dge No. 23 moeh* « very I kept at lhe 8. I*. Variety More. Ry the incorporator# of said company, now on tile at the , <»th<*r Friday evening Ashland U»dg«* No. tU*. on ( barged uitli K«»bberv. Mrs. D. H. Miller and her brother, (’has. time to visit relatives in Pennsylvania. Ashland. A e«»mpltte an«! brst-cl.iss fine of grocer­ our streets does not ehow an y taste or ent« r Response. Piof. B. L. Arnold of <_ or vain*4. the first and third Wixlui*st ' sc< u-e * l furri-hed tablish» «I >4» l’ourmaii’t« creek sometime you will find that they give perfect sati-* firn- time, lie was unable Io find his old I where they will visit the M< elmuic s fair Pass. mond. mu■ bad ibe city changed, but ' t igether. nomi, un Motidav, ai d l'.tim'h i** r O'V at ‘in «*. II. i;ry Baliten is pmmastei. JACKSON V11.1.E 1 tiscu«s»ion. oth r. is hereby t.i\ f . n that the I >«ick headache there is nothing superior. h« was n’t loiig i:i riiaking h*im«elf at home litH-rtv. Tlie lestiniony w«« t . the < ll*» t Wqrk «»f thebtat • Ik» nd of Horhculture. ' undersigned has b«*en appointtsl by the S. «« 1 --Iu aring i** iu progress and the i I L ading physicians recoininend them. again. (•■units court >1 .la< ksoii county, On*gon. sit- that Iloten oli »he »>!«-•'I>”K Thursday f.u. J. l>. Whitman of Medfoid. An important EnterprlM* • iip 1 rmui-es well. Hie ram has in- 1 ting in Probat«*, mlministrator of the estate* of ■nel an Indino n.inied Vir ghi driving « H II W- '*• rs, the niixo!russi' n AT CENTRAL POINT. terkr»*«i somewhat with operations. • l'h•»«. IE Hayinoiui, diseased. E- SVTVKI’VY. AFTRkX'‘'«.X -F.-**toX. We learn from g privatesoune that up awarded at tbc district fair for fine phot »• np«m«* 1 t!:«’ sal»» »11 f. riuerly kept by A. H. team in »»i». thè vicinile ' ot " il-"* iraní ni ......... ; , 't \ ring-« , an*l 1 Ml persons indent<*d to said (■state arerò- Parti« s desiring to build in Tol«> this graphic work was carried oir by Logan, I ‘ ari-on. timruiighly refitting it and inak- on ’L** expiration of the existing lease of held him up f»»r wh it rush Im b; d .»b ml Rc.atmn oi (ieolo/y to Agriculture, R 2 luested to a« ttle the same immediately, and b n .«Ttirti'J libelli «IO ut I», "ty. it r glu « spring wdi be furnished lumber, brick and the Ashland photographer, for his unri­ i ing man*, imj»i«»v.*m«*tit <. He has supplied the limestone quarries near B ick Point to Mil er of Jacksonville. those having claims against th«* ••stat«* will • WU« was »'tn hint n» rh<- t nt-, but u n ■ bml nng material at the lowest price. valed port rails and views. Wh«n you w uii f 1 »resent th«*m to me at my piaci* of business at • the finest «Ines, liquor - and the Portland cement company, the owners, Disctiss’Qn. ■ P«»r - were ------ -iittirirntlv tn- took Point, Jackson county, Oregon, with Homo of cur Insert rests, Prof. 1 . I. I Pgánd - t‘ Jt the Mr <’«M»k>ry. a brother of the late U. W. a fine picture at a small price call on cigar-, and a fine billiard table can also be 1 Messrs. Pomeroy it Co., will proceed to de the proper vouchers attach«*«!, within six Wh« i» im kept »••»nstMiitly on hand a complet»* foun»! there. Give him a call for he will velop the quarries, putting in two draw Washburn. tiiiiidafed k» I **»d over iht-i. ¡ .»SSt \ >»ns. 1 <»ks»-y and ids») ul Mrs. J. If Brown Of him months from the first puMieation of this and tirM-i •lue» M m k ot • kilns, of 250 barrels per day capacity, ami Discussion. Jacksonville, is paying the valley a visit. For the best turnout# for all occasions treat you well. notici*. BENJ. HAYMOND. fitting up generally for business on a large SATL’BDAY, EVEX‘IN<> SESSION. A New lataf.lishnteitt Administrator of the estate of Th<»s. H. J. > Howard has secure»i the poitoffice. call al the Excelsior livery stable Gi Jack ­ A few copie« of tlie American Hettlers’ scale. As this ?s one of the finest limestone Haymond, dec<*a«*sl. Music. e Mi'S Katie Mill.r ha« oper.»’ l <1« -nt Gui«le, standar»! authority on all land sonville Plyinale’s prices are quite rea­ IBs principal competitor for the position ledges in the west and seemingly inexhaus­ Dateti August 22. 1*89. Peach Culture. >. B Galey of Abhland. ing parlors tn Bran's biiilding.i.i the rooms matters, mav be found al the 1' tmks office. sonable and he never fails in giving satis­ was a eeneral favorite in this plat e, and tible, we may look to see one of the most Discussion. would not resort to Howard's tactics, even faction You will also d« well to patron­ above Geo heiiumpFs barber-h> p. H>e important enterprises in the valley inaugu­ Robt. H. Moore has been purchasing a Music. r St ovos. Tinware, Cutlery, ha. bad much experience as a dressmaker large quantity of apples for tbe export ise his stage line running between this to secure > » desirable a position. How­ rated there next spring. The manufacture Closing lecture by Prof. E. E. Grim <»f General Contractor in ard a** ribcs his success to the fact that he • Administrator ’ s Notice in San Francisco Cal., am! i> conse»|uenu.v trutie and is now engaged in boxing them. place and Medford. of the proposed quantity of lime will give the agricultural college, followed by music. A tree falling across the line of the rail­ "ent«*rtait <*d' our cungre'«sman, while cus­ prepared to execute ail orders .n her line in various capacities to a Short discussions will succeed each « ach e--ay in the matt'T ot the eMate of Hugh Johnston, The drought affe« ted Douglas county’s road in the Siskiyou* last Monday evening tom forbade his competitor being equally employment in h first-« lass manner am! after lhe l.ite’t large number of men. There can be no XJl --------- ¡ «».zi it i« hitr.i ‘11 tit!»« í »id ,¡1 farniíTi or adilre««. ami hoprd that farmery i I ---- --- it is - - - • MABBLE, STONE doceaaed H" »*sinent adversely also an«! lhe indebted- delayed the northbound passenger train ■ hospitable. styles. Her rates are reasonable Rn I ’•a'ls- question of the profits attending the bu si ­ - .. Mil l orchardhts wl'v attend w::l prepate ------ I tie commission of J. S. Howard as oth e I s |U. H| uv given th at the OILS OF ALL KINDS. n« m returned is an increase over last year. several hours. The tree was a large one, faclicn is guaranteed. ne«» as there is an almost unlimited mar Un "'.«el.ù» to partii male tn these dis. | .. und< und» rsigned r . has . .. Iwen _. appoint*«! ...... by tin* „. of Medford arrived last week The many remarkable cures H«tod’s Sar- and it required the utmost exertions of the •postmisUr ... m .. zl aid -><l»at» . administrator »’rlininistrator of the enlate ( buri-li Dedication. I ! ting estate of ';»! ari l;i accomplishes is sufficient proof train men to remove the obstruction. Mechanics Tesis. cultural knowledge. N v. 1st. Mr. H.’s appointment is sat- ! Hugh Johnston. dii’< as<>d. * .' Prof. Gauthier, of Paris, ••tates that cer­ i'fa* t ry to mo«t of th • Republicans of the Ihe pew Baptist thurch at Central Point that il due« possess peculiar curative pow­ All pei-sons indcbtifl toe-aid estate arc rc- ADVICE TO MOTHERS. tain vital processes of the body develop I county, tho igh there is m<»i por les. dis^at- w41 be dedicate I on the t!i*r: tbe first page of the T ímes . It is fully as if not speedily eliminated, produce disease I V» ’lib a -i-tati», and has forwarded the re- dren teething, istlie prescription of one oi class tailor, Ims opened a rh'-p in A’ken « present thorn t<> m« at my office in the court tpe Baptist denomination at.d others of - tii. 1 .•i' the Oregon law on the game sub Ayer’s Sarsapari|la etteci j the removal >f 1 *11/r« nd 1 »i i»o»a t > the department at the best female nurses anti pby iciau. in buiiding, Ja< k«»»nviile, where he u m»w 1 nous«* in J h < k«onvi|le, Jai ksou couutx. On- Prompt Atti nt ion trivi n to all Orde re by Mail, NALLS. ROPE. I ¿« mi , with th«* pr<»p«*r vouch« r< altarino, wjth- rhc'C substances, and thereby piemen <*•» i \\ a-hington. the best preachers of that sect m flreg.i; ject the I'nited States, and has been used for I prepared to take orders f ir «lyii-vh » H»h- • in *ix moni ba from the first publication uf health. A. • ord uri invitation is ex.’« tided 1 > t he pub forty years with never-failing success by ing. Further pariicuhrs given next week. 1 this fiotlce. Alvi «•v.Ty tliluc v » m UnairlniiM«- in tbi, line. Jos. Geppert, U W. Parker aa«l U W f'inutl. in to attend the.**» mU rr-t ng irvires. Yreka’r fair was a success financi lly My >WH»i. ar« m w nu«l ot tile bent tirami.. mJ millions of mothers for their children. Dur­ ■MAX MI I.LEK. Daley i f Big Butte precinct were at the wit! be sold at tb* Admini'traior vt t-aid <*Matc. A wliit’ns'ri h fattier fun, einbruidcre.i ing the process of teething its value ¡s in­ county scat |.<>t Saturday «’U land busi- speaking ami the town was full of stranger«, Bail ’ d >i ptrmbvi 2. 1M». For Sale. according to the Yrvka "Journal.’’ I he in col r- nf the top. wa, left in the en­ calculable It relieves tl;e chiliffrom pain Nhakee and Sbingen. nt»* Cattlebranded J> and Tnark<*d< r<«P*n»i«'iuarc Home thoroughbred Poland China pigs, Dun t neglect your opportunities, rino, dust on the racc-track wa* the groa’< >•. try clerk's i o'n at the fair ground week cures dysentery -aid diarrlo. a, griping in Lowest Ruling Prices. und»»rhii in l<*ft ear and nnderblop« in n«bt: A «tipply of the best shakes and *h’»»uh « I efore l.i-r 1 tie !■ svrean recover the .ante the bowels, and wind-colic. Dy giving also .some graded Jersey cows, which 1 druwba» k to the fijoyment of the fair, but three-}«la and cowards baxe the powt of liM - ju>» been rec< iv»d al the R mi * til • I lit»*- like } h tnr«*3 are made by tbe Winter could not be avoided, as water for sprink­ by calling at the TiMt, ottlie and pajing health to the child it rests the mother. would sell or trade for wheat. Give tv o call b.-fnr«* going í !*tíwberv. nght bom »-aVed «»fl. liangoon Applegate. which will be >uld in quantities to *u t at Photo I * Call early,as their slay with us W 11. P armer . for thi, notice. J. €. «HERIDA*. Price 25c. • bottle. Uoraee branded L> on right hip» ling could not be had. 1 i* .»hurt. • Children Cry for ’ .LEAVENING POWER ¿hri^iihíítdüí iïùiiis I A CARRICK, Alei-olum, ASHLAND HOTEL. N LADIES FINE LINE OF FALL DRESS SUITINGS Striped Foule, in Colors, Iron Frame Alpacas. Silk Warp Henriettas, Assabets, Trails. Scuti'li l’laids, Í2 indies vide. RIai'k Brtfcadf Caslinim1*. We have the above in Latest Colors. New Trimmings, New Buttons, Gloves, Mitts, Stockings, Shawls, ' Flannels. Yarns, Blankets, Etc., Etc. LADIES WOOL VESTS AND PANTS, SCARLET AND WHITE rr\ ’’ SPECIAL^ BARG AINS y I Ñy ÂLL V WOOLÌ I TOLO! TOLO!! TOLO!!! Tolo Townsite and Milling Go. HARDWARE AND TINWARE IIEI'OI N MARBLE WORKS I JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOR i J. C. W III PI’, ORECOH ST. JACKSONVILLE, OR., OP. 3BANITE N Cemetery Work a Specialty. N. S. DREW. reasonable rates- Pitcher s Cantoria. HARDWARE. PAINTS ’ AGRICOLTORAL IMPLEMENTS