Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1889)
A»rrpr bjf tho Tide of Popularity To the topmust pinnacle of success, Hos- tetter’« Htnmai h Kilters stands a shining ijroof of what» euuine merit, backed by I ha lving force of proven facts, can a‘tain. The North and «South Ameri« «• > • ti e j-, Europe, AuMra'i ’, the \V< > Indic-, Gut - mala and Mexico Have al* <••’» t i-»1 v id- patronage and testimony t’li* m >» i v«« ah’« kind—but uns«4ic led —t .- we I reputation of this sterling rein- dy Am n the maludies for which the most convincing public and professional testimony proves that it is a benign curative, are chills am! fever, bilious icinittent, dumb u ue and ague cuke, dyspepsia, liver complaint, ner vousness, debility, k-dney and bladder com) hunts, it mitigates the iiitirinitiv< sof age. husfens • onval»*s< ence, has a tend* ncy t«» prevent i 1 ons> <j n nee- from exp «.-me and < xhaust’on . 1’ei -onj of sed.-nt ry b tb its and labmiou* o< eupat on-t w II li » i it a i 'flu! (oir.c. QE1IEHAL NOTES AND NEWS. £ he ^eiuciuitic ®imw. MISCELLANEOUS MISCELL IN EOU MISCELLANEOUS. Hon. J. H. Mitchell ba* returned to \Yasliiiigton. rilURfcDAY SEPTEMBER 26. 1380 Edwaid A. Swope 1» now tiUBtee ol the 1’ortlainl H'orld. The people of the Coquille Hie alarmed TO ADVERTISERS over some fatal cases ol diphtheria. rue Fl.MEN laia« n circulation of2500 Toni Meri v has ^iven up Montana I t*»e larK+at enjoy < <1 by any nrimpitper journalism at>d will letum to Foitland. a.ibllshcd between l'ortlnmi au«i Red Bob Younger, the youngest oi the no KlnlT, t'nl.-a diMlaucc oí 500 mile«. It torious biulliers bi-aiiiig that name, died health therefor«- offer1» the beat 1 ii«liiceiiients in the Minnesota penitentiary last we. k. Its pe«*ullar efficacy is flue to advertOnr Hat aa principally as niiH’h fo the pr<M-«-M aud At the race course at Saciameulo, of La* HL h in*a Ge»M - m ¡lnl«u>n ronlinM to Jncluaiu. Josephine and NOTHING s\i'.l in compounding as to the Palo Altofarmseatries, the 3-j ear old C l. * thai:. ..“. tr-’ .Mi l » I’l.n-I !* A • th. r«-.ln ■ : ■ tin m-vlvea. Klamath rreniir». Kuala»«*»» men LIKE IT M* r. < a »he I *»“ an I B ■*!;.; Nor« F a », filly Sunol had a walk-over for the Occi TakeII in thn©. It check* ! “CaatarU ft «oweU adapted to children that I Caatarta rnrre nolle, CooMIpation, ala«M4l«l Iskt' noir of thin. Fkce. Nome, r»« , U-»p|»r . Ior«»l Biot. h. ♦ di»» use« In the outset, or if dent slakes aiul luadu a trotting record ■w>., ,r. u>< i N. alp, ar* I « I recommend it aa superior to any preecnpUon I Hour Stomach, Diarrhma, Eructation. they be ad enured will prove u >»otcut cutk of 2 : hi t, for a mile. Known to me ” IL A. A bchsm . M D., I KlUa Worms, ------- ---- (1res --------- Bleep, *— aiid ---------- • - i i ■ tliera k ” •» promote* dl- No Ha sKi te Witat II J l’rl«v, <1 (K> p«*r IBoMl*«. naUon. Noagle, who killed Judge Te.rv, has .vor.vr.o.v /’/ vex . U1 Box Oxford Sk, Brooklyn, N. Y. | Without iajuriOM mart tratti», •.«« Khlu»»C«<* h!-n ltai»i»m not only been discharged by tiie United Cur» « T.rliui, 'I rcuria’S; pSil.t.-Kiir i> xUoche» o! Tux Cxwrzva CourzNT, 77 Murrey Strrel, N Y. iiukiiau, I*.k>n-* hi th * Bonv«, ¡’Aim in the It takes the place of a S-r. on the mountain t-jp afar. States couits but was presented with a Pastoria is ircotuiuendr«! b.’ pby.-ic ans doctor and ••< '.«> pre- H< v!. l-a k « ! th» Nc* k, I 1« rated Sore Those lofty pinnacles that reach > gohl watch by Judge Field. FOR WHOSi Threat, Svphu.f <• Kaeh, Lump« and con for children teething. It ts a purely ve^i- a.’ript ion-. \!i v. ho h-.ul So near to heaven that a star I •M’dviil-.ty l*\- - And tra * •! t vi M IL hm «»t the Lainba, and Burns like a taper bright in each. John M. Gearin, the Democratic can table preparation, E h ingredients are pub- BENEFIT eradicate» all diava»«- from the aysteni, it the t est preventive of didate for congress last June, is ni Eu li»lie<! each bottle It is pirabant wh«’*!.tr »auxsi by indiacretioa or abtu*. and «•••>! .‘i«»r ln«ii»v*ti*’ii, There, changeless all the a« ason through, I rope with bls - wife, and will visit the to the taste an«l absolutely iiuriuirss. It 4 oustipitl ««»it. H ! ic lie. Hi I io u *ii e«n, t Mercury, leavirr the bl mm I pure and i n it gr»wji cath Mr* I lifts it spires. constipation, regulates tin bow« '», «piiet l’Hv* Hi.d .»I» •«!.»! Dvp - »»ion. So lOe»S dthy. Prive »5 <»O per Bottle. Th. ftr«.t to catch th»- morning dew. Paris exposition before Ins return. pain, cures diarrhoea and wind colic, al <>f Um«’. • » li. r.< •« >. «• with bu»ln«*N9 I.«- Itirhau’« Gohirn Spanish Anti- The last to hidd the sunset nr«». while li: L mg. For «-iiildn n it is most in The Piesident bail a splendid tiip lays feverishness, destroys worms, and etolO t r the < ure of Gonorrhu-a, Gleet, nocent und h.umI.-s. No danger from Irr-tat.« n Qiawl, and all Vrinarv or Gem prevents convulsions, soothes th«» child Within its aisles no sound is heard I through Mew England, and tn his wake nft« r taking. < ores Colic. 1>1- tai di-Arnuu’cHivi.t». Price 9 4 .’»0 per I While summer s service decks the nave; j tbeie was a constant noise of falling and give» it refreshing natural sleep. Cas- i exposure arrho a, l’.o\»»-l C<»ii»pl.»iut •. Frvvrish- Bottle. It“ alt« r knows no priest; no bird toria is the children’s panacea— th« ninth ne«» Mt>*I FrxerKh < «•' Invalids and woolen mill», bankrupted fur lack of free ers* I.e Kirhau * Golden Bpanlah In- *’;ngA from the emerald architrave. frieu«* 35 «loses. 35 c* délicat«- p wo. tool it tl <- mildest jertion, for o ver« caaesof Gonurriu»«, raw material, says the .lita Calijornia. AiM-rient an«« ¡ «>’H‘ .. .«■ »•• ” • A li’t’.e I irtamn*.cU>ry <.;« vt, bCrk-tun»,JM. Price Rut -..-ben wrapt in her rhroud of anew. tKK«*n a* -u Jit in- - r« «<■-hing -.<-ep Lakeview Examiner; Silver lake is 91 ’•’> per Buttle. Selling Out at Cost. Beneath the roof lies earth asleep, and a natural «-vai ea: i.»a of the »»owvla. Le HichMO*» Golden Ointment \ mournful music, measured, alow. in an awful fix. Thousands of dead fish A little taken in ti « i. inIng sltaip«-*iS I am now ottering my entire stock of tine f >r th«* eff ’ live h«-aI.n/( f byphUiti« Sor« », Wakes in the »imiuit of yon steep. are lying in the mud. The stench is the ap|M*titv, <’l*-aiis<s i,.«- stomach and and «■motion’*. Price 91 no per Box <lre>s-g(M»<is, staple ami fancy groceries, I.e Kii-han'a Golilrii Pilio-N'enj •weetena the br« at h. awful, t here are acres and acres cov clothing, boots ami shoes - etc . at less than i That solemn dirges winter brings and Brat .’rudment; 1< mm of (hysical pew* A l’liYSK |AN’S OPINION. The heart to pomler thoughts diviue; ered with them on the west side of the co^t. Parties desiring to secure bargains *r, exit*« •- overwork, i*ruatr»Uon. i’t>. “I have been 1 ra. u< uig (vr i it is God a harper strikes th«* strings leinaiuing water. Pelicans are doing wi I fu’d it to their advantage to call at Price 93 per But* twenty years and nave n<-\cr i ce-i ;»l le to Stretched on the forest harp of pTnc. once, as everything must ba sold itninedi- well. Tonic nnd Nervine. * put up a vegetaLle coirp nd luat would, atelv. 1 am de-irous of closing out my b t even win re, C. <* ’».t n-curvily packed like bimmons laver I- . >- ; p«--mpdy There is not a faro bank in operation ¡’«rexpreaa. and effectively move t' ' 1 '<r to a« k n, busine*s, and will give great bargains. ALL SORTS. and at the ume time aid n-te ! of weak- in Pendleton, and “bucking the tiger,” N kwman F ishkk ening> the digestive and —.MC-uiauv« a F mcn*RDwA co., .*«*■«•, that dangerous and therelore fascinating powers of the system Kj. German carp are plentiful in the Wil- form of s|>ort, has given place to the two Trrrible Forrw arning«. L M. H inton , mu ., W.» Vingt* u Ark. ban F»an« i-ao, (’al. UiAetle river. pokers, chuck a-luck, twenty-cne and R1RCVLAB MAILED FKK& Mark« of Geniiiurnr«*- I shir the red Cough in the morning, hurried or ditli- We have now ou our »helvee th© iuo«t Elegant AenortmOut <»f Tradr-Mark on front <•! a d tlie Since August Sth HW8, ten residents kindred games, remarks the Eatl Ore cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness Seal and Signature of J. H./« i»tn A Co., m in the chest, «¡uickened pulse, chilliness in ol Eugene have found a watery grave. gonian. r«d. uulhv side. Take no other. THE STATE the evening or sweats at night, all or any R. E. Bybee's Broad Church won the The dead forests on Yaqtiina Bay have of these things are the Aral stages of con Montana Derby by two lengths. Jubilee been burning this week. Fire compan sumption Dr. Acker’s English remedy ies fiotn Albany and Corvallis went to for consumption wul cure these fearful second; time 2:42. CUR VALLI S, OREGON Six formidable war vessel# are in the bay with their apparatus, in res- symptoms, and is sold under a positive VIA In the very latest shades of ('anhmeres. Herve«. Henriettas Sicilian», Almas. ( ombiuations Man- course of construction in the different IKinse to telegrams calling for help, but guarantee bj* E. C Brooks. I luckily their services were not needed, cheetei Cashmere«, Bunting«, Satteens, Lawns, Ginghams Prints, Percales, Etc., Etc. United States navy yards. Term Comin*uc»i Wednesday, Sep- Jacksonville to Medford. the wind shifting. tomber 12. ISSN. Indiana has a law which prohibits the Patronize the only wagon that connects The Eitajette, M. Ferry's organ, states manufacture and sale of any vinegar not i tiiat Germany is about to place an armv with every train, rain or shine, and carries FACULTY. the produce of pure apple juice. Co.’s Wo have Piques, Zoph>r, Plaids, Fancy I^ace Cheekn, India Linens, Victoria and Bishop Lawns, A full corp» of experience’! t*r«»f»««»ra ami corps on tiie Belgian frontier and rein the U. S. mail and Wells, Fargo Teacher». The Lake county Examiner says: force the troops in Alsace Ixirraine. It express. Satisfaction guaranteed. D(,ttt«d iS wish , Swiss Flouncing and All-ovet Einbr«»i«leriw-. J ohn I) yak . Driver. COUkME OF STUDY. “We piefer to stand on our own bottom.” I is autlioritively published that DeFrey- Ar the tied rxpr-«»*dy tu meet the demand“ and Wbat’e the matter with your feet? T*2 v < m 3'tlkin«*- A <‘w íiik I l^i’oslk’ icinct, minister of war, intends to double need* of the farming mtereetM wf the Stale. I »Time t»« tween Medford and San Francisco, Ho, b'or Central Point. S. H. Friendly of Eugene paid 17 cents tiie strength of the army corps. PREPARATORY DLI’ABIMENT. twenty-four hours. 1 he undersigned ha*< fitted up stage For Mtit»le«.ta over 15 y««ari» of w» who desire to « ALIEOKMA EXPRESS TRAINS KUN DAILY BE per pound for the 13,000 pounds of Sil In summing up the work of the late which will make regular trips between We have uleo just opened up the larijeht stock of enter the i «41.»g»» but are not prepared to en TWEEN PUHTLAND AND SAN FKANtlSUO. ver lake wool he purchased last week. ter I’ollega c I aM**ea by examination. S. 8. Cox it is noted that the life saving Jacksonville and Central Point, connecting President Harrison appointed Lieuten service ot the United States was his es with all trains, from and alter April 1.1889. MILITARY TRAINING South 1 North. To the extent required by lav. He gave impulse to the 4 UH H. M Leuvc Arrive 10:45P. M. ant-Colonel John M. Wilson to be sti- pecial measure. J ohn A. Lovz. Portland HL1LDING8. 7 3.3 A. M. ¡Leave Medi «»rd Lew 6.(6 p. m . perintendent of the military academy at idea that has developed this most he Large, (’murnodious ami will Ventilated. 7:45 a . M |Arrn*. Sint ram nw •o L» av« 1 7:01) P. M, West Point. roic Khd thoroughly systematize.! sei vice, Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria^ LOCATION. L«X AL PAS.-LN« .EH TWAIN DAILY ^EXCEPT Laura Wolferd, the colored giantess, which has been instrumental in saving lu a cultivated and V* «-latiaa «'oinmunity, and .»IN PAY.) And iinHHt lino of Hats. Furnishing G »«> Is, Boot* arul Shoes. Etc., ever brought toJSouthern Or»*g«»n one of the hoalthieHt in the State. w ho weighed 1105 pounds, and was tlm 1 12,000 lives and 116,000.000 of property. * A. M . Leave Porthuid Arrive irt5 p. M. mother ol seven children, died at Lafay kxpi iiiMFAi innrnoa A flag will soon be placed on every 1.« ave 12,4 “ r. M Albany LeiivrllL35 A. M. Circular», containing matter full of interrat to 2 10 F. M 1 Arriv v Eugene Leavt j V-.UO a . M. ette, Ind , lately. postoffne and government building in farmer», will be regularly train-« I and copie» We have also just received from Eastern Manufacturers, the handwmeet line of mailed to each patron of the < ollegH. A Waitsburg paper says: “We are the United States, Secretary Windom ----- THZ LAND OF THE----- EXPENSES in favor of having the widows enlarged.” having announced that an order is to be Re«iiicM<l to lowest figure». Two or more free The proof rea ler and pi inter were bur issued for the stais and stripes to be Mmolarahipa from every count) Consult TOURIST SLEEPINC CARS, hoisted by poHtmasters and custodian* DISCOVERIES Î ied in the same grave. your County Superintendent. — It»«) roll», all béant if n 1 peî»rn» -over display«»! in this section of ail government edifices throughout We confidently appeal to the farmer» and For accommodation of srcond-clare piLsaen- W ithin the pas ’ five ironths the Un ltemomber that w«* me aot» to give the v«»r.y l.iwost ligares on (ìr<a Ari©H. Provisions, Etc. gers, attached to Express Traina. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS grange« of Oregon to patronize th«« only school the country during business hours. ion Pacific road has added to its equi[>- REAMES At WHITE, Jacksonville. Oregon. eetabiiahed by Oregou for th»« promotion of her <>n ment over 40iX) cars, and is contemplat Near Silverton is a large quarry of S<*e that our trade-mark, Santa Abb*, is agricultural intereatt*. The S. I’. I'««.'» Ferry makes connection with For catalogue «»r other informal «»n, ad<ir> •», all the regular trains on tne hast sidt Divis ing the purchase of more. i what is called “fire-place stone." it is every bottle of that pleasant California rcine- dy. Satisfaction guainnh-cd or money re B. L ARNOLD PreMdent. ion from tout ot F street. Portland. Breeder and S|Hjrtsman : One tbous soft when mined and can be chopped or funded. CorvaUia, Oregon. sawed into any desired shape, and when and dollars a side lias been posted as a Writ Side Division. T BLÌfi LK.N POX a 4. I A l> A 1 OUV.4LLI» forfeit for a race for >5,000 a side between subject to intense heat does not seem to lì Little Joe and Palatine, at Deer Lodge, be affect« d and is considered the safest M lILTU AINS DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY.) stone ever discovered for fire-places or Montana. 7 ai a m L’Ut. Pori. . udì Arnvv bgOe.M. 1 1 I title*. Bank vaults made of this stone i Manufacturo** ami Dealer in IL’.J.» P. m Yrriv«- ( .»i valli» Leave) l. iU r. w. Carl Schurz ba* gone to Europe on would resist successfully the hottest fire. Dealer lie has made At Alban> ari ! t < rvaliis eonnect witb traili» another business trip. The following is a definition of the tariff of (»regoli l’dcittc lUuh'oad. considerable money of late, and goes over D tll.v EX PIÙ.— TKAI.XS VEX< KIT Sl’.S DAY.) this time to bring bsck more German published in tiie Boston Tramrript: “It I is a compact under which the |>eop!e L5u i-. m l.oavi Portland Arrive‘.MW a .' M. capital for investment. agree to starve rather than eat the fruit s «»» p . m . Arrive .M« .MiiinvHh Ltav« 5.45 a . M. The Roseburg /.’<(•« «■ says the reser 'that hangs over tl.e wall b-tween them- voirs <>i the new city water works will I selves and their neighbor's garden, in THROUGH TICKETS ’ *all pom»», be finished this week, and will have a I order that Farmer Jones, down at tl.e SOUTH A EAST, VIA CALIFORNIA. capacity of 550,000 gallon*. The entire Corneis. may get a big price for his a|>- cost will exceed >25,<X)0. r i«>n r.-garding rate», maps, etc., ples. ■ iiii>;«n\ - ax« nt at .M« «ltoi-(i. There is a scarcity of buxine«» houses Theo. 1.. Stiles, candid.,tc on the EHLER. E. P. ROG ERM, in Baker city, although four large fire Washington Republican ticket for su X"4 \ Manag« r. Ast. G. F. A I’. Ag’t. proof buildings have lieen completed 5» during the summer, and four more are preme judge, has t>een indicted six times under coutse of construction. They are by a Tucson, A. T , grand jury for em bezzlement as assignee of Hudson and all engaged. Son, bankers. If the charges are true til South, rn Or»non are her« by informed that Long ar.d curled mustaches have as related bv the dispatches, the peni in addition to a large and elegant line of tentiary would be a more fit place for gone out among tiie northern and cast err. society young men. The style now him than judge of the supreme court. ■ ff in vogue is know as tile “corn-cob cut,” There are about $7 00 per capita of _ UNG5 _ ______ »n j Ji c and upp< r bp show a stubble like that money incirculation in the United States, SeqJJor circulj r.S| h«1-J»'L« J |or Q—. aving failed to cloh »: ovt my i » ls .| , mt*« -n Jark»4MiViUe. am I luul wt. t «!«», ! S for Cir< ■ fa wh-it field after harvest time. and the farms in Kansas pas-ing into 1 have c«». . lud«»l to «-«»nt mu«« t:«e - .:r. > un h hr**««« I íavi a id. I ! . i .\ m « h k th«- foll«»wtrur < ia»»ut ~ Mco.omLE.CAk- th“ tiands of eastern capitalists oil an íABIETINEh •«•alethan «-ver. 1 wa» in Nan Fr irr.»- • re* cntly. There have been 155 land filings from ► • >. which I have a full Lu ; whore i : I . I I li average of 5«» per day ; while inure than S xkiyou county at tie- Shasta laud office «»fail kind« of Firearm» ltnm:ri«'..n, «‘-x: ' MAKE SO M1MAKF. Hardware and SportGoodt- • v r .,n u^nt t< i for two weeks up to Saturday last, two million of men walk the country .Ladies’ Turnishing Goods, By «lisp« Hing th«- sy’mptom.» »<» «»ft<-n mis tbi« market. (»<>*»*1« ««»hi <d the low« *t postal!»)** I amounting to about 24,000 acres, as fol seeking work. Has not the lla;;ard tak« n for consumption. Santa Abie has price». lows : 3 limb, r culture, 17 homestead, 33 Circular plot come to be leuliztd, <f brought gladness to many houH«-h«>lds and by Both Knit and Mualin. 1 will guarantee tSeee G»i«..U »<, I.** w!.at I cap'tal controlling labor by controlling promptly breaking up the c.xngli and cold that 1 r»»pr»*--nt t!««»m t«» l»e. »inu t' ckni! •«» -n- pre-emption and 97 tiinlier claim, says th« money market?— .State Journal, l.‘e)i too oft« n develops into that fai a I di“«as«-. will old cuntomer.w for th-»ir i-r. .?atr«.. .*^ • robber ¡. j the Yreka Journal. yet «.nV.- thousand» troni an untimely grave. ly beatow»»!, Iw iLi r«*p»-*. tfch -«.I • ■* ..»n- The new war ship Baltimore, built by V«»u make n<> mistake by k* « pmga botti«- «>f tinu«u>u«of Gt« « hop *. JOHN '•I1J.I.EB It is asserted that the sales of cigar the Cramps, has ma le on her find trip this n«»ted California remedy always in th ettes have fallen off enormously within in rough sea 20 knots per hour. It i.s house. tbo past year or two, and that the prac said that the navies of th“ whole world Chilares’» Short Clothes, tice of smoking these vile little rolls of do not possess ten vessels that can at C’orn-Shelhrs, Fanning Mill-, Wind-Mills, I’utnps, Barbed-Wire Sta Under 4 years old. fourth-grade tobacco is failing into disre tain this speed. So it will be seen that pies, Oils and everything kept in a first class Machine and Imple pute. ibis may be true. Decent peo tl.e Unite«! States basal last got a fir>t- A b< autiful line ol nient House. Also Staver A Walker's Agency and Headquarters for ple generally devoutly hope that it is, class vessel for her navy. It should HOSIERY ! but few, at least, have discovered it. n< t be forgotten that the vessel was built Jackson county, Oregon. » Consisting of Lisle and Silk. IW” Please give me h call before purchasing elsewhere, ns I am There is a curious effect wrought on under Hie instructions of Win. ('. Whit the hair and t ear i of the men engaged ney, secretary of the navy under I'lcs prepared to give lowest possible prices, and my goods are first-dass. GLOVES in the Maitin White mine in Nevada, idel.t ChrVcUlid. k THE 0 XLY- ^6 woJ j \ * Correspondence respectfully solicited. H VNI »KERCHIEFS rhe ore has to he roasted, and although The Oregon l’actfic is organizing its k GtlY»AdTE£Di ^*- ’A o. G A FES, Central Point, Or. • cui\E no diraareeagble fumes arise from the entire force of men for the purpose of lis g y Myu. _r< (X)RsETS heated ore, yet therein some unknown pushing the grading and t'Svk laying of Avvo CtYCVlA' CATARRH subetarire that color* lite hair, beard tiie eastern extension. The roa«l will and eyebrows as green as gras*. The ' now be pushed over the mountains a« ABiniNEMCO-CaVQROVILLE ¿jj I. K. iloOVKR. "» :y the Cure W. B. T aym » h , An i tn my ■ tlii i tilings too nutnrrouH to men hair i* not injured, «>ut retarn* it softness ! rapidly as men and teams can do the A. A. Boss. W. B. X ei ^«» n , tion. I Im vi . i !*o .situ re*l the‘•« rvlct-s of a and gloss. work. General Manager Hoag has just he only guaranteed < pre for < a Dr. Fricke, who accompanied Gener returned from the front, where he went tarrh. Cold in th«- Head. Hay Fever, Rose I firgt cla s dressmaker al Gordon to Khartoum and remained for the purpose of completing airang««- (’old. Catarrhal D«’i<fness and Sore Ey« s. Re •9 for the aetiv«1 resumption of work, Cleans«« the Nasal Passages. Al A ik ! hih n«.n pr«-pnrv«| to («xcviitr nil or- with him until liis death, says that (Jor inents stores Hl»’ sense of taste and smell; renmves end a part of the working force has gone bad ta»t« ‘ and uuphasant br«-ath, resulting • L i - “ in that iin« ’ hi st s I«- at rvasoua- don hail unlimited continence in himself, lay» Inflammation. Heals t ho Sore». from Catanh. Follow dir«‘< tion- and a cur« rut«-». and must have misled the British as to forward, boarding cars having been made I is Restores the Sense« of Taste, Smell bl«- • .«■' warrante«l. S«-nd f«»r circular to ABIETINE und <<' ú in,. o|»p<»-it«’ J. Nunan'a on Cali- his ciiticai situation. “Gordon’s char ready for their accommodation. and Hoanng. M ED1C A L ('OM P A N Y, Or. .vi II.. < a I. fornin »tr» «V I r T fP MBs P. P PRIM. acter,” sav* Dr Fricke, “was obstinate 1 i o 'l I U A »artlrlaiaaad I An AbtoluU Cure, Six month, tl. B. Mail as it was noble. His blindness to dan «•■arreablr. Price AOr. at llruggi.l. or by tl.iO. k Milk '•1 1 TheUriginal Abietine Ointment ii only ger and his deafness to warnings of hi* U..UI. MA Ult'JTHEi;.',»Wenvn 'L.S. w tort, 1 r- i -■ iii ------------- r------■ friends caused his death. If he had put up in large two-ounce tin boxes, and 1 SANTA ABIE AND OAT-E-OURE. v*i listened to advice,lie might haveescajied an absolute cure for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped lu«n«ls. and all skin For Sal© by aff Druggist» • • two days before the fall of Khartoum eruptions. Trad«-supplied by SnulkYI' itariu & Woodard. Will positively cure all kinds with all the Eurotieans of the place, of piles. Ask for the Original Abietine Portland, Or. ■] |)|n timi lie was s[>eared by bis own soldiers Ointment. Sold by all druggists at 25cts. 1 ’ I I •’I f 1 when lie came to inspect them.” per box—by mail 3«> cents ¡I 1 1 I I I J • SALEM. OREGON I 11 V d « (Pulid Nothing remains of the cartridge fac l tf tory at Antwerp in winch the exp'.oaion oc- AM> cured Friday last. The village of Aus- I trawe), which was situated near where wh«-n baby v as sick, we ga:e her Cauitorta. the factory stood, and which consisted When si..' was a Child, she cried forCastorla, l’iix* I *oiol><‘i* lty! about forty houses, has vani-hed. — HYPOPHOSPHITES of When she became Miss, she clung tn I'astoria, The hydraulic machines used on tiie dry i Almo3tas Palatabl9 as Milk. dock were destroyed, with the exception When she had Children, kl.a gave them Castorin On the I’.uitl«- t..a-t. I’, »tit- an I <• n«l t I’ataloKiK ; it will I».- - ni li« « t.» .in).>ii< a ASHLAND, ORECON, plying t«>th« lb.-Di« nt. A number of merchan So dlftguiorci that it can be taken, of the cranes. T. V AN M «>Y, Sab in. «»r depots, including the Prussian die<i, nnd n «strutiat« tl by the must dise «eneltivn elcmar ji , when the p'ain oil stores, which were constructed of iron, \S ill Sell. Lease, Kent and Handl«’ b* tolr1« <i; a;i(t by the com» Mavatio't of the oil with the hypopho»» were oveiturned by the force of th« ex • « plosion and an innmanse quantity of gocxis phitee !• math more efUracioua. were ruined. The stained glass win Usanrksllr »« s Ncsh prodnrsr. dows in the cathediai were broken by I'ci' ic . c.’.i rapidly vtllt laLlsg it. the concussion, but the bud ling i.s in FCGTTSFMCLSION i.i ackn«.n lodged by tact. According to the official report 1 Uy. ic. .■ -■ r.i b th Finest »nd Beat prepa- 135 persons were killed. Twenty-five ration n Ll>o world for tbo reli f and cure of are nursing and Ilk) wore seriously in Siskiyou County, Cal., ,\ gents for Cvrus N’..ble Distillery, Jos. S< blitz Brewing Coin- CONSUMPTION, 8CROFULA. jured and 200 slightly injured. pany, Milwaukee Bottle«! Beer, S. hmhlt & Co.-* Sarsaparilla and ASTORIA far Infants «nd Children. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. U Overa Million Distributed lu «lie matter <.f tin- -nut-of G, e Toy. de. CCMSCti. y<»T|( E I.» HEREBY Gl\ LN THAT THE II und« rsigut-d K ms l«« «n appoint« <j by the county courl of Ja< k.s«>n county, Oregon, sit ting in Probat« . a<imiius1ral«>r ot Ho « state ot • G« « 1’oy, dec«-Hs<-d. All |-(iMiiin indebted to said « state are rc- <iu« tatc«ito s« tth- th«- nain«- Imin- «hat« iy . and those having claims against th«- «stat«- will pr« sent th« in to mi - at t hi tn it < 4 Stat« > Hotel, III Juck sonvi III , .1 a< ksoii e«>u nt y. Ol « gon, with Incornorat«-<i by th«- Legiidaturi- in 1H»3. for Hi«- prop« r Vou< hers attach««}, within six Educational and Charitable pur|M»scs, and its franchise made a part ol the present State months from the first pul»hcati< n <-) tins i <»- ticc. toy YINN, Const it lit ion, in IS?.(, by an overwh« lining p*’p- Adminitatrut« i of -md « .-tat« . ulur vote. Dated August 21, I*»*.». 11.» MAMMOUTH DRAWINGS take pine« Seml-Annuailv, (June and Dec« ml»er,> ami its GRAND .»INGLE NIMBER DRAWINGS take place in «nch of tlu- other t<n months of the year, and are all drawn in public, at in th«- matti r t»f th« « slate of M. A. Br< ntano the Ava«l«-iny of Music, New Orh ans, l.a. <l«’e«’HKed. oth e is HLREin given that the FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS, un«i« rMg!it «1 lias It« • n appointed l«> the For liit-’Brity of it* Drawing*, and Prompt Pay county court ot Ja< k.-<>u counts. tn« g«»n, sil ment of Prize», ling ill Probate, adminiMiuG i ot 1h< « rial« <«1 Attl*t<*l HH follow*; M. A. Br< ntano. d« < «-as< «i. Ail persons indebted 1«»s«*id «* ar« re> We du Itcrcby certtfy that u ebupervir «¡u< st« <1 to m Hit tin- sain« mini« «iial* h , and the arrangement» for alltae Mouthly anti those having claims agam-t th« < sial« will pi t Held Hitm to H. K. Iianna, at Ills law « flu e itrini tinmial drauinye of The Louittana Jacksotivill«*, Jb< k-i in <•« unt \, Ort g< < ii . w it li- State Lottery Company, and in pertvu iii in six months from th«’ hist pubia at’i*»n o! manage and control the Drawing» them- tins noth « . «»TELIA BRENT A\<». »elve», and that the name are conducted Administratrix of the estate «4 M. A. Bu n- honesty, fairness, anil in good faith toward tano. <iec« as< <1. Duted August 22. W‘J. Louisiana Stal. Lottery Company Administratrix’s Notice N all parties, awl we authorize the Company to use this certificate, with facsimiles of our signatures attached, in its advertisements. N REAMES & WHITE’S ! We the undersigned Banks and Bank« rs will nay all drawn in th«- Louisiana State Lotteries which uiay be pr«*sent« d at our coun ters. K. M. WALMSLEY. Pr«fs. Louisiana National Bank. P. LANAI X. Pres. State- Nationul Bank. A. BALDWIN. Pr<*. N, <). National Bank. ( AHL KOHN. Pres. Union National Bank. Ladies Fine Dress Goods College, OliERLAND TO CALIFORNIA. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO.’S LINE IN WHITE COODS Grand Monthly Drawing. At the Araihmy of Muxirt Xev' ()rhaoxt Tuesday, ()et. l"»t 1889. The Mt. Shasta Route I CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000. 100.000 Ticket« At 920. Halves at £10 Quarters S3* Tenths 92. Twen tieths 91. LAST OF riHZES: Gent’s Clothing ) Gl NS. PISTOLS ANO .MIIMTHIN, Fishing Ttfklt, Hardware. Paints, Oil», Varnish. Glass, Cutlm. Etc., Jacksonville, Oregon. H ) 1(MI PRIZED ol 50Û ar«’ : mmi an |(KI PRIZE.» (»F IIJU PRIZES OF are TERMINAL PHIZES. MH PRIZES <>F l»»»ar«’ l«W PRIZES OF lUOare Wagons, Buggies, THE LADIES (sa ’^ßroDchiti :ana\DiSE^ES**THPvOAVS>< MILLINERY G ’^1 ' .VU MÌI au.mM) 2U (MID !r.4,-<Mi W.*.<00 Administrator’s Notice ill the matter of th«-ertat«-<«f Hugh J«duiid4»ii, <i«'<-ea»< «1. (»TH E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI’ THE iiiii I i r-igm-d htt been ¡tpp<»u:i«-1 l y th« county court of Ja« k»* u county. On g*-n, bit ting in proba t« . administ rat or «4 th«- « Matt- of Hugh Joimston. «!«■< « as« <1. All p« rtwms md« bt«-d to said «»fat« ar« rc- <iu<’tated to et ttl« tlu- Hume iniin<-diat«-ly. ami Hu»»«- having claim-- against tlu- «slat« will urcarnt th«-m t«> m* at my «»fine in tlu- court house in Jacksonville, Ja< ksoii <«>untv. Ore gon. with th«- proper voueli« r» attache«!, with in six months fi«<m tiie iirst publu-ation of this notice. MAX MT I. LEK, Administrator Of .-aid otate. Dated S«-pt« mbcr 2. N Administrator's Notice In the matter of th«- »-»tate of William Tutn- ham. deceased. OTH E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has be« n apjN«int«-d by the county court ot Ju<'ks«.n county. Or« gon, sit ting in Prubat«-, administrat<»i «»1 th«’« tatatv of William Turnhain, d«-c< as«-d. Ail p« rs«>ns ind« bt«-d t«i said cstat«- are rv- qiH-sted to settl«- the sum«- imiiiedh«l«-iy. and tnos«- having claims against the «>iat< will pres« nt them t««iii* at my r«-si<ieiic<-in .»am s vall«y, Jackson «-«»unty. Oregon, with th«- prop« r vouch« r-alt.iched. witliin m \ montiis tromthe first pul«lication of this notice. A. < STANLEY, Administrator of said tatc. Date«! September 12. l»su. N NOTICE A Adilrfs» Rfîiiltrftl Idlers Containing fur- rrnry Io and Carts Wheel and Reversible Harrows and Cultivators. Steel-Beam, Ceater-Dratt. CliDDor Plows, Bissell Chilled Plows.- Imwei Scotch Clipjer and Timber Flows. I CURE FITS! «‘T ii E g R E X »I RUN : :RE'.«E1>¥; ... , : TON IC cui . •failing cert t, ty’ ? •’ • us an«! i’bv -i. '.«1 ! • î ity. Vital Ex : s, » rm.' t••rrh»«-.:.-« n. . ■ ’ • M. J’r« mat : Dec.inr, Orc.ifi*- W. ' bL-FFICICNT TO : j > st*. 1‘rost;.: :t;s, S T : I >•■« iin«» and L**»> : { ?! I. however cor. PROVE THE MER i. « al--«! and fr- -m whut¿ ITS OF THIS. THE ; cause produced. K - & , FREE, i REMEDIES AND : NERVE TONICS. WILL CE SENT TO A\Y O’.E APPLY ING BY LETTER, STATINGH1SSYMP- ■ TOMS AND AGE. ALL COMMUNICA TIONS STRICTLY i TOWN Real Estate Agents, OF PURE COD LIVER OIL M ITS LLTHOSF KNOWING <i I rut'isn.vis is. , «i»*btr<| to th«« unii»»r»ik. “lei ; 1« . <i. ♦•ltlu r F»j r «.t«» «»r b*»k a«’(*«»Hnt, nr»* r»*«|u*«w|. <1 t«» CHlI H’lll M«*«t 1«* th*» ram«- nt «»nre. M j h lu*« by tff ri «II. m«» to innk»* tin» >- h id if mu t be rt.m. hb«*d with i tn tondini**) y tti.J I «• ir -i-»»* b j Minns*. DAVID LINN. Jaek»o<it JI«« S pt i1. \ ^liPTPliE A . A. ■ ui • I'»« »•..!< , l.’ y t h... hr C • 1 . i !.< K» I’ \ 1 » \ I '«'TlVUASTlClRüt'S i n*».l ‘o»t ï «i» o :• »• i ■ . • 1 r . ' n i ’ * '.'i.r ■ ' ♦ ».AS . tv thuhsl ^., IC TRUSix y JOI MORTÏM X'. >’ STiG-.l-.T ST 1.OU1 . M »Nb • ? >4 » V ' > CAÇ Ar TO$|flADH A ?1 Agent» Wanted! Clamant Fa««» < 1,000 Brwwiler * »»h ty R*ia Holden Kiven away introduce thtm livery horw nwnrr buv« fn»m I to 6. Lin»« never under horse»’ feet. Send 25 cento in «tempe to pev poctage »ini pwkine for Nickel Plated .Sarnp’e that «ellwTnr»i6 cU. BrwwiUr afg. CK HoUj, Rich. I . VAKkllVS GINCCR TO«HC » WINE CE7IEP*’. CCBILITV, WA3TINC A week ago Friday evening Sheriff D«SrA'.nr., EMACIATION, COLOS r. « «'.HROT’IC COUOHS. Cady of Lassen county, Cal., came upon ’ A r»rv ni«->Aviual «VMupeuu«! that cure»« •«<*> »¡1 i.iua Ì'a».*i«r»‘«llimv»or«tlca.-*—"f (. «mgh.Weak Lun»». .V'hru^ jn«ltir»»*uou. Inward P&Jiin. Rjhau»Uon. lnvaiuaf .«• tof KbvouuUDtnt, i vnvale Wrakn«»^*, and all paui* . »I '1»fr «rtk-ra of the Stomach and lk»»ela. ftec **t D. .egi»lA HINDERCORMS. The MtfeW, Burc wt ami !»«»«< cui »• forCom*. Bum n». An. t>w»i»wah i«»»n »Aumi«*«»mf vitto th«- n-«». . v,r f-UiS U»cur« •■»nt* «U 1/rutfW» t* IlUkN*X <S CO.. Y. B««ar»!W!seK?s lolly and ssc « m . ran«*« tu« oner*y. conraa- aad vigor f youth. Cura* w««kn*«» of mind «n«l body 5«rvoaa hllUy, Bpioal Fihan»tioa.’lA>«i Manhood. Ho. A JMJUVÍUT3R. DS.C. D. SALFIELD, 9J6 Keari.iy St,9 Sun l rancioco, Cal9 I -'OREGON* KIDNEY TEA UKINAKY^KIDNEY TROUBLES Any person w-islnng to s«’ll property finti it to their interest to call and sec us Cleanse the System Effectually, — SO THAT — PURE BLOOD. REFRESHING SLEEP. HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. Ask your drufg. t for SVRUP OF FIGS. Manu- factuicd only by the ■ 1 Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache. Biliousness And ull diecaaev uri«sin< from a Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion. The natural result in ic<»od appe- lilcatid solid flewh. Do«»e srim II, tJ> <*<»i«t.*d nod vmmjt to mmu II ow . mold «urywhere. «•/>»/or*>«»r/»^-»« /«>»• D « <»»y ^ eritt/rwFM /'«tr»»», A/iri/Z6e CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, l’oi want of.-« n.’i'.l, a shoe was lost; for want of h -h‘»e. a hor*e wa» )<»-t; for want of a linr»e, n ri«kr wa-’ b»t.” Never ne 'ret -mall things. The first signs of pneumonia and consumption can *’positively” be checked by Dr. Acker’s English Remedy or consumption. For sale by E. C. BrtMiks. 1 h«w |M»|»»lar remedy never fails toeflvt-iiiaiSy c-ure T S an F rancisco , C al . L ot ’ k ' tllb . K y . N ew Y ork . N. V the Creaci* rd.HA'iD BUSINESS COLLEGE. B^L - 1 .■_____ —— NOTICE ' HF UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL ON FAV. orabh* terms a one-half interiot in a paring i mercantile bunincMi and also on«* block of ; ground in laarte Point, with dwell!n*-bbuoe an<i out-bulklinjc*. good st«.r< -b«»u»;-. vtc For further particular» apply to the undt-rHigio-d nu tb»- premises. F. B. »LOW. Eagle Point, Oregon. August 24.1889. From thedat«-of this nolle....... nter into a r« g- ulnr contract with the company f<»r the 1*111- ( ii awe of such land, upon tn«* regular t« rms of sale aii'l at prices fixed by the company, or th«* land will b«-sold without any regard to their improvementstii«-reon. Ail «-oinmunieations must be ii<ldr,f*s«*<l to th«* acting Igind Agent, Portland. Th«* Oregon A: California Railroad < ompany. By W m . II. MILLS Lind Agent, San Francisco, f’al. GEO. II. ANDREWS. Acting Land Agent, Portland.Or. Portland, or. June21, 18H9. -AND TO — Take It In Time. Tiiii’s Pills Within Xinely Days KWNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS The best salve in the world for Cuts Brut»«-> Sores. L*leers. Salt Rheum. Fever e< e.-_ Tetter, ('happed Hands, Chilblain», <'•;!*!:“, «nd all Skin Erupti«»ne. and j»<>si. live cures for l*il<N or n«> i a y rvpiired. It i> :’»• .ira»i«< »-<1 t<» jriw perferi satisfai t on or ri«»:icy refii’otv«! Price 25 <*ents ;»e* h««x For mi h t’V all drui*iri»ts. I! ,vn. * -o .» *et of Barley Roller-4 to my mill I iHv«- 'n, art every Satuniay to Roll Barley for 'U“t-. i i <» work will be done on »hort ■ “«» t. ;*» j ■« .«••.«•an roturr» wilt. lr««r gr»M • .................... l.j. I . ; pr.-pared to r »il barley rt all lime» i di •• > “t manner. This proc«M !► • rt i <,f the crusher. G. KAREWHK1 TN PURSUANCE OF < IR<TLAIt OF THE 1 Oregon X California Ka‘Inani Company * ..... ... — ..................... - _____ heretofore issu«»!, notice is hereby given that saitl company is now r«*n<l> to sell th«- lauds Iving south <’«f Roseburg, granted to it by the Unit«*d Stales, S etti . ehs upon any of said lands must Combine’ the juice of the Blue Figs of California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants known to lie ino-t beneficial to the human system, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the ÎhtrKltn'a Arnim sutvr ROLLERS. MERCHANTS, A ppetizer . CURES INDIGESTION will Notice to Settlers on Rail- road Lands. STEAM FLOURING MILLS C n»taii«lj «iU hand and exchanged for wheat AND SPIRIT WRISLEY & CO *po ACCOMMODATE THE GltOWISO HE- 1 maud for real ©state, we have opened an of fice in ths town of Medford, Jackson Co., Ogn. We claim to hav© as fin© a line of property, and to be able to furnish a« reliable information concerning real «»»fate in 8«»athem Oregon.a» any other firm now doing butinera. Corresp «nice solicited. WRISLEY A ('<». IF YOU WISH A COOD REVOLVER 1 oae ' u ' f E SMITH & WESSON S Finest mall Z7X a r in R ♦• v »• r mannf*ctun*4 »«n«i the first choir«* <«f ull ••xjirrts. In calibres &». and 44-1XL Single or double action. Safety Ham- merleta and Target tuodel« Brat quality wrought •trel, carefully insix-ctt-d * ■— 1 ’ for workmanship ana stock. Vnrlvaled for fininh» durnbilHy aud accuracy. Do not t»e «lc-elTed by cheap ntall»abU inm imitations <»ft« n sold for th«- gt-nuim- arttcl«-. They arc unn- llabl«- and dangerous. Th.- S mith A W kshor H r . volvkrs are Stamped upon thl* l-arn ln with firm s hitrnr, address au«l dat«b of put ent«. ao«i arc guar- niitrrd jm rfect. Insfxi ii|*-n ha» Ing them, and if your «b aler cannot supply you, an order rant to ad- ilr«’*s below- w ill rrcrfv«*prompt attention. Doecrlp- th e calAlogii«* nn«l pric* « upon application. SJliTU A. WESSON, ► prluglit-ld, Mass. TAe '-*-#'•* • T' fi)' C’, '-¡r*' fruj the robber that robbed the Fort Bidwell •tags near the summit, just north of • ■' i / j • n:gist3. Mane’s ranch, on the Humboldt road, Butte county. The robber opened fire, shooting (’adv in the leg three times. Th« sheriff returned the fire, ths ball bitting the robber in the leg once. Cady IHE LOGUE RlVEK then Ix-at the man with hi t pistol until he surrendered. Dete«tive Thacker, who was following the lobbei’s trail, af ter meeting the sheriff with the prisoner, YTAV1NG Kh< I NTLY BFI-N REFITTED with retorted with tl.e latter twenty-five ÀA »ul modern irnpr<»v«*in»*nti*. are now turning miles to recover money buried near the »»«it a t'rst-vliMM» uli« I»- <»f tiour, which w put ud in Cady ar 'm barrel «»ack*« . 1 «-ver> Mu*x is warranted tv l-laee wheie be was captured. contHUi 41» pom, ¿M ,.f tlo.i- If you <l«»n't believe rive! nt Susanville Sunday last, and thu j i t » «•rn. .r«‘ a-a«-It of our Hour any Thacker with hi* prisoner a little later. r I . i <i •;il.>r»<l for »ale in tint» iuark»t,and Fnday Hill pleaded guilty, waived time n«»tv th-« 'lift rance in w« ight. and was sentenced to seventeen years in Folsom.—J»» null. Tiour nnd Mill-Focd THE STAFF UF LIFE ! Important Notice it r”rt s A r L Kj iney nnd Bladder C otti - I ' - • f tin- l’.l ■«nl,DLs«-at« sof I. •• b!. I, l*il’ ’ ■ h . I i -pti ,1 «. rte. 1 * - - t ) : V a ' Io ss «••■«•uro from o’.-u rx ’• . 1 •• j • !« !’utl.4. CLRE < H ABAN 1 LLU Cal! or&ldress REAL-ESTATE ON COMMISSION MONTAGUE, FOR SALE ON EASY TERNL -fiEJWEUmt 1» the only remedy that It-v.iitH p«rnaneni,v all involuntary \\ « al.« •?. 1 n* I.. ■ • 1 tli«» sysb tn, night or<l.i«. !. -w. v, r t h« y <K’«’tir, ti1 ! w ! !• h are the I- < ea <4 the nbove and n . y ot her N < ta on ]). t Uedand M-»rl>!«! co* -i.t. i -ns. and from u1 ’ i ll«)l’S AN’D so F Ml X • iffer unaware of the real cause. LETTCR OR ATi i OFFICE, FREE. ; ¡VPI’V 1 LUCKEY <S CO., INSTITUTION OF LEARNING ' CONFIDENTIAL BY j CRANT’S PASS, OR. I I A life-long study. I warrant my remedy to the worst cases Because others have failed is no reason fer not now receiving acure. bend at once for a treatise and a F rke B ott lb Of my INFALLIBUE REMEDY. Gne Expresa and Post Office. It cotta you nothing Xor a Inal, and it will cure you. Address • H.Q.ROOT.M.C m lUPEMiSr.NnYoK C vkk STRENGTHEMtiC nES, ivpki FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, GREATESTOFALL ; W. B. TAYLOR * CO T When I tay C tf « I do not mean merely to •top them fur a time, and then have them ru turn again. I MEAN A RADICAL CLiiJJ. 1 Lave made the dxscaao ot BOTTLE CALIFORNIA CAT-R CURE Ely’s Cream Balm given that the IMPORTANT, Carriages CURE hereby T«» all 1«» win.m tin •*• ¡-res« nt - shall o»m«-, take IM >11 « •• : NÙ AND ALL PElL»oNS ARE HEREBY notified n-.t i » buy, mgotiat« t««r, or have any thing to d«« w itnany ¡ » r*<»n or p«-r- MiUta « ¡aiming to <»wn or h.iv«-the auth««rily t<> sell or tran-dcr a « • i lain protnlsory note iii sul'-taniially th* follow tig words and figure© O-W it ; *94(10 on. < al. Jun« 1. liM7. Add re»* M A. DA I’PH IN. N« w Orleans, Li. •*( »n <«r b« for«- tlu’l^t «lay ot June. ISHO, we or. M. A. DAU PH IN. 11. < . “or ♦ ith, r ot u» pr«mii« to* pa y to tin - «.rdcr of B\ ordinary 1« ft« r. containing Mom \ Order •■J«»hn M All« n. l-.ur burnir. -Í dollai» w uh in- issioil by all cxpr<-<* comparm s. N« w York •*t< rot th« reon «1 th«’ rat* ol t< n per «-ent. p« r Exchange, Draft or Postal Note. ‘•annum, from dat«- until paid. Principal and ••jut «-rest payable only hi gold coin of th« - Unit bed States. For vshi* r« <-iv«-d. \. B. Ct ’MM in «;*. J ■Igniti. ( LAMA ( I’M MIS«;.». V H . K . (’« «HNLI.L." ) Asth«’ said n<it« is tin* pnipcrty of th«-said John M Alh n, and n « ««t’i« r p< r--n has any right t«> tin } ••*"*« si- n of. nor to »■ li, assign ««*r DVV VUPVP ’bHt th« paxim nt of all tränst« r th»’ same m any u ay • »r manner what- itDJl Ii j ! l>nn n- - t.i AR snti i d « V« i, and ar«- her«-by t< «rbid«l« n so to do upon BY Fill R NATIONAL BANK» « t New Or the penad h s «4 law. f«>r fork- ry. etc., as the han-, and Hi«-11< k'-T- ar« -igivd b\ th«- Prési same ha: n« v« r b< « n indors«-«}, nor in any da nt o! an institution, w hos« churl* red i ights manner, sold by the und» r»igin <1, the ow tier ar«‘r« «•• igni/.cd in th«’ high«-st courts-, tii«-rc- th»i«-ot. and pay m« nt ot tie- s.;m« has in « n forc, ticwarc «»1 all imitations or ai.iionymou» duly stoppini. sc-h« m« » ,I«»HN M Al LI N. o.\E DOLLAR i-th-- pli« .- « t tin- smallc-i busanville. i.:is-* ii (’«»..( al..’Aug. 21. I»-’.». part <>r 11 uct ¡««n of k ticket ISSUED BY US in an\ draw ing. Anj thing in <»ur name «»Acred t<»r lews t ban a dollar is a sw indie. »P”For Club Rat« ». or any furtln r informa tion d« sir « «t. w rit«- legibly to th«- un«i« i signed, ch-arly stating your residence, with >ta1e. ( «•unty. Street and Numb« r. Mor«- rapid re turn mail delivery will b< iisMir«-d by y our en- rlosing an env« lope i»« ai ing y our full*addr< AUF0RN1A, COLD IN HEAD is undersigned ha» been appoint« «} by the county «’ourt of Jacks«»n <-«»uiity . Or< gon, sit ting in Probate, ad mi insti a tor of the cstute «»f Liios. H. Hay m<»nd. deceased. All persons md« bled to said «stat«- urr re- <ju«-sl« d to settle th«- saiu<- immediately, and th«,se having claims against the «stai« -will I>r« sent th« m to me at my piiu « of busii.i »> at <«» k Point. Jackson county. Or« g«»n, with the prop« r vouclu rs attached, within six monili- from Hi« first publication of this noli« « . I’.l N.I. II \ \ 1» Administrator <4 the «stat«- of Th«is. II. Hay inoml, d« «-< as« d. Dal« «l August 22. I»S9. WARDROBES COMPLETE CATARRH otice AGENTS WANTED. 1 Studebaker « 3,134 PrixcH, amounting to........ N ote- Tic k«-tf< draw ing < ’apital n<jt entitled to terminal prize*. Farm, Dairy and Mill Machinery. En?iiii\ Buller'. Saw-Mills and Mill Supplies NCU , Tl __ 25.(1 KI 21 ».(I <1 25.« WI 25,000 5(1,(410 (Xi.tfiMi 100,000 Al’Plb »X1 MATH >N PRIZE.», Decorative Wall Papers JOHN MILLER, « amtdi/n lanini 1 PRIZE OFis.. PRIZE < >F lUU.OUU Is. PRIZE GF .^UJUilis PRIZE OF 25,(Wis. PRIZES OF lvjniar«- ■> PRIZES OF D.fhKi are.. PRIZE.» oF l.GJH ar«- pm PRIZES OF Ú00 ar«-. : ämi arc. 2uh PRIZES OF 2UU ar«-. 5(1» PRIZES GF CALIFORNIA » Administrator’s Notice In the matter of tii« « state <4 Thon. H. Hay mond, d< • • used. AT Agricultural Administrator's Notice UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! i'.-.rt’and* Orecrnn. •:’.on. «•-: i - ..v, Busir.e - J*» • lfcA eqiHpn.t . i, I . Il <K*«i’.«>-i, f ,T Puntar ship Dep Shorthand, Cuntir. .- Sc IKC/7G. StU*’’ ’ » ,V • ’ . ’ . y linif. < .* i ‘»hip ««-nt I: b .IM» Rin! *L»’ "i ‘ • i ’• I. a. WEM 4*. *• • *r. ’ »’ • •••ri’OML I'r PAIHEESS CHILDiriHTS n«>w « , . . i ¡i, ; T"'." ao v m lUn.«.«,nn t-ShKU |> S| <■(> P-.. . , ERS1ÄN 3LOOM. t- r. ; =;.:si:i .:.i. liner. WS'nOu '-n.l Hb:wl,l. I'.- t> r.ccr kaosra, a .laae tor inai psckac. A<Ums u.ber% E pECiF,C consin. ' N.zt <!<“<«• to 8«.<»lt A’. MRS. J. C. TAYLOR, Prûpriftrcîs. SMITH & BASHOR, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, < ¿old 8 Kill. < >»*<«u-o»i AGENTS FOR GO! D HILL TOWNSITE cm pass srcAR pm s n P < P h 1 J I j I T University of Oregon Eugene City. IT » Infor <» ti < f : i - hfkeby given that thè N T « FURNISH SHINGLES IN ANY QUANTITY TU SUIT AT B. MoARTHUR. Propilei or. Grant's Pass, Oregon WATCHES Aï GUST I An K»t»!di*h—1 W b< • a - U *«eh H. — n.u«4 ck— .-. i <; «’» a lavs* »«<*■-« nf » q .« W aUl-jm U »•*•:. ■■ f rr5i«;ua.i;e «.»*,1 ti««»-4 lee- M alAMU MttUttU- U.*ik* PneM The» only oj j-ortuMiT *»»r ofl.r-'d nm a- T'*0 Fl t 1- PHOFITs. aud he « arrant« 1 in r»o> itine nu’a Ahaohitoly lUhaMa Ihw»- kcapera, and In It-' - that <uerr » w*ith U • m th-dr Manille *» x- ■ • Cat<Ma cm nr« an i ««nd t- H. K. •< AHkl\|.T«>V a co., 11 a IWaU Mrret, Cbka<a, llH»«ia. ELECTRIC BELT on 60 DAYS’Trial r«»-| :n tm r»n«p m r« t< •f<«r« • vistine b« tw«-«-n A. < . .*-tai»l* \ «ii«l 11. \. • i\«!«r. un«.* r thè To fibow our confidence tn thin timi nano’<»f Mani* \ A•< i ' ! i. d» ;il« r-III y< n- Nrw KETTaod huspenadry (Prien • ral in» rchaiidi'*« -al’s \ u!L > , <»i«*:«n. I n ¡«.and t-«introduco >t rapidly, wo ibis day dis-‘^v«d b- unitila* « i'n-«ni. IL A. i ’4» od «1 it by waj I inplam wrapper on Mi*ty bays’ Trial, unre- <’ry*i» r i« ttr. nt Ih«-fimi an i A. < stan- reipt nf only 93, «nd if nd folly b > <•<«riiiniimy tu l»iisin«-“>. t.» wh<-ninll ac £ CURED within t me «peci6ad, nn w ,rw collili» ari | n> ahi» ami w ho assume* all liabii- « bo paid. Ele. tnclty cure« all Privai« tt«’S of s;»i«l tirili. Wook nest of Man and Chrotue D umo « a of both aeioe. A. < STANLEY. Girait atnali Addrraa : i*urjBi«u Eixrrnic Bn t H. A ( RYDER. Ov.. bvx 33V8» bjut i wxcrata Wratod, Sam’s Val!« y . Oregon. August 2S, )N h >». Farm for Sale Choice Lands For Sale SALE, :ji'19 acres of LAND—<19 acrue of farm land in the volley. good for fruit or grain. Two thousand six itundr«*«] acres foot-hill and mountain-side land, giwwi for fruit, dary- ing or stockral-dug. This trin k of Ian*) ha» nv’er se ven miles of fencing, «Iw « astiH-k sh«-d «4 90 f«‘«*t, and plenty «if living wat»-r. Cali on or address» J. S. HERRIN. ir •nd marked crop in right aar and hole and split in left ear. Ail debts du«- the firm of 11« »»libcrgcr A ll«»gg mu-t I»«- paid to m< «»11 «>r la for«- the 2utb • lay «4 S« plember, orthey will, on that «lai«-, I»«- 1 laced in a law > « 1 > hands f«»r <*ollection <li\RI.I».1 H ogg . Central Point, Or.. S-ptvmb- r 2, Issi«. Dissolution of Co-partnereliip T< 1C J I F HANLEY &. LOVE. ATTLE AND HOUSES BRANDED HL ON Feed Mill in Connection, and Feed for Sale. C l»ft hip. Alee cattle branded--------- or left side or hip; also cattle branded with a figure 2 on left side or hip. The ear-mark» of the above brands are short crop in loft ear a»d long crop in right. Also cattle branded with SP on left bip, 1» hereby given that the partn« rsliin herct.«for« « xiMlng l»« tw.-«-4i G«‘<>. I Hcrshbcrg« 1 an«i (T hin . J. H.igg i-tlus <l»y (li--olvcd by mutual coii^ nt, Charles J. Hogg ret ii ing. (o o. T. 11. r’'libei’g« r w 11! « <»n- tinu«’ th»- business, by whom all th«- jn b ht «|- n«-ss of the firm wil! be paid. <JEo T. HERMI BERGER, < l< \IU.E.» J HOGG. (’« ntral P-»int, (»r., S«‘pt<’ml*vr 2, lss*.i. otice N VEX I >l **h»N BE<»l\>o.\ MONDAY.THE lflth of Sept« inb« r. 1s.*9. Fr«« wholarsliips from even county ii’th« Stat«-. Apply t«» your < ««iiutx Sup« l int« nd«?nt. F kketi ition \ kii . i :.I wi u . v I. I>s-.i. F«»ur < <«uis«-s: (’lassical, S«-n ntitic. Lib rary an<! a short English < < >ui -< . in w Inch th« re i* no Isatin, Gr«’. k. French or G«*i-inun. Th« Eng lish pr«--«-iniii*Tii ly a Busin« s» « ur?« . F««r catalogu« s «a «»tli» r information. addr«>s j w J ohnson p -twimnt. IS i’RF.I’AKF.D TO HE TABLE 18 < ONSTANTLY FUKNLSHED with tb© best the market affords. No Chinese employed, and n«> pain© to give satisfaction. Meals at all hours. 25 cents. PORTIAMO, OR...-F A. A. ltASIIOK. J. E. SMITH. For infonmiti.m regarding | rie. » <»n « v. n lots, imj r« v. «I « ity pr<»pcoy * r ala>ve. « nclosing stamp Will «• nv«y imiulr«t s I.»Hull prep« i ty mid giv tin m.ill th million concerning the <•«»unt ry, 11 «•«• < f charge. I FOR ALL SKIN DISEASES. H tSl^KMEO/CWfCo 63 Front Street, Portland, Oregon Dissolution Notice. Asbland, Jackson Co., Or. T he i ndersignedoefeils for sale his fin« farm of 32>« a< r«-s. lying betwet-n the Tab!« Kra k» al»«ait 4 miles tr«’»m th«- lt< gin river bridge, tog« tin r with al! the»t«M-k, fann ing imirinm-rv. imph-iii« nts. plow s. li»u r«»w >. de . usuaiiv f und on i ranch A bargain will be given th«- right man. Th«- pla«-e w ill be «m the market f«»r a «hurt t itu< onh . For fur ther particu’ars. apply on th«’ premiM* J S. MARCH. Table Roukj Or., fitptpxnbcr J?,