annue ¿hv Seuwaaiu è uncu r Pirbllslred every Thur—toy by lire TIME3 PUBLISHING COM PN'Y cats. ltCKELU E.lllor. NEW TIMES BUILDINC. Office—Corner Third and <’ Sírvete. í VCKSONVILLE, OREGC Rates of bnbm*ription: One copy per annum, in advaix «* . ’• " Bit 111 'llîhw •• * three muntin* . » THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1889 EC«r> MISCELLANEOUS PROFESSIONAL CARDS. BARR ak " GALLOWAY MEDICAL. st'RIBN'ER'S MM.W.INE FOR NOVEMBER. UNIOX SUNDA Y SCHOOLCONVEN- TIUN. MASSACHUSETTS DEMOURATS. ADVERTISING AND JOB WORK. Advertisement» will be inserted la the TfMi. at the following retes?: Ten line», one insertion........................ St no •• “ each su I mmxi tient inærtlor. 7»'» 7F”Lvgalu»!v«*rtl*»*mt nr- ¡ mm • • • Rontbl) A fair reduction from thvab<«\ crat«.*» uu**!* <*» yearly and time adveriker»». THE TIMES JOB OFFICE is ¡now complete by iar than any oth«*r in Southern Oregon, and r< di par* •«" I h > >rably »» uh am in the State. Job Fri nt! ng «•• • » • t > imaginable d«*«criptiun don * at S in Francisco rate«, and in a prompt and first-«* . k * mahn«. — — —— — ■ —1 ■ — SEIZURE OF DEER SHINS. The recent article of Prof. Henry Drum* | WonciirsTKi:, Mad«. Oct. 2.— The Dem« Fur the pan few months the fi*h com- moiul oil “Slav» rv in Africa.“ an«! he an- The sixth annual Union Sunday ocratic rtate convention was called to nuteionF a two »lays, session at the Presbyterian lion. W. E. Runhell, of Cambridge, breakers are lieginnin.; tu realize Of the Cure of Skin Diseases the widespread desire for information <• >n- church in Ashland,Tuesday and Wednes ­ Urnnl'. Ori'J»". was nominated for governor. that the eyetem they have been follow-, ihe continent so much . ods Fail. naee in Akira Irutkllng, »’ron» Mr» »'. toff» great a proi'lem. In ihe No», it, (r has kindly furnished us the following ever living principle? of Democracy and Yesterday (.'oruiniseionvr liontier re­ GRANDEST & LARGEST COLLECTION numl er wi 1 appear a still more important condensed report of the proceedings, the platform of the last Democratic na­ ceived information that a con»ignn>ent P. P. PRIM, PKorinxiti 5 veil*, covering I'acr. hrud. and en­ contribution to th'.* knowledge, from an . » » taken from the Record. tional convention;’* avow* continued <>f deer rk.HH fiom A Larbee, a com­ tire body With while mm !*, skin red. itch). eE NEW SUMMER OCT. HBST—MOKNIXG SEBHOH. hearty aup|»ort of tariff reform, who>o mission merchant of Ukiah, wa»i h-ing am! bleednC* llnir »•! ¡r"ne. S|M iit hun­ dred» of oollNr*. I*r«»m»uhcr«t inrunilile. ‘ Wh« re Emin D.” C* 1. H <«. Prout, a Convened at 9:31), J. S. Walter, pres., ultimate triumph ¡a predicted ; demands •lii|>peuAv, thinl d«M»r t«> l«*tt ot en­ h ft chtsk, i«|WB«rtii»g «vr.»*s my n,.-... and Mf- rial province, an«i formerlv a f< llow nffic» r conducted by ltev. G. J. Welist-er, of necesaitiee, and contintnw: ol Emin Bey, will fully describe me lttile- Ashland, followed by an address of wel ­ lieve free wool, as provided for in the mosi ciivcrilitf my fa«*«*. Il «an into my « yes pany with a iriend, awaite.l the a»rival trance. and tbe phyMit ton was al rani I »» .»uld lose my kriowii regi« n ru ed over by Emin a"- 1 come by Dr. J. S. »»‘alter, Ashland. bill passed by the Democratic majorit} of the train an»l confiscated at the fre»yl.t J. R. NEIL, < yesigbl aitog«li’‘‘i . il **pr« mi all over my »•wrriiig fully the «pi* sti« n oi the tub*. H» of the iaat bouse of representatives, is Subjects discussed: 1—The pastor's office on »Vanhinit >n street 200 ekina, of head am! iny Itoli f« II <»ut until I uas « titin ly wi 1 give many personal reuuilecti ns of ATTORNEY AND t «H'.V tiitir«- tuxly, my face, ; a de­ K. VauTassel, G. J. Webster arid F. G. grower is dependent, while it will afford The conimiaaioner t>ropo»»»s to »tie tbe li»*ml him ! Mhould* is I»» .ny the »vorst. Tin* I’es of Gordon's teiters mi I« tt «»1 en­ bhouhlors and arms; I Im k ii would thicken ¡rails which have enabled him toest.-ib- Portland, ami Dr. Geo. Kahler, Phoe­ It declares free uoai and iion orc and tbe game law .v. aich reulcs to the trana- ami I m * r«*d aniig «4 African i: nu lub-r, lhes- gi»o»icy: tne gair.e law, which eays: I * ili» V he Mate. one box nt < 'uticuru ami «*m* cuk-* of ( ut icura I«* a el arming an ! pictuies«|ue .study of ih WtU practice in all court*» of 1 3— f ii-» o Tiet rr r ' h duties. Miss Hattie lavorn in prut or entire reciprocity <>f Tint Law. Sr.ap, I w.i> « ur» ,»t 11n dr- i»Jt u! p, the w«*P known K v. 1 G. Strang* wm reported a sub- Canada, close commercial relations with fer or ex po»»e for Sale, trahH|K>rt or hive J. «I. HOUCK. | th«* ('uticuni R m •!i.*ciir »1 il »«ith i.t an» .."« veto , wli • e jiy follow.-d by Kev. E. .McLean. Uni« Fur» and Dt-< r Skins. Solicit order* for savtd in» lift am! I ?■ * I .t hi » did} to r<-vnn- boEdinga and i|ie line architecture of ti.e 4— Music tea» her’« duties, Prof. C. F. spect toinipor'a'iceuf Mexican < res,which been removed or any c.f the aforesaid <»'•<«< Hill, Oregon. tnend tin tn. >1» hair i* ri*‘t<»r« «l as good Luinht-r. eV« r ami so is ii.} < »«'■»iglit. I know ol a num- low n, a* well as *crne* in it* stud« nt ife *-ln ;>h. r»l. <; ncra! discussion.Dr. Ksh has already led to retaliatory measures game at a time when it is unlawful to MAX MULLER, Will attend to all hii*inv** in my Iim* »»¡th »hsastroaK to im|>ortaiit American inter­ kill the same is guiltv <.f a misdetneJii'ir. bcr «»f different 1 • : "ii » *" hav«* umn I tin A reniutkabi* article by D«»< tor Jano s E ler, Mr. D jwi iiij, Mrs. <». J. Webster. pn»inptn«w and at rviu*«>nabi«* rat« *. < idifornia Street. Jacksonville, Or I'uticura R'tm c!» - ami all hav«* r«« « iv«een a common practice for of th«* l'ii ««l State*. Army, eutitl «1 A Al'lEKX'OOX SEselOX. frauds; op|toses the scheme for national many years past with hunters w ho reside WM. M. COLVIC, N«'W F:« bi < i H nor,” w 11 t’eat <»( devices < -invention re opened at time airpoint- election laws. in counties in this state in which deer oy which the wounded may i»e a**i«.ie 1. ATT<»ltSEY AM» COV.S s L1. uk AT LAW. “»»’e condemn the present adm uis- have liven fairly plentiful, to hunt an I NEAT. DURABLE. ST .G AND CHEAP. pain *-are«!, au«l the lives «»f the injur« Pres­ (ration for narrow partisanship,low stand­ rlangbter the annuals, regarul.-s ol age •/arkanncillr, Orcjnn ¿j^eb'mr» «p »iól< !. » - ■T<> GET VOVK ■ • in»-, v. ry sp Walter took the chairand the ard uf public duty, standing in » unspic- or sex, principally lor their hides. Will practice in all the <•< court« <4 ih«* >lal«*. HUibo ’i(.v«n the work of the iii « e following subjects weie discussed : Itelii*ie. i>!»».-,lin.-. Siu a 1 .. \. ».I •!• !»\ au.i This nefarious bii-ine-s has Is en going I uotts contrast to Uro character of the re­ Pmaetniting Attorney f«ir FlrM Judicial pluiplt .Ha.-it-i - .>1 tn. -kin. scalp and I»I» hh 1, «•or j s of tbe arm» . has extemied l 1» kiln . al;.I ihe *u!.j«r» « f "Fir*t Aid to th- I. - Sot-t » X * r> wti-r.- 1*. * .il ‘. or i ; 11»- >r < »» O. Kahler, Revs. f. L Lewis and for its sur ren»ler to the dictation of un- aiiise" are now almost entirely depop­ J. N. PHILLIPS, •siivi ut. St : s ... y„._ Pi. ; n ■ i i lo- Poi I. r ju.e «. ' now so w.d« I»' *tu«li* d. r< ceive- in » Ii . •in, t> II. Haakius ami Mrs. rcrupulous |Mjliti< al trusses, such as Ma- ulated of tlu-ir game, and unless some i.i*» 1 ape«’ • nv or the moat v hubi* con ATToUNEY ANI» Crrl N'SEl.olt AT I.AW, Pniv a'l'i ''h* ma 1 ' ' : • : ". Ii ■ t- a. ti ,!»ui ons mao»* tu >f >•» ’ * nt year.* A Milton it rry, A-li'and. hone, »»'lav and Flatt ; for its utter t»c— very stringent measures a»e taken to ;C-.»M’u.l I'.e "Ii i»i.. -! ■■ I |»OM. IN - ih paa»*s,-*i0 tlli.-n h - .. . i:.l l’-i I >-iiimmtals. ]•;: pel ' U «.0 ' n 2—T ai h.-is' week day work. Rev. H. tra.val uf the cause uf civil service refurm ; 1 stop thi- unlaftful v.augfit -r of the deci 11 m-u a Wiiuar. »•» A'hland. r>res»»n. < »-•- «r !»r. wt.i j . u ill have im| <» i; n* 1I1* A Ij 'it..n, Medl mi. »neral dieeUssion fur its perversion of the pension ina. hni- : family, tt>e s|Miitsim n of the c.ti and ni lut t’i i -.1 - . ' i i r ugh, chapped ¡ratio! s, conip i*.nu »be ti.**« v»uw* ever 2? >r;.'*'■**• Kahler ar.d otheru. ery for the distribution of the national [state will regret when it is probably to» i IM and oily skill pi « n. ■ 1 -. i ■ t ’ *• 1 ul tne p t«*r or. O. F. DEMOREST. p t mitte l to b- > i».i. .» l -»- helps, R»»v. F. K. »'an- bounty ¡»t.. that Ih. .. »..• • r- the^ame -..... i/’juui) luiu into a a uiraim means mi of iiJiiumciTig itifiuencing voies votes ¡ ; I «alt* the ......l-l- vandals wliod-fv j t lu.-ed to tlie p’.ih- wll il.lis. !"» i> r R K S I D E N T DENTIS T. for ! laws hv slaughtering k-ime. <-.|^.-iaiy v. its salu of nigh ¡»olitical « offices; IIIVV" , IUI » it i ( ii- fc.X'l.*-. «’ - f «t' I.t V ’hit’g re 1 a lining a* ra -el, Gen»-»al discussion. Revs. G J ■ for Ic 11 1 la»l )• »r, < INI» »T - A. L«*wi<, C. F. Cla| p, E. contritiuti»»ns of laige Minis of ni *ney by j doe*.which arc now protect* d >n a.-count rv iiiifortant unii- W< biter, »be Mi it Bedford. Oregon. *)»emb r wi«l be a McLean, H A Barton. waa placed in power, ami fur it« their very rapid decrease, have not which it wa- its ' «r i b t J. R. bolev.oi the 4— leaelivrs* meetings Mr«. C. S. Da- shameless nepotism, .lea-ly indicative been pnui-hed to the fullest estent of tin* CEO. DE BAR, M. D., Str.king pap. r bj THE LOWEST RATES. li-kiiowti authority •non. Medford. General discusaion, G. of a conception of public office, not an a lav.—»S. F. (Cal ; Call. ¡.uv. .i. |> oiuicni, PHYSICIAN ANI» SLUG K » » X, • - The EiL * t upon 1'. Hidings, R»'V. »IcLean. Hliort IxiiM* to £ iùiionriïk I public trust, but as a private perigli­ of au Am l t-conti- 5— The i leal teacher. Rev. «la» «»r night. a.junaI law are canvas-<*«i ¡11«»*. I.»an, I I .......................... |’,Mr*. ( S. Damon.F •• . - 1 ■ - Down* I fOr their çuiutry »liuul«! be ju^t &n«l »ih- this year have b••• n friglitfu ly di-s'.iuc- Cmiiiiieti* External and Int. iu il Treatment for ■»1». 1 l.c v »»ci7»' >vi.c, i a. i- 1-. Ci<«| 4 «hi«* 1.... l»«4hu. I l. t ! .k I* » 'crai .. I... I.. . « —.1 in - »1 In a |»ai»ir »»( t i»ai intirin a: mg. R. PRYCE, M. D., oral, I» it al.AoLI should I... lie administered a tive. l^rrge extents ot lirnlier ¡ami have .< by 1 »«•< tor M. A. tta.’i. on "1.»»- •»■Ijouine.l to 7 :,*k) I M. spirit of fairness and equity, and in ac­ I t>een Burned over, un I a i»-w more yeais lACKSONVIl.l.E, OREGON. t* \ ri* s BTFAllEi; " Ai» -* I r I A N IND S I IH. 1. •» .X i ii- Rvlalion to <'»*- llu’.in r n V T • In* tpawl frnuith« d.u ' 'iiH-•« iti'-n L \ L X '. X i i « L K »4« E - . cordance with the laws of congress. but (of this kind will tir.ish tit» the lui -sts ft'«!». *'• «P u .1 tv »lv- Mr. I r» .1» r <■'► m »i»: the liiml . « »• i ' ». t 12th «Oimdiv hik I nmlb-hit !> have spared. Neither the l.iw- of the lu nd ci' iir. brain ;h t i» an 1 I c ■ ! c m pain » r " Saturday. •• ! .i ; a: s itti a large attendance. A thirty-tnin- nor will, the ol*j-<*t otemptying t tie treas­ I state nor ti.e seif-interest of its ert z ns With. t: e nun I. r wot»outu'ii i William* Brick niiihliuz. up-*»a:r*. Olftcv ii ttebe; to know t».:il n<> p-a--itfii- putn l mat ■■ i i' e vascrinducted by C. ury. •• WediVMiay. ” . . condemn the ruling ..y by which ... , . »Ve ---------- u.c .u.u.g .»in. , n (1J hl. a()|e tu or»» »•, I'.ilui . vtc. iul>m i n, limi, tfer ti. ip» . tbe bi «nt h and »•<>< a •*•... t he d< li- «■event these Oonff.<- i She|'h»T'l. Ai tl o'clock Rev. Cephas tin. mltiiiiii.tration, m reVH.^al of lumi-1 >.t v'tiOO. l oail» s n» r b»:vr - Sin, pub tu «... - The company renarver tha ri^ht t«» u'ia". * ente nmchin« t » «•! >m< I. ta^l«- Hud h«*aring, DR. A. J. LAPPEUS. i BONANZA ¡gratmns. They an-in almost ev»ry in- I . < iapi>, of Portlaml, Sunt. American i Ito .ilw,v. New York. t » L ■ I that tlm-» B« m ;«••«. thcnixli its •-i decicionii. hxattiiowii o | h » u the }a?u- • t « ar»alii* nml Vibsiiy . Trains connect with thro. 1 < . R. R. ; . i v< In* ami ai l« » i •» -»:« h < .• Im po,- n :h.u 1- II' >nc Mission Sucietv, spoke for an hour Hinn list to persons dishonorably di— | stance tie- result of carelessness or w» r r h i . I I i \ N V N ii - i it ». i: i* > .«•Ns T:> \ AQl IXA U»W sur«* to «iti'li rmi n a!«: '.*-it ». i* in l< «-«! a REMEMBER THE (»KEGOX P \i IE! nn M.iKht **• : "H 'he siii ject, ‘‘«»ur relation to the charged,as ait outrage on common sense, Hunters ar d campers move on, h aving .» i . ,» i \Uulu». Corvallis and blr*-in< tn \ .mi li>* • ;.! l.jj« nt*. '|\> ( eatr*! P«.lut. ii sal« . g«'o*l « » • : » '* their tiies burning. S;i* « p.i.eri start a ¡children.'' puichi«*« tm’inini'* h ■ • a *. i what should »»■ a roll of Philomath. blase after their fl «-k- have pa-, e I. with I m .* th» ot».i< et ot an !• !. But • »\h«> r«>KTLAND. I'aH- altriub •! ’la) «»r iiurhl 1 '. T. st » Sn—MullMSo Sl.'slox. honor, and an insult iu every true sol ­ C. C. HOCUE, hav« tri«-«! man.» r» »». ... I j; • a ain- »!••- the object of securing a fresh growth <>f C. H. HASWELL Hay—-$14«*’ 1.’» per ton. 1 *•*• »»invention met at t*o'clock ; ufren- dier." <: -a l 1. r. in i i » i’, n. it. i ». «pair <»f i rli« f <•!■ < iii • G»n 1 F. A I ’ . Ag ’ t, ( »recon l>*4Tei«>pineiit ( <• . Heps--cjlis.t«* ba‘.‘ per pound. ( «»rv «Ih«. Ure>[ 3(4 Montgomery St.. San Fru'icisc . ( . . EggP-’lB'Vt dr»Z. «•atarrli. ft<>m a-iiiipl« I <;« i < ■! r> t!. m t T>|E t-OVTUZKN OUEGUN FllK. — HoU. f »r io xt season. Toe flies spn-a 1 be­ n. OI I MAN. BUH’EBSOIt TO J. O. HAM- Sun lay school reports:—Besides the Ph) Potato«*«» — | er huntlred li»atiiaoine and «Mjdy ia Misses Fox, ivjiorte were receiver! from Fifteen tiundrcddoUarsliadb«s»n s-*t aside , Ti»e waste of the state's resources in this ly failing. Oath—Market i?nprovii i*. Quote ' ilr Ifuril. On K«jn. i I’vited to tall and Plain in# Roods and pri-e* be- tire following: Medford—- Presbyterian by the state to bring out a display of the I manner ought to be stopped, an t soioc per bushel i fore piirch.'iMnK elsewhere. You can always find Sanfurd ’ « Radical ’ •••«• f«»r (. ’ Htt.rrh m ' • I t : M I Wool—quote spring luo J«»* . eastern and Union, Central Point, Ne l creek. resources of southern Oregon. 9»p«viiil utrcnti"ivi i»t, in.d «■’»» Improved Br«'i Provisions — Baeo!) . U(»-iirc'* n I Clothing. Boots and Shoes. tn at• and ‘lie > tit t -. an»l -• i i ! > all drug­ siiouhlers, th- ME« Il \Nh \L ANDOPER VIT VE IH X i l>T, A. Lewis. General die— lire collection ui grains, grasses and {tne ni«»st disgracetul scandalin tire his- Wheal -Valley.$1 1 *a|l 22. Walla Walla, school, Ke\ gists for *•!. ’ •»». Groceries. Hardwr re cm—ion. I K. »'an Tassel, E Mr-Lean, v-g< t.cb'i»»»» petUinly exceeded ’lie exjiec- tory of »»'ashington were ma le at S| o- PoTTF.K Dltrff A «liltii* H • »»HP'»H \Tb>\\ fl 12 a < tl Aahhtnd, ♦ ■ t .. .i . m > ■ I i io iii i 'io i u with i t I i I the I iu iiii ti t. n . 1 L. ... Falls, L'.. i 11* ............ a those familial utruvor- kaiie »»'. *1' T. latelv. ax <»n account Barley Brewing, whole, i*»afrit ; ground, G. J. Webster, Dr. Kahler, C. F. t lapp, Uouiis B«HTt»N. M.i'5. Nitrous Oxid«* Ga* ad mi n ht «*r«-! f»«r tin-pahi- hii I «H-iTythiER generally to be found in a first- able conditions to their production this j of < the terrible fire th.r*. occurred August Mrs. Mathews, I'. F. Strain*'’ per ton’ |22<«(25 <”» c'aa*Country Store. A comai'tt»’ » oj uve,G. g Billing«, E year obtaining to the southern part uf Itlr, tliousanda ul dollars worth uf pro­ !»•»• extraction «»f teeth. ('orn- $1 .'»» per cental JAH. MORTON. MaitoflW s § ilÎ1 <1» 1» Ji,’ Pos to iliee I** (»(Bee over tin* Ashland lkink. FMuur—Vail«*» standards «juotvd at $1.25*. | MJ.i .»n, 11. J. Wclmter, Dr. Geo. Kah­ this state. However the horticultural visions weie sent here from all parts of Bouansa. April 18 1Mb. y . In «»i» • iMH»»«?' il>«*CuBrureAntt- Walla Walla brain!*. F» *«■• I ▼^^^AI*:«! h Ha*f«*r ii«v«*s i li« um.’ifir. C. P. CEAPY. M. D. Fee«! Bran,I'll .i”M.ii-i ,*h««rt*.|l* r» »• h t» k <•> x, ( !».«:> - IH'I W '■;»,.:t> *-• N, Thv food projierly a part of it. Indeed, lav­ the relit f committee and issuol to appli­ next yeai's convention. lirM and only pain hilling p. «-u r. per ton. Metifortl, Orpgttn. ing aside the vast cereal resources of the , cants U|“>n orders obtained from persons Butter—Quote extra choice creamery. Adjourned to 2 r. st. ‘25 (ected »4 stealing 1 P If Y S I G 1 A N A N D SI K G E « » N. *'2 5o each. / Poultry—Q»i'«te clrekvn*. f.n'.; for i i ».wed By a general discussion participa- ing devices in that field. The races, goods and selling tln.-rn to gnx-»-rs and » »U Medfortl, Orrirna. y«»ung. and f1 o'» ior oh!, olo «Licks. $7. t»»»i in by Revs. E. McLean, C. A. Lewis, principally saddle »lashes, were enjoyed. others, bad left the cilv. Chief of I’olice .«« '«• t*alU p«*r <• per ! "X . plottis« 75 per box | ars. Committee on plan of convention er parts of the state existing,tin-'‘match" tire startling siatr rm-nt that a »' "Uspiracy |lal 29 j er box DR. L. WICCIN, anil Hides—1 iiu market i* v.« »k an i heavily reported that a Normal Institute lie sub­ stimulus was resorted to. The local had existed among tire otlic a All of which ”.. ■ • ■’ th; V F. T F. It I N A It Y ' F 1: G t: < > N. THE I NDLR.MGNED HAVE FORMED A *to< k «1. Quote dry hnlr* 10'. grwn stituted f»r tire (resent plan, ami that competition thus brought o-it lab->re'i others for the appioprialmn uf ti.rj relief i ut n i hip u itti »ui nutli. nz«ti t-Mpital <»f expci nc» d S'lml.rv s< ir»i workers from with success at interesting the , supplies on a large scale. Tnree ircil- ■'»(<./5c. sheep. | : It I < I! »v«M»l. 25(rf R»r. ir< Jo*«plila* <*.. <*r. l ».*». shearing 1».M ai Banking Businetui m all of it* branchcH in 20c; cieer*kins, 32a37: ¡alow, good tu -<-hoolwoik. Iheco-t <4 said institute class of fast horseflesh attiacted bv large I the charge. Off!«*«' .»n«i residence a f«’W tnii«** west of J.u k-«t»nvill«*, <>r»*Kon. Otho«? at th«* ohi Hand wa« rstimated at il»'1, 176 uf which was purses to other localities. But Farewell, choice, 3(£3’ j. Grant'» Fam». _ ... ot B-« kuian " Banking Huutu*, S. E. corner Cal­ its a trial ami judge Dri«pecuiMii<»n in San I’r^nci •» THOS. G. REAMES. I..».-. I for yoursclvee. IN !.<•»»’ A ASH POLE. 3yx7. ()• «gon prunes 7(&’t n««w as l«« wie turr < I n 11 J Mcrvyn p:.i OR. W. STANFIELD, peaebr.*. >-al5.n Webb, i f Medford; vice presulents. 1» Then the trot against time »ieveloiwd a Dvtiabiie, proident oi the sun I ran.*- j r.n.i. S a S IKKXCIS^’O. ELECTO' PHYSICIAN. 11. llawkine, Jackson county; V. 1*. ». gait of just below forty. The slowness it North Pacitiern lw.<>•. m «-i.ih \t-n in.g - I ra Wheat—No 1 »hipping, fl ;- t.«, l»r» Norte Barley — Eve«I, cinnnin to lair, G5.»67e ; Dodge. Josephine; Wm. A. Wright, of the track, constructed on granite soil ni« line north to U.« 'v< to r'1 »hl« I. x*atf*d iti A«hhin«l. Or . for the practice u'oo«l to choice. »’»7(i/7’>c: briwmg. S«.ka Klamath; secretary, J. I,. Downing, and better suited for winter work, pre­ county. A promn cut re-udeiit • t Crescent of hi« |»rtife**1«»n. Make-« ill! «'il! -nie «liw a -es, ’ aior city had a < on versa « :oti < I. J>uua- mich »u Ith« iirnatism. Asthma, Pile*. Kidiu y .‘aiuiiv. K.-. ps tliv lariti -t stock of .»«bland ; treasurer, J. S. Walter, Ash- vented a better showing. One feature ♦ I «’>»mp!Hinf*. • tr , a "peeiait » . hue recently, in which ih- < •• ».iel rug Oat* ^1 oovffl 22 L»r coninmn to choice. of the track performance, a race w ith gesled 'h it «he s.tu b ram'isc » A North l'a- an.f. P«>tatov* Pwrlvs* (riaS.1. Burbank s«*e«l- Medford was chosen as the place uf money on each quarter pole, struck Mr. tihcrailway w<»ul«I I»e t»ui.t cventu lyl> :ngs • v(" 1 I (ri, to, Garn« l ( hile.iVic; Ear y J. H. BENNETT. M. D., Gregg as valuable. The workingsof this 1 Crescent city, ’ ll he builds to < r *«cnt next year's meeting. . Rose TOaSirc* device were too lapid even for the 4>uul I t itv>ai I a wc’l-fsiiowu rallroau < unira *- ->í ; i» » IIVENlXli sekvk t:s. -Mll‘1 - i »not at i*ms range from Sall" Hop* -(¿iiotathms xaitc. G VI % V .*•. . ... 1 ...... ...... p H Y s IC I A N ANI» SV EGEO X. W«a.l—Humboldt :m2’-* ; San Joaquin an*! ‘ An Arms oi One." The interesting It was rather a novel »lecision of the •-me, bit by bui ding a h.«ti-ire 1 ur so I. mut'n F äm . Oregon. , ! n...« - i ■«;!;■■■ north, be . », ai ¡. • uthern.l le. spi-ak i iicld his amlience almost spell- judges the first two q latter« to one horse . I income.” • la what wwy? • >!l th«* tioriliwcst cuaat. Was aoked. Butter F«)i good to fan« v. «¡u<>tv’JIc; b hi . I dining the evening, ami at the ami the last to another. In this way •’ A hv, by Di »king Ll- r >a«i a brat’« ii ot lb»* pickled. 20(«£'25c.. clu-c be was given it unanimous vote of 1 four good races take the place of one. great Nui tLern trauMun.iii* atai me. or n W. H. SOMMERS, M. D., - ■ . Hay—Quotations range from $«;..l.’ per thanks. 1 Im clioir was also the recipi­ l'he management of the southern fan n »t a brati' li an adjunct. Donah ic >» »g- PH TARTAN. SlTiüEoN A A«« «HT III I K. ent »»I the thanks of th«» audience for the ■ has labored under the necessity of get- mg to 'he N'»rti.vr.i Pa lie t»»*w. and I ton. .toiue Jarkaoniillr. Oregon. PRICES : excellent mn-ic. This closed the session i ting up an exposition and its dwelling think bib plan ih f oil. He u ii. Hags—Sl*»w, at »¡'2r. wl.H h I • «■ I I Onions—30a40c per « enta! i th«» convention, ami all were well I place with sufficient effectiveness to de­ Ins r«»ad ironi Uli-.h along ihj r I A|.|»|. Fr. •- Eureka a «1 t ’ resccut city. ' - ..g tuc 1UH IIA VE NOVV oNR <»F fi IIE Rl> I i ',4 IFi" ' i FJX«, MILL* IX I HR >TATE. plea«e»l ami much benefited. serve the thanks of the comities fmtu- state i’.n«, i.c wil ¡»a** <»•• and w.ti step at r :t. h " ... 10° iff " “ night. < on 4u I tat ton* in either Engii-h or < or man. and the nate enough to be north of the Californ­ Yaquiti« bay. I r«»tu »»hat 1 have lie.«rd, 1 Phnn an«l Prilli«'Tr»*«*« . * “ 1# JurksoDHlle p> Room. < ifftoe au«l residence on California -ri « « t, «•» tr­ « »th- r tn au«i shrubbery furnish«*«! rcusona- f. ia line ami unfortunate enough to lie a am .-ali-lie i that it is true < «noitvi Di nu- 0NLY FULL ROLLER FROCESS MILL uer of Fifth atr«*ct. .VLB' DEMOCRATS. l»lv. .E< k<< nvil e. uJi rJ» :«t or.c time was tin little too far south of Marton county.— I hue lia-* never dtnkd that io brini f«»r 1'ntulogu«* t«' most impurWil town in *<>ii’b«rii Oregon, t > make a vonne non i»t. u -en 1.1- ro «»i and J. II.-LTTLEMIEll. Wtxribuni, Or. Sal. m Staleriimn. ». • » gnid-«»I flour « V« r otfcr»-*inpo»ary urganixatiun of the l»em- to the tra«!«* In this s»*vtion und ar»* pr« pai • *11 • • ' »mpl atti ntlon. Ax I mportan r D écision . —Comtuifl- sides tha*. he La« practical;} ih «».».y inlet th»* di*advaiHages «if bvirt^ sidetrack« d. ocratic state convention was made per notice. AH oniers by mall or in p« re«»iij» t I r- • ■ 1851 »Vh n the <» A C. R. R. was building inani-nt ami a platform adopted. It re- aioner Groff, of the gvi.eial land office to Sill I lull I“'1 > ¡or a » Ij.o1 UUlltlClKjl and ha» [ smith the utti .*1* ot tbut eoinpatiy want- Has rendeied bis first decision, it was line.” Test the Flour and Yo i Will Use No Other. cur»- f*»r d aliii ms the doctrines of the national Deni- »d a bonus ot to take the raiir« ad M iddic ii Ul (<•• • i ' the case of Johannes Frederick re. Manul u tiiHT t>1 into tiie town, lire citizen«, however, ocratic plaliorm oí 1sSS,an»l says : *‘»»’e Fred Hansvlin on appeal from the ( »»NJiu»H//r< «u < «re»/ ’ ' 11 :ix ii:•» I m eti 1: <»til«L ! »Io m t advocate free trade, but stead ­ ihouglit thi* to > mti« h and (hat tbe road i ai«!»* ’ -»ith I ■ . »5 hich sci ti; DEALERS IN office An <»i«l phyki imi . r ir <1 ir«»tn i»ra« Jco would haw to come tn the place; but ii fastly advocate the piir.ciple of tarifl re­ decision of the local land bons of *!•«!<•;,;;, • hai t>. I !;;»»<• t didn't. The company left Ja<’w‘onvi h* to reform.” I’.esuteiit Cleveland'sadinin- at Benson, Minn. The decision a|— Laving | la« cd in i »*• hand- by an Eu-.t Ay» i 's I’ , Í a i»-, i ,»r r»di«f. I the we*t live it«i « s ami staited M« df r»i a* isttation is emioised. The Kt-pnblican pealed from holds tliat Hanselin failed India mi.v'iuimry tlu i rinnia •». a 'im. le gìivl L» say lb.:ii th ■ La»«* sei Veti l»**:il«*r in a rival point. The citizens «»I the pl.t««* to comply w ilh the letter ot the home­ vcgi'taol»- remedy í«»r lin *|»vvdy atei |»er- » I.t I tin «ir ito*, L« ;.cr tl in a t have gir«k«l tlicir loins and h«veu«lcr- l»aity is charged with obtaining |>ower stead law, in that lie eiformed in six months afitr the entry, only dig­ fertioite, ala«» a | h »- iu \ c ami r..di «I cure me*. Oaii nt . £ um «» h . Mas*. motor road betiwc n J h < k*oiivtlie an«! M«* *- lor nervous «i<*l»ii«»> »«»<«1 nil • • i r 'iui-es ami shameless trafficking ul A full Im*' ill -t.M'k ot ’«»rd. and an electric 1 gill i Hni tor both ejhim't and other ot!i< es to the highest ging a cellar mid building s foundation, plaint-, afte»* having ’» -te l it- ^underfill ham <11 Mill \l. Hfll.htXtl MATERIA! t«»wi«s \ company hi* made a piopo.-d- bidd< rs President Harrison is arraigned the ent.j- was accordingly cancelled. curative powers »n tmju-an«m jret cau*rhl, !«*»*»•*• no tini«* m f * 1 ! ti**n t«» «io this, provuied, a bonus <1 U’.i-Oo for having remove»! ‘'hundreds of hon­ Commissionei Groff overruled tins de­ ¡«•It it hi> uuty lo ma»e i kuuun to hi* .*ui i Kl.rAK! I» EY ¡’.'t¡fittiti -» an«l pri<*«*-Itst *« nt <>u applicati«»n. Bring tollo * .*. A« .uat» ‘ i by thi* inouv«- cision, ami in ins review of the case finds hegiven by the jieopie of tiie two town*. < 01 NTRY ORDFaRS A SPWTALTV. Recently tne city trustees of tbe two place* est ami capable officers before the ex­ that llanselin, who was a poor man,was. ami a «lenire to rela ve human *uBering, Í Dr. J. C. Ayer à Cc., Lcv.ell, Mais met in conference, to consider theproposi piration of their terms in violation of hie getting along as rapidly with the im­ »»ill se: <1 free oi • uii uh » «1« «ire H. k;ft«.rv ut W« idh r’i* Mill. HuìevrooiuH cor Sold by al'. Dealern in Medicine. < •k*on vi 1 o, tin* rc< i|H*. tn German, i r« n h «»r Eng i*L lion, and an agreement was re.«« hed that ante-election pledges.” Thinl ami Entr«*»t*, Portland, Oregon. WE INVITE INSPECTION provement oltlie land and cunMitiction with itili «Jireí tion* !«»r preparing an i u*ing. the* sin u d m divided in tile propor­ The plank dealing with file Tquor oi his house as possible. The commis­ ><*Ut by limit by ad«Ire**m^ *%;th -ti:u¡ tion «»f $12 » ’ hi ior J.u ksonvd «• .«n0U (,.» will TV y<»ll |»h,HS»‘ .piestiuu says: *' V/e do not favor the tin- fur M»«i(urd. Citizens of both p a« es arc icstni ted sale of intoxicating liquors on sioner adds liiat the six months title is naming th.* |a|»« r. \\ A. X'«»\, •.,! in P. *.» not h> lie insisted upon where the entiv er’* ¡Hock, ILata-xt« r N.Y. ng-.iinc ilrit the bonus will be raise«i and that the scheme w ill materialize soon. the one hand nor prohibition on tbe man's good faith toward the government other. We bt lieve that the liquor traffic By the Thousand ! Ebe conipanv ask that ha f tin* I mjuus be B B DIARRHŒA LLIXIR. ia sufficiently fthown, or where his ai ts stair X«»rili:»l. ra «1 when the electric light 11 »nt i* put slioubl la- restiaimsi by just atol equitable are not incmirist-nt with an honest pur­ OF ASHLAND, OR., ill I XTrEKSIGNEI» Is Now TAKING OK- excise laws rigidly enforced, which Th* A*hl n«! >(at- W i . i .I ' • 1 • :! r- n <»peration i probably about Jan. 1* ’ ) ai.«l Cures from th<-tight tu the wor«t furi» et i '.ii 1 1> ■' lie .k~ k»-»-|>» It. Sufi amt sure «1« r* liir«»iigh Ja< k.*on and Jt!«ntiHl track of *t* el rails, on w hich a chusetts, Rhode Island ami Pennsylva­ is r./mdi .l as important as indicating d th»* u*ua* mlv.-tti'Mg« * < f t / < i FRUIT TREES .1 in the policy ci the geneial land office with *chw prepare«! to furnish th«» I m M of mriMC I wt.icb the *tu«!«*n» tea« h« r i- r»*•« i • I t * b«* msde with perfect saictj. 1’urUaiid nia ate denounced fur submitting or pro­ respect to this class of claims. for publie or prirat»» l*aitiea. Balls, Pic.tic*. Ac , \n» koi'l n»i<« «l in u tirst-cla»!* Nurs« ry. K. ELDERKIN, Ker.and Mni.RKW posing to submit prohibition amend ­ J. O I t Crnnine Rraleni ©f Memory Training. w«*rk, un*kr -ki Ifni ui««t«n. A*! 1 n I at any point »»nth«» r«»a^t. J. W. CUSICK , Treasurer World I our Book» I.enrnril In one reading. al»«» baa the tint *t « ¡ uhm I v in tn«*-tale f>»r ments only to defeat them at the polls. AB the new popular manic i« pHyed by thi* Lnrttra’ io-tenre I •'< ’» ant inc t r« « s »vili «lo w'»*il t«> give no­ Mind waudcrin< rnrrd. Electoial reform received renewe.l Of tho«e cosmetic* whicbRive tothe face n h ahb ami < ««¡nfurt. It* i ure < oi l water Orcheetm. th. o-, i hr-, i ' I w ill guarantee **at ¡«faction. T \»’rv child aod adult arentlr benrfitted. H iving employ«««! a Isri:«» number <»f mueiciar»* AN vr.rv DISCOVERY. I »v o .ill m\ tr»-«*«. if properlyrarid tor. 'll li'l* p'eilg» s of support, hut not as emb.xiieil ghast.y (yea. ghostly) whiteness. Such !r tn th«* niountu m. h * white bulphur an«i «. - xt tuducwucats to <;.»rrvr.p»»ndHnc*« duswg. A ww ar«» able t<» fiimitih any nutuhe»r of ban«!*. I’> !in-«»f |‘ i»iiu nt <•;»'*> . Produce taken at I* i ‘w’t'ie, w;th opini >n« of Dr. 15'in. A. Until» i in the Sexton bill which was a Republi­ preparations contain lead or some other Mxla »pringw are a «1* Ii. ht t<» »he h«a’h A Report That hh«*u1<1 He Read, Any inatruaiMiit* or a caller furnish««-! to other t pin . |f.«N»:,-4. «»f Pi-ach S««-«l wanted. >««.».lt|, th»« w»rld-fBm<**i Kiwctni’-t in Mui»t Ditw-i han«!*. All «•rdvre by mail or telegraph prompt, "An-ffiit analyxalion in I’h '«»tviphia by a can measure last winter. Hume rules equally injurious and dangerous sub­ *rekrr. \\ <• >ll u LI l*v gl id t*« Fv « r.«• A. S. JOHNSON. l> micl GrrrulrnfThompson, t • om- at P«rt h»»l ly nttemled to. Term* alwa»* rerutonahi»*. Ad- .1. 31. li’irkiev, !>.!>..«*1 v»r-»fth»» fl.n-f./in C?1 br. j0«i < hf tniet of tea >»• »p i I mt bran Is of mt I for cities and tiie administration of Gov­ stances. the use of which, if long contin­ mu * lent* trout all parte <»f the *•.»(<_• A%k .Lu k* »nviII« . Or«-ir»»n. Aug. 1. IMK1. v«*ur sriialur • r rcpreseutaiive fur a free ;«pir»lia «lisclosis the «'•toDlsniui; fact that .« . V. . Rieiinrfl Prorfor, tin'Kcw nti»««. dre** PROr. GANIARD. ued will, besides giving the skin a tough m bol ir-hii*. <»r a-i 'i • ■ Anhland Or. IV, %V. .Vfor, Juda-(iitomi, .liidah P- *hv*c ten « of blood purifiers ( ") con ernor Hill are indorsed I s - mi L ttuil», «N't <‘lu-r*. " 1» »1 fr»»-. by and leathery appearance, ultimately pro ­ l.inulin the aggrevn’«* sizfrtn different min* J. S, A. M President. Ex-Assemblyman Frank Rice of On- Pr»r. A. LU1M2TTU Fillte Ave., N. Y. eruls, eleven of which we e active poison«. duce paralysis of the nerves. This state­ A>b>an i. <>r ». NtGO.OOO.oo Iodide uf potash w** diarovere i in every sam­ ! tario countv was nominated for secretary ment is no “hug-a-boo,” but facts, well- ple, mercury wm fonud in all but two, while of state, Edward »»'empie was renomi­ known tn chemist- and physician*. t»a-ed (¿cud Mark. < hmn I Orchank. ar-enje ended in fix of the ten brand*. Not nated for comptroller and Hon. Elliot on the well-known physiological effects of DR. JORDAN'S < > I > UPON. one brand »»as the pare article." M. nv « I the tw*t <>ri the Mate ¡fix«' !»«•< n Mipp< ♦•«! Joy, the manufacturer of Joy's Vegetable Saraa eial, John Bogart for state engineer and such outward sirns as before .-tated II »»Hi. nursery fctock ir<»in lie 1!:-ud nurxry *51 Mark« t St.. San Fruncico. you would use an article which will at Go and h am how to avoid dis parilia. Mr. Joy exhibited no surprise. Ik surveyor, and I'ennis O’Brien for court once produce natural activity and beauti- 1 A. H. Car» n X H t»iiin ot the Heart. CITY BARBER SHOP. bonk. RonotiB and injurious subst ince?. Pr«»*' livery. W rite f«»r !«’* ih «. hence his was named Joy'» vegetable sarsapa ­ 1. »- .11» who »»liter hotn occasional pal- It kills all inflammatinn and imtation. and lath« nounced by leading ladim of society and | only auro duatrvyer of MUrubLS afid other dkiu rilla because it contained nothing but pure pitsiiou cf tin» heart are often unaware I AI.IFoltNIA STItEET, I mat ’hev ar»* the victim» ot h*»art d*sea»c. the utace superior to anything ever pro-| Sc ed '. Srtsl : ! Set 4. : ! PWteltM. SETTLE-UP NOTICE. syrup of sarsaparilla, combined with the pure i .»»id ar* liable to die will.out duced tor »»eautifying an«! preserving the i ORECON. JACKSONVILLE, like potash sarsaparilla«, It dues nut force im- ¡lotn. :i*"t i nr» th«- disease bv us nz Pr. dcbtM to the nnIIF.RSIGM.I> I> FULLY PREPARED I r»> l»*»l barley and lull ferri. Baled hay tn ( on«ntui«i ion Rntvly Cured. book acroQnt. are Imretry requested to p .ritics through the skin but stimulates the va- «iu |{eiin»ly. Mark D'llz Co. N. Y. t.» :»1 iw •! k in hi* line in th»* best inannL <‘irOll call anil nettle at their »'atli-wt convenience. Our ricus secretive organa thereby rorr»-ctin< ftinc T«» tui E ihtok ;— I inform your I carload lot« ur less. Ap> Iv to ami at niisoiint’le prices. H E. B aker . buhincH» tn net be clo*rd reaen OXEY T»> LOAN ON t.irNG TIME AT zitfo Examiner, Prom ¡ff uè»». Settle Up permanently tliAsl. 1 -hnll be glad to *« nd L-nv K.rr.-«<.n It -nt E-tat ■Svnritv. cruilrtjj lfit€R<3 itcMng wffM iffh", Thli Fir«t * mid, then a < nutrii, then r»»n Call on «»r u«U!rv**4 iwo Unities of my remedy fr«*u to any « f l,!. PERSONS KNOWING THEMSELVES ai Kind. and PttfrudUiy. yhM to vonr reader« who hav«* con*un p’!«»n if ^«lmptinti. th«*n death. “I took Dr Acker'« •»be la "Grateful. ’’ irn!«»bt-«i t«» th»* »»*tHte of Dr. J. H. (’hit- VAWTER A. WHITMAN, they u111 Hcnd me th lr expj *• and po*t- English remedy for Consumption the mo­ I .»r » m > »k icc««unt. ire hereby n«»ti "T saved flic life of niv little girl bv nl_ M.ilfonL or. r 1 v°* 1.» Rosi e» till tv. ment I began to muidi. and I lwdierrd it th*» wiiiip within th* n^xt thirty ufli C ad Ire > AT ElriltT t’Ett CENT PEI! A.NNTM frrtt » remi • use of Dr. Ackers English RenvMy I stack i he I »tach ictT leu diretti) ns th* tort. ítteotMl. iMorln ÍU « .»'*.< •» |-r«>p4i-t\ <-r !aiilr«i» ii®hlo to co«»*» <»f *ait. For information regarding price« on n -or, IttMsQ ,nd eSisrts ■ y-r-nsninfCur». BOc. ! son rt ..»»-limp- >n. -Mr« Wm. V H ,.rr - 1 ™ (’. B. WATSON. i ... r 1 1 n» and giw them all tbe Infor For .lie by E. C. Brooks. fHÄ*"!#«i IPX rea.'l teireet New York [ton. For tale by E t. al»ov«\ «•nc!o<»hig MtHinp. Will c«»nwv tuqu r* r« I Att’y for Iterate. or -»IT fñí'iiw rè O» teínw «te« Ö matlun vont« rnlng tho country, fret» ot «. ' n g •»•i ■ i A*hlan