ihv !ÍD aimes. As PARit. FCR )ACX8. » Cüir.TT O m beauty ui the Australian system of voting, in the eve* of a uewspaper man. is that the unused tickets would make such glorious “single wrap|>erH. T he r report* the Hougla* county fair anything but a Micces?, and attributes the small attendance to the w ,i111 * >! h'. tvi a« *’ -m aio 1 - H • ‘11. .i’ Civil I . — Bend. t Benefit Raffle. A good saddle horse and .saddle, bridle, U Giant * l’iis.1* is* com- etc., will be .allied off hi a short time for Tin- new turi pint» d. benefit of the Catholic church at Medford. N. R. D »diri’ i' to b* ncv. poMma?trr uf There will be lbt) chsnre.'at |1 per chance. (.•»-.-.nt s I’aM-. The winner will be decided by lot whenever ,s :•!> wi’ .a are all taken. Apply to Rev F. 8. M»* W’ndkiyh. «»I Waldo pnxlnyt drHtJDiT on hi? iiiin-- Nothin Jor,ville, fur cuunces before H -i.l t-.uiNtctioi» ar«» numerous in ml are bold -------- «----------- JuAt-phiue county at pr«** - t. JOsETHINI'. CorüTY ITEMS. EDITORIAL NOTES. Tn», baseball champiousliip has been srtti«^! ior another year, and theie will be a Icng-folt, dreary, aching void in the i. -ws columns uf the «luily i -X v - h until tin’ vernal stlu ag«in revivifies ttie di.«- moril. I'ti. ta’-so.« contest ternainated ' in th<* N •’ •>•■»! League in favor cf the New York club, with the Boston’s a very I close second, each club having won S3 ' games, but ttie latter losing two games more than their rival«. Chicago is a poor third. In the American Association the Brooklyn ami St. Louis clubs stand tir-t and second respectively. The na­ tional game a« quires a greater hold on the American public with each succeeding year, aud the Pacific slope is not much behind our eastern contemporaries in the degree of interest manifested. Tur rain» during the past week have __________ ____ general lieeii along the coant and have W’. M. BLacKroKD, now in Butte city, been ut incalculable benefit to the coon- try in ijoenchin^ forest fires, starting the Montana, sends the T imes a specimen hill graes anti getting land ready for the ticket voted at the late election in Silver Bow county. The Australian system plow. was given a trial in Montana, ami the T here will be no extra session of con­ tickets employed are something of a gress, as thr Republican managers had curiosity here. The names of all tbe ?%i>he«i for, but the fight for the speaker­ candidates appear under the proper cap­ tions, arranged alphabetically, ami the ship of the next house of irpresentalivet» has grown warm already. Mr. Harrison voter designates the name uf any candi­ is Biippused to favor the claims of Mc­ date for whom he wishes to vute by a Kinley. of Ohio, and Mr. Blame is for simple cross opposite the name. Of anybuily to brat Tom Krr«l of Maine. course the usual blank space is left for Cannon and Burrows aru both likely written names where the voter does not wish to vote for any of the regular candi­ to develop considerable strength. dates. The most important feature of I n the general march of progreM in the system is having the name of the party represented by the candidate on Oregon th.- churches are nut far tiehinil. ttie ticket opposite his name. The tick­ rhe I’resl.ytcrians of the Mulhern preo- et. arranged as above, becomes the offi­ byterv are preparing to establish a cial ticket of tbe county or precinct and a.-|xx>l lor hi|jhrr e.htci»Ho»i in southern there is no chance to ring in crooked «>ieip>n, and ihv house ol deputies of the ticket-on the intelligent bui unsu-pecting I-P» hco | m I convention in New Yoik city voter. The system unquestionably has on the .»th reported in favor of tbe ad­ mission uf the diocese uf Oregon and tlie I some merits over the on« in use tieie, although it does require a ticket election of a misaionary bisliop ( B. W»a»ar about a yard long. Morris to its charge. Mrs H. B. .MUR r returned from avi»it t«»tuc Willamette valley last Thursday. Mrs. 8. M. XVIIe«»x last w«»« k went to >an Francta-o for a two we« k s visit. J. L. Baine, ot Ahhonsc. ia visii ing w ith his family at Smith rivet t ornora, (’nJ. School district N«>. », on Slate creek, adver­ tise? for a teacher for flic coming term. Win. Haskins ]«»«-fit«tl a <1«'ir.tblc piece of govrrnim nt |an«i nc.tr Grant’* Pass, last wet k. The t»ean supper of th«» Grant’s Pass camp of the G. A. K. last we< k was a grand success. The publi«' s«'h«M»lw of Grant’s P ium now have ,’JOH scholar? on the rolls an l mor«» coining in every day. Potato«*? weighing five pounds each w«»rc rais«-«l near Kei by vill«» by Mrs. G.S. Mathew­ son this scasuu. J. H. C olby, city innr'lntl, i < turiusl last week from Bartlett Springs. < al., when» he hjid been rusticating for * »un tune past. A great many apples have been ,l«-liv« red in Grant s Pass tr>nn all s«x'D«»ns of Josenhlnc county during the past two weeks, ami the quality is gem rally g«>o«L Th«» corrugate«] .r« n r«»of of th«- new opera house at Grant’s Pi«S'is «-«»mplct«•<], and some «»f the tenants ar«- alr«-a«ly making prepara- ti«»ns to tak«-poss«-'si«»n of th«»ir future store rooms. t)liv« r Twist, now <»wn« d by H. B. Miller, t<»ok the premium at tlu- stat«- Fair as a r«»a«is- t«»r. He was l»r»M by <’. W. Kahh-r, of Jaek- sonvill«». an-i wa> sire«l by Graduate, out of -uld Bid. K«»rl»y ville i«»dg«» No. 56. 1. (>.<). F.. will hold im-moria! s« rvu-« ' in tin ir hall on Saturday. «>et«»in r luth. an*l t mm tln-re the nn-uib«»rs of tIn- order will proce«-«i t«> tin- e«-in«-ter.v an«! «iia'ornt«-th«» grav« s ol tin- depart«'] nu*inl»<»rs and fru-nns. All ar«- invited to join with them that day. Ev< n a pant In r kn«»W' a good thing win ii In- s« «'it,andH l' r.»|M»rl«»«i that om-<»t th»» var­ mints »itla« k«'l Dr. SpiTivr. of Sucker creek, wln-n he was «»n hi' wax honn- from the dis­ trict fair with his l»lu«' ribbon Yorkshire hog? in hi? xvagon, and it was on!> after a tight rac»- with a k « mm 1 t« am that tin-«loct<»r cseap«»«! with his 't »«-k. A tn«-«»ting «»f the st*M-kliol«l<»rs of the First National Bank *>t (»rant’s pass was In-hl last week, and tin following «»the. rs wer«- «»lected: Presid«-nt. J. < . Campl»«’!.; v!ce-ur«*si«lent, H. ( K inney ; « ashi«r, R A B — -t h; 1 »irector'. Dr. \V. F. Ki' im r. T. I’. Jiid'on. J. ('.(’atnpbel!, H. < . Kitiiny, R. A B«»«»th. E. A. lioalich an«l H. B. Miller. %m ngth« pr«>minent aubacriber? a' i .u . 11« nry Fail ng. H«»nr| " . Corbiti, pr 'i«l- nt iin«i x i« »'-pr«-si«L nt of tin- First Na- . <»n.il Tank ot P if *nl, J«»»» Simon. (’. A. Dolph, P »rti.ui*l, ami T. R. Sin ridan, <»f Roseburj., say th* < '.»urii-r. Brace Up. You arc feeling depressed, ynur appetite i? poor, you are bothered with h«»a«iache, you are fidgettr, nervou«, and generally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medi­ cines, or bitters, which have for their basis very « heap, bad whisky, m.d which stimu­ late for an hour, end then leave you in worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of liver and kidneys, restore your vitality and give re­ newed health and strength buch a medi­ cine you will find in Electric Bitt«r* and only 50 cents a bottle at all drug stores. Mother». Read. The proprietors of Santa Abie have au­ thorized all druggists to refund your no n- ey if. after giving tins California king of cough cures a fair trial as directed, it fails tn give satisfaction for the cure of cough', croup, whooping rough and all throat and lung iroubles. When the disease efleets the head, and Assumes the form of catarih, nothing is so effective as California Cat-R- Cure. These preparations are without equals as household remedies, bold at JI a package. Thr« e for >2 ¿>0. .1 Al K.-' IN VILLE, < 1HEÜ* >N’. kUleies Kt it Ha Oltlt COItfttl Vltlott It irM _ Cures? Wonderful Results. to lender a man eligible to positions in tbe service. t Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. ¿.«d nover gripe or sicken. One for a dose. 25cts. a box. Drug and General Stores or by mail. Sanfpleslree. TH! DR. BOBANKO MED. CO.« Piqua, Ow Ayer’s Sarsaparifia, Dr. J. C. Aye» &. Co., Lowoll, Mask Price $1; six botile«, $5. Worth bottle. Notary Public and ConfeysEcer. but to induce a desirable class of immigration to settle in what is acknowledged to be the most desirable fruit section in Southern Oregon. The land is deep, rich soil, a large portion of it being sub irrigated by­ CONCERN TNG ONE OF THE drainage from the mountain and is covered with a thrifty growth ol pine, laurel and manzantia ’»rush, the MOST REMARKABLE value of which for firewood will more than pay the cost of clearing the land, as wood is worth $3.00 per TOWNS ON THE cord <>n the ground. The entire tract lies directly in the NORTH PACI- FIIOST-PROOF FRUIT BICT^T FIC COAST. of Jackson county There has never been a season when orchards on adjoining land have failed to pro­ duct! a good crop. It is one of th«! few sections in the county where the paper shell alinond will produce E very Y ear . The certainty of an annual crop will make this land infinitely more valuable in tlic near future of fruit-growing than those sections subject to killing spring frosts. T and will prothiee every variety of semi-tropical fruits in the highest ¡n-i fe<-li<. ,V (,’. to the connty seat will Grant’s Pass, the Trade Cen­ undoubtedly be built soon. ter of the Largest and Rich- TIME TO I5W ! ! TVOW ISÜ 'Till* luferior fruit land is else where selling for five times the figure at whi«-h th’>e debrable lots are offered. Eor fufther particulars apply to est Gold Producing Region in the United States. A. L>. REUTER, Tiuitec, Jacksonville, Oregon HENRY KLIPPEL, RED HOUSE TRAUE UNIUN. Sacramento, Cal 77//s tico!, Ih‘9cribfs a ml Hl ti st rate* tin Stgh * in babies’ (Straps, (flotbing HITS, PLUSH GOODS, ETC. li .1. -. i il<-- the N -w ]»resH Goode, and IllustratcH a Handsome Line of luilet Caees. Boys’ Wagons, Horses, and many Standaid Toys, New dew—lry, Etc., of interest to all. MAILED FREI IHSIAESS (IITOimMTIES. Conveyancing in ail its Branches C. H. GILMAN Sacramento. Cal. RED HOUSE. Send for an Illustrated Catalogue, Fire, THB B iggest , B rightest , B est The most successful ami growing stores in the country to-day are the large, complete and many- sided stores, with goods suited to all needs, tastes and parses. Looked at from a single standpoint, they may seem too voluminous and complex. Looked at from the standpoint of the varied demands of the day, nothing less will suffice, There is no tost like experience tnd practical results, and these support the complete stores. Ours is tb.c largest and most complete general outfittii’g cst ibl’shment on the coast, as it is also the mos. successful. It has the largest trade, both at home and through the mails, and shows the most rapid growth, and its growth has been the mo. L rapid just as its assortments were at their best and highest. The kev to its success is that it furnishes what the people—and all the people—want. It ministers to every demand. It is varied and all-embracing. All its customers may not buy- in every department perhaps, but everyone finds what lie looks for and is interested i:i. There are coarse, stout goods for rough usage; plain, serviceable gotxls for everyday wear, and fashionable ami costly goods from Vienna, Paris, Loudon aud other market centers of the world. In each of these grades only the best makes are rep­ resented, while the prices arealways as low, and in most cases lower, than those of all other dealers. These facts are cited for tlic benefit of out of town persons who wish to deal through the mails. \\ e believe that wc have stated nothing that is not accepted by those who know us. Men believe what they sec, and everyone who comes to Sacra- niento sees the truth for himself. Seed for llkstrated Catalogne (Free to Any Address). WEINSTOCK, LUBIN « CO. 400 to 410 K St., SACRAMENTO, CAL Retail Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Millinery, Household Supplies, Notions, Toy s, Books, Etc. (..truest General Retail House on Pacific Coast. and Sold fams, Village Lets, Improved d Uaimprcved fcr Sals cr Rent. I HAVE FoR SALE THE FOLLOWING DE- 1 *« i ¡be«! 1 1 ■ »| m rt y: N««. 1. ( in«- huii'ii « «1 an l si *;1y acr« * «»f No. 1 elioi<»c, 1- v« 1 I.H» t. ov« 1 «»IH -liait « IB l«>s«-d with a sub- stanliai «• n« « ; «»lu-ot the very last fruit lind v« g«-tabl«» ranch«-? in th«- «-ounty; rich, sandy .■ din. "al'i<«ll>y Applegate el « « k; improved "Hiia good ms, a g.»«»«l r-g barn, gi anaii« .* an tall and wint«»r upplcs. pi« Mty «1 F-inall fruit*, neat» a good schl, g«»«»d out- - !<■ rang«- foi *l«s k; g<«\» minent title. Pin-«», $3 k ami gram farm of 40<’a< r< s; :>x) >i t« n» ; ■?“'.«« i > ' tann land; PJ»).n r«-s id "««od land; tni<* i luiniture; ais* ■ a numb« r of garden I go "itti th«- piare. <>< mmí ««nintde 't « k. Pri< * . hail « ash. bal- « • » «-«pia! y « arly pay im nls, lo «iraw- !<»- r--'t tioinday «d -ai«-, t«« b-.-sc«-iir«»«>in« laxly . kN PIDiPI.RTY, FARMS, VINEYARDS id Miumz Claim.'bought and sold on c«>m- !■ -II. Situat«nn -i» d with th«- Land Otiie«-. PASS. The town is six years ol«]. ha' a p ; olui LAND AT BEDROCK PRICES. of ov«-r 2.000. amt is growing !:i't* N’«». 42. 2i«» acres, town in th«- State. it has twenty larg«» saw-milis iminiprox «-«I taiid. .pi acres «»f bind and 1 1 I within a radius of lw« nt\ mif I fruit and itrnin land, more !uint>«*r and manu • »ur 111 i i« -s than any town in Or« g«»n, Jt has two sash ami d« ing over 13u m« n. A $.pi.iiiii brick «»| striK-tion. h«*sid«»s lire' under way. Hasten g«*n«-ra! in«»r«h:in*ii 4«MJ acres, an aggr«»gate cash I» umiu » s ' <• R»-c«»iv«-s an«l ship' through kt rich gi ;i-« ami fruit lain]; lion.ition ckiirn. A gr« at Comnanv :ui«l other ««Kiin-«* wortli of gold du't niinua 1-. . « j*t of ( vntrui Point. Has daily stag«- « «»mmuni« at i n Sil. c«-nt city ami otlu r const point'. ; ii a< i * rich, h v«-l, b «tt«>m lain!, <»d at a point <»n th«- mam lin«- <1 -«!; small h««iiM- ami sta­ A California Raiir»»ad wlivr« a *i x ’‘««rtlaii l ll « hoicc variety ot up- ritory tak«-'pia« «• !»••?w « • u ami sugar-pitie tim- I rancisco. thus affordin: -mill; giNxi r<»a«l? ?um- iiii« r. I.\ an* cr«»« k run* on east - mi and ami < an I m - utiliz«-«] for ,'.x mil«* 1r«»m R. R. «l«»|M)t; olie- lr«»iu .'Ch«H»l ami p«.».*t«»llice. Price, 1. i >»¿i i i . un)iuprov<-u«»iiii »»r water running «»n north ii y «»I th |> >■ <. i * i* mil*■' from * **un- i,.inl «*u* ami a hail mil«»« fr«un | h »'I- ik »<»III-»u'«’. Piic«*. $3«iUU. x t » t > i V» i S Long-Standing A NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF GAIN, N txrm. REIL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY t I lias been platted and thrown upon the market in lots ranging in size from two to eight acres, at prices varying from $18.00 to $40.00 per acre—figures which barely cover the original cost of the property and expense of surveying This property was purchased and subdivided, T N n i It is AU in the Thermal Belt, A Regular Hon of a Gun. T he Republicans find it hard to give Sprains. Strains, The geni!en»ai»ly horse appropriator fr«un up Montana,but are gradually making up Bruises, Wounds. Douglas county whom Charley Sexton their minds to the inevitable and the lat­ Mi by Dniffptrtt and J^a.erf ent dispatches to their own organs now waylaid at the Jump olT-Joe bridge one Th« Chi*. A. Vogeler Ço.. Batto.. Md. concede that Jwepti K. Toole, Demo­ i igfi lust wtrk has at ia»»t cuuie to grief. It will be renieinberre rememltered th it Sexton, seeing th», ruboer making uil with Li' property .brmi^h: ELAM Vi li • OVN’TY ITEMS. • 100 maj iritv, thia i? ¡¡.deed a great vic­ bis gun to uear, snd Wua p »aiuve that he tory. _____________ hit Jus man. It turns out mat lie did E. S. Gwin has rcturiu*«i from his trip to ¡2 iilv th»’ nil! luuri ing one ui the Grar.t’* liti triennial i-uncUve of Kn'ght. P.t?' barbars was surprised by a wry eu. D Jack- uvilie. i n- In«iiaus are busy laying in their wmh r r.-ui| l»r at Wa.nl.ingioi! city tin» week custcinrr seeking a shave, who explained supply uf fish. »iui a great »urie»». The parade on a blou 1y bandage about h:s han 1 w un me Al•»%. M irtin. Jr . is n<»w a member of the i’.ir- lai lant Wil» one of the moat impec­ remark: ”Yuu Lave some very lively lirtr* • t R«-am«--. M.irtm A C«». R d MPTIY amd P e RM^ÍEKTÍY ine ever held, !>• ing upwaid- of three tramps rou «1 1 err. Two of them sbtr st « i;*uit court for Klamath county convrii«-s un.e» in length an I gorg-u is in the dis­ me last n -hl.” After he !«t: and lhe ncw> ou th.- tir-t Monday .n N“\«-mb«»r. A vit H o U t K ct I jk M df P^ ii J. »( ihc b»i*igt rpisudt- rt.. bed town,tbt b r I'.., J. A. B.»wdoin and «hiught«-r. of l.ink- play of unii •rum. I untri,ry to the liana! u« r thou-d*’ ii ¡ k - m t > inform »Shtr.il Mo'S pr^scisTS and 7] eaiei \ s E yh ^ w -< ei ^ experience, the day was clear and vu’. l. ci il»ecircu.»u't9iive, whp succteded in lo­ vilh-, attend«*»! th- Yreka tair last wc«-k. Gun. John F. Mil!« r return.»«] from the Wil­ *L ìe C has A-V qgeler C d -B wi ¡¡-M o - The crowd at the capital city was equal cating two uf the Stolen fior-c', tied in the iam« tt«- ami Kogu«- river valleys last week. to that of inauguration day. The Pacific brudi not ia. from Mr. Tutts plact, ab«ui! M«»st of th«» l»urne«l-<»ut lm-rchants have re­ coast delegation, a. usual, was conspicu­ 5 u'el H.x in the uftern »«ui. Ki.«»\i; ;g tint sumed busines'in ih w «piarturs at Linkvillt«. ous in the pr.mension, the Gulden ««ate the man wouhi coni«» utter them b- p S led Dr. Wright has rented th»- town prop«»rty of NEW THIS WEEK. commander, attracting much alientiun meu on the road and himself took John llun'ak* i in Linkville. and th«- latter horses, He hadn’t has m«>v<-ii to his ranch w ith a live tx*ar accompanying their rep- station near the Im» to wait when toe robber came Estray Notice Captain Fern • has l eiuriml horn-- t«» K« no. reseutatives. _________ St Xtou’s along tiding horse. In aft»-r «-M'ort ing Mrs. F, r ree and his sons to res|>oiise io commands w»» 1." i » h «I bj B. S. I'itglle, insisted on the sherUt decamping f.r Mo t I, h.«' an«»th« r stag«- < -n. i- a\ nig l.inkvide ev«-ry hors«, brnntle«] oti |«-ft thigh with n .ill von- ol«s(-rvi«r, last .-»tu«d«y for the week ca­ an 1 the ili »r fiietl at hun wrh a double* .M«»nday and iviu.mit, th« tallowing »’riday. nt'cted, abmit 15 year* old. Tin- i . wih - i i i« - li)« sted to call, pay chai g«-s and tak«-1 It«» ani­ rr< «>! r . * fi r «• ! a ::L b .■ kahof V< al [ Billy Webb h;«' be II su pply IIIU 1 h* - Li Ilk vill«» • mal lling «htul er k;».n«»ig or Khowery away. M.( l l.P. Th • fellow market with tin«- bm k;- b« i i o- ail sea'««n. Apph-gut«- Prieinct. <»« t. I. I"1.«. weather lias prevuite«! «iuiing iuu-1 ui shut taking effect in bis Kg. I ha\ :ng sv»-ur«-«l th- sol«- agency h.r th«» “big the week in the greater portion of the ifivh ran «»r ciawit«! into the brii'h and patch.” ■lute, with the average teinpuiature d sappeared. Moss secured th hor'e and Administrator s Notice- Mrs. F. F. Vaughn of Dairy had the oibtfor« went t»> tiiel’a.'s i r assistance. The« u prit rather above the normal. Tue rainfdl was nut found until next day. wp.cn Alex. | tun»- soiiii-tum- sineu to be bitt«»n by HEREBY GIVEN THAT Till 1 Kahn Hr«»*, '« nt .« tin«» !<«t of cattle to ti««- winter home of .htniler 1‘iuvms. Tue ami r»r«)UiL'ht him to town Di. Kremer ex undersignuil lias been ap)M»mt«»«l by tin- R.»gu«» riv< r vailey l;«'t wok in «-are of J. I. atmosphere is clear of smoke at last, nn t . ir«ci« «t the ,1« i a .■ d pronounced the hurt i ¡lank'. Tn« y have 'inc b«-, n shipped to c«»unty <*«»urt of Jackson county. tir«-g«»n. -it ....... r«>*is. ....... ) ]lt. woi.n i rcceiv««! fi uni J Portland. ting in Pr«»i»ate. administr.it rot th«» «-.tat» **f I .. . u.u*g< forest tires *«•• gene tu ally cxtinuuished. ■ . . « i l' Sext* vr. n s I bul.tl » ». I *. t is but trithug. but that j Chas. Craw I.»r J ami tm- Whitrny b«»ys«ii'. G«-«»rge Bla< k. «1» « « a.'« «!. i-on<>itioris have been favi raid* to Seed- I |(| All p«rs«iii'imh-bte«i to said «stat«- iir«-t'- by the shvr.fi i*> str-ous ' wnieii they 1«»rlie ot much practical benefit, umn Itili»». Pi ter tti«- th!- notice*. p in>NEG \ x. «.rain 1« mostly in atciage, held for bet- | Presby tery at Roseliurg. act” v« ry grac«-fully . Administrator ot tin- c«taT«» «»! G«-org»- ter piice«. Hop« are nut moving to any i The Presbytery ui >uuthem Oiegon. to 1 Ben Monro«» is re»»ov • ring I rom hi' injiii ies Black, d«»<-cas«-'l. Dat«»«l OctoberlO, I ms *.». gieat extent as jet. l-utatoe« aeli read-1 th" ‘« uuiuber of ten mmhiers and • everai i at th«» tire, but 'till lias » a very »ore i gtol hand, il* will b>- in eharg«- «• d I «»i o» «*’ KKhtoii again, ily with an upward tendency as to , tlucrd. met at Roseburg October 4tb. in when it get* under way. continuing in *•• price. Several section# of (irant ami i their tegular fall niurtin/, continuing Notice of Final Settlement. j l’vter th«- Po«-t claim' -laitns Dial h« is unable to 1 he IviTitory Vili- ] • remember n lin - «>! t IHS Sherman conntie« show unexj>e«.te retain for 1 io- < ’«»unty of Jtn k'on. sea-on. flic mo.'ithlj bulletins will con-' counties uf Douglas, < ucs. Lurry. Jost- i th»- words iiiia« ’. pbmt. Jack-un. L ike ami Klamath. I h»» In the matter nt th«» «»state of John Dun n- tiinie to be issued by ttie bureau for lurt-tings wer. public at.«! were largtly at c«»au, d«‘c»nis«si simp. Wilson .in I w ’. v.« i. r,i. first white gratuitons distribution. otice is hereby i . iven that the tended by the e»t zet»s ot R« js burg ami vi­ coupl«-married in tlu K. imaih basin, th« u a administrator of th«» estate«-1 John Diir* n- cinity. ¿¡alters ot unusua; interest were | P«M'ti<»il «d J.o k- -il, :a I'.I. l in y arc still d»T« Hs«»d. has til«»d in th«- County Court T he Republican» strongly lesetuble I yu:-MUeied. am n*: the most important bi . r«-si«lvnls ••! tm» '« « lion in w niclt ttu-y began of ceau. Ja« kson « ounty . (Iregon. his tinal 'a« <-<>unt I lit«- SLplmppiiy, <>v* r Is >• ar.' ago. their ]>vt hubby, the t-h«*vp, in the blind [big li.e c-ia.»».'h.t.g ami . locating . _ __ as Riii'h udtninifttrator. and by <>i-d«-i- of Maid Ufuswiil 1« r««. iv.-d until X. vein I »er 1'tV Court Tuesday. November 5. fsbU. at th« h.«ur • « gc for h<:>« r educado.i somewnere w ta ­ Luth with which they follow the lead ot *" f 'r ‘ * ............... ’• > i ’ ■>' tion oti u>! io o'clock \ m .. is set f«ir h« iiring Ail pi r- uiuls ««I the Presbytery. Mm h pl-es« lit i < >a i I ■ Iv n I'aitd« \ . « >r., ami IhcirboEMH. It really l«egirib to look rn the v< r por- V»ns iiit« rest« »l ar»' hcridiy notititsi to app< ar and tih» his or her objections to said aecoiint as though anything in th«» guise ut a Re­ siui» ul plan-* I« r endowment and location ti«>ii' «>t the mt* i \ . n.i«-.unit y . on or In-fore said day . publican camhdate can have nodiili« Lilly ut suet» an lnstituiiuii. Afier thorough y An act« «'f .i i i.ta • » wii 1>\ Mr. I!ild« l»rand Piibhslusl by or*li r «»f Hon. J. R. N« il. Judg«» in securing ibu united suffragca of the canvassing the matter, it was tur ned o**er in Alkali vail* \ . ist pri.iu «uiaiiusl a io ight of said court. < ( RAGSDALE. party, i'hm pleasing trait ot eti Jot wing to a cumiiHitee, consisting uf lltvs. K M< - ot two 1« • f. ami bi' • \ p. it .ii- ;»t ih moiisii .it«-' A«lmini«trit<»r of siiti » »talo. F Die tact tnai.tni' gr« ;-i torag«- plant m put tic- the devil it he but wears “protected’* lean, J. K. N. Bell a*'d Elder • Dated Ovtobrr H, iSHJi. uiarly w««il adapt« <1 to the Kiam.itli \aln-y. Walker, to trke the work in hand and le ­ livery—Waiiainaker would probably The inute«»rologie:ii i* p«*it t- i th«- thir«l or­ pori definite progress *tt me next spring eay “vln ap eludings”—waa happily ii- mee'iegot the l’r• pt*-mb» r gi\«-' Notice of Final Settlement hi’trate l in Wustiington at the recent «as createti in vomudermg and discussing tlie liight 'l t«»mp* lai ur* a> s. «1« gr«-us, oe«-ur- rmg un tn« <»tn. and I «• -t .1 -;*.;.«•« cur- election. A man named StileH wax a the overture sent down to the several Ties ring on th«- I2ih. The numlKr ol cioiidh-S' In thè (’ounty Court «»f thr Stai»- of Oregon, I for th«- < ’«»unty of Ja< ks«»n. camli'lutv oil the Republican ticket for byteri»»' by the general a*>eiubly, relative
  • the revis on «ji the ConiesMun of Faith < oiom l D« m » y, purporting- to rupreaent u Raimey, dt-ceas«-»]. Foratini« it seemed as though the revi' raid* >ad sy ml teat • >>r company , pas'«si t h rough was dis'mvvie«l that be ba«l a doxen or ■OT1CE fs IIEREIIY (il YEN THAT IH E tm Klamutii < «»unty ia-i w-t-< k, «istcnsibly to H administratorof tli«»«-stale«>t Jos. >. p. Rai. ionises we.e hi ih- majj.ity. N ’ *>«lefinit mure imiictiuents bangii g over him for «1« t«-rioin*- upon tie- t«-M.'ibiiity <»t budding a ,-•• by refe ntiiroad tin «»ugh ini' ciioii. We learn that 4 Jackson County. Ort»g«»n. his final àccount as ritory of Arizona. Th«» outside world ring ttie «pic-'itioii lu a .'prciai lummitire] hi' r«-p«»rt will I«« favorable to it' <•* »ii'tru« tiy**f sudi administrator. sud l»y ordcr <»f 'aid < « uri in th«- neat tuture. _ _ ------ Tureday, Nov«-inb«-r 5. ]s?9, at th«- h«»ur «d supposed that would emi Mr. Stiiea* am­ coii.'i'iing uî KeV'. R. Ennis, A. F. L; Jh«- iin-u<-< «"lid »tr.*i t «<» liii«l the grgv«» of l)lo'rl«M-k. a . M , is Set fui- luaring All p«r- pliations after judicial honor? ami that arjd El ler Widiam .M. Mathes, to report Wm. Hackman. who- trn nds wished to re­ sons infert-tite»! are hereby notiti«-«! lo api «-m im wuubl drop out ul: the race. Nut mo, I«».- the l’rcsb; tery ' aciiun at ibtir next move 11n-rtinaiii' t • tin 1 »«1«1 F* !l»>w s cemc- and tlle bis or het objections t«» sakl ar-c*>unt however. Hi? admiring constituents spring meeting, to be hel*i al Ja« ks nVille t. ry at Fort .I..11»••». ( :u.. laM w««k. disclos.-d on or beforc said day . Piiblislird by ord«-r of Hon. J. R. Neil. Judg* tm- ia« t that Linkxiln > ci mvb ry lias no brought their umto*I mtlneme to b*«ar on the -tcund Tuestiay in April, leW. k« «. p« r or '• \l..|>. and tii r« »s n*» way in til« of said court. ami elected him to that nigh pue»tUun by world t*» tml ««ut wh--f.- strangers in 1111- BEN J. HA> M< » ND. mat k -d grav« * ar»- uuru «1. AdniiniKTiiifor ot said «■state. Nawuiill Bnrnrd. HUUD majordy. Now the nice question Dated Octob« r s. issu ariJU-H In *.u«» th«» usual n<]m?ition i? On Ti:e««l-ty muming gì last week ih« Hade v»u th«; governor of Washington! I vawmill ui bit«!. 11. Kuwe at l.eland, in real transfers . Improving Klamath River t * the ptis«-n ui .Judge Stile? to go ami .L*s*»j hi'.«» coubtv, was bumed. t<»getl«er wiih i»tt uf lumber in ih«- yard, Wagon Road. • ami trial in Arizona, will the comity ol The f«»llowing de«»ds l’av«- b» ■« il tiled lor r«v- state? icquiie that the head of Washing­ rtiu wutehman ha t Lut j ist reiired/l av■ onl in t ««ih.. «»till, «minty cl« i k sine«» the ¡112 ev» rj thmg >n fan« n «i >?* unty. wben a last r«-pi •i l of th«» T imes .- LINKVILLE. Or., Oct. 2. IxMt. ton’? jti»l:ciary he ?urjt-ndered up for trial whiipAidu s ;*tt«-rr. Laniers; lot 45. without her jtiimd ction? Ami in the :«•: r.» add. to A -hillin’; a ISO lot 2. bl k. 43. by th«» undersign«-«! at their ollie»» in Link- further event ui hi? conviction of the of* il.»in» > '’ar e*! iti -c.< ral 1 ■»« aiities ai «>n«-»», i biinimit a*al. I ■ \-ii..in*i; « • !i'id«-ration. ?275. villc. Onton, until noon, lense charge« I, and of Ins beingyentCDCiti ! • •»: It* n g il impossible iu ii^iat it 'tuie*- I M. Puntili »«» in. I ¡1 ich; ’int< r« n.. peni­ | lu.lv. although steam nas su«m guih-ii up I ' 16. Ai' liom*. D«« k» y t|M»-»als will tentiary, will tl»e office of fdipretne judge in the ♦ ng ne and ibe hose bi ought to bear hut wi»..;«« K I E.; '230. be opened f«»r repairing and altering the pt« s- ut VVaMhingtuii be dr constructing u n« w rllMMj. i ¡lid ¡«.acl inery havi g b«en 16, in ♦» k. ! », i ’« ntral Point; $2’**». wagon road in the county of Klamath. !>• will thr imutiilsnt be entitled to return •«svttl. and we b arn tha «hr mid will prob- I I nn-.1 Mat. - t.» II« mv \ « iv.h r, pan-lit t ween th«- town of Ken*»an I the boundary iim hii 'I «lull th«* cruiinr alte< l»-;ug n lievr«l • ab v b«» rebuilt at T >lu l«»i lutmr f > b»o a* « «-s in t wp. .►» S.. R. 2 \V. b« tw«-«-n th«» states of California an*I Or«»g«m, of i»*« | .slnp<.a‘* Aside in in th«»! tit»!'!*. Tnrre was >.o insurance un th*» ; Gu» May tu I i t . M. ' Mayti.M; hi :ier«»s in near the Klamath river, aeeording to th« p. R. 2. W.; >2»«». survey, plans and sp«»c!fi<»ntions inad< by pllll IV legal pli«VC '•! Dir «|U< sliun. it war ! pr« pvrty and the i* " f .i > l.»uvi y <»n ibc 1 tw «». X I . (’.». t.» S. .•'/ X. v. • * » «ti; - 1 !•»( .1. blk. ht;<*a> owners. I r«»a«i a-bi. t«» A'liian*!; ¿Inn. ot th«- imdi i-signed. Plans, profiles, sp<»«-ith a J. .X. II xkcrsiiiii ii t<> Th<»s <’. B. II'; l»on«i tl«»ns an«l estimates of «|UHntiti« M «-an b«- set n parly t«> emlorse ut. l elect aiuan't » sncli i for .! -.. It. I w Frótate ( uiirt. a pubitiun when under thr sluvi >w uf ICichui’ti B« 'W I« k io .1 II Mai tin; l»<»n«l for egon. such a contemptible « rime as eiubt zzie- The fulb’Wing pro« eeriings wen had in J lrvd to prop«aty n«-ar A'hl.-md. Bids will b«- r«-quins] separately <«n each J. II. Martin t<» Rndiard |j. k; propi-rlv s«-ction of the work. Th«» right to ’r«-j<»«-t an\ inrnt. As tbr >an Francisco Euim 'iuer probate c »urt, Judj.r N« it presiding, :-inrr in tw p. r» S.. K. 1 F. '..’,ii. an«l all bids is r«»s<-rvrd bv the undt rsigii*->l our lust rep >rl . say?, he has been chontn in the tail pub­ Su-an J. Martin t ■ -tint 1.1«) »«« j sin \sb- < H AS. S. MoORI.. In thr mufer of 11 r eita’e uf Silas D«.i- laml; Sl'ifi. lic know ledge ut ll.r cin un.s’anc« ?, ami Chairman Khumith Riv« r Wagon lb.a«l. Adniini trut«»r N W I lx »\ it ir to bv pivsunmi that the people in­ p«-r, •!»« .;« tri in.ike tiaid e.xh bit on « r tifor»» N. v. '», I (t>. null H«i ;vl«|. 1 ■ 1; vit«». J’»EPH ER \\k| tend to accept whatever ui<*un»«.mem« 1CM». i John M. 1 ay l«»i I » L. Yoc-um; 34..76 ncr«-s in Coniini'-siouers Klamath River Wag«»n Road. may inhere m th s lu itmn. Est. te «.f Janus Ba?r.r-. «!<»«??»•'♦»•. lè­ t » a p. I«» > , It. I... ^2nn ! .?. P. D A I.. « o. to H. R. r„.i i. >IH; lot vent-ry .-ind api rai 't mt nt filed ¿»mi ap- i>lig«.laii«i r.o k id-l to A'iilaml; '|iw I' aiii » NtCAuLE enjoy? tl»»» peculiar dis­ I i»rovt-»i. • > Sam« 1.» J. I* >av,«.i t «». -.» i A, : y'7.3n Eslate < f J S I’ R »iniry H« «»ring .»f lin il • ». A I. • • ».. t - - Jofin Mili« i. |«,t' 7, ' ? aii*I 1»» tinction of i.-ving tbe first American citi­ • blk. 21. Mtsitord; "<*». : at riemmt of a«linji i*trnh»r.'t t f •» Nov. 5il . zen who t«as ever been acquitted of a le­ im« to sane . i .t' I. : an«) .. I»!k 13, m .M.-d- E-D'tr of J<»Ln Duram »an. s »int* unter ! gally-preferred charge of «nine without ¡ as above. ! foni; «X«>. i Joiin M la.xli’i t »John Yocum; 31.3«» a<-rcs ha\ii.g to undergo the formality ol a trial ♦ Blood Diseases are cured by in twp. |o K. 2 I. ; '210. in a court having ciiminai juiisdiction *, I j < . M-orni.l. t. I ru t-. . I., , s. ||„w:inl. Indispensable to the Toilet. the persevering use of Ayer's and now he l»n!s fait toenj*iy the addi­ I lot ii, ii.k. II, < » im.» pomi. '.»•». Sarsaparilla. Darby*' Prophviar’ i«1 Fluiil < rr« •> » Intin -. I H R. Barboiii |«> \. n < B iit.oin lot 32 tional honor «>1 ka»inf the first crack shot Pai k a l 1 i . \ ioan.l; <». of tnr nation tu etami guard over the ?ti- t rupDt-ns an«l intLiiiinuiiioiis of nil :.in«b. ! llighinmi This nn-di in«» 1* p.n Aih’rativn, m.d ’ . F. Harg.i.liii t < L. • . Kam ; «piitclidm to ur»-' inflamed or » «»re eyes ; reimvrs p:»i; s prrme court ol the nation, sitting in fr.»inbit«s «,r st.ng' <-i liist-cts an 1 ' >te iimlivt.:.'| m»uh ||K t of |p mn n Million dona- muses :> radical < bailee in the svst«'in. bank—a «urt k ; A'hknnl. dial of the goitien token ui Joatice •he i «.»ay . < 1« aiuci and whiL-na tl.« »kin • Lillv D. Bia« kwo.xi i<» Ja» ,.l. v.-n» t- ¿I »Ui j ; I icbi’.s r» i ojiHiiun of h ? va.or ami lack uf Tse«l ti'* a «1« nrrifri- its i nr «ie* the bre i'h . Rr «d tat-'C testiuionial' : — £1 A Wall« I,. MH. ,1. . link, l.a >i In FqiieamishimsM and t«»y? with iria ever- pi-.*t rves the teeth a’ol cures I«»*.!? ;!* In . I i a«’ht .' add. t- • A -hlaml; fsuii. “ I'«»r two years I sulf. r*- | from a se- '•» r r gums .nd placidly l»ut brave- I refreshing an«I e-|a- iai \ benefit ’al to the A. I’. Kyi» t«» »;»■« .1 K«: iiii * :ii»«l wife !<• : «i 'pepsia Ait« r ‘¿ivino s»-v»-ral ly «»ti iiilerpietuur the law in the way in sick. i a<-r«* ¡ti twp. .2* < . |;. 1 I 'I j»» !.- ;t»« ' a fair trial without a «-nr--. 1 which it will d«> tbe most good,and ne’er I «i. Van II rn t » J Wint -Mfie; lot- I*, and . n to tak«- Acer’s Sarsapartll i. I I Is, blk. 4.1. M«slford; «223. a wave of li< uble nor a dream of danger • -:Piv b. in-’rte«l by’ til«» first bo’f’-», Photo. PrirHi. .1 will roll acruirn th« ir peaceful breast? 1 : t«»i r.ikin^ fi\*' hot»I«-' I was < <»m- (>u<«ranieed wmk executid at the full*)« - . iir»-l ” — John XV. B<»nsun, 70 The slightest tap ol the gavel wi 1 bring ing ru’c'. It V«»n’t Rak»- Bread. Vi« a •«• st., Lovvcli. 'Lt". a too■ insistent ?u!i< itoi to an attitude of *xlo. In other w«»r»ls. I!«» «¡ ; p.ir» la w ill group or Mogie, p«r / |12 nn '• 5!.?y .1 bi: j - >”iibitn«-b* broke out reverential reaped i«»r the court, for his Imperial, i loprudoiH ” • •• lo 00 rol «io iinp«»"H>>*Hi«'. It i. The usual ‘ remedi ... ■; ’-s had ’ no listening cur wilt fancy it the t In k of Boudoir, ” ” •• 7 5<> tell pl.riidy what it h.t' done, sniutii» nroofs I • • . ¡ I I was <»ontiii«*í u queMninrii r«-lin ’ i!ity. “ *• fiumi 5 fm Neaglv’s pnJtdinx, “double-acting <’ b •»♦•*.'-, if ’. «•eks. A fri«n«l induced me to try " *• o oo and ,i'k yoti fiarikl . il y«»n art M’ft'rtiiifc forty-five.“ Ami John Marshall will Carte«U» v..-it?, ‘ \ ■ i s Sar'-iparilla. L«'ss than three “ •» 2 00 ) » «»ni ru y «.]»!-<• '«• or .- |le : ion ça ime«! or nro- luMig h - »•.' ■ t the battlement* of M nut ttes, H i heal«-«! th«» sore. In all my <»x pe­ Brìi g your famil cs ntvl have a gmup niole-1 by imp).! b * o 1 or J«o% stjitc «»f the heaven ami mingle tlierml of bitter re taken btiujv it i' U»«» la «» •1 with tne«F.< in*». 1 n.»vt-r%».i ni* *ro sys’.etit, to try H* «»d s s «rsapanila. The flection with his quid of natural lea! a? ♦ xpei ienct «*i * ber WtXTiR P hoto . (’<». • utli ienl assurant e he gaz.es ilnwii on Hie scene of Ids terre? that y u will ta « i am muted in tbe re- .’. -. ••’■*-r marked effect of th«* use of this ttial iaborr ami ucmleis why he trusted illlt. ------- • — Alfalfa Seed. m- an- was th«» str«»i»gthening of my hiK unpi« t«« h d |s»r'un to the imaginary i ” - M ’s. Carrie Athing • stablish- ar.d .' I’T. r«-«| r rribiy ; ami.as mv broth­ rates. F r forth» r particulars c«l| at niy uh nt at Broadway and Gr i.nd 'tret ts. Th»» Ins faith to the prtncq le that the consti­ er a l '.'!«-r were similarly* allli« t«-«l, I latter luid a * r*I.-g»:«mi ‘ „ dispab L . in 111'rigtit farm er address me at J.«* k * nv l e I tutional rights of a few million <»f so- hand that r ¡ul I K* thl- ■ -Iiie I te nia!a«]y is hereditary. Last W. H. B ostw k k . X E W OK I F. y SS, J ||IV -fi. 1 *M». inter. Dr. Tyron. (of Fernandina, called ” free men” require«) that they who .M ax st oh . eh . X« w > .»ik • I la..» .......niin«-mb» ■ 13,166 in tin- .1 ulV drawing of th«» n* . i«’i a !»L iiush upon my l»«»«ly for the them. In tin' present advanced position a position in « i her a fain Iv. h tel <,r on a l/oiiisiana Mat«» I tt«r\. Mr Stadler 1«»«-k las» t‘n- «- m -’ i ’I is .” — T. E. Wiley, 1 !•> F* r further particulars apply at the hl* ti« k t to hie fríen*!, Manag« r Hoc.v of ( i' 'i , N. -v Y« rk (’ity. assumed by the federal couri? it wems farm th» Adams r^pr*«~ Company, for roilcc- “ L isi f dl an 1 winter I was trmibb'i) an unnecessary risk for a supieme court T imes oflice. tion.— New Yoik Daily News. August 7th. w ’:’ii a «lull, heavy pain in iny si«le r justice to di liver his opinions outside the ti. I not n«»ti■•«• it much at first, but it Their Business Booming. protecting p •« h of a Gatling gun. It is iti illy irrew worse until it be« amo Money to Loan. Probably no one thing lias • ausc.l such a said that Da id will he appointed to an n m.»-t ttiib«* iralilr. During the latter official |«isiti«»n about the supreme court general revival of trade at all drug stores Arthur < onklin, th» real estate agent ot . irt «»f this time, «lisonlers <»f the stom- mom at Washington in a short time. ns their giving away to th> ir customer' of Grant’s pi»*. hns n- ney to l«»nn on im­ b aud liver in< reas«-«l my trmibl s. I •o many free trial hotties of Dr. King s proved real-otite in suin' of 5 hi and up­ b "in takin" Ayr’s Sarsaparilla, and, The wide w» should fe*»l duly proud ot Mew l>.' ■ wry for ■ munition. Their wards. f r 'ix p» r cent, inter st and taxes. aDer f lDbfuJv continuing th«* use of ti e pre.crim nt .: i-. u« «i ami I was « «»mpletely every a>pH ing young |-<>htician west uf cures and never disappoints. < ’« ugh-.c«dds, enr • Mrs. Augusta A. Furbush, I the Ro« ko to practi« »» continually at asthma, bronchitis, croup, ar d ail other Ha-.. rhili. Mass. throat ami Jung diseases quickly curtd. the taiget, .u anticipation of the fast-ap- OK. CUNY'S IMPROVED LIVER PILLS 11« m ! *r *y when the civil-service You c tn l«*-»t it before buyo g bv g-’tttg a Sick-Headache. by correcting the Stomach, Bow rules will irquire at least an average trial bottle free, laue s ze $1. Every bottle Cure els. Liver and Kldnevs: beautify the complexion by pu­ warranted. PRFfARKD BV score • « » i*ety out of a possible hundred rifying the blood: mild in their action, pleasant to take, SICK-HEADACHEI REAL-ESTATE. . . ft !i<•••«! .in«! in «»uitivation. It is mat. >1 :n tn-- heart «»1 ll.’gu«* river valley,onv niiai I’.«mt «¡ep<»t. Thrc«- corn- ling.* ami thr«»«- barns ar«- on this 1 < 1«-liar«! ol a choice variety «>t i’i 1* tree. ri«»h, black loam, and Ida without irrigation. Will hr iun«»h «»r MilMlividvd intoJ farms ot 2'.u-a< 1 •*• 11.1« ts. I’li« re in tto wast«» land 11 a« 1. and tt is without «¡urstioii one o! b a lai in* 111 Jackson county. F««i terms midp!.«.' u«11 drain«'], ami well adapt«*«] f.»i « Un. i fruit <»r farming land. Ph niy of limb t ! i ail U'< ' with place, it is situatc«l uithm • ii«-.iii’l thri‘« -h»in ths mill'sot Ph«»»nix railroa i >b-pot « an «»asily be him «!«» «» ih -ol th«- .in.-li«-s«»n th«* «-a.'t sid«» ol Bear cr«»«-k. , S;:’ 3b p«’f a«, i -’. ‘.»I. c >., bi 1«H f.-nci-’i ; 43 in iultivrtti«»n ; eight i-'. - <»1 adalfa; >«>ung or< har«i «»f .MMch«»ice vainly «-i Imit tr«-«-. smal! vincyani; good. 11 <1 v. |inui-lh«ii'« . barn ami «»utliousvs; running wat« 1 tht >iigb tin» farm; k « mm 1 out- .1 'fo« k. Thiit«»«-n miles from rniroad l’i ic«- l«»r crop an.I farm l»2. I*, h ih -1 • ' -• 1«*» halved. 30 acr«»s in cultivat ion, I m« th " ,«f alfalfa am! timothy, go« al on-ha rd. p.. rn > t tn-t-class gar«l«-n lan«i. ali cover»-«1 by »>. at -r i .*. mi tu«» 11 rivaling ditcJir?, two mih-s tr. in -iw-mill, «»ii« mih from sch«Mil-house, .. c , -- .lily ) UIH It; h-nrilig in -¡»1« ndid <■• m«liliori, hiiiidings only fair, lum- l>- 1 < in-ap and humiy; 13 miles from railrotid u« i».»t l’i ic«-. $2i«n». • r«»p included. IK. 12»» a« 1 ' a« r«-s i«-uc«-«i and ¡10 acr«-s 111 cul­ tivation; live a« r«-s 111 alfalfa, small orchard, «!"« II in k - •»'»use. small barn, «-ic., running wat«»r tin «ugh th«-plac«-. Price, $l«MMt. H4. i ,;ji)M<-r«-s 2-0 a« r«»s fem-id ami 130 acres in «■iilliva':«»n. g "•*! h.nise. barn ami oiithous«-*, goo«l or« hard an having a l i ami extremely f«-rtil«- « <>unDy at it' otiri'oiitidt'l l»j vvlttat will • n . iii*i»o.y | be the larg«-«l and tn<- richi-'t -• id |- r«-gioii in the lTiit«-d Stat«'. Ih« i « are j min«s n«»w in «»p*»rati«*n within t ity mi the town yielding as high a* SliX’.'»»* p* num each. Th«-r« i* «»m- quariz mm« th- l.\ chispicr). within 12 milt' «*1 tow n, shipping or - in < arioa«l l<«ts t«> th« S« jby >an .1 mg \\ of San Francis« »». t hat g«»«> iron: *!«»> i - -■.*•• per ton in g««ld and th« r»* is litti* doubt imi what hundrids «»1 other min«-s in .I«**«-pi. «•ounty woul1*1 « • an* down from t I k - cloud'. *>r di«] it «•• *m*- 11 -ai I h« moth«»r lod«*s still umlisturb«*«! m tin n«.um- taiti rHiign- «»! southern <»r«g >n- Ju*iu«- f t yamr'clf. ('ity amt suburban pr««p« rtv mt • town of Grant’s Pas* i« th«- Pacific < ■ "t W. « an sell you « hole«- busini-ss i<»1'. 30v l<*>. on itn- pr* »v« »<1 st re«-ts. all l«»vei, and within - ►» a » f «■• I • ’ a fíiü.UIH brick «>p«»ra h«»u«<-. for $2« m « a« a. \\ « can sell you nice rc*i«b in « l**t~. t!\• l«: »«k' from th«-’ cent« r of th« city , in ih« midst i lev«-!, ch-arni and «»n inipr«»v« d -t«« « t-_ ti.-»-i $33 to $1(10 «-neh. As a buy«-r.yoii " -aid nat­ urally ask. how «an y on atl’*i-I t«»'« il at th«'« piic«»s with a p«-rf«vt title, if cv«-rythmg is a- r«»presentr«i? The answer is. w« ar* tin Alvi coui<] s«»ll at oin -hait th« *’’ | i •* .! «Iis|»«»'e<1, and make mon« y .jii>t t a- I .*• 1 laind (’«nnpany di«l wh«n tlu-y *<«l’l l*ii*i tu-ss lots in the iloitrishing '« aport tat« of affairs. Great CITIES AREMIT BULT THAI WAV improv«-«i wúh a barn aud granary, alsiut unti an orchard <4 alM»ut ried fruit tr<•«•**; one largc sinali« r oiks <»n th«- farm. ini«' th« 'Ugo iti«- plac«-. Sph-n- • , u it h g«»v«-ninii nt tifi«-. Prier No. II. im - Inni*«- in Jacks«mvil]<- rvHsonabi«- t«-rms; thr«»«» s t . in n; : MMtt d «»n Third str«»«t. a - ri has a g. »«ni " « « ! of wat« 1 at th«’ do«»r. with an n«««"ai\ out I m »uses. Will I m - *ol«i «heap, a* tn» .ovini 1.« in « «.'tern Oregon and has no lui’ih» r us« 1« r tin- pi<«p«’rty. N«>. 12. TIi’ ' ... .-t -I ; an.i NWT4«.f >E»4 and NE’4 «>t >\k 4 «.1 '■«•« . |... twp. -L • .utii, rang«- 1 « a*t. « - .niait: :ng l«J' act « s. Ant« loi»«’ «i»«k run*, t li: « mg 1« this pia«-«-; a u.»«»«i M« » k-tarm. Eric«», >• '«1 1" r ai re. A good invi sttn«*nt. No. 13. \ ,w«i-*toi y ! ' n t ImiiMc in Ja< k'oin ii!< . " ’ * • 1 pip* - t- • th«- pr« mi'«-*, ami thr«»ugh I . a« «i room in tn*» lion*« . from a living spring. « n« n- i.'- - l«»rat«-d on a full half I>I« m k «*! lairi. |i«*\2i«r t • • i m si/,«-. :uul ha? all the trini«» , rov. mg th« i < .n n* « •« *sary t«»i a fami I j to i«s«*. 11 pi. mis«- ib » w Kin for *20 p< i month; pi i. . '• -ni; wi'.««» a’ lime««! sai«-, def«-n-«l pay- ni' 1 • t> *« <’ur«’\ < «I with a «iw< iliiig-h«>us<- aud • ■ . ..:«!•< .11 ng orchard o1 truii 11 •-« -. ,« ml kn.’W’i a-t-i«- tipp« r Bull* pia«-«-, pri«M- $11.«Ml pi .< i- litll « ash. balun« • hi ’ii«y «;-.!; d«<- 1 • i . • d pay in. m > t«» I««- Hrcur<»«l i-y 111« «ft jU'g«* on j r«»p« 11 y X »::*•«• liti B ii< !»««■ tor ** >m«-l»o«iy N«». 1«. I. t' iiuni; K-1 on«-and t u <• «»f s«\-ti«»D ,<]. in toMti'hip »«south. <»t rang« I w«*t; also tn«» lot limn, i • 1 1 o1 *« cti< n 6, in t«»" nship .Ui south, of rang« I w -t. containing in nil *.*» actes, l’rii * . *«• i er acr«. No. 17. A « «»¡ ii ! i labi«- I nunc h«-ii*«- w »1 li a \ « ry .arg«- ¡<>t ni .!;«< k'»»ii« ill« . ilia g«KM¡ ih iglilM»|-fi«»«MÌ, l«*r ' . * «ili i • ’iu»t>i« t« i ni*; lias a large Mt- ¡i- - -i «»«»ni u if h a g- >< h I tir« l’iacc, t w«i giMHi I»« «I- 1 >->i: 'airi a kiiclnn, ;«g<>«»<1 well ot WHter at tí«« «I.» i. v. ,»<»«ih« u*«-, «.-u». iT'ic«-, $x«i. X e 1'. 1.ali’l' 'I » ! :.’l»s i. Is, r». 20. 29. Hlld N*y «»f '• •« i. i n*. in t*•" ii'liip .v« 'outh. range 1 w’« 't; «•<>ntMilling 11 a»-r« an«! la*«wn'lri|< :<3 ?«H>lh, of rii;i-r«* 2 "» M, »-..nkiHiing lumi a«»r« •*. H all «•! tîir a!»«.y -in« ixt ioti« <1 land *h<»ul«l I»«- hold hi on«1 l..»«ly . *•. I-- i a- i • 1- ili* pin «-. l! s«»hi in «1UNU- t it • ■ u I :« " I ' i .- ui 4>i a< r« *. at j-hl 1«» ji3 pel ir i • . «> « «r*1ing 1.» Ih« «qualify an.i >. baiati« «-oil t him * t<> Milt pur« ha*«-r; «k-f«-t- < «1 pay ih » ut* t • l«< >< » ur«-«! !>y a ni<»rtgHg« on tn. |>i • ‘ei'« - I lit* land i- m««*l ly flighi I5 roll- in ■ ,a. -■ I, .ii.-! ! • among the i«« *t fruit iun«i* in Jiu-k.'Oti < «»unty. Xo. Iv Th«-r«-is a spi« ndi«l opportunity in (.ratii - Pass f«»r th«- «»stablUhnu nt of a goisl hank, a brcw«-ry. a flouring mill, a foundry . a ma« inn« 'h«»p, a bakery,a restaurant, a first-« l.i" h- ti . furnitur«- 1a«t«»ry, broom 1a«-i«*ry. iii«- :md press«-«! brick faet«»ry. fruii ■ aiming and • :u- missioti wnr«-h«iuse and innum. i ai*i« «»th* i « n- t« rpris«-s. Th« i «• i' mit an fill«- man «*r a \.-.« am building of atK* km«l in the tow ti. ami wc mt g at say, by way of pnrenthi-sis, that tu« r« ar« \- I «•rnl sal«»«»ns in Grants Pas' taking in troni I $30 to $100 per day «-:«<-h in cash. To inaniii.e turen» or «»th«»i»s w ishing to engage in l»«;-i ncss. «>r t«> spixmlators desirous «>1 '« curing a a in i larg«-number of lot', w«- can «¡not« .’-toni'h- Alito itigly low figur«»'. Don’t f « h »I armimi w it h ' lid ru «t eat investm«-nts until this opportunity i- g -n« N... 2»’. : r I have Gr«»at Bat gain'footb-r and il will an«l tti< ti‘•kick ’ yourself h»r not g«iiin„ m. La - ,l m* .i. ¡i .>•. t o" n» hip ’2» -«.«H n. range pay you h» «•\am»iu* my li't « ar«-fully b«-for«» but buy at <»n«»c and w «• w ill ginn ant« «• y <»u . < - ! ; .«.-o latri* m *« « » ;• n* ¡il and tin south pmi lui'ing « I m wln-r* Il you hav«- any nrop- t «Ts« «tu li m«». i..« n-hip A» •- nth. rung«’ 1 • tiy toi '¡ih . «’iiiii«- ami s«-«-m«’ and I w ill’do my -i. <-.»ntalning I.' xmi a« rr y<»u. ■ i ra.it« n< < aii'l i un* t«« Rogue river. Wil’ otti» * m \i d«H»r to Grand (.'»ntral Hot«*l. - I « le ap in n.t't«« suf purehnM rs, and On th«- inv«^tni«»nt f«»r th«- m-xt tiv<- y«-ar.'. I ■ bt Mcdfonl. « >r«»g«m. it price* a« « iirdlng t«» s«-l«-vtions imui«-. The history «»1 Sp«»kiuu Falls is going i • b. r<> hen ar KurPEi. peat <*«1 in 6 rant - Fa" m i h« n«\t two y .il* Xo. 22. Just us Mir«- as that time arrive». W« ar« A -No. I grain an«! st«w k farm ««1 .Mb a«-r«-s, 5 Dissolution of Co-partnership ready to wag;T Sid**1. t” be «b p«»'H<'l in any mb« *ti«*iii « «-ntral i>«>mt iailroa«i station and bank m Ojc sfat«' thai I«»«.'w<-ar< n«»w »« ¡ling $2»lh " ill s<»ll for *2u«* lh'j-b <«f I k «’ y« ar>. six in;»' - from x|.«lt*«rd iaiir«»a«i station; all jJ«Hl< 1 1.' HFIIFBY «.IVEN. THAT THE u\« l, ida« k Ian i an«i • n. »« s.-I u itIi a nine-ruii iii .ips, i»rn»«'s and tiny <»lh« r «1«'.’ «-d inf <»r- R » j j. In. r-lnp I k r« t«»t«»r«-existing lM-tw«*«*n lene.-, and all mH« r « ultixation. impr1 gotwi K, ring " lu< h luinisli« s it « « ntral r>»int, « »i « g«»n, is this «lay dissoh «•«] pl« niy «•' - a«. ; f..| d<«-m-sti<* and stia k pul­ '•y ant nal «•• »ii'*-lit. A.E. Larson r«-tiring 1 nini po.. . Thi». t.,, m 1s , pDbieot being«li\ td- thè firm mid W. H. x.j.mss «-ontinuing th« •‘I nit ’ two. tin«, ami tour fann?. ns «-very liii'in*’". 1«« w I kuii all accounts ar«» pHyable •>< k <«f H i> good land ami n« ar a s<-h«M«l fitsl an ! w tm a'.'unn-s all liabiiitl«»* of sai«l firm. postoih««. liti- iK-rf'-et. Prie«-. *30 p<-ra«!«- W. H. N( »KCR< »>. X««.2J. A. E. LARSON < . un .-! Point. < >r«»gon. .Sept. 24th, ]?W. A i arm «*1 124 a<-r«s. ali I« y« I land, lour miùw H n « « i.tial Point i ai:r«»a«l «talion, all f« 41« «J " ith a rail I« u«-< and «»ver Ita» iu 1 es Hi cultiva- Lumber to Exchange 1 •'•»». B¡ - k «««il, improv«-«! with a«lu«-inng- hou*« 2i\’.’i I« < 1 with four r< midis , a barn 2<»x2s b« t. wo«jdJjoiis« 2«i\2U 1« < t. tu-at a g(MMÌ M-ho«d, N AND 1FTER THIS DATE WE WILL 31 First Street, t " • • go- 'T " , ,»■ • t wat« r an«* g. >« m ! <>utsi. AC. llailroad. Xo. 25. C’>rr« sponr. IT ice. $*>»(». 100 Per Cent. Per Annum J.T.FLÏNNH’0., O RESIDENCE FOR SALE T “ITER FOR SALE MY RESIDENT E PIU»P- 1 «rival Gold Hill, consisting of two large lot-. .v«-ll impr«»vet.2, ls?0. SVSAX DODGE. -Ï- — NOTICE, Tifi. r-.imHSK.NHI» WH.f, Shl.l.GN F.W. I ..rii. ’■ 1 »»« :i ■•n.-hHlf tuf.Ti-yt iu a ih ., inu un n .unii, Im-in,-., i.n.l nlso mie I>| ihà ..f ui uu l ni E.m'.- l'.iint. wlth .lw..|llnF-hmi«.- • mi' l’-l e Ito r<.".! -Or.-h.-u«. >-„r ........... ’■ i’ >ri. ii iD-d in s«c- tion 13. to" n*hip :»»» south, rang«» ¡»««st, *-««tt- t.lining l »o act« '; ab«.ut 44• acr«•» f < ne« d with « goo»| j ; ih ten«« ami jn cult t % at ion. baiane» urt . tupi * a « «I land; t w«» spring« of water, on« n«-ar tin hou««; R. gu«- m « r forms th* u<-st«tn ..... ¡’«11« «»I this pin«. Improved uilli 3 •’ 4¿lpM14x> !*»tii« r «-utlniildings.’ ’Hilt* |>ldf7. , -y oiitli« « a i 'idd vJ Rotfu« riv«T. }| «*f a nul*» d m Gold Hill 1 :uh«.G«*v« rum« nt « i¡¡- . pi b « « .’..'ittH. T« rin«, « n« -balt U»>|‘ Urne ! 41« . baiarn e on on« >««ai ‘s Um«*, tô "*** ’ •••‘■’I •' mortgag« tbe pi«mis«s or • — on .......... c»« ail <»»« <-a*ti at «»ption <»1 pur« has« r. I arti«-* w ishing to pun bas« atn ul lb« alx»v< ¡nr! . « an stop oft at .Mtxlbird, w h<-¡ « th« \ wri! - ¡iM tatth« railroad «kp«»t < n tlj. arrival « I train* by M« "-r*. Wrislcy « <>.. rial < s- ■ •i- nf . who will c.m’vey th-nt in g«M«d 'rato to any uf the lands I lui\ « for sal« , tree «n charge tur conveyance. blLAS J. DAY.